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Operation & Maintenance Manual: (MGS 7310 GCP)

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(MGS 7310 GCP)

Issued: January 2016

Pub. No. 29Q01-A0220


●Read this Operation & Maintenance Manual, and

conduct the engine operation, inspection and
maintenance only after sufficiently understanding
the description.
●Please keep this Operation & Maintenance Manual
with related manuals at a suitable place for quick
reference when needed.

This operation and maintenance manual contains detailed operation, inspection

and maintenance information for Mitsubishi engines.

Please read this manual thoroughly before proceeding with operation, inspection,

and maintenance work for correct use and servicing.

Failure to follow directions in this manual may result in serious accidents.

Pub. No. 29Q01-A0220


Limited warranty

The manufacturer will repair or replace parts returned to the manufacturer when the manufacturer judges that the
parts are defective in material and/or workmanship after conducting inspection.
The manufacturer's warranty is limited to the compensation work of repair or replacement of parts.
The warranty coverage is effective for the original purchaser only. Those to whom ownership is later transferred are
not provided with the warranty.

ŒThe manufacturer makes no warranties, either expressed or implied, except as provided in this
manual, including, but not limited to, warranties as to marketability, merchantability,
fitness for a particular purpose or use, or against infringement of any patent.
ŒThe manufacturer will not be liable for any damages or consequential damages, including, but
not limited to, damages or other costs resulting from any abuse, misuse, misapplication of the
generator and devices supplied by the manufacturer.
ŒThe manufacturer will not be liable for any damages or personal injuries resulting from any
modification, without the manufacturer's written permission, of the generator and devices sup-
plied by the manufacturer.
ŒThe manufacturer will not be liable for any damages or production losses caused by the use of
fuel, engine oil and/or long life coolant (LLC) that are not recommended by the manufacturer.


Important information

ŒTo avoid the potential hazard, accident prevention ŒTo prevent an accident, do not attempt to carry out
activities must be planned methodically and con- any operation other than those described in this
ducted continually by considering all aspect of gen- manual, and do not use the engine for any unap-
erator operation, maintenance and inspection. All proved purpose.
related personnel, including managers and supervi- ŒWhen the ownership of the generator is transferred,
sors, should actively participate, recognize their roles be sure to provide this manual with the generator to
and organize themselves and their work to ensure a the new owner. Also inform the manufacturer of the
safe environment. name and address of the new owner of the engine.
ŒThe foremost safety objective is to prevent accidents ŒThis manual is copyrighted and all rights are
which may result in injury or death, or equipment reserved. No part of this manual, including illustra-
damage. tions and technical references, may be reproduced,
ŒAlways observe laws or regulations of the local or photocopied, translated, or reproduced in any elec-
federal/national government. tronic medium or machine readable form without
ŒThe manufacturer cannot foresee all potential dan- prior written consent from the manufacturer.
gers of the generator, potential danger resulting from ŒThe contents in this manual are subject to change at
human error and other causes, or danger caused by any time without notice for improvement of the gen-
a specific environment in which the engine is used. erator.
Since there are many actions that cannot be per- ŒPictures or illustrations of the product in this manual
formed or must not be performed, it is impossible to may differ from those of product you have. Please
indicate every caution in this manual or on warning note that, depending on specifications, items
labels. As such, it is extremely important to follow described in this manual may differ from those on
directions in this manual and also to take general your engine in shape, or may not be installed on your
safety measures when operating, maintaining and engine.
inspecting the generator. ŒPlease contact your Mitsubishi dealer if you need
ŒThis manual has been prepared for people whose more information or if you have any questions.
native language is English. When the generator is ŒIf you lost or damaged this manual, obtain a new
used by individuals whose native language is not copy at your Mitsubishi dealer as soon as possible.
English, the customer is requested to provide thor-
ough safety guidance to the operators. Also add
safety, caution and operating signs that describe the
original warning label statements in the native lan-
guage of the operators.
ŒThe generator must be operated, maintained and
inspected only by qualified persons who have thor-
ough knowledge of generators and their dangers and
who also have received risk avoidance training.


Warning indication

The following two means are used to call the attention of the operators and maintenance personnel to potential dan-
gers of the engine.
ŒWarning statements in the manual
ŒWarning labels affixed on the engine

Warning statements
The warning statements in this manual describe potential danger in operating, inspecting or maintaining the engine,
using the following five classifications to indicate the degree of potential hazard.
Failure to follow these directions could lead to serious accidents which could result in personal injury, or death in
the worst case.
Failure to follow these directions can lead to serious accidents which can result in personal injury, or death in the
worst case.

DANGER Indicates a highly hazardous situation which, if not avoided, will result in death or serious

WARNING Indicates a potentially hazardous situation which, if not avoided, could result in death or
serious injury.

CAUTION Indicates a potentially hazardous situation which, if not avoided, may result in minor or
moderate injury.

CAUTION Indicates a potentially hazardous situation which, if not avoided, may result in property
Note : Indicates important information or information which is useful for engine operation.


Units of measurement

Measurements are based on the International System of Units (SI), and they are converted to the metric system
units in this manual using the following conversion rates.
ŒPressure :1MPa = 10.197kgf/cm2
ŒTorque :1 N·m = 0.10197kgf·m
ŒForce :1N = 0.10197kgf
ŒHorsepower :1kW = 1.341HP = 1.3596PS
ŒMeter of mercury :1kPa = 0.75cmHg
ŒMeter of water :1kPa = 10.197cmH2O(cmAq)
ŒEngine speed :1min-1 = 1rpm

Abbreviations, standards and others

ΠAPI = American Petroleum Institute

ΠASTM = American Society for Testing and Materials
ΠJIS = Japanese Industrial Standards
ΠLLC = Long Life Coolant
ΠMIL = Military Specifications and Standard
ΠMSDS = Material Safety Data Sheet
ΠSAE = Society of Automotive Engineers

