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Milpersman 1160 - Re Enlistments and Extensions

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22 Aug 2002
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Responsible CNO (N13) Phone: DSN 225-3853
Office COM (703) 695-3853
FAX 224-6502

Governing NAVPERS 15909G, Enlisted Transfer Manual

Directives (ENLTRANSMAN)
NAVMED P-117, Manual of the Medical Department

1. Policy. Enlisted personnel on active duty or inactive duty

being considered for recall (excluding temporary active duty -
see “Age Requirements,” below)

a. who will not complete sufficient service creditable for

transfer to the Fleet Reserve prior to their 55th birthday, or

b. who will not complete sufficient service for 30-year

retirement on or prior to their 65th birthday,

may not acquire active obligated service without specific

authorization of Navy Personnel Command (NAVPERSCOM), except as

indicated below.

2. Members with Insufficient Service Prior to 55th Birthday.

Members who will not complete sufficient service creditable for
transfer to the Fleet Reserve prior to reaching their 55th
birthday may not be enlisted, reenlisted, extended and/or agree
to remain on active duty without prior approval of the

a. Members approaching, attaining, or exceeding 55 years of

age who have 16 or more years of service creditable for transfer

to the Fleet Reserve upon the expiration of present enlistment,

extension of enlistment, or active duty agreement, may reenlist,

extend, and/or agree to remain on active duty under appropriate

articles in this manual.

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b. Members will not be allowed to acquire active obligated

service beyond their 65th birthday unless they will not be

eligible for transfer to the Fleet Reserve until after that

date. Commanding officers (COs) will limit their terms of

active obligated service so that they expire upon completion of

sufficient service for transfer to the Fleet Reserve and will

advise such members to submit their request via the Officer

Personnel Information System (OPINS) or by the Diary Message

Reporting System (DMRS) requesting the earliest date eligible

per applicable directives and articles in this manual.

3. Members with Insufficient Service for 30-Year Retirement

Prior to 60th Birthday.

a. Members who have not attained 65 years of age, and who

require active obligated service beyond that age to qualify for

retirement at 30 years service, may not reenlist, extend, and/or

agree to remain on active duty without prior approval of


b. Exceptions may be granted for members approaching,

attaining, or exceeding 65 years of age who have 28 years of

service for retirement upon the expiration of their present

enlistment, extension of enlistment, or active duty agreement to

allow them to be reenlisted, extended and/or agree to remain on

active duty for that period of time required to complete

30 years service.

c. Requests for continuation on active duty beyond that

date will not be entertained. Such members will be advised of

the provisions of NAVPERS 15909G regarding reassignment to duty

of choice for the last 2 years prior to completing 30 years of

active service and to submit their request for retirement per

applicable directives.

4. Commanding Officer’s Responsibility for Requests for

Continuation on Active Duty.

a. Requests for continuation on active duty of personnel in

the above categories will be submitted to NAVPERSCOM on NAVPERS

1306/7, Enlisted Personnel Action Request and will specify the

term of service desired. Commanding officers will take the

following action:

(1) Order the member to be examined per NAVMED P-117 to

determine physical fitness for assignment to sea duty.

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(2) Complete Individual’s Official Data section of

NAVPERS 1306/7 and include in the Commanding Officer’s Comments

and Recommendations section a recommendation concerning


(3) Report the results of the physical examination

making appropriate recommendations with regard to any defect

that would become aggravated by assignment to sea duty.

b. Commanding officers are cautioned to carefully evaluate

the member’s performance and ability to continue to perform

during the period of continuation on active duty. Those cases

wherein the CO feels that the member should not be continued on

active duty may be referred to NAVPERSCOM for final


5. Processing Requests. Members in the above categories who

request continuation on active duty will have their requests
acted on by a board of officers convened by NAVPERSCOM.
Selection will be dependent upon the member’s performance,
qualifications, and the needs and best interests of the Navy.
Members will be notified of the action taken on their request.

6. Age Requirements

a. For Reserve personnel to be eligible to volunteer for

recall to fill Temporary Active Duty (TEMACDU) or Naval Reserve

Canvasser Recruiter Billets, they must be able to complete

20 qualifying years, as defined in BUPERSINST 1001.39D,

by age 60 for reserve retirement eligibility. Theses age

requirements are necessary in view of the temporary nature and

the non-career orientation of the TEMACDU and the Naval Reserve

Canvasser Recruiter Programs.

b. Waivers may be authorized on an individual basis.

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Update in Effect. Make Selection from the Updated Milpersman Articles Menu
CH-14, 23 Jan 2006
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Responsible NAVPERSCOM Phone: DSN 882-2249/4540
Office (PERS-481) COM (901) 874-2249/4540
FAX 882-2623

1. Policy

a. Reenlistment is a major event in the career of an

enlisted member. As such, it should be accorded a meaningful
ceremony to recognize the member’s high-quality performance, as
indicated by the recommendation for reenlistment.

b. The commanding officer (CO) or, if that officer is

absent, the executive officer (XO) should preside.

c. The reenlisting member can select a commissioned officer

of any branch of service, retired, or on active duty, to
administer the oath.

2. Command’s Responsibility. The CO should follow the

procedures listed below, as appropriate.

Step Action
1 Consider the member’s desires concerning
a. the time and location of the ceremony.
b. the family members, special guests, and shipmates
to be invited.
2 Arrange for photographic coverage of the ceremony, with
copies of the prints to be presented to the member.
Forward press releases to the member’s ship or station,
hometown, and local newspapers.
3 Organize a brief social gathering for members and their
guests, to follow the ceremony.
4 Provide transportation within the naval installation to and
from the ceremony for the member’s guests.
5 Grant special liberty and/or reenlistment leave (MILPERSMAN
1050-040) as soon as possible following the reenlistment.
6 Personalize the occasion with other recognition, as
7 Since all payments are processed electronically, present,
if desired, a ceremonial reenlistment bonus (dummy) check,
if one is due.

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Responsible NAVPERSCOM Phone: DSN 882-3255
Office (PERS-481) COM (901) 874-3255
FAX 882-2623

References (a) DOD 7000.14-R, Department of Defense Financial

Management Regulation (DODFMR), Volume 7A,
Military Pay Policy and Procedures
Active Duty and Reserve Pay
(b) 10 U.S.C.
(c) BUPERSINST 1610.10A
(d) OPNAVINST 6110.1H
(e) NAVMED P-117, Manual of the Medical Department
(g) OPNAVINST 1160.7B

1. Definitions. “Continuous service” is defined as service in

the Regular Navy or Navy Reserve that is continued by
reenlistment under the following conditions:

a. Reenlistment within 3 months following discharge or

release from active duty. A member who is reenlisted on the
same day of the month 3 calendar months from date of discharge
or release from active duty is reenlisted “within 3 months.”
For example, a member discharged or released from active duty on
7 December may be reenlisted on any day up to and including
7 March and retain continuous service.

b. Reenlistment within 6 months following discharge or

release from active duty provided the member is classified RE-R1
and holds a rating listed as in Career Reenlistment Objective
(CREO) 1 or 2 groups. A member who is reenlisted on the same
day of the month 6 calendar months from date of discharge or
release from active duty is reenlisted “within 6 months.” For
conditions and entitlement to bonuses, refer to reference (a).

c. If a member has previously served an enlistment in the

Regular Navy (not including service as an inductee) or Navy
Reserve, member’s enlistment therein will be a “reenlistment.”

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d. “Enlistment (under continuous service conditions)” is

applicable to the enlistment of

• a member of the Regular Navy who enlists in the

Navy Reserve, or
• a member of the Navy Reserve who enlists in the
Regular Navy

within the time frame defined above for “continuous service,”

after expiration of obligated service (OBLISERV), or at any time
prior to the expiration of OBLISERV.

e. Enlistment or reenlistment in the Navy Reserve following

discharge from the Regular Navy does not prejudice a member’s
right to reenlist under continuous service conditions in the
Regular Navy.

2. Term of Reenlistment

a. Members on active duty reenlisting in the Regular Navy

or reenlisting in the Navy Reserve may reenlist on board for a
term of 2, 3, 4, 5, or 6 years per reference (b). The term of
the enlistment contract must equal or exceed the period of
service for which already obligated. In all cases, members
reenlisting 3 months or less prior to the normal expiration of
enlistment, or enlistment as extended, will be considered as
having completed their initial contract. Members on active duty
are precluded from serving beyond their high year tenure (HYT)
date, as outlined in MILPERSMAN 1160-120 or other management
control directives and will be authorized to reenlist for terms
as reflected in the appropriate directive. The term of
reenlistment will be dependent upon the member’s length of
service and the member’s HYT (i.e., 8 years for E-4 U.S. Navy
personnel). Full Time Support (FTS) personnel must have a
24-month minimum Reserve Active Duty Obligation (RADO) for
reenlistment. RADO of less than 24 months must meet conditional
extension criteria in MILPERSMAN 1160-040.

b. The term of enlistment/reenlistment in the Navy Reserve

for personnel on inactive duty shall be for 2, 3, 4, 5, or
6 years per reference (b). Members initially enlisted Regular
Navy who are completing their statutory military service
obligation (MSO) in a Navy Reserve capacity may enlist in the
Navy Reserve for a term of 2, 3, 4, 5, or 6 years, provided such
enlistment is effected under continuous service conditions.

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3. Policy/Eligibility Requirements

a. This article contains the general provisions governing

certain enlistments and reenlistments in the Regular Navy or
Navy Reserve under continuous service conditions. Members
reenlisting in the Regular Navy or Navy Reserve must be

• U.S. citizens,
• non-citizen nationals, or
• immigrant alien members who have been lawfully
admitted into the U.S. under an immigrant alien visa
for permanent residence.

b. To be eligible for reenlistment in the Regular Navy, a

member must be eligible for or have been separated from the most
recent Regular Navy or Navy Reserve service by reason of
expiration of enlistment or active OBLISERV, fulfillment of
service obligation, or Convenience of the Government.
Additionally, the member must

• be medically qualified;
• meet the eligibility standards prescribed, including
HYT as set forth in MILPERSMAN 1160-120;
• have been recommended by the member’s commanding
officer (CO) for reenlistment; and
• meet quality control standards as outlined in this

c. Navy Reservists on active duty (General

Assignment/Recall) may not reenlist U.S. Navy (USN) or continue
on active duty without authority from Navy Personnel Command

d. FTS personnel may not reenlist in the Regular Navy;

likewise Regular Navy into the FTS community, without approval

e. A member must meet the following professional growth

criteria to establish reenlistment eligibility:

(1) Serving as a petty officer;

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(2) Serving in pay grade E-3 having passed the Navy-Wide

Advancement Examination, but not advanced (passed but not
advanced (PNA)); or formerly been a petty officer in current
enlistment and be currently recommended for advancement to pay
grade E-4.

(3) Personnel that fall under the Perform To Serve (PTS)

program must have approval prior to reenlistment.

f. Additionally, the member must be promotable and

recommended for advancement and retention as outlined in
reference (c) on the last two graded evaluations (not observed
evaluations are not considered graded). Not meeting one or both
criteria indicates a failure to meet the professional growth
criteria and will result in denial of further extensions or

g. Additional service performed under a reenlistment that

immediately follows discharge is counted toward fulfillment of
statutory MSO in the case of members who incurred such
obligation under the provisions of the Military Selective
Service Act, as amended.

h. To determine reenlistment eligibility for those not in

compliance with Physical Fitness Assessment (PFA) refer to
reference (d).

i. The physical standards for reenlistment are prescribed

in reference (e). Qualification for continued active duty
service should be based on the ability of servicemembers to
perform the functions of their rate, rank, or occupational
specialty without physical or medical limitations. Per
chapter 15 of reference (e), routine periodic physical
examinations are no longer required for active duty personnel.
Instead, the use of the Periodic Health Assessment, with
guidance provided in reference (e), should be used to meet this

(1) Waivers of physical defects may be recommended per

reference (e). Members who are classified as physically
qualified for limited duty only shall be given a physical
examination and a report shall be forwarded with appropriate
recommendation to NAVPERSCOM (PERS-482) via Chief, Bureau of
Medicine and Surgery (BUMED), in sufficient time to permit a
final determination prior to normal separation date.

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(2) The CO of a U.S. Naval Hospital is authorized to

reenlist a member who is eligible and otherwise qualified, who
so desires and whose enlistment expires while in a patient
status, provided it is anticipated that the member will be
physically and otherwise qualified for full duty immediately
upon discharge from hospitalization. Certification shall be
made on the report of physical examination for reenlistment that
the member is in a patient status and that the defect or
condition for which the member is under treatment would be
unlikely to hinder the member’s performance upon return to full
duty status immediately upon discharge from hospitalization, and
that it may reasonably be anticipated that the member will be
physically qualified for reenlistment per regulations. The
military treatment facility (MTF) and servicing Personnel
Support Activity Detachment (PERSUPP DET) shall ensure the
operational screening is completed prior to availability report
submission (MILPERSMAN 1300-800).

4. Criteria for Preferred Reenlistment (RE-R1).

a. Use the table below for criteria for preferred

reenlistment (RE-R1). (If RE-R1 is not applicable, use the RE-1
or as service record warrants.)
Reenlistment Paygrades Qualifying Criteria
8 years of E-3 and RE-R1 not authorized.
service below
E-4 Pass E-5 advancement exam.
Have overall trait average 2.5 or above.
E-5 and Overall trait average of 3.0 or above.
above No performance mark below 2.0 in any trait.
8 to 20 E-4 and RE-R1 not authorized.
years of below
service E-5 RE-R1 not authorized for E-5 being separated due to
HYT (14 years if active duty service date (ADSD) is
01 July 1995 or later).
E-5 and Overall trait average of 3.0 or above.
E-6 No performance mark below 2.0 in any trait.
8 to 20 E-7 and Overall trait average of 3.0 or above.
years above No performance below 2.0 in any trait.
Beyond 20 E-6 and RE-R1 not authorized.
years below
E-7 and No performance mark below 2.0 in any trait during
above 48 months immediately preceding reenlistment or
expiration of active obligated service (EAOS).

b. Regular members who are within 2 years of qualifying for

transfer to the Fleet Reserve, and Reserve members who are

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entitled to be credited with at least 18 but not less than

20 years of service, may not be separated or denied reenlistment
under the provisions of this instruction unless separated under
any other provision of law and as set forth in MILPERSMAN 1910.

5. Criteria for Reenlistment (RE-4). Use the below table for

criteria for reenlistment (RE-4) determination:

Pay Grades Qualifying Criteria

All pay grades Have had one general or special courts-martial conviction
or two summary courts-martial convictions or a
combination of more than two non-judicial punishments or
summary courts-martial convictions in the year preceding
EAOS or desired reenlistment date;

USNR (Active) who fail to fully comply with orders after

the initial recall to active duty;

Have been administratively reduced in rate, detached for

cause, or issued a letter of substandard service by the
Petty Officer Quality Review Board; or

Are not recommended for reenlistment by the CO.

