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NAME: Denver Samoque Sumimbat

YEAR: 1st


COURSE: Bachelor of Science in Criminology

DATE: November 8, 2021

Lesson 1 “Historical Antecedents which Change the Course of Science and Technology”

Objectives: At the end of this lesson, the learner should be able to:
- Trace the historical development of science and technology in the world: Ancient, Middle
and Modern Ages in the Philippines; and
- Demonstrate appreciation for the developments in science and technology.

It is a well-established fact that science and technology impacts all aspects of our lives.
Science and Technology is associated in all means with modernity and is considered as an
essential for rapid development. The state of science and technology determine the socio-
economic progress of a country. A country who is not able to implement science and
technology would not progress and reap the benefits of development.

Assessment Task:
1. Describe briefly how science and Technology evolved during each period in history?
the years , how we communicate has evolved immensely. Today, many of our
inventions are focused on creating faster ways of communicating with each other, and in
the process we’re creating more data than humans can comprehend. . Now, a new tool,
artificial intelligence, is emerging at the nexus of all this. Technology has completely change
the way human lives and therefore has shapes human history. Telephones, the internet and
engines allow people and goods to move from place to place quicker and we can
communicate around the world instantly.
2. Write your own impression on the current science education in the Philippines?
It is good because Philippine government make the teaching of science compulsory in all
elementary and secondary school and also to college level upgrade. The teaching of science in
education in the Philippines need more equipment and tools. Science education in our country
cannot be considered strength because of some ways: Shortage of laboratories that need to
facilitate science and learning and application of it’s concept to students and also the quality of
learning materials. It is also a challenge I terms of the quality of it’s textbooks.
3. concrete products in science you see in the society today?
We can see different things on how science works in our daily life. From the foundation of
our homes, residential buildings, commercial buildings, dams and roads and driveway, culverts
and sewer, fences, concrete bridges. That’s were several products of science everyday and
science is pretty much involved in all our activities.
1. Prepare a personal written report on your own reaction/ impression of our life today with
the advancement in science and technology?

New technology impacts our daily lives in every fi eld, from the cars,
cellphones, computers and networks and power. Works can be done easier through high-
tech machines and equipment. It gives less work for humans and job can be done faster.
Science and technology have had a major impact on society, and their impact is growing. By
changing our means of communication, the way we work, our housing, clothes, and food,
our methods of transportation, and, indeed, even the length and quality of life itself. The
advancements of science and technology has generated changes in the moral values and
basic philosophies of mankind. Science has changed how we live and what we
believe. By making life easier, science has given man the chance to pursue
diff erent societal concerns. One cannot expect their life without science and
technology revolving around them. Science and technology are extremely important in
our daily life because they made our life simpler, faster and more secure. Thus,
technology and science knowledge are important in modern contemporary society.
In our life today science and technology is a tool for our daily life. We use it in
communicating even they are far. We communicate easily and faster using mobile phone and
the connection of internet. We can encounter technology every where. In our home many
technologies were use everyday even though in school mostly we can see technologies as an
aid of teaching. In technology it makes our life easier and simplest form. New technologies
impact our life’s in every field. In fact we have been greatly affected by new development in the
Lesson 2 “Science and Technology Its Role in Nation Building”

Objectives: At the end of this lesson, the learner should be able to:
- Distinguish science from technology
- Explain how science and technology affect society and the environment
- Discuss how science and technology contribute to the national development
- Describe the role of science and technology in nation building; and
- Creativity present the importance and contributions of science and technology to society.

The advent of science and technology brought progress not only in our country but in
the entire world. Its development determines to a large extent the socio- economic progress of
a country. It is well-known fact that it is directly associated with modernity and is as essential
tool for rapid development and progress of a country.

