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“Education” is a broad term that can have many meanings, but it is generally defined as the process of
learning and acquiring information. Formal learning in a school or university is one of the most common types,
though self-teaching and so-called “life experiences” can also qualify. Communities around the world place a
high value on educating people of all ages, whether formally or informally. It is widely believed that constant
exposure to new ideas and skills makes people better workers, thinkers, and societal contributors.

Most people associate education with schools and classrooms where trained teachers present information to
students. Classroom learning generally starts when a child is relatively young — around age five in most
countries — and continues until the teenage years. The purpose of most classroom learning is not to prepare
a child for a specific job, but rather to help him or her develop critical reasoning and thinking skills. Reading,
writing, and math are very common lessons for young learners. As students progress in their schooling, they
often come into contact with more challenging subjects like written composition, history, and advanced

Different countries place different emphases on education, though some form of schooling is mandatory for
young children almost everywhere. Requirements are usually based on the belief that an educated population
is best suited for advancement, both internally and internationally. In most places, childhood schooling is
offered free of charge; university training is also underwritten with government funds in some places.

Exposing students to new ideas and essential facts is only part of most educational goals. Students are also
expected to retain most if not all of the information that they learn in school. Teachers and professors
commonly use exams and graded assignments to assess learning.

Standardized tests are one of the most popular ways of driving curricula and lesson planning throughout the
world. These sorts of tests help make sure that all students are learning the same basic things, no matter who
their teacher is or where they attend school. Sometimes, laws also have a role to play, like the United States’
No Child Left Behind Act. This act creates a way to measure how much each child is learning across different
school systems to ensure that all children receive a minimum level of knowledge.

Many people choose to extend their formal education beyond what is required by pursuing university studies.
Students typically have a wide range of choices when it comes to subject area and degree options, and most
schools offer programs at varying levels. Those who are very passionate about a particular topic often choose
to study it intently at the graduate level; others who hope to enter certain specialized professions may also
seek out more nuanced educational opportunities, such as law school or medical school.

While book learning is very important, it is not the only form of education. Some individuals are self-taught,
which means that they pursue knowledge on their own outside of a formal classroom. Many of these people
may have read extensively or may have become experts within a given field. Bill Gates, founder of Microsoft,
for example, was a college dropout. Most of what he learned he taught himself.

A range of “life skills” — things like self-sufficiency, independence, and discipline — also frequently come
within the broader umbrella of education. Cultural adaptation and the skills needed to engage in society can
also be thought of as educational. In most cases, any time a person acquires a new skill or learns to act in a
new way, he has been educated in some form or another.

HIV in Africa

Many people have noticed that HIV in Africa appears to be extremely severe, and some have wondered why
this is. There are a number of reasons why HIV in Africa is such a serious problem, ranging from interactions
with other diseases present in Africa to social and cultural issues unique to Africa. It is important to remember
that HIV/AIDS in Africa is not a single epidemic, as some African nations are managing the situation better
than others, and different HIV clades are present in different regions, suggesting that several distinct
epidemics are going on.

One of the main reasons that HIV in Africa is so prevalent is that the disease probably originated in Africa,
according to the latest genetic research. Obviously, the longer a disease is present in a region, the more likely
it is to infect a large proportion of the population. Especially since HIV can have a very long incubation period,
Africans could be infected for years without knowing it until the disease emerged, spreading HIV all the while.

HIV/AIDS workers in Africa also face the serious problem of interactions between HIV and other diseases.
Tuberculosis, for example, is endemic in Africa, and as a result many HIV/AIDS patients die from tuberculosis,
even if their HIV was under control. HIV in Africa is also allowed to progress unchecked in some areas simply
because people lack the ability to access the medications they need to treat it, or the supplies to prevent it.
HIV/AIDS medications can be extremely expensive, making them well beyond the reach of many Africans,
even with assistance from charities.

Cultural values also play a role in the problem. The use of condoms and other barrier devices is frowned upon
in some African communities, and in some regions it is commonly acceptable for men to practice extramarital
sexual relations, putting their wives and other partners at risk. In other regions of Africa, cultural traditions
surrounding death and birth play a role in the AIDS epidemic, as people are exposed to blood and other bodily
fluids as a result of contact with the bodies of HIV/AIDS victims.

The spread of HIV in Africa has also been hastened by poor nutrition in many areas, which makes it hard for
people to stay healthy, and some people suspect that a minority of HIV/AIDS cases may even be caused by
unwitting medical personnel trying to do the right thing. Re-use of syringes, for example, is acceptable in some
areas as a result of lack of access to fresh supplies to sterile syringes, so in a single day's vaccination
campaign, HIV could be spread to hundreds of children. It is important to stress that this is very rare; the vast
majority of medical organizations working in Africa recognize that the AIDS risk is too great to re-use syringes
and other potentially contaminated medical supplies.

It is estimated that 60% of the world's HIV/AIDS cases can be found in Africa, and that the problem will only
become more severe as more and more Africans are infected. The AIDS epidemic has spawned a generation
of AIDS orphans, some of whom are infected themselves, raising concerns that a vicious cycle may evolve in
Africa, making it extremely difficult to put a halt to the progression of the disease.


The European Union, or EU, is a collaborative effort between 27 European countries to form a mutually
beneficial economic and policy community. Since 1993, the EU has worked to increase economies and spread
human rights advances worldwide. The goals of the region include uniting Europe toward common goals and
providing aid to developing nations.

After World War II, Europe was a fractured area, divided by political and cultural differences. Several attempts
to promote a regional governing body met with varying success, including the European Coal and Steel
Community and the European Community. Because of the power ideological and political differences between
Western and Eastern Europe, a true community could not be formed until after the end of the Cold War.

In 1992, the Maastricht Treaty was signed by member nations, bringing the European Union into effect. The
treaty outlined three pillars of the union: European Communities, Common Foreign and Security Policy, and
Justice and Home Affairs. The treaty also made provisions to admit many of the nations of Eastern Europe. In
2001, the Treaty of Nice further expanded provisions for new nations.

To become a member of the European Union, a nation must be in conformance with a series of standards
called the Copenhagen criteria. These detail geographic and political necessities for member nations. Included
standards dictate human rights laws, democracy, protective law for minorities, and a market economy. As of
2008, three states are candidates undergoing review: Turkey, Croatia, and the Republic of Macedonia.
Several other nations are identified as potential candidates for future admission, including Albania and Serbia.

One of the greatest achievements of the European Union is the establishment of a single market economy.
Between member nations, trade is largely unrestricted. While nations maintain separate laws on taxation and
trade standards, EU members agree to basic trade laws between their countries. Almost all products created
by one nation are legal for trade in all of the other countries.

Most nations belonging to the EU have adopted a common currency, called the Euro. The Euro is overseen by
the European Central Bank, in an effort to promote all economies that incorporate the use of the currency. As
of 2008, 15 nations use the Euro, collectively called the Eurozone. Other EU members must meet specific
financial and economic standards before being allowed to adopt the currency. Slovenia was the first of the
countries from the 2004 expansion to meet euro criteria.

In addition to increasing economic stability, the European Union sets member policy on a variety of social and
political issues. Agriculture, energy policy, anti-terrorism efforts, environmental issues, and education are
among the serious areas covered by various EU committees. The EU’s goal of creating a neighborhood
community of nations is still in its infancy, but measurable impacts are already apparent in the economic and
social arenas.

Persuasive advertising

Persuasive advertising is a component in an overall advertising strategy that seeks to entice consumers into
purchasing specific goods or services, often by appealing to their emotions and general sensibilities. This
particular advertising strategy is different from informative advertising, which essentially provides the customer
with hard data about the nature and function of the product. With persuasive advertising, the assumption is
that the consumer already understands the basic nature of the product, but needs to be convinced of the
desirability and the benefits that set a particular product apart from the competition.

One of the more effective approaches to persuasive advertising is to focus on specific benefits of the product.
While those same benefits may also be found with competing products, the idea is to convey that a given
product provides that benefit in a way that is hard to find elsewhere. For example, advertising for a given
shampoo may note that the product contains ingredients designed to nourish dry hair, leaving the hair shiny
and manageable. Even though other products contain similar ingredients, this particular shampoo gains a
reputation for being ideal for people with hair that is dry and brittle, and thus attracts a specific sector of

Another approach to persuasive advertising is to convey the perception that using a given product will help an
individual be more successful with some area of his or her life. A brand of mouthwash may use media
advertising to convey the message that using the product assures the breath is fresh for a longer period of
time, and therefore helps to enhance the confidence of the user when interacting with other people. This same
general approach is used with perfumes and colognes, where the advertising creates the perception that
anyone who uses the product will be more attractive and socially successful.

It is important to note that persuasive advertising does not actually state that if the consumer uses a given
product, the effect illustrated in the advertising will automatically take place. The idea is to convey the
perception that there is a good chance that the consumer will experience some type of benefit that is similar to
what is portrayed in the print ad or the television commercial. In fact, some examples of persuasive advertising
go as far as to include a disclaimer that the situation displayed in the advertising is only an example, and not
the only possible outcome. This approach is often used in advertising for legal firms, in that the disclaimer
notes that the advertising does not imply that the services provided by the firm are necessarily superior to
those provided by other legal firms.

China's one child policy

China's one child policy is a government-dictated limitation on the number of children certain groups of people
in China can have without paying a fine. More correctly termed the "family planning policy," it is often
misunderstood as forcing all families to only have one child or face serious consequences. In reality, it has
many exceptions, and enforcement is lax in some areas. Regardless, it remains controversial, as it is seen as
a restriction of reproductive rights, and does sometimes lead to abuses of illegally-born children.

Though many outside of China are under the impression that the one child policy applies to all Chinese
citizens, this is not true. In fact, there are a number of exceptions, and the legislation applies to only about 35
percent of citizens, as it only applies to married, urban, ethnically Han couples. Ethnic minorities, those in rural
areas, and parents without siblings themselves can all have more than one child without paying a fine, as can
those who have a severely disabled child or one that dies. In some circumstances, exceptions are also made
for those who lose their children to natural disasters.

Those in the 35% that is covered by the legislation often try to find ways of working around it. For instance, a
couple may have two children back to back and register them as twins after the second one is born. Those
who can afford it often go to Hong Kong or overseas to have a second child so that it will have a foreign
passport. Others bribe officials for paperwork or to turn a blind eye. Those who are very wealthy sometimes
have as many children as they like and just pay the fine. Some provincial governments discourage this,
however, by making the fine a percentage of the parents' earnings rather than a flat fee.

China's one child policy was introduced in 1979 by leaders worried about the country's ability to support a
rapidly increasing population. Though it has been very effective in keeping the country's population in check, it
has had a number of negative social consequences. One of the most notable of these is a severe gender
imbalance in China, where there is about 120 boys to every 100 girls. The changes in demographics caused
by the policy may also make it difficult for older generations, since the imbalance of young people to old
people makes it harder for children to care for their parents and grandparents.

Another problem is the existence of "black" children, or illegally born, unregistered children who are unable to
receive healthcare or education. Forced sterilizations, female infanticide, and unwanted abortions do occur,
but the frequency varies from area to area. An additional issue is the phenomenon of "little princes and
princesses," which are sons and daughters who become extremely spoiled because their parents lavish all
their attention on their one child.

China's population growth has slowed since the one child policy, leading some people to call it a success. How
much the legislation actually contributed to the slowing of the population growth is debated, however. Since
many urban areas in China are already overcrowded, a reduction in population growth may have helped keep
some social problems becoming worse than they are. The lower population may have also kept the country
from having a high unemployment rate, since there is not a surplus of workers. Additionally, the policy is seen
by some as having helped China grow economically, and contributed to higher concentrations of resources
per person.

Despite the exceptions and possible benefits, there is a lot of controversy surrounding this legislation both
inside and outside of China. Many see it as an infringement on reproductive and personal rights. It is also
sometimes seen as favoring the rich, since they are often more able to pay the fines. Additionally, many
people decry the social effects of China's one child policy, especially the related child and mother abuse.


Agriculture began about 10,000 years ago in an area called the Fertile Crescent, in modern-day Iraq, Syria,
and Jordan. At the time, there were only about five million people in the world. Humanity had a substantial
knowledge of hunter-gatherer techniques such as boatmaking, toolmaking, botany, and so forth, but
anticipated changes were taking place: the Ice Age was ending, so ice was disappearing and regions like
mountain ranges became traversable, while ocean levels were rising and inland seas drying up. Mass human
migration was the result.

Because everyone was moving around, people naturally congregated in the boundaries between continents.
The Fertile Crescent was such an area, located between Europe, Asia, and Africa. This is where both
civilization and agriculture began.

Agriculture probably began in areas filled with animal dung, because there were a variety of seeds there and
ample fertilizer for them to grow. The original crops were nothing like the crops people know today. The plants
used were often husky, frail, or otherwise difficult to digest or grow. Only through many generations of
selective breeding were their nutritional qualities optimized. Therefore, in a very important sense, all the crops
we consider "natural" are actually genetically engineered.

The first basic crop was wheat, which has two main forms that still exist today. The first variety is called
emmer, and still grows wild in the region. The second variety is not wild, but probably emerged from the
crossing of emmer with another wild grass. This is bread wheat, which is still the most important crop on earth.
Other plants cultivated during this time include peas, lentils, barley, linseed, and grapes.

It was not until 5,000 years ago that agriculture expanded outside of this nuclear zone. Farmers in different
areas took to different crops. In the cold of Europe, oats flourished alongside wheat. In India, cotton emerged.
In China, buckwheat was grown instead of wheat and barley.

Thousands of years ago, farming consumed most of humanity's time. Now, it is largely automated and only a
small percentage of farmers are necessary to feed a developed nation.


Brainwashing is a process in which someone is convinced to abandon previously held beliefs and take up new
values and ideals. There is a great deal of misconception about this practice, ranging from paranoid delusions
about government mind control devices which can supposedly be used like remote controls to skeptics who
firmly avow that any form of brainwashing is impossible. The truth, as it often does, lies somewhere in the

In the process of brainwashing, someone is persuaded to believe something through a combination of tactics.
There are many approaches to this, but they all tend to rely on separating someone from everything he or she
knows, breaking that person down to a vulnerable emotional state, and then gradually introducing new
concepts. As people absorb the new material, they are rewarded for expressing thoughts and ideas which
conform with these ideas, further reinforcing the brainwashing.

People have been using brainwashing techniques on each other for a very long time. Historically, for example,
prisoners of wars were sometimes broken down and persuaded to switch sides, occasionally becoming fervent
converts to new ideas. In the 20th century, the term “brainwashing” arose, as did more sophisticated
techniques which could be used to forcibly indoctrinate people. These techniques relied on the field of
psychology, which demonstrated how people could be persuaded to change their minds.

Some governments have been accused of controlling the minds of their citizens to force them to accept and
support a particular point of view, or of brainwashing prisoners of war. Such charges have also been leveled
against kidnappers, and many cults are accused of utilizing mind control tactics to keep their members
compliant. Whether it's referred to as re-education, thought reform, forced indoctrination, or brainwashing, the
technique can be quite insidious when it is performed by an expert.

On occasion, people have used a mind control defense to excuse behavior which would normally be
considered unacceptable. A hostage who turns into a criminal, for example, might suggest that he or she was
brainwashed by the captors, and that the hostage is therefore not responsible for criminal activity.

More commonly, people are simply persuaded to a point of view, rather than being brainwashed. True
brainwashing, in which someone's former value system is deconstructed and replaced, is actually quite rare.
Instead, people are persuaded to come around to another point of view, sometimes with the use of forcible
tactics, and sometimes not. In both cases, it can take some serious work to deprogram the results of the
brainwashing or determined persuasion.

A world language

A world language is a language that is spoken by a relatively large number of people in countries around the
world. In general, such languages are used over large geographic areas and in international business
exchanges. The geographic distribution of speakers of a given language is at least as important as overall
number of speakers of that language when deciding whether to designate it as a world language. Some
languages are spoken by many people in an area of high language density but they are not widely spoken
internationally. Languages that are considered world languages change over time as different countries
become prominent in international business, politics or other concerns.

The classification of a language as a world language depends largely on where it is spoken, not just on how
many people speak it. Both the context and the geographic distribution of speakers of a given language can
influence its international status. Languages commonly used in international business are usually considered
to be world languages. A language also may become a world language if it is associated with a large body of
literature or is otherwise widely used in academic settings. Such a language does not even need to be used by
modern speakers to be considered a world language.

At some point in his education, a person is likely to study — if not completely learn — a world language aside
from his native language. Many people begin to receive foreign language instruction as early as elementary
school and take additional classes in the same language or different ones through high school and into
college. Others choose to learn a language later in life, usually because it has some specific application in
their professional lives. Many people whose first language is considered a world language choose not to learn
a second language because their first language is already spoken in much of the world. Those whose first
language is not so widely spoken may learn a second language because, though their first may have cultural
significance, it has little use overall outside of one's home country.

