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A10/P10 PIL/HEMP/HASDRUBAL Rev. 2 Date: September 2007 Page 1 of 43


Risk Rating
(A,B,C,D,E) Probability
Control Measures Residual Risk
Rating after
Significant HSE Hazard Hazard Effect controls

Driving & Transportation

 Non compliant vehicle  Vehicle/Equip Accident 4 D High  Check vehicle and ensure its fitness Low
 Driver fatigue  Property damage  Check tyre pressure
 Stray animals  Personal injury / death  Carry sufficient drinking water
 Brake Failure  Vehicle Roll over  Ensure driver and all passengers wear seat belts
 Weather Condition  Killing stray animals  All tyres are of same make and tread pattern and
 Drugs & Medicine carry spare wheel
 Flat tyre  Stay within the speed limit
 Other traffic  Always be alert to face 3rd party mistakes
 Improper Vehicle  Watch out for stray animals
maintenance  Obey all traffic rules, signs and markings
 Steep climber / diversion  Always follow defensive driving technique
 Moving vehicles  Never overload the vehicle
 Speeding  Never drive without being authorized to do so.
 Competency  Implementation of Road Safety monitoring Team
 Behavior within the contract.
 Worn out or un identical  Training on road safety management [specially for
tyres drivers]
 Transportation of hazardous  Special instructions/ details of hazardous material
material being transported.
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Risk Rating

(A,B,C,D,E) Probability
Control Measures Residual Risk
Rating after
Significant HSE Hazard Hazard Effect controls

Driving & Transportation

Additional Hazards:

 Visibility obstructs due to  Vehicle / Equipment 4 D High  Check vehicle and ensure its fitness LOW
dust Accident  Check tyre pressure
 Uneven road surface  Property damage  Ensure proper functioning of speed limiting device
 Sparks from the exhaust  Personal injury / death  Ensure driver and all passengers wear seat belts
pipe  Vehicle roll over  All tyres are of same make and tread pattern and
 Killing stray animals carry a spare wheel
 Fire/ Explosion inside live  Stay within the speed limit
facilities  Always be alert to face 3rd party mistakes
 Take periodic rests as per rules.
 Watch out for stray animals
 Obey all traffic rules, signs and markings
 Always follow defensive driving technique
 Never drive without being authorized to do so
 Driver with dipped headlights, high intensity lights
 Always maintain safe distance from the vehicle in
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Risk Rating

(A,B,C,D,E) Probability
Control Measures Residual Risk
Rating after
Significant HSE Hazard Hazard Effect controls


 Hitting stationary objects  Property Damage 2 D Medium  Lookout carefully for objects / vehicles on your path Low
 Hitting other vehicles,  Personal Injury to avoid hitting them
persons, etc.  Use rear view mirror for proper positioning
 Get down and confirm, if you have any doubt.
 Use of banks man while reversing heavy vehicles.
Mobilization & demobilization

 New/ first time employees.  Stress 4 D High  Site specific HSE induction, familiarization of people Low
 Non-familiarity with site or  Personal injury with site specific hazards
industry specific hazards.  Vehicle/Equip Accident  Familiarization with work culture
 Non-familiarity with site Property damage  Contractors own controls for mobilization and
working culture. demobilization
 Communication barriers.  Emphasis on communication in common languages
 Familiarization with new equipments

Emergency response

 Damage to property 4 B Medium  Train all inhabitants of the office complex on Low
 Fire
 Gas leak  Damage to camp/ assets emergency response procedures
 Adverse weather  Damage to equipments &  Conduct frequent emergency evacuation exercise.
machinery  Keep disaster management plan for all emergencies
 Injuries/ fatality  Exercise & conduct frequent mock drills for all

Material Handling (Manual)

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Risk Rating

(A,B,C,D,E) Probability
Control Measures Residual Risk
Rating after
Significant HSE Hazard Hazard Effect controls

 Lifting heavy loads  Slipping / tripping of the 3 D Medium  Employing trained and experienced persons Low
 Sharp edges load  Proper lifting procedures
 Whipping action  Unbalance or loss of  Good house keeping
 Weight & dust control  Use of proper PPE
 Back pain  Avoid manual handling of heavy material.
 Dust inhalation cut
injuries / sprains etc.

Material Handling
 Personnel injury 4 C High  Use only competent and approved operators for Low
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Risk Rating

(A,B,C,D,E) Probability
Control Measures Residual Risk
Rating after
Significant HSE Hazard Hazard Effect controls

 Lack of knowledge  Property damage such operations.

 Defective equipment  Tilting of the equipment  Equipment and lifting tackles regularly inspected
 Defective lifting tackles  Fall of load and well maintained.
 Overloading  Follow safe work procedures
 Untrained personnel  Operate with authorized banks man
 Uneven/unstable ground  Proper training to personnel involved
 High wind/Bad weather  Never over load than the capacity of the equipment
 Overhead power line  Ensure the load indicator works properly
 Obstructions in the radius of  Ensure that the certificates for crane and operator
boom are correct
 Not following the procedure  Lifting equipment to be inspected before use
 Tag line should be used to prevent swinging load
 Ensure ground is firm and level
 Ensure that out riggers are fully extended and tyres
are clear off the ground
 Provide support for out riggers
 Stop lifting operation when wind is more than 20 KM
 Provide well experienced banks man
 Maintain eye contact in between operator and banks

Handling of Chemicals

 Leakage  Burn injury 3 C Medium  Use of trained personnel Low

 Spillage / spray of chemicals  Over exposure /  Good house keeping
inhalation  Barricading the area
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Risk Rating

(A,B,C,D,E) Probability
Control Measures Residual Risk
Rating after
Significant HSE Hazard Hazard Effect controls

 Irritation  Proper ventilation

 Poisoning  Use of required PPE
 Skin allergy  Inspection
 Environmental impact.  Proper packaging and storage
 Eye injury