Assessment task:
1. Research on concrete manifestation of the role that science and technology play in nation
building. Fill up this matrix after your research.
Contribution Benefit/s Outcome
Agricultural Formulation of It benefits the crop production of Numerous sack
Sector Pesticides farmers of rice harvested
Industrial Inventions of Energy source for many Make a cheaper
Sector steam engine machines and vehicle and easier to
commodities in
large amounts,
easily works,
served as the
foundation for
livelihood of
many citizens
Educational Mobile Phones Use as teaching aids, improves It helped us to
Sector learning outcomes and accessed in
engagement among students easier ability up
to date about
assignment and
Agricultural Reaper Use for harvesting particularly It allowed
Sector large field farmers to have
bigger crops and
easy way in
harvesting small
grains for short
periods of time
Industrial Sector Development Provides Commuters will
of e-jeepney sustainable, have eco-
clean form of friendly, safe
public and comfortable
transportation transportation
Educational Sector Inventions and It produces Increase our
development of informations productivity and
Computers among students connects us to
and teachers internet that
that can help in allows us to
learning have
in online
Agricultural Sector The inventions Can use to It help farmers
of Agricultural view and to optimize use
drone surveillance to of inputs and
observe on react more
their fields quickly to
Industrial Sector Satellite Monitored the It help
earth from meteorologist to
space and provide most
transport video accurate weather
programming reports and
warns us of
impending storm
Educational Sector Electronic Integration of Encourage
whiteboard various other students
technologies to engagement,
enhance Accomodities
students different
learning learning styles,
classroom cost

1. Draw what you think society or the world would be without science and technology. In
one paragraph, present your reasons for your drawing.
I could imagine life and the world without science and technology as simple. It back from
basic and simple form of life where mostly we can see people doing normal things. My drawings
emphasized our life before without the innovations. We can see a lot of children in the river
swimming and having fun with their family than before that children spend more time using
gadgets and staying at home. As the life before like without the use of washing machines as a
part of the development of science and technology we can see a lot of people doing washed
their clothes in the river. Also the environment is quit and peaceful where we can see different
some species of animals and plants all around not like today that we are in the environment
were we can observe noise from the surroundings.

Lesson 3 “Government Laws, Policies and Projects to science and technology”

Objectives: At the end of this lesson, the learner should be able to:
- Describe the science and technology environment from 1986- 2016
- Identify government law, policies and projects pertaining to science and technology
- Have a glimpse of the status of science and technology and plans for the development
under President Rodrigo Roa Duterte: and
- Appraise their contribution to the development of science and technology in the country.

The role that science and technology has played in improving the life and conditions of
people in the world is vivid. Because the Philippines is a developing country, the status of
science and technology in our country is still below par when compared with countries like
Japan and USA. There is a great need therefore to enact more laws and strengthen existing
ones to improve science and technology including research and development in the country.

Assessment Task:
1. Prepare a listing with brief explanation of government policies in relation to the
development and functions of science and technology.
1.REPUBLIC ACT no. 2067 (Science Act of 1958).

Act to integrate, coordinate and intensify scientific and technological research and development and to
foster inventions to provide funds for other purposes

2. REPUBLIC ACT no. 11035 (The Philippine standard time, Act of 2013)
It aims to strengthen the scientific and technological human resources of the academy, public and
private institution, including locally registered enterprises in order to promote knowledge sharing and
accelerated the flows of new technologies in the country.

3. REPUBLIC ACT no. 10055 (Philippine Technologies Transfer Act of 2009)

To promote and facilitate the transfer, dissemination and effective use management and
commercialization of intellectual property, technologies and knowledge resulting from R and D funded
by the government for the benefits of national economy and tax payers

4. REPUBLIC ACT no. 10612.( Fast tracked S & T scholarships Act of 2013)
Aims to strengthen the country science and technology education by fast-tracking graduates in the
science and mathematics and engineering who shall teach science and mathematics in the secondary
school throughout the country

5. REPUBLIC ACT no. 8439 ( Magna Carta for scientist Engineers Researcher and other ST Personnel
in the Government)
This act is to expand state support for Filipino science workers and empower their efforts towards the
country’s development in science and technology. To achieve and maintain the necessary reservoir
talent and manpower that will sustain it’s drive for Total science and technology in the country.

