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Badminton Rules and Regulations: During A Play, A Net Occurs If

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BADMINTON RULES AND  After each game, players change

 The Badminton World Federation  In the third game, players change
(BWF) is the official governing body of sides when the leading score reaches 11
badminton. This organization is responsible points.
for maintaining the rules pertaining to game
play, court and equipment specifications and  Singles
the certification of badminton judges and
 At the start of each game, service
will begin from the right service court.
 Rules and regulations set forth by the
 Service will be taken from the right
BWF have been adopted by organizations
service court when the server’s score is even,
worldwide and are universally accepted as
and from the left service court when the
standard rules.
server’s score is odd.
 While reading the following, you
 The receiver must be inside the
may come across some strange terms like
correct service box before service is taken.
“rally” and “service,” but don’t fret. Rally
simply refers to the series of shots between  Doubles
opposing sides. Service, on the other hand, is
just a fancy term for the act of serving the  At the start of each game, service
shuttlecock. For easy reference, here is a will begin from the right service court.
simplified version of the rather long and
complex BWF Statues.  Service will be taken from the right
service court when the server’s score is even,
 SCORING SYSTEM and from the left service court when the
server’s score is odd.
 A match is in best-of-three-games
format with each game played to 21 points.  The receiver must be inside the
correct service box before service is taken.
 A point is rewarded for each time a The receiver’s partner may stand anywhere in
rally ends. the court.
 Service is awarded to the side that  If the server’s side wins the rally,
won the last rally. that team is awarded a point and service
continues to be taken by the server.
 At 20-all, the side which gains a 2-
point advantage first, wins the game.  If the server’s side wins the rally,
that team is awarded a point and service.
 At 29-all, the side winning a game
serves first for the next game.  Players on each side only change
service courts when a rally is won while there
 Toss
is serving.
Before play begins, a toss will be conducted,
 Game Play
and winning side shall decide whether to
either: During a play, a fault occurs it.
 Serve or receive first  A player touches a net of poles with
the racket, person, or dress.
 Start play on one side or the other. If
no coin is available, players can hit the game  A player invades the opponent’s side
shuttlecock into the air and grant choice to the by making contact with the shuttlecock past
side on which the shuttlecock’s head faces. the plane of the net.
  A player invades an opponent’s court
Interval and Change of Slides under the net in such a way that an opponent
is obstructed or distracted.
 When the side of the leading score
reaches 11 points, players may choose to have During a play, a net occurs if:
a 60-second interval.
 The server serves before the receiver
 When a game ends, players are is ready.
allowed a 120-second interval.
 The shuttlecock’s base separates
from the skirt.
A rally ends if the shuttlecock:
 Hits the net or post and begins to fall
toward the striker’s side of the net.
 Hits the surface of the court; or
 A ‘fault’ or a ‘let’ has occurred.
 When playing singles, simply
remember that you will serve from the right
side when your score is even and from the left
when your score is odd.
 For doubles, you and your partner
may get mixed up during a rally, so it’s
important to always remember who served
last so you can determine who will serve next.
Figuring out service may be a bit
overwhelming at first, but your partner and
even your opponents should be more than
willing to clear up any confusion.
By the 16th century, it has become a popular
game among children in England. In Europe this
HISTORY OF BADMINTON game was known as jeu de volant to them.
BADMINTON The game was played in India during the 18th
century, at which time called poona in the station
Is a rocket sport played using racquets to hit a
in India.
shuttlecock across a net.
The officers took the game back to England,
Most common forms of the game are “singles”
where it became a success at a party given by the
(with one player per sides) and “doubles” (with
Duke of Beaufort in 1873 at his state called
two players per side).
“Badminton” in Gloucestershire.
The objective of the game is to hit the shuttlecock
The International Badminton Federation (IBF)
or “bird” back and forth with a rocket across a net
was formed in 1934 with 9 founding members:
five feet high at its center.
The bird should hit with such speed and accuracy  England
that the opponent is unable to return the shot  Ireland
successfully.  Scotland
 Wales
The game can either be fast or slow paced,  Denmark
depending on the skill level of the players.  Holland
 Canada
The game developed in British India from the
earlier game of Battledore and Shuttlecock  New Zealand
(early game related to that of modern badminton).  France

