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Diabetes Mellitus

Warren Liong Cheng, MD

Assistant Professor
OLFU College of Medicine
Diabetes Mellitus
• Classification
• Epidemiology
• Diagnosis
• Insulin Biosynthesis, Secretion, and Action
• Pathogenesis
– Type 1 DM
• Genetic considerations
• Pathophysiology
• Immunologic markers
• Environmental factors
• Preventions
Diabetes Mellitus
– Type 2 DM
• Genetic considerations
• Pathophysiology
• Metabolic Abnormalities
• Insulin Resistance Syndromes
• Prevention
• Genetically Defined, Monogenic Forms of
Diabetes Mellitus
• Acute Complications of DM
• Chronic Complications of DM
Diabetes Mellitus
• Approach to the Patient: Diabetes Mellitus
• Long-Term Treatment
• Complications of Therapy for Diabetes
• Ongoing Aspects of Comprehensive
Diabetes Care
• Special Considerations in Diabetes
Diabetes Mellitus
• group of common metabolic disorders that
share the phenotype of hyperglycemia
• caused by a complex interaction of
genetics and environmental factors
• reduced insulin secretion, decreased
glucose utilization, and increased glucose
• causes secondary pathophysiologic
changes in multiple organ systems
• I. Type 1 diabetes ( beta-cell destruction, usually
leading to absolute insulin deficiency)
– A. Immune-mediated
– B. Idiopathic
• II. Type 2 diabetes (may range from
predominantly insulin resistance with relative
insulin deficiency to a predominantly insulin
secretory defect with insulin resistance)
• III. Other specific types of diabetes
– A. Genetic defects of cell function characterized by
mutations in:
• 1. Hepatocyte nuclear transcription factor (HNF) 4 (MODY1)

• 2. Glucokinase (MODY 2)
• 3. HNF-1 (MODY 3)
• 4. Insulin promoter factor-1 (IPF-1; MODY 4)
• 5. HNF-1 (MODY 5)
• 6. NeuroD1 (MODY 6)
• 7. Mitochondrial DNA
• 8. Subunits of ATP-sensitive potassium channel
• 9. Proinsulin or insulin conversion
• III. Other specific types of diabetes
– B. Genetic defects in insulin action
• 1. Type A insulin resistance
• 2. Leprechaunism
• 3. Rabson-Mendenhall syndrome
• 4. Lipodystrophy syndromes
– C. Diseases of the exocrine pancreas—pancreatitis,
pancreatectomy, neoplasia, cystic fibrosis,
hemochromatosis, fibrocalculous pancreatopathy,
mutations in carboxyl ester lipase
– D. Endocrinopathies—acromegaly, Cushing's
syndrome, glucagonoma, pheochromocytoma,
hyperthyroidism, somatostatinoma, aldosteronoma
• III. Other specific types of diabetes
– E. Drug- or chemical-induced—Vacor, pentamidine, nicotinic
acid, glucocorticoids, thyroid hormone, diazoxide, -adrenergic
agonists, thiazides, phenytoin, -interferon, protease inhibitors,
– F. Infections—congenital rubella, cytomegalovirus, coxsackie
– G. Uncommon forms of immune-mediated diabetes—"stiff-
person" syndrome, anti-insulin receptor antibodies
– H. Other genetic syndromes sometimes associated with
diabetes—Down's syndrome, Klinefelter's syndrome, Turner's
syndrome, Wolfram's syndrome, Friedreich's ataxia, Huntington's
chorea, Laurence-Moon-Biedl syndrome, myotonic dystrophy,
porphyria, Prader-Willi syndrome
• IV. Gestational diabetes mellitus (GDM)
• from an estimated 30 million cases in 1985
to 177 million in 2000
• Based on current trends, >360 million
individuals will have diabetes by the year
• 6 of the top 10 countries with the highest
rates are in Asia
• In the United States,
– 20.8 million persons (7%) of the population, had
diabetes in 2005
– ~30% of individuals with diabetes were undiagnosed
– Approximately 1.5 million individuals (>20 years) were
newly diagnosed with diabetes in 2005.
– DM increases with aging. In 2005, the prevalence of
DM in the United Sates was estimated to be 0.22% in
those <20 years and 9.6% in those >20 years. In
individuals >60 years, the prevalence of DM was
• Scandinavia has the highest incidence of type 1
– Finland, the incidence is 35/100,000/year
– Japan and China, the incidence is 1–3 /100,000/year
of type 1 DM
– Northern Europe and the United States have an
intermediate rate (8–17/100,000 per year)
• Prevalence of type 2 DM and its harbinger, IGT
– Highest in certain Pacific islands
– Intermediate in countries such as India and the
United States
– Relatively low in Russia
• Variability is due to genetic, behavioral, and
environmental factors DM prevalence also varies among
different ethnic populations within a given country
• In 2005, the CDC estimated that the prevalence of DM in
the United States (age > 20 years) was
– African Americans, 13.3%
– Latinos, 9.5%
– Native Americans (American Indians and Alaska natives), 15.1%
– non-Hispanic whites. 8.7%
– Individuals belonging to Asian-American or Pacific-Islander
ethnic groups in Hawaii are twice as likely to have diabetes
compared to non-Hispanic whites
• Criteria for the Diagnosis of Diabetes Mellitus
– Symptoms of diabetes plus random blood glucose
concentration 11.1 mmol/L (200 mg/dL)aor
– Fasting plasma glucose 7.0 mmol/L (126 mg/dL)bor
– Two-hour plasma glucose 11.1 mmol/L (200 mg/dL)
during an oral glucose tolerance testc
– HbA1c of > 6.5
• aRandom is defined as without regard to time since the last meal.
• bFasting is defined as no caloric intake for at least 8 h.
• cThe test should be performed using a glucose load containing the equivalent of 75 g
anhydrous glucose dissolved in water; not recommended for routine clinical use.
• Note: In the absence of unequivocal hyperglycemia and acute metabolic decompensation,
these criteria should be confirmed by repeat testing on a different day.
• Source: Adapted from American Diabetes Association, 2007.
• Glucose tolerance is classified into three
categories based on the FPG
– (1) FPG < 5.6 mmol/L (100 mg/dL) is considered normal
– (2) FPG = 5.6–6.9 mmol/L (100–125 mg/dL) is defined as IFG;
– (3) FPG 7.0 mmol/L (126 mg/dL) warrants the diagnosis of DM.

