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Biowaiver Approach

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Biowaiver Approach for Biopharmaceutics Classification

System Class 3 Compound Metformin Hydrochloride

Using In Silico Modeling
Drug Product Science and Technology, Bristol–Myers Squibb, New Brunswick, New Jersey 08901
Drug Product Science and Technology, Bristol–Myers Squibb, Moreton, Merseyside CH46 1QW, United Kingdom
Discovery Medicine and Clinical Pharmacology, Bristol–Myers Squibb, Princeton, New Jersey 08540
Analytical and Bioanalytical Development, Bristol–Myers Squibb, New Brunswick, New Jersey 08901

Received 30 June 2011; revised 21 December 2011; accepted 4 January 2012

Published online 14 February 2012 in Wiley Online Library ( DOI 10.1002/jps.23063

ABSTRACT: The dependency of metformin in vivo disposition on the rate and extent of
dissolution was studied. The analysis includes the use of fundamental principles of drug input,
permeability, and intestinal transit time within the framework of a compartmental absorption
transit model to predict key pharmacokinetic (PK) parameters and then compare the results to
clinical data. The simulations show that the maximum plasma concentration (Cmax ) and area
under the curve (AUC) are not significantly affected when 100% of drug is released within
2 h of oral dosing, which was confirmed with corresponding human PK data. Furthermore,
in vitro dissolution profiles measured in aqueous buffers at pH values of 1.2, 4.5, and 6.8 were
slower than in vivo release profiles generated by deconvolution of metformin products that were
bioequivalent. On the basis of this work, formulations of metformin that release 100% in vitro
in a time period equal to or less than two hours are indicated to be bioequivalent. The use of
modeling offers a mechanistic-based approach for demonstrating acceptable bioperformance for
metformin formulations without having to resort to in vivo bioequivalence studies and may be
more robust than statistical comparison of in vitro release profiles. This work further provides
a strategy for considering Biopharmaceutics Classification System (BCS) Class 3 compounds to
be included under biowaiver guidelines as for BCS Class 1 compounds. © 2012 Wiley Periodicals,
Inc. and the American Pharmacists Association J Pharm Sci 101:1773–1782, 2012
Keywords: oral absorption; Biopharmaceutics Classification System (BCS); mathematical
model; dissolution; permeability

INTRODUCTION As such it might be expected to have limited, pas-

sive diffusion through cell membranes and, based on
Metformin is a biguanide with antihyperglycemic
Caco-2 studies, the proposed mechanism of absorption
properties that is widely used in the treatment of
is passive paracellular, that is, 91%–95% paracellular
type II diabetes, being recommended as first-line ther-
and 5%–9% transcellular.3,4
apy in all newly diagnosed patients regardless of
The major site of absorption for metformin is the
age.1 It is available as its hydrochloride salt in both
proximal small intestine and the primary route of
immediate and modified release dosage forms. It is
elimination is via the kidneys.5 Studies have sug-
a relatively low-molecular-weight (MW) hydrophilic
gested that metformin is a substrate for organic cation
base (MW = 129.17 Da, pKa 11.5), has a logD of
transporters (OCTs) in enterocytes, small intestine,
−3.37 at pH 4, and an aqueous solubility greater than
and hepatocytes, although no specific transporter has
100 mg/mL throughout the physiological pH range.2
been identified.6 The relevance of these transporters
to metformin absorption is unclear as volunteers with
Correspondence to: John R. Crison (Telephone: +732-227-5890;
Fax: +732-227-3986; E-mail: genetic variation in expression of OCT did not show
Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Vol. 101, 1773–1782 (2012) marked differences in oral absorption of metformin.6,7
© 2012 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. and the American Pharmacists Association The permeability of metformin in rat duodenum



