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Overview of Cryptography: SSRN Electronic Journal January 2011

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Overview of Cryptography

Article  in  SSRN Electronic Journal · January 2011

DOI: 10.2139/ssrn.2741776

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Anthony-Claret Onwutalobi
Lahden ammattikorkeakoulu


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C001/060208/OAC – Codewit Resource Center 1

Overview of Cryptography
Onwutalobi Anthony Claret, Member, IEEE

This concern has convoked many viewpoint and argument,

Abstract— The widespread use of cryptography is a necessary which has alert the formation of policies by some law
consequence of the information revolution. With the coming of enforcement agencies to regulate the encryption techniques.
electronic communications on computer networks, people need a In this view, we will be discussing popular encryption
way to ensure that conversations and transactions remain system, types of cryptography, issues of regulating Encryption
confidential. Cryptography provides a solution to this problem,
technology, social and legal implication, computer ciphers and
but it has spawned a heated policy debate. Some government
agencies want to restrict the use of data encryption because they
encryption and other cryptosystems which will aid the
fear that criminals and spies may use the technology to their own understanding of Encryption Techniques and its advantages
advantage. However, Encryption Techniques so far has both and challenges in the electronic age.
advantages and disadvantages to the society and issues about
abuse required a formularized policy.
Index Terms— Cryptography, Encryption, Encoding, privacy.
Encryption is process of converting messages or data into a
form that cannot be read without decrypting or deciphering it.
Encryption is derived from a root word —crypt—which comes
from the Greek word kryptos, meaning “hidden” or
I n the world where information and communication is the “secret.”[1]
The study and practice of encryption and decryption is
indispensable composition of human activities, where men and
called the science of cryptography. Scientists who study
technology must communicate or share information in order to
different ways to protect and ensure the confidentiality,
make decisions; it therefore behooves that this composite
integrity, and authenticity of information are called
essence of humans should be protected and managed to ensure
cryptologists. Cryptologists also engage in cryptanalysis to
its sustainability, integrity, accuracy.
find ways to break encryption methods.
Encryption techniques have become the immediate solution
For centuries before the age of electronic communication
to protect information against third parties. These techniques
and computers, individuals, militaries, and other groups coded
required that data and information should be encrypted with
written information. As electronic forms of communication
some sort of mathematical algorithm where only the party that and information storage and processing have developed, the
shares the information could possible decrypt to use the opportunities to intercept, modify, use, disclose, and read
information. This phenomenon has long existed and is not confidential information has grown, and the need for powerful
fully reliable which pose danger to the information sharing. encryption techniques has increased.
However, many method of encryption emerge to serve the Government agencies, banks, and many corporations now
need of the emergent trend of rapid technological routinely send a great deal of confidential information from
advancement. These emergent techniques were more reliable one computer to another. Such data are usually transmitted via
and are fast in operation and performance wise. telephone lines or other non-private channels, such as the
However, as this new trend of fast and reliable cryptography Internet. Continuing development of secure computer systems
emerged, there is a very big concern on that issue of using to and networks will ensure that confidential information can be
hide proof of violent scheme as many government authorities securely transferred across computer networks.
see it as impending danger. Since Cryptography has become In the early 1970s, Horst Feistel, a scientist at International
so powerful that messages scrambled with so-called strong Business Machines Corporation (IBM Corporation),
cryptography are virtually undecipherable. Like many developed LUCIFER, a computerized cryptosystem that used
powerful technologies, this is a double-edged sword. For good, both substitution and transposition.
we know that Encryption can keep email and financial In 1977, the United States National Bureau of Standards (now
transactions over the Internet secure and private, but law the National Institute of Standards and Technology [NIST])
enforcement officials worry that criminals and terrorists could developed a cryptographic technique called the Data
use the same tools to conceal incriminating evidence and Encryption Standard (DES). DES was based on LUCIFER and
violent plots. made use of the computer binary code (converting plaintext to
bits, or binary digits of 1s and 0s). DES transformed 64-bit
segments of information into 64-bit segments of ciphertext

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using a key that was 56 bits in size. Each user randomly Pretty Good Privacy (PGP)
selected a key and revealed it only to those persons authorized
to see the protected data. DES was broken in 1998.
In 1978 three American computer scientists, Ronald L.
Rivest, Adi Shamir, and Leonard Adleman, who later founded
the company RSA Data Security, created the Rivest-Shamir-
Adleman (RSA) system. The RSA system uses two large prime
numbers, p and q, multiplied to form a composite, n. The
formula n = pq, capitalizes on the very difficult problem of
factoring prime numbers.