Storage of Materials

 Fall of materials  Property damage D Medium  Following proper storing procedures Low
 Inadequate storage area  Physical injury  Good housekeeping
 Improper storage  Provide adequate area for storage
 Use of experienced personnel

Portable Hand / Power Tools

 Defective Tools  Hand injury  Proper inspection / maintenance of tools Low

 Improper handling  Damage to the tool or job 3 D Medium  Replace / repair defective tools
 Improper storage  Electric Shock  Use of proper PPE
 Misuse of tools  Hit by flying fragments  Use right tool for right job
 Damaged cable  Eye injuries  Proper storage of tools
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Risk Rating

(A,B,C,D,E) Probability
Control Measures Residual Risk
Rating after
Significant HSE Hazard Hazard Effect controls

 Loose components  Tripping and falling down,  Experienced personnel shall be assigned electrical
 Excess pressure on tools etc work
 Non use of PPE  Tool box talk
 Do not use make shift tools.
 Weekly inspection of tools by competent person.
Fixed equipment

 Drilling / grinding without  Finger injuries 3 D Medium  Use proper PPE Low
goggles  Hand getting caught into  Mount the tool rest on both the sides
 Absence of tool rest the rotating parts  Replace the tool, more that 3 mm is unsafe
 More gap between the tool  Fire  Use tool of correct size suitable for the job
and the job piece  Tool breakage  Provide necessary training and instructions to the
 Wrong size of the tool  Injury due to flying chips, operator
 Unguarded rotating parts etc.  Ensure proper fixture of the tool
 Excessive pressure  Use correct sized space washers
 Flammable gas in the vicinity
 Defective cable
 Tool breakage etc.

Loading / Unloading materials

on truck / trailer

 Improper loading  Injury to persons due to

 Defective equipment fall from the vehicle 4 D High  Follow proper lifting / loading procedures Low
 Overloading  Injury to persons due to  Use proper restraining devices and procedure
 Defective chain binder fall of load from the  Proper supervision
 Lack of proper restraining vehicle  Use of certified restraining accessories
devices  Material damage  Use of trained and experienced personnel
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Risk Rating

(A,B,C,D,E) Probability
Control Measures Residual Risk
Rating after
Significant HSE Hazard Hazard Effect controls

 Use of extra leverage for  Movement of load during  Ensure competence of the personnel involved
tightening transportation, due to  Capacity of the vehicle should be related to the load
 Over tightness / slackness improper restraining. to be carried
Dimensions of the load  Accidents, personal injury
/ death, property damage
due to load collapse.

Excavation, Back filling and


 Presence of U/g cables,  Electrocution (due to 4 D High  PTW with excavation certificates Low
pipelines, etc (both identified contact with unknown  Provision of as-built drawings
and unidentified) cables)  Trial pits, route markers, etc
 Presence of hydrocarbon  Explosion / fire as  Use of cable detectors
and other noxious gases Hydrocarbon gas in  Adequate clearance from existing structures
 Lack of as-built drawings combustible range comes  Use of necessary PPE
 Faulty excavation into contact with an  Inspection of excavation frequently by authorized
 Dust ignition source. personnel, specially after heavy rainfall/ sand storm/
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Risk Rating

(A,B,C,D,E) Probability
Control Measures Residual Risk
Rating after
Significant HSE Hazard Hazard Effect controls

 Open Pit during darkness  Serious injuries collapse of excavations.

 Plant exhaust system  Damage to U/g services  Provision of right equipment
located close to trench  Fall of persons, animals  Provision of banks man
 Gas displacing oxygen in inside the pit  Warning signboards, barricades, etc
excavation  Fall of tools, objects, etc.  Water spraying
 Excavated material stored  Collapse of excavation  Avoid exposure to dust cloud
close to edge of trench  Fall of equipment working  Provision of cross over platform
 Heavy rain nearby  Store materials minimum 1 m away from the pit.
 Inadequate access/egress  Inhalation of dust / gases  Slopping/ shoring of trench
 Excessive exposure to  Poisoning drowsiness,  The trench will be considered as a confined space if
hydrocarbon gas vapor. Loss of muscular control, it is more 1.2 m deep
 Vehicle/plant exhaust vomiting,  Gas test will be carried out before start every day
located close to excavation / unconsciousness  Ensure that exhaust of vehicle /plant areaway from
confined space leading to  Respiratory problems, excavation
build up of carbon monoxide Asphyxiation  Rotate workers for operate vibrator
 Insufficient Oxygen as Gas  Rupture of pipeline  Banks man should be present while mechanical
fumes displacing oxygen in  Coating damage back filling
an excavation  Cable cut / damage  Stops for dampers and tippers are to be provided
 Heat stress  Loss of containment  Ensure that exhaust of vehicle/ plant are directed
 Non compliant earth moving  Pipeline damage away from excavation
equipments  Interruption services  Use warning lights in the night.
 Unauthorized operator  Accident/ Injuries  Properly trained operator
 Fall of Dumpers/Trippers/  Injuries to muscles due to  Regular preventive maintenance & checks
excavator in the excavated vibrations  Equipment stoppers to be used.
pit  Regular rest intervals.
 Prolonged use of vibrator  Prohibit resting underneath vehicles parked at site.
 Use of proper procedures & checklists.
 Suitable training to personnel engaged in
 Ensure proper support to adjacent structures.
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Risk Rating

(A,B,C,D,E) Probability
Control Measures Residual Risk
Rating after
Significant HSE Hazard Hazard Effect controls

Shuttering & De-shuttering

 Sharp edges  Personnel Injury 2 D Medium  Use of proper lifting procedures Low
 Fall of shuttering plates due  Damage to material  Good housekeeping
to improper lifting /  Collapse of shuttering  Use of necessary PPE
positioning structure etc.  Use of trained and experienced personnel
 Improper storage of  Tripping and falling down  Proper supervision
shuttering plates.