decreased by 60% when perfused with a 200 :g/mL the limited permeability through the intestinal mem-
versus 50 :g/mL solution of metformin based on brane and the change in that profile throughout the
single-pass in situ perfusion experiments.8 Met- GI tract and has shown to be predictive based on clin-
formin is a Biopharmaceutics Classification System ical data for a wide range of in vitro release times.
Class 3 (BCS 3) compound (high solubility, poor This more detailed biopharmaceutics-based approach
permeability).9,10 to a biowaiver proposal avoids the need for very rapid
During the development of fixed dose combina- dissolution times and challenges of current similar-
tion (FDC) products containing metformin for global ity factor assessments for in vitro dissolution profiles,
regulatory submission, there was a need to assure which may show nonsimilarity for bioequivalent drug
equivalent bioperformance of metformin from the products.
fixed combination product to metformin marketed
in different territories. Drug release studies on met-
formin immediate-release tablets sourced from differ- MATERIALS AND METHODS
ent markets showed diverse drug release properties.
During this investigation, one of the FDC products
had dissimilar in vitro dissolution profiles to the refer- Commercially available software, GastroPlusTM , ver-
ence product, yet was demonstrated as bioequivalent sion 7.0 (Simulations Plus, Inc., Lancaster, Califor-
in a subsequent clinical study. It was desired not to nia) was used to model the absorption, distribution,
undertake multiple bioequivalence studies for a well and elimination of metformin in humans. WinNonlin
established, widely studied drug-like metformin, but version 5.2.1 (Pharsight Corporation, Cary, North
to investigate whether a biowaiver approach might be Carolina) was used to perform the statistical analy-
feasible. sis for establishing bioequivalence between the model
A biowaiver approach allows, on the basis of com- simulations and clinical data and between study
parative in vitro release studies, the approval of groups.
changes to a drug product that are predicted not to
affect in vivo performance, minimizing review burden In Vitro Drug Release Studies
on regulators and avoiding unnecessary clinical stud-
Dissolution was determined using United States
ies, expense, and delay for the sponsor. Several groups
Pharmacopeia Apparatus 1 (basket), with a rotation
have argued that BCS 3 compounds should be eligi-
speed of 100 rpm in 1000 mL of dissolution medium
ble for biowaiver status in a similar fashion to BCS
for pH 1.2, 4.5, and 6.8. Dissolution media (1000 mL,
1 compounds because the controlling factors in the
37◦ C) used were 50 mM potassium phosphate (pH
absorption process from the drug product are not the
6.8), 50 mM sodium acetate buffer (pH 4.5), and
drug substance solubility.9,11–16 Because the absorp-
0.1 N HCl (pH 1.2). Samples were withdrawn at 15,
tion profile of BCS 3 compounds is also affected by the
30, 45, and 60 min and filtered, and quantitation of
gastrointestinal (GI) transit time, release times must
metformin in the samples was achieved using high-
be within the boundaries of the absorption window in
performance liquid chromatography with ultraviolet
the intestine for two products to be bioequivalent, and
detection at 232 nm. In vitro dissolution data are
any biowaiver approach accommodating BCS 3 drugs
presented in Figures 1–4.
has to consider this.
To date, however, biowaivers are only broadly
In Vivo Clinical Studies
recognized as applicable to BCS 1, highly soluble,
highly permeable, compounds, although European Descriptions of the clinical studies presented in this
Medicines Agency guidelines allow application of paper, that is, study size, test conditions, pharma-
biowaiver in the case of BCS 3 compounds under very cokinetics (PK) results, and so on, are provided in
specific conditions of excipient composition of the com- Table 1. The clinical data for the immediate-release
pared materials and where dissolution is very rapid, formulations that are presented were dosed under fed
not less than 85% dissolved in 15 min across the phys- conditions per approved dosage and administration
iological pH range.17 requirements noted in the product package insert.18
This present work represents a thorough approach The extended-release clinical data used were gener-
using validated computer simulations from a mecha- ated under fasted conditions.
nistically based in silico absorption model to predict
performance for use as a biowaiver for this BCS 3 com- In Silico Model Development
pound by modeling within the range of gastric transit
Parameter Input
times expected in human subjects in order to show
the broad range of release rates that are expected to The data used in developing the metformin model for
have no impact on AUC and Cmax and therefore re- a 500 mg dose were taken from the literature and the
sult in bioequivalence. The model used accounts for parameter input values are listed in Table 2. The