• Based on the OGTT, IGT is defined as plasma

glucose levels between 7.8 and 11.1 mmol/L
(140 and 199 mg/dL) and diabetes is defined as
a glucose > 11.1 mmol/L (200 mg/dL) 2 h after a
75-g oral glucose load
• Risk Factors for Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus
– Family history of diabetes (i.e., parent or sibling with type 2
– Obesity (BMI 25 kg/m2)
– Habitual physical inactivity
– Race/ethnicity (e.g., African American, Latino, Native American,
Asian American, Pacific Islander)
– Previously identified IFG or IGT
– History of GDM or delivery of baby >4 kg (>9 lb)
– Hypertension (blood pressure 140/90 mmHg)
– HDL cholesterol level <35 mg/dL (0.90 mmol/L) and/or a
triglyceride level >250 mg/dL (2.82 mmol/L)
– Polycystic ovary syndrome or acanthosis nigricans
– History of vascular disease
Insulin Biosynthesis
• Insulin is produced in the beta cells of the
pancreatic islets
• initially synthesized as a single-chain 86-amino-
acid precursor polypeptide, preproinsulin
• removes the aminoterminal signal peptide, giving
rise to proinsulin
• Cleavage of an internal 31-residue fragment from
proinsulin generates the C peptide and the A (21
amino acids) and B (30 amino acids) chains of
insulin, which are connected by disulfide bonds
Insulin Biosynthesis
• Insulin molecule and C peptide are stored
and co-secreted from secretory granules
in the beta cells.
• C peptide is cleared slowly than insulin, a
useful marker of insulin secretion
• Co-secrete islet amyloid polypeptide
(IAPP) or amylin, a 37-amino-acid peptide
Insulin Secretion
• Glucose is the key regulator of insulin secretion
• amino acids, ketones, various nutrients, gastrointestinal peptides,
and neurotransmitters also influence insulin secretion
• Glucose levels > 3.9 mmol/L (70 mg/dL) stimulate insulin synthesis
• Glucose phosphorylation by glucokinase is the rate-limiting step
• Insulin secretory profiles reveal a pulsatile pattern of hormone
• Incretins are released from neuroendocrine cells of the
gastrointestinal tract following food ingestion and amplify glucose-
stimulated insulin secretion and suppress glucagon secretion
• Glucagon-like peptide 1 (GLP-1), the most potent incretin, is
released from L cells in the small intestine and stimulates insulin
secretion only when the blood glucose is above the fasting level.
Incretin analogues, such as exena-tide, are being used to enhance
endogenous insulin secretion
Insulin action
• ~50% is degraded by the liver.
• Insulin binding to its receptor stimulates intrinsic tyrosine
kinase activity
• IRS and other adaptor proteins initiate a complex
cascade of phosphorylation and dephosphorylation
reactions, resulting in the widespread metabolic and
mitogenic effects of insulin
• Activation of the phosphatidylinositol-3'-kinase (PI-3-
kinase) pathway stimulates translocation of glucose
transporters (e.g., GLUT4) to the cell surface, an event
that is crucial for glucose uptake by skeletal muscle and
• Induces glycogen synthesis, protein synthesis,
lipogenesis, and regulation of various genes in insulin-
responsive cells
Pathogenesis of Type 1 DM
• Interactions of genetic, environmental, and immunologic
factors that ultimately lead to the destruction of the
pancreatic beta cells and insulin deficiency
• autoimmune beta cell destruction
• autoimmune process is triggered by an infectious or
environmental stimulus and to be sustained by a beta
cell–specific molecule
• diabetes do not become evident until a majority of beta
cells are destroyed (~80%).
• "honeymoon" phase may ensue during which time
glycemic control is achieved with modest doses of insulin
or, rarely, insulin is not needed
Pathogenesis of Type 1 DM
• Susceptibility involves multiple genes
• concordance in identical twins ranges
between 30 and 70%
• major susceptibility gene located in the