As more and more information is transferred over computer
networks, computer scientists continue to develop more
secure, complex algorithms. In 1997, the NIST began
coordinating development of a replacement for DES called
Fig. 1. Pretty Good Privacy (PGP) helps users of e-mail to keep their
Advanced Encryption Standard (AES). AES will use a more communications private.
complex algorithm, based on a 128-bit encryption standard
instead of the 64-bit standard of DES. This 128-bit algorithm Pretty Good Privacy (PGP) helps users of e-mail keep their
will make AES impossible to decrypt with current technology. communications private. In this two-key system, also known as
Another encryption system based on 128-bit segments is the public key system, the computer sending an encrypted
called International Data Encryption Algorithm, or IDEA. The message uses a chosen private key that is never shared and so
Swiss Federal Institute of Technology developed the IDEA is known only to the sender. All computers authorized to
standard in the 1990s. Computer scientists have also proposed receive and decrypt the message are given the matching public
alternatives such as public-key cryptosystems (PKCs), which key. This method also establishes who sent the message. If a
use two types of keys, a public key and a private key. The sending computer first encrypts the message with the intended
public key encrypts data, and a corresponding private key receiver's public key and again with the sender's secret, private
decrypts it. The user gives the public key out to other users, key, then the receiving computer may decrypt the message,
and they can use the public key for encrypting messages to be first using its secret key and then the sender's public key.
sent to the user. The user keeps the private key secret and uses Using this public-key cryptographic method, the sender and
it to decrypt received messages. An example of a PKC is the receiver are able to authenticate one another as well as protect
RSA system, described above. the secrecy of the message. The use of the keys is done


Encryption uses a systematic or step-by-step procedure called Three of the most popular cryptography systems used are
an algorithm to convert data or the text of an original message, the Data Encryption Standard (DES), Pretty Good Privacy
known as plaintext, into ciphertext, its encrypted form.[2] (PGP), and the Rivest, Shamir, Adleman (RSA) system. Most
Cryptographic algorithms normally require a string of of this has been shortly described above; however, we will
characters called a key to encrypt or decrypt data. Those who elaborate it below.
possess the key and the algorithm can encrypt the plaintext DES uses a single key for both encrypting and decrypting. It
into ciphertext and then decrypt the ciphertext back into was developed by International Business Machines
plaintext. [3] Corporation (IBM) and approved by the United States
Cryptologists engage in an unending competition to create National Institute of Standards and Technology in 1976.
stronger cryptographic techniques and to break them. Many In private-key cryptography,. A secret key may be held by
recent cryptography techniques are nearly unbreakable even one person or exchanged between the sender and the receiver
with the most powerful computers. These systems produce of a message. For example, if you encrypt data for storage on a
ciphertext that appears to be random characters. These systems hard drive, you remember the key and usually do not give it to
resist most existing methods for deciphering back into another person. But if you want to send secure messages to a
plaintext. The many different types of new cryptosystems use business partner using symmetric cryptography, you need to
highly complex mathematical language and resist breaking make sure your partner knows the key that will decrypt the
even though cryptologists may know the techniques used in messages The secret (or private) key in a public-key
creating them. cryptographic system is never transmitted or shared. For
example, when using this method for client-side
authentication, the server sends some data to your client
program. The client uses your private key to encrypt that data.
Using your public key, the server will attempt to decrypt the

