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Adaptive Nonlinear Control

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Adaptive nonlinear controk

passivation and small gain
Z.-P. Jiang and D. Hill

In this chapter, passivation and small gain techniques are used as two
fundamental tools to systematically design stabilizing adaptive controllers for
new classes of nonlinear systems. We first show that, for a class of linearly
parametrized nonlinear systems with only unknown parameters, the concept of
adaptive passivation can be used to unify and extend most of the known
adaptive nonlinear control algorithms based on Lyapunov methods. Then, we
consider the global robust adaptive control problem for a broader class of
nonlinear systems with time-varying and dynamic uncertainties in addition to
parametric uncertainties. Small gain arguments are used to provide a robus-
tification methodology for prior backstepping-based adaptive controllers.

6.1 Introduction
The area of adaptive nonlinear control has moved on quickly since the early
1990s- see the survey paper [37] and two more recent textbooks [26, 32]. We
observe that the development of most adaptive nonlinear controller designs
was based on Lyapunov methods. In this chapter, we shall approach this field
from the somewhat different input/output viewpoint using the concepts of
passivation and small gain. Our contributions are twofold: (1) we exploit recent
advances on the feedback stabilization of nonlinear systems via passive systems
theory and apply some of these useful results to formulate a passivation
framework for adaptive nonlinear stabilization; (2) we employ small gain
techniques as a means to study robustness issues in adaptive systems with
unmodelled dynamics. The latter topic has received less attention in the
120 Adaptive nonlinear control: passivation and small gain techniques

literature and the results presented here are a substantial development beyond
earlier results.
In the first part, after reviewing some needed definitions and properties of
passivity and passive systems, we briefly state the breakthrough made by
Byrnes, Isidori and Willems [2] on the feedback equivalence of nonlinear
systems to passive systems (or simply, passivation). Roughly speaking, a
nonlinear control system can be transformed into a passive system via a
change of feedback if and only if it is minimum phase and of relative degree
one. As shown in [2], this theorem together with other passivity tools allow
unification of early global stabilization results. Using this as a starting point,
we first establish an adaptive version of a basic result in [2], that is, a linearly
parametrized nonlinear system is feedback equivalent to a passive system if and
only if it is adaptively stabilizable. Then, we show this property can be
propagated each time we add a feedback passive system with linearly appearing
unknown parameters. This recursive passivation design procedure is different
to the currently popular adaptive backstepping with tuningfunctions introduced
in [26] in several respects. We were motivated by a passivity-aimed adaptive
design strategy. Some elementary examples illustrate this point in the case of
output feedback passivation [15]. Our passivation-based adaptive controller
design reduces to the above-mentioned Lyapunov-type adaptive scheme in the
case of strict-feedback structures, but the construction turns out to be simpler
and easier to understand by means of feedback passivation. To be more
precise, we first augment the system (with unknown parameters) under
consideration by adding a new parameter update system with adaptive law
as input. Then, we only need to render the augmented system passive by a
change of feedback at the levels of both control input and adaptive law. The
immediate benefit is that we can do it recursively and shed light on how
overparametrization is avoided.
The second part of the chapter collects a series of nonlinear small gain
techniques recently presented in our papers [14, 16, 20, 17, 21, 36] on the basis
of Sontag's input-to-state stability (ISS) concept [42, 44]. As demonstrated in
these papers and other references therein, nonlinear small gain theorems have
proved to be powerful design tools for interconnected nonlinear systems with
complex structure. For a class of feedback linearizable systems with various
disturbances including parametric uncertainty and unbounded nonlinear
unmeasured dynamics, we show that these techniques are of paramount
importance in designing a robust adaptive controller in the presence of
unbounded unmodelled dynamics. Adaptive feedback designs without and
with dynamic normalization will be proposed and compared in two elementary
examples including a physical example of a simple pendulum.
The rest of the chapter is organized as follows: Section 6.2 states needed
definitions and some known basic results. Section 6.3 is devoted to the adaptive
passivation development for interconnected nonlinear systems. Section 6.4
Adaptive Control Systems 121

presents a novel small-gain based adaptive scheme for nonlinear systems with
unbounded unmodeled dynamics. Section 6.5 offers some brief concluding

6.2 Mathematical preliminaries

6.2.1 Notation and basic definitions
The notation used in this article is quite standard: l" I denotes the usual
Euclidean norm for vectors and II" II denotes the Loo norm for time functions.
For a real-valued differentiable function r/, r/' stands for its derivative. For a
vector-valued function z of time t, ~ denotes its time derivative while girl,t2]
denotes the truncated function of z over the interval [fl,t2]. x r is the
transposition of the vector x E R n. For a symmetri c and positive definite
matrix P in W • Amax(P)is the maximal eigenvalue of P.
The concepts of positive definite, proper, class K - , Koo- and K L - functions
are widely used in the literature of Lyapunov stability theory [7], [24]. A
function V : R n --+ R+ is said to be positive definite if V(0) = 0 and V(x) > 0
for all x ~ 0. It is said to be proper, or radially unbounded if V(x) -+ oo as
Ix I ---, co. A function 7 " R + --+ R+ is said to be of class K if it is continuous,
strictly increasing and 3,(0) - 0. It is of class Koo if, in addition, it is proper. A
f u n c t i o n / ~ : R + • R+ ---, R+ is of class KL if, for each fixed t, the function
/~(., t) is of class K and, for each fixed s, the function/3(s, .) is decreasing and
tends to zero at infinity.

6.2.2 Passivity and feedback passivation

We begin with a brief review of basic definitions and properties related to
passive systems. Then we present several more recent results about feedback
equivalence of a nonlinear system to a passive system via static state feedback.
The interested reader is referred to [50, 12, 2] and references therein for the
details. Passivity and passive systems

Consider a nonlinear control system with outputs:
Yr = f (x) + G(x)u (6. I)
y = h(x) (6.2)
where x E R n, u , y E R 'n, f : R " ~ R n, G: R n ~ R "x'n and h: R n ~ I ~ m.
Assume that these functions are locally Lipschitz with f ( 0 ) = 0 and h(0) = 0.
122 Adaptive nonlinear controk passivation and smafl gain techniques

Definition 2.1 (Passivity) A system (6.1)-(6.2) is said to be C r-passive if there

exists a C r storage function V" R n - , R+, with V ( 0 ) = 0, such that, for all
admissible inputs u, all initial conditions x ~ and all t _> 0

V ( x ( t ) ) - V(x ~ < j~0t yr(s)u(s) ds (6.3)

Definition 2.2 (Strict passivity) A system (6.1)--(6.2) is said to be output strictly

C'-passive if there exists a C storage function V" R~ - , R+, with V(0) = 0,
and a positive definite function Sl 0') such that, for all admissible inputs u, all
initial conditions x ~ and all t > 0

V(x(t)) - V(x ~ <_

/o' yr(s)u(s) ,ls -
/o' Sl(y(s)) ds (6.4)

If (6.4) holds with a positive definite function $2(x), i.e.

V(x(t)) - V(x ~ <_

I' yr(s)u(s) ds -
I' S2(x(s)) ds (6.5)

then the system is said to be (state) strictly C'-passive.

The passivity and strict passivity properties of a nonlinear system can be
tested by the following ubiquitous nonlinear KYP lemma.
Lemma 2.1 II01 A system (6.1)-(6.2) is (resp. strictly) Cl-passive if and only if
there exists a C 1 non-negative function V(x), with V(0) - 0, such that Lf V(x)
is negative semi-definite (resp. negative definite) and LgV(x)= h(x) for all
XE Rn.
A fundamental property of a passive system is the Lyapunov stability of its
unforced system (i.e. u = 0 in (6.1)--(6.2)) and its reduced system with zero-
output (i.e. y = 0 in (6.1)). More interestingly, under a zero-state detectability
condition, passive systems are asymptotically stabilizable by static output
feedback. We first recall the definition of the zero-state detectability.
Definition 2.3 (Zero-state detectability) A system of the form (6.1)-(6.2) is
locally zero-state detectable if there exists a neighbourhood A/" of x = 0 such
that for any initial condition x(0) E A/',
u_=0 and y--0 =~ limx(t)=0 (6.6)
It is (globally) zero-state detectable if the property (6.6) holds with Af = Rn.
Theorem 2.1 [11], [2] Assume that system (6.1)-(6.2) is C~ with a
positive definite storage function V and that it is locally zero-state detectable.
Then, for any 'first-sector third-sector' function ~, that is, a continuous
Adaptive Control Systems 123

function ~b such that yrdp(y) > 0 if y ~ 0

u = -~b(y) (6.7)
is an asymptotically stabilizing controller for the system (6.1)-(6.2).
Furthermore, if V is proper and (6.1)-(6.2) is (globally) zero-state detectable,
the equilibrium x = 0 of the closed loop system (6.1)-(6.7) is globally
asymptotically stable (GAS). Feedbackpassivation
As seen in the preceding subsection and demonstrated by numerous research-
ers, passive systems enjoy many desirable properties which turn out to be very
useful for practical control systems design. Naturally, this motivated people to
address the feedback passivation issue. That is, when can a nonlinear control
system in the form (6.1)--(6.2) be rendered passive via a state feedback
transformation? This question had remained open until [2] where Byrnes,
Isidori and Willems nicely provided a rather complete answer by means of
differential geometric systems theory.
Definition 2.4 (Passivation) A system (6.1)-(6.2) is said to be feedback
(strictly) C-passive if there exists a change of feedback law
u = #l (x) + #2(x)v (6.8)
such that the system (6.1)-(6.2)-(6.8) with new input v is (strictly) C-passive.
Theorem 2.2 121 Consider a nonlinear system (6.1)-(6.2) having a global
normal form
~, = q(z, y)
j, = b(z, y) + a(z, y)u
where a(-) is globally invertible. Then system (6.1)-(6.2), or (6.9) is globally
feedback equivalent to a (resp. strictly) C2-passive system with a positive
definite storage function, if and only if it is globally weakly minimum phase
(resp. globally minimum phase).
As an application of this important result to the global stabilization of
cascaded nonlinear systems, it was shown in [2] that several previous stabil-
ization schemes via different approaches can be unified. In particular, combin-
ing Theorems 2.1 and 2.2, the following general result can be established.
Theorem 2.3 [2, 341 Consider a cascaded nonlinear system of the form
+A (r x)y

