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Using Parallel Maya: Autodesk, Inc

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Autodesk, Inc.

Using Parallel Maya

Table of Contents

Overview ....................................................................................................................................................... 2
Key Concepts ................................................................................................................................................. 2
Supported Evaluation Modes ....................................................................................................................... 3
First Make it Right Then Make it Fast ........................................................................................................... 4
Evaluation Graph Correctness .................................................................................................................. 4
Thread Safety ............................................................................................................................................ 5
Safe Mode ................................................................................................................................................. 6
Custom Evaluators ........................................................................................................................................ 7
GPU Override ............................................................................................................................................ 7
Dynamics Evaluator................................................................................................................................. 10
Other Evaluators ..................................................................................................................................... 10
Evaluator Conflicts .................................................................................................................................. 10
API Extensions ............................................................................................................................................. 11
Parallel Evaluation................................................................................................................................... 11
Custom GPU Deformers .......................................................................................................................... 12
Profiling Plug-ins ..................................................................................................................................... 13
Profiling Your Scene .................................................................................................................................... 13
Evaluation-Bound Performance .............................................................................................................. 15
Render-Bound Performance ................................................................................................................... 17
Troubleshooting Your Scene ....................................................................................................................... 19
Analysis Mode ......................................................................................................................................... 19
Graph Execution Order ........................................................................................................................... 20
The EM Shelf ........................................................................................................................................... 21
Known Limitations ...................................................................................................................................... 21

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This guide describes the new Maya 2016 features for accelerating playback and manipulation of
animated scenes. It covers key concepts, shares best practices/usage tips, and lists the known
limitations that we’ll aim to address in subsequent versions of Maya.

This guide will be of interest to riggers, TDs, and plug-in authors wishing to take advantage of speed
enhancements in Maya 2016.

If you’d like an overview of related topics, prior to reading this document, check out the Supercharged
Animation Performance in Maya 2016 video at:

Key Concepts
Maya 2016 accelerates existing scenes by taking better advantage of your hardware. Unlike previous
versions of Maya, which were limited to parallelizing individual nodes, Maya 2016 includes a mechanism
for scene-level graph analysis and parallelization. For example, if your scene contains different
characters that aren’t constrained to one another, Maya recognizes this and evaluates each character at
the same time.

Similarly, if your scene has a single complex character, it may be possible to evaluate sub-sections of the
rig simultaneously. As you can imagine, the amount of parallelism depends on how your scene has been
constructed. We’ll get back to this later. For now, let’s focus on understanding key Maya 2016
evaluation concepts.

At the heart of Maya 2016’s new evaluation architecture is an Evaluation Manager (EM) responsible for
creating a parallel-friendly description of your scene, called the Evaluation Graph (EG). The EM
schedules EG nodes across available compute resources.

Prior to evaluating your scene, the EM checks if a valid EG graph exists. The EG is a simplification of the
Dependency Graph (DG), consisting of DG nodes and connections. Connections in the EG state that a
destination node requires values from source node(s) to correctly evaluate its state. A valid EG may not
exist for various reasons. For example, you may have loaded a new scene and no EG may have been
built yet, or you may have changed your scene, invalidating a prior EG.

Maya 2016 uses the DG’s dirty propagation mechanism to build the EG. Dirty propagation is the
process of walking through the DG, from animation curves to renderable objects, and marking the
attributes on DG nodes as needing to be re-evaluated (i.e., dirty). Unlike previous versions of Maya that
propagated dirty on every frame, Maya 2016 disables dirty propagation once the EG is built, and reuses
the existing EG until it becomes invalid.

With dirty propagation disabled, computing your scene at a given frame involves walking the EG,
scheduling, and evaluating EG nodes. Because the EG encodes node-level dependencies, when
evaluating a given EG node, you know that all inputs coming from dependent nodes have already been
calculated. This further enables pipelining of some operations. Specifically, when we get to EG nodes

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without dependents, we can initiate additional processing (e.g., rendering) since we are guaranteed that
no downstream nodes will require computed results.

Note: If your scene contains expression nodes that use the getAttr command the DG graph will
be missing explicit dependencies, resulting in an incomplete EG. In addition to impacting
correctness, expression nodes will also reduce the amount of parallelism in your scenes (see
Scheduling Types for details).

Depending on how you’ve built your scene, the EG may contain circular node-level dependencies. If this
is the case, the EM creates node clusters. At scene evaluation time, nodes in clusters are evaluated
serially, before continuing with other parallel parts of the EG. Multiple clusters may be evaluated at the
same time. As with previous versions of Maya, you should avoid building scenes with attribute-level
cycles as this is unsupported, and leads to unspecified behavior.

By default, the EM schedules node evaluation on available CPU resources. However the EM also
provides the ability to override evaluation for sub-sections of the EG, targeting computation to specific
runtimes and/or hardware. One example of this is GPU override feature included in Maya 2016, which
uses your graphics card’s graphics processing unit (GPU) to accelerate deformations.

