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Aqualectra Annual Report 2017

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…ta invertí p’abo!
“Teamwork is the ability to work together toward
a common vision. The ability to direct individual
accomplishments toward organizational objectives.
It is the fuel that allows common people to attain
uncommon results.”
- Andrew Carnegie -

Aqualectra at a glance 4




3.1 Consolidated Statement of Financial Position 46

3.2 Consolidated Statement of Comprehensive Income 47
3.3 Consolidated Statement of Changes in Shareholder’s Equity 48
3.4 Consolidated Statement of Cash Flows 49


4.1 General 52
4.2 Significant accounting policies 54
4.3 Financial Risk Management 64
4.4 Explanatory notes to the Consolidated Statement of Financial Position 73
4.5 Explanatory notes to the Consolidated Statement of Comprehensive Income 80



Contents >




Aqualectra 26.7% REDUCTION
Standard & Poor’s


during the past 5 years
“Individual commitment to a on Equity ANG ratio

group effort - that is what makes 78.8 MILLION

Capital 82,324 WATER
a team work, a company work, 81,588 Expenditures connections
a society work, a civilization work.” ELECTRICITY
- Vince Lombardi - serviced 10,693,000 M³ sold

676,231 MWh sold

Why we do what we do?

To fundamentally contribute to the improvement 3.8% REDUCTION OF Number of
of the quality of life in Curaçao.
the past 5 years 608
WITH 14.7% PROFIT after tax
during the past
5 years

Non-Revenue 36,666 METRIC TONS LESS FUEL

WATER usage compared to 5 years ago

#TeamAqualectra WITH 14.4%

during the past
5 years
usage compared to 2016
#AR2017 page 4

1. Report from
Charissa de Cuba (Interim Manager Internal Audit Department) | Julius Griffith (Manager ICT & Business
Development), Darick Jonis (Chief Executive Officer) | Richen Ferrero (acting Manager Power Supply Chain)
| Neysa Schoop-Isenia (Interim Finance Executive) | Raichel Leito (Acting Manager Water Supply Chain)
Alexis Daou (Corporate Treasurer) | Irvin Hanst (Advisor to the Chief Technical Officer) | Adeline Martha-Weert
(Manager Financial Affairs), Robert Celestina (Manager Commercial Affairs) | Diane Balentina (Acting Manager

the Board of
Human Resources), | Rudolf Garmes (Program Manager ProgResA III) | Murielle Belioso-Cicilia (Risk Officer) |
Gregory Pijpers (Manager Common Services)


Raycelli Seferina (Manager Engineering & Asset Management)
Daniel Corsen (Manager Water Supply Chain) | Donald Cijntje (Manager Operations Support)

#TeamAqualectra Directors
Strategic direction
Before determining the new strategic direction for Aqualectra, a review of
the accomplishments of the strategic actions forthcoming from “Refreshing

There is no Approach” is necessary. The timeline depicted below illustrates the most
important achievements that have led to the realization of the strategic

‘I’ in Team
goals. It can be concluded that the strategic direction chosen in 2012 has
been followed completely and that these choices have laid the foundation
for the transition the Group is currently undergoing. The following timeline
highlights the main accomplishments during the period 2012-2017:
The year behind us was a challenging one for
Aqualectra. One can safely say that 2017 marked the Timeline
end of an era, paving the path to a new phase for The utility sector worldwide is under 2001
I.U.H., K.A.E. and KODELA
Launch of Program
Neysa Schoop-Isenia
Approval and progress
Aqualectra Production

the Group. The year was characterized by teamwork

were rebranded under a Reshaping Aqualectra I appointed as Finance of various contracts and Aqualectra
pressure to perform well increase

Strategic milestones
unifying banner: (ProgResA I): Expansion Executive and projects, mainly Distribution legally
Aqualectra; Aqualectra of the electricity those pertaining to merged into one

at its best. The new Aqualectra was being designed Production; and production capacity ProgResA II
efficiency, reduce emissions by
Aqualectra Distribution

while the old was still being upheld. implementing renewables and to 2011
Darick Jonis
Irvin Hanst appointed
as Technical Director
Launch of ProgResA II:
Launch of ProgResA III: Upgrading the water
appointed as COO (titular) Upgrading of internal and electricity production capacity
modernize both the operations and and later as acting
processes and back-
office areas

Beside executing a project of This team, consisting of the various grid whilst at the same time, the
such magnitude as that of the governance instances of our tariffs are under close scrutiny of 2013 2015 2017
• Opening Tera Kora II wind farm by

Technical improvements /
2011 Reconditioning • Refurbishment of GT-2 and
• Extension of the Dokweg location for the realisation of several NuCuraçao (PPA)

implementation of an Enterprise company, 633 employees, financial the policy makers and regulator. diesel power
station at
construction of new
35MW plant
smaller projects aiming at
the preparation for the

Signed MOU for location new HQ
Tender 10MW - 15MW solar park
Dokweg and initiation of new various transformation • Implementation of
Resource Planning (‘ERP’) system institutions, customers, regulators, With today’s emerging technologies

• Upgrading of the 8,800 –m3 / day RO projects SAP as the ERP
main water pipe water plant to • Ceased producing system
lines replace the electricity with steam • Expected Launch
aimed at the replacement of suppliers, unions, relevant in the utility sector, the operators
decommissioned (expensive process) of the Proof of
• Opening Terra Kora 2014
I and Playa Kanoa steam water plant at • Start demolishing of Concept of AMI
Opening of new 35MW
Mundo Nobo Mundo Nobo • Expected opening
all key applications within the associations or organizations, the are driven in a strait jacket
wind farms by Dokweg power station
• Start large scale project to of new 39.7MW
NuCuraçao (PPA) which became
reconstruct 140km of water dual-fuel plant
• Extension of the RO operational in
distribution grid
Group at once, our customers press and our community as a requiring a leap forward in order
plant at Santa December 2014 end 2018 –
Barbara (ProgResA I) beginning of 2019

were served continuously and the whole, is the basis of Aqualectra’s to comply with the demand and
various needs of our stakeholders modest success. requirements of all stakeholders. With “Refreshing Approach” coming to an end, Each one of these attributes should be seen as levers
were also catered to. Besides the Aqualectra has chosen the primer developed by a which, if set at the right positon, gives the desired
ERP implementation project, other None of the positive results achieved, The Board of Managing Directors group of utility companies in the USA that is comprised output. Each change in circumstance will require
projects were finalized while other can be attributed to solely a single (‘BMD’) has come to this realization of ten attributes of Effective Utility Management as the adapting the impacted levers in order to achieve the
new ones were launched. individual or one single action. and has been transitioning the basis for the new strategic plan. The 10 attributes of the desired results. The highest priorities for the Group lie
company since 2012, following the conceptual Utility of the Future encompass the 10 pillars with the following attributes: (See illustration.)
The year 2017 also marked the The unprecedented results path laid out in the strategic plan on which utility companies strive and exist.
end of the 5-year strategic plan presented in this annual report, “Refreshing Approach”, to comply
launched in 2012 called “Refreshing could not have been possible with the challenges in the utility Product Operational
quality resiliency
Approach”. Achieving successes without the synergetic effects sector in Curaçao.
and overcoming the challenges of the coming together of the
that Aqualectra faced during this various groups mentioned above. This fiscal year marks the formal Financial Infrastructure
period, was only possible with This extraordinary effect was end of the “Refreshing Approach” viability stability

a strong and resilient team that felt like never before and and a new strategic direction is to
was made fit for the future. yielded remarkable results. be set in the coming months. Employee and

“Coming together is a beginning. Operational


Keeping together is progress.

and support

Working together is success.” Customer


- Henry Ford -
#AR2017 page 8
The remaining four (4) attributes, Changing the way we do changing the way business is The Group’s new direction is noticeable by the unprecedented results,
being ‘Stakeholder understanding business conducted within the Group. reported both at operational as well as on financial fronts.
and support’, ‘Resource adequacy’, The utility sector used to be a very Management first launched The realization of these strategic and transformational projects and actions,
‘Infrastructure stability’ and conservative sector of the economy. Program Reshaping Aqualectra have led to remarkable results during the past 6 years, from which a few
‘Community sustainability’, were The drive for this sector was to I (‘ProgResA I’) in 2012. ProgResA are depicted below:
given lower priority during this deliver the utility service at low cost I aimed at the expansion of
stage of the transformation. with a high degree of quality and production capacity for both water Earning Analysis
This does not imply that Aqualectra reliability. In reality this resulted and electricity, with production
will neglect these areas but in delivering the utility service at methods that yielded efficiency 400,000

Amounts in ANG x 1,000

323,688 331,922 299,682
the expectation is that by only any cost against an acceptable gains in the production process. 300,000 267,337 259,112
addressing the selected six (6) reliability with a good quality of Three (3) years after the launch 200,000
attributes, the remaining four supply. of ProgResA I, ProgResA II was 67,073
51,425 42,286 30,680
(4) attributes will implicitly be launched. This time, the Company’s (48,669) (5,837)
addressed. Aqualectra’s decision The latter has induced the focus was geared towards
making process is based on all ten customer to start seeking customer satisfaction, employee
2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017
(10) pillars, with a special focus on alternatives for the shortcomings in and leadership development and Gross profit 218,025 267,337 259,112 323,688 331,922 299,682
the six areas mentioned above. It the compliance of the utility sector. stakeholder management, through Profit after tax (48,669) (5,837) 51,425 67,073 42,286 30,680
is the BMD’s firm conviction that Initially this felt like fighting against the improvement of service oriented
this focus, without losing sight of Goliath. But with the technological processes and (financial) reporting After realizing substantial losses, the Group has been profitable since 2014.
innovative global developments, advancements of renewable energy tools. The implementation of an The profitability has been a direct result of cost efficiency management and
will lead the Company to new storage and distributed generation, ERP, the merging of the Production good financial stewardship.
successes and satisfaction for its nowadays the customer can have and Distribution divisions into one
customers, shareholder, employees full control of his demand and cost, company and the implementation Average power and water tariff
and other stakeholders. hence steering these components of improved human resource
0.8000 10.6000
In 2018, the Group, together with to meet his own needs. In many processes and systems were some
0.7000 10.4000
the Board of Supervisory Directors instances we can state that the of the achievements attained.

In ANG per kWh

(‘BSD’) and the Shareholder will consumer has become a prosumer 0.5000 10.2000

In ANG per M³
determine the strategic actions (producing consumer). 0.4000 10.0000
for the coming five (5) years in 0.3000 9.8000
order to address the stakeholders’ Aqualectra has taken notice 9.6000
demands on the Group and the of these developments and is - 9.4000
utility sector of Curaçao. reconfirming its right to exist by 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017
0.6710 0.7013 0.6796 0.5510 0.5048 0.5138 Average electricity tariff
10.3000 10.2913 10.5488 9.8684 9.9220 9.8955 Average water tariff

The financial and operational successes, including the operational profits,

were realized despite the lower average tariffs for both water and power.
The lower average tariffs are a result of less fuel consumption, lower fuel
prices (world market) as well as operational cost reduction.

Fuel usage

in metric tons

2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017
Fuel usage 202,417 163,788 141,407 111,603 135,463 127,122

#AR2017 page 10
By realizing an adapted production mix with the inclusion of the new
Diesel plant as well as renewable sources, the total fuel usage has declined The year at
substantially over the past years. The noticeable increase of 2016 is due
to higher demand of electricity by the customers. a glance
Non-Revenue Water and Electricity Changing the way the Group has been doing business
for the past decades involves facing many known and
unknown challenges. The year 2017 was no exception.
The following main events are emphasized by the BMD
15.00% as the main highlights and challenges for the year 2017:
5.00% SAP Implementation project Merging Aqualectra
0.00% The implementation project was in Production and
2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017
NRE 13.70% 13.57% 13.83% 13.95% 12.27% 11.58% full execution during 2017. Right after Aqualectra Distribution
NRW 26.35% 27.68% 24.24% 24.29% 23.10% 23.70% concluding the Exploration (blue- Realizing the implementation of
printing) phase at the end of 2016, the Corporate ERP, implicitly led
During the years in scope, Non-Revenue Electricity (‘NRE’) decreased with the Realization phase of the project to merging of the subsidiaries
2.12% while the Non-Revenue Water (‘NRW’) shrunk with 2.65%. was kicked-off during the first weeks Aqualectra Production and
These results could only have been achieved with very strict theft policies, of January 2017. On January 8, Aqualectra Distribution.
a robust revenue protection program and the slightest investments in the 2018, SAP was implemented and A merger of such magnitude
grid (especially water) to avoid leakages. With the planned acquisition of an the Group starting using SAP as required not only the necessary
Advanced Meter Infrastructure (‘AMI’), these percentages are expected to its ERP. This implies that the Group legal actions, but also ensuring
continue on the declining path. has closed an era of applying the that all financial and organizational
“Best of Breed” applications, some requirements are complied with.
Number of employees interfacing with each other, while The Group realized this merger
800 others did not, and entered in to by not only complying with all
700 the era of an integrated ERP. This requirements, but also involved all
600 posed an unprecedented challenge stakeholders and partners who
500 with the data conversion, the new might be affected by this merger.
400 734 724 675 way of working, as well as the It can safely be concluded that
300 647 633 608
transition of the multi-company into the merger was realized without
100 the merged company Aqualectra N.V. major casualties.
2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017

During the past 6 years, the number of employees decreased with 126.
This was realized through continuous efforts to increase efficiency, allowing
the Group to not replace a large number of those reaching retirement age.
This decreasing trend will continue during the years to come.
The BMD looks back at these results with modest satisfaction. The end of
this era will lead the Group into a new stage. As a team, we are grateful for
the support of our stakeholders and employees and we pledge to continue
doing our utmost, to lead Aqualectra to new successes.