= f ( x ) + a(x)u (6.1 O)
y =
124 Adaptive nonlinear control: passivation and small gain techniques

Suppose ~ =f0(() is GAS at r = 0. It is also assumed that {f, g, h} is zero-

state detectable and Cr-passive with a positive definite and proper storage
function (r > 1). Then system (6.10) is GAS by smooth state feedback.
It should be noted that corresponding local results also hold.

6.2.3 Nonlinear gain

The concept of nonlinear gain has recently been brought to the literature from
two apparently different routes: the state-space approach [42, 44, 45, 46] and
the input-output approach [39, 9, 30]. The special case of linear or atfine gain
had previously been extensively used in the stability theory of interconnected
systems [5, 11, 33]. In Section 6.4, this notion will play a key role in addressing
the robust adaptive control problem for parametric-strict-feedback systems in
the presence of nonlinear dynamic uncertainties.
In what follows, we limit ourselves to state-space systems. We begin with the
introduction of Sontag's input-to-state stability (ISS) concept in which the role
of initial conditions are made explicit. Then, we give an output version of this
notion to allow for a broader set of controlled dynamical systems. Recent
applications of these notions to establish nonlinear small gain theorems for
interconnected feedback systems are recalled in the subsection Input-to-state stable systems

Consider the general time-varying dynamical system with outputs

~c = f ( t , x , u ) (6.11)

where x E R n is the state, u E Rm~ is the control input and y E Rm2 is the system
output. Notice that many dynamical systems subject to exogenous disturbances
can be described by a differential equation of the form (6.11).
Roughly speaking, the property of input-to-state stability (ISS) says that the
ultimate bound of the system trajectories depends only on the magnitude of the
control input u and that the zero-input ISS system is globally uniformly
asymptotically stable (GUAS) at the origin. More precisely,
Definition 2.5 A system of the form (6.11) is said to be input-to-state stable
(ISS) if for any initial conditions to > 0 and X(to) and for any measurable
essentially bounded control function u, the corresponding solution x(t) exists
for each t > to and satisfies
Ix(t)l ___#(Ix(t0)l, t - to)+ 7(llutto,,]ll) (6.12)
where 13 is a class KL-function and 7 is a class K-function.
Adaptive Control Systems 125

An output version of the ISS property was given in [21, 16] and is recalled as
Definition 2.6 A system of the form (6.11) is said to be input-to-output
practically stable (lOpS) if for any initial conditions to > 0 and x(t0) and for
any measurable essentially bounded control function u, the corresponding
solution x(t) exists for each t > to and satisfies
ly(t)l <_ ~(Ix(t0)l, t - to) + 7(llut,0,,lll) + d (6.13)
where/3 is a class KL-function, 7 is a class K-function and d is a non-negative
If d = 0 in (6.13), the IOpS property becomes 10S (input-to-output stabil-
ity). Moreover, the system (6.11) is input-to-state practically stable (ISpS) if
(6.13) holds with y = x.
An obvious property of an IOpS system of form (6.11) is that the system is
bounded-input bounded-output (BIBO) stable. In addition, for any lOS system
(6.11), a converging input yields a converging output.
Among various characterizations of the ISS property is the notion of an ISS-
Lyapunov function which was introduced by means of some differential
dissipation inequality [46], [28]. In Section 6.4, we consider a class of uncertain
systems with persistently exciting disturbances. As a consequence, an extension
of the ISS-Lyapunov function notion turns out to be necessary.
Definition 2.7 A smooth function V is said to be an ISpS-Lyapunov function
for system (6.11) if
9 V is proper and positive definite, that is, there exist functions ~bl, ~2 of class
Koo such that
~ (Ixl) _< V(x) <_~2(Ixl), Vx E a n (6.14)
9 there exist a positive-definite function c~, a class K-function X and a non-
negative constant c such that the following implication holds:
{Ixl ___x(lul)+ c} ~ .-~x(X)f(t,x,u) < -~(Ixl) (6.15)
When (6.15) holds with c = 0, V is called an ISS-Lyapunov function for system
(6.11) as in [28].
With the help of arguments in [46, 47, 28], it is not hard to prove the
following fact.
Fact: If a system of form (6.11) has an ISpS- (resp. ISS-) Lyapunov function
V, then the system is ISpS (resp. ISS). Nonlinear smafl gain theorems

In this subsection, we recall two nonlinear versions of the classical small
126 Adaptive nonlinear control: passivation and small gain techniques

(finite-) gain theorem [5] which were recently proposed in the work [21, 20, 16].
They will be used to construct robust adaptive controllers and develop the
stability analysis in Section 6.4. The interested reader is referred to [4, 6, 20, 21,
49] and references therein for applications of the nonlinear small gain theorems
to several feedback control problems.
Consider the general interconnected time-varying nonlinear system
Yr = fl(t, Xl,Y2, Ul), Yl = hl(t, xl,Y2, Ul) (6.16)
Yc2 = f2(t, x2,Yl,U2), Y2 = h2(t, x2,Yl,U2) (6.17)
where, for i = 1,2, xl E ~ ' , u~ E Rm~' and yi E Rm2~,andS, hi are C l in all their
arguments. It is assumed that there is a unique C l solution to the algebraic
loop introduced by the interconnection functions hi, h2.
Theorem 2.4 121, 16] Assume that the subsystems (6.16) and (6.17) are IOpS
in the sense that, for all 0 <_ to <_ t,
[yl(t)[ _< fll ([Xl (to)[, t - to) + 3"~l([[Y2[to,tll[) + ~i'(llull,o,,lll) § d~
]y2(t)l _</~2(IX2(t0)), t -- to) -I- ~2 (l[Yl[to,t]lJ) -}- "y~(llu2/,0,,]ll) + d2
Assume further that the subsystems (6.16) and (6.17) are also ISpS (resp. ISS).
If there exist two class Koo-functions p~ and p2 and a nonnegative real number
st satisfying:
(I + p2)o ~2 o (I + pl)o ~ ( s ) < ~ ]~
- Vs > se (6.19)
(I + p~) o ~ o (I + p2) o ~2 (~) -< 9 f -
then the interconnected system (6.16)-(6.17) with (yl, y2) as output is ISpS
(resp. ISS) and IOpS (resp. IOS when ae - di = 0 for i - 1,2).
Motivated by the above Fact, we consider properties of the feedback system
derived from existence of ISpS-Lyapunov functions on each subsystem.
Following step by step the proof of Theorem 3.1 in [20], we can prove the
following result.
Theorem 2.5 Consider the interconnected system (6.16)-(6.17) with yl = xl
and Y2 = x2. Assume that, for i = 1,2, the xrsubsystem has an ISpS-Lyapunov
function V~ satisfying the properties
(1) there exist class Koo-functions Oil and Oa such that
0.(Ixtl) < Vt(x~) < ~,2(Ix~l), V x~ ~ a ~' (6.20)
(2) there exist class Koo-functions ai, class K-functions Xi, O't and some
constant cs _> 0 so that Vl (xl) _> max {xI(V2(x2)),'Yl (lul [) + cl } implies

OV----~l(xl)fl(t, xi,x2,ul) < - a l ( V l ( x l ) ) (6.21)

Adaptive Control Systems 127

and Vz(x2) _> max {x2(Vl(Xl)),'y2(lu21) + c2} implies

OX2 (X2)A(t, Xl , X2, U~_)<_ --a2(l/2(X2)) (6.22)

If there exists some co > 0 such that

Xl o x2(r) < r, V r > co, (6.23)
then the interconnected system (6.16)-(6.17) is ISpS. Furthermore, if
co = cl = c2 = 0, then the system is ISS.
Remark 2.1 As noticed in the Fact, it follows from (6.21) that the xl-system is
ISpS. Moreover, the following ISpS property can be proved:
Vl (xl (t)) < /31(Ixl (to)l, t -- to)+xl (ll V2(x2)tto,tlll)+Tl (llultto,t]l)+Cl, t > to > 0
where/31 is a class KL-function.
Similarly, (6.22) implies that the x2-system is ISpS and enjoys the following
IOpS property:
Vz(Xl(t)) < l~(Ix2(to)l, t - to)+x2(ll V~(x~)t,o,,jII)+,r2(llu2l,,,,ll)+c2, t > to > o
In order to invoke Theorem 2.4 to conclude the ISpS and IOpS properties for
the feedback system, we shall require the small gain condition (6.19) to hold
between the gain functions Xl and X2. This obviously leads to a stronger gain
condition than (6.23).