Grit Blasting

 Bursting of hoses  Injuries to personnel 3 B Medium  Blasting equipment s shall be checked prior to use Low
 Removal of hoses from  Inhalation of hazardous  Use blasters PPE
pot/compressor dust  Check PPE before and after every shift and report
 Defective PPE  Electric shock any defect
 Bad quality of PPE  Harmful to hands of  Dispose grit waste without allowing accumulation
 Unsafe working practice operator  Operators and helpers should be trained in the use
 Non earthed equipment  Fire incident of blasting equipment
 Vibration to the operator  Prevent to build up static electricity
 Non availability of dead man  Fire extinguisher to be provided in the blasting area
handle  Exposure should not be more than 40 min
 Flying grits from the nozzle continuously
 Inexperienced operator  Good supervision
 Dust  Tool box talk
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Risk Rating

(A,B,C,D,E) Probability
Control Measures Residual Risk
Rating after
Significant HSE Hazard Hazard Effect controls

 Bad quality of Air filter and  Area to be screened to prevent flying grit dust
air hose  Check air filter before use

Scaffolding and Working at


 Unstable scaffolding  Collapse of the 4 C High  Construction and supervision by trained and Low
 Overloaded scaffolding scaffolding experienced personnel
 Wrong ladder position  Fall of personnel from the  Daily inspection and certification by a competent
 Defective scaffolding height person
 Improper use of scaffolding  Personnel injury / fatality  Effective supervision to prevent overloading
 Faulty erection  Loss of property  Never employ person with vertigo at heights
 Defective access device  Dizziness and fall from  New workers shall be accompanied to confirm the
 Vertigo height absence of vertigo
 Lack of platform  Over stretching / leaning  Provision of work platform or proper scaffolding for
 Inadequate working area resulting in slipping and all works above 1.5 m
 Defective work platform falling down  Use of ladders approved construction and
 More gap from the structure  Trip, slip and fall specification
to the scaffolding  Position of ladder on firm ground with base to height
 Lack of adequate knowledge ratio of 1:4
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Risk Rating

(A,B,C,D,E) Probability
Control Measures Residual Risk
Rating after
Significant HSE Hazard Hazard Effect controls

about safe working  Ensure use of safety harness with life line
procedures  Follow all safe work procedures
 Defective accessories used  Use all necessary PPE
 Overhead power lines  Provide warning signboards, barricades
 Machinery working nearby  Ensure scaffolding material are in good condition
etc.  Metal ladder should not be used near electric line
 Ladder should be at an height of 1.05m above the
working platform
 Ensure that ladder rung are in good condition
 Ladder shall not be supported on their rungs and
rungs shall not be supported to scaffolds
 Minimum overlap for four rungs when making
extension of ladder

 Tools should not be carried by person while

ascending and descending
 Holes in platforms through which ladders are
passing will be as small as practicable
 Ladder landing place will be provided in every 9mtr
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Risk Rating

(A,B,C,D,E) Probability
Control Measures Residual Risk
Rating after
Significant HSE Hazard Hazard Effect controls

Working with Concrete

 Splashing of concrete  Skin allergy 2 C Low  Use of trained and experienced personnel Low
 Fall of mortar pan  Personnel injury  Use of necessary PPE like, gloves, apron etc.
 Projected nail  Damage to property /  Provision of guards to rotating parts
 Untrained operator equipment etc.  Proper supervision
 Collapse concrete work  Eye Injury  Approved equipment and competent operator
 Prolonged exposure to dust,  Fall Injury  Remove nails from the area after use
noise and cement  Respiratory problems  Obtain PTW
 Bad housekeeping  Back injury  Regular maintenance inspection of plant
 Sharp edge of mortar pan  Barricade the area
 Rotating parts of concrete  Warning signs to be placed
mixer  Tool box talk to be conducted before start works
 Improper use of tools or  Use Approval equipment
defective tools  Authorized/ competent operator
 Incorrect use of or defective  Competent banks man
plant, equipment, Mixer,  Use PPE: Helmet, shoes, goggle, mask, gloves
JCB, Dumper  Adequately designed and checked form work
 Incorrect material handling  Quality control on concrete
technique  Competent work force
 Unauthorized incompetent
 Inadequate maintenance of
 Incorrect form work
substandard concrete
 Collapse of form
work/concrete work
 Dust  Inhalation of hazardous  Check PPE before and after every shift and report
 Noise dust 2 C Low any defect
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Risk Rating

(A,B,C,D,E) Probability
Control Measures Residual Risk
Rating after
Significant HSE Hazard Hazard Effect controls

 Fall/trip  Injury to ears  Use of proper PPE hearing protection

 Unauthorized movement of  Fall of personnel from the  Ensure use of safety harness with life line
persons height  Follow all safe work procedures
 Bad house keeping  Slip/tripe fall  Daily inspection and certification by a competent
 Defective scaffolding  Collapse of the person
 Blinding scaffolding  Trained banksman working equipment back-up
 Operated by untrained  Struck by caught between alarms
person, untrained signalman  Failure of equipment  PMS in place daily equipment inspections
 Improper maintenance of

Working with Re-bar

 Sharp edges 3 C Medium  Use of trained and experienced personnel Low

 Whipping action  Physical injury  Follow proper procedures
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Risk Rating

(A,B,C,D,E) Probability
Control Measures Residual Risk
Rating after
Significant HSE Hazard Hazard Effect controls

 Slip and fall of rebar  Back pain / sprain  Capping the edges
 Tripping over  Other material damage  Use of proper tools
due to its fall, etc  Use of necessary PPE