When manipulating your rig, you may notice that performance improves once you’ve added at least 2
keys on a controller. By default, only animated nodes are included in the EG. This helps keep the EG
compact, making it fast to build, schedule, and evaluate. Hence, if you’re manipulating a controller that
hasn’t yet been keyed, Maya relies on legacy DG evaluation. When 2 or more keys are added, the EG is
rebuilt to include the newly keyed nodes, permitting parallel evaluation via the EM.

Supported Evaluation Modes

When you start Maya 2016, you’ll automatically be in Parallel evaluation mode. This is the new default
evaluation mode, replacing the legacy DG-based evaluation. Maya 2016 supports 3 evaluation modes:

Mode Type Purpose

DG Uses the legacy Dependency Graph-based evaluation of your scene. This was the
default evaluation mode prior to Maya 2016.

Serial Evaluation Manager Serial mode. Uses the EG but limits scheduling to a single core.
Serial mode is a troubleshooting mode to pinpoint the source of evaluation errors.

Parallel Evaluation Manager Parallel mode. Uses the EG and schedules evaluation across all
available cores. This mode is the new Maya 2016 default.

When using either Serial or Parallel EM modes, you can also activate the GPU Override, which
accelerates deformations on your GPU. You must be in Viewport 2.0 to use this feature (see Custom
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To switch between different modes, go to the Preferences window (Windows > Settings/Preferences >
Preferences > Animation). You can also use the evaluationManager MEL/Python command; see
documentation for supported options.

To see the evaluation options that apply to your scene, turn on the Heads Up Display Evaluation options
(Display > Heads Up Display > Evaluation).

First Make it Right Then Make it Fast

Before focusing on understanding how to make your scene fast in Maya 2016, it’s important to ensure
evaluation in DG and EM modes generate the same results.

When you start Maya 2016, if you observe evaluation errors (i.e., what you see in the viewport differs
from previous versions of Maya), determine the source of these errors. Errors may be due to an
incorrect EG, threading related problems, or other issues. In the sections that follow we’ll review 2
important concepts related to errors: Evaluation Graph Correctness and Thread Safety

Evaluation Graph Correctness

In the event that you see evaluation errors, first try to test your scene in Serial evaluation mode (see
Supported Evaluation Modes). Serial evaluation mode uses the EM to build an EG of your scene, but
limits evaluation to a single core. This eliminates threading as the possible source of differences. Note
that since Serial evaluation mode is provided for debugging, it has not been optimized for speed and
scenes may run more slowly in Serial than in DG evaluation mode. This is expected.

If transitioning to Serial evaluation eliminates evaluation errors, this indicates that the errors in your
scene are likely due to a threading related problem. However, if errors persist even after transitioning to
Serial evaluation this indicates that the EM is building an incorrect EG for your scene. There are a few
possible reasons for this:

Custom Plugins. If your scene uses custom plug-ins that rely on the MPxNode::setDependentsDirty
function to manage attribute dirtying, this may be the source of problems. Plug-in authors sometimes
use setDependentsDirty to avoid expensive calculations every time MPxNode::compute is called. Using
this approach results from previous evaluations are typically cached and MPxNode::setDependentsDirty
is used to trigger re-computation.

Since the EM relies on dirty propagation to create the EG, any custom logic in plug-ins that alter
dependencies may interfere with the construction of a correct EG. Furthermore, since the EM evaluation
does not propagate dirty messages any custom caching or computation in
MPxNode::setDependentsDirty will not be called while the EM is evaluating.

If you suspect that evaluation errors are related to custom plug-ins, temporarily remove the associated
nodes from your scene and validate that the DG and Serial evaluation modes generate the same result.
Once you’ve made sure this is the case, you’ll need to revisit the plug-in logic. The API Extensions section
covers Maya 2016 SDK changes that will help you adapt plug-ins to parallel evaluation.

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Errors in Autodesk Nodes. Although we’ve done our best to ensure that all out-of-the-box Autodesk
Maya nodes correctly express dependencies, it’s possible your scene is using nodes in an unexpected
manner. If this is the case, we ask you make us aware of scenes where you encounter problems. We’ll
do our best to address problems as quickly as possible.

Thread Safety
Prior to Maya 2016, evaluation was single-threaded and developers did not need to worry about making
their code thread-safe. At every frame, developers were guaranteed that evaluation would proceed
serially; computation would finish for one node prior to moving onto another. This approach made it
possible to cache intermediate results in global memory and to use external libraries without
considering their ability to work correctly when called simultaneously from multiple threads.

These guarantees no longer apply for Parallel Maya. Developers working in Maya 2016 will need to
update plug-ins to ensure correct behavior during multi-core evaluation. Although individual calls to
nodes don’t need to be thread-safe (since we evaluate a node’s dirty plugs sequentially from a single
thread), plugs values may be read concurrently once evaluated. Hence, nodes will now need to handle
those situations. This can be done by ensuring stateless behavior or by caching data on plugs.

