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Fpwingr Guide e

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Safety Precautions

Read and understand this specifications, instruction manual, installation manual and catalog
to make proper use of the product.

If critical situations that could lead to user’s death or serious injury is assumed by
mishandling of the product:
- Do not play the accompanying disk on an audio CD player or speakers of a personal
It could lead to the injury of your ears or the damage to the speakers due to mega volume.

Copyright / Trademarks
- You may use this software in accordance with the “Licensing terms for the software”.
- This manual and its contents are copyrighted.
- You may not copy this manual, in whole or part, without written consent of Panasonic
Industrial Devices SUNX Co., Ltd.
-Windows is a registered trademark of Microsoft Corporation in the United States and other
- All other company names and product names are trademarks or registered trademarks of
their respective owners.

Thank you for purchasing the FPWIN GR.
This Operational Guide Book was compiled with first -time users in mind, and explains how to set up
the FPWIN GR software. It also contains an overview of how the software is operated. Please make
sure you read it carefully and understand the contents before operating the software.
For more detailed information on using the software, please refer to the Help function.
For detailed information on instructions, please refer to the “Programming Manual”.

Table of Contents
Precautions before using this software .............................................................................v
Special precautions
Additional Functions in Ver.2 .............................................................................................vii

1. Preparation and Overview .............................................. 1-1

1.1 Installing the Software ....................................................................... 1-2

1.2 Booting and Exiting the FPWIN GR ................................................... 1-3

1.2.1 Booting the FPWIN GR ...................................................................... 1-3

1.2.2 Exiting the FPWIN GR ........................................................................ 1-5

2. Names of Parts and Basic Operation ............................ 2-1

2.1 FPWIN GR Screens and Menus ........................................................ 2-2

2.1.1 Names and Functions of Parts ........................................................... 2-2

2.2 Basic Operation of the FPWIN GR ..................................................... 2-4

2.3 Program Conversion (Compile) ......................................................... 2-6

2.4 Online Editing and Offline Editing ...................................................... 2-7

3. Creating and Editing Programs ..................................... 3-1

3.1 Before Creating a Program ................................................................ 3-2

3.1.1 Booting the FPWIN GR and Selecting the Type of PLC ..................... 3-2

3.1.2 Clearing Programs ............................................................................. 3-4

3.2 Creating Programs ............................................................................ 3-5

3.2.1 Inputting a Sample Program ............................................................... 3-5

3.2.2 Checking the Sample Program ........................................................... 3-7

3.2.3 Returning to Program Before Edit (Quit Editing) ................................ 3-7

3.2.4 Undo / Redo ....................................................................................... 3-8

3.2.5 Inputting Instructions from the Function Bar ....................................... 3-8

3.2.6 Inputting Instructions not Found on the Function Bar ....................... 3-11

3.2.7 Inputting High- level Instructions ...................................................... 3-12

3.2.8 Continuing Input ................................................................................ 3-14

3.3 Correcting Programs ........................................................................ 3-17

3.3.1 Deleting Instructions and Horizontal Lines ....................................... 3-17
3.3.2 Adding Instructions ........................................................................... 3-17

3.3.3 Changing Relay Numbers and Timer Set Value ............................... 3-18

3.3.4 Inserting Instructions ......................................................................... 3-18

3.3.5 Inserting Rung .................................................................................. 3-19

3.3.6 Deleting Rung ................................................................................... 3-19

3.4 An Introduction to Other Functions................................................... 3-20

3.4.1 Changing Devices ............................................................................. 3-20

3.4.2 Shifting X and Y by Word .................................................................. 3-22

3.4.3 Changing PLC Types ........................................................................ 3-24

4. Transmitting Programs .................................................. 4-1

4.1 Sending a Program to the PLC .......................................................... 4-2

4.2 Verifying Programs ............................................................................ 4-5

4.3 Totally Check Program Function ........................................................ 4-6

4.4 Starting and Stopping Monitoring ....................................................... 4-7

4.5 Monitoring Registers .......................................................................... 4-8

4.6 Monitoring Relays ............................................................................ 4-11

4.7 Forced Input and Output .................................................................. 4-14

4.8 Status Display ................................................................................. 4-17

5. Saving a Program ........................................................... 5-1

5.1 Saving a Program .............................................................................. 5-2

6. Printing a Program ......................................................... 6-1

6.1 Printing a Program ............................................................................. 6-2

6.1.1 Printing................................................................................................ 6-2

6.1.2 Setting the Printing Style .................................................................... 6-3

7. Inputting Comments ....................................................... 7-1

7.1 An Overview of Comments ................................................................ 7-2

7.2 I/O Comments ................................................................................... 7-6

7.3 Block Comments ............................................................................... 7-8

7.4 Remarks ............................................................................................ 7-9

8. Searches ......................................................................... 8-1

8.1 Device Searches ............................................................................... 8-2

8.2 Instruction Searches .......................................................................... 8-3

8.3 Comment Searches ........................................................................... 8-4

8.4 Address Jumps .................................................................................. 8-5

8.5 Cross Reference ............................................................................... 8-6

9. Menu Tables .................................................................... 9-1

9.1 Menu Tables ..................................................................................... 9-2

9.2 Function Bars .................................................................................. 9-10

9.3 Tool Bar List .................................................................................... 9-21

10. Precautions Concerning Usage ................................... 10-1

10.1 What Do I Do If ... ? ......................................................................... 10-2

Precautions before using this software
This Operational Guide Book was compiled with first -time users in mind, and explains how to set up
the FPWIN GR. It also contains an overview of how the software is operated. For more detailed
information on using the software, please refer to the Help function. For detailed information on
instructions, please refer to the “Programming Manual”.

How programs are input

The FPWIN GR has three editing modes: “Ladder Symbol”, “Boolean Ladder”, and “Boolean Non-
ladder”. This guide book focuses on the “Ladder Symbol” method in the explanations of the
programming and editing functions.

Usage environment and types of PLCs that are supported

Please check the environment in which the FPWIN GR can be used.
Usage environment conditions:
Operating system Windows® 7 / Windows® 8 / Windows® 8.1 / Windows® 10
(32-bit version/64-bit version)
Required hard disk capacity At least 100MB

 FPWIN GR cannot be used on Windows® XP / Windows® VISTA after

September 2021.

Regarding Account
[When installing]
Make sure to install with the authorized account of Administrators (computer-system managers).

Applicable PLC types

Following PLCs of the FP series are supported.:
FP0R, FP-X0, FP-X, FPsigma, FP2, FP2SH, FP0, FP-e, FP1, FP-M, FP3, FP10SH,
(It supports from FPsigma Ver2, FP-e Ver2.22, FP-X Ver2.5 and FP0R Ver2.8.)

Special precautions
Deleting programs
Before inputting programs in the PLC, always carry out the “Clear Program” operation.
[Clearing Program] → Section 3.1.2

A note about saving programs

To ensure that programs are not accidentally lost, we strongly recommend that users follow the
precautions listed below.

Hard copies should be created.

In case programs are lost, or files are destroyed or accidentally overwritten, the contents of the program
should always be printed out and a hard copy stored somewhere for future use.

Passwords should be carefully specified.

The password setting is designed to prevent accidental overwriting of data, but if the password is
forgotten, it makes it impossible to overwrite programs. Also, if a password is compulsorily canceled,
the program will be deleted. When setting passwords, make sure they are written down in the
specifications manual or another secure location.

ROM versions of programs should be created.

To prevent programs from being lost if the backup battery runs down, or accidentally overwritten at the
workplace site, we recommend making a ROM copy of programs input to the RAM. If the PLC is being
used over a long period of time, or if the program is being incorporated into the device before being
shipped, this is especially important.

Additional Functions in Ver.2

1 Display screens offer greater flexibility

Window positions and sizes can be stored in the memory
The positions and sizes of the various windows, including the program editing screen, the relay monitor
screen and the register monitor screen, can now be stored in the memory. In addition, when programs
are read, the relay monitor screen and register monitor screen can now be displayed at the same time
that the editing screen is displayed.
-To store window positions and sizes in the memory, select “Keep Window Position” on the “Option”
menu. After this is done, the various windows are displayed at the positions and in the sizes stored in
the memory.
-To select the screen to be displayed when the program is read, select ”Configuration” on the “Option”
menu. Under the “Default Editing View” item displayed in the dialog box, turn on the check box for the
screen to be displayed.

Remarks can be displayed to the right of the ladder bus

“I/O Comments” and “Remarks” can now be edited in the comment display bar, and remarks can be
displayed to the right of the ladder bus line on the editing screen.

2 Search functions expanded

Detailed search of devices being used
Detailed searches can now be carried out using “Used I/O List...” and “Cross Reference...”.
In a program like that shown below, previously only the DT0 and FL0 would have been recognized as
devices in use. Using the “Detailed Search” function included in Ver.2, however, DT0 to DT9 and FL0 to
FL9, which are actually being used, can be recognized as devices in use. This enables devices not
being used to be identified more accurately.

3 Program flow easy to understand at a glance
Pair instruction map function
A “Pair Instruction Map” function has been added that displays instructions that determine the flow of
the program, such as MC/MCE, JP/LBL, and CALL/SUB/RET, in pairs, as a list, making it easy to see
the overall flow of the program at a glance. This is very helpful in analyzing not only programs put
together by the user, but programs created by others as well.
To access the pair instruction map function, select “Pair Instruction Map” on the “Search” menu.

Block comment list function

A new function has been added that lets block comment in the program be displayed as a list. The list
display of block comment lets the user search for a target routine quickly and easily.

The block comment list function is accessed by selecting “Block Comment List” on the “Comment”

4 Smoother testing and debugging

Forcible input/output devices can be stored in the memory
Now, even if the forcible mode has been canceled using “Force Input/Output”, devices that have
already been registered can be stored in the memory.

I/O list can be loaded when devices are changed

It is now possible to load the “Used I/O List...” from the “Change Device” dialog box.

Automatic error discrimination function

If an operation error occurs in a PLC during programming or debugging, a st atus display dialog box is
displayed automatically. This can be used to check the contents of the self -diagnosis error.
If an operation error occurs, the error address can be confirmed in the dialog box. Click on “Clear Error”
button to clear the error.
To display the status, select “Status Display” on the “Online” menu.
If a syntax error occurs, the total check function is launched automatically. Check the contents of the
error using this function.

5 User- tailored environment settings can be specified
The user can store individually tailored environments in the memory and bring them back later
The user can store his or her preferred environment tools in the memory and reproduce them as
needed. Thus, if multiple users are sharing a single computer, each c an store his or her own preferred
tool environment and access it at any time.
[Elements that can be custom- tailored]
-Positions of tool bars, comment display bars, input field bars, entry bars, and ten -key bars
-Levels and positions at which function bars are displayed
-Zoom settings, text point settings, and various display color settings
-All operation environment settings and all types of customized settings
To store individual environments in the memory and bring them back later, select “Private
Configuration” on the “Option” menu.

Customization function provided for right - click menu

The menus displayed when the right button of the mouse is clicked can now be customized. This
enhances overall operation by letting the user, for example, launch the comment input function or
minimize mouse pointer movements by clicking with the right button of the mouse. (These settings are
saved in the individual environment settings described above.)
To customize right - click menus, select “Right- click Menu” on the “Customize” menu under “Option”.

6 Wizard Function (Programming without manual)

Enter setting items for the screen display instruction and the requested instruction will be automatically

Except for this wizard function, Positioning wizard, PID wizard and Scaling wizard are available.