Figure 1. (a) In vitro dissolution profile for test and reference products used in clinical studies
a. The f2 test values for this plot is 52. (b) In vitro dissolution profile for test and reference
products used in clinical studies a. The f2 test value for this plot is 42. (c) In vitro dissolution
profile for test and reference products used in clinical studies a. The f2 test values for this plot
could not be calculated. (d) In vitro dissolution profile for test and reference products used in
clinical studies b. The f2 test value for this plot is 57. (e) In vitro dissolution profile for test
and reference products used in clinical studies b. The f2 test value for this plot is 43. (f) In vitro
dissolution profile for test and reference products used in clinical studies b. The f2 test values for
this plot could not be calculated. (g) In vitro dissolution profile for test and reference products
used in clinical studies c. The f2 test value for this plot is 31. (h) In vitro dissolution profile
for test and reference products used in clinical studies c. The f2 test value for this plot is 32.
(i) In vitro dissolution profile for test and reference products used in clinical studies C. The f2
test values for this plot could not be calculated.

absorption and clearance parameters used in the a 500 mg solution of metformin.19 This study also
model are based on literature values for intravenous showed that the drug was primarily absorbed in the
dosing and data generated from a clinical study de- proximal small intestine and the primary route for
signed to determine the site-specific absorption for elimination is the kidneys, which is in agreement with


Figure 4. In vitro dissolution profiles at pH 1.2, 4.5, and

Figure 2. In vitro dissolution profiles at pH 1.2, 4.5, and 6.8 for Study c, metformin reference.
6.8 for Study a, metformin reference.

Metformin PK is reported to be nonlinear with re-

spect to dose and studies have suggested that met-
formin is a substrate for OCTs in enterocytes, small
intestine, and hepatocytes, although no specific trans-
porter has been identified.6 The relevance of these
transporters to metformin absorption is unclear as
volunteers with genetic variation in expression of
OCT did not show marked differences in oral absorp-
tion of metformin.6,7 In the present work, however,
the model developed is based on 500 mg data and
therefore the simulations are limited to this dose.
Data from the human bioavailability clinical stud-
ies were used in the model development and to vali-
date the model’s capability to predict human plasma
Figure 3. In vitro dissolution profiles at pH 1.2, 4.5, and concentrations following administration of a 500 mg
6.8 for Study b, metformin reference. oral dose. The model was deemed predictive of the
clinical data by performing a virtual clinical trial (de-
fined as the test article) and comparing it statistically
other published results.5 The permeability parame- to the observed clinical data (defined as the reference
ter in the model was scaled to fit the clinical data article). Two clinical studies for immediate-release
and agrees well with jejunal permeability measure- formulations were used in the model development and
ments in rats based on an established rat to human two different clinical studies, one immediate release
correlation.8,20 Remaining model parameters used in and one extended release, were used as validation to
the model are based on the default physiology param- confirm that the model was predictive over a wide
eters in GastroPlusTM (Simulations Plus, Inc.), which range of drug release times. These formulations pro-
are established values that have been reported in the vided a wide range of in vitro release times to test the
literature. predictive capabilities of the model.

Table 1. Clinical Study Details—Metformin Reference Product (Discovery Medicine and Clinical Pharmacology, Bristol–Myers Squibb)

Cmax (ng/mL), AUC(0– T) (ng·h/mL),

Study Number of Subjects Dose (mg) Description Geomean (%CV) Geomean (%CV)
Study a 26 500 Immediate release, single dose, fed 810.1 (22.0) 7497.3 (24.0)
Study b 24 500 Immediate release, single dose, fed 974.8 (20.4) 7288.5 (17.1)
Study c 27 500 Immediate release, single dose, fed 1019.6 (26.1) 7080.8 (27.0)
Study d 15 500 Extended release, single dose, fasted 553.3 (28.8) 4186.0 (27.4)


