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Bsa 1 - Final Project Proposal

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Integrated Basic Education Department


(NSTP 2)




Valenzuela, Sherrymae M.

Barbosa, Karen Shermaine S.

Dionisio, Chelou Rylie O.

Esguerra, Aryl Roue R.

Ortega, Nikamyelle Kendice S.

Marchan, Lyca

Quina, Yna Katherine

Zabala, Jensen Angel C.

S.Y 2020-2021

Integrated Basic Education Department





Coins for a Cause is the project title and goal for the researcher's proposal.

Coins play an important role in donations to charities. Whereby children and adults

are invited to collect coins, which are dedicated to improving the lives of needy

people. Any number of coins or money are possible to collect and highly

appreciated. Funds are collected each month through donation boxes located in

selected locations and areas or through face to face. Each coin symbolizes the

ongoing impact of each donation makes. The great thing about the “Coins for a

Cause,” it will remind people of the difference they can make to others. And

because the coins keep circulating, one coin will hopefully inspire many acts of

generosity. Donating to the causes an individual care about not only benefits the

charities themselves, it can be deeply rewarding for an individual too. Millions of

people give to charity on a regular basis to support causes they believe in, as well

as for the positive effect it has on their own lives. The objective is to help the

community especially the youth and needy individuals to be hopeful in life and not

to give up to be able to have a bright future by the researcher’s proposal which is


Integrated Basic Education Department

the Coins for a Cause. By donating coins or any amount of money with all your

heart. To help the community to start hoping and move forward to achieve a better

way of living with this proposed project. Lastly, to promote awareness and

responsibility. To realize that everyone has a role that need to do and to be able to

help the community. Be generous, helpful, kind and a child of God.


The researchers will start the proposed project next year on January 2022

and will do everything to make it possible, effective and efficient. The researchers

decided to do it next year because of the current situation. Also, to prepare with a

lot of time and not in a hurry. The researcher’s proposal has an unlimited duration

of time when it comes to donations because it is open for everyone. Everyone is

invited to join even it is young or senior citizen. Anytime and anywhere, the “Coins

for a Cause” project is always open for donations as charities because the

researchers believe that it is always the right time to help people. The researchers

have a specific location that everyone can go anytime that is why it is unlimited

time to help and to donate. There are lots of ways to give donations. Like setting up

a private or family foundation. Joining a giving circle. Donate your car, food, or

clothing, give your time and especially giving love to everyone.


Integrated Basic Education Department


Figure 1 & 2. Project Locations

The chosen location is the Destiny's Promise Home for Children Foundation

Orphanage & The Little Children's Home. The researchers chose the locations

because it is near and it is easy to observe and to keep watch of the people who

wants to donate. In the Philippines, over 2 million children call the streets “home.”

This should not be. It is existing to find permanent, loving families through

international adoption and local home placement for these kids. A place to belong,

heal and thrive. Providing a loving and nurturing home for children in crisis,

advocating for their needs to ensure that every child has a forever family. The

researchers are prioritizing the children since the youth are the once who cannot

survive without an adult, the children cannot live well and do not know how to

work like an adult. If it has a remaining money, the researchers wanted to help the

adults especially the farmers and others in need.


Integrated Basic Education Department


As we observed during the pandemic the researchers decided that the

beneficiaries must related and match. It is any person who gains an advantage or

profits from the researchers. In the financial world, a beneficiary typically refers to

someone eligible to receive distributions from a trust and will. The chosen

beneficiaries are the charities, street children, homeless and the farmers. The

researchers wanted to help the people who are really in need. People who would

really love to donate are giving the donation can make them real difference in the

community. To give impact the community and inspire additional donations. Also,

a great addition to volunteering. The researchers will become more thankful

because the needy individuals can improve the health. It is like family giving

creates a bond, helping to bolster relationships through a shared goal and raising

more money than could otherwise be possible through individual donations.

Chances are, many people are willing to give and donate to charity, so working

together could help people to make even more of a positive impact. Giving makes

everyone happy.


Bachelor of Science in Accountancy 1 - ( BSA 1 )


Integrated Basic Education Department

Group Members: Valenzuela, Sherrymae M., Barbosa, Karen Shermaine S.,

Dionisio, Chelou Rylie O., Esguerra, Aryl Roue R., Ortega, Nikamyelle Kendice

S., Marchan, Lyca, Quina, Yna Katherine, Zabala, Jensen Angel C.