7 Text Input Mode
In the Ladder Symbol View Mode, Boolean Ladder View Mode, and Boolean Non-ladder View Mode,
nimonic codes from the keyboard can be used in preference to the instruction entry with the function
key (This is called as [Text input mode].).
To use Text input mode, select “Text input mode priority” on the “Edit” menu or click Button.

8 Setting Display Ladder Style

Program ladder display status can be changed, and [Drawing start position of Function instruction] and
[Number of Ladder symbol] per line can be set.

 In the other setting than the one that 12 is set to the [Number of Ladder
symbol] and 2 is set to the [Drawing start position of Function instruction],
the stored data of the program file (*. File) whose program is not yet
changed completely cannot be read in the FPWIN GR versions earlier than
Ver. 2.3. If you try to read it, the file is opened with the data unchanged.
 When you copy the selected range of the program and then try to paste it
into the other view during program change, paste cannot be executed if the
Display ladder style setting are different in both views (copy and paste
views). After compiling the copy source program, select the range, copy it
and paste it into the other view.

9 Changing data in the Ladder Symbol View

When the monitoring function is run, relays and data information can be confirmed in a ladder program
in real time.

By double-click on the relay or on the register, you can change the status of relay or the value of data.
By double-click pushing [Ctrl] on the relay or on the coil, you can execute forced I/O function.

10 Quickly jumping to mismatched point in a program
When the monitoring function is run, relays and data information can be confirmed in a ladder program
in real time.

Executes to verify a program from any cursor position

Verifies the program codes locating posterior to a cursor position with more than 2 program windows
open. The cursor jumps to the point where mismatch is found.

11 Other functions that have been added

Overall operation
- Add the floating point type real number compare instruction (STF =, etc.).
- Add new instructions (F250, F251) of FP-X.
- Add new instructions (F4, F161, F230, F231, F354) of FP2/2SH.
- You can copy & paste by rectangle mode.
- Menus displayed by clicking the right button of the mouse can now be customized.
(“Option” → “Customize” → “Right-click Menu”)
- Individual operating environments can be saved and brought back.
(“Option” → “Private Configuration”)
- The active program can now be switched with a single click.
(“Window” → “Switch Program”)
- Settings for the monitor interval and the default display window have been added under
- The setting for the symbol width included under the “Configuration” in previous versions has been
moved to “View Settings” on the “View” menu. Comment fonts can now also be specified using “View
- Added Text input mode. You can edit program by entering a character from a keyboard.
- You can design the start position of High-Level instruction. So, it is possible to display Maximum 5
contacts on the left side of High-Level instruction.

- Support [Undo] and [Redo] function.
- You can enter I/O comment simultaneously after inputting instruction.
- You can compile the program, even if the cursor is in the position of operand of High-Level instruction.
- Added SCAL/DSCAL/FSCAL instructions in [Wizard] function.

- “Print Style Setup” can now be used to specify comment fonts.
If the comment font is specified using “Depend on View Settings”, the printed output will appear
exactly like the ladder displayed on the screen.
The user can also now specify whether or not a background color will be used with block comments.
- You can print ladder list by color.

Online mode
- When downloading or uploading program, you can specify Station No. or Communication Setting.
- A “Security Information” function has been added under “Tool” menu. (Ver.2.5)
- A “Upload Settings” function has been added under “Tool” menu. (Ver.2.5)
- A “Monitoring PC Link” item has been added under “Status Display”.
- SSTP instruction can now be monitored either on the editing screen or on the relay monitor.
- The widths of the various columns in the “Monitoring Registers” window can be changed and stored in
the memory.
- I/O comments and remarks can now be input in the “Comment Display Bar”.
- Two supplementary lines can be drawn under “Time Chart Monitor”.
- You can synchronize the monitoring of Editing View and Data/Relay Monitor.
- In Monitoring Registers and Forced I/O, you can register only used device.
- In Monitoring Registers, you can change the value without pushing the [Enter] key.
- In Monitoring Relays, the default status is reversal of the present status.
- In Forced I/O, you can change the forced status by shortcut key and change the width of dialog.
- A “Monitoring VE Link” item has been added under “Status Display”. (Ver.2.71)
- A "FP Memory Loader Option" has been added in "Set PLC Password". (Ver 2.8)

Other additions
- The “MEWNET-H” settings software is now included with the program.
- The “FP series Programmable Controllers Programming Manual” is included in PDF file format.
- “MEWNET-W2 settings” function is included.
- [Data Editor] supported Data Memory Expansion unit.
- You can change number of column of [Data Editor].
- “MCU settings” function is included. (Ver.2.4)
- “MEWNET-VE settings” function is included. (Ver.2.71)

Chapter 1
Preparation and Overview
1.1 Installing the Software

Installing the software on a personal computer

The FPWIN GR should be installed on a personal computer, following the procedure outlined below.

1. Exit any applications currently running.

If there are any applications currently running, exit them.

2. Set the setup CD in place.

Insert the FPWIN GR setup CD in the CD drive.

3. Please execute the "Setup.exe" in set-up CD.

Please install according to the instruction.
- The serial number required for the user information screen is written on the user card included in the
"Control FPWIN GR".
- When the installation location is not changed, it is will be installed in the following location.
C:\ProgramFiles (x86)\Panasonic-ID SUNX Control

4. After the installation is complete, a dialog box is displayed for asking you to restart your
Be sure to restart your computer before using it.

1.2 Booting and Exiting the FPWIN GR

1.2.1 Booting the FPWIN GR

Booting procedure

1. Boot the FPWIN GR.

From the Windows menu, select Panasonic-ID SUNX Control -> FPWIN GR.

2. Select the Startup menu.

When the FPWIN GR has been booted using any of the above methods, the Startup menu is displayed
on the screen. Click on any of the following four buttons.
“New” button:
This is selected to start creating a new
“Open” button:
Select this to load a program that has been
saved on a disk and edit it.
“Upload from PLC” button:
Select this to load a program from the PLC and
edit it. The system switches automatically to
the online mode.
“Cancel” button:
This boots the FPWIN GR without loading a

2- 1. If “New” was selected, select the type of PLC to be used.

If “New” was selected on the Startup menu, a dialog box is
displayed on the screen, showing the types that can be
Select the type of PLC being used, and click on the “OK” button.

2- 2. If “Open” was selected, a data file is opened.
If “Open” was selected on the Startup menu, a
dialog box is displayed on the screen, showing
the files that can be opened. Select the file to
be edited and double-click on it with the
mouse, or click on the “OK” button.

2- 3. If “Upload from PLC” was selected, data is loaded from the PLC.
If “Upload from PLC” was selected on the
Startup menu, a dialog box is displayed on the
screen, confirming that data is to be uploaded.
Click on the “Yes” button.

Uploading of the program begins. If all of the

data is uploaded successfully, a dialog box is
displayed confirming the change in the PLC
mode. To change to the RUN mode, click on
the “Yes” button.

3. The initial FPWIN GR screen is displayed.
If the FPWIN GR is booted normally, the initial screen shown below is displayed.

1.2.2 Exiting the FPWIN GR

Exiting operation
The FPWIN GR can be exited by clicking on “File” on the menu
bar and selecting “Exit” from the displayed menu.

It can also be exited by clicking on the button in the upper right

corner of the screen.

Chapter 2
Names of Parts and Basic Operation
2.1 FPWIN GR Screens and Menus

2.1.1 Names and Functions of Parts

Menu bar
Tool bar

Comment display bar

Program status bar

Program display field


Input field
Entry bar
Ten key bar
Function bar
Status bar

Menu bar

All of the FPWIN GR operations and functions are available here in menu format. Each menu matches
the relevant application.

Tool bar

Functions that are frequently used in the FPWIN GR can be accessed here using buttons.

Comment display bar

This displays any comments linked to the device and the instruction at the cursor position.

Program status bar

This displays the selected PLC type, the number of steps in the program and the status of
communication between the FPWIN GR and the PLC.

Status bar

This shows the operation status of the FPWIN GR.

Function bar

When a program is input, instructions and functions can be selected using the mouse and the function
keys located here.

Entry bar

The [Enter], [Ins], [Del], and [Esc] keys can be input here using the mouse.

Ten key bar

Numeric values 0 to 9, letters A to F, and other values can be entered here, using the mouse.

Input field

Normally, this displays instructions and operands at the cursor position. When a program is being
edited, it displays instructions and operands currently being edited.

2.2 Basic Operation of the FPWIN GR

The cursor can be moved within the program display field, using the four arrow keys ( , , , ) and
by clicking the mouse. Instructions input using the function bar are input at this cursor position.

Cursor The cursor can be moved

within the program display
field, using cursor keys

The key can be used to move the cursor to the beginning of the line, and the key to move it
to the end of the line.
The + keys can be used to move the cursor to the beginning of the program, and the
+ keys to move it to the last line of the program.

With the FPWIN GR, multiple program windows can be opened.

The various windows can be moved using the + keys, or the + keys.

Inputting instructions
When programming, instructions can be input by clicking the mouse on the function bar, or by using
the to function keys in conjunction with the and keys.
The function bar display changes based on the program input conditions, as shown below. Instructions
are input at the cursor position in the program display field.

Instruction input keys (initial display)

When an index register has been input

When a comparison instruction has been input

When a timer or counter instruction has been input

When the high- level instruction or similar instruction has been input

When a contact or coil has been input

When inputting instructions using + keys or + keys, please

be aware that there are some PLC types which do not support the displayed
instructions. Check the programming manual for PLC types which do support
the instructions.

2.3 Program Conversion (Compile)

An overview of the program conversion (compile)

In the Ladder Symbol View mode, the “program conversion” is necessary in order to enter a program
that has been written in ladder symbol. When a program has been created or edited in the Ladder
Symbol View mode, the area inside the program display field is highlighted in gray, as shown below.
This indicates that the ladder in the highlighted area is being edited, and that program conversion is
necessary. At this point, the message is displayed on the program status bar indicating that conversion
is taking place.

Programs can be converted by clicking with the mouse on on the function bar, or by pressing
the + keys. Program creation or editing can be continued in the highlighted range up to 33
lines, but if this is done, the program in its entirety should be converted after the programming or editing
has been completed.

Confirming and canceling the edit status

Pressing the Return key during program input automatically switches to the Edit mode, and the
system waits for the area of the screen that is displayed in gray to be converted.
 Changing the input contents of instructions and devices
Press the + keys and convert the program. The input contents are confirmed and the
program is changed.
 If the Return key was pressed erroneously
Either press the + keys, or select “Edit” on the menu bar and then “Quit Editing”, and
cancel the Edit mode.

When using the FPWIN GR for programming, you will frequently be converting
programs and returning to the program before edit.
Remembering to use the following shortcut keys can make your programming
considerably more efficient.
Program conversion (Compile) .......................... + keys
Return to program before edit (Quit Editing) ... + keys

2.4 Online Editing and Offline Editing

An overview of online editing and offline editing

With the FPWIN GR, there are two operation modes. In offline editing, the FPWIN GR is operated by
itself, using a personal computer. In online editing, the FPWIN GR is operated in conjunction with a
PLC, using communication between the two units.

Offline editing
In this mode, the FPWIN GR is used by itself to create and edit programs, and there is no
communication with a PLC.

There is no communication
between the FPWIN and PLC.