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returned data, and, if successful, know that it has established key, then the receiving computer may decrypt the message,
communication with you. [4] first using its secret key and then the sender's public key. [6]
If private -key cryptography is used to send secret messages Using this public-key cryptographic method, the sender and
between two parties, both the sender and receiver must have a receiver are able to authenticate one another as well as protect
copy of the secret key. However, the key may be compromised the secrecy of the message. Single key methods, in contrast,
during transit. If you know the party you are exchanging require great secrecy in conveying a key from sender to
messages with, you can give them the key in advance. recipient
However, if you need to send an encrypted message to
someone, you have never met; you will need to figure out a VI. OTHER CRYPTOSYSTEMS
way to exchange keys in a secure way. One method is to send
it via another secure channel. Secure Sockets Layer (SSL), a protocol developed by
The Rivest, Shamir, Adleman (RSA) algorithm is a popular Netscape Communications Corporation for transmitting
encryption method that uses two keys. It was developed for private documents via the Internet, and Secure Hypertext
general use in 1977 and was named for the three computer Transfer Protocol (S-HTTP), designed to transmit individual
scientists—Ronald L. Rivest, Adi Shamir, and Leonard messages, also use encryption methods.
Adleman—who originated it. The RSA Data Security The length or complexity of the key (along with the difficulty
Company has been highly successful in licensing its algorithm of the algorithm) usually indicates the effectiveness of the
for others to use. encryption. DES, for example, uses 56 bits in its key to change
Unlike symmetric cryptography, the keys are 8-character message segments into 64-bit segments of
mathematically related, yet it is computationally infeasible to ciphertext. In 1997 the National Institute of Standards and
deduce one from the other. Anyone with the public key can Technology began coordinating development of a new
encryption system called Advanced Encryption Standard
encrypt a message but not decrypt it. Only the person with the
(AES). AES is to replace DES, as it will use a stronger
private key can decrypt the message. One of the most common
algorithm, based on a 128-bit encryption standard instead of
uses of public-key technology is to provide a secure
the 64-bit standard that DES now uses. Another advanced
communication channel between computer programs, although encryption system employs the International Data Encryption
private-key techniques can be used for this, too. Public key Algorithm, or IDEA, based on 128-bit segments. The Swiss
infrastructure also provides the foundation for secure emails Federal Institute of Technology developed the IDEA standard
because public key cryptography is used to distribute in the 1990s. Banks in the United States and several countries
symmetric keys, which are then used to encrypt and decrypt in Europe use the IDEA standard
actual messages. For example, in using a public-key system
for personal authentication or secure messaging, you keep one VII. KERBEROS
key secret. The second (public) key can then be distributed to Kerberos is another secure encryption method. It was
anyone. developed at MIT in the mid 1980. Kerberos is available as
The typical example of public key infrastructure is SSL open source or in supported commercial software. Kerberos
(Secure Socket Layer) protocol. SSL is often used to protect employs client/server architecture and provides user-to-server
information sent between Web browsers and web servers; this authentication rather than host-to-host authentication. In this
is commonly used in e-commerce systems. model, security and authentication will be based on secret key
PGP is an encryption system as demonstrated above it also technology where every host on the network has its own secret
uses two keys. It is based on the RSA algorithm. PGP was key. It would clearly be unmanageable if every host had to
invented by software developer Philip Zimmerman and is one know the keys of all other hosts so a secure, trusted host
of the most common cryptosystems used on the Internet somewhere on the network, known as a Key Distribution
because it is effective, free, and simple to use. PGP is such an Center (KDC), knows the keys for all of the hosts (or at least
effective encryption tool that the United States government some of the hosts within a portion of the network, called a
sued Zimmerman for releasing it to the public, alleging that realm). In this way, when a new node is brought online, only
making PGP available to enemies of the United States would the KDC and the new node need to be configured with the
endanger national security. [5] The lawsuit was dropped, but it node's key; keys can be distributed physically or by some other
is still illegal in some countries to use PGP to communicate secure means.
with people in other countries.
In the two-key system, also known as the public key system,
one key encrypts the information and another, mathematically
related key decrypts it. The computer sending an encrypted
message uses a chosen private key that is never shared and so
is known only to the sender. All computers authorized to
receive and decrypt the message are given the matching public
key. This method also establishes who sent the message. If a
sending computer first encrypts the message with the intended
receiver's public key and again with the sender's secret, private

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Kerberos tickets are cached on the client systems. If an

attacker gains administrative access to a Kerberos client
system, he can impersonate the authenticated users of that
system. This will cause harm to the users of the software.
Moreover, it could be disastrous if TGT is stolen, it can be
used to access network Services although this problem is huge
but it might cause little or no harm as the ticket can expire in
few hours and the attacker will be left helpless.