Hot works

 Radiation harmful to naked  Welders cataract 4 C High  Use of welding shields, goggles, fireproof apron, Low
eyes  Burn injury gloves, screen etc.
 Splinters / slag  Lungs ailments  Proper ventilation (local exhaust, where possible)
 Harmful fumes  Dermatitis  Proper clamping of the job piece
 Dislocation / fall of job piece  Hit / crush injury  Proper maintenance of the plant, use of shockproof
due to faulty clamping  Electric shock boots and hand gloves
 Loss of insulation / loose  Fire / explosion  Provision of proper earthing
connection of terminals  Asphyxiation  Periodical Gas testing
 Presence of flammable  Spread of flame due to  Adhere PTW system, wherever applicable
gases valve leakage, etc.  Use of trained personnel
 Poor ventilation  Check welding equipment before use
 Backfiring  Cylinder should be kept in separate area
 Heat, wind  Ensure flash back arrestors provided on cutting
 Splashing sets
 Gas / Valve leakages  Flammable material shall be removed from the area
 Wrong cylinder position of operation before start work
 Inadequate training for  Check maximum RPM of the disk shall be checked
employees against the operating RPM of the grinder
 Improper use of tools  Keep unwanted people away from the area
 Flammable material in the  Tool talk to work force
vicinity of grinding operation  All mobile equipment shall be provided with ELCB
 Improper earthing  Adequate ventilation shall be provided
 Damaged cables of welding  Provide exhaust fans in confined spaces and
machines wherever necessary
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Risk Rating

(A,B,C,D,E) Probability
Control Measures Residual Risk
Rating after
Significant HSE Hazard Hazard Effect controls

 Welding in confined spaces  Hot surface should be marked to alert people

and congested area  Fire extinguishers shall be provided in the welding
 Exposure to arc radiation area
 Screen should be provided around welding area
wherever applicable

Working in high temperature

 Heat stress  All ailments due to 4 C High  Provision of rest shelters Low
 Heat exhaustion excessive heat, like  Provision of cool drinking water
 Heat stroke cramps, burns, head  Proper cotton clothing
 Sun burns, etc ache, loss of  Change in work schedule, wherever possible
concentration,  Provision of frequent rest intervals
dehydration, collapse of  Adequate Qualified First Aiders
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Risk Rating

(A,B,C,D,E) Probability
Control Measures Residual Risk
Rating after
Significant HSE Hazard Hazard Effect controls

the person etc.  First Aid boxes with adequate medicine

 Facility of clinic/hospital
 Provision of ambulance/ stand by vehicle
 Proper awareness courses
Hydro testing / Pneumatic

 Over pressurizing of the pipe  Failure of pipeline under 4 C High  PTW. Follow approved procedure for hydro testing. Low
section under test. test.  Provide a calibrated pressure gauge to the system
 Unnecessary employees in  Serious Injuries to ensure that the pipeline under test is not over
the vicinity of the testing pressurized.
operations.  Pressure gauge with up to date calibration
 Shearing of studs/ bolts. certificate shall be used.
 Possibility of spillage or leak  Testing area to be cordoned off effectively by
warning tape.
 Warning sign to be posted at appropriate location
for the duration of the test.
 Tighten studs/bolts/plugs once the pressure is
 Personnel who are not involved in the activity shall
be kept at least 50 mtrs away from the restricted
 No attempt to be made to tighten or loosen the bolts
while line is under pressure
 Ensure that the line to be tested is isolated
 Brief work party about the testing pressure
 Provide disposal area for drained water
 Good supervision and tool box talk
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Risk Rating

(A,B,C,D,E) Probability
Control Measures Residual Risk
Rating after
Significant HSE Hazard Hazard Effect controls

Painting works

 Splashes  Personal injury 3 C Medium  Use of trained and experienced workers Low
 Spillage  Fire / explosion  Use of necessary PPE
 Fumes  Eye and throat irritation  Good housekeeping
 Vapor  Skin allergy, etc.  Provide working platform for working at height
 Bursting and slipping of  Damaging eyes and  Do not allow smoking in the area
hoses irritation to the skin  Area to be covered
 Falling form height  Inhalation of paint vapor  Keep fire extinguishers in the area
 High pressure fluid hoses  Fluid injection hazard  Tool box talk
and air hoses  Electric shock  Checking and maintenance of compressors and
 Ignition source  Fire / explosion painting machine
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Risk Rating

(A,B,C,D,E) Probability
Control Measures Residual Risk
Rating after
Significant HSE Hazard Hazard Effect controls

 High volatile vapors of  Good ventilation shall be maintained

paints/solvents in  Lights, match box or any other spark or flame shall
combustible range coming not be allowed in painting area
into contact with ignition  Keep unwanted people away from the area
source  Defective hoses and worn out hoses shall be
 Static electricity replaced.
 Non-earthed spray painting  Painting equipment shall be earthed properly
equipments  Never remove the PPE during the whole operation
 Painter not using protective  Never direct the spray gun at any part of the body
equipment  Follow the instruction of manufactures and MSDS
 Non provision for suitable during the operation
PPE  Spillage to be removed immediately
 Do not modify or repair any part of the painting
 Use metal pail to collect the mixed paint


 Inexperienced radiographer.  Unsafe working practices 4 C High  Radiographer shall be qualified and approved. Low
 Damage to source  Employees exposed to  Barriers and warning signs shall be installed prior to
 Sources stuck open radiation. commencing radiography . Radiographer shall
 Internal Injury ensure that all personnel are outside these barriers
before commencing work
 All activities associated to be in accordance with the
requirements of Client HSE manual Standard 741.
 Non-involved person shall be at least 50 mtrs. Away
from the area of radioactive source.
 Follow the stipulations of radiation emergency and
contingency plan specially prepared for the purpose.
 Notify people working in the area nearby
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Risk Rating

(A,B,C,D,E) Probability
Control Measures Residual Risk
Rating after
Significant HSE Hazard Hazard Effect controls

