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Fisheries Science Specialist - Herlambang Aulia Rachman - Cover Letter and CV

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Dear Mr/Mrs Recruitment Manager and Lead of Marine and Fisheries Department
WWF Indonesia

I am writing this letter to express my interest in applying for the Fisheries Science Specialist
position at WWF Indonesia. I obtained the information about this vacancy from Linkedin, on
20 Aug 2021.
As a Master Degree of Marine Technology of IPB University with 5 years experience working
in GIS and Remote Sensing Analyst in some Non Government Organization (NGO) and
Company. Now, I am working on Working Group ICCAs Indonesia, as Database officer with
responsibility to maintenance database both spatial and tabular, and also updating new data in
organization website. I was working on Fisheries Digital Company (FishOn) as Data and
Content Officer with responsibility to analysis remote sensing data for prediction fishing zone.
The fishing zone was analyze using Artificial Intelligence method (Fuzzy Logic) with remote
sensing data for oceanographic feature from MODIS and NOAA Datasets. I was validating the
model result using field data from fisherman and also secondary data from VMS and VIIRS
Datasets. The software that I used for this analysis are MATLAB, Python, and also some GIS
software such as QGIS or ArcGIS. To download MODIS and VIIRS data, I use Google Earth
Engine (GEE) platform.
The vision of WWF Indonesia – Fisheries Department to advancing ocean sustainability and
stewardship through increasing transparency is perfect match with the spirit that I have. I hope
any data can be useful to be shared regularly and at any time both for research and development
I have enclosed my resume and supporting document for your perusal.
Thank you for your consideration and time. I am looking forward to learning more details about
the position and company.

Best Regards
Herlambang Aulia Rachman
Herlambang Aulia Rachman
Dramaga, Bogor, West Java
Interest in Oceanography, Fisheries, GIS, and Data Analysis

A Master Degree of Marine Technology with 5 years of experience with oceanography and meteorogical data, time
series analysis, and database management both spatial and tabular over 5 years with Research, Company, and Non
Government Organization (NGO). Good understanding using database tools and data processing and visualization,
Remote Sensing and GIS Software, and also programming language such as MATLAB, R, and Python. Interest on
research based for Conservation, Fisheries, Climate Change, and Oceanography.

IPB University 2018-2020
Master of Science in Marine Technology (M.Sc)
GPA : 3.89
• Graduate with honor
• Funded by Indonesian Endowment Fund and Education (LPDP) Scholarship
• Research Grant from Kemenristekdikti for Research Thesis
• Research about Impact of Climate Change on Coastal Upwelling in South Java Sea based on Remote Sensing
• Relevant Courses : GIS, Marine Remote Sensing, Spatial Database, Programming on Spatial Data, Numerical
Udayana University 2012-2016
Bachelor of Science in Marine Science (B.Sc)
GPA : 3.63
• Graduate with honor
• Funded by Academic Achievement Improvement (PPA) Scholarship
• Research about Application of Ocean Modelling on Sediment Transport in Benoa Bay
• Relevant Courses : GIS, Marine Remote Sensing, Oceanographic Modelling, Programming Language,
Numerical Method

Working Group ICCAs Indonesia (WGII) April 2020 - Present
NGO with focus on Indigenous Peoples and Local Community Conserve Area (ICCA). Bogor, West Java
Position : GIS and Database Officer
Report to : Program Manager
Job Description :
• Responsible for Managing spatial and social database more than 100 ICCAs data all over Indonesian Region.
• Conducting field survey to verification the ICCAs location both on spatial and social data
• Conducting analysis and also visualization of spatial and social data as information that use for advocacy
process in recognition by the Government

PT Daya Gagas Indonesia (FishOn) October 2019 – March 2020

Information Technology Jakarta, Indonesia
Position : Data and Content Officer
Report to : Data Manager
Accomplished :
• Develop algorithm using Mathematic and Artificial Intilegence for prediction of fishing zone based on
Remote Sensing data. Result based on this method was deploy to application that called FishOn
• Increased of more than 20% for fish catch by fisherman after using this the FishOn application, with case
study in Pelabuhan Ratu and Kalianda (Lampung Province)
• Responsible for conducting fishery data surveys to several locations in order to conduct research and model
development for Fishing Zone by Oceanographic Data.