Since we’re aware that making legacy code thread-safe will require time, we’ve added new scheduling
types that instruct the EM regarding how to schedule nodes. Scheduling types provide a straightforward
migration path, so you don’t have to pass up opportunities for parallelizing some parts of your scenes,
because a few nodes still need work.

There are 4 scheduling types:

Scheduling Type What are you telling the scheduler?

Parallel Asserts that the node and that all third-party libraries used by the node are thread-
safe. The scheduler may evaluate any instances of this node at the same time as
instances of other nodes without restriction.

Serial Asserts it is safe to run this node with instances of other nodes. However, all nodes
with this scheduling type should be executed sequentially within the same evaluation
GloballySerial Asserts it is safe to run this node with instances of other nodes but only a single
instance of this node should be run at a time. This should be used if the node relies
on static state, which could lead to unpredictable results if multiple node instances
are simultaneously evaluated. The same restriction may apply if third-party libraries
store state.
Untrusted Asserts this node is not thread-safe and that no other nodes should be evaluated
while an instance of this node is evaluated. Untrusted nodes are deferred to the end
of the evaluation schedule and can introduce costly synchronization.

By default nodes are scheduled as Serial, which provides a middle ground between performance and
stability/safety. In some cases this is too permissive and nodes must be downgraded to GloballySerial or

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Untrusted. In other cases, it’s possible to promote nodes to Parallel. As you can imagine, the more
parallelism supported by nodes in your graph, the higher level of concurrency you’re likely obtain.

When testing your plug-ins with parallel Maya, a simple strategy is to schedule nodes with the most
restrictive scheduling type (i.e., Untrusted), validate that the evaluation produces correct results, raise
individual nodes to the next scheduling level, and repeat the experiment.

Scheduling behavior can also be altered dynamically at runtime. For example, Maya currently defaults to
scheduling expression nodes as untrusted, since it’s unclear ahead of time what actions an expression
will perform. However, if Maya detects an expression node is limited to arithmetic and outputs are
purely a function of inputs, we can safely promote scheduling of that expression to GloballySerial. We
cannot schedule expressions as Parallel since the Maya command interpreter is not thread-safe, as it
must store state to provide useful logging and error reporting.

There are two ways to alter the scheduling level of your nodes:

Mel/Python Commands. You can use the evaluationManager command to change the scheduling type
of nodes at runtime. Below, we illustrate how to change the scheduling of scene transform nodes:

Scheduling Type Command

Parallel evaluationManager -nodeTypeParallel on "transform";

Serial evaluationManager -nodeTypeSerialize on "transform";

GloballySerial evaluationManager –nodeTypeGloballySerialize on “transform”;

Untrusted evaluationManager -nodeTypeUntrusted on "transform";

C++/Python API methods. Individual nodes can also be scheduled at compile time by overriding the
MPxNode::schedulingType function. Functions should return one of the enumerated values specified by
MPxNode::schedulingType. See the Maya 2016 MPxNode class reference for more details.

Safe Mode
On rare occasions you may notice that during manipulation or playback, Maya changes from Parallel to
Serial evaluation. This is due to Safe Mode, which attempts to trap errors leading to instabilities, such as
crashes. If Maya detects that multiple threads are attempting to simultaneously access a single node
instance at the same time, the evaluation is forced to Serial execution to prevent problems.

While Safe Mode catches many If Safe Mode forces your scene into Serial mode, the EM
problems, it cannot catch them all. may not produce the incorrect results when manipulating.
Therefore, we’ve also developed a In such cases you can either disable the EM:
special Analysis Mode that performs
a more thorough and costly checks evaluationManager –mode “off”;
of your scene. Analysis mode is
designed for riggers and TDs who or disable EM-accelerated manipulation:
wish to troubleshoot evaluation
problems when creating new rigs. evaluationManager -man 0;

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You should avoid using Analysis Mode during animation since it will slow down your scene. See Analysis
Mode for details.

Custom Evaluators
Once the EG has been created, Maya can target evaluation of node sub-graphs. In this section, we’ll
review how we’ve used custom evaluators to accelerate deformations and trap evaluation errors on
specific scenes. Currently it’s not possible for users to author new custom evaluators. In the future, we
may extend OpenMaya to support such extensions.

Tip: Use the evaluator command to query the available evaluators and query or modify
evaluators that are currently active.

import maya.cmds as cmds

# Returns a list of all evaluators currently available

cmds.evaluator( query=True )
# Result: [u'dynamics', u'pruneRoots', u’deformer’, u’cache’,
u’null’] #

# Returns a list of all evaluators currently enabled.

cmds.evaluator( query=True, enable=True )
# Result: [u'dynamics', u'pruneRoots'] #

GPU Override
To accelerate deformations in Viewport 2.0, Maya 2016 contains a custom deformer evaluator that
targets mesh deformations on the GPU using OpenCL. The massively parallel nature of modern GPUs
makes them ideal for problems such as deformations that must perform the same operations on
streams of data, such as mesh vertices and normals. We’ve included GPU implementations for 6 of the
most commonly-used deformers in animated scenes: skinCluster, blendShape, cluster, tweak,
groupParts, and softMod.

