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ANSYS Parametric Design Language Guide 18.2

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ANSYS Parametric Design Language Guide

ANSYS, Inc. Release 18.2

Southpointe August 2017
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Table of Contents
1. Introducing APDL .................................................................................................................................... 1
2. Working with the Toolbar ........................................................................................................................ 3
2.1. Adding Commands to the Toolbar ..................................................................................................... 3
2.2. Modifying the Toolbar ....................................................................................................................... 3
2.2.1. Example: Adding a Toolbar Button ............................................................................................ 4
2.2.2. Saving Toolbar Buttons ............................................................................................................. 5
2.3. Nesting Toolbar Abbreviations .......................................................................................................... 5
3. Using Parameters .................................................................................................................................... 7
3.1. Guidelines for Parameter Names ....................................................................................................... 8
3.1.1. Hiding Parameters from *STATUS .............................................................................................. 9
3.2. Defining Parameters ......................................................................................................................... 9
3.2.1. Assigning Parameter Values During Execution .......................................................................... 9
3.2.2. Assigning Parameter Values at Startup ...................................................................................... 9
3.2.3. Assigning Mechanical APDL-Provided Values to Parameters .................................................... 10 Using the *GET Command ............................................................................................. 10 Using In-line Get Functions ............................................................................................ 11
3.2.4. Listing Parameters .................................................................................................................. 11
3.3. Deleting Parameters ....................................................................................................................... 12
3.4. Using Character Parameters ............................................................................................................ 12
3.5. Substitution of Numeric Parametric Values ...................................................................................... 13
3.5.1. Preventing Substitution .......................................................................................................... 13
3.5.2. Substitution of Character Parametric Values ............................................................................ 13 Forced Substitution ....................................................................................................... 14 Other Places Where Character Parameters Are Valid ........................................................ 14 Character Parameter Restrictions ................................................................................... 15
3.6. Dynamic Substitution of Numeric or Character Parameters .............................................................. 16
3.7. Parametric Expressions ................................................................................................................... 16
3.8. Parametric Functions ...................................................................................................................... 17
3.9. Saving, Resuming, and Writing Parameters ....................................................................................... 18
3.10. Array Parameters ........................................................................................................................... 18
3.10.1. Array Parameter Basics ......................................................................................................... 19
3.10.2. Array Parameter Examples .................................................................................................... 21
3.10.3. TABLE Type Array Parameters ................................................................................................ 21
3.10.4. Defining and Listing Array Parameters .................................................................................. 22
3.10.5. Specifying Array Element Values ........................................................................................... 23 Specifying Individual Array Values ................................................................................ 23 Filling Array Vectors ..................................................................................................... 25 Interactively Editing Arrays ........................................................................................... 25 Filling an Array From a Data File Using *VREAD ............................................................. 26 Filling a TABLE Array From a Data File Using *TREAD ..................................................... 26 Interpolating Values ..................................................................................................... 30 Retrieving Values into or Restoring Array Parameter Values ........................................... 31 Listing Array Parameters .............................................................................................. 31
3.10.6. Writing Data Files ................................................................................................................. 32 Format Data Descriptors .............................................................................................. 33
3.10.7. Operations Among Array Parameters .................................................................................... 34 Vector Operations ........................................................................................................ 34 Matrix Operations ........................................................................................................ 37 Specification Commands for Vector and Matrix Operations ........................................... 39
3.10.8. Plotting Array Parameter Vectors .......................................................................................... 42

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ANSYS Parametric Design Language Guide

3.10.9. Modifying Curve Labels ........................................................................................................ 43

4. APDL Math ............................................................................................................................................ 45
4.1. Procedure for using APDL Math ....................................................................................................... 46
4.2. Matrix and Vector Sizes ................................................................................................................... 47
4.3. Accessing Complex Scalar Values ..................................................................................................... 47
4.4. Degree of Freedom Ordering .......................................................................................................... 48
4.5. Creating a User Superelement ......................................................................................................... 49
4.6. Restrictions and Recommendations for Matrix Operations ............................................................... 50
4.7. APDL Math Examples ...................................................................................................................... 50
5. APDL as a Macro Language ................................................................................................................... 55
5.1. Creating a Macro ............................................................................................................................ 56
5.1.1. Macro File Naming Conventions ............................................................................................. 56
5.1.2. Macro Search Path ................................................................................................................. 57
5.1.3. Creating a Macro Within Mechanical APDL .............................................................................. 57 Using *CREATE ............................................................................................................... 57 Using *CFWRITE ............................................................................................................. 58 Using /TEE ..................................................................................................................... 58 Using Utility Menu> Macro> Create Macro ..................................................................... 59
5.1.4. Creating Macros with a Text Editor .......................................................................................... 59
5.1.5. Using Macro Library Files ........................................................................................................ 60
5.2. Executing Macros and Macro Libraries ............................................................................................. 61
5.3. Local Variables ................................................................................................................................ 62
5.3.1. Passing Arguments to a Macro ................................................................................................ 62
5.3.2. Local Variables Within Macros ................................................................................................. 62
5.3.3. Local Variables Outside of Macros ........................................................................................... 63
5.4. Controlling Program Flow in APDL .................................................................................................. 63
5.4.1. Nested Macros: Calling Subroutines Within a Macro ................................................................ 63
5.4.2. Unconditional Branching: Goto ............................................................................................... 63
5.4.3. Conditional Branching: The *IF Command ............................................................................... 64
5.4.4. Repeating a Command ........................................................................................................... 66
5.4.5. Looping: Do-Loops ................................................................................................................. 66
5.4.6. Implied (colon) Do Loops ....................................................................................................... 67
5.4.7. Additional Looping: Do-While ................................................................................................. 68
5.5. Control Functions Quick Reference .................................................................................................. 68
5.6. Using the _STATUS and _RETURN Parameters in Macros ................................................................... 69
5.7. Using Macros with Components and Assemblies ............................................................................. 71
5.8. Reviewing Example Macros ............................................................................................................. 71
6. Interfacing with the GUI ........................................................................................................................ 75
6.1. Prompting Users for a Single Parameter Value .................................................................................. 75
6.2. Prompting Users With a Dialog Box ................................................................................................. 76
6.3. Using Macros to Display Your Own Messages ................................................................................... 78
6.4. Creating and Maintaining a Status Bar from a Macro ........................................................................ 79
6.5. Picking within Macros ..................................................................................................................... 81
6.6. Calling Dialog Boxes From a Macro .................................................................................................. 81
7. Encrypting Macros ................................................................................................................................ 83
7.1. Preparing a Macro for Encryption .................................................................................................... 83
7.2. Creating an Encrypted Macro .......................................................................................................... 84
7.3. Running an Encrypted Macro .......................................................................................................... 84
8. APDL Commands ................................................................................................................................... 85
A. GET Function Summary ........................................................................................................................... 87
B. Using APDL to List File Structure and Content .......................................................................................... 93
B.1. Using the *XPL Command ............................................................................................................... 94

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ANSYS Parametric Design Language Guide

Index .......................................................................................................................................................... 97

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vi of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
List of Figures
2.1. Toolbar ................................................................................................................................................... 3
2.2. Adding a New Abbreviation .................................................................................................................... 4
2.3. Toolbar with New Button ........................................................................................................................ 5
3.1. A Graphical Representation of a 2-D Array ............................................................................................. 20
3.2. A Graphical Representation of a 3-D Array ............................................................................................. 20
3.3. A Graphical Representation of a 5-D Array ............................................................................................. 20
3.4. A Graphical Representation of a Table Array ........................................................................................... 22
3.5. An Example *VEDIT Dialog Box for an ARRAY ......................................................................................... 25
3.6. An Example *VEDIT Dialog Box for a TABLE ............................................................................................ 26
3.7. Example 1-D TABLE Array Dialog ........................................................................................................... 28
3.8. Example 2-D TABLE Array Dialog ........................................................................................................... 28
3.9. Example 3-D TABLE Array Dialog ........................................................................................................... 29
3.10.Time-History Forcing Function ............................................................................................................. 30
3.11. Example Plot Using *VPLOT,,arrayval(1,1),2 ......................................................................... 42
3.12. Example Plot Using *VPLOT,,tableval(1,1),2 ......................................................................... 42
3.13. Example Plot Using *VPLOT,table2(1),tableval(1,1),2 ..................................................... 43
3.14. Example Plot Using *VPLOT,tableval(1,0),tableval(1,1),2 ............................................ 43
3.15. Example Plot With User-specified Labels .............................................................................................. 44
4.1. 3-D Representation of a Complex Dense Matrix ..................................................................................... 47
5.1. Mechanical APDL Message Box for Unknown Command ........................................................................ 56
5.2. The Create Menu Dialog Box ................................................................................................................. 59
5.3. A Macro Created in a Text Editor ............................................................................................................ 60
5.4. A Sample If-Then-Else Construct ............................................................................................................ 66
6.1. An Example *ASK Dialog Box ................................................................................................................. 76
6.2. A Typical Multiple-Prompt Dialog Box .................................................................................................... 78
6.3. A Typical Status Dialog Box ................................................................................................................... 81
1. Example File Hierarchy of Records ............................................................................................................ 94

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List of Tables
5.1. _RETURN Values .................................................................................................................................... 70
1. *GET - Get Function Summary .................................................................................................................. 87

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x of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Chapter 1: Introducing APDL
APDL stands for ANSYS Parametric Design Language, a scripting language that you can use to automate
common tasks or even build your model in terms of parameters (variables). While all Mechanical APDL
commands can be used as part of the scripting language, the APDL commands discussed here are the
true scripting commands and encompass a wide range of other features such as repeating a command,
macros, if-then-else branching, do-loops, and scalar, vector and matrix operations.

While APDL is the foundation for sophisticated features, it also offers many conveniences that you can
use in your day-to-day analyses. In this guide we'll introduce you to the basic features - parameters;
macros; branching, looping, and repeating; and array parameters - and show you some simple examples.
As you become more adept at the language, you will begin to recognize applications for APDL in your
own environment.

This guide covers the following topics:

• Working with the toolbar (p. 3): You can add frequently used Mechanical APDL functions or macros
to the Mechanical APDL toolbar by defining abbreviations, which are aliases (up to eight characters
long) for a Mechanical APDL command, GUI function name, or macro name.

• Using parameters (p. 7): Parameters are APDL variables (they are more similar to Fortran variables
than to Fortran parameters). Mechanical APDL uses two types of parameters: scalar and array.

• Using APDL Math for matrix manipulations (p. 45): APDL Math gives you access to matrix manipulation
routines, including fast and efficient solvers. APDL Math provides access to matrices and vectors on the
.FULL, .EMAT, .MODE and .SUB files, as well as other sources, so that you can read them in, manip-
ulate them, and write them back out or solve them directly. Both dense matrices and sparse matrices
can be manipulated using APDL Math.

• Understanding APDL as a macro language (p. 55), including creating a macro: You can record a frequently
used sequence of Mechanical APDL commands in a macro file (these are sometimes called command
files). Creating a macro enables you to, in effect, create your own custom Mechanical APDL command.
In addition to executing a series of Mechanical APDL commands, a macro can call GUI functions or pass
values into arguments.

• Interfacing with the GUI: (p. 75) Within a Mechanical APDL macro, you have several ways to access
components of the Mechanical APDL GUI (toolbar, dialog box, *ASK command, etc.).

• Encrypting macros (p. 83): Mechanical APDL provides the ability to encrypt macro files so that the
source is not "human-readable." Encrypted macros require an encryption key to run. You can either
place the encryption key explicitly (in readable ASCII) in the macro or you can set it in Mechanical APDL
as a global encryption key.

See the APDL Commands (p. 85) for a list of all APDL commands discussed in this guide.

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2 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Chapter 2: Working with the Toolbar
You can add frequently used Mechanical APDL functions or macros to the Mechanical APDL toolbar by
defining abbreviations, which are aliases (up to eight characters long) for a Mechanical APDL command,
GUI function name, or macro name. You can also modify the toolbar and nest toolbar abbreviations,

The following toolbar topics are available:

2.1. Adding Commands to the Toolbar
2.2. Modifying the Toolbar
2.3. Nesting Toolbar Abbreviations

2.1. Adding Commands to the Toolbar

You can add frequently used Mechanical APDL functions or macros to the Mechanical APDL toolbar
(creating macros is covered starting in APDL as a Macro Language). You do this by defining abbreviations.
An abbreviation is an alias (up to eight characters long) for a Mechanical APDL command, GUI function
name, or macro name. For example, MATPROP might be an abbreviation for a macro that lists material
properties, SAVE_DB is an abbreviation for the SAVE command, and QUIT is an abbreviation for the
Fnc_/EXIT function (which launches the Exit from Mechanical APDL dialog box). APDL commands that
can be used to define abbreviations are listed in Chapter 2 of the Command Reference.

The Mechanical APDL program provides two ways to use abbreviations. You can issue the abbreviation
(and execute the macro, command, etc. that it performs) by typing it at the beginning of a command
line. If you are using the Mechanical APDL GUI, you can also execute the macro or command by pressing
the appropriate button on the Mechanical APDL toolbar.

The toolbar shown in Figure 2.1: Toolbar (p. 3) contains buttons that correspond to existing abbrevi-

Figure 2.1: Toolbar

While some abbreviations, such as SAVE_DB, are predefined, the abbreviations the toolbar contains and
the functions they execute are up to you. A single toolbar can hold up to 100 abbreviations (you can
"nest" toolbars to extend this number). You can redefine or delete abbreviations at will; however, abbre-
viations are not automatically saved and must be explicitly saved to a file and reloaded for each
Mechanical APDL session.

2.2. Modifying the Toolbar

You can create abbreviations either through the *ABBR command or through the Utility Menu> Macro>
Edit Abbreviations or Utility Menu> MenuCtrls> Edit Toolbar menu items. Using one of the menu
items is preferable for two reasons:

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Working with the Toolbar

• Clicking OK automatically updates the toolbar (using the *ABBR command requires that you use the
Utility Menu> MenuCtrls> Update Toolbar menu item to make your new abbreviation appear on the

• You can easily edit the abbreviation if required.

The syntax for the *ABBR command and related dialogs is

*ABBR, Abbr, String

The abbreviation name that will appear on the toolbar button. The name can contain up to eight characters.

The String argument is the name of the macro or command that Abbr represents. If String is the name of
a macro, the macro must be within the macro search path. For more information about using macros, see
APDL as a Macro Language. If String references a Mechanical APDL picking menu or dialog box (using
UIDL), then specify "Fnc_string." For example, in the abbreviation definitions for "QUIT" and "POWRGRPH"
shown above, "Fnc_/QUIT" and "Fnc_/GRAPHICS" are unique UIDL function names which identify the
Mechanical APDL picking menu or dialog box associated with the QUIT and POWRGRPH abbreviations
respectively. For more information about accessing UIDL functions, see Calling Dialog Boxes From a Macro.
String can contain up to 60 characters but cannot include any of the following:

• The character "$"

• The commands C***, /COM, /GOPR, /NOPR, /QUIT, /UI, or *END

The default Mechanical APDL toolbar has the following abbreviations predefined:

2.2.1. Example: Adding a Toolbar Button

For example, to add a button to the toolbar that calls the macro file mymacro.mac, you would enter
the values shown in the following figure in the Utility Menu> MenuCtrls> Edit Toolbar dialog box.

Figure 2.2: Adding a New Abbreviation

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Nesting Toolbar Abbreviations

The new button is appended to the button bar as shown in the following figure.

Figure 2.3: Toolbar with New Button

2.2.2. Saving Toolbar Buttons

Toolbar buttons are not persistent from one Mechanical APDL session to the next; however, they are
saved and maintained in the database so that any "resume" of the session will still contain these abbre-
viations. To save your custom button definitions, you must explicitly save them to a file through the
Utility Menu> MenuCtrls> Save Toolbar menu item (ABBSAV command) and restore them for each
session using the Utility Menu> MenuCtrls> Restore Toolbar menu item (ABBRES command). You
can do this programmatically in a macro.


If any abbreviations already exist in the named file, the ABBSAV command overwrites them.

The format of the abbreviations file is the APDL commands that are used to create the abbreviations.
Thus, if you wish to edit a large set of buttons or change their order, you may find using a text editor
to be the most convenient method. For example, the following is the file that results from saving the
default toolbar buttons.

The *ABB commands (the abbreviated form of *ABBR) define the buttons. The /NOPR at the top turns
off echoing to the log file while the /GO at the bottom turns log file echoing on.

2.3. Nesting Toolbar Abbreviations

The save-and-restore features described above allow you to nest abbreviations. By nesting abbreviations
under one button, you can define specialized toolbars (if you have many abbreviations, having them
on a single toolbar can be cluttered, making it difficult to find the proper button). To nest abbreviations,
you simply define an abbreviation that restores an abbreviation file. For example, the following command
defines PREP_ABR as an abbreviation that restores abbreviations from the file prep.abbr.

PREP_ABR will appear as a button on the toolbar. Clicking it will replace the existing buttons with the
set of buttons defined in the prep.abbr file.

By defining abbreviations to restore these files and including those abbreviations in the appropriate
files, you can have a virtually unlimited number of abbreviations in a given Mechanical APDL session.
You can even extend this concept and create your own menu hierarchy by nesting several abbreviation
files. If you implement such a hierarchy, it's a good practice to add an abbreviation as a "return" button
in each file to navigate back through the menus.

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6 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Chapter 3: Using Parameters
Parameters are APDL variables (they are more similar to Fortran variables than to Fortran parameters).
It is not necessary to explicitly declare the parameter type. All numeric values (whether integer or real)
are stored as double-precision values. Parameters that are used but not defined are assigned a near-
zero, or "tiny," value of approximately 2-100. For example, if parameter A is defined as A=B, and B is not
defined, then A is assigned the tiny value.

Mechanical APDL uses two types of parameters: scalar and array. The first part of this chapter discusses
information that is applicable to both types. Starting with Array Parameters (p. 18), the information is
specific to array type parameters. APDL commands used to define parameters in general and array
parameters specifically are listed in Chapter 2 of the Command Reference.

Character strings (up to eight characters long) can be assigned to parameters by simply enclosing the
string in single quotes. APDL also provides several types of array parameters: numeric, character, string
and table (a special numeric type that automatically interpolates values).

You can use a parameter (instead of a literal number or character string) as an argument to any Mech-
anical APDL command; the parameter is evaluated and its current value is used for that argument. For
example, if you assign the value 2.7 to a parameter named AA and then issue the command

the Mechanical APDL program interprets the command as


(which defines node 12 at X=2.7 and Y=4).


If array, table, or character parameters are used within a macro or input file, those parameters
should be dimensioned (if array or table) and defined within that macro or input file. If you
fail to follow this practice, Mechanical APDL generates error messages indicating that those
parameters are undefined. Mechanical APDL generates the error messages even if the para-
meters lie within unexecuted *IF statements, as parameter substitution occurs before the
branching for the *IF is checked.

