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5 Axillary and Epitrochlear Lymph Node Dissection For Melanoma

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Axillary and Epitrochlear Lymph Node

Dissection for Melanoma

Sandra L. Wong, Douglas S. Tyler, Charles M. Balch,

John F. Thompson, and Kelly M. McMasters

Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
Axillary Dissection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
Anatomy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
Surgical Technique . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
Operative Considerations for Recurrent or Bulky Axillary Metastases in the Upper
Axilla . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
Postoperative Management . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
Complications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
Epitrochlear Dissection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
Rationale . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
Anatomy and Surgical Technique . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10

S. L. Wong (*) Indications for regional lymph node dissection
Geisel School of Medicine at Dartmouth, Dartmouth-
Hitchcock Medical Center, Lebanon, NH, USA in melanoma have evolved over time. Once the
e-mail: decision to proceed with axillary lymph node
D. S. Tyler dissection (ALND) has been made, the goal of
Department of Surgery, University of Texas Medical the procedure in patients with melanoma is
Branch, Galveston, TX, USA complete resection of all lymph nodes (levels
e-mail: I, II, and III) in the axillary basin, respecting
C. M. Balch the anatomic relations of the axillary vein,
Department of Surgical Oncology, University of Texas MD thoracodorsal neurovascular bundle, and long
Anderson Cancer Center, Houston, TX, USA
e-mail: thoracic nerve. Performed properly, ALND
offers excellent locoregional disease control
J. F. Thompson
Melanoma Institute of Australia, The University of with acceptably low morbidity rates. While
Sydney, Sydney, NSW, Australia metastasis to epitrochlear nodes is a rare
e-mail: event, epitrochlear lymph node dissection
K. M. McMasters may similarly be an important component of
University of Louisville School of Medicine, Louisville, treatment for melanoma patients.

© Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2019 1

C. Balch et al. (eds.), Cutaneous Melanoma,
2 S. L. Wong et al.

Introduction (because the majority of patients with nodal

micrometastases will not have disease in non-sen-
Indications for regional lymph node dissection in tinel nodes) and a small but finite risk of regional
melanoma have evolved over time. Previous debates nodal basin recurrence even after CLND. There-
focused on the timing of lymphadenectomy: it could fore, either CLND or careful observation (clinical
be performed as a therapeutic lymph node dissection follow-up in conjunction with nodal basin ultra-
for palpable nodal disease or expectantly as an elec- sonography and other imaging studies) may be
tive lymph node dissection (ELND). The advent of considered for patients with low-risk micro-
sentinel lymph node biopsy (SLNB) in the 1990s metastatic disease. For higher risk patients, giving
puts to rest the prior debate regarding the merits of due consideration to clinicopathological factors,
elective vs. therapeutic lymph node dissection (Mor- the potential risks and benefits of foregoing
ton et al. 1992). Because SLNB detects early nodal CLND should be discussed. The role of (and
micrometastases, but also causes little morbidity, need for) CLND as it pertains to decision-making
ELND became irrelevant, and the predominant around adjuvant therapy also needs to be
indication for regional lymphadenectomy shifted to considered.
patients with microscopic nodal disease. While the specifics of decision-making for
For clinically detected, biopsy-proven nodal regional lymph node dissection are evolving, sur-
disease, therapeutic lymph node dissection is gery remains a cornerstone of management of
still a standard practice, following a comprehen- nodal metastases. Importantly, surgical principles
sive staging evaluation and with due consider- remain the same for therapeutic, elective, and
ation given to a multimodality treatment plan or completion lymphadenectomy. Performed prop-
clinical trial enrollment. Completion lymph node erly, regional lymphadenectomy offers excellent
dissection (CLND) is the term used for locoregional disease control with acceptable mor-
lymphadenectomy performed after SLNB detects bidity rates.
nodal micrometastases and is defined as removal As such, the goal of axillary lymph node dis-
of the remaining nodes beyond the sentinel node section for melanoma is complete resection of all
(s). The purported benefits of CLND following a lymph nodes in the axillary basin. Skeletonization
tumor-positive SLNB are improved regional of the axillary vein, thoracodorsal neurovascular
nodal basin disease control, more accurate stag- bundle, and long thoracic nerve and removal of all
ing, and, until 2017, a possible survival benefit. levels I, II, and III lymph nodes should be accom-
More recently, the therapeutic utility of CLND, plished during the course of the procedure. With
coupled with considerations of associated mor- bulky or multiple metastatic nodes, the regional
bidity and cost, has been increasingly questioned, nodal recurrence rates after axillary dissection can
especially given the option of nodal basin obser- exceed 20%, and postoperative adjuvant treat-
vation with delayed node dissection if regional ment options may be considered (see also Adju-
nodal disease becomes apparent. vant Systemic Therapy for High-Risk Melanoma
Decision-making in this regard is discussed in Patients).
detail elsewhere (see also Biopsy of the Sentinel Metastasis to epitrochlear nodes is a rare event,
Node). Briefly, the value of CLND has been but can occur from melanomas of the distal upper
questioned, since only about 15–20% of these extremity. Knowledge of the anatomy of the
specimens reveal evidence of additional disease epitrochlear nodal basin is important for surgeons
in the non-sentinel nodes. Two large prospective, who treat melanoma and find themselves faced
randomized trials have failed to demonstrate a with palpable disease in the epitrochlear region
survival benefit (whether defined as overall sur- or with findings of a positive epitrochlear SLN.
vival or melanoma-specific survival) for CLND
(Faries et al. 2017; Leiter et al. 2016). These data
support both a therapeutic benefit for SLNB alone
Axillary and Epitrochlear Lymph Node Dissection for Melanoma 3