European came to be dominated by Denmark but

the game has become very popular in Asia, with Since then, major international tournaments like
recent competitions dominated by China. the Thomas Cup (Men) and Uber Cup
Early on, the game was also known as Poona or (Women) were held. Badminton was officially
Poonah after the garrison town of Pune, where it granted on Olympic status in the 1992 Barcelona
was particularly popular and where the first rules Games. From 9 founding members, IBF now
for the game were drawn up in 1873. have over 150-member countries. The future of
Badminton looks bright indeed.
By 1875, officers started a badminton club in
Folkstone. The game of badminton appeared in the U.S. as a
slow- paced New York society game in the
The game of badminton originated in Siam, 1870’s. A fast shuttle was used, which required
China over 2,000 years ago. little effort on the part of the players hitting it
from end to end.
In the 5th century BC, the people in china then
played a game called ti jian zi. A direct An hour-glass shaped court made less area for the
translation from this word ‘ti jian zi’ is kicking players to cover, and a higher net made it near
the shuttle. As the name suggest, the objective of impossible to smash.
the game is to the keep shuttle from hitting the
ground without using had. Whether this sport is To formal suits and dresses worn by players also
anything to do with the History of Badminton is made it very difficult to run effectively.
up for debate. It was however the first game that In 1878, the first badminton club in the United
uses a shuttle. States, the Badminton Club of the City of New
About five centuries later, a game name York, was formed.
battledore and shuttlecock were played in China, The club served basically as a social gathering
Japan, India, Greece. This is a game where you placed for the elite with little emphasis on
use the shuttlecock back and forth. badminton. The games at the club in the early
Games employing shuttlecocks have been played days were very similar to a carnival in nature,
for centuries across Eurasia, but the modern game featuring multi- colored shuttlecocks and
of badminton developed in the mid-19th century badminton poles. While resting between games,
among the British as a variant of the earlier game players snacked tea, sandwiches and cakes.
of Battledore and Shuttlecock. “Battledore” As the 1900s approached, the game of badminton
was an older term for racquet. became far more athletic in nature. Following a
scandal where man took off his tuxedo coat while
playing, the man of the club decided tennis
clothing would be more appropriate. The rules of
the English Badminton Association were adopted
in 1905, and players soon found themselves on a
rectangular-shaped court, 44’ x 20’ for doubles,
44’ x 17’ for singles.
In 1908, the Badminton Health Club in Boston
was formed, and by 1925 included more than 300
In the 1930s the game’s popularity grew
throughout New England, New York, the
Midwest and West Coast.
The 1970s saw a declined number of clubs in the
United States, but an expansion in high school
and collegiate play, as well as the introduction of
lighter metal rackets.
The sport was played under the Pune rules until
1887, when Hart of the Bath Badminton Club
drew up revised regulations.
In 1990, Hart and Bagnel Wild again revised the
At the 1992 Olympic Games in Barcelona,
badminton made its first appearance as an
Olympic event, with U.S. athletes advancing as
far as the second round of the tournament.
1992- badminton has been a Summer Olympic
Sport with five events: men’s singles, women’s
singles, men’s doubles, women’s doubles, and
mixed doubles.
Players require aerobic stamina, agility, strength,
speed, precision and motor coordination
(combination of body movements)
Singles competitions were added in 1900 and an
England- Ireland championship match appeared
in 1904.
The Badminton Association of England (BAE)
published these rules in 1893 and officially
launched the sport at a house called “Dunbar” in
Portsmouth on September 13.
The BAE started the first badminton competition,
the first badminton competition, the All England
Open Badminton Championships for gentlemen’s
doubles ladie’s doubles, and mixed doubles, in