HLA region on chromosome 6
• Polymorphisms in the HLA complex
account for 40–50% of the genetic risk of
developing type 1 DM
Pathogenesis of Type 1 DM
• Most have the HLA DR3 and/or DR4 haplotype
• Haplotypes DQA1*0301, DQB1*0302, and
DQB1*0201 are most strongly associated with
type 1 DM
• Haplotype DQA1*0102, DQB1*0602 is extremely
rare in type 1 DM (<1%) and appears to provide
• Risk is relatively low: 3–4% if the parent has type
1 diabetes and 5–15% in a sibling
Pathogenesis of Type 1 DM
• Other islet cell types [alpha cells, delta cells, or
PP cells] are functionally and embryologically
similar to beta cells and express most of the
same proteins as beta cells, they are
inexplicably spared from the autoimmune
• Infiltrated with lymphocytes (in a process termed
• Islets become atrophic, and most immunologic
markers disappear
Pathogenesis of Type 1 DM
• Studies of the autoimmune process in type
1 DM have identified the following
– (1) islet cell autoantibodies;
– (2) activated lymphocytes in the islets,
peripancreatic lymph nodes, and systemic
– (3) T lymphocytes that proliferate when
stimulated with islet proteins; and
– (4) release of cytokines within the insulitis
Pathogenesis of Type 1 DM
• Beta cells seem to be particularly susceptible to the toxic
effect of some cytokines (TNF-alpha, interferon gamma,
and interleukin 1)
• Cell death are not known but may involve formation of
nitric oxide metabolites, apoptosis, and direct CD8+ T
cell cytotoxicity
• Islet destruction is mediated by T lymphocytes rather
than islet autoantibodies
• Suppression of the autoimmune process (cyclosporine, T
lymphocyte antibodies) at the time of diagnosis of
diabetes slows the decline in beta cell destruction, but
the safety of such interventions is unknown.
Pathogenesis of Type 1 DM
• Pancreatic islet molecules targeted by the autoimmune process
– insulin
– glutamic acid decarboxylase (GAD, the biosynthetic enzyme for the
neurotransmitter GABA)
– ICA-512/IA-2 (homology with tyrosine phosphatases)
– phogrin (insulin secretory granule protein)
• With the exception of insulin, none of the autoantigens are beta cell
• Initiation of an autoimmune process directed at one beta cell
molecule, which then spreads to other islet molecules as the
immune process destroys beta cells and creates a series of
secondary autoantigens. The beta cells of individuals who develop
type 1 DM do not differ from beta cells of normal individuals, since
islets transplanted from a genetically identical twin are destroyed by
a recurrence of the autoimmune process of type 1 DM.
Pathogenesis of Type 1 DM
• Islet cell autoantibodies (ICAs) serve as a marker of the autoimmune
• ICAs are present in
– >75% of individuals diagnosed with new-onset type 1 DM
– 5–10% of individuals with newly diagnosed type 2 DM
– <5% with GDM
– 3–4% of first-degree relatives of individuals with type 1 DM.
• In combination with impaired insulin secretion after IV glucose tolerance
testing, they predict a >50% risk of developing type 1 DM within 5 years
• Without this impairment in insulin secretion, the presence of ICAs predicts a
5-year risk of <25%
• environmental trigger may precede the onset of DM by several years.
• Putative environmental triggers include viruses (coxsackie and rubella most
prominently), bovine milk proteins, and nitrosourea compounds.
• Treatment with anti-CD3 monoclonal antibodies has recently been shown to
slow the decline in C-peptide levels
Diabetes Ketoacidosis
• Glucose (mg/dL) 250–600 mg/dL
• Sodium 125–135 meq/L
• Potassium Normal to increase
• Magnesium Normal
• Chloride Normal
• Creatinine Slightly increase
• Phosphate decrease
• Osmolality 300–320 mosml/kg
• Plasma ketones +++++
• Serum bicarbonate <15 meq/L
• Arterial pH 6.8–7.3
• Arterial PCO2 20–30 mmHg
• Anion gap increase
Diabetes Ketoacidosis
• Symptoms
– Nausea/vomiting