The following parameter topics are available:

3.1. Guidelines for Parameter Names
3.2. Defining Parameters
3.3. Deleting Parameters
3.4. Using Character Parameters
3.5. Substitution of Numeric Parametric Values
3.6. Dynamic Substitution of Numeric or Character Parameters
3.7. Parametric Expressions
3.8. Parametric Functions
3.9. Saving, Resuming, and Writing Parameters

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Using Parameters

3.10. Array Parameters

3.1. Guidelines for Parameter Names

Parameter names must:

• Begin with a letter

• Contain only letters, numbers, and underscore characters

• Contain no more than 32 characters

Examples of valid and invalid parameter names are





2CF3 (begins with a number)
M&E (invalid character "&")

When naming parameters:

• Avoid parameter names that match commonly used Mechanical APDL labels, such as:

– Degree of freedom (DOF) labels (TEMP, UX, PRES, etc.)

– Convenience labels (ALL, PICK, STAT, etc.)

– User-defined labels (such as those defined with the ETABLE command)

– Array type field labels (such as CHAR, ARRAY, TABLE, etc.)

• Parameter names ARG1 through ARG9 and AR10 through AR99 are reserved for local parameters.
Generally, local parameters are used in macros (see Local Variables). Use of these names as "regular"
parameters is not recommended.

• Parameter names must not match abbreviations defined with the *ABBR command. For more inform-
ation about abbreviations, see Adding Commands to the Toolbar.

• Do not begin parameter names with an underscore (_). This convention is reserved for parameters used
by the GUI and Mechanical APDL-provided macros.

• APDL programmers supporting an organization should consider naming their parameters with a trailing
underscore(_). These can be displayed as a group using the *STATUS command and deleted from
memory as a group through the *DEL command.

• Older Mechanical APDL-provided macro files may use parameter names that do not begin with an un-
derscore. Using these macros embedded in your own macros may cause conflicts if the same parameter
names are used.

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Defining Parameters

3.1.1. Hiding Parameters from *STATUS

Listing Parameters (p. 11) discusses listing parameters through the *STATUS command. You can use
a parameter naming convention to "hide" parameters from the *STATUS command. Any parameter
whose name ends in an underscore (_) is not listed by *STATUS.

This capability was added specifically for those who are developing APDL macros for large audiences.
You can use this to build macros that your Mechanical APDL users and other macro programmers cannot

3.2. Defining Parameters

Unless otherwise specified, the information in the next several sections applies to both scalar and array
type parameters. Beginning with Array Parameters (p. 18), the information is specific to array type

You can either assign values to parameters or retrieve values provided by Mechanical APDL and store
these values in parameters. For retrieving values from Mechanical APDL, you can use either the *GET
command or the various in-line get functions. The following sections cover these subjects in detail.

3.2.1. Assigning Parameter Values During Execution

You can use the *SET command to define parameters. The following examples illustrate a set of example
parameters defined using *SET:

You can use an "=" as a shorthand way of calling the *SET command (this is the most convenient
method). The format of the shortcut is Name = Value, where Name is the name assigned to the para-
meter and Value is the numeric or character value stored in that parameter. For character parameters,
the assigned value must be enclosed in single quotes and cannot exceed eight alphanumeric characters.
The following are examples of "=" in use:

In the GUI, you can either type the "=" directly in the Mechanical APDL input window or in the "Selection"
field of the Scalar Parameter dialog (Utility Menu> Parameters> Scalar Parameters).

3.2.2. Assigning Parameter Values at Startup

You can define parameters as arguments when launching Mechanical APDL from the operating system
command line. Simply type parameter definitions after the Mechanical APDL execution command (which
is system dependent) using the format -Name Value. For example, the following defines two parameters
(parm1 and parm2) having the values 89.3 and -0.1:
ansys182 -parm1 89.3 -parm2 -0.1

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Using Parameters

It is a good practice to avoid assigning one or two character parameter names at startup to avoid
conflicts with Mechanical APDL command line options.


Remember that Linux shells treat single quotes and many other non-alphanumeric characters
as special symbols. When defining character parameters, you must tell Linux not to interpret
the quotes by inserting a backslash (\) before the single quotes. For example, the following
defines a character parameter having the value `filename'.

ansys182 -cparm1 \'filename\'

If you use the Mechanical APDL Launcher to start Mechanical APDL, you can define parameters through
the Customization tab (using the -Name Value format described above).

If you are defining a large number of parameters at startup, you'll find it much more convenient to
define these in the start.ans file or through a separate file that you can load through the /INPUT
command instead of the command line.

3.2.3. Assigning Mechanical APDL-Provided Values to Parameters

Mechanical APDL provides two powerful methods for retrieving values:

• The *GET command, which retrieves a value from a specified item and stores it in a specified parameter.

• The in-line get functions, which can be used in operations. Each get function returns a specific value
from a specific item. Using the *GET Command

The *GET command retrieves a Mechanical APDL-provided value for an item (a node, an element, an
area, etc.) and stores it as a user-named parameter. Various keyword, label, and number combinations
identify the retrieved item. For example, *GET,A,ELEM,5,CENT,X returns the centroid x-location of element
5 and stores the result as parameter A.

The format for the *GET command is:



• Par is the name of the parameter to store the retrieved item.

• Entity is a keyword for the item to be stored. Valid keywords are NODE, ELEM, KP, LINE, AREA, VOLU,
etc. For a complete list of valid keywords, see the *GET description in the Command Reference.

• ENTNUM is the number of the entity (or zero for all entities).

• Item1 is the name of an item for a particular entity. For example, if Entity is ELEM, Item1 is either
NUM (the highest or lowest element number in the selected set) or COUNT (the number of elements
in the set). (For a complete list of Item1 values for each entity type, see the *GET description in the
Command Reference.)

You can think of the *GET command as a path down a tree structure, from general to specific information.

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Defining Parameters

The following examples show the *GET command in use. The first command below gets the material
attribute (the MAT reference number) of element 97 and assigns it to parameter BCD:
*GET,BCD,ELEM,97,ATTR,MAT ! BCD = Material number of element 97
*GET,V37,ELEM,37,VOLU ! V37 = volume of element 37
*GET,EL52,ELEM,52,HGEN ! EL52 = value of heat generation in element 52
*GET,OPER,ELEM,102,HCOE,2 ! OPER = heat coefficient of element 102,face2
*GET,TMP,ELEM,16,TBULK,3 ! TMP = bulk temperature of element 16,face3
*GET,NMAX,NODE,,NUM,MAX ! NMAX = maximum active node number
*GET,HNOD,NODE,12,HGEN ! HNOD = value of heat generation at node 12
*GET,COORD,ACTIVE,,CSYS ! COORD = active coordinate system number Using In-line Get Functions

For some items, you can use in-line "get functions" in place of the*GET command. A get function returns
a value for an item and uses it directly in the current operation. This process allows you to bypass the
dual steps of storing the value with a parameter name and then entering the parameter name in an
operation. For example, suppose that you want to calculate the average x-location of two nodes. You
could do the following using the *GET function:

1. Issue the following command to assign the x-location of Node 1 to parameter L1.

2. Issue a second *GET command to assign the x-location of Node 2 to parameter L2.

3. Compute the middle location from MID=(L1+L2)/2.

A shorter method is to use the node location "get function" NX(N), which returns the x-location of node
N. You can use it to calculate the MID location without setting intermediate parameters L1 and L2, as
is shown in the following example:

Get function arguments can themselves be parameters or other get functions. For instance, get function
NELEM(ENUM,NPOS) returns the node number in position NPOS for element ENUM. Combining functions
NX(NELEM(ENUM,NPOS)) returns the x-location of that node.

Get Function Summary summarizes the available get functions.

3.2.4. Listing Parameters

Once you have defined parameters, you can list them using the *STATUS command. If the *STATUS
command is issued without arguments, it provides a list of all of the currently defined parameters. The
following example shows the command and a typical listing.



ABC -24.0000000 SCALAR
HEIGHT 57.0000000 SCALAR
QR 2.070000000E+11 SCALAR
X_OR_Y -24.0000000 SCALAR

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Using Parameters

You can also access this information via Utility Menu> List> Other> Parameters or Utility Menu>
List> Status> Parameters> All Parameters.


Any parameters beginning or ending in an underscore (_) are not shown by the *STATUS

You can check the status of individual parameters by providing these as arguments to the *STATUS
command. The following example shows the status of the ABC parameter.



ABC -24.0000000 SCALAR

You can also check the status of specific parameters via Utility Menu> List> Other> Named Parameter
or Utility Menu> List> Status> Parameters> Named Parameters.

3.3. Deleting Parameters

You can delete specific parameters in two ways:

• Issue the "=" command, leaving the right-hand side of the command blank. For example, to delete the
QR parameter issue this command:

• Issue the *SET command, but do not specify a value for the parameter. For example, to delete the QR
parameter via the *SET command, issue the command as follows:

Setting a numeric parameter equal to zero does not delete it. Similarly, setting a character parameter
equal to empty single quotes (` `) or placing blanks within single quotes does not delete the parameter.

3.4. Using Character Parameters

Typically, character parameters are used to provide file names and extensions. The desired file name
can be assigned to a character parameter, and that parameter can be used anywhere a file name is re-
quired. Similarly, a file extension can be assigned to a character parameter and used where appropriate
(typically the Ext command argument). In batch mode, this allows you to easily change file names for
multiple runs by simply changing the initial alphanumeric "value" of the character parameter in your
input file.


Remember that character parameters are limited to a total of eight characters.

The following is a list of general uses for character parameters.

• As arguments to any applicable command field (that is, where alphanumeric input is expected).

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Substitution of Numeric Parametric Values

• As macro name arguments for the *USE command.

NAME='MACRO' ! MACRO is the name of a macro file

• As arguments to macro calls for *USE and for the "unknown command" macro. Any of the following
macro calls are allowed:


NEWMACRO,DEF ! Calls existing macro file NEWMACRO.MAC


3.5. Substitution of Numeric Parametric Values

Whenever you use a parameter name in a numeric command field, its value is automatically substituted.
If no value has been assigned to the parameter (that is, if the parameter has not been defined), a near-
zero value (2-100) is substituted, usually without warning.


Defining the parameter after it is used in a command does not "update" the command in
most cases. (Exceptions are the commands /TITLE, /STITLE, *ABBR, and /TLABEL. See Forced
Substitution (p. 14) for more information.) For example:
N,1,X,Y ! Node 1 at (2.7,0)
Y=3.5 ! Redefining parameter Y now does not update node 1

3.5.1. Preventing Substitution

You can prevent parameter substitution by enclosing the parameter name with single quotes ('), for
example, 'XYZ'. The literal string is then used; therefore, this feature is valid only in non-numerical fields.

Conversely, you can force parameter substitution in titles, subtitles, and filenames by enclosing the
parameter name with percent signs (%). For example,

specifies a title in which the numerical value of parameter TM is substituted. Note that the parameter
is substituted at the time the title is used.

3.5.2. Substitution of Character Parametric Values

Use of a character parameter in an alphanumeric command field generally results in automatic substi-
tution of its value. Forced substitution and character parameter restrictions are explained below.

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Using Parameters Forced Substitution

As with numerical parameters, you can force the substitution of a character parameter value in certain
cases where substitution would not occur otherwise. This is done by enclosing the character parameter
name with percent signs (%). Forced substitution of character parameters is valid for the following

• /TITLE command (Title field). Specifies titles for various printed output.

• /STITLE command (Title field). Specifies subtitles, similar to/TITLE. (You cannot access the /STITLE
command directly in the GUI.)

• /TLABEL command (Text field). Specifies text string for annotation.

• *ABBR command (Abbr field). Defines an abbreviation.

Forced substitution is also valid in the following types of fields:

• Any filename or extension command argument. These arguments apply to commands such as /FILNAME,
RESUME, /INPUT, /OUTPUT, and FILE. (Direct parameter substitution is also valid in these fields.)

• Any 32 character field: A typical example is the name of macros. (Direct substitution is not valid for
these fields.)

• As a command name in any command name field. Also as an "unknown command" macro name in
field 1. For example:

The following example of the command input method shows forced substitution for a subtitle definition
and for a directory name.
C='/Mechanical APDL'


FILE,A,RST,%C%%D% ! Read results from /Mechanical APDL/MODELS/TEST.RST Other Places Where Character Parameters Are Valid

In addition to the more general applications already discussed, there are some specific instances where
character parameters are allowed for added convenience. The commands which are affected and details
of usage are outlined below.

This command may prompt you for an alphanumeric string (up to eight characters enclosed in single
quotes) which is assigned to a character scalar parameter. (You cannot access the *ASK command directly
in the GUI.)

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Substitution of Numeric Parametric Values

This command writes Mechanical APDL commands to the file opened by *CFOPEN. It can be used to write
a character parameter assignment to that file. For example, *CFWRITE,B = 'FILE' is valid. (You cannot access
the *CFWRITE and *CFOPEN commands directly in the GUI.)


Character parameters may be used for the VAL1 and VAL2 arguments of these commands. For the Oper
argument, only labels EQ (equal) and NE (not equal) are valid when using character parameters. (You
cannot access the *IF and *ELSEIF commands directly in the GUI.) Example:

Character parameters are allowed as input for the VAL1 through VAL8 arguments. The data descriptor
%C is used to indicate alphanumeric character data on the format line (which must follow the *MSG
command). The %C corresponds to the FORTRAN descriptor A8. (You cannot access the *MSG command
directly in the GUI.)


These commands save character parameters to a file (PARSAV) and resume character parameters from a
file (PARRES).

This command reads alphanumeric character data from a file and generates a character-array parameter.
The FORTRAN character descriptor (A) can be used in the format line which must follow the *VREAD

This command writes character parameter data to a file in a formatted sequence. The FORTRAN character
descriptor (A) can be used in the format line which must follow the *VWRITE command. Character Parameter Restrictions

Although character parameters have much of the same functionality as numerical parameters, there
are several instances where character parameters are not valid.

• Character parameter substitution is not allowed for the Par argument of the *SET, *GET, *DIM, and
*STATUS commands.

• Interactive editing of array parameters (*VEDIT command) is not available for character array parameters.

• Vector operation commands, such as *VOPER, *VSCFUN, *VFUN, *VFILL, *VGET, and *VITRP, do not
work with character array parameters.

• When operating on character parameters, the specification commands *VMASK and *VLEN are applic-
able only to the *VWRITE and *VREAD commands.

• Character parameters are not valid in parametric expressions which use addition, subtraction, multiplic-
ation, etc.

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Using Parameters

3.6. Dynamic Substitution of Numeric or Character Parameters

Dynamic substitution of parameters occurs for the following commands: /TITLE, /STITLE, *ABBR, /AN3D,
and /TLABEL. Dynamic substitution allows the revised value of a parameter to be used, even if the
command which uses the parameter value has not been reissued.

/TITLE,This is %XYZ%

The title "This is CASE 1" appears on the area plot.

You can then change the value of XYZ and the new title appears on subsequent plots, even though
you did not reissue /TITLE.

The title "This is CASE 2" appears on subsequent plots.

3.7. Parametric Expressions

Parametric expressions involve operations among parameters and numbers such as addition, subtraction,
multiplication, and division. For example:
D=-B+(E**2)-(4*A*C) ! Evaluates to D = -B + E2 - 4AC
XYZ=(A<B)+Y**2 ! Evaluates to XYZ = A + Y2 if A is less than B;
! otherwise to XYZ = B + Y2

The following is a complete list of APDL operators:

Operator Operation
+ Addition
_ Subtraction
* Multiplication
/ Division
** Exponentiation
< Less-Than Comparison
> Greater-Than Comparison

You can also use parentheses for clarity and for "nesting" of operations, as shown above. The order in
which the Mechanical APDL program evaluates an expression is as follows:

1. Operations in parentheses (innermost first)

2. Exponentiation (in order, from right to left)

3. Multiplication and division (in order, from left to right)

4. Unary association (such as +A or -A)

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Parametric Functions

5. Addition and subtraction (in order, from left to right)

6. Logical evaluation (in order, from left to right)

Thus an expression such as Y2=A+B**C/D*E is evaluated in this order: B**C first, /D second, *E third,
and +A last. For clarity, you should use parentheses in expressions such as these. Parentheses can be
nested up to four levels deep, and up to nine operations can be performed within each set of paren-
theses. As a general rule, avoid using blank spaces between operators in expressions. In particular,
never include a blank space before the * character because the rest of the input line (beginning with
the *) is interpreted as a comment and is therefore ignored. (Do not use this convention as a comment;
use an exclamation point (!) for this purpose.)

3.8. Parametric Functions

A parametric function is a programmed sequence of mathematical operations which returns a single
value, such as SIN(X), SQRT(B), and LOG(13.2). The following table provides a complete list of functions
currently available in Mechanical APDL.

ABS(x) Absolute value of x.

SIGN(x,y) Absolute value of x with sign of y. y=0 results in positive sign.
Absolute value of the complex number x + yi ( )
EXP(x) Exponential of x (e ).
LOG(x) Natural log of x (ln (x)).
LOG10(x) Common log of x (log10(x)).
SQRT(x) Square root of x.
NINT(x) Nearest integer to x.
MOD(x,y) Remainder of x/y, computed as x - (INT(x/y) * y). y=0 returns zero (0).
RAND(x,y) Random number (uniform distribution) in the range x to y (x = lower bound,
y = upper bound).
GDIS(x,y) Random sample of a Gaussian (normal) distribution with mean x and standard
deviation y.
SIN(x), COS(x), Sine, Cosine, and Tangent of x. x is in radians by default, but can be changed
TAN(x) to degrees with *AFUN.
SINH(x), Hyperbolic sine, Hyperbolic cosine, and Hyperbolic tangent of x.
ASIN(x), Arcsine, Arccosine, and Arctangent of x. x must be between -1.0 and +1.0 for
ACOS(x), ASIN and ACOS. Output is in radians by default, but can be changed to degrees
ATAN(x) with *AFUN. Range of output is -pi/2 to +pi/2 for ASIN and ATAN, and 0 to pi
for ACOS.
ATAN2(y,x) Arctangent of y/x with the sign of each component considered. Output is in
radians by default, but can be changed to degrees with *AFUN. Range of
output is -pi to +pi.
VALCHR(CPARM) Numerical value of CPARM (if CPARM is non-numeric, returns 0.0).
CHRVAL(PARM) Character value of numerical parameter PARM. Number of decimal places
depends on magnitude.

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Using Parameters

UPCASE(CPARM) Upper case equivalent of CPARM.

LWCASE(CPARM) Lower case equivalent of CPARM.
LARGEINT(x,y) Forms a 64-bit pointer from low (x) and high (y) 32-bit integers.

The following are examples of parametric functions:

PI=ACOS(-1) ! PI = arc cosine of -1, PI calculated to machine accuracy
X=RAND(-24,R2) ! X = random number between -24 and R2

*AFUN,DEG ! Units for angular functions are degrees

THETA=ATAN(SQRT(3)) ! THETA evaluates to 60 degrees
PHI=ATAN2(-SQRT(3),-1) ! PHI evaluates to -120 degrees
*AFUN,RAD ! Units for angular functions reset to radians

X249=NX(249) ! X-coordinate of node 249

! Slope of line joining keypoints 1 and 2

CHNUM=CHRVAL(X) ! CHNUM = character value of X

UPPER=UPCASE(LABEL) ! UPPER = uppercase character value of parameter LABEL

3.9. Saving, Resuming, and Writing Parameters

If you must use currently defined parameters in another Mechanical APDL session, you can write them
to a file and then read (resume) that file. When you read the file, you can either completely replace
currently defined parameters or add to them (replacing those that already exist).

To write parameters to a file, use the PARSAV command.

