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Tipi Setup Catalog12 V6.0

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The document provides historical context and instructions for setting up a traditional Sioux tipi, including measuring tripod poles and preventing mold and mildew.

The original Sioux method involved walking around the edge of the tipi cover from point A to B, counting steps, and using those numbers to calculate the placement of the door pole and measure the tripod poles.

You lay the tripod poles on the tipi cover and measure them based on walking fractions of the distance between points A to B, as described on page 2.

A Historical Note

We have included the information on this page to show you the original procedure that the Sioux
used to determine the proper tripod pole measurements. If you have a tipi and do not know what
size it is (or if you lose this set up booklet) you would use the method explained on this page to
find your exact tripod pole lengths. It is simple and it works every time. We include this page only
as an interesting historical reference. You will not need to follow the instructions on this page. The
complete instructions that you will follow to set up your Nomadics tipi begin on page 4. All the
measurements you will need are already figured out for you starting on page 5.

In order to establish the proper position and length for the door pole, start at A and walk around the
edge of the tipi cover to point B. Walk toe-to-heel one foot in front of the other and count your steps
from A to B. Let us say for instance that you count 30 steps from A to B.

Simply divide 30 by 1/3. This gives you 10. That means that you start again at A and walk toe-to-
heel around the edge of the tipi cover 10 steps, going towards B again. Stop at 10 steps and place
the end of the door pole (D) at that point on the edge of the tipi cover. Your three tripod poles should
now look like the drawing above. The north and south poles going side by side down the middle of
the tipi cover, the door pole placed 1/3 of the way from A to B, and the door pole crossing the north
and south poles at Z.

We prefer to have our tipi cover about 2-3 inches off the ground when it is finally set up. To provide
for this , we pull the butt ends of the north pole, south pole and door pole about 4 inches beyond the
edge of the tipi cover when we lay these tripod poles on the cover for measuring the tripod. We raise
the bottom of the tipi cover 2 inches off the ground to allow better air flow up behind the liner. This is
also helpful even in the winter. It does not make the tipi cold.

Instructions for Setting Up a Sioux Tipi
These instructions are available for download and printing in their entirety from our website.


17671 Snow Creek Road, Bend, Oregon 97701
(541) 389-3980

Greetings from the Nomadics Tipi Makers

These tipi set-up instructions are complete and detailed in every respect. Although you may be
familiar with setting up tipis, you must use the exact measurements that we provide here. If you
use the correct tripod pole lengths and the ground plan distances, your Nomadics tipi will set-up
tight and winkle free. Additionally, a secure, properly tied clove hitch is the only acceptable knot
for ensuring a strongly bound tipi tripod. Always read the entire section of a set up phase before
beginning that particular part of the set up process.

Although it is rarely necessary, we are always happy to help you trouble shoot issues that might
arise. Read through all the basic set-up instructions before you begin, then follow them carefully and
you will have a fun, enjoyable and successful set-up experience. Two people who have never set-up
a tipi before should complete the cover set-up in 2-3 hours. The tipi liner will take 1-2 hours.

Tools you will need: Optional tools:

• 25’ tape measure • ½” to ¾” Electrical staples

• Pocket knife or sharp scissors • Matches or lighter
• Hammer • ¾” or 1” Tack or short nail
• Hand saw or hatchet • 10 ft. of ¼” wooden dowel
• Short step ladder or equivalent
• Black felt marking pen

I Preparing your Tipi Poles............................................. 3
II Laying out the Tripod Poles.......................................... 4
III Measurements for Tripod Pole lengths......................... 5
IV The Clove Hitch, Tying the Tripod Poles....................... 5
V Setting up the Tripod Poles (by yourself)...................... 7
VI Laying in all the Tipi Poles............................................ 8
VII Putting on the Tipi Cover............................................ 10
VIII Putting up the Tipi Liner............................................. 16
IX Using the Smoke Flaps.............................................. 20
X The Tipi Rain Cap....................................................... 23
XI The Tipi Ozan.............................................................. 24
XII Wood Stoves.............................................................. 27
XIII Mold and Mildew Problems........................................ 28
XIV Putting the Tipi on a Wood Deck................................ 29

Set your tipi up on level ground that is slightly higher than the surrounding area - this prevents drainage
problems in wet weather. Avoid living directly under old trees that might drop dead branches on your
tipi during wind storms. Try to choose a tipi site that will get maximum sun in the winter.

PREPARING YOUR TIPI POLES: If you have purchased tipi poles from
us the poles have already been hand peeled. You will need to smooth out
any remaining rough spots or branch nodes. Use either a sharp flat blade
hatchet, a draw knife, a hand or small electric planer or an electric belt
sander using progressively smoother grades of sandpaper. Once your
poles are smooth you need to treat them with a wood preservative. This will
ensure that they will last you 10-15 years and will also help keep the natural
light color of the wood. For an organic treatment we prefer a brew of 50%
boiled linseed oil (it comes that way from the store) and 50% turpentine.
Apply this mixture three times allowing complete drying in- between coats.
An excellent commercial product is called Olympia Maximum. Buy it in a
clear, natural color. If you are getting your own tipi poles then any species
of tree will do for a tipi pole. The important requirements are that it be 3” in
diameter at the butt and taper to 2” in diameter where the cluster of poles
cross. Of course the straighter the tipi pole the better. If a pole is a little
bowed, twist the pole so that the bow is against the tipi canvas once the
tipi cover is around the poles. If your pole choice is
limited it is better to get poles that are 2-1/2” at the
butt rather than going to a larger to a 3 1⁄2” or 4”
diameter at the butt. Your poles can extend beyond
the top of your tipi as far as you like. However,
if you are trying to keep them short for easy
transportation then they only need to be 2 ft. longer
than the stated size of your tipi, i.e. 20 ft. long for an 18 ft. tipi.

Regardless of where you live there will usually be one species of

tree that will grow in a rather tight, crowded stand causing the trees
to grow tall and thin. Unless these trees have a lot of limbs they will
probably be your best bet for a good tipi pole. Thin out your tipi poles
carefully. This can actually help the remaining trees to grow by reducing the competition for light and
soil nutrients. Work your poles smooth with a draw knife or sharp hatchet. If time and energy allow,
sand the poles smooth with medium sand paper and then rub them down with wood preservative.