PROFESSOR: Sir Patrick Gatchalian

LEADER: Sherrymae M. Valenzuela


 Hygienic kit

 Clothes (Slippers, Shoes, Underwear, Pants, T-shirts)

 Own Supplies (other own needs)

 Foods & Drinks

 Vitamins

 Sacks of rice (Sinandomeng)

 Delivery charge

 8 researchers’ visit to charity places


Integrated Basic Education Department

The researchers only chose the basic own needs of an individual. In order to

live, Physiological needs are important to survive as individuals and reproduce so

that people can survive. Survival includes our physical needs for food, water, air,

safety, shelter, energy, warmth, health, and the feeling of security and safety. Needs

that is something essential for survival.


As mentioned in Community Project Counterpart, all the materials that the

group need are the basic needs; hygienic kits, clothes, supplies, food, drinks and,

vitamins, sack of rice, delivery charge and etc. These materials that was mentioned

above will be for the basic own needs of an individual and most importantly that

the group chose to conduct this project called “Coins for a Cause”. The figure

below is the total cost per moth of every charity that the researchers decided to


Table of Total Cost for the project:



Hygienic Kit 20 ₱ 150.00 ₱ 3,000.00

Clothes (Slippers, Shoes, 20 ₱ 500.00 ₱ 10,000.00

Underwear, Pants, T-shirts )

Own Supplies (other own 20 ₱ 150.00 ₱ 3,000.00


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Foods and Drinks 20 ₱ 300.00 ₱ 6,000.00

Vitamins 20 ₱ 250.00 ₱ 5,000.00

Sacks of rice (Sinandomeng) 5 ₱ 1,000.00 ₱ 5,000.00

Delivery Charge 1 ₱ 500.00 ₱ 500.00

8 researchers’ visit to charity 8 ₱ 100.00 ₱800.00


TOTAL: ₱33,300.00

BUDGET: ₱35,000.00

Figure 3. Total Project Cost


The project is called “Coins for a Cause,” it is mostly concerned with the

people who are in need of basic necessities. The key aim of the project is to give

people hope that they can continue or begin a new life and to have a community to

be hopeful in life and not to give up to be able to have a bright future. To help the

community to start hoping and move forward to achieve a better way of living with

this proposed project. The researchers created this project because of how the

current state of Covid-19 is incredibly damaging the world and a challenge for the

people. The researchers agree to work side by side for those people who are in

Integrated Basic Education Department

need. As the researchers know that this Covid-19 has become the reason that many

people lost their job to support their family needs. This project “Coins for a Cause,”

may help people in many ways. This project is really based in the community

currently experiencing and it is because of poverty. There are many places in the

community with a lot of unsheltered and in need, the researchers came up with this

idea that would motivate people to work harder for their lives. o promotes

awareness and responsibility. To realize that everyone has a role that need to do

and to be able to help the community. Even in this simple initiative, the researchers

hoped to reduce the number of people in need.


Corona Virus also known as Covid-19 indeed has very big impact not just

in businesses but the people itself. Community projects around the world play an

important role in the development of society, to those people who needs a massive

support from other people, and to projects designed to enhance quality of life for

the more vulnerable members of society in any country or region. The purpose of

“Coins for a Cause” project is to help the chosen charity, it is to help them in

sustaining their basic necessities and needs. The reason why the researchers think

of this project is because the researchers experience a very unexpected pandemic

which leads to a severe hunger and starvation of many people. Many people losses

their jobs and of course because many people that are lack financially, charities

Integrated Basic Education Department

losses some of their sponsors. Collecting coins is the chosen project because the

researchers believe that it has a psychological impact that giving out coins is not

too much, the more coins that are collect the more people can eat and live. After

collecting those the researchers want to exchange it to the bank and use that money

to help the chosen beneficiaries.


The project “Cents for a Cause” intent to provide food, particularly rice to

people who are incapable of acquiring their basic needs and has low chance to

access opportunities like others. As global pandemic continues to worsen the

population rate of poverty in the Philippines which is already 18.7% out of 110

million people. The age range of the chosen participants of the said project are

everyone from 1 years old up to senior citizens. All ages are the chosen age range

to participate, donate and to give help because every age can give help to the

homeless and incapable to live a better living. The researchers aim is to cover those

people who have difficulty in accessing and supporting their basic needs in life

whose age ranges from newborn to the elderly and these are:

1. Charities - The researcher’s main objective is to increase the support and

fulfill its supply when it comes to the basic needs of the foundation which is

food since it is not close to impossible that the sponsors here are slowly

Integrated Basic Education Department

losing their income due to the economic issues that is currently happening

in our country.

2. Street children - The researchers chose the street children because they are

the major group of people who mainly suffers to feed their own stomach

every day. They are exposed to dangers in life, child labor is one, due to

lack of guidance and protection from their parents. These children also face

health risks like malnutrition and become more prone to mortality because

of hunger and severe poverty.

3. Homeless (beggar) - The researchers also succor the homeless individuals

for they are in the high risk in exposing themselves in the threat of the

coronavirus in our country. They will also be given a personal protective

material like face shield and face mask.