#AR2017 page 12
Communicating the change: while the fuel component was issued in 2009. These deliberations These projects contribute to the Labor relations Further improvement of
“Kana ku nos” increased. The respective decrease concluded with the CBCS agreeing increase of the efficiency of the In 2017, the BMD worked the HR service delivery
The execution of the legal merger and increase set each other off, on early repayment of the water distribution grid. intensely on the labor relations. In 2016, the Group launched a
of Aqualectra as well as the resulting in more or less the same Corporate Bonds in two tranches, • 
Land reconditioning for the This resulted in various meetings Personnel Registration Information
implementation of the ERP required tariff for water, while the electricity expiring in 2018 and 2019. construction of the new Diesel with the labor unions (‘Unions’) of system (PRIS). In 2017 the HR service
all stakeholders to be informed and tariff was maintained at a higher Plant Dokweg II-B the Group, involving them at every delivery was greatly improved
involved in each and every step level than it should have been, to New Corporate Website and During the 3rd quarter of step of the way. through the launching of the self-
of the path to realization. In order compensate for the losses in the Customer Service Portal 2017, excavation works were The Unions and the personnel service helpdesk of the PRIS. This
to create the acceptance of these water tariff. In 2017, Aqualectra launched a initiated for the reconditioning were elaborately informed self-service helpdesk is unique on the
changes, Aqualectra launched the new website and customer portal. of the land and for plotting of the changes ahead and island and gives the employee and
communication campaign “Kana Ku Reversal of impairment This new website has a fresh the required facilities for the an understanding of the new his direct supervisor better (mobile)
Nos” (walk with us). This campaign Another sign marking the end look and provides the customer expansion of the power plant. developments was created. control of the HR related services.
earned its merits and impacted of an era, is the reversal of the with both static and dynamic
the Aqualectra corporate image impairment taken back in 2001. information of the services provided

Financial performance
positively. This reversal is considered the by the Group. Furthermore, the new
ultimate achievement to conclude Customer Portal provides better
Maintaining the Financial on a successful turnaround. insight to the customers in their
rating by S&P Without a stable financial consumption pattern as well as
Dec 31, Dec 31, Change Change
Standard & Poor’s confirmed its performance as well as robust invoice and payment information. (ANG * 1,000)
2017 2016 in ANG in %
A- financial rating awarded in and achievable forward looking
Sales electricity 365,109 361,093 4,016 1%
2016 by mid-2017 to Aqualectra. projections, such reversal could Operational affairs
Sales electricity in MWh 676,231 691,548 (15,964) -2%
Also the ‘stable outlook’ forecast not have been possible. During 2017, Aqualectra ensured
Sales water 105,922 105,156 766 1%
was maintained. Unfortunately, this stable running operations, through,
Sales water in 1000m³ 10,693 10,492 193 2%
forecast was changed early 2018 Receivables from Refineria among other, the following actions:
Direct cost production and other direct cost of sales (183,308) (147,476) (35,832) 24%
to negative due to the uncertainties di Korsou N.V. and Curaçao • Rental of temporary power Gross profit 299,682 331,922 (32,240) -10%
with the future of the Refinery, Refinery Utility N.V. The BMD acknowledged the Gross profit margin 62.0% 69.2%
which led to the same change Despite many efforts, these necessity for additional capacity Operating expenses 258,267 263,367 (5,100) -2%
in perspective for the rating at receivables are still uncollected. due to the demand growth Operating profit 41,415 68,555 (27,140) -40%
sovereign level. The outstanding amount surpassed combined with less owned Interest expenses, net (14,818) (15,445) 627 -4%
acceptable levels and the BMD capacity (due to maintenance Net result before tax 26,597 53,110 (26,513) -50%
Tariff guidelines prudently decided to provide for and unexpected breakdown of Recovery component in sales 0 13,742 (13,742)
During 2017, both the base and a large portion of it. However, generators). It was considered Adjusted net result before tax excl. recovery and adjustment 26,597 39,368 (12,771) -32%
the fuel component tariff guidelines these provisions had a significant necessary to rent additional
were revisited by the Regulator impact on the Group’s result over (temporary) generating capacity Results for the year
(Bureau Telecommunicatie & 2017. Collection efforts will continue in order to cope with the For the year 2017, Aqualectra which is attributable to various Aqualectra, with the end to
Post, BT&P) and approved by during 2018. The receipt of the increasing peak demand. reports a positive net result one-time events that had a conclude whether the Company
the Council of Ministers. The outstanding amount will surely • Maintenance backlog before tax of ANG 26.6 million financial impact and an under- would have been profitable
approval of these base component benefit Aqualectra’s cash position During 2017, the maintenance (2016: ANG 53.1 million). This coverage, mainly on the fuel if the one-time events had
guidelines led to the introduction and profitability. backlog of the units owned by represents a decrease of ANG 26.5 component. The following table not occurred.
of the much required Weighted Aqualectra for the generation million (50%) compared to 2016, depicts an analysis of the profit of
Average Cost of Capital, allowing Reaching an agreement with of power was eliminated in its
the Group to realize a reasonable the Central Bank entirety.
Noteworthy specific events
return, upon maintaining efficiency. The new path the Group has • Several Water Reconstruction
Net result before tax 26,597
The tariff guidelines for the fuel engaged in, requires heavy projects
Addition to Provision retirement stimulation 34,540
component resulted in an important investments and lowering of the During 2017 the intensity of the Payment of various employee benefits with
change in the water tariffs. For operational costs. For this reason, execution of the several water regard to the (CLA) with Union SEU
the first time, the cross subsidy the BMD has approached the reconstructions was increased Reversal of impairment (48,340)
between water and electricity was management of Central Bank of in order to realize more water Net result before tax adjusted for one-time events 18,801
acknowledged, quantified and Curaçao and St. Maarten (‘CBCS’) reconstruction projects. Undercoverage on the fuel component developed in 2017 20,183
accepted. The base component and (re)visited the possibilities of 38,984
of the water tariff was lowered refinancing the Corporate Bonds

#AR2017 page 14
Excluding the largest and most noteworthy one-time events, the Group Direct cost of production and other direct cost of sales
would have reported a profit before tax of ANG 18.8 million. The under
coverage on fuel component developed during the period under report Amounts in ANG x 1,000
amounts to ANG 20.2 million. This implies that Aqualectra pre-financed fuel 400000
costs which are otherwise fully passed through to customers. The reason Purchase of elec. from windfarms
for such a pre-financing is mostly the two-month lag with which tariffs are Purchase of elec. from CUC
adjusted. As a matter of fact, if the tariffs has been adjusted without a lag, 300000
Temporary Diesel Power Plant
Aqualectra’s earnings would have also been ANG 20.2 million higher, reaching 250000
IUH elements
a profit before tax of ANG 39 million. The profit before tax that was budgeted 200000 Purchase of water
for the year 2017 amounted to ANG 37.8 million. When submitting this report
150000 Lubrication
to the Regulator, this under coverage will be addressed.
100000 Chemicals

Sales of electricity and water 50000 Fuel usage

Total sales electricity and water combined has increased in 2017 by 1% or 2017 2016 2015 2014 2013

ANG 4.8 million as compared to 2016. While water contributed slightly to this
increase with a 2% increase in M3 sold, the main contributor was electricity, Operating expenses
which, despite a decrease of 2% in MWh sold, experienced a 2% increase in The operating expenses consist of the following expense categories:
the tariff compared to 2016.
Operating expenses
Sales electricity and water
Amounts in ANG x 1,000
Amounts in ANG x 1,000
Impairment reversal
101,533 250000
600000 200000 Depreciation
107,943 105,156 100,938 Sales electricity
400000 150000 General expenses
Sales water
448,227 485,576 Hired services
378,178 361,093 379,907 50000
Parts, repairs & maintenance
0 0
2017 2016 2015 2014 2013 2017 2016 2015 2014 2013 Personnel expenses
The base component as stipulated by the Government upon recommendation
of the Regulator did not change in 2017. Variance in usage per customer
category influences the average annual base rate, which explains the The total operating expenses decreased by 2% or ANG 5.1 million in 2017
deviation from the approved base components per tariff group. The base compared to 2016. This decrease is mainly attributable to the following factors:
component varies for each tariff group. The variance in consumption for
each specific tariff group, influences the average base component on an • The reversal of impairment of ANG 48.3 million for the depreciation
annual basis. on electricity and water and also for the impairment on machinery.
The impairment was reversed based on indicators that are judged
Direct costs production and other direct costs of sales: annually by the BMD. These indicators led to a reversal of the
This cost category reflects the usage of fuel, chemicals, lubrication, the impairment in 2017.
purchase of electricity and water from third parties, IUH-agreement expenses, • The General expenses decreased by ANG 10.7 million primarily
expenses for the temporary rent of electricity production units and other direct due to adjustments made in 2016 for major spare parts and inventory
costs of sales. The increase in direct costs of production and other direct adjustment of approximately ANG 6.2 million in other expenses.
costs of sales by 24% or ANG 35.8 million compared to 2016 is due to: Furthermore, in 2016 a significant addition to the provision for damage
• Increase in fuel expenses of ANG 26.2 million, primarily due to the costs receivable or not yet invoiced was recorded. Lastly, housing and
significant increase in fuel prices car fleet expenses decreased by ANG 1.3 million.
• Increase in purchase of electricity from windfarm of ANG 7.6 million
(2017: ANG 33.3 million and 2016: ANG 25.7 million) as a result of the
expansion of the windfarm by mid-2017.

#AR2017 page 16
The before mentioned decreases were partially offset by: Cash flow developments
Dec 31, Dec 31, Change Change
(ANG * 1,000)
• Salaries, social securities and other personnel expenses 2017 2016 in ANG in %
increased by ANG 23.2 million in 2017 compared to 2016 due to an Operating cash flow 84,890 119,573 (34,683) -29%
adjustment for the Provision retirement stimulation employment benefits Investing cash flow (78,837) (44,537) (34,300) 77%
of ANG 34.5 million offset by expenses recognized for pension provision Financing cash flow (25,780) (50,664) 24,884 -49%
in the income statement of ANG 5.2 million and a lower number of Net change in cash and cash equivalents (19,727) 24,372 (44,099) -181%
employees as the decreasing trend in FTE’s is maintained.
• Parts, repair and maintenance of ANG 73.5 million in 2017 compared to
ANG 63.9 million in 2016. The ANG 9.6 million increase is due to a more Contrary to the positive results, Aqualectra’s cash and cash equivalents
proactive and structured approach to managing the repair and mainte- showed a decrease in 2017 compared to 2016. The cash flow from
nance activities and unforeseen repair work on the diesel power plant Isla operating activities decreased by ANG 34.7 million, mainly due to the
site DE02, DE03 and DE04 resulting in an overrun in material usage. The decrease in Profit for the year, decreases in inventories and other
budgeted Repair and maintenance expenses were ANG 78.8 million. receivables, decreases in other liabilities and trade accounts payables.
• Depreciation expense increased by ANG 11.0 million due to a substantial
error correction of ANG 12.5 million for depreciation in the major spare The cash used in Investing activities increased by ANG 34.3 million
parts made in 2016. The classification of the inventory items to major compared to 2016. The project to implement SAP as ERP at Aqualectra
spare parts was thoroughly reviewed in 2017. All parts not meeting the was kicked-off in 2017 and 42% of the total cash flow used in investing
IFRS criteria for classification as major spare parts, were reclassed to activities, was related to this project.
inventory and the related accumulated depreciation was reversed.
However, these parts were deemed obsolete and hence were provided The cash flow used in financing activities showed a decrease (ANG 24.8
for. The addition to the provision for obsolete items is accounted for under million). This decrease is related to prepayment of various loans in 2016,
other general expenses. These adjustments were made in 2016. as a result of the solidified cash position and to aiming at increasing the
• Provision bad debt increased by ANG 10.4 million upon provisioning of Company’s agility preparing for possible future financing endeavors.
receivables from CUC N.V. and Refineria di Korsou N.V. for the sake of
prudency. In addition, there has been a further deterioration in the Financing
payment pattern of especially the commercial customers resulting from Aqualectra’s objective is to have a solid financial position which enables it
the strained economic condition of the island. to carry out the required extensive investment programs. This is essential for
the reliability, continuity and efficiency of the electricity and water production
Investments and distribution of Curaçao. Therefore, full access to financial markets at
The total net capital expenditures incurred in 2017 was ANG 42.0 million. favorable conditions is a prerequisite. The top achievement in the BMD’s
Investments amounted to ANG 69.5 million offset by net disposals and endeavor in this direction is the receipt of an A- financial rating, issued by
transfers of ANG 23.1 million. Large scale improvement efforts of the fixed Standard & Poor’s in 2016 and reconfirmed in 2017.
asset ledger took place in 2017 where approximately ANG 140 million in
fully depreciated assets no longer in use was disposed of. In addition to Tapping into the financial market is something that the BMD intends to do
investment in property, plant and equipment, ANG 28.3 million was invested with a thorough plan and well thought out strategy. At the end of 2017,
in the development of the new ERP system. Deloitte Dutch Caribbean was engaged to execute a corporate finance
analysis. After its execution the BMD entered deliberations with CBCS.
The conclusion of the analysis was that it is a favorable moment for
Aqualectra to tap into capital markets. However, to do so, the BMD
needed approval from CBCS to prepay the corporate bonds currently
held by this institution. On November 15, 2017, CBCS replied in writing

“Alone we can do so little, and granted approval to prepay the bonds in two tranches.

together we can do so much.”

- Helen Keller -

#AR2017 page 18
Employees, Community On the other hand, despite customer complaints, the total interruption duration
and the average customer interruption duration are within the 2017 targets.