E1 and E2 All receive RE-4 for failure to meet professional growth

criteria (except in special 2-year obligation (2YO)
E-3 All who fail to meet professional growth criteria
described in “Criteria for Preferred Reenlistment” block.
E-4 and below Average of less than 2.0 in any trait during current
enlistment on enlisted performance evaluations.
E-5 and above Received two or more marks of 2.0 or below in same
trait on enlisted performance evaluations during past
36 months,

Received any mark of 1.0 or below in any trait within

1 year prior to EAOS or reenlistment request, or

Less than 2.5 average in any trait during current

PTS Personnel separated due to reenlistment denial via the
PTS program shall receive a re-entry code per current PTS

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6. Not Eligible for Reenlistment

a. Members who do not meet all the aforementioned

requirements may not be enlisted or reenlisted without the
consent of NAVPERSCOM (PERS-4832).

b. Members who are recalled to active duty as U.S. Navy

Reserve (USNR) (Active) through General Assignment/Recall may
not be continued on active duty or reenlist without the consent

7. Time Frames for Reenlistment. Members who meet all the

eligibility requirements, if physically qualified, may be
discharged and enlisted or reenlisted at the following time:

a. The Defense Joint Military Pay System (DJMS) recommends

personnel to reenlist at least 30 days prior to EAOS to avoid
possible pay stoppage or discrepancies.

b. Prior approval from NAVPERSCOM (PERS-4811) is not

required when reenlistment is within 1 year of EAOS.

c. Members should be counseled concerning possible loss of

monetary benefits when reenlisting early. Consult reference (a)
and this article for additional guidance.

8. Early Reenlistments. Requests for early reenlistment

(outside the 1-year window) must be forwarded to NAVPERSCOM
(PERS-4811) for consideration. An example of an early
reenlistment request would be to accommodate a reenlistment
ceremony by a dignitary to administer the oath of enlistment.

9. Conditional Reenlistments. Conditional reenlistments

require NAVPERSCOM (PERS-4811 for Active and PERS-4812 for
Reserve) approval as follows:

a. If a member has an aggregate total of 48 months

operative extensions on current enlistment, and eligible for
reenlistment and

(1) (Regular Navy/FTS personnel) who require additional

active OBLISERV to enable transfer to the Fleet Reserve on a
specific date prior to submission of such application;

(2) when a member has an approved application for

transfer to special duty;

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(3) to attend a service school or to complete a tour of

duty for which additional active OBLISERV is required.

b. Members who have been recalled to active duty as USNR

(Active) or U.S. Naval Fleet Reserve (USNFR) (Active) through
the General Assignment/Recall Program may not continue on active
duty or reenlist USN without further approval from NAVPERSCOM

c. Consideration will be given for a member’s early

discharge for the purpose of immediate reenlistment when

(1) a member is ineligible for early discharge and

reenlistment per the above, or

(2) is not eligible to extend enlistment, or

(3) the eligible period to reenlist would not fulfill

the required active OBLISERV.

(4) A member has an approved PFA Progress or Readiness

waiver for ADSEP processing per reference (d). In these cases,
reenlistments must be for one 2-year term only. If member fails
next official PFA while on conditional reenlistment,
consideration will be given to process member for ADSEP within
45 days of PFA failure.

10. Time Frames for Reenlistment for Navy Reservists or


a. If otherwise qualified, Navy Reservists on inactive duty

may be discharged at any time for the purpose of enlisting in
the Regular Navy.

b. Navy Reservists on inactive duty may be discharged at

any time for the purpose of incurring a 6-year Selected Reserve
(SELRES) obligation to gain entitlement to the SELRES Montgomery
GI Bill (MGIB). Members must be counseled and sign a NAVPERS
1070/613 (Rev. 7-06), Administrative Remarks stating they
understand that reenlistment is exclusively for establishing
SELRES MGIB eligibility and does not imply retention in a pay
status beyond forced attrition due to total forces management
decisions or circumvent eligibility requirements for the SELRES
Selective Reenlistment Bonus (SRB).

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c. The following individuals may enlist in the Regular Navy

at any time, provided total active OBLISERV is for a minimum of
4 years:

• Inductees and Navy Reservists on active duty

• Extended recall for less than 3 years
• Recruiter-canvassers on active duty
• USNR (Active) and USNFR (Active) under the General
Assignment Recall Program
• FTS personnel

For example, a reservist on active duty who has completed

18 months of active duty shall be required to enlist in the
Regular Navy for a minimum period of 3 years. The terms of
enlistment shall be in yearly increments. They need not be
serving in a CREO 1 or 2 rating, or meet the continuous service
requirement of being within 1 year of EAOS. They shall meet all
current eligibility requirements for first term reenlistments
including age limitations prescribed elsewhere in this manual.

d. A Reservist accepted for voluntary recall to active duty

(including the FTS program) who requires

• OBLISERV in excess of the time remaining in their

• enlistment as extended by an operative extension, or
• service obligation under the military statutory
service obligation,

may be discharged and reenlisted in the Navy Reserve on the same

date of recall to active duty. Agreements by reservists to
remain on active duty must be within the term of their current

e. Navy Reservists for whom a request for a waiver of any

nature must be submitted shall not be considered to be in the
category of those who may be reenlisted immediately. Such cases
are submitted for consideration to NAVPERSCOM (PERS-4812) and
shall be processed per reference (f).

f. Applicants for immediate reenlistment shall be

questioned regarding any civil offenses since the date of their
previous enlistment. If an applicant indicates an earlier
arrest for any reason, the applicant shall be processed per
reference (f).

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g. Members on inactive duty who are participating in a

Navy Reserve program and who are eligible for reenlistment shall
be notified at least 3 months prior to the expiration of their
enlistment or service obligation concerning such expiration and
the procedures set up for reenlistment processing.

11. Criteria for Discharge from Fleet Reserve for Enlistment or


a. A member may be discharged from the Fleet Reserve status

for purpose of immediate enlistment/reenlistment in the Regular
Navy provided the following criteria are met and NAVPERSCOM
(PERS-482) authority is obtained:

(1) Such enlistment/reenlistment is restricted to

critical ratings (normally CREO Group 1), or non-critical
ratings with critical Navy Enlisted Classifications (NECs), and
member must meet all requirements of the rating.

(2) Shall not have been released from active duty status
for more than 4 years and have a reenlistment code indicating

(3) Enlistment or reenlistment must be for a term of not

less than 2 years, not to exceed HYT standards as set forth in
MILPERSMAN 1160-120.

(4) A signed acknowledgment by the member that

participation in the Survivor Benefit Plan (SBP) automatically
ceases upon enlistment/reenlistment and that such benefits
become those applicable to Regular Navy personnel. This
acknowledgment is to be included in the member’s service record.

(5) Member is approved for recall through NAVPERSCOM

(PERS-4812), through the General Assignment/Recall Program.

b. Individuals who are discharged from the Navy Reserve for

reasons of expiration of enlistment, fulfillment of service
obligation, or Convenience of the Government, and who are
recommended for reenlistment, may be immediately reenlisted in
the Navy Reserve provided they are physically and otherwise
qualified, not to exceed quality control standards set forth in
reference (g).

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12. Members Who may not be Discharged for Reenlistment. The

following members on active duty may not be discharged prior to
normal expiration of enlistment and reenlisted:

a. Members in transit following permanent change of station

(PCS) orders where the member would thereby become entitled to
mileage payments in excess of those the member would otherwise
be entitled if discharged and reenlisted at the member’s last
permanent duty station. (COs may discharge and reenlist members
where excess mileage payments are not involved and was
recommended for reenlistment by the member’s former CO.) As
used in this paragraph, “in transit” does not include members in
the following status:

• Temporary Duty (TEMDU)

• Temporary Duty Under Instruction (TEMDUINS)
• Temporary Additional Duty Under Instruction

b. Members who have submitted an application for, or who

are in receipt of authorization for, transfer to the Fleet
Reserve if member has enough OBLISERV for such transfer. See
para. 9 of this article for Conditional Reenlistment.

c. Members who have been selected for warrant or

commissioned grade in any of the Armed Forces, whose expiration
of enlistment, including extensions, is subsequent to date of
appointment or commissioning.

d. Members who are pursuing a course of instruction leading

to a commission, except as specifically provided in other
instructions issued by NAVPERSCOM or Commander, Naval Education
and Training Command (CNETC).

e. Members temporarily assigned to a ship or station for

humanitarian reasons must be approved by NAVPERSCOM (PERS-40HH).

f. Members undergoing investigation for alleged offenses,

awaiting non-judicial punishment or trial by courts-martial,
undergoing non-judicial punishment, or serving sentence by
courts-martial, including probation with respect to a suspended
punitive discharge or confinement.

g. Members who have rendered themselves ineligible per

reference (d).

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13. Immigrant Aliens

a. An immigrant alien who is presently serving

satisfactorily on active duty is eligible for reenlistment in
the Navy without being required to apply for U.S. citizenship.

b. An immigrant alien who has been in the U.S. for a period

of 4 years beyond the age of majority, who has been lawfully
admitted, and who holds an I-151, Alien Registration Receipt
Card, is eligible for enlistment/reenlistment in the Navy
without being required to apply for U.S. citizenship.

14. Discharge after Executing Agreement. Members who have

executed agreements to extend their enlistments may be
discharged 1 year or less prior to the date the extension would
become operative, and reenlisted per this article, provided the
term for which they reenlist is equal to or greater than the
total obligation including the extension being canceled.
Attention is invited to the OBLISERV requirements for SRB and
recoupment procedures.

15. Procedures for Ready Reserve. Members of the Ready

Reserve on inactive duty whose records are held by NAVPERSCOM
(PERS-4012) may be reenlisted by mail. In lieu of a physical
examination, the member must submit a signed statement that, to
the best of the member’s knowledge and belief, member’s physical
condition is substantially the same as when the member was last
physically examined by the Navy. The Oath of Allegiance, which
is mandatory, shall be administered by a commissioned officer of
any component of the Navy; Marine Corps; Army; Air Force; or
Coast Guard; active, inactive, or retired.

16. Payment for Unused Leave, Recoupment of Reenlistment Bonus,

and Other Monetary Entitlements

a. Information on reenlistment bonus, mileage, or lump-sum

payment for unused leave pertaining to reenlistment is contained
in pay directives and joint travel regulations. Personnel shall
be fully and properly apprised of monetary entitlements.
Recoupment of reenlistment bonus is not required in the case of
early discharges not more than 3 months prior to expiration of

b. A member serving on a Navy Reserve enlistment

contract, serving on active duty (including FTS/Canvasser

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Recruiter (CANREC)), desiring discharge and reenlistment may

have a recoupment of reenlistment bonus (if paid) for the
unexpired portion of an enlistment or reenlistment contract.
Reference (a) refers.

17. Location of Reenlistment. Reenlistment under continuous

service conditions may be effected:

a. On board the activity from which discharged within

24 hours following discharge. Reenlistment may be effected on
board ship while at sea provided the necessary pre-reenlistment
checklist, including physical exam if required, has been met.
A member transferred to an activity for discharge purposes may
be reenlisted (if fully qualified including PTS approved if
applicable) within 24 hours on board the last activity to which
permanently attached prior to discharge. Upon being reenlisted
on board the activity to which permanently attached, such member
will be retained on board for duty. Persons reenlisting at the
activity to which transferred for discharge shall be made
available for orders per MILPERSMAN 1306-1700.

b. After more than 24 hours following discharge,

reenlistment shall be effected only at a regular recruiting
station unless otherwise authorized by specific instructions of
NAVPERSCOM. Reenlistment may be effected for the terms
specified in recruiting instructions, but must be effected
within 3 months after date of discharge/release from active duty
or within 6 months to receive benefits of continuous service
(see para. 1 of this article). For conditions and entitlement
to any bonuses, consult appropriate directives.

18. Enlisted Personnel with 30 Years Active Service. Active

service obligation beyond 30 years normally will be considered
for personnel serving in pay grade E-9 only; however, in any
case active service obligation beyond 30 years is not authorized
without prior HYT approval of NAVPERSCOM (PERS-482).

19. New Service Record upon Reenlistment. Upon reenlistment,

a new service record shall be prepared. Refer to MILPERSMAN
1070-140 for guidance.

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Responsible NAVPERSCOM Phone: DSN 882-3224
Office (PERS-4811) COM (901) 874-3224
FAX 882-2623

References (a) Uniform Code of Military Justice (UCMJ)

(b) NAVADMIN 094/00
(c) 10 U.S.C. 654
(d) 10 U.S.C. 937

1. Required Explanations

a. Reference (a) requires that certain articles of the Code

be carefully explained to each enlisted member

(1) at the time of enlistment;

(2) after the member has completed 6 months of active

duty, or, in the case of a member of a Reserve component, after
the member has completed basic or recruit training; and

(3) at the time the member reenlists.

b. It also requires that the text of the Code, and the

regulations prescribed by the President under such Code, be made
available upon request for the member’s personal examination.

c. Per reference (b), the federal statute concerning

homosexuality in the Armed Forces requires that a detailed
explanation of the applicable laws and regulations governing
sexual conduct by members of the Armed Forces be included in the
periodic explanations of the Code.

2. NAVPERS 1070/613 (Rev. 10/89), Administrative Remarks Entry

a. At reenlistment, and following compliance with the

provisions of references (c) and (d), each servicemember will
have the following NAVPERS 1070/613 entry made in the permanent
service record:

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“On (date), per UCMJ, article 137; 10 U.S.C. 654; and

NAVADMIN 094/00; member advised of the provisions of the UCMJ,
types of discharges, and the rules governing sexual conduct of
members of the armed services, including homosexual conduct
policy. Copies of UCMJ and General Military Training (GMT) on
sexual conduct policy, including a detailed explanation of the
homosexual conduct policy, were made available to member for
personal examination.”

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Responsible NAVPERSCOM Phone: DSN 882-3238
Office (PERS-4811) COM (901) 874-3238
FAX 882-2623

References (a) DJMS Procedures Training Guide (DJMS PTG)

(b) 10 U.S.C. 509
(c) OPNAVINST 1160.8
(d) NAVMED P-117, Manual of the Medical Department
(e) OPNAVINST 6120.3
(f) NAVADMIN 050/03 (Perform to Serve)
(g) OPNAVINST 6110.1H
(h) Navy Standard Integrated Personnel System
(NSIPS) Manual

1. Definitions

a. “Agreement to Extend Enlistment” refers to the official

form of agreement, NAVPERS 1070/621 (Rev. 1-00), Agreement to
Extend Enlistment (MILPERSMAN 1070-250). Service record copy
should be filed as page 1A. Agreements on other than the
official form are of an informal, unofficial nature, and could
be repudiated or withdrawn by the member. Clerical instructions
for preparation of the agreement are contained in reference (a).

b. “Agreement to Extend Active Duty” refers to the official

form of agreement, NAVPERS 1070/622 (Rev. 1-00), Agreement to
Recall or Extend Active Duty (MILPERSMAN 1070-260). Service
record copy should be filed as page 1B. For USNR member,
NAVPERS 1070/622 is used to extend the Reserve Active Duty
Obligation (RADO) and NAVPERS 1070/621 to extend the Enlisted
Reserve Enlistment (EREN), if required. Clerical instructions
for preparation of this document are contained in reference (a).

c. “Execution of the Agreement to Extend Enlistment” or

“execution of extension” refers to the signature of an agreement
by the member concerned.

d. “Extension becomes operative” or “operative date” refers

to the date the extension begins to run, that is, the date of
expiration of enlistment, or as extended, or as adjusted for the

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purpose of making up time not served. Extension agreements may

not be canceled after the operative date.

e. “Conditional” extensions are executed as prescribed

below and are for periods of 23 months or less.

f. “Unconditional” extensions are executed as prescribed

below and are for periods of 24 months or more.

2. Ineligibility for Extension

a. Members who are not eligible for reenlistment for any

reason may not extend their enlistments without prior approval
of Navy Personnel Command (NAVPERSCOM), Enlisted Performance and
Separations Section (PERS-4832).

b. At no time may an extension of enlistment be executed

for the purpose of extending an enlistment, or enlistment as
extended, which has already expired. (For conditional
reenlistments, see MILPERSMAN 1160-030.)

c. Members in receipt of an authorization for transfer to

the Fleet Reserve may not extend their enlistment more than
30 days beyond their high year tenure (HYT) or approved
Fleet Reserve date (whichever is less), without specific
approval of NAVPERSCOM, Enlisted Retirement Section (PERS-4823).
Extension of enlistment subsequent to transfer to the Fleet
Reserve is not appropriate since members in the Fleet Reserve do
not serve under an enlistment contract.