There are many types of cryptography, including codes,
Steganography (hidden or secret writing), and ciphers. Codes
rely on codebooks. Steganography relies on different ways to
hide or disguise writing. Ciphers include both computer-
generated ciphers and those created by encryption methods.
The different types of ciphers depend on alphabetical,
numerical, computer-based, or other scrambling methods.

A. Codes and Codebooks

Fig. 2. The Kerberos Server/KDC has two main functions known as the
Authentication Server (AS) and Ticket-Granting Server (TGS). A well-constructed code can represent phrases and entire
sentences with symbols, such as five-letter groups, and is often
used more for economy than for secrecy. A properly
The Kerberos Server/KDC has two main functions known as
constructed code can give a high degree of security, but the
the Authentication Server (AS) and Ticket-Granting Server
difficulty of printing and distributing codebooks—books of
(TGS). The steps in establishing an authenticated session
known codes—under conditions of absolute secrecy limits
between an application client and the application server are:
their use to places in which the books can be effectively
The Kerberos client software establishes a connection with the
guarded. In addition, the more a codebook is used, the less
Kerberos server's AS function. The AS first authenticates that
secure it becomes.
the client is who it purports to be. The AS then provides the
Imagine a codebook with two columns. In the first column is a
client with a secret key for this login session (the TGS session
list of all the words that a military commander could possibly
key) and a ticket-granting ticket (TGT), which gives the client
need to use to communicate. For example, it contains all the
permission to talk to the TGS. The ticket has a finite lifetime
possible geographic areas in a region, all possible times, and
so that the authentication process is repeated periodically.
all military terms. In the other column is a list of plain words.
The client now communicates with the TGS to obtain the
To create a coded message, the encoder writes down the actual
Application Server's key so that it (the client) can establish a
message. He then substitutes words in the codebook by finding
connection to the service it wants. The client supplies the TGS
matches in the second column for the words in the message
with the TGS session key and TGT; the TGS responds with an
and using the new words instead. For example, suppose the
application session key (ASK) and an encrypted form of the
message is Attack the hill at dawn and the codebook contains
Application Server's secret key; this secret key is never sent on
the following word pairs: attack = bear, the = juice, hill =
the network in any other form.
orange, at = calendar and dawn = open. The encoded message
The client has now authenticated itself and can prove its
would read Bear juice orange calendar open.
identity to the Application Server by supplying the Kerberos
If the coded message fell into enemy hands, the enemy would
ticket, application session key, and encrypted Application
know it was in code, but without the codebook the enemy
Server secret key. The Application Server responds with
would have no way to decrypt the message. Codebooks lose
similarly encrypted information to authenticate itself to the
some of their value over time, however. For example, if the
client. At this point, the client can initiate the intended service
coded message fell into enemy hands and the next day the hill
requests (e.g., Telnet, FTP, HTTP, or e-commerce transaction
was attacked at dawn, the enemy could link the event to the
session establishment).[6]
coded message. If another message containing the word orange
A. Weakness was captured, and the following day, something else happened
Because the KDC's store secret keys for every user and server on the hill, the enemy could assume that orange = hill is in the
on the network, they must be kept completely secure. If an codebook. Over time, the enemy could put together more and
attacker were to obtain administrative access to the KDC, he more code word pairs, and eventually crack the code. For this
would have access to the complete resources of the Kerberos reason, it is common to change codes often. [7]

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B. Steganography normal order, usually with normal word divisions. Such