The parameters file is an ASCII file consisting largely of APDL *SET commands used to define the various
parameters. The following example shows the format of this file.
*SET,A , 10.00000000000
*SET,B , 254.3948750000
*SET,C ,'string '
*SET,_RETURN , 0.0000000000000E+00
*SET,_STATUS , 1.000000000000
*SET,_ZX ,' '

To read parameters from a file use the PARRES command.

If you wish, you can write up to ten parameters or array parameters using FORTRAN real formats to a
file. You can use this feature to write your own output file for use in other programs, reports, etc. To
do this, use the *VWRITE command. The *VWRITE command is discussed in Operations Among Array
Parameters (p. 34).

3.10. Array Parameters

In addition to scalar (single valued) parameters, you can define array (multiple valued) parameters.
Mechanical APDL arrays can be:

• 1-D (a single column)

• 2-D (rows and columns)

• 3-D (rows, columns, and planes)

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Array Parameters

• 4-D (rows, columns, planes, and books)

• 5-D (rows, columns, planes, books, and shelves)

Mechanical APDL provides three types of arrays:

This type is similar to FORTRAN arrays and is the default array type when dimensioning arrays. As with
FORTRAN arrays, the indices for rows, columns, and planes are sequential integer numbers beginning
with one. Array elements can be either integers or real numbers.

This is a character array, with each element consisting of an alphanumeric value not exceeding eight
characters. The indices for rows, columns, and planes are sequential integer numbers beginning with

This is a special type of numeric array which allows Mechanical APDL to calculate (through linear in-
terpolation) values between these array elements explicitly defined in the array. Moreover, you can
define the array indices for each row, column, and plane and these indices are real (not integer)
numbers. Array elements can be either integers or real numbers. As we'll see in the later discussion
on TABLE arrays, this capability provides a powerful method for describing mathematical functions.

You can use the *DIM, STRING capability to enter character strings into your arrays. Index numbers
for columns and planes are sequential values beginning with 1. Row indices are determined by the
character position in the string. See the *DIM command for more information.

The following array parameter topics are available:

3.10.1. Array Parameter Basics
3.10.2. Array Parameter Examples
3.10.3.TABLE Type Array Parameters
3.10.4. Defining and Listing Array Parameters
3.10.5. Specifying Array Element Values
3.10.6. Writing Data Files
3.10.7. Operations Among Array Parameters
3.10.8. Plotting Array Parameter Vectors
3.10.9. Modifying Curve Labels

3.10.1. Array Parameter Basics

Consider a 2-D array (either ARRAY or CHAR) as shown below. It is m rows long and n columns wide;
that is, its dimensions are m times n. Each row is identified by a row index number i, which varies from
1 to m, and each column is identified by a column index number j, which varies from 1 to n. The
quantities that make up the array are array elements. Each array element is identified as (i,j), where
i is its row index number and j is its column index number.

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Using Parameters

Figure 3.1: A Graphical Representation of a 2-D Array

We can extend these definitions to a 3-D array parameter, which may be m rows long, n columns wide,
and p planes deep. The plane index number is k, which varies from 1 to p. Each array element is iden-
tified as (i,j,k,). The following figure shows a 3-D array.

Figure 3.2: A Graphical Representation of a 3-D Array

Figure 3.3: A Graphical Representation of a 5-D Array


Plane 3
Plane 2
Plane 1
Book 1 Plane 3
Plane 2
Plane 1


Plane 3
Plane 2
Plane 1
5-D Shelf 1
Book 2 Plane 3
Plane 2
Plane 1

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Array Parameters

3.10.2. Array Parameter Examples

Type ARRAY parameters consist of discrete numbers that are simply arranged in a tabular fashion for
convenience. Consider the following examples.

The parameter NTEMP could be an array of temperatures at selected nodes; NTEMP(1) = -47.6 could be
the temperature at node 27, NTEMP(2) = -5.2 could be the temperature at node 43, and so on. Similarly,
EVOLUM could be an array of element volumes, and COMPSTRS could be an array of nodal component
stresses, with each column representing a particular direction (X, Y, Z, XY, YZ, XZ, for example).

A type CHAR array parameter is structured similarly to an ARRAY parameter, with the tabular values
being alphanumeric character strings (up to eight characters). Two examples of character array parameters

3.10.3. TABLE Type Array Parameters

A type TABLE array parameter consists of numbers (alphanumeric values are not valid) arranged in a
tabular fashion, much like the ARRAY type. However, there are three important differences

• Mechanical APDL can calculate (through linear interpolation) any values that fall between the explicitly
declared array element values.

• A table array contains a 0 row and 0 column used for data-access index values, and unlike standard
arrays, these index values can be real numbers. The only restriction is that the index values must be
numerically increasing (never decreasing) numbers. You must explicitly declare a data access index
value for each row and column; otherwise the default value assigned is the "tiny number" (7.888609052E-

You can more conveniently define the index starting point and index values via the *TAXIS

• A plane index value resides in the 0,0 location for each plane.

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Using Parameters

The following figure shows a TABLE array with data-access index values. Note that the indexes are
specified as the "0" row and column values.

Figure 3.4: A Graphical Representation of a Table Array

As shown in the above example, when configuring a table array you must set

• The plane index value as the 0,0 element value for each plane.

• The data-access column index values in the elements in the 0 row in plane 1. Only the column index
values from plane 1 are used when accessing data from the array for all planes. When setting the array
element values, you use the traditional row and column index numbers.

• The data-access row index values in the elements in the 0 column in plane 1. Only the row index values
from plane 1 are used when accessing data from the array for all planes. When setting the array element
values, you use the traditional row and column index numbers.

3.10.4. Defining and Listing Array Parameters

To define an array parameter, you must first declare its type and dimensions using the *DIM command.

This following examples illustrate the *DIM command used to dimension various types of arrays:
*DIM,AA,,4 ! Type ARRAY is default, dimension 4[x1x1]
*DIM,XYZ,ARRAY,12 ! Type ARRAY array, dimension 12[x1x1]
*DIM,FORCE,TABLE,5 ! Type TABLE array, dimension 5[x1x1]
*DIM,T2,,4,3 ! Dimensions are 4x3[x1]
*DIM,CPARR1,CHAR,5 ! Type CHAR array, dimension 5[x1x1]


Array elements for ARRAY and TABLE are initialized to 0 (except for the 0 row and column
for TABLE, which is initialized to the tiny value). Array elements for CHAR are initialized to a
blank value.

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Array Parameters

For array parameter operations (for example *VOPER, *VFUN), the resulting array parameter (ParR)
need not be dimensioned beforehand. Also, array parameters defined completely with the implied
(colon) loops convention (for example a(1:5)=10,20,30,40,50) need not be dimensioned beforehand.

The next example shows how to fill a 5-D array with data. Use 1-D tables to load a 5-D table. Use the
*TAXIS to define the table index values. See the full example at Example Analysis Using 5-D Table Array.

*taxis,ccc(1,1,1,1,1),1,0,wid !!! X-Dim
*taxis,ccc(1,1,1,1,1),2,0,hth !!! Y-Dim
*taxis,ccc(1,1,1,1,1),3,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10 !!! Z-Dim
*taxis,ccc(1,1,1,1,1),4,0,10,20,30,40 !!! Time
*taxis,ccc(1,1,1,1,1),5,0,50,100,150,200 !!! Temp

3.10.5. Specifying Array Element Values

You can specify array element values by

• Setting individual array element values through the *SET command or "=" shortcut.

• Filling individual vectors (columns) in the array with either specified or calculated values (the *VFILL
command, for example).

• Interactively specifying values for the elements through the *VEDIT dialog.

• Reading the values from an ASCII file (*VREAD or *TREAD commands).


You cannot create or edit 4- or 5-D arrays interactively. *VEDIT, *VREAD, and *TREAD
are not applicable to 4- or 5-D arrays. Specifying Individual Array Values

You can use either the *SET command or the "=" shortcut. Usage is the same as for scalar parameters,
except that you now define a column of data (up to ten array element values per "=" command). For
example, to define the parameter XYZ dimensioned above as a 12x1 array you need two "=" commands.
In the following example the first command defines the first eight array elements and the second
command defines the next four array elements:

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Using Parameters


Notice that the starting location of the array element is indicated by the row index number of the
parameter (1 in the first command, 9 in the second command).

The following example shows how to define the element values for the 4x3 array parameter T2, dimen-
sioned earlier in the *DIM examples:
T2(1,1)=.6,2,-1.8,4 ! defines (1,1),(2,1),(3,1),(4,1)
T2(1,2)=7,5,9.1,62.5 ! defines (1,2),(2,2),(3,2),(4,2)
T2(1,3)=2E-4,-3.5,22,.01 ! defines (1,3),(2,3),(3,3),(4,3)

The following example defines element values for the TABLE array parameter FORCE discussed earlier.

The first “=” command defines the five array elements of the TABLE array FORCE. The second and third
“=” commands redefine the index numbers in the j=0 and i=0 row.

Character array parameters can also be defined using the "=" command. Assigned values can be up to
eight characters each and must be enclosed in single quotes. For example:
*DIM,RESULT,CHAR,3 !Character array parameter with dimensions (3,1,1)
RESULT(1)='SX','SY','SZ' !Assigns values to parameter RESULT

Notice that, as when defining a numerical array parameter, the starting location of the array element
must be specified (in this case, the row index number 1 is indicated).


CHAR cannot be used as a character parameter name because it creates a conflict with the
CHAR label on the *DIM command. Mechanical APDL substitutes the character string value

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Array Parameters

assigned to parameter CHAR when CHAR is input on the third field of the *DIM command
(Type field). Filling Array Vectors

You can use the *VFILL command to "fill" an ARRAY or TABLE vector (column).

See the *VFILL command reference information in the Command Reference for more detail about the
command syntax. The following example illustrates the capabilities of the *VFILL command.
*DIM,DTAB,ARRAY,4,3 ! dimension 4 x 3 numeric array
*VFILL,DTAB(1,1),DATA,-3,8,-12,57 ! four data values loaded into vector 1
*VFILL,DTAB(1,2),RAMP,2.54,2.54 ! fill vector 2 with values starting at
! 2.54 and incrementing by 2.54
*VFILL,DTAB(1,3),RAND,1.5,10 ! fill vector 3 with random numbers between
! 1.5 and 10. Results vary due to
! random number generation. Interactively Editing Arrays

The *VEDIT command, available only in interactive mode, launches a data entry dialog enabling you
to edit an ARRAY or TABLE (not CHAR) array. The dialog provides a number of convenient features:

• A spreadsheet-style editor for array element values.

• Navigational controls for scrolling through large arrays.

• An initialize function to set any row or column to a specified value (ARRAY type only).

• Delete, copy, and insert functions for moving rows or columns of data (ARRAY type only).

Complete instructions for using the dialog are available from the box's Help button.


You cannot edit a 4- or 5-D ARRAY or TABLE interactively.

Figure 3.5: An Example *VEDIT Dialog Box for an ARRAY

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Using Parameters

Figure 3.6: An Example *VEDIT Dialog Box for a TABLE Filling an Array From a Data File Using *VREAD

You can fill an array from a data file via the *VREAD command. The command reads information from
an ASCII data file and begins writing it into the array, starting with the index location that you specify.
You can control the format of the information read from the file through data descriptors. The data
descriptors must be enclosed in parenthesis and placed on the line following the *VREAD command.
See Vector Operations (p. 34) for more information about data descriptors. The data descriptors control
the number of fields to be read from each record, the width of the data fields, and the position of the
decimal point in the field.

For example, given the following data file named dataval:

1.5 7.8 12.3
15.6 -45.6 42.5

and an array called EXAMPLE that has been dimensioned as 2 x 3, the following commands (provided
as either a part or a macro or input listing)

result in

1.5 7.8 12.3

EXAMPLE = 15.6 -45.6 42.5

The *VREAD command cannot be issued directly from the command input window. However, the
Utility Menu> Parameters> Array Parameters> Read from File dialog offers a way to specify the
data descriptors and issue the command in interactive mode.


You cannot fill a 4- or 5-D array via *VREAD. Filling a TABLE Array From a Data File Using *TREAD

Once configured, you have two options for specifying values for the TABLE array elements: you can add
values as you would for any other type of array, or you can read in a table of data from an external file.

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Array Parameters

To read in a table of data from an external file, you still define the TABLE array first, specifying the
number of rows, columns, and planes, and the labels for each. You can then read an ASCII file containing
the table of data via the *TREAD command. At this time, you also specify the number of lines to skip
(NSKIP) between the top of the file and the first line of the table.

When reading data from an external file, remember:

• The file containing the table of data can be created in a text editor or an external application (such as
Microsoft Excel), but it must be in ASCII form, tab-delimited, to be read into Mechanical APDL.

• You must first define the array in Mechanical APDL, remembering to allow for the index values (0,0).

• The values are read straight across the rows until all columns on each row of the array are filled;
Mechanical APDL then wraps from one row to the next and begins to fill those columns, and so on. Be
sure that the dimensions of the array you defined are correct. If you mistakenly define fewer columns
in the Mechanical APDL array than required, Mechanical APDL begins filling in the next row of the array
using the values remaining in the first row of the data table being read. Similarly, if you define more
columns in the Mechanical APDL array than required, Mechanical APDL fills all columns of the array
using values from the next row of the data table being read, and only then wrap and begin filling the
next row.

You can create 1-D, 2-D, and 3-D tables by reading data from an external file. Examples of how you
create each of these follows.


You cannot fill a 4- or 5-D TABLE using *TREAD.

Example 1: 1-D Table

First, create the 1-D table using the application of your choice (such as a spreadsheet application, a text
editor, etc.) and then save the file as a text file in tab-delimited format. In this example, the table is
named "Tdata" and contains data for a time vs. temperature table . In its ASCII form, the table would
look like this:

Time Temperature Table

Time Temp
0 20
1 30
2 70
4 75

Define a TABLE parameter "Tt" via the *DIM command. Specify four rows and one column, row label
of Time, and column label of Temp. The data table you created has four rows and one column of data,
plus the row and column index values (where the first column, TIME, is the row index values). Then,
read in the file, specifying two skipped lines. The TABLE array in Mechanical APDL looks like this:

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Using Parameters

Figure 3.7: Example 1-D TABLE Array Dialog

The same example using command input looks like this:


Example 2: 2-D Table

For this example, create (in a spreadsheet application, a text editor, etc.) a 2-D table named "T2data"
containing temperature data as a function of time and x-coordinate and read it into a TABLE array
parameter called "Ttx." The table, in its ASCII form, would look like this:

Temp (time-X-coord) Table

Time X-Coordinate
0 0 .3 .5 .7 .9
0 10 15 20 25 30
1 15 20 25 35 40
2 20 25 35 55 60
4 30 40 70 90 100

In Mechanical APDL, you define a TABLE parameter "Ttx" using the *DIM command. Specify four rows,
five columns, one plane, row label of TIME, and column label of X. The data table you created has four
rows and five columns of data, plus the row and column index values. Then, read in the file, specifying
two skipped lines. The TABLE array in Mechanical APDL looks like this:

Figure 3.8: Example 2-D TABLE Array Dialog

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Array Parameters

The same example using command input looks like this:


Example 3: 3-D Table

For this example, create a 3-D table named "T3data" containing temperature data as a function of time,
x-coordinate, and y-coordinate and read it into a TABLE array parameter called "Ttxy." The table, in its
ASCII form, would look like this:

Temp (time-X-coord) Table

Time X-Coordinate
0 0 .3 .5 .7 .9
0 10 15 20 25 30
1 15 20 25 35 40
2 20 25 35 55 60
4 30 40 70 90 100
1.5 0 .3 .5 .7 .9
0 20 25 30 35 40
1 25 30 35 45 50
2 30 35 45 65 70
4 40 50 80 100 120

In the example above, the bold values (in the (0,0,Z) positions) indicate the separate planes. Each plane
of data, along with the row and column index values, is repeated for the separate planes. Only the
plane index value and the actual data values are different. The shaded area above shows the values
that change from plane to plane.

In Mechanical APDL, define a TABLE parameter "Ttxy" via the *DIM command. In the case of a 3-D table,
the table is dimensioned according to the number of rows, columns, and planes of data. The first column
(TIME) is the row index values and the first row is the column index values. Specify four rows, five
columns, two planes, row label of TIME, column label of X, and plane label of Y. The data table you
created has four rows and five columns of data in two planes, plus the row and column index values.
Then, read in the file, specifying two skipped lines. The TABLE array in Mechanical APDL looks like this
for the second plane of data (Y=1.5):

Figure 3.9: Example 3-D TABLE Array Dialog

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Using Parameters

The same example using command input looks like this:

*TREAD,Ttxy,t3data,txt,,2 Interpolating Values

When accessing information from the array, Mechanical APDL interpolates values between those explicitly

As examples of how Mechanical APDL interpolates values in TABLE arrays, consider the following:

Given that A is a TABLE array parameter, the Mechanical APDL program can calculate any value between
A(1) and A(2), for example

• A(1.5) evaluates to 20.0 (halfway between 12.0 and 28.0)

• A(1.75) evaluates to 24.0

• A(1.9) evaluates to 26.4

Similarly, if PQ is a TABLE array parameter

• PQ(1.5,1) evaluates to -3.4 (halfway between 2.8 and -9.6)

• PQ(1,1.5) evaluates to 3.5 (halfway between 2.8 and 4.2)

• PQ(3.5,1.3) evaluates to 14.88

This feature allows you to describe a function, such as y=f(x), using a TABLE array parameter. You would
use the j=0 column for values of the independent variable x and the "regular" j=1 column for values of
y. Consider, for example, a time-history forcing function described by five points as shown below.

Figure 3.10: Time-History Forcing Function

You can specify this function as a TABLE array parameter whose array elements are the force values,
and whose row index numbers 1 through 5 are time values 0.0 through 9.3. Schematically, the parameter
then looks like this:

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Array Parameters

Mechanical APDL can calculate (through linear interpolation) force values at times not specified in the
FORCE parameter. For the above example, Mechanical APDL calculates a value of 89.4375 for FORCE(9).
If a parameter location beyond the dimensions of the array is used, no extrapolation is done and the
end value is used. For example, Mechanical APDL provides a value of 560.0 for FORCE(5,2) or 0.0 for

You can see from these examples that TABLE array parameters can be very powerful tools in your ana-
lysis. Typical applications are time-history loading functions, response spectrum curves, stress-strain
curves, material-versus- temperature curves, B-H curves for magnetic materials, and so forth. Be aware
that TABLE array parameters require more computer time to process than the ARRAY type. Retrieving Values into or Restoring Array Parameter Values

You can issue the *VGET command, which is similar to *GET, to retrieve Mechanical APDL-provided
values and store them in an array.

You must define a starting array location number for the array parameter the *VGET command creates.
Looping continues over successive entity numbers for the KLOOP default. For example,
*VGET,A(1),ELEM,5,CENT,X returns the centroid x-location of element 5 and stores the result in the first
location of A. Retrieving continues with elements 6, 7, and so on until successive array locations are
filled. In this example, if KLOOP is 4, then the centroid of x, y, and z are returned.

To restore array parameter values, use the *VPUT command.

The *VPUT command uses the same arguments as the *VGET command (described above), but does
the opposite of the *VGET operation. For a list of valid labels for *VPUT items, see the command's de-
scription in the Command Reference.