Cable Laying

 Fall of drum  Electrocution 3 C Medium  Inspect the drum before use Low
 Protrusion of nails in drum  Small / serious injury  Nails to be removed before use
 Rolling of drums  Electric shock  Keep away unwanted people from testing area
 Slipping of drum from stand  Asset damage  Warning signs to be installed
 Personnel touching other  Always keep drum in up right position
service line  Cable drum should be secured by lashing to prevent
 Crane/equipment come in movement while transporting
contact with overhead power  Insert shaft or spindle through the center hole of the
line drum for using Jack
 Incorrect procedure for  Place the jack in level place
lockout / tag out for isolation  Wooden supports will be provided for Jacks
 Come in contact with power  Personnel should not be allowed to stand within the
line when it is under test falling distance of drum
 No work will be started until obtain the PTW, if
 Electrical competent person shall be available at
 Electric safety rules will be followed and ensure that
whether the isolation is positive
 Additional earthing shall be provided on either side
of the work area while working on over head line
 Work area shall be clearly identified and marked by
warning tape
 Locked out / tagged out procedure will be followed
and the key will be kept with the responsible
 Proper tools will be used
 Proper use of PPE
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Risk Rating

(A,B,C,D,E) Probability
Control Measures Residual Risk
Rating after
Significant HSE Hazard Hazard Effect controls

 Proper briefing for workmen and confirm whether

they understood well
 Confirm competency before assign job
 Stop work if the weather condition does not permit
(rain, thunder, lightening etc, etc)


 Existing live facilities  Fire / explosion 4 C High  Ensure the valve on line is fully closed Low
 High pressure line  Injury  Provide suitable fire extinguisher near the area of
 Handling of chemical  Fatality activity
 Presence of Hydrocarbon  Asset damage  Provide caution board
 Use of very cold material  Environmental impact  Do not allow smoking in the area
 Working at height  Keep unauthorized people form the area
 Improper co-ordination  Conduct tool box talk
 Using improper tools  Ensure that no leakage is there
 Poor communication  Any sign of leak tighten the bolt and report to
 Use of heavy equipment custodian
 Leakage of gas  Clean the tools before use
 Use appropriate tools
 Ensure competency of personnel involved in job
 Ensure positive isolation
 Maintain proper co-ordination and communication
 Use of appropriate PPE
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(A,B,C,D,E) Probability
Control Measures Residual Risk
Rating after
Significant HSE Hazard Hazard Effect controls

 Use of gas detector

 Awareness course of chemical hazards

Control System
 Hydrocarbon gas in 3 C Medium  Conduct gas test before start work Low
combustible range and  Ensure that no hot work is taking place where
presence of ignition hydrocarbon gas is present
 Personnel working near  Use of safety harness on platform above 2 mtrs
live electrical equipment from ground
 Personnel standing on  Check condition of stairways and platform before
pressurized pipe lines use
 Falling from elevated  Scaffolding shall be erected where fixed platform is
platform, Stairs and not provided
ladders  Do not stand on pressurized lines
 Defective stairways and  Instrument Air System shall be depressurized
gratings before disconnecting the instrumentation pipe work
 Lack of fixed platforms  Follow PTW system
 Standing on ladders  Safe working area shall be marked with barriers
 Oxygen deficiency in when working adjacent to live electrical equipment
confined space  Good supervision
 Tool box talk for crew
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(A,B,C,D,E) Probability
Control Measures Residual Risk
Rating after
Significant HSE Hazard Hazard Effect controls

E & I construction &


 Under ground services  Hydrocarbon gas in 3 C Medium  All underground services(cables & pipes) shall be Low
 Heavy equipment combustible range and identified & protected prior to proceed with any
movements presence of ignition construction activity.
 Cable drums handling  Personnel working near  Banksman to control heavy equipment movements
 Working on height live electrical equipment  Proper placing of cable drum while laying cable.
 Confined space working  Personnel standing on  Engage trained personnel
 pressurized pipe lines  Proper hot work precautions while doing HV cable
 Falling from elevated shrinkage.
platform, Stairs and  Proper control measures while working near live
ladders lines. Provide adequate clearance.
 Defective stairways and  Proper precautionary measures while performing
gratings high-pressure tests.
 Lack of fixed platforms  Follow confined space entry procedures
 Standing on ladders  Adhere to PTW requirements.
 Oxygen deficiency in  Ensure qualified personnel are deployed for
confined space electrical works.
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Risk Rating

(A,B,C,D,E) Probability
Control Measures Residual Risk
Rating after
Significant HSE Hazard Hazard Effect controls

Road Crossing

 Vehicular traffic  Vehicle crashing into 3 C Medium  Inform road users about road closure 72 hrs prior to Low
 Poor Visibility because of excavation start
fog/mist  Personal injury  Install warning signs ” Men at work” “ reduce speed”
 Improper warning system  Asset damage & Diversion ahead (500 m, 400m, 300m, 200 and
 Excavation for pipe lines  Environment impact 100m)
 Uncertainty of exact location  Cable cut  Install road barriers and traffic cones
of under ground cables  Electric shock  Provide trained flag man to control traffic
 Breaking of under ground  Loss of contents from the  Provide florescent type vest to personnel involved
services underground services  Provide flashing lamps during darkness
 Excavation may be limited to hand digging
 As built drawings and cable detectors to be used to
locate the underground cables
 Banks man to guide and warn the operator

Working near live facilities

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(A,B,C,D,E) Probability
Control Measures Residual Risk
Rating after
Significant HSE Hazard Hazard Effect controls

 Movement of vehicle  Asset damage 3 C Medium  Follow PTW system if the work is within 50 mtr of Low
 Crossing of facilities by  Flow line damage the boundary fence of the facility
personnel  Serous injury  Reversing of vehicle towards facilities shall be
 Build up of hydrocarbon  Slip, Trip and Fall injury avoided as possible
gases Fire incident  Movement of vehicles in gathering station shall be
 High pressure flow lines under the direction of the banks man only
 Avoid movement of personnel over the pipe line
 Crossing the facilities shall be prevented
 Movements in the facility is inevitable, arrangements
to be done as per site condition
 No hot work shall be carried out without PTW
 Smoking shall be prohibited near facility
 Ensure heavy equipments are moving only thru
specified path marked inside stations.
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Risk Rating