Online editing
In this mode, PLC programs can be edited and data in the PLC can be monitored, using communication
between the FPWIN GR and the PLC.

The FPWIN and PLC are

in communication.

Switching modes
Switching between the online and offline editing modes is done by
clicking with the mouse on “Online” on the menu bar, or using
the [Alt] + [L] keys to switch between “Online Edit Mode” and
“Offline Edit Mode” on the displayed menu.
The modes can also be switched without using menu operation,
by the means described below.
- Keyboard operation
+ ( ) keys and + ( ) keys
- Tool bar operation
Clicking on and

Online editing
In online editing, as shown in the diagram below, programs in the PLC can be edited or monitored
through communication between the FPWIN GR and the PLC.
With online editing, the contents of programs edited with the FPWIN GR, system register settings, and
other data are reflected directly in the PLC.

Program in PLC
Reflected directly in
program in PLC

Program conversion


There are two types of online editing.

 Editing in the PROG. mode

With this method, programs in the PLC are rewritten with the PLC in the
PROG. mode. The program status bar displays the status via the
status indicators.

 Editing in the RUN mode

With this method, programs in the PLC are rewritten with the PLC in the RUN
mode. The program status bar displays the status via the
status indicators.
PLC processing continues based on the edited program, so be sure that
editing is done properly.

The “Edit in RUN Mode” operation works differently depending on the type of
PLC being used.

 PLCs in which the RUN status continues during program rewriting

- FP0, FP0R, FP-X, FP SIGMA, FP-e, FP2, FP2SH, FP3, FP-C, FP10SH

 PLCs in which the system switches to PROG. mode while the program is
rewritten, and then back to RUN mode after rewriting is finished
- FP1, FP-M

Chapter 3
Creating and Editing Programs
3.1 Before Creating a Program

3.1.1 Booting the FPWIN GR and Selecting the Type of PLC

1. Boot the FPWIN GR and select “New” on the startup menu.

Boot the FPWIN GR, and when the startup menu is
displayed, select “New”.

2. Select the type of PLC.

A dialog box indicating the selectable types is displayed on the screen.
Select the type of PLC to be used, and click on the “OK” button.

3. The FPWIN GR boots.

The FPWIN GR boots in the new program creation
The user can go ahead and begin programming.

PLC Configuration settings
Different types of PLCs have different memory capacities, different numbers of
I/O points, and different instructions and functions that can be used. For this
reason, the PLC environment settings (PLC configuration settings) are stored
together with the program in the NPST-GR and FPWIN GR files.
If “New” is selected on the startup menu, the FPWIN GR sets these settings
automatically to match the type being used. To change any of the set values,
select “PLC Configuration” on the “Option” menu, and change the contents of
the system register.

Example of PLC Configuration settings dialog box

3.1.2 Clearing Programs
Always run the “Clear Program” operation before entering a new program i n the PLC.

Procedure for clearing programs

1. Connect the PLC, and switch to the online editing mode.

Connect the personal computer from which the FPWIN GR is being
run and the PLC, using the specified cable, and select “Online Edit
Mode” on the FPWIN GR “Online” menu.
For information on connecting the computer and the PLC, please refer
to the hardware manual for the relevant PLC.
The online editing mode can also be accessed by clicking on the
icon on the tool bar.

2. Run the “Clear Program” on the “Edit” menu.

Check to make sure the system is in the online editing mode, and
select “Clear Program” on the “Edit” menu.

3. Clear the program.

When the confirmation dialog box shown at the left is displayed,
click on “Yes” to delete the program.

3.2 Creating Programs

3.2.1 Inputting a Sample Program

This section explains how to input the circuit shown below as a sample program.
The program is input by clicking with the mouse on the various instruction icons displayed on the
function bar at the bottom of the screen. Programs can also be input using the function keys on the
keyboard to which the various instructions are assigned.

1. Input relay X0.

First, input the relay X0 on the first line of the sample program. Move the cursor to the upper left corner
of the program display field, and follow the procedure below to input the relay.
Procedure Input field display
1.Press ( ).

2.The function bar changes to a bit display.

Press ( ).
3. After the type of relay has been input, click with the mouse on on
the ten-key bar, or press the key on the keyboard.
4.Press the Return key to enter the instruction.

Screen display

2. Input the coil R0.

After the relay X0 has been input, input the coil R0, following the procedure below.
Procedure Input field display
1. Press ( ).

2. The function bar changes to a bit display. Press ( ).

3. After the type of coil has been input,

press ( ).
4. Press the Return key to enter the instruction.

Screen display

- The coil (OUT) instruction is automatically input at the right end, and the cursor moves to the
beginning of the next line.

 To draw a horizontal line, press the ( ) key. (To delete a horizontal

line, press the key.)
The ( ) key enters a vertical line to the left of the cursor position.
Pressing this key once more deletes the vertical line.
 To configure the circuit, use the arrow keys ( , , , ) to move the
cursor and input the relays. Then press the ( ) key and
the ( ) key to connect them.
 The keys are convenient for direct device input.
When inputting a program, the devices listed below can be input directly
using the keys, in addition to being input from the function bar.

During basic instruction input

Device type Input using function bar Direct input using keys
X key key
Y key key
R key key
T + key key
C + key key

During input of high- level instructions, timer instruction, etc.

Device type Input using function bar Direct input using keys
K + key key
H + key key
DT key key

3.2.2 Checking the Sample Program

Program conversion (Compile)

When a program has been created or edited in the ladder symbol the area inside the program display
field is highlighted in gray, as shown below. This indicates that program conversion needs to be carried
out on the ladder in the highlighted area.

Programs can be converted by clicking with the mouse on on the function bar, or by pressing
the + keys. Program creation or editing can be continued in the highlighted range, but if this
is done, the program in its entirety should be converted after the programming or editing has been

Running the program conversion (Compile) operation

-Using the menu Select “Convert Program” on the “Edit” menu.
-Keyboard operation Press + keys.
-Select items from the displayed menu by clicking the right button of the mouse.

Program conversion (Compile) can be carried out on up to 33 lines at a time.

With the FPWIN GR, it is not possible to edit 34 or more lines of the program at
one time.

3.2.3 Returning to Program Before Edit (Quit Editing)

If an error is made while programming, the “Return to program before edit” function can be run to go
back to the version of the program that existed before the changes were made (right after the previous
PG conversion (Compile) was run).

Returning to the version of the program conversion prior to changes

-Using the menu Select “Quit Editing” on the “Edit” menu.
-Using the keyboard Press + keys.
-Select items from the displayed menu by clicking the right button of the mouse.

3.2.4 Undo / Redo
If an error is made while programming, the “Undo” function can be run to go back to the version of the
program that existed before the changes were made (right after the previous operation).

Returning to the version of the program prior to changes

-Using the menu Select “Undo” on the “Edit” menu.
-Using the keyboard Press + keys.
If you later decide you did not want to undo an action, Select “Redo” on the “Edit” menu or press
+ keys.

3.2.5 Inputting Instructions from the Function Bar

DF Leading edge differential

DF/ Trailing edge differential

Ladder notation Key operation procedure

1 ( )
( )
① ② ③ 2 + ( )

/ 3 ( )

④ ⑤ ⑥ ( )
4 ( )

( )
DF: The relay goes on for one scan only, when
the leading edge of the signal is detected. 5 + ( )
+ ( )
DF/: The relay goes on for one scan only, when
the trailing edge of the signal is detected. 6 ( )
The key is used to switch between (DF)
( )
and (DF/).


RST Reset

Ladder notation Key operation procedure

1 ( )
① ②
( )
2 + ( )
③ ④
( )
3 ( )

( )
When the execution condition of the SET
instruction goes on, the specified relay goes on, 4 + ( )
and remains on regardless of changes in the
( )
status of the execution condition.
When the execution condition of the RST
instruction goes on, the specified relay goes off,
and remains off regardless of changes in the
status of the execution condition.
ST= 16- bit data comparison

Ladder notation Key operation procedure

1 ( )
= ,
( )
① ② ( )

( )

+ ( )

2 ( )
A logical operation is initiated in response to the ( )
results of the comparison carried out on two

TM Timer

Ladder notation Key operation procedure

  1 ( )
① ②

An on-delay timer is created.

TMR: Unit of 0.01 seconds
TMX: Unit of 0.1 seconds
TMY: Unit of 1.0 seconds
A unit of TML: 0.001 seconds can also be used
with some PLC types.
The timer coil moves to the right end when the
program is converted (PG conversion is carried

CT Counter (preset subtraction type)

Ladder notation Key operation procedure

① ③

② 2

+ ( )
A preset subtraction type of counter is created.
The counter instruction moves to the right end
when the program is converted (PG conversion
is carried out).

3.2.6 Inputting Instructions not Found on the Function Bar

Inputting other instructions

Instructions that do not appear on the function bar can be input by pressing + ( ) keys
or + ( ) keys to bring up the instruction entry dialog box.
Instructions can then be selected from the dialog box.

Instruction entry dialog box

If + ( ) keys are pressed to input the instruction, the list
shown at the left is displayed. Select the instruction to be input from the list
and click on the “OK” button.
If the “Assign to Key” check box is on, as shown at the left, when a
instruction is selected, the selected instruction will be assigned to a function
Instructions selected with the [ ] key will be assigned to the
function key, and those selected with the [ ] key will be assigned
to the key.

(MC) Master control relay

(MCE) Master control relay end

Ladder notation Key operation procedure

1 ( )
  ① ( )

② + ( )
After selecting (MC) ,

2 ( )

( )

( )
When the execution condition is on, the ( )
program between MC0 and MCE0 is executed.
3 ( )

( )

( )

( )

( )
4 + ( )
After selecting (MCE) ,

3.2.7 Inputting High- level Instructions

How high- level instructions are input

High-level instructions are input by pressing the ( ) key. Check to make sure the cursor is
positioned in the input field, and then input the number of the high- level instruction.
F0 16- bit data move

Ladder notation Key operation procedure

1 ( )
( )
① ② 2 ( )

( )

( )

This transfers 16 bits of data from the specified

source address to the destination address.
You can change the drawing start position of Function instruction by selection “Display
Style Setup” on “File” menu from Ver.2.30.

Function instruction list

When the ( ) key is

pressed to input a function
instruction (such as the high- level
instruction), the instruction can also
be input by selecting it from the
“Function Instruction List” shown at
the left, as well as by inputting it
using key operation.

FPWIN GR Configuration dialog box

To switch between using the keys

to input a function instruction and
selecting instructions from the
“Function Instruction List”, select
“FPWIN GR Configuration” on the
“Option” menu, and then turn the
check box labeled “Enter the
function instruction from the list”
displayed in the dialog box on or

3.2.8 Continuing Input
In the Ladder Symbol mode, if a ladder diagram is input that does not fit on one line, a line return can
be input at the point at which the line returns. The input just before the bus line returns at the right end
is called the continuing source, and the data at the beginning of the next line is called the continuing

Continuing source
Continuing destination

There are two types of continuing input: “Enter Continuing Pair” and “Enter Continuing Symbol”.
Enter continuing pair: The continuing source and continuing dest ination are specified as a pair.
Enter continuing symbol: The continuing source and the continuing destination are specified

Operation procedure for continuing pair entry

With continuing source and continuing destination, the same number is assigned to both, and the user
specifies from where to where the return is to be made. The operation can be interrupted by pressing
the key.