PT Serasi Kelola Alam (SEKALA) May 2017 - May 2018

GIS and Remote Sensing Specialist Denpasar, Bali
Position : GIS and Remote Sensing Specialist
Rreport to : Program Manager
Accomplished :
• Assisted the community in determine village and customary territory boundaries either with digital maps
and field survey, case studies in Rokan Hulu Regency (10 Village)
• Help the villager also government to preparing dataset both spatial and social in mediating boundary conflict
between two or more with mapping perspective
• Created a map design and compiling the database from the mapping activity based on standard set by the
Geospatial Information Agency (BIG)
Conservation International Indonesia (CII) November 2016 – September 2017
NGO with Focus on Conservation both Ocean and Forest Denpasar, Bali
Position : GIS and Remote Sensing Consultant
Report to : GIS Ridge to Reef Manager
Accomplished :
• Assisted the community in mapping village boundaries and village resources in a cartographic method (using
digital map) and field survey, case studies in Karangasem Regency (6 Village)
• Help the villagers to prepared spatial datasets for conflict mediation
• Providing a database of mapping activity in accordance with standards from Conservation International

Project Based Experienced

Analysis of Oceanographic Features and Numerical Modelling of Bangka Strait for Construction of Power Plants
Surveyor and Ocean Modelling Specialist
Institution : CV Bangun Citra Pesisir

Suitability Analysis of Landuse and Spatial Planning in DTA Beratan and City of Bima (2016)
Spatial Data Analyst
Institution : Center of Ecoregion Development and Control of Bali Nusa Tenggara

Participatory Mapping of Village Boundary in South Sumatera and Lampung Province (2018)
GIS dan Database Specialist
Institution : PT Bodasa Geoinformasi and Indonesia Geospatial Agency (BIG)

Analisis Parameter Oseanografi di Kabupaten Nunukan untuk Kesesuaian Daerah Pemesangan Rumpon (2020)
Analysis of Location Suitability of Installation Fish Aggregating Devices (FADs) in Nunukan Regency using
Oceanographic Features
Oceanography Specialist
Hosted : Pertamina Hulu Energy (PHE) Nunukan

Numerical Model Analysis for Oceanographic Features in Denpasar and Klungkung Regency for Feasibility Study in
Develop the Port and Jetty (2021)
Oceanography Specialist

Mangrove Nusantara
NGO or Community with focus on mangrove research, restoration and mapping
Position : Member of Community
Activity :
• Assist the community for mangrove management and restoration in Perancak, Bali (2015).
• Wallacea Mangrove Expedition : Structure and Habitat of Mangrove Community in Northern Sumba,
Indonesia (2017).
• Research about mangrove dieback in Benoa Bay, Bali (2019)
• Guest Lecture in Environment Technology, Nahdlatul Ulama University (2020).

Mangrove For Love Community

Community Organization as Part of Earth Hour Indonesia presented by World Wide Fund (WWF)
Position : Member
Activity :
• Mangrove Restoration Project in Wanasari, Tuban, Bali.
• Create nursery ground of mangrove seeds in Wanasari, Tuban, Bali.
• Engage the community around Wanasari, Tuban to care about mangrove ecosystem .