The Mechanical APDL program "puts" vector items directly, without any coordinate system transformation.
*VPUT can replace existing array items, but can't create new items. Degree of freedom results that are
changed in the database are available for all subsequent operations. Other results change temporarily,
and are available mainly for immediately following print and display operations.


Use this command with extreme caution, as it can alter entire sections of the database. The
*VPUT command doesn't support all items on the *VGET item list because putting values
into some locations could make the Mechanical APDL database inconsistent. Listing Array Parameters

As with scalar parameters, you can use the *STATUS command to list array parameters. The following
examples illustrate the *STATUS command in use:


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Using Parameters

Mechanical APDLWEB Fnc_HomePage




MYPAR1 .987350000 SCALAR

*STATUS,XYZ(1),5,9 ! Lists rows 5 through 9 of XYZ


5 1 1 -8.98000000
6 1 1 9.01000000
7 1 1 -30.6000000
8 1 1 51.0000000
9 1 1 -51.9000000

*STATUS,FORCE(1),,,0 ! Lists parameter FORCE, includes j=0 column


1 0 1 0.000000000E+00
2 0 1 0.800000000
3 0 1 7.20000000
4 0 1 8.50000000
5 0 1 9.30000000
1 1 1 0.000000000E+00
2 1 1 560.000000
3 1 1 560.000000
4 1 1 238.500000
5 1 1 0.000000000E+00

*STATUS,T2(1,1) ! Lists parameter T2


1 1 1 0.600000000
2 1 1 2.00000000
3 1 1 -1.80000000
4 1 1 4.00000000
1 2 1 7.00000000
2 2 1 5.00000000
3 2 1 9.10000000
4 2 1 62.5000000
1 3 1 2.000000000E-04
2 3 1 -3.50000000
3 3 1 22.0000000
4 3 1 1.000000000E-02

*STATUS,RESULT(1)!Lists parameter RESULT


1 1 1 SX(CHAR)
2 1 1 SY(CHAR)
3 1 1 SZ(CHAR)

3.10.6. Writing Data Files

You can write formatted data files (tabular formatting) from data held in arrays through the *VWRITE
command. The command takes up to 10 array vectors as arguments and writes the data contained in

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Array Parameters

those vectors to the currently open file (*CFOPEN command). The format for each vector is specified
with FORTRAN data descriptors on the line following the *VWRITE command (therefore you can't issue
the *VWRITE command from the Mechanical APDL input window.)

An array vector, specified with a starting element location (such as MYARRAY(1,2,1)). You can also use
an expression, which is evaluated as a constant value for that field in each row of the data file. The
keyword SEQU evaluates to a sequential column of integers, starting from one.

The format of each row in the data file is determined by the data descriptor line. You must include one
descriptor for each argument to the command. Do not include the word FORMAT in the descriptor line.
You can use any real format or character format descriptor; however, you may not use either integer
or list directed descriptors. Format Data Descriptors

If you are unfamiliar with FORTRAN data descriptors, this section helps you to format your data file. For
more information, consult the documentation for the FORTRAN compiler for your specific platform.

You must provide a data descriptor for each data item you specify as an argument to the *VWRITE
command. In general, you can use the F descriptor (floating point) for any numeric values. The F
descriptor takes the syntax



Is the width of the data field in characters.

Is the number of digits to the right of the decimal point.

Thus, for a field that is 10 characters wide and has eight characters after the decimal point, you would
use the following data descriptor:

For character fields, you can use the A descriptor. The A descriptor has the syntax



Is the width of the data field in characters.

Thus, for a character field that is eight characters wide, the descriptor is

The following examples illustrate the *VWRITE command and data descriptors in use.

Given that the MYDATA array has been dimensioned and filled with the following values:

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Using Parameters

The following short macro first defines the scalar parameter X as having a value of 25 and then opens
the file vector (*CFOPEN command). The *VWRITE command then defines the data to be written to
the file. In this case, the first vector written uses the SEQU keyword to provide row numbers. Note that
in some cases that constants, scalar parameters, and operations that include array element values are
written to the file. Note the data file contents for these items.
(F3.0,' ',F8.4,' ',F8.1,' 'F8.6,' ',F4.1,' 'F4.0,' 'F8.1)

The macro creates the following data file:

1. 2.1522 3.9 5.286370 10.2 25. 5.2
2. 2.3049 4.0 5.409196 10.2 25. 5.2
3. 2.0105 3.4 5.936638 10.2 25. 5.2
4. 2.3683 3.3 5.632203 10.2 25. 5.2
5. 2.8491 4.8 5.978024 10.2 25. 5.2
6. 2.2280 3.5 5.546851 10.2 25. 5.2

The second example uses the following previously dimensioned and filled array:

Note the use of descriptors in the following example *VWRITE command:

(' Row',F3.0,' contains ',2F7.3,'. Is their sum ',F7.3,' ?')

The resulting data file is

Row 1. contains 10.000 50.000. Is their sum 60.000 ?
Row 2. contains 20.000 70.000. Is their sum 60.000 ?
Row 3. contains 30.000 80.000. Is their sum 60.000 ?

3.10.7. Operations Among Array Parameters

Just as parametric expressions and functions allow operations among scalar parameters, a series of
commands is available to perform operations among array parameters. There are classes of operations:
operations on columns (vectors), known as vector operations and operations on entire matrices (arrays),
known as matrix operations. All operations are affected by a set of specification commands, which are
discussed in Specification Commands for Vector and Matrix Operations (p. 39). Vector Operations

Vector operations are simply a set of operations - addition, subtraction, sine, cosine, dot product, cross
product, etc. - repeated over a sequence of array elements. Do-loops (discussed in Looping: Do-Loops)
can be employed for this purpose, but a more convenient and much faster way is to use the vector
operation commands - *VOPER, *VFUN, *VSCFUN, *VITRP, *VFILL, *VREAD, and *VGET. Of these listed
vector operation commands, only *VREAD and *VWRITE are valid for character array parameters. Other

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Array Parameters

vector operation commands apply only to array parameters dimensioned (*DIM) as ARRAY type or
TABLE type.

The *VFILL, *VREAD, *VGET, *VWRITE, and *DIM commands were introduced earlier in this chapter.
Other commands that are discussed in this section include

Performs an operation on two input array vectors and produces a single output array vector.

Performs a function on a single input array vector and produces a single output array vector.

Determines the properties of a single input array vector and places the result in a specified scalar

Forms an array parameter (type ARRAY) by interpolating an array parameter (type TABLE) at specified
table index locations.

The examples below illustrate the use of some of these commands. Refer to the Command Reference
for syntactical information about these commands. For all of the following examples, the array parameters
(of type ARRAY) X, Y, and THETA have been dimensioned and defined.

In the following example, the result array is first dimensioned (Z1). The *VOPER command then adds
column 2 of X to column 1 of Y, both starting at row 1, and then places the result into Z1. Notice that
the starting location (the row and column index numbers) must be specified for all array parameters.
The operation then progresses sequentially down the specified vector.

In the following example, again the result array (Z2) is dimensioned first. The *VOPER command then
multiplies the first column of X (starting at row 2) with the fourth column of Y (starting at row 1) and
writes the results to Z2 (starting at row 1).

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Using Parameters

In this example, again the results array (Z4) is dimensioned first. The *VOPER command then performs
the cross product of four pairs of vectors, one pair for each row of X and Y. The i, j, and k components
of these vectors are columns 1, 2, and 3 respectively of X and columns 2, 3, and 4 of Y. The results are
written to Z4, whose i, j, and k components are vectors 1, 2, and 3 respectively.

In the following example, the results array (A3) is dimensioned first. The *VFUN command then raises
each element in vector 2 of X to the power of 2 and writes the results to A3.

In this example, the results array (A4) is dimensioned. The two *VFUN commands then calculate the
cosine and sine of array elements in THETA and place the results in the first and second columns, re-
spectively, of A4. Notice that A4 now represents a circular arc spanning 90°, described by seven points
(whose x, y, and z global Cartesian coordinates are the three vectors). The arc has a radius of 1.0 and
lies parallel to the x-y plane at z = 2.0.

In this example, the results array (A5) is first dimensioned. Then, the *VFUN command calculates the
tangent vector at each point on the curve represented by A4, normalizes it to 1.0, and places the results
in A5.

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Array Parameters

Two additional *VOPER operations, gather (GATH) and scatter (SCAT), are used to copy values from
one vector to another based on numbers contained in a "position" vector. The following example
demonstrates the gather operation. Note that, as always, the results array must be dimensioned first.
In the example, the gather operation copies the value of B1 to B3 (using the index positions specified
in B2). Note that the last element in B3 is 0 as this is its initialized value.
*VOPER,B3(1),B1(1),GATH,B2(1) Matrix Operations

Matrix operations are mathematical operations between numerical array parameter matrices, such as
matrix multiplication, calculating the transpose, and solving simultaneous equations.

Commands discussed in this section include

Performs matrix operations on one or more input array parameter matrices and produces an output
array parameter matrix. Some of the available matrix operations are:

• Matrix multiplication

• Solution of simultaneous equations

• Sorting (in ascending order) on a specified vector in a matrix

• Covariance between two vectors

• Correlation between two vectors

See *MOPER for a complete list of operations.

Copies or transposes an array parameter matrix (accepts one input matrix and produces one output

Calculates the coefficients for or evaluates a Fourier series.

The examples below illustrate the use of some of these commands. Refer to the Command Reference
for syntactical information about these commands.

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Using Parameters

This example shows the sorting capabilities of the *MOPER command. For this example, assume that
the array (SORTDATA) has been dimensioned and its element values have been defined as follows:

First, the OLDORDER array is dimensioned. The *MOPER command places the original order of the rows
into OLDORDER. The *MOPER command then sorts the rows in SORTDATA so that the 1,1 vector is now
in ascending order.

The following array values result from the *MOPER command:

To put the SORTDATA array back into its original order, you could then issue the following command:

In the following example, the *MOPER command solves a set of simultaneous equations. The following
two arrays have been dimensioned and their values assigned:

The *MOPER command can solve a set of simultaneous equations for a square matrix. The equations
take the form

an1X1 + an2X2 + , . . . , + annXn = bn

In the case of the above arrays, the *MOPER command solves the following set of simultaneous equa-

2X1 + 4X2 + 3X3 +2X4 = 2

3X1 + 6X2 + 5X3 + 2X4 = 2

2X1 + 5X2 + 2X3 - 3X4 =3

4X1 + 5X2 +14X3 + 14X4 = 11

To solve the equations, first the results array (C) is dimensioned. Then the *MOPER command solves
the equations, using A as the matrix of a coefficients and B as a vector of b values.

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Array Parameters

The C array now contains the following solutions.

The following example shows the *MFUN command used to transpose data in an array. For this example,
assume that the array (DATA) was dimensioned and filled with the following values:

As always, the results array (DATATRAN) is dimensioned first, then the *MFUN command transposes
the values and writes them to DATATRAN.

The following shows the results in the DATATRAN array: Specification Commands for Vector and Matrix Operations

All the vector and matrix operation commands are affected by the setting of the following specification
commands: *VCUM, *VABS, *VFACT, *VLEN, *VCOL, and*VMASK. (Of all specification commands, only
*VLEN and *VMASK, in conjunction with *VREAD or *VWRITE, are valid for character array parameters.)
You can check the status of these commands with the *VSTAT command. Most of these commands
(and their corresponding GUI paths) were introduced earlier in this chapter. The others are explained
in the following.

Important: All specification commands are reset to their default settings after each vector or matrix

Following are the available array-specification commands:

Specifies whether results are cumulative or noncumulative (overwriting previous results). ParR, the
result of a vector operation, is either added to an existing parameter of the same name or overwritten.
The default is noncumulative results, that is, ParR overwrites an existing parameter of the same name.

Applies an absolute value to any or all of the parameters involved in a vector operation. The default
is to use the real (algebraic) value.

Applies a scale factor to any or all of the parameters involved in a vector operation. The default scale
factor is 1.0 (full value).

Specifies the number of columns in matrix operations. The default is to fill all locations of the result
array from the specified starting location.

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Using Parameters

Lists the current specifications for the array parameters.

Specifies the number of rows to be used in array parameter operations.

Specifies an array parameter as a masking vector.

The following table lists the various specification commands and the vector and matrix array commands
that they affect.

*MFOURI No No No No No No No
*MFUN Yes Yes Yes No Yes No Yes
*MOPER Yes Yes Yes No Yes No Yes
*VFILL Yes Yes Yes N/A Yes Yes Yes
*VFUN Yes Yes Yes N/A Yes Yes Yes
*VGET Yes Yes Yes N/A Yes Yes Yes
*VITRP Yes Yes Yes N/A Yes Yes Yes
*VOPER Yes Yes Yes N/A Yes Yes Yes
*VPLOT No No N/A N/A Yes Yes Yes
*VPUT Yes Yes No N/A Yes Yes Yes
*VREAD Yes Yes Yes N/A Yes Yes Yes
*VSCFUN Yes Yes Yes N/A Yes Yes Yes
*VWRITE No No N/A N/A Yes Yes Yes

The examples below illustrate the use of some of the specification commands. Refer to the Command
Reference for syntactical information about these commands.

In the following, the results array (CMPR) is dimensioned. The two *VFUN commands, in conjunction
with the preceding *VMASK and *VLEN commands, then compress selected data and write them to
specified locations in CMPR. The complement to the COMP operation is the EXPA operation on the
*VFUN command.
*VLEN,4,2! Do next *V---- operation on four rows,
! skipping every second row
*VMASK,X(1,3)!Use column 3 of X as a mask for next *V----
! operation

This example uses the *VFACT command to round the values in an array vector to the number of
decimal places specified by the NUMDP scalar parameter (set to 2 in the example). The NUMDATA array
has been dimensioned and filled with the following values:

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Array Parameters


or, you can use a slightly shorter version


The resultant NUMDATA array is then:

This example uses the *VLEN and *VMASK commands to find the set of prime numbers less than 100.
An array, MASKVECT, is created using 1.0 to indicate that the row value is a prime number and 0.0 to
indicate that the value isn't prime. The algorithm used to create the mask vector is to initialize all rows
whose value is greater than 1 to 1.0 and then loop through the range of possible factors, eliminating
all multiples of the factor. The *VLEN command sets the row increment for performing operations to
FACTOR. When the *VFILL command is processed, the row number is incremented by this value. Because
the starting row is FACTOR x 2, the rows are processed by each loop in the following manner: FACTOR
x 2, FACTOR x 3, FACTOR x 4, etc.

The resultant output from the *STATUS command, showing the first 10 elements in NUMBERS is:

1 1 1 0.000000000E+00
2 1 1 2.00000000
3 1 1 3.00000000
4 1 1 0.000000000E+00
5 1 1 5.00000000
6 1 1 0.000000000E+00
7 1 1 7.00000000
8 1 1 0.000000000E+00
9 1 1 0.000000000E+00
10 1 1 0.000000000E+00

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Using Parameters

3.10.8. Plotting Array Parameter Vectors

You can graphically display array vector values using the *VPLOT command.

The following demonstrates some of the capabilities of the *VPLOT command. For this example, two
TABLE arrays (TABLEVAL and TABLE) and one numeric array have been dimensioned and filled with the
following values:

The following are example *VPLOT commands and their resulting plots. Note that since ARRAY data is
unordered it is plotted as a histogram; TABLE data is ordered and is therefore plotted as a curve.

Figure 3.11: Example Plot Using *VPLOT,,arrayval(1,1),2

Figure 3.12: Example Plot Using *VPLOT,,tableval(1,1),2

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Array Parameters

Figure 3.13: Example Plot Using *VPLOT,table2(1),tableval(1,1),2

Figure 3.14: Example Plot Using *VPLOT,tableval(1,0),tableval(1,1),2

3.10.9. Modifying Curve Labels

When you use *VPLOT to create your curves, default labels are assigned. Normally, the label for curve
1 is “COL 1”, the label for curve 2 is “COL 2” and so on; the column number is the field containing the
dependent variables for that particular curve. You can use the /GCOLUMN command to apply your
own labels to the curves (any string of up to eight characters).

The example below uses the /GCOLUMN command at the beginning of the program input to apply
the labels “string01” and “string02” to the array curve.


xxx( 1,1) =1e6

xxx( 2,1) = 1e6 + 1e5
xxx( 3,1) = 1e6 + 2e5
xxx( 4,1) = 1e6 + 3e5
xxx( 5,1) = 1e6 + 4e5
xxx( 6,1) = 1e6 + 5e5
xxx( 7,1) = 1e6 + 6e5
xxx( 8,1) = 1e6 + 7e5
xxx( 9,1) = 1e6 + 8e5
xxx(10,1) = 1e6 + 9e5

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Using Parameters

yyy( 1,1) = 1
yyy( 2,1) = 4
yyy( 3,1) = 9
yyy( 4,1) = 16
yyy( 5,1) = 25
yyy( 6,1) = 36
yyy( 7,1) = 49
yyy( 8,1) = 64
yyy( 9,1) = 81
yyy(10,1) = 100

yyy( 1,2) = 1
yyy( 2,2) = 2
yyy( 3,2) = 3
yyy( 4,2) = 4
yyy( 5,2) = 5
yyy( 6,2) = 6
yyy( 7,2) = 7
yyy( 8,2) = 8
yyy( 9,2) = 9
yyy(10,2) = 10

*vplo,xxx(1,1), yyy(1,1) ,2

Figure 3.15: Example Plot With User-specified Labels

The labels can be returned to the default value (COL 1 and COL 2) by issuing the /GCOLUMN command
with no string specified.

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Chapter 4: APDL Math
APDL Math extends the APDL scripting environment of Mechanical APDL to give you access to the
powerful matrix manipulation routines in the Mechanical APDL product, including its fast and efficient
solvers. APDL Math provides access to matrices and vectors on the .FULL, .EMAT, .MODE and .SUB
files, as well as other sources, so that you can read them in, manipulate them, and write them back out
or solve them directly. This functionality augments the vector and matrix operations (such as *VOPER
and *MOPER), in the standard APDL scripting environment. Both dense matrices and sparse matrices
can be manipulated using APDL Math.

Differences Between Standard APDL and APDL Math APDL Math works in its own workspace inde-
pendent of the APDL environment. However, APDL arrays (vectors or matrices) may be imported into
this workspace for manipulation, and also may be exported from this workspace into the standard APDL

The following is a summary of the APDL Math commands:

Commands to create and delete matrices and vectors

*DMAT Creates a dense matrix.
*SMAT Creates a sparse matrix.
*VEC Creates a vector.
*FREE Deletes a matrix or a solver object and frees its memory allocation.
Commands to manipulate matrices
*AXPY Performs the matrix operation M2= v*M1 + w*M2.
*COMP Compresses the columns of a matrix using a specified algorithm.
*DOT Computes the dot (or inner) product of two vectors.
*FFT Computes the fast Fourier transformation of the specified matrix or vector.
*INIT Initializes a vector or dense matrix.
*MERGE Merges two dense matrices or vectors into one.
*MULT Performs the matrix multiplication M3 = M1(T1)*M2(T2).
*NRM Computes the norm of the specified vector or matrix.
*REMOVE Suppresses rows or columns of a dense matrix or a vector.
*SCAL Scales a vector or matrix by a constant.
*SORT Sorts the values of the specified vector.
Commands to perform solutions
*LSENGINE Creates a linear solver engine.
*LSFACTOR Performs the numerical factorization of a linear solver system.
*LSBAC Performs the solve (forward/backward substitution) of a factorized linear
*ITENGINE Performs a solution using an iterative solver.