Table 2. Model Parameters Nonlin Bioequivalence Toolkit; Pharsight Corpora-

Parameter Value
tion) was performed. Except where noted, the test
formulation was the virtual trial simulation and the
Physical–chemical Dose 500 mg
reference formulation was the clinical trial data. The
log D −3.37 (pH 4)
Physiology test and reference formulations were considered bioe-
Permeability 2.2 × 10−4 cm/s quivalent if the 90% confidence interval for Cmax and
(jejunum) AUC(0–T) fell within the range of 0.80–1.25.21
Absorption scale factors Once the model was finalized, all parameters were
Duodenum 0.549
kept constant during the simulations comparing the
Jejunum 1 0.540
Jejunum 2 0.536 different release profiles.
Ileum 1 0.530
Generation of In Vitro Release Profiles for Evaluating
Ileum 2 0.500
Ileum 3 0.707 the Effect of Drug Release Rate on Predicted In Vivo
Cecum 0.015 Performance
Ascending colon 0.015
Pharmacokinetic Simulated drug release profiles within the range of
Clearance 0.61 [L/(h kg)] 5 min up to 10 h for 100% of metformin to be released
Volume of distribution 0.578 L/kg (Fig. 5) were used as input for the model. The Higuchi
(central) equation was used to simulate these profiles based on
K12 1.92 1/h
the following two assumptions22 : (1) the dissolution
K21 1.03 1/h
K13 0.137 1/h of metformin is assumed to be rapid if there are no
K31 0.237 1/h formulation effects due to its high solubility (100%
within 15 min) and (2) release of the metformin be-
yond 15 min is diffusion limited due to the formu-
Deconvolution lation, as was evidenced from the slower releasing
in vitro profiles, that is, 85% greater than 15 min, be-
Deconvolution was performed on each individual ing proportional to the square root of time. The Hix-
subject plasma concentration versus time data to son–Crowell Cube Root Law was not used for these
determine the in vivo release for the three immediate- simulations as this equation is written to assume that
release formulation studies using the mechanistic ab- dissolution is primarily a function of the particle size
sorption model developed by Simulations Plus, Inc. and solubility of the drug.23 As metformin is highly
(IVIVCPlusTM module, Simulations Plus, Inc.). This soluble, much greater than 100 mg/mL, particle size
approach does not assume a constant absorption rate does not affect the dissolution rate within the range
throughout the GI tract as in traditional methods. of particle diameters that are used in the formula-
The in vivo release profile was optimized such that tions. The simulations to predict the plasma concen-
when convoluted, it gave the best fit to observed clin- trations of metformin for different release rates were
ical data. performed as virtual clinical trials so that variance
could be introduced into the predictions and the AUC
Virtual Trials—Bioequivalence Testing
and Cmax compared statistically to the clinical data.
In order to include intersubject variability into the
simulations, virtual clinical trials were simulated us-
ing the “virtual trial” feature of the GastroPlusTM
software (Simulations Plus, Inc.). The coefficient of The extension of previous biowaiver considerations
variation (CV) of the model input parameters, such beyond BCS 1 compounds to BCS 3 compounds
as clearance, volume of distribution, subject weight, has been previously studied for both metformin and
and so on, was adjusted to match the variability of the cimetidine.9,12–15 A simulations approach investigat-
clinical study data, thereby resulting in %CV for the ing the range of absorption and elimination rate con-
Cmax and AUC similar to those of the clinical study. stants for typical BCS 1 and BCS 3 compounds sug-
The numbers of subjects used in the virtual trial sim- gested that all BCS 3 compounds might be appro-
ulations were the same as the number of subjects for priate for biowaivers.13 Comparing in vitro dissolu-
the clinical study being compared. tion parameters with in vivo performance for two
Bioequivalence between the test and reference metformin formulations with almost identical drug
products was established for the area under the curve release profiles across physiological pH range indi-
determined from the plasma concentration vs. time cated that a biowaiver approach would be feasible
data for a specified time interval (AUC(0 –T)) and for this compound, although the evaluation for dis-
Cmax obtained from the individual subject plasma con- similar drug release profiles was not undertaken.13
centration–time profiles and an average bioequiva- That issue was pursued by Homsek et al.14 who stud-
lence assessment using the fixed effects model (Win- ied two formulations of metformin with differing drug