Total number of customer interruptions


SAIFI < 1.0 0.34

Employees With the implementation of During 2017, an agreement was Total number of customers served
Aqualectra’s employees are Automatic Meter Reading and reached with the union representing
Sum of all customer interruption durations
elemental to its continued success Advanced Metering Infrastructure the non-operational employees for CAIDI (min) < 150 217
Total number of customer interruptions
and growth. The BMD is aware that (AMR/AMI) systems and ERP Aqualectra Production (Union SEU)
Non compliance is a direct
together with the challenges ahead, system, increased efficiencies are as well. Hence, at December 31, Sum of all customer interruption durations
SAIDI (min) < 120 50 result of the 86 brownouts
the development of the human expected through automation, the 2017, all employees were working Total number of customers served
(loadshedding) during 2017
capital needs to be addressed. synchronization of processes and under duly signed CLA’s.
Management has addressed this the optimization of the usage All CLA’s reached their end at ASAI (%) The Average Service Availability Index > 92 99.5
matter by establishing a Strategic of information. Therefore, not all December 31, 2017. The BMD will start
Training & Development plan for the vacancies created as a result of with CLA negotiations during 2018. It is evident that the interruptions due to breakdowns of production units
Group. These strategic actions were the retirements, are expected to have impacted the electrical KPI’s negatively. The loadseddings during 2017
detailed in a tactical plan, the need fulfillment. Security and reliability of supply can be attributed to the following:
execution of which started in 2015. This creates the opportunity to Aqualectra is aware that her • for 34% (2016: 3%) due to the lack of wind and thus electricity production
This plan covers the training and reduce personnel costs by voluntary customers, but also the commu- by the windfarm;
development of personnel, starting retirement and reallocating nity of Curaçao, are better served • for 57% (2016: 71%) to capacity failure by Aqualectra’s own production
at the clerical level up to the personnel in vacant functions. with high security and reliability of facilities and/or own generators taken out for maintenance.
managerial level and entails an Training and development of supply of both water and power.
elaborate 5 year plan. personnel is imperative for the In order to be able to monitor Water
feasibility of such reallocations. performance in this matter, The water KPI’s are aimed at both the water quality as well as the distribution
One of the main topics of discussion Aqualectra reports monthly efficiency. The following KPI’s were reported for water during 2017:
with the Unions during 2017 was In 2015 Aqualectra concluded Key Performance Indicators (KPI’s)
the pension age. In 2016 a protocol its negotiations with the labor based on which the durations YEAR-
was signed stating that up to unions and two Collective Labor of interruption are measured 2017
and including 2020 all employees Agreements (CLA’s) were signed. and managed.
# of Complaints / Number of complaints Total Claims extracted
reaching 60 years of age must retire The result of the referendum held < 10 8.9
1000 Clients Total number of customers served/1000 from SRS
and from 2021 through 2023, those for Aqualectra Production and Power
reaching 60 years of age will have Aqualectra Distribution led to the The KPI’s for power are based on Average Fault The average recorded time to solve a fault
< 480 1093
duration (min) in the water grid in a reporting period
the choice to retire. Despite this unification of the representation the availability of Aqualectra’s own
signed protocol, the Unions argued of the Aqualectra Distribution production units, and the duration # of Water Quality The number of customer complaints on Reported Brown Water &
< 33 37
the introduction of a choice to personnel whilst for the Aqualectra of customer interruptions. Complaints quality of water in a reporting period Water Taste faults in SRS
retire for the whole group instead of Production personnel no unification During 2017, the plant availability The number of customer complaints on Including Low Pressure
# of low Pressure or
an obligation to do so and of union representation was was below the indicator. low water pressure or no water supply in a < 53 81.3 (<20) and No water
No Water Complaint
proposed an incentive program to achieved. This led to the signing of The reason for not meeting this reporting period complaints (<33)
Quality Index of Parameters for Drinking Water Distribution
motivate the employees reaching 60 2 CLA’s being one for Aqualectra KPI requirement were the
Health parameters Grid according to Landsverordening > 98 99.9
years old during the years to come, Distribution and one for the breakdowns during 2017 which (%) Drinkwater
up to and including 2023, operational personnel of caused prolonged unavailability The amount of water being produced 21% of Budgeted Water
Overall Non-Revenue
to still retire at 60 years of age. Aqualectra Production. of the power production units. that is lost, either by leaks, theft or other < 173 283 amount on a monthly
Water (x1000 m³)
reasons before it reaches the customer base.
A number of 278 employees will be Both labor agreements are During this maintenance cycle,
Average Non The average amount of non-revenue
benefiting from this plan between effective from January 1, 2014 especially the maintenance of Revenue Water / water in relation to the number of < 3.5 3.5
2017 up to and including 2023. through December 31, 2017, while the power generators required Client (m²) water connections
Those already retired in 2015 and the negotiation of the CLA for major review after almost
2016 have also been included. the non-operational employees 15 years of operation with Regarding water distribution, as was with the previous years, the challenge
This group totals 114 persons for Aqualectra Production minimal maintenance having is to reduce the average fault duration. During 2017, Aqualectra did not
(ex-employees). remained ongoing. been performed. succeed in meeting the established targets, as some improvement areas
are made evident by the above-mentioned ratios.

#AR2017 page 20
Future prospects
Community engagement Further more, Aqualectra Therefore, Aqualectra continues to
contributed to various endeavors make every effort to minimize this
Corporate Social that promote Nation Building. possible negative impact effectively.
Responsibility (CSR) By obtaining the ISO 14001 in 2005,
Aqualectra has a firm believe that Excursions to the the Group explicitly specified in
its CSR policy should function as a production plants: its business processes the actual The utilities’ industry is challenged like never before
built-in, self-regulating mechanism It is Aqualectra’s firm belief that requirements for an environmental by innovative technology, environmental awareness
whereby its business would monitor every citizen of Curaçao must be management system and adheres and customer expectations. The ability to anticipate
and ensure its adherence to law, made conscious about the fact to those environmental aspects and adapt are the most relevant DNA traits a utility
ethical standards, and international that water and electricity are very which the organization has control company must possess to survive these challenging
norms. Consequently, its business scarce on the island and that it over and which it can be expected times. We are pleased to say that Aqualectra is
would embrace responsibility for takes a lot of effort and resources to have an influence on. leading the way in the Caribbean.
the impact of its activities on the to make this water and electricity
environment, consumers, employees, available for the local community. With the continuation of the ISO Becoming the ‘Utility of the Future’ is not an easy task. The strategy and
community, stakeholders and all The reason behind this firm belief 14001: 2004 standard in 2017, path towards this flexible and innovation-driven company was clearly
other members in the public sphere. is the fact that it is in the consumers’ the Group proactively shows the defined by the BMD and set forth in the strategic plan 2012-2017 called
Furthermore, Aqualectra proactively own economic interest to be efficient community it serves, that it “Refreshing Approach”. The steps to take were bundled in three different
promotes the public interest by with the use of these utilities and, wishes to: programs, namely Program Reshaping Aqualectra (‘ProgResA’) I, II and III.
encouraging community growth on the other hand, from an • implement, maintain and ProgResA I was concluded with the addition of a 35 MW plant, which had
and development, and by voluntarily environmental standpoint and in improve an environmental a positive impact on the Company’s operational efficiency and resiliency.
eliminating practices that harm the the interest of the whole community, management system;
public sphere. Therefore it is essential to be efficient with these scarce • assure itself of its ProgResA II
for the BMD that the public interest resources. During the year under compliance with its own
is included into the corporate report, different excursions to the stated environmental policy; Corporate Personnel
New Contract Registration Access
decision–making, and by doing Group’s production plants and • ensure compliance with SAP AMI Headquarters Legal & Information
Restructuring Center Control
System AFAS
this, honor of a triple bottom line: technical facilities for schools and environmental laws and
People, Planet, and Profit. interest groups (including tourists regulations;
and universities) have been • seek certification of its
Small contributions to sport, organized by our Communication environmental management
education, environmental and department, during which the system by an external third TRANSFORMATION PROCESS
sustainable development and production process of water party organization;

• Policies & procedures • Standard Operating Procedures SAP
non-profit social and humani- and the generation processes of • make a self-determination of
• Training & development • Standard Operating Procedures
tarian organizations or causes: electricity were explained. compliance; • Communication plan Aqualectra
Among the numerous small • at the same time commit to
contributions to various initiatives that Protecting our environment focusing more on its stake-
positively contribute to the The production and distribution holders while keeping close LOGISTIC AND CONTROLS
wellbeing and development of our of electricity and water are attention to all possible risks
• Office location and supplies for project team

community, we can certainly highlight Aqualectra’s core businesses. that may become a threat. • Travel, housing and transportation for Project Consultants
Aqualectra’s contribution to sports It requires the construction and • Project administrative support
• Project Management controls
and in particular to baseball for the maintenance of plants and a
most professional league physical network of transmission
as well as for the little ones. pipes, lines and cables, transformers, ProgResA II was designed to reshape the commercial and administrative
The Company’s policy is to contribute pumps and other infrastructures. backbone of Aqualectra and was structured as follows:
to federations and umbrella This undoubtedly has an impact January 2, 2018 marked a very important milestone in ProgReSa II, as we
organizations under which individual on the environment and introduced Aqualectra N.V., the new company in which the Production
teams are grouped. It is our belief environmental conditions. and Distribution subsidiaries were merged followed by the implementation
that this way, more individual teams The Group is aware of the impact of SAP as our ERP system on January 8, 2018. With the preparation of the
will benefit from our contribution, in that its operations can have on the incorporation of the new company, the organizational structure was also
comparison to when a contribution is overall environment and the revised, whereas roles and responsibilities will be (re)assigned to all
made to a single team. community it serves. employees, ensuring a leaner and more efficient organization.

#AR2017 page 22
Right after this implementation, we look forward to launching the Proof of Employee and leadership development
Concept of an Advanced Meter Infrastructure (‘AMI’) by mid-2018, which will The implementation of SAP and the legal merger of the Distribution and
further propel the organization towards the future. These smart meters will place Production companies, will have its impact on Aqualectra’s employees and
us in a position to better cater to the customers’ demands while balancing the organizational culture. The Organizational Change Management (‘OCM’)
grid in such a way that allows us to detect grid losses in an early stage and project forms therefore an integral part of ProgResA II.
further reduce the percentages of Non-Revenue Water and Electricity. The Proof
of Concept was delayed for various reasons. However, these delays allowed Training, communication, clear processes and job descriptions but also
us to duly finalize the first stage of the project and better prepare for the cultural change are being focused on by this project’s team. The OCM team
execution of both the Proof of Concept and possible full roll-out shortly after. will continue its endeavors even after the implementation of SAP and the
merger of the companies. Employee development will continue to be a focal
ProgResA III point during 2018 and beyond, as it is also chosen as one of the strategic
Mid 2017, ProgResA III was launched. Just like ProgResA I & II, the third chapter priorities of Aqualectra.
in this series for strategic and transformational programs is also focused on
operational resiliency, ensuring adequate capacity to generate electricity and The ‘CLA’s are also up for renegotiation during 2018 as they reach their
produce water. ProgResA III is structured as follows: expiry date on December 31, 2017. The focus during these discussions will
be the modernization of working conditions (such as a built-in flexibility of
New Reverse Construction
Expansion Relocation of Finalization Implementation working hours, the introduction of the possibility to work from home, etc.),
Osmosis Water tanks
Dokweg GT-2 to Dismantling 10 MW
water plant Mundu Nobo
Power Plant ISLA Refinery Mundu Nobo Solar Park the review of the pension plan and Aqualectra’s investment in the
Mundu Nobo Area
development of its employees.

Macro-economic developments
2018 will be another pivotal year for our Company and the community
we serve. One very important decision to be taken by the Government
Function: • Project Mandate • Project Execution Supervision
project • Project Initiation Document • Project Quality Management of Curaçao, shaking our country’s economic foundation at its core, regards
Management • Production Decomposition • Project Quality & Risk Management the future of the refinery. Even though we have been preparing
• Project Planning • Project Budget Management
• Project Budget • Project End Report ourselves to ensure that adequate capacity is maintained, this decision will
certainly have an impact on Aqualectra’s operations.

Customers’ demand
Economic growth remained flat in 2016, following an increase of 0.3% in
Function: 2015. For 2017, an economic expansion of 0.4% was projected, driven by
• Product Delivery Prioritization • Project Team Training
project Suport • Project Team Assembly • Project Communication increases in private and public spending. The economic stagnation was
• PMO Assembly • Corporate Social Responsibility
• Project Management caused by a growth in domestic demand, offset by a drop in net foreign
demand. A sectoral analysis shows that real value was added by increases
Together, ProgResA I, II and III formed the basis for a path forward and in the construction, financial intermediation and utilities sectors, while the
continue to guide the Company on it. restaurants and hotels, manufacturing, wholesale & retail trade and transport,
storage and communication sectors recorded a contraction.
Customer satisfaction
Aqualectra’s customers will certainly feel the change during 2018. With the Aqualectra saw customers (household) demand increase by an unexpected 4%
gradual finalization of ProgResA II and III, the customers will feel that they in 2016, for both water and electricity. The correlation of the sales in Kilowatt
are indeed at the center of everything we do. The commercial processes will Hours and Cubic Meters with the GDP was disturbed for the first time in
continue to be improved after the implementation of SAP. years. On the other hand, we saw more industrial customers, operating in
Although the merging of Aqualectra Production and Aqualectra Distribution is a the affected sectors, closing into flexible payment agreements or defaulting
legal and administrative transaction, customers will know that they are dealing on their payments as a result of poor financial performance.
with one company, one workforce. The implementation of AMI will be the most
impactful project from a customers’ perspective. The added capacity after Not much has been published yet regarding the country’s economic
completion of some of the projects pertaining to ProgResA III, will reduce the performance for 2017. However, an economic contraction is expected.
number of interruptions due to capacity shortages to a minimum. We are aware An economic outlook for 2018 has also not been published yet.
of the inconveniences caused to the customers when we have to interrupt our However, based on the most recent developments and the current direction,
services due to lack of capacity. The damage caused to Aqualectra’s reputation, a flat economy development line was taken into account to prepare the
through social media, is immense. Group’s Budget and Forward Looking Projections.

#AR2017 page 24
Fuel prices Venezuela poses significant risks We concluded a corporate finance Forward Looking Projections
Oil prices are expected to rise for our fuel supply and economic analysis during 2017 and entered Aqualectra’s Forward Looking
between 5% and 6% as a result of wellbeing. The members of the into consultation with the CBCS to Projections indicate a consistent
steadily growing demand, agreed Organization of the Petroleum prepay (a portion of) the bonds increase in gross profit and minor
production cuts among oil exporters Exporting Countries (OPEC) and currently held by that institution. changes in operational cost.
and stabilizing U.S. shale oil other producers could agree to These discussions had a positive This, at a stable rate of interest
production. The prices for energy cut production further, maintaining conclusion, whereas we agreed expenses and taxes, should yield
commodities, which include oil and upward pressure on prices. to prepay 55% of the bonds and an increasing net result in the
natural gas, are forecast to climb However, failure to renew the planned the prepayment of the coming years.
4% in 2018. Both increasing trends agreement could drive prices down, remaining amount by December
are forecasted after a significant as could an increased production 2019. Further to the bond During 2017, BT&P issued the
leap in 2017. from the U.S. shale oil industry. prepayment, part of the CAPEX approved version of the Guidelines
Natural gas prices are expected to program will also require third party for the Basic tariff component.
Energy prices are recovering in rise 3% in 2018. financing. These guidelines include a Weighted
response to steady demand and Average Cost of Capital (WACC)
falling stocks, but much depends Corporate finance component, which must ensure
on whether oil producers seek to Further to the aforementioned a reasonable return for
extend production cuts. Supplies developments, 2018 will mark the Aqualectra. The budget and
from producers such as Libya, year in which the Company’s the Forward Looking Projections
Nigeria, and Venezuela could be funding will be thoroughly are based on these Guidelines for
volatile. Especially the situation in restructured. the Basic tariff component and
take the WACC as the point of
departure for the determination of
the basic component of the tariff.
This should result in an operating

The following investments are planned:

result equal to the WACC.