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*EIGEN Performs a modal solution with unsymmetric or damping matrices.

Commands to output matrices
*EXPORT Exports a matrix to a file in the specified format.
*PRINT Prints the matrix values to a file.

The following topics are discussed in the remainder of this chapter:

4.1. Procedure for using APDL Math
4.2. Matrix and Vector Sizes
4.3. Accessing Complex Scalar Values
4.4. Degree of Freedom Ordering
4.5. Creating a User Superelement
4.6. Restrictions and Recommendations for Matrix Operations
4.7. APDL Math Examples

4.1. Procedure for using APDL Math

Typically, four steps are followed when using APDL Math.

1. Create the matrices.

Matrices and vectors can be created by one of the following methods:

• Generate matrices and vectors directly using APDL (*DIM, *SET, etc.).

• Mechanical APDL generates the matrices and vectors for you. These may come from a prior
solution or may have been generated using the WRFULL command. The matrices are obtained
from the .FULL, .EMAT, .SUB, .MODE or .RST files.

• Use external sources provided in Harwell-Boeing or Matrix Market format.

2. Read the matrices into APDL Math.

Once the files are available, you may import them into APDL Math using *DMAT for dense matrices,
*SMAT for sparse matrices, and *VEC for vectors.

3. Manipulate the matrices.

You can use the linear matrix operators *MULT and *AXPY to combine specified matrices and, thus,
create other matrices. You may also modify the contents of matrices directly by using APDL expres-
sions; for example, "A(3,2)=6.4".

Additionally, you can use these steps to modify the matrices using standard APDL operations:

a. Export the matrix via *EXPORT,,APDL.

b. Modify the matrix using standard APDL operations such as *SET, *MOPER, *VFUN, *DO, etc.

c. Re-import the matrix back into APDL Math via *DMAT,,,IMPORT,APDL (or *VEC,,,IMPROT,APDL
for a vector).

4. Use the matrices.

The modified matrices may be used in standard Mechanical APDL solutions, solved in APDL Math,
or exported for use in an external application, as follows.

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Accessing Complex Scalar Values

• Use in standard Mechanical APDL solutions:

– The simplest approach is to export the matrix as a superelement (*EXPORT,,SUB) for use in any

• Solve in APDL Math:

– Identify the solver to be used with *LSENGINE.

– Factor the matrix with *LSFACTOR.

– Solve for the unknowns with LSSOLVE.

– Once you do these steps, you can use *ITENGINE to use a PCG algorithm to find new solutions
to a perturbed matrix (for instance, for parametric or sensitivity studies).

• Export for use in an external application using *EXPORT with the Harwell-Boeing or Matrix Market

4.2. Matrix and Vector Sizes

APDL Math automatically maintains APDL parameters corresponding to the size of every matrix and
vector you create. The APDL parameter are created as follows:

• For an example matrix named “MyMatrix”, the APDL parameters MyMatrix_rowDim and MyMatrix_colDim
are automatically created.

• For matrices imported from the .FULL file, the APDL parameter MyMatrix_NUMDOF is automatically
created, where NUMDOF is the number of degrees of freedom per node.

• For an example vector named “MyVector”, the APDL parameter MyVector_Dim is automatically created.

These APDL parameters are updated each time you manipulate these objects using APDL Math com-

4.3. Accessing Complex Scalar Values

The technique described here allows you to access the values of complex vectors (*VEC) or dense
matrices (*DMAT) and to manipulate either the real part or the imaginary part.

A complex dense matrix is a 2-D array of complex scalars. It can also be considered a 3-D array of real
values as shown in the figure below:

Figure 4.1: 3-D Representation of a Complex Dense Matrix

Im Im Im
Re Re Re
a 11 a 12 a 13 a 11 a 12 a 13 Re

A= a 21 a 22 a 23 <=> A= a 21 a 22 a 23 Re

a 31 a 32 a 33 a 31 a 32 a 33 Re

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The examples outlined below show several ways to access the complex scalar values.

• To get the real part of a dense matrix term, you can use the syntax:
VAL_RE = A(i,j,1)
VAL_IM = A(i,j,2)

• You can also set a new value directly, using the same logic:
A(i,j,1) = 3.5
A(i,j,2) = 0.0

• Similarly, you can access the values of a complex vector:

VAL_RE = V(i,1)
VAL_IM = V(i,2)

4.4. Degree of Freedom Ordering

Degrees of freedom (DOFs) are numbered 1-n, where n is the total number of DOFs in the system.
Mechanical APDL maintains three orderings of the DOF set:

1. The user ordering is based on the user's node numbers. As an example, this ordering corresponds to
what would be printed in the POST1 postprocessor by the PRNSOL,U command.

2. The internal ordering is obtained by compressing the unused node numbers from the user's set and
renumbering them based on the reordered element set. This reordering is performed to obtain better
cache performance as these items are referenced in the solution phase. The map between the user
ordering and this internal ordering is referred to as the "nodal equivalence table" in the descriptions
of binary data files (see Format of Binary Data Files in the Programmer's Reference).

3. The solver ordering is obtained by reordering the equations (DOFs) in order to minimize the solver
time and disk requirements. Also, the effects of any constraints (D command), couplings (CP command),
and constraint equations (CE command or MPC contact) are accounted for, thereby reducing the DOF
set. This ordering, also referred to as the BCS ordering, represents the "independent" DOFs of the

The matrices and load vector imported from the .FULL file (*SMAT,,,FULL) are in terms of the BCS or-
dering; mapping from the internal ordering to this ordering is required when working with these

The resulting solution from *LSBAC will also be in this BCS ordering.

The mode shapes from the .MODE file and the DOF results from the .RST file are in the internal ordering,
and they need to be converted before use with any of the matrices from the .FULL file, as shown below:
*SMAT,Nod2Bcs,D,IMPORT,FULL,file.full,NOD2BCS ! import the mapping vector
*DMAT,PhiI,D,IMPORT,MODE,file.mode ! import the mode shapes
*MULT,Nod2Bcs,,PhiI,,PhiB ! convert to the BCS set

To convert from BCS to internal ordering (for example, after an *LSBAC solution), use the transpose of
the NOD2BCS mapping vector:

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Creating a User Superelement

To convert from external (user) ordering to the internal ordering, use the FORWARD nodal mapping
vector. The following example retrieves the UZ displacement of user node 45232 from the internal
solution vector Xint:
j = MapForward(45232)
UzVal = Xint((j-1)*NUMDOF + 3) ! 3 is the UZ DOF number

To convert from internal ordering to external (user), use the BACK nodal mapping vector. The following
example puts a force at node 672 in the FX direction into Fint:
j = MapBack(672)
Fint((j-1)*NUMDOF + 1) = -1000

To convert this to solver (BCS) ordering for solving (*LSBAC):


4.5. Creating a User Superelement

One way to add user-defined behavior to a model is via superelements. APDL Math allows you to import,
modify, and create superelement matrices that you can then export to a superelement .SUB file for
use in subsequent analyses.

Importing from existing .SUB files or from NASTRAN DMIG files is straightforward. These matrices can
be modified using existing APDL or APDL Math operations and the modified matrix exported to a new
.SUB file. Note that for a DMIG file export, you must supply the nodal coordinates.

Creating a .SUB file from scratch requires additional information. You must create (*DIM) an m x 2 array,
where "m" is the number of master DOFs (rows in the matrix). In the first column, put the node number
of the master DOF, and in the second column put the DOF number. This array is then passed to the
*EXPORT,,SUB command. For example:
! Provide coordinates for SUB file

! Allocate the matrix and define the values


! Allocate the row information array and define its values

rowinfo(1,1)=11,11,12,12 ! nodes
rowinfo(1,2)=1,2,1,2 ! dofs

! Export to a SUB file


! List its contents


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4.6. Restrictions and Recommendations for Matrix Operations

The following restrictions and recommendations apply when using APDL Math matrix operations:

• You cannot directly modify a sparse matrix in APDL Math. You must export it from APDL Math to
modify it:

– Export the matrix in an ASCII format (for example, *EXPORT,,MMF).

– Edit the file.

– Import the matrix back in (*SMAT,,,IMPORT,MMF).

• When working with matrices and vectors, care must be taken to insure that any operations are done
using consistent ordering (see Degree of Freedom Ordering (p. 48)).

4.7. APDL Math Examples

The following examples demonstrate various applications for APDL Math.

Example 4.1: Verify Orthogonality of Eigenmodes after a Modal Analysis








! CREATE PhiTMPhi = (Phi)T*M*Phi




Example 4.2: Read a Matrix and a Load Vector from a FULL File and Solve









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APDL Math Examples









Example 4.3: Perform a Full Harmonic Sweep










/com,** FREQUENCY = %FREQ%

w=2*3.14*FREQ/C ! COMPUTE OMEGA (w)

w2=w*w ! w*w







Example 4.4: Perform an UNSYM Modal Solve from a FULL File






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Example 4.5: Perform a DAMP Modal Solve from HBMAT Files








Example 4.6: Import a Matrix from a .SUB File, Modify the Values, and Update the File




MATKAPDL(1,1) = 5.0





Example 4.7: Calculate the Complex Mode Contribution Coefficients (CMCC)

APDLMath is used to calculate the CMCC based on Equation 3.1 in the Mechanical APDL Structural Ana-
lysis Guide. The real modes are read from the Jobname.MODESYM mode file, the mass matrix from the
file.full file, and the complex modes from the Jobname.MODE file. The resulting CMCC are printed
out in the ASCII file Cmcc.txt. If the file Cmcc.txt already exists, the new coefficients will be appended
to this file.
! ------------------------------------------------------------
! ------------------------------------------------------------


! ------------------------------------------------------------
! ------------------------------------------------------------


! ------------------------------------------------------------
! ------------------------------------------------------------


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APDL Math Examples

! ------------------------------------------------------------
! ------------------------------------------------------------

*MULT,Mass,,PhiC,,MPhiC ! MPhiC = M.PhiC

*MULT,PhiR,T,MPhiC,,PhiRMPhiC ! PhiRMPhiC = PhiR(T).MPhiC


*VEC,v,z,LINK,PhiRMPhiC,ii ! V = LINK TO iith Column
*AXPY,,,,1./_vr_nrm,,v ! V is normalized / NRM_INF(V)=1.

*PRINT,PhiRMPhiC,Cmcc.txt ! PRINT -> Cmcc.txt

Example 4.8: Import Matrices from Nastran DMIG Files and Create SUB Files for Mechanical APDL

Nodes must be defined in Mechanical APDL to match Nastran Data to the Mechanical APDL model.



The matrices must be in different files.


KMat(1,1) = KMat(1,1)*2



The two matrices are dumped into one single SUB file. The file is generated at the "DONE" keyword.

Example 4.9: Calculate the Participation Factors and Total Rigid Body Mass

APDL Math is used to calculate the participation factors and total rigid body mass based on the database
file (test.db), the full file (test.full), and the mode file (test.mode) from a modal analysis. This
procedure is particularly useful if the effect of boundary conditions and CP/CE is required.
resume,, db

! Generation of the rigid body motion vectors = rig_apdl

dim1 = numDof*maxNod
dim2 = 6

! Get the name of the files


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jobcurr(1) = strcat(jobcurr(1),param)
jobcurrfull(1) = strcat(jobcurr(1),'.full')
jobcurrmode(1) = strcat(jobcurr(1),'.mode')

! Calculation of pfall = PhiRT x mass x rig





*print,pfall ! participation factors

*print,mtot ! total rigid body mass

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Chapter 5: APDL as a Macro Language
You can record a frequently used sequence of Mechanical APDL commands in a macro file (these are
sometimes called command files). Creating a macro enables you to, in effect, create your own custom
Mechanical APDL command. For example, calculating power loss due to eddy currents in a magnetic
analysis would require a series of Mechanical APDL commands in the postprocessor. By recording this
set of commands in a macro, you have a new, single command that executes all of the commands re-
quired for that calculation. In addition to executing a series of Mechanical APDL commands, a macro
can call GUI functions or pass values into arguments.

You can also nest macros. That is, one macro can call a second macro, the second macro can call a third
macro, and so on. You can use up to 20 nesting levels, including any file switches caused by the
Mechanical APDL /INPUT command. After each nested macro executes, the Mechanical APDL program
returns control to the previous macro level.

The following is a very simple example macro file. In this example, the macro creates a block with di-
mensions 4, 3, and, 2 and a sphere with a radius of 1. It then subtracts the sphere from one corner of
the block.

If this macro were called mymacro.mac, you could execute this sequence of commands with the fol-
lowing single Mechanical APDL command

or (because the extension is .mac)


Although this is not a realistic macro, it does illustrate the principle.

This chapter provides information on the various ways you can create, store, and execute macros. It
also discusses the basic information you need to use APDL as a scripting language in creating macros.
APDL commands used to define and execute macros are listed in Chapter 2 of the Command Reference.

The following specific macro topics are available:

5.1. Creating a Macro
5.2. Executing Macros and Macro Libraries
5.3. Local Variables
5.4. Controlling Program Flow in APDL
5.5. Control Functions Quick Reference
5.6. Using the _STATUS and _RETURN Parameters in Macros
5.7. Using Macros with Components and Assemblies
5.8. Reviewing Example Macros

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APDL as a Macro Language

5.1. Creating a Macro

You can create macros either within Mechanical APDL itself or using your text editor of choice (such as
emacs, vi, or wordpad). If your macro is fairly simple and short, creating it in Mechanical APDL can be
very convenient. If you are creating a longer, more complex macro or editing an existing macro then
you will need a text editor. Also, using a text editor allows you to use a similar macro or Mechanical
APDL log file as the source for your macro.

For any long, complex macro you should always consider either using a similar macro as a starting point
or running the task interactively in Mechanical APDL and using the resulting log file as the basis of your
macro. Either method can greatly reduce the time and effort required to create a suitable macro.

The following creating macro topics are available:

5.1.1. Macro File Naming Conventions
5.1.2. Macro Search Path
5.1.3. Creating a Macro Within Mechanical APDL
5.1.4. Creating Macros with a Text Editor
5.1.5. Using Macro Library Files

5.1.1. Macro File Naming Conventions

Macros are a sequence of Mechanical APDL commands stored in a file. Macros should not have the
same name as an existing Mechanical APDL command, or start with the first four characters of a
Mechanical APDL command, because Mechanical APDL executes the internal command instead of the
macro. The following naming restrictions apply to macro files:

• The file name cannot exceed 32 characters.

• The file name cannot begin with a numeral.

• The file extension cannot contain more than eight characters (if you are executing the macro as if it
were a Mechanical APDL command it should have the extension .mac.)

• The file name or extension cannot contain spaces.

• The file name or extension cannot contain any characters prohibited by your file system and for port-
ability should not contain any characters prohibited by either Linux or Windows file systems.

To ensure that you are not using the name of a Mechanical APDL command, before creating a macro
try running the file name that you wish to use as a Mechanical APDL command. If Mechanical APDL
returns the message shown below, you will know that the command is not used in the current processor.
You should check the macro file name in each processor in which you plan to use the macro. (You
could also check if the macro file name matches any command listed in the online documentation;
however, this method cannot locate the names of undocumented commands.)

Figure 5.1: Mechanical APDL Message Box for Unknown Command

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Creating a Macro

Using the .mac extension allows Mechanical APDL to execute the macro as it would any internal
command. You should avoid using the extension .MAC because it is used for Mechanical APDL internal

5.1.2. Macro Search Path

By default, Mechanical APDL searches for a user macro file (.mac extension) in the following locations:

1. The /ansys_inc/v182/ansys/apdl directory.

2. The directory (or directories) designated by the ANSYS_MACROLIB environment variable (if defined)
or the login (home) directory. This environment variable is documented in The Mechanical APDL En-
vironment chapter of the Operations Guide.

3. The directory designated by the $HOME environment variable.

4. The working directory.

You can place macros for your personal use in your home directory. Macros that should be available
across your site should be placed in the /ansys_inc/v182/ansys/apdl directory or some commonly
accessible directory that everyone can reference through the ANSYS_MACROLIB environment variable.

For Windows users: The "current directory" is the default directory (usually a network resource) set by
administrators and you should ask your network administrator for its location. You can use environment
variables to create a local "home directory." The local home directory is checked after the default directory
designated in your domain profile.

5.1.3. Creating a Macro Within Mechanical APDL

You can create a macro by four methods from within Mechanical APDL:

• Issue the *CREATE command in the input window. Parameter values are not resolved and parameter
names are written to the file.

• Use the *CFOPEN, *CFWRITE, and *CFCLOS commands. Parameter names are resolved to their current
values and those values are written to the macro file.

• Issue the /TEE command in the input window. This command writes a list of commands to a file at the
same time that the commands are being executed. As the commands are executed in the current
Mechanical APDL session, parameter names are resolved to their current values. However, in the file
that is created, parameter values are not resolved and parameter names are written instead.

• Choose the Utility Menu> Macro> Create Macro menu item. This method opens a dialog box that
can be used as a simple, multiline editor for creating macros. Parameter values are not resolved and
parameter names are written to the file.

The following sections detail each of these methods. Using *CREATE

Issuing *CREATE redirects Mechanical APDL commands entered in the command input window to the
file designated by the command. All commands are redirected until you issue the *END command. If
an existing file has the same name as the macro file name you specify, the Mechanical APDL program
overwrites the existing file.

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APDL as a Macro Language

For example, suppose that you want to create a macro called matprop.mac, which automatically
defines a set of material properties. The set of commands entered into the input window for this macro
might look like this:

The *CREATE command takes arguments of the file name, the file extension, and the directory path
(in this case, the macros directory is specified).

When using *CREATE, all parameters used in commands are written to the file (the currently assigned
values for the parameter are not substituted).

You cannot use *CREATE within a DO loop. Using *CFWRITE

If you wish to create a macro file in which current values are substituted for parameters you can use
*CFWRITE. Unlike *CREATE, the *CFWRITE command cannot specify a macro name; you must first
specify the macro file with the *CFOPEN command. Only those Mechanical APDL commands that are
explicitly prefaced with a *CFWRITE command are then written to the designated file; all other commands
entered in the command input window are executed. As with the *CREATE command, *CFOPEN can
specify a file name, a file extension, and a path. The following example writes a BLOCK command to
the currently open macro file.

Note that parameters were used for arguments to the BLOCK command. The current value of those
parameters (and not the parameter names) are written to the file. So, for this example, the line written
to the macro file might be

To close the macro file, issue the *CFCLOS command.


While it is possible to create a macro through this method, these commands are most useful
as a method for writing Mechanical APDL commands to a file during macro execution. Using /TEE

Issuing /TEE,NEW or /TEE,APPEND redirects Mechanical APDL commands entered in the command input
window to the file designated by the command at the same time that the commands are being executed.
All commands are executed and redirected until you issue the /TEE,END command. If an existing file
has the same name as the macro file name you specify with /TEE,NEW, the Mechanical APDL program
overwrites the existing file. To avoid this, use /TEE,APPEND instead.