3. Extension Increments. Extensions shall be executed in

increments of 1 or more months not to exceed an aggregate of
48 months on any single enlistment. The 48-month limitation on
extension of enlistment is statutory (reference (b)) and cannot
be waived.

4. Conditional Extensions. Conditional extensions may be

executed regardless of remaining obligated service (OBLISERV)
for the following reasons only, or as directed by NAVPERSCOM:

a. To obtain maternity care benefits for a member’s wife.

A member whose normal expiration of active obligated service
(EAOS) falls within the wife’s pregnancy may execute an
extension in order to receive maternity benefits, provided the
member’s services can be used effectively during the period of
extension. The executed extension shall not exceed the spouse’s

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estimated delivery date plus 2 months. An agreement for this

reason shall not be executed after transfer to a separation

b. To obtain maternity care benefits for a pregnant

servicewoman whose normal EAOS falls within her pregnancy or
postnatal period. An extension of up to 1 year may be granted
in order to receive maternity benefits, provided the member’s
performance has been satisfactory. An agreement for this reason
shall not be executed after transfer to a separation activity.
For the purpose of this extension, the postnatal period covers
the 2 months following the birth. Extensions authorized for
this reason may be in addition to other extensions, provided the
maximum 48 months allowed on one enlistment is not exceeded.
Unusual cases may be referred to NAVPERSCOM, Enlisted Career
Progression Branch (PERS-481).

c. To complete a scheduled cruise or deployment,

provided the member’s relief is not on board or en route and a
projected rotation date (PRD) adjustment has been authorized
by the appropriate assignment control authority (ACA).

d. To adjust the EAOS date of a member serving on any tour

of duty to coincide with the established PRD.

e. Members serving in paygrade E-3, or E-4, who have

participated in a Navy-wide advancement examination and who will
be separated or discharged prior to receipt of examination
results, may extend their enlistment up to a maximum of 4 months
from the date of examination to await results. The following
will be entered on the extension agreement:

“To await examination results from the (month/year) (Cycle)

Navy-wide advancement examination. I understand that this
extension becomes binding upon execution and may not thereafter
be canceled except as provided in MILPERSMAN 1160-040.”

f. To obtain OBLISERV required to execute permanent change

of station (PCS) orders. Two extensions are authorized if
obtainment of OBLISERV by reenlistment or one single extension
of enlistment will result in possible loss of selective
reenlistment bonus (SRB)/enlistment bonus (EB) entitlement. For
example, if a servicemember is in receipt of orders with a SRB
qualifying Navy Enlisted Classification (NEC) school in route to
the final destination, and does not qualify under the OBLISERV
to Train (OTT) program (see most recent SRB NAVADMIN message),

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the member may execute one extension to complete the school and
a second extension to meet the total required OBLISERV on
member’s orders. See MILPERSMAN 1306-106 for information about
OBLISERV in connection with a PCS transfer.

g. To acquire necessary OBLISERV as authorized in certain

Navy directives and this manual. For example, extension to
OBLISERV for Fleet Reserve, or to the extent of HYT allowed.
Agreements to extend an enlistment to qualify or apply for a
specific program are not authorized.

h. Perform to Serve (PTS) candidates may be extended for up

to 2 months (or as published in latest PTS NAVADMIN) to await
PTS results.

i. For members with an approved Physical Fitness Assessment

(PFA) Progress or Readiness waiver for ADSEP processing per
reference (g). If member fails official PFA while on enlistment
extension, member shall be processed for administrative
separation within 45 days of PFA failure.

5. Unconditional Extensions. Unconditional extensions may be

executed to extend enlistment up to a maximum of 48 months (not
to exceed total aggregate of 48 months per enlistment).
Unconditional extensions for less than 24 months are not

6. Procedure for Executing Extension

a. To execute an extension, NAVPERS 1070/621 (or automated

equivalent) shall be completed and signed on, or prior to, the
date of expiration of enlistment by the member and an official
authorized in this manual to accept the agreement on behalf of
the Navy. Agreements entered into subsequent to the date of
expiration of enlistment are without legal force and effect.

(1) Conditional agreements to extend may be executed at

any time during the enlistment. The narrative reason for the
extension will be entered on NAVPERS 1070/621 or NAVPERS

(2) Unconditional agreements to extend enlistment may be

executed at any time during an enlistment. The following reason
for extension and statement of understanding shall be entered on
NAVPERS 1070/621:

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“To continue career. I understand that this extension becomes

binding upon execution and may not be thereafter canceled,
except as provided in MILPERSMAN 1160-040.”

b. Before the execution of an unconditional or conditional

extension of enlistment, the member shall be made aware of
potential loss of monetary benefits and the provisions of the
SRB program per reference (c). The following entry shall be
included on NAVPERS 1070/621 or NAVPERS 1070/622 under the
reason for extension:

“I have been informed of the provisions of the SRB program and

the execution of this extension of enlistment may affect my
entitlement to monetary benefits for a subsequent reenlistment.”

7. Physical Examination. Qualification for continued active

duty service should be based on the ability of a service member
to perform the functions of his or her rate, rank, or
occupational specialty without physical or medical limitations.
Per chapter 15 of reference (d), routine periodic physical
examinations are no longer required for active duty personnel.
Instead, the use of the Periodic Health Assessment, with
guidance provided in reference (e), should be used to meet this

8. Canceling an Extension Agreement

a. An extension agreement is canceled by completing the

appropriate portion of the agreement.

b. A valid extension of enlistment that has become

operative is normally not canceled. When a number of extensions
within the current enlistment were executed and the
inappropriate extension becomes operative (for example a 3-month
extension for school vice the 6-month to complete deployment),
refer the case to NAVPERSCOM, Active Enlisted
Advancement/Conversions/Incentive Section (PERS-4811) for system

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c. Commanding officers (COs) shall cancel agreements to

extend enlistment, prior to operative date, for reasons listed
below. Copies of appropriate

• NAVPERS 1070/604 (Rev. 3-05), Enlisted Qualifications

• NAVPERS 1070/613 (Rev. 7-06), Administrative Remarks;
• NAVPERS 1070/621 (Rev. 1-00), Agreement to Extend
Enlistment; and
• NAVCRUIT 1133/52 (Rev. 10-94), Enlistment Guarantees
(if applicable)

must be forwarded where cancellation consideration is requested.

(1) When member is on unauthorized absence, whose EAOS

would otherwise expire (unless the CO considers their intention
to absent themselves was for the purpose of abrogating the

(2) When closing a member’s record because of desertion.

(3) Except as provided below, when members, through no

fault of their own, have not received any of the benefits
(i.e., schools, accelerated advancement, PCS move, or EB) for
which the extension was executed by the day preceding the
operative date of the extension. Members whose extensions are
canceled by the above who desire to continue on active duty may
simultaneously execute a new extension or reenlist per
appropriate articles in this manual, notwithstanding the time
limits specified.

(4) When appropriate, when a member is disenrolled from

a specialized course of instruction (or as addressed in
paragraph 10 below), prior to the class convening date, cite
this article as cancellation or re-execution authority.

(5) When a member reenlists. The extension(s) shall be

canceled as of the date of reenlistment, provided term of the
new enlistment exceeds the total aggregate months of
extension(s) to be cancelled.

(6) When the member is no longer recommended for

reenlistment either because of failure to meet the minimum
reenlistment standards set forth in this manual and
reference (f), or unsatisfactory performance of duty or conduct,

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and in the opinion of the CO, the member lacks career potential.
A full statement of the facts shall be included in the NAVPERS
1070/613 service record entry with notation that member is not
recommended for reenlistment. The CO will cancel extensions
under this paragraph only when the extension required resulted
in no significant benefits to the member.

(7) When a member fails to meet PFA standards three or

more times in the most recent 4-year period, any inoperative
extensions shall be cancelled. For members with an approved
PFA Progress or Readiness waiver for ADSEP processing per
reference (g), they may request extensions in 6-month
increments, at the CO’s level approval. Only those personnel
who have shown progress as defined in reference (g) and have the
potential of passing the next PFA shall be considered for this
type of extension. The limit of extension to an aggregate of
48 months in any single enlistment remains in effect. Failure
of PFA during extension period shall prevent additional
extension and result in discharge at EAOS.

d. A request or recommendation for cancellation of an

agreement to extend enlistment that appears meritorious (i.e.,
significant benefit resulted from the extension such as 6-year
obligator program, accompanied overseas tour, or advancement),
but is not authorized above shall be forwarded to NAVPERSCOM
(PERS-4811) for determination provided that the extension has
not become operative.

9. Criteria for not Canceling Agreements to Extension

a. COs will not cancel an agreement to extend enlistment

under the following conditions:

(1) Member is found to be not physically qualified

and/or limited duty (LIMDU) is anticipated.

(2) A member is currently on LIMDU (ACC 105), provided

member is physically qualified in all respects with exception of
the diagnosis in the basic medical board report.

(3) A member is to be referred to a physical evaluation

board (PEB) for disability proceedings and benefits resulted
from the extension.

(4) Benefits have been received under the EB program or

accelerated advancement has occurred.

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b. When a member is currently on LIMDU or is found not

physically qualified for duty at the expiration of enlistment,
an extension agreement cannot be executed. In these
circumstances, members will be retained in the Naval Service
beyond the expiration of enlistment via an involuntary extension
(see reference (h) for the Military Pay event). Suitability and
all other eligibility must be maintained. Documentation will be
made on NAVPERS 1070/613 in either case. NOTE: If upon
completion of LIMDU and return to full duty (ACC 100), the
member is still on an expired EAOS then she/he must either
reenlist or separate. Further extension of current enlistment
is not an option, since the enlistment (or extended enlistment)
already expired. If conditional reenlistment warrants (i.e.,
HYT), refer to MILPERSMAN 1160-030 or refer the case to

10. Agreement to Extend Enlistment and/or Active Duty Agreement

Executed to Obtain a Course of Instruction

a. Guidelines. Specific selection requirements for various

schools are published by NAVPERSCOM in manuals and directives
issued to responsible commands. Members selected for assignment
to schools must be qualified under these selection requirements.

b. Qualifications

(1) Candidates selected must be enlisted members on

active duty and must have the OBLISERV as required under
applicable provisions of MILPERSMAN 1306-604 or directives
pertaining to the school for which the member is applying.

(2) Members having less than the required OBLISERV, but

who are in all other respects qualified, who desire and are
selected for training in a course of instruction, shall execute
NAVPERS 1070/621 and/or NAVPERS 1070/622 or Navy Standard
Integrated Personnel System (NSIPS) equivalent.

(3) Members who accepted Accelerated Advancement and/or

EB shall not have their Extension of Enlistment/Active Duty
cancelled nor are they eligible under the Payback policy.

c. Payback for Disenrolled Members

(1) Members who are disenrolled from Service Schools A,

C, and F; Special Programs (NF/AEF/ATF 6-Year Obligor Programs);

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or 5-Year Obligor Programs, for which OBLISERV was acquired in

the form of a NAVPERS 1070/621 and/or a NAVPERS 1070/622 entry,
shall have their OBLISERV adjusted under this article, provided
they have not accepted accelerated advancement. Such adjustment
hereafter will be referred to as payback. See below for details
of payback for specific courses of instruction.

(2) Exemption: Members who entered into extension

agreements that do not contain one of the following clauses,
continue to be eligible for payback under this article:

(a) “In particular I understand that when I accept

accelerated advancement to E-4 this agreement may not be
cancelled whether or not I accept nuclear power or advanced

(b) “I understand this extension becomes binding

upon execution and thereafter may not be cancelled whether or
not I complete nuclear power or advanced training.”

(c) “In particular I understand that when I accept

accelerated advancement to E-4 this agreement may not be
cancelled whether or not I complete advanced training.”

(d) “In particular I understand that when I accept

accelerated advancement to E-4 this agreement may not be
cancelled whether or not I complete nuclear power training.”

d. Payback for Service Schools A, C, and F. Payback should

be computed per the table contained in paragraph 10j below, if
an active duty or extension agreement was required to qualify
for any of the above training.

e. Payback for Special Programs (NF/AEF/ATF 6-Year Obligor

Programs) Prior to Advanced Training

(1) If a member is disenrolled from a 6-Year Obligor

Program for any reason prior to entry into the advanced training
phase as defined below, the member may send a request to
NAVPERSCOM (PERS-4811) for cancellation of an agreement to
extend enlistment and/or active duty agreement. To facilitate
the prompt and efficient processing and classification of
personnel in recruit training, COs of recruit training centers
are authorized to disenroll and cancel NAVPERS 1070/621 and/or
NAVPERS 1070/622 for personnel enlisted NF/AEF/ATF under certain

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circumstances without gaining prior approval of NAVPERSCOM

(PERS-4811). Disenrollment or cancellation of extension
agreement for any reason other than those listed below must be
approved by NAVPERSCOM (PERS-4811):

(a) Failure to meet program qualifying test scores.

(b) Failure to pass the Farnsworth Lantern

Examination for color perception, failure to meet psychiatric
standards, or suicide attempts or gestures; other potentially
disqualifying physical defects will be processed per program

(c) Identification as a drug abuser.

(d) Inability to qualify for a security clearance

without extended observation of the member’s performance and

(2) To facilitate the prompt and efficient processing of

personnel attending service schools, COs of service school
commands are authorized to cancel NAVPERS 1070/621 and/or active
duty agreement for personnel disenrolled from NF/AEF/ATF when
all the following circumstances exist:

(a) Disenrollment has been approved by NAVPERSCOM,

Distribution Management and Procedures Branch (PERS-451) when

(b) Member has not accepted accelerated advancement.

(c) Member has not entered advanced training.

f. Payback for 6-Year Obligor Programs during Advanced

Training. If a member is disenrolled for any reason from the
advanced training phase of a 6-Year Obligor Program after
executing an extension of enlistment or active duty agreement to
qualify for the course but has not accepted an accelerated
advancement, payback for instruction received will be computed
per the table in paragraph 10j below. The OBLISERV requirement
for a member disenrolled from the advanced training phase
subsequent to accepting an accelerated advancement will not be
adjusted except as provided in the exemption above. A member
will not be discontinued at the member’s own request after
enrollment in the advanced phase of a 6-Year Obligor Program.

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g. Payback for Incomplete Advanced Training in 6-Year

Obligor Programs

(1) A member in the NF/AEF/ATF 6-Year Obligor

Program, who accepted accelerated advancement on or after
1 September 1974, and who did not complete advanced training may
be eligible for a reduction in their 2-year extension of up to a
year. The revision to the accelerated advancement program in
August 1974 requires a 5-year obligation for personnel not in
the NF/AEF/ATF Programs who accept accelerated advancement.
Consistent with this revision, personnel in the NF/AEF/ATF
Programs who accepted accelerated advancement on or after
1 September 1974 are obligated for 1 year of their 2-year
extension as a result of this accelerated advancement. The
remaining year of the 2-year extension is payback for the
advanced training and if the advanced training is not completed,
members may be eligible for a reduction in this 1-year
extension. Members in the NF/AEF/ATF Programs who accepted
accelerated advancement prior to 1 September 1974 are obligated
for the full 2-year extension period regardless of the amount of
advanced training received.

(2) To facilitate the prompt and efficient processing of

personnel attending service schools, COs of service school
commands are authorized to cancel Agreement to Extend Enlistment
and/or Active Duty agreement for personnel disenrolled after
commencing advanced training from NF/AEF/ATF under the following

(a) Disenrollment has been approved by NAVPERSCOM

(PERS-451) when required.