A given language may become a world language for a variety of reasons. It may gain wide international use,
for instance, because of colonization or through extensive involvement in international business. A language
also may lose international popularity as the nations containing the most speakers of that language lose
wealth, power and influence for various reasons.

Differences between Physiology and Medicine

Both physiology and medicine deal with the human body, although there may be a few differences between
the terms physiology and medicine. Physiology deals with the many processes that are normally going on in
the body. It describes the important functions of the cells, tissues, and organ systems in relation to a healthy
body. Medicine, on the other hand, is all about the diagnosing and healing or treating of diseases the human
body is prone to suffer in a lifetime. Prevention of diseases and maintenance of health is also part of medicine.

In physiology, the nine systems of the body are studied. Among these organ systems are the cardiovascular
system, digestive system, urinary system, and the male and female reproductive systems. In order to learn
about physiology, one must also know the basics of anatomy and biochemistry. Anatomy is the science that
identifies the parts of the human body, down to the layers of the skin, the types and shapes of bones, and the
four chambers of the heart, among many others. It is in anatomy where the parts of the brain are cut open in
order to see the sections contained within. Adequate knowledge about anatomy, usually makes it easier to
understand physiology.

Biochemistry focuses on the biochemical processes that continuously occur inside the body for proper
functioning. It explains these processes down to the cellular level. One example of an area of study within
biochemistry is how the body breaks down carbohydrates present in foods and use them as fuels for the
muscles, brain, and heart.

In the study of medicine, physiology plays a very important role. Before a physician can diagnose and treat
diseases, he must first master the different processes normally going on inside the body. Armed with this
information, physicians can usually pinpoint when something abnormal occurs. Aside from physiology, he also
needs to become adept at anatomy, biochemistry, pathology, and pharmacology, among many other health
sciences. Pathology is studying and diagnosing diseases by examination of body tissues, and pharmacology
deals with drugs and their actions in the body.

The study of physiology and medicine often create awareness about the many wonders and capabilities of the
human body. People are also being informed about diseases as well as their treatments and preventions.
Nations from all over world often focus on health issues and their impact in the economy. These are usually
made possible with ongoing researches in various branches of science, such as physiology and medicine.


The effects of population growth are varied and vast. While population growth, of any species, may be
beneficial to a certain extent, there may come a time when the number in the population exceeds the natural
resources available to sustain it. This is referred to as overpopulation. The consequences of such an event are
severe and major.

The population growth of any animal, if left uncontrolled can become burdensome. Farmers have noted, for
many centuries, what the effects of an uncontrolled predator population can do to livestock. Once their natural
prey run out, or are harder to find, the predators may turn to domesticated animals, despite the risks. This can
cause a severe hardship on any family depending on those animals for survival.

However, when most think of a growing population, they do not think of other animals. The prime fear in most
people's minds is the population growth of their own species. As humans leave a much larger footprint on the
environment than any other creature, uncontrolled overgrowth can be especially devastating.

First, as the population grows the opportunities for quality, available housing may become an issue. More
people crowded into less space is not a good combination in any locality. As space is taken up, it becomes
more valuable. Eventually, it begins to affect to poorest in the area. In the long run the effect of population
growth may be substandard housing or homelessness.

In other cases, access to food and clean water may be the main issue. This is an even more immediate
problem than housing. As more people are faced with unsanitary sources of food, disease and famine begin to
take root. If left unaffected, it will sweep through an entire population. In some cases, entire countries may be
affected by the situation. Finding a solution often requires a multi-national effort.

Another negative effect of population growth is waste control. When there are relatively few people, controlling
waste is a much simpler task. However, as populations grow, the waste increases dramatically. Finding a spot
for this waste, or treating it in a way that does not poison the environment, is critically important. Regions of
the world that do not have the ability to do this will find it leads to a number other serious issues and becomes
a massive public health problem.

In general, the problem is not population growth in itself, it is a mismanagement of natural resources and
waste that cause the majority of the problems. Many places have found effective strategies for dealing with
such issues. Other locations, usually because of a lack of relative wealth, and perhaps engineering
knowledge, have fallen behind.

Sustainable energy

Sustainable energy is energy that can potentially be kept up well into the future without causing harmful
repercussions for future generations. A number of types of energy can be thought of as sustainable, and many
governments promote their use and the development of new technologies that fit within this model. Increasing
rates of energy consumption around the world have led to a corresponding rise in concerns about where the
energy comes from and if it will become more scarce.

Several factors go into making energy sustainable. The first is whether or not the current use of the energy is
something that could potentially persist into the future, which leads many forms of renewable energy to qualify
as sustainable. People can generate energy from windmills, ocean waves, and the sun without running out of
energy and resources, making these methods sustainable for use by future generations. By contrast, fossil
fuels are not treated as sustainable because the Earth's supplies of crude oil will eventually run out.

Another consideration is energy efficiency. Some forms of renewable energy, for example, take quite a lot of
effort to actually generate, meaning that almost as much energy goes into their production as the sources
themselves generate. Energy efficiency can also be used to describe the technologies that use energy, such
as homes, cars, and businesses. Increased efficiency in the way energy is used makes sustainable energy
stretch further.

Many people also feel that the environmental impact an energy source has is another facet of whether or not it
is considered sustainable, which is why sources like nuclear power are often not treated as such. Although it
meets the demands of renewability and energy efficiency, nuclear power can have a negative impact on the
environment. Likewise, some of the methods used to produce solar panels, wind turbines, and other
technology to convert renewable sources into energy are polluting, leading to concerns that such technology
merely moves the pollution to a different place, making it unsustainable.

Another factor important to some people in the energy field is independence. Some critics argue that energy is
not sustainable if a nation is forced to rely on another country to meet its energy needs, even if that energy is
renewable, non-polluting, and efficient. For example, if the United States relied heavily on Canadian wind
farms, this would violate the criterion of energy independence. Being able to meet one's own energy needs as
a nation is an important part of sustainable energy in the eyes of some people who are concerned about the
intersection of energy and politics.


There is an old axiom often applied to those with political ambitions: Power corrupts; absolute power corrupts
absolutely. In this case, the term "corruption" means the abuse of a public office for personal gain or other
illegal or immoral benefit. Political corruption is a recognized criminal offense, along with bribery, extortion, and
embezzlement. Some forms may escape legal notice, such as the hiring of relatives for key positions, but they
may not escape the scrutiny of voters on election day.

Whenever a person accepts a political appointment or wins election to an office, he or she must take an oath
to uphold the public trust. While this may sound noble on paper, enforcement of this oath can prove
problematic. Very few political candidates successfully reach office without making a few campaign promises
along the way, and many of these promises are harmless, such as sponsoring a bill or lobbying for more
funding for schools. Other promises, however, may come closer to crossing an ethical line, such as hiring
relatives or awarding government contracts to influential contributors.

Political corruption has been a fact of life for thousands of years, beginning with the first attempts at a
democratic form of government in ancient Greece and Rome. Almost all of these countries' political
representatives were from the wealthier class, which inevitably led to a division between the influential haves
and the virtually powerless have-nots. The seeds of abuse were planted as soon as the senators and other
political leaders realized that power and wealth could be equals. Political corruption often begins with
favoritism towards those with wealth and influence.

In the modern sense of the term, this type of activity is a cancer on the integrity of a governmental body. Very
few public officials begin their careers with the intention of becoming corrupt, but some succumb to a sinister
form of peer pressure over time. Being placed in a position of significant political power can be overwhelming,
and the temptation to bend or break rules for a perceived "greater good" is always present.

There are a few experienced politicians, however, for whom political corruption is a natural state of being.
History is filled with examples of corrupt public officials, such as New York City's Boss Tweed and his political
cronies at Tammany Hall during the late 19th century. Charges ranging from bribery and graft to nepotism,
racketeering, and fraud were all leveled at Tweed's administration, but he was able to keep law enforcement at
bay for years. A number of judges and law enforcement officers were already on Boss Tweed's secret payroll.
Political corruption may always remain a concern for democratic governments, but there are a number of
independent checks and balances that can root it out before it affects the integrity of the political body as a

Early childhood education

Early childhood education (ECE) is based on the idea that learning begins at birth, and that caring for children
and educating them should be inseparable. The practice focuses on the years from birth to age eight, and
people who have specialized degrees in this field often work in nurseries, daycare facilities, preschools, and

Much of the philosophy of early childhood education is based on the idea that children learn through play. By
focusing the types of play children engage in, or by participating and helping in children’s’ play, parents and
caregivers can learn to make the most of these activities and prepare children for future education. Developing
an identity and sense of self is also central to education, where children are learning about who they are, their
relationships to others, and their culture and language.

There are five main components of early childhood education, all of which are interrelated and believed to be
the basis of learning and development. The social aspect of development is concerned with children’s
relationships to other people and their ability to empathize, cooperate, and share. The physical component
focuses on developing gross and fine motor skills, while intellectual development deals with how young
children make sense of the world around them. Creative development helps children learn through music, art,
and reading, and emotional development is about self-confidence, self-awareness, and understanding

In much of the world, daycare for children under the age of three is increasingly incorporating an educational
component. Caregivers are chosen not only for their ability to nurture babies and small children, but for their
background and abilities in teaching. Universities offer degrees or specializations in the field to prepare
teachers for this kind of work, and daycare facilities, preschools, and kindergartens often require their
employees to have some education in early childhood development or offer their own in-house training. ECE
curricula usually contain coursework in child psychology as well as pedagogy and teacher training.

Equal access to early childhood education is becoming a central international social justice and educational
issue. Most US states and many countries have made kindergarten compulsory and government funded. In
the US, Head Start programs focus on getting adequate nutrition and education to low-income children whose
families cannot pay for preschool. Internationally, UNESCO works with governmental education, health, and
social affairs departments in developing countries to ensure that poor children have access not only to
education, but to health care, nutrition, and security.

Media literacy refers to the ability to understand and use all forms of modern media. Types of media include
written sources such as newspapers and magazines, visual sources such as television programs and audio
sources such as the radio. Elements of media literacy move beyond understanding and usage of media to
critical thinking elements such as bias, analysis and identifying propaganda.

Literacy is a broad term for being able to read and write. This moves beyond copying to demonstrating a clear
ability to understand. This forms the basis of the China Room Theory that demonstrates that computers are
not literate because they lack understanding. Literacy also includes visual literacy, which is the understanding
and usage of visual media such as pictures and photographs.

The concept of literacy is important for helping people to integrate into society and to pull themselves out of
poverty. The highest levels of literacy are to be found in North America, Europe and East Asia. The lowest
levels are found in poorer elements of society and poorer parts of the world such as Africa and the Indian

Several types of media are covered by the term media literacy. Each type of media has unique factors in it.
Radio literacy relies upon audio skills only, while television and movie media include both the visual and audio.
Written media such as newspapers and magazines may have photographs, but are largely based on words.
This means, in order to be media-literate, the student needs to develop traditional literacy skills as well as
visual literacy skills.

The number of media literacy courses has developed over the second half of the 20th century. First introduced
to America by English teachers, it is now a core, if subtle, element of English language, literature and history
teaching. Such courses can become more developed and distinct at higher levels, leading to degrees and
college courses in the media. Teaching media literacy has helped to develop critical thinking skills concerning
propaganda, bias and censorship.

Studying media literacy also helps to develop a number of practical skills. This includes basic skills such as
reading, writing, listening and speaking. It also includes the production and writing of media such as articles,
films and videos. More developed courses also teach students about the practical elements of producing
media such as research, prop design, editing and promotion.

Being media-literate also means being able to understand how the media industry operates. This includes
topics such as media ownership, the difference between public and private operators and corporate structures.
It also means being able to understand the media’s responsibilities and the effect media irresponsibility can

International Trade

Also known as foreign trade, international trade has been maintained since the dawn of time. Trading goods
were transported on the backs of tradesmen across tribal boundaries, and bartered and sold among
neighboring, and, hopefully, accommodating tribesmen. The Silk Road between Europe and Asia is one
example of the sometimes beneficial, sometimes troubling essentials of international trade. Asian silks and
spices were traded for European technology and weapons, with varying benefits and consequences.

Domestic trade is the purchase and sale of products and services within a particular nation’s borders, and is
inherently limiting to a modern national economy. International trade, conversely, raises national gross
domestic product (GDP) by providing vastly expanded economic opportunity. It is, therefore, incumbent upon
the global economic community to promote fair trade between nations. In addition, the ability of nations to
trade freely with all others is also vital for profits. Free trade, fair trade, and profits are the cornerstones of
global economic well-being.

There is a somewhat cyclical nature to international trade. Poorer nations, able to provide cheap labor and
lower production costs, are subservient to richer and more consumer-oriented nations. As the productive
nations gain wealth through their productivity, the consumer nations are forced to become productive
themselves through the transfer of their capital to the productive nation. Thus, the process is reversed. The
burgeoning imbalance of trade between the United States and China is one example of the cycle where the
consumer nation is becoming economically beholden to the producing nation.

International trade is most commonly recognized in the exchange of goods or products. However, trading
services, such as expertise in a particular field, or the ability to facilitate the trade of goods, is another common
form of foreign trade.

Trading capital on the foreign exchange market (FOREX) represents a third facet of international trade.
Capital, or currency, held for foreign trade fluctuates in value hourly due to political, business, weather and
other conditions and factors from nation to nation. Trading currency in the international market attempts to
profit from the rising value of one nation’s currency through selling the lower value of another nation’s capital.
Trading capital is also the amount of money designated by a trader to pay the costs of foreign trade, such as
tariffs, subsidies, transportation, etc.

The Sumerians

The Sumerians were a group of people who are believed to have migrated to the area known as Sumer in
southern Mesopotamia before 4000 B.C. They formed multiple city-states, which were independent cities ruled
by a king. The Sumerians thrived during much of the same time period as the Egyptian civilization, but they did
not share the Egyptian focus on life after death. Unlike Egypt, which was ruled by one king, the Sumerians
also had a theocratic society: they believed that the ultimate rulers of their society were the deities they
worshipped, and each city-state had a local god. The major elements of Sumerian mythology include their
story of the world's creation and other stories about various Sumerian gods.

In Sumerian mythology, the local god represented the people and was expected to speak on their behalf to
other gods who controlled nature. The Sumerian temple was the political and religious center of each city-
state. These temples are called ziggurats, and some were as tall as the Egyptian pyramids. Houses,
workshops and storehouses surrounded the ziggurats. The most famous ziggurat was the biblical Tower of

Sumer’s ziggurats looked like mountains, and their appearance relates to Sumerian mythology about the
creation of the world. The Sumerians believed in a primeval sea that gave birth to a cosmic mountain
containing both heaven and Earth. An, the god of heaven, was male, and ki, the goddess of the Earth, was
female. Enlil, the air god, was their son, and one story says that Enlil separated heaven and earth. Other
important deities in Sumerian mythology include Ninlil, an air goddess and wife of Enlil; Enki, the god of
freshwater and male fertility; Inanna, the goddess of love and female fertility; and Ninurta, the god of war and

Sumerian language is unlike any other language. Sumerians developed the first writing system, called
cuneiform, around 3000 B.C. They produced a large body of poetic literature that records much of the
narrative of their religion. The Epic of Gilgamesh probably is the best-known Sumerian legend. Prior to the
development of cuneiform, religious stories existed as folklore that was communicated orally.

The remains of Sumerian culture are scarce compared with those of Egyptian culture, but thousands of clay
literary tablets were excavated prior to 1900. Translation of these tablets is a difficult process, but these
writings have contributed a great deal to the understanding of Sumerian mythology. The Sumerians also
produced a rich quantity of visual art, including statues that represented the various gods. They believed that
the gods were present in those statues.

The Sumerians had contact with other major civilizations, including the Egyptians, Hebrews and Greeks. They
strongly influenced these civilizations, as well as others in the Near East. Most cultures in the Near East
adopted the cuneiform system of writing, and some ideas from Sumerian mythology found their way into other

Alternative sources

Alternative sources of energy are derived from sources that do not use up natural resources and do not harm
the environment. They are alternatives to fossil fuels, nuclear energy, and large-scale hydroelectric power,
which all are exhaustible energy sources that have varying degrees of harmful effects on the environment.
Still, there are no alternative energy sources that are as commercially viable as oil, which along with coal are
the main types of fossil fuels.

When considering alternatives to fossil fuels, most people think of solar energy, which is any of several
different procedures used to harness energy that comes from the sun. The primary method used to convert
sunlight into electricity is through the use of photovoltaic cells, which are arranged on solar panels in such a
way that a maximum amount of sunlight is absorbed and turned into electricity. Currently, the biggest issue
with solar power is the cost, since the solar cells and panels can be very expensive.