Write your personal/ reaction to the major accomplishment of the duterte
administration on its plan for development. Attach clippings from newspaper, magazines or
research on the internet and attach it to support your views.
Philippine President Rodrigo Duterte become the 16 th President of the republic of the
Philippines in year 2016.President Duterte who governs more than 100 million of Filipino take
enormously responsibilities to protect the Filipino people and future generations. The president
is a man of action and demand the highest quality of service from the Philippines government.
We’ve seen the president fulfilling his campaign pledge with an unmatched sense of urgency
and the political will to get this. One of it’s campaign and platform is the war ok drugs.
President Duterte responded with a strong resolve to make Philippine drug-free. The
Philippines police are strictly guided by operational protocols to which prevent the excessive
use of force. In the past few months with the Philippines National Police reported a downward
trend in criminal activities.
Duterte started also a nationwide campaign to rid the country of crimes and corruption.
He also prioritized infrastructure, spending initiation in the massive Build ! Build! Build,
infrastructure plan. He enacted the Universal Access to quality Tertiary Education Act which
paved the way for free college education in all states and universities and colleges nationwide
and the Tax Reform for acceleration and inclusion law (TRAIN LAW) which lowered personal
income tax and increased consumption tax on non essential goods. He signed into the law the
Bangsamoro Organic Law which establish the Bangsamoro Autonomous Region
Under the administration was the construction and development of airport, seaports,
transport terminal, flood mitigation, structures, roads bridges, highways, mass public
transportation, evacuation center and classroom aamong others were built. He has also
generated 6.5 millions jobs from 2016 to 2020 to support our labor markets and contribute to
our collective rise as developing nations. Under Duterte administration is the Manila
Rehabilitation at the Baywalk in Manila and the use crushed of Dolomite boulders along a
portion of the Manila Bay Beach. He also launched the rehabilitation on the island in Boracay
and it was closed for six months for the clean up and clearing activities.

Lesson 1 “The Human Flourishing in Terms of Science and Technology”

At the end of this lesson, the learner should be able to:
- Define human flourishing
- Interview different people about human flourishing
- Differentiate western and eastern philosophy about human flourishing; and
- Cite the importance of human flourishing.

Activity 1.
“Aristotle Task”
Aristotle tries to begin with common sense. He doesn’t just want to build theories in thin air
that have no connection to reality. He just collects different opinions from different people
about the following question:
a. What is Happiness?
b. What is/are your goal/s in life?
c. How can you achieve your goal/s?
d. Who are the people you need to achieve your goal/s with?

Gather all the answer of the respondents (you and your family is the respondents). What are
the top 3 most frequent answer?
a. What is Happiness?
1. Happiness is a choice
2. Happiness is a feeling of contentment
3.Happiness is a beautiful destination
b. What is/are your goal/s in life?
1.Finished my studies
2. To find a good job and travel and to buy what I want
3.To build a family
c. How can you achieve your goal/s?
1.Strive more and learn to patient
2.Set your goals and priorities
3.Work hard and spend time to achieve your goals
d. Who are the people you need to achieve your goal/s with?
3.Love one’s

What is Happiness from the data you’ve gathered from different respondents?