If you gather your poles in the spring then you may be able to simply pull the bark off with you fingers.
Poles should be as dry as possible before putting up your tipi. The sooner you remove the bark from
the poles the easier it will be to get it off. Be sure your poles are laid flat for drying, the first few days
being critical. If you have no trees available to you and you can’t afford to buy any then you can make
do with ripped lumber. Get a lumber yard to rip a 2 x 6 or a 2 x 8 diagonally from one corner to the
opposite corner on the other end. Round the square edges and you have a tipi pole – see drawing
above. Regardless of the kind of tipi pole you use your finished pole must be smooth to the touch.
This allows rain to glide down the underside of the pole and disappear behind the tipi liner without
dripping into the tipi. In wet climates you may want to treat the bottom 4” to 6” of your poles with
creosote or penta that help retard rotting due to excessive dampness and contact with the soil.

What if you don’t have time to dry your poles before putting up your tipi? If this is the case then twist
each pole 180 each day for about 10 days or so. This will continually compensate for the bow that
wants to develop in the poles. You cannot do this with your tripod poles. They are locked up tight.
Likewise, you cannot do this if your tipi liner is up. Leave it off until your poles are sufficiently dry.

LAYING OUT THE TRIPOD POLES: Select your three sturdiest poles for the tripod poles. Now
select your two shortest, smallest diameter, and least straight tipi poles. These will be your smoke
flap poles. Set them aside for now. We will come back to them later. Spread the tipi cover out flat on
the ground with the inside side of the cover facing upward toward the sky as in illustration 1, below,
(Our address label is sewn on the inside of the cover. Also there is one peg loop sewn on each side
of the door hole opening on the outside of the tipi cover.) When the tipi is set up the door hole should
be facing East toward the rising sun. All of the following instructions assume that the tipi door will
face East.

The three tripod poles are referred to as the North

Pole, the South Pole, and the Door Pole. When
the tipi is set up with the door facing East the north
pole will be on the north side of the tipi, the south
pole will be on the south side of the tipi and the
door pole will be beside the door on the left side.
We refer to the right side of the tipi as the side to
your right when you are facing the door hole, and
the left side is to your left. See illustration 4 and
photo 9.

To measure the tripod poles for tying, refer again to illustration 1, above. The north pole and the
south pole are laid down the middle of the cover, side by side. The north pole is (N) and the south
pole (S). The door pole (D) is now laid across the north and south poles and crosses them right at the
base to the lift pole flap (Z). See 1. IMPORTANT: Now see the tripod pole chart under measurements
for tripod set up on page 5. This gives you the exact measurements you will need. Note: You do not
need to do this layout, measuring and tying on top of the tipi cover itself. The poles can be laying
wherever is most convenient. However it is best to do it as close to your actual tipi site as possible.
Lay the door pole across the north and south poles at the approximate angle that you seen in
illustration 1. This exact angle is not critical but the measurements are.

To insure a correct tripod set up here are the exact measurements for tying your tripod poles. Cross
the three tripod poles as shown in illustration 1. The measurements given below are from Z to N, Z
to S, and Z to D. These measurements already include 4” extra pole length.

TIPI SIZE Z to N Z to S Z to D
12’ 10’3” 10’3” 11’2”
14’ 11’10” 11’10” 13’4”
16’ 14’ 14’ 15’6”
18’ 16’ 16’ 17’4”
20’ 18’4” 18’4” 19’4”
22’ 20’2” 20’2” 21’5”
26’ 23’6” 23’6” 25’8”


You will need 45 feet of good quality 1/2 inch manila
rope. Straw rope will also be suitable. Synthetic
rope will not do. Synthetic rope slips against itself
and will not grip the poles. Begin by tying the
three tripod poles together with a clove hitch as in
illustration 2. Start with about 6 feet of rope so that
when the clove hitch is tied you have 5 feet of rope
left over on one side of the knot and about 38 to
40 feet left over on the other side of the knot. Now
starting just below the clove hitch wrap the 5 feet
of rope around the poles three or four times and 2
finish it off with another clove hitch, see illustration
3. Now the tripod poles have been tied together.
The other long end of the tripod rope will be used to
raise the tripod - Do not cut it off! Your three tripod
poles should now look like illustration 1.


Now, being very careful not to let any of the poles
slide at the knot, carry the tripod to your tipi site
maintaining the relative positions of the tripod poles.
To set up the tripod on the proper location, place
the butts of the north and south tripod poles near
the black dot S in illustration 4 on the Ground Plan
page 6. Place the butt of the Door Pole at the black
dot D in illustration 4. The dotted lines in 4 show the
position of the tripod poles on the ground. 3


S to N

S to D
N to D

Ground Plan for the 12 ft. Tipi Set

up. Note that the 12’ tipi set up
4 requires only 12 tipi poles in the total


Now place the tripod poles as nearly as possible into their
final positions. The measurements given here show exactly
how to position your North, South and Door poles. Find the
size of your tipi on the left column and then measure out the
three distances S to D, N to D and S to N. See illustration.
The measurements are made along the ground from the
inside of the pole butts. You will notice that the tripod poles
form an isosceles triangle. An isosceles triangle has two
equal sides.

The distances given below are from S to D, N to D and

S to N.
See Ground Plan above.

Ground Plan for the 22 & 26 ft. Tipi

Set up. Because of the large size of TIPI SIZE S to D N to D S to N
the 22 and 26 ft. tipi, you need to add 12’ 10’5” 10’5” 8’10”
3 additional poles to the standard 15 14’ 11’6” 11’6” 10’3”
pole framework. (This is necessary 16’ 13’6” 13’6” 12’
for the 26 ft. but optional for the 22
ft.). Add one more pole to each of 18’ 16’ 16’ 13’
the three sections as illustrated here. 20’ 18’ 17’11” 16’5”
That is a total of 18 tipi poles in the 22’ 20’ 20’ 18’2”
framework. 26’ 23’10” 23’10” 22’3”

Now see photograph 5. One person puts their foot at the base of the N and S poles and pulls on the
tripod rope as the other person walks up under the poles pushing up slowly as they are raised. If you
are alone, raising the tripod by yourself is not difficult. Simply prop a five to six foot pole, board or
ladder up underneath the tie point and then continue to raise the tripod as in photos 5 and 6. Then
while holding the poles in a near vertical position, with the rope in one hand, simply push the north
pole out and away from you approximately six feet and release the tension on the rope allowing the
tripod to sit on the ground. The tripod is now stable and you can begin moving each pole out to its
correct position according to the ground plan. Take the north pole and slowly spread the poles into a
tripod by swinging the north pole away from the south pole and placing the butt of the north pole at
the black dot N in 4. See this sequence in photographs 6, 7, 8, and 9. NOTE: If your clove hitch has
been properly tied there should be a reasonable amount of resistance from the knot as you swing
the north pole into position. You should hear definite creeking and squeaking of the rope as the clove
hitch clamps down on the tripod poles. It should feel very strong and secure.