– Thirst/polyuria
– Abdominal pain
– Shortness of breath
Diabetes Ketoacidosis
• Physical findings
– Tachycardia
– Dehydration / hypotension
– Tachypnea / Kussmaul
respirations/respiratory distress
– Abdominal tenderness (may resemble acute
pancreatitis or surgical abdomen)
– Lethargy /obtundation / cerebral edema /
possibly coma
Diabetes Ketoacidosis
• Precipitating events
– Inadequate insulin administration
– Infection
– Infarction (cerebral, coronary, mesenteric,
– Drugs (cocaine)
– Pregnancy
Diabetes Ketoacidosis
• relative or absolute insulin deficiency with
counter-regulatory hormone excess
• Glucagon excess decreases the activity of
pyruvate kinase
• insulin deficiency increases the activity of
phosphoenolpyruvate carboxykinase.
• increased levels of glucagon and catecholamines
in the face of low insulin levels promote
• Insulin deficiency also reduces levels of the
GLUT4 glucose transporter
Diabetes Ketoacidosis
• Ketosis results from a marked increase in
free fatty acid release from adipocytes
• ketone body synthesis in the liver
• increase lipolysis and the release of free
fatty acids
• Increased lactic acid production also
contributes to the acidosis
Diabetes Ketoacidosis
• Confirm diagnosis ( plasma glucose, positive serum
ketones, metabolic acidosis).
• Admit to hospital; intensive-care setting may be
necessary for frequent monitoring or if pH < 7.00 or
• Assess:
– Serum electrolytes (K+, Na+, Mg2+, Cl-, bicarbonate,
– Acid-base status—pH, HCO3-, PCO2, b-hydroxybutyrate
– Renal function (creatinine, urine output)
• Replace fluids: 2–3 L of 0.9% saline over first 1–3 h (10–
15 mL/kg per hour); subsequently, 0.45% saline at 150–
300 mL/h; change to 5% glucose and 0.45% saline at
100–200 mL/h when plasma glucose reaches 250 mg/dL
(14 mmol/L).
Diabetes Ketoacidosis
• Administer short-acting insulin: IV (0.1 units/kg) or IM
(0.3 units/kg), then 0.1 units/kg per hour by continuous
IV infusion; increase 2- to 3-fold if no response by 2–4 h.
If initial serum potassium is < 3.3 mmol/L (3.3 meq/L), do
not administer insulin until the potassium is corrected to
> 3.3 mmol/L (3.3.meq/L).
• Assess patient: What precipitated the episode
(noncompliance, infection, trauma, infarction, cocaine)?
Initiate appropriate workup for precipitating event
(cultures, CXR, ECG).
• Measure capillary glucose every 1–2 h; measure
electrolytes (especially K+, bicarbonate, phosphate) and
anion gap every 4 h for first 24 h.
Diabetes Ketoacidosis
• Monitor blood pressure, pulse, respirations, mental
status, fluid intake and output every 1–4 h.
• Replace K+: 10 meq/h when plasma K+ < 5.5 meq/L,
ECG normal, urine flow and normal creatinine
documented; administer 40–80 meq/h when plasma K+
< 3.5 meq/L or if bicarbonate is given.
• Continue above until patient is stable, glucose goal is
150–250 mg/dL, and acidosis is resolved. Insulin
infusion may be decreased to 0.05–0.1 units/kg per hour.
• Administer intermediate or long-acting insulin as soon as
patient is eating. Allow for overlap in insulin infusion and
subcutaneous insulin injection
Hyperglycemic Hyperosmolar State
• type 2 DM, with a several week history of polyuria, weight
loss, and diminished oral intake that culminates in mental
confusion, lethargy, or coma.
• The physical examination reflects profound dehydration
and hyperosmolality and reveals hypotension,
tachycardia, and altered mental status
• HHS is often precipitated by a serious, concurrent illness
such as myocardial infarction or stroke, sepsis and
• In addition, a debilitating condition (prior stroke or
dementia) or social situation that compromises water
intake usually contributes to the development of the
Hyperglycemic Hyperosmolar State
• Relative insulin deficiency and inadequate fluid intake
are the underlying causes of HHS
• Insulin deficiency increases hepatic glucose production