Chapter 1 Add coolant only after the coolant temperature
dropped ............................................................ 1-6
Never remove heat shields .............................. 1-6
Danger of fire and explosion................1-1
Be careful of burns when changing oil ............. 1-6
Keep flames away............................................ 1-1
If any anomaly occurs ......................... 1-6
Keep generator set surrounding area tidy and
Do not add coolant immediately after a sudden stop
clean ................................................................ 1-1
due to overheating ........................................... 1-6
Avoid accessing crankcase until engine cools . 1-1
Avoid immediate restart after abnormal stop.... 1-6
Care for fuel, oil and exhaust gas leakage....... 1-1
Avoid continuous generator operation at low oil
Use explosion-proof lighting apparatus............ 1-1
pressure ........................................................... 1-6
Prevent electrical wires from short-circuiting.... 1-1
If V-belt breaks, stop engine immediately ........ 1-6
Keep fire extinguishers and a first-aid kit handy1-1
Battery-related precautions................. 1-7
Stay clear of all rotating and moving
Handle the battery correctly ............................. 1-7
parts ....................................................1-2
Danger of electric shock ..................... 1-7
Install protective covers around rotating parts . 1-2
Do not touch output terminals .......................... 1-7
Check work area for safety .............................. 1-2
Stay clear of moving parts during engine Other cautions..................................... 1-8
running ............................................................. 1-2 Wear ear plugs ................................................. 1-8
Lockout and Tagout ......................................... 1-2 Never modify engine ........................................ 1-8
Keep generator set stopped during servicing... 1-2 Observe safety rules at work site ..................... 1-8
Always restore engine turning tools after use .. 1-2 Work clothing and protective gear.................... 1-8
Never break seals ............................................ 1-8
Danger of exhaust fume poisoning......1-3
Perform all specified pre-operation inspections and
Operate the engine in a well-ventilated area.... 1-3
periodic inspections.......................................... 1-8
Precautions for Installation ..................1-3
Break-in the engine .......................................... 1-8
Never forget to ground the generator set ......... 1-3
Warm up the engine before use ....................... 1-9
Be sure to check load cables ........................... 1-3
Do not operate engine continuously under low
Observe the correct connection method of load
load .................................................................. 1-9
cables............................................................... 1-3
Never operate the engine in an overloaded
Danger of falling ..................................1-4 condition ........................................................... 1-9
Lift the generator set carefully.......................... 1-4 Conduct cooling operation before stopping the
Do not climb onto the generator set ................. 1-4 engine .............................................................. 1-9
Always prepare stable scaffold ........................ 1-4 Protection of the generator set against water
Do not enter under the generator set being entry ................................................................. 1-9
lifted up ............................................................ 1-4 Properly maintain the air cleaner and
Precautions before starting operation..1-5 pre-cleaner ....................................................... 1-9
Be sure to turn off (open) the circuit breaker before Use of tools optimum for each work ................. 1-9
starting the operation ....................................... 1-5 Do not operate the starter for a prolonged time1-10
Be careful when handling fuel, engine oil or Do not turn off the battery switch during
LLC ......................................................1-5 operation ........................................................ 1-10
Use only specified fuel, engine oil and long-life Cautionary instructions for transporting the
coolant (LLC).................................................... 1-5 engine ............................................................ 1-10
Handle LLC (long life coolant) carefully ........... 1-5 Ventilation of engine room ............................. 1-10
Proper disposal of waste oil and coolant (LLC) 1-5 Do not touch high-pressure injection fuel ....... 1-10
Dangers of burn injuries ......................1-6 Warning labels .................................. 1-11
Do not touch the engine during or immediately after Maintenance of warning labels....................... 1-11
operation .......................................................... 1-6
Be careful in handling the cap of fresh water
tank .................................................................. 1-6


Chapter 2 List of Illustrations

NAME OF PARTS Fig. 2-1 Left view .......................................................2-1

Generator set appearance...................2-1 Fig. 2-2 Right view ....................................................2-1

Left view ........................................................... 2-1 Fig. 2-3 Generator Panel...........................................2-2
Right view......................................................... 2-1 Fig. 2-4 Status ...........................................................2-6
Generator Panel ..................................2-2 Fig. 2-5 Engine status screen ...................................2-6
How to display meters .........................2-5
Fig. 2-6 Generator .....................................................2-6
Screen display .....................................2-6
Fig. 2-7 Inside of the generator panel .......................2-7
Switching the screen ........................................ 2-6
Fig. 2-8 Liquid crystal display (LCD) - warning..........2-9
Inside of the generator panel...............2-7
Instrument page content .................................. 2-8 Fig. 2-9 Event log screen ........................................2-13

Engine protecting functions .................2-9 Fig. 2-10Event log - Details .....................................2-13

Warning.......................................................... 2-10 Fig. 3-1 Voltage adjuster ...........................................3-4
Analog pre-alarms.......................................... 2-10 Fig. 3-2 Frequency adjuster ......................................3-4
Stop (Shutdown) ............................................ 2-11
Electrical trip................................................... 2-12
Special warning state ..................................... 2-12
Event log ........................................................ 2-13

List of Tables
Chapter 3 Table 2-1 Generator Panel ......................................2-3
OPERATION Table 2-2 Inside of the generator panel...................2-7
External inspection ..............................3-1 Table 2-3 Warning .................................................2-10
Starting ................................................3-2 Table 2-4 Analog pre-alarms .................................2-10
Auto mode operation........................................ 3-2
Table 2-5 Stop (Shutdown)....................................2-11
Manual mode operation ................................... 3-3
Table 2-6 Electrical trip ..........................................2-12
Voltage adjuster...................................3-4
Table 4-1 Generator ................................................4-1
Frequency adjuster..............................3-4
Table 5-1 Main specifications (MGS1000B) ............5-1
Table 5-2 Main specifications (MGS1000C) ............5-1
Chapter 4
Engine .................................................4-1
Generator ............................................4-1

Chapter 5
Main specifications MGS1000B/C
(S12H-PTA-S) .....................................5-1

Danger of fire and explosion
Keep flames away Care for fuel, oil and exhaust
Never use fire around the generator
set. Fuel vapor or other gas can catch
gas leakage
If any fuel, oil or exhaust gas leakage is found, imme-
fire and produce dangerous situa-
diately take corrective measures to stop it.
Such leakages, if left uncorrected, can cause fuel or
Wipe off spilled fuel, oil and LLC
engine oil to reach hot engine surfaces or hot exhaust
immediately and thoroughly. Spilled fuel, oil and LLC
gas to contact flammable materials, possibly leading
may ignite and cause a fire.
to personal injury and/or damage to equipment.
Store engine oil in a well ventilated area. Make sure
that the cap of container is tightly closed. Use explosion-proof lighting
Keep generator set surround- apparatus
When inspecting fuel, engine oil, coolant, battery elec-
ing area tidy and clean trolyte, etc., use a flameproof light. An ordinary light-
Never place any dangerous articles such as flamma-
ing apparatus may ignite gas and cause it to explode.
ble substances including fuel, engine oil or LLC and
gunpowder, etc. in the surrounding of the generator Prevent electrical wires from
set. Such substances can cause fire or explosion. short-circuiting
Remove dust, dirt and other foreign materials accu- Avoid inspecting or servicing the electrical system with
mulated on and around the generator set. Such mate- the ground cable connected to the battery. Otherwise,
rials can cause fire or the engine to overheat. In a fire could result from short-circuiting. Be sure to dis-
particular, clean the top surface of the battery thor- connect the battery cable from the negative (-) termi-
oughly. Dust can cause a short-circuit. nal before beginning with the work procedure.
The generator set must be used at least 1 m [3.3 ft.] Short-circuits, possibly resulting in fire, may be
away from buildings and other equipment to prevent caused by a loose terminal or damaged cable/wire.
possible fire caused by engine heat. Inspect the terminals, cables and wires, and repair or
replace the faulty parts before beginning with the ser-
Avoid accessing crankcase vice procedure.
until engine cools
Do not attempt to open the side cover of the crank- Keep fire extinguishers and a
case before the engine cools down. Wait at least 10 first-aid kit handy
minutes after stopping the engine. Keep fire extinguishers handy, and
Opening the cover when the engine is hot allows fresh become familiar with their usage.
air to flow into the crankcase, which can cause oil mist Keep a first-aid kit at the designated
to ignite and explode. place where it is easily accessible by
anyone at any time.
Establish response procedures to follow in the event
of fire or accident. Provide an emergency evacuation
route and contact points and means of communication
in case of emergency.