Axillary Dissection


Melanomas involving the ipsilateral upper trunk

or upper extremity tend to drain to the axillary
nodal basin. Use of lymphoscintigraphy has
redefined classical anatomic studies because it
provides a functional picture of cutaneous lym-
phatic drainage (see also Lymphoscintigraphy in
Patients with Melanoma). Multiple nodal basin
drainage from the trunk is not uncommon, and
lymphoscintigraphy should be done to identify
all nodal basins at risk. Epitrochlear drainage is
seen in less than 5% of distal upper extremity
lesions, almost always with concomitant axillary Fig. 1 Lymphatic anatomy of the axilla shows three sub-
nodal drainage. Many shoulder and supra- groups of axillary lymph nodes, levels I, II, and III (as
labelled in the diagram). All lymph nodes in the axilla
clavicular lesions have unexpected drainage pat- must be removed as part of the complete axillary lymph
terns and commonly drain to axillary as well as node dissection for melanoma
supraclavicular or cervical nodal basins. Upper
trunk lesions may drain to bilateral axillae (espe- pectoralis minor muscle. Level II nodes are deep
cially if close to the midline) as well as to supra- to the pectoralis minor. Classical surgical teaching
clavicular or cervical nodes (for more cephalad has long held that axillary dissection should not
primary tumor locations). Lesions of the lower include removal of tissue cephalad of the axillary
trunk may drain to bilateral axillae and/or to the vein. However, some level II nodes actually reside
inguinal nodes. in a fat pad that predictably extends anterior to and
The axilla is essentially pyramidal in shape, superior to the axillary vein. In fact, this is a com-
with an apex, base, and four muscular walls. The mon site of recurrence after incomplete axillary
apex is formed by the clavicle, upper border of the dissection, and when bulky disease is present, it
first rib, and the superior border of the scapula. may be mistakenly thought to represent supra-
The boundary between the axilla and the supra- clavicular nodal recurrence or may be termed by
clavicular fossa is at the level of the subclavius radiologists on imaging studies as “infraclavicular”
tendon. The base of the axilla is made up of the or “subpectoral” nodal disease. In fact, there are no
skin of the axilla, the superficial fascia, and the “infraclavicular” or “subpectoral” nodal basins –
pectoral fascia. The four walls of the axilla include these misguided clinical terms refer to nodes that
the anterior wall, the posterior wall, the lateral are found in levels II and III of the axilla. Level III
wall, and the medial wall. The anterior wall con- nodes, by definition, are located medial to the
sists of the pectoralis major and minor muscles. pectoralis minor muscle, in the apex of the axilla.
The posterior wall is comprised of the sub- Complete clearance of level III nodes allows access
scapularis, teres major, and latissimus dorsi mus- to the subclavius tendon (“Halsted’s ligament”),
cles. The lateral wall muscles include the beneath which the axillary vein enters the supra-
coracobrachialis and short head of the biceps, clavicular fossa to become the subclavian vein. For-
while the medial wall is formed by the upper mal axillary lymph node dissection performed for
digitations of serratus anterior. melanoma should always include levels I, II, and III
The axillary nodes are divided into levels I, II, lymph nodes.
and III (Fig. 1). Level I nodes are lateral to the
4 S. L. Wong et al.