Aqualectra is in adherence with all

CAPEX BUDGET 2018 & FLP’S 2019-2023 As James Allen once said, no duty is more urgent
financial ratios, as required by the
than that of returning thanks. With this annual report,
OVERALL SUMMARY covenants of the Corporate
the BMD of Aqualectra pauses to express its gratitude
Bonds, except for the Debt Service
(Amounts in ANG * 1,000) 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023
Total 6 year to #TeamAqualectra. It takes a great team and
Investment Coverage Ratio (‘DSCR’) and the outstanding teamwork to turnaround a company
Area Adjusted Debt Service Coverage like Aqualectra.
Total Power Supply Chain 88,593 47,674 22,126 25,976 22,256 5,850 212,476 Ratio (‘ADSCR’).
Total Water Supply Chain 31,254 24,182 32,858 15,303 13,165 5,168 121,931 Looking back at the challenges We will not let our guards down
Total Client connections capital expense 10,232 6,460 6,050 6,050 6,050 6,050 40,892 The ADSCR has been a challenge we have overcome as a team, during the years to come and we
Total Facilities 7,275 15,850 12,500 - - - 35,425 for Aqualectra, given its capital- and at the results of this teamwork will not cease until Aqualectra has
Total ICT 12,023 4,657 2,877 2,288 2,463 2,363 26,671 intensive operation, worsened by that are substantiated by improved become ‘The Utility of the Future’.
Total annual investments 149,377 98,824 76,412 49,618 43,934 19,431 437,395 the fact that the planning is more financial, operational and We can only hope to continue
ambitious, following a few sober commercial performance, we can to count on the commitment and
Total labor costs 7,187 7,187 7,187 7,187 7,187 7,187 43,119
financial years. only be grateful. We do however support of #TeamAqualectra.
Total annual investments agree with John F. Kennedy when
142,190 91,637 69,225 42,431 36,747 12,244 394,276 The DSCR is challenged in 2018
excl. internal labor cost
he said that we must never forget Willemstad, May 29, 2018
and 2019 by the prepayments of
that the highest appreciation is not
Tariff developments the Corporate Bonds.
to utter words but to live by them. On behalf of the Board of the
We also look forward to conduct a tariff study in 2018. The regulated
With this gratefulness, we also Managing Directors,
environment in which we operate has had a positive influence on the These are extraordinary payments pledge to uphold the successes
Company’s performance and drive towards efficiency. These improvements that impact the DSCR directly, but reaped in the past.
yield benefits which are ultimately transferred to our customers through are duly explained. The DCSR will We pledge our continuous
tariff adjustments, after safeguarding an acceptable rate of return, which recover in 2020 and will remain in commitment to the betterment
is necessary to ensure that we are able to maintain the Company’s asset compliance for the remainder of of our community through the Darick P. Jonis
base and invest in innovation. the FLP period. excellency of Aqualectra. Acting Chief Executive Officer

#AR2017 page 26
Saran Inderson (Supervisory Director) | Richinel Bulbaai (Supervisory Director)
Steven Coutinho (Supervisory Director & Chairman) | Fadila Poese (Secretary
to the Board of Supervisory Director) | Angelo Davelaar (Supervisory Director)

2. Report
of the
Board of
Directors #TeamAqualectra
“Remember, teamwork begins Compliance with
by building trust. And the only the Corporate
way to do that is to overcome
our need for invulnerability.” Governance Code
The Group strives to be compliant with the Corporate Governance Code.

- Patrick Lencioni - The BSD reports an overall 88% compliance to the Code of Corporate
Governance with modest satisfaction. The BSD will maintain its focus on
its own compliance with the governance regulations and will stimulate
the BMD and General Shareholder Meeting (GSM).
The primary task of the Board of Supervisory Directors
(BSD) is to supervise and advise the Board of Managing
Directors (BMD) regarding the implementation of the
policies and strategy as set forth by the Shareholder
(the Legal Entity of Curaçao).
Composition of the Board
of Supervisory Directors
In this role, the BSD is responsible for assessing whether the decisions
taken by the BMD are in compliance with the company’s strategic, societal, Members of the BSD are appointed for a term of four years with a
financial and technical objectives. The BSD also devotes attention during maximum of two terms. On December 31, 2017 the BSD of Integrated
the Board meetings to adherence to all laws and regulations and internal Utility Holding (IUH) N.V. consisted of the following Directors:
procedures by the BMD. 14 meetings were held during 2017 and the topics
discussed and key decisions taken are outlined below: NAME FUNCTION

1 Mr. S. Coutinho (as of September 19, 2017 until 2021) Chairman

Discussion and, where needed, approval of:
2 Mr. A. Davelaar (as of January 19, 2015 until 2019) Director
Projects: 3 Mr. R. Bulbaai (as of September 19, 2017 until 2021) Director
• Approval and progress of various contracts and projects, mainly
4 Mrs. S. Inderson (as of November, 2017 until 2021) Director
those pertaining to ProgResA II (SAP, AMI and the legal merger).
• Approval and progress of various contracts and projects, mainly those
pertaining to ProgResA III (mainly the construction of the new plant In addition to the above-mentioned Directors, the following Directors were
called Dokweg IIB). also members of the BSD during 2017:

Financial matters: NAME FUNCTION

• Approval & discharge Financial Statement 2016
1 Mr. F. Metry (as of May 19, 2017 until August 31, 2017) Chairman
• Approval Budget 2017 & Forward Looking Projections (ultimately
approved in 2018) 2 Mr. D.E. Evertsz (as of September 11, 2013 until 2017)
• Strategic plans and issues
3 Mrs. T.K. Prins (as of March 25, 2013 until 2017) Director
• Quarterly Financial & KPI progress
• Refinancing of the corporate bonds held by the Central Bank of
Curaçao and St. Maarten In accordance with the Code Corporate Governance, all members of the
BSD are independent. The principal appointment/position and all other
Other business: relevant additional positions of each board member have been adequately
• Pension age and the expenses related to the Retirement Stimulation Plan documented and is retained in the BSD handbook.
(protocol signed in 2017)
The BSD held 14 regular meetings in 2017. All members of the BSD frequently
In discussing and approving these matters that the BMD presented to attended the meetings. All the meetings of the BSD and its committees were
the BSD, the roles and responsibilities as bestowed upon the BSD have attended by the secretary who took minutes at each one.
been fulfilled.

#AR2017 page 30
Committees of the Word of
Supervisory Board Appreciation
The BSD had two committees: Over the course of 2017, Aqualectra successfully dealt with significant
The Audit Committee and the Recruitment Committee challenges while simultaneously working on multiple essential investment
projects. Through all of this, Aqualectra remained focused and dedicated
The Audit Committee to its central purpose of contributing to the improvement of quality of life in
According to the Code Corporate Governance an Audit Committee has to Curaçao through the excellent supply of water and electricity, accompanied
be established when the BSD has more than 5 members. by services. In recognition of Aqualectra’s achievements, the BSD would like
The Audit Committee monitors the company’s financial reporting, including to thank the members of the BMD and all Aqualectra employees.
quarterly and annual reports, financing policy, risk management and internal It is our employees’ hard work and dedication, contribution and continuous
control system, internal audit, the independent external audit of the financial commitment that made this possible.
statements and the evaluation of the external auditor. In 2017, the Audit
Committee did not function since the BSD had less than 5 members. Willemstad, July 3, 2018
This committee did meet during 2016.
On behalf of the Board of Supervisory Directors,
The Recruitment Committee
In connection with the recruitment process of the CEO, CTO and CFO,
initiated by the BSD, a Recruitment Committee has been established.
The recruitment process has not been finalized as yet and has been
put on hold shortly after it started. It was retaken by the new BSD and
is currently ongoing.
Mr. Steven Coutinho
Supervisory Director and Chairman of the Board

#AR2017 page 32
#AR2017 page 34
Vince Lombardi once said that what makes a team, a company, a society
and/or a civilization work, is individual commitment to a group effort.
At Aqualectra, the commitment of its more than 600 employees and other
stakeholders was definitely needed to overcome the challenges at hand,
when the company hit rock bottom and had to embark on a turnaround
path. That path was defined in the strategic plan that covered the period
2012 to 2017 and was appropriately called ‘A Refreshing Approach’. 2017
marks the end of that period and Aqualectra looks back with modest pride
to the achieved results.

However, not one single positive result achieved, can be attributed to solely
one individual or one action. It was the commitment of #TeamAqualectra
that made these unprecedented results possible. And when we refer to
#TeamAqualectra, we refer to a team of people, organizations, companies
and institutions that committed themselves to the cause of ensuring that
Curaçao’s only utility company becomes and remains a resilient and viable
company. This Annual Report is our way to say thank you to this army of
committed individuals for their contribution to this group effort.

“None of us is as smart as all of us.”

- Ken Blanchard -

#AR2017 page 36
By the end of 2012, Aqualectra Beside advice, local It is with pride that Aqualectra
reported net losses of ANG 220.6 #FinancialInstitutions supported reports a total equity and reserves
million accumulated during 2010 Aqualectra operationally, ensuring amounting to ANG 313.6 million in
to 2012. Aqualectra’s total Equity and payments from customers and to 2017. That is almost five times as
Reserves hit its lowest point suppliers were processed timely and much as what the Company started
at the end of 2011, reaching only in a secure manner. its 5-year turnaround plan with in
ANG 64.5 million. With a solvency 2012. Aqualectra’s solvency ratio
ratio of only 9% in 2012, One specific institution to be reported at the end of 2017 is 43%
#FinancialInstitutions restrained from recognized is the Central Bank and the A- financial rating awarded
loaning Aqualectra capital, despite of Curaçao and St. Maarten. by Standard & Poor’s in 2016 was
the necessity to invest in capacity Being the main financier of upheld in 2017.
expansion and Management’s efforts Aqualectra since 2009, this
to secure funding. Nevertheless, the institution endured constant Aqualectra is at the verge of
local #FinancialInstitutions never public scrutiny, especially during securing financing to refinance its
stopped providing valuable times of Aqualectra’s financial current debt at a lower rate and
financial advice to prepare the distress. Nevertheless, the Central to fund its Capital Expenditure
Company for financing. Following Bank of Curaçao and St. Maarten plans. We are grateful for the FROM LEFT TO RIGHT: Edwin Bogert (Chief Legal Officer) | Johanneke Schelling (Legal Counsel)
Franklin Sluis (Chief Executive Officer) | Terrence Martes (Junior Policy and Market Regulation Advisor)
amongst other this advice, Aqualectra maintained its trust in Aqualectra’s continuous support of the local
ensured compliance with reporting path to recovery. Aqualectra financial industry and look
requirements, financial ratio’s and in return never defaulted on forward to continue strengthening #Regulator
ultimately pursued and obtained repayments, even when financial the relationship with local and Bureau Telecommunicatie en As a sector expert, BT&P’s We can easily say that the tariff
a financial rating issued in 2016 by ratio’s did not comply with the international #FinancialInstitutions Post (BT&P) is a multi-sectoral information provision, advice as regulation, and the adherence
Standard & Poor’s. covenants agreed upon. in the near future. independent supervisor and well as the development of policies, thereto by the various Governments
#Regulator on behalf of the laws and regulations have been in-charge, has been the foundation
FROM LEFT TO RIGHT: Remco Meulens (Manager Credit, Maduro & Curiel’s Bank) | Jerry van Gijn government of Curaçao of the valuable to Aqualectra’s of Aqualectra’s financial viability.
(Assistant Managing Director Corporate Banking, Maduro & Curiel’s Bank) | Michael de Sola (Managing providers of services and products development over the past years. In this ever-evolving world and
Director, Maduro & Curiel’s Bank) | Timba Engelhardt (Associate Director, CIBC FirstCaribbean Bank) |
Pim van den Burg (Managing Director Corporate & Investment Banking, CIBC FirstCaribbean Bank) | in the Telecommunications, Post, changing industry, the #Regulator’s
Darice Vornis (Manager Business Banking Curaçao, RBC Royal Bank) | Pierrot Hurtado (Country Manager Electricity, Water, Fuel, Bitumen Their subsequent monitoring of role becomes even more eminent
Curaçao & Bonaire and AVP Personal Banking Curaçao, Bonaire, St.Maarten & Saba, RBC Royal Bank)
and Airport related spheres and Aqualectra’s observance of this as many potentially unreliable
activities. regulatory framework ensured that innovations will attempt to penetrate
every single decision taken, was the market while Aqualectra must
BT&P has kept Aqualectra sharp thoroughly evaluated from this maintain its trustworthiness but not
since the start of its regulatory role three-mirrored prism. at any cost.
in the utilities’ industry in 2009.
Their role is threefold, whereas they A robust tariff structure with full fuel We thank BT&P for their tireless
are constantly striving to strike a pass-through, combined with the critical attitude and persistent
fair balance between consumers’ recovery of the fuel under coverage supervision and regulation.
and general public’s interests, as developed before 2012, have been We acknowledge their importance
well as those of the Government the key to Aqualectra’s positive and will continue to do so in
and the regulated companies. financial performance. the future.

“Talent wins games, but teamwork

and intelligence win championships.”
- Michael Jordan -
#AR2017 page 38
Coming to consensus with three different #Unions is not an easy task, but
it was proven not to be impossible, when all the individuals involved are
committed to one goal. Aqualectra’s #Unions have continuously and tirelessly
ensured the employees’ wellbeing, while understanding that there will be
no employee without a company. As Management also acknowledges that
there is no company without employees, the effort to find a golden mean
has always been a priority.

Aqualectra is home to three #Unions, namely Sindikato di Trahadonan

di Kodela (STKo), Sindikato Trahadonan di Korsou (STK) and Sindikato di
Empleadonan den Utilidat (SEU). The negotiations of the various Collective
Labour Agreements and other important matters have not been possible
without numerous meetings, discussions and, at times, even strikes. One can
easily say that the #Unions and Management have been through the good,
the bad and the ugly during the past five years.

However, finding a common ground has been the way forward time after
time, up to the point that joint agreements were reached between Management
and all three #Unions at the end of 2017.