As Journal Editor for those list :

- Journal Marine and Aquatic Sciences (JMAS)
- Jurnal Bumi Lestari
- International Journal of Environment and Geosciences (IJEG)


International Seminar On Fish And Fisheries Sciences (ISFFS 2021)
As Co-Author
Title : Spatio-temporal seasonal patterns in lake surface temperature retrieval from Landsat-8 in the
tropical highlands region
Time and Place : 13-14 July 2021, Denpasar, Bali and Online Meeting

International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium (IGARRS 2021)

As Co-Author
Title : Identification of Commercial Tuna Hotspot in The Southern Waters of Java Bali Through Satellite
Remote Sensing Data
Time and Place : 15 July 2021, Brussels, Belgium and Online Meeting

8th Asian / 17th Korea-Japan Workshop on Ocean Color 2020

As Presenter
Title : Influence of El Nino Southern Oscillation (ENSO) and Indian Ocean Dipole (IOD) on coastal
upwelling indices along South Coast of Java Sea.
Time and Place : 22 December 2020, Via Online Meeting

International Conference on Sustainability Science and Management: Advanced Technology in

Environmental Research
As Presenter
Title : Influence of El Nino Southern Oscillation (ENSO) and Indian Ocean Dipole (IOD) on Coastal
Upwelling in South Coast of Java
Time and Place : 14-15 November 2019, Denpasar-Bali
Output : Conference Proceeding

International Conference on Marine Science (2019)

As Presenter
Title : Influence of Coastal Upwelling on Sea Surface Temperature Trends in Banda Sea
Time and Place : 4 September 2019, Bogor-West Java
Output : IOP Conference Series

• GIS and Database Management • Mike21 and FVCOM
• Remote Sensing Analysis using multi software • Scientific Writing
• Programming Language (Matlab, R, Python) • Proposal Writing
• Climate Data Operators (CDO) and Netcdf Data • Mangrove Mapping
Operator (NCO) • Participatory Mapping

Scientific Paper
H. A. Rachman, J. Lumban-Gaol and F. Syamsudin, "Remote Sensing of Coastal Upwelling Dynamics in the Eastern
Indian Ocean off Java, Role of ENSO and IOD," 2020 IEEE Asia-Pacific Conference on Geoscience, Electronics and Remote
Sensing Technology (AGERS), 2020, pp. 1-6, doi: 10.1109/AGERS51788.2020.9452779.

Lumban-Gaol, J., Siswanto, E., Mahapatra, K., Natih, N. M. N., Nurjaya, I. W., Hartanto, M. T., Maulana, E., Adrianto,
L., Rachman, H. A., Osawa, T., Rahman, B.M.K., & Permana, A. (2021). Impact of the Strong Downwelling
(Upwelling) on Small Pelagic Fish Production during the 2016 (2019) Negative (Positive) Indian Ocean Dipole Events
in the Eastern Indian Ocean off Java. Climate, 9(2), 29.

Rachman, HA., Lumban-Gaol, J., Syamsudin, F., As-syakur, AR. 2019. Influence of Coastal Upwelling on Sea Surface
Temperature Trends in Banda Sea. IOP Conference Series.

Rachman, HA., Lumban-Gaol, J., Syamsudin, F. 2019. Variasi Data Suhu Permukaan Laut, Tinggi Paras Laut, Klorofil-
a, dan Upwelling di Perairan Selatan jawa serta Korelasinya Dengan Data Lapangan. Journal of Marine and Aquatic
Sciences. Vol 5(2). 289-296.

Rachman, HA., Hendrawan, I G., Putra, I D N N. 2016. Studi Transpor Sedimen di Teluk Benoa Menggunakan
Pemodelan Numerik. Jurnal Kelautan. Vol 9(2), 144-154.

Print Magazine
Rachman, HA. 2016. Reklamasi Teluk Benoa, Layak atau Tidak? ; Majalah Trobos Aqua

Personal Reference
Abd Rahman As-syakur, Ph.D (Lecturer at Udayana University)
Email :

Dr Jonson Lumban Gaol (Lecturer at IPB University)

Email :

Hanggar Prasetio (GIS Coordinator at Conservation International)

Email :

Link Reference
Linkedin :
Google Scholar :
Researchgate :

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