1. Specify the continuing pair entry.

Continuing pair entry is selected on the “Edit” menu, by selecting
“Enter Continuing Pair”.
The entry can also be specified in the following ways:
-Using the keyboard Press the + keys.
-Using the tool bar Click on .
-Click with the right button of the mouse to display a menu from which
the entry can be selected.

2. Specify the continuing number.

When the continuing number dialog box is displayed, specify a

3. Determine the position of continuing source (right end).

is displayed on the status bar. Either press the Return key at the
position of continuing source (right end), or click with the mouse.

4. Determine the position of continuing destination (left end).
When the position of continuing source (right end) has been determined, the message
is displayed on the status bar. Either press the Return key at
the position of continuing destination (left end), or click with the mouse. The continuing pair entry is set
at the specified number.

Operation procedure for continuing symbol entry

If “Enter Continuing Symbol” has been specified, move the cursor and determine the position of
continuing source (right end) or the position of continuing destination (left end). The operation can be
interrupted by pressing the key.

1. Move the cursor to the position of continuing source (right end).

First, move the cursor to the position of continuing source (right end).

2. Specify the continuing symbol entry.

The continuing symbol entry is selected on the “Edit” menu, by
selecting “Enter Continuing Symbol”.
There is another way to specify the entry, besides using the menu:
- Click with the right button of the mouse to display a menu from
which the entry can be selected.

3. Specify the continuing number.

The message is displayed on the status bar. Enter a two-digit continuing number.
For example, to input No. 1, press keys.

4. Move the cursor to the position of continuing destination (left end).

Next, move the cursor to the position of continuing destination (left end).

5. Specify the continuing symbol entry.
The continuing symbol entry is selected on the “Edit” menu, by
selecting “Enter Continuing Symbol”.

6. Specify the continuing number.

The message is displayed on the status bar. Enter a two-digit continuing number.
For example, to input No. 1, press keys.

3.3 Correcting Programs

3.3.1 Deleting Instructions and Horizontal Lines

To delete instructions and horizontal lines, move the cursor to the position of the instruction or
horizontal line to be deleted, and press the key.

Move cursor to line to be deleted The line is deleted, and the

cursor moves.

Press key.

Reference: To draw a horizontal line, press the ( ) key.

Deleting vertical lines

To delete a vertical line, move the cursor to the right of the vertical line to be deleted, and press the
( ) key.

Move cursor to right of vertical line The vertical line is deleted.

to be deleted
Press ( ) key.

Reference: Pressing the ( ) key once again inserts a vertical line at that position.

3.3.2 Adding Instructions

To add a relay on a horizontal line, it is not necessary to first delete the horizontal line; relays should be
added on horizontal lines using the usual procedure. In the example shown below, the R4 relay is being
added to the horizontal line.

Move cursor to position where Relay is added

relay is to be added
( )
( )

3.3.3 Changing Relay Numbers and Timer Set Value
Move the cursor to the position of the relay to be changed, and input the relay, using the usual
procedure. In the example below, the X0 relay is changed to the X10 relay.

Move cursor to position where Relay number is changed

change is to be made
Press keys.

Changing timer set value

Move the cursor to the set value and change the value. In the example below, K10 is changed to K20.

Move cursor to position where Set value is changed

change is to be made
Press keys.

Reference: When the cursor reaches a position where the set value of timer can be changed, the
current set value is displayed in the input field, and the function bar changes to a word display.

3.3.4 Inserting Instructions

Instructions can be inserted between instructions that have already been input.
To insert the instruction in front of the cursor, press the key to confirm the instruction, and to
insert it after the cursor position, press + keys. In the example below, the R4 relay is
inserted in front of X0.

Move cursor to insert position R4 relay is inserted in front of

( )
( )

3.3.5 Inserting Rung
To insert the rung in an existing program, where additions or other changes will be made to the
program, move the cursor to the position where the rung or rungs will be inserted, and then follow the
procedure below.

Operation procedure

1. Move the cursor to the position where the rung will be inserted.

2. Insert the rung.

To insert the rung, select “Insert a Rung” on the “Edit” menu.
The insertion can also be specified in the following ways:
-Using the keyboard Press the + keys.
-Using the tool bar Click on
- Click with the right button of the mouse to display a menu from
which the insertion can be made.

3. The rung is inserted.

3.3.6 Deleting Rung

To delete a blank rung which is no longer needed, move the cursor to the position of the rung to be
deleted, and follow the procedure below.

Operation procedure
-Using the menu: Select “Delete a Rung” on the “Edit” menu.
-Using the keyboard: Press + keys.
-Click with the right button of the mouse to display a menu from which the deletion can be made.

3.4 An Introduction to Other Functions

3.4.1 Changing Devices

An overview of the function for changing devices

This function is used to change types and numbers of relays in a program, and to change operand and
numbers of instruction, and other parameters. Any relevant I/O comments can also be changed at the
same time. (The remarks are not changed.)

Operation procedure

1. Select the “Change Device”.

To change a device, select “Change Device” on the “Edit”

2. Specify the item of the device to be changed.

Specify the source device to the change and
the range to which the change applies, as well
as the destination device and the number from
which the change is to start. Then click on the
“Execute” button.
Devices which can be specified include the
X, Y, R, T, C, L, E, P, WX, WY, WR, WL, DT,

Example of a device change
As shown at the left, [Source: R0 - RF] and [Destination:
R10 - R1F] are specified, and then the “Execute” button
is clicked. This changes the addresses of R0 - RF to
R10 - R1F, as shown below.

Before the change

After the change

3.4.2 Shifting X and Y by Word

An overview of the XY word shift function

This function is used to shift relay numbers and coil numbers in the program in word units.
If the configuration or specifications of input/output unit have been changed, executing “Shift X and Y
Word” makes it easier to make changes in the program. Relevant I/O comments can also be changed
at the same time. (The remarks are not changed.)

Operation procedure

1. Select the “Shift X and Y by Word”.

To select the shift X and Y by word, select “Shift X and Y
Word” on the “Edit” menu.

2. Specify the item of device X and Y to be shifted.

Specify the area targeted for the shift, as well as the
number following the shift, in word units. Then click on the
“Execute” button.

Example of shifting X and Y by word
As shown at the left, [Area to Shift: 0 - 1] and
[No. After Shift: 1 - 2] are specified, and then
the “Execute” button is clicked. This shifts X0
- X1F to X10 - X2F, and Y0 - Y1F to Y10
- Y2F, as shown below.

Before the change

After the change

The XY word shift functions also shifts the input relays [X] and output relays
[Y] for the specified number range. To specify only the input relays [X] or only
the output relays [Y], use the “Change Device” function described on the page

Example: If the area of 0 to 1 has been specified as the target for the shift, this
area will be targeted regardless of whether or not it is used in the program.

Input relays [X] X0 to XF

X10 to X1F

Output relays [Y] Y0 to YF

Y10 to Y1F

3.4.3 Changing PLC Types

An overview of the PLC type changing function

To shift a program which has been created to a different PLC type, the type targeted by the
programming can be changed using the PLC type changing function if the two types have different
settings. When changing PLC types, each device is checked for the range of device numbers, the
program capacity, and to see if basic instructions/high- level instructions are used.

Operation procedure

1. Select the “Change PLC Type”.

To change PLC types, select “Change PLC Type” on the “Tool”

2. Specify the PLC type to be changed.

Select the PLC type to be changed, and click on the “OK” button.
When converting FP 12 K to FP 32 k, the dialog, which is needed
to perform conversion, is displayed after clicking on the “OK” button.

3. Make sure the PLC type change has been completed.

If the PLC type has been successfully changed, the message shown below is displayed.

If the system registers have been initialized, the following confirmation message is displayed.
Press the “OK” button.

If there are certain instructions that cannot be used on the selected PLC type,
or device numbers for areas that cannot be specified, a message like one of
those shown below is displayed.
Examples of type change error messages

The range of device numbers in the program prior to the type change must
match that of the type after the change. Make any necessary changes in the
device number ranges. (Any differences in the special data register DT9000
and DT90000 types will be converted automatically.)
The program capacities must also match. If necessary, delete part of the
program prior to the change.
If there are any instructions in the program prior to the change which cannot
be used after the change, edit them before the change is made.

For high- level instructions,

“Configuration” can be selected on the
“Option” menu, and the “Check the PLC
Type of High- level Instruction” check
box in the displayed dialog box turned
on or off to specify whether or not high-
level instructions will be checked.

System registers are not initialized in the PLC type listed below, and should be
initialized by the user if necessary.
FP0 2.7 k <- -> FP0 5 k
FP1 0.9 k <- -> FP1 2.7 k <- -> FP1 5 k
FP3 10 k <- -> FP3 16 k
FP2 16 k <- -> FP2 32 k
FP2SH 60 k <- -> FP2SH 120 k
FP10SH 30 k <- -> FP10SH 60 k <- -> FP10SH 120 k
In any PLC types other than the above, the system registers are initialized.
However, when converting FP 12 k to FP 32 k, the process for initializing the
system registers varies according to the settings of the PLC type change.

Chapter 4
Transmitting Programs
4.1 Sending a Program to the PLC

An overview of program transmission

This function is used to send programs created and edited with the FPWIN GR to the PLC. To use this
function, the personal computer and the tool port of the PLC should be connected with a cable.
Program transmissions such as downloading and uploading require communication between the
FPWIN GR and the PLC. The FPWIN GR switches automatically to the online editing mode for such

Program being

Operation procedure

1. Select the PLC to which the data is to be downloaded.

To send a program to the PLC, select “Download to PLC” on
the “File” menu.
This can also be done in the following ways:
-Using the keyboard Press the + keys.
-Using the tool bar Click on

2. Confirm the dialog box message.

When “Download to PLC” is selected, a dialog
box like that at the left appears.
To continue the downloading process, click on the
“Yes” button.

3. Confirm switching of the PLC operation mode.
If the PLC is in the RUN mode, a dialog box like
that at the left appears.
To switch to the PROG. mode, click on the “Yes”

4. Display during downloading

The dialog box shown at the left is displayed while
the program is being downloaded.

5. Confirm switching of the PLC operation mode.

If downloading is successfully completed, the
dialog box shown at the left is displayed.
To switch to the RUN mode, click on the “Yes”

6. Downloading to the PLC is completed.

When the program has been downloaded to the PLC and the PLC has switched back to the RUN mode,
the program status bar display changes to the following:

The program display switches to the monitoring status shown below.

Precautions when downloading a program that has comments If a program
containing comments is downloaded to a PLC with no area for writing
comments, the comments will not be sent to the PLC. Please be aware that, if
the same program is later returned (uploaded) to the FPWIN GR, the comments
will have disappeared.

If the other PLC has no comment writing area, a dialog box like that shown will
be displayed.

4.2 Verifying Programs

An overview of the program verification function

This function verifies the program on the currently active editing screen with a program stored in the
PLC, or with a program on an editing screen in a different window, to see if they match. Verified items
include system registers, program sizes, program codes, and other data.

Operation procedure

1. Select the “Verify Program”.

The program to be verified is selected under “Verify Program”
on the “Debug” menu.
This can also be done in the following way:
-Using the keyboard Press the + keys

2. Select the target to be verified.

Select “Verify Program” to display the dialog box
shown at the left.
Select the target to be verified, and click on the
“Execute” button to start the program verification.

3. Display of verification results

When the verification is finished, the results are

If the two programs being verified have both been saved, first open each of the
programs. Then press the button of the “Target” item in the “Verify
Program” dialog box to specify a program name.