The tripod is now locked into position. The three tripod poles should be in approximately the position
shown in 4 for N, S, and D as shown on the TIPI GROUND PLAN. At this point you can test the
strength of your tripod by swinging from the tie rope. It should easily support two adults. See photo 10.

Once your tripod pole distances are

correctly set it is best to never move them.
Since the Sioux tipi is an asymmetrical 6 7
cone, if you move one tripod pole you
throw the entire set up out of proportion.


8 9 10



The tipi is not a perfectly symmetrical cone, it is an asymmetrical cone. It is the longer
door pole that causes the tipi to tilt to the rear. In the illustration here the dotted lines
represent a perfect cone. The longer, more angular front slope to the tipi helped brace
the tipi against the west winds and also afforded more head room at the back of the tipi
which is the main living space. This also accounts for the tipi floor being egg shaped.
LAYING IN THE POLES: Now select your sturdiest pole and set it aside. This will be
your lift pole. It is used to lift the tipi cover into place after all the poles have been laid in.
When carrying a tipi pole around, carry it straight up and down, perpendicular to the ground. See 17.

Now look again at illustration 4. Small

circles are drawn to indicate where the
butt of each pole goes. The numbers 12
1 through 11 indicate the proper
sequence in which the tipi poles should
be laid into the three tripod poles.
Note: The 14 ft. and 26 ft. tipi have a 11
different number of tipi poles and pole
positions than the other tipis. See the
Ground Plans in illustration 4. Select a
pole and place the butt of the pole at
the “1” position as indicated in 4. I am
placing the number 1 pole in position
in photo 11. Put your foot at the base
of the pole as you lower it slowly into
the front crotch of the tripod poles. It is S N
very important that poles 1, 2, 3, 4 and D
poles 5, 6, 7, 8 all be placed in this front 1 D 1
crotch. I have placed arrows in photo
11 to indicate the “V” that represents
this front crotch of the tripod. This front
crotch “V” is formed by the north pole 14
and the south pole. When the number 1 13
pole is in proper position, the distance
between the butt of the door pole and
the butt of the number 1 pole should be
about 3 feet. This is where the tipi door
hole will be. See 4. Also look at 33. In
33 you are looking at the door from the
inside of the tipi. Notice that the door
pole and number 1 pole run right along-
side the door hole. This gives the door
hole good taut support and helps hold
its shape.
Now, in the same manner, and using
the illustration 4 as your Ground Plan D 1
guide, place poles number 2 , 3 and 4 in
position. See photo 12, and 13. Now lay
poles 5,6,7 and 8 in the front crotch also. In photo 14 we are laying in pole number 5. Photo 15 shows
poles 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 and 8 all properly laid in the front crotch and position correctly.
Now, before laying in poles 9, 10 and 11, go around to the back of the tipi and look up at the cluster
of poles. See 16. You will notice the opening outlined in black and white dots in 16. This is the back
crotch. Lay poles 9,10 and 11 in the back crotch. Notice in 4 that you do not place a pole in the
position marked L, between number 10 and 11 poles. This is for the lift pole. In 17 and 18 I am laying in
pole number 9. Pole number 11 is being laid in place in photo 19. Note the space to my left where the
15 16 17

Lift Pole will be placed. Once poles 9,

10 and 11 are in, the cluster should look
like photo 20 when looking at the pole
cluster from the back of the tipi.
Now see 21. Take the long rope and
wrap it around the cluster of poles.
Walk clockwise around the tipi. Keep 18 19
the rope taut but do not pull so hard
as to shift any of the poles off the
ground. Continue around the tipi 4 times
whipping and snapping the rope up into
tight coils around the cluster of poles.
When you have finished wrapping the
rope around 4 times in this manner,
bring it over the north pole and let it
hang free toward the ground.

PUTTING ON THE TIPI COVER: Now take the pole you have chosen for the lift pole and lay it on the
outstretched tipi cover in the same place you laid the north and south poles earlier. See illustration 1.
In 22, I am positioning the lift pole directly on top of the lift pole flap. At the bottom center edge of the
tipi cover extend the butt of the lift pole off the tipi cover about 4 inches. Using a 2’6” piece of small
rope, run the rope through the loop in the lift pole flap. Now have one person hold the bottom edge of
the tipi cover tightly against the tipi lift pole with 4 inches of tipi pole extending beyond the edge of the
canvas as just explained. Now the other person at the lift pole flap pulls the canvas gently but steadily
to stretch the canvas flat against the pole. Now using the rope that has been put through the lift pole
flap slot bind the lift pole tightly to the pole. See Z in illustration 1 and also in the illustration at right.
See photo 22.
PLEASE NOTE: It is imperative that you bind the lift pole flap very tightly
to the lift pole. If your tipi slips down from its original tie point at any phase
of your tipi set-up process then the tipi will not fit perfectly. If it slips as
much as 2 or 3 inches or more you will have wrinkles in the back and that
will not come out. Therefore we suggest you do one of three things:
1. Mark on your lift pole with a heavy black or red line just above the top
of the lift pole flat. Do this after you have tied it down tightly to the lift pole.
Now you will be able to look up at the tie point from the ground and see if
the tipi cover has slipped down the lift pole.
2. With a sharp knife, notch out a grove around your lift pole at the top of
the lift pole flap and run the top coil of rope into this notch as you bind the lift pole flap to the lift pole. If
done well, one coil of the
rope will seat down into
this grove and your lift pole
flap will not slip. Therefore
the tipi cover will not slide
down the lift pole.
3. For absolute assurance,
hammer a small, ¾” or 1”,
tack through the lift pole Lift Pole Flap
flap at the rope loop and
into the lift pole. This may
seem like you are ruining
your tipi but you are not.
The lift pole flat is four
layers thick and this small
hole will not weaken it at
all or encourage a tear 22
that enlarges over time.
First bind the lift pole flap
down as explained before.
The tack is an additional aid. The reason why securing the lift pole flap to the lift pole is so important
is because of the sheer weight of the tipi cover itself. An 18’ tipi weighs 55 to 80 lbs depending on the
fabric you choose. We highly recommend using a tack with the 22 or 26 ft. tipi because of their excessive
weight. The moment the tipi cover is spread over the poles all stress is relieved from the tack.
Now tie a “smoke flap line” to each of the smoke flaps at the bottom of the Cheyenne extension. See W
in 1. Use a piece of small cord about 14 ft. long for each smoke flap. Use the peg loop provided for the
smoke flap line in the corner of the flap at W. These lines will then be tied to a stake in front of the tipi as
in photograph 40. Now, with the tipi cover still on the ground, fold each side of the canvas in towards the
lift pole until the tipi is one long bundle laying along-side the lift pole. See the appearance of the tipi cover
and lift pole in photo 23.