It takes true unity and commitment to reach that point. We are grateful for their
sharpness and unstoppable advocacy of the employees’ wellbeing, for this has
kept a much needed balance, which is easily overlooked in times of distress. #Customers
None of Aqualectra’s achievements And so we did. With scarce financial As the satisfaction of our
over the past few years would resources but with unprecedented #Customers remains our highest
have been possible without our teamwork and continuous focus on priority, we immediately took
#Customers. Although we deeply the final prize. These investments measures to increase capacity with
care about the wellbeing of our ultimately yielded a steep decrease temporary units while ProgResA III
community and #Customers and of electricity tariffs by 23.4%! The was kicked-off, aiming at structural
acknowledge that consistent and average electricity tariff charged in capacity increase in fossil fuel
qualitative supply of water and 2017 was ANG 0.5138. The average plants as well as with a 10 MW
electricity are key to the country’s water tariff charged in 2017 was Photo Voltaic plant.
development, we must recognize that ANG 9.8955, which is a 4% decrease
the past years have not passed compared to where we started The inconvenience caused to our
without challenges in this regard. in 2012. #Customers during the past years
is something that we deeply
One of the main challenges in However, we are not there yet. regret. We are grateful for our
2012 was the Company’s energy Late 2016 Aqualectra confronted #Customers’ indulgence but have
generation capacity and the need various challenges in meeting the pledged to ourselves that their
to invest in expanding it as well Island’s growing energy demand. satisfaction will remain our
as modernizing it. The average Shortages due to the inability of main priority.
electricity tariffs were as high as Independent Power Producers to In the years to come, Aqualectra’s
ANG 0.6710 per kilowatt hour and meet contractual agreements and #Customers will experience an
water was charged at ANG 10.30 per a low wind regime combined with increased reliability of energy
cubic meter. Aqualectra understood an increased demand, exposed supply while the water quality will
that in order to ensure a viable the vulnerabilities in Aqualectra’s continue to be sustained, as well
company, that is flexible enough to supply chains. as an improved #Customer service
also embrace innovation, we had to A high number of brown-outs was with tools that will place them in
invest in our energy generation and reported in 2016 and reliability the driver seats of their
water production facilities. indicators were off-target. own consumption.

#AR2017 page 40
One of Aqualectra’s most important The continuity of services and Wärtsilä for a ‘pay-as-you-go’
business partners, are its #Suppliers. materials supplies from Aqualectra’s agreement to construct this plant.
At any point in time, a large #Suppliers was even more valued We knew it was not going to be
number of suppliers could be when Aqualectra was going through easy, but definitely worth it.
serving Aqualectra either with financial distress. During those times, The results are unprecedented.
services, materials or other supplies. Aqualectra struggled to make ends The main reason for such a
Although all #Suppliers are import- meet which more than once resulted decrease in consumer tariffs was
ant to us, we must point out the in payment defaults. the efficiency of this plant, which
fuel #Suppliers and the #Suppliers allowed a reduction in fuel usage
with which Aqualectra holds Power Looking back, we must recognize of 27%.
Purchase or Water Purchase Wärtsilä’s support. Without their
Agreements. Curoil, NuCapital and trust in Aqualectra’s ability to We are proud to say that our
AquaDesign have been elemental to comply with payment agreements, main #Suppliers never ceased to
Aqualectra. Without their continuous the commissioning of the new believe in the turnaround capacity
supplies, which at their end entail 36 MW plant could not have of Aqualectra, for which we
strong management of resources, been possible. When starting are grateful.
Aqualectra is not able to deliver negotiations for this plant,
the same amount or quality of Aqualectra was unable to secure
water and electricity. financing and looked towards

Yamil Lasten (Managing Director, Curoil Group) | Roy Kolader (Managing Director, NuCuracao
Windparken B.V. I en II)

Having the Country of Curaçao This governance structure is to the customers by means of
as the sole #Shareholder, places regulated by the Code of Corporate substantially lower tariffs.
Aqualectra in a unique position. Governance which was enacted
The #Shareholder is represented by by law since 2009. We are grateful for this support
the Government, being the Council The support of Aqualectra’s and for the increasing awareness
of Ministers. During the past five #Shareholder has been eminent of the Country of Curaçao, as
years, Aqualectra has resorted to Aqualectra’s success. Having well as of the Government and its
under the portfolios of the Prime commissioned a 36 MW plant in representatives about the important
Minister, The Minister of Financial 2015, without having access to capital role Aqualectra plays in the
Affairs and currently the Minister markets, was in part due to a capital development of our community.
of Economic Development. injection from the #Shareholder.
The #Shareholder appoints the Without this injection, the investment The various Governance regulations
Management of the Company would not have been possible. are increasingly being adhered to,
as well as the Board of Consequently, the efficiency gains enabling a resilient Aqualectra, that
Supervisory Directors. could not have been transferred is ready for the future!

#AR2017 page 42
3. Consolidated
#TeamAqualectra Statements
3.1. Consolidated Statement of 3.2. Consolidated Statement of
Financial Position Comprehensive Income
As at Dec 31, 2017 As at Dec 31, 2016 As at Jan 1, 2016 For the year ended For the year ended
(Amounts in ANG * 1,000)
Restated* Restated* (Amounts in ANG * 1,000) Dec 31, 2017 Dec 31, 2016
ASSETS Restated*
Intangible assets 47,575 14,827 3,091 Sales electricity & water 471,031 466,249
Property, Plant and Equipment 586,992 546,563 562,516 Direct costs production (145,073) (115,315)
Other non - current financial assets 34,632 34,063 34,063 Other direct costs of sales (38,235) (32,161)
Deferred tax assets 27,601 14,069 32,272 Services & other income 11,959 13,149
696,800 609,522 631,942 Gross profit 299,682 331,922

Current assets Personnel expenses 125,983 102,760

Inventories 26,650 27,267 21,315 Parts, repairs & maintenance 73,475 63,963
Trade accounts receivable 66,285 65,584 62,774 Customer Relations Service Fees 5,716 5,996
Other receivables 20,597 24,821 26,803 General expenses 27,527 38,240
Cash & cash equivalents 57,608 76,485 59,285 Depreciation expenses 49,909 38,871
171,140 194,157 170,177 Impairment reversal (48,340) -
Provision bad debts 23,997 13,537
Total assets 867,940 803,679 802,119
Total operating expenses 258,267 263,367
Results from operating activities 41,415 68,555
Shareholder’s equity
Share capital 528,000 528,000 528,000 Interest expenses (net) (14,818) (15,445)
Share premium 55,000 55,000 55,000 Net finance costs (14,818) (15,445)
Preferred shares 72,800 72,800 72,800
Profit before income tax 26,597 53,110
Treasury shares (72,800) (72,800) (72,800)
Accumulated losses (300,120) (326,553) (419,896) Income tax 4,084 (10,824)
Profit for the year 30,680 42,286 67,073 PROFIT FOR THE YEAR 30,680 42,286
313,560 298,733 230,177
Other comprehensive gains / (losses)
Non-current liabilities
Actuarial gains / (losses) (25,302) 33,649
Corporate bonds IUH N.V. 213,863 222,954 232,005 Deferred tax related to the components of other
Financial liabilities 6,760 10,631 28,773 9,449 (7,379)
comprehensive results
Customer deposits 24,539 24,806 24,714 Other comprehensive gain / (loss) for the year, net
(15,853) 26,270
Provisions 196,341 141,740 162,354 of income tax
441,503 400,131 447,846 Total comprehensive gain for the year 14,828 68,555
Current liabilities
Trade accounts payable 33,435 45,007 42,830 * C
 ertain amounts shown here do not correspond to the 2016 consolidated financial statements and reflect adjustments made.

Bank overdrafts 850 - 7,172 See Note 4.2

Other liabilities 78,592 59,808 74,094
112,877 104,815 124,096 The accompanying notes form an integral part of these consolidated summary financial statements.

867,940 803,679 802,119

* Certain amounts shown here do not correspond to the 2016 consolidated financial statements and reflect adjustments made.
See Note 4.2

The accompanying notes form an integral part of these consolidated summary financial statements.

#AR2017 page 46
3.3. C
 onsolidated Statement of Changes in 3.4. Consolidated Statement of
Shareholder’s Equity Cash Flows
Total For the year ended For the year ended
Share Share Preferred Treasury Accumulated Profit for
(Amounts in ANG * 1,000) Shareholder’s (Amounts in ANG * 1,000) Dec 31, 2017 Dec 31, 2016
capital premium shares shares losses the year
equity Restated*
Balance at January 1, Cash flow from operating activities
528,000 55,000 72,800 (72,800) (402,146) 67,073 247,927
2016 Profit for the year 30,680 42,286
Restatement adjustment
- - - - (17,750) - (17,750)
(net of tax)* Adjustments for non-cash items:
Balance at January 1, Depreciations on fixed assets & major spare parts 49,909 38,871
528,000 55,000 72,800 72,800 (419,896) 72,800 230,177
2016 (*Restated) Reversal of mpairment loss on property, plant and equipment (48,340) -
Profit for the year as Provision doubtful debts 23,997 13,537
reported in the 2016 - - - - - 51,023 51,023 Disposal of property, plant, equipment (net) 4,091 9,884
financial statement
Change in provision slow moving inventory 5,214 5,592
Restatement adjustment
- - - - - (8,737) (8,737) Change in deferred tax asset (13,533) 18,204
(net of tax) *
Profit for the year Amortization on bond 2,911 2,950
- - - - - 42,286 42,286 Change in provisions 38,749 5,655
Loss for the year 2015 - - - - 67,073 (67,073) - Finance cost 11,907 12,522
Other comprehensive Total adjustments for non-cash items 74,905 107,215
- - - - 26,270 - 26,270
income for the year 2016
Balance at December 31, Change in non-current financial assets (570) -
528,000 55,000 72,800 72,800 (326,553) 42,286 298,733
2016 (*Restated) Change in inventories (4,597) (11,545)
Balance at January 1, Change in trade accounts receivable (14,630) (7,077)
528,000 55,000 72,800 72,800 (326,553) 42,286 298,733
2017 Change customer deposit (267) 92
Profit for the year 2016 - - - - 42,286 (42,286) - Change in other receivables (5,845) (7,288)
Profit for the year 2017 - - - - - 30,680 30,680 Change in trade accounts payable (11,572) 2,177
Other comprehensive
- - - - (15,853) - (15,853) Change in other liabilities (excluding interest paid) 16,785 (6,287)
income for the year 2017
Balance at December 31, Total of operational activities (20,695) (29,928)
528,000 55,000 72,800 72,800 (300,120) 30,680 313,560
Total cash flow from operating activities 84,890 119,573

Cash flow from investing activities

* Certain amounts shown here do not correspond to the 2016 consolidated financial statements and reflect adjustments made.
Acquisition of property, plant, equipment (46,089) (32,801)
See Note 4.2
Investment intangible assets (32,748) (11,736)
Total cash used in investing activities (78,837) (44,537)
The accompanying notes form an integral part of these consolidated summary financial statements.
Cash flow from financing activities
Repayments of loans (14,492) (38,334)
Interest paid (11,288) (12,330)
Total cash flow used in financing activities (25,780) (50,664)

Balance at start of year 76,485 52,113

Increase / (decrease) (19,727) 24,372
Balance at end of year 56,758 76,485

The balance at end of year comprises of:

Cash & cash equivalents 57,608 76,485
Bank overdraft (850) -
Balance at end of year 56,758 76,485
* C
 ertain amounts shown here do not correspond to the 2016 consolidated financial statements and reflect adjustments made.
See Note 4.2

The accompanying notes form an integral part of these consolidated summary financial statements.