4.3 Totally Check Program Function

An overview of the totally check program function

This function checks programs in the PLC and displays an error message if an error is detected. The
totally check program function works only in the PROG. mode, when online with the PLC.
There is a possibility that the contents of the program displayed on the screen are different from those
of the program stored in the PLC, so always run the “Verify Program” function before running a totally
check program function.

Operation procedure

1. Select the “Totally Check Program”.

Select the totally check program function by selecting “Totally
Check Program” on the “Debug” menu.

2. Run the totally check program function.

When “Totally Check Program” is selected, a dialog
box like that shown at the left appears.
Clicking on the “Execute” button starts the totally

3. The totally check results are displayed.

If an error or errors exist, the number of errors,
addresses and error contents are displayed.
Selecting (highlighting) the item to be searched and
clicking on the “Jump” button jumps the cursor on
the edit screen to the error address.
Selecting (highlighting) the item to be searched and
clicking on the “Jump & Close” button, closes this
dialog box and causes the edit screen cursor to jump
to the error address.

4.4 Starting and Stopping Monitoring

An overview of the monitoring function

When the monitoring function is run, relays and data information can be confirmed in a ladder program
in real time.

With the FPWIN GR, monitoring is initiated automatically when the FPWIN GR goes online, for example
when a program is sent to the PLC. When the FPWIN GR switches back from the online to the offline
mode, monitoring stops automatically. The settings for starting and stopping monitoring can be entered
separately for each of the various windows.

Operation procedure
To start monitoring, select “Online” on the menu and then
place a check mark by “Start Monitoring” in the displayed
menu by clicking on it.
Re-click to undo the checkmark and stop the monitor.
This can also be done in the following ways:
-Using the keyboard
Press the + ( ) keys.
-Using the tool bar
Click on .

From Ver.2.5, you can set the value by double-click the relay or register in a ladder view.

4.5 Monitoring Registers

An overview of the register monitoring function

Devices to be monitored in word units, such as data registers, can be registered, displayed as a table
and monitored. Data can also be written and changed.

Operation procedure

1. Select the “Monitoring Registers”.

Register monitoring is selected by selecting “Monitoring
Registers” on the “Online” menu.
This can also be done in the following way:
-Using the keyboard
Press the + keys.

2. The registers monitoring window (screen) is displayed.

When “Monitoring Registers” is selected, the following window is displayed.

1 This displays the line number.

2 This displays the device code and device number.
3 This displays the monitored data values. Data
can also be written and changed.
4 Base number (decimal, hexadecimal, binary, ASCII) being
monitored are displayed, along with the number of words.

5 I/O comments pertaining to the various devices

are displayed.

To change the column width, click the vertical separator and drag it.
To save the column width, right - click in this dialog and select [Keep list width], or select [Keep list
width] from the control menu.
To initialize the column width, right - click in this dialog and select [Reset list width], or select [Reset list
width] from the control menu.

3. Register the device to be monitored.
Pressing the [Enter] key at 1 (the line number display
column) or 2 (the registered device display column) in the
register monitoring window, or double-clicking with the
mouse, displays the monitor device dialog box shown at the
Specify the type of device, the device number, and the
number of registrations to be monitored, and click on the
“OK” button.
The above dialog box can also be Clicking on the “Base Number” button, lets you specify the
displayed by selecting the following base number (format) to be used when data is displayed.
on the menu: “Online” → “Monitor
-When continuous data elements are being registered
Setup” → “Monitor Device Settings”.
together in one registration, set the number of items for the
“Entry Lines” parameter.
- Ex.: If DT0 to DT9 are being registered, enter “10” for the
“Entry Lines” parameter.

4. Begin monitoring.
After specifying the devices to be
monitored, start monitoring in the
online edit mode. This displays the
values for the devices listed in 3 (the
monitoring display column) of the
register monitoring window.
Starting/stopping monitoring
-Using the menu
Select “Online” and then “Start
If a line is being inserted in order to add a device to be Monitoring”.
monitored, press + keys, and if a line is being
deleted, press + keys. -Using the keyboard
Use the + ( ) keys.
-Using the tool bar
Click on .

Change the displayed radix.
Either press the [Enter] key at 4
(the monitor base number display
column) of the register
monitoring window, or double-
click with the mouse to display
the monitor display format (base
number) dialog box shown at the
The above dialog box can also be displayed using left.
the following menu operations: “Online” → “Monitor
Setup” → “Base Number Settings”. It can also be Specify the base number to
displayed by clicking on the “Base Number” button which the display format (base
in the register monitoring window described earlier. number) is to be changed, and
click on the “OK” button.
To use real-number monitoring,
select a Dec (Decimal) or 2

Write the data.

When using the online
monitoring function, either
press the [Enter] key at 3 (the
monitor display column) of the
The above dialog box can also be displayed using register monitoring window, or
the following menu operations: “Online” → “Monitor double- click with the mouse
Setup” → “Enter Value”. to display the data writing
(Entering Value) dialog box
shown at the left.
Specify the value to be
written, and click on the “OK”

From Ver.2.5, you can set the value by double-click the register in a ladder

Write a comment.
Either press the [Enter] key at
5(the comment display column)
of the register monitoring
window, or double- click with the
mouse to display the I/O
comment input (Enter I/O
comment) dialog box shown at
the left.
Specify the comment, and click
on the “Entry” button.

+ keys can be used to move between the monitoring screen and the
program screen.
If the various windows are enlarged to the maximum size, the program screen
will be hidden behind the monitoring screen. To display the program screen,
use + keys to switch the window, or select “The Horizontal” or “Tile
Vertical” on the “Window”.

4.6 Monitoring Relays

An overview of the relay monitoring function

With this function, relays and coils to be monitored can be registered and displayed in table form, so
that the on/off statuses can be monitored. This function can also be used to turn relays on and off.

Operation procedure

1. Select the relay monitoring function.

The relay monitoring function is selected by selecting
“Monitoring Relays” on the “Online” menu.
This can also be done in the following way:
-Using the keyboard
Press the + keys.

2. The relay monitoring window (screen) is displayed.

When “Monitoring Relays” is selected, the following window is displayed.

1 This displays the line number.

2 This displays the device code and device number.
3 This displays the on/off statuses of the relays and coils being monitored.
Relays can also be turned on and off.
4 I/O comments pertaining to the various devices are displayed.

3. Register the relays to be monitored.
Pressing the [Enter] key at 1 (the line number
display column) or 2 (the registered device
display column) in the relay monitoring
window, or double- clicking with the mouse,
displays the monitor device dialog box shown
at the left.
Specify the type of relay to be monitored, the
number, and the number of registrations (entry
lines), and click on the “OK” button.
The menu operation selections “Online” →
“Monitor Setup” → “Monitor Device Settings” When continuous data elements are being
can be used to display the above dialog box. registered together in one registration, set the
number of items for the “Entry Lines”
- Ex.: If X0 to XF are being registered, enter
“16” for the “Entry Lines” parameter.

4. Begin monitoring.
After specifying (highlighting) the devices to be
monitored, start monitoring in the online edit
mode. The on/off statuses of the relays and
coils are displayed in 3 (the monitoring display
column) of the relay monitoring window.
Starting/stopping monitoring
If a line is being inserted in order to add a -Using the menu
device to be monitored, press + Select “Online” and then “Start Monitoring”.
keys, and if a line is being deleted, press
+ keys. -Using the keyboard
Use the + ( ) keys.
When a relay or coil is turned on, the 3
(monitoring display column) section for that -Using the tool bar
relay or coil is highlighted. Click on .

Write the data.
When using the online monitoring
function, either press the [Enter] key
at 4 (the monitor display column) of
the relay monitoring window, or
double- click with the mouse to
The above dialog box can also be display the data writing (Enter Value)
displayed using the following menu dialog box shown at the left.
operations: “Online” → “Monitor Setup” → Set the value you wish to write and
“Enter Value”. click the “OK” button.

From Ver.2.5, you can set the value by double-click the relay in a ladder view.

Write a comment.
Either press the [Enter] key at 5 (the comment
display column) of the relay monitoring
window, or double-click with the mouse to
display the I/O comment input (Enter I/O
comment) dialog box shown at the left.
Specify the comment, and click on the “Entry”

+ keys can be used to move between the monitoring screen and the
program screen.
If the various windows are enlarged to the maximum size, the program screen
will be hidden behind the monitoring screen. To display the program screen,
use + keys to switch the window, or select “Sort and Display” on
the “Window”.

4.7 Forced Input and Output

An overview of the forced input/output function

The forced input/output function is used to forcibly turn relays and coils specified in a program on and
off, regardless of the program itself. It is used for wiring of external input/output circuits, checks, simple
manual operation, and other operations and adjustments.

Example of screen during forced input/output

If there are relays and/or coils that are being turned on and off forcibly, a display such as
appears on the program status bar, and the relays and coils for which forced input/output is
being used are indicated as such by a special color on the ladder diagram (the default color is red).
When the PLC mode is switched from RUN to PROG., or from PROG. to RUN, all forced input/output in
the PLC main unit is canceled.
 From Ver.2.5, you can execute [Force Input/Output] function by [Ctrl] +
double-click the relay or coil in a ladder view.

Operation procedure

1. Select the forced input/output.

Forced input/output is selected by selecting “Force Input / Output”
on the “Online” menu.
This can also be done in the following way:
-Using the keyboard
Press the + keys.

2. The forced input/output dialog box is displayed.
Selecting “Force Input / Output” displays the
dialog box shown at the left.
To register relays and coils targeted for forced
input/output, click on the “Enter Device” button.

3. Register the device targeted for forced input/output.

Specify the type of device targeted, the
number, and the number of registrations (Enter
Lines), and click on the “OK” button.
If two or more registrations are specified, the
numbers are registered automatically in
sequential order.

4. Execute the forced input/output function.

After selecting the device targeted for forced
input/output, click on the “ON (1)” button.
This turns the selected device on forcibly,
regardless of the program contents. Clicking
on the “OFF (2)” button turns the selected
device off.
Clicking on the “FREE (3)” button returns
operation to that specified by the program.
Forced input/output can be specified for up to 16

5. Cancel the forced input/output.

To cancel the forced input/output function, click
on the “Release” button.
Forced input/output of the registered device is
canceled, and a message reading “All points
were cancelled” is displayed at the bottom of
the dialog box.

An explanation of the forced input/output dialog box
This dialog box displays relays registered on the list, the status of the forced
input/output for each relay, and I/O comments.

Explanation of buttons

: Input/output is turned on forcibly for the selected relay, regardless

of the program.

: Input/output is turned off forcibly for the selected relay, regardless

of the program.

: This specifies that operation be executed as specified by the

program contents for the selected relay. If the PLC is in the PROG.
mode, however, or if a relay was forcibly turned on or off without
the on/off status being changed in the program, the status
initiated by the forced input/output will be maintained.

: This cancels all registered relays. If only the Cancel function is

used, however, if the PLC is in the PROG. mode, or if a relay was
forcibly turned on without the on/off status being changed in the
program, the status initiated by the forced input/output (the on
status) is maintained in some cases, so that the relay does not go
off. To turn the relay off, a forcible off should be executed for that
relay, and then the relay should be canceled.

: This deletes the currently selected (highlighted) relay from the


Multiple devices can be turned on and off at the same time by pressing the
+ Space keys to select the devices, or by pressing the key and
clicking on each device.