Another alternative energy source is wind energy, which uses large turbines to transform wind into electricity.
Many of these turbines can be placed where wind is abundant, and wind farms can be connected to a power
grid to which they contribute electricity. A windmill can also be used to harness wind energy, but rather than
turning the wind into electricity, it converts the wind directly into mechanical motion to do work.

Some alternative sources of energy receive power from earthly sources, as in geothermal power, tidal power,
and biomass. Geothermal power is derived from heat sources within the earth, such as natural geysers, and
converts this heat into electricity. The harnessing of power from waves in the ocean and other bodies of water
on the planet is known as tidal power. Biomass energy is obtained from organic material that comes from
plants and animals, and it is known more commonly as a renewable energy source since it creates a waste
by-product. All of these alternative energy sources must be researched heavily if any of them are ever going to
replace fossil fuels as primary power sources throughout the world.

The End of Slavery

After the end of slavery in the U.S., blacks had to begin to fight for equal rights. They also had to deal with
problems such as illiteracy, poverty, and lack of land ownership, all of which had adverse effects on their lives.
Many white Americans did not want blacks to be equal in society, developing measures, which were often
violent, that aimed to keep them in an inferior position. Whites separated themselves from blacks in almost
every way possible. Although they struggled to remain the superior race, whites suffered social changes
prompted by the loss of free labor.

The end of slavery in the United States began a long battle for the equal rights of blacks that many argue has
continued into the 21st century. Although whites could no longer own colored human beings, they were very
resistant to the idea of treating them equally, especially in the South. Racist hate groups such as the Ku Klux
Klan went to extreme measures to make black people feel unwelcome as members of society. Freed slaves
were subject to lynchings and beatings, and whites often refused to recognize blacks' rights.

White Americans concocted ways to disenfranchise blacks after the end of slavery. As former slaves were
mostly illiterate and unskilled, their employment options were limited. Many of them, especially those in the
South, were concentrated in agriculture. Working under unjust terms meant that they generally remained poor,
uneducated, and landless. This provided white Americans with an ideal opportunity to develop and exploit
schemes such as the poll tax and literacy tests that prevented a lot of blacks from voting.

Segregation is one of the infamous social effects that arose after the end of slavery. In an effort to degrade
blacks further and to continue to promote ideas of the superiority of the white race, the two groups were
separated in almost every aspect of life. There were laws that required whites and blacks to use different
water fountains and to enter buildings through separate entrances. This type of social division even extended
to children, requiring that textbooks for white and black children be stored separately.

Although blacks struggled the most, white Americans also faced hardship after the end of slavery. The loss of
free sources of labor changed the lives of many white plantation owners. They could not afford to pay laborers
to do all of the work that they once forced their slaves to do. This meant that men and women who once
considered themselves elite were now required to do much more work for themselves. The effects of this
change were shifts in social status and attitudes toward marital relationships and the role of the sexes.

Home schooling

Home schooling is a choice made by some parents to provide elementary, middle or high school education to
their children in their own home. Many parents, frustrated by corrupt school boards, lack of religious
instruction, underpaid teachers or unsafe conditions, have opted to teach their kids at home. Most parents cite
family togetherness, more control over curriculum, and having a say over what their children learn as reasons
to home school. Many of the families who home school also do so for religious reasons.

There are many advantages to home schooling. For instance, parents teach their children one-on-one, rather
than twenty- or thirty-to-one in a crowded classroom. With more personal attention, children often understand
the material more quickly instead of lagging behind because they don't understand. Parents also like being
able to enjoy more time together as a family, instead of a few hurried hours in the evening.

Children are safe in a home school situation. They don't have to worry about playground bullies or guns and
knives in the rest rooms. They're also less likely to be influenced by peer pressure and partake in drugs and
alcohol. In addition, parents get to choose their childrens' curriculum and work at each child's own pace.
Students also have a better chance of learning the material rather than skating by with mediocre grades.
There's no such thing as "social promotion" in a home school.

There are disadvantages as well. For instance, home schooling is often lonely because children aren't
socializing with other children their own age. They don't get to commiserate with their peers about things like
parents and homework, and they do not get to participate in school sponsored extra curricular activities.
Parents are also isolated socially as days are spent teaching children, rather than communicating with other
adults in a work environment or neighborhood groups. In addition, students may not get the benefits of many
of the services and programs available to those within the school system.

If you're interested in learning more about home schooling, it's imperative you learn your state's home
schooling laws. You can contact your state's Homeschooling Association to learn more details. If you will be
home schooling, and your child previously went to a public school, be sure to pay a visit to the school's office
and withdraw your child. Otherwise, he'll still be marked as absent. Too many absences can result in being
paid visits by truant officers or social workers. Call ahead of time to find out what information will be needed. In
many cases, a note will have to be written to the principal or school board informing them of your intentions.
You'll need to check with your state's guidelines. If your child is not enrolled in the school system already,
you're ready to teach.

Only you can make the decision whether or not homeschooling is right for you and your family. Take the time
to do the research and weigh the pros and cons. After that, congratulate yourself for taking whatever steps
were necessary to ensure your child is getting a proper education and for making an informed choice.

The role of agriculture in economic development

The role of agriculture in economic development is multifaceted. Food production and similar agricultural
businesses have the potential to feed a nation, supply jobs, and contribute to the tax base of local and national
governments. Developing nations can dramatically reduce poverty through efforts to stimulate agricultural
business growth. Studies indicate that regardless of whether a developing country is poor or wealthy, focused
efforts to grow the agricultural sector have the same effects: reduced poverty, improved food supplies, and
increased exports.

Historically, as populations increase both domestically and internationally, the demand for more plentiful and
unique food sources also rises. When it comes to agriculture in economic development, countries with unique
natural resources benefit from offering the resulting agricultural products to other countries and regions. For
example, in the 20th century, produce specific to the nation of Chile was desired by citizens of the United
States and surrounding countries. Chile capitalized on the demand for its agricultural products, and the
resulting export-generated revenues improved economic conditions there. Demand for Chile's produce helped
grow farms, increase jobs, and add to the gross domestic product of the country.

As seen in the early history of the United States, many countries begin building economic strength and
international trade through agriculture. Once a country becomes stronger in terms of the economy, many turn
to more advanced businesses and trade options, such as natural resources, technology, or industrial products.
Fewer citizens produce agricultural products for a living. Economic growth naturally produces higher average
earnings, more advanced and stable infrastructure, and better educational opportunities. Citizens can expand
away from merely acquiring necessities and look to fulfilling wants and interests, including exotic foods,
imported fibers, and other agricultural products from around the world.

Changes in the average income and spending abilities among citizens of more developed countries offer
opportunities for developing nations. Like their predecessors, these developing countries can utilize natural
resources to increase trade with other nations. In addition to exotic or unique products, developing countries
can also supply additional stores of staples such as grains and natural fibers. Not only does the role of
agriculture in economic development serve to increase trade for these specific goods, but also serves to
establish trade relationships and develop markets for future goods and services, outside of agricultural

Although international trade is important, local communities typically feel the effects of agriculture in economic
development long before the effects become evident on a national scale. A single farm can offer a few or
several dozen jobs for local citizens, as well as providing healthy, plentiful food for area residents. Taxes paid
on properties, products sold, and subsequent farm income help boost tax revenues for the community,
providing funding for community programs and critical infrastructure. Several farms within the same area
naturally have a greater impact on the local community. Expanding agricultural growth to include an entire
county, state, or other region then begins to impact economic conditions at the national level.

Vocabulary Revision

population nüfus rebel isyan çıkarmak

growth büyüme,gelişme rebel isyancı
accident kaza waste israf; artık
rate oran, hız waste israf etmek
değer biçmek, waste atık
disposal imha etme
business iş, işletme
warning uyarı,ikaz
meeting toplantı
sign işaret
animal hayvan
sign imzalamak
species tür,cins
wildlife yaban hayatı,vahşi yaşam
contact temas,ilişki
habitat yaşam alanı
contact temas kurmak
tax vergi
adult yetişkin
payer ödeme yapan kişi
adult yetişkin
redundancy fazlalık; işsizlik
life yaşam, hayat
payment ödeme,ücret
temperature sıcaklık,ısı
gender cinsiyet
development gelişim,ilerleme
difference ayrım,farklılık
process işlem,süreç
victory zafer
process işlemek
celebration kutlama,şölen
budget bütçe
border sınır,hat
budget bütçelendirmek
border sınırı olmak
budget ucuz
region bölge,yöre
deficit eksiklik
compensation tazminat,telafi
conservation koruma
insurance sigorta
area alan,bölge
employment iş,istihdam
employee işçi
opportunity fırsat
satisfaction tatmin
destruction yıkım
food yiyecek,gıda
headache baş ağrısı
supply sağlamak,temin etmek
pill hap,ilaç
supply kaynak, arz
hükumet,yönetim facility
government olanak,yetenek,ustalık
policy plan,politika management idare,yönetim
noise gürültü,ses malaria sıtma
pollution kirlilik vaccine aşı
interest ilgi,faiz,çıkar publication yayın
interest ilgisini çekmek transplant organ nakli
resource kaynak transplant organ nakli yapmak
depletion azalma,düşüş education eğitim
recovery iyileşme is yardımcı fiil (be)
phase aşama,evre a bir, herhangi bir
learning öğrenme, öğrenim broad geniş
weather hava durumu term dönem; terim; koşul
weather halletmek,aşınmak term adlandırmak, tanımlamak
condition durum, koşul; hastalık that o kadar, bu denli
condition şartlandırmak that şu,o,oradaki

that şu, o place yer,konum
that -ki, -diğini, -en place koymak,yerleştirmek
can - e bilmek high yüksek,çok,fazla
can metal kutu high yükseklerde,yukarıda
can konserve yapmak value değer
have sahip olmak value değer vermek
many bir çoğu -de, -deki; üzerine,
hakkında; -den sonra
many birçok, bir hayli
educating eğitme,okutma
but fakat, ama, ancak
people insanlar; halk
but -den hariç
all herkes, hepsi
but fakat,ama,ancak
all tümüyle
it o, onu
all hepsi
generally genellikle
all bütün,tüm,hepsi
-dığı için, çünkü, -dıkça, -
as all her, bütün
iken, gibi
as olarak olsa da olmasa da,olup
as kadar
formally resmi olarak
the belirleyici
informally gayri resmi bir şekilde
of -ın, -ın; -e sahip
widely yaygın şekilde
and ve
constant sabit
information bilgi
exposure maruz kalma
formal resmi, kamusal
to -e, -a; -mek için; için
-de, -deki; açısından;
içerisinde; -e, -a new yeni
school okul better daha iyi

ya da, veya; aksi takdirde, better daha iyi şekilde
better iyileştirmek
university üniversite
societal toplumsal
one bir şey, biri, kişi
associate ilişkilendirmek
one bir
associate işten tanıdık, iş arkadaşı
most en, en çok
with ile; -e sahip, -lı, -li
most çoğu
where nere, nerede
most çok, en çok, çoğu
where nereye, -dığı yere
common yaygın, sıradan; ortak
trained eğitilmiş
-e rağmen, -se de, -e
though present hediye; bugün, şu an
self kendi, öz şu anki; var, mevcut,
teaching öğretim,öğretmenlik
present sunmak,vermek
so öyle,o kadar
classroom sınıf,derslik
so bu yüzden
when -dığı zaman, -dığında, -nca
so de,da
when ne zaman?
so öyle,böyle
child çocuk
also ayrıca, buna ek olarak
relatively nispeten
also de, da, ayrıca
young küçük, genç; yavru
qualify nitelendirmek,yeterli olmak
age yaş; çağ, devir
etrafında, civarında;
around age yaşlanmak, yıllanmak
world dünya five beş

until -e kadar, -e dek, -e değin advanced ileri,gelişmiş
until -e kadar, -e dek, -e değin different farklı, değişik
teenage genç,ergen some bazıları,birazı
purpose amaç some yaklaşık,epeyce
not -me/ma some biraz,birkaç
not öyle,böyle form biçim, şekil
prepare hazırlamak,hazırlanmak form oluşturmak
for için; -dır, -dir, -lığına mandatory zorunlu
for çünkü children çocuklar
specific belli, özel hemen hemen, yaklaşık,
job iş, meslek, görev
everywhere her yerde
rather oldukça, biraz, az çok
usually genellikle
help yardım, çare
based dayanmış, -e dayanan
yardım etmek, yararı
help belief inanç
him onu, ona an herhangi bir
her onun educated eğitimli
her onu, ona best en iyi
develop gelişmek,büyümek best en iyisi
critical kritik,hassas,önemli suited uygun,uymuş
reasoning mantıklı düşünme advancement ilerleme
thinking düşünce, düşünme both ikisi
reading okuma both her ikisi de
writing yazma internally içerden
math matematik internationally uluslararası açıdan
are yardımcı fiil (be) childhood çocukluk
very çok, bir hayli free özgür, serbest; ücretsiz
very çok free
progress gelişmek,ilerlemek
charge ücret; şarj; görev; suçlama
progress gelişme, ilerleme
suçlamak; ücretlendirmek;
their onların charge
şarj etmek
schooling eğitim,öğretim training eğitim
they onlar essential gerekli
often sık sık, çoğu zaman only bir tek, yalnızca
come gelmek only yalnız, sadece
into -e , - a (içine doğru) part kısım, parça
more daha, daha çok parçalamak,kısımlara
more daha, daha fazla ayırmak
educational eğitimsel
more daha fazla
expected beklenen
challenging zor
retain tutmak,korumak
like gibi, -e benzeyen
eğer...-se/-sa, şayet…-
like hoşlanmak, sevmek if
like gibi learn öğrenmek
like benzeri,eş,zevk commonly sık sık, çoğunlukla
written yazılı,yazılmış use kullanım; fayda
composition karışım,kompozisyon use kullanmak
history tarih,geçmiş
assess değerlendirmek much çok şey
standardized standartlaşmış each her biri
popular ünlü, popüler each her
driving itici each her bir, her
driving sürüş across karşıdan karşıya
curricula müfredat ensure garanti altına almak
lesson ders receive almak, teslim almak
planning planlama minimum asgari
throughout boyunca; her yerinde minimum en az, asgari
these bunlar level düz,yatay,seviyeli
make yapmak, üretmek level seviye,düzey
sure emin,kesin level düzleştirmek,yıkmak
sure elbette knowledge bilgi
same aynı choose seçmek
same aynısı extend uzatmak
basic temel beyond ötesine, ötesinde
no artık değil what ne, şey
no yok,hayır required gerekli
no hayır -ın tarafından; -e kadar; -
erek; ile
no olumsuz oy,ret,yok
-e kadar,-den önce,-e
matter sorun, mesele; madde by
önemli olmak, olanları typically tipik olarak
wide geniş; yaygın
who kim
wide iyice, alabildiğine
teacher öğretmen
range çeşitlilik, dağılım; menzil
attend katılmak
... arasında değişmek,
sometimes bazen,ara sıra range
role rol, görev subject konu; ders; özne
play oyun subject maruz kalabilir
oynamak; (müzik aleti) maruz bırakmak, boyun
play subject
çalmak eğdirmek
united birleşmiş degree derece, aşama; lisans
left sol, soldaki; arta kalan offer teklif etmek,sunmak
left sola doğru,sol tarafta offer teklif,öneri,sunma
behind arkasında, arkasına at -de, -deki; -e, -a
act hareket,eylem varying değişken
act hareket etmek; rol almak those onlar,şunlar
this bu passionate tutkulu
this bu,şu about hakkında, ile ilgili; yaklaşık
way yol; yöntem, usul about yaklaşık
way hayli, oldukça particular belli,özel
measure ölçmek particular bazı,kimi,belli başlı
measure önlem; ölçü particular ayrıntı, detay
how nasıl; ne kadar topic konu
how nasıl, ne şekilde study çalışma,öğrenme
much fazla,çok çalışmak; okumak;
much çok, pek çok araştırmak

