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Dialog 1: Siang, Anna. Bagaimana Keadaan Anda Hari Ini?) Saya Rasa Saya Demam) Anda)

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Dialog 1

Nurse: Good afternoon, Anna. How are you feeling today? (Selamat

siang, Anna. Bagaimana keadaan Anda hari ini?)

Patient: It’s so cold in here! I think I have a fever. (Dingin sekali di sini!

Saya rasa saya demam)

Nurse: Let me check your forehead. (Izinkan saya memeriksa dahi


Patient: Ok. (Oke)

Nurse: You feel a bit warm. Let’s measure your body temperature, shall
we? (Anda agak panas. Mari kita ukur suhu tubuh Anda)

Patient: Sure. (Baik)

Nurse: Here, put the thermometer under your armpit please. (Ini, mohon
letakkan thermometer di ketiak Anda)

Patient: Okay. (Oke)

A minute later… (Satu menit kemudian…)

Patient: So, how is it? (Jadi bagaimana?)

Nurse: You have a bit of fever, but you don’t have to be worried about it.
It is normal to have a slight fever after a surgery like yours. (Anda sedikit
demam, tetapi Anda tidak perlu khawatir. Normal jika sedikit demam
setelah operasi)

Patient: I’m glad to hear that. (Saya senang mendengarnya)

Nurse: I think I will check your blood pressure as well. (Saya rasa saya
akan memeriksa tekanan darah Anda juga)

Patient: Why? Is there something wrong? (Mengapa? Apakah ada

Nurse: No, don’t worry. You are in good hands. Now would you please
hold out your arm so that I can wrap this cuff around it to read your
blood pressure? (Tidak, jangan khawatir. Anda dirawat oleh orang yang
tepat. Sekarang mohon ulurkan tangan Anda sehingga saya bisa
melilitkan manset ini pada tangan Anda untuk membaca tekanan darah

Patient: Ok. (Oke)

Nurse: Your blood pressure is 100/70. It’s normal. (Tekanan darah Anda

adalah 100/70. Itu normal)

Patient: That’s great. Thank you. (Itu bagus. Terima kasih)

Dialog 2
Patient: Good morning. (Selamat pagi)

Doctor: Good morning. Have a seat, please. (Selamat pagi. Silakan


Patient: Thanks. (Terima kasih)

Doctor: So, what brings you here? (Ada keluhan apa?)

Patient: I’ve got a fever and sore throat since yesterday. (Saya demam
dan sakit tenggorokan semenjak kemarin)

Doctor: Okay. Let me check your body temperature. (Oke. Izinkan saya

memeriksa suhu tubuh Anda)

Patient: All right. (Baik)

Doctor: Would you please put the thermometer under your arm? (Tolong
letakkan thermometer ini di bawah ketiak Anda)

Patient: Ok. (Oke)

Doctor: Your body temperature is 39.2° C. It means you have moderate

fever. Now, I would like you to relax as I am checking your pulse and
respiration rate. (Suhu tubuh Anda 39° C. Artinya Anda mengalami
demam sedang. Sekarang, saya ingin Anda rilaks saat saya memeriksa
denyut nadi dan laju pernapasan Anda)

Patient: Okay. (Oke)

Doctor: Good. Next, I am going to wrap this cuff around your arm and
pump it to read your blood pressure. (Bagus. Selanjutnya, saya akan
melilitkan manset ini pada tangan Anda dan memompanya untuk
membaca tekanan darah Anda)

Patient: Would it hurt? (Apakah akan sakit?)

Doctor: No, just relax, okay. (Tidak, tenang saja, oke)

Patient: Okay. (Oke)

Doctor: Good. Could you please open your mouth and say “aaah” so I
could check your throat? (Bagus. Bisa tolong buka mulutnya dan bilang
“aaah” sehingga saya bisa memeriksa tenggorokan Anda)

Patient: Aaah (Aaah)

Doctor: Okay. So, your pulse rate is 80 per minute, your respiration rate
is 16 per minute, and your blood pressure is 120/80. (Bagus. Jadi,
denyut nadi Anda adalah 80 per menit, laju pernapasan Anda 16 per
menit, dan tekanan darah Anda 120/80)

Patient: What does it mean? (Artinya apa?)