The forced input/output function is extremely hazardous. Make sure sufficient

attention is given to the status of peripheral devices and equipment before
executing this function.

4.8 Status Display

An overview of the status display

This displays items involving the creation of the program. If connected online, it also displays the
running status of the PLC. If an error occurs, this can be used to view the error content and to clear the

Operation procedure

1. Select the status display

The status display is selected by selecting “Status Display”
on the “Online” menu.
This can also be done in the following way:
-Using the keyboard
Press the + keys.

2. The status display dialog box is displayed.

Selecting “Status Display” displays the dialog
box shown at the left.

Clearing errors
PLC errors can be cleared by pressing the “Clear Error” button.
Operation errors, remote IO system errors, and other types of errors can be
cleared. Syntax errors cannot be displayed or cleared.
For operation errors, pressing “Operation Err” button displays the address for
the error.
Depending on the PLC version, there may be times when error information
cannot be displayed.

Chapter 5
Saving a Program
5.1 Saving a Program

An overview of the program saving function

With the FPWIN GR, data such as programs, PLC system registers, and comments can be saved as a
single file. Select “Save” to overwrite the previous file contents, and “Save As...” if a new program is
being saved for the first time, or if the program is being saved under a different file name.

Operation procedure (Save)

To overwrite previous contents and save a program, select “Save” on
the “File” menu.
This can also be done in the following ways:
-Using the keyboard
Press the + keys.
-Using the tool bar
Click on .

Operation procedure (Save As)

1. Select the “Save As...”.

To save a program under a different file name, select “Save As...”
on the “File” menu.

2. Enter the file name.

Selecting “Save As...” displays a dialog box
like that shown at the left.
Enter the new file name in the “File name”
box, and click on the “Save” button.

Files created when saving
With the FPWIN GR, only one file is created when the data is saved, and the
expansion is “.fp”. The following contents are saved to this file:

 Program itself
 Contents of system register settings (including I/O unit assignments and
remote assignments)
 Comments (I/O comments, remarks, block comment)
 PLC type
 Contents of relay monitoring and register monitoring registrations
 Display style settings (Number of Ladder symbol, Drawing start position of
Function Instruction)
 Printing style settings
 Title and author

If comments disappear when files are saved

If the following procedure is carried out on a PLC that does not have a
comment memory, any comments that have been entered will be lost.
Be aware of this when overwriting the contents of previously saved files.

1. The program was created with comments included.

2. The program was downloaded to the PLC.

3. The program was saved and exited.

4. The program was uploaded from the PLC.

5. The file was overwritten and saved under the same file name.

When the program is loaded at step 4 , it does not include any comments, so
when it is overwritten and saved at step 5 , the comments are lost.

Chapter 6
Printing a Program
6.1 Printing a Program

6.1.1 Printing
This function is used to print programs, I/O lists, system registers, and other information.

FPWIN GR Commercial


Operation procedure

1. Select the printing function.

The printing function can be selected by selecting “Print...” on the
“File” menu.
This can also be done in the following ways:
-Using the keyboard
Press the + keys.
-Using the tool bar
Click on .

2. The printing dialog box is displayed.

When “Print...” is selected, the dialog box shown at the
left is displayed.
Check the printer to be used for printing, specify the
printing range and number of copies to be printed, and
click on “OK” button.

6.1.2 Setting the Printing Style
In the default settings, only ladder diagrams are specified as the contents to be printed.
If necessary, use the “Print Style Setup” parameters to select other items to be printed.

Operation procedure

1. Select the printing style settings.

The printing style can be selected by selecting “Print Style Setup” on
the “File” menu.

2. The printing style dialog box is displayed.

When “Print Style Setup” is selected, the dialog box
shown at the left is displayed.
Place a check mark for those items to be printed.
: This lets the user enter more detailed
settings for the various items.
: This enables the image to be viewed and
checked before it is printed.
: Printing starts.
: This enters the contents of the check marks
and returns to the editing screen.
: This deletes the contents of the check
marks and returns to the editing screen.
: This displays the Help function.

To print data that includes comments, press the “Detail” button for the ladder,
and place a check mark by the comment item.

To print a cover title, an item concerning the author, open “Properties” on the
“File” menu, and fill in the “Title” and “Author” entries.

Printing preview
To view and check the image before it is printed, select “Print Preview” on the
“File” menu, or double- click on “Preview” in the printing style settings dialog
Printing preview screen

Explanation of buttons

: This initiates printing.

: If there are multiple pages, this jumps to the next page.

: This jumps to the previous page.

: This displays two pages at the same time.

: This enlarges the preview screen.

: This reduces the preview screen.

: This closes the printing preview screen and returns to the e diting screen.

Chapter 7
Inputting Comments
7.1 An Overview of Comments

Types of comments
There are three types of comments which can be input, described below.

I/O comments
These are comments which are attached to the various devices, such as input/outp ut relays, internal
relays, and data registers. They can be displayed on the screen and printed.

These can be attached at the output coil position, and if the data is printed out, they are printed at the
right side of the ladder diagram. They are not displayed on the screen.

Block comments
These comments are attached to block unit explanations in the ladder diagram, and when input, are
introduced between ladder diagrams. They can be displayed on the screen and printed.

Remark is printed
step0 cycle1
the output program
cycle1 When the program is excuted manually, Y0-Y2 will output by
setting the condition of boot R0-R2 Block comments
When the program is excuted manually, Y0-Y2 will output by
setting the condition of boot R10-R12
Remark is printed
step0 lamp0

I/O comments

Switching the comment display on the screen
The following procedure is required in order to display the input comments on the screen.

1. Select the comment display function.

To display a comment on the screen, select “Display
Comment” on the “View” menu.
This can also be done in the following ways:
-Using the keyboard
Press the + keys.
-Using the tool bar
Click on .

2. The comments are displayed.

The ladder diagram is expanded vertically, and I/O comments are displayed on the screen. All block
comments are displayed.

step2 input0 step1 step0



step0 input1 step2 step1


Precautions concerning saving files when comments are input Comments
written to programs are not written to the PLC, except for the types listed
below. When saving program loaded from a PLC, make sure the correct
operation procedure is used.

PLC types to which comments are written

FP SIGMA, FP-X, FP0R All types

FP2 ................................ Only if an optional comment memory has been


FP2SH ........................... Types with a comment memory

FP3 ................................ Types with a comment memory (only I/O comments of

12 characters)

FP10SH ........................... Only if an optional ROM operation board or IC card

board has been installed

The volume of comments which can be written varies depending on the type.

PLC types to which comments cannot be written

All types and cases other than those noted above

Cases in which comments are lost when a file is saved

If the following procedure is carried out on a PLC that does not have a
comment memory, any comments that have been entered will be lost.
Be aware of this when overwriting the contents of previously saved files.

1. The program was created with comments included.

2. The program was downloaded to the PLC.

3. The program was saved and exited.

4. The program was uploaded from the PLC.

5. The file was overwritten and saved under the same file name.

When the program is loaded at step 4 , it does not include any comments, so
when it is overwritten and saved at step 5 , the comments are lost.

Loading comments
It is possible to read only comments from a file that has been saved.
Operation procedure

1. Upload the program from the PLC.

2. Select “Load I/O Comment” on the “Comment” menu.

3. Specify the program in which the comments have been saved, and load it.

I/O comment files by PLC type (special internal relays, special data registers)
Files to which I/O comments for special
internal relays and special data registers have
been input for the relevant PLC type are
installed in the “Documents” folder. If “Load I/O
Comment” is used to load the J_*.fp and E_*.fp
files that matches the PLC type being used
from this folder, it takes less time to input I/O
comments for special internal relays and
special data registers.

7.2 I/O Comments

An overview of I/O comments

These are comments that are attached to devices such as input and output relays, internal relays, and
data registers. They can be displayed on the screen and printed. The edit I/O comment menu is
convenient for inputting I/O comments.

Operation procedure

1. Select the I/O comment edit function.

The I/O comment edit function can be selected by selecting “Edit
I/O Comment” on the “Comment” menu.

2. The I/O comment edit dialog box is displayed.

Selecting “Edit I/O Comment” displays a
dialog box like that shown at the left.
Select “Device Type”, and align the cursor
with the position at which the comment is to be

3. Prepare to input the comment.

Pressing the [Enter] key indents the area. The
system waits for input to be entered.

4. Enter the comment.

Enter the text and press the [Enter] key. This
completes the input procedure.

If similar comments are being input consecutively, the following shortcut is

1. Align the cursor with the comment that is to be copied, and press +

2. Move the cursor to the area to which the comment is to be pasted, and
press + keys.

When entering I/O comments on a ladder diagram, select

“Enter I/O Comment” on the “Comment” menu.
This can also be done in the following way:
-Using the keyboard
Press the + keys.

By setting of [FPWIN GR Configuration], you can enter I/O comment at the

same time when entering the instruction in program editing.

7.3 Block Comments

An overview of block comments

Block comments are input between the blocks of the ladder diagram. They can be displayed on the
screen and printed.

Operation procedure

1. Move the cursor.

Move the cursor to the position right after where the block comment is to be input.

2. Select the “Enter Block Comment”.

Select “Enter Block Comment” on the “Comment” menu. This
can also be done in the following way:
-Using the keyboard
Press the + keys.

3. The block comment dialog box is displayed.

Selecting “Enter Block Comment” displays a
dialog box like that shown at the left.
Enter the text in the input window and press
the [Enter] key. This completes the input

If the comment display is switched using “Display Comment” on the “View”

menu, or by pressing + keys, the number of lines for the block
comments displayed on the screen changes.

[Block Comment List] function is added from Ver.2. or later.

7.4 Remarks

An overview of remarks
The remarks can be input only at the output coil position. When printed out, they are printed to the right
of the bus line of the ladder diagram.

Operation procedure

1. Move the cursor.

Move the cursor to the output coil position where the remark is to be input.

2. Select the “Enter Remarks”.

Select “Enter Remarks” on the “Comment” menu. This can
also be done in the following way:
-Using the keyboard
Press the + keys.

3. The remark input dialog box is displayed.

Selecting “Enter Remarks” displays a dialog
box like that shown at the left.
Enter the text in the input window and press
the [Enter] key. This completes the input

The remarks that have been input can be confirmed using the comment
display bar.
You can also enter the remarks in Comment Display Bar.

Chapter 8
8.1 Device Searches

An overview of the device search function

This function lets you search for a specified relay, coil, and operand in a program.

Operation procedure

1. Select the search function.

To search for a device, select “Find” on the “Search” menu.
This can also be done in the following ways:
-Using the keyboard
Press the + keys.
-Using the tool bar
Click on .
-Using the function bar
Press + ( ).

2. The search dialog box is displayed.

When “Find” is selected, a dialog box like that
shown at the left is displayed.
Turn on the “Device” radio button, and enter
the relay, coil, or operand to be searched.
If “Find Output” is turned on, only output
(coils) will be searched.

The relay, coil, operand, or instruction where To search for X1, enter “X1”, and to search for
the cursor is currently positioned serves as the DT100, enter “DT100”.
default display. Constants such as “K1000” and “M ABCD” can
Pressing the button displays items searched also be searched.
If a check mark is placed by “Find From Top”,
the search will start at the beginning (top) of
the program.