6.3 Adaptive passivation

The main purpose of this section is to extend passivation tools in [2] to a
nonlinear system with unknown parameters 0 described by:
.~ = ~0(x) + ~(x)O + (r + ~l,(x)O)u (6.26)
Then, we show that these adaptive passivation tools can be recursively used to
design an adaptive controller for a class of interconnected nonlinear systems
with unknown parameters. Our results can be regarded as a passivity inter-
pretation of the popular adaptive backstepping with tuning functions algorithm
as advocated in [26].

6.3.1 Definitions and basic results

We will introduce notions of adaptive stabilizability and adaptive passivation
for a system of the form (6.26). Our definition of adaptive stabilizability was
128 Adaptive nonlinear control: passivation and small gain techniques

motivated by a related notion in [26, p. 132] but is applicable to a broader class

of systems - see Section 6.3.2 below. First, we define two useful properties.
Definition 3.1 (COCS- and UO-functions) Consider a control system of the
general form ~ =f(x, u).
(i) Assume a dynamic controller u = #(x, X) where ~: = v(x, X). A contin-
uous function y = ~7(x,X) is converging-output converging-state (COCS)
for the closed loop system if all the bounded solutions (x(t), X(t)) satisfy
the following implication
{~7(x(t), X(t)) }0} ==~ {x(t) }0} (6.27)
(ii) A function V: Rn ---, R+ is said to be unboundedness observable (UO) if
for any initial condition x(0) and any control input u : [0, T) --, R m, with
0 < T < +c~, the following holds
{Ix(t)[ ,-,r,* + cx3} ==~ { V(x(t)) '-'~* + cx)} (6.28)

for some 0 < T* < T.

Note that any proper function V(x) is a UO-function for system ~ = f(x, u),
but the converse is not true. Similarly, a sufficient condition for ~7 being a
COCS-function is that ~7is positive definite in x for each X.
Throughout the chapter, we use 0 to denote the update estimate of the
unknown parameter 0 and restrict ourselves to the case where dim 0 = dim 0.
In other words, overparametrization is avoided in that the number of param-
eter estimates equals to the number of unknown parameters.
Definition 3.2 (Adaptive stabilizability)The system (6.26) is said to be globally
adaptively (quadratically) stabilizable if there exist a smooth UO-function
V(x,O) for each 0, an adaptive law 0 = T(x,0) and an adaptive controller
u = ~(x, 0) such that the time derivative of the augmented Lyapunov function
-V(x, 0) = V(x, 0) + 89(0 - 0)TF -1 (0 -- 0) (6.29)
<-- --~h (x, 0) (6.30)
where ~71(x, 0) is a COCS-function for the closed loop system (6.26).
Remark 3.1 A system which satisfies this property is stabilizable in the sense
that all the solutions of the closed loop system are bounded and that x(t) tends
to zero as t --. ~ . Indeed, the boundedness property follows from (6.29) and
(6.30). In addition, by application of Barbalat's lemma [24], ~(x(t), O(t)) goes
to zero as t ~ ~ . Since r/l is a COCS-function, the claim follows readily.
The system (6.26) is said to be adaptively
Definition 3.3 (Adaptive passivation)
(quadratically) feedback passive (AFP) if there exist smooth functions
Adaptive Control Systems 129

V(x, O) > O, 0 and ~-, with V(0, 0 ) = 0 V0, and a CO function h such that the
resulting system with adaptive feedback

0 = r(x, 0) + ~, u = 0(x,/~) + v (6.31)

is passive with respect to input (v, ~) and output h and the storage function V
of the form (6.29). That is

"~ < - ~ ( x , 0) + h r(x,/~, 0) ( v ) (6.32)

where ~ is a nonnegative function.

If ~(x, 0) is a COCS-function for the zero-input closed loop system (6.26),
then system (6.26) is said to be strongly AFP.
The following result, which is an adaptive version of [2, Proposition 4.14],
shows that the above notions of adaptive stabilizability and adaptive passiva-
tion are equivalent.
Proposition 3.1 A system of the form (6.26) is strongly AFP with a UO-
function V for (6.26) if and only if it is globally adaptively stabilizable.
Proof The necessity is obvious. To prove the sufficiency, define h by

which completes the proof by Lernma 2.1.

Let us point out that the problem of adaptive passivation cannot be trivially
solved using the existing (known parameter) passivation tools. To this end,
consider a scalar nonlinear system

where 0 is an unknown constant parameter.

If 0 were known, system (6.33) would be made passive via the change of
feedback law u = - x - x 2 - O x + v. However, in the present case where 0 is
unavailable for feedback design, it is not clear how to find a feedback
transformation of the form (6.8) so that the resulting system is passive for
every 0 in R. In fact, it can be shown that no memoryless continuous state-
feedback law of the form (6.8) achieves the passivation goal regardless of the
value of 0.
We now give an adaptive passivation result for cascaded nonlinear systems
in the form of (6.26) but without unknown parameters in the input space. This
result was motivated by Theorem 6.3 in which all parameters are known.
130 Adaptive nonlinear control." passivation and small gain techniques

Theorem 3.1 Consider a cascaded nonlinear system of the form

=fo(r + ~A,(r
= f ( x ) + Af(x)O + O(x)(u + Ao(x)O)
y = h(~)

where 0 is a vector of unknown constant parameters.

Suppose ~ =]0(() is GAS at r = 0. It is also assumed that {f,o,h} is strictly
C-passive with a positive definite and proper storage function (r > 1). If there
exists a matrix 0~ of appropriate dimension such that

aT(x) = oCx)o~Cx), V x ~ n" (6.35)

then system (6.34) is strongly adaptively feedback passive with a proper storage
function V.
Proof By a Converse Lyapunov Theorem [27], there exists a C ~ Lyapunov
function U which is positive definite and proper satisfying

'~;.. ( r < -r/CO (6.36)

where r/is a positive definite function.

Let W be a C' storage function associated with {f,o,h} and consider the
augmented Lyapunov function candidate

-r162 = v(r +, wCx) +l(~_ o)rr-,(~_ o) (6.37)

By hypotheses and Lemma 2.1, it follows that

_< -n(r + ~ ~ (r162 ~)yO, + - - ~ (~)f(~)

+ y[u + (o~(x) + Ao(x))O] + (~ - o)rr-~ (6.38)

Notice that ~ (x)f(x) is negative definite in x.
For each ((,x), denote the m x I matrix c((,x) as

c(r = ~(r r o- y~ ( r r , ... ,At(r _~(r

rOu (6.39)
Adaptive Control Systems 131

Then, (6.38) yields

OW (~)f(~) + yT[u+ c(r
# ___-,7(r +-~-x + (gl(x)+Ag(x) )01 + ( 0 -0 ) r r - l ~
Thus, by choosing the following parameter update law and adaptive controller
= r(c(r x) + gl(x) + ~o(x))ry r (6.41)
u = -ok(y) - (c((,x) + gl(x) + Ag(x))/~ (6.42)
with ~b a 'first-sector third-sector' function, (6.40) implies
-~ <_ -rl(r + - ~ (x)f(x) - yrtk(y) (6.43)

Since ~ is proper in its argument (r x, 0), it follows from (6.43) that all the
solutions (r of the closed loop system (6.34), (6.41) and (6.42) are
well-defined and uniformly bounded on [0, oo).
Furthermore, a direct application of LaSalle's invarianee principle ensures
that all the trajectories (r ~(t)) converge to the largest invariant set E
contained in the manifold {((,x,8)I(ff, x ) = (0,0)}. Therefore, x(t) tends to
zero as t goes to oo. In other words, the cascade system (6.34) is globally
adaptively stabilized by (6.41) and (6.42). Finally, Proposition 3.1 ends the
proof of Theorem 3.1
Remark 3.2 It is of interest to note that, if rank {g(0)(gl(0) + Ag(0))} = 1 =
dim 0, then
lim ]O(t) - 01 = 0

Indeed, on the set E, we have a(o)(a, (o) + Aa(o))(o - O(t)) - 0 which, in turn,
implies that ~(t) = 0. So, E = { (0, 0, 0) }.
The following corollary is an immediate consequence of Theorem 3.1 where
the (-system in (6.34) is void.
Corolla~ 3.1 Consider a linearly parametrized nonlinear system in the form
.~ = f (x) + A f (x)O + g(x)(u + Ag(x)O)
y = h(~) (6.44)

If {f,g,h} is strictly C~176 with a positive definite and proper storage

function, and if (6.35) holds, then system (6.44) is strongly adaptively C ~
feedback passive with a proper storage function V.