With the heavier tipis,
or if you are raising
the tipi by yourself,
we suggest some
additional support
techniques. Using 24
short pieces of rope
or strips of cloth (a
belt will do), bind the
tipi cover to the lift
pole in two additional
places. Use a slip-
knot of some sort and
leave a long enough
tail that you can
reach it and release
it from the ground.
Now grip the canvas
very tightly against
the lift pole and raise
the entire bundle in the air as in 23. It
is very important not to let the weight of 25
25 26
the tipi cover “hang” from the lift pole
flap where you have bound it to the lift
pole. Place the butt of the lift pole at L
in 4, and slowly lower it into position in
the back crotch. See 23, 24 and 25.
When you are lowering the lift pole into
the back crotch, the back crotch should
look like 20. Twist the lift pole so that
the tipi canvas is on the backside or
outside of the lift pole.

Spread the cover around the poles

and bring it together between the door
pole and the number 1 pole. It helps
to billow the canvas as you might a
sail. This helps “float”
the canvas around
the poles rather than 27 28
jerking and pulling it
across the surface
of the tipi poles
themselves. See 26,
27, 28.

When you have brought
the tipi halves together
at the front, then go
inside and tie the
short smoke tie tapes
together. They are at the 29
top of the pinning flaps -
Y in 1. Tie them together
as shown in 29. You will
need a short step ladder
or equivalent to reach
the ties.


Lacing pins should be ½” in diameter and 14” long each. You will need
to sharpen one end of each lacing pin. The pointed end makes it much
easier to work the lacing pin through the four button holes at each lacing
pin location. Do not put a super sharp point on the end of the pin. A sharp
point could potentially pierce the tipi cover
fabric if you accidentally poked the fabric
with the pin. For this reason, blunt the end
of the sharpened end just slightly. See the
illustration here on the right.

Note, when standing outside the tipi, the left Pinning Flat should go
over on top of the right Pinning Flap. Put the lacing pin through the
button holes going from right to left as shown in the illustration. It is
very helpful to first prepare each button hole - while the tipi cover is
on the ground - by putting a pin in it and widening the hole. Work the
pin in a circular motion four or five times to stretch the hole a little bit.
It is best to twist or “screw” the pin as you maneuver it through he
two holes on the right and then out the two holes on the left. There are
two holes on each side because the two pinning facing are on top of
each other in order to bind them together securely. Begin at the top of
the pinning facing just
under the smoke flaps
as shown in photo 29
and 30. For lacing the
pinning facing together
properly, see photos
30, 31 and 32.

31 32

Once the pinning flaps are laced together you are ready to adjust the tipi cover and stake it down.
First, move the number 1 pole so that it runs
along side the door hole as in 33. If the tipi cover
is very wrinkled all around the sides and it is
6” or more above the ground in most places,
then move all the poles inside about 6”. To do
this, twist the pole back-and-forth and push it
upwards as you move it inside, toward the center
of the tipi.

Note: Do not try to move the tripod poles very

much. A few inches is the most you should ever
move them if you move them at all. Moving
the tipi poles in some will allow you to pull the 33
wrinkles out of the canvas and give the cover
a uniform appearance. If you have too much
canvas near the ground, then simply move some
of the poles to the outside a few inches. At this
point you should not be trying to get the tipi
cover super tight. Just get all the major wrinkles
out by adjusting your poles in and out.

Now you are essentially ready to stake your tipi

down. But before you do, there are two things
that you need to check. First, go inside the tipi
and check the way the cover looks for uniformity.
It is OK at this point to have a few wrinkles but
they should be essentially the same on both
sides of the tipi. Mirror images so to speak, If
you see one side that looks basically smooth
although limp and the other side has long, deep wrinkles or one side is 6 inches or more higher than
the other side, then an adjustment needs to be made. The usual causes are uneven ground, three or
four poles sinking particularly deep into the ground, incorrect ground plan measurements or one of
your tripod poles slipped during the set-up process and is shorter than the other two. Also be sure
that the door hole opening is between the door pole and the #1 pole. Ideally, the cover should have
no wrinkles but be draped loosely and uniformly around the poles. Now be sure that none of your
poles are tight against the canvas. Move your poles so that they are about 4 to 6 inches inside of
where you think their final position will be. This is strictly an “eyeball” affair. At this point, notice that
the canvas will be a little tight across your three tripod poles and may even be a little high on them
also. That is OK. Do not move the tripod poles in. We are essentially going to move all the other
poles out to meet them in the final finishing stage of the set up. What you are looking for now is a
uniform draping of the tipi cover.

PREPARING YOUR SMOKE FLAP POLES Now go back to the two tipi poles that you set aside for
use as smoke flap poles. You will need to cut them off so that they are two feet longer than the size
of your tipi. For example, for an 18 ft. tipi, the smoke pole length needs to be 20 ft. long, for a 20 ft.
tipi, they need to be 22 ft. long etc.
Whatever amount you need to cut off
should be cut from the small end of the
pole. The cut end should be rounded
and smoothed so that it is not abrasive
to the canvas in the smoke flap pocket.
Now, place the two smoke flap poles in
the smoke flap pockets and cross their
butts behind the tipi as in 34 and 35.
The ends that go into the smoke flap
pockets should be very blunt. The butts
of the smoke poles should be 2 to 3 ft.
from the edge of the tipi. See 35. Do
not put a lot of pressure on the smoke
flaps just yet. Just support them enough 34 35
to take any major wrinkles out of the
smoke flaps themselves.
If you purchased tent stakes from us
then you have received a small coil of cord with a green stripe running through it. Count the number
of peg loops on your tipi cover and cut this cord into 30 inch lengths, one length for each peg loop (It
is best to melt each end of the cut cord to prevent fraying.) Tie the 30” pieces to each peg loop as is
LOOP. If your tipi is securely staked down, the tipi will withstand very strong winds.
Now stake the tipi down. To do this, pull the peg loop down and out away from the poles. Pull out
as hard as you can. Position your tie stake about 4” from the peg loop. Drive the stake in the ground
about half way in and tie the cord to the stake. See photo 36. When the cord is taut hammer the
stake all the way into the ground. See 37.Start your staking at the front of the tipi and go towards
the back side, doing both sides at once. When your tipi is finished being set up the bottom edge
of the tipi cover should be about 3” off the ground. Don’t worry if your cover is even 4 to 6 inches
away from your poles. See photo 38. When the tipi is completely staked down, go inside and push
the poles outward against the cover as hard as you can. Again, twist each pole and pull down on it
as you push it out again the cover. See photo 39. Attach the smoke flap lines to the pole in front of
the tipi and pull them taut as in 40. This stake should be 6 ft. tall and placed 6 ft. in front of the door
hole. Now push the smoke poles up taut in the smoke flap pockets as in 40 and 36. Your tipi should
now look like illustration 39 and the color photo on the back cover of these set up instructions.