Stay clear of all rotating and moving parts

Install protective covers around Lockout and Tagout
rotating parts Be sure to lockout and tagout before starting inspec-
Make sure the protective covers of
tion and maintenance.
the engine are correctly installed.
Lockout and tagout are effective methods of cutting off
Repair any damaged or loose covers.
machines and equipment from energy sources.
When the engine is coupled to the
To accomplish the lockout/tagout, remove the starter
radiator or other equipment, install
switch key, set the battery switch to OFF and attach a
protective covers around the exposed connecting belt
"Do Not Run" or similar caution tag to the starter
and coupling.
Never remove the covers such as damper cover, cam-
The starter switch key must be kept by the person
shaft cover, or rocker cover that enclose the revolving
who performs inspection and maintenance during the
parts during operation. When the engine is coupled to
driven equipment, be sure to provide protective covers
In the case of pneumatic starting type, close the main
over the parts such as the connecting belts and cou-
valve of the air tank and post a tag saying "Do Not
plings that are exposed.
Open the Valve" or the like.
Never remove protective covers.
Keep generator set stopped
Check work area for safety during servicing
Before starting the engine, make sure no one is near
Be sure to stop the generator set before proceeding to
the engine and tools are not left on or near the engine.
inspection and service procedure. Never attempt to
Verbally notify persons within the immediate area
make adjustments on the engine parts while the gen-
when starting the engine.
erator set is running.
When the starter device is posted with a sign that pro-
Rotating parts such as belt can entangle your body
hibits startup operation, do not operate the generator
and cause serious injuries.
Always restore engine turning
Stay clear of moving parts dur- tools after use
ing engine running Be sure to remove all turning tools used during main-
Do not approach rotating or sliding
tenance and inspection work. Remember also that the
parts of the engine when the genera-
turning gear must be returned to the operating condi-
tor set is in operation.
tion before starting the engine.
Keep objects likely to be caught by
Starting the generator set with the turning tools
rotating parts away from such parts.
inserted or with the turning gear in engagement can
If any part of the clothing or outfitting is caught by a
lead to not only engine damage but also personal inju-
rotating part, serious bodily injuries could result.


Danger of exhaust fume Precautions for Installa-

poisoning tion
Operate the engine in a well- Never forget to ground the gen-
ventilated area erator set
Check the exhaust pipes and where To prevent electric shocks, be sure to ground the gen-
the pipes joint together for gas leaks. erator set. If the generator set is not grounded, it could
Exhaust gas from the engine contains result in serious personal injury due to an electric
carbon monoxide and other harmful shock when a electric leak happens.
substances. Operating the engine in
an ill-ventilated area can produce gas poisoning.
Be sure to check load cables
A damaged load cable can cause a electric leak, and
an electric shock or a fire could result. Check the load
cable before starting the generator set. If a damaged
load cable is found, repair or replace it.

Observe the correct connection

method of load cables
Observe the following precautions. Otherwise a fire
could result.
ŒBefore connecting the load cable, remove the dust
adhered the terminal. Always keep the terminal clean.
ŒConnect the load cable to the terminal and tighten the
nut firmly.
ŒUse a load cable of appropriate capacity.


Danger of falling
Lift the generator set carefully Always prepare stable scaffold
To lift the engine, use slings capable
Use a stable work platform to stand
of supporting the weight of the
on when working on the upper part of
the engine and other hard-to-reach
Also, attach the wire rope to the lifting
hangers provided on/under the gener-
Standing on a decrepit stool or parts
ator set using a correct sling.
box may result in personal injury.
During lifting process, keep the generator set in a well-
Do not place any unnecessary objects on a work plat-
balanced position by taking the center of gravity of the
generator set into consideration.
Keep the angle formed by slings attached to hangers Do not enter under the genera-
within 60 degrees. tor set being lifted up
If the angle exceeds this limit, excessive load could be Do not allow anyone to stand under the generator set
imposed on the hangers and this could damage the being lifted up. An accidental fall of generator set may,
hangers and result in a serious accident. in the worst case, result in death. Do not stand under
If the wire rope contacts the generator set directly, the crane or in the way where it may move around.
place a cloth or other soft padding to avoid damage to Handle the lifting device carefully. Also, do not use a
the generator set and wire rope. twisted or worn wire rope to lift the generator set, as it
could lead to breaking a wire rope. When handling the
Do not climb onto the generator wire rope be sure to wear protective gloves. Do not
set twist the lifting chain as it could lead to breaking a
Do not climb onto the generator set, nor step on any
generator set parts located on the lateral sides.
To work on parts located on the upper section of gen- WIRES ARE WIRES ARE
erator set, use a ladder, stool, etc., that was firmly
Climbing on the generator set may not only damage
generator set parts but also cause parts to fall off and KINKS

result in personal injuries.


Precautions before start- Be careful when handling

ing operation fuel, engine oil or LLC
Be sure to turn off (open) the Use only specified fuel, engine
circuit breaker before starting oil and long-life coolant (LLC)
the operation Use fuel, oil and LLC specified in this manual, and
Before operating the generator set, check the circuit handle them carefully.
breaker. If the circuit breaker stays on (closed) when Use of any other fuel, oil or LLC, or improper handling
the generator set is started and if the operator acci- may cause various engine problems and malfunc-
dentally touches the output terminal, an electric shock tions.
may result. Or the electric devices will suddenly start Obtain the Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS) issued
operation which could result in a personal injury. by the fuel, oil and LLC suppliers, and follow the direc-
tions in the MSDSs for proper handling.

Handle LLC (long life coolant)

When handling LLC, always wear rubber gloves and a
protective face mask. If LLC or cooling water contain-
ing LLC comes into contact with your skin or eyes, or if
it is swallowed, you would suffer from inflammation,
irritation or poisoning.
Should LLC be accidentally swallowed, induce vomit-
ing immediately and seek medical attention. Should
LLC enter your eyes, flush them immediately with
plenty of water and seek medical attention. If LLC
splashes onto your skin or clothing, wash it away
immediately with plenty of water.
Keep flames away from LLC. The LLC can catch
flames, causing a fire.

Proper disposal of waste oil

and coolant (LLC)
Do not discharge waste engine oil or coolant into sew-
erage, river, lake or other similar places. Such a way
of disposal is strictly prohibited by laws and regula-
Disposal of waste oil, coolant and other environmen-
tally hazardous waste in accordance with the applica-
ble law and regulations, or consult Mitsubishi dealer.


