CG BOE 2015 Paper 1 Solution
CG BOE 2015 Paper 1 Solution
CG BOE 2015 Paper 1 Solution
Answer : 1.(c) 2.(b) 3.(b) 4.(b) 5.(c) 6.(b) 7.(c) 8.(b) 9.(a) & 10.(b)
Answer :
(i) Definition of “Boiler” as per IBR Act amended in 2007 :--
(ii) Definition of “Steam line” as per IBR Act amended in 2007 :--
(iv) Definition of “Boiler Component” as per IBR Act amended in 2007 :---
(vi) Hooke’s Law : When material is loaded within elastic limit stress produced is
directly proportional to Strain. i.e. E = σ/e
(vii) Diamond riveted Joint : This is one kind of butt joint made either with a
single or double strap. As the name implies, the rivets in this joint are
arranged in a diamond shape. Below mention figure shows a double strap
diamond butt joint. The joint is generally used to connect tie bars in bridge
structures and roof trusses.
Meq=Mactx(H-Hwt)/539 Kg/hr
Meq =Equivalent evaporation.
Mact =Actual mass of steam generated per unit mass of fuel burnt.
H =Total specific enthalpy of steam under operating conditions
Hwt =Specific enthalpy of feed water kcal/kg.
Answer :
(i)Safety Valve : Safety Valve is a mounting, which protects a boiler or any pressure
vessel against over pressure. A pressure vessel is always designed to withstand a safe
working pressure at a particular temperature and it is supposed to work within the safe
limits of pressure and temperature. Safety against over pressure is very essential due to
the fact that the pressure vessel may burst causing extensive damages, if the safe
working pressure limit is exceeded. Therefore, if the working pressure exceeds limit at
any time, the pressure is to be instantaneously released and the vessel has to be
brought back within the safe level of pressure limits. Safety Valve is the safety device for
any pressure vessel and is an essential and important mounting for a boiler. IBR
stipulates stringent conditions for periodic inspection and testing of safety valves. Every
year before renewal of boiler license, it is mandatory to conduct steam test for a boiler by
successfully demonstrating the working of the Safety Valves.
(ii) Failure of Riveted Joint : A riveted joint may fail in several ways but the failure
occurs as soon as failure takes place in any one mode. Following are the modes of
failures in any riveted joint.
1. Tearing of Plate at the Section Weakened by Holes.
2. Shearing of Rivet.
3. Crushing of Plate and Rivet.
4. Shearing of Plate Margin near the Rivet Hole.
(iii) Assumptions made while designing a riveted joint for structural use :
To ensure the desired strength following assumption has to be made while designing a
riveted joint for structural use :
(a) The tensile load is equally distributed over pitch lengths.
(b) The load is equally distributed over all rivets.
(c) The bending of rivets does not occur.
(d) The rivet holes do not produce stress concentration. The plate at the hole is not
weakened due to increase in diameter of the rivet during second head formation.
(e) The crushing pressure is uniformly distributed over the projected area of the rivet.
(f) Friction between contacting surfaces of plates is neglected.
Question 4 : A hollow steel tube 3.5m long has external diameter of 120mm. In
order to determine the internal diameter, the tube was subjected to a tensile load
of 400kN and extension was measured to be 2mm. If the modulus of elasticity for
the tube is 200Gpa, determine the internal diameter of the tube.
Question 5 : What is chemical degradation of resin? Why does it occur and what is
it’s effect in DM Plant.
Answer :
Solution :
Supose “t” is the thickness of cylindrical shell.
Circumferential stress ϭc=Pxd/2t
Thus thickness of shell “t” =Pxd/2xϭc
Solution :
1m3 of the fuel contain 0.14m3 of H2, 0.01m3 of CH4, 0.24m3 of CO, 0.05m3 of CO2,
0.01m3 of O2 & 0.55m3 of N2.
CO + (1/2) O2 CO2
1 Volume 0.5 Volume 1 Volume
It means 1 volume of CO requires 0.5 volume of Oxygen
0.24 Volume of CO requires=0.24x0.5=0.12m3 of Oxygen
H2 + (1/2) O2 H2O
1 Volume 0.5 Volume 1 Volume
Question 8 : What are the advantages and disadvantages of welded joints over
Riveted joints.
Answer : Advantages and disadvantages of welded joints over Riveted joints :---
Advantages :--
1. Efficiency is more.
2. Lighter structures can be made.
3. Has greater strength.
4. Addition and alteration can be easily made.
5. Tension members are not weakened.
6. Rigid frames can be made.
7. Process of welding takes less time.
8. Drilling or punching of holes does not required.
9. Required smaller section for same load.
10. Smooth in appearance as well as painting is easier and economical.
Disadvantages :--
1. Need high level of skilled labour and supervision.
2. Due to uneven heating and cooling the members may get distorted or additional
stress may develop.
3. Inspection is little bit difficult.
4. No provision of expansion or contraction in the frame, therefore cracks may
The cracks and eroded areas at various locations around the manhole were
ground out where upon the drums continued uneventful operation the next
decade. However, recent inspections of drums showed more cracks at different
locations and considerable erosion on areas not ground during initial repair.
Boiler drums of Units 3 and 4 surprisingly continue to sustain smooth operation
as before showing no sign of cracks or metal loss. All the four boiler drums have
been receiving the same quality of BFW coming form a single DM unit.
Answer : On the basis of above case study following opinion is in my point of view. The
problem of boiler drum erosion and cracks is an uncommon situation as well as little bit
dangerous for high pressure boiler of this size. This problem is very likely to be typical
case of stress corrosion cracking. Whereas erosion and cracking are only on the drum
ends, the problem is almost certainly associated with the metallurgy of the heads.
Condition of water in drum might have contributed this problem. The sound, trouble free
operation of Unit 3 and 4 support this case.
Moreover the metal in drum 1 and 2 has differs from their head metal giving rise to a
galvanic cell of some sort. While chemically treated feed water acts as an electrolyte. A
local action might have been set up in the drum and could have proceeded during
outage when the boiler was hot-rinsed.
The actual metal could be responsible for this abnormalities. It may be non-homogeneity
of constituents generated erosion and corrosion cracks.