3. Start the search.

Clicking on “Next” button or pressing the [Enter] key starts the search. The cursor moves to the relay,
coil, or operand found in the search. Each time the [Enter] key is pressed or “Next” button is clicked,
the next instance subsequent to that address is searched.
If the search is continued to the end of the program, it automatically begins searching again from the
beginning (top) of the program. Following that, the first time that the search target is found, the
message “Program was searched until the end” is displayed on the status bar.

8.2 Instruction Searches

An overview of the instruction search function

This function lets you search a specified instruction in a program.

Operation procedure

1. Select the search function.

To search a instruction, select “Find” on the “Search” menu.
This can also be done in the following ways:
-Using the keyboard
Press the + keys.
-Using the tool bar
Click on .
-Using the function bar
Press + ( ).

2. The search dialog box is displayed.

When “Find” is selected, a dialog box like that
shown at the left is displayed.
Turn on the “Instruction” radio button, and
enter the instruction to be searched.
To search for FUN 0, enter “F0”, and to search
for PFUN 0, enter “P0”.

The relay, coil, operand, or instruction where

the cursor is currently positioned serves as the
default display.
Pressing the button displays items
searched previously.
If a check mark is placed by “Find From Top”,
the search will start at the beginning (top) of
the program.

3. Start the search.

Clicking on “Next” button or pressing the [Enter] key starts the search. The cursor moves to the relay,
coil, or operand found in the search. Each time the [Enter] key is pressed or “Next” button is clicked,
the next instance subsequent to that address is searched.
If the search is continued to the end of the program, it automatically begins searching again from the
beginning (top) of the program. Following that, the first time that the search target is found, the
message “Program was searched until the end” is displayed on the status bar.

8.3 Comment Searches

An overview of the comment search function

This function lets you search a specified comment (I/O comment, remarks, or block comment) in a

Operation procedure

1. Select the search function.

To search a comment, select “Find” on the “Search” menu.
This can also be done in the following ways:
-Using the keyboard
Press the + keys.
-Using the tool bar
Click on .
-Using the function bar
Press + ( ).

2. The search dialog box is displayed.

When “Find” is selected, a dialog box like that
shown at the left is displayed.
Turn on the “Comment” radio button, and,
after selecting the type of comment, enter the
comment to be searched.
If a check mark is entered for “Match Case”,
the search distinguishes between upper- and
The relay, coil, operand, or instruction where lower-case characters.
the cursor is currently positioned serves as the
default display. -To search for SW0, enter “SW0”.
Pressing the button displays items
searched previously.
If a check mark is placed by “Find From Top”,
the search will start at the beginning (top) of
the program.
If a comment is searched with the comment
display function turned off, the mode will
automatically switch to the comment display

3. Start the search.

Clicking on “Next” button or pressing the [Enter] key starts the search. The cursor moves to the relay,
coil, or operand found in the search. (If block comments are being searched, the cursor moves to the
comment line.) Each time the [Enter] key is pressed or “Next” button is clicked, the next instance
subsequent to that address is searched.
If the search is continued to the end of the program, it automatically begins searching again from the
beginning (top) of the program. Following that, the first time that the search target is found, the
message “Program was searched until the end” is displayed on the status bar.

8.4 Address Jumps

An overview of the address jump function

This function causes processing to jump to a specified address, and displays the program written to
that address.

Operation procedure

1. Select the address jump function.

To select the address jump function, select “Jump” on the
“Search” menu.
This can also be done in the following way:
-Using the keyboard
Press the + keys.

2. The address jump dialog box is displayed.

When “Jump” is selected, a dialog box like that at
the left appears.
Enter the address to which the jump is to be made.
Click on the “Jump” button or press the [Enter]
With the FP10SH and FP2SH, if the 120k key. The cursor moves to the specified address,
step type is being used, a program and the dialog box is closed.
number parameter is also displayed.

8.5 Cross Reference

An overview of the cross referencing function

This function displays a table of relay, coil, register, and instruction addresses used in the program, and
jumps to those addresses.

Operation procedure

1. Select the cross reference function.

To select the cross referencing function, select “Cross
Reference” on the “Search” menu.
This can also be done in the following way:
-Using the keyboard
Press the + keys.

2. The cross reference dialog box is displayed.

Selecting “Cross Reference” displays a dialog
box like that shown at the left.
On the “Device Type” pull -down menu, select
the device to be searched, and click on “Simple
Search” or “Detailed Search” button.
“Device Type” displays the default display of the
relay, coil, operand, instruction, or other element
at the current cursor position.

3. The addresses of the displayed devices are displayed.

Clicking on “Simple Search” or “Detailed Search”
button displays all of the addresses being used by
the specified device.
With the FP10SH and FP2SH, if the 120k step
type is being used, the program area number is
also displayed in brackets [ ].

4. The search begins.

Select (highlight) the address to which processing
is to jump, from the displayed “Address List”.
Click on the “Jump” button or press the [Enter]
key. The cursor moves to the specified address.
Clicking on “Jump & Close” button causes the
cursor to move to the specified address and then
closes the dialog box.

When making changes to a program in the ladder symbol mode, these
addresses cannot be displayed.

Items which can be searched include the following relays, coils, registers, and

Relays .......... X, Y, R, L, T (TM), C (CT), E, P

Registers ..... WX, WY, WR, WL, DT, SV, EV, FL, LD


Chapter 9
Menu Tables
9.1 Menu Tables

Item Key operation Contents
New + Creates new program.

Open... + Loads programs and comments from a file.

Close Closes a program being edited.

Save + Overwrites an existing file with the program and
comments being edited, and saves the updated
Save As... Saves the program and comments being edited
under a new file name.
Export Programs created with FPWIN GR are saved in
the NPST-GR format.
Download to PLC + Sends program and comments to a PLC.

Upload from PLC + Uploads program and comments from a PLC.

Print... + Prints the information in a program, I/O list,

system register, etc.
Print Style Setup Specifies items to be printed and printing format.
Print Preview Confirms the image to be printed.
Printer Setup... Specifies the printer used for printing, and the
paper size.
Display Style Setup... Specifies the Number of Ladder symbol and
Drawing start position of Function instruction in
Ladder Symbol View.
Properties Specifies the file properties (title, author).
Exit Exits the FPWIN GR.

Item Key operation Contents
Undo (Z) + The program changed with the instruction is
restored to the previous status.
Redo (B) + The program restored by the Undo command is
returned to the previous status.
Quit Editing + Returns to the previous program, before it was
Cancel Program Cancel the program conversion and return to the
Conversion previous status.
Select Rect Mode Switches the rectangle mode when you copy &
+ +
paste program on ladder symbol view.
Cut + Deletes the specified portion of the program in
line or block units, and stores it on the clipboard.
Copy + Copies the specified portion of the program in
line or block units, and stores it on the clipboard.
Paste + Pastes the contents of the clipboard.

Select All + Selects the entire program.

Switch Programming + Switch between the two programming areas that

Area FP10SH and FP2SH.
Text input mode priority Text input mode priority
Insert a Rung + Inserts a rung in the program.

Delete a Rung + Deletes a rung from the program.

Enter Line Specifies two points and connects them with a

Delete Line Specifies two points and deletes the line
between them.
Enter Continuing Pair + Specify continuing pair to connect the ladder
diagram from current line to the line below.
Enter Continuing Specify continuing number individually for
Symbol connecting the ladder diagram.
Delete All NOPs Deletes all NOP instructions from a program.
Clear Program Deletes a program and any I/O comments in it.
Toggle a/b Contacts Specifies a device and contact number, and
reverses the a and b contacts.
Change Device Specifies a range to be changed and changes
the device type and number.
Shift X and Y by Word Shifts relay numbers and coil numbers in word
Convert Program + Compiles a program created in ladder symbol,
which is being edited.

Item Key operation Contents
Positioning auxiliary Enter parameters in the setting items for the PLC
function positioning instruction, so that the requested
instruction will be automatically expanded.
PID instruction input Enter values in setting items for the PID
assistance instruction and the requested instruction will be
automatically expanded.
FP-e Screen display Enter setting items for the screen display
instruction assistance instruction and the requested instruction will be
automatically expanded.
Scaling instruction Enter parameters in the setting items for the PLC
input assistance scaling instruction, so that the requested
instruction will be automatically expanded.

Item Key operation Contents
Find + Finds a relay, coil, or operand in a program.

Next Device + The next address to be used by the specified

device is searched.
Next Output + The next address to be used by the specified
output coil is searched.
Jump + Jumps to a specified address.

Used I/O List + Displays a list of usage statuses for relays, coils,
registers, and instructions.
Cross Reference + Displays a list of addresses used for relays,
coils, registers, and instructions, and enables
jumping to those addresses.
Pair instruction Map + + This function allows you to understand the flow
of entire program easily by listing the pair
instructions that determine the program flow
such as MC-MCE, JP-LABEL, or CALL

Item Key operation Contents
Enter I/O Comment + Enters comments for various devices such as
I/O relays, internal relays, and data registers.
Enter Remarks + Enters output comments, which are printed to
the right of the ladder.
Enter Block Comment + B Enters a comment between lines of a ladder
Edit I/O Comment Enables editing of I/O comments in list format.
Load I/O Comment Loads only I/O comments from a file.
Export I/O comment Save I/O comments in a test file(.txt) or CSV file
Block Comments List + + This function lists the block comments in the
program, and allows you to understand the
process of the entire program easily.
Import Block Comment Loads block comments saved in a text file (.txt)
to the program being edited.
Export Block Comment Saves block comments from the program being
edited to a text file (.txt).

Item Key operation Contents
Ladder Symbol View Switches the screen to ladder symbol view
(LDS) mode.
Boolean Ladder View Switches the screen to boolean ladder view
(BLD) mode.
Boolean Non-ladder Switches the screen to boolean non-ladder view
View (BNL) mode.
Display Comment + Switches display of comments on screen on/off.

Zoom Settings Enlarges/reduces size of display in window.

Monitoring Type Changes display radix used to monitor data on
edit screen.
View Settings... Change the instruction font, font size of
comments, comment font, ladder symbol width,
and number of lines of I/O comments in the
Color Changes display color in various parts of edit
Toolbar Displays tool bar.
Function bar Displays function bar.
Function bar Style Selects function bar display style.
Entry Bar Displays entry bar.
Tenkey Bar Displays ten key bar.
Input Field Bar Displays input field bar.
Comment Display Bar Displays comment display bar.

Item Key operation Contents
Specify Station No. Specifies the communication station number.
Online Edit Mode + Selects the Online Edit mode.

Offline Edit Mode + Selects the Offline Edit mode.

Start Monitoring + Starts/stops monitoring in Online Edit mode.

PLC Mode [RUN] + Changes the PLC operation mode.

Monitoring Registers + Monitors values stored in relays, coils, and

Monitoring Relays + Monitors on/off statuses of relays and coils.

Time Chart Monitor The menu for the time chart monitor is displayed.
Bank Number Settings Switches bank of index register and file register
to be monitored.
Monitor Setup Specifies data or relay monitoring.
Status Display + Displays the program environment and PLC
Display PLC Message Displays messages from the PLC.
Display PLC Shared Displays the contents of the shared memory in
Memory the high-level unit.
Force Input/Output + Forcibly turns relays and coils on and off.

Item Key operation Contents
Totally Check Program Checks a program in the PLC.
Verify Program + Verifies the currently active program with one in
the PLC or one in a different window, and
checks them.
Verify Program Code + + Verifies the codes locating posterior to the
cursor position in a program in a different
window, and jumps to an error point.
Setting Test-run Enters settings for test operation.
Performing Test-run Tests a program to see if it runs as designed.