Dangers of burn injuries If any anomaly occurs

Do not touch the engine during Do not add coolant immediately
or immediately after operation after a sudden stop due to over-
To avoid burns, do not touch the heating
engine during or immediately after If the engine stops suddenly or if you have no choice
operation. but stop the engine suddenly due to overheating, do
A hot engine can cause burns. not add coolant immediately.
To conduct maintenance and inspection work, wait Adding water while the engine is hot can damage
until the engine has cooled sufficiently by checking the parts such as cylinder heads due to a sudden drop of
temperature gauge. temperature. Add coolant gradually after the engine
has completely cooled.
Be careful in handling the cap
of fresh water tank Avoid immediate restart after
Never remove the cap of fresh water tank during oper- abnormal stop
ation and immediately after stopping. When opening If the engine stops abnormally, do not restart the
the cap, stop the engine and allow the coolant temper- engine immediately. If the engine stops with an alarm,
ature to lower sufficiently. check and remedy the cause of the problem before
When removing the cap of fresh water tank, open the restarting. Sustained use of the engine without any
cap slowly to release inner pressure. Also to avoid a remedy could result in serious engine problems.
risk of getting scalded by steam, wear thick rubber
gloves or wrap a cloth around the cap. Avoid continuous generator
When closing the cap, be sure to tighten securely. operation at low oil pressure
If an abnormal engine oil pressure drop is indicated,
The engine coolant is hot during engine operation and
stop the generator immediately, and inspect the lubri-
immediately after operation. If the radiator filler cap is
cation system to locate the cause. Continuous engine
opened when the coolant is at operating temperature,
operation with low oil pressure could cause bearings
steam and hot coolant may blow out and result in
and other parts to seize.

Add coolant only after the cool- If V-belt breaks, stop engine
ant temperature dropped immediately
If the V-belt breaks, stop the generator set immedi-
Do not add coolant immediately after the engine
ately. Continuous engine operation with the broken
stops. Wait until the coolant temperature lowers suffi-
fan belt could cause the engine to overheat and
ciently to avoid a risk of burns.
thereby the coolant to boil into steam, which may gush
Never remove heat shields out from the reserve tank or water tank, and cause
The exhaust system, which becomes extremely hot personal injuries.
while the engine is operating, is provided with various
heat shields. Do not remove these heat shields. If any
of these heat shields have been removed owing to
unavoidable circumstances during the work, be sure
to restore them after the work is completed.

Be careful of burns when

changing oil
Wear gloves when draining oil or changing oil filters. If
hot oil or parts touch your skin, it may cause burns.


Battery-related precautions Danger of electric shock

Handle the battery correctly Do not touch output terminals
ŒNever use flames or allow sparks to Never touch output terminals during the operation of
generate near the battery. The bat- generator, as it causes an electric shock.
tery releases flammable hydrogen When working on output terminals such as connecting
gas and oxygen gas. Any flames or loads, make sure that the engine is stopped.
sparks in the vicinity could cause an explosion.
ŒDo not use the battery the fluid level of which is low-
ered below the lower limit line. Sustained use of the
battery could result in an explosion.
ŒDo not short the battery terminals with a tool or other
metal object.
ŒWhen disconnecting battery cables, always remove
the cable from the negative (-) terminal first. When re-
connecting cables, attach the cable to the positive (+)
terminal first.
ŒCharge the battery in a well-ventilated area, with all
filling hole plugs removed.
ŒMake sure the cable clamps are securely installed on
the battery terminals. A loose cable clamp can cause
sparks that may result in an explosion.
ŒBefore servicing electrical components or conducting
electric welding, set the battery switch to the [Open/
OFF] position or disconnect the cable from the nega-
tive (-) battery terminal to cut off the electrical current.
ŒElectrolyte (battery fluid) contains dilute sulfuric acid.
Careless handling of the battery can lead to the loss
of sight and/or skin burns. Also, keep the battery fluid
off the mouth.
ŒWear protective goggles and rubber gloves when
working with the battery (when adding water, charg-
ing, etc.)
ŒIf electrolyte is spilled onto the skin or clothing, imme-
diately wash it away with lots of water. Use soap to
thoroughly clean.
ŒThe battery fluid can cause blindness if splashing into
the eyes. If it gets into the eyes, immediately flush it
away with plenty of clean fresh water, and seek imme-
diate medical attention.
ŒIf the battery fluid is accidentally swallowed, gargle
with plenty of water, then drink lots of water, and seek
immediate medical attention.


Other cautions

Wear ear plugs Never break seals

Always wear ear plugs when entering
To ensure proper generator set operation, the fuel
the machine room (engine room).
control links are sealed to prevent accidental change
Combustion sound and mechanical
of the injection volume and rotation speed settings.
noise generated by the engine can
Operating the engine without these seals in place can
cause hearing problems.
cause problems described below, and also invalidates
Never modify engine the warranty.
Unauthorized modification of the engine will void the ŒRapid wear of sliding and rotating parts
manufacturer's warranty. ŒEngine damage such as seizing of engine parts
Modification of the generator set may not only cause ŒConsiderably increased consumption of fuel and lubri-
damage but also produce personal injuries. cating oil
If there is a need to modify the engine, contact your ŒDegradation of engine performance due to improper
Mitsubishi dealer. balance between fuel injection volume and governor
operation or overrunning of the engine which could
Observe safety rules at work result in a serious accident
Observe the safety rules established at your work- Perform all specified pre-opera-
place when operating and maintaining the engine. tion inspections and periodic
Do not operate the engine if you are feeling ill, inform inspections
your supervisor of your condition. Be sure to conduct the daily check, and periodic
Operation of the generator set with reduced aware- inspection and maintenance work according to the
ness may cause improper operation that could result engine and generator operation manuals.
in accidents. Failure to conduct the specified inspections may
When working in a team for two or more people, use cause various generator set problems, damage to
specified hand signals to communicate among work- parts, and serious accidents.
Break-in the engine
Work clothing and protective To break in new generator set or overhauled engines,
gear operate the engine at a speed lower than the rated
Wear a hardhat, face shield, safety shoes, dust mask, speed in a light load condition during the first 50 hours
gloves and other protective gear as needed. When of operation.
handling compressed air, wear safety goggles, a hard- Operating new generator set or overhauled engines in
hat, gloves and other necessary protective gear. a severe condition during the break-in period shortens
Works without wearing proper protective gear could the service life of the engine.
result in serious injuries.