intently dikkatle college okul
graduate mezun olmak dropout okuldan ayrılan kişi
graduate üniversite mezunu he o
others başkaları,diğerleri learned bilgili, kültürlü
hope umut, beklenti himself kendi, kendisi
hope ummak, ümit etmek sufficiency uygunluk,yeterlilik
enter girmek independence bağımsızlık
certain belirli, bazı; kesin, emin discipline disiplin
specialized uzmanlaşmış discipline disipline etmek
may -e bilmek frequently sık sık
May Mayıs broader daha geniş
olası olmak (mümkün umbrella şemsiye
cultural kültürel
seek aramak, istemek
adaptation uyarlama, ayak uydurma
out dış, dışarı
needed gereken
out dışarda
meşgul olmak;
sönmüş,yanmıyor, hatalı engage
out nişanlanmak
such böyle society toplum,cemiyet
such böyle, bu tür be olmak
law yasa, kanun; hukuk thought düşünce
medical tıbbi,tedaviyle ilgili any herhangi biri,hiçbiri
-iken; -dığı halde, -e any herhangi bir,hiç
rağmen; halbuki, oysa
time zaman,vakit
while bir süre, biraz
book kitap tutmak,hızını ölçmek
book yer ayırtmak person kişi,birey
important önemli, gerekli skill yetenek,kabiliyet
which -ki o has sahip olmak
which hangi, hangisi another başka bir
means araç, yöntem, olanak Africa Afrika
pursue takip etmek extremely son derece, oldukça
own kendi, kendisine ait, özel severe ağır,ciddi,sert
own kendi, kendisinin why neden, niçin, niye?
own sahip olmak there orada,burada
outside dışarda, dışında there var,mevcut
outside dış,dışarda number numara,sayı
outside dışı, dış yüzeyi number numaralandırmak
read okumak serious ciddi, ağırbaşlı
extensively yoğun şekilde problem sorun, mesele
become olmak, ...hale gelmek from -den, -dan, itibaren
within içerisinde, -de, -da other diğer, başka, öbür
given belli other diğeri,ötekine
field alan,arazi social toplumsal
bill fatura; gaga unique tek,eşsiz,özgü
founder kurucu remember hatırlamak,anımsamak
example örnek,misal single tek; bekâr
was idi epidemic salgın

epidemic salgın, yaygın die ölmek
Afrikalı,Afrika ile even hatta, bile
ilgili,Afrika'ya özgü
even eşit,pürüzsüz
managing idare etme
under altında; -den az
situation durum
control kontrol,teftiş
than -den, -dan (daha)
control kontrol etmek,denetlemek
several birkaç
unchecked kontrol edilmemiş
several birkaç
simply sadece, basitçe
distinct farklı,belirgin,açık
because -dığı için, çünkü
main ana,asıl,temel
lack eksiklik
prevalent yaygın
lack yoksun olmak
disease hastalık,rahatsızlık
lack yetersiz,eksik
probably muhtemelen
ability yetenek,kabiliyet
according uygun olarak
access erişim,ulaşım
latest en son,en yeni
access erişmek, ulaşmak
genetic kalıtsal,kalıtımsal
need ihtiyaç,gereksinim
research araştırma
need ihtiyacı olmak
research araştırmak
treat ikram,ısmarlama
obviously açıkça
tedavi etmek; davranmak,
longer daha uzun treat
ele almak
likely muhtemel,olası prevent önlemek,alıkoymak
likely muhtemelen expensive pahalı
infect bulaştırmak (hastalık vs) them onları,onlara
large büyük,geniş well iyi; çok
proportion oran well şeeyy, ha!, pekala, peki
especially özellikle,bilhassa well sağlıklı, iyi
since -den beri well kuyu
-dığı için, çünkü; -den beri, reach ulaşmak,erişmek
-den bu yana
reach erişim,ulaşım
long uzun
assistance destek,yardım
long uzun süre,epey zaman
barrier engel
long özlemek,çok istemek
upon üzerine
incubation kuluçka dönemi
acceptable kabul edilebilir
period süre, dönem
men erkekler,adamlar
could -e bilmek
practice çalışma,uygulama,idman
infected bulaşmış
sexual cinsel
-sız, -siz, olmasaydı; -
without risk risk, tehlike
-sız,-siz;olmazsa risk riske atmak
bile,olmasaydı bile surrounding çevredeki, civardaki
knowing bilgili, anlayışlı
death ölüm,vefat
face karşı karşıya kalmak
birth doğum
face yüz, surat
exposed maruz kalmış,korunmasız
between arasında, arasına
blood kan
tuberculosis verem
bodily bedensel,fiziki
endemic sık görülen,yöresel
spread yaymak,dağılmak
result sonuç,netice
spread yayılma
result sonucu olmak
poor fakir; kötü, vasıfsız; zavallı
nutrition beslenme,gıda difficult zor,güç
hard zor, çetin; katı put koymak
hard güçlükle,şiddetle halt durdurmak
stay kalma,ziyaret progression ilerleme
stay kalmak Avrupalı,Avrupa'ya
özgü,Avrupa ile ilgili
healthy sağlıklı,güçlü
union birlik,sendika
suspect şüphelenmek
collaborative işbirlikçi
suspect şüpheli, zanlı
effort çaba
minority azınlık
mutually karşılıklı olarak
personnel kadro,personel
beneficial faydalı
trying yorucu, can sıkıcı
economic ekonomik,ticaretle ilgili
do yapmak, icra etmek
community topluluk, toplum, halk
right sağ, sağdaki; doğru
increase artış
right tam olarak,doğru şekilde
increase artmak, arttırmak
right hak
human insan
right düzeltmek
worldwide dünya çapında
thing şey, eşya
worldwide dünya çapında
fresh taze; yeni; serin
include içermek
sterile temiz,verimsiz
Europe Avrupa
day gün,gündüz
toward karşı, yönünde, -e doğru
vaccination aşılama, aşı
aid yardım
campaign kampanya; (askeri) sefer
aid yardım etmek
campaign kampanya düzenlemek
developing gelişen
stress gerilim, stres; vurgu
after -den sonra
stress vurgulamak
after -den sonra
rare nadir
war savaş; mücadele
vast büyük,geniş
divided bölünmüş
majority çoğunluk
political siyasi
working çalışma
promote ilerletmek; terfi ettirmek
working işle ilgili, çalışan
regional bölgesel
recognize tanımak,kabul etmek
body beden, gövde; ceset
too çok, aşırı; de da
success başarı
great büyük, mükemmel, önemli
including dahil
potentially imkan dahilinde
coal kömür
contaminated kirlenmiş
steel çelik
estimated tahmini
power güç, kuvvet; yetki, iktidar
found kurmak
power güç sağlamak
will -ecek, -mısınız
ideological ideolojik
will irade, istek; vasiyet
western batıda, batıdan
generation üretim; nesil
western kovboy filmi,kovboy romanı
whom kimi, kime
eastern doğuda, doğu
themselves kendileri
TRUE gerçek,doğru
vicious kötü amaçlı,tehlikeli
end son
cycle devir, döngü; bisiklet
end sona ermek, bitmek
cycle bisiklete binmek
cold soğuk
evolve ortaya çıkmak,gelişmek
cold soğuk algınlığı
treaty anlaşma largely büyük ölçüde
member üye,aza unrestricted sınırsız
effect etki korumak, muhafaza
etmek; iddia etmek
three üç
separate ayırmak
foreign yabancı
separate ayrı,ayrılmış
security güvenlik,garanti
taxation vergi tahsilatı
justice adalet,yargıç
aynı fikirde olmak,
home ev; vatan agree
üretilmiş,yapılmış,-den legal yasal
adopted evlat edinilmiş
admit kabul etmek,itiraf etmek
currency para birimi
nice iyi,hoş,nazik
Euro Euro
further daha ileri,öteye
central merkezi; önemli
further ileri; daha çok, başka
bank banka; kıyı
further ilave,başka,daha fazla
incorporate birleştirmek, içermek
nation ulus,millet
collectively ortaklaşa,birlikte olarak
must -meli/malı
eurozone avrobölgesi
must şart, zorunluluk
meet buluşmak; tanışmak
series dizi,seri
financial mali,parasal
criteria ölçüt, kriter
before -den önce
detail ayrıntı
before -den önce
detail detaylandırmak
before daha önce, daha önceden
geographic coğrafi
being varlık, var olma
dictate dikte etmek,yazdırmak
benimsemek, evlat
democracy demokrasi adopt
protective koruyucu slovenia Slovenya
market çarşı, pazar; piyasa first ilk,birinci
market pazarlamak first ilk olarak, ilk defa
economy ekonomi expansion genişleme,yayılma
undergoing süregelen addition ekleme
review gözden geçirme; eleştirme increasing artan,çoğalan
gözden geçirmek; stability tutarlılık,istikrar
variety çeşitlilik
Turkey Türkiye
agriculture tarım
turkey hindi
energy enerji,güç
republic cumhuriyet
terrorism terörizm
identified tanımlanmış
environmental çevresel
potential muhtemel, potansiyel
among arasında
potential güç, potansiyel
covered örtülü, kaplı
future gelecek, gelecekti
various çeşitli,farklı
future gelecek
goal amaç,hedef
admission kabul,giriş
still yine de
albania Arnavutluk
still hâlâ
greatest en büyük
still hareketsiz, durgun
establishment kuruluş,tesis
its onun
trade ticaret
infancy bebeklik
trade ticaret yapmak,takas etmek

measurable ölçülebilir designed hazırlanmış
already çoktan, zaten nourish beslemek
apparent açık,belli dry kuru, kurak
persuasive ikna edici dry kurutmak
advertising reklamcılık hair saç,kıl
component bileşen shiny parlak
hepsi, tümü, toplam; genel manageable idare edilebilir
contain içermek,kapsamak
overall genel olarak
similar benzer
strategy strateji,plan
reputation nam,ün
purchasing satın alma
ideal uygun, ideal
goods mal,eşya
thus bu yüzden
appealing cazip,çekici
sector sektör,kesim
general genel,yaygın
approach yaklaşım
general general
approach yaklaşmak
informative bilgi verici
perception algılama
essentially aslında ,gerçekte
individual bireysel
customer müşteri
individual birey
data bilgi,veri
successful başarılı
nature doğa; mizaç, huy
his onun, ona ait
function işlev,görev
his onunki
function çalışmak,işlemek
brand marka
product ürün,mahsül
brand damgalamak,lekelemek
assumption varsayım
mouthwash gargara
consumer tüketici
media basın,medya
convinced ikna edilmiş,emin
message ileti
desirability cazibe,çekicilik
breath nefes,soluk
set set,takım,sahne
bu yüzden, sonuç olarak,
kurmak, ayarlamak; therefore
set dolayısıyla
enhance geliştirmek, arttırmak
apart ayrı
confidence güven
apart ayrı
user kullanıcı
competition rekabet; yarışma
used kullanılmış; alışkın
effective etkili
anyone herhangi biri,hiçbiri
focus odak noktası, odak
attractive çekici
focus odaklanmak
sosyal olarak,sosyal
idea fikir yönden
convey iletmek,taşımak actually aslında,gerçekte
benefit faydalanmak, yararlanmak state durum; devlet
benefit fayda,yarar state ifade etmek
bulmak; anlamak, illustrated resimlendirilmi
öğrenmek otomatik olarak,
find buluntu, bulgu kendiliğinden
elsewhere başka yerde take almak; götürmek
shampoo şampuan good iyi, güzel, uygun
note not, pusula; nota chance olasılık, şans, olanak
note fark etmek,not etmek experience deneyim,tecrübe

experience yaşamak, geçirmek ethnically etnik olarak
type tür,cins ethnic ırksal,etnik

(daktilo, bilgisayar, telefon rural kırsal
ile) yazmak
parents anne baba, ebeveynler
print baskı; iz
severely şiddetli derecede
print basmak,yayımlamak
disabled engelli
ad reklam
lose kaybetmek
television televizyon
natural doğal,tabii
commercial reklam
try deneme, teşebbüs
commercial ticari
denemek; çabalamak,
gerçek,olgu try
fact ...yapmaya çalışmak
go teşebbüs,girişim,sıra instance örnek, vaka
go gitmek couple çift, eş
far uzak,ötede couple birleştirmek, çift olmak
far uzakta,çok two iki
possible olası,mümkün back geri
outcome sonuç back arka; sırt
ima etmek, anlamına back desteklemek
back arka,geri
firm sıkı, sağlam
back geri
firm şirket
register kaydetmek,listelemek
necessarily illa ki, mutlaka
register sicil,kayıt
superior üstün
second saniye,an
superior amir ,üst
second ikinci
china Çin,seramik,çini
second desteklemek
dictated dikte edilmiş
gücü yetmek( maddi),
sınırlama,kısıtlama afford
limitation karşılamak
fine iyi, hoş overseas yabancı,dış ülkeden gelen
fine ceza overseas yurt dışı, başka bir ülkeden
fine ceza vermek passport pasaport
correctly doğru bir şekilde bribe rüşvet vermek
family aile, soy bribe rüşvet verme
reality gerçek,hakikat paperwork kağıt işleri
enforcement yürürlüğe koyma turn sıra, değişim, dönüş
controversial tartışmalı dönmek, çevirmek,
restriction kısıtlama
blind kör
reproductive üremeyle ilgili
blind gözünü kapatmak
lead götürmek, öncülük etmek
eye göz
lead önderlik; kurşun
wealthy zengin, varlıklı
illegally yasadışı olarak
sadece; biraz önce; tam
born doğmak, dünyaya gelmek just
impression izlenim,etki just adil, doğru
chinese Çin uyruklu, Çinli pay ödeme; maaş
legislation yasalar, yasama pay ödemek
percent yüzde, ...lik provincial taşralı
married evli discourage cesaretini kırmak
urban kentsel however ancak, fakat; her ne

30 de çağırmak; adlandırmak,
call çağırılmak; (telefonla)
percentage yüzde
flat düz,havasız,sıkıcı debated tartışılan
flat daire overcrowded aşırı kalabalık
fee ücret reduction azalma
worried kaygılı,endişeli tutmak; saklamak,
country ülke; kır, taşra keep bulundurmak; yapmaya
devam etmek
support desteklemek
worse daha kötü
support destek
lower indirmek,azaltmak
rapidly hızlıca
lower daha düşük,alt
check kontrol etmek
unemployment işsizlik
check kontrol
surplus fazlalık
negative olumsuz,eksi
surplus artan, fazlalık
notable dikkate değer
additionally ayrıca
imbalance dengesizlik
additionally ayrıca
every her, her bir
grow büyümek,gelişmek
demographics nüfus istatistikleri bilimi
economically ekonomik açıdan
older daha eski,daha yaşlı
higher daha yüksek
old yaşlı; eski
per her biri, başına
harder daha zor,daha zorlu
despite -e rağmen
care ilgi, bakım; dikkat
lot çok
care bakmak,ilgilenmek
lot çok
existence varoluş
lot pay,hisse
black siyah; siyahi
lot çok,çok miktarda
unable elinden gelmez,yapamaz
controversy tartışma
healthcare sağlık hizmeti
inside içerisinde
forced mecburi,zorunlu
inside içi, iç taraf
female kadın
görmek; anlamak; ziyaret
female dişi,kadın see
etmek; izlemek
infanticide bebek katili, katli infringement ihlal, bozma
unwanted istenilmeyen personal kişisel
occur meydana gelmek,olmak rich zengin
frequency sıklık able yapabilir, yetenekli
additional ilave ,ek related bağlantılı,ilişkili
issue konu,sorun mother anne
issue resmen bildirmek; dağıtmak mother anne gibi davranmak
phenomenon olay,olgu abuse istismar etmek
little çok az; küçük abuse suiistimal, kötüye kullanma
little azıcık ago önce
little biraz,çok az fertile verimli
little biraz, az şey modern yeni, çağdaş
spoiled şımarık,bozulmuş were idi
lavish savurgan million milyon
attention dikkat humanity insanlık
leading önde gelen,önemli substantial önemli
call arama, talep hunter avcı

gatherer toplayıcı crop ürün vermek; kırpmak
botany bitki bilimi wheat buğday
forth dışarıya,ileri exist var olmak
anticipated beklenilen,umulan wild vahşi
ice buz crossing geçit,kavşak
ending bitiş grass çimen,yeşillik
mountain dağ bread ekmek
ocean okyanus earth dünya; toprak, yer
rising artan,yükselen earth
inland denizden uzak, iç
-de, -da, sırasında,
inland iç bölgelere doğru during
up yukarı, -e kadar peas bezelye
up ayakta barley arpa
up yükseltmek,artırmak nuclear nükleer
mass kitle,kütle zone alan,bölge
mass toplu,kitle alongside boyunca, ile birlikte
migration göç india Hindistan
everyone herkes cotton pamuk
moving dokunaklı; hareketli grown olgun,yetişmiş
naturally doğal olarak instead -ın yerine
instead bunun yerine
located bulunan,saptanan,konumlan
mış farming tarım,çiftçilik
asia Asya consumed tüketilmiş
civilization uygarlık now şimdi, şu an; derhal
filled doldurulmuş,dolu now madem ki, şu durumda
ample bol,çok automated otomatikleştirilmiş
fertilizer gübre small küçük, ufak, az
original gerçek,asıl necessary gerekli
nothing hiçbir şey feed beslemek
know bilmek; tanımak feed besin, yem
today bugün developed gelişmiş
frail hafif,kırılgan brainwashing beyin yıkama
otherwise aksi takdirde, yoksa someone birisi
otherwise -ın dışında, -den farklı abandon terk etmek, bırakmak
digest sindirmek previously eskiden,önceden
-in içinden, -den geçerek; deal anlaşma
ile, vasıtasıyla deal ilgilenmek; dağıtmak
selective seçici misconception yanlış kavrama
breeding yetiştirme,besleme paranoid paranoyak
nutritional besinsel mind akıl,zihin
sense duyu; anlam mind önemsemek,ilgilenmek
sense hissetmek, sezmek supposedly iddialara göre
we biz remote uzak
düşünmek; ... olarak
consider firmly sıkıca
genetically genetik olarak avow itiraf etmek