(b) Member has executed an extension agreement for

accelerated advancement, if received, and required payback
computed under this article.

h. Disenrollments

(1) COs will make sure that prospective enrollees in the

advanced training phases of the NF/AEF/ATF programs understand
the additional service requirements incurred and the required
payback, if disenrolled. In those cases in which payback is
required, the member will be permitted, upon approval of
NAVPERSCOM (PERS-4811), to execute a new Agreement to Extend
Enlistment and/or Active Duty for a period that will provide the
payback required for the number of weeks of training received

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per the table in this article. The payback for instruction

received (when combined with the 1-year extension for
accelerated advancement, if appropriate) cannot exceed the
number of months of the original extension agreement.

(2) If a member is disenrolled from the 5-Year Obligor

Program for any reason prior to entry into the basic training
phase, a request may be sent to NAVPERSCOM (PERS-481) for
cancellation of an Agreement to Extend Enlistment and/or Active
Duty. A member failing to complete the Class “A” school will be
permitted, upon approval of NAVPERSCOM (PERS-481) to execute a
new NAVPERS 1070/621, for a period that will provide the payback
required for the number of weeks of training received per the
table in this article. Upon execution of such an extension, the
previously executed extension agreement for the course of
instruction will be cancelled. The payback for instruction
received cannot exceed the number of months of the original
extension agreement.

i. Definition of Instruction Received

(1) For regular students, it is a number of weeks of

training actually completed.

(2) For accelerated students, it is the number of weeks

of classroom seat time actually used at the time of

(3) For repeat, held-over, or temporarily disenrolled

students, it is the number of syllabus weeks actually completed
in the course, exclusive of the number of weeks repeated, held
over or temporarily disenrolled.

(4) Partial weeks are not counted as weeks of

instruction received.

j. Payback Computation Table. For members in the

NF/AEF/ATF Program disenrolled from advanced training, the
months of service obligation to be incurred in return for
cancellation of a previous extension executed for training
(payback) is computed in the table below. If the table shows a
requirement to serve a greater number of months than the
original extension or if the number of months from the table
when combined with extension incurred as the result of accepting
accelerated advancement (6-YO Programs only) is greater than the

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original extension, then the original extension remains in


Instruction Payback Instruction Payback

(Weeks) (Months) (Weeks) (Months)
1 1 36 25
2 1 37 26
3 2 38 26
4 3 39 27
5 3 40 28
6 4 41 28
7 5 42 29
8 6 43 30
9 6 44 30
10 7 45 31
11 8 46 32
12 8 47 33
13 9 48 33
14 10 49 34
15 10 50 35
16 11 51 35
17 12 52 36
18 12 53 37
19 13 54 37
20 14 55 38
21 15 56 39
22 15 57 39
23 16 58 40
24 17 59 41
25 17 60 42
26 18 61 42
27 19 62 43
28 19 63 44
29 20 64 44
30 21 65 45
31 21 66 46
32 22 67 46
33 23 68 47
34 24 69 48
35 24

k. Administrative Procedures. Upon receipt of approval

from NAVPERSCOM (PERS-4811), CO’s or officers in charge will
make sure that the new extension agreement is executed, the old
extension agreement cancelled, NAVPERS 1070/621 and/or NAVPERS
1070/622 page submitted per DFAS-CL (DJMS), and the following
NAVPERS 1070/613 entry filed in the member’s service record:

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“My active duty obligation remaining upon disenrollment from

(school) has been explained to me per MILPERSMAN 1160-040. I
understand that my active duty obligation has been set up as
(EAOS date).

(Member’s signature)

(Witnessing officer’s signature)”

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Responsible NAVPERSCOM Phone: DSN 882-2499/3238
Office (PERS-4811) COM (901) 874-2499/3238
FAX 882-2623

References (a) 10 United States Code (U.S.C.)

(b) SECNAVINST 5820.4G

1. Policy. Under certain conditions members may legally be

retained beyond the date of expiration of enlistment or other
period of obligated service (OBLISERV), either voluntarily or
involuntarily until discharged, released to inactive duty, or
transferred to the Navy Reserve and released to inactive duty.
When a member is retained in service beyond expiration of
enlistment, or other period of OBLISERV, entry as to reason and
authority for retention shall be made on the appropriate page of
member’s service record and signed per this manual.

2. Voluntary Extension. Enlisted members may volunteer to be

held beyond expiration of their enlistment or active duty
obligation, or other period of OBLISERV. Refer to MILPERSMAN

3. Extension of Members Serving Aboard Ship in Foreign Waters

a. The normal date of expiration of enlistment or extension

of enlistment of a member serving aboard a ship in foreign
waters may be extended until return of the ship to a continental
port of the United States (U.S.) or until transfer of member
concerned to the separation activity nearest port of
debarkation. Retention for return to the U.S. may be effected
by the senior officer present afloat if, in their opinion,
retention is essential to public interests. Members so retained
shall be separated not later than 30 days after arrival in the
U.S. In order to be entitled to the increase of 25 percent in
basic pay for the period of retention, per article 5540 of

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reference (a), member shall have been retained after expiration

of enlistment or extension of enlistment because their services
were considered essential to public interests as differentiated
from desirability of continuance of their services or some
measure of benefit to be derived therefrom.

b. Specifically excluded from this provision are enlisted

members who are retained beyond terms of their enlistments at
shore stations, on ships on duty in waters in or around
possessions and territories of the U.S., or on ships on duty in
ports or waters within the sovereign jurisdiction of the U.S.
Also excluded are members of the Navy Reserve who are retained
on active service as distinguished from the normal date of
expiration of enlistment.

c. Entry should be made on NAVPERS 1070/613 (Rev. 7-06),

Administrative Remarks of member’s service record, concerning
whether retention was essential to public interests and location
of the ship at the time of expiration of their term of

d. For a normal deployment, it is imperative that it will

be a part of pre-deployment preparations that members with
expiring enlistments be identified and appropriate planning is
executed, either extending or leaving them behind for
separation/further transfer.

4. Extension Pending Receipt of Records. Members whose

records and accounts are not received by the activity to which
transferred for separation may be retained in service, with
their consent, pending receipt of their records and accounts.
Commanding officers (COs) shall take immediate steps to obtain
records and accounts by communicating with the ship or station
from and via which member was transferred for separation.
A duplicate service record may be requested from Navy Personnel
Command (NAVPERSCOM), NAVPERSCOM Records Unit (PERS-312) in
order to expedite separation.

5. Extension for Temporary Officer Appointment. Enlistments

are extended automatically in the case of members whose normal
date of expiration of enlistment occurs while they are serving
in a temporary officer appointment.

6. Extension for Medical Care. Members in the Regular Navy,

Navy Reserve, and Fleet Reserve on active duty other than
training duty of less than 30 days, who are in need of medical

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care or hospitalization as a result of disease or injury

incident to service and not due to their own misconduct, may be
retained with their consent beyond the date of their normal
expiration of active OBLISERV. Such consent shall be entered on
NAVPERS 1070/613, and signed by member concerned. Tacit consent
to retention may be assumed in cases of mental incompetency or
physical incapacity where member is unable affirmatively to
indicate member’s desires, pending notification of and
authorization for retention from member’s next of kin. Members
retained for medical care or hospitalization under this article
may be retained until they have recovered to the extent that
would enable them to meet physical requirements for discharge
and reenlistment, or until it shall have been ascertained the
disease or injury is of a character that recovery to that extent
is impossible. Members for whom tacit consent to retention is
assumed ordinarily will not be retained in excess of 6 months
beyond the date of their normal expiration of active obligated
service (EAOS). Further retention may be authorized in
meritorious cases upon proper recommendation accompanied by the
supporting facts.

7. Member Refusal of Extension for Medical Care. If members

persist in their desire to be separated, effect their separation
provided they sign the following entry on NAVPERS 1070/613 of
their service record and on DD-2808 (Rev. 10-05), Report of
Medical Examination, witnessed by an officer, at the time
examined for separation:

“I, (fill in name), desire to be separated from Naval Service

on my normal expiration of active obligated service date.
I understand that I will not be eligible for further follow-up
studies or treatment at an Armed Forces medical facility, that I
will be ineligible for disability benefits under law
administered by Navy, and that any further treatment and/or
benefits will be under jurisdiction of Department of Veterans’

(Signature of member)

(Signature of witnessing officer)

(Grade, name, title)”

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8. Extension to Accommodate Physical Evaluation Board (PEB)


a. Members being processed before a PEB shall not be

released from active duty or discharged until the Secretary of
the Navy (SECNAV) has completed the final action on their cases
and instructions received from NAVPERSCOM, Retirements Branch,
(PERS-482). Untimely separation of a member who is the subject
of a PEB proceeding may prejudice their case since the law
requires SECNAV make necessary physical disability
determinations while the member is entitled to receive basic
pay, except in cases of Reservists on training duty of 30 days
or less. This should be explained to any member whose
enlistment or term of active service is about to expire and who
requests discharge or release from active duty prior to the time
such determinations are made. Any request for separation that
is not withdrawn following such explanation shall be entered on
NAVPERS 1070/613 of the service record as follows:

“I, (fill in name), desire to be separated from Naval Service

notwithstanding the fact such separation may prejudice any
rights or benefits to which I may be entitled as a result of
physical evaluation board hearings under 10 U.S.C., Chapter 61.
I have been fully advised of my rights in this matter and
request I be discharged from Naval Service as soon as possible
without further hearing and without disability retirement pay or
severance pay or any compensation whatsoever. I understand I am
not required, and am under no obligation, to give this
certificate and I hereby certify I give this certificate

(Signature of member)

(Signature of witnessing officer)

(Grade, name, title)”

b. The foregoing statement shall be signed by member and

witnessed by an officer. In all cases where the above statement
is executed, notify NAVPERSCOM (PERS-482) by message with
information copy to Physical Review Council and convening
authority of PEB. Procedures for members on inactive duty are
found in MILPERSMAN 1910-168.

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9. Policy for Disability Incurred not in the Line of Duty

a. Records and accounts of members in the following

categories shall not be closed until discharge is effected.
Member’s service record shall bear appropriate entry regarding
member’s status.

b. The term of service of a member undergoing

hospitalization for injury, sickness, or disease, incurred not
in line of duty or due to their own misconduct, will not be
extended under provisions of “Extension to Accommodate Physical
Evaluation Board Proceeding,” above. Unless the term of service
is extended by some other provision of this article, a member in
this status should be brought before a medical board at a time
that will permit action to be taken on a recommendation for
disposition prior to expiration of term of service. If
proceeding per law and regulations result in determination the
member is not physically fit for service or reenlistment and is
to be discharged, discharge normally will be effected because of
disability rather than expiration of enlistment or fulfillment
of service obligation.

c. The term of service of a member undergoing

hospitalization for injury, sickness, or disease, which is the
result of their own misconduct, is extended by such lost time.
If there is reasonable belief such member will be unable to
return to full duty, full circumstances of the case as then
known, including prognosis, shall be forwarded to NAVPERSCOM
(PERS-482) for advice. Members in this status should be brought
before a medical board at a time that will permit action to be
taken prior to date the term of service normally would expire if
member were not in a misconduct status. If it is determined per
law and regulations the member is not physically fit for service
or reenlistment, and proper authority approves recommendation
for discharge, member shall be awarded the type and character of
discharge considered proper based on their medical and military

10. Notification Procedure for Disability Extension. If a

member is hospitalized because of injuries or disease under all
conditions listed below, COs of the medical facility concerned
shall forward all known facts concerning member’s injuries or
disease to the Judge Advocate General (JAG) for final
determination of member’s status, and a copy to NAVPERSCOM

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(PERS-482). Such notification shall, if at all possible, occur

prior to member’s expiration of term of service when

a. it appears the injury or disease might have been

incurred not in the line of duty and as a result of member’s own

b. there is a reasonable possibility member will not return

to full duty prior to expiration of their term of service.

c. it is not reasonably possible to conduct an

investigation prior to expiration of member’s term of service to
determine whether the injury or disease was incurred in the line
of duty and not as a result of member’s own misconduct.

11. Extension for War or National Emergency. Enlistments and

periods of OBLISERV of enlisted personnel in Naval Service are
extended, or may be extended, in time of war or national
emergency per articles 506, 12103, 671, and 671b of reference

12. Involuntary Extension due to Criminal Proceedings. Members

may be extended involuntarily beyond their EAOS as a result of
apprehension, arrest, confinement, investigation, or filing of
charges that may result in a trial by court-martial, and
execution of any sentence thereof. If such action is initiated
with a view to trial because of an offense under reference (b)
committed by a member prior to their official discharge or
separation, even though the term of enlistment or OBLISERV may
have expired, they may be retained in service for trial and
punishment after their period of service would otherwise have

13. Extension for Disposition of Criminal Proceedings by a

Foreign Jurisdiction. Members of Naval Service awaiting
disposition of criminal proceedings by a foreign jurisdiction
are afforded statutory and regulatory protection and benefits
attendant to their status as members of the Armed Forces.
Policy of Navy is to insure both the member is afforded the
fullest possible protection, and Navy meets its international
obligations. In implementing this policy the following
procedures will be applied in all cases where foreign criminal
jurisdiction is being, or may be, exercised over a member of
Naval Service by action such as apprehension, arrest,
investigation, or a filing of charges that may result in trial,
and where foreign criminal proceedings are not likely to be

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completed prior to date of member’s release from service because

of expiration of their term of service:

a. At least 1 month before EAOS, member will be offered

opportunity to extend member’s enlistment voluntarily for the
duration of legal proceedings and any subsequent punishment.
Member will be informed of protection and benefits member will
receive as a member of Navy during the foreign criminal
proceedings. For example: counsel may be provided at Navy
expense, court costs (but not fines) paid, and an interpreter
made available; and in most countries, member will remain in
U.S., vice foreign, custody at least during trial proceedings.
Member will also be informed that member will remain subject
to reference (b) and may be subject to processing for
administrative discharge. In some situations, advice of
Article 27b of reference (b), counsel will be provided when
exposure to military criminal charges is possible.
Additionally, member will be advised that an election not to
extend voluntarily member’s enlistment shall result in the

(1) Foreign authorities will be advised of the impending

EAOS and inability of Navy to guarantee member’s presence after

(2) Foreign authorities will be offered custody of

member immediately prior to EAOS; and

(3) Assuming custody is accepted by foreign authorities,

member will be discharged from Naval Service as soon thereafter
as is practicable, thereby terminating any special
considerations member would be entitled to were they still a
member of the Armed Forces.

b. If member elects to extend voluntarily his/her

enlistment, then such request will be honored, and an
appropriate NAVPERS 1070/613 entry will be made in member’s
service record and acknowledged by member.

14. Procedure for Member not Electing to Extend while Awaiting

Disposition of Criminal Proceedings by a Foreign Jurisdiction

a. Should member elect not to extend voluntarily, foreign

authorities will be notified of the inability of Navy to
guarantee presence of member after discharge due to member’s
impending EAOS. The foreign authorities will then be afforded

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opportunity to take custody of member at a mutually agreed upon

time immediately prior to EAOS. If the foreign authorities
desire custody, member will be transferred to the foreign
authorities at the agreed upon time. After such transfer of
custody, member’s CO will, at EAOS, discharge member and so
notify Navy JAG, NAVPERSCOM, Conduct and Separations Branch
(PERS-483), and the U.S. Embassy or Consul.

b. Should the foreign authorities, upon being notified of

member’s impending EAOS and inability of Navy to maintain
custody after discharge, state member need not be present within
the jurisdiction and is not required nor desired to be available
for any further criminal proceedings, member should be returned
to the continental United States (CONUS) for separation or
discharge. In such case, foreign authorities have in effect
released Navy from any obligation to keep member within the
foreign jurisdiction or to make member available for foreign
criminal proceedings. This communication from appropriate
foreign authorities should be in writing, if possible; if not, a
memorandum for the record should be made to memorialize the

c. The foregoing policy does not apply to a member who has

been in custody or confinement of foreign authorities as a
result of apprehension by foreign authorities. In such a
situation, provisions of Chapter 3 of reference (b) would
continue to apply, and, except under extraordinary circumstances
approved by Secretary of the Navy (SECNAV), member would not be
discharged while in custody or confinement of the foreign

15. Extension for Completion of U.S. Civilian Criminal


a. Members of Naval Service who are not in confinement and

those in confinement as a result of delivery by military
officials, and

b. those members in confinement as a result of apprehension

by civil authorities,

shall not be extended involuntarily beyond EAOS solely for

purpose of completion of civilian criminal proceedings in
Federal, State, and local courts of the U.S., its territories,
commonwealths, and possessions without NAVPERSCOM (PERS-483)
approval. Requests to involuntarily extend members beyond EAOS

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must include whether member was delivered by military officials

or apprehended by civil authorities, date of delivery or
apprehension, pending charges, anticipated date of trial, and
member’s EAOS.