36 37
Looping the tie cord through
the peg loop
38 39

A properly staked down tipi before the tipi poles Final set up after the tipi poles have been
have been pushed out against the cover to their pushed out to their final positions. Now look
final positions. Note that the tipi is staked about 3” around the tipi and space the poles evenly but
off the ground. not necessarily equidistant.
problems arise from an incorrectly
positioned tripod. If your tipi is full of
wrinkles at the top but has none at 40
the bottom you have probably spread
the tripod poles out too wide. It is also
likely that your Lift Pole Flap has slid
down the Lift Pole. Check your mark
on the Lift Pole. Move all the tripod
poles in about 4 to 6 inches and try
again. If you have a lot of wrinkles
at the bottom of the tipi but the top
seems O.K. then move the tripod poles
out a few inches. Remember! The
tripod poles should only be moved if
all else fails. Normally all the wrinkles
can be easily straightened out by
simply pulling on the tipi canvas and
moving the other poles in and out a
few inches. If your cover is wrinkle free
except for the very top, your tipi poles
may be too large at the point where
they all cluster together.

NOMADICS TIPI LINER: Put your tipi liner up after your tipi cover is put up. Liners for all size tipis
come in three sections. The liner for the 14’ tipi has 3 sections of 3 panels each. The liner for a 16 ft.
has 2 sections made up of 3 panels sewn together and one section made up of 4 panels. For an 18
ft. tipi all 3 sections are made up of 4 panels. A 20 ft. tipi has 2 sections of 4 panels and one section
of 6 panels. The 22 ft. liner also has 2 sections of 4 panels and one section of 6 panels. A 26 ft. tipi
has 3 sections, 6, 8, and 6.

HANGING THE TIPI LINER: Your 6 ft. high tipi

liner has a row of liner ties at the top, at the 3
ft. mid point and 6” up from the bottom. You
will put a continuous rope around each tipi
pole at these three heights. Start by putting the
bottom rope on first. Starting at the door pole, 41
tie the rope as low on the poles as possible –
as close to the ground as you can get it and
run it around the entire tipi – i.e. to every pole.
See illustration 41 and 43. Note in 42 that the
liner rope crosses on the inside side of the tipi
We suggest putting a ½” to ¾ “ electrical
staple in every other pole to keep the rope
from sliding up or down. Nail the staple into the
side of the pole. We do this on all three liner
ropes. Pull the rope very taunt from pole to
pole as you go around but do not pull so hard
that you move the poles. Now you need to mark all your tipi
poles at the proper height for your middle and top liner rope.
To do this, first lay out a portion of your liner so that you can
measure this distance from the bottom liner tie to the middle
tie (approximately 30”) and from the middle tie to the top tie
(approximately 34”). Note that the bottom tie is approximately
6” up from the bottom of the tipi liner. This extra 6” of canvas
is to provide a seal between the vertical liner “wall” and the
tipi floor. The 6” fabric should go on top of your ground cloth
vapor barrier and underneath your floor carpet or rugs. See 41
and 45. Using your bottom liner rope as your measuring point,
measure up each tipi pole the exact distance of the liner tie and 42
put a mark on the pole. Keep your measuring tape flat against
the pole when you measure. There is a reason for this. Since
the tipi is a tilted cone, the angle of your liner will change as it goes around the tipi. This measuring
system assures you that the liner will fit and hang properly.
Now starting at the #1 pole and going to the #2 pole etc., tie the middle and top liner ropes around
each pole in the same manner as you did with the bottom rope. End the middle rope at the door
pole. Do not tie it across to the #1 pole. The top liner rope should be tied to every pole all the way
around the tipi just as you did the bottom rope. If you have a 9 ft. liner, put the necessary top rope in
now. See illustration 43.

NOTE: Tie these ropes 4” above the marks that you made on the poles. This assures you that the
liner ties will have adequate tension on them to keep the liner taunt and wrinkle free against the tipi
poles. See 44, 45, 46 and 47. Before hanging the liner, it is best to insert two small dowels (¼ ” x 2”),
small sticks or nails underneath the liner rope at every pole on the middle and top liner ropes. See
42. This is not necessary for the bottom rope. When it rains, water will slowly begin to run down the
underside of the tipi poles. If it hits a wood knot or rope or any obstruction, it will drip into the tipi. If
there is nothing in its way, it will continue to run down the underside of the pole, underneath the little
bridge, and on down to the ground behind the liner.
To begin hanging your
liner, start with the middle
section. This is the one
that goes in the middle
back of the tipi. If one of
your three liner sections
is bigger (longer) than
the other two, then this
is the section you begin
with. Lay it down on the 43
tipi floor and center it 44
at the back middle with
the bottom liner ties up
against the bottom liner rope. Tie the bottom liner ties to the bottom rope starting in the very center
at or very near to the lift pole. Moving outward from center, pull the bottom of the liner gently from
tie to tie to keep the canvas smooth and wrinkle free. Do not tie the liner ties to the tipi poles even
though some may align directly in front of a pole. When the bottom is finished, do the same process
for the middle and top ties. When the back section is up, smooth out any wrinkles by sliding the ties
outward on the rope. See 45. Hang the remaining two sections in the same manner making sure that
the edges of the liner sections are as close together as you
can get them. See 47.When you are finished, the left front
liner section and the right front section should look similar
to illustration 44 and 46. Note that in 46 the liner ends have
been wrapped around the poles in order to facilitate ease of
entering and leaving the tipi when there is alot of constant
traffic in and out. For complete instructions on weatherizing
your tipi liner see the information on SEALING THE TIPI 46
LINER on page 26.


The back center section of your liner should look like this when
properly hung. Notice that the top liner rope is higher than the
liner ties.


We designed this door cover after many experiences with deep snow, heavy rains, and coastal
storms. The photographs here demonstrate how the door cover looks from the outside and inside of
the tipi. The top of the door cover passes up underneath the top of the tipi door hole and is tied up
inside the tipi as shown in the drawing at the right on page 19. A shingle effect is created between the
top of the door hole and the door cover. Any rain or melting snow that runs down the tipi cover to the
top of the door hole will drop onto the door cover and continue on down to the ground. Notice that
there are ties on each side of the door cover that correspond to the loops sewn onto the tipi cover
itself. When the door cover is tied directly to the tipi in this way the door will remain secured to the tipi
even in gale force winds. See Photo 48.