crop ürün,ekin impossible imkânsız

truth gerçek view bakmak, görmek
somewhere bir yerde against -e karşı
middle orta, vasat compliant itaatkar,uyumlu
middle orta, orta kısım reform yenilik,ıslahat
believe inanmak; güvenmek reform değiştirmek,reform yapmak
something bir şey technique teknik, usul
combination bileşim,birleşim quite oldukça
tend eğiliminde olmak insidious sinsi
rely güvenmek,bel bağlamak expert bilgili,uzman
everything her şey expert uzman
she o occasion durum
breaking kopma,kırılma defense savunma, müdafaa
down aşağı excuse bahane,sebep,özür
down aşağı excuse affetmek,mazur görmek
down çökmüş,yıkılmış would -ecekti, -erdi
vulnerable hassas,savunmasız normally normalde
emotional duygusal,hissi considered dikkate alınan
o zaman; daha sonra; unacceptable kabul edilemez
hostage tutsak, esir
gradually aşama aşama
criminal suçlu, yasadışı
absorb emmek,soğurmak
criminal suçlu
material malzeme, madde
might -e bilir
material maddi,maddesel
suggest önermek; ileri sürmek
rewarded ödüllendirilmiş
responsible sorumlu
conform uymak,boyun eğmek
activity etkinlik
tarihsel açıdan,tarihsel
historically former eski
broken kırık,bozuk,arızalı system yöntem; düzen, düzenek
switch dönmek,değiştirmek forcible zorla yapılan
switch anahtar, düğme; değişim work iş, meslek, çalışma
occasionally ara sıra work çalışmak, işlemek
fervent ateşli, coşkun determined kararlı, azimli; belirlenmiş
century yüzyıl,asır persuasion ikna
sophisticated kültürlü, gelişmiş language dil, lisan
forcibly zoraki spoken konuşulan,konuşma
psychology psikoloji üzerinden, üzerine; -den
fazla; içerisinde
demonstrated ispat edilmiş
over bitmiş, son bulmuş
change değişiklik; para üstü
international uluslararası
change değiştirmek, değişmek
distribution dağıtım
accused suçlu,zanlı
least en az
controlling kontrol etme, denetim
least en az
force güç,zorlama,kuvvet
least en az, en düşük
force zorlamak
designate görevlendirmek
accept kabul etmek
density yoğunluk
point nokta; husus, sorun
prominent önemli,seçkin
point işaret etmek,göstermek
politics politika,siyaset
view görüş,fikir
classification sınıflandırma
speak konuşmak lifetime yaşam süresi
context bağlam,içerik prevention önlem,koruma
influence etkilemek maintenance bakım, koruma, sürdürme
influence etki health sağlık,canlılık
status statü,konum nine dokuz
associated ilişkili,bağlantılı cardiovascular kalp ve damarlara ilişkin
literature edebiyat digestive sindirime ilişkin,sindirim
academic akademik urinary üriner,idrara ait
completely tamamen male erkek
aside yanında male erkek
aside yanında,kenarında order sıra, düzen; emir; sipariş
native yerli order emretmek; sipariş vermek
native yerli kimse, yerli mal basics temel öğeler
begin başlamak anatomy anatomi,inceleme
instruction talimat, öğretim biochemistry biyokimya
early erken; ilk, başı science bilim
early erken skin deri,cilt
elementary basit, temel four dört
later daha sonra heart kalp
application uygulama; başvuru brain beyin
professional mesleki,profesyonel cut kesik, kesinti
professional profesyonel cut kesmek,azaltmak
whose kimin open açık; dürüst
significance önem open açmak
gain kazanmak contained kapsanan
gain kâr, kazanım adequate yeterli
colonization sömürgeleştirme easier daha kolay,kolay
extensive kapsamlı,geniş understand anlamak,kavramak
involvement karışma biochemical biyokimyasal
popularity popülarite,rağbet continuously aralıksız,durmaksızın
containing kapsama proper uygun,düzgün
wealth zenginlik,servet cellular hücresel
physiology fizyoloji physician hekim,doktor
medicine tıp; ilaç diagnose teşhis koymak
-e rağmen, -se de, -e master usta
karşın ustalaşmak, iyice
birkaç,az master
few öğrenmek
few birkaç,az master kabiliyetli, bilgili
few çok az armed silahlı
organ organ pinpoint tam olarak saptamak
relation ilişki abnormal garip, alışılmadık, farklı
hand el adept becerikli
hand vermek,uzatmak pathology hastalık ilmi
healing iyileştirme pharmacology eczacılık bilimi
prone eğilimli examination inceleme, muayene; sınav
(acı) çekmek, -den create yaratmak
mustarip olmak, yaşamak
awareness farkındalık
informed bilgili,haberli locality bölge, civar
impact etki; darbe, çarpma valuable değerli
impact etkilemek eventually sonunda, nihayetinde
ongoing devam eden,süren affect etkilemek
overpopulation aşırı nüfus substandard normali altında
varied değişik,çeşitli,türlü homelessness evsizlik
extent boyut, derece clean temiz
hazır, mevcut; uygun, clean temizlemek
görüşmeye hazır
water su
sustain sürdürmek
water sulamak
event olay
immediate ani
major ana, önemli, büyük
unsanitary sağlığa zararlı
uncontrolled denetimsiz
famine açlık
burdensome yorucu
root kök
noted ünlü
root kök salmak
predator yırtıcı hayvan
unaffected etkilenmemiş
livestock çiftlik hayvanları
sweep silmek,süpürmek
once -den sonra
entire tüm, bütün
bir defa; bir zamanlar,
once affected etkilenmiş
prey avlamak finding bulgu
prey av solution çözüm
run koşmak; yönetmek; akmak national ulusal
run koşu task iş,görev
domesticated evcilleştirilmiş dramatically önemli derecede
cause sebep olmak, neden olmak leke, benek, nokta; ben;
yer, mahal
cause sebep, neden
tanımak, görmek, ayırt
güçlük spot
hardship etmek, seçmek
survival hayatta kalma poison zehir
think sanmak,düşünmek poison zehirlemek
growing büyüyen,artan critically eleştirel bir şekilde
prime başlıca,birinci massive büyük, devasa
fear korku,endişe public halk,kamu
fear korkmak public umumi,ortak
ayrılmak, terk etmek; itself kendisi,bizzat
bırakmak, yanına almamak
mismanagement kötü yönetim
leave izin,dinlenme
dealing iş,ticaret
footprint ayak izi
relative akraba
environment çevre
relative nisbi,göreceli
creature yaratık
perhaps belki, muhtemelen
overgrowth aşır büyüme
engineering mühendislik
devastating tahrip edici
sustainable sürdürülebilir
quality kalite, nitelik; özellik
harmful zararlı
housing yerleşim, iskan
repercussions tepki, yankı
crowded kalabalık
fit uygun, sağlıklı
less daha az
fit uymak,yakışmak
space boşluk, alan; uzay
fit nöbet, hastalık nöbeti

model manken; örnek efficient verimli,etkili
model mankenlik yapmak heavily yoğun şekilde
consumption tüketim violate ihlal etmek,çiğnemek
corresponding benzer, ilişkili criterion kriter,ölçüt
artmak, yükselmek; concerned endişeli, ilgili
doğmak, ortaya çıkmak
intersection kavşak
rise artış,yükselme
corruption yolsuzluk,bozulma
scarce kıt, nadir, az
axiom kabul edilmiş gerçek
şu andaki, mevcut, hali
current applied uygulamalı
current akım,akıntı absolute tam,kesin
persist ısrar etmek, sürmek absolutely kesinlikle,tamamen
renewable yenilenebilir case durum, vaka; dava
generate üretmek; oluşturmak office iş yeri, büro
sun güneş illegal yasa dışı
running koşu immoral ahlaksız
running akan; koşan recognized tanınmış,geçerli
contrast zıtlık, kıyaslama offense suç, kabahat
contrast kıyaslamak along boyunca
fossil kalıntı bribery rüşvet
treated işlenmiş, işlem görmüş extortion zorbalık, gasp
crude ham embezzlement zimmetine geçirme
oil sıvı yağ; petrol escape kaçış
consideration düşünme escape kaçmak
efficiency verimlilik notice fark etmek, farkına varmak
meaning anlam notice duyuru,uyarı,dikkat
production üretim key temel,esas
describe tasvir etmek, tanımlamak key anahtar; tuş
increased artmış scrutiny dikkatle bakma
stretch uzanmak, germek election seçim
stretch uzatma, gerilme whenever her ne zaman...-se
hissetmek, duymak; appointment atama,randevu
düşünmek oath yemin, söz
source kaynak,köken
uphold desteklemek,onaylamak
facet yön, taraf
trust güven
likewise benzer şekilde
trust güvenmek
üretmek, yapmak, neden
produce sound ses
produce ürün,mahsül sound kulağa...gibi gelmek
solar güneşle ilgili sound sağlam
wind rüzgar,yel noble soylu,asil
wind sarmak, dolamak noble asil kişi
technology teknoloji paper kağıt; gazete
convert dönüştürmek paper kağıt ile kaplamak
merely sadece prove ispatlamak, kanıtlamak
unsustainable sürdürülemez problematic sorunlu,tartışmalı
factor etken,unsur successfully başarılı bir şekilde
argue tartışmak; ileri sürmek harmless zararsız

funding fon sağlama administration yönetim
closer sonlandırıcı bay koy,körfez
ethical ahlaki secret sır
line çizgi,hat,sıra secret gizli
awarding ödül verme remain
kalmak, ...meye devam
influential etkili
remain kalıntı
beginning başlangıç
concern endişe, kaygı; ilgi
democratic demokratik
concern ilgilenmek, endişelenmek
ancient eski
independent bağımsız
greece Yunanistan
whole tüm,bütün
class sınıf,ders
whole tamamı, bütünü
class sınıflandırmak
caring şefkatli, sevecen
inevitably kaçınılmaz şekilde
should -meli/malı
division bölme,ayırma
inseparable ayrılmaz,bitişik
virtually hemen hemen,yaklaşık
eight sekiz
powerless güçsüz, kuvvetsiz
daycare gün boyu bakım
yakında, birazdan, az
soon philosophy felsefe
towards -e doğru focusing odaklanma
cancer kanser helping porsiyon
integrity bütünlük identity kimlik
governmental idari, hükumet culture kültür
intention niyet, amaç interrelated birbiriyle ilişkili
corrupt bozulmuş, ahlaksız, yolsuz basis esas,temel
corrupt bozulmak aspect yön,özellik,taraf
succumb yakalanmak, kapılmak empathize empati kurmak
peer eş, akran cooperate işbirliği kurmak
pressure baskı,basınç share paylaşmak
pressure basınç uygulamak share hisse, pay
position durum,konum,yer physical fiziki,bedensel
position yerleştirmek,koymak brüt, kesintisiz; iğrenç,
significant önemli
motor motor
overwhelming ezici, karşı konulamaz
intellectual zihinsel, akla dayanan
temptation cezbedici şey
intellectual aydın
bend eğmek,bükmek
creative yaratıcı
break kırmak; bozmak
music müzik
break ara, mola
art sanat
perceived algılanan
understanding anlayış,kavrama
greater büyük,daha büyük
understanding anlayışlı
always herzaman
increasingly artarak, giderek
experienced deneyimli
chosen seçilmiş,seçilen
city şehir, kent
boss patron nurture
hall giriş,koridor,salon background arka plan,özgeçmiş
late geç; son, sonları; rahmetli kind kibar,nazik
late son zamanlarda,geç kind tür,çeşit
fraud hileci, hile
require gerektirmek indian Hint; Kızılderili
house ev subcontinent alt kıta
house barındırmak,ev sağlamak movie film
pedagogy eğitim bilim student öğrenci
equal eşit traditional geleneksel
equal eşitlemek, etmek half yarısı
us bizi,bize half yarım,buçuk
kindergarten ana okulu half yarıya inmek
compulsory zorunlu english İngiliz, ingilizce
funded finanse edilen core çekirdek,esas,öz
head baş, kafa; müdür subtle belirsiz, güç algılanan
head yönetmek; kafa vurmak element element; unsur
start başlangıç concerning ile ilgili
start başlamak; çalıştırmak censorship sansür
low düşük, alçak, az practical uygulamalı,kullanışlı
income gelir listening dinleyiş
cannot yapamamak speaking konuşma
preschool okul öncesi teach öğretmek,ders vermek
preschool anaokulu producing üretim
literacy okuryazarlık, edebi kültür prop desteklemek
visual görsel design tasarım
audio işitsel design tasarlamak
radio radyo editing düzenleme, derleme
radio telsizle haberleşmek promotion terfi, ilerleme
move hareket,girişim,taşınma industry sanayi
move hareket etmek; taşınmak ownership sahiplik,mülkiyet
usage kullanım private özel, gizli, şahsi, kişisel
bias ön yargı private er (asker)
analysis inceleme corporate kurumsal,birleşik
propaganda propaganda corporate şirket
write yazmak irresponsibility sorumsuzluk
clear açık,belli known bilinen,tanınan
clear temizlemek,berraklaşmak dawn şafak
room oda; yer, alan (gün)ağarmak,şafak
theory kuram,teori
trading ticaret,alışveriş
literate bilgili, okuryazar
tribal kabileye ait
concept kavram
ümit ederek, umutla;
integrate bütünleşmek,birleştirmek hopefully
pull çekmek accommodating yardımsever
pull çekiş, çekim silk ipek
poverty yoksulluk road yol
highest en yüksek troubling tedirgin edici
north kuzey asian Asyalı
America Amerika domestic ülke içi; aile içi; evcil
east doğu purchase satın alma
lowest en düşük purchase satın almak

sale satış; indirim, ucuzluk unlike -ın aksine
inherently içten gelircesine Egypt Mısır
limiting sınırlama theocratic teokratik
conversely aksine ultimate en son, nihai
conversely aksine,tersine local yerli, yerel
vastly çok,büyük çapta local yerli
incumbent görevli god tanrı
global küresel mythology mitoloji
fair adil,dürüst,açık story hikaye,öykü
fair fuar, panayır creation yaratma, oluşum
freely serbestçe, özgürce behalf adına
vital hayati, çok önemli controlled kontrol edilmiş
somewhat kısmen temple tapınak
cyclical dönüşlü, döngüsel religious dini
provide sağlamak,temin etmek center merkez
cheap ucuz tall uzun
oriented meyilli,yönelmiş famous ünlü
productive üretken,yaratıcı,verimli biblical İncil'e ilişkin
productivity üretkenlik tower kule
transfer aktarmak,atamak appearance görünüş,ortaya çıkma
transfer transfer primeval ilkel
başkent; sermaye; büyük sea deniz
cosmic evrensel
capital ana,büyük
heaven cennet,gökyüzü
burgeoning hızla gelişen
goddess tanrıça
exchange değiştirmek,takas etmek
air hava
exchange değiş tokuş
air havalandırmak
expertise uzmanlık, beceri, ustalık
son erkek (evlat), oğul
facilitate kolaylaştırmak
separated ayrılmış
third üçüncü
wife eş, karı
hourly saatte bir
freshwater tatlı su
due süresi dolmuş
fertility verimlilik
due son tarih,aidat
love aşk, sevgi
profit faydalanmak, kâr etmek
love sevmek, aşık olmak
profit kâr, fayda
cuneiform çivi yazısı
amount miktar
poetic şiirsel
money para,nakit
narrative öykü, hikâye
trader tüccar
religion din,inanç
transportation taşınma
epic destan
etc ve benzeri
epic destansı
group grup,topluluk
legend efsane,destan
group grup oluşturmak
prior -den önce
southern güneyden
orally ağızdan,sözlü olarak
mesopotamia Mezopotamya
clay kil
multiple çoklu
literary edebi
king kral
translation çeviri,tercüme
Egyptian Mısırlı
quantity nicelik,miktar ever şimdiye kadar,hiç
strongly son derece,şiddetle replace yerini almak,değiştirmek
near yanında, yakında slavery esaret, kölelik
alternative alternatif fight kavga, dövüş; savaş
alternative alternatif fight savaşmak; kavga etmek
harm zarar illiteracy cehalet, bilgisizlik
harm zarar vermek land arazi, toprak, kara; ülke
scale ölçüt, boyut; pul (uçak) inmek,karaya
hydroelectric hidroelektrik
adverse ters,olumsuz
exhaustible tükenir
white beyaz; sütlü
commercially ticari olarak
white beyaz renk
viable uygulanabilir,yaşayabilir,yap istemek; gerekmek;
ılabilir aranmak
considering dikkate alarak want istek,ihtiyaç
harness kullanmak,yararlanmak violent şiddetli
harness koşum takımı,kayış inferior aşağı, düşük
primary ana,asıl race yarış, koşu; ırk
method yöntem, usul race yarışmak
sunlight güneş ışığı loss kayıp; zarar
electricity elektrik battle savaş
arranged düzenlenmiş battle savaşmak
maximum en yüksek, azami resistant dirençli
absorbed emilmiş, dalmış equally eşit derecede
currently şu anda south güney
biggest en büyük racist ırkçı
cost maliyet,ücret hate nefret etmek
cost mal olmak, tutmak hate nefret
transform dönüşmek, dönüştürmek extreme aşırı
abundant bol extreme aşırılık
connected bağlantılı unwelcome istenmeyen, nahoş
grid şebeke freed serbest bırakılmış
katkıda bulunmak,sebep mostly çoğunlukla
olmak illiterate cahil,bilgisiz
windmill yel değirmeni unskilled vasıfsız,niteliksiz
turning dönüş, dönemeç limited sınırlı
directly doğrudan concentrated konsantre olmuş
mechanical mekanik unjust haksız
motion hareket uneducated eğitimsiz
motion yapmasını sağlamak landless topraksız
earthly dünyevi, maddi exploit faydalanmak,sömürmek
geothermal jeotermik poll anket,araştırma
tidal gelgit ile ilgili voting oy kullanma
heat ısı,ateş segregation ayrımcılık
heat ısıtmak infamous kötü şöhretli
planet gezegen degrade aşağılamak, alçaltmak
organic organik,doğal continue devam etmek