Item Key operation Contents
Change PLC Type Changes PLC type in program being edited.
IC Card Service Executes operations specified by data on an IC
ROM Writer Handles data communication with a ROM writer.
ROM & RAM Service Sends files between the ROM and RAM.
Internal Memory <=> Sends files between the Internal memory of
Master Memory FP-X and Master memory
Security Information Display security information of PLC.
Upload Settings Set disable or enable to upload the program
from PLC.
Set PLC Password Sets the PLC password.
Set PLC Date & Time Sets the PLC date and time.
Defragmenting General General-purpose memory is re-organized.
Screen Capture Copies screen image data for a specified area to
the Clipboard.

Item Key operation Contents
PLC Configuration Sets PLC system registers.
Allocate I/O MAP Makes I/O assignments for the units installed in
the slots.
Allocate Remote I/O Makes I/O assignments for units installed in slave
MAP slots in a remote I/O system.
MEWNET-W2 Settings Sets the network parameters of MEWNET-W2
MCU Settings Sets the parameters of MCU
MEWNET-VE Settings Sets the network parameters of MEWNET-VE
Communication Sets conditions for communication between the
Settings PLC and computer.
FPWIN GR Sets the operating environment for the FPWIN
Configuration GR.
Customize Customize use of + Function key and right
click menu.
Keep Window Position Saves each window position
Private Configuration This function allows you to save and call up your
favorite tool configuration.

Item Key operation Contents
New Window Opens the new window and displays the
contents of the currently active window in it.
Cascade Displays windows in a superimposed display.
Tile Horizontal Displays windows aligned from top to bottom.
Tile Vertical Displays windows aligned from left to right.
Arrange Icons Arranges the smallest- size icons for the
windows in an orderly row.
Switch Program This function allows you to change the active
program by a simple operation when editing
multiple programs opening many windows.

Item Key operation Contents
How to Operate Displays the FPWIN GR operation method.
Instruction List Displays a list of basic instructions and high-
level instructions, and a list of functions.
Special Internal Relay Displays a list of special internal relays and what
they do.
Special Data Register Displays a list of special data registers and what
they do.
About Displays the FPWIN GR version.

9.2 Function Bars

Default display

Default status
The actions of the function keys are as described below.
Key Display Description
Draws the symbol at the cursor position.

Draws the symbol at the cursor position.

Enters or deletes a vertical line to the left of the cursor position.

Enters the OUT instruction at the cursor line.

Enters a timer or counter at the cursor position.

Enters a Function instruction (such as the high- level instruction) at the cursor
Enters a horizontal line at the cursor position.
Inverts the operation results up to the cursor position.

Enters an index modifier at the cursor position.

Enters a Master Control instruction at the cursor position.

Enters a Master Control End instruction at the cursor position.

The instructions that can be input using or key are switched using + keys or
+ keys.

Status with the key pressed
When the key is pressed, the actions of the function keys are as described below.
Key Display Description
Enters the SET instruction at the cursor position.

Enters the RST instruction at the cursor position.

Enters a DF or DF/ instruction at the cursor position.

Enters an END instruction.

Enters a data comparison instruction.

Enters a PFun instruction (such as the high-level instruction) at the cursor position.

Enters a leading edge and trailing edge detection at the cursor position.

Switches the function bar display to a bit display.

Switches the function bar display to a word display.

Enters the instruction not found on the function bar.

Enters the instruction not found on the function bar.

Holding down the key switches between DF and DF/.

Status with the key pressed
When the key is pressed, the actions of the function keys are as described below.
Key Display Description
Carries out a PG conversion (compile).

Switches to the online editing mode.

Switches to the offline editing mode.

Closes the active window.

Searches for the instruction, comment, or other element.

Moves to the next window.

Starts/stops the monitoring function.

Displays the status.

Switches the PLC operation mode.

Loads a program from the PLC.

Writes a program to the PLC.

Bit display
When a relay or coil is input, the function bar changes to a bit display, as shown below.

Default status
The actions of function keys are as described below.
Key Display Description
Enters relay X in relation to the selected instruction.

Enters relay Y in relation to the selected instruction.

Enters relay R in relation to the selected instruction.

Enters relay L in relation to the selected instruction.

Enters relay P in relation to the selected instruction.

Enters a data comparison instruction.

Inverts the operation up to the cursor position.

Enters an index modifier at the cursor position.

Clears only the device number.

Status with the key pressed
When the key is pressed, the actions of the function keys are as described below.
Key Display Description
Enters relay T in relation to the selected instruction.

Enters relay C in relation to the selected instruction.

Enters relay E in relation to the selected instruction.

Enters the leading edge and trailing edge detection at the cursor position.

Word display
When the high- level instruction or similar instruction is input, the function bar changes to a bit display,
as shown below.

Default status
The actions of the function keys are as described below.
Key Display Description
Enters WX at the cursor position.

Enters WY at the cursor position.

Enters WR at the cursor position.

Enters WL at the cursor position.

Enters a data register at the cursor position.

Enters a link data register at the cursor position.

Enters a file data register at the cursor position.

Enters an index modifier at the cursor position.

Clears only the device number.

Status with the key pressed
When the key is pressed, the actions of the function keys are as described below.
Key Display Description
Enters a timer set value at the cursor position.

Enters the timer elapsed value at the cursor position.

Enters a decimal constant at the cursor position.

Enters a hexadecimal constant at the cursor position.

Enters a character constant at the cursor position.

Enters a real number at the cursor position.

Timer/counter display
When a timer or counter is input, the function bar changes to a timer/counter display, as shown below.

Default status
The actions of the function keys are as described below.
Key Display Description
Enters a 0.1-second timer at the cursor position.

Enters a 1-second timer at the cursor position.

Enters a 0.01-second timer at the cursor position.

Enters a 0.001-second timer at the cursor position.

Enters a counter at the cursor position.

Enters an index modifier at the cursor position.

Comparison display
When a comparison instruction is input, the function bar changes to a comparison display, as shown

Default status
The actions of the function keys are as described below.
Key Display Description
Specifies a double word.

Specifies a floating point.

Enters the comparison operand =.

Enters the comparison operand >.

Enters the comparison operand <.

Index display
When an index register is input, the function bar changes to an index register display, as shown below.

Default status
The actions of the function keys are as described below.
Key Display Description
Enters index register IX or I0.

Enters index register IY or I1.

Enters index register I2.

Enters index register I3.

Enters index register I4.

Enters index register I5.

Enters index register I6.

Enters index register I7.

Enters index register I8.

Status with the key pressed
When the key is pressed, the actions of the function keys are as described below.
Key Display Description
Enters index register I9.

Enters index register IA.

Enters index register IB.

Enters index register IC.

Enters index register ID.

9.3 Tool Bar List
The functions of the various tool bar icons are shown below.
Create new file
Open file
Save file
Upload from PLC
Download to PLC
Select Rect Mode

Insert a rung
Enter continuing pair
Text input mode
Program conversion (compile)
Comment display on/off
Keep window position
Switch to offline mode
Switch to online mode
Switch to PLC mode [RUN]
Run/stop monitoring function
Version display

Chapter 10
Precautions Concerning Usage
10.1 What Do I Do If ... ?

The PG conversion doesn’t work.

When a program is input, there may be times, depending on the cursor position, when the system
enters the input standby mode, and the PG conversion function doesn’t work.
If this happens, move the cursor to a position in the input field at which nothing displayed, and then try
the “PG conversion” function again.
Case in which PG conversion can’t be carried out - - - When the cursor is at the timer set value
Cursor position

Input field display

Case in which PG conversion can’t be carried out - - - When the cursor is at the high- level instruction
operand position.
Cursor position

Input field display

The timer coil cannot be input.

If the cursor is close to the bus line, the message is displayed, and the timer coil
cannot be input. Move the cursor farther to the left of the bus line and try inputting the timer coil again.

A vertical line cannot be deleted.

To delete a vertical line, move the cursor to the right of the target line, and press the ( ) key.
Pressing the ( ) key once again inserts a vertical line.
Move the cursor to the right The vertical line disappears.
of the vertical line.

Press the ( ) key.

The Edit mode was entered by mistake.

If the key was pressed by mistake, the area targeted by the program change will be displayed in
gray, and the system will wait for a PG conversion to be carried out. If this happens, either press the
+ keys, or select “Quit Editing” on the “Edit” menu, and cancel the edit mode. The right
button of the mouse can also be clicked to display the menu.

The message “Impossible to Draw” is displayed.
While inputting a ladder diagram, if a status occurs that cannot be accommodated by the program, the
message “Impossible to Draw” may appear. If this happens, use one of the procedures described below
to recover from the input error status.

Solution 1
1. Specify the area in which “Impossible to Draw” is displayed using the mouse and pointer, and
highlight the displayed color.

2. Delete the area in which “Impossible to Draw” is displayed, using the key.
3. Try inputting the program again.

Solution 2
1. Select “Boolean Non-ladder View” on the “View” menu.
2. Correct the relevant program area, using boolean non-ladder editing input.

The same type of correction can also be made using boolean ladder editing.

When changing to the RUN mode, the message “Error in PLC” is displayed.
There is a possibility that a syntax error has occurred. Run the total check function by selecting
“Totally Check Program” on the “Debug” menu.
Total check function dialog box

“Totally Check Program” section 4.3

The PLC ERROR LED lights.

Select “Status Display” on the “Online” menu, and check the contents of the self -diagnosis error.
Status display dialog box If the error is an operation error, the error
address can be confirmed in this dialog box.
Click on the “Clear Error” button to clear the

“Status Display” section 4.8

Record of changes

Manual No. Date Description of Changes

ARCT1F308E/ Apr. 2000 First edition
ARCT1F308E-1/ Aug. 2000 2nd edition
ARCT1F332E/ Dec. 2002 3rd edition
ACG-M332E Additional Functions in Ver.2
ARCT1F332E-1/ Nov. 2003 4th edition
ACG-M332E-1 Additional Functions in Ver.2.3
ARCT1F332E-2/ July. 2004 5th edition
ACG-M332E-2 Additional Functions in Ver.2.4
ARCT1F332E-5/ Mar. 2005 6th edition
ACG-M332E-5 Additional Functions in Ver.2.5
ARCT1F332E-6/ Sep. 2005 7th edition
ACG-M332E-6 Additional Functions in Ver.2.6
ARCT1F332E-7/ Aug. 2006 8th edition
ACG-M332E-7 Additional Functions in Ver.2.7
ARCT1F332E-8/ Mar. 2007 9th edition
ACG-M332E-8 Additional Functions in Ver.2.71
ARCT1F332E-9/ Jun. 2007 10th edition
ACG-M332E-9 Additional Functions in Ver.2.72
ARCT1F332E-10/ Feb. 2008 11th edition
ACG-M332E-10 Additional Functions in Ver.2.73
ARCT1F332E-11/ Apr. 2009 12th edition
ACG-M332E-11 Additional Functions in Ver.2.80
ARCT1F332E-12/ Dec.2010 13th edition
ARCG-M332E-12 Additional Functions in Ver.2.90
ARCT1F332E-13/ Jul.2013 14th edition
ARCG-M332E-13 Change in Corporate Name
WUME-FPWINGR-01 Aug.2021 15th edition
Change of supported OS

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