16. Extension to Await Appellate Review of Court-Martial.

Except as otherwise provided in this paragraph, an enlisted
member sentenced to punitive discharge shall be retained in
service to await completion of appellate review of their
court-martial case, even though the period of confinement, if
any, adjudged under the sentence has been served and member’s
enlistment or other period of active OBLISERV has expired.
Unless member is confined, service record entry prepared to
reflect such retention beyond expiration of enlistment or other
obligated active service should state the nature of duties
performed by member and average number of hours daily member’s
services are utilized while being so retained. Nothing stated
in this paragraph is to be construed as precluding
administrative separation of member when directed by NAVPERSCOM
(PERS-483) or granting of leave to member awaiting completion of
appellate review of member’s case.

17. Extension for Indebtedness. A member who is otherwise

eligible for separation will not be retained beyond normal
expiration of obligated service date to satisfy an indebtedness
to the Government or an individual, or for the purpose of
obtaining remission of indebtedness.

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22 Aug 2002
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Responsible NAVPERSCOM Phone: DSN 882-4024/3208

Office (PERS-811H/80C) COM (901) 874-4024/3208
FAX 882-2738

Governing OPNAVINST 1160.5C

Directives OPNAVINST 1001.20B

NAVPERS 1070/622


DFAS-CL (DJMS), Procedures Training Guide

NAVPERS 1070/613

1. Policy for Naval Reservists

a. Members of the Naval Reserve on active duty, with the

exception of members authorized 24/36 months General

Assignment/Recall or Active Duty for Special Work (ADSW), who

desire to continue on active duty beyond their expiration of

active obligated service (EAOS) dates and who are qualified in

all respects for reenlistment may be permitted to extend their

active duty agreements subject to approval by their Commanding

Officer (CO), within the terms of their enlistment contract

and/or the period of their Military Selective Service (MSS)

obligation, except that extensions of active duty for less than

24 months shall be subject to the same restrictions as for

extension of enlistment for less than 24 months.

b. The extended period of active duty shall be within the

term of an enlistment contract and/or the period of the MSS

obligation. In order to acquire service to cover the period of

active duty obligation, qualified and recommended Naval Reserve

personnel may reenlist on board or extend their enlistments

under instructions contained in the appropriate article in this

manual and OPNAVINST 1160.5C. In any case, the eligibility

standards prescribed in the appropriate articles regarding

performance, age limitations, physical standards, dependency

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criteria, and the release from active duty of Reserve and

retired enlisted personnel are applicable.

c. Enlisted members of the Naval Reserve, who have been

authorized General Assignment/Recall for 24 to36 months may not

reenlist, obligate for orders, or continue on active duty

without prior approval from Navy Personnel Command (NAVPERSCOM)

(PERS-811H). These individuals are authorized 24 to 36 months

active duty as USNR (Active).

d. USNR Training and Administration of Reserves (TAR)

personnel are authorized General Assignment/Recall through

NAVPERSCOM (PERS-913) with final authority granted through

NAVPERSCOM (PERS-811H). Selected Reserve personnel may apply

for recall to the TAR program with final authority granted

through NAVPERSCOM (PERS-913).

2. Policy for Fleet Reservists

a. Members of the Fleet Reserve on active duty who desire

to continue on active duty beyond their EAOS dates may enter

into active duty agreements only upon the approval of the

NAVPERSCOM. A request shall be submitted to the NAVPERSCOM with

the CO’s recommendation. Requests shall be submitted in

sufficient time to permit action prior to current EAOS date.

Approval of such requests will be based upon the needs of the

service, the rating involved, and other pertinent circumstances.

Such extensions, when authorized, will be in yearly increments

or a number of whole months less than a year. (Reenlistment or

extension subsequent to transfer to the Fleet Reserve is not

authorized, except as specified in MILPERSMAN 1160-030.)

b. Enlisted members of the Fleet Reserve, who have been

authorized General Assignment/Recall for 24 to 36 months may not

reenlist, obligate for orders, or continue on active duty

without prior approval from NAVPERSCOM (PERS-811H). These

individuals are authorized 24 to 36 months active duty as USNR


3. Policy for Inductees

a. An inducted member may be permitted to extend their

active duty beyond the period of induction within the period of

their MSS obligation, subject to approval of their CO, provided

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they are otherwise qualified in all respects. Such extension of

active duty for less than 24 months shall be subject to the same

restrictions as extensions of enlistments for less than 24

months. A qualified inductee may enlist or reenlist on board as

provided in the article of this manual governing reenlistments.

b. Reservists on General Assignment/Recall will not extend

or obligate without NAVPERSCOM (PERS-811H) authorization.

4. ADSW Personnel

a. ADSW personnel may not exceed a total of 16 years active

duty and may not exceed 5 years, 6 months continuous active

duty. A 31-day break is required for ADSW individuals, who have

been on active duty for 5 years, 6 months.

b. Enlisted ADSW personnel who desire to remain on active

duty must receive either an order modification or new orders.

c. ADSW personnel paid through RPN funding receive approval


d. ADSW personnel paid through MPN funding receive approval


5. Clerical Procedures

a. An agreement to remain on active duty or cancellation of

such agreement shall be made on the NAVPERS 1070/622, parts 1

and 3, following the clerical procedures set forth in

PAYPERSMAN. The agreement shall be signed by the member and the

CO, or a designated representative of the CO. (Agreements for

less than 24 months will be in numbers of whole months.)

b. Additional entries shall be made for inductees on the

NAVPERS 1070/613, of the service record. General

Assignment/Recall personnel will be given a Special Program

Indicator (SPI) code of “G”.

6. Authorization to Cancel. CO’s are authorized to cancel

active duty agreements under the same conditions as provided for
cancellation of extensions of enlistment.

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Responsible NAVPERSCOM Phone: DSN 882-4470
Office (PERS-4933) COM (901) 874-4470
FAX 882-2673

References (a) 10 U.S.C. 651

(b) DFAS-DJMS, Procedures Training Guide

1. Policy. Navy Reservists on inactive duty who meet

qualifications for reenlistment may extend their enlistment in
increments of 1 or more months, provided such extension together
with any other extension does not exceed an aggregate of 48
months. Extensions of fewer than 24 months are considered
conditional extensions and shall normally be executed only for
specific reasons listed in MILPERSMAN 1160-040.

a. Members of the Individual Ready Reserve (IRR), who are

disqualified for reenlistment by body composition requirements,
may extend their enlistment one time for 6 months to conform to

b. Personnel not eligible for reenlistment may not extend

their enlistment without prior approval of Navy Personnel
Command (NAVPERSCOM), IRR Force Management Section (PERS-4933).

2. Definitions

a. "Agreement to Extend Enlistment," or "enlistment as

extended," refers to the legal document, NAVPERS 1070/621
(Rev. 01-00), Agreement to Extend Enlistment (page 1A of the
service record), and not an unofficial agreement or personal
assurance of intention to extend. Agreements on other than
NAVPERS 1070/621 are of an informal and unofficial nature and
could be repudiated or withdrawn by member.

b. "Execution of the Agreement to Extend Enlistment," or

"execution of extension," refers to NAVPERS 1070/621 signed by

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the member and an official authorized to accept the agreement on

behalf of Navy.

c. "Extension becomes operative," or "operative date,"

refers to the effective date of the extension, normally

• the day following the expiration of enlistment, or

• the day of expiration of enlistment as voluntarily
extended, or
• as extended for the purpose of making up time not served.

Extension agreements may not be canceled after the operative

date. In cases where it appears that the extension should have
been canceled, the second portion of NAVPERS 1070/621 shall be
completed and the case referred to NAVPERSCOM (PERS-4933).

d. "Extension becomes binding" refers to the date on which

the extension is executed (signed), after which it may not be
canceled except per the provisions of this manual in effect at
the time the agreement is signed.

3. General Requirements for Reenlistment

a. Members of the IRR may be reenlisted in person or by

mail. To reenlist, such members must furnish evidence of

(1) a satisfactory physical examination completed within

the preceding 12 months at a Navy Reserve activity,

(2) evidence of a satisfactory body composition

assessment (BCA) completed within the preceding 3 months by a
command fitness leader (CFL), and

(3) a signed statement affirming, to the best of the

member's knowledge and belief, the member's physical condition
is substantially the same as found in the reported physical

b. The Oath of Allegiance, which is mandatory, shall be

administered by any active, inactive, or retired commissioned
officer of any component of the Navy, Marine Corps, Army,
Air Force, or Coast Guard.

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4. Not Eligible for Reenlistment. Personnel not eligible for

reenlistment may not extend their enlistment without prior
approval of NAVPERSCOM (PERS-4933).

5. Extension of Enlistment After Release From Active Duty.

Members who enlisted in the Regular Navy, and were subsequently
released from active duty and transferred to the IRR to complete
their military service obligation under reference (a), are not
required to reenlist at expiration of obligated service to
continue service in the Navy Reserve. Such members, if
authorized by NAVPERSCOM (PERS-4933), may extend their
Ready Reserve obligation by using NAVPERS 1070/621 with the
following modifications:

a. Disregard the preprinted statement of agreement/


b. Include the following statement below the preprinted

statement of agreement/understanding:

"I agree to remain a member of the Ready Reserve for the period
of this extension, unless properly relieved by competent
authority. Having been transferred to the U.S. Navy Reserve on
(day after date of release from active duty (RELACDU)), I
voluntarily agree to extend my Ready Reserve obligation for a
period of ________ months. I understand the provisions of this
agreement and I acknowledge that no promises of any kind have
been made to me."

6. Procedure for Agreement to Extend Enlistment

a. Extensions shall be prepared on the latest revision of

NAVPERS 1070/621 and, except as noted below, shall be witnessed
and accepted on behalf of Navy by an official having custody of
the member's service record, and authorized per the provisions
of this manual to sign service record pages. When it is
inconvenient or impracticable for the member to appear for the
purpose of executing the extension of enlistment at the activity
having custody of the member's service record, the extension
form may be mailed to the member for execution and return. See
paragraphs below for further information regarding requirements
of extensions executed by mail. To be valid, NAVPERS 1070/621
shall be executed by the member concerned before, or on the date
of, expiration of enlistment. Mail NAVPERS 1070/621 in

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sufficient time to ensure receipt and execution is completed,

not later than the member's expiration of enlistment.

b. A member normally should not be permitted to extend an

enlistment for more than 3 months before the end of the
enlistment, unless agreement to extend is required to acquire
sufficient obligated service (OBLISERV) for recall to active
duty, or eligibility for Montgomery GI Bill (see reference (b)).
In all cases, enter appropriate reason on NAVPERS 1070/621,
citing the directive, as appropriate, for the OBLISERV;
otherwise, enter reason as follows:

"To continue career. I understand that this extension becomes

binding upon execution and may not thereafter be canceled,
except as provided in MILPERSMAN 1160-070."

c. The provisions of this manual and the procedures in

reference (c) will be followed for completion of NAVPERS
1070/621. Special instructions for completion and return of the
form to the originating activity will accompany each extension
mailed to a member for execution. Prior to mailing, the
originating activity shall fill in the upper portion of the
extension form. In the case of a member executing an extension
agreement by mail, an official authorized to sign service record
pages may witness the member's signature and accept the
extension agreement on behalf of Navy. If such official is not
available, a commissioned officer of any component of Navy,
Marine Corps, Army, Air Force, or Coast Guard; or a notary
public may act as witness by signing immediately below the
member's signature. The member will then return the extension
to the activity having custody of the member's service record,
and the authorized official accepting on behalf of Navy will
modify the form by deleting the words “witnesses and" prior to

7. Criteria for Canceling Agreements to Extend Enlistment.

NAVPERSCOM (PERS-4933) will cancel NAVPERS 1070/621s of IRR
members, prior to effective dates, in the following cases:

a. When the member, upon being physically examined for the

extension, is found to be not physically qualified for retention
in the service.

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b. When the member is not considered qualified for

retention in the service.

c. When the member, through no fault of the member's own,

has not received any of the benefits for which the extension was
executed by the day preceding the operative date of the

d. When the member reenlists or agrees to extend

enlistment, provided the reenlistment or extension is for an
authorized period not less than the term of the extension
agreement(s) being canceled. The extension agreement(s) shall
then be canceled as of the date of reenlistment or execution of
new extension.

8. Procedure for Canceling Agreement to Extend Enlistment. In

all cases of cancellation of an agreement to extend enlistment,
the lower portion of NAVPERS 1070/621 shall be completed, per
instructions in reference (b). A statement concerning whether
the member is recommended for reenlistment will be made on
NAVPERS 1070/613 (Rev. 7-06), Administrative Remarks of the
service record. If the member is not recommended for
reenlistment, a full statement of the reasons shall be entered.

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CH-13, 27 Dec 2005
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Responsible NAVPERSCOM Phone: DSN 882-3205
Office (PERS-4811) COM (901) 874-3205
FAX 882-2623

References (a) OPNAVINST 1160.6A

(b) OPNAVINST 1160.5C
(c) SECNAVINST 5510.30A
(d) BUPERSINST 1430.16E

1. Background

a. The SCORE program offers special career incentives to

enlisted members who reenlist for conversion to ratings that are
undermanned (in Career Reenlistment Objectives (CREO) 1) as
listed in the most current CREO NAVADMIN. The program is
reserved for personnel who exhibit sustained superior

b. The program objective is conversion to undermanned

ratings (e.g., CREO category “2” to “1” or “3” to “1”).
Conversion to ratings within the same or better-manned CREO
categories will not normally be authorized.

2. Definitions

a. A SCORE reenlistment is defined as the reenlistment of a

member currently on active duty.

b. For personnel reenlisting after a 24-hour break in

service, refer to MILPERSMAN 1133-060, Prior Service (PRISE) III

3. SCORE Career Incentives. Career incentives offered by SCORE

are as follows:

a. Assignment to a Class “A” School, with rating conversion

upon satisfactory completion of that school. Commander, Navy
Personnel Command (NAVPERSCOM), Active Enlisted Advancement/

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Conversion Section (PERS-4811) may waive the Class “A” School

requirement if prior training or experience meets or exceeds
Class “A” School skill level. (See “Procedure for Members
Waived Through Class “A” School” below.)

b. Assignment to an appropriate Class “C” School,

Class “C” School package, or Advanced First Term Avionics (AFTA)
training for the AT rating.

c. Possible advancement to petty officer third

class (PO3) (paygrade E-4) or petty officer second class (PO2)
(paygrade E-5). (See “Automatic Advancement through Advanced
Training” below.)

d. Entitlement to Selective Reenlistment Bonus (SRB) if

otherwise eligible, per reference (a). Payment of a
reenlistment bonus under this article is not guaranteed.