superiority üstünlük imperative zorunlu,şart
extended uzatılmış,geniş your senin,sizin
separately ayrı bir şekilde association ilişki, bağlantı; kurum
changed değiştirilmiş visit ziyaret
plantation çiftlik,plantasyon visit ziyaret etmek
women kadınlar (para vs) çekmek; geri
elite seçkin kişiler
marked işaretli, göze çarpan
marital evliliğe ait
absent yok,mevcut değil
choice seçim
paid maaşlı,ücretli,ödenen
frustrated öfkelenmiş
ahead ileri
underpaid düşük ücretli
principal asıl,temel
unsafe emniyetsiz,tehlikeli
board tahta, pano; kurul
opted seçilmiş
board (gemi, uçak) binmek
cite alıntı yapmak,bahsetmek
ready hazır,gönüllü
curriculum müfredat
decision karar
say söylemek,demek
weigh tartmak, ...çekmek
twenty yirmi
congratulate tebrik etmek
thirty otuz
yourself kendi
quickly hızlıca,çabuk çabuk
whatever her ne
enjoy hoşlanmak, eğlenmek
whatever her ne
enjoy sahip olmak
multifaceted çok yönlü
together beraber, yan yana
agricultural tarımsal
evening akşam
base dayandırmak
safe güvenli
base temel
safe kasa
reduce azaltmak
worry kaygılanmak,endişelenmek
stimulate uyarmak,teşvik etmek
worry kaygı, endişe
indicate göstermek,işaret etmek
playground oyun sahası
reduced azaltılmış
rest dinlenmek
improved gelişmiş,yüksek
dinlenme, istirahat; kalan,
rest domestically ülke içinde
arta kalan
partake benzemek demand talep etmek; gerektirmek
alcohol alkol demand talep
get almak, elde etmek plentiful bol
pace hız, sürat offering öneri,teklif
skating paten resulting sonucunda ortaya çıkan
mediocre orta, vasat chile Şili
lonely yalnız, ıssız chile biber
homework ev ödevi desired istendik
participate katılmak export ihracat
extra fazla,ilave export ihraç etmek
curricular müfredatla ilgili add eklemek,ilave etmek
isolated izole,ıssız,soyutlanmış building bina,inşaat
spent harcanmış strength güç
communicating ilişki kurma stronger daha kuvvetli
you sen,siz industrial endüstriyel
interested ilgili,meraklı fewer daha az,çok daha az
living kazanç,geçim,yaşam revolution devrim
living canlı, yaşayan suitable uygun,elverişli
average ortalama, sıradan location yer,konum
average ortalama powerful güçlü
stable sabit,değişmez widespread yaygın
infrastructure alt yapı responsibility sorumluluk
expand genişletmek ordinary sıradan, normal
away uzak citizen yurttaş
look bakış; görünüş chemical kimyasal
look bakmak; ...gibi görünmek chemical kimyasal madde
fulfilling tatmin etme weapon silah
exotic egzotik, yabancı opinion fikir, görüş
imported ithal edilmiş contemporary çağdaş
spending harcama contemporary çağdaş, akran

faydalanmak, istifade obvious açık, belli, aşikâr
distinction ayırım
serve hizmet etmek
eruption patlama
establish kurmak,belirlemek
reliable güvenilir
evident belli,açık
enormous büyük
farm çiftlik
contribution katkı
farm çiftçilik yapmak, yetiştirmek
fundamental temel, asıl
dozen düzine
unknown bilinmeyen
subsequent sonraki,izleyen
internal iç
boost artırmak,yükseltmek
conflict çatışma,anlaşmazlık
boost yardım, destek
conflict çatışmak,çelişmek
expanding büyüyen,genişleyen
artificial yapay
county ilçe,vilayet
dependent bağımlı
surgery ameliyat,operasyon
rarely nadiren
disability özürlülük
unthinkable düşünülemez
commodity ticari mal
really gerçekten
emergency acil durum
desperate umutsuz,çaresiz
pregnancy hamilelik
önlem,tedbir apparently
precaution bakılırsa
complete tamamlamak identical aynı, birebir aynı
complete tam, eksiksiz, bitmiş highly hayli, oldukça, son derece
dangerous tehlikeli clearly açıkça
journey gezi,yolculuk fatal ölümcül,öldürücü
mental zihinsel entirely tümüyle
strong güçlü, sağlam; demli, sert random rastgele,gelişigüzel
evidence kanıt steadily değişmez bir biçimde
difficulty güçlük enormously aşırı derecede, çok

son zamanlardaki, yeni, deadly öldürücü,ölümcül
deadly çok, müthiş
improvement gelişme,ilerleme
poisonous zehirli
reason sebep; mantık
nearly hemen hemen, neredeyse
reason sonuca varmak,inandırmak
invisible görünmez
threat tehdit
hardly neredeyse hiç
visible görülebilir fairly oldukça; adil bir şekilde
scarcely hemen hemen hiç price fiyat; bedel
audible kolay duyulabilen price fiyatlandırmak
barely neredeyse hiç politically siyaseten,politik açıdan
alive canlı risky tehlikeli,riskli
basically temelde officially resmen
thoroughly tamamen closed kapalı
precisely tam olarak factory fabrika
equivalent eşit,denk technically teknik olarak
unprecedented benzeri görülmemiş correct doğru
initially başlangıçta correct düzeltmek,doğrulamak
reluctant gönülsüz overly aşırı derecede
terribly çok,korkunç derecede optimistic iyimser
painful ağrılı, acıtıcı expectation beklenti
exceedingly aşırı derecede environmentally çevresel olarak
generous cömert,bol pesticide böcek ilacı
strictly şiddetle, sıkı sıkıya purely tamamen,sadece
physically fiziki olarak statement ifade,söz
demanding çaba gerektiren,çetin surprisingly şaşırtıcı bir şekilde
ideally en iyi şekilde,ideal olarak competitive rekabetçi
conclusively kesin olarak ambitious hırslı
proven ispatlanmış politician siyasetçi
sufficiently yeterince surprised şaşırmış
flexible esnek visitor ziyaretçi
temporarily geçici olarak partly kısmen
bitterly acı verecek şekilde territory bölge
utterly tamamen intelligent zeki,akıllı
devoted kendini adamış pretty hoş,güzel,sevimli
culturally kültürel olarak pretty oldukça,epey
diverse çeşitli,farklı hopeless ümitsiz, çaresiz
slightly biraz,hafif derecede unemployed işsiz,boşta
noisy gürültülü worker işçi
precious değerli profitable kârlı
mentally zihinsel olarak investment yatırım
ill hasta, kötü addictive bağımlılık yapan
adversely olumsuz şekilde drug ilaç; uyuşturucu
superficial yüzeysel abnormally anormal bir şekilde
closely yakından newly yakınlarda,yeni
snake yılan mixed karışık, karma
incredibly son derece, inanılması güç illness hastalık
delicious lezzetli researcher araştırmacı
susceptible savunmasız affectionate sevgisini gösteren
carefully dikkatlice claim iddia,sav
awfully aşırı, müthiş claim iddia etmek
boring sıkıcı department daire,bölüm
logical mantıklı voter seçmen

donation bağış,yardım beautifully güzelce
trial deneme,mahkeme reluctantly gönülsüzce
applicant aday, başvuran suddenly aniden
spectator seyirci,izleyici financially mali açıdan
proposal teklif swiftly hızlı bir şekilde
civil sivil,medeni randomly rastgele
station istasyon gently kibarca
freezing dondurucu superbly harika bir şekilde
freezing donma fiercely şiddetle
crowd kalabalık experiment deney
toplanmak, bir araya experiment denemek, deney yapmak
homeless evsiz,barksız
enemy düşman
announcement duyuru,ilan
seriously ciddi derecede
disobey itaatsizlik etmek
deeply derinden
speed hız,sürat
damage zarar,hasar
speed hız yapmak, sürat yapmak
damage zarar vermek
retirement emeklilik
badly kötü şekilde
aloud yüksek sesle
meticulously titizlikle,özenle
lifestyle yaşam tarzı
innocently masumca
intervention müdahale
harcamak, geçirmek, sarf
spend urgently acilen
wisely akıllıca solve çözmek
close yakın, kapalı effortlessly zahmetsizce
close kapatmak; son vermek evacuate tahliye etmek
tightly sıkıca immediately hemen, aniden, derhal
reliably güvenilir bir şekilde handicapped engelli
properly doğru dürüst,güzelce yield ürün vermek, teslim olmak
regularly düzenli olarak yield ürün,gelir
happen olmak, meydana gelmek promising umut vaadeden
spontaneously kendiliğinden, o an olan huge büyük, kocaman
train eğitmek pose sebep olmak, teşkil etmek
train tren safety güvenlik
duymak, işitmek; haberi follow izlemek,takip etmek
olmak agenda gündem,ajanda
warm ılık, sıcak; sevecen
accelerate hızlandırmak
warm ısıtmak, ısınmak
give vermek
easily kolaylıkla
alone yalnız,tek başına
introduce ortaya koymak, tanıştırmak
alone yalnız
briefly kısaca
explanation açıklama
azalmak; reddetmek;
decline miss ıskalama
düşüş, azalma; gerileme; özlemek; kaçırmak,
decline miss
reddetme ıskalamak
substantially önemli derecede irrelevant ilgisiz,alakasız
avoid sakınmak,kaçınmak respect saygı
intentionally kasten,bilerek respect saygı göstermek/duymak
unnecessarily gereksizce steal çalmak
obey itaat etmek,uymak
interrupt araya girmek wing kanat
surrender teslim olmak neighbour komşu
touch dokunma,temas drip damlamak
touch dokunmak; etkilemek drip damla
honest dürüst, samimi greatly büyük oranda
silent sessiz,sakin connection bağlantı,ilişki
off -den uzak, kapalı asleep uykulu,uykuda
off kapalı; izinli; bozuk orbit yörünge
advice öğüt,tavsiye orbit yörüngede dönmek
patient hasta yükseltmek; büyütmek
patient sabırlı
raise maaş artışı
complaint şikâyet
decrease azalmak,azaltmak
immense büyük,kocaman
decrease azalma
shopping alışveriş
tutmak; düzenlemek; iddia
behaviour davranış hold
threaten tehdit etmek drop damla; düşüş
hospitable misafirperver drop düşürmek, bırakmak
prison hapishane conquer fethetmek
accommodation barınma conceal gizlemek,saklamak
unlucky şanssız nervousness öfke,sinir
offensive onur kırıcı, ağır arrive varmak,ulaşmak
scientist bilim adamı fluctuate dalgalanmak, değişmek
funny komik consist -den oluşmak
suburb dış mahalle, varoş melt eritmek, erimek
liberty özgürlük,hürriyet attack saldırmak
desert terk etmek,ayrılmak attack saldırı
desert çöl hurricane hortum,kasırga
reader okuyucu smog dumanlı sis
bad kötü,berbat disaster felaket
iron ütü; demir variable değişken
iron ütü yapmak variable değişken
rainfall yağış miktarı publish yayınlamak,basmak
satellite uydu benign zararsız,iyi huylu
inhabitant oturan kişi,sakin exhaust tüketmek
vein toplardamar clothing giyecek
thin ince specially özellikle
personality kişilik,karakter short kısa,az
scar yara,iz import ithal etmek
scar yara izi bırakmak import ithalat
ticket bilet; trafik cezası injure yaralamak, incitmek
interesting ilginç, ilgi çekici reject reddetmek
gift hediye; yetenek committee kurul
driver sürücü robbery soygun, hırsızlık
terrible kötü,feci commit işlemek,yapmak
article makale equip donatmak
mammal memeli humidity nem

execute idam etmek; yürütmek scholar bilgin
lethal öldürücü multiplication çarpma işlemi
injection iğne, enjeksiyon unhealthy sağlıksız
respiratory solunumla ilgili greenhouse sera
invent icat etmek crash çarpma
inhabit ikamet etmek crash çarpmak
deadline son teslim tarihi debate tartışma
anymore artık,bundan sonra debate tartışmak
composed sakin geleneksel, sıradan,
luxurious lüks,konforlu
supporter destekleyen, taraftar
kill öldürmek
steady devamlı, değişmez
earthquake deprem
dramatic ani, çarpıcı
poet şair
winner kazanan kişi
detect sezmek,bulmak
substance madde
worsen kötüleşmek
recession durgunluk
demolish yıkmak
movement hareket, eylem; akım
declare duyurmak, ilan etmek
invention icat
fortunately şans eseri, neyse ki
noticeable dikkate değer
discover keşfetmek, bulmak
reproduction çoğalma, kopya
prisoner mahkûm, hükümlü
destination varış yeri
guard koruma,nöbetçi
affair iş, ilişki
guard korumak, nöbet tutmak
sovereignty hükümdarlık,egemenlik
launch fırlatmak,başlatmak
discovery keşif,bulgu
launch başlangıç
persistent ısrarcı, sürekli
experimental deneysel
struggle çaba
build inşa etmek,kurmak
struggle çabalamak
ballot oylama
discrimination ayırım
ballot oy vermek
unusual olağan dışı
count saymak; hesaba katmak
malnutrition kötü beslenme
count sayma, hesap, kont
integration birleştirme
irreparably onarılamaz biçimde
importance önem
presume sanmak,tahmin etmek
accompanying eşlik eden
dead ölü,cansız
symptom belirti,bulgu,gösterge
dead son derece,tamamen
disorder bozukluk; hastalık
seasonal mevsimlik
anxiety kaygı,endişe
joblessness işsizlik
constitution anayasa
layoff işten çıkarma
sedentary yerleşik,oturan
highway otoyol, çevre yolu
stem -den gelmek,çıkmak
below altında
stem kök
victim kurban
tolerance hoşgörü
opposed karşı
primarily başlıca
scientific bilimsel
deep derin
vitally hayati derecede
deep derin
smooth düz,pürüzsüz,sakin
breakthrough atılım,buluş,ilerleme
smooth düzleştirmek
evolution evrim,gelişme
sustenance besin, gıda
empower yetki vermek,güçlendirmek
reveal açıklamak, ortaya çıkarmak rol vermek; şekil almak;
relationship ilişki
cast oyuncu kadrosu
expression ifade, ifade etme
doubt şüphe
imagination hayal, zihin
doubt şüphelenmek
creativity yaratıcılık
refrain sakınmak,çekinmek
globalization küreselleşme
obligation zorunluluk
inevitable kaçınılmaz
anlamına gelmek, demek
object nesne,cisim,eşya mean
object itiraz etmek, karşı çıkmak mean kaba, korkutucu
revival diriliş,canlanma disappearance ortadan kaybolma
complex karmaşık unnecessary gereksiz
complex kuruntu repair onarım, tamirat
sudden ani repair onarmak, tamir etmek
herbicide bitki öldürücü renovate onarmak, yenileştirmek
markedly göze çarpan bir şekilde bring getirmek
accidental kazara,tesadüfi fix onarmak
supplement ek, takviye insufficient yetersiz
supplement takviye etmek observation gözlem
poisoning zehirlenme sickness hastalık, bulantı
vicinity yakınlık workplace iş yeri
mortality can kaybı, fanilik pessimistic kötümser
overestimate abartmak attitude tutum,fikir,düşünce
release tahliye,kurtulma punish cezalandırmak
serbest bırakmak, yaymak; disobedience itaatsizlik
piyasaya sunmak
salary maaş,aylık
diagnosis tanı,teşhis
wrong yanlış, hatalı
keystone anahtar taşı
wrong yanlış
supervision denetleme
wrong hata, kusur
advance ilerleme
manager yönetici,idareci
advance ilerlemek,gelişmek
apologize özür dilemek
undergo maruz kalmak,geçirmek
mistake hata,kusur
önemli, hatırı sayılır
considerable mistake yanılmak, yanlış anlamak
occurrence olay,meydana gelme shut kapatmak
depend bağlı olmak,güvenmek shut kapalı
interaction etkileşim fatigue yorgunluk
trigger tetiklemek accuracy doğruluk
trigger tetik suitability uygunluk, elverişlilik
forecast tahmin etmek crime suç,kabahat
forecast tahmin murder cinayet
military askeri murder cinayet işlemek
military ordu speculation tahmin yürütme, kurgu
negotiation görüşme remedy çare,deva
official memur, yetkili remedy iyileştirmek, düzeltmek
official resmi remarkable dikkate değer
desire arzu etmek similarity benzerlik
desire istek,arzu ban yasak