In addition to the Label argument (which can have a value of NEW, APPEND, or END), the /TEE com-
mand takes arguments of the file name, the file extension, and the directory path.

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Creating a Macro

As the commands are executed in the current Mechanical APDL session, all parameter names are resolved
to their current values. However, in the file that is created, parameter names are written (the currently
assigned values for the parameter are not substituted). If your current parameter values are important,
you can save the parameters to a file using the PARSAV command.

For an example, see the description of the /TEE command in the Command Reference. Using Utility Menu> Macro> Create Macro

Choosing this menu item opens a Mechanical APDL dialog box that you can use as a simple editor for
creating macros. You cannot open and edit an existing macro with this facility; if you use the name of
an existing macro as the arguments for the *CREATE field, the existing file will be overwritten.

Figure 5.2: The Create Menu Dialog Box

As with the *CREATE command, parameters are not evaluated but are written verbatim into the macro
file. Note that you do not make the last line a *END command.

5.1.4. Creating Macros with a Text Editor

You can use your favorite text editor to create or edit macro files. Any ASCII editor will work. Moreover,
Mechanical APDL macros can have their lines terminated by either Linux or Windows line ending con-
ventions (carriage-return, line-feed pairs or simply line-feeds) so you can create a macro on one platform
and use it on several platforms.

If you use this method to create macros, do not include the *CREATE and *END commands.

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APDL as a Macro Language

Figure 5.3: A Macro Created in a Text Editor

5.1.5. Using Macro Library Files

As a convenience, Mechanical APDL allows you to place a set of macros in a single file, called a macro
library file. You can create these either through the *CREATE command or through a text editor. Given
that macro libraries tend to be longer than single macros, using a text editor normally provides the
best approach.

Macros libraries have no explicit file extension and follow the same file naming conventions as macro
files. A macro library file has the following structure:

For example, the following macro file contains two simple macros:

Note that each macro is prefaced with a macro name (sometimes referred to as a data block name) and
ends with a /EOF command.

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Executing Macros and Macro Libraries

A macro library file can reside anywhere on your system, although for convenience you should place
it within the macro search path. Unlike macro files, a macro library file can have any extension up to
eight characters.

5.2. Executing Macros and Macro Libraries

You can execute any macro file by issuing the *USE command. For example, to execute the macro
called MYMACRO (no extension) residing in the current working directory, you would issue

In this case, the macro takes no arguments. If instead the macro was called MYMACRO.MACRO and
resided in /myaccount/macros, you could call it with

Note that the *USE command allows you to enter the path and extension along with the file name and
that these are not entered as separate arguments.

If a macro has a .mac file extension and resides in the search path, you can execute it as if it were a
Mechanical APDL command by simply entering it in the command input window. For example, to call
mymacro.mac you could simply enter

You can also execute macros with a .mac extension through the Utility Menu> Macro> Execute Macro
menu item.

If the same macro takes arguments (see Passing Arguments to a Macro (p. 62) for more information
about passing arguments to macros), then these can be entered on the command line as follows


The Utility Menu> Macro> Execute Macro menu item dialog provides fields for arguments.

Executing macros contained in macro libraries is similar. You must first specify the library file using the
*ULIB command. For example, to specify that macros are in the mymacros.mlib file, which resides
in the /myaccount/macros directory, you would issue the following command:

After selecting a macro library, you can execute any macro contained in the library by specifying it
through the *USE command. As with macros contained in individual files, you can specify arguments
as parameters in the *USE command.


You cannot use the *USE command to access macros not contained in the specified macro
library file after issuing the *ULIB command.

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APDL as a Macro Language

5.3. Local Variables

APDL provides two sets of specially named scalar parameters which are available for use as local variables.
These consist of

• A set of scalar parameters that provide a way of passing command line arguments to the macro.

• A set of scalar parameters that can be used within the macro. These provide a set of local variables that
can be used to define values only within that macro.

The following sections discuss both of these variable types in detail.

5.3.1. Passing Arguments to a Macro

There are 19 scalar parameters that you can use to pass arguments from the macro execution command
line to the macro. These scalar parameters can be reused with multiple macros; that is, their values are
local to each macro. The parameters are named ARG1 through AR19 and they can be used for any of
the following items:

• Numbers

• Alphanumeric character strings (up to 32 characters enclosed in single quotes)

• Numeric or character parameters

• Parametric expressions


You can pass only the values of parameters ARG1 through AR18 to a macro as arguments
with the *USE command. If you create a macro that can be used as a Mechanical APDL
command (the macro files has a .mac extension), you can pass the values of parameters
ARG1 through AR19 to the macro.

For example, the following simple macro requires four arguments, ARG1, ARG2, ARG3, and ARG4:

To execute this macro, a user might enter


5.3.2. Local Variables Within Macros

Each macro can have up to 80 scalar parameters used as local variables (AR20 through AR99). These
parameters are completely local to the macro, and multiple macros can each have their own unique
values assigned to these parameters. These parameters are not passed to macros called from macros
(nested macros). They are passed to any files processed through a /INPUT command or a "do loop"
processed within the macro.

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Controlling Program Flow in APDL

5.3.3. Local Variables Outside of Macros

Mechanical APDL also has a similar set of ARG1 through AR99 scalar parameters that are local to an
input file, and are not passed to any macros called by that input file. Thus, once a macro finishes and
execution returns to an input file, the values of ARG1 through AR99 revert to whatever values were
defined within the input file.

5.4. Controlling Program Flow in APDL

When executing an input file, Mechanical APDL is normally restricted to linear program flow; that is,
each statement is executed in the order that it is encountered in the listing. However, APDL provides
a rich set of commands that you can use to control program flow. These commands are listed in Chapter
2 of the Command Reference.

• Call subroutines (nested macros).

• Branch unconditionally to a specified location with a macro.

• Branch based upon a condition to a specified location within a macro.

• Repeat the execution of a single command, incrementing one or more command parameters.

• Loop through a section of a macro a specified number of times.

The following sections detail each of these program control capabilities. For the exact syntax of the
commands, refer to the Command Reference.
5.4.1. Nested Macros: Calling Subroutines Within a Macro
5.4.2. Unconditional Branching: Goto
5.4.3. Conditional Branching: The *IF Command
5.4.4. Repeating a Command
5.4.5. Looping: Do-Loops
5.4.6. Implied (colon) Do Loops
5.4.7. Additional Looping: Do-While

5.4.1. Nested Macros: Calling Subroutines Within a Macro

APDL allows you to nest macros up to 20 levels deep, providing functionally similar capability to a
FORTRAN CALL statement or to a function call. You can pass up to 19 arguments to the macro and, at
the conclusion of each nested macro, execution returns to the level that called the macro. For example,
the following simply macro library file shows the MYSTART macro, which calls the MYSPHERE macro
to create the sphere.

5.4.2. Unconditional Branching: Goto

The simplest branching command, *GO, instructs the program to go to a specified label without executing
any commands in between. Program flow continues from the specified label. For example

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APDL as a Macro Language

--- ! This block of commands is skipped (not executed)

The label specified by the *GO command must start with a colon (:) and must not contain more than
eight characters, including the colon. The label can reside anywhere within the same file.


The use of *GO is now considered obsolete and is discouraged. See the other branching
commands for better methods of controlling program flow.

5.4.3. Conditional Branching: The *IF Command

APDL allows you to execute one of a set of alternative blocks based on the evaluation of a condition.
The conditions are evaluated by comparing two numerical values (or parameters that evaluate to nu-
merical values).

The *IF command has the following syntax

*IF, VAL1, Oper, VAL2, Base


• VAL1 is the first numerical value (or numerical parameter) in the comparison.

• Oper is the comparison operator.

• VAL2 is the second numerical value (or numerical parameter) in the comparison.

• Base is the action that occurs if the comparison evaluates as true.

APDL offers eight comparison operators, which are discussed in detail in the *IF command reference.
Briefly these are:

Equal (for VAL1 = VAL2).

Not equal (for VAL1 ≠ VAL2).

Less than (for VAL1 < VAL2).

Greater than (for VAL1 > VAL2).

Less than or equal (for VAL1 VAL2).

Greater than or equal (for VAL1 VAL2).

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Controlling Program Flow in APDL

Absolute values of VAL1 and VAL2 before < operation.

Absolute values of VAL1 and VAL2 before > operation.

By giving the Base argument a value of THEN, the *IF command becomes the beginning of an if-then-
else construct (similar to the FORTRAN equivalent). The construct consists of

• An *IF command, followed by

• One or more optional *ELSEIF commands

• An optional *ELSE command

• A required *ENDIF command, marking the end of the construct.

In its simplest form, the *IF command evaluates the comparison and, if true, branches to a label specified
in the Base argument. This is similar to the "computed goto" in FORTRAN. (In combination, a set of
such *IF commands could function similarly to the CASE statements in other programming languages.)
Take care not to branch to a label within an if-then-else construct or do-loop. If a batch input stream
hits an end-of-file during a false *IF condition, the Mechanical APDL run will not terminate normally.
You will need to terminate it externally (use either the Linux “kill” function or the Windows task manager).

By setting the Base argument to a value of STOP, you can exit from Mechanical APDL based on a
particular condition.

An if-then-else construct simply evaluates a condition and executes the following block or jumps to
the next statement following the *ENDIF command (shown with the "Continue" comment).
! Block1
! Continue

The following example shows a more complex structure. Note that only one block can be executed. If
no comparison evaluates to true, the block following the *ELSE command is executed.

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APDL as a Macro Language

Figure 5.4: A Sample If-Then-Else Construct


You can issue a /CLEAR command within an if-then-else construct. The /CLEAR command
does not clear the *IF stack and the number of *IF levels is retained. An *ENDIF is necessary
to close any branching logic. Also, keep in mind that the /CLEAR command deletes all
parameters, including any that are used in your branching commands. You can avoid any
problems that might arise from the deletion of parameters by issuing a PARSAV command
before the /CLEAR command, and then following the /CLEAR command with a PARRES

5.4.4. Repeating a Command

The simplest looping capability, the *REPEAT command, allows you to execute the directly preceding
command a specified number of times, incrementing any field in that command by a constant value.
In the example

the E command generates one element between nodes 1 and 2 and the following *REPEAT command
specifies that E executes a total of five times (including the original E command), incrementing the
second node number by one for each additional execution. The result is five total elements with node
connectivities 1-2, 1-3, 1-4, 1-5, and 1-6.


Most commands that begin with a slash (/) or an asterisk (*), as well as macros executed as
"unknown commands," cannot be repeated. However, graphics commands that begin with
a slash can be repeated. Also, avoid using the *REPEAT command with interactive commands,
such as those that require picking or those that require a user response.

5.4.5. Looping: Do-Loops

A do-loop allows you to loop through a series of commands a specified number of times. The *DO and
*ENDDO commands mark the beginning and ending points for the loop. *DO command has the following

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Controlling Program Flow in APDL

The following example do-loop edits five load step files (numbered 1 through 5) and makes the same
changes in each file.
*DO,I,1,5 ! For I = 1 to 5:
LSREAD,I ! Read load step file I
OUTPR,ALL,NONE ! Change output controls
LSWRITE,I ! Rewrite load step file I

You can add your own loop controls by using the *IF, *EXIT, or *CYCLE commands.

Keep the following guidelines in mind when constructing do-loops.

• Do not branch out of a do-loop with a :Label on the *IF or *GO commands.

• Avoid using a :Label to branch to a different line within a do-loop. Use if-then-else-endif instead.

• Output from commands within a do-loop is automatically suppressed after the first loop. Use /GOPR
or /GO (no response line) within the do-loop if you need to see output for all loops.

• Take care if you include a /CLEAR command within a do-loop. The /CLEAR command does not clear
the do-loop stack, but it does clear all parameters including the loop parameter in the *DO statement
itself. You can avoid the problem of having an undefined looping value by issuing a PARSAV command
before the /CLEAR command, and then following the /CLEAR command with a PARRES command.

5.4.6. Implied (colon) Do Loops

You can also use the implied (colon) convention for do loops. Using this convention is typically faster
because the looping is done in memory. The correct syntax is:

with z defaulting to 1 if not specified. For example:


will perform the same steps as:


When using the implied (colon) do loops, be aware that the shortest expression controls execution. For

would behave identically to the example above.

Additional numeric fields that do not have the colon (:) will be taken as a constant value.

Also, non-integer numbers will function normally. However, if non-integer numbers are applied to a
command that requires integers, then the non-integer will be rounded off following normal mathemat-
ical conventions.

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APDL as a Macro Language

This looping convention can be used only for fields requiring a numeric entry. Looping may also be
used with GET function arguments, for example a(1:5)=nx(1:5). A text entry field will process (x:y:z) as
a literal value.

5.4.7. Additional Looping: Do-While

You can also perform looping functions that will repeat indefinitely until an external parameter changes.
The *DOWHILE command has the following syntax:


The loop repeats as long as the parameter Parm is TRUE. If Parm becomes false (less than or equal to
0.0), the loop terminates. The *CYCLE and *EXIT commands can be used within a *DOWHILE loop.

5.5. Control Functions Quick Reference

The table below describes APDL commands that perform control functions within macros.

Most of the important information about these commands appears here, but you may want to look at
the complete command descriptions in the Command Reference.

APDL Action It Takes Usage Tips

*DO Defines the start of a • You can also control looping via the *IF command.
"do" loop. The
commands following • Mechanical APDL allows up to 20 levels of nested “do” loops,
the *DO command although “do” loops that include /INPUT, *USE, or an
execute (up to the “unknown” command macro support fewer nesting levels
*ENDDO command) because they do internal file switching.
repeatedly until some
loop control is • *DO, *ENDDO, *CYCLE, and *EXIT commands in a “do” loop
satisfied. must all read from the same file or the keyboard.

• Do not include picking operations in a “do” loop.

• Be careful if you include a /CLEAR command within a do-loop.

The /CLEAR command does not clear the do-loop stack, but
it does clear all parameters including the loop parameter in
the *DO statement itself. You can avoid the problem of having
an undefined looping value by issuing a PARSAV command
before the /CLEAR command, and then following the /CLEAR
command with a PARRES command.

*ENDDO Ends a "do" loop and You must use one *ENDDO command for each nested "do"
starts the looping loop. The *ENDDO and *DO commands for a loop must be
action. on the same file.
*CYCLE When executing a You can use the cycle option conditionally (via the *IF
"do" loop, Mechanical command). The *CYCLE command must appear on the same
APDL bypasses all file as the *DO command and must appear before the *ENDDO
commands between command.
the *CYCLE and
*ENDDO commands,

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68 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Using the _STATUS and _RETURN Parameters in Macros

APDL Action It Takes Usage Tips

then (if applicable)
initiates the next
*EXIT Exits from a "do" loop. The command following the *ENDDO command executes
next. The *EXIT and *DO commands for a loop must be on
the same file. You can use the exit option conditionally (via
the *IF command).
*IF Causes commands to • You can have up to 10 nested levels of *IF blocks.
be read conditionally.
• You cannot jump into, out of, or within a "do" loop or an
if-then-else construct to a :label line, and jumping to a :label
line is not allowed with keyboard entry.

• You can issue a /CLEAR command within an if-then-else

construct. The /CLEAR command does not clear the *IF stack
and the number of *IF levels is retained. An *ENDIF is
necessary to close any branching logic.

• The /CLEAR command deletes all parameters, including any

that are used in your branching commands. You can avoid
any problems that might arise from the deletion of
parameters by issuing a PARSAV command before the
/CLEAR command, and then following the /CLEAR command
with a PARRES command.

*ENDIF Terminates an The *IF and *ENDIF commands must appear in the same file.
if-then-else construct.
(See the *IF
discussion for details.)
*ELSE Creates a final, The *ELSE and *IF commands must appear in the same file.
optional block
separator within an
if-then-else construct.
(See the *IF
discussion for details.)
*ELSEIF Creates an optional, If Oper = EQ or NE, VAL1 and VAL2 can also be character
intermediate block strings (enclosed in quotes) or parameters. The *IF and *ELSEIF
separator within an commands must be on the same file.
if-then-else construct.

5.6. Using the _STATUS and _RETURN Parameters in Macros

The Mechanical APDL program generates two parameters, _STATUS and _RETURN, that you can also
use in your macros. For example, you might use the _STATUS or _RETURN value in an "if-then-else"
construct to have the macro take some action based on the outcome of executing a Mechanical APDL
command or function.

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APDL as a Macro Language

Solid modeling functions generate the _RETURN parameter, which contains the result of executing the
function. The following table defines the _RETURN values for the various solid modeling functions:

Table 5.1: _RETURN Values

Command Function _RETURN Value

K Defines a keypoint keypoint number
KL Keypoint on a line Keypoint number
KNODE Keypoint at node Keypoint number
KBETW Keypoint between two keypoints KP number
KCENTER Keypoint at center KP number
BSPLIN Generate spline Line number
CIRCLE Generate circular arc lines First line number
L Line between two keypoints Line number
L2ANG Line at angle with two lines Line number
LANG Line tangent to two lines Line number
LARC Defines a circular arc Line number
LAREA Line between two keypoints Line number
LCOMB Combine two lines into one Line number
LDIV Divide line into two or more lines First keypoint number
LDRAG Line by keypoint sweep First line number
LFILLT Fillet line between two liens Fillet line number
LROTAT Arc by keypoint rotation First line number
LSTR Straight line Line number
LTAN Line at end and tangent Line number
SPLINE Segmented spline First line number
A Area connecting keypoints Area number
ACCAT Concatenate two or more areas Area number
ADRAG Drag lines along path First area number
AFILLT Fillet at intersection of two areas Fillet area number
AL Area bounded by lines Area number
AOFFST Area offset from given area Area number
AROTAT Rotate lines around axis First area number
ASKIN Skin surface through guiding lines First area number
ASUB Area using shape of existing area Area number
V Volume through keypoints Volume number
VA Volume bounded through areas Volume number

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Reviewing Example Macros

Command Function _RETURN Value

VDRAG Drag area pattern to create volume First volume number
VEXT Volume by extruding areas First volume number
VOFFST Volume offset from given area Volume number
VROTAT Volume by rotating areas First volume number

Executing a Mechanical APDL command, whether in a macro or elsewhere, generates the parameter
_STATUS. This parameter reflects the error status of that command:

• 0 for no error

• 1 for a note

• 2 for a warning

• 3 for an error

5.7. Using Macros with Components and Assemblies

To make large models easier to manage, you may want to divide a model into discrete components
based on different types of entities: nodes, elements, keypoints, lines, areas, or volumes. Each component
can contain only one type of entity. Doing this enables you to perform tasks such as applying loads or
producing graphics displays conveniently and separately on different portions of the model.

You can also create assemblies, which are groups that combine two or more components or even
multiple assemblies. You can nest assemblies up to five levels deep. For example, you could build an
assembly named motor from components called STATOR, PERMMAG, ROTOR, and WINDINGS.

The table below describes some of the commands you can issue to build components and assemblies.
For more detailed discussions of these commands, see the Command Reference. For further information
on components and assemblies, see Selecting and Components in the Basic Analysis Guide.

CM Groups geometry items into a component

CMDELE Deletes a component or assembly.
CMEDIT Edits an existing component or assembly. Mechanical APDL updates
assemblies automatically to reflect deletions of lower-level or assemblies.
CMGRP Groups components and assemblies into one assembly. Once defined, an
assembly can be listed, deleted, selected, or unselected using the same
commands as for components.
CMLIST Lists the entities contained in a component or assembly.
CMSEL Selects a subset of components and assemblies.