4. Farmers - The researcher’s motive is to help, at least our relative farmers

who also deals with abuse and unequal pricing system. Ever since the

pandemic have started, our agriculture also declines which affects our

farmers because of restrictions and inflation that occurs. The researchers

will directly purchase the rice from a relative farmer which will be used to

distribute to their target people. (Note: Admittedly, the funds that will be

collected are limited that is why the researchers will make used of the

resources mainly to charities and street children.)


Integrated Basic Education Department

The pictures below manifest the day-to-day situation of the farmers, street children,

homeless, and charities.


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As the world develops, individuals will in general fail to remember the

significance of a coin. Nowadays it's discernible that we don't utilize coins on our

regular basis. Sometimes even if we see 5, 10, or even 25 centavos on the ground,

we tend to overlook it. Unlike if we see 1 peso coin, we apply exertion to pick it up.

Be that as it may, in these difficult occasions, we need to consider our needs as well

as others' necessities. We must be sensitive in order to thrive and flourish in this

chaotic world. This project expects to connect their hands to every one of the non-

advantaged individuals, particularly children and youths. This aims to gather coins

instead of throwing it. From these coins, BSA-1 will actually want to stick out and

fill in as the voice of many. BSA-1 percepts that a coin can do such amazing things

that will clearly give light and hope to a dull life. It is concern to the people who

experience hardship and struggles in life but still fighting to live even they are

Integrated Basic Education Department

lacking of necessity, for young people who have hope and have a potential bright



Day Date Project

1 January 8, 2022 BARYA MO TULONG MO

2 January 15, 2022 Donation Box

3 January 22,2022 Buying necessary and specific things

for the recipients

4 January 29, 2022 Packing Goods

5 February 5, 2022 Distribution

Figure 4. Project Activities and Time Table


Time Activities

8:00-8:15 Prayer

8:30-10:30 Inviting People to participate in the "BARYA MO

TULOG MO" program

11:00-12:00 Preparing banner and posters

Figure 5. Barya Mo Tulong Mo

Day 2: Donation box

Time Activities

8:00-8:15 Prayer

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9:00-10:00 Travel

10:00-12:00 Setting up the donation boxes

12:30-1:3 Travel

Figure 6. Donation Box

Day 3: Buying Necessary and specific things for the receipts

Time Activities

8:00-8:15 Prayer

9:00-10:00 Travel

10:00-11:00 Exchanging coins to bills

11:00-12:00 Travel

1:00-2:00 Buying Goods

2:00-3:00 Travel

Figure 7. Buying Necessary and specific things for the receipts

Day 4: Packing Goods

Time Activities

8:00-8:15 Prayer

9:00-12:00 Packing Of Goods

Figure 8. Packing Goods

Day 5: Distribution

Integrated Basic Education Department

Time Activities

8:00-8:15 Prayer

9:00-10:00 Travel

10:00-12:00 Distribution of Goods to the recipients

Figure 9. Distribution


Person/s Incharge Roles / Tasks

Facilitator of the whole
Leader: Sherrymae Valenzuela
1. Karen Barbosa Collector/Finance
2. Lyca Marchan Collector/Rice Dealer
3. Nikamyelle Ortega Collector/Finance
4. Yna Katherine Quiña Collector/Rice Dealer
5. Jensen Zabala Collector/Facilitates our chosen
6. Rylie Dionisio Collector/Facilitates our chosen
7. Aryl Esguerra Collector/Finance
Figure 10. Project Management


Below is the overall financial projection of the proposal “Coins for a

Cause.” The researchers have decided to donate 10 sacks of rice to their chosen

charity for rice assistance/augmentation during the pandemic. The researchers will

save coins for two months before purchasing sack of rice to a relative farmer. The

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chosen charity/orphanage includes a small group of ten to fifteen children only. The

researchers have used this as an opportunity to make their project proposal possible

by starting it with an orphanage that has small count.



Hygienic Kit 20 ₱ 150.00 ₱ 3,000.00

Clothes (Slippers, Shoes, 20 ₱ 500.00 ₱ 10,000.00

Underwear, Pants, T-shirts )

Own Supplies (other own 20 ₱ 150.00 ₱ 3,000.00


Foods and Drinks 20 ₱ 300.00 ₱ 6,000.00

Vitamins 20 ₱ 250.00 ₱ 5,000.00

Sacks of rice (Sinandomeng) 5 ₱ 1,000.00 ₱ 5,000.00

Delivery Charge 1 ₱ 500.00 ₱ 500.00

8 researchers’ visit to charity 8 ₱ 100.00 ₱800.00


TOTAL: ₱33,300.00

BUDGET: ₱35,000.00

Integrated Basic Education Department

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