(through glycogenolysis and gluconeogenesis) and
impairs glucose utilization in skeletal muscle
• Hyperglycemia induces an osmotic diuresis
• Lower levels of counterregulatory hormones and free
fatty acids have been found in HHS than in DKA
• It is also possible that the liver is less capable of ketone
body synthesis or that the insulin/glucagon ratio does not
favor ketogenesis.
Hyperglycemic Hyperosmolar State
• Glucose (mg/dL) 600-1200 mg/dL
• Sodium 135-145 meq/L
• Potassium Normal
• Magnesium Normal
• Chloride Normal
• Creatinine Moderately increase
• Phosphate Normal
• Osmolality 330–380 mosml/kg
• Plasma ketones negative
• Serum bicarbonate Normal or slightly decrease
• Arterial pH >7.3
• Arterial PCO2 Normal
• Anion gap Normal to slightly increase
Hyperglycemic Hyperosmolar State
• Fluid replacement (1–3 L of 0.9% normal saline over the first 2–3 h).
• If the serum sodium > 150 mmol/L (150 meq/L), 0.45% saline should
be used. The calculated free water deficit (which averages 9–10 L)
should be reversed over the next 1–2 days (infusion rates of 200–
300 mL/h of hypotonic solution).
• Potassium and magnesium repletion
• Hypophosphatemia may occur during therapy and can be improved
by using KPO4 and beginning nutrition.
• IV insulin bolus of 0.1 units/kg followed by infusion rate of 0.1
units/kg per hour. If the serum glucose does not fall, increase the
insulin infusion rate by twofold.
• insulin infusion should be continued until the patient has resumed
eating and can be transferred to a SC insulin regimen. The patient
should be discharged from the hospital on insulin, though some
patients can later switch to oral glucose-lowering agents.
Chronic Complications of
Diabetes Mellitus
• Microvascular
– Eye disease
• Retinopathy (nonproliferative/proliferative)
• Macular edema
– Neuropathy
• Sensory and motor (mono- and polyneuropathy)
• Autonomic
– Nephropathy
Chronic Complications of
Diabetes Mellitus
• Macrovascular
– Coronary artery disease
– Peripheral arterial disease
– Cerebrovascular disease
• Other
– Gastrointestinal (gastroparesis, diarrhea)
– Genitourinary (uropathy/sexual dysfunction)
– Dermatologic
– Infectious
– Cataracts
– Glaucoma
– Periodontal disease
Treatment of Diabetes Mellitus 1
• Short-acting Insulin
– Regular human Insulin
– Insulin analogue
• Aspart
• Lispro
• Glulisine
• Long-acting Insulin
– NPH (neutral protamine Hagedorn)
– Insulin analogue
• Glargine IU 100 and IU 300
• Detemir
• Degludec
Treatment of Diabetes Mellitus 1
• Insulin Combination
– 75/25–75% protamine lispro, 25% lispro
– 70/30–70% protamine aspart, 30% aspart
– 50/50–50% protamine lispro, 50% lispro
– 70/30–70% NPH, 30% regular insulin
– 50/50–50% NPH, 50% regular insulin
Treatment of Type 2 DM
• Biguanides
• Insulin secretagogues
– Sulfonylureas
• 1st generation
– Chlorpropamide
– Tolbutamide
– Tolazamide
• 2nd generation
– Glyburide
– Gliclazide
– Glipizide
– Glimepiride
Treatment of Type 2 DM
– Non-sulfonylureas
• Repaglinide
• Nateglinide
• Alpha glucosidase inhibitors
– Acarbose
– Voglibose
– Miglitol
• Thiazolinediones
– Rosiglitazone
– Pioglitazone
Treatment of Type 2 DM
• DPP 4 inhibitors
– Saxaglitin
– Sitagliptin
– Vildagliptin
– Linagliptin
– Teneliglitin
Treatment of Type 2 DM
• GLP 1 agonist
– Exenatide
– Lixenitide
– liraglutide
• Amylin agonist
– Pramlintide
Treatment of Type 2 DM
• SGLT2 inhibitors
– Dapagliflozin
– Canagliflozin
– Empagliflozin
• Insulin
– Regular Insulin
– NPH Insulin
– Insulin Analogue
Risks potentially associated with U
hypoglycemia and other drug AEs low high s
Disease duration newly-diagnosed long-standing a
Life expectancy long short n
Important comorbidities absent severe
Established vascular complications absent severe d
Patient preference highly-motivated less motivated aly
Resource and support system readily available limited le