Unlike Maya’s previous deformer stack, that performed deformations on the CPU and subsequently sent
deformed geometry to the graphics card for rendering, the GPU override sends undeformed geometry
to the graphics card, performs deformations in OpenCL and hands-off data to Viewport 2.0 for rendering
without read-back overhead. We’ve observed substantial speed improvements from this approach for
many scenes with dense geometry.

Even if your scene uses only supported deformers, it’s possible the GPU override may not be enabled
due to unsupported node features. For example, with the exception of softMod, deformers must
currently apply to all vertices and there is no support for incomplete group components. Additional
deformer specific limitations are listed below:

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Deformer Limitation
skinCluster Value of the following attributes are ignored:
 bindMethod  lockWeights
 basePoints  maintainMaxInfluences
 bindPose  maxInfluences
 bindVolume  nurbsSamples
 dropOff  paintWeights
 driverPoints  paintTrans
 envelope  smoothness
 heatmapFalloff  useComponents
 influenceColor  weightDistribution
 weightList
blendShape Value of the following attributes are ignored:
 baseWeights  normalizationId
 baseOrigin  normalizationGroup
 icon  origin
 inputTarget  parallelBlender
 inputTargetGroup  supportNegativeWeights
 inputTargetItem  targetOrigin
 targetWeights  topologyCheck
 useTargetCompWeights

cluster n/a

tweak Only relative mode is supported. relativeTweak must be set to 1.

groupParts n/a

softMod  Only volume falloff is supported when distance cache is disabled

 Falloff must occur in all axes
 Partial resolution must be disabled

There are a few other reasons that will prevent GPU override from accelerating your scene:

 Meshes are not sufficiently dense. Unless meshes have a large enough number of vertices, it’s still
faster to perform deformations on the legacy CPU path. This is due to driver-specific overhead
incurred when sending data to the GPU for processing. For deformations to happen on the GPU,
your mesh needs over 500/2000 vertices, on AMD/NVIDIA hardware respectively. You can change
the threshold by using the MAYA_OPENCL_DEFORMER_MIN_VERTS environment variable.
Setting the value to 0 will make it possible for all meshes connected to supported deformation
chains to be processed on the GPU.

 Downstream nodes in your graph read deformed mesh results. No node, script, or viewport can
read the mesh data computed by the GPU override. This means that GPU override won’t be able to
accelerate portions of the deformation chain upstream of nodes, such as follicle or
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pointOnPolyConstraint, as it requires information about the deformed mesh. GPU data read-back is
a known bottleneck in the area of GPGPU. Evolving standards and hardware aim to remove some of
these inefficiencies. We’ll re-examine this limitation as software/hardware capabilities mature.
When diagnosing GPU Override problems this situation may be reported as an unsupported fan-out
pattern. See below details on the deformerEvaluator command for details.

 Meshes have animated topology changes. If your scene animates the number of mesh edges,
vertices, and/or faces during playback, corresponding deformation chains will be removed from the
GPU deformation path.

 Maya Catmull-Clark Smooth Mesh Preview is used. We’ve included acceleration for OpenSubDiv
(OSD)-based smooth mesh preview but there is currently no support for Maya’s legacy Catmull-
Clark. To take advantage of OSD OpenCL acceleration, select OpenSubDiv Catmull-Clark as the
subdivision method and make sure that OpenCL Acceleration is selected in the OpenSubDiv controls.

 Unsupported streams are found. Depending on the drawing mode you’ve selected for your
geometry (e.g., shrunken faces, hedge-hog normals, etc) and the material assigned to your
geometry Maya will need to send different information to the graphics card. This requires that Maya
allocate different streams. Since we’ve focused our efforts on the most common settings used in
production settings, Maya doesn’t currently handle all streams. If you determine that your meshes
are failing to accelerate due to unsupported streams, try changing the display mode and/or
updating the material used by the geometry.

 Back face culling is enabled

 Driver-related issues. We’re aware of various hardware issues related to driver support/stability for
OpenCL. To maximize Maya’s stability, we’ve disabled GPU Override in the specific cases that will
lead to problems. For example, currently if you are using VP2 OpenGL Core Profile on OSX, we’ll
disable GPU override. We expect to eliminate this restriction in the future and are actively working
with hardware vendors to address detected driver problems.

You can also increase support for new custom/proprietary deformers using new API extensions (refer to
Custom GPU Deformers for details).

If you’ve enabled GPU Override and the HUD reports Enabled (0 k), this indicates that no deformations
are happening on the GPU. There could be a number of reasons, such as those mentioned above.

To troubleshoot factors limiting use of GPU override for your particular scene, use the
deformerEvaluator command. Supported options include:

Command What does it do?

deformerEvaluator; For each selected node print the chain or a reason it is not
deformerEvaluator -chains; Print all active deformation chains

deformerEvaluator -meshes; Print a chain for each mesh or a reason it is not supported

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Dynamics Evaluator
Maya 2016 has limited support for animated dynamics. Although scenes with Bullet rigid bodies and
Bifrost fluids should evaluate correctly, attempting to playback or manipulate scenes with animated
legacy (particles, fluids) or nucleus (nCloth, nHair, nParticles) nodes will disable the EM and revert to
DG-based evaluation. This is due to the fact that legacy dynamics relies on special evaluation rules, to
generate repeatable and stable results, which may violate DG evaluation best practices. We’re actively
working to remove some of these restrictions, broadening the set of scenes that can take advantage of
Parallel evaluation.