We have different perspective and views about how we defined happiness. Some of
them defined happiness as a choice. Sometimes in life we take risk and choose in order to filled
with happiness. Although that happiness has consequences in us. It is also in ourselves whether
we prioritized that’s happiness is a choice if it is for ourselves or to others. Others told that the
things that can make them happy is when they are already feel comfortable to on their life
choices whether it is love or relationship. Others also choose that what makes them happy is to
choose materials things like jewelries and others. Some of them also told that happiness is
intentionally a choose in a single day. Happy people are not held hostage by their circumstances
and they do not seek happiness in people or possession
Happiness is feeling of contentment. Some of them defined happiness that we can feel
from within. True happiness comes from within yourself and the most important experience we
want for those we love including ourselves. The meaning of happiness is contentment. Finding
true happiness is a worth goal. When you feel contented you achieve happiness because it is a
deeper feeling of satisfaction and gratitude. Some of them told that contentment promotes
happiness. When you are contented with the present you are letting go of sometimes painful
craving for what you can’t have. Best example that they give is about standard living. Some of
them told that when you have all that you want including material things they are mostly
contented and that can makes them happy.
Discover the joy of happiness by living in the present and doing more of what give you joy.
But if you want to embrace happiness live in the present, reveal in the moment worrying about
the future will not make you today’s beautiful. Some of them when life is moving and also with
the happiness that comes in the right way and finding ways to enjoy all the steps. Everything
you do in a single day that feel you happy is a journey . I bet most of you defined happiness as
staying happy all the time- every single year, every single month, every single day and every
single minutes. They told that happiness is a beautiful journey because it is like a path where
you need to walk straight to find where you become totally happy. Even we have different
views how we defined happiness it is ourselves how we discover the joy of happiness and living
in the present and doing more what you give us joy
- Determine and apply the steps of scientific method in solving problems
- Identify the importance of diversity and collaboration in the scientific community toward
to human flourishing.
- Explain the concept of human conditions before and after science and technology.


1. Think of a problem in our daily life where you can apply the scientific method?
Observe: Low score in Math during quiz
Identify the problem: I’m spending too much time browsing FACEBOOK rather than
reading notes.
Formulate Hypothesis: Lessen the number of hours in browsing Facebook and adding
time reading notes
Conduct Experiment: I will spend 1 hour in browsing the internet and 4 hours in
reading my notes
Gather and analyze: I will identify if my scores increase in all of my quizzes in math or
Formulate conclusion and provide recommendation: if my quizzes in math are higher
than my scores before so therefore I conclude that lessening the number of hours in
browsing the Facebook is effective. I will recommend that I will not spend time in
browsing the Facebook but rather I will spend my time in reading notes in math.

Observe: Low grades in my major subjects

Identify the problem: Spending more time on using social media and playing
online games rather than doing my activities
Formulate Hypothesis: Lessen the time is using Social media and playing
online games and spend time on doing school activities
Conduct Experiment: I will practice to spend 30 minutes in using social media
and 20-30 minutes on playing online games in one day and try to do my
activities in a time.
Gather and analyze: I Will observe my grades in my major subjects if it has
changes than before.
Formulate conclusion and provide recommendation: If my grades in my
major subjects has changes than before. I conclude that if I spend less time in
using social media and playing online games is essential and effective in making
my grades high. I will recommend that I will not spend more time on my social
media and also lessen the time in playing online games and I will spend more
time in doing my school activities.
2. Present one historical development in technology by completing the table below. Refer to
the given example.
Example: Computer
Before Human Discoveries After
The computer The Government - France, Joseph The richness provides
was born not sought a faster Marie Jacquard a vast design space
for way to get the job invents a loom that for exploring novel
entertainment done giving rise to uses punched and multi- value way
or email but punch card based wooden cards to to encode and process
out of a need to computer took up automatically data beyond the 0s
solve a serious entire rooms weave fabric design and 1s of current
number - Charles Babbage based, digital
crunching conceives of a architectures.
crisis. By 1880 steam driven
the U.S calculating machine
population had that would be able
grown so large to compute tables
that took more of numbers
more than - Tim Berners- lee a
seven years to researcher at
tabulate the CERN, the high-
U.S census energy physics
result laboratory in
Geneva, Develops
Hyper Text Markup
Language (HTML),
Giving rise to the
Orld Wide Web