5.8. Reviewing Example Macros

Following are two example macros. The example macro below, called offset.mac, offsets selected
nodes in the PREP7 preprocessor. This macro is for demonstration purposes only because the NGEN
command provides a more convenient method.
! Macro to offset selected nodes in PREP7
! The below file is saved as: offset.mac (must be lowercase)
! Usage: offset,dx,dy,dz

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APDL as a Macro Language

/nop ! suppress printout for this macro

*get,nnode,node,,num,max ! get number of nodes

*dim,x,,nnode ! set up arrays for node locations


*dim,sel,,nnode ! set up array for select vector

*vget,x(1),node,1,loc,x ! get coordinates


*vget,sel(1),node,1,nsel ! get selected set

*voper,x(1),x(1),add,arg1 ! offset locations


! *do,i,1,nnode ! store new positions

! *if,sel(i),gt,0,then ! this form takes 98 sec for 100,000 nodes
! n,i,x(i),y(i),z(i)
! *endif
! *enddo

*vmask,sel(1) ! takes 3 seconds for 100,000 nodes


x(1) = ! delete parameters (cleanup)

y(1) =
z(1) =
sel(1) =

/go ! resume printout

The following example macro, called bilinear.mac, evaluates two bilinear materials. This is a useful
macro that can be run after solving a static analysis. Material 1 is the tension properties, and Material
2 is the compression properties. ARG1 is the number of iterations (default is 2).
_niter = arg1 ! set number of iterations
_Niter = 2
*do,iter,1,_niter ! loop on number of iterations
*get,ar11,elem,,num,maxd ! Get number of elements
*dim,_s1,,ar11 ! array for element s1
*dim,_s3,,ar11 ! array for element s3
etable,sigmax,s,1 ! s1 is in element table sigmax
etable,sigmin,s,3 ! s3 is in element table sigmin
*vget,_s1(1),elem,1,etab,sigmax ! get element maximum stress in s1
*vget,_s3(1),elem,1,etab,sigmin ! get element minimum stress in s3
*dim,_mask,,ar11 ! array for mask vector
*voper,_mask(1),_s1(1),lt,0 ! true if max. stress &lt; 0
*vcum,1 ! accumulate compression elements
*vabs,0,1 ! absolute value of s3
*voper,_mask(1),_s3(1),gt,_s1(1) ! true if abs(minstr) > maxstr

/prep7 ! go to prep7 for element material mods

mat,1 ! set all materials to tension properties

*vput,_mask(1),elem,1,esel ! select compression elements

mat,2 ! change selected elements to compression

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Reviewing Example Macros


call ! select all elements


_s1(1)= ! clean up all vectors (set to zero)


/solve ! rerun the analysis


*enddo ! end of iterations

_niter= ! clean up iteration counters


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Chapter 6: Interfacing with the GUI
Within a Mechanical APDL macro, you have several ways to access components of the Mechanical APDL
graphical user interface (GUI):

• You can modify and update the Mechanical APDL toolbar (discussed in Adding Commands to the

• You can issue the *ASK command to prompt a user to enter a single parameter value.

• You can create a dialog box to prompt a user to enter multiple parameter values.

• You can issue the *MSG command to have the macro write an output message.

• You can have the macro update or remove a status bar.

• You can allow the user to select entities through graphical picking from within a macro.

• You can call any dialog box.

The following GUI topics are available:

6.1. Prompting Users for a Single Parameter Value
6.2. Prompting Users With a Dialog Box
6.3. Using Macros to Display Your Own Messages
6.4. Creating and Maintaining a Status Bar from a Macro
6.5. Picking within Macros
6.6. Calling Dialog Boxes From a Macro

6.1. Prompting Users for a Single Parameter Value

By including the *ASK command within a macro, you can have the macro prompt a user to type in a
parameter value.

The format for the *ASK command is



• Par is an alphanumeric name that identifies the scalar parameter used to store the user input.

• Query is the text string that Mechanical APDL displays to prompt the user. This string can contain up
to 54 characters. Don't use characters that have special meanings, such as "$" or "!".

• DVAL is the default value given the parameter if a user issues a blank response. This value can be either
a one-to-eight character string (enclosed in single quotes) or a number. If you assign no default, a blank
user response deletes the parameter.

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Interfacing with the GUI

The *ASK command prints the Query text on the screen and waits for a response. It reads the response
from the keyboard except when Mechanical APDL runs in batch mode. (In that case, the response or
responses must be the next-read input line or lines.) The response can be a number, a one-to-eight
character string enclosed in single quotes, a numeric or character parameter, or an expression that
evaluates to a number. Mechanical APDL then sets the value of Par to the read-in response. The fol-
lowing example displays the dialog box shown below, then sets the parameter PARM1 to the value the
user enters.
*ask,parm1,'username (enclose the username in single quotes)'

Figure 6.1: An Example *ASK Dialog Box

When you issue *ASK within a macro, Mechanical APDL writes the user's response to File.LOG on
the line following the macro name.

6.2. Prompting Users With a Dialog Box

The MULTIPRO command constructs a simple, multiple-prompt dialog box that can contain up to 10
parameter prompts. The command allows you to use a set of UIDL *CSET commands to create the
prompts as well as specify a default value for each prompt. Be aware that macros using MULTIPRO
cannot be called from UIDL. You cannot use MULTIPRO within a DO loop.

The MULTIPRO command must be used in conjunction with:

• Between one and ten *CSET command prompts

• Up to two special *CSET commands that provide a two line area for user instructions.

The command has the following syntax:



A literal string that, when encountered as the first argument, marks the beginning of the MULTIPRO
construct. The literal must be enclosed in single quotes.

Required only if Def_Value is omitted from at least one *CSET command or if Def_Value is
set to 0. The Prompt_Num value is an integer equal to the number of following *CSET prompts.

The initial value for Strt_Loc for the first *CSET command is 1, and the value for End_Loc is
Strt_Loc+2 (3 for the first *CSET command). The value of each subsequent Strt_Loc is the pre-
vious End_Loc+1.

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Prompting Users With a Dialog Box

The name of the parameter that will hold either the value specified by the user or, if the user supplies
no value, the value of Def_Value .

A string, which can contain up to 32 characters, which can be used to describe the parameter. This
string must be enclosed in single quotes.

Default value used if no value specified by user. Default value can be a numeric expression including
APDL numeric parameters. Character expressions are not allowed.

A literal string, used as the first argument for the closing MULTIPRO command.

The following is a typical example of the MULTIPRO command.

*cset,1,3,beamW,'Enter the overall beam width',12.5
*cset,4,6,beamH,'Enter the beam height',23.345
*cset,7,9,beamL,'Enter the beam length',50.0

Up to two optional *CSET commands can be added to the construct that can provide two 64 character
strings. You can use these to provide instructions to the user. The syntax for these specialized *CSET
commands is



A string which can contain up to 32 characters. If you need more than 32 characters, you can use a
second Help_String argument.

The following is an example of a MULTIPRO construct using the optional help lines. Note that two
Help_String arguments are used to overcome the 32 character limit.
*cset,1,3,dx,'Enter DX Value',0.0
*cset,4,6,dy,'Enter DY Value',0.0
*cset,7,9,dz,'Enter DZ Value',0.0
*cset,61,62,'The MYOFSET macro offsets the',' selected nodes along each'
*cset,63,64,'of the three axes. Fill in the ',' fields accordingly.'

The above construct creates the following multiple-prompt dialog box.

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Interfacing with the GUI

Figure 6.2: A Typical Multiple-Prompt Dialog Box

You can check the status of the buttons by testing the value of the _BUTTON parameter. The following
lists the button status values:

• _BUTTON = 0 indicates that the OK button was pressed.

• _BUTTON = 1 indicates that the Cancel button was pressed.

At present, the Help button is not functional.

6.3. Using Macros to Display Your Own Messages

By issuing the *MSG command within a macro, you can display custom output messages via the
Mechanical APDL message subroutine. The command has the following format:

Where Lab is one of the following labels for output and termination control:

INFO Writes the message with no heading (default).

NOTE Writes the message with a "NOTE" heading.
WARN Writes the message with a "WARNING" heading, and also writes it to the errors file,
ERROR Writes the message with an "ERROR" heading and also writes it to the errors file,
Jobname.ERR. If this is a Mechanical APDL batch run, this label also terminates
the run at the earliest "clean exit" point.
FATAL Writes the message with a "FATAL ERROR" heading and also writes it to the errors
file, Jobname.ERR. This label also terminates the Mechanical APDL run immediately.
UI Writes the message with a "NOTE" heading and displays it in the message dialog

VAL1 through VAL8 are numeric or alphanumeric character values to be included in the message. Values
can be the results of evaluating parameters. All numeric values are assumed to be double precision.

You must specify the message format immediately after the *MSG command. The message format can
contain up to 80 characters, consisting of text strings and predefined "data descriptors" between the
strings where numeric or alphanumeric character data are to be inserted. These data descriptors are:

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78 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Creating and Maintaining a Status Bar from a Macro

• %i, for integer data. The FORTRAN nearest integer (NINT) function is used to form integers for the %I

• %g, for double precision data

• %c, for alphanumeric character data

• %/, for a line break

The corresponding FORTRAN data descriptors for the first three descriptors are I9, 1PG16.9, and A8 re-
spectively. A blank must precede each descriptor. You also must supply one data descriptor for each
specified value (eight maximum), in the order of the specified values.

Don't begin *MSG format lines with *IF, *ENDIF, *ELSE, or *ELSEIF. If the last non-blank character of
the message format is an ampersand (&), the Mechanical APDL program reads a second line as a con-
tinuation of the format. You can use up to 10 lines (including the first) to specify the format information.

Consecutive blanks are condensed into one blank upon output, and a period is appended. The output
produced can be up to 10 lines of 72 characters each (using the %/ descriptor).

The example below shows you an example of using *MSG that prints a message with two integer values
and one real value:
*MSG, INFO, 4Inner4 ,25,1.2,148
Radius ( %C) = %I, Thick = %G, Length = %I

The resulting output message is as follows:

Radius (Inner) = 25, Thick = 1.2, Length = 148

Here is an example illustrating multiline displays in GUI message windows:

Coil RMS voltage, RMS current, apparent pwr, actual pwr, pwr factor: %/&
Vcoil = %G V (electrical angle = %G DEG) %/&
Icoil = %G A (electrical angle = %G DEG) %/&
Power factor: %G %/&
Inductance = %G %/&


The command /UIS,MSGPOP controls which messages a message dialog box displays when
the GUI is active. See the Command Reference for more information about this command.

6.4. Creating and Maintaining a Status Bar from a Macro

Within macros, you can insert commands to define a Mechanical APDL dialog box containing a status
bar displaying the progress of an operation, a STOP button you can click on to stop the operation, or

To define a status dialog box, issue the following command:


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Interfacing with the GUI

• Title40 is the text string that appears in the dialog box with the status bar. The string can contain a maximum
of 40 characters.

• Item is one of the following values:

BAR Displays the status bar with no STOP button

KILL Displays a STOP button with no status bar
BOTH Displays both the status bar and STOP button

To update the status bar, issue the command *ABCHECK,Percent,NewTitle.

• Percent is an integer between 0 and 100. It gives the position of the status bar.

• NewTitle is a 40-character string that contains progress information. If you specify a string for New-
Title, it replaces the string supplied in Title40.

If you specify KILL or BOTH, your macro should check the _RETURN parameter after each execution of
*ABCHECK to see if the user has pressed the STOP button, then take the appropriate action.

To remove the status bar from the Mechanical APDL GUI, issue the *ABFINI command.

The following example macro illustrates the status bar (complete with bar and STOP button) in use.
The status dialog box that is produced is shown in the following figure. Note that the macro checks
the status of the _RETURN parameter and, if the STOP button is pressed, posts the "We are stopped......"
*abset,'This is a Status Bar',BOTH
myparam = 0
j = 5*i
myparam = 1
myparam = 1
myparam = 1
We are stopped.........

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Calling Dialog Boxes From a Macro



Do not call *ABCHECK more than about 20 times in a loop.

Figure 6.3: A Typical Status Dialog Box

6.5. Picking within Macros

If you're running the Mechanical APDL program interactively, you can call a GUI picking menu from
within a macro. To do so, simply include a picking command in the macro. Many Mechanical APDL
commands (such as K,,P) accept the input "P" to enable graphical picking. When Mechanical APDL en-
counters such a command, it displays the appropriate picking dialog and then continues macro execution
when the user clicks OK or Cancel.

Keep in mind that picking commands are not available in all Mechanical APDL processors, and that you
must first switch to an appropriate processor before calling the command.


If a macro includes GUI functions, the /PMACRO command should be the first command in
that macro. This command causes the macro contents to be written to the session log file.
This is important, because if you omit the /PMACRO command, Mechanical APDL can't read
the session log file to reproduce the Mechanical APDL session.

6.6. Calling Dialog Boxes From a Macro

When the Mechanical APDL program encounters a dialog box UIDL function name (such as Fnc_UIMP_Iso),
it displays the appropriate dialog box. Thus, you can launch any Mechanical APDL dialog box by making
its function name a separate line in the macro file. When you dismiss that dialog box, the program
continues processing the macro starting with the next line after the function call.

Keep in mind that many dialog boxes have a number of dependencies, including that the appropriate
Mechanical APDL processor is active and that certain required preexisting conditions are met. For example,
launching a dialog box to select nodes first supposes that nodes exist, if no nodes exist the macro will
fail when the user clicks OK or Apply.


If a macro includes GUI functions, the /PMACRO command should be the first command in
that macro. This command causes the macro contents to be written to the session log file.
This is important, because if you omit the /PMACRO command, Mechanical APDL can't read
the session log file to reproduce the Mechanical APDL session.

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82 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Chapter 7: Encrypting Macros
Mechanical APDL provides the ability to encrypt macro files so that the source is not "human-readable."
Encrypted macros require an encryption key to run. You can either place the encryption key explicitly
(in readable ASCII) in the macro or you can set it in Mechanical APDL as a global encryption key.

Encrypted macros are not supported by distributed-memory parallel processing (Distributed ANSYS).

The following macro encryption topics are available:

7.1. Preparing a Macro for Encryption
7.2. Creating an Encrypted Macro
7.3. Running an Encrypted Macro

7.1. Preparing a Macro for Encryption

Before encrypting a macro, you first create and debug the macro as usual. When you create an encrypted
macro, you are responsible for keeping the original source file. You cannot recreate the source file from an
encrypted macro. You then add an /ENCRYPT command as the first line and last of the macro. The
/ENCRYPT command for the first line of the macro has the following syntax:



• Encryption_key is an eight-character password.

• File_name is the name of the encrypted macro filename.

• File_ext is an optional file extension for the encrypted macro file. If you want users to execute the
macro as an "unknown" command, you should use the .mac extension.

• Directory_Path/ is the optional directory path that can contain up to 60 characters; you only need
this argument if you do not want to write the encrypted macro file to your "home" directory.

Note the placement of the /ENCRYPT commands at the top and bottom of the listing in the following

The /ENCRYPT command at the top of the macro instructs Mechanical APDL to encrypt the file and
use the string "mypasswd" as the encryption key. It will create an encrypted macro file called myen-
file.mac and place it in the /macros subdirectory of the home directory. The /ENCRYPT command

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Encrypting Macros

at the bottom instructs Mechanical APDL to stop the encryption process and write the encrypted macro
to the specified file.


The encrypted macro uses a /NOPR command as its second line to turn off echoing of
Mechanical APDL commands to the session log file. This is important if you wish to prevent
users from reading the contents of the macro from the session log. It's a good practice to
reactivate the session log by issuing the /GOPR command as the last command in the macro
before the ending /ENCRYPT command.

7.2. Creating an Encrypted Macro

After putting the /ENCRYPT commands at the top and bottom of the macro, you can proceed to create
the encrypted version of the macro. To do this, simply execute the macro through Mechanical APDL.
The program creates the encrypted version with the name and location you specified through the
/ENCRYPT command at the top of the macro. The result should look something like this

Note that the individual commands within the macro are now encrypted, and that the encrypted ma-
terial is enclosed by /DECRYPT commands. The encryption key is the argument to the first /DECRYPT

7.3. Running an Encrypted Macro

You can run an encrypted macro just as you would any other macro; place the encrypted macro within
the macro search path. If you would prefer to run the encrypted macro without having the encryption
key resident in the macro file, you can define the key as a "global encryption key" within Mechanical
APDL. To do this you must first replace the encryption key argument in the /DECRYPT command with
the parameter PASSWORD. Thus, the first line of the encrypted macro becomes:

Before executing the macro within Mechanical APDL, issue the following command through the
Mechanical APDL Input command line:

Where Encryption_Key is the encryption key used to encrypt the file. You can now execute the
encrypted password. To delete the current global encryption key, issue the following Mechanical APDL

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Chapter 8: APDL Commands

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APDL Commands


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86 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Appendix A. GET Function Summary
A "get function" is available for some items and can be used instead of the *GET command. The function
returns the value and uses it where the function is input, bypassing the need for storing the value with
a parameter name and inputting the parameter name where the value is to be used.

For example, assume the average X location of two nodes is to be calculated. Using the *GET command,
parameter L1 can be assigned the X location of node 1, and parameter L2 can be assigned the X location
of node 2. Then the mid-location can be computed from MID = (L1 + L2) / 2:

However, using the node location "get function" NX(N), which returns the X location of node N, MID
can be computed directly without the need for intermediate parameters L1 and L2:

Get functions return values in the active coordinate system unless stated otherwise.

Get function arguments may themselves be parameters or other get functions. The get function
NELEM(E,NPOS) returns the node number in position NPOS for element number E. Combining functions,
NX(NELEM(E,NPOS)) returns the X location of that node.

The table below lists available get functions grouped by functionality. The *GET command also lists
get functions as alternatives to *GET items, where applicable (see the tables in the Notes section of

Table 1: *GET - Get Function Summary

"Get Function" Summary
Entity Status Get Function Description
NSEL(N) Status of node N: -1=unselected, 0=undefined, 1=selected.
ESEL(E) Status of element E: -1=unselected, 0=undefined,
KSEL(K) Status of keypoint K: -1=unselected, 0=undefined,
LSEL(L) Status of line L: -1=unselected, 0=undefined, 1=selected.
ASEL(A) Status of area A: -1=unselected, 0=undefined, 1=selected.
VSEL(V) Status of volume V: -1=unselected, 0=undefined,
Next Selected Entity
NDNEXT(N) Next selected node having a node number greater than N.
ELNEXT(E) Next selected element having an element number greater
than E.