4. General Eligibility Requirements

a. Members must be presently assigned in a rating listed in

the most current CREO NAVADMIN in Category 2 or 3. Members who
are qualified for and presently assigned to a CREO Category 1
rating, or assigned a Navy Enlisted Classification (NEC) code in
the Critical Skills NECs listing, are not eligible for rating
conversion under the SCORE program.

b. Candidates must be a petty officer first (PO1), PO2, or

PO3, or designated E-3 personnel. Personnel reenlisting under
the SCORE must comply with the high year tenure (HYT)
requirements of reference (b) and MILPERSMAN 1160-120.

c. Candidates must have demonstrated a potential for

conversion through sustained superior performance in their
present rating and be recommended by their commanding officer
(CO) for reenlistment.

d. Members with nonjudicial punishment (NJP) and/or record

of conviction by court-martial or civil convictions (other than
minor traffic violations) on the current enlistment (or within
48 months preceding the date of the application) are not
eligible for the program.

e. Candidates must not have derived any previous benefits

from the Selective Training and Reenlistment (STAR), SCORE, or
PRISE III programs, and have completed the obligated service

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(OBLISERV) requirements for other programs (e.g., Advanced

Electronics Field (AEF), Advanced Technical Field (ATF), Nuclear
Field (NF), or other reenlistment/enlistment incentives).

f. The criteria for the Armed Services Vocational Aptitude

Battery (ASVAB) test scores for each school are prescribed in
MILPERSMAN 1306-618. When fully supported by the CO’s
endorsement, a waiver of the minimum test score criteria may be
considered on case-by-case basis by rating detailers and
enlisted community managers (ECMs).

5. Physical Eligibility Requirements. Candidates must be fit

for full duty and meet the minimum physical and mental
requirements for entrance into the appropriate Class “A” and
“C” Schools. Members must ensure compliance with physical
readiness standards.

6. Service Record Eligibility Requirements

a. Candidates must be within 1 year of expiration of active

obligated service (EAOS), as extended. If a member is presently
serving on an enlistment for which SRB was received, the member
must be within 9 months of EAOS prior to requesting the SCORE

b. Full Time Support (FTS) personnel shall begin processing

applications within 120 days prior to the date of EAOS.

c. For those requesting initial entry into the Special

Warfare Community, the requirement to be within 1 year of EAOS
is waived.

d. Members must meet minimum Time-on-Station (TOS) per

MILPERSMAN 1306-106 and Department of Defense (DOD) tour
completion within 1 year as defined in MILPERSMAN 1300-308,
prior to submitting request.

e. Candidates must have at least 21 months continuous

active Naval Service, but not more than 12 years total active
military service, and have served a minimum of 24 months in
their present rating.

7. Request Procedure

a. Members desiring conversion under the SCORE program

shall submit NAVPERS 1306/7 (Rev. 1-03), Enlisted Personnel

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Action Request to NAVPERSCOM (PERS-4811) or Reserve Enlisted

Advancement/Conversion Section (PERS-4812)).

b. The individual may list one to three rating choices on

the request. Manning conditions and the applicant’s overall
record may preclude approval of the primary choice. If the
primary choice is conversion to one of the ratings requiring a
security clearance, alternative ratings should be included,
since the applicant may not be eligible because of security
considerations. As a minimum, applicants desiring to SCORE to
one of the ratings requiring a security clearance should be
United States (U.S.) citizens and have excellent military/
civilian records. Applicants requesting conversion to a rating
annotated in the most current CREO NAVADMIN as having “A” School
capacity constraints must list alternate choices.

c. CO’s endorsement on the request should include the


(1) Recommendations concerning the applicant’s

preparation for conversion as evidenced by

(a) training undertaken, correspondence courses, and

schools completed;

(b) quality of overall performance since the last

formal evaluation; and

(c) demonstrated aptitude for the desired rating.

(2) A statement that supporting documents have been

forwarded to NAVPERSCOM (PERS-4811). Examples:

(a) Cryptologic Technician (CT) requires

• SF-86 (Rev. 9-95), Questionnaire for Non-
Sensitive, Public Trust, and National
Security Positions (per reference (c));
• Special Security Officer (SSO) interview; and
• last three evaluations.

(b) HM requires
• copies of all evaluations,
• a drug statement, and
• a medical officer’s endorsement.

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8. Request Procedure Involving a Special Background

Investigation (SBI)

a. Applicants requesting ratings requiring an SBI for a

security clearance (i.e., Intelligence Specialist (IS), CT) must

• submit a certified copy of SF-86 (per reference (c)),

• SSO interview, and
• certified copies of the last three evaluations.

b. Indicate in CO’s remarks block of request that paperwork

has been forwarded separately.

9. Procedure for Enlistment Extension Following Approval

a. Upon NAVPERSCOM approval of the SCORE application, the

member must agree to extend enlistment to have sufficient
OBLISERV for completion of Class “A” School. Those attending
Cryptological Technician Interpreter (CTI) training will not be
required to reenlist until completion of Phase II training.
Assignment orders to Class “A” School will be issued by
NAVPERSCOM, Shore Special Programs Assignment Branch

b. Upon completion of Class “A” School and conversion

to new rating, the member must immediately reenlist for
4, 5, or 6 years, as required. The duration of required
reenlistment is contingent on requirements of MILPERSMAN
1160-080 (5-year obligation) and MILPERSMAN 1510-030 (6-year
obligation) (AEF/ATF/NF).

c. Reenlistment in a rating not requiring 5 or 6 years

OBLISERV must be for a minimum of 4 years. For example,

• Machinist’s Mate (MM) (NUC) rating requires a 6-year

• Builder (BU) a 5-year reenlistment, and
• Culinary Specialist (CS) a 4-year reenlistment.

The following NAVPERS 1070/613 (Rev. 10-81), Administrative

Remarks entry shall be executed:

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“I certify that I have read and understand the provisions of

MILPERSMAN 1160-090 (SCORE program). Upon completion of
Class “A” School and conversion to the (fill in) rating, I will
immediately reenlist for 4, 5, or 6 years (as applicable) per
MILPERSMAN 1160-090 and will be entitled to the benefits
authorized therein. I further understand

that I will not be eligible to reenlist for SRB until I have

successfully graduated from my Class “A” School, if the rating
is SRB eligible; and

that I will be eligible for the SRB award level, if any, in

effect on the date of my SCORE authorization or the date of
reenlistment, whichever is higher, only if not passing through
zones, if otherwise eligible per current SRB directives. The
zone shall be determined by the actual reenlistment date.”

10. Procedure for Members Waived through Class “A” School.

Upon NAVPERSCOM approval of the SCORE application, members for
whom Class “A” School has been waived shall be converted and
immediately reenlisted for 4, 5, or 6 years (as applicable)
within 30 days of receipt of SCORE authorization and shall
execute the following NAVPERS 1070/613 entry:

“Converted from (fill in) to (fill in) under MILPERSMAN 1160-090

(SCORE program) and entitled to benefits therein. I certify
that I have read and understand the provisions of MILPERSMAN
1160-090 (SCORE program).”

11. Administrative Procedures Following Approval

a. Upon NAVPERSCOM approval of the SCORE application, the

following actions shall be taken:

(1) Unserved portions of active OBLISERV on the present

enlistment or extensions of enlistment (including extensions
executed to complete conversion) may be deducted from SRB
computation upon reenlistment per reference (a). If member must
extend, but will exceed the 48 months extension limit, or if on
an expired EAOS, member will be required to reenlist for 2 years

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to meet OBLISERV to graduation date. Upon graduation, member

will then be required to reenlist 4, 5, or 6 years as required.

(2) To avoid excess leave situations, transferring

activities are required to verify leave balance prior to
transfer (MILPERSMAN 1050-060).

b. Members approved for SCORE conversion must obtain

NAVPERSCOM (PERS-4811/4812) approval for continuation in
program if there is any decline in performance, NJP,
court-martial action, or adverse involvement with civilian
authority. The CO’s recommendation is required before
NAVPERSCOM (PERS-4811/4812) will make a SCORE continuation.

12. Advanced Training

a. Specific advanced training is not guaranteed under the

SCORE program. Member must submit NAVPERS 1306/7 to NAVPERSCOM
(responsible detailer) requesting desired advanced training.
NAVPERS 1306/7 must reference this article and include name,
rate, SSN, EAOS, training requested, number of months on-the-job
training (OJT), and the CO’s recommendation with regard to
performance and potential for completing advanced training.

b. No paygrade waivers will be granted for those Class

“C” Schools, Class “C” School packages, or Advanced Avionics
Integrated Weapons System Maintenance Technician (AVIC-7)
training which require personnel to be in paygrade E-5 prior
to starting class.

c. If the requested advanced training has been

disestablished, assignment to an equivalent training (if
available) will be determined by NAVPERSCOM.

d. Orders to advanced training will normally be issued at

projected rotation date (PRD) provided the member

(1) completes the minimum TOS, as defined in MILPERSMAN


(2) performs satisfactorily during OJT.

(3) is a PO3 or above.

(4) is recommended by the CO to attend advanced


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e. Members reenlisting under SCORE, who desire/require

Class “C” School training, must either submit their “C” School
requests with their SCORE application package or, at a minimum,
within the first 24 months of the enlistment period or prior to
executing orders to an overseas DOD area tour. If “C” School
applications are submitted after these time frames, members will
be required to incur additional OBLISERV upon graduation,
commensurate with the training received. The following NAVPERS
1070/613 entry must be executed prior to attending Class “C”

“I understand that if any requested school has been

disestablished, assignment to another school as determined by
NAVPERSCOM is guaranteed.”

13. Automatic Advancement through Advanced Training. Advanced

training that provides automatic advancement is not guaranteed.
Assignment to advanced training is based solely on needs of the
Navy. The regulations governing automatic advancement of SCORE
selectees are as follows:

a. Members may be automatically advanced only once under

the program. Members may not be automatically advanced to E-5
based on completion of the same “C” School for which they
received automatic advancement to E-4.

b. Members who have previously been reduced in rate as a

result of disciplinary action are not eligible for automatic
advancement through this program.

c. Designated E-3 members may be advanced to PO3, if

eligible per reference (d), upon successful completion of a
Class “A” School, provided they were ordered to training in a
valid AEF/ATF “A” School quota (specified on transfer orders).
See MILPERSMAN 1510-030 and 1430-010.

d. Eligibility for advancement will be based on the SCORE

approval date or the graduation date of specific advanced
training. On the date of SCORE approval or graduation, the
training must be listed in the current Career Schools Listing
(CSL) (latest NAVADMIN). Members may be advanced to PO2
(paygrade E-5), if eligible per reference (d), upon completion
of Class “C” School, “C” School package, when they have

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completed 1 year service in paygrade as E-4. Members eligible

for advancement in all respects except having served 1 year in
paygrade shall have the following NAVPERS 1070/613 entry

“When eligible in all respects, (name) may be advanced to (rate)

on (date). AUTH: MILPERSMAN 1160-090.”

e. COs are authorized to advance members having the above

entry in their service records on the date indicated.
Appropriate service record entries shall be made at the time of

f. The effective date of advancement shall be the date

advancement is effected by the CO. Members automatically
advanced under SCORE

• between 1 January and 30 June shall have a

time-in-rate (TIR) date of 1 January; and
• between 1 July and 31 December shall have a
TIR date of 1 July.

g. Retroactive advancements are not authorized.

14. Navy-wide Examinations

a. PO1’s will not be eligible for further advancement

except by Navy-wide competitive examination in the new rating
after conversion is completed. In this regard, PO1’s receiving
official notification of advancement must voluntarily disenroll
from the SCORE program or decline advancement.

b. Personnel under instruction in a Class “A” School

intended to prepare them for rating change are prohibited from
participating in a Navy-wide examination for change in rating or
advancement. All personnel ordered to Class “A” School for
rating conversion may participate in the advancement program for
their present rating, if otherwise qualified, until the class
convening date; however, if selected for advancement, a request
must be submitted to NAVPERSCOM (PERS-4811/4812) for authority
to effect the advancement to the next paygrade in the new

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15. Cancellation or Disenrollment from SCORE

a. Should the SCORE selectee fail to maintain program

eligibility or no longer desire the SCORE program, the CO shall
immediately request from NAVPERSCOM (PERS-4811/4812)
cancellation of the SCORE program authorization and Class “A”
School orders (if applicable).

b. If a SCORE selectee is disenrolled from the “training”

for any reason, the CO shall immediately advise NAVPERSCOM
(PERS-4811/4812) via message. A careerist disenrolled
voluntarily or by reason of academic failure or misconduct shall
execute an extension corresponding to the actual period spent
under instruction as outlined in MILPERSMAN 1306-604. Upon
disenrollment, the careerist shall execute the following NAVPERS
1070/613 entry:

“I hereby acknowledge (voluntary/involuntary) disenrollment

(by reason of misconduct/academic failure) from the SCORE
program. I understand that I am no longer eligible for any
SCORE program benefits. I further understand that I am not
eligible for reduction of obligated service incurred and that
I am required to obligate myself for that portion of Class “A”
School training actually received and that failure to incur
obligated service will result in the assignment of an RE-4
reenlistment code.”

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Responsible NAVPERSCOM Phone: DSN 882-3215
Office (PERS-4811) COM (901) 874-3215
FAX 882-2623

References (a) OPNAVINST 1160.5C

(b) NAVEDTRA 10500, Navy Formal Schools Catalog
(c) BUPERSINST 1430.16E

1. Purpose. The STAR program offers career designation to

first term enlisted members who enlist or reenlist and thereby
become eligible for the following career incentives:

a. Guaranteed assignment to an appropriate Class “A” or “C”

School (but not both).

b. Possible advancement from petty officer third class

(PO3) to petty officer second class (PO2) upon completion of a
Class “C” School or a Class “C” School package, which is listed
in the Career Schools Listing (CSL), MILPERSMAN 1510-020, and
the latest NAVADMIN in effect on date of reenlistment, if
otherwise eligible.

c. Advancement to PO3 upon completion of Phase I of an

Advanced Electronics Field (AEF) Class “A” School under
automatic advancement procedures for the AEF program.

d. Selective Reenlistment Bonus (SRB), if eligible (not


2. STAR Eligibility Requirements

a. Each applicant will

(1) be recommended by member’s commanding officer (CO)

for career designation, have demonstrated above average career
potential, and meet considerably higher standards for
reenlistment than the minimum standards prescribed in MILPERSMAN

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(2) be a PO2 or PO3 on a first enlistment or designated

E-3, and be eligible in all respects for reenlistment per
reference (a). Non-AEF E-3 personnel at time of STAR
reenlistment will not be eligible for automatic advancement
benefits of the STAR program. Refer to MILPERSMAN 1160-120 in
regards to high year tenure (HYT) and STAR program.

(3) agree to reenlist or enlist in the Regular Navy for

a period of 4 to 6 years (as required). The reenlistment or
entitlement will not be executed until approval has been
received from Navy Personnel Command (NAVPERSCOM), Active
Enlisted Advancement/Conversions/Incentive Section (PERS-4811).
The duration of required reenlistment is contingent on the
requirements of MILPERSMAN 1160-040 (5-year obligation) and
MILPERSMAN 1510-030 (AEF/ATF/NUC). Reenlistments in ratings not
requiring 5 or 6-year obligations must be for a minimum of
4 years. For example, Electronics Technician (ET) rating
requires a 6-year reenlistment, Builder (BU) rating a 5-year
reenlistment, and Culinary Specialist (CS) rating a 4-year

(4) meet the minimum Armed Services Vocational Aptitude

Battery (ASVAB) score requirements for entrance into the proper
Class “A” or “C” school prescribed in reference (b) or
MILPERSMAN 1306-618. When fully documented by the CO, a waiver
of minimum test scores may be requested from NAVPERSCOM

(5) have no record of conviction by courts-martial,

civil conviction, or nonjudicial punishment (NJP) for 18 months
preceding date of application.