6.3.2 Recursive adaptive passivation

In this section, we show that the adaptive passivation property can be
132 Adaptive nonlinear control: passivation and small gain techniques

propagated via adding a feedback passive system with linearly appearing

parameters. This is indeed the design ingredient which was used in [19].
More precisely, consider a multi-input multi-output nonlinear system of the
form (6.26) with linear parametrization:
=fl0(~) +Ji(~)0 + (Gl0(~) + AGl(~,)O)y
= q(~,z,y) (6.45)
=A0(x) +A(x)O + (a,o(x) + Aa ( )O)u
with x = (t~r, z r , y r ) r, ~ ~. R n~ z ~. R n-m and y, u E Rm. Denote G2(x,O) =
G o(x) + AG2(x)O.
Proposition 3.2 If the ~-subsystem of (6.45) with y considered as input is AFP,
if G2 is globally invertible for each 0, then the interconnected system (6.45) is
also AFP. Furthermore, under the additional condition that the z-system is
BIBS (bounded-input bounded-state) stable and is GAS at z = 0 whenever
(t~,y) = (0, 0), if the ~-system has a UO-function Vl and a COCS-function r/l
associated with its AFP property, then the whole composite system (6.45) also
possesses a UO-function V2 and a COCS-function r/2 associated with its AFP
Remark 3.3 Under the conditions of Proposition 3.2, it follows from
Theorem 2.2 that the (z,y)-system in (6.45) is feedback passive for every
frozen ~ and each 0.
Proof Introduce the extra integrator 0 = 7"0where 7o is a new input to be built
recursively. By assumption, there exist a smooth positive semidefinite function
V~(~', 0), smooth functions 0~ and ~-~ as well as a nonnegative function r/~ and a
continuous function h~ such that the time derivative of the function
Vl = Vl (~, 0) + 89(0 - 0 ) r r -1 (0 - 0) (6.46)
Y) (6.47)

where y := y - 01 (~, 0) and r := To - 7"1(~, 0).

Letting h~ = (h r , h~) r, it follows from Lemma 2.1 that
hlrl =--~(~,/~)(GI(~) + AG1(~)0), hr2 = - - ~ ( ~ , 0 ) + (/~- 8)rr '-I (6.48)

which implies hi1 (~, 0, 0) is affine in 0. Then, there exist smooth functions/~ll
and Ah~ such that
hll (~, 0, 0) =/~ll (t~,/~) + Ahll (~, 0)(0 -/~) (6.49)
Adaptive ControlSystems 133
Consider the nonnegative functions
v2 = v~ (+, +) + 89ly - o~ (+, O)l2 (6.50)

V'--2= Vl + 89 - 01(~, 0)l 2 (6.51)

In view of (6.47) and the definition of y and rl, the time derivative of V2 along
the solutions of (6.45) and 0 = r0 satisfies

"~2 <( --~1 (~, O) "[- h~l (~, O, O)y -~- (OVl
k,"~ (~' ~) "~"(~ - O)r r _ l ) "rl

+ .par[f20(x) +f2(x)O + G2(x, O)u

(7"1 + 'TI) Oq~91(A0(~) +j~ (~')0 + (GIo(~) + AGI(~)O)Yj+I)] (6.52)
o~ --~-
We wish to find changes of feedback laws which are independent of 0

u = O2(x, ~) + v
r0 - rl + ~1 = r2 + "~2
such that V2 satisfies a differential dissipation inequality like (6.47).
To this end, set
An = r ( ~ + Tr)y (6.54)
"~ = At2 + ~2 (6.55)
where f12, T2 and ~2 ~ R m• are defined by

~I/2 = (00,
"-~ (6, [~)AGI! (~)y,..., 001 (~',0 ) A G , , ( ~ ) y ) ( 6 . 5 6 )
ft2 =J~(x) + Ahll(~,/~) - - ~ f l ( ~ ) - ~2(x,/~) (6.57)

T2 "-- (AG21 (x)02(x, 0),..., AG2p(X)'O2(x, 0)) (6.58)

Noticing that
OVI (~' O) + (0 - o) TF-I) n- = -OVI
-0~ ~ (~, O)r(~ r + Tr)y

+ (~ - o) ~(a~ + T~)y

+ \ - ~ ((, ~) + (~ - O) )
l e2 (6.59)
134 Adaptive nonlinear control." passivation and small gain techniques

and that
0/~ (x, 0) = - - ~ (~, 0) - --~ (~,/~), (6.60)

with (6.52), (6.53) and (6.55), simple computation yields

( OV2(X,O)+ (O-O)TF-I)~2

~ (7"1+.AT2) "4-G2(x,O)v.+.G2(x,0)~92
q. ~T []~11(~, 0) +f20(X) +f2(x)0 -" "001

+ (f12 + T2)F 0r00Vl_ 0010~(]io(0 +fl (~)0 + (Glo(~) + AGI (~)0)y)]

:= -n~(~,o) + (ov~
\'-~- (x, ~) + (~- o) ~r- ' ) ~ + yrO2(x, o)v
( orv' )
+yT tg2(x,O)+G2(x,O)'O2(x,O)+Y~r 0~ (~,0) (6.61)
Observing that T2 depends on 02, the following variable is introduced to split
this dependence
p=rOTVl,, (~,1~) E R I
With (6.58)
Or Vl
G2(x, 0)02(x, 0) + T2F 0 0 (~j'/~) = G~(x,0 + p)O2(x,O) (6.62)

Since G2(x, O) is globally invertible, by choosing 02 as

O2(X,O)-'-'-G2(X,0 +/9)-1 (-'/~2(X, [~) "- Y) (6.63)
and defining h2 = (h~, hr2)r by
Or 112(x,/J) + F -l (/J - O)
h21=Gr(x,O)Y, h22=:0~- (6.64)

we obtain
P~ <_-,nCx, #) + h~Cx,#, o) (v) (6.65)

with ~ = 711(~, 0) "~-jy[2. The first statement of Proposition 3.2 was proved.
The second part of Proposition 3.2 follows readily from our construction
and the main result of Sontag [43].
On the basis of Corollary 3.1 and Proposition 3.1, a repeated application of
Proposition 3.2 yields the following result on adaptive backstepping
Adaptive Control Systems 135

Corollary 3.2 1261 Any system in strict-feedback form

.ri = xt+l + ~ b i ( x l , . . . , x i ) 0 , 1 <_ i <_ n - 1
so,, = u + cb,,(x~,..., x,,)o
is globally adaptively (quadratically) stabilizable.

6.3.3 Examples and extensions

We close this section by illustrating our adaptive passivation algorithm with
the help of cascade-interconnected controlled Duffing equations. Possible
extensions to the output-feedback case and nonlinear parametrization are
briefly discussed via two elementary examples. Controlled Cuffing equations

Consider an interconnected system which is composed of two (modified)
Dulling equations in controlled form, i.e.

.~s + 61Jcl + Olxl + 02x~ = ul (6.67)

.i2 + h~2 + 03x2 + 04x 3 = u2
where 61, ~2 > 0 arc known parameters, 0 = ( 0 1 , 0 2 , 0 3 . 0 4 ) is a fourth-order
vector of unknown constant parameters and u2 is the control input. The
interconnection constraint is given by
ul = 62x2 + ~2 (6.68)
Denoting zl = xi and z2 = x2, the coupled Dulling equations (6.67) can be
transformed into the following state-space model
Zl ------61Zl -k Yl, )~1 ~--" --OIZI -- 02Z~ -~- Y2,
Z2 -- --~2Z2 -I- Y2, Y2 " - --03Z2 -- 04232Jr ~12
Obviously, the (zl,yl)-system in (6.69) is AFP by means of the change of
parameter update law and adaptive controller

01= --Alylzl + r ~l > O

02 -- --A2YlZ~ -k "~12, A2 > 0
Y2 -- --Yl + 0121 + 02Z~ + .V2
In addition, 1/'1 = 89 is a UO-function for the (zl,yl)-system which satisfies
the differential dissipation equality
~ l -- __y2 .~. (Yl 01 -- 0._.__..~(~2
1 -- 02)(.~2, "rl) T (6.70)
' AI ' A2

with -- 1 (01 - 01)2 +2"ff22

Vl = Vl(yl)+2-ffI 1 (02 - 02) 2.
136 Adaptive nonlinear control: passivation and small gain techniques
It is easy to check that the conditions of Proposition 3.2 hold. A direct
application of our adaptive passivation method in the proof of Proposition 3.2
gives our passivity-aimed adaptive stabilizer for system (6.69), or the original
system (6.67):

~, = -)~, (2y, + Y2 -/~,z, - 02z~)z,

~2 = -,~2(2y, + Y2 - O,z, - 02z~)z~

~3 -- --~3(Yl -t- Y2 --/~lZl --/~2Z~)Z2, ,~3 > 0 (6.71)