#AR2017 page 48
4. Notes to the
Statements #TeamAqualectra
4.1 General
Corporate information shareholder of the Group after the the simplification of various The resolution also mentions that cash flow and have improved the and approval of the tariffs for
Integrated Utility Holding N.V. restructuring of the Netherlands requirements. Another major tariffs for water and electricity may results of the Group. Based on the water and electricity. Furthermore,
(IUH N.V., hereinafter “the Group”) Antilles on October 10, 2010. All 528 change in the new concession be changed as a consequence aforementioned, the BMD sees it was stated that a regulatory
was incorporated on September shares are paid up in full. is the granting to Aqualectra of increases in fuel prices. room for managing and operating body would be instituted, as per
12, 1997 in Willemstad, Curaçao. of a minimum and a maximum Furthermore, it is indicated that the the Company in a responsible March 2009, for the analysis and
The shares of Kompania di Awa Utilities sector in Curaçao production capacity. This granted price increases shall be charged to manner with possibilities for approval of the Group’s requests
i Elektrisidat N.V. (K.A.E.), a water capacity can be applied in direct the consumers. achieving (efficiency) improvements for tariff changes and for the
and electricity production company Concessions form (own production) and indirect through the execution of investment execution of the regulation yet to
and of Kompania di Distribushon The National Ordinance for form (contracted production). The Government did not plans. The combination of these be implemented.
di Elektrisidat i Awa (KODELA), a Electricity concession (“Lands- The amended concession was approve any change of the actions in conjunction with
water and electricity distribution verordening Elektriciteits- issued on June 19, 2014 and water and electricity tariffs in the other measures have enabled In 2009, the Group was notified
company, were transferred into concessies”) states that the formalized on November 6, 2014. subsequent years. Consequently, Management to achieve a sound/ by the Government that BT&P was
IUH N.V. The principal activities building, construction or usage of in 2008 the Board of Managing healthy financial position. appointed as the Regulator.
of the Group are described in equipment for the generation of Tariff structure Directors (BMD) engaged in
the “Profile”. The headquarters of power and for the transmission The tariff structure for water legal proceedings in order to The electricity and water tariff- On November 15, 2010, the
the Group is located at Rector and/or transformation of electricity, and electricity consists of (i) a achieve tariff changes. The Court structure adopted on June 1, 2012 Regulator presented to the Group
Zwijssenstraat 1, Curaçao. in order to deliver this to a third base component and (ii) a fuel ruled, on October 31, 2008, for comprises three components, and other stakeholders a New
party, is restricted to the company component. The base component an interlocutory judgment, giving namely: Policy Paper (“Beleidsnota”)
The objectives of the Group are: to which permission has been is intended to cover all the non- the parties time for a settlement • the fuel component, which concerning the future regulatory
• Investing funds in shares of utility granted by the Government. direct costs for the production, out of court. As a consequence, covers the direct costs (includes structure for electricity supply in
companies which have the goals Furthermore, the ordinance states distribution and supply, while the a resolution was adopted on fuel, chemicals, lubricants and Curaçao.
of producing and distributing that the concession shall be given fuel component must cover the November 17, 2008. purchase of electricity and water
water and electricity; for a maximum period of 30 years fuel costs and other direct costs from third parties); The intended effect of the policy
• managing, controlling and with possibilities for extension. of production and sales. This The aforementioned resolution • the recovery component, which paper is to lower the tariffs,
administering of other companies separation made the application was retracted by the Government covers shortages in the fuel upgrade the services to the
and representing interests of the On July 30, 2012 concessions for of a rate calculation system, that on April 6, 2011. In 2011 and 2012 component which developed customers, provide choices for the
shareholders and financers in / the production and distribution could track changes in fuel costs, there were several developments between January 2011 up to, and clients and increase the reliability
of the Group; of electricity were adopted, possible. with regard to the tariffs. Tariffs including, May 2012; and sustainability of energy. BT&P
• Generating electricity and the granting the Group the certainty of decreased starting April 2011 and • the base cost component, which made amendments to the policy
production of water; production of power for the coming Determination of tariffs direct costs increased starting July covers the operational costs. paper in February 2011 based on
• Distributing electricity and water; 30 years. Management initiated The Ordinance for prices 2011. The Group approached the comments from the BMD and the
• Offering management discussions and negotiations (“Prijzenverordening”) states that the Regulator early in 2012 with the On July 26, 2018, the Council of policy paper is being implemented
consultancy- and engineering with the Regulator, (Bureau authority for the determination and request to reconsider the level of Ministers approved tariff guidelines, and will continue to be
services. Telecommunicatie en Post, BT&P), the adjustment of electricity and the tariffs for water and electricity. which include a Weighted Average implemented in the coming years.
on various restrictions identified water tariffs, lies with the Government As a result, the fuel pass through Cost of Capital (WACC) component
The Group’s authorized capital in complying with requirements. of the Country of Curaçao. principal on a monthly basis was as part of the base component. During 2017, a new Energy policy
amounts to ANG 600 million, On June 9, 2014 the Minister of granted, which has been included The WACC is calculated and was drafted and approved by
consisting of 600 shares at ANG 1 Finance provided Aqualectra with The Executive Council of the Island in the tariff policy as of June 1, stipulated on an annual basis, as the Council of Ministers on May
million par value each. 470 shares a draft of a proposed amended Government of Curaçao adopted 2012 by the Regulator. Furthermore prescribed in the tariff guidelines. 16, 2018. This policy introduces an
were issued to the Island territory concession for the production of in 2002 a resolution in which is the granting and execution of the Energy Bureau concept as policy
of Curaçao on June 1, 1998 with electricity. On June 11, 2014 the stated that as the public entity and recovery of the fuel under coverage Energy policy maker, while BT&P remains with
an additional 58 shares issued on Government adopted a concession as the shareholder of the Group it for 2011 and 2012 was also included In the resolution dated November supervision tasks.
January 31, 2013 to the Government for the production of electricity. is in favor of tariffs that will allow in the tariffs as of August 1, 2012 17, 2008 it is stated that the
of Country Curaçao who became A notable change in this the Company to comply with all with a 12 month recovery period. Government will institute a
the legal successor of the Island concession, compared to its obligations including its capital These actions have lowered, to a regulatory framework as per March
territory of Curaçao and the the previous concession, is investments. certain exten, the pressure on the 1, 2010 for the review, determination

#AR2017 page 52
4.2 Significant IUH N.V. has the following subsidiaries (all are incorporated in Curaçao):
% equity interest

NAME 2017 2016
Aqualectra Production (KAE N.V.) 100% 100%

Aqualectra Distribution (KODELA N.V.) 100% 100%
General Engineering & Utility Services N.V. (GEUS)* 100% 100%
Aqualectra Multi Utility Company N.V. (AMU) 100% 100%
Aqualectra Bottling Co. N.V.** 100% 100%
KUMEPE N.V. 100% 100%
The accounting policies adopted in the preparation * GEUS is a 100% subsidiary of Aqualectra Distribution
of these Consolidated Summary Financial Statements ** Aqualectra Bottling Co N.V. is a 100% subsidiary of AMU
of the Group are set below. These explanatory notes
are an extract of the detailed notes included in the All the above listed entities are hereinafter collectively referred to as
complete set of the Consolidated Financial Statements “the Group”. The Group is responsible for the management of the
and are a fair summary of those from which they have abovementioned companies (with the exception of KUMEPE N.V.).
been derived. During the year 2017 Aqualectra Bottling, GEUS and KUMEPE N.V.
did not engage in any activities.
Basis of preparation An additional statement of financial
The consolidated financial position as at 1 January 2016 is During a General Shareholder’s Meeting in December 2015, it was agreed
statements of the Group, from presented in these consolidated that the legal structure of the IUH N.V. was to be simplified. This implies
which these Consolidated Summary summary financial statements due the liquidation of the subsidiaries Aqualectra Bottling, GEUS and KUMEPE.
Financial Statements have been to a change in accounting policy Also the legal integration of Aqualectra Production and Aqualectra
derived, are prepared in applied retrospectively and due Distribution into a New Company was agreed upon. The new legal
accordance with the International to the retrospective correction of structure will consist of the holding company (IUH N.V.) and 2 subsidiaries.
Financial Reporting Standards errors. See Note 4.2 for the change This process was concluded at the beginning of 2018.
(IFRS) as issued by the International in accounting policy and the
Accounting Standards Board correction of errors.
(IASB). The figures in this report are
presented in Netherlands Antillean Basis of consolidation
guilders and all values are rounded Subsidiaries are all entities
to the nearest thousand (ANG’000), over which the Group has
except when otherwise indicated. the power to govern the
financial and operating policies.
The consolidated summary The following subsidiaries have
financial statements provide been consolidated as of
comparative information in December 31, 2017. All entities
respect to the previous period. In listed below, together with
addition, the Group presents an Integrated Utility Holding N.V.,
additional statement of financial are hereinafter collectively
position at the beginning of the referred to as The Group.
preceding period when there is
a retrospective application of an
accounting policy, a retrospective
restatement, or a reclassification of
items in financial statements.

#AR2017 page 54
Summary of Significant intangible assets with finite lives
is recognized in the statement
identified, an appropriate valuation
model is used. These calculations
income statement unless the asset
is carried at a revaluated amount,

Accounting Policies
of profit or loss in the expense are corroborated by valuation in which case, the reversal is
category that is consistent with the multiples, quoted share prices for treated as a revaluation increase.
function of the intangible assets. publicly traded companies or other
available fair value indicators. d) Financial instruments
a) Property, plant and taking into account the useful life An item of property, plant and Gains or losses resulting from A financial instrument is any
equipment of the most important components. equipment and any significant part derecognition of an intangible The Group bases its impairment contract that gives rise to a
Construction in progress, plant and initially recognized is derecognized asset are measured as the calculation on detailed budgets financial asset of one entity
equipment is stated at cost, net Major spare parts are accounted upon disposal or when no future difference between the net disposal and forecast calculations, which and a financial liability or equity
of accumulated depreciation and for as property, plant and economic benefits are expected proceeds and the carrying amount are prepared separately for each instrument of another entity.
accumulated impairment losses, if equipment when the Group expects from its use or disposal. Any gain of the asset and are recognized in of the Group’s CGU’s to which the
any. Such cost includes the cost to use them during more than one or loss resulting on derecognition the statement of profit or loss when individual assets are allocated. Financial assets and liabilities
of replacing part of the plant period. Similarly, if the spare parts of the asset (calculated as the the asset is derecognized. These budget and forecast are offset and the net amount
and equipment and borrowing can be used only in connection difference between the net disposal calculations generally cover a is presented in the statement of
costs for long-term construction with an item of property, plant and proceeds and the carrying amount c) Impairment of non- period of five years. For longer financial position when, and only
projects if the recognition criteria equipment, they are accounted for of the asset) is included in the financial assets periods, a long-term growth rate when, the Group has a legal right
are met. When significant parts of as property, plant and equipment. income statement when the asset is The Group assesses at each is calculated and applied to to offset the amounts and intends
plant and equipment are required derecognized. The assets’ residual reporting date, whether there is an project future cash flows after the either to settle on a net basis or
to be replaced at intervals, the The cost of work in progress values, useful lives and methods of indication that the asset may be fifth year. to realize the asset and settle the
Group depreciates them separately comprises materials, direct labor depreciation are reviewed at each impaired. If any indication exists, liability simultaneously.
based on their specific useful lives. (Aqualectra Distribution), service financial year end and adjusted or when annual impairment testing Impairment losses of continuing
Likewise, when a major inspection charges and other costs. prospectively, if appropriate. for an asset is required, the Group operations, including impairment Financial assets
is performed, its cost is recognized estimates the asset’s recoverable on inventories, are recognized in The group classifies its financial
in the carrying amount of the plant Depreciation is calculated on b) Intangible assets amount. An asset’s recoverable the income statement in expense assets in the following categories: at
and equipment as a replacement if the straight-line basis over their Licenses amount is the higher of an asset’s categories consistent with the fair value through profit or loss, loans
the recognition criteria are satisfied. estimated useful life, taking into Separately acquired licenses are or cash-generating unit’s (CGU) function of the impaired asset. and receivables, held-to-maturity
All other repair and maintenance account the useful life of the most shown at historical cost. Licenses fair value less costs of disposal investments and available for sale
costs are recognized in profit or important components as follows: have a finite useful life and are and its value in use. Recoverable An assessment is made at each financial assets. The classification
loss as incurred. carried at cost less accumulated amount is determined for an reporting date whether there is depends on the purpose for which
Buildings amortization and accumulated individual asset, unless the asset any indication that previously the financial assets were acquired.
Expenses for the decommissioning 10 to 50 years impairment losses. Amortization is does not generate cash inflows that recognized impairment losses Management determines the
of the Mundu Nobo plant are calculated using the straight-line are largely independent of those may no longer exist or may have classification of its financial assets
included in property, plant and Plant and equipment method to allocate the cost of from other assets or groups of decreased. If such indication exists, at initial recognition. The group only
equipment. These capitalized 5 to 33 years licenses over their estimated useful assets. When the carrying amount the Group estimates the asset’s holds financial assets categorized
expenses are based upon lives. The amortization period and of an asset or CGU exceeds its CGU’s recoverable amount. A as loans and receivables as at
estimations performed by an Distribution network the amortization method for an recoverable amount, the asset is previously recognized impairment December 31, 2017 and at December
independent expert. Since 15 to 40 years intangible asset with a finite useful considered impaired and is written loss is reversed only if there has 31, 2016.
commencement of the demolition life are reviewed at least at the down to its recoverable amount. been a change in the assumptions
activities, the provision has Other assets end of each reporting period. used to determine the asset’s All financial assets are recognized
been adjusted based on more 3 to 50 years In assessing value in use, the recoverable amount since the last initially at fair value plus
accurate information gathered Changes in the expected useful estimated future cash flows are impairment loss was recognized. transaction cost, except in the case
internally regarding the expected Major spare parts are depreciated life or the expected pattern of discounted to their present value The reversal is limited so that the of financial assets recorded at fair
decommission costs. Depreciation in accordance with the category of consumption of future economic using a pre-tax discount rate that carrying amount of the asset does value through profit or loss.
of the capitalized decommission Plant & Equipment. benefits embodied in the asset reflects current market assessments not exceed its recoverable amount,
cost is calculated by the straight- are considered to modify the of the time value of money and not exceed the carrying amount Loans and receivables
line method to write off the cost amortization period or method, as the risks specific to the asset. that would have been determined, Loans and receivables are non-
of each asset, or the recoverable appropriate, and are treated as In determining fair value less net of depreciation, had no derivative financial assets with
amounts, to their residual values changes in accounting estimates. costs of disposal, recent market impairment loss been recognized fixed or determinable payments
over their estimated useful life, The amortization expense on transactions are taken into account. for the asset in prior years. that are not quoted in an active
If no such transactions can be Such reversal is recognized in the market. Loans and receivables