To handle dynamics, we’ve created a special dynamics evaluator responsible for detecting animated
dynamics in your scene and disabling the evaluation manager. This is another example of how custom
evaluators are used in Maya 2016 to alter the way evaluation is handled.

If you wish to test the impact of the new evaluation modes with scenes that contain dynamics,
you can manually turn off the dynamics evaluator using the following command:

evaluator -en off -name dynamics

Note: Disabling the dynamics evaluator may cause evaluation problem and/or application
crashes; this is unsupported behavior. Proceed with caution.

Other Evaluators
In addition to the GPU override and dynamics evaluators, additional evaluators exist for specialized

Evaluator What does it do?

pruneRoots Testing revealed that scenes with several thousand paramCurves can become
bogged down scheduling resulting EG nodes, losing potential gains from increased
parallelism. To handle this situation, special clusters are created that group
paramCurves into a small number of evaluation tasks, thus reducing overhead.

Custom evaluator names are subject to change as we introduce new evaluators and expand these

Evaluator Conflicts
There is currently no mechanism to handle situations where multiple evaluators conflict with one
another and “claim responsibility” for the same node. This may negatively impact performance, since an
evaluator with a relatively small speedup, such as pruneRoots, may take control of a node that would
otherwise go to an evaluator with a larger speedup (e.g., deformerEvaluator). For now, there are few
enough evaluators that this is not a cause for concern. In the future we expect to have a more formal
mechanism to manage multiple evaluators and resolve conflicts.

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API Extensions
Maya 2016 includes API extensions to help your pipeline and tools make the most of the new evaluation
capabilities. This section reviews API extensions for Parallel Evaluation, Custom GPU Deformers, and
Profiling Plug-ins.

Parallel Evaluation
If your plug-in plays by the DG rules, you are likely to need very few changes for your plug-in to work in
Parallel mode. Porting your plug-in to Maya 2016 may be as simple as recompiling it against the latest
version of OpenMaya!

If the EM is generating different results, make sure that your plug-in:

 Overrides MPxNode::compute(). This is especially true of classes extending MPxTransform

which previously relied on asMatrix(). See the rockingTransform SDK sample. For classes
deriving from MPxDeformerNode and MPxGeometryFilter, override the deform() method.
 Handle requests for evaluation at all levels of the plug tree. While the DG can request plug
values at any level, the EM always requests the root plug. For example, for plug[0].p[1]
your compute() method must handle requests for evaluation of,[0],[0].p, and[0].p[1].

If your plug-in relies on custom dependency management, you’ll need to use new API extensions to
ensure correct results. As described earlier, Maya 2016 requires a correct EG to generate correct
evaluation results. Since the EG is created using the legacy dirty-propagation mechanism, you’ll need to
make sure that the custom logic in MPxNode::setDependentsDirty override methods are accounted for.
Additionally, plug-in specific optimization to limit dirty propagation should be disabled during EG graph
rebuilding. MEvaluationManager::graphConstructionActive() can be used to detect if this is occurring.

There are new virtual methods you’ll want to consider implementing:

MPxNode::preEvaluation. To avoid performing expensive calculations every time

MPxNode::compute is called, one strategy plug-in authors use is to store results from previous
evaluations and then rely on MPxNode::setDependentsDirty to trigger re-computation. As discussed
previously, once the EG has been built, dirty propagation is disabled and the EG is re-used.
Threrefore, any custom logic in your plug-in that depends on setDependentsDirty no longer applies.

MPxNode::preEvaluation allows your plug-in to determine which plugs/attributes are dirty and if any
action is needed. The new MEvaluationNode class can be used to determine what has been dirtied.

Refer to the simpleEvaluationNode.cpp devkit example for an illustration of how to use


MPxNode::postEvaluation. Until now it was difficult to determine when all processing for a
particular node instance was complete. Users sometimes had to resort to complex
bookkeeping/callbacks schemes to detect this situation and perform additional work, such as custom
rendering. This mechanism was cumbersome and error-prone.

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A new method, MPxNode::postEvaluation, is called once all computations have been performed on a
specific node instance. Since this method is called from a worker thread, it can perform calculations
for downstream graph operations, without blocking other Maya processing tasks of non-dependent

See the simpleEvaluationDraw devkit example to understand how to use this method. If you run this
example in regular evaluation, Maya slows down, since evaluation is blocked whenever expensive
calculations are performed. When you run in Parallel Evaluation Mode, a worker thread calls the
postEvaluation method and prepares data for subsequent drawing operations. When testing, you will
see higher frame rates in parallel evaluation versus regular or serial evaluation. Please note that code
in postEvaluation should be thread-safe.