Steganography is a method of hiding the existence of a ciphers are recognized by the occurrence of a set of normal
letter frequencies attached to the wrong letters. They are
solved by using frequency analysis and by noting the
characteristics of particular letters, such as the tendency to
form doubles, common word prefixes and suffixes, common
first and last letters in words, and common combinations, such
as qu, th, er, and re.
A substitution cipher is performed by reordering the letters in
the alphabet. For example, a cipher devised long ago by Julius
Caesar shifts all the letters in the alphabet by three places.
Thus, when the letter a is needed, a d is used, and when a b is
to be written, an e is used. The letters wrap around at the end
of the alphabet. So, if a person wants to encipher a z, it is
written as a c. Similarly, a y is written as a b. The entire cipher
is represented by two rows of letters. These rows are called a
lookup table.
Fig. 3. Sample picture of a codebook (source of the Picture1) ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ
message using tools such as invisible ink, microscopic writing, When someone wants to encrypt a word, he or she looks up the
or hiding code words within sentences of a message (such as original letter in the top row and uses the corresponding
making every fifth word in a text part of the message). ciphertext letter in the bottom row. So, for example, the word
Cryptographers may apply Steganography to electronic HELLO would be written as KHOOR. To decrypt the coded
communications. This application is called transmission word, a person would search for the letter in the bottom row
security. and write down the corresponding letter in the top row. So,
Steganography, or secret writing, seems to have originated KHOOR decrypts back to HELLO.
almost as early as writing itself did. Even in ancient Egypt, While the above substitution cipher is easy to remember, it is
where writing itself was a mystery to the average person, two also easy to break. To make a substitution cipher more
distinct forms of writing were used. The priests used hieratic complex, multiple substitutions and sometimes even numbers
or sacred writing for secret communication, and other literate are added to the cipher.
people used demotic writing. The ancient Greeks and Romans, In multiple-substitution (polyalphabetic) ciphers, a keyword or
as well as other civilizations that flourished at around the same number is employed. The first message letter might be
time used forms of Steganography. The invention of the first enciphered by adding to it the numerical value of the first letter
shorthand system was presumably intended as a form of secret of the keyword; the second message letter is enciphered
writing. Shorthand first came into wide use in ancient Rome, similarly, using the second letter of the keyword, and so on,
with notae Tironianae ("Tironian notes"), a system invented by repeating the keyword as often as necessary to encipher the
Marcus Tullius Tiro in 63 bc.[8] whole message. When adding the numerical value of a
keyword letter to a message letter, one starts counting with the
message letter. Thus, to encipher the word TODAY by the
C. Ciphers
code word DIG, t becomes w, as d is the fourth letter of the
Ease of use makes ciphers popular. There are two general alphabet (count t, u, v, w); o becomes w, as i is the ninth letter
types of ciphers. Substitution ciphers require a cipher alphabet of the alphabet; and d becomes j, as g is the seventh letter of
to replace plaintext with other letters or symbols. the alphabet. For the rest of the message the code word is
Transposition ciphers use the shuffling of letters in a word to repeated, and thus TODAY is coded WWJDG.
make the word incomprehensible. By using combinations of the basic types of ciphers, ciphers
Ciphers are the secret codes used to encrypt plaintext can be created to various degrees of complexity. The key,
messages. Ciphers of various types have been devised, but all however, should be easy to remember or reproduce, for
of them are either substitution or transposition ciphers. without it the cipher is no longer a message but a puzzle.
Computer ciphers are ciphers that are used for digital Given sufficient time and material, most ciphers can be solved
messages. Computer ciphers differ from ordinary substitution and their keys discovered, but for a particular purpose, the
and transposition ciphers in that a computer application complexity need be only so great as to obtain the level of
performs the encryption of data. The term cryptography is security desired. Military orders that must be kept secret for
sometimes restricted to the use of ciphers or to methods only a few hours, for example, can be encrypted in a cipher
involving the substitution of other letters or symbols for the that would be entirely unsuited for diplomatic reports using a
original letters of a message cipher over an extended period of time.
D. Substitution Ciphers
Transposition Cipher
In simple substitution ciphers, a particular letter or symbol is
substituted for each letter. The letters are substituted in their

