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Managing Security in A New Learning Management System (LMS) : July 2009

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Managing Security in a New Learning Management System (LMS)

Conference Paper · July 2009

DOI: 10.1109/ITI.2009.5196105 · Source: IEEE Xplore


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4 authors:

Adrian Besimi Visar Shehu

South East European University South East European University


Lejla Abazi Bexheti Zamir Dika

South East European University South East European University


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Managing Security in a New Learning Management System (LMS)

Adrian Besimi1, Visar Shehu2, Lejla Abazi-Bexheti3, Zamir Dika4

Contemporary Sciences and Technologies - South East European University, Macedonia1234 1 2 3 4

Abstract. Common security problems when often ignored, and this why this paper tends to
creating a new system range from basic browser emphasize common security issues when
authentication to physical access to servers. The developing new Information Systems.
security perspective in e-learning systems is In order to manage the potential security
often ignored, and this why this paper tends to flaws, three layers of security are presented in
emphasize common security issues when this paper:
developing new Information Systems. • Physical Control Layer – manages the
We introduce a three layered security physical access to the University network.
measure, such as: the physical control layer, the • Software Control Layer – manages the user
software control layer and the social engineering credentials by a domain controller and the
training. These three layers tend in various custom Access Control List (ACL) delivering the
methods to secure users credentials and other Roles inside the application.
data in the newly created Learning Content • Social Engineering Training – manages the
Management System (LMS). human nature regarding the security.

Keywords. Information systems security, 2. Physical Control Layer

Learning Management Systems security, LMS,
physical security, software security, social Physical security describes measures that
engineering, phishing, Access Control List, prevent attackers from accessing a resource, a
ACL. facility or similar. In large organizations this is
carefully handled by IT network administrators,
1. Introduction which is the same case as in our University.
Basically, any access to the University
The success of e-systems on one hand network is prohibited to users that already have
depends on the customer satisfaction after the physical access [5] to the University campus.
solution is created, and on the other hand this Even the wireless access is limited to an area
success depends on the usability, integration and which falls under the University property.
security. South East European University (SEEU)
Security is crucial when dealing with network access is managed by a CISCO router,
information systems at universities or large which requires domain credentials in order to
organizations, since many users can cause many obtain access. This router has a built-in function
worries. for intrusion detection which eliminates the
E-learning system developed at South East possibility from outsiders (non-University staff
European University (SEE University) in or students).
Macedonia is a complex system [1]. Except for
its primary function, which is data or learning
content delivery, there is a need for security
functions, whose main duties will include access
to data and files, control of these data and files
and managing the same data and files, without
interfering with each-others content.
Common security problems when creating a
new system range from basic browser
authentication to physical access to servers. The
security perspective in e-learning systems is

Proceedings of the ITI 2009 31 Int. Conf. on Information Technology Interfaces, June 22-25, 2009, Cavtat, Croatia
1. MS Active Directory integration into the
2. Secure Socket Layer (SSL)
3. Custom roles using the Access Control List
(ACL) in the database
4. File System Security

3.1. MS Active Directory integration into

the LMS

User authentication on a multi-user system

should be easy and painless. For the LMS
implementation this part was left to the
Microsoft Active Directory.
Figure 1. Simplified University network On the system login form, the processing is
schema and infrastructure architecture for a done on the server side using a .NET web service
LMS solution that checks user credentials against the
University domain, and if successful, the user is
Furthermore, the network is virtually permitted to use the system.
separated on multiple VLANs[4]. Users upon As seen from Figure 1, the Active Directory
authentication are connected to their appropriate server is managed by the University’s IT Office
VLAN depending on their access permissions or and this way the LMS Web Server has no need to
status on the university. Guest users for example store any user credentials or user data on its own
are limited on using only basic networking such server.
as internet access for sites outside campus. If a student or staff account is changed or
As seen on Figure 1, the physical network is blocked on the Active Directory Server, he or
divided into several VLANs (Virtual LANs) she will have those changes reflected to the LMS
which separate networks from accessing the system as well.
main database and domain servers. This schema This integration allows the authentication part
prohibits any user, including the ones from the to be done painless and no need for additional
Intranet (VLAN 3) or Internet to access servers users’ management is required by the LMS
that contain sensitive data, like the University application.
Central Database on VLAN 1.
In order to increase the security to a upper 3.2. Secure Socket Layer (SSL)
level, we introduced a Proxy Server on VLAN 2,
which has direct access, restricted by IP, to the Any form of user authentication on a web
University Central Database and Active browser is a potential flaw on the system due to
Directory on VLAN 1. This way, the LMS Web “the man-in-the-middle” phenomenon. In order
Server will have read-only access to sensitive to secure data that is traveling on the LMS web
data and user accounts from VLAN 1 servers. On server, a Secure Socket Layer (SSL) with a 128
a possible attempt of attack to the LMS Web bit of encryption is installed on the same server.
Server, the sensitive data remains secure on the This SSL enhances the security by encrypting
VLAN 1. the credentials and other sensitive data traveling
from the user to the server and vice-versa. The
3. Software Control Layer SSL is signed by a Certificate Authority, giving
more weight to the security than custom signed
This type of security control is carried on the Certificates.
application level. During the system
development, there was a need for several types 3.3. Access Control List (ACL)
of security, the ones that involve user
authentication, SQL injection and unauthorized
One of the most important steps in securing
attempts to retrieve files.
the data and limiting the access is the custom
The following security measures were
made Access Control List (ACL). ACL[2] is a
database driven control which defines roles