(A,B,C,D,E) Probability
Control Measures Residual Risk
Rating after
Significant HSE Hazard Hazard Effect controls

Working in Confined spaces

 Hydrocarbon gas in  Fire / Explosion 3 C Medium  Gas test shall be performed before start Low
combustible range  Respiratory problem  Use appropriate respiratory protection
 Excessive exposure to  Inhalation of H2S  Personnel trained in H2S awareness with valid entry
hydrocarbon gas resulting fatality permit
 Lack of awareness of H2S  Suffocation  Personnel to carry H2S monitor and escape set
 Insufficiently trained  Single / Multiple injury  Ensure that exhaust of vehicle / plant areaway from
personnel  Excavation caving in confined space direction
 Inadequate gas monitors  Falling in /driving in  Adequate access shall be provided
 Gas fumes displacing  Adequate ventilation shall be provided
oxygen in confined spaces  Personnel are not permitted to enter into confined
 Inadequate access leading space if the oxygen level is below 20%
to inability to escape during  Minimum people will be permitted to enter into a
emergency confined space
 Unaware of excavated pit  No work during rain
 High humidity  Stand by man should be kept at the man way
 Lack of oxygen  Distinguished jacket will be worn by stand by person
 Pyrophoric iron  Records of the people entering into the tank will be
 Inadequate emergency exits maintained by stand by person
 Loss of communication  Stand by man to maintain the communication with
between stand by man and the party working inside the confined space
working party  Stand by man should not leave that area until he is
 No record kept of personnel relieved by another qualified person
inside the confined space  Stand by man shall have the emergency numbers
 Medically unfit personnel

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Control Measures Residual Risk
Rating after
Significant HSE Hazard Hazard Effect controls

Installing fiberglass insulation  Eye and skin Irritation 2 D Low  Ensure all employees are wearing loose clothing, Low
material  Cut full sleeve shirts, trousers and cap to prevent to
contact with fiberglass
 Barrier cream should be applied before starting
 Goggles with side glass should be worn to prevent
fiber particle entering into eye
 Mask to be used to prevent fiber particle entering
into mouth or inhaling
 Work cloth should be washed separately to prevent
spreading fiber particle to other cloth
 Washing machine should be rinsed well before re-
 Scrap material to be removed by vacuuming
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(A,B,C,D,E) Probability
Control Measures Residual Risk
Rating after
Significant HSE Hazard Hazard Effect controls

Tie-In & commissioning


 Existing live facility  Electrocution 4 B Medium  Follow EPTW, ESR &ESOPs procedure Low
 High voltage  Serious injury  Engage Experienced employees
 Asset damage  Use of right tools and correct procedure
 Presence of third parties  Environment impact  Provide competent supervision
 Improper coordination  Bad reputation  Identification of line to be worked on
 Wrong identification  Warning signs to be placed
 Positive isolation procedure to be followed
 Use of PPE
 Do not use loose clothing by workers
 Competent Electrical person at site
 Do not start work until get the confirmation that the
line is dead
 Proper coordination
 Implement lock out/tag out procedure
 Accessibility survey / escape route

Isolation of switch gear


 Electricity in switch gear

 Incorrect identification of  Electrocution 4 B  Obtain EPTW form before start work Low
switch gear to work  Injury  Electrical isolation procedure to be followed
 Not electrically discharging  Breaker shall be discharged to earth before starting
breaker to earth work
 Limitation for access  Spring shall be manually discharged and spring
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Control Measures Residual Risk
Rating after
Significant HSE Hazard Hazard Effect controls

charging mechanism immobilized prior to starting

 Ensure that the system is dead before start
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(A,B,C,D,E) Probability
Control Measures Residual Risk
Rating after
Significant HSE Hazard Hazard Effect controls

Work on live bus bars

 Electricity in transformer  Electrocution 4 B High  Follow electrical safety Rules Low

 Not following correct  Serious injury  Do not start work prior to obtaining the Electrical
procedure  Tripping Wrong Panel permit to Work
 Not applying main earth to  Tripping other  Competent authorized person shall be on site
circuit Equipments  Procedure for proving circuit dead shall be followed
 Wrong identification of work  Loss of production  Work area shall be clearly identified and cordoned
area off
 Not providing additional  Additional earth shall be provided
earth  HV safety distance shall be observed and
 Not observing HV distance maintained at all times
 Working Near Live  All safety requirements shall be placed at sites
equipments/ Panels  Communication and coordination be maintained
 Caution notice shall be displayed
 Proper coordination

Tie-in substation and existing


 Inexperienced employees  Fatality 4 B High  Engage only qualified employees Low

 Incorrect use of tools  Asset damage  Provide adequate awareness training
 Incorrect/modified tools  Severe Injury  Follow PTW procedure
 Modified tools  Works to be carried out with in accordance with the
 Lack of awareness training electrical safety procedure only
 Lack of supervision  Tools to be inspected before use
 Not following PTW  Do not use modified tools
procedure  Do not use extra leverage to adjust the tools
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(A,B,C,D,E) Probability
Control Measures Residual Risk
Rating after
Significant HSE Hazard Hazard Effect controls

 Inexperienced employees  Ensure that work force understood the work to be

 Good supervision
 Proper communication & co ordination
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(A,B,C,D,E) Probability
Control Measures Residual Risk
Rating after
Significant HSE Hazard Hazard Effect controls

Use of Ladders

 Slip and fall hazards  Minor / Major injury 4 B Medium  Never use metallic ladder when working near Low
 Collapses of Ladder  Electrocution existing live line
 Electric shock  Fatality  Inspect the ladder before use
 Missing of rungs  Wooden ladder should never be painted
 Place the ladder on firm ground
 Place the ladder at an angle of 75 degree
 Secure the ladder at the top
 Wear safety harness while carry out the job
 Ladder should be one meter more than the working
 Do not carry tools while ascending and descending
 Do not use one ladder by two people at one time
 Adequately trained and experienced employees
shall be engaged for the job
 Do not use the ladder with greasy/ oily hands
 Every rungs to be inspected before use
 Do not modify ladder
 Tool box talk / Awareness training
 Do not extend length of ladder by joining two