= + y, - - > 0
9 o Adaptive output feedback passivation

The adaptive passivation results presented in the previous sections rely on full-
state feedback (6.31). In many practical situations, we often face systems whose
state variables are not accessible by the designer except the information of the
measured outputs. Unlike the state feedback case, the minimum-phase and the
relative degree-one conditions are not sufficient to achieve adaptive passivation
if only the output feedback is allowed. This is the case even in the context of
(nonadaptive) output feedback passivation, as demonstrated in [40] using the
following example:
= - z 3 +t~
~=z+u (6.72)

It was shown in [40, p. 67] that any linear output feedback u = - k y + o, with
k > 0, cannot render the system (6.72) passive. In fact, Byrnes and Isidori [1]
proved that the system (6.72) is not stabilizable under any C l output feedback
law. As a consequence, this system is not feedback passive via any C l output
feedback law though it is feedback passive via a C ~ state feedback law.
However, system (6.72) can be made passive via the C O output-feedback
given by
l 3
u = -ky~ + o, k > 24/3 (6.73)

Indeed, consider the quadratic storage function

V = 89z 2 + !2 ~2 (6.74)
Adaptive Control Systems 137

Forming the derivative of V with respect to the solutions of (6.72), using

Young's inequality [8] gives
1? = - z 4 + 2z~ - k ~ + y v

_<-(l-r 4 (k- 3 ~f4/3 (6.75)

-- 24/3~1/3/. ~ + yv
where ~ < ~ < 1.
Therefore, system (6.72) in closed loop with output feedback (6.73) is (state)
strictly passive.
As seen from this example, the output feedback passivation issue is more
involved and requires additional conditions on the system or nonsmooth
feedback strategy. Thus, it is not surprising that the problem of adaptive
output feedback passivation is also complex and solving it needs extra
conditions in addition to minimum phaseness and relative-degree one. As an
illustration, let us consider a nonlinearly parametrized system with output-
dependent nonlinearity:
= _z 3 + ~
= z + u + ~o(y,0) (6.76)
where 0 is a vector of unknown constant parameters. Assume that the
nonlinear function ~o checks the following concavity-like condition.
(C) For any y and any pair of parameters (0l, 02), we have

y~o(y,02) - y~o(y, Ol) >_ y-~(y,02)(02 - 01) (6.77)

Non-trivial examples of ~o verifying such a condition include all linear

parametrization (i.e. ~o(y,O)= ~ol(y)0) and some nonlinearly parametrized
functions like ~o(y,0) = ~02(y)(exp(O~o3(y))+ ~o~(y)O) where y~o2(y) _< 0 for all
Consider the augmented storage function

-if= V(z,~) + 89 (6.78)

where 0 is an update parameter to be pr6cised later.

By virtue of (6.73) and (6.75), we have

_< -(1 _
k_24/3 /3 (6.79)
138 Adaptive nonlinear control: passivation and small gain techniques

Letting ,.q.,,

= -~o(y, ~) + ~, = r ~ (y, ~)~y + ~, (6.80)

it follows from the condition (C) and (6.79) that

~ _< - ( l - ~)z 4 -
k - 24/3e~/3 r + y~ + (~ _ o)rr-~e (6.81)

In other words, the system (6.76) is made passive via adaptive output-feedback
law (6.'/3)-(6.80). In particular, the zero-input closed-loop system (i.e.
(~, e) ~- (0, 0)) is globally stable at (z, ~, O) = (0, 0, O) and, furthermore, the
trajectories (z(t),((t)) go to zero as t goes to ~ .

6.4 Small gain-based adaptive control

Up to now, we have considered nonlinear systems with parametric uncertainty.
The synthesis of global adaptive controllers was approached from an input/
output viewpoint using passivation-a notion introduced in the recent literature
of nonlinear feedback stabilization. The purpose of this section is to address
the global adaptive control problem for a broader class of nonlinear systems
with various uncertainties including unknown parameters, time-varying and
nonlinear disturbance and unmodelled dynamics. Now, instead of passivation
tools, we will invoke nonlinear small gain techniques which were developed in
our recent papers [21, 20, 16], see references cited therein for other applications.

6.4.1 Class of uncertain systems

The class of uncertain nonlinear systems to be controlled in this section is
described by
=q(t,z, xl)
~t - xt+l + 0r~ot(xt,..., xi) + At(x, z, u, t), 1 _< i _< n - 1
~cn = u+ Or~,n(Xl,...,xn) + A,(x,z,u,t) (6.82)

where u in R is the control input, y in R is the output, x = (xl,... ,xn) is the
measured portion of the state while z in Rn~ is the unmeasured portion of the
state. 0 in R I is a vector of unknown constant parameters. It is assumed that the
Al's and q are unknown Lipschitz continuous functions but the ~o~'sare known
smooth functions which are zero at zero.
Adaptive Control Systems 139
The following assumptions are made about the class of systems (6.82).
(A1) For each 1 _< i _< n, there exist an unknown positive constant p* and two
known nonnegative smooth functions ~n, ~,2 such that, for all (z, x, u, t)
IA~(x,z,u,t)l <_p;'~P,(l(x~,... ,x~)l) (6.83)
Without loss of generality, assume that ~,2(0) = 0.
(A2) The z-system with input xl has an ISpS-Lyapunov function V0, that is,
there exists a smooth positive definite and proper function Vo(z) such
Oz (z)q(t,Z, Xl) <_ -o~0(Izl) -F ,),0(lxl l) -t- do V (Z, Xl) (6.84)

where c~0 and 70 are class Koo-functions and do is a nonnegative constant.

The nominal model of (6,82) without unmeasured z-dynamics and external
disturbances Ai was referred to as a parametric-strict-feedback system in [26]
and has been extensively studied by various authors-see the texts [26, 32] and
references cited therein. The robustness analysis has also been developed to a
perturbed form of the parametric-strict-feedback system in recent years [48, 22,
31, 35, 51]. Our class of uncertain systems allows the presence of more
uncertainties and recovers the uncertain nonlinear systems considered pre-
viously within the context of global adaptive control.
The theory developed in this section presupposes the knowledge of partial x-
state information and the virtual control coefficients. Extensions to the cases of
output feedback and unknown virtual control coefficients are possible at the
expense of more involved synthesis and analysis - see, for instance, [17, 18]. An
illustration is given in subsection 6.4.4 via a simple pendulum example.

6.4.2 Adaptive controller design Initialization
We begin with the simple Xl-SUbsystem of (6.82), i.e.
JCl X2 -I-OT~oI(XI) ~ AI(X,Z, tl, t)
- " (6.85)
where x2 is considered as a virtual control input and z as a disturbance input.
Consider the Lyapunov function candidate
VI : 117(x2) "~'89 --I-~-~ (p --p) 2 (6.86)

where F > 0, A > 0 are two adaptation gains, r/is a smooth class-Koo function
to be chosen later, p __
> max J',,*
w+ ,yt,,*2 I1 -< i _< n} is an unknown constant and the
140 Adaptive nonlinear control: passivation and small gain techniques

time-varying variables 0,/3 arc introduced to diminish the effects of parametric

With the help of Assumption (AI), the time derivative of Vl along the
solutions of (6.82) satisfies:
V~ _< ~'(~)x, (x2 + O%,(x~)) +p;o'(~)lx, l[~l~(lx, I) + ~,(Izl)]

+ (0 - O)rF-l~ + ~1 - P)b (6.87)

where r/(x~) is the value of the derivative of r/at x 2. In the sequel, r/is chosen
such that r/' is nonzero over R+.
Since q~ll is a smooth function and @ll([Xl[) = !hi (0) + ]xll f0l ~l(slxl[) ds,
given any el > O, there exists a smooth nonnegative function ~l such that
p;,t(~)lxtlr < p,f(x2)x2~,,(x,)+ e,r 2, Vxt E n (6.88)
By completing the squares, (6.87) and (6.88) yield
1)'1 ___./(X~I)XI (X2 "~-oT~I(XI)+pxl~l(x,)+p~x,r/'(x2))+ (0--O)rr-l~
+~ - p ) ~ + qh2([z[)2 + CiVil (0) 2 (6.89)

Fn'(x2)xl~pl (xl)
rl = -Ftro0 + (6.90)
w, = -Aapp+ Ax~l((bl(xl ) + ]ff(x2))ff(x 2) (6.91)
Ol = - x l g , ( ~ ) -Or~o,(x=) -p(x,~,(x,) + ~x,r/'(x~)) (6.92)
w2 = x2 - 01 (xl, 0,/3) (6.93)
where go, av > 0 are design parameters, Ul is a smooth and nondecreasing
function satisfying that =/1(0) > 0.
Consequently, it follows from (6.89) that

~}'1~ --'/']'X~IVl (X~l) "t- T~XIW2 -- 0"0(0 -- o)TO -- O'p([7 --p)p -[- (0 -" o)TF-'('O -- 3"1)
+~ - p ) ( ~ - tvl) + qh2(lz[) 2 + elr (0) 2 (6.94)

It is shown in the next subsection that a similar inequality to (6.94) holds for
each (xl,..., xi)-subsystem of (6.82), with i = 2,..., n. Recursive steps

Assume that, for a given 1 < k < n, we have established the following property
(6.95) for the (xl,...,Xk)-subsystem of system (6.82). That is, for each
Adaptive Control Systems 141