48 49

50 51

The ties are also designed so that you may have
either a right-hand or left-hand opening door. By tying
a short stick to one side of the door cover a useful
door handle is made. This helps keep animals from
“nosing” their way into the tipi. Generally a right-hand
door is best since the prevailing winds are from the

left to right when the tipi is facing east.

See 49 and 50.

On the inside of the tipi the door cover

is tied to the tipi poles that are on each
side of the door hole. The door cover tie
at the top of the door cover is tied to the
backside of a lacing pin above the door.
See the illustrations and photo 51 and
52 This is usually the second lacing pin
above the door hole. It is easiest to gently
pull this lacing pin out until the pointed
end just reaches the gap in between the
52 two sets of button holes. Slip one strand
of the top tipi door cover tie behind the
Top Door Cover Tie. Inside of tipi. lacing pin and push the lacing pin back to
the correct position. Now tie the top door
tie and snug the top of the door cover up
to the lacign pin. See the illustration above and 52. Whenever door ties are tied around tipi poles be
sure to place the two small sticks under the tie to allow rain to run down the pole. See illustration 42.

The smoke flaps are essential in eliminating smoke from the tipi. If
properly used there will be no smoke in your tipi. By creating a partial
vacuum between the two smoke flaps smoke is encouraged to rise
to the top of the tipi cone. As smoke reaches the top of this partial
vacuum between the two smoke flaps the smoke is quickly sucked
out of the tipi. It is essential that the smoke flaps always be angled
down wind. The following photographs assume that your tipi door
hole is facing east. The prevailing winds are usually
from the west and south. It is always best to face
53 the tipi to the east because of these prevailing
west winds.

Photograph 53 shows the smoke flaps set for a

west wind. Since
the tip door is
facing east the 54
wind is blowing
Notice that the smoke flap from directly
lines help keep the smoke behind the tipi.
flaps taut, by securing them Your smoke flaps will probably be
to a stake in front of the tipi. in this position most of the time.
Notice that the right smoke flap (as
See 40
you look at the photo) is angled out
to the right just a bit. This compensates for any occasional change
of wind direction from the south or southwest.

With the smoke flaps set in this position your smoke flap poles will
appear as in photo 54 as seen from behind the tipi. Notice that the
poles are crossed and that they have a slight bow in them as they
pass around the tipi. By using small, limber poles for your smoke
flap poles you can keep a gentle tension on the smoke flap.

Photo 55 shows how to change the setting of the smoke

flaps. By moving the butt of the smoke pole the smoke flap
55 will change direction. Do not
allow the pole to slip out of
the smoke flap pocket when
maneuvering the smoke flap. 56
By moving the smoke poles
to the positions in 56 the
smoke flaps will be set for
a south or southwest wind.
This is a very common
setting. Notice that the butts
of the smoke flap poles are
only about 2 ft. from the
edge of the tipi.

It is important that the butts of the smoke poles be
about 2 ft. from the tipi. If the smoke poles are too
long and the pole butts cannot be brought near the
tipi edge then they will not fit properly in the smoke
flaps and wrinkles will result in the smoke flaps. Your
smoke flaps should always be kept taut as in 53
and 57. When the poles are positioned as in 56 the
smoke flaps are set as in photo 57. These flaps are
now in the proper position for a wind blowing from
the southwest. This photo gives you a good view of
how the smoke flaps eliminate smoke from the tipi.
As the wind blows across the opening of the smoke
flaps air is drawn out from between the two flaps.
This creates a relative absence of air in this area. Air
from the inside the tipi then moves upward to fill the
space between the flaps and is then sucked on out
through the smoke flaps. This is the primary way in
which smoke is eliminated from the tipi.

This also
demonstrates how
the smoke flaps
prevent rain from
coming in the smoke
hole. Assume rain is 58
59 coming from the left
to right in photo 57.
The left hand smoke
flaps is simply angled
over the smoke hole
to whatever extent is
necessary to prevent
rain from coming in
the smoke hole. The
right hand smoke
flap is then angled
farther to the right
to maintain an adequate opening for smoke to go out. Most major
storms come from the southwest. If winds get too strong you may
want to tie the smoke flap lines along the north side of the tipi to prevent the lower portion of the
smoke flaps from being whipped and torn by strong winds. See photo 58. Notice that an adequate
smoke hole opening still remains. For added security during storms tie your tripod rope to a long
stake driven deep into the ground just behind the fire pit. See 59. This is the same 45 ft. rope that
you used to wrap around your tipi poles to hold them together. This is also a good idea if you are

leaving your tipi for a few days. If you live in
coastal areas or in areas that receive strong
blasting wind storms then a few additional
guy wires are a good idea. See 60. Tie ½” 60
rope around the cluster of poles and stake it
to the ground 10 or 20 ft from the tipi facing
into the wind direction.

If your tipi is staked down well there is

virtually no chance of it being blown over.
The anchor rope and the guy wires are
necessary for extreme circumstances only.

Occasionally the wind may shift and blow from the east. This is the
only time smoke elimination can be a problem. Photo 61 shows
how to set your smoke flaps for an east wind. The smoke flap lines
are tied around the opposite sides of the tipi. As the wind blows
directed into the flaps it is directled upward across the top of the
crossed flaps. This creates the partial vacuum necessary for good
smoke elimination from the lodge. If you are leaving home for a few
days you will want to close the tipi completely as in photo 62. Walk
your smoke poles around to the front of the tipi and lay them on top
of the smoke flaps. Again, do not let the smoke pole slip out of the
smoke flap pocket as you are maneuvering the poles. Notice that
the left flap goes on top of the right flap – just in case a south wind
kicks up while you are gone. Notice the smoke flap lines tied to a
tent stake on the right side of the tipi.