#AR2017 page 56
comprise trade accounts receivable, comprehensive income. When a on substantially different terms, or made. Provisions are determined, decommissioning are reviewed The revenue from Pagatinu
other receivables, cash and financial asset is uncollectible, it is the terms of an existing liability unless otherwise stated, by annually and adjusted as is electricity is accounted for at the
cash equivalents and other non- written off against the allowance are substantially modified, such discounting the expected future deemed appropriate. In the sales moment.
current financial assets. After initial account. Subsequent recoveries an exchange or modification is cash flows at a pre-tax rate that intervening years, the value
measurement, such financial assets of amounts previously written off treated as the derecognition of the reflects current market assessments is increased with accrued i) Changes in accounting
are subsequently measured at are credited in the consolidated original liability and the recognition of the time value of money and interest and any changes in the policies and disclosures
amortized cost using the effective statement of comprehensive income. of a new liability. The difference in the risks specific to the liability. estimated future costs added
interest rate (EIR) method, less the respective carrying amounts The unwinding of the discount is to or deducted from the cost of Valuation of inventory
impairment. The losses resulting Financial liabilities is recognized in the statement of recognized as finance cost. the asset. The Group re-assessed its
from impairment are recognized in Financial liabilities are classified, profit or loss. accounting for inventory with
the statement of profit or loss. at initial recognition, as financial • Onerous contracts • Employee benefits respect to the cost formula applied
liabilities at fair value through profit e) Inventories A provision for onerous Certain employee benefits to non-fuel inventory. The Group
The Group derecognizes a financial or loss, loans and borrowings, Inventories are stated at the lower contracts is recognized when provisions, except for the had previously valued non-fuel
asset when the contractual rights payables, or as derivatives of cost or net realizable value the expected benefits to be provision for vacation leave, are inventory at the lower of cost
to the cash flows from the asset designated as hedging instruments in (the estimated selling price in the derived by the Group from a based on actuarial calculations. and net realizable value, and the
expire, or when it transfers the an effective hedge, as appropriate. ordinary course of business). contract are lower than the For the key actuarial cost incurred in bringing non-fuel
rights to receive the contractual All financial liabilities are recognized The cost is determined by using unavoidable cost of meeting its assumptions please see note inventory to its present location
cash flows on the financial asset in initially at fair value and, in the the weighted average cost. The obligations under the contract. The independent and and condition was based on the
a transaction in which substantially case of loans and borrowings and cost of finished goods and work in The provision is measured at the qualified actuary obtained purchase cost, on a first-in/first-out
all the risks and rewards of payables, net of directly attributable progress comprises cost of direct present value of the lower of sufficient information in order to (FIFO) basis.
ownership of the financial asset transaction costs. materials, direct labor, other direct the expected cost of terminating perform the valuations.
are transferred. Any interest in costs and related production the contract and the expected On 1 January 2017, the Group
transferred financial assets that is The Group’s financial liabilities overheads (based on normal net cost of continuing with the h) Revenue recognition elected to change the method of
created or retained by the Group, include trade and other payables operating capacity) and it excludes contract. Before a provision Revenue represents the income accounting for non-fuel inventory
is recognized as a separate asset and loans and borrowings borrowing costs. The cost of fuel is established, the Group from the supply of goods and from a FIFO cost formula to a
or liability. including bank overdrafts. inventory is determined by using recognizes any impairment loss services relating to the generation, weighted average cost formula,
the first-in, first-out (FIFO) method. on the assets associated with distribution and supply of energy as the Group believes that the
Impairment of financial assets Loans and borrowings that contract. and water, less discounts and weighted average cost formula
carried at amortized cost After initial recognition, interest- f) Cash position transactions within the Group. provides more relevant information
A provision for the impairment of bearing loans and borrowings (includes “Cash and • Provision for the to the users of its financial
financial assets is established when are subsequently measured at cash equivalents” and decommissioning of Mundu Sales are recognized upon statements and is more aligned
there is objective evidence that the amortized cost using the EIR “Bank overdraft”) Nobo delivery of products and customer with practices adopted by its
Group will not be able to collect method. Gains and losses are Cash and cash equivalents are The Group records a provision acceptance, if any or on the competitors. Non-fuel inventory
all amounts due according to recognized in profit or loss when comprised of cash on hand, for decommissioning costs performance of services. The is considered interchangeable
the original terms of the financial the liabilities are derecognized deposits held at call with banks, of the Mundu Nobo plant revenue from respectively the inventory and the weighted
asset. Significant financial difficulties as well as through the EIR other short-term highly liquid which consists of the costs for generation and supply of energy average cost formula is most
of the debtor, probability that amortization process. Amortized investments, and bank overdrafts. the demolition of buildings, on one hand and the production appropriate for such inventory.
the debtor will enter bankruptcy cost is calculated by taking into In the statement of financial civil works and installations, and distribution of water on the
or financial reorganization and account any discount or premium position, bank overdrafts are including the costs of removal other hand is measured on a The Group applied the
default or delinquency in payments on acquisition and fees or costs included in borrowings under the and eventual processing of the monthly basis. The revenue is based weighted average cost formula
are considered indicators that that are an integral part of the EIR. current liabilities. residuals. Decommissioning costs on the customer’s monthly usage retrospectively but due to the
the financial asset is impaired. The EIR amortization is included as are provided at the expected and applicable tariffs. impracticability to determine the
The amount of the provision finance costs in the statement of g) Provisions costs to settle the obligation cumulative effect of the change for
is the difference between the profit or loss. Provisions are recognized when and are recognized as part The usage is based on monthly more than one retrospective, the
asset’s carrying amount and the the Group has a present legal or of the cost of particular asset. meter readings spread over the Group has applied the change in
estimated future cash flows. The The Group derecognizes a financial constructive obligation as a result The unwinding of the discount cycles. The cycles have a 25 to 30 accounting policy to the carrying
carrying amount of the asset liability when its contractual of past events. Furthermore, it is expensed as incurred and days consumption period which amounts of assets and liabilities
is reduced through the use of obligations are discharged, should be probable that an outflow recognized in the consolidated may differ from a monthly calendar. as at the beginning of the earliest
an allowance account and the cancelled or expires. When an of resources will be required to statement of comprehensive Due to the aforementioned, a part period for which retrospective
amount of the loss is recognized existing financial liability is replaced settle the obligation and a reliable income as finance cost. The of the monthly revenue is accrued application is practicable, which is
in the consolidated statement of by another from the same lender estimate of the amount can be estimated future costs of and reported as still to be invoiced. the 31 December 2016 period.

#AR2017 page 58
The change in cost formula also had an impact on the provision for Impact on statement of profit or loss (increase/decrease) in profit)
obsolete inventory, which is also reflected in the restatement adjustment.
(Amounts in ANG * 1,000) Dec 31, 2016

The affected financial statement line items for the prior periods are Personnel expenses (549)
as follows: Income tax expense -

Net impact on profit for the year (549)

Impact on equity (increase/decrease in equity)
The change had an impact of ANG 1.1 million on OCI for the period but had
(Amounts in ANG * 1,000) Dec 31, 2016
no impact on the Group’s operating, investing and financing cash flows.
Inventory 4,166
Total assets 4,166 AOV/BZV compensation provision

Net impact on equity 4,166 The AOV/BVZ compensation provision was established to compensate
employees who chose to retire at the age of 60 up to and including 2023,
to bridge the gap caused by:
Impact on statement of profit or loss (increase/decrease) in profit) > The employee not being eligible yet for the general pension grant
(Amounts in ANG * 1,000) Dec 31, 2016 (AOV);
> The difference in social security premiums which are lawfully lower when
General expenses 4,166 reaching age 65;
Net impact on profit for the year 4,166 > Any tax consequences the above may cause.
It has always been the intention to mimic the income of the pensioners
The change did not have an impact on OCI for the period or on the when they reach 60 years of age, during a bridge period of 5 years until
Group’s operating, investing and financing cash flows. they reach 65 years of age, but initial calculations erroneously omitted the
tax consequences of this compensation.
j) Correction of error This led to an understatement of the provision.

Provision pension obligation The error has been corrected by restating each of the affected financial
The Group was informed in 2017 by Vidanova, the custodian of the pension statement line items for the prior periods, as follows:
fund, that the value of the plan assets as previously reported by Vidanova
was overstated. As a consequence, the provision for pension obligation was Impact on equity (increase/decrease) in equity)
(Amounts in ANG * 1,000) Dec 31, 2016 Jan 1, 2016

The error has been corrected by restating each of the affected financial Provisions 8,483 1,157
statement line items for the prior periods, as follows: Total liabilities 8,483 1,157

Net impact on equity (8,483) (1,157)

Impact on equity (increase/decrease) in equity)

(Amounts in ANG * 1,000) Dec 31, 2016 Jan 1, 2016

Impact on statement of profit or loss (increase/decrease) in profit)
Provisions 1,602 16,593
(Amounts in ANG * 1,000) Dec 31, 2016
Total liabilities 1,602 16,593

Net impact on equity (1,602) (16,593) Personnel expenses (8,215)

Income tax expense 1,807

Net impact on profit for the year (6,408)

The change had an impact of ANG 267,000 on OCI for the period but had
no impact on the Group’s operating, investing and financing cash flows.

#AR2017 page 60
Major spare parts
In 2017, the Group conducted a detailed review of the accounting policy
with regard to major spare parts and concluded that it was not applying
the recognition criteria correctly. Additionally, a materiality threshold was
introduced for practical reasons. The Group concluded that major spare
was overstated.

The error has been corrected by restating each of the affected financial
statement line items for the prior periods, as follows:

Impact on equity (increase/decrease) in equity)

(Amounts in ANG * 1,000) Dec 31, 2016

Property, plant & equipment (3,699)

Inventory (438)
Total assets (4,137)

Net impact on equity (4,137)

Impact on statement of profit or loss (increase/decrease) in profit)

(Amounts in ANG * 1,000) Dec 31, 2016

General expenses (10,321)

Depreciation expense 6,184

Net impact on profit for the year (4,137)

The change did not have an impact on OCI for the period or on the
Group’s operating, investing and financing cash flows.

“The strength of the team is

each individual member.
The strength of each member
is the team.”
- Phil Jackson -

#AR2017 page 62
4.3 Interest rate risk
The interest rate risk of the Group can be defined as the risk of incurring

Financial Risk
extra interest costs due to adverse movements of the interest rate of non-
fixed interest bearing loans of the Group. In managing interest rate risk,

Management monitors developments

in the Group’s loan rates and keeps abreast of interest rates both locally
and internationally. The Group has long term and short term loans payable
The Group’s activities expose it to a variety of financial with fixed interest rates. The corporate bonds have a floating rate that is
risks: market risks (including the effects of foreign ex- capped at 6% with a minimum of 4%. But based on
change risk, interest rate risk and tariff risk), credit risk
and liquidity risk. The Group’s overall risk management current developments, it is expected that the interest rate will remain at 4%.
is aimed at minimizing the potential adverse effects of As the loan portfolio consists of loans with a fixed interest rate, the effects
these risks on the financial performance of the Group. of developments in interest rates have no impact on the Group.

The Board of Supervisory Directors (BSD) has overall responsibility for the Tariff risk
establishment and oversight of the Group’s risk management framework. The Group is exposed to the volatility of international fuel-price developments,
During 2017 the Risk Management Committee did not engage in risk which influences the direct cost component of the electricity and water tariffs
monitoring activities through the Risk Committee but discussed risk matters to consumers. The chart below shows the development in average fuel price
in the general setting. throughout the year 2017 and 2016.

Market risk Realized 2017 Realized, 2016 Variance % Variance

The market risk consists of the foreign exchange risk, interest rate risk and AVG FUEL PRICES PER UNIT in ANG
Fuel usage GO - MN 782 633 149 24%
tariff risk.
Fuel usage MFO - DW 587 420 167 40%
Fuel usage IFO DPP ISLA 567 385 182 47%
Foreign exchange risk
Fuel usage MDO - DW & KNPL 788 559 229 41%
Foreign exchange risk is the probability of loss occurring from an adverse
Fuel usage MDO - DPP ISLA 798 704 94 13%
movement in foreign exchange rates.
FUEL USAGE Quantity in ton/m³
The Group is exposed to foreign exchange risk resulting from purchasing Fuel usage GO - MN m³ 38,568 42,906 (4,338) -10%
Fuel usage MFO - DW ton 79,960 88,560 (8,600) -10%
parts, services and supplies from foreign suppliers. These foreign transactions
Fuel usage IFO DPP ISLA ton 28,061 29,752 (1,691) -6%
are mainly invoiced in United States Dollars (USD) and/-or EUROS (EUR).
Fuel usage MDO - DW & KNPL m³ 14,721 5,104 9,617 188%
Fuel usage MDO - DPP ISLA m³ 802 558 244 44%
The Group’s policy is to regularly review the significant risks resulting from
foreign exchange rate exposure and when appropriate, to hedge significant FUEL USAGE ANG (*1000)
foreign currency transactions at the point the commitment is entered into, Fuel usage GO - MN 30,153 27,141 3,012 11%
by purchasing the foreign currency and / or limiting the period Fuel usage MFO - DW 46,933 37,174 9,759 26%
that commitments in foreign exchange rates are exposed to foreign Fuel usage IFO DPP ISLA 15,899 11,453 4,446 39%
Fuel usage MDO - DW & KNPL 11,600 2,852 8,748 307%
exchange risk. Cash flow constraints combined with the immateriality of
Fuel usage MDO - DPP ISLA 640 393 247 63%
foreign exchange risk per transaction, led to Management’s decision to
put the aforementioned policies on hold during 2017 and 2016. Total fuel usage in ANG 105,225 79,013 26,212 33%

#AR2017 page 64
Since June 1, 2012, as described in note 5.1, the electricity and water rates 2. Base component related: all expenses related to the base component
charged to customers consist of: should be covered, Management monitors these developments. The chart
• A fuel component which is intended to cover fuel expenses, expenses below shows the developments throughout the reported period.
for purchasing water and electricity from external sources, expenses for
chemicals and lubricants, expenses for electricity used for water production
and expenses related to non-revenue electricity and water (NRE & NRW). COVERAGE CALCULATION BASE COMPONENT
• A base component which is intended to cover all expenses which are not
related to the fuel component.
Dec 31, Dec 31,
• A recovery component which is a temporary component. The fuel
(ANG * 1,000) 2017 2016
component was introduced as per June 1, 2012 but is deemed tohave started
Coverage calculations base component
retrospectively on January 1, 2011. All shortfalls in the fuel component due to
Coverage base component E 219,099 228,280
the late implementation are charged via the recovery component.
Coverage base component W 86,408 86,087
Total coverage base component 305,507 314,367
The change in the tariff structure has introduced risks which Management
categorizes and manages as follows: Realized base Expenses
Reduction of expenses in base component
(20,869) (17,243)
due to miscellaneous sales
1. Fuel- and recovery component related: all expenses related to the fuel
Other direct cost of sales 14,024 12,771
component should be covered and if not these will be recovered via the recovery Personnel costs 125,983 102,760
component. Management monitors these expenses and their coverage on a Parts, repair and maintenance 73,475 63,963
monthly basis and also monitors developments in the recovery component. Hired services 5,716 5,996
The table below shows the developments throughout the reported period. General expenses 26,011 38,240
Depreciations 49,909 38,871
From the table below, Management concludes that ANG 28.3 million is to Provision bad debt 23,997 13,537
be covered by the recovery component. Management also noted that under Interest expense 14,818 15,445
coverage continued to develop in the fuel component throughout 2017. Income tax credit (4,084) 10,824
Total realized base expenses 308,980 285,164
COVERAGE CALCULATION FUEL AND RECOVERY COMPONENT (Under)/over overage on base component (3,473) 29,203
Dec 31, Dec 31,
(ANG * 1,000) 2017 2016

Coverage calculations fuel component

From the table above Management concludes that in 2017 there is an
Coverage fuel component E 128,349 108,919
under-coverage in the base component of ANG 3.5 million. Note that the
Coverage fuel component W 20,760 16,172
Total coverage fuel component 149,109 125,091 impairment reversal of ANG 48.3 million has not been included in the
calculation of the base component coverage. The under-coverage in 2017 is
Expenses in the fuel component E & W (169,292) (134,732)
a result of the increase in personnel expenses stemming primarily from the
Interest expenses CUROIL - -
provision retirement stimulation of ANG 34.5 million recorded for the first
Total realized expenses in the fuel
(169,292) (134,732) time in 2017. Discussions with the Regulator are ongoing to find a structural
component E & W
approach to achieve full coverage of the expenses pertaining to the base
Under-coverage developed during the
(20,183) (9,641) component.
reporting period

Recovery component E - 11,895

Credit risk
Recovery component W - 1,847
For the Group, credit risk is the risk as a consequence of the uncertainly in a
Recovered during the reporing period - 13,742
counterparty’s (customers, etc.) ability to meet its obligations leading to the
Coverage / (under-coverage) developed possibility of a loss incurred by the Group due to the financial failure by the
during the reporting period (net of (20,183) 4,101
Recovery) counterparty.