Some other recommended best practices include:

Avoid storing state in static variables. Store node state/settings in attributes. This has the additional
benefit of automatically saving/restoring the plug-in state when Maya files are written/read.

Node computation shouldn’t have any dependencies beyond input values. Maya nodes should be
like functions. Output values should be computed from input state and node-specific internal logic.
Your node should never walk the graph or try to circumvent the DG.

Custom GPU Deformers

To make GPU Override work on scenes containing custom deformers, Maya 2016 provides new API
classes that allow the creation of fast OpenCL deformer back-ends.

Though you’ll still need to have a CPU implementation for the times when it’s not possible to target
deformations on the GPU (see GPU Override), you can augment this with an alternate deformer
implementation inheriting from MPxGPUDeformer. This applies to your own nodes as well as to
standard Maya nodes.

The GPU implementation will need to:

 Declare when it’s valid to use the GPU-based backend (e.g., you may want to limit you GPU
version to cases where various attributes are fixed, omit usage for specific attribute values, etc)
 Extract MDataBlock input values and upload values to the GPU
 Define and call the OpenCL kernel to perform needed computation
 Register itself with the MGPUDeformerRegistry system. This will tell the system which
deformers you are claiming responsibility for.

When you’ve done this, don’t forget to load your plug-in at startup. Two working devkit examples
(offsetNode and identityNode) have been provided to get you started.

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Tip: To get a sense for the maximum speed increase you can expect by providing a GPU backend
for a specific deformer, tell Maya to treat specific nodes as passthrough. Here’s an example
applied to polySoftEdge:

-name polySoftEdge
-inputAttribute inputPolymesh -outputAttribute output

Although results will be incorrect, this test can confirm if it’s worth investing time in
implementing an OpenCL version of your node.

Profiling Plug-ins
To visualize how long custom plug-ins are taking in the new profiling tools (see Profiling Your Scene)
you’ll need to instrument your code. Maya 2016 provides C++, Python, and Mel interface for you to do
this. Refer to the Profiling using MEL or Python or the API technical docs for more details.

Profiling Your Scene

In the past, it could be challenging to understand where Maya was spending time. To remove the guess
work out of performance diagnosis, Maya 2016 includes a new integrated profiler that lets you see
exactly how long different tasks are taking.

You can open the Profiler by selecting:

 Windows > General Editors > Profiler from the Maya menu
 Persp/Graph Layout from the Quick Layout buttons and choosing Panel Layout > Profiler.

Once the Profiler window is visible:

1. Load your scene and start playback

2. Click Start in the Profiler to record information in the pre-allocated record buffer.
3. Wait until the record buffer becomes full or click Stop in the Profiler to stop recording.
The Profiler shows a graph demonstrating the processing time for your animation.
4. Try recording the scene in DG, Serial, Parallel, and GPU Override modes.

The Profiler includes information for all instrumented code, including playback, manipulation, authoring
tasks, and UI/Qt events. When profiling your scene, make sure to capture several frames of data to
ensure gathered results are representative of scene bottlenecks.

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Tip: By default the profiler allocates a 10MB buffer to store results. The record buffer can be
expanded via the UI or using the command:

profiler –b value

where value is the desired size in MB. This may be needed for more complex scenes.

The Profiler supports several views depending on the task you wish to perform. The default Category
View, shown below, classifies events by type (e.g., dirty, VP1, VP2, Evaluation, etc). The Thread and CPU
views show how function chains are subdivided amongst available compute resources. Currently the
Profiler does not support visualization of GPU-based activity.

Now that you have a general sense of what the Profiler tool does, let’s discuss key phases involved in
computing results for your scene and how these are displayed. By understanding why scenes are slow,
you can target scene optimizations.

Every time Maya updates a frame, it must compute and draw the elements in your scene. Hence,
computation can be split into one of two main categories:

1) Evaluation (i.e., doing the math that determines the most up-to-date values for scene elements)
2) Rendering (i.e., doing the work that draws your scene in the viewport).

When the main bottleneck in your scene is evaluation, we say the scene is evaluation-bound. When the
main bottleneck in your scene is rendering, we say the scene is render-bound.

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Evaluation-Bound Performance
There are several different problems that may lead to evaluation-bound performance.

Lock Contention. When many threads try to access a shared resource you may experience Lock
Contention, due to lock management overhead. One clue that this may be happening is that evaluation
takes roughly the same duration regardless of which evaluation mode you use. This occurs since threads
cannot proceed until other threads are finished using the shared resource.

Here the Profiler shows many separate identical tasks that start at nearly the same time on different
threads, each finishing at different times. This type of profile offers a clue that there might be some
shared resource that many threads need to access simultaneously.

Below is another image showing a similar problem.

In this case, since several threads were executing Python code, they all had to wait for the Global
Interpreter Lock (GIL) to become available. Bottlenecks and performance loses caused by contention
issues may be more noticeable when there is a high concurrency level, such as when your computer has
many cores.