Rain in moderate amounts is very easy to deal with. If you use your smoke flaps
properly as described in the Using Smoke Flaps section then rain will not fall through
the smoke hole. However, rain will hit the tipi poles that extend above the tipi cover.
Rain will run down the poles to the rope that binds the poles together at the top of
the tipi. The rain will soak through the coils of rope and emerge again on the poles
just below the rope. From here it begins its journey down the underside of the tipi
poles. Unless this tiny bead of water is interrupted by a rough spot on the tipi poles,
or if excessively strong, gusty winds are shaking the tipi pole, this little flow will
continue down the entire length of the pole, pass behind the liner, and disappear into the ground
at the bottom of the pole. It is for this reason that your tipi poles need to be smooth. If, when rain
begins, some of the rain trickles stop at some points along the poles and begin to drip into the tipi
momentarily, reach up and touch them with your finger or a stick. Now guide the trickle slowly on
down the pole to its destination behind the liner. Once established during the first few minutes of a
rain shower the water will flow continuously down the underside of the pole for the duration of the
rainfall. Note once again diagram 48 in the set up instructions. This stick bridge is essential to ensure
that the rain does not drip from you liner rope.
If however you are in an extremely wet climate and would prefer to avoid rain situations altogether,
then you will want to make a “rain cap” for your tipi. I saw this many years ago in an obscure little
book by an 18th century mountain man named Thomas Earl Seaton. He had drawn a sketch of what
he called a “Missouri Rain Cap” since he first saw it while spending time with the Missouri Indians.
The cap is simply an umbrella secured over the tips of the tipi poles. See drawing above.
INSTRUCTIONS FOR PUTTING ON THE RAIN CAP: Before putting your tipi up you will need to be
sure that the length of your tipi poles will properly accommodate the rain cap. The tipi poles need to
be four feet longer than the stated size of your tipi in order for the rain
cap to fit over the top of the poles properly. For example, if you have
an 18 ft. tipi you will want to cut your poles off so that they are 22 ft.
long. When cutting your poles off to accommodate the proper length
for the rain cap be sure to cut off whatever is necessary from the
smaller end of the poles. Do not cut the larger end of your tipi poles.
There are two different methods to fit the rain cap on top of the 63
poles. You may build a simple frame like an umbrella using small
flexible branches or twigs like those of young willow shoots, then
attach the rain cap canvas to the frame as the photo 63 shows.
Small flexible irrigation pipe can also be used to make an umbrella
frame. The rain cap may also simply be placed over the extending
poles by draping the canvas over and on top of the extending poles
above the tipi. In either case the two smoke flap poles can be used
to carefully hoist the rain cap up over the poles and position it over
all the tips of the extending poles.
Note: Before you hoist the rain cap into place you must tie at least
four long “guy wires” from the edges of the rain cap so that you can secure the cap from strong
winds that might blow it off the top of the poles. These guy wires should be rope or wire and should
be about 30 ft. long each. Put a stake in the ground to tie them to so they will be secure. Do not
stake a guy line in a place that would prevent you from maneuvering your smoke flap poles when
necessary. Tightening the lines before an expected storm would always be a good idea.
The reason for the umbrella construction is to shed large quantities of rain. In climates with a lot
of rain all at one time the rain cap, if simply draped over the poles, might begin to “puddle” a large
amount of water and place excessive strain on the canvas itself either tearing the fabric or possibly
creating a drip point to the fabric. A tightened rain cap can prevent this. Put on the tipi rain cap only
after the tipi is completely erected. See photo 63.
It is essential that air flows under the edge of the tipi cover, up behind the tipi liner, and on, up and
out the smoke flap hole. See the drawing below showing the air flow. If deep snow piles up around
the tipi you must clear away snow from the bottom to re-establish your air flow. If big drifts continue,
build a snow fence around your tipi on the snow side.


The ozan goes in the back middle of the tipi at the

height of the top of the tipi liner. It extends about 1⁄4
to 1/3 of the way into the tipi space at this height. 64
It should not extend so far into the tipi that it traps
smoke underneath it from the fire. See illustration 64
and Photo 66. Begin your set-up by tying the middle
or center of the arc of the ozan to the liner rope at
the very center back of the tipi. You will notice that
there is about 6” of extra material beyond the ozan
tie. Do not be concerned with this fabric at this point.
Continue to tie the ozan to the liner rope around the
back circumference of the tipi. When you are finished,
slide the ozan ties along the liner rope as needed to
assure a smooth, snug fit. The extra 6” of fabric is
provided to create a shingle-like roof effect over the
top of the tipi liner. See illustratioin 65. To customize

this ozan function, you now need to slit or cut

this 6” flap right at the center of each tipi pole.
The ozan is constructed in such a way that this
slit will not weaken the integrity of the ozan
fabric. After you cut the slits, then drape the 6”
flap sections over the top of the liner rope and
down behind the tipi liner. See illustration 65.
Now go to the long straight front edge of the
65 ozan. You will notice a tie loop in the center of
the edge. Run a long rope from one side of the
tipi to the other side of the tipi through this tie
loop. Attach the rope to
any tipi pole that seems
to best accommodate
this support line. Your tie
points on the tipi poles
must be high enough to
create a slight backward
angle to facilitate the
flow of small amounts of
rain water back to and
over the top of the tipi
liner. When finished, your
ozan should look like
photo 66.


The fire pit should be

located underneath the
smoke hole. This location
is not the very center of the tipi. It is more toward the door hole of the tipi. To locate the correct spot
for your fire pit or stove, stand in the front middle of your tipi and look up through the smoke hole.
Move until you are standing directly beneath the center of the smoke hole opening. This is the center
of your fire pit. It is a good idea to line your fire pit with fire bricks or stone. It will radiate more heat
after the evening fire goes out and help prevent the fire pit from burning itself a larger area over
time. Stumps around the fire pit are handy counters and pot stands. The open fire must be tended
constantly. The smaller size wood you use the more flame your fire will have and thus the less smoke
it will give off. Pine is one
of the smokiest woods.
Green wood will smoke
more than dry wood. So
will rotten wood. Although
it will vary by year and
location, you will probably
need at least 3 cords of
wood each winter. We stash
our wood just to the left


of the door as you walk into the tipi. Cooking is more convenient if
you use a large sturdy grill over the fire. Bread making and baking
can be done in an enclosed Dutch Oven over the fire. Eliminating
smoke from the fire is partly facilitated by keeping a small, hot fire
that is all flames. This is best accomplished by using small pieces of
wood (1” to 2” in diameter) and selecting the correct wood to burn
as mentioned above. But the primary way to eliminate smoke from
the lodge is accomplished in 3 different ways: 1. Use of the smoke
flaps (explained earlier), 2. Maintaining constant air flow under the
tipi cover, behind the liner, and up and out the top of the tipi. See
the illustration 41 and 64. A third and very useful way of encouraging
the rise of smoke is to use your door hole as an air vent. By simply
pulling the door cover back just a few inches, air will flow toward the
fire, rise with the warm air and help carry smoke upward. Photo 67
has much too large an opening to serve as a door flew. An opening
to 4” to 6” is sufficient.

During the summer you may want to remove the lacing pins from
beneath the door hole and pull back each side. This makes a more
convenient door opening when snow and mud are not a problem,
See photo 68.