Doctor: It means that your vital signs are normal. There is nothing to be
worried about. (Artinya tanda-tanda vital Anda normal. Tidak ada yang
perlu dikhawatirkan)

Patient: Oh thank God. (Syukurlah)

Doctor: I am going to prescribe you vitamin and some medicines to ease

your fever and sore throat. (Saya akan meresepkan Anda vitamin dan
beberapa obat untuk mengurangi demam dan sakit tenggorokan)
Patient: Okay. (Oke)

Doctor: Don’t forget to take a rest and drink a lot of water. (Jangan lupa
untuk istirahat dan minum air yang banyak)

Patient: I will. Thank you so much. (Oke. Terima kasih banyak)

Conversation Between a
Doctor and a PatientThe
patient is going to a doctor
for a check up.Patient:
Hello Doctor.Doctor: Hello,
how are you feeling today?
Patient: Not very well,
DoctorDoctor: Ok, tell me
about itPatient: Well, I have
a terrible headache.Doctor:
How about your throat?
Patient: It hurts a
little.Doctor: Ok. Do you
have a cough?Patient: Yes, I
have a cough, too.Doctor:
Do you feel weak?Patient:
Yes, I get tired very
quickly.Doctor: Let me take
your temperature. Hmmm,
you have a little fever. It
seemsthat you have the
flu.Patient: Oh, that’s
terrible.Doctor: Don’t
worry. Take this medicine
and rest.Patient: Ok. I
understand.Doctor: Please,
come back next week for a
check up.Patient: I will.
Thank you Doctor.
Nurse   : Good morning, I am nurse Suzy. What can I do for you?
Patient : I need to see the doctor.
Nurse   : You will. May I know your name?
Patient : I am George.
Nurse   : What is the matter with you, Mr. George?
Patient : I feel hard to breath.
Nurse   : How long have you been feel this way?
Patient : About one week.
Nurse   : Have you been consume any medicine before?
Patient : No, I haven’t.
Nurse   : You will see the doctor soon, please wait here.
Patient : Ok, thank you.

Nurse   : As the doctor suggest, you need oxygen help. So, I will do the procedure to
give you oxygen addiction. Do you agree?
Patient : I do.
Nurse   : I am very sorry for this uncomfortable while you wear it.
(while do the procedure).
Nurse   : Well, it’s done. Do you feel better?
Patient : Yes, thank you.
Nurse   : welcome.


Nurse   : Good morning Mr. George. How do you feel today?
Patient : Good morning, I feel better now.
Nurse   : Have you a breakfast?
Patient : Yes, I have.
Nurse   : good, this is time for you to take this medicine, it will help
   You to get well soon.
Patient : ok, thank you.


Patient : Nurse!
Nurse   : Yes, sir. What can I do for you?
Patient : I’m sorry to bother you, but I think I need to bowel.
Nurse   : It’s okay. I’ll bring you a chamber pot. ( the nurse bring the chamber pot to the
Nurse   : I’m sorry I need to open your trousers and pant.
Nurse   : Would you please little lift up your buttock, I will put this chamber pot under it.
Please tell me if you already finish.
Patient : thank you, nurse.
When the patient already finish
Patient : Nurse, I’ve been finish.
Nurse   : Well I’ll clean it the swab, sorry for this uncomfortable
The nurse cleans the patient and help him to wear the pant and trousers again.
Nurse   : Do you feel comfort right now?
Patient : Yes nurse, thank you for your favor.
Nurse   : Most welcome.


Patient : Nurse!
Nurse   : Yes, sir. Can I help you?
Patient : I think I need to urinate and I don’t strong enough to go to the toilet.
Nurse   : Ok, I will help you to urinate in the bed using a pot.
Nurse gets the pot and brings it to patient
Nurse   : I’m sorry I need to release your pant.
Then the nurse put the pot.
Patient : I’ve finished nurse, thank you.
Nurse   : You’re welcome. Please don’t be hesitate to call me if you need any help.
Patient             : Ok, Thank you for your favor.


Nurse   : Good morning, sir. How are you today?

Patient : Much better nurse.
Nurse   : I think you’ve already known that the doctor allowed you to back home today.
Patient : Yes, that’s the good news for me.
Nurse   : for me too, sir. Now, I will release the infuse from your hand, you don’t need it
Patient : Please nurse
Nurse   : Apologize me if it cause a little pain ( the nurse is doing the procedure).
Nurse   : Done sir. A pleasure for us to serve you during this several days.
Patient : thank you nurse, it’s a privilege to get your kindness nurse.
Nurse   : very welcome sir, see you in another chance.
Patient : see you. 

7.      WOUND CARE
Nurse   : Good afternoon, sir. We will care your wound to clean it and check the
Patient : Ok, please nurse
Nurse   : Done sir. It don’t show infection signs, we’ll keep it improve.
Patient : thank you.


Nurse   : Sir, this is a time for clean your body. Your relatives can help you to take a bath on
bed, or you can get my assist if you want.
Patient : I think, I prefer to get assist from my wife
Nurse   : Well, I put the com and water here.
Patient : thank you nurse.

Nurse   : It is a time for inject the medicine, ma’am. I will give it by IV drip. (it could be IM
in buttocks or SC or IC (skin), just inform it)
Patient : Yes nurse, please do it gently.
Nurse   : Ok, it’s done. Get well soon, ma’am.