New Zealand were the founding members of the
International Badminton Federation in 1934,
known as the Badminton World Federation.
The game has also become a popular backyard
sport in the United States.
It is played on a singles court and is great for
improving fitness, speed around the court, footwork
and shot accuracy.
Doing some simple Badminton Drills will have a
The two players on one side of the court must
great bearing in you become a better player. Playing
assume a front back position and play as they would
games alone will not be enough. Spend some time
in a singles match. You will then be able to play in
and effort in your Badminton Training. You’ll
a very tough and pressured condition, enabling you
become a better badminton player.
to raise your game.
Wall Rally Drill
Court Drill
Take a shuttle and hit it against the wall. Hit the
Instruct a player to step out onto the badminton
shuttle with your forehand and backhand, straight or
court. Serve the shuttlecock to the player and direct
diagonal. It can be used for practicing almost every
her to move around the court as if she was playing
stroke. It is a good way to improve footwork,
as a professional badminton player.
strengthen the arm and wrist muscles used in
badminton. Instruct the player so she covers the front court,
back court and mid court while using overhand and
The wall should be at least 2O feet high to
underhand moves to hit the shuttle back over the
accommodate clears. The practice will be more
net. This exercise does not just help a player’s
effective if you can show the height of the net with
overall fitness level, but gets the player used to
a chalk line or a string, 5 feet above the ground.
moving around the court and how to best move
Hitting a shuttle against a wall is an effective while on the court.
practice at all levels of plays.
Accuracy Drill
Multiple Shuttles - Overhead Strokes
Place baskets or buckets that are at least 1 foot in
diameter around one side of the badminton court.
The more shuttles you have, the better for this
Have the player stand on the other side of the court
routine. The feeder plays the shuttles into different
and see how many shuttlecocks she can hit into
areas of your backcourt. You will then use your
each basket.
forehand, backhand or around the head to play the
clears, drop shots or smashes. Return to your base Have the player move closer as well as farther away
position after each shot. from assorted baskets, and move the baskets to
different positions if you want to make the drill
This badminton drill is meant to improve your
more challenging. This drill improves the players’
speed and accuracy in executing overhead strokes.
ability to hit the shuttle in desired locations more
You have to remember that merely reaching the
accurately, though you can also use the drill to work
shuttles is not enough. You have to play quality
on long end shots and short drop shots.
shots to the other side.
Speed and Balance Drill
Multiple Shuttles – Net Play
Play four shuttlecocks in the four corners of the
Again, you will need a lot of shuttles for this court – use one shuttle per corner. Instruct the
routine. The feeder throws the shuttles to your net player to run as quickly as he/she can to each of the
area. You will then decide whether to play a net corners to set the shuttlecocks in upright position.
shot, a net kill or a net lift with your forehand or Time the drill if desired to look for improvements in
backhand. Return to your base position after each speed. This drill helps a player work on speed as
shot. well as balance.
This badminton drill is meant to improve net play Reaction Time Drill
and your movement on court. The quality of return
is important. Group players into pairs and have them face their
partners on either side of the badminton net. Play
2 Versus 1 this drill at the court’s service line. Tell one of the
players from each pair to lie down on the court
while the other player serves the shuttlecock.
The player that is lying down must jump up as
quickly as possible and serve the shuttlecock back
across the net using the correct form, whether it be
backhand, forehand, volley or overhead smash. The
player that served the shuttlecock must lie down on
the court until the shuttle is served back to her.