ban yasaklamak endurance dayanma,katlanma
alarming korkutucu, endişe verici judgment yargı,kanı
consume tüketmek, kullanmak modify değiştirmek
empty boş company şirket; arkadaşlık
empty boşaltmak aim amaç,hedef
disappear gözden kaybolmak aim amaçlamak,hedeflemek
demonstration gösterme,gösteri workout idman,egzersiz
shortage kıtlık construction yapım, inşa etme
rapid hızlı,çabuk venture tehlikeli iş
challenge sorun,engel tehlikeye atılmak,cüret
challenge meydan okumak
circumstance durum, koşul
achieve başarmak,ulaşmak
leadership liderlik,önderlik
endeavour çabalamak,uğraşmak
harekete geçirmek,
endeavour çaba,gayret motivate
dispute tartışmak daily günlük
dispute tartışma daily günlük olarak, hergün
notorious kötü ünlü haberleşmek, iletişim
promise söz, vaat; gelecek kurmak
involve içermek; gerektirmek
promise söz vermek
confident kesin,emin
improve gelişmek,ilerlemek
expect ummak
express ifade etmek
charity hayır kurumu
express süratli, hızlı
explore araştırmak, keşfetmek
ease yatıştırmak,azaltmak
relevant alakalı, ilgili
ease rahatlık, kolaylık
interdisciplinary disiplinlerarası
mutual karşılıklı
urgent acil
equilibrium denge
accomplishment başarı,tamamlama
recommend tavsiye etmek
degradation aşağılama, küçültme
remedial iyileştirici
climate iklim
flush yüzü kızarmak
snore horlamak
tool alet,takım
cope başa çıkmak,halletmek
comprehend anlamak,idrak etmek
mark iz, leke; not
minister bakan
belirlemek, göstermek; not
eliminate ortadan kaldırmak mark
earn kazanmak (para) seed tohum,çekirdek
necessity gereksinim,ihtiyaç seed tohum ekmek
special belli,özel intimate samimi,yakın,kişisel
yürürlüğe koymak, intimate dolaylı anlatmak
award ödül
shelter barınak,sığınma
award ödüllendirmek
shelter barınmak, korumak
staff kadro,personel
plant bitki; fabrika
vision görüş, düş
plant dikmek, yerleştirmek
manage yönetmek; başarmak
balanced dengeli
survive hayatta kalmak
regular düzenli
simple basit,yalın
resistance direnç
inexpensive ucuz, masrafsız
truly gerçekten,tam anlamıyla
unity birlik,bütünlük
patience sabır,tahammül
ritual dini gelenek reproduce çoğalmak,üremek
differentiation ayrım,fark jeopardize tehlikeye sokmak
acquire kazanmak,edinmek terrain arazi,bölge
characteristic özellik mountainous dağlık, iri
characteristic tipik, karakteristik foremost önde gelen
medium orta,vasat bankruptcy iflas
medium araç, aracı store dükkân, depo
emotion duygu store depolamak
intellect zekâ, akıl retrieve geri almak
flow akma,akış immunization bağışıklık kazandırma
flow akmak,dökülmek immune bağışık,etkilenmeyen
slow yavaş infectious bulaşıcı
slow yavaşlamak software yazılım
immigrant göçmen pension emekli maaşı
transcription kayıt, kopya novelist roman yazarı
satisfactory tatmin edici span süre, mesafe
landfill çöp sahası span sürmek,kapsamak
capacity kapasite,hacim superstition batıl inanç
forgery sahte, taklit fumes duman
falsify sahtesini yapmak approximately yaklaşık olarak
deceive kandırmak treatment tedavi; davranış
tough dayanıklı,zor traditionally geleneksel olarak
soil toprak observe gözlemek
account hesap; anlatım repetition tekrar, yineleme
account açıklamak smile gülümseme
breakdown arıza; parçalanma smile gülümsemek
manner tarz,biçim,şekil appropriate uygun
sedative sakinleştirici appropriate sahiplenmek
weekly haftada bir, haftalık recycle geri dönüştürmek
weekly haftada bir extinction yok olma
transformation dönüşüm,değişim seemingly görünüşte
vacation tatil obstacle engel
resort tatil beldesi resident yerli,sakin
(son çare olarak) deluge tufan,sel
deluge sel basmak
locate yerini belirlemek
validity geçerlilik
formation oluşma,şekillenme
forward yollamak, yönlendirmek
accumulation birikme,yığın
forward ileri
acculturation kültürleşme
forward ileriye doğru
continuous devamlı,sürekli
forward ileri doğru
groundwater yeraltı suyu
impairment sakatlık
structure yapı,bina
interfere araya girmek,bozmak
structure architecture mimari
step adım; basamak striking dikkat çekici, çarpıcı
step adım atmak; basmak başlamak, -de ortaya
identify tanımlamak,saptamak
preserve korumak,muhafaza etmek
equality eşitlik examine incelemek,muayene etmek
starvation açlık,açlıktan ölme exactly tam olarak
underdeveloped az gelişmiş undertake üstlenmek,yüklenmek
author yazar feature özellik
suffrage oy hakkı feature rol vermek,özellik taşımak
governor yönetici,vali borrow ödünç almak
ethnicity etnik yapı mischievous yaramaz, haylaz
variant farklı, değişken implement uygulamak
racism ırkçılık implement alet, araç
affordable satın alınılabilir engellemek,başka yöne
affordable makul fiyatlı
finally sonunda, nihayet
forerunner öncü
determine belirlemek,saptamak
outstanding göze çarpan
encourage teşvik etmek
voluntarily gönüllüce
bound yükümlü, olması kesin
purposely kasıtlı
bound zıplamak
livelihood geçim,rızk
opposition muhalefet,itiraz
peak en üst seviye, zirve
explain açıklamak
peak doruğa ulaşmak
conservative tutucu, muhafazakâr
continent kıta
define tanımlamak,açıklamak
layer katman,tabaka
stand durmak,dikilmek
envelope zarf
stand tutum, tezgah, ayaklık
envelope sarmak ,kaplamak
survey araştırmak, anket yapmak
protect korumak
survey anket
defence savunma,müdafaa
useful kullanışlı
portion ayırmak,bölmek
respond yanıt/tepki vermek
portion bölüm, parça
violation ihlal,bozma
commerce ticaret
exclusively özellikle
irreversible geri döndürülemez
crust kabuk,dış tabaka
appliance alet,araç
indicative gösteren,belirtici
president başkan
wage ücret
elect seçmek
wage savaşmak, sefere çıkmak
employed işi olan
pleasure keyif,zevk,memnuniyet
thickness kalınlık, koyuluk
authoritarian otoriter
eating yeme
manufacturer imalatçı,üretici
incidence meydana gelme sıklığı
exporter ihracatçı
outlook hayata bakış,görünüm
glaciation buzullanma
cover kapak,örtü
izin vermek; olanak
cover kaplamak,içermek allow
donate bağışlamak universe evren, kâinat
habit alışkanlık shame ayıp,utanç,günah
resign istifa etmek,ayrılmak starve açlıktan ölmek
bath banyo shift değişim; vardiya
bath banyo yapmak shift değiştirmek
indifferent kayıtsız,umursamaz consequence sonuç
tuition özel ders real gerçek,hakiki
başvurmak; uygulamak; enable olanak tanımak
sürmek (krem vs)
isolation izolasyon, yalnızlık broadly genel anlamda
bağlantı cohesion uyumluluk
wear giymek; yıpranmak
correlation ilişki,oran
stationary sabit,hareketsiz
vehicle taşıt, araç, vasıta
domesticate evcilleştirmek
intake alım, alınan miktar
next bir sonraki,ikinci kez
disappointed hayal kırıklığına uğramış
next gelecek, sonraki
mayor belediye başkanı
translate çevirmek,dönüştürmek
intelligence akıl, zekâ; istihbarat
odd tuhaf, alışılmamış; tek
ranking en yüksek rütbeli
qualification yeterlik,nitelik
capability yetenek,kabiliyet
discussion tartışma,görüşme
interpretation yorum; çeviri
decide karar vermek
predict tahmin etmek
branch dal
blizzard tipi
branch dallara ayrılmak
pain ağrı,acı
moisturize nemlendirmek
estimate tahmin etmek,değer biçmek
quick çabuk
estimate tahmin
quick süratle,hızlıca
willing istekli
forget unutmak,hatırlamamak
comprehensive kapsamlı,detaylı
swim yüzmek
fulfil yerine getirmek
graduation mezuniyet
educate eğitmek
organizational örgütsel,kurumsal
climatic iklimsel
poem şiir
overweight aşırı kilolu
sunmak, göndermek;
zararlı submit
detrimental boyun eğmek
slowly yavaş yavaş resignation istifa
inaccurately yanlış olarak biodiversity biyo-çeşitlilik
insect böcek urbanization şehirleşme
accomplish başarmak,tamamlamak thereby böylece, bu nedenle

memnuniyet verici, globally küresel olarak
adulthood yetişkinlik
youth genç
diversity çeşitlilik
addicted bağımlı
owner sahip
double eş,çift
accordingly bu doğrultuda, buna göre
double ikiye katlamak
emigration göç
assume varsaymak,üstlenmek
remove ortadan kaldırmak
relieve rahatlatmak,hafifletmek
moreover dahası,ayrıca
thick kalın
foster büyütmek,geliştirmek
specificity belirginlik
proactively önceden hareket ederek
deforestation ormansızlaştırma
push itmek,zorlamak
distort şeklini bozmak
drawing çizim
forestry ormancılık
shape şekil,biçim
significantly önemli derecede
shape şekillendirmek
addiction bağımlılık
unpredictable tahmin edilemez
fund kaynak, para
malice kötü niyet, hainlik
fund para sağlamak
contrary karşıt
allocate ayırmak,tahsis etmek
contrary zıtlık
publicize ilan etmek,tanıtmak
yet fakat, ama, ancak
yet henüz perfect mükemmel, ideal
last son olarak,son kez mükemmelleştirmek,
last son, sonuncu
decay çürümek
last sürmek, devam etmek
decay çürük, çürüme
last sonuncu
emerge ortaya çıkmak
interior iç kısım
unless -mezse, -medikçe
ventilation havalandırma
strike grev,saldırı
intensively yoğun bir şekilde
strike vurmak; grev yapmak
cruel zalim,acımasız
dependence bağımlılık
decade on yıl
integral tamamlayıcı
undernourished az beslenmiş
soul ruh,duygu
consequently sonuç olarak, bu yüzden
return geri dönme; iade
guideline prensip,kılavuz, talimat
return dönmek; geri vermek
selection seçim
mummify mumyalamak
dream hayal; rüya
deficiency yetersizlik
dream rüya görmek; hayal etmek
whereas -e rağmen, oysa
sparse seyrek,kıt
diabetes şeker hastalığı
vegetation bitki örtüsü
precariously tehlikeli şekilde
nevertheless yine de,buna rağmen
eradicate kökünü kurutmak
nevertheless yine de
fall düşmek,inmek
slippery kaygan
fall düşüş, azalma; güz
surface yüzey
considerably önemli derecede
functional işlevsel
marine deniz ile ilgili
injury yaralanma, sakatlanma
perish yok olmak,ölmek
moisture nem,rutubet
evaporation buharlaşma
alteration değişiklik
immunity bağışıklık; dokunulmazlık
avoidable kaçınılabilir
weak zayıf, güçsüz
breastfeeding süt emzirme
numerous çok,sayısız
afterwards ardından
appear görünmek, ortaya çıkmak
assist yardım etmek, desteklemek
dentistry dişçilik
temporary geçici
specialization uzmanlık
relief rahatlama
exceed aşmak, geçmek
underlying altında yatan
prescribe reçete yazmak
vote oy, oylama
representation temsil,sembol,tasvir
vote oy vermek
rainforest yağmur ormanı
colleague meslektaş
attract çekmek,cezbetmek
childbirth doğum
failure başarısızlık
weight ağırlık, kilo
rectify düzeltmek
moderate ılımlı,orta
alliance antlaşma,ittifak,birlik
moderate hafifletmek, yatıştırmak
prospect olasılık,ihtimal
excess aşırı
abolish yürürlükten kaldırmak
excess fazlalık
entrance giriş
zenith zirve,doruk
totally tamamen
property özellik; mal, mülk
notion görüş,düşünce
hence bu yüzden
opposite karşısında
ailment hastalık, rahatsızlık, dert
opposite ters, karşıt; muhalif
opposite muhalif,öteki,zıt travel yolculuk,seyahat
impossibility imkansızlık travel seyahat etmek
overdose aşırı doz lay sermek,koymak
objective amaç,hedef meltdown erime
objective tarafsız, nesnel hereditary kalıtımsal
realize fark etmek; gerçekleştirmek nausea deniz tutması
contaminate kirletmek,bulaştırmak vomiting kusma
preservative koruyucu,saklayan vary değişmek
preservative koruyucu madde enterprise girişim,işletme
investigation araştırma chain zincir, halka
climb tırmanmak; yükselmek chain zincirlemek
climb tırmanış uncertainty belirsizlik
yerleşmek; halletmek, remediation iyileştirme
broadcast radyo/tv yayını
approve onaylamak
broadcast canlı yayın yapmak
arable verimli
unexpected beklenmedik
credible güvenilir,inandırıcı
drought kuraklık
deplete azalmak,tükenmek
wastefully savurganca
flooding sel, taşkın
crucial hayati,önemli
landslide toprak kayması
guarantee garanti,güvence
mainly başlıca
guarantee garanti etmek,söz vermek
industrialized worship ibadet etmek
hopeful umutlu worship ibadet, tapma
spite kin,inat,nispet neither hiç biri
sufficient yeterli neither hiçbiri
contradictory çelişkili neither hiç biri
authority yetki, otorite nor ne, ne de
explosion patlama nor ne, ne de
farmer çiftçi gatekeeper kapı görevlisi
raw çiğ,ham devote adamak,kendini vermek
broadcasting tv - radyo yayını flight uçuş
corporation kuruluş,dernek delay gecikme
indication belirti, işaret, iz, alamet delay geciktirmek
heritage miras; kalıtım cancel iptal etmek
thanks teşekkürler either ikisinden biri
thanks teşekkürler,şükran either ya ya da
speculative tahmini,kuramsal either -de, -da
roughly yaklaşık shield kalkan,siper
triple üçe katlamak shield korumak,siper olmak
contamination kirlilik bulk toplu, yığın
grave mezar bulk toptan
grave ağır, şiddetli struck vurmak
golden altın, altından yapılmış struck grevde
response cevap, yanıt, tepki disruption kesinti,aksama
spacecraft uzay gemisi,uzay aracı outbreak patlak verme, başlangıç
annual yıllık secular laik