Nurse   : Good morning, sir. I’m nurse Okta. Can I help you?
Patient : Yes, I have a bad stomachache.
Nurse   : Well, we’ll help you soon. May I know your name, sir?
Patient : John.
Nurse   : Please lay on this bad Mr.John. We’ll check your vital signs.
Patient: ok. (While Nurse is checking vital signs, he/she can directly ask about patient identity).
Nurse   : Where do you come from Mr.John?
Patient : Netherland.
Nurse   : When the first time you feel the ache?
Patient : This morning.
Nurse   : Well, I’m going to check your blood pressure, temperature, pulse and breath.
Nurse   : Your blood pressure is 150/100, your temp is 39 0, your pulse 90 times per minute.
The doctor will come soon to check you, please wait here for a minute.
Patient : Thank you for you favor, Nurse.
Nurse   : You’re welcome, sir.



Nurse   : Mr. John, the doctor think you should stay in hospital for several days to get a bed
rest and liquids support. We’ll also need to take your blood sample. Are you ok with it?
Patient : Ok, nurse.
Nurse   : I’ll do the procedure now and it may cause a little pain when enter the infuse to your
body and take the blood sample. Do you agree with the procedure?
Patient : Yes, please do it. (The nurse do the procedure)
Nurse   : Done. I’ll do a skin test, it’s for know do you have medicine allergic or not.
Patient : Is it cause a pain again?
Nurse   : Yes, sir. But it’s ok, it just like an ant stink.
Nurse   : We’ve finished. We’ll move you to your room.
Patient : Thank you.
Nurse   : Welcome.

Percakapan 1
Nurse: Good morning Ms. Ari. My name is Desi and I’ll be looking after you for this
morning. (Selamat pagi Nona Ari. Nama saya Desi dan saya akan merawat anda pagi ini.)

Patient: Good morning Ms. Desi. (Selamat pagi Nona Desi.)

Nurse: How are you feeling today? (Bagaimana keadaanmu hari ini?)

Patient: I’m feeling good. My fever has gone, but I’m a bit weak. (Aku merasa baik. Demamku
sudah hilang, tapi masih terasa lemas.)

Nurse: Have you eaten yet? (Apa kau sudah makan?)

Patient: Yes, I’ve eat this morning and take my medicine. (Ya, aku sudah makan pagi ini dan
sudah minum obat.)

Nurse: That’s great. Do you feel nausea? (Itu bagus sekali. Apa kau merasa mual?)

Patient: Yes, I feel nausea when I’m eating but it’s get better after I take the medicine. (Ya, aku
merasa mual ketika makan tapi sekarang baikan setelah minum obat.)

Nurse: Let’s wait for a day and you will get better. I’ll get you blood preasure first okay? (Mari
kita tunggu sehari dan kau akan lebih baik. Aku akan mengukur tekanan darahmu dulu, oke?)

Patient: Yes, please and thanks. (Ya, silahkan dan terima kasih.)

Percakapan 2
Patient: Mrs.. Erika, I have a headache. (Suster Erika, aku sakit kepala.)

Nurse: Yes, are you okay? Do you need me to call the doctor? (Ya, apa kau baik-baik saja?
Apa kau butuh kupanggilkan dokter?)
Patient: It’s just felt so dizzy and I barely can’t see it clear since everything circle around. (Ini
terasa pening dan aku hampir tidak bisa melihat jelas karena semuanya berputar-putar.)

Nurse: Did you take your medicine yet? (Apa kau sudah meminum obatmu?)

Patient: Not yet. I just finished eating. (Belum. Aku baru selesai makan.)

Nurse: Here, let me help you. Take the medicine first, and I’ll call the doctor. (Mari, aku tolong
dulu. Minum obatnya dulu, dan aku akan panggilkan dokter.)

Patient: Thanks Mrs. Erika. I think I need a rest, could you help me please I wanna lie? (Terima
kasih Suster Erika. Kurasa aku hanya butuh istirahat, bisakah kau tolong aku, aku ingin

Nurse: Yes, here let me help you. Do you feel comfortable now? (Ya, mari aku bantu kamu. Apa
kau sudah merasa nyaman sekarang?)

Patient: Yes, it’s much much better. The headache slowly getting better.  (Ya, ini jauh lebih
baik. Sakit kepalanya perlahan mulai sembuh.)

Nurse: Okay then, I need to go now. I’ll inform the doctor right away. And where is your
family? (Baiklah, aku harus pergi sekarang. Aku akan memberitahukan dokter segera. Dan
dimana keluargamu?)

Patient: My mom is in the cafeteria and she will be back in a minute. It’s okay you can leave
me. (Ibuku di kafetaria dan dia akan segera kembali. Tidak apa-apa kau bisa tinggalkan aku.)

Nurse: Okay Ms. Tania. Don’t hesitate to push the buzzer whenever you need me okay? I’ll be
here in no time. Now take a rest and get well soon. (Baiklah Nona Tania. Jangan ragu untuk
menekan tombol kapanpun kau buth aku oke? Aku akan segera datang. Sekarang istirahatlah
dulu dan semoga lekas sembuh.)

Patient: Thanks a lot Mrs. Erika. (Terima kasih banyak Suster Erika.)

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