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Taller de Ingles Tercer Periodo

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1. Copy the chart in your notebook and write the food you like on the left and the food you
don’t like on the right.

2. What time do you have these meals? What do you eat?

a. I have breakfast at Seven in the morning. I eat bread cheese and coffe

b. I have lunch at twelve in the afternoon. I eat apples orange juice with apples

c. I have dinner at six in the aftermoon in the evening. I eat rice chicken

3. Read the Useful language box. Then look at the pictures and write C for Countable and U
for Uncountable.
4. Read the text and match the dishes to the pictures. There is one dish with no picture. What
is it?

□ Are the statements true (T) or false (f)?

a. Cholao has fruit and vegetables. T

b. Lechona is a traditional dish from Boyacá. F

c. Cheese, rice and egg are some of the ingredients of Ajiaco. F

d. Ajiaco is a soup. T

• Complete the descriptions about each dish.

5. Look at the chart. Write sentences to describe what is in the fridge.





a. Look at the diagram of the food groups and complete the information about why food
is important for your body.

6. Write the words in the correct food group. Then listen to the person talking about the Food
pyramid and check your answers.
1. Complete the descriptions with the words in the box.

2. Complete the sentences in your notebook.

a. Would you Would you like Some fish cheese?

b. She don’t like it like tomatoes. She hates them.

c. They don´t like pop music, but do like it music jazz.

d. I don´t like salad, but I love vegetables.

e. Would you like meat? Yes, I do.

f.You do you want some sausages? No, I don´t want to, thank
3. Read the sentences and answer the questions a-d

1 He shouldn´t
You should Waste water 3
turn off lights Should I eat

They should
walk to school

a. Are these sentences making suggestions or giving an order?

R// suggestions

b. Which sentence is saying not to do something?

R// the 3

c. Which sentences are saying to do something?

R// none

d. Does the word should change for different parts of speech (I, you, he, she, we, they)?
R// yes

e. How do you form a question?

 Usa el auxiliar de la frase para formar la pregunta.
 Con “who” no necesita auxiliar.
 Después de “do/does/did” el verbo principal es en la forma básica.
 Si el verbo principal de la frase es en el pasado, usa “did”

4. Write sentences to give advice to a friend who wants to help the environment. Use the words in
the box or your own ideas and should / shouldn’t.

eat less meat have shorter showers throw away plastic bags recycle
your rubbish turn off the lights travel everywhere by car waste food
save water walk or cycle

Example: You should eat less meat. / You shouldn’t throw away plastic bags.

• You should recycle
• You should save water
• You should not use the car much
• You should use the bicycle

5. Complete the health advice with the headings in the box.

Fitness Health checks Healthy food Hygiene

1. Food hyqiene ▪ Eat a balanced diet. ▪ Drink plenty of water. ▪ Have plenty of fresh fruit and

2. health ▪ Wash you hands with soap. ▪ Clean your teeth. ▪ Change your toothbrush.

3. fitness ▪ Do an hour of exercise three times a week. ▪ Walk to school. ▪ Take the stairs
not the lift.

4. Healthy ▪ Visit the dentist twice a year. ▪ Have regular health checks with your school
nurse or doctor.
1. Match the sentences to the pictures.

2. Now put the activities in exercise 1 into the correct column.

Read about Jimmy and complete his diary in your notebook.

Jimmy is a sports fan! He loves all sports and games. Every morning from Monday to Friday, he gets
up at 6:00am. He goes running around the park for an hour. Then, he gets home and prepares a healthy
breakfast: carrot juice, eggs and a sandwich. After that, he walks to school. During the break, Jimmy
plays football with his friends. After school, he goes skating with his friends. Sometimes they go cycling.
Then in the evening, on Tuesdays and Thursdays he plays tennis, and on Mondays and Wednesdays.

He does karate. On Fridays, he does yoga. On Saturday morning, he plays basketball and in the
afternoon he goes swimming. Sometimes, during the evening he plays chess with his sister or when his
parents are at home they all play board games. Sundays are family days, so Jimmy goes sailing or
fishing with his dad while his mum plays volleyball with his sister. In the afternoon, they all play baseball
and have lots of fun together. They are sports fans!
3. Read the text again. Are the sentences true (T), false (F) or the text doesn’t say (DS)?

a. Jimmy gets up at 6:00am. T

b. Jimmy catches the school bus every morning. F

c. Jimmy is part of the football team. F

d. Jimmy does yoga on Mondays. F

e. Jimmy plays chess with his father. F

4. Look at the pictures and match them to the phrases a-l.

5. Use the five phrases in exercise 5 which don’t have a picture to complete these sentences.

a. Wait until you finish eating to speak don´t talk with yout mouth full

b. In Britain, it’s polite to arrive on time Don’t be late.

c. In Japan, it’s traditional to eat with your hands to eat.

d. In Britain, people always Say please and thank you when someone is kind to them.

e. In Japan, you should take off your shoes when you enter a house.
6. Complete the sentences using can or can’t so they are true for Colombia.

a. You can eat fish with your hands.

b. You can arrive late for a meal.

c. You can´t talk with your mouth full.

d. You can´t put your elbows on the table.

7. Put the words in order to make questions.

Example: late / I / can / arrive? Can I arrive late?

a. I / hands / eat / can / my / with ? I eat can my with hands?

b. we / can / late / arrive ? _we can late arrive?

c. can / bring / flowers / he ? he can bring flowers?

d. they / can / juice / some / drink ? can they have some juice?

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