a third approach of equal validity as it includes all of

the key parameters that fully define the absorption
profile of this compound, that is, dissolution, perme-
ability, and GI residence time. In comparing an f2 cal-
culation versus a modeling and simulation approach,
as BCS 3 compounds have limited permeability, tran-
sit time becomes a critical factor to the total fraction
dose absorbed, and a model which includes GI tran-
sit as well as dissolution and permeability should be
more mechanistically accurate and a stronger tool for
making bioequivalence comparisons than dissolution
alone. It is based on this argument that the in sil-
ico model was considered to show that for a specific
range of dissolution rates, metformin products should
be bioequivalent regardless of the results of the f2 test.
Confirmation of Model Predictability
Table 3 shows the point estimates and upper and
lower 90% confidence intervals comparing the model
predictions to the observed clinical values for three
Figure 5. Simulated metformin release profiles based on immediate-release and one sustained-release met-
the Higuchi equation plus in vitro dissolution profiles from formin products. Studies B and C were used to build
products from Studies a and d. These profiles were used as the model and then the model was used to predict
input to the PK absorption model.
the AUC(0–T) and Cmax for Study a (immediate re-
lease) and Study d (extended release). In each case,
release properties that were demonstrated to be bioe- the simulations were bioequivalent confirming the ac-
quivalent and a good in vitro–in vivo correlation was curacy of the model to predict clinical PK outcomes in
established. Similarity factor calculations of drug re- multiple ways. First, it shows that model variance
lease profiles failed to demonstrate similarity of the adequately represents the subject variability for each
products tested, which would have obviated the pos- clinical group studied. Furthermore, as the slow re-
sibility if a biowaiver approach as is done for BCS 1 lease dose (extended-release formulation) is also well
compounds. predicted, these results show that the model accu-
Jantratid et al.15 showed that cimetidine formula- rately represents the permeability profile and transit
tions engineered to have different release rates could times throughout the entire GI tract and provides an
be used to define an in vitro–in vivo correlation that example where the release rate of metformin begins
identified the limits of dissolution rate ranges where to impact the Cmax and AUC.
an effect on bioperformance might be expected.15 This This model was then used to simulate the plasma
allowed definition of tightly defined criteria around profiles for drug release profiles ranging from 100%
formulation, dissolution method, and a “rapidly dis- drug release in 5 min up to 100% drug release
solving” performance in that method that could be in 14 h.
used as a basis for a biowaiver for cimetidine tablets.
In Vitro Dissolution
These existing studies have not fully considered the
interaction of drug release, permeability, and GI tran- The premise for the present work is based on the
sit time and so may still not encompass all dosage in vitro comparison of two 500 mg immediate-release
forms with quite diverse drug release characteris- metformin products (an FDC compared with a single
tics that would be bioequivalent, although Tsume entity) at pH values of 1.2, 4.5, and 6.8. The aver-
and Amidon16 have undertaken in silico modeling age data for the in vitro dissolution for the metformin
for three BCS 3 compounds, atenolol, cimetidine, and products used in the clinical studies summarized in
amoxicillin, and demonstrated that bioequivalence is Table 1 are shown in Figures 1a–1i. Although there
expected when comparing products with drug release is considerable variability in the 60 mi dissolution for
times of up to 60 min.16 these products, all were shown to be bioequivalent to
Two approaches are commonly used to establish the metformin reference product. In Figures 2, 3, and
bioequivalence between two drug products, that is, 4, the in vitro dissolution profiles at the individual pH
statistical comparison of clinical studies and statis- values are plotted together for each clinical study as
tical comparison between sets of in vitro dissolu- a function of pH and time (for the immediate-release
tion profiles.21,24,25 For the specific case of metformin, dosage forms only). As is shown in these surface plots,
in silico modeling and simulation is presented to offer the pH does not impact the release of drug over 60 min