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In a transposition cipher, the order of plaintext letters is technology greatly reduces the opportunity for "sniffing" or
changed to derive the ciphertext. The message is usually eavesdropping on people's conversations.
written without word divisions in rows of letters arranged in a Adoption of methods for sending passwords through secure
rectangular block. The letters are then transposed in a (encrypted) channels.
prearranged order, such as by vertical columns, diagonals, or
spirals, or by more complicated systems, such as the knight's There is a Cryptographic authentication system, which do not
tour, which is based on the move of the knight in chess. The rely on transmitting passwords.
arrangement of the letters in the enciphered message depends
upon the size of the block of code words used and upon the Key Management
route followed in inscribing and transposing the letters. One of the big challenges in using cryptography on a
A cipher in which every pair of letters is swapped is an widespread basis especially public-key encryption--is the
example of a transposition cipher. In this case, for example, management of private and public keys. Key management
the ciphertext for elephant would be lepeahtn. The first and deals with the secure generation, distribution, and storage of
second letters are swapped, then the third and fourth letters are keys. Secure methods of key management are extremely
swapped, and so on. Transposition ciphers may be combined important. Once a key is randomly generated, it must remain
with substitution ciphers to produce a more complex encoded secret to avoid unfortunate mishaps. Most attacks on public-
message. key systems will probably be aimed at the key management
level, rather than at the cryptographic algorithm itself.
Breaking Simple Ciphers Users must be able to securely obtain a key pair suited to their
Substitution and transposition ciphers appear to be difficult efficiency and security needs. There must be a way to look up
to break. However, if enough messages are encrypted with any other people's public keys and to publicize one's own public
cipher, the cipher is easily broken. Repetition of a series of key. Users must be able to legitimately obtain others' public
letters may lead code breakers to the key of any cipher system. keys; otherwise, an intruder can either change public keys
In a substitution cipher, once a letter is associated with another listed in a directory, or impersonate another user.
letter, a pattern emerges and the cipher is easily decrypted. If someone's private key is lost or compromised, others must
[10] be made aware of this, so they will no longer encrypt messages
In order to make a cipher even more secure, a key word or under the invalid public key nor accept messages signed with
number may be used. Transposition ciphers might be the invalid private key. Users must be able to store their
recognized by the letter frequencies (the number of times a private keys securely, so no intruder can obtain them, yet the
common letter, such as e, is used compared to the number of keys must be readily accessible for legitimate user. Keys need
times a less frequently used letter, such as q, appears) for the to be valid only until a specified expiration date but the
language used. Solution of such ciphers without the key is expiration date must be chosen properly and publicized in an
possible by rearranging the letters in various geometric designs authenticated channel.
and at the same time forming a new word by reordering the
letters of the coded word or phrase (such as from satin to stain) Certificates
A digital certificate is an attachment to an electronic
until the method of encipherment is discovered.
message used for security purposes. It is commonly used to
Computers may be used to break simple ciphers. Techniques
verify that a user is who he/she claims to be and to provide the
for encrypting data naturally took advantage of the power of
receiver with the means to encode a reply.
computers. Today’s modern cryptographic techniques are
When you obtain a certificate by applying to a certificate
based entirely on a cryptographic key that is kept secret. The
authority (CA); once the CA verifies you are who you say you
plaintext that is to be encrypted is converted to bits, or binary
are, it creates a certificate--a digital document--for you. The
digits of 1s and 0s (see Bit). Then complex substitutions and
certificate contains:
transpositions are performed on the plaintext, using the key as
A name that is unique to you
a guide. The transformation of the plaintext to ciphertext is
The length of time the certificate is valid
entirely dependent on the key.
Your public key
Your key's purpose: to sign messages or to encrypt data
Cryptographic Authentication
Certificates do the following for your system:
Providing a way to authenticate yourself to a computer system
Backed up and recoverable
without publicly sending your password is very essential in
Protected against theft
achieving your security goal. Passwords sent without
Matched with encrypted data
encryption may be discoverable by others if sent through or to
Accessible from many systems
insecure network segments or systems.
Accessible only to the authorized user
Below are the approaches used to avoid unencrypted
In order for you to manage your certificate to be used with
password problems?
applications, you will need to do the followings:
Shared network segments are gradually being replaced by
Production and maintenance of a very large standards-based
"switched" network segments. The newer, switched network

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Support for a highly distributed computing environment