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If you encounter contention issues, try to fix the code in question. If you are using many Python plug-ins,
consider scheduling these as Globally Serial. For the above example, changing node scheduling
converted the above profile to the following one, providing a nice performance gain.

Clusters. As mentioned earlier, if the EG contains node-level circular dependencies, those nodes will be
grouped into a cluster which represents a single unit of work to be scheduled serially. Although multiple
clusters may be evaluated at the same time, large clusters limit the amount of work that can be
performed simultaneously. Clusters can be identified in the Profiler as bars with the
opaqueTaskEvaluation label, shown below.

If your scene contains clusters, analyze your rig’s structure to understand why circularities exist. Ideally,
you should strive to remove coupling between parts of your rig, so rig sections (e.g., head, body, etc.)
can be evaluated independently.

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Tip: When troubleshooting scene performance issues, you can temporarily disable costly nodes
using the per-node frozen attribute. This removes specific nodes from the EG. Although the result
you see will change, it’s a simple way to check that you’ve found the bottleneck for your scene.

Render-Bound Performance
Below, is an illustration of a sample scene in the Maya Profiler made up of many small, rigidly bound
meshes on a complex rig. Textures are enabled and the scene uses the GL Core Profile version of
Viewport 2.0. Evaluation is done in Parallel mode. The scene runs at 2.6 fps (approx. 400 ms per frame).
Because of the nearly 12,000 visible VP2 nodes this scene is render-bound.

The attached profile has five main areas:

 Evaluation
 Vp2UpdateVisibilityTask
 Vp2BaseRendererUpdateHUD
 Vp2BuildRenderLists
 Vp2DrawLists

With the exception of Evaluation, all other tasks are related to VP2 rendering.

Evaluation. Area A depicts time spent computing the state of the Maya scene. In this case, the scene is
nicely parallelized. There is tight packing of events in the Evaluation category, illustrating the high level
of concurrency.

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Area A2 (above area A), shows the work that VP2 does in parallel to the evaluation. In this scene, there
are a large number of transform updates, run from the EM. Scenes with many deformation would also
require work to prepare geometry for rendering that would appear as larger blue tasks in A2.

Vp2UpdateVisibilityTask. Area B is the first of the three primary render phases.

VP2 maintains an internal copy of the world and uses it to determine what to draw in the viewport.
When it’s time to render the scene, we must first ensure that the objects in the VP2 database have been
modified to reflect changes in the Maya scene. For example, objects may have become visible or hidden,
their position or their topology may have changed, etc. This is done by VP2 UpdateVisibilityTask.

UpdateVisibilityTask can be slow when there are shape topology, material, or object visibility changes. In
this particular example, UpdateVisibilityTask is quick since little processing required on scene objects.

Vp2BaseRendererUpdateHUD. Area C corresponds to the work needed to update the Heads Up Display
(HUD) messages. This is usually not a significant bottleneck. In extreme cases, the HUD may require
additional (slow) DG evaluation, resulting in conflicts with GPU override and introducing major
performance issues. One example of this is when the Poly Count HUD is enabled during playback.

Vp2BuildRenderList. Once visibility and HUD elements have been updated, VP2 must next build the list
of objects to render. This can be seen in area D in the profiler (see main thread category); instrumented
functions can also be seen doing some computation in the "Viewport 2.0 Evaluation” profiler category.

Some common cases for which Vp2BuildRenderLists can be slow during Parallel Evaluation are:

 Large numbers of rendered objects (as in this example)

 Mesh topology changes
 Object types, such as image planes, requiring legacy evaluation before rendering
 3rd party plug-ins that trigger API callbacks

On AMD GPUs: If the GPU Override is loaded with heavy meshes, the main thread may block waiting for
OpenCL work to complete. On NVIDIA GPUs this blocking happens earlier (in a different phase).

In this test scene, with 12,000 nodes to render, a lot of time is spent in VP2 BuildRenderLists.

Vp2DrawLists. Once all data has been prepared, it’s time to render the scene (Area E). VP2 DrawLists is
where the actual OpenGL or DirectX rendering occurs. DrawLists can be slow if your scene:

 Has Many Objects to Render (as in this example).

 Uses Transparency or Many Materials. In VP2, objects are sorted by material prior to rendering.
Hence, having many materials can make this time-consuming. Transparent objects are also
costly since objects must be sorted prior to being drawn. In this scene, removing transparency
(e.g., using untextured mode) nearly doubles the performance.
 Uses Viewport Effects. Many effects such as SSAO (Screen Space Ambient Occlusion), Depth of
Field, Motion Blur, Shadow Maps, or Depth Peeling require additional processing.

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Other Considerations. Although the key phases described above apply to all scenes, your scene may
have different performance characteristics.

For static scenes with limited animation, consolidation is used to improve performance. Consolidation
groups objects that share the same material and that are close together. This reduces time spent in both
BuildRenderLists and DrawLists, since there are fewer objects to render.