Warm up the engine before use Protection of the generator set

When starting auxiliary devices such as water heater
and engine oil priming pump is not installed, let the
against water entry
Do not allow rainwater, etc. to enter the generator set
engine idle for 5 to 10 minutes before operating the
through the air inlet or exhaust openings.
engine for work.
Do not wash the generator set while it is operating.
Warm-up operation circulates lubricants in the engine
Cleaning fluid (water) can be sucked into the engine.
and contributes to a longer service life and economi-
Starting the generator set with water inside the com-
cal operation.
bustion chambers can cause the water hammer action
Do not conduct warm-up operation for prolonged
which may result in internal engine damage and seri-
period of time. Prolonged warm-up operation causes
ous accidents.
carbon build-up in the cylinders that leads to incom-
plete combustion. Properly maintain the air
Do not operate engine continu- cleaner and pre-cleaner
The major cause of abnormal wear on engine parts is
ously under low load dust from intake air. Worn parts produce many prob-
When operating the engine with a 30 % of rated load
lems such as an increase of oil consumption,
or lower, limit each operation to 10 minutes. Operating
decrease of output, and starting difficulties. For effec-
the generator set at low load tends to result in
tive removal of dust from intake air, maintain the air
unburned fuel, which can adhere on internal generator
cleaner or pre-cleaner according to the following
set parts, and cause malfunctions and shorten the
generator set service life.
ŒDo not conduct maintenance of the air cleaner or pre-
Never operate the engine in an cleaner while the generator set is in operation. Oper-
overloaded condition ating the engine without the air cleaner can suck par-
If the engine shows an overloaded condition such as ticles of foreign matter into the engine and could result
black exhaust smoke, reduce the load immediately to in serious accidents.
operate the engine at an appropriate output and load. ŒWhen removing the use care to prevent dust trapped
Overloading causes not only high fuel consumption in the air cleaner from entering the engine. After re-
but also excessive carbon deposits inside the engine. moving the air cleaner or pre-cleaner, immediately
Carbon deposits cause various problems and will cover the opening (inlet port of air cleaner; port in
shorten the service life of the engine. body for pre-cleaner) with plastic sheet or similar
means to prevent dust from entering the engine.
Conduct cooling operation ŒIf the engine is equipped with a dust indicator, con-
before stopping the engine duct maintenance only when the clog warning sign
Before stopping the generator set, let it idle at low
speed for 5 to 6 minutes to cool down.
Stopping the generator set immediately after high- Use of tools optimum for each
load operation will cause generator set parts to heat work
up and shorten the service life of the generator set. Always keep in mind to select most appropriate tools
During cooling operation, check the generator set for for the work to be performed and use them correctly. If
abnormalities. tools are damaged, replace them with new tools.


Do not operate the starter for a Ventilation of engine room

prolonged time Always provide adequate ventilation in the engine
Do not use the starter for more than 10 seconds at a room. Insufficient air in the room can cause an
time. If the engine does not start, wait for at least 30 increase in the engine temperature and a decrease in
seconds before cranking again. the output power and performance. It is highly recom-
Continuous operation of the starter will drain the bat- mended to calculate the required amount of air supply
tery power and cause seizing of the starter. to the generator set and install an adequate ventilation
system before installing the generator set.
Do not turn off the battery
switch during operation Do not touch high-pressure
Do not turn off the battery switch during operation. injection fuel
If the battery switch is turned OFF when the engine is If fuel leaks or sprays out from the high pressure injec-
running, not only various meters will stop working but tion pipe, do not touch the fuel.
also the alternator may have its diode and transistor Fuel in the fuel injection pipes is under high pressure
deteriorated. and if the fuel contact your skin, it goes into deep tis-
sues and may result gangrene.
Cautionary instructions for
transporting the engine
When transporting the generator set on a truck, con-
sider the weight of the generator set, width and height
to ensure safety. Abide by road traffic law, road vehi-
cles act, vehicle restriction ordinance and other perti-
nent laws.


Warning labels

Maintenance of warning labels

Make sure all warning/caution labels are legible.
Clean or replace the warning/caution labels when the description and/or illustration are not clear to read.
For cleaning the warning/caution labels, use a cloth, water and soap. Do not use cleaning solvents, gasoline or
other chemicals to prevent the letters from getting blurred or the adhesion from being weakened.
Replace damaged or fractured labels with new ones.
If any generator set part on which a warning label is attached is replaced with a new one, attach a new identical
warning label to the new part.
To obtain new warning labels, contact your local Mitsubishi dealer.

Generator set appearance
Generator set appearance varies depending on the model, shape and specifications of each set.
Air cleaner is the standard equipment for MGS-C.
Pre-cleaner is the standard equipment for MGS-B.
The vibration isolator is placed at lower for the continuous generator sets, and at upper for the stand-by and prime
generator sets.
Left view
Turbo charger Fuel filter
Radiator Fuel feed pump
Exhaust air

By-pass oil filter


Oil filler

Fuel return Oil filter Fuel inlet Oil drain

(This figure shows MGS-B generator set.)

Fig. 2-1 Left view
Right view
Air cleaner Stop solenoid Air cooler


Generator panel

Water pump

Rear Front

Terminal box

Vibration isolator Starter Lifting port

(This figure shows MGS-B generator set.)

Fig. 2-2 Right view


Generator Panel




6 7





17 16 15 14 13

Fig. 2-3 Generator Panel


Table 2-1 Generator Panel

No. Item Function
Generator opera- This lamp turns on while the generator is operating.
tion indicator lamp
Used to regulate the voltage.
2 Voltage adjuster (Turn this clockwise to raise the voltage, or counterclockwise to lower the voltage,
Used to regulate the generating frequency of the generator. (Turn this clockwise to
3 Frequency adjuster
raise the frequency, or counterclockwise to lower the voltage, respectively.)
Pushing this button will make the circuit breaker open (off) to stop the generator
Emergency stop
4 from operating. Push this button when any emergency situation or abnormal unit is
Stop/Reset mode
This mode is to stop the current operation and recover from the failure mode of the
Cancel the warning after removing the possible causes of the warning. If the key
switch is changed to the stop/reset switch while the engine is running, the generator
will automatically shift to the stop sequence for the engine to be safely stopped.
However, the starting operation through remote starting would not take effect even
when the remote start signal is inputted in this mode.
Active mode
Use this mode to change the control function of generator. Auto or Manual mode can
be used.
The Auto mode will automatically start when the remote start signal is detected as
the result of monitoring if the remote start signal is inputted. When the remote start
signal is interrupted, the generator will be automatically stopped as the result of
5 Key switch monitoring the stop delay timer and cooling timer as necessary. When the stopping
operation is completed, the standby state is entered. Refer to the Operation Manual
for details.
Use the Manual mode in order to control the generator functions manually.
If the manual start button is pressed while the system is in the manual mode, the
engine will automatically start under the no-load conditions. However, in the manual
mode, the engine will not start even if the remote start signal is inputted. If the key
switch is switched to stop/reset mode during the no-load operation, the engine will
stop accordingly. Refer to the Operation Manual for details.
Panel lock mode
Use this mode to disable the button operation.
This mode disables the button operation except the menu navigation button. The
engine is not started even if the start button is pressed when setting to the Manual
In the auto mode, the engine will start if the remote start signal is inputted.

Menu navigation When this button is pressed, various values will be sequentially displayed in the liq-
button uid crystal display (LCD).


Table 2-1 Generator Panel

No. Item Function

Liquid crystal dis- In this liquid crystal display (LCD) the value, point, and unit of measurement, the
play (LCD) alarm icon, and the user-defined warning will be displayed.