Surgical Technique excellent sterile field is provided when the arm is

placed through the opening of a standard laparot-
Preoperative and Perioperative omy or breast/chest drape.
General anesthesia should be used for this proce- Incision
dure, although paravertebral block anesthesia, as a While a short curvilinear incision at the inferior
regional alternative to general anesthesia, has aspect of the hairline is commonly used for axil-
been described (Conveney et al. 1998). Preopera- lary dissection for breast cancer, extended expo-
tive antibiotics have been shown to reduce the rate sure is generally helpful in melanoma cases
of postoperative wound infection, and a single (Balch 1990). A “lazy-S” incision, from the supe-
dose should be administered prior to skin incision rior border of the pectoralis muscle, extended in a
(Bold et al. 1998; Coit et al. 1991). The patient caudal direction transversely over the fourth rib
should be supine with the arm extended on an arm across the axilla and then longitudinally over the
board. The scapula may be “bumped” on a rolled latissimus muscle, provides optimal access to the
sheet to elevate the axilla off the operating table. entire axilla (Fig. 2). If a previous incision exists
Folded sheets or foam padding are placed on the from a SLNB, the resultant scar should be excised
arm board to elevate the arm and to prevent hyper- en bloc with the specimen. (For this reason, the
extension at the shoulder which may cause trac- placement of a SLNB of incision should be made
tion injury to the brachial plexus. The patient’s with care and along the course of a standard axil-
ipsilateral chest, axilla, and entire arm down to the lary dissection incision if possible.)
wrist are included in the sterile preparation. Axil-
lary hair may be clipped as needed immediately Skin Flaps
prior to this part of the prep. It is important that the The skin incision is made with a knife, and elec-
sterile preparation extends medially onto the trocautery is used to incise the dermis and subcu-
lower neck and includes the posterior shoulder. taneous tissue. Electrocautery is then used to
The hand and wrist are wrapped with sterile develop the skin flaps within the subcutaneous
towels or in stockinette to allow the entire upper layer. Skin hooks and countertraction on the sub-
limb to be included in the field and moved during cutaneous tissue are used to assist with flap for-
the procedure to help with exposure of the upper mation. The plane of dissection is approximately
axilla (level III). Towel clips or staples are used to 0.5–1.0 cm deep, depending on the amount of
secure sterile towels around the surgical field. An subcutaneous tissue. The flap is made

Fig. 2 The lazy-S incision

provides excellent exposure
to the entire axilla (and is
shown here between
the marked border of the
pectoralis muscle and the
marked border of the
latissumus muscle). Here,
the prior incision is
intended to be included en
Axillary and Epitrochlear Lymph Node Dissection for Melanoma 5