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GET Function Summary

"Get Function" Summary

Entity Status Get Function Description
KPNEXT(K) Next selected keypoint having a keypoint number greater
than K.
LSNEXT(L) Next selected line having a line number greater than L.
ARNEXT(A) Next selected area having an area number greater than A.
VLNEXT(V) Next selected volume having a volume number greater than
CENTRX(E) Centroid X-coordinate of element E in global Cartesian
coordinate system. Centroid is determined from the selected
nodes on the element.
CENTRY(E) Centroid Y-coordinate of element E in global Cartesian
coordinate system. Centroid is determined from the selected
nodes on the element.
CENTRZ(E) Centroid Z-coordinate of element E in global Cartesian
coordinate system. Centroid is determined from the selected
nodes on the element.
NX(N) X-coordinate of node N in the active coordinate system.
NY(N) Y-coordinate of node N in the active coordinate system.
NZ(N) Z-coordinate of node N in the active coordinate system.
KX(K) X-coordinate of keypoint K in the active coordinate system
KY(K) Y-coordinate of keypoint K in the active coordinate system
KZ(K) Z-coordinate of keypoint K in the active coordinate system
LX(L,LFRAC) X-coordinate of line L at length fraction LFRAC (0.0 to 1.0).
LY(L,LFRAC) Y-coordinate of line L at length fraction LFRAC (0.0 to 1.0).
LZ(L,LFRAC) Z-coordinate of line L at length fraction LFRAC (0.0 to 1.0).
LSX(L,LFRAC) X slope of line L at length fraction LFRAC (0.0 to 1.0).
LSY(L,LFRAC) Y slope of line L at length fraction LFRAC (0.0 to 1.0).
LSZ(L,LFRAC) Z slope of line L at length fraction LFRAC (0.0 to 1.0).
Nearest to Location
NODE(X,Y,Z) Number of the selected node nearest the X,Y,Z point (in
the active coordinate system, lowest number for coincident
nodes). A number higher than the highest node number
indicates that the node is internal (generated by program).
KP(X,Y,Z) Number of the selected keypoint nearest the X,Y,Z point
(in the active coordinate system, lowest number for
coincident keypoints).
DISTND(N1,N2) Distance between nodes N1 and N2.
DISTKP(K1,K2) Distance between keypoints K1 and K2.

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88 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
"Get Function" Summary
Entity Status Get Function Description
DISTEN(E,N) Distance between the centroid of element E and node N.
Centroid is determined from the selected nodes on the
Angles (in radians by default -- see the *AFUN command)
ANGLEN(N1,N2,N3) Subtended angle between two lines (defined by three nodes
where N1 is the vertex node). Default is in radians.
ANGLEK(K1,K2,K3) Subtended angle between two lines (defined by three
keypoints where K1 is the vertex keypoint). Default is in
Nearest to Entity
NNEAR(N) Selected node nearest node N.
KNEAR(K) Selected keypoint nearest keypoint K.
ENEARN(N) Selected element nearest node N. The element position is
calculated from the selected nodes.
AREAND(N1,N2,N3) Area of the triangle with vertices at nodes N1, N2, and N3.
AREAKP(K1,K2,K3) Area of the triangle with vertices at keypoints K1, K2, and
ARNODE(N) Area at node N apportioned from selected elements attached
to node N. For 2-D planar solids, returns edge area associated
with the node. For axisymmetric solids, returns edge surface
area associated with the node. For 3-D volumetric solids,
returns face area associated with the node. For 3–D, select
all the nodes of the surface of interest before using ARNODE.
NORMNX(N1,N2,N3) X-direction cosine of the normal to the plane containing
nodes N1, N2, and N3.
NORMNY(N1,N2,N3) Y-direction cosine of the normal to the plane containing
nodes N1, N2, and N3.
NORMNZ(N1,N2,N3) Z-direction cosine of the normal to the plane containing
nodes N1, N2, and N3.
NORMKX(K1,K2,K3) X-direction cosine of the normal to the plane containing
keypoints K1, K2, and K3.
NORMKY(K1,K2,K3) Y-direction cosine of the normal to the plane containing
keypoints K1, K2, and K3.
NORMKZ(K1,K2,K3) Z-direction cosine of the normal to the plane containing
keypoints K1, K2, and K3.
ENEXTN(N,LOC) Element connected to node N. LOC is the position in the
resulting list when many elements share the node. A zero
is returned at the end of the list.
NELEM(E,NPOS) Node number in position NPOS (1--20) of element E.

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GET Function Summary

"Get Function" Summary

Entity Status Get Function Description
NODEDOF(N) Returns the bit pattern for the active DOFs at the specified

bit 0 is UX, bit 1 is UY,... bit 5 is ROTZ

bit 8 is AZ
bits 9,10,11 are VX,VY,VZ
bit 18 is PRES, bit 19 is TEMP, bit 20 is VOLT, bit 21
is MAG
bit 24 is EMF, bit 25 is CURR
For a node with UX,UY,UZ the return value will be
7 (bits 0,1,2)
For a node with UX,UY,UZ,ROTX,ROTY,ROTZ the
return value will be 63 (bits 0,1,2,3,4,5)
ELADJ(E,FACE) For 2-D planar solids and 3-D volumetric solids, element
adjacent to a face (FACE) of element E. The face number is
the same as the surface load key number. Only elements of
the same dimensionality and shape are considered. A -1 is
returned if more than one is adjacent.
NDFACE(E,FACE,LOC) Node in position LOC of a face number FACE of element
E. The face number is the same as the surface load key
number. LOC is the nodal position on the face (for an IJLK
face, LOC=1 is at node I, 2 is at node J, etc.)
NMFACE(E) Face number of element E containing the selected nodes.
The face number output is the surface load key. If multiple
load keys occur on a face (such as for line and area elements)
the lowest load key for that face is output.
ARFACE(E) For 2-D planar solids and 3-D volumetric solids, returns the
area of the face of element E containing the selected nodes.
For axisymmetric elements, the area is the full (360 degree)
Model Information
EATT(E,VAL) Element attribute number assigned to element E. Use VAL
= 1 for MATT, 2 for TYPE, 3 for REAL, and 4 for SECN.
RCON(R,LOC) Real constant value for real table R and location LOC.
General Contact Information
SECTOMAT(Sect1,Sect2) Material ID to be used for general contact between sections
Sect1 and Sect2.
SECTOREAL(Sect1,Sect2) Real constant ID to be used for general contact between
sections Sect1 and Sect2.
Degree of Freedom Results
UX(N) UX structural displacement at node N.
UY(N) UY structural displacement at node N.
UZ(N) UZ structural displacement at node N.
ROTX(N) ROTX structural rotation at node N.

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"Get Function" Summary
Entity Status Get Function Description
ROTY(N) ROTY structural rotation at node N.
ROTZ(N) ROTZ structural rotation at node N.
TEMP(N) Temperature at node N. For SHELL131 and SHELL132
elements with KEYOPT(3) = 0 or 1, use TBOT(N), TE2(N),
TE3(N), . . ., TTOP(N) instead of TEMP(N).
PRES(N) Pressure at node N.
VX(N) VX fluid velocity at node N.
VY(N) VY fluid velocity at node N.
VZ(N) VZ fluid velocity at node N.
VOLT(N) Electric potential at node N.
MAG(N) Magnetic scalar potential at node N.
AZ(N) AZ magnetic vector potential at node N.
Returns information about the database manager
VIRTINQR(1) Number of pages in core.
VIRTINQR(4) Page size in integer words.
VIRTINQR(7) Maximum number of pages allowed on disk.
VIRTINQR(8) Number of read/write operations on page.
VIRTINQR(9) Maximum record number on page.
VIRTINQR(11) Maximum pages touched.
Returns the current value of Mechanical APDL filtering keywords.
KWGET(KEYWORD) Returns the current value the keyword specified by
KEYWORD. See the UIDL Programmer's Guide for a list of
keywords and values.
Character String Functions Strings must be dimensioned (see *DIM) as a character parameter
or enclosed in single apostrophes ('char').
Functions which return a double precision value of a numeric character string.
VALCHR(a8) a8 is a decimal value expressed in a string.
VALOCT (a8) a8 is an octal value expressed in a string.
VALHEX(a8) a8 is a hex value expressed in a string.
Functions which return an 8 character string of a numeric value.
CHRVAL (dp) dp is a double precision variable.
CHROCT (dp) dp is an integer value.
CHRHEX(dp) dp is an integer value.
Functions which manipulate strings: StrOut is the output string (or character parameter) Str1 and
Str2 are input strings. Strings are a maximum of 128 characters. (see *DIM)
StrOut = STRSUB(Str1, nLoc,nChar) Get the nChar substring starting at character nLoc in Str1.
StrOut = STRCAT(Str1,Str2) Add Str2 at the end of Str1.
StrOut = STRFILL(Str1,Str2,nLoc) Add Str2 to Str1 starting at character nLoc.
StrOut = STRCOMP(Str1) Remove all blanks from Str1

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GET Function Summary

"Get Function" Summary

Entity Status Get Function Description
StrOut = STRLEFT(Str1) Left-justify Str1
nLoc = STRPOS(Str1,Str2) Get starting location of Str2 in Str1.
nLoc = STRLENG(Str1) Location of last nonblank character
StrOut = UPCASE(Str1) Upper case of Str1
StrOut = LWCASE(Str1) Lower case of Str1
The following functions manipulate file names.
Path String = JOIN Produces a contiguous pathstring. e.g. directory/filename.ext
Path String = JOIN Produces a contiguous pathstring. e.g. directory/filename
SPLIT('PathString', 'DIR') Produces a separate output of the directory from the
SPLIT('PathString', 'FILE') Produces a separate output of the complete filename (with
extension) from the pathstring.
SPLIT('PathString', 'NAME') Produces a separate output of the filename from the
SPLIT('PathString', 'EXT') Produces a separate output of the file extension from the

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92 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Appendix B. Using APDL to List File Structure and Content
The *XPL command enables you to explore the contents of a Mechanical APDL file. Use this command
to traverse up and down the tree structure of the specified file and review what is in the file. Files that
can be scanned include .RST, .MODE, .FULL, .CMS, and .SUB files.

The command format is:


Specifies the action for scanning file content (no default). Valid labels are:

OPEN -- Open the specified file.

CLOSE -- Close the specified file.
LIST -- List the records at the current level in the hierarchy of records.
WHERE -- Display the current location in the tree.
STEP -- Step down in the tree of records.
UP -- Go up in the tree of records.
READ -- Read a record into an APDL Math object.
INFO -- Display information from a record.

Val1, Val2
Additional input. The meanings of Val1 and Val2 vary depending on the specified Action, as described
in the table below.

Action Val1 Val2

OPEN Name of file to open (no default) File type (no default); valid labels
are RST, MODE, FULL, CMS, and
CLOSE Name of file to close (default is last file opened (not used)
by Action = OPEN)
LIST Number of levels in the tree of records (default (not used)
= 1)
UP Number of levels in the tree of records (default (not used)
= 1), or TOP to go directly to the top of the tree
STEP or INFO Name of the record of interest (no default) (not used)
READ Name of the record of interest (no default) Name of the APDL Math object to
create (no default)

The command *XPL,READ generates either a *VEC or a *DMAT object according to the record type.
You do not have to create the APDL Math object before issuing this command.

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Using APDL to List File Structure and Content

B.1. Using the *XPL Command

Mechanical APDL files are organized into header records and simple records. The header records are
used to store single values and addresses in the file to find other records. The content of Mechanical
APDL files is described in Format of Binary Data Files in the Programmer's Reference.

Not all records can be addressed by the *XPL command. You can only access those records listed by
the Action = LIST option.

Following is a simple representation of a file’s hierarchy of records.

Figure 1: Example File Hierarchy of Records

Following is an example input listing that demonstrates use of the *XPL command.

Example 1: Using *XPL to Open and Scan a Results File


The action performed by each command in this example is explained next.

You must open a file (Action = OPEN) in order to scan it. For example, you can open an .RST file
and list the records (Action = LIST).

===== ANSYS File Xplorer ======

Opening the file.rst ANSYS File


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Using the *XPL Command

===== ANSYS File Xplorer : List Blocks in File file.rst

::RST::HEADER Size = 0.324 KB Total Size = 319.598 KB

::RST::DOF Size = 0.035 KB
::RST::NOD Size = 0.078 KB
::RST::ELM Size = 0.020 KB

::RST::DSI::HEADER Size = 78.137 KB Total Size = 120.234 KB

::RST::TIM Size = 78.137 KB
::RST::LSP Size = 117.199 KB

::RST::GEO::HEADER Size = 0.324 KB Total Size = 3.570 KB

A record name ending in “::HEADER” indicates a header. The record sizes are listed for each record. The
“Total Size” value is the sum of the sizes of all the records addressed (recursively) by the corresponding

In this example the STEP option is used to go down one level under the GEO header:

===== ANSYS File Xplorer : Step into Block GEO


===== ANSYS File Xplorer : List Blocks in File apdl-196s.rst

::GEO::HEADER Size = 0.324 KB Total Size = 3.570 KB

::GEO::ETY Size = 0.809 KB
::GEO::LOC Size = 1.129 KB
::GEO::EID Size = 0.285 KB
::GEO::CENT Size = 0.926 KB
::GEO::NOD Size = 0.078 KB
::GEO::ELM Size = 0.020 KB

The WHERE option displays the current location in the tree of records:

===== ANSYS File Xplorer : Display Current Location

Current Location : RST::GEO

File Location : 280916

The READ option reads a record and fills an APDL Math vector:

===== ANSYS File Xplorer : Read Block ETY into the Vector MYVEC

The APDL Math command *PRINT prints matrix values:

Size : 7
10 213 416 619 822
1025 1228

Release 18.2 - © ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 95
Release 18.2 - © ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
96 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
matrix operations, 37
Index operations, 34
plotting, 42
Symbols specifying values, 23
*XPL command, 93 TABLE, 18, 21
examples, 21
writing data files, 32
A Array parameters
*ABBR command, 3, 16
*ABBRES command, 5
examples, 21
*ASK command, 14
defined, 3
defined, 75
files, 5
nesting on toolbar, 5
*ABBSAV command, 5
*ABCHECK command *CFCLOS command, 58
defined, 79 *CFOPEN command, 32, 58
*ABFINI command, 79 *CFWRITE command, 14, 58
*AFUN command, 17 CHAR
ANSYS_MACROLIB environment variable, 57 defined, 18
APDL examples, 21
comments, 16 limitation with *VEDIT, 25
defined, 1 naming conflict, 23
macros, 55 character parameters, 12
mathematical functions, 17 comment character, 16
operators, 16 *CREATE command, 57
APDL Math, 45 create macro dialog box, 59
degree-of-freedom ordering, 48 *CSET command, 76
examples, 50 *CYCLE command, 66
matrix and vector sizes, 47 defined, 68
procedure, 46
AR20 through AR99, 62 D
ARG1 through AR19, 62 data descriptors, 14, 33
ARRAY in messages, 78
defined, 18 data files
examples, 21 writing from arrays, 32
array parameters, 18 /DECRYPT command, 84
1-D table example, 26 macros
2-D table example, 26 introduction to programming, 55
3-D table example, 26 *DIM command, 15, 22-23
ARRAY, 18 *DO command, 66
basics, 19 defined, 68
CHAR, 18 do-loops, 66
examples, 21 vector operations, 34
naming conflict, 23 do-while, 68
defining, 22
editing interactively, 25 E
examples, 21 *ELSE command, 64, 78
filling from a data file, 26 defined, 68
filling vectors, 25 *ELSEIF command, 14, 64, 78
interpolating values, 30 defined, 68
labeling, 43 /ENCRYPT command
listing, 22, 31 defined, 83

Release 18.2 - © ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 97

encrypting macros, 83 creating, 56

*END command, 57 creating status bar, 79
*ENDDO command, 66 creating STOP button, 79
defined, 68 creating with a text editor, 59
*ENDIF command, 64, 78 displaying messages, 78
defined, 68 encrypting, 83
/EOF command, 60 executing, 61
ETABLE command, 8 encrypted, 84
*EXIT command, 66 general examples, 71
defined, 68 library files, 60
expressions, 16 local variables, 62
naming, 56
F nesting, 55, 63
FILE command, 14 passing arguments to, 62
file content picking, 81
scanning file content, 93 prompting for single parameter, 75
/FILENAME command, 14 prompting with dialog box, 76
files search path, 57
abbreviations, 5 writing to session log, 81
Format matrix manipulation (APDL Math), 45
data descriptors, 33 matrix operations, 37
functions, 17 Mechanical APDL startup options, 9
G types of, 78
*GET command, 15 *MFOURI command, 37
assigning parameters, 10 *MFUN command, 37
GET functions, 11 *MOPER command, 37
global encryption key, 84 examples, 37
*GO command, 63, 66 *MSG command, 14
/GOPR command, 66, 83 defined, 78
GUI example, 78
interfacing with, 75 MULTIPRO command
defined, 76
H example, 76
home directory, 57
I /NOPR command, 83
*IF command, 14, 66, 68, 78
defined, 64 O
/INPUT command, 14, 55 operators, 16
order of evaluation, 16
L /OUTPUT command, 14
Array parameters
limitation with *VEDIT, 25 parameters, 7, 55
login directory, 57 _RETURN, 79
looping, 66, 68 _RETURN parameter, 69
_STATUS parameter, 69
M array (see array parameters)
assigning at startup, 9
assigning during execution, 9
control functions, 63
assigning Mechanical APDL-supplied values, 10
quick reference, 68

Release 18.2 - © ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
98 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
assigning through Mechanical APDL command line, defined, 18
9 examples, 21
assigning through Mechanical APDL Launcher, 9 /TEE command, 58
character, 12, 15 text editor, 59
defining, 9 /TITLE command, 14, 16
deleting, 12 /TLABEL command, 14, 16
dynamic substitution of, 16 toolbar
forcing substitution of, 14 default buttons, 3
listing, 11 modifying, 3
maximum number, 11 nesting abbreviations on, 5
PASSWORD, 84 *TREAD command, 23, 26
preventing substitution of, 13
resuming, 18 U
saving, 18 UIDL functions
substituting numeric values, 13 calling in macros, 81
using *GET, 10 /UIS command, 78
using get functions, 10 *ULIB command, 61
using in-line get functions, 11 unknown command
writing, 18 method for executing macros, 61
Parameters *USE command, 61
naming conventions, 8
parametric expressions, 16 V
parametric functions, 17 *VABS command, 39
PARRES command, 14, 18 *VCOL command, 39
PARSAV command, 14, 18 *VCUM command, 39
passing arguments to macros, 62 vector operations, 34
plotting *VEDIT command, 15, 23
array vectors, 42 defined, 25
labeling, 43 *VFACT command, 39
/PMACRO command, 81 example, 39
*VFILL command, 15, 23, 34
R defined, 25
*REPEAT command, 66 example, 39
repeating a command, 66 *VFUN command, 15, 34
RESUME command, 14 examples, 34, 39
parameters *VGET command, 15, 34
retrieving or restoring parameter values, 31 *VITRP command, 15, 34
*VLEN command, 15, 39
S examples, 39
*SET command, 9, 15, 23 *VMASK command, 15, 39
specification commands example, 39
vector and matrix operations, 39 *VOPER command, 15, 34
start.ans file, 9 examples, 34
status bar, 79 gather and scatter, 34
*STATUS command, 11, 15, 31, 39 *VPLOT command
examples, 31 defined, 42
/STITLE command, 14, 16 defining curve labels, 43
STOP button examples, 42
creating using a macro, 79 *VPUT command
defined, 31
T *VREAD command, 14-15, 23, 26, 34, 39
TABLE *VSCFUN command, 15, 34

Release 18.2 - © ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 99

*VSTAT command, 39
*VWRITE command, 14-15, 18, 34, 39
data descriptors, 33
example, 33

current directory, 57

Release 18.2 - © ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
100 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.

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