General Health Hazards in

construction activities
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Control Measures Residual Risk
Rating after
Significant HSE Hazard Hazard Effect controls

 Dust  Injury to eyes 2 C Medium  Use PPE Mask, goggles Low

 Heat  Skin problems  Periodic medical check ups.
 Person working in hot  White cataract  Work/ rest scheduling
environment continuously  Giddiness  Provision of adequate cold drinking water
 Noise  Heat ailments  Provision of shade
 Vibration due to travel and  Hearing loss  Use proper PPE exposure to the minimum
use of pneumatic tools/  Decreased worker  Exposure to travel and pneumatic hand held
blasting hose comfort, efficiency and tools/blasting hose shall be reduced by rotation of
 Whole body vibration during damage to health employees
driving / traveling hand / arm  Tools shall be inspected and maintained in good
vibration when using hand working order
tools / power tools  Vehicles/plants shall be maintained in good
repair/working order
 Training workers on occupational health hazards
 Provide proper place at site for taking food.
 Ensure availability of one trained first aider in every
crew irrespective of number of crewmembers.
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(A,B,C,D,E) Probability
Control Measures Residual Risk
Rating after
Significant HSE Hazard Hazard Effect controls

Shifting & Storing Material

2 D Medium  Operator shall check soil condition and see that Low
 Incorrect use and defective  Tripping over injury
 Mechanical failure outriggers are in position before starting lifting
lifting equipment
 Dropped load operations
 Inadequate crane working
 Tripping over dropped  Crane to be operated within SWL
platform (due to
load injury  Certification and color coding of equipment
soft/unstable soil, outrigger
 Injury / Accident  All rigging, singing and lifting to be done by
not fully deployed etc)
 Loss of property competent person
 Over loading of Crane/forklift
 Fall of material / injury  Prior to use, all equipments to be visually inspected
 Defective lifting equipment
 Tripping of person  All persons to be made aware of danger through
 Incorrect rigging, singing and
 Fire tool box talk
lifting practices
 Back injury  Ensure sufficient room for operation
 Damage to lifting equipment
 Hard injury  Tag line to be attached to load to prevent swinging
since inspection
 The material not to be stacked too high
 Personnel having body part
 Material to be stacked on adequate base
trapped by load
 Materials to be secured/covered are kept under
 Moving crane/load hitting
people / assets
 Good house keeping to be maintained
 Material stacked too high
 Material to be adequately segregated
 Inadequate base for storing
 Proper ventilation
 Material not protected from
bad weather
 Lack of segmentation of
material (eg. Oil, Gases,
Chemicals etc)
 Spillage of Oil, Chemical
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Control Measures Residual Risk
Rating after
Significant HSE Hazard Hazard Effect controls

 Use of fire ignition source  Declare no smoking area

 Heavy / Sharp object  Clean up spillage immediately
 Person using wrong lifting  Persons to be trained for correct manual lifting
techniques techniques
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Control Measures Residual Risk
Rating after
Significant HSE Hazard Hazard Effect controls

Use of fire extinguisher

2 B Medium
 Incorrect use of and  Injury  Trained workers in safe usage of fire extinguisher Low
defective fire extinguisher  Blowing off head  Regular maintenance and inspection
 High pressure assembly  Purchase only approved fire extinguishers, Tool Box
 Used by untrained person Talk, Mock Fire Drill.
 Inadequate maintenance
and inspection
 Defective design

Gas cutting

 Welding/cutting gas  Explosion/Fire  All operations to be carried out in accordance with

 Leaking of welding gas  Burn injury 4 C High  Check welding equipment prior to commencing work Low
coming into contact with  Damage to eyes  Gas cylinders shall be stored up right and securely
ignition source fixed to support
 Incorrectly stored gas
cylinders being knocked
over and damaged and the
leaking gas coming into
contact with an ignition

 Operators should wear safety goggles

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Control Measures Residual Risk
Rating after
Significant HSE Hazard Hazard Effect controls

 Operator working without  Check and ensure that flash back arrestors on gas
safety goggles cylinders before cutting sets are connected
 Back firing  All gas cylinders shall be fitted with approved &
certified gas regulators with valid calibration
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(A,B,C,D,E) Probability
Control Measures Residual Risk
Rating after
Significant HSE Hazard Hazard Effect controls

Disc cutting/ grinding/

Chiseling/ chipping

 Electrical equipment and  Fire/explosion 4 C High  The electrical equipment and tools should be Low
tools  Injury inspected before starting the work and during the
 Inadequately maintained  Hitting eyes of co-workers work by the operator
electrical construction and causing blindness  Any deficiencies shall be rectified
equipment and hand tools  Lack of safety awareness  Pipe fitter shall be given on the job training until he
 Rotating grinding Disc. leads to damage/injury is considered competent
 Inadequate training and lack  Electrocution  Check tightness of the disc prior to using grinder
of experience of pipe fitter  Guards shall be fitted to grinders
leading to lack of safety  Check condition of the grinders and disc before
awareness starting the work daily by the supervisor and fitter
 Grinding disc not properly  Flammable material shall be removed from the area
secured to grinder leading to or protected with spark arrestor screen
grinding disc coming loose  Maximum allowable RPM of the disc shall be
and flying off checked against the operating RPM of the grinder
 Grinding disc being defective
leading to disc shattering
 Flammable materials in the
vicinity of grinding
 Maximum allowable RPM of
the operating RPM of the
grinder leading to disc
 Flying metal fragments
 Personnel not wearing
correct PPE in the vicinity of
grinding, disc cutting,
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Control Measures Residual Risk
Rating after
Significant HSE Hazard Hazard Effect controls