1 < i _< k, there exists a proper function Vi whose time derivative along the
solutions of (6.82) satisfies
f/i <<_-~f x~l (v, (x~l ) - i + 1) - ~-~(cy- i+j)w~ + wiwi+, -ao(O-O) r O-ap(~ - p)~

+ ~176 ,,)+ o-p)- j=2wj op /

i i
+ ~-~j~(,_j+,p(Izl) 2 + ~-~j~i_j+l~b(i_j+l)l(O) 2 (6.95)
j=l j=l

In (6.95), 6j > 0 (1 < j < i) are arbitrary, cj > n - j (2 < j < i) are design
parameters, Oj (1 < j < i), ri and wi are smooth functions and the variables
w/'s are defined by

Wl :~---"Xl~Tt(X~l), Wj "-- Xj - - ~ g j _ l ( X l , . . . ,/J-l,0,p), 2 _<j _< i + 1 (6.96)

It is further assumed that 0/(0,..., 0,0,/~)= 0 for each pair of (0,/~) and all
The above property was established in the preceding subsection with k = 1.
In the sequel, we prove that (6.95) holds for i = k + 1.
Consider the Lyapunov function candidate

Vk+~ = Vk(X~, W2, . . . , Wk, O,p) + 89~k+~ (6.97)

In view of (6.95), differentiating Vk+l along the solutions of system (6.82) gives
f/k+l <_~--~'X~l (Vl ( ~ ) - k + 1 ) - ~ ' ~ ( c j - k + j)wf + WkWk+, --ao(O--O) r O--ap(~--p)~

+ - ~ wj o0 +
j=2 op /

Ix k 0Ok r
(x.. j+ Jl- o O_-ff
k k
+ ~-~flP(k-j+l)2(]z[) z + ~--~jek-y+l~P(k-y+l)l(0) 2 (6.98)
/=1 j=l

Recalling that p > max .,fn* n . 2 ]1 < i < n}, by virtue of assumption (A1), we
tri ,ri
_ _
142 Adaptive nonlinear control: passivation and small gain techniques

w~+, ~+,-~ E+ -<p~+, 1+ l~:,~

+ lwk+,I(P2+l'/'(k+,),
k ,Io~kl,~, ) k+, )2
+ 'Jl l' <l<x,,...,x,)l) +

From (6.93) and (6.96), it is seen that (wl,..., Wk, Wk+l) = (0,..., 0, 0) if and
only if (Xl,...,Xk, Xk+l)= (0,...,0,0). Recall that ff(x~)~0 by selection.
With this observation in hand, given any ek+l > 0, lengthy but simple
calculations imply the existence of a smooth nonnegative function ~k+l such
Iw~+,l ~+,~(k+,),(l(x,,...,xk+,)l) + ~P]
k k+l
< pW2k+I+k+l (WI, W2, 99 9 Wk+l,O,#) -~"X~lflI (~1)-I-E W]j"1-E 6j~jl (0) 2 (6.100)
j:2 j=l
Combining (6.98), (6.99) and (6.100), we obtain


+ O-o)~r-'-~]~joO:
j=2 j=2

x k OOk
"I"W k-l-I k-l-2"I-W k "I-OTqOk.l-I"- E ~]Xj(Xj'I'I"l-OT~oj)
-t-~Wk+l "~-I-'~~_l,-~j, '
1 ~--,(OOk~2
) -- GQ--
OOk~ OOk/~]
~ --~ j

k+l k+l
+ ~JV)(k-j+2)2(Izl) 2 + Ejek_j+2V)(k_j+2),(O)2 (6.101)
j---I j=l
Inspired by the tuning functions method proposed in [26, Chapter 4] for
Adaptive Control Systems 143

parametric-strict-feedback systems without unmodelled dynamics, introduce

the notation

~+~ = rk + r
( ~'k+~ ~k" O
~ =l ~ k )
-- . _ ~ o x j qOj wk+l

Yak+, = Yak + A ~ + ~ ~ + (bk+, W2k+, (6.103)

k ig~k
~k+l = --Ck+l ~k+l -- Wk + ~-ff~Xy Xj+l

- o - wj oO r
j=2 j=l

0Ok 0Ok
+ 0---ffrk+l +--~-Wk+lWk+2 (6.104)

Wk+2 "- Xk+2 -- ~gk+l(Xl,...,Xk+l,O,P) (6.105)

Therefore, inequality (6.95) follows readily after equalities (6.102) to (6.105)
are substituted into (6.101).
By induction, at the last step where k = n in (6.95), if we choose the
following parameter update laws and adaptive controller
0 = r~(xl,... ,xn,0,/~), ~ = w,(Xl,... ,x~,O,~) (6.106)
u = On(X1,..., Xn, 0,~) (6.107)
the time derivative of the augmented Lyapunov function

v,-89 )2 +89 (~-p)~ (6.1o8)


~'n _< --~(X~l)X~l(Pl (X~l)--n -[- l)--~--~(c,- n + i)w~i -- era(O-- o)To -- O't,(~- p)~
H n

+ ~ i~P(.-,+l)z(Izl)2 + ~ ien-'+~(n-'+l)l(O) ~- (6.109)

i=1 i=1
As a major difference with most common adaptive backstepping design
144 Adaptive nonlinear control: passivation and small gain techniques
procedures [26, 32], because of the presence of dynamic uncertainties z, we are
unable to conclude any significant stability property from the inequality
(6.109). Another step is needed to robustify the obtained adaptive back-
stepping controllers (6.106) and (6.107). Small gain design step

The above design steps were devoted to the x-subsystem of (6.82) with z
considered as the disturbance input. The effect of unmeasured z-dynamics has
not been taken into account in the synthesis of adaptive controllers (6.106) and
(6.107). The goal of this section is to specify a subclass of adaptive controllers
in the form of (6.106), (6.107) so that the overall closed loop system is
Lagrange stable. Furthermore, the output y can be driven to a small vicinity
of the origin if the control design parameters are chosen appropriately.
First of all, the design function Vl as introduced in subsection is
selected to satisfy
~/(X~'I)XI2(/)I (X~l) --/l + 1) > c,r/(~) (6.110)
with cl > 0 a design parameter. Such a smooth function always exists because
r / ( ~ ) ~ 0 for any xl.
Then, let r/l be a smooth class-K~ function which satisfies the inequality
E i~b(n-'+lP (Izl)2 -< r/l (Izl2) (6.111)
Noticing that
-~,o(O- o)rO < -
,~o ( 0 - 0)rr-~(O - 0) +TI012

o'p ap_ 2 (6.113)

--o'p(/) -- p)/~ <_ -- T (at~-- p)2 .t_ T e

(6.106) yields:
~Fn<( -cVn + ~l (Izl:) + ~l (6.114)
tr0 ) , trpA; 2 <
c = min {2cl, 2(el - n + i), Am~x(F_l _ i<
_ n} (6.115)

~_2 (6.116)
81 -- T 1012 "~"T p -I" E ign-i+lr (0) 2
Let _a~ and ~v be two class-Koo functions such that
~(Izl) _< Vo(z) <_ ~o(Izl) (6.117)
Given any 0 < e2 < c, (6.114) ensures that
~'. < - 6 ~ v . (6.118)
Adaptive Control Systems 145


Vn > max rfl(c~vl(Vo(z))2), 2el (6.119)

-- c -- ~2 c -- E2
Return to the z-subsystem. According to assumption (A2), we have

cgz (z)q(z, xl) <_ -e3~0(Izl) + 7(7 -I o e370(lxll)) + e3do (6.120)

where I70 = e3Vo, e3 > 0 is arbitrary and 7 is a class-Koo function to be

determined later.
Given any 0 < e4 < 1, we obtain

Vo < - e 3 e 4 ~ o ( l z l ) (6.121)
as long as

- >_ max
V0 e3~v o OtO10 1 -2 ~4.,.),(7_10')'o(IXll)), E3~v 00tO 1 1 - Ea

To check the small gain condition (6.23) in Theorem 2.5, we select any class-
Koo function 7 such that

2 a0o~-loa_v
( ~ ~ i- l ( c)- E)2
4 s , Vs>0 (6.123)

Finally, to invoke the Small Gain Theorem 2.5, it is sufficient to choose the
function r/appropriately so that
7 -l o 70(Ix~l) <_ 89 + ~5 (6.124)
where e5 > 0 is arbitrary. In other words,
7 -~ o 7o(Ix~l) _< V.(x~,x2,...,x,,O,p)+s5 (6.125)
Clearly, such a choice of the smooth function r/ is always possible.
Vo _<-e364c~o(lzl) (6.126)
as long as

- >_ m a x
V0 e3fly 0 ~olO 1--~4
2 ,),(2Vn)' 6"3flyo o~01o 1 2 e4 -l 2~4

Under the above choice of the design functions ~ and Vl, the stability properties
of the closed loop system (6.82), (6.106) and (6.107) will be analysed in the next
146 Adaptive non/inear control." passivation and small gain techniques