There are a few extra things that you can do to add to the insulation
value of your tipi liner. If you aren’t going to be moving your tipi too
frequently then sewing your liner sections together will make your
liner one solid insulator. Just sew the edges together by hand after
you have put the liner up. Sewing ½” wide Velcro on each side
works very well also. Photograph 69 shows this junction where two
liner section meet.
It is very important to seal the area where the liner meets the tipi
floor. As explained on page 16 and 17 of the Set-up Instructions,
the bottom of the liner has 6” extra fabric intended to be used
to make this seal. Be sure that this seal is a permanent, snug
“weather-stripping”. We have discovered a method that works
well. We place log rounds end-to-end on an old blanket or tarp
and roll the logs up inside the blanket. The logs are only 3” to 4” in
diameter and are about 14” long each. They are placed about 1½”
apart on the blanket. This long wooden snake is then placed down
on top of the joint where the floor tarp meets the bottom of the
liner. See illustration 70 and photo 71. Blue jean pants legs make
great “log tubes” for this purpose. NOTE: Be sure your floor tarp


does not act as a “gutter” that

collects rain that drips off the
bottom edge of the tipi cover. 71
Check to be sure the floor tarp
does not extend outside the tipi
onto the ground. Also, if you
do not close your smoke flaps
properly and tightly when you
leave the tipi, a sudden rain can
create a small puddle on your
tarp floor just behind your fire pit.
This can cause rugs and beds
to be wet upon your return. See
the section on the proper use of
your smoke flaps. Specifically 62,
page 22.


Our kitchen is to the right of the door as you enter the

tipi. A series of custom made shelves make a nice kitchen
pantry. For keeping fruits and vegetables from freezing
in the winter we bury a storage cooler near the door
hole. With the top of the cooler at ground level (or with
an inch or two of insulation on top in very cold climates)
the cooler used the earth’s warmth to keep veggies from
freezing. Water and other liquids can be stored in this
manner also. Likewise, in summer the buried cooler will
keep foods and liquids cool.
Grains etc. should be kept
in glass jars. If you leave
a small stash of grains and loose cloth in a cubby hold somewhere
you can usually discourage any small rodents from raiding other food
supplies or clothing.

For the tipi floor we use a layering effect. On the ground we put a
waterproof tarp as a vapor barrier. Next we put down a large piece of
carpet that is cut to fit the entire tipi. A 3 ft. diameter hole is then cut in
the tarp and carpet for the fire and fire ring. Then we put our nice indian
rugs down on the carpet as the final layer. This “layer” system offers
excellent insulation. Putting this layer system on top of a bed of small
rock or gravel makes an excellent floor foundation.

PAINTING DESIGNS: Either oils or acrylics are fine for painting designs
we recommend exterior house paint for your tipi cover. To achieve our
“antique wash” look use semi transparent stains. To create the ultimate
look for painted liner designs use artists oil base paint from the tube, to
achieve this deep, rich look in your colors you must first paint your entire design in gesso. This is an
artists preparation material that is similar to a very thing plaster. It can be purchased at any art store.
A beautiful stained glass effect can be achieved by painting designs on the inside of the tipi cover
above the tipi liner. For these designs you must use inks. Use only high quality artists drawing ink.
Ink designs will not soak through the canvas.

WOOD STOVES may be desirable in very cold climates but you must
not run the smoke stack up between the smoke flaps. That is too
much heat near the canvas. If you do this the canvas will rapidly
dry out, become brittle and may ignite due to the excessive hear
near the top of the tipi. Your smoke stack should only be 4 to 6 ft.
high above the stove. This way the smoke goes up as it would
from an open fire and is cool by the time it reaches the top of
the tipi. All smoke stack pipes should be triple wall insulated
pipe that is approved by your local building codes. Our tipis
are designed for a two food diameter open fire at ground
Do not build an excessively large fire and do not leave it


All of our fabrics are treated with chemical solutions that are specifically designed to resist mold
and mildew growth. Although highly effective, they can only “resist” the inevitable. You cannot make
any fabric mold and mildew proof. If their habitat is provided, mold and mildew will show up. It will
even grow on plastic and metal as well as on cotton. Our mold and mildew resistant treatments are
excellent and are effective in all but excessive conditions of rain or high humidity. Mold and Mildew
are organisms that feed off of microorganisms associated with warm moisture. They do not “eat”
canvas. Although rare, sometimes a tipi cover will get excessively moldy after only being up a few
months. This can occasionally happen in the South and Southeastern U.S., the Pacific Northwest
Coast and Hawaii.

What to do: First dry the canvas out completely. This will kill the mold and mildew. Next you will
want to scrub out the stains left by the pigments in the organisms. We do not recommend using any
cleaning products that contain chlorine. Chorine not only can potentially weaken the fabric but it can
remove the weatherization finishes that we have put on the canvas for ultravilolet radiation protection
and longevity. The product you will need is called Ultimate Care Premium Bleach by Clorox. It works
wonders and we have had many positive customer feedbacks. Ultimate Care Premium Bleach by
Clorox is an oxidant similar in performance to that of pure chlorine but is a sodium hyperchloride
instead. It does not damage the structural integrity of the cotton fibers.

After you have removed the mildew, you may want to treat your tipi with a Mildew Protective coating.
One possible product comes from National Allergy Supply, Inc. and is called No More Mildew. It is
non-toxic and effective for up to two years. 1/2 gallon is $10, 1 gallon is $20.
(ph: 800-522-1448 /


The deck should be larger than the tipi. This illustration uses an 18 ft. tipi as an example. The deck
should be 2 ft. larger than the tipi on the sides and at the back of the tipi. You should allow a 3 to 6 ft.
“front porch” in front of the door hole.

In dry climates pressure treated 2x4 or 2x6 can be used as floor joist and be placed directly on the
ground. In damp climates or for permanent locations it is
best to elevate the joist using concrete blocks or concrete
pads. The supporting beams under the joist should be 4x4
or 4x6 depending upon the distance between concrete
supports. Consult a builder for suggestions on joist size
and joist spacing ratios.

Cover the joist with plywood or 1” or 2” decking. Decking

thickness depends upon the distance between joists.

The deck must slope outward from the middle so that

rain will run off of the deck. Only a slight outward slope
is necessary. The surface of the deck should slope down
1/8” for every 1 ft. of horizontal distance.

To prevent the tipi poles from sliding on the deck, place

wooden stop-blocks against each pole. Nail the block into
the deck once the final pole position has been established.

To Secure The Tipi To The Deck:

Drill a 3⁄4” hole in the deck about 3” from the bottom

of the tipi cover at each peg loop position.
Tie a 20” piece of cord in the middle of a 6” long
dowel or metal rod.
Holding onto the cord, drop the dowel down through
the hole.
Pull up on the cord securing the dowel firmly across
the underneath side of the decking.
Tie the cord tauntly to the peg loop securing the tipi to
the deck.

A metal eyelet on a lag screw works very well as a peg

loop tie stake also.

17671 Snow Creek Road,
Bend, Oregon 97701
(541) 389-3980

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