chiseling and chipping  All personnel involved in cutting, grinding, chipping,

operation leading to flying chiseling shall wear goggles
metal fragments  Hand Tools shall be inspected regularly by the
 Defective and incorrect use supervisor and daily by the user
of hand tools  Defective tools should be repaired /discarded
 Personnel using defective  Personnel shall be trained and supervised to use
hand tools hand tools correctly
 Personnel using incorrect  Tools shall be isolated from power source while
tools carrying out maintenance
 Personnel using hand tools  Maintenance should be carried out away from the
incorrectly power source
 Maintenance of the tools  Tool Box Talk to raise the awareness of the
without isolating the power personnel in using the correct equipment /tools
source and energizing the
tool while being maintained
 Incorrect equipment being
used in hazardous area
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(A,B,C,D,E) Probability
Control Measures Residual Risk
Rating after
Significant HSE Hazard Hazard Effect controls

Arc Welding
4 C High
 Arc welding equipment and  Vision/eye damages  The electrical equipments and tools shall be daily Low
tools  Eye injury inspected by the charge hand, foreman and by the
 Inadequately maintained Arc  Skin burns operator before starting the work and during the
welding equipments and  Health impairment work
tools  Suffocation  All mobile electrical equipment shall be fitted with
 Cable joint of arc welding  Loose earthing could appropriate ELCB
equipments create sparks which could  Use approved cable joints for joining cables
 Non approved cable become fire where  All earth connections shall be clamped directly to
connections hydrocarbon is present the work
 Earthing  Cable joints when it  Adequate ventilation shall be provided
 Loose earth connections comes in contact with  Wear appropriate PPE like welding helmets, hand
 Welding and arc gouging metals will generate gloves, leg guard, apron etc
hazards sparks which could cause  All combustible material shall be removed from
 Welding in congested fire where hydrocarbon is welding operation
spaces present in the working  Fire extinguishers shall be provided next to welding
 Lack of correct PPE working area site
without protective gear  Electric shock  Welding screens shall be erected around welding
 Combustible material next to  Burn injuries of welder areas in congested work place to protect other
welding operation  Electrical shock of personnel against arc radiation
 Exposure to arc radiation personnel  Non-involved persons shall be kept away from
the area

Machining / Drilling
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Control Measures Residual Risk
Rating after
Significant HSE Hazard Hazard Effect controls

 Moving machine  Serious injury 3 C High  Provide standard guards for the moving parts Low
 Unguarded moving part  Finger/palm may get  Post only competent machinist
striking on body part jammed between  Use proper PPE
 Untrained workers handling machine and job  Educate workers
equipment  Serious injury  Close supervision
 Working without proper PPE  Eye injury due to flying  Inspect and rectify defects before use daily
 Defective electrical system metal particles  Maintain weekly inspection schedule
 Damaged insulation  Electrical shock  Remove the spillage then and there and clean the
 Inadequate earthing  Sparks/Fire floor
 Loose contact  Floor will become slippery
 Improper manual handling and tripping of personnel
 Use of hydraulic oil and  Dermatitis
 Spillage of oil to the
surrounding floor
 Skin contact
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Control Measures Residual Risk
Rating after
Significant HSE Hazard Hazard Effect controls

Cold cutting of Gas Pipes

3 C Medium
 Hydrocarbon gas  Asphyxiation of personnel  Ensure hydrocarbon is removed before entry Low
 Hydrocarbon gas heavier working there  Gas test
than air can accumulate in  Possibility of  PTW system if applicable
low lying areas such as fire/explosion  Wear PPE for respiratory protection
valve pit, excavations and in  Respiratory problems  The gas lines shall be depressurized, Degassed
pipe line  Pressure being suddenly and positively isolated
 Excessive exposure to released and pipe whip  A pilot hole shall be drilled in the line before any
Hydrocarbon gas and vapors lashing injury attempt is made to use the cold cutting equipment
 Hydrocarbon under pressure  Fire / Explosion  Conduct gas test before starting the work
in gas lines  Lack of safety awareness  Continuous gas monitoring
 Gas lines being cut while of the personnel leading  Supervisor shall brief the personnel engaged in
under pressure from an oil to serious injuries cutting pipes by conducting tool box meeting
and gas build up in the line  Pipe lines on completion  The line shall be cut starting at the free end which
 Ignition source of the cutting springing avoid cutting at points near the bend of lines
 Hot work taking place near laterally resulting in fatal  Only after gas test
by injuries  Tool box talks
 Pipe being cut while under
 Lack of experience of
personnel cutting pipes
 Inadequate provision for
restricting the movement of
gas lines under tension
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Control Measures Residual Risk
Rating after
Significant HSE Hazard Hazard Effect controls

Lifting of pipes
3 C High
 Ignition source  Injuries  Ensure no hot work going on where hydrocarbon Low
 Hot work taking place where  Fire and explosion pipe is being cut
hydrocarbon pipes is cold  Follow PTW system if applicable
cut leading to hydrocarbon  Tool box talks

Cold cut of hydrocarbon pipes

 Hydrocarbon gas  Injuries Low

 Accumulation of  Lack of safety awareness 4 C High  Positive identification and marking of gas lines to be
hydrocarbon gas in pipe line of the personnel leading cut
excavations to serious injuries  Supervisor shall brief the personnel engaged in
 Hydrocarbon under pressure  Pipe lines on completion cutting pipes by conducting tool box meeting
in gas lines of the cutting springing  The line shall be cut starting at the free end which
 Gas lines being cut while laterally resulting in fatal avoid cutting at points near the bend of flow lines
under pressure from oil and injuries  When cutting near bends and pipes shall be
gas build up in the line properly supported
leading to pressure being  Tool box talks
suddenly released and whip
lashing the line.
 Pipe being cut while under
 Lack of experience of
personnel cutting pipes
 Inadequate provision for gas
lines under tension

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