progressively thicker as its base is approached. course of the thoracodorsal nerve, artery, and
The anterior flap is raised first to expose the fascia vein and, in almost all patients, allows this
overlying the superior border of the pectoralis neurovascular bundle to be identified and pro-
major muscle. It is then easy to proceed inferiorly tected. The clavipectoral fascia just anterior to
along the pectoralis major muscle. A retrac- the thoracodorsal neurovascular bundle is then
tor along the lateral aspect of the pectoralis muscle divided and can be followed up to the level of
to guide the course of dissection can expedite this the axillary vein. At its cephalad portion near the
portion of the exposure. axillary vein, the thoracodorsal nerve usually
At this point, it is appropriate to divide the curves medially, away from the artery and vein.
clavipectoral fascia along the lateral edge of the Recognition of this fact will prevent inadvertent
pectoralis major and minor muscles. Posteriorly, nerve injury.
flaps are raised until the latissimus dorsi muscle is With more firm medial retraction of the axillary
exposed, marking the lateral edge of the dissec- contents, an inferior tributary of the thoracodorsal
tion. The inferior border of dissection is the level vein is usually apparent and can be followed to the
of the fifth intercostal space or sixth rib. The chest wall. Just posterior to this vessel, along the
inferior border of the dissection is also more prac- chest wall, lies the long thoracic nerve. In most
tically marked by the inferior extent of the patients, this nerve can then be traced cephalad, as
latissimus dorsi muscle where it meets the serratus the fascial layer just anterior the nerve is divided
anterior muscle. up to and just beneath the axillary vein. Alterna-
tively, the long thoracic nerve may be exposed by
Dissection of Nodal Tissue distracting the nodal contents laterally as the
Many surgeons prefer to begin the dissection by clavipectoral fascia along the lateral border of
identifying the axillary vein, at the level of the the pectoralis major and minor muscles is
subclavius tendon, and then proceed with the dis- exposed, and dissection is carried out more deeply
section inferiorly from this structure. While this is along the edge of the serratus anterior muscle. In
a useful technique that should be familiar to all other cases, exposure of the long thoracic nerve
surgeons, an alternative is to approach the dissec- can wait until the axillary vein is fully exposed.
tion from the lateral side. The clavipectoral fascia Dissection is then carried out to expose the
along the medial edge of the latissimus dorsi is axillary vein. Using sharp dissection, the fascia
incised. Proceeding cephalad, the main overlying the mid-portion of the axillary vein is
intercostobrachial nerve will be encountered in divided from lateral to medial, and small vessels
the fibrofatty tissue of the axilla first and is from the inferior surface of the axillary vein
divided. Preservation of this sensory nerve is not should be carefully dissected, ligated or clipped,
considered a priority in axillary dissection for and divided. The thoraco-epigastric vein is the
melanoma. Next, the tendinous portion of the most sizable tributary to be divided; it enters the
latissimus will be encountered, and careful dissec- axillary vein anteriorly in the mid-portion of the
tion will reveal the lateral portion of the axillary dissection and should not be mistakenly identified
vein anterior to the tendinous portion of latissimus as the thoracodorsal vein, which enters the axil-
dorsi. lary vein more posteriorly. If the axillary vein is
Dissection of the axillary nodal basin is facili- invaded or encased by tumor, the vein can and
tated throughout by traction and countertraction to should be ligated and resected along with the
convert the relatively amorphous axillary contents nodal metastases, often with surprisingly little
into a series of planes that can be dissected in a consequence in terms of lymphedema
linear fashion. Using a laparotomy sponge, the (Karakousis et al. 1990). Alternatively, an autolo-
axillary contents may be retracted medially gous or synthetic interposition graft can be placed
while also exerting similar traction inferiorly and between the divided ends of the vein though this is
posteriorly along the inferior portion of the not commonly done.
latissimus dorsi muscle. This straightens the
6 S. L. Wong et al.