1. Proven CVD benefit means it has label indication of reducing CVD

events. For GLP-1 RA strongest evidence for liraglutide >
5. Low dose may be better tolerated through less well studied for CVD effects.
6. Choose later generation SU with lower risk of hypoglycemia.
extended release. For SGLT2i evidence modestly stronger for
7. Degludec /glargine U300 <glargine U100 / determir < NPH insulin
empagliflozin > canagliflozin.
8. Semaglutide > liragutide > duagutide > exenatide > lixisenatide.
2. Be aware that SGLT2i vary by region and individual agents with
9. If no specific comorbidities (i.e. no established CVD, low risk of hypoglycemia and lower
regards to indicated level of eGFR for initiation and continued use.
priority to avoid weight gain or no weight-related comorbidities)
3. Both empagliflozin and canagliflozin have been shown reduction in
10. Consider country- and region- specific cost of drugs. In some countries TZDs relatively
and reduction in CKD progression in CVOTs.
expensive and Dpp-4i relatively cheaper.
4. Degludec or U100 glargine have demonstrated CVD safety.
Thank you very much!

Warren Liong Cheng, MD

Assistant Professor
OLFU College of Medicine
• Whipple's triad:
• (1) symptoms consistent with
• (2) a low plasma glucose concentration
measured with a precise method (not a
glucose monitor), and
• (3) relief of those symptoms after the
plasma glucose level is raised
Fasting (Postabsorptive)
• Drugs
– Especially insulin,
– sulfonylureas,
– ethanol
– Sometimes quinine, pentamidine
– Rarely salicylates, sulfonamides, others
• Critical illnesses
– Hepatic, renal, or cardiac failure
– Sepsis
– Inanition Noadequet caloricintake
Fasting (Postabsorptive)
• Hormone deficiencies
– Cortisol, growth hormone, or both
– Glucagon and epinephrine (in insulin-deficient
• Non- -cell tumors
• Endogenous hyperinsulinism
– Insulinoma
– Other cell disorders
– Insulin secretagogue (sulfonylurea, other)
– Autoimmune (autoantibodies to insulin or the insulin
– Ectopic insulin secretion Rare
Fasting (Postabsorptive)
• Disorders of infancy or childhood
– Transient intolerance of fasting
– Congenital hyperinsulinism
– Inherited enzyme deficiencies
Reactive (Postprandial)