REMOTE START This lamp will turn on when the key switch is set to the auto mode and the engine is
PRESENT started with the remote start signal being inputted.
GENERATOR This lamp turns on when the power reaches the rated voltage after starting.
L.O. FILTER This lamp turns on when the oil filter is clogged.
ELECTRICAL This lamp turns on when the power line enters in the electrically tripped state.
12 Close generator This button closes the breaker and supplies power to the load.
Use this button to start operating the engine when the selector switch is set into the
13 Start button
manual mode and the key switch is active.
Mute/Lamp Test This button silences the audible alarm if it is sounding and illuminates all of the LEDs
button as a lamp test feature.
15 Auto button This button places the module into its "Automatic" mode.
16 Manual button This mode allows manual control of the generator functions.
This button places the module into its "Stop/Reset" mode. This will clear any alarm
17 Stop/Reset button
conditions for which the triggering criteria have been removed.
18 Open generator This button opens the breaker and stop to supply power to the load.


How to display meters

Press the menu navigation button and you can select the meter screen as required. The selected meter screen
remains in the liquid crystal display (LCD) as long as the user does not select another meter screen. In addition,
when any module has not been used for a given period of time, the initial screen for that module will be restored.

The order of meter display screens

1 Status 3 Generator 5 Event log
2 Engine 4 Warning 6 About


Screen display
Switching the screen
1. In the initial screen, the screen shown at the right will
be displayed.

Fig. 2-4 Status

2. If the menu navigation button (right) is pressed,
the screen shown at the right will be displayed.

If the menu navigation button (up) or (down)

is pressed, the detailed screen will be displayed.

Fig. 2-5 Engine status screen

3. If the menu navigation button (right) is pressed
one more time, the screen changes to that shown at
the right.
In this way, press the button until the required screen
Note: When the menu navigation button is pressed
continuously, the initial screen will be restored at
the end.

Fig. 2-6 Generator


Inside of the generator panel

2 3 4

S+ 50

6 5
S- 0

XS-4008-03 7
1 50

NO 8
2 100
3 50

1 8

4 100

5 0

MODEL No. 101
TEL 0428-32-3551

Back panel
7 8 9 10 11 12



Base Plate
13 13 13

Fig. 2-7 Inside of the generator panel

Table 2-2 Inside of the generator panel

No. Item No. Item
1 Auxiliary speed adjust unit 9 Interface terminal block
2 6Y relay 10 Interface terminal block
3 Cable duct 11 Interface terminal block
4 Governor controller 12 Interface terminal block
5 2157 expansion unit 13 Cable port
6 CCT 14 Interface terminal block
7 Cable duct 15 Fuse terminal (2A and link bar)
8 Fuse terminal (16A)


Instrument page content

The detailed screen contents are as follows.

ŒEngine speed
ŒEngine oil pressure
ŒCoolant Temperature
ŒEngine Battery Volts
ŒRun Time
ŒOil Temperature

ŒGenerator Voltage (ph-N)
ŒGenerator Voltage (ph-ph)
ŒGenerator Frequency
ŒGenerator Current
ŒGenerator Earth Current
ŒGenerator load (kW)
ŒGenerator load (kVA)
ŒGenerator Power Factor
ŒGenerator load (kVAr)
ŒGenerator load (kWh, kVAh, kVArh)
ŒGenerator Phase Sequence

ŒModule Type
ŒApplication Version
ŒUSB ID - unique identifier for PC USB connection
ŒAnalogue Measurements Version
ŒFirmware Update Bootloader Version


Engine protecting functions

The alarms will be generated when any anomaly occurs.
And the following warnings will be displayed.

Number of present alarms. This is alarm 1

of a total of 2 present alarms.

The nature of alarm. E.g. Oil Press Sender


The type of alarm. E.g. Shutdown or warning

Fig. 2-8 Liquid crystal display (LCD) - warning

The LCD will display multiple alarms, e.g. "High Engine Temperature shutdown", "Emergency Stop" and "Low Cool-
ant Warning". These will automatically scroll round in the order that they occurred.


The warning alarm informs the operator of abnormal conditions of the generator set.

Table 2-3 Warning

Condition Description
This will be displayed when any voltage cannot be detected at the warning lamp terminal of
Charge failure
the auxiliary charge alternator of the generator.
Generator under This will be displayed when the DC power supply voltage of the generator set falls below the
voltage preset low voltage level.
Generator over- This will be displayed when the DC power supply voltage of the generator set rises above the
voltage preset high voltage level.
This will be displayed when the engine continues to operate even after the failed to stop timer
Fail to stop times-out. "Fail to stop" may sometimes occur from any trouble on the oil pressure sensor.
When the engine has stopped, check the oil pressure sensor for its wiring and setting values.
If the warning is set so that it is activated from the spare input, the corresponding liquid crystal
Auxiliary warning
display (LCD) segment will appear on the display.

Analog pre-alarms
The alarms are termed "pre-alarms" as they pre-warn the operator of potentially more serious alarm condition.

Table 2-4 Analog pre-alarms

Condition Description
When the engine oil pressure falls below the setting value of low pressure trip, the generator
Low oil pressure
will stop operation and this warning will be displayed after the safety ON timer times-out.
When it is detected that the engine cooling water temperature is higher than the setting value
Engine high tem-
of high engine temperature trip, the generator will stop operation and this warning will be dis-
played after the safety ON timer times-out.
Engine low tem- The module detects that the engine coolant temperature has fallen below the high engine
perature temperature pre-alarm setting level.
Overspeed The engine speed has fallen above the overspeed pre-alarm setting.
Underspeed The engine speed has fallen below the underspeed pre-alarm setting.
Generator over The generator output frequency has risen above the pre-set value.
Generator under The generator output frequency has fallen below the pre-set level.
Generator over- The generator output voltage has risen above the pre-set value.
Generator under The generator output voltage has fallen below the pre-set level.


Stop (Shutdown)
The shutdown alarm for stopping the generator is associated with the latch function. Therefore, it is necessary to
reset the module after confirming the alarm, canceling the alarm condition, and removing the possible causes of the
Table 2-5 Stop (Shutdown)
Condition Description
Fail to start This warning will be displayed if the engine would not start even after the starting is tried for
(overcrank) the preset number of times.
When the + ve DC power is interrupted due to an emergency stop input, the following emer-
gency stop sequence will take place in the following order. Firstly the emergency stop function
for the generator is activated, which will then prevent the generator from restarting until the
Emergency stop
emergency stop switch is reset. Next, the + ve DC power supply from the fuel solenoid and
starter solenoid are interrupted, and this warning will be displayed accordingly. The emer-
gency stop + Ve signal must be usually active. If not, the unit would stop at any moment.
When the engine oil pressure falls below the setting value of low pressure trip, the generator
Low oil pressure
will stop operation and this warning will be displayed after the safety ON timer times-out.
Engine high When it is detected that the engine cooling water temperature is higher than the setting value
cooling water of high engine temperature trip, the generator will stop operation and this warning will be dis-
temperature played after the safety ON timer times-out.
This warning will be displayed when the engine revolution speed exceeds the preset trip
Overspeed value. However, the overspeed trip logic has an allowance for overshoot trip value during the
engine start-up process. This is to prevent a troublesome tripping at start-up from occurring.
When the engine revolution speed falls below the preset trip value, the generator will stop
operation and this warning will be displayed after the safety ON timer times-out.
Generator over
The generator output frequency has risen above the pre-set value.
Generator under
The generator output frequency has fallen below the pre-set level.
Generator over-
The generator output voltage has risen above the pre-set value.
Generator under
The generator output voltage has fallen below the pre-set level.
Oil pressure sen- When the signal from the oil pressure sensor is not incoming, i.e. if the circuit is opened, the
sor Open Circuit generator will be shut down and this warning will be displayed.
When the magnetic pickup signal disappears during cranking, this warning will be displayed
Loss of speed and the generator will stop operation. This stop of generator due to loss of speed signal will
signal occur only during cranking or when safety ON timer is active. If this signal is lost during usual
operation, the generator will stop according to a low speed alarm.