At this point, the medial extent of the dissec- insertion point on the coracoid process by bluntly
tion is approached. The arm is abducted, bent at hooking an index finger around the insertion point
the elbow, and brought anteriorly so as to bring the of the muscle and using electrocautery to com-
hand in the approximate position of a military plete the dissection. This results in excellent expo-
salute. This maneuver takes tension off the sure of the apex of the axilla and may be done
pectoralis muscles and greatly facilitates exposure when necessary for the clearance of bulky nodal
of levels II and III of the axilla. A handheld metastasis from levels II and III because of the risk
medium-sized Richardson or Fritsch retractor is of damage to the pectoral nerves.
used to retract the pectoralis major to better Attention is now focused on dissection of the
expose the interpectoral groove. Alternatively, a level II axillary lymph nodes. As mentioned pre-
self-retaining retractor system may be used to viously, several of the level II nodes are usually
provide excellent exposure of the field. The dis- contained in a fat pad that extends cephalad to the
section continues along the undersurface of the axillary vein. This supraaxillary fat pad, found
pectoralis major muscle. The medial pectoral above the axillary vein directly overlying the bra-
neurovascular bundle is identified as it emerges chial plexus, is removed en bloc with the speci-
through or just medial to the pectoralis minor men. Karakousis et al. showed that its dissection
muscle and should be preserved when possible did not result in increased complications such as
to prevent partial atrophy of the pectoralis major lymphedema (Karakousis et al. 1990). Gentle
muscle. The medial pectoralis nerve innervates retraction of this fat pad and incision of the tissue
the clavicular and sternal origins of the pectoralis around it will allow these nodes to be brought
major muscle. This neurovascular bundle can usu- inferiorly into the specimen. The dissection is
ally be preserved by ligating and dividing a tribu- then continued medially, where level III nodes
tary that extends laterally and inferiorly into the are dissected from subclavius tendon, laterally to
axilla, allowing this bundle to be retracted medi- the medial border of the pectoralis minor muscle
ally and anteriorly along with the pectoralis mus- (if it has not been previously detached from the
cles; however, if there is any question that coracoid process).
preservation of this nerve will compromise the The lower axillary nodes are removed as the
completeness of nodal clearance, it should be specimen is brought out of the incision. Starting as
sacrificed. The specimen is dissected off the lat- the apex of the axilla, all fatty and lymphatic
eral edge of the pectoralis minor muscle. The tissues anterior and inferior to the axillary vein
lateral pectoralis nerve emerges more medially, are divided. The long thoracic and thoracodorsal
usually immediately medial to the medial border nerves should be clearly visualized at this point. If
of pectoralis minor, descends along the edge of the the long thoracic nerve has not been identified
pectoralis minor muscle, crosses it, and then previously, it can now be identified by retracting
courses between the two pectoral muscles to sup- the specimen anteriorly, thus thinning out the tis-
ply innervation to the lower third and sue along the chest wall. The long thoracic nerve
costoabdominal insertions of the pectoralis major lies in a groove alongside the chest wall superfi-
muscle. The relation of the branches of the lateral cial (lateral) to the investing fascia of the serratus
pectoral nerve to the pectoralis minor muscle can anterior muscle, in the same horizontal plane as
be quite variable. the thoracodorsal nerve. The tissue along the chest
Generally, vessels and lymphatics should be wall is divided in a longitudinal direction using a
ligated or clipped and divided. Interpectoral scalpel or electrocautery, and the nerve can usu-
nodes should be included in the specimen. At ally then be identified beneath a thin adventitial
this point, depending on the patient’s body habitus layer. Another way to identify the nerve is to
and the extent of the nodal disease, it may be retract the specimen in a posterolateral direction
helpful to divide the pectoralis minor muscle. If and gently divide the tissues along the chest wall.
necessary (and for some surgeons routinely), the The nerve can then be found as a taut “piano wire”
pectoralis minor may be detached from its palpable along the chest wall.
Axillary and Epitrochlear Lymph Node Dissection for Melanoma 7

Finally, the specimen is retracted inferiorly and disease is left behind. Portions of the skin,
laterally, allowing for sharp dissection of tissue off pectoralis major and minor muscles, and
the underlying subscapularis muscle, including latissimus dorsi may be resected if necessary to
the tissue between the long thoracic and remove all disease. In the setting of bulky nodal
thoracodorsal nerves. The specimen is removed disease, preservation of the medial pectoral, lat-
from the chest wall, and the intercostobrachial eral pectoral, thoracodorsal, and long thoracic
nerve(s) are divided as they come off the chest nerves is not as important as complete extirpation
wall and course directly through the axillary of disease (Moosman 1980). Further, if there is
contents. tumor involvement of the axillary vein, it should
be resected en bloc with the nodal specimen,
Closure taking care to ligate the proximal and distal
Once the axillary contents have been removed, the stumps of the axillary vein, if reconstruction of
entire axilla should be examined to be sure hemo- the vein is not performed.
stasis is complete. A large, closed-suction drain is This clinical presentation often requires a mod-
inserted through the inferior skin flap and into the ified approach that involves an incision across the
axilla. The drain should be positioned below the anterior chest wall in a direction that parallels the
axillary vein and secured to the skin using a stout, clavipectoral groove. The incision is carried down
nonabsorbable suture. The incision is closed in through the subcutaneous tissues, and flaps are
multiple (at least two) layers: the subcutaneous/ raised to expose the pectoralis major muscle on
deep dermal layers are approximated using 2-0 or either side of the clavipectoral groove. The dis-
3-0 synthetic absorbable sutures in an interrupted section then proceeds by splitting the pectoralis
or continuous fashion; the subcuticular layer may muscle between the two heads of the muscle. With
then be closed using a running 4-0 synthetic retraction, the pectoralis minor muscle and the
absorbable suture, or alternatively the skin may level II and III lymph nodes are exposed. Some
be approximated with suture and/or staples. In routinely or ultimately find it necessary to transect
difficult cases requiring extensive en bloc resec- the pectoralis minor muscle at its insertion into the
tion, plastic surgical consultation may be helpful coracoid process or to formally resect pectoralis
for closure of large skin and soft tissue defects. minor to gain access to the nodes. The muscle may
be removed as part of the surgical specimen when it
is involved by the underlying metastatic tumor(s).
Operative Considerations for Recurrent Branches coursing inferiorly from the axillary vein
or Bulky Axillary Metastases in the Upper and artery into the specimen are ligated and divided
Axilla as needed.
In circumstances where extensive exposure is
While the use of neoadjuvant radiotherapy in this necessary for bulky disease at levels II or III, it
clinical scenario is infrequently and rarely indi- may be necessary to split the entire length of the
cated, there are some emerging strategies for neo- pectoralis major muscle along the clavipectoral
adjuvant immunotherapy and/or targeted groove. This maneuver provides excellent expo-
molecular therapies when clinical presentation sure of the entire axillary contents. After the nodal
includes bulky axillary disease (Amaria et al. dissection, the two portions of the pectoralis major
2018; Keung et al. 2018). muscle (i.e., clavicular and pectoral segments) are
In these cases of advanced nodal metastases, re-approximated. The surgeon may need to be
the traditional boundaries of the axillary dissec- prepared to deal with supraclavicular extension
tion should not be an impediment to complete as well and a combined, in continuity ipsilateral
removal of all gross disease. Incomplete lymph neck and axillary lymphadenectomy via the
node dissection should be avoided since postop- cervicoaxillary canal (with or without clavicular
erative radiation therapy is rarely effective at pro- osteotomy or claviculectomy) may be necessary
viding regional disease control when gross in occasional cases (Goodenough et al. 2013).
8 S. L. Wong et al.