• Alimentary (postgastrectomy)
• Noninsulinoma pancreatogenous hypoglycemia
– In the absence of prior surgery
– Following Roux-en-Y-gastric bypass
• Other causes of endogenous hyperinsulinism
• Hereditary fructose intolerance, galactosemia
• Idiopathic
Normal hypoglycemic counterregulation.
Response Glycemic Physiologic Role in the Prevention or
Threshold, mmol/L Effects Correction of
(mg/dL) Hypoglycemia (Glucose
Decrease Insulin 4.4–4.7 (80–85) Increase Ra Primary glucose regulatory
(decrease Rd) factor/first defense against
Increase 3.6–3.9 (65–70) Increase Ra Primary glucose
Glucagon counterregulatory factor/second
defense against hypoglycemia
Increase 3.6–3.9 (65–70) Increase Ra, Third defense against
Epinephrine Decrease Rc hypoglycemia, critical when
glucagon is deficient
Increase 3.6–3.9 (65–70) Increase Ra, Involved in defense against
Cortisol and growth Decrease Rc prolonged hypoglycemia, not
hormone critical

Symptoms 2.8–3.1 (50–55) Recognition of Prompt behavioral defense

hypoglycemia against hypoglycemia (food

Deccrease <2.8 (<50) — (Compromises behavioral

Cognition defense against hypoglycemia)
Clinical Manifestations
• Neuroglycopenic symptoms Sugarlevelgoes
– behavioral changes,
– confusion,
– fatigue, seizure,
– loss of consciousness, and,
– if hypoglycemia is severe and prolonged, death.
• Neurogenic (or autonomic) symptoms below65
– adrenergic symptoms
• palpitations, tremor, and anxiety.
– cholinergic symptoms
• sweating, hunger, and paresthesias.
Hypoglycemia in Diabetes
• Impact and Frequency
• Conventional Risk Factors
• Hypoglycemia-Associated Autonomic Failure
• Defective Glucose Counterregulation
• Hypoglycemia Unawareness
• Hypoglycemia-Associated Autonomic Failure
• Hypoglycemia Risk Factor Reduction
Conventional Risk Factors
• (1) insulin (or insulin secretagogue) doses are excessive, ill-timed, or
of the wrong type;
• (2) the influx of exogenous glucose is reduced (e.g., during an
overnight fast or following missed meals or snacks);
• (3) insulin-independent glucose utilization is increased (e.g., during
• (4) sensitivity to insulin is increased (e.g., with improved glycemic
control, in the middle of the night, late after exercise, or with
increased fitness or weight loss);
• (5) endogenous glucose production is reduced (e.g., following
alcohol ingestion); and
• (6) insulin clearance is reduced (e.g., in renal failure). However,
these conventional risk factors alone explain a minority of episodes;
other factors are typically involved.
Major Lipoprotein Classes
Lipoprotein Density, Size, nmb Apolipoprotein Other
g/mLa Major Lipoprotein
Chylomicrons 0.930 75–1200 ApoB-48 A-I, A-IV, C-I, C-II,
Chylomicron 0.930–1.006 30–80 ApoB-48 E, A-I, A-IV, C-I,
remnants C-II, C-III
VLDL 0.930–1.006 30–80 ApoB-100 E, A-I, A-II, A-V,
IDL 1.006–1.019 25–35 ApoB-100 E, C-I, C-II, C-III

LDL 1.019–1.063 18–25 ApoB-100

HDL 1.063–1.210 5–12 ApoA-I A-II, A-IV, E, C-III

Lp(a) 1.050–1.120 25 ApoB-100 Apo(a)

Treatment of dyslipidemia
• HMG-CoA Reductase Inhibitors
– Lovastatin
– Pravastatin
– Simvastatin
– Fluvastatin
– Atorvastatin
– Rosuvastatin
• Cholesterol absorption inhibitors
– Ezetimibe
Treatment of dyslipidemia
• Bile acid sequestrants
– Cholestyramine
– Colestipol
– Colesevelam
• Nicotinic acids
• Fibric acid derivatives
– Gemfibrozil
– Fenofibrate
• Omega 3 fatty acids

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