Table 3. Results of Model Simulations and Statistical Comparison of the Cmax and AUC(0– T) to Clinical Data
for Four 500 mg Metformin Products

Formulation Parameter Point Estimate Lower 90% CI Upper 90% CI

500 mg IR, fed (Study a)a AUC(0– T) (ng·h/mL) 0.92 0.81 1.04
Cmax (ng/mL) 1.09 0.96 1.23
500 mg IR, fed (Study b) AUC(0– T) (ng·h/mL) 0.95 0.82 1.08
Cmax (ng/mL) 0.91 0.80 1.05
500 mg IR, fed, (Study c) AUC(0– T) (ng·h/mL) 1.00 0.89 1.13
Cmax (ng/mL) 0.91 0.80 1.03
500 mg SR, fasted, (Study d) AUC(0– T) (ng·h/mL) 1.06 0.89 1.25
Cmax (ng/mL) 0.97 0.81 1.15
a Study a are the results of model simulations and statistical comparison of the C
max and AUC(0– T) to clinical data for the
metformin product exhibiting dissimilar in vitro dissolution profiles (f2 = 42) and bioequivalent clinical data.

for the Study a metformin reference, whereas there not closely similar. The test infers that if the f2 value
is a greater dependence on pH for the metformin is less than 50, the two products that are being com-
reference products used in Studies B and C based pared are not bioequivalent. In addition to the implicit
on the in vitro dissolution even though the products nature of this test, there are other restrictions to this
were bioequivalent. calculation. The f2 calculation is based on the sum of
Figure 1b shows the in vitro dissolution profiles the square of the errors and therefore is dependent on
of the metformin products tested from Study a that the selection of the sample points.27–29 As a result, the
were bioequivalent but did not meet the f2 criteria two products under consideration may or may not be
for equivalence, that is, the dissolution at pH 4.5 had equivalent depending on the reasons described above.
an f2 = 42 and therefore did not meet the similarity Two metformin products were compared using
criteria. in vitro dissolution at pH 1.2, 0.5, and 6.8. When
the dissolution at pH 4.5 did not pass the f2 test, a
Comparison of In Vitro Release Profiles to In Vivo clinical study of 24 subjects was conducted for the
Performance for Metformin FDC and single entity metformin products under fed
Although generally limited to BCS 1 compounds and conditions. The AUC(0-T) and Cmax for the individual
in vitro–in vivo correlations, comparison of in vitro subjects were compared and the two products were
release profiles has been also proposed as an argu- found to be bioequivalent based on the lower and up-
ment for waiving bioequivalence studies for BCS 3 per 90% confidence intervals being within 0.80 and
compounds. The scientific argument for BCS 3 com- 1.25, respectively (Study a, Table 4).
pounds is the same as for a BCS 1 compound, that is, if Use of Modeling and Simulation to Establish
two drug products have the same in vivo dissolution Bioequivalence
profile under all luminal conditions, they will have
the same rate and extent of drug absorption and as- The use of in silico tools has expanded in recent years
sumes that any difference in bioavailability between to include contributions of the dosage form, release
two products will be due to the release of drug from rate, and GI and physiological properties in addition
the product and not permeability.26 However, it must to classical compartmental PK to model and predict
be noted that for BCS 3 compounds, the phrase “un- the drug absorption process.30,31 The advantage of us-
der all luminal conditions” is more limited than for ing these models to predict PK outcomes is that they
BCS 1 compounds in that changes in the GI transit go beyond comparison of the in vitro dissolution data
time can have a greater impact on the fraction dose by adding GI transit time, permeability, and clear-
absorbed due to the drug’s low permeability. As both ance. The model developed for this current analysis
BCS 1 and 3 compounds have high solubility through- combines the dissolution rate of metformin from the
out the luminal pH range, in vitro dissolution testing formulation, GI permeability and transit, and physi-
may be considered adequate to show the similarity in ological variability to provide an accurate prediction
the dissolution of the two products. The pH values of- of the Cmax and AUC.
ten used to represent “all” luminal conditions are 1.2,
Additional Considerations Regarding the Relationship
4.5, and 6.8 and the statistical test used to determine
Between the In Vitro Dissolution, In Vivo Release, and
if two profiles are the same is the f2 similarity test.25
the Fraction Dose Absorbed
It is important to note that although the f2 similar-
ity test adequately determines when two dissolution To help understand why this range of in vivo release
profiles are similar, that is, less than 10% difference will result in no significant change to the AUC and
between time points, it does not provide any informa- Cmax , the in silico model was used to simulate the
tion pertaining to bioequivalence if the profiles are plasma concentration versus time curves using a wide