Postoperative Management necrosis, and other complications have been

reported to be uncommon, but better collection
Postoperatively, patients may be discharged on of patient-reported outcomes will give us better
the same day, although some surgeons prefer data in the future.
overnight observation. Closed suction drainage Long-term complications are also uncommon,
is continued until the output is less than but potentially debilitating. Lymphedema is per-
25–30 ml/day; drains are usually removed haps the most troublesome complication. Early
10–21 days postoperatively. Routine drain care postoperative lymphedema of the arm may
includes “stripping” or “milking” of the drainage resolve with extremity elevation, but chronic
catheter to maintain patency, with appropriate lymphedema often results in functional deficits
cleansing of the drain exit site and a sterile dress- and discomfort. At the first sign of lymphedema,
ing changed daily. Caution must be exercised if aggressive lymphedema therapy should be initi-
drains are left in place for longer than 3–4 weeks ated; this may include massage, a compression
following surgery because of the risk of prolonged garment, and other techniques.
drainage or wound infection. Immediately post- The reported incidence of lymphedema follow-
operatively, patients are unlikely to require more ing axillary dissection ranges from 0% to 30% and
than just a few doses of narcotic pain medicine, may depend on how it is measured, taking both
and many have adequate pain relief with nonste- quantitative and qualitative data into account.
roidal anti-inflammatory agents only; this avoids Postoperative radiotherapy and wound complica-
the risk of ensuing persistent opioid use (Hill et al. tions are thought to be independent risk factors for
2017; Lee et al. 2017). the development of lymphedema. Arms may be
Gentle range of motion exercises can begin in measured circumferentially, or arm volumes can
the early postoperative period, but should not be be measured by using a water displacement tech-
too vigorous until a few days after drain removal. nique (Starritt et al. 2004), with lymphedema
Early mobilization of the arm and range of motion defined as an increase in arm volume greater
exercises help prevent long-term restriction of than 16% relative to the volume of the control
shoulder motion. Physical therapy is rarely arm. Many have found that subjective functional
needed if adequate patient instruction for arm deficit or pain after level I–III axillary dissection is
mobilization is given. The arm should not be a distinct entity and does not correlate with degree
immobilized in a sling. of lymphedema (Neuss et al. 2010).
In more contemporary series, the incidence of
lymphedema is reported as 8–24% (Faries et al.
Complications 2017; Leiter et al. 2016) again with a lower rate if
only more serious cases are counted (here, 8% is
The complication rate following axillary lymph cited when lymphedema is reported as a Grade 3
node dissection is relatively low. The most com- or 4 complication). Paresthesias, chronic pain, and
mon complications are minor (Bland et al. 1981; restricted arm mobility are sometimes difficult to
Bowsher et al. 1986; Urist et al. 1983). A small manage and can severely affect the quality of life
seroma, the most common problem, usually does for patients.
not require treatment and can be managed expec- After axillary dissection, patients should be
tantly, but needle aspiration could be considered; cautioned about the increased risk of infection in
repeated needle aspiration or drain replacement that arm. Even minor skin infections (e.g.,
may be necessary in persistent cases. Wound resulting from an insect bite or cat scratch) can
infections are usually caused by Staphylococcus occasionally result in severe lymphangitis or cel-
aureus and can be treated with antibiotics in most lulitis requiring antibiotic treatment or even hos-
cases. If an infected seroma or fluid collection is pitalization. Sometimes such an infection will
present concomitantly, drainage is usually neces- worsen lymphedema or trigger lymphedema that
sary. Nerve dysfunction/pain, hemorrhage, skin
Axillary and Epitrochlear Lymph Node Dissection for Melanoma 9