Electrical trip
If an electrical trip is activated, the generator will be controlled so as to stop itself automatically. In the electrical trip
condition, the module assumes the "Load shift" output as not exciting, and removes the load from the generator. If
this condition occurs, the module starts the cooling timer, and removes the load to cool down the engine before the
engine stops. If this happens, verify the warning before canceling it, and remove the possible causes to reset the
Table 2-6 Electrical trip
Condition Description
Electrical trip This will be displayed when a electrical trip is issued.

Special warning state

The microprocessor is provided with the monitor function. With this monitor function the module operation is always
monitored. As long as the microprocessor is functioning, if any error occurs, the warning will be displayed by the
flashing of the liquid crystal display (LCD) backlight together with the common warning LED being illuminated in red.
When the module has been set properly and if it fails to receive the correct information through the setting tool, the
"Monitor function" will stop the module and inform to the operator that the user setting data is corrupted by the flash-
ing of the liquid crystal display (LCD) backlight together with the common warning LED flashing in green. If the user
re-transmits the same setting, it will serve as to rectify the warning text. However, the problem concerned would not
be resolved if the cause is nothing but the transmission of the setting (for example, the broken cable).


Event log
This generator maintains a log of the last 50 shutdown alarms to enable the operator or engineer to view the past
alarms history. The event log only includes shutdown and electrical trip alarms logged. The event log does not con-
tain warning alarms. Once the log is full, any subsequent shutdown alarms will overwrite the oldest entry in the log.

Checking the event logs

The procedure of checking the event log is as follows.

1. Repeatedly press the menu navigation button

(right) until the LCD screen displays the Event log.

2. Press the menu navigation button (down) to view

the next most recent shutdown alarm.
Continuing to press down cycles through the past
alarms after which the display shows the most re-
cent alarm and the cycle begins again. Fig. 2-9 Event log screen
3. To exit the event log and return to viewing the initial

screen, press the menu navigation button (right).

Fig. 2-10 Event log - Details

External inspection
Check around the generator set, particularly around its hot part (exhaust manifold, etc.) and battery unit for any
accumulation of flammables, fuel leaks, and engine oil leaks, and so on. Wipe off dusts accumulated on the bat-
tery unit top surface with a cloth soaked in water before starting the generator set. Clean the top of battery with a
wet cloth before starting engine, as dust on the battery can easily ignite. If any abnormality is found, be sure to
repair it or contact your Mitsubishi dealer.
As for the external conditions of the generator set, check the following points.
Note: For the prestart inspection of the engine, refer to the engine operation manual.
1. Remove all the unnecessary tool, cans, and others which have been used for installing the generator set from the
operating area. Always keep the surroundings in proper order.
2. Make sure that any tools, wires, and other unnecessary materials are not left on and around the generator set.
3. Also make sure that any flammable materials are not left around the generator set and battery, and that the gen-
erator set or battery are kept free of dust. If combustible materials or dust are found near the engine or battery,
remove them.
4. Make sure the bolts and nuts are not loosened or omitted, and make sure that the electrical wirings of the starter
and alternator are not loosened, etc.
5. Make sure that the operating area is well-ventilated.
6. Make sure that no fuel leak, engine oil leak or cooling water leak is found on each part of the generator set. If leaks
are found, repair the leak, or contact your local Mitsubishi dealer.
7. Check for abnormal engine noises or vibrations such as knocking.
8. Check the color of exhaust gas from the exhaust muffler.
9. Make sure that the open/close condition of the valve and cock of each piping are normal.


Before operating the generator set, make sure that the main circuit breaker (option) is off (open). If the generator
set is operated with the circuit breaker being on (closed), the operator may be subject to electric shocks. Make
sure there is no one in the vicinity of the generator set. Being near the generator set may result in electrical shock
or injury when the generator set is started.
In order to protect any person from being subject to electric shocks as the result of touching the output terminal, be
sure to cover the output terminal while the generator set is operating.

Auto mode operation

1. Set the key switch to "ACTIVE".
2. Set the controller to the auto mode.
Note: The mode setting operation is inactive, after setting to the auto mode, then set the key switch to "PANEL
3. Under this condition, the generator set can be started with the remote start signal inputted into the remote start
4. The remote start operation indicator (if it is set) turns on.
5. In order to avoid the generator set from accidentally starting due to error signals, the start delay timer will automat-
ically be activated. After this delay time elapses and if the preheat output option has been selected, this timer will
be activated to impose a voltage onto the corresponding auxiliary output.
Note: If the remote start signal is lost (i.e. removed) while the start delay timer is active, the generator set will return
to the stand-by state.
6. When the given timer duration elapses, the stop solenoid will be energized to start the starter motor.
Note: Engine cranking will be performed within the preset time. When the engine is not started within this crank op-
eration time, the starter motor will be isolated to enter in the preset pause condition. This starting sequence is
repeated for the pre-set number, the "false" will be displayed on the LCD display.
7. When the engine is ignited, the starter motor is isolated and locked at the frequency set to the alternator output in
advance. Or, the pick up installed in the flywheel housing may detect the speed. (This switching is performed by
using the setting tool. Though the warning lamp output from the charging alternator can be used to isolate the start-
er motor, this cannot be used to display the low speed and the overspeed alarms.
8. When the starter motor is isolated, the safety ON timer will be active to prevent the stop signal from being issued
and make the generator set stable by admitting (i.e. taking into account) low oil pressure, high cooling water tem-
perature, low speed, defective charge signals and other delay signals and defective input signals.
9. After the engine has started, as long as the warm-up timer has been set, the engine will be warmed up to enter in
the stable conditions before commencing the operation under load.
10. When the remote start signal disappears, the stop delay timer will be activated. At this point of time the cooling
timer will be also activated to allow the generator set to operate under no load for being cooled before the engine
stops. When the cooling timer times-out, the stop solenoid will be de-energized to stop the generator.
11. If the remote start signal is inputted again during the cooling-down operation, the generator set will return to op-
eration under load.