moral ahlaki impotence iktidarsızlık
moral ahlak; kıssadan hisse following takip eden,sonraki
innovative yenilikçi following -den sonra, -i takiben
proceed ilerlemek unusually alışılmadık biçimde
dominion egemenlik, hakimiyet recognition tanınma,doğrulama
pocket cep,göz,kısım constitutionally anayasaya göre
pocket cebe indirmek shortcut kestirme, kısa yol
stupid aptal,saçma intent niyet, amaç
alert uyanık,dikkatli save kurtarmak; saklamak
alert tehlikeye karşı uyarmak pass geçmek,başarmak
alert uyarı, ikaz pass geçiş, pas
danger tehlike,risk organization teşkilat, kuruluş
display sergi,gösteri upgrade bir üst seviyeye çıkartmak
display sergilemek,göstermek agonizing eziyetli
aggressive sinirli newspaper gazete
referee hakem altından yapılmış,altın
diskalifiye etmek,men renkli
disqualify gold altın
inheritance miras, kalıt onwards ileriye doğru
mutation değişim,mutasyon except hariç
induce ikna etmek,sebep olmak except -den başka, ... hariç
conclude sonuç çıkarmak miner madenci
discomforting rahatsız edici whereby sayesinde,yoluyla
unrealistic gerçekçi olmayan tendency eğilim
neutral nötr, tarafsız imitate taklit etmek
refer ...demek, atıfta bulunmak erupt patlamak (yanardağ)
sooner daha erken nutrient besin, gıda
bankrupt iflas etmiş cultivation tarım yapma, üretme
bankrupt iflas etmek fully tamamen
representative temsilci,delege luxury lüks,konfor
representative temsilci luxury lüks yaşayan
dedication adama,bağlılık borderline sınır çizgisi
destroy yıkmak borderline sınırda olan
employ işe almak; kullanmak blink göz kırpmak
overturn devirmek,alt üst etmek blink göz kırpma
zoologist zoolog refrigeration soğutma
counterpart benzer,emsal milkman sütçü
draft taslak fill doldurmak
draft taslağını yapmak dairy mandıra
past geçmiş,bitmiş show gösteri,sergi
past geçmiş show göstermek
tap musluk dazzling büyüleyici,şaşırtıcı
tap takırdatmak array düzen,sergi
permit izin vermek array düzenlemek,sıralamak
permit izin, ruhsat variability hareketlilik, değişkenlik
statistics istatistik output ürün, çıktı
solely sadece dust toz
concentration yoğunluk, yoğunlaşma distress üzmek,sıkıntı vermek
clue ipucu distress sıkıntı, ıstırap
sky gökyüzü demonstrate göstermek,kanıtlamak
responsive duyarlı, hassas court mahkeme
infiltration sızma,gizlice katılma presence varlık, var olma
live yaşamak, ikamet etmek prejudice ön yargı
live canlı,yaşayan costly pahalı,maliyetli
theorist kuramcı undesirable istenmeyen
link bağlantı,hat çabalamak, kalkışmak,
link bağlamak,birleştirmek
attempt çaba, girişim
propose teklif etmek,sunmak
recuse davadan çekilmek
shortly kısa zaman sonra
abbreviate kısaltmak
thereafter ondan sonra
definition tanım,tanımlama
purify arıtmak
strict katı,sert
characterize nitelemek,betimlemek
encompass kapsamak,kaplamak
amplify artırmak,genişletmek
primitive ilkel
yeast maya
smoke duman; sigara
segment parça, bölüm
smoke sigara içmek; tütmek
clone klonlamak
rewarding ödüllendirici, tatmin edici
dweller yaşayan,sakin
exercise alıştırma
absence yokluk, var olmama
exercise alıştırma yapmak
disproportionate orantısız
instantly hemen,derhal
constantly sürekli
credibility güvenilirlik
prehistory tarih öncesi
comment yorum,fikir
primate ilk yaratıklar
comment yorum yapmak
smelt eritmek
expulsion atma,çıkarılma
copper bakır
censure kınamak, eleştirmek
copper bakır kaplamak
censure eleştiri
welfare refah,zenginlik
novel roman
treason hainlik, ihanet
novel yeni,değişik
accompany eşlik etmek
celebrate kutlamak
penalty ceza,penaltı
naturalness doğallık
sanction yaptırım
sort tür
davet etmek, çağırmak;
invite sort sınıflamak,ayırmak
neden olmak
retaliation misilleme mankind insanoğlu

weaken flora bitki örtüsü

fauna hayvan topluluğu
unilateral tek taraflı
genus cins, tür
discontent hoşnutsuzluk
prefer tercih etmek
invasion istila
forthcoming yaklaşan,gelecek
defeat yenilgi
again tekrar, yeniden, yine
defeat yenmek
dental dişle ilgili
repeated tekrarlanan
aware farkında, haberdar
crave istemek, arzulamak
granted verilmiş,bahşedilmiş
discontinuation ara, duraklama
brush fırça
uncharacteristic -e özgü olmayan
brush fırçalamak
toothpaste diş macunu neglect ihmal
toothbrush diş fırçası mistreat kötü davranmak
trouble sorun deprived yoksun,muhtaç
canını sıkmak, sıkıntı tactile dokunma ile ilgili
stimulation teşvik, uyarım, dürtü
gum diş eti; sakız
unexplained açıklanmamış
gum yapıştırmak
adoption kabullenme,benimseme
measurement ölçüm,ölçü
tender yumuşak; hassas
compare karşılaştırmak
poorly yetersiz, kötü şekilde
distance uzaklık,mesafe
poorly hasta
elbow dirsek
orphanage yetimhane
width en,genişlik
yenmek; vurmak, dövmek;
inç beat
inch (nabız) atmak
length uzunluk,boy,süre beat vuruş,tempo
originally aslında ,başlangıçta village köy
mile mil slum gecekondu bölgesi
approximate yaklaşık walk yürüyüş,gezinti
approximate yaklaşık walk yürümek
standardize standartlaştırmak carry taşımak
rod çubuk, değnek jug sürahi
fixed sabit container varil, kap
circumference çember,çevre river nehir,ırmak
instrument alet,enstrüman,vasıta lake göl
nowadays şu günlerde, günümüzde dangerously tehlikeli bir şekilde
wavelength dalga boyu pollute kirletmek
light hafif; açık (renk) vendor satıcı
light ışık, lamba; ateş sell satmak
light yakmak; aydınlatmak hunt avlamak; aramak
transport nakil, taşıma hunt avcılık; arama
transport taşımak,nakletmek gather
toplamak, toplanmak,
constitute oluşturmak
interact etkileşimde olmak
balance denge
surroundings çevre, civar
balance dengelemek
capable yapabilir, yetenekli
radiate yaymak, saçmak
alter değiştirmek
flood sel basmak,taşmak
strip soymak, soyunmak
flood sel, taşkın
grazing otlatma
likelihood ihtimal
domestication evcilleştirme
possibility olasılık,olanak
inedible yenmez
reflect yansıtmak
sophistication incelik,kültürlü olma
forest orman
pursuit kovalama, takip
farmland çiftlik arazisi
eagerly hevesle,istekle
upset üzgün
acquisition edinim
upset üzmek,bozmak
tempting özendirem
infant bebek, çocuk
hurry acele,telaş
satisfy tatmin etmek
hurry acele etmek, çabuk olmak
course kurs; yol, rota
enthusiasm heves,coşku
neglect ihmal etmek
strictness katılık, sertlik inventor mucit
punctuality dakiklik fortune şans; servet
represent temsil etmek cheerful neşeli
awaken uyandırmak lover sevgili,aşık
scare korkutmak patriotic vatansever
paralysis felç, inme explosive patlayıcı
scary korkutucu peacetime barış dönemi
wake uyanmak mining madencilik
relax dinlenmek,gevşemek fellow hemşehri,dost
conscious bilinçli,farkında fellow adam, herif
ghost hayalet useless yararsız
monster yaratık publicity reklam, tanıtma
schedule program deserve hak etmek
schedule programlamak fame şöhret,ün
trick hile,numara,oyun taste tat,lezzet,zevk
trick aldatmak,kandırmak taste tadına bakmak, tadı olmak
literally kelimenin tam anlamıyla glory şan, şeref
rid başından atmak,defetmek memorial anıt
rush acele etmek,koşturmak lady hanım,bayan
rush acele, telaş pioneer öncü olmak
congestion (trafik) tıkanıklık pioneer öncü
breathe nefes alıp vermek lie uzanmak; yalan söylemek
fever ateş (hastalık) lie yalan
runny akan hover havada asılı kalmak
miserable sefil, perişan, kötü twilight alacakaranlık
wonderful şahane, çok güzel overhear kulak kabartmak
soup çorba passionately tutkulu bir şekilde
amazing şaşırtıcı hang
asmak, sallanmak; idam
joke şaka,espri
resurrect yeniden canlandırmak
joke şaka yapmak
discouragement cesaretin kırılması
assassination suikast
wavering tereddütlü
derive türemek,kaynaklanmak
faith inanç
fortress büyük kale, hisar
intensity yoğunluk
sect mezhep
plea savunma
follower takipçi,destekçi
reassure güvenini pekiştirmek
belong ait olmak
instinctual içgüdüsel
terrorize kasıp kavurmak
drive sürüş
nickname lakap takmak
drive (araba) sürmek, kullanmak
nickname lakap
instinct içgüdü
hemp esrar, kenevir
bolster desteklemek, güçlendirmek
persuade ikna etmek
intricate dolaşık,karışık
disciple mürit, öğrenci
delicate hassas,kırılgan
glorious muhteşem, harika
strain gerginlik,zorlama
afterlife ahiret
strain çaba harcamak,zorlamak
plural çoğul
lifespan yaşam süresi, ömür
assassin suikastçı
corrective düzeltici
backward gelişmemiş perseverance azim
backward geriye doğru redemption kurtulma, itfa
defective kusurlu, defolu solidify katılaşmak
conduct yürütme suspension erteleme
conduct yürütmek; iletmek suspension erteleme, asma
disperse dağıtmak,yaymak disbelief inançsızlık
attain elde etmek,ulaşmak insult aşağılamak
laborious zahmetli,güç characterized özdeşleşmiş
reputable saygı değer tissue doku
attainable elde edilebilir wart siğil
confine sınırlandırmak, hapsetmek malignant kötü,ölümcül
intensive yoğun enclose iliştirmek; çevrelemek
loading yükleme membrane ince zar
unpack açıp boşaltmak penetrate nüfuz etmek,girmek
handle kulp, kol neighbouring yakın, bitişik, komşu olan
handle ele almak,çözmek invade istila etmek
monitor monitör,gözleyici lymph lenf bezi
monitor gözlemek host ev sahibi, sunucu
simplify basitleştirmek host ev sahipliği yapmak
advent gelme,ortaya çıkma distant uzak
usher yer göstermek circulation dolaşım
virtue erdem,üstünlük invasive akın eden,saldıran
boom geliştirmek,hızla büyümek screening görüntüleme
boom artış, patlama drastically önemli ölçüde
sequester el koymak, ayırmak severity şiddet
setting ortam, dekor; ayar, derece drain suyunu çekmek
fiction kurgu drain pis su borusu; yük, zahmet
draw çekiliş; beraberlik prosperous zengin
draw çizmek; çekmek unrest rahatsızlık,kargaşa
extraordinary olağan üstü competitiveness rekabet yeteneği
scenario senaryo entrepreneur girişimci
comparison karşılaştırma revenue vergi, gelir
mirror ayna alleviate azalmak,hafiflemek
mirror yansıtmak,göstermek option seçenek
feasible gerçekleştirilebilir,uygun expatriate göçmen, mülteci

meydana gelmek, belli relocate yeniden yerleştirmek
wonder merak etmek
genre tür
wonder hayret, şaşkınlık; mucize
fairy peri
başarılı olmak; -ın yerine
masal, öykü, hikâye succeed
tale geçmek
potion iksir fortifications tahkimat
spell hecelemek naked çıplak,apaçık
spell büyü, tılsım contradict çelişmek; karşı çıkmak
coherence uyum, ahenk plausible akla yatkın,inandırıcı
plot konu; komplo height boy,yükseklik
plot komplo kurmak spider örümcek
universal evrensel,genel invertebrate omurgasız
invertebrate omurgasız hayvan attendant görevli,hizmetli
backbone bel kemiği,omurga assembly meclis,toplantı,kurul
inject iğne yapmak; eklemek fry kızartmak
venom zehir trite klişe, eskimiş, banal
spin döndürmek, örmek phrase tamlama
spin döndürme phrase ifade etmek
web örümcek ağı, web paradox çelişki
trap tuzak kurmak specialize uzmanlaşmak
trap tuzak, kapan circuit devre
wolf kurt simplistic basitleştirilmiş
fling sallamak constraint sınırlama,zorlama
slingshot sapan flexibility esneklik
lizard kertenkele eminent ünlü
pest haşere solid katı, sert
sting acı, sızı solid katı madde
sting sokmak (sivrisinek/arı) strata zemin, tabaka
bee arı chalk tebeşir, kireç
widow dul, dul kadın overlay üstünü kaplamak
widow dul bırakmak abruptly aniden,hemen
bite ısırmak inundation sel
bite ısırık, lokma devastate harap etmek
landmark dönüm noktası conclusive son,kesin
acre hektar sceptical kuşkulu,şüpheli
daralmak, küçülmek, crucially çok önemli bir şekilde
devise düşünmek, icat etmek
feat beceri, başarı
imaginary hayali,düşsel
polished cilalı,parlak
playfulness oyunbazlık
limestone kireç taşı
embedded gömülü
shine parlamak
trivial önemsiz
shine parlaklık
essence esas,nitelik
brilliantly mükemmel bir şekilde
playful şakacı,oyunbaz
magnificent büyük
lifelong ömür boyu süren
tomb mezar,türbe
profession meslek
advisor danışman
understandably anlaşılabilir şekilde
credit kredi,övgü
equate eşit tutmak
architect mimar
mere tek
friendly arkadaşça,dostane
complicated karmaşık
drown suda boğulmak
manipulate yönlendirmek
sailor denizci
equation denge,eşitlik
dolphin yunus balığı
reliability güvenilirlik
imagine hayal etmek, sanmak
totter yalpalamak, sendelemek
probable muhtemel,olası
eyewitness görgü tanığı
favour iyilik
fireball ateş topu
favour desteklemek
flash parlamak,ışıldamak
pervasive yaygın, kapsayan
flash ani ışık
synonymous eş anlamlı, eşleşen
streak şerit, yön
swollen şişmiş
float su üstünde yüzmek harass rahatsız etmek
bail kefaletle serbest bırakmak partner eş,ortak
bail kefalet cheat aldatmak,kandırmak
reportedly söylenenlere göre cheat hile
repeat tekrar etmek mislabel yanlış etiketlendirmek
repeat tekrar formerly eskiden
sighting görülme attorney avukat
confirm doğrulamak scapegoat günah keçisi
predictor kahin,öngörücü culprit suçlu, elebaşı
subtlety incelik disinformation yanlış bilgi verme
crow böbürlenmek,ötmek scandal rezalet,skandal
crow karga unravel çözmek,aydınlatmak
clam midye sane aklı başında, mantıklı
intertidal gelgitle ilgili shark köpek balığı
gulp yutkunmak box kutu
theft hırsızlık box kutulamak
thievery hırsızlık sanitary sağlıklı, hijyenik
ilgi çekmek,merak arrangement düzenleme
fin yüzgeç
chase takip etmek,kovalamak
bandage sargı
peck gagalamak
bandage sargı yapmak
secretively ağzı sıkı bir şekilde
melancholy hüzün,keder
commotion kargaşa
melancholy üzgün,kederli
forage yiyecek aramak
jaw çene
regret pişman olmak; üzülmek
jaw azarlamak
regret pişmanlık
idly başıboş bir şekilde
lunar Ay'a ait,Ay ile ilgili
sacrifice kurban etmek
lament ağıt yakmak
sacrifice fedakârlık; kurban
triumph zafer,galibiyet
cheerfully neşeli bir şekilde
triumph zafer kazanmak
assure garanti etmek,söz vermek
compelling ikna edici, ilgi uyandıran
obedience itaat
probe yapmak,incelemek,derinine beware sakınmak,korunmak
inmek inclination eğilim, meyil
probe sonda, uydu betray kandırmak, aldatmak
airless havasız mute sessiz, dilsiz
stunning mükemmel,şahane seaweed su yosunu
perpetually sürekli olarak pin dikiş iğnesi,toka
shadowed gölgeli pin tutturmak, bağlamak
pole kutup title başlık; unvan
comet kuyruklu yıldız title isimlendirmek
deposit kapora, peşinat; tabaka hero kahraman
deposit bankaya yatırmak portray betimlemek,canlandırmak
compound birleştirmek; berbat etmek pure saf,katkısız
compound karışım, bileşim romp sıçrayıp oynamak
origin köken splendid mükemmel,görkemli
delusional kuruntusal heroic kahramanca,cesur

enthusiastically coşkuyla, neşeyle preach öğüt vermek, vaaz vermek
accompaniment eşlik, vokal altogether tümüyle,hep beraber
stream dere,çay,akım occupy işgal etmek
stream akmak post posta; iş
dreamily sersem sersem post postalamak
lull ara, fasıla memur, görevli, polis,
agreeable uysal,anlaşılabilir


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