was not previously noticeable. Fortunately, such Anatomy and Surgical Technique
complications from infections are rare.
The superficial subdermal lymphatic plexuses of
the hand and forearm unite in the subcutaneous
Epitrochlear Dissection tissues to form a number of trunks that pass up the
limb in medial and lateral groups (Tanabe 1997).
Rationale The lymphatics of the forearm anastomose exten-
sively. The medial groups may pass through the
Melanomas of the distal upper extremity, specifi- epitrochlear basin en route to joining the deep
cally those found on the hand (including sub- lymphatic system, which runs with the brachial
ungual), forearm, or elbow region, can drain to artery. The lateral group passes up the forearm
the epitrochlear nodal basin. The reported inci- along the course of the cephalic vein; some of
dence of epitrochlear lymph node metastases these lymphatics may pass medially and join the
from these primaries ranges from 2.4% to 18% medial group via an epitrochlear node. The
(Hunt et al. 1998; Kidner et al. 2012; Smith et al. epitrochlear nodal basin is defined by the medial
1983). When epitrochlear nodes are involved, head of the triceps, the short head of the biceps,
they are infrequently obvious clinically; thus dil- the musculature overlying the medial epicondyle,
igence in examination of the area is important. and the brachialis muscle.
Lymphoscintigraphy will identify patients who The epitrochlear lymph nodes are located in
may need SLNB of the epitrochlear basin, and the distal medial upper arm and the medial ante-
decision-making around the need for completion cubital fossa. To clear them, a curvilinear incision
dissection is as previously described for axillary is made from a point approximately 5 cm proxi-
lymph node dissection. mal to the medial epicondyle and extended trans-
versely across the antecubital region down to the

Fig. 3 (a) Skin incision for a left epitrochlear lymph node dissection is shown by the dotted line. (b) Region anatomy of
the epitrochlear lymph nodes
10 S. L. Wong et al.

brachioradialis muscle (Fig. 3a). If prior node The brachial artery and median nerve lie deep
excision has been performed, the scar should be to the biceps muscle and tendon and should be
included in the incision. Skin flaps are raised to identified and preserved unless there is encase-
identify the following muscles: biceps, short head ment or direct invasion by nodal metastatic dis-
of triceps, brachioradialis, and flexor carpi ease. Occasionally, superior cubital fossa lymph
radialis. nodes may be found at or just deep to the bicipital
The anatomic confines of the basin are as fol- aponeurosis at the bifurcation of the brachial
lows: the superior aspect is defined by the biceps artery. These nodes may also be resected in the
muscle/tendon anteriorly and the medial course of the epitrochlear lymph node dissection.
intermuscular septum adjacent to the medial Once hemostasis is obtained, the wound is
head of the triceps and the medial epicondyle closed in layers, leaving a small, closed suction
posteriorly, noting that the proximal margin is drain in the dissected basin. Consideration should
where the brachial artery crosses the medial be given to concomitant axillary lymph node dis-
intermuscular septum. The inferior aspect is section for patients with palpable epitrochlear
defined by the proximal lateral edge of the prona- nodal metastases, because up to 50% of these
tor teres/flexor carpi radialis and the medial edge patients have subclinical involvement of their
of the brachioradialis, noting that the distal aspect axillary nodes (Hunt et al. 1998; Kidner et al.
of the space is the brachialis muscle. The lymph 2012; Smith et al. 1983).
nodes lie deep to the muscular fascia/bicipital
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