(6) have no alcohol incidents or documented drug abuse

for 18 months preceding date of application.

(7) have an evaluation with no grade below 3.0 for

2 years prior to request for STAR reenlistment.

(8) not have been accepted for any programs leading to a


b. Non-nuclear personnel must have at least 17 months, but

not more than 6 years, of continuous active Naval Service and
not more than 8 years of active military service for other
service veterans. Non-nuclear personnel will sign the following

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entry on NAVPERS 1070/613 (Rev. 10-81), Administrative Remarks

of the service record:

“I understand that by reenlisting prior to my expiration of

active obligated service (EAOS) under the provisions of
MILPERSMAN 1160-100 (STAR program), the unexecuted portion of my
enlistment contract or extensions of enlistment will be deducted
in selective reenlistment bonus (SRB) calculations.”

3. Eligibility Requirements for Nuclear Personnel. Nuclear

personnel must have at least 21 months, but not more than
6 years, of continuous active Naval Service on their date of
reenlistment. Nuclear personnel reenlisting prior to EAOS will
sign the following entry on NAVPERS 1070/613 of the service

“I understand that by reenlisting prior to my EAOS under the

provisions of MILPERSMAN 1160-100 (STAR program), the unexecuted
portion of my enlistment contract will be deducted from
associated SRB calculations. Extensions of enlistment executed
will not be deducted in SRB calculations, provided I reenlist
for at least 2 years beyond my soft EAOS.”

4. Guidelines for Submitting Applications

a. STAR program applications will be sent to NAVPERSCOM

(PERS-4811). STAR requests should be submitted at least 60 days
in advance of the desired enlistment or reenlistment date. When
STAR approval is received, send SRB request in precertification
format and reference the STAR approval message in remarks

b. All STAR requests must be approved by NAVPERSCOM

(PERS-4811). STAR request could be disapproved due to current
rating E-5 manning posture constraints.

5. Administrative Procedures Following Approval. Members

approved for STAR reenlistment must obtain NAVPERSCOM
(PERS-4811) approval for continuation in program if there is any
decline in performance, NJP, court-martial action, or adverse
involvement with civilian authority. The CO’s recommendation is

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required before a STAR continuation will be made by NAVPERSCOM

(PERS-4811). Command must notify NAVPERSCOM (PERS-4811) to
cancel STAR approval.

6. Reenlistment for the STAR Program

a. Members will be required to effect reenlistment within

6 months of the date of STAR authorization, and prior to
attending “A” or “C” School, with the exception of those members
attending or who have completed a CSL “C” School. For those
members who are currently attending a CSL “C” School, STAR
requests may be submitted during the course of instruction, but
prior to effecting reenlistment. For those who have completed a
CSL “C” School, a STAR request must be submitted prior to
reenlistment for the completed school. Members whose EAOS is
within 6 months of the approval date will be required to
reenlist no later than their normal EAOS. Failure to reenlist
prior to the expiration of these limiting dates will void STAR
approval and require the member to obtain a new authorization.

b. In many cases, a STAR reenlistment may not be in the

member’s best interest. The career counselor should explore all
alternatives before recommending STAR. A non-AEF E-3
reenlisting under STAR will not be eligible for automatic
advancement. A person who is requesting a “C” School under
STAR, which will earn an SRB eligible Navy Enlisted
Classification (NEC), could lose considerable SRB entitlements.
For those scheduled for advancement in the near future, it may
be prudent to wait for the advancement, if SRB eligible, before
reenlisting STAR. For those outside the SRB eligibility window,
it may be more prudent to wait until within the SRB window.

c. After approval of the STAR application, the member will

be discharged for Convenience of the Government and immediately
enlisted or reenlisted on board for a term of 4, 5, or 6 years,
as required, in the Regular Navy. Eligible members should
consult SRB implementing directives that may limit payment of a
bonus for any incomplete portion of the initial enlistment
contract. This article will be cited to record STAR

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reenlistment by entering the following in Block 32 of NAVPERS

1070/601 (Rev. 1-03), Immediate Reenlistment Contract:

“Career designated under MILPERSMAN 1160-100.”

Additionally, prior to reenlistment make the following entry:

“Should I be disenrolled from the STAR program voluntarily,

because of academic failure, my own misconduct, or my failure to
maintain program eligibility requirements, I understand I am no
longer eligible for any STAR program benefits. I further
understand that I am not eligible for reduction of obligated
service incurred.”

7. School Assignments

a. Members who enlist or reenlist under this article are

guaranteed assignment to either a Class “A” or “C” School (but
not both) listed in reference (b). If any requested school has
been disestablished, assignment to another school as determined
by NAVPERSCOM is guaranteed, provided training is available.
“A” or “C” School quota requests will be submitted on NAVPERS
1306/7 (Rev. 1-03), Enlisted Personnel Action Request, to the
proper detailer at NAVPERSCOM citing this article, the STAR
authorization, the school guaranteed, and verification of the
STAR reenlistment. School quota requests will be submitted
immediately following STAR reenlistment; however, school
requests will not contain requests for specific class convening
dates or duty assignments. If feasible, a tentative class
convening date will be assigned by NAVPERSCOM. If school
assignment is delayed until late in the STAR enlistment for the
convenience of the Navy, additional obligated service is not
required upon entry into the guaranteed school. Members who
attend a “C” School listed on the CSL at the time of
reenlistment, and are automatically advanced to E-5 as a result
of the STAR reenlistment, are not eligible for a subsequent
“guaranteed” Class “A” or “C” School.

b. Designated personnel (E-3) who request a “C” School or

“C” School package, and have not previously attended a Class “A”
School, will be assigned to a Class “A” School if otherwise

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eligible. PO3s and PO2s who have not attended a Class “A”
School should request a Class “A” School in place of a Class “C”
School. If a waiver of the “A” School is desired, it should be
specifically stated in the STAR request. Only one “A” School or
one “C” School package will be guaranteed under this program.

c. Class “C” School will be guaranteed to PO2s and PO3s who

have completed the correct “A” School. Members who previously
attended a Class “C” School are not authorized to attend the
same Class “C” School. Members in paygrade E-3 who have been
approved for reenlistment under STAR and who will be advanced to
PO3 from a Navy-wide examination before effecting such
reenlistment, may request Class “C” School. Approval will
normally be granted only for convening dates, which will allow
the member to first serve at least 12 months as a PO3.
Class “C” School entrance time in paygrade requirements may be
waived for PO3s who request reenlistment under the STAR program.

8. Automatic Advancement

a. Automatic advancement to E-5 may only be authorized when

the eligibility requirements contained in reference (c) have
been met and the member has served 1 year in paygrade E-4 from
effective date of advancement. The effective date of
advancement will be the date the advancement was made by the CO.
Retroactive advancements are not authorized. Service record
entries will cite this article as authority for automatic

b. E-3 personnel at time of STAR reenlistment will not be

eligible for automatic advancement. Only one automatic
advancement is authorized upon completion of STAR guaranteed
training. An E-3 may be authorized automatic advancement to E-4
upon completion of AEF Class “A” School. Likewise, a member who
was automatically advanced to E-4 under recruit AEF program may
be automatically advanced to E-5 under STAR, provided all other
eligibility requirements are met under this article; however,
a member cannot be automatically advanced twice based on
completion of the same school.

c. Upon graduation from a Class “C” School or Class “C”

School package that is listed in the effective CSL at time of
reenlistment, a PO3 may be advanced to PO2 by the CO of the
Service School Command, provided otherwise eligible. Personnel
must be eligible for advancement per reference (c), and must
have 1 year in paygrade E-4. A member eligible for advancement

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in all respects except having served 1 year in paygrade will

have the following entered on the NAVPERS 1070/613 of the
service record:

“Date: When eligible in all respects (name) may be advanced to

(rate) on (date). Auth: MILPERSMAN 1160-100.”

COs are authorized to advance members having the above entry in

their service record on the date indicated. Appropriate service
record and personnel diary entries (or Source Data System (SDS))
will be made at the time of advancement.

d. At the time of STAR reenlistment, a PO3 who holds a

valid Nuclear Power 33XX NEC, or a PO3 who has completed a Class
“C” School or Class “C” School package that is listed in the
current CSL, may be advanced to PO2, if eligible for advancement
under reference (c) and having completed 1 year in paygrade E-4.

e. A PO3 previously advanced to PO2 or designated E-5, but

subsequently reduced in rate as a result of disciplinary action,
is not eligible for automatic advancement to PO2 or PO3,
respectively, through this program.

f. The automatic advancement feature of the STAR program

provides a substantial attraction for an early reenlistment
commitment. The intent and the historical application regarding
STAR advancements has been to honor qualifying CSL “C” School
completion carried out prior to STAR as criterion for automatic
advancement; however, the CSL to be used in determining
eligibility is the CSL (latest NAVADMIN) in effect on STAR
reenlistment date.

9. Time-in-Rate (TIR) Waivers. To reduce the number of

requests for TIR waivers from personnel who were advanced under
accelerated advancement programs and who are denied the

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opportunity to participate in advancement examinations because

of insufficient TIR, the following policy is in effect.

Personnel who were automatically advanced under this article

will have their TIR dates established as that assigned to their
contemporaries who were advanced through successful
participation in the current Navy-wide advancement cycle.
For example, personnel automatically advanced between 1 July and
31 December will have 1 July as their TIR date in consonance
with the personnel advanced from the March examination of that
year. TIR for personnel automatically advanced between
1 January and 30 June will be shown as 1 January; i.e.,
advancement effected 9 December 1981, TIR is 1 July 1981; and
advancement effected 9 February 1982, TIR is 1 January 1982.

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22 Aug 2002
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Responsible CNO (N13) Phone: DSN 225-3394
Office COM (703) 695-3394
FAX 223-5368

1. Guidance. Basic comprehensive information concerning the

Navy Enlisted Retention Program is contained in this manual. It
is a reference tool for career counselors, division officers,
and other personnel involved in the Retention Program. This
manual contains suggested counseling methods and techniques,
channels of communication, opportunities, programs, and benefits
available through career service.

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CH-13, 20 Oct 2005
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Responsible CNO (N132) Phone: DSN 224-6864
Office COM (703) 614-6864
FAX 224-6502

References (a) OPNAVINST 1160.7B

(b) SECNAVINST 1900.7G

1. Purpose

a. The High Year Tenure (HYT) Program

(1) provides a personnel management program to control

rating manning, reduce advancement stagnation, and to meet end
strength requirements;

(2) establishes standardized HYT limits by paygrade; and

(3) establishes procedures by which personnel may

request consideration for retention on active duty beyond
established HYT limits.

b. This article applies to members of the United States

Navy (USN), United States Navy Reserve (USNR) (Full Time
Support) (FTS), and USNR personnel serving on active duty for a
minimum of two consecutive years. HYT policy for personnel in
the Canvasser Recruiter (CANREC) program, Selected Reserve
(SELRES), or mobilized reservists is contained in reference (a).

c. Unless HYT waiver approval is authorized by Navy

Personnel Command (NAVPERSCOM), personnel may only reenlist or
extend up to the HYT limit for their current paygrade.
Personnel who have been selected for advancement to the next
higher paygrade may reenlist or extend up to the HYT limit of
their prospective paygrade.

2. Definitions

a. Active Military Service: All active duty in the Army,

Navy, Air Force, Marine Corps and Coast Guard.

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b. Active Navy Service: All active duty in the Navy.

3. Maximum Years of Active Service. Current mandated HYT

limits by paygrade are outlined in the table below. Future
modifications to HYT limits may be announced via NAVADMIN prior
to revisions to this article. Personnel must also meet
professional growth criteria outlined in MILPERSMAN 1160-030.
Use the following guidelines when computing active service:

a. HYT limits for active duty personnel are computed using

Active Duty Service Date (ADSD), not Pay Entry Base Date (PEBD).

b. Use only total active Navy service to compute HYT limits

for paygrades E-1 through E-4 Sailors.

c. All active military service is used to compute HYT

limits for E-5 through E-9 Sailors.

d. Active duty Sailors who have previous SELRES service

must also calculate periods of Annual Training (AT), Active Duty
Training (ADT), Active Duty for Special Work (ADSW), One Year
Recall (OYR), Presidential Recall, and periods of Mobilization
into their active military service. Drill periods are not
considered active duty.

Grade Years Remarks

E1-E2 6 May not reenlist unless approval is granted via
Perform to Serve (PTS) (if applicable) or NAVPERSCOM,
Career Progression Division (PERS-48).
E-3 6 (8) Authorized to remain on active duty up to 8 years if
Sailor has Passed-Not Advanced (PNA) an E-4 exam and
approval is granted via PTS (if applicable). See
paragraph 7e of this article for procedures to request
corrected HYT date.
E-4 8
E-5 14 (20) E-5 HYT limit is modified to 14 years for Sailors with
less than 10 years of total active military service
as of 1 July 2005 (those Sailors whose ADSD is on or
after 1 July 1995). E-5 Sailors with 10 or more years
of total active military service as of 1 July 2005
retain their HYT limit of 20 years (those Sailors whose
ADSD is on or before 30 June 1995).
E-6 20
E-7 24
E-8 26
E-9 30

4. HYT Waivers. Requests to continue on active duty beyond

established HYT limits will be considered on a case basis but

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will only be granted in support of urgent, immediate operational

requirements in a deployed or soon-to-deploy unit (with the
exception of waivers outlined below). Commands and Sailors
shall discuss individual waiver requests with the appropriate
rating detailer and enlisted community manager prior to
submitting the request.

a. Waivers for Obligated Service (OBLISERV)

(1) Waivers for OBLISERV apply only to service

requirements incurred as a result of formal training. OBLISERV
for permanent change of station (PCS) orders, in general, does
not constitute a reason to exceed HYT limits. These waiver
requests will be considered on a case basis via normal waiver
request procedures. OBLISERV stated on PCS orders does not
override HYT limits unless a HYT waiver request has been
approved prior to PCS execution.

(2) E-3 and E-4 personnel approved for rating conversion

(under PTS or the normal conversion process), via appropriate
class “A” and/or “C” Schools, will be granted a HYT waiver to
coincide with expiration of the training OBLISERV requirement.
For example, an E-4 approaching HYT limit and authorized
conversion via an “A” School of 13–14 weeks in duration must
complete 24 months of OBLISERV (see MILPERSMAN 1306-604 for
Service School obligation requirements); therefore, the HYT date
will be revised to reflect 24 months following completion of
formal training. Commands must liaison with NAVPERSCOM,
Enlisted Retirement Section (PERS-4823) to ensure the revised
HYT date is accurately reflected in the Enlisted Master File.

(3) E-3 and E-4 personnel approved for in-rate advanced

training (“C” School) will be granted a HYT waiver to coincide
with expiration of the training OBLISERV requirement as outlined
in paragraph 4a(2) above.

(4) E-4 personnel approved for the Selective Training

and Reenlistment (STAR) program are authorized to exceed HYT
limits as they will be advanced to E-5 and will incur a
4- to 6-year OBLISERV requirement upon successful completion of
required school.

NOTE: HYT waivers for the STAR program are for first-term
personnel only. HYT waivers will not be approved for any second
or subsequent reenlistments under this program.

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b. Personnel who desire to maximize Selective Reenlistment

Bonus (SRB) Zones A, B, or C entitlement with a HYT waiver must
submit an HYT waiver request prior to submitting their SRB
precert request. These requests will be considered on a case

c. All of the HYT waivers mentioned above must have prior

approval from NAVPERSCOM (PERS-4823) prior to executing a

d. HYT waiver requests which are of a strictly “personal

convenience nature” will not be approved and should not be
submitted. Examples of such waiver requests include (but are
not limited to):

(1) E-6 and above personnel desiring to participate in

or await advancement exam or selection board results.