Push and Drive

This aims to improve the push and drive shot

techniques. The 2 players set up as they are about to
start a point. Player 1 hits a shot serve in the
direction of player 2, then player 2 has to return the
shuttle to the mid court area, trying to pass player 1
with a push shot.

Pivot and Reach

The aim is to improve footwork and movement.

Starting from the ready position always use the
dominant foot (racquet hand foot as the reaching or
leading one and the non-dominant foot to pivot on.
HIGH SERVE- The high serve is hit very high, so
that the shuttle falls vertically at the back of the
receiver’s service court. The high serve is never
FACILITIES AND EQUIPMENT OF used in doubles but is common in singles.
RECEIVER- is the person who hits the second shot
RACQUET- Used to hit the bird, the racquet is in the rally. In doubles, the receiver’s partner is not
shaped like a tennis racquet and has strings, but allowed to hit this shot.
weights mush less. The frame of the racket,
including the handle, is not to exceed 680 mm NETSHOT- A net shot is played into the
(26.75 inches) in overall length, and 230 mm (9 opponent’s forecourt, as close to the net as possible.
inches) in overall width. The overall length of the DRIVE- A fast and low shot that makes a
head is not to exceed 290 mm. Most racquets are horizontal flight over the net. A drive is played
made from light man-made materials such as when the shuttle is near net height, at the side of the
aluminum or graphite and are strung with synthetic player’s body.
material Cush as nylon.
DRIVE SERVE- Are hit to the back of the
SHUTTLE/SHUTTLECOCK- Also known as receiver’s service court.
Bird or Birdie, it is badminton’s version of a tennis
ball. It has a small ball at the front to give it speed, PUSH- A gentle shot played by pushing the
and feathers protruding from it to help it float when shuttlecock with a little wrist motion.
it is hit high into the air. An official shuttlecock
LIFT- Played upwards to the back of the
must have 14-16 feathers and are usually made from
opponent’s court.
a goose or duck and from the left wing of the bird
only. CLEAR- Travels high and to the back of the
opponent’s court.
SHOES- Special court shoes are worn to allow
players to move quickly across the court, and to DEFENSIVE CLEAR- A lift is hit very high, so
give them traction for quick movements around. that the player gains time for recovery to a good
base position.
NET- Plays an important role in badminton
matches. The Badminton World Federation’s Law ATTACKING CLEAR- A lift is hit more
of Badminton provide specific standards for net shallowly, so that the opponent is forced to move
height, width, and construction. An official very quickly to prevent the shuttle from travelling
badminton net must measure 5 feet high in the behind him.
center, and 5 feet, 1 inch at the sides. The net
attaches to vertical posts on either side of the court. BASELINE- The back-boundary line at each end
The net should measure 30 inches from bottom to of the court, parallel to the net.
top, and must consist of a uniform, dark-colored
CARRY- An illegal stroke in which the shuttle is
mesh. The net should have a white tape running
not hit but caught and held on the racket before
along the top to make the net’s full height visible to
being released.
players and officials.
DROP SHOT- A shot hit softly and with finesse to
BADMINTON COURT- Shall be a rectangle laid
fall rapidly and close to the net in the opponent’s
out with lines of 40mm wide, preferably in white or
yellow color. The Badminton Court Dimensions are
of 13.4m in length and 6.1m in width. FAULT- A violation of the playing rules.

DEFINITION OF TERMS FOREHAND- The stroke used to return a ball hit

right of a right-handed player and to the left of a
SERVE- The stroke used to put the shuttlecock into
left-handed player.
play at the start of each of rally and also called a
“service”. BACKHAND- The stroke used to return balls hit to
the left of a right-handed player and to the right of a
FLICK SERVE- Although the flick serve is hit
left-handed player.
upwards, the trajectory is much shallower than the
high serve. KILL- Fast downward shot cannot be returned.
LET- minor violation of the rules allowing a rally
to be replayed.

MATCH- A series of games to determine a winner.

RALLY- The exchange of shots that decides each


SERVICE COURT- The area into which a service

must be delivered.

SHORT SERVICE LINE- The front-line service

courts 1.98 metres from the net.

SMASH- A powerful stroke or hard-hit overhead

shot that forces the shuttle sharply downwards into
the opponent’s court.

WOOD SHOT- A legal shot in which the shuttle

hits the frame of the racket.

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