depending on the user level and specific recourse
on the LMS. 3.4. File System Security
ACL defines four types of user levels, and as
such their permissions to the system: The ACL used in the solution not only limits
1. System Administrator – level 1 the listing of the content on the Web application,
2. Course Instructor – level 5 but the download of the content as well.
3. Teaching Assistant – level 10 Every time a user attempts to download some
4. Student – level 15 content from the course, the content of that file is
5. Everyone – level 20 streamed to the user. Before the streaming even
A gap between user levels is intentionally occurs, a check to the ACL for permissions is
left, due to the fact that there might be an done. If the user has access to the given content
introduction to another group of users (Example: (file), then the streaming will start.
Foreign Students, Seminar Users). Those users File and Folder names on the file server
will probably need specific permissions, which (Figure 1), are stored as globally unique
will need to be identified with another group of identifiers (GUID) [7]. The correct name,
users, such as Level 16. description and permission level for that file or
The level number is given to a user by the folder are kept on the database and only a
administrator, the Active Directory role or by the reference to the newly created GUID is set.
Course Instructor. The lower the user level, the By using this kind of file storage we are able
higher the permissions to a specific course or to:
recourse are appointed. • Allow duplicate file names and folders for
This way of ACL, allows Course Instructors the same course
to have more control over resources they create. • Control the access to these files by streaming
On one hand, a newly created folder or file, can the content instead of using the whole Query
have its permissions set to “Teaching Assistants” string on the browsers address to do so.
only, which will limit every user above level 10
to enter and see this content. On the other hand,
the same Course Instructor can appoint any user
to a Teaching Assistant level for his/her course.

Table 1. Role based Access Control List

Sample Data

Username Course GUID User Level

a.besimi 09b00c89-5fab- Instructor Figure 2. File Storage tree structure using the
47e3-80af- GUID
a.besimi a4e96403-e26f- Instructor Creating duplicate file names is allowed,
4a11-97fb- since GUID (Figure 2) is unique for every entry
6b857f7a783a and this way an instructor can publish the content
a.besimi a4e96403-e26f- Teaching (MyDocument.doc on January 12, 2009) and
4a11-97fb- Assistant again on the same folder, publish another
6b857f7a783a document with the same name, but different date.
This is useful when dealing with frequently
The ACL is a Role-based ACL (Table 1), updatable files, such as updating grades, posting
and a role is appointed to a user for a specific new versions of documents and similar.
Course. Retrieving files from the file server is
As seen from Table 1, a user can be controlled by a library which accepts the GUID
appointed to various roles for a given course, but (Figure 2) of the file as an input parameter, and
always the higher role of access will override the after checking for the permissions it streams
lower role. back the content. If a user by any means attempts
The ACL used in the solution not only limits to access some other content than the one he/she
the listing of the content on the Web application, has access, then the user must have knowledge of
but the download of that content as well. the GUID, which is a 22 characters long. Even in

this case a check against the ACL will be
performed. This attempt of “guessing” the files
GUID will be double checked which will ensure
extra security measure.

4. Social Engineering Training

“The recent tide of so-called phishing attacks

gives ample evidence that it is necessary to
include the human factor in security
We are discussing about attacks where the
victim is deceived to give out secret information Figure 3. Website Identification using
such as username and passwords. certificates
The training of the users against the social
engineering attacks (phishing) is crucial. The aim A tutorial on these potential threats is posted
of this training was to ensure that users online on the main page, so users can go and
understand what a domain is, what an identified educate themselves.
website is, and what could be a potential We consider the social engineering attacks to
phishing website. Improving public awareness of be a bigger threat to our system than different
these threats is a necessary component in network intrusions and this is why we propose
building a more secured system. continuous training to our staff and students for
Previous phishing attacks on our University potential threats.
network, sent by mail, gave results that were
concerning. Most of the staff members didn’t 5. Conclusion
really care about the URL appearing on the
address of the browser, neither the Website The three layers of security introduced on
Certificate which identifies the domain. this paper can be used as a model towards
This way, we provided training on how to development of similar complex systems on the
identify the website where your credentials are to area of e-learning, as well as similar information
be sent. The following steps are proposed to be systems on other areas.
taken by users: The security issues addressed here are
1. Always open the address manually, by typing common when developing new Information
it on the browser Systems. The success of e-systems will depends
2. When opening the address directly from a on the security, due to the number of users in
link inside the e-mail, check the URL on the large organizations.
browser. The phenomenon of network intrusion, social
3. If the web page is opened, check for the engineering and hacking will always be present
security certificate by checking the “https://” and the only thing that can be done is to try to
in front of the URL. tighten the security not only by software and
4. Additionally, check for the Certificate to hardware solutions, but by introducing additional
ensure that a Certificate Authority identifies measures, such as physical security or “social
your website correctly (Figure 3). security”

6. References

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