Manual mode operation

Operate the generator according to the following procedure.
1. Set the key switch to "ACTIVE".
2. Set the controller to the manual mode.
3. To start the generator set, press the start button. This makes the preheat output (if it is set) rises to activate the
start delay timer.
4. When the given start delay time elapses, the stop solenoid will be energized to start the starter motor.
5. Engine cranking will be performed within the preset time. When the engine is not started within this crank operation
time, the starter motor will be isolated to enter in the preset pause condition. This starting sequence is repeated
for the pre-set number, the "false" will be displayed on the LCD display.
6. When the engine is ignited, the starter motor is isolated and locked at the frequency set to the alternator output in
advance. Or, the pick up installed in the flywheel housing may detect the speed. (This switching is performed by
using the setting tool. ) Though the warning lamp output from the charging alternator can be used to isolate the
starter motor, this cannot be used to display the low speed and the overspeed alarms.
7. When the starter motor is isolated, the safety ON timer will be active to prevent the stop signal from being issued
and make the generator set stable by admitting (i.e. taking into account) low oil pressure, high cooling water tem-
perature, low speed, defective charge signals and other delay signals and defective input signals.
8. After the engine has started, as long as the warm-up timer has been set, the engine will be warmed up to enter in
the stable conditions before commencing the operation under load.
9. The generator continues the no-load operation unless the remote start signal is inputted. When the load shift signal
has been set as the control source, an appropriate auxiliary output is chosen to commence the operation.
10. Even when the remote start signal disappears, the generator keeps operating under load as long as the selector
switch is not switched to Auto mode. When the stop delay timer times-out, the load will be isolated. Then the gen-
erator enters in the no-load operation for cooling down the engine.
11. Then, switch the selector to Stop/Reset, press the Emergency Stop switch or press the Stop button to make the
stop solenoid de-energized for stopping the generator.


Voltage adjuster
If the meter’s voltage indication is out of the rated
value, regulate the voltage for adjustment.


Fig. 3-1 Voltage adjuster

Frequency adjuster
If the meter’s frequency indication is out of the rated
value (50Hz or 60 Hz), regulate the frequency for
Note: Usually, the indicated frequency is approximate-
ly 3% higher than the rated frequency under no-

Fig. 3-2 Frequency adjuster

For the troubleshooting and remedies of the engine, refer to the engine operation manual.

Table 4-1 Generator
Trouble conditions Remedies
The generator set cannot be oper- Check the battery and generator set for their wiring. Check the DC power
ated. supply. Check the DC fuse.
Check whether the DC power supply voltage is above 35V or below 9V.
Check if the ambient temperature is above 70 °C. Check the DC fuse.
Where the emergency stop switch has not been installed, make sure that the
Generator set lockout due to positive line is connected to the emergency stop input. Check whether the
emergency stop emergency stop switch functions correctly. Check the wiring for any open cir-
Make sure that only one end of the pick-up shield is connected. If the both
Pick-up sensor trouble ends are connected, the shield will serve as an antenna and pick up the volt-
age randomly.
Check the engine oil pressure, and check oil pressure switch/sensor for their
Low oil pressure after the engine wiring condition. Check whether the polarity being set (if appropriate) is cor-
is ignited rect (for example, normal-open or normal-close), or whether the sensor is
available with the 7310 module.
Check the engine cooling water temperature. Check the switch/sensor for
Occurrence of high engine cooling
their wiring condition. Check whether the polarity being set (if appropriate) is
water temperature after engine is
correct (for example, normal-open or normal-close), or whether the sensor is
available with the 7310 module.
Check the switch and wiring that are associated with the defective portions as
Occurrence of "Fail to stop"
displayed in the liquid crystal display (LCD). Check the input settings.
Check the switch and wiring that are associated with the defective portions as
Trip of warning systems
displayed in the liquid crystal display (LCD). Check the input settings.
Failed to start after the start opera- Check the fuel solenoid wiring. Check the fuel condition. Check the battery
tion is repeated for a preset num- voltage. Check that the battery voltage is displayed in the fuel output field of
ber of times the panel. Check if the speed detection signal is incoming to the 7310 input.
Continuous generator start in the Make sure that no input is for the "Remote start" input. Check if the set polar-
auto mode ity is correct.
Make sure that the start delay timer times-out properly. If the trouble is a
Failed to start generator even with
defective remote start, check if the signal is incoming to the "Remote start"
the remote start signal received
input. Make sure that the remote start signal is set as the input.
Check the engine heater plug for the wiring condition. Check the battery volt-
Pre-heat inoperative age. Check if the battery voltage is supplied to the preheat output of the gen-
erator. Make sure that the preheat setting is correctly made.
Check the starter solenoid wiring. Check the battery voltage. Check whether
Starter motor cannot operate. the battery voltage is applied to the starter output of the generator. Make sure
that the emergency stop input is at + Ve.
The engine can operate but no Check if the warm-up timer times-out. Make sure that the generator load con-
load is applied to the generator. trol signal is not connected to the module input.
Note: The above-mentioned method of troubleshooting is only an example of checking for reference. Since this mod-
ule can be used for various functions depending on the settings, consult the source of the settings for the un-
certain portions.

Main specifications MGS1000B/C (S12H-PTA-S)
Table 5-1 Main specifications (MGS1000B)

Frequency Voltage Rated output

Rating Generator Model
(Hz) (V) kVA kW
1250 -
50 (SAE 0/18)
Stand-by 1050 - MG-HC6J
- MG-73PD
60 1070
480 - MG-HC6J
1125 -
50 (SAE 0/18)
Prime 1000 - MG-HC6J
- 970 MG-73PD
480 - 960 MG-HC6J

Table 5-2 Main specifications (MGS1000C)

Frequency Voltage Rated output

Rating Generator Model
(Hz) (V) kVA kW
900 - MG-HC6J
50 MG-7PC
380 1055 -
Prime (SAE 0/18)
- MG-73PD
60 920
480 -
900 -
380 950 -
Continuous MG-HC6K
60 830
480 - MG-HC6J

Revision History

Revision History
MGS1000B, MGS1000C (S12H-PTA-S) (MGS 7310 GCP)

Pub. No. 29Q01-A0220

Revision Issued Description

- January 2016 First edition issued.

Changed the document number, cover Pub. No. 99460-3350V (issued in

- June 2018
January 2016) and issued it as a new publication.
MGS1000B, MGS1000C (S12H-PTA-S) (MGS 7310 GCP)

Issued in January 2016

Pub. No. 29Q01-A0220

Issued by Mitsubishi Heavy Industries Engine System Asia Pte, Ltd.

No.3, Tuas Avenue 12, Singapore 639024 Republic of Singapore

• The manual with incorrect collating or missing pages is to be replaced.

• Without written approval from the publisher, for all or some part of this manual, unauthorized reproduction,
copy, reprinting in any way or method are prohibited.
Printed in Singapore

January 2016 OPERATION & MAINTENANCE MANUAL (MGS 7310 GCP) Pub. No. 29Q01-A0220

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