6.4.3 Stability analysis

If we apply the above combined backstepping and small-gain approach to the
plant (6.82), the stability properties of the resulting closed loop plant (6.82),
(6.106) and (6.107) are summarized in the following theorem.
Theorem 4.1 Under Assumptions (AI) and (A2), the solutions of the closed
loop system are uniformly bounded. In addition, if a bound on the unknown
parameters p~ is available for controller design, the output y can be driven to
an arbitrarily small interval around the origin by appropriate choice of the
design parameters.
Proof Letting 0 = 0 - 0 and/3 =/3~ - p, it follows
that Vn is a positive definite
and proper function in (Xl,... ,xn, O,p). Also, 0 = 0 and ~ = ~. Decompose the
closed-loop system (6.82), (6.106) and (6.107) into two interconnected sub-
systems, one is the (xl,..., x,, 0,/3)-subsystem and the other is the z-subsystem.
We will employ the Small Gain Theorem 2.5 to conclude the proof.
Consider first the (xl,...,xn, O,~)-subsystem. From (6.118) and (6.119), it
follows that a gain for this ISpS system with input V0 and output Vn is given by

Xl(s) = c--'----~1 a_~- ~ (6.128)

Similarly, with the help of (6.126) and (6.127), a gain for the ISpS z-subsystem
with input Vn and output f'o is given by

X 2 ( S ) ~'~ r o OtO 1 o i g47(2s ) (6.129)

As it can be directly checked, with the choice of 7 as in (6.123), the small gain
condition (6.23) as stated in Theorem 2.5 is satisfied between Xl and X2. Hence,
a direct application of Theorem 2.5 concludes that the solutions of the
interconnected system are uniformly bounded. The second statement of
Theorem 4.1 can be proved by noticing that the drift constants in (6.119)
and (6.127) can be made arbitrarily small.
Remark 4.1 It is of interest to note that the adaptive regulation method
presented in this section can be easily extended to the tracking case. Roughly
speaking, given a desired reference signal y,(t) whose derivatives y!/)(t) of order
up to n are bounded, we can design an adaptive state feedback controller so
that the system output y(t) remains near the reference trajectory y,(t) after a
considerable period of time.
Remark 4.2 Our control design procedure can be applied mutatis mutandis
to a broader class of block-strict-feedback systems [26] with nonlinear
Adaptive Control Systems 147

unmodelled dynamics
= q ( t , Z , Xl)

xi = Xi+l + oT~oi(Xl, . . . ,xi, ~l, . . . , ~i) + Ax,(X, ~,z, u, t)

~i "-- ~Di,o(XI,..., Xi, ~1, . . . , ~i)"]- o r f f ? i ( X l , "'" , Xi, ~1, " " " , ~i)

+ Ac~(x,~,z,u,t), 1 <_ i < n

where x,+l = u , x = (xl,...,xn) r and ~ = ( r r. Assume that all el-

dynamics are measured and satisfy a BIBS stability property when
(xl,...,xi,~l,...,~i-l,z) is considered as the input. Similar conditions to
(6.83) are required on the disturbances Ax~ and Ace.

6.4.4 Examples and discussions

We demonstrate the effectiveness of our robust adaptive control algorithm by
means of a simple pendulum with external disturbances. Along the way, we
show that our combined backstepping and small gain control design procedure
can be extended to cover systems with u n k n o w n virtual control coefficients.
Moreover, we shall see that the consideration of dynamic uncertainties
occurring in our class of systems (6.82) becomes very natural when the
output feedback control problem is addressed. Then, in the subsection, we compare the above adaptive design method with the d y n a m i c
normalization-based adaptive scheme proposed in our recent contribution
[18] via a second order nonlinear system. Pendulum example

The following simple pendulum model has been used to illustrate several
nonlinear feedback designs (see, e.g., [3,24]):
m16 = - m g sin 6 - kl~ + -[ u + Ao(t) (6.131 )

where u E R is the torque applied to the pendulum, 6 E R is the anticlockwise

angle between the vertical axis through the pivot point and the rod, g is the
acceleration due to gravity, and the constants k, I and m denote a coefficient of
friction, the length of the rod and the mass of the bob, respectively. A0(t) is a
time-varying disturbance such that IA0(t)l < a0 for all t > 0. It is assumed that
these constants k, 1, m and a0 are unknown and that the angular velocity 6 is
not measured.
Using the adaptive regulation algorithm proposed in subsection 6.4.3, we
want to design an adaptive controller using angle-only so that the pendulum is
kept around any angle -Tr < 6 = 60 < 7r.
148 Adaptive nonlinear control: passivation and small gain techniques

We first introduce the following coordinates

~l --" m 1 2 ( 6 - 60)

~2 = m12 6 + m
( k (~- ~~ (6.132)

to transform the target point (6, 6) = (6o, O) into the origin (~1,~2) = (0, 0).
It is easy to check that the pendulum model (6.131) is written in ~-co-
ordinates as
~l =~jz - m ~ l (6.133)

~2 = u - mglsin 60 + - - ~ l + lAo(t) (6.134)

Since the parameters k, l and m are unknown and the angular velocity 6 is
unmeasured, the state ~ = (~1,~2) of the transformed system (6.133)-(6.134) is
therefore not available for controller design. We try to overcome this burden
with the help of the 'Separation Principle' for output-feedback nonlinear
systems used in recent work (see, e.g., [23, 26, 32, 36]).
Here, an observer-like dynamic system is introduced as follows

~, = ~ + t , ((~ - ~o) - ~,)

~2 = ,, + e 2 ( ( 6 - 6o) - ~1)
where Ii and t'2 are design parameters. Denote the error dynamics e as

e : = (~, - ~ , , ~ - ~)~ (6.136)

Noticing (6.132), the e-dynamics satisfy

[_,, 1] ,, ~
__,, #2~,_ 0 J r - -~ ~l - mgl sin
( 6o + ~-~1
1 ) --I-IAo(t)

For the purpose of control law design, let us choose a pair of design parameters
#l and t'2 so that A is an asymptotically stable matrix.
Letting xl = 6 - 6o, x2 = ~2 and z = e/a with
a = max{Jr 2 - r - kl2[, Jr 2- r lao } (6.138)
Adaptive ControlSystems 149

we establish the following system to be used for controller design:

Xl (g'lm/2 - g'l - kl2)/a ]

Xl (fl2m/2 -- fl2)/a -- (mgl/a)sin (xl + 60) + (l/a)Ao l
1 k 1
x l = -~--fix 2 - - -mx l + - ~ az 2 (6.139)

x2 = u + r - ml2)xl + r

Since the unknown coefficient ~-~, referred to as a 'virtual control coefficient'

[26], occurs before x2, this system (6.139) is not really in the form (6.82).
Nonetheless, we show in the sequel that our control design procedure in
subsection 6.4.3 can be easily adapted to this situation.
Let P > 0 be the solution of the Lyapunov equation

PA + A r P = - 2 I (6.140)

Then, it is directly checked that along the solutions of the z-system in (6.139)
the time derivation of Vo = z rPz satisfies

Vo _< -Izl 2 + 3Am~(P)x 2 + 8Amax(P) (6.141)

Step 1: Instead of (6.86), consider the proper function

1 1
VI = 2m/2X~l +~-~(s 2 (6.142)


p > m a , x{a2 1 1 k2 02 }
_ , m l 2 , m 2 l 4 , m 2 , m 214

It is important to note that we have not introduced the update parameter 01 for
the unknown but negative parameter - k / m because the term - ( k / m ) x l is
stabilizing in the xl-subsystem of (6.139).
The time derivative of Vl along the solutions of (6.139) yields:

~/'1 <-~ --1)1 X2 + X I W 2 -- O'p (.P -- P ).P "l" -~ (,P -- p ) (i3 -- '{X71)"~'89 2 (6.144)
150 Adaptive nonlinear control: passivation and small gain techniques

where ul > 0 is a design parameter, wl and w2 are defined by

~, = _~,~ + ~ xJ
Ol = --~'lxl --~0~,
Xl (6.146)

w2 = x2 - Ol (xl,/~) (6.147)

Step 2: Consider the proper function

V2-" Vl -~- 89 (6.148)
Then, with (6.144), the time derivative of V2 along the solutions of (6.139)
~2 <_ - ~ , : , + ~, w~ - ~ , ~ - p)~ + ~ ~ - p)(O - ~ , ) + 89

(u (v +~) ( 1 k 1 2)x,)
+W2 +g2(l--ml2)Xl+g2azl+ 1 -~X2----XIm +'m-Faz +~--f
From the definition of x2 in (6.147) and p as in (6.143), we ensure that

W2 VI "~"
(I ())
~ X 2 <_ p VI "~" "~" VI "~"~~ 4 w~ + - ~ (6.150)

With the choice of p as in (6.143), by completing the squares, it follows from

(6.149) and (6.150) that
I~'2 _ -(ul - 1)~ - ap(~ - p)p + -~(~ - p)~ - wl ) + Izl2

+w2 [u+xl + ~ -XI

~ + p ( 1+ u1+ 21 +(vl +P 2 ~) +(~,~+~)+
1~4 _~_)w2]
Thus, setting


u=--v2w2--Xl--~-~---/3 1+ vl+ +(vl ~) +(.~+~) + w2

Adaptive Control Systems 151

and substituting these definitions into (6.151), we establish

P2 _< - ( e l - 1 ) ~ - v2w~ - T~p (p - p)2 + T

e + izl 2 (6.153)

with v2 > 0 a design parameter.