Troubleshooting Your Scene

Analysis Mode
The purpose of Analysis mode is to perform more rigorous inspection of your scene to catch evaluation
errors. Since Analysis Mode introduces overhead to your scene, only use this during debugging activities;
animators should not enable Analysis Mode during their day-to-day work. Note that Analysis Mode is
not thread-safe, so it is limited to Serial; you cannot use analysis mode while in Parallel evaluation.

The key function of Analysis Mode is to:

 Search for errors at each playback frame. This is different than Safe Mode, which only tries to
identify problems at the start of parallel execution.
 Monitor read-access to node attributes. This ensures that nodes have a correct dependency
structure in the EG.
 Return diagnostics to better understand which nodes influence evaluation. This is currently
limited to reporting one destination node at a time.

Tip: To activate Analysis Mode, use the following MEL command:

dbtrace -k evalMgrGraphValid;

To disable Analysis Mode, type:

dbtrace -k evalMgrGraphValid -off;

Once active, error detection occurs after each evaluation. Missing dependencies are saved to a
file in your machine’s temporary folder (e.g., %TEMP%\_MayaEvaluationGraphValidation.txt on
Windows). The temporary directory on your platform can be determined using the command:

internalVar –utd;

Let’s assume that your scene contains the following three nodes. Because of the dependencies, the
evaluation manager must compute the state of nodes B and C prior to calculating the state of A.

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Now let’s assume Analysis Mode returns the following report:

Detected missing dependencies on frame 56

A.output <-x- B
A.output <-x- C [cluster]
Detected missing dependencies on frame 57
A.output <-x- B
A.output <-x- C [cluster]

The “<-x-” symbol indicates the direction of the missing dependency. The “[cluster]” term indicates that
the node is inside of a cycle cluster, which means that any nodes from the cycles could be responsible
for attribute access outside of evaluation order

In the above example, B accesses the “output” attribute of A, which is incorrect. These types of
dependency do not appear in the Evaluation graph and could cause a crash when running an evaluation
in Parallel mode.

There are multiple reasons that missing dependencies occur, and how you handle them depends on the
cause of the problem. If Analysis Mode discovers errors in your scene from bad dependencies due to:

 A user plug-in. Revisit your strategy for managing dirty propagation in your node. Make sure
that any attempts to use “clever” dirty propagation dirty the same attributes every time. Avoid
using different notification messages to trigger pulling on attributes for computation.
 A built-in node. You should communicate this information to us. This may highlight an error that
we are unaware of. To help us best diagnose the causes of this bug, we’d appreciate if you can
provide us with the scene that caused the problem.

Graph Execution Order

There are two primary methods of displaying the graph execution order.

The simplest is to use the ‘compute’ trace object to acquire a recording of the computation order. This
can only be used in Serial mode, as explained earlier. The goal of compute trace is to compare DG and
EM evaluation results and discover any evaluation differences related to a different ordering or missing
execution between these two modes.

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Tip: To activate graph execution order tracing, use the following MEL command:

dbtrace -k compute;

To disable analysis mode, type:

dbtrace -k compute -off;

Keep in mind that there will be many differences between runs since the EM executes the graph from
the roots forward, whereas the DG uses values from the leaves. For example in the simple graph shown
earlier, the EM guarantees that B and C will be evaluated before A, but provides no information about
the relative ordering of B and C. However in the DG, A pulls on the inputs from B and C in a consistent
order dictated by the implementation of node A. The EM could show either “B, C, A” or “C, B, A” as their
evaluation order and although both might be valid, the user must decide if they are equivalent or not.
This ordering of information can be even more useful when debugging issues in cycle computation since
in both modes a pull evaluation occurs, which will make the ordering more consistent.

The EM Shelf
The BonusTools has a special shelf specifically aimed at working with the EM that contains features to
query and analyze your scene and to toggle various modes on/off. See the accompanying shelf
documentation for a complete list of all shelf features.

Known Limitations
This section lists known limitations for the new evaluation system.

 VP2 Motion Blur will disable Parallel evaluation. For Motion Blur to work, the scene must be
evaluated at different points in time. Currently the EM does not support this.
 Scenes using FBIK will revert to Serial. For several years now Autodesk has been deprecating
FBIK. We recommend using HIK for full-body retargeting/solving.
 dbtrace will not work in Parallel mode. As stated in the Analysis Mode section, the dbtrace
command will only work in Serial evaluation. Having traces enabled in Parallel mode will likely
cause Maya to crash.
 The DG Profiler crashes in Parallel Mode. Unless you are in DG evaluation mode, you’ll be
unable to use the legacy DG profiler. As time permits, we expect to move features of the DG
profiler into the new thread-safe integrated profiler.
 Batch rendering scenes with XGen may produce incorrect results.
 Evaluation manager in both Serial and Parallel mode changes the way attributes are cached.
This is done to allow safe parallel evaluation and prevent re-computation of the same data by
multiple threads. This means that some scenes may evaluate differently if multiple
computations of the same attribute occur in one evaluation cycle. With the Evaluation Manager
the first value will be cached.
 VP2 Direct update doesn't work with polySoftEdge nodes.
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