Methodologies supporting transparent access by applications How a digital certificate looks like
Private and public key storage and access issues
Incompatibility of browser vendors' certificate formats -------BEGIN SIGNATURE------
Issues that Certificate Authority deals with are as follows:
Maintenance of a certificate repository IQB1AwUBMVSiA5QYCuMfgNYjAQFAKgL/
Methodology for verifying individuals and departments ZkBfbeNEsbthba4BlrcnjaqbcKgNv+a5kr4537y8RCd+RHm
Management of certificate revocation lists (CRLs) 75yYh5xxA1ojELwNhhb7cltrp2V7LlOnAelws4S87UX80cL
Renewal of key pairs and certificates BtBcN6AACf11qymC2h+Rb2j5SSU+rmXWru+=QFMx
Support for trust relationships with other certificate authorities -------END SIGNATURE------
Secure messaging is the principal driver for using personal
certificates. Other alternatives can be used to address security
problems in online systems, including Web-based transaction IX. PROBLEMS OF ENCRYPTION TECHNIQUES
systems. However, the technical, policy, and management
issues mentioned previously must be resolved before any wide Although, encryption mechanisms make information
scale deployment of a public-key infrastructure is reasonable. unreadable. Therefore, no third parties, including server
administrators and others, have access to plain text version of
Digital Signatures transmitted information through public networks such as
A digital signature is an electronic signature that can be internet, but the following are the problems encountered or
used to authenticate the identity of the sender of a message or associated with encryption techniques.
the signer of a document, and possibly to ensure that the Symmetric Encryption
original content of the message or document that has been sent
is unchanged. Digital signatures are easily transportable, In symmetric encryption also known as the Private Key
cannot be imitated by someone else, and can be automatically Method or encryption, a single key is used for encrypting and
time-stamped. The ability to ensure that the original signed decrypting the data. This type of encryption is quite fast, but
message arrived means that the sender cannot easily repudiate has a severe problem. The inherent weakness of this method is
it later. mostly the requirement of a key exchange between
A digital signature can be used with any kind of message, communications partners. In other words, in order to share a
whether it is encrypted or not, simply so that the receiver can secret with someone, they have to know your key. This implies
be sure of the sender's identity and that the message arrived a very high level of trust between people sharing secrets, if an
intact. A digital certificate contains the digital signature of the unscrupulous person has your key or if your key is intercepted
certificate-issuing authority (CA) so that anyone can verify that by a spy they can decrypt all the messages you send using that
the certificate is real. key. However, Asymmetric encryption solves the trust
problem inherent in symmetric encryption by using two
How It Works different keys: a public key for encrypting messages, and a
Assume you were going to send the draft of your business private key for decrypting messages. This makes it possible to
data to your close business partner in another place. You want communicate in secrecy with people you don't fully trust. If an
to give your partner the assurance that it was unchanged from unscrupulous person has your public key, who cares? The
what you sent and that it is really from you. public key is only good for encryption; it's useless for
decryption. They can't decrypt any of your messages!
The sender However, asymmetric encryption is very slow. It's not
You copy-and-paste the data into an e-mail note. recommended for use on more than roughly 1 kilobyte of data.
Using special software, you obtain a message hash Asymmetric Methods
(mathematical summary) of the data. In Asymmetric encryption also known as the Public Key
You then use a private key that you have previously Method, it uses two different keys: the private key and public
obtained from a public-private key authority to encrypt the key. The public key is distributed freely and the private key is
hash. known only to the owner of a key. The two keys have a
The encrypted hash becomes your digital signature of the (mathematical) relationship. However, for obvious reasons,
message which will be different each time you send a message calculation of a private key on the basis of the public key must
At the other end, your business partner receives the message be impossible or at least not feasible.

The receiver Both keys have different functions depending on the

application at hand. In the case of data encryption, data is
To make sure it's intact and from you, your business partner encoded using the public key. The private key is required in
makes a hash of the received message. order to decrypt the message. The private key can also be used
He then uses your public key to decrypt the message hash or to generate digital signatures which can later be verified using
summary. the public key.
If the hashes match, the received message is valid.