In the present situation, it is easy to compute a storage function for the
whole closed loop system from the above differential inequalities (6.141) and
(6.153). So, instead of pursuing the small gain design step as in subsection where no storage function for the total system was given, we give such a
storage function for the closed loop pendulum system. Indeed, consider the
composite storage function

V = Vo(z) +89V2(xl,x2,P) (6.154)

Clearly, from (6.141) and (6.153), it follows

ap ~ - p)2 _ 0.5lzl2 + -4-P

Iy < -0.5(Vl - 1)x~l - 0.5v2w~ - -~- ap _2 (6.155)

In other words
cr~ _2
f," <_ -cV +-~t, (6.156)
c min {(vl -- 1)ml2,v2,0.StrpA, O.SAm=(V)-l }

Finally, from (6.156), it is seen that all the solutions of the closed loop system
are bounded. In particular, the angle 6 eventually stays arbitrarily close to the
given angle 6o if an a priori bound on the system parameters m, I are known
and the design parameters el, v~, trp and A are chosen appropriately. Robustification via dynamic normalization

It should be noted that an alternative adaptive control design was recently
proposed in [17, 18] for a similar class of uncertain systems (6.82). The adaptive
strategy in [17, 18] is a nonlinear generalization of the well,known dynamic
normalization technique in the adaptive linear control literature [13] in that a
dynamic signal was introduced to inform about the size of unmodelled
dynamics. The adaptive nonlinear control design presented in this chapter
yields a lower order adaptive controller than in [17, 18]. Nevertheless, due to
the worse-case nature of this design, the consequence is that the present
adaptive scheme may yield a conservative adaptive control law for some
systems with parametric and dynamic uncertainties. Therefore, a co-ordinated
design which exploits the advantages and avoids the disadvantages of these two
adaptive control approaches is certainly desirable and this is left for future
152 Adaptive nonlinear control: passivation and small gain techniques

As an illustration of this important point, let us compare the two methods

with the following simple example:
= -z + x (6.157)
3c = u + Ox + z 2 (6.158)
where z is unmeasured and 0 is unknown.
Let us start with Method I" robust adaptive control approach without
dynamic normalization as proposed in this chapter.
Considering the z-subsystem with input x, assumption (A2) holds with
V0 = z2 whose time derivative satisfies
I7o < -Izl 2 + x 2 (6.159)
In order to apply the Small Gain Theorem 2.5 we show that the x-system can
be made ISpS (input-to-state practically stable) via an adaptive controller. An
ISpS-Lyapunov function is obtained for the augmented system.
To this purpose, consider the function

w = 89~(x ~-) + ~1 (/~ _ 0) 2 (6.160)

where 7 > 0 and ~/is a smooth function of class Ko~.

A direct computation implies:

a, = ~,'(~ + o~ + ~) +~1 (0 _ o)/i (6.161)

1 (~ -
7x2~l) (6. 62)
where r/stands for the derivative of r/.
By choosing the adaptive law and adaptive controller
= -a070 + 7x2r/(x 2) (6.163)
u = - x v ( x 2) - Ox - 8 8 2) (6.164)
where o'o > 0 and v(.) > 0 is a smooth nondecreasing function, it holds:
I~ < -x2~7~v(x2) - 89ao(O - O) 2 + z 4 + 89aoO 2 (6.165)
Select v so that
F~'(F)v(F) > ,I(F) (6.166)
Then (6.165) gives:
< -~W+z 4 +-~
ao 02 (6.167)

with ~ := rain{2, cro7}.

Adaptive Control Systems 153

Hence, letting 0 = 0 - 0 and noticing 0 = 0, (6.167) implies that W is an

ISpS-Lyapunov function for the x-system augmented with the 0-system when z
is considered as the input.
To complete our small gain argument, we need to choose an appropriate
function r/so that a small gain condition holds. Following the small gain design
step developed in subsection, we need to pick a function r/such that

2x 4 _~ ~r/(X2) < ~ W (6.168)

A choice of such a function r/to meet (6.168) is:


This leads to the following choice for v

. ( x 2) _> 89 (6.170)

and therefore to the following controller

~= -~0~0+ -167~ ~ (6.171)

u = - x - ~ x - ~ 4 x3 (6.172)

In view of (6.159) and (6.167), a direct application of the Small Gain Theorem
2.5 concludes that all the solutions (x(t),z(t),O(t)) are bounded over [0, oo).
In the sequel, we concentrate on the Method II: robust adaptive control
approach with dynamic normalization as advocated in [17,18].
To derive an adaptive regulator on the basis of the adaptive control
algorithm in [17], [18], we notice that, thanks to (6.159), a dynamic signal
r(t) is given by:
= -0.8r + x 2, r(O) > 0 (6.173)

The role of this signal r is to dominate Vo(z) - the output of the unmodelled
effects- in finite time. More precisely, there exist a finite T ~ 0 and a
nonnegative time function D(t) such that D(t) = 0 for all t >_ T ~ and

Vo(z(t)) < r(t) + D(t), V t >_ 0 (6.174)

Consider the function
1 1
v= 89 (~ - 0) 2 + , (6.175)

where Ao > 0. A direct application of the adaptive scheme in [18] yields the
I poq;akll o; sau!l paqsep eq; al!qM II poq;ayV
o; sajas sau/I p/Ios aq; :(~)a ; n o q # ~ I poq;akll snssaA (l)a q#M II poq;Qkl/ Z'9 e . m w

9 g t, ~ I. 0
...... | |


I oc

t lye


1 i | i i

I poq/al41 oi sau!l paqsep aq,z al!qM fl poqJal/V

o~ salas sau!l p/los aq~ :O)a ~noq#M I poq~el/V snssa,~ (~)a q#M II poq~el/V L ' 9 e J n w

9 t ~ 9 t ~, , O_u
Oo o ~ - -

,. ... ... J

. . . . . "" 0 g

9 1,
. . . . . . . . . . . . "
t, Oo

i z o





sanb!uqoa2 u!e6 Ilems pue uo/~e,~!ssed :lOl~UOO Jeaufluou a,~!~depv ~/g L

Adaptive Control Systems 155

following adaptive regulator:

0 = ,7x2, '7 > 0 (6.176)

u = -
5 1) x
-~ + - ~
- Ox - -l-~ x r (6.177)

With such a choice, the time derivative of V satisfies:

l;" _< - x 2 7" r (6.178)
Therefore, all solutions x ( t ) , r(t) and z ( t ) converge to zero as t goes to oo.
Note that the adaptive controller (6.177) contains the dynamic signal r which
is a filtered version of x 2 while in the adaptive controller (6.172), we have
directly x 2. But, more interestingly, the adaptation law (6.176) is in x 2 whereas
(6.171) is in x 4. As seen in our simulation (see Figures 6.1 and 6.2), for larger
initial condition for x, this results in a larger estimate 0 and consequently a
larger control u. Note also that, with the dynamic normalization approach II,
the output x ( t ) is driven to +0.5% in two seconds.
For simulation use, take 0 = 0 . 1 and design parameters 7 = 3 and
a0 = r ( 0 ) = A0 = 1. The simulations in Figures 6.1 and 6.2 are based on the
following choice of initial conditions:
z(O) = x(O) = 5, = 0.5

Summarizing the above, though conservative in some situations, the adaptive

nonlinear control design without dynamic normalization presented in this
chapter requires less information on unmodelled dynamics and gives simple
adaptive control laws. As seen in Example (6.157), the robustification scheme
using dynamic normalization may yield better performance at the price of
requiring more information on unmodelled dynamics and a more complex
controller design procedure. A robust adaptive control design which has the
best features of these approaches deserves further study.

6.5 Conclusions

We have revisited the problem of global adaptive nonlinear state-feedback

control for a class of block-cascaded nonlinear systems with unknown param-
eters. It has been shown that adaptive passivation represents an important tool
for the systematic design of adaptive nonlinear controllers. Early Lyapunov-
type adaptive controllers for systems in parametric-strict-feedback form can be
reobtained via an alternative simpler path. While passivation is well suited for
systems with a feedback structure, small gain arguments have proved to be
more appropriate for systems with unstructured disturbances. From practical
156 Adaptive nonlinear control." passivation and small gain techniques

considerations, a new class of uncertain nonlinear systems with unmodelled

dynamics has been considered in the second part of this chapter. A novel
recursivr robust adaptive control method by means of backstepping and small
gain techniques was proposed to generate a new class of adaptive nonlinear
controllers with robustness to nonlinear unmodelled dynamics.
It should be mentioned that passivity and small gain ideas are naturally
complementary in stability theory [5]. However, this idea has not been used in
nonlinear control design. We hope that the passivation and small gain
frameworks presented in this chapter show a possible avenue to approach
this goal.
Acknowledgements. This work was supported by the Australian Research
Council Large Grant Ref. No. A49530078. We are very grateful to Laurent
Praly for helpful discussions that led to the development of the result in

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