(2) To commence or continue medical treatment that is on

an outpatient basis (see paragraph 7b of this article for
authorized exceptions).

(3) To allow member to continue or complete additional

off-duty education courses while still on active duty.

(4) To permit member to have a more personally

advantageous date for retirement or separation (i.e., member
desires to retire in summer months).

(5) To increase member’s anticipated financial

entitlements (i.e., Involuntary Separation Pay or Fleet Reserve
Retainer check) based on length of military service.

(6) To meet minimum eligibility requirements or to await

additional quotas for automatic advancement under any current or
future Navy automatic advancement program such as Command
Advancement Program (CAP), Recruiting Excellence Advancement
Program (REAP), etc.

5. HYT and Advancement

a. Candidates for advancement who will be over the

established HYT date for their present paygrade on the first day
of the advancement cycle (see table below) are ineligible for
advancement consideration. These members are not permitted to
participate in an advancement examination and will not be

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considered by a selection board unless they have already

received an approved HYT waiver from NAVPERSCOM (PERS-4823) to
remain on active duty beyond that date.

If competing in below Then must be on active

advancement cycle... duty on...
E-4/5/6 March exam 1 July same year
E-4/5/6 September exam 1 January following year
E-7 January exam 1 September same year
E-8/9 board 1 July same year

b. Waivers to Await Examination Results. Commanding

officers (COs) may authorize HYT waivers for up to 4 months for
E-3 and E-4 personnel (competing for advancement to E-4 or E-5
respectively) who are awaiting examination results, provided all
of the following criteria are met:

(1) The member must have already participated in the

current advancement examination. Members may not be extended in
order to take an exam that occurs after their current HYT date.

(2) Waivers are authorized to await examination results

only for determination of eligibility to reenlist or to extend
for terms of prospective vice current rate. Waivers are not
authorized for members who do not intend to reenlist or extend.
MILPERSMAN 1160-040 provides guidance on extending expiration of
active obligated service (EAOS).

(3) Extensions to await examination or selection board

results for E-5 through E-8 personnel are not authorized and no
waiver will be granted.

(4) If member is extended to await exam results,

commands shall ensure that member continues to complete all pre-
separation requirements, to include physical exam. Additional
extension requests will not be approved to complete separation
requirements if member is subsequently not selected from the
advancement exam.

6. Procedures for Requesting HYT Waivers

a. Requests for HYT waivers shall normally be submitted

using NAVPERS 1306/7 (Rev. 1-03), Enlisted Personnel Action
Request and should arrive at NAVPERSCOM (PERS-4823) no later
than 1 year prior to established HYT date. In a time critical
situation, commands may send a naval message. Submit HYT

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waiver requests for FTS personnel to NAVPERSCOM, Reserve

Enlisted Personnel Section (PERS-4913). Requests should
include, at a minimum, the following information:

(1) Member’s rate, full name, and social security number


(2) Desired length of waiver in months.

(3) Reason for waiver with sufficient supporting

justification. Request is to indicate the specific operational
unit (if applicable) member is seeking assignment to.

(4) CO’s endorsement and signature.

(5) Command point of contact (POC).

b. NAVPERSCOM will staff HYT waiver requests through the

appropriate rating detailer and enlisted community manager, with
final approval or disapproval residing with NAVPERSCOM, Head,
Enlisted Community Management Branch (PERS-4011). Commands will
be notified via naval message of waiver disposition.

7. Special Considerations

a. Twilight Tour Eligibility. E-9 personnel who receive a

HYT waiver forfeit their twilight tour eligibility.

b. Limited Duty (LIMDU) Status. Personnel in a LIMDU

status and approaching mandatory HYT retirement, mandatory HYT
transfer to the Fleet Reserve, or mandatory HYT separation will
only be retained on active duty if actually hospitalized as an
in-patient, or if their case has been accepted by the Physical
Evaluation Board (PEB) for disability determination. Being seen
as an outpatient or submitting a case to PEB (without it having
been accepted) is not sufficient justification to retain members
beyond their established HYT date.

c. Reduction in Rate

(1) Personnel reduced in rate are authorized to complete

an enlistment properly entered into prior to reduction even if
the enlistment expires after HYT limits of the new paygrade.
Members in this category must separate at current EAOS if the
new HYT limit is met or exceeded unless they are granted a HYT
waiver or are subsequently advanced or reinstated. If the EAOS

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is prior to the new HYT limit, they may continue on active duty
until the HYT limit of the new paygrade, if otherwise eligible.
Personnel reduced in rate to E-3 retain an 8-year HYT limit.
Commands must liaison with NAVPERSCOM (PERS-4823) to ensure the
revised HYT date is accurately reflected in the Enlisted Master

(2) Members who elect not to remain on active duty until

their normal EAOS may request early separation, if desired, from
NAVPERSCOM, Enlisted Performance and Separations Section
(PERS-4832) via their CO.

d. Involuntary Separation Pay. Personnel who are separated

due to HYT limits are normally entitled to full involuntary
separation pay. Reference (b) and MILPERSMAN 1920-030 through
1920-060 outline involuntary separation pay definitions and
policy. In order to preclude unwarranted involuntary separation
pay recoupment action by Defense Finance and Accounting Service
(DFAS), commands separating Sailors in paygrades E-5 and below
for HYT (who are otherwise fully retainable) shall complete Copy
4 of member’s DD-214, Certificate of Release or Discharge from
Active Duty, as follows:

(1) Block 26 (Separation Code): JGH or LGH as


(2) Block 27 (Reentry Code): RE-6

e. Procedures to Correct HYT Dates

(1) E-3 Sailors who have PNA’d a PO3 advancement

examination are authorized to remain on active duty for up to
8 years, if otherwise eligible. In order to ensure the Enlisted
Master File reflects the revised HYT date, commands should send
a copy of the member’s advancement profile sheet to NAVPERSCOM
(PERS-4823) requesting that the HYT date be changed from
6 to 8 years.

(2) HYT limits for Other Service Veterans (OSVETs) in

paygrades E-4 and below are computed based on total active Navy
service only. In order to correct the Enlisted Master File to
reflect the correct HYT date, commands should send the following
documents to NAVPERSCOM (PERS-4823):

(a) Copy of service member’s initial enlistment


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(b) Copy of each of service member’s DD 214s


(c) Statement of service reflecting all periods of

military service (in any branch)

(3) If it has been determined that a HYT date reflected

on a service member is incorrect, contact NAVPERSCOM (PERS-4823)
for verification and subsequent correction to the Enlisted
Master File.

July 2007 CD
CH-17, 30 Oct 2006
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Responsible NAVPERSCOM Phone: DSN 882-4503
Office (PERS-4913) COM (901) 874-4503
FAX 882-2673

References (a) BUPERSINST 1001.39E

(c) OPNAVINST 1160.7B
(d) BUPERSINST 1040.5A

1. Purpose

a. The Selected Reserve (SELRES) High Year Tenure (HYT)


(1) provides a personnel management program to control

rating manning, reduce advancement stagnation, and to meet end
strength requirements;

(2) establishes standardized HYT limits by paygrade; and

(3) establishes procedures by which personnel may

request consideration for retention in a pay status beyond
established HYT limits.

b. This article applies only to enlisted personnel in the

Selected Reserve (SELRES) community.

2. Definitions

a. Length of service (LOS): The number of years of

combined active and inactive Federal military service,
regardless of branch of service, computed from pay entry base
date (PEBD). Inactive military service covers all periods of
inactive duty (including delayed entry) served under a
qualifying enlistment contract.

b. High Year Tenure: The maximum number of years of

service a member may remain in a pay status for each paygrade.
Determination for HYT is based on LOS.

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3. Maximum Years of Service in a Pay Status. Current mandated

HYT limits by paygrade are outlined in the table below. Future
modifications to HYT limits may be announced via NAVADMIN prior
to revisions to this article. Personnel must also meet
professional growth criteria outlined in MILPERSMAN 1160-030.

Grade Years Remarks

E-1/2 8 Not eligible for HYT waiver
E-3 12
E-4 14
E-5 22
E-6 24
E-7 24
E-8 26
E-9 30

4. Action. Personnel who reach their HYT limit must be removed

from a pay status by the end of the month their HYT limit is
reached. The following options are available:

a. If eligible, member may request transfer to the Retired

Reserve (with or without pay). See reference (a) for guidance
on requesting transfer to the Retired Reserve.

b. Member may request transfer to the Individual Ready

Reserve (IRR) and continue to accrue qualifying service (all
physical, age, and other retention criteria must continue to be
met). Members who elect this option will not be eligible to
re-affiliate in a drill pay status and are not eligible to
compete for advancement. At the time of the transfer to the
IRR, the following NAVPERS 1070/613 (Rev. 7-06), Administrative
Remarks service record entry shall be made:

Date: I request to transfer to the Individual Ready Reserve

(IRR) due to having reached High Year Tenure (HYT) for my
paygrade per MILPERSMAN 1160-030. I understand that I am not
eligible to return to a drill pay status in the future.
I acknowledge that I may request retirement with/without pay
(if eligible).

_____________________________ _________________________
(Member’s Signature) (Witness Signature)

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c. Member may request transfer to the Voluntary Training

Unit (VTU) (VTU/IRR) and continue to drill in a non-pay status.
Assignment to the VTU after having reached HYT will be subject
to the following restrictions:

(1) Member must maintain satisfactory participation

requirements as outlined in reference (b).

(2) Individuals will not be permitted to return to a

drill pay status.

(3) Individuals will not be permitted to participate for


(4) In addition to the administrative remarks required

in subpara. 4b above, personnel who volunteer for VTU assignment
are required to sign the following NAVPERS 1070/613 entry:

Date: I request assignment to the ) (VTU) in a non-pay drill

status due to having reached High Year Tenure (HYT) for my
paygrade per MILPERSMAN 1160-130. I understand that my
assignment is based on reserve activity training and that I must
maintain satisfactory participation requirements as outlined in
COMNAVRESFORINST 1001.5E. I acknowledge I am not authorized to
participate for advancement in rate.

_____________________________ _________________________
(Member’s Signature) (Witness Signature)

d. If none of the above options are elected, the member’s

Navy Reserve activity (NRA) shall transfer the member to the
IRR. The following NAVPERS 1070/613 entry shall be made:

Date: Member transferred to the IRR this date due to having

reached HYT for paygrade per MILPERSMAN 1160-130.

_____________________________ _________________________
(Member’s Signature) (Witness Signature)

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5. Special Reenlistment Terms and Criteria

a. E-1 and E-2 personnel cannot reenlist or extend.

b. Personnel in paygrades E-3 through E-9 may extend or

reenlist for any period provided they meet the requirements set
forth in MILPERSMAN 1160-030 or MILPERSMAN 1160-040. Those
personnel whose extension or reenlistment will exceed paygrade
HYT for their current paygrade will execute the following
NAVPERS 1070/613 entry:

Date: I understand that this reenlistment/extension will exceed

HYT for my current paygrade. I also understand retention in a
drill pay status beyond HYT is not authorized unless granted a
waiver per MILPERSMAN 1160-130. If not granted a HYT waiver,
I will be transferred to the IRR for the remainder of my
enlistment unless I request retirement, if otherwise eligible.

_____________________________ _________________________
(Member’s Signature) (Witness Signature)

6. HYT restrictions for Active Duty Special Work (ADSW)/

One Year Recall (OYR)/Mobilization

a. Reference (b) prohibits future ADSW/OYR recalls for

those personnel whose LOS exceeds the HYT guidelines in this
article. ADSW/OYR personnel who exceed HYT at time of release
from ADSW may be assigned to the VTU.

b. The following are guidelines for mobilized personnel:

(1) HYT is not a factor in mobilization identification.

(2) Personnel who reach their HYT limit during a period

of mobilization shall not be demobilized due to this status.

(3) Waiver requests for personnel who reach HYT while

mobilized shall be submitted per para. 9 of this article by the
supporting Navy Reserve activity when the member returns from
mobilization. The member will be retained in their billet and
be allowed to drill pending resolution of the waiver request for
up to 90 days from the date of demobilization. Personnel who do
not desire to submit a waiver request shall be removed from a
pay status upon demobilization.

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7. HYT and Advancement

a. Candidates for advancement who will be over the

established HYT date for their present paygrade on the first
day of the advancement cycle (see table below) are ineligible
for advancement consideration. These members are not permitted
to participate in an advancement examination and will not
be considered by a selection board unless they have already
received an approved HYT waiver from NAVPERSCOM, Reserve
Enlisted Personnel Section (PERS-4913) to remain in a pay status
beyond that date.

If competing in below Then must be in a pay status

advancement cycle... on...
E-4/5/6 February exam 1 July same year
E-4/5/6 August exam 1 January following year
E-7 January exam 1 September same year
E-8/9 board 1 July same year

b. Waivers to Await Examination Results. Commanding

officers (COs) may authorize HYT waivers for up to 4 months for
E-3, E-4, and E-5 personnel who are awaiting examination
results, provided all of the following criteria are met:

(1) The member must have already participated in the

current advancement examination. Members may not be extended in
order to take an exam that occurs after their current HYT date.

(2) Waivers are authorized to await examination results

only for determination of eligibility to reenlist or to extend
for terms of prospective vice current rate. Waivers are not
authorized for members who do not intend to reenlist or extend.

(3) Extensions to await selection board results for E-6

through E-8 personnel are not authorized and no waiver will be

c. If selected for advancement their HYT date will be based

on the next higher paygrade.

8. Reduction in Rate (RIR). Personnel reduced in rate may

complete an enlistment properly entered into prior to reduction.
Subsequent reenlistments or extensions will require RIR
personnel to meet professional growth criteria. If RIR places
member in a HYT status, the reserve activity CO must request a

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determination of the member’s HYT status from NAVPERSCOM


9. HYT Waivers. Requests to continue in a pay status beyond

established HYT limits will be considered only in extreme cases.
Waiver requests should be submitted to NAVPERSCOM (PERS-4913)
when a manning deficiency is identified, but not more than
1 year before the High Year Tenure date. Request for waivers
should include the following:

a. NAVPERS 1306/7 (Rev. 01-03), Enlisted Personnel Action

Request with the following information:

(1) Member’s rate, full name, and social security number


(2) Desired length of waiver in months.

(3) Performance mark evaluation data for last three

evaluation periods.

(4) Command point of contact (POC).

b. Endorsement from the CO of the member’s reserve unit as

well as supporting Navy Reserve activity to include the
following information.

(1) Unit manning deficiencies.

(2) Critical Navy Enlisted Classifications (NECs) held

and required for member’s billet.

(3) Local availability of other personnel to meet billet


(4) Advancement for last three test cycles (when

applicable), and future potential for advancement.

c. HYT waiver requests which are of a strictly “personal

convenience nature” will not be approved and should not be
submitted. Examples of such waiver requests include (but are
not limited to):

(1) E-6 and above personnel desiring to participate in

or await advancement exam or selection board results.

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(2) To permit member to have a more personally

advantageous date for retirement (i.e., member desires to retire
in summer months).

(3) To increase member’s anticipated financial


(4) To perform ADSW.

d. NAVPERSCOM (PERS-4913) will staff HYT waiver requests

through NAVPERSCOM, Mobilization Plans and Policy Section
(PERS-4923), with final approval or disapproval residing with
NAVPERSCOM (PERS-4913). Commands will be notified via Navy
message of waiver disposition.

10. Miscellaneous. The counseling requirement of reference (c)

is no longer required. Per reference (d), personnel within
24 months of HYT should appear before a career development

July 2007 CD

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