Table 4. Clinical Trial Results Showing Bioequivalence Statistics of the Test and Reference Metformin Products

Point Estimate (90% Confidence Interval)

Study # Test and Reference Products Cmax (ng/mL) AUC(0– T) (ng·h/mL)

Study a Metformin FDC Test versus Metformin Reference 1.00 (0.97–1.04) 1.02 (0.96–1.08)
Study b Metformin FDC Test versus Metformin Reference 1.00 (0.93–1.08) 1.02 (0.99–1.06)
Study c Metformin Test versus Metformin Reference 1.01 (0.96–1.06) 1.03 (1.00–1.07)

range (5 min up to 14 h release) of metformin release

profiles as input. Figure 5 shows the simulated drug
release profiles (100% released in 5 min up to 10 h) as
well as the experimental in vitro dissolution profiles
associated with the metformin products used in the
clinical studies A (83% released in 1 h and 100% re-
leased in approximately 1.5 h) and D (93% released in
12 h and approximately 100% released in 14 h) that
were used as input in the model simulations.
Figures 6 and 7 show the AUC(0–T) and Cmax plot-
ted as geometric means and SD for the different re-
lease rates. The symbols (circles) represent the clini-
cal data (Table 3) corresponding to dissolution times
observed for the products tested shown in Figure 5.
In each case, the simulations were bioequivalent to
the clinical data, that is, the Cmax and AUC(0–T) fell
within the 0.80–1.25 range for the 90% confidence
intervals. On the basis of these simulations, release
times for metformin ranging from 5 min up to 2 h did
not have a statistically significant effect on Cmax and Figure 7. Model simulations versus clinical data (circles)
AUC. Beyond 2 h, the Cmax and AUC(0–T) decreased for metformin release profiles ranging from 5 min to 14 h for
and were no longer bioequivalent. These results are 100% to be released. Note that the model predictions were
not unexpected and are substantiated by considering bioequivalent to the clinical data.
the wide range of in vitro release profiles presented in

Figures 1a–1i that show bioequivalence and the fact

that the rate-limiting step to absorption of metformin
is permeability and not solubility, as has been shown
by several authors.
To further the understanding of the relationship
between the in vitro drug release and the in vivo drug
release, these values were plotted in Figure 8 as the
mean ± SD for the individual data from the met-
formin products tested in the clinical studies along
with the fraction dose absorbed This plot was con-
structed by determining the mean and SD for the (1)
in vivo release profiles of the individual subjects from
the three immediate-release studies determined via
deconvolution; (2) in vitro release profiles for met-
formin at pH 1.2, 4.5, and 6.8; and (3) the fraction dose
absorbed for the mean value of the input parameters.
Comparing first the in vitro to in vivo release pro-
files, Figure 8 shows that although both profiles have
considerable variability (20%–70% for the in vivo and
Figure 6. Model simulations versus clinical data (circles) 7%–35% for the in vitro during the first hour), the
for metformin release profiles ranging from 5 min to 14 h for in vitro release is slower than the in vivo release.
100% to be released. Note that the model predictions were When these profiles are compared with the fraction
bioequivalent to the clinical data. dose absorbed, both are faster, thereby confirming


Although this work specifically applies to met-

formin, this approach may be applicable to other BCS
3 compounds that have well defined dissolution and
known absorption characteristics.

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