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The disadvantage or problem of this method compared to substituted for which other letters. Early cryptanalysis
symmetric encryption is the greater amount of processing time techniques included computing the frequency with which
required for the calculation or a process. This is why usually letters occur in the language that is being intercepted. For
the so called hybrid technology which is a mix of both example, in the English language, the letters e, s, t, a, m, and n
asymmetric and symmetric encryption is used when dealing occur much more frequently than do q, z, x, y, and w. So,
with a greater amount of data. In this case, symmetric cryptanalysts look at the ciphertext for the most frequently
encryption is used to encode the data but the symmetric key is occurring letters and assign them as candidates to be e, s, t, a,
communicated on a previously determined frequency using m, and n. Cryptanalysts also know that certain combinations of
asymmetric encryption. letters are more common in the English language than others
are. For example, q and u occur together, and so do t and h.
The frequency and combinations of letters help cryptanalysts
build a table of possible solution letters. The more ciphertext
that is available, the better the chances of breaking the code.
Data encryption is regarded by the U.S. government as a In modern cryptographic systems, too, the more ciphertext that
national-security issue because it can interfere with is available to the code breaker, the better. For this reason, all
intelligence gathering—therefore, it is subject to export systems require frequent changing of the key. Once the key is
controls, which in turn make it difficult for U.S. companies to changed, no more ciphertext will be produced using the former
function competitively in the international marketplace. To key. Ciphertext that is produced using different keys—and
resolve this dilemma, the federal government in 1993 frequently changed keys—makes the cryptanalyst’s task of
proposed key escrow encryption, an approach, embodied in an code breaking difficult.
electronic device called a "Clipper chip," that makes broadly
available a purportedly unbreakable encryption technique XII. RECOMMENDATION
(although the code was broken by researchers in 1995) with
keys to unlock the information held in escrow for national
security and law-enforcement purposes by the federal It is apparent how important encryption can be in our daily
government. [12] This approach, however, has been lives. As we transfer data anyone can intercept it. Encryption
unacceptable to civil libertarians and to the international can protect any sort of data from "eavesdroppers" on the
community. In 1994, the Clipper algorithm (called Skipjack) internet. "We want to know that our information travels
was specified in the Escrow Encryption Standard (EES), a safely, without alteration and that there is neither information
voluntary federal standard for encryption of voice, facsimile theft nor identity fraud." [14]
(fax), and data communications over ordinary telephone lines. Encryption is very important when it comes to private data or
A subsequent compromise escrow scheme intended to create a information. In this technological age, where all computers on
standard for data encryption that balanced the needs of the internet are connected, it is important to encrypt private
national security, law enforcement, and personal freedom was data before it is sent to another party online.
rejected in 1995; a compromise proposed in 1999 was also Making transactions online are also one major reason for
controversial. [13] encrypting data. When credit card information is sent online
without encoding it, it can be intercepted by a malicious user.
XI. CRYPTANALYSIS With the credit card information, the cracker or the hacker will
have access to the account of the victim and use it as he/she
Cryptanalysis is the art of analyzing ciphertext to extract the Other hackers might also take advantage of unencrypted
plaintext or the key. In other words, cryptanalysis is the data. This might bring rise to social engineering (the act of
opposite of cryptography. It is the breaking of ciphers. disguising oneself to be someone else).
Understanding the process of code breaking is very important With this, we can confidently conclude that encryption is
when designing any encryption system. The science of very important aspect of data protection in today’s highly
cryptography has kept up with the technological explosion of technological
the last half of the 20th century. Current systems require very
powerful computer systems to encrypt and decrypt data. While XIII. CONCLUSION
cryptanalysis has improved as well, some systems may exist
that are unbreakable by today’s standards. Encryption techniques have come to stay in the electronic
Today’s cryptanalysis is measured by the number and speed of world. Since every information, that passes through computer
computers available to the code breaker. Some cryptographers network is not protected. This method is there to protect
believe that the National Security Agency (NSA) of the United information and to allow safe and secure communication.
States has enormous, extremely powerful computers that are Although more and more advanced algorithm has emerge in
entirely devoted to cryptanalysis. [14] the market. Some of this method has raise some concern to the
The substitution ciphers described above are easy to break. law enforcement agency as they pose threat to the security and
Before computers were available, expert cryptanalysts would civil protection
look at ciphertext and make guesses as to which letters were

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ml Date accessed 25/07/06
[2] R. E. Frazier, 2004, data encryption techniques, [online]:, date accessed: 23/07/06
Gary C. Kessler, 1998, an overview of cryptography, [online]:, date accessed: 23/07/06
[3] Jennifer Tauser, 2005, Encryption is the most important tool for Internet
security and privacy,
[13], date accessed:

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