Before Human Discoveries After

Television was People use it to 1862-Abbe Giovanna Caselli It is important way
invented for scan the scene and •A still pictured is shaping our thinking
entertainment generate the video transferred the inventions of and political
purposes. Prior signal and a Pan telegraph preferences even
to electric similar 1876- George Carey affecting our
television we mechanical •Thinks up the tv and dream cognitive ability and
had devices at the of a machine the use in considered as the
mechanical receiver to display home main source of
television. the picture use 1880-Alexander Graham Be information for
They involved also to captured •Inventions of photophone people because it
mechanically and display video 1900 enabled us to receive
scanning images •It was named television that latest news from
images then 1907 all over the world.
transmitting • A new kind of tv
those images 1924-John Baird
•The moving picture is
to screen
•Color tv is released
1969-Neil Armstrong
•TV from the moon
The film screen takes over
•The HDTV mandate
1. Watch the documentary film entitled: “The magician’s twins: CS Lewis and case against
2. Read the concerning Technology by: Martin Heidegger.
Task: Make a Concept Map about your Documentary Film and in the Article
Good Life
a. Materialism
b. Hedonism
c. Stoicism
d. Theism
e. Humanism
5. Among the five philosophies,
what has opposing and similar
beliefs regarding good life?
B. Complete the following
metacognitive phrases.
1. For me, the true definition of
good life is…
2. Among the four philosophers, I
believe in … because …
3. Among the five philosophies, I
am … because …

Good Life
a. Materialism
b. Hedonism
c. Stoicism
d. Theism
e. Humanism
5. Among the five philosophies,
what has opposing and similar
beliefs regarding good life?
B. Complete the following
metacognitive phrases.
1. For me, the true definition of
good life is…
2. Among the four philosophers, I
believe in … because …
3. Among the five philosophies, I
am … because …
Devise an innovative and creative way to solve current social or environmental issues in your
Community that promotes good life.
1. Create a brochure that promotes good life. (PUT YOUR BROCHURE IN THE SPACE

2. Why do you think the meaning of good life differ from person to person?
I think we have different perspective about how we defined good life. Good life depends and it
does differ from person to person. For example is the standard of living between rich and poor.
One everything but not satisfied, someone else has nothing but he is contented with whatever
he/she has. So it is not appropriate to judge a person by their quality of life. Maybe also we have
different views because of experiences and challenges and how we see life and I think also
because everyone was raised with different values and priorities and because perception
towards life changes from person to person. Concentration on the brighter side of things to
have a brighter life.

3. In your own words, what is the meaning of good life according to: Good Life

a. Materialism
- Materialism is ones being materialistic that we prioritized and gave more values on material
things. Mostly of us considered that buying material things make us happy and focused on
money and we possessed things like big house, luxury cars, fashionable clothes and others. I’m
simple words, in our life we involved possession and achieving material things, wealth or status
to attained happiness and good life

b. Hedonism
- It talks about pleasure that hold the secret of happiness and we believe that good life is a
happy life. This means happiness is a sufficient and a necessary condition for a good life.
On this view anything else that make us pleasure money, pizza, fame, big house is
valuable only to the extent that it makes you happy. It means that we feel pleasure
because of what we have less than the pain suffering and other’s.

c. Stoicism
- It depends on our actions and how we become responsible on it and always see on
positive thoughts and emotions and focus also on the characters of a person . We practice
self-control like meditate to reduce stress, depression and help us to direct thought and
actions and concern how we live to get to the good life. It also takes on how we react to
certain events and attitude

d. Theism
- In good life we believe that God exist and created the universe and also depends on our
faith and we do not make evil things. It also about the role that theism and immortality
paly in making life worth living because without God and immortality there can be no
meaning in life. No one could continue living in the knowledge that life is meaningless.
Therefore there is a God who give life, ultimate meaning value and purpose.

e. Humanism
- It give importance and meaning to our life and fulfill it. We prioritized good deeds, values and
human needs. It also talks on being responsible on our own life. We view life in to do right things
and make choices and accepted it’s consequences.

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