Outstanding undercoverage per the end of the period

Credit risk within the Group mainly appears when billing customers for the
Beginning balance (excluding regulatory
(8,110) (12,211) delivery of electricity and water and of other types of services rendered by
account dec 2010)
Coverage / (under-coverage) developed the Group. Significant financial difficulties of customers (e.g. the probability
(20,183) 4,101
during the reporting period (net of Recovery) that the customer will enter bankruptcy or financial reorganization) and or
Total Balance of Prefinancing (28,293) (8,110) default payments are considered credit risk indicators.

#AR2017 page 66
Credit risk losses result in a provision being created for uncollectible The maximum exposure and categorization of the assets which are exposed
amounts, which is based upon previously established collection patterns to credit risk are set out in the table below.
and historical analyses.
Dec 31, 2017
The Group aims at mitigating this credit risk by using reputable financial Trade Other
institutions for investing and cash handling purposes. As per December 31, receivables receivables
2017 the Group has cash balances placed at 8 reputable banking institutions Neither past due nor impaired 44,171 4,546
Past due but not impaired 37,203 16,051
Individually impaired 88,310 41,003
Gross 169,684 61,600
The credit risk management within the Group entails:
• Assessment of the credit quality of retail customers by the Customer Less Allowance (88,310) (41,003)
Relations Department, taking into account the past experiences with Net receivables 81,374 20,597
the customer, the customer’s financial position and other factors; Customer deposits (24,539) -
• Collection procedures for outstanding invoices to customers; Receivables net of customer deposits 56,835 20,597
• Revenue protection program (e.g. discontinuation of the delivery of
electricity and water or replacement of an electricity meter with a
Pagatinu meter).
Dec 31, 2016
The table below shows a breakdown of accounts receivable and other Trade Other
receivables receivables
receivables as at reporting date.
Neither past due nor impaired 32,822 7,146
Past due but not impaired 32,762 16,350
Dec 31, 2017 Dec 31, 2016 Individually impaired 75,509 30,933
Trade Other Trade Other Gross 141,093 54,429
receivables receivables receivables receivables
Less Allowance (75,509) (30,933)
Industrial & large commercial 36,206 6,912 29,474 6,304
Net receivables 65,584 23,496
Commercial 15,432 10,772 13,344 13,960
Households 46,329 27,042 38,159 17,338 Customer deposits (24,806) -
Government 6,833 5,078 6,016 5,721 Receivables net of customer deposits 40,778 23,496
Standing orders 2,071 - 1,741 -
New accounts 77 - 55 -
Inactive 40,163 - 37,500 -
The aging of the trade receivables, other receivables and receivables from
Other 149 11,796 698 11,106
related parties that are past due but not impaired, is as follows:
Balance of receivables 147,260 61,600 126,987 54,429

Clients' payments in transit (7,755) - (987) -

Billing cycle to be invoiced 15,090 - 15,093 - Dec 31, 2017
Gross receivables 154,595 61,600 141,093 54,429 Trade Other
receivables receivables
Less allowance for doubtful debts (88,310) (41,003) (75,509) (30,933)
Past due up to 60 days (15,130) -
Net receivables 66,285 20,597 65,584 23,496
Past due more than 60 days 37,244 16,051
Less customer deposits (24,539) - (24,806) - 22,114 16,051
Receivables net of customer deposits 41,746 20,597 40,778 23,496
Dec 31, 2016
Trade Other
A high risk group within the trade accounts receivable is the inactive group. receivables receivables
These clients have closed their accounts and the Group has procedures in Past due up to 60 days 2,571 -
place to avoid these customers from reopening the account elsewhere or Past due more than 60 days 30,191 16,350
under another name. Inactive accounts are 100% provided for. 32,762 16,350

#AR2017 page 68
Liquidity risk Capital management
Liquidity risk is defined as the risk that the Group will encounter difficulties in The Group’s objectives when managing capital are to safeguard the Group’s
raising funds to timely meet its commitments. ability to continue as a going concern in order to provide returns for
shareholders and benefits for other stakeholders and to maintain an
Management applies prudent centralized liquidity management which implies optimal capital structure to effectively manage the cost of capital.
a cash flow matching approach in which projected cash inflows are matched Capital risk is the risk that the Group loses its value as a result of which
against outflows. The Group’s aim is to maintain sufficient cash and lines of financiers (shareholders, lenders, etc.) may lose all or part of the principal
credit to be able to comply with its obligations. In this, Management takes the amount invested in the Group.
necessary measures to adapt either cash inflows or cash outflows. In broad
terms, Management uses long-range projections for a maximum of five years,

“Coming together is a beginning.

which has been approved by the Group’s BSD. The Group updates the cash
flow planning for a period of 12 months, on a weekly basis and uses this cash

Keeping together is progress.

flow planning for control purposes.
With adequate and timely tariff adjustments and a prudent reduction in

Working together is success.”

operating expenses, the company is expected to continue turning profit,
contributing to a positive operating cash flow. Based on the approved 2017
budget and forward looking projection, the cash flow generated from

- Henry Ford -
operations together with third party financing, will guarantee the realization
of the necessary investments included in the budget.

The liquidity status as per December 31, 2017 and as per December 31, 2016
is shown below: The following chart shows the ratio’s used by Management in monitoring
and measuring the development in capital and reserves:
Liquidity status
Dec 31, Dec 31,
Ratios and financial covenants
(Amounts in ANG * 1,000) 2017 2016 Dec 31, Dec 31,
(Amounts in ANG * 1,000) Target 2017 2016
Funds encumbered > 5 years - -
Funds encumbered 1 < years < 5 1,375 4,373 Debt service coverage ratio (DSCR) >1.45 3.12 2.00
Available cash & cash equivalents at banks 56,233 72,112 Adjusted debt service coverage ratio
>1.15 1.19 1.26
Total credit facilities 57,608 76,485 (ADSCR)

Debt/EBITDA ratio (D/E) <8.5 2.42 2.17

Prudent liquidity risk management implies maintaining sufficient cash and
the availability of funding through an adequate amount of committed credit Current ratio (CR) >1.00 1.81 1.81
facilities. The following table analyzes the Group’s financial liabilities, being
Solvency ratio (SR) >30.00% 42.51% 37.17%
its long term loans, other non-current liabilities and current liabilities, into rel-
evant maturity groupings based on the remaining period at reporting date As per the period ending December 31, 2017 the Group is in compliance with
to the contractual maturity date. The long term loans and other non-current financial covenants as described in the offering circular of tranche 1a bonds.
liabilities amounts include the interest expenses for the remaining period at
reporting date.

All amounts are the undiscounted cash flows:

Long term loans and other non-current liabilities

Dec 31, 2017 Dec 31, 2016

>1 and >1 and
(Amounts in ANG * 1,000) <1 year >5 years <1 year >5 years
<5 years <5 years
Corporate bonds 22,588 85,511 276,479 23,075 87,458 297,120
Loan Isla Dieselcentrale 2,537 2,535 - 2,537 5,072 -
Loan MJP 7,124 7,396 - 7,124 7,396 -
9,661 9,931 - 9,661 12,468 -

#AR2017 page 70
4.4 Explanatory notes
to the Consolidated
Statement of Financial
Intangible Assets
The schedule below reflects the acquisitions of intangible assets during
the period:
Dec 31, Dec 31,
(ANG * 1,000) 2017 2016

Intangible assets
Balance at beginning of year 14,827 3,091
Additions during the period 32,748 11,736
Balance at end of year 47,575 14,827

In March 2012, a Professional Service Agreement was signed with SAP Puerto
Rico GMBH LLC. (SAP) for the implementation of a new enterprise resource
planning (ERP) system.

Additional investments of ANG 32.7 million were made in 2017.

The new ERP system was implemented at the start of 2018 at which point
amortization will commence.

#AR2017 page 72
Property, Plant
and Equipment
Below is an overview of the property, plant and equipment as per December 31, 2017 and as per December 31, 2016:

Impair- Disposals
Accum. Book Reclass/ ment Depre- accum. Reclass/ Impairment Accum. Book
Cost depr. value Additions Disposals Transfers adjust Adjustment ciation depr. Transfers adjust Adjustment Cost depr. value
(Amounts in ANG * 1,000) 1-Jan-17 1-Jan-17 1-Jan-17 2017 2017 2017 2017 2017 2017 2017 2017 2017 2017 31-Dec-17 31-Dec-17 31-Dec-17
Land & buildings 104,432 48,353 56,079 - (4,792) - - - (4,262) 4,784 - - - 99,640 47,831 51,808
Plant/Equipment 283,061 127,369 155,692 - (3,362) 1,332 - 24,700 (13,655) (1,009) - - (19,061) 305,731 161,094 144,636
Major spare parts 10,447 7,125 3,322 - (1,678) - - - 590 - - - - 8,768 6,534 2,234
Other assets 30,255 29,447 808 761 (17,866) - - - (234) 17,866 - (5) - 13,151 11,821 1,330
Work in progress 107 - 107 7,189 - (1,332) - - - - - - - 5,964 - 5,964
Total Production 428,302 212,294 216,008 7,950 (27,700) - - 24,700 (17,561) 21,641 - (5) (19,061) 433,254 227,280 205,972

Land & buildings 57,042 28,915 28,127 - - - (32,418) - (825) - 15,706 - - 24,624 14,034 10,589
Distribution network 755,866 493,969 261,897 (1,405) (72,040) 8,475 32,418 92,000 (31,689) 74,008 (15,706) - (49,298) 815,314 516,654 298,660
Other assets 64,552 64,575 (23) 452 (45,105) 2,451 - - 166 45,105 - - - 22,349 19,304 3,045
Work in progress 40,554 - 40,554 60,803 - (32,632) - - - - - - - 68,725 - 68,725
Total Distribution 918,014 587,459 330,555 59,850 (117,145) (21,706) - 92,000 (32,348) 119,113 - - (49,298) 931,012 549,992 381,020

Total 1,346,316 799,753 546,563 67,800 (144,845) (21,706) - 116,700 (49,909) 140,754 - (5) (68,359) 1,364,266 777,273 586,992

Accum. Book Reclass/ Disposals Reclass/

Cost depr. value Additions Disposals Transfers adjust Depreciation accum. depr. adjust Cost Accum. depr. Book value
(Amounts in ANG * 1,000) 1-Jan-16 1-Jan-16 1-Jan-16 2016 2016 2016 2016 2016 2016 2016 31-Dec-16 31-Dec-16 31-Dec-16
Land & buildings 47,739 29,412 18,327 397 - - 56,296 (4,337) - (14,604) 104,432 48,353 56,079
Plant/Equipment 351,745 139,835 211,910 - (13,601) 1,213 (56,296) (15,739) 13,601 14,604 283,061 127,369 155,692
Major spare parts 17,685 12,200 5,485 2,644 (9,882) - - 5,075 - - 10,447 7,125 3,322
Other assets 36,223 35,855 368 603 (6,571) - - (163) 6,571 - 30,255 29,447 808
Work in progress 2,570 - 2,570 863 - (3,326) - - - - 107 - 107
Total Production 455,962 217,302 238,660 4,507 (30,054) (2,113) - (15,164) 20,172 - 428,302 212,294 216,008

Land & buildings 56,939 27,731 29,208 - - 105 (2) (1,184) - - 57,042 28,915 28,127
Distribution network 755,785 480,534 275,251 (985) (7,620) 9,042 (356) (21,055) 7,620 - 755,866 493,969 261,897
Other assets 63,498 63,106 392 176 - 878 - (1,469) - - 64,552 64,575 (23)
Work in progress 19,008 - 19,008 39,752 - (18,992) 786 - - - 40,554 - 40,554
Total Distribution 895,230 571,371 323,859 38,943 (7,620) (8,967) 428 (23,708) 7,620 - 918,014 587,459 330,555

Total 1,351,192 788,673 562,519 43,450 (37,674) (11,080) 428 (38,872) 27,792 - 1,346,316 799,753 546,563

#AR2017 page 74
Impairment reversal
In 2017, the carrying value of an impairment originally recorded in 2001
was reversed. The net impact of the reversal was ANG 48.3 million, which
is recorded in the statement of comprehensive income. A value-use
calculation was performed using the approved 2018 budget which includes
a 5 year forward looking projection. The enterprise value exceeds the
carrying value by ANG 172.8 million providing sufficient room to reverse the
impairment. Other key assumptions applied in the value in use calculation
include a discount rate of 7.2% and perpetual growth of 1%.

Trade Accounts Receivable

The composition of trade accounts receivable as per December 31, 2017 and
as per December 31, 2016 is as follows:
Dec 31, Dec 31,
(Amounts in ANG * 1,000) 2017 2016

Government institutions 6,833 6,016

A summary of provision for slow movers as per December 31, 2017 and
Business & industrial customers 51,638 42,818
December 31, 2016 is provided below:
Households 46,329 38,159
Inactive 40,163 37,500 Dec 31, Dec 31,
Billing cycle to be invoiced 15,090 15,093 (Amounts in ANG * 1,000) 2017 2016
Standing orders 2,071 1,741
Balance at beginning of the year (19,592) (14,000)
Client's payment in transit (7,755) (987)
Additions (5,214) (6,080)
Other 226 753
Utilizied - 488
154,595 141,093
Balance at the end of the year (24,806) (19,592)
Provision for bad debts (88,310) (75,509)
(88,310) (75,509)

Total trade accounts receivable 66,285 65,584 Provisions

The provisions as per December 31, 2017 and as per December 31, 2016 can
Trade debtors are valued at the actual billing amounts for electricity and be divided in the following categories: Dec 31, Dec 31,
water. A provision has been created for doubtful debts as shown below. (Amounts in ANG * 1,000) 2017 2016

Provisions employee benefits 190,041 134,053

Dec 31, Dec 31,
Other provisions 6,300 7,687
(Amounts in ANG * 1,000) 2017 2016
Total provisions 196,341 141,740
Balance at beginning of the year (75,509) (71,864)
Additions during the year (13,929) (4,267)
Released during the year 1,127 622 ‘Other provisions’ consists of the provision for the decommissioning of the
Balance at end of the year 88,310 (75,509) Mundu Nobo Plant. The Island Government has identified the South coast
as an area for tourism development for the Island, and in supporting
Inventories these efforts Management has subsequently created a provision for the
A summary of inventories as per December 31, 2017 and December 31, 2016 decommissioning of the Mundu Nobo plant. Over the years, an independent
is provided below: valuation expert was engaged for estimating the costs of decommissioning
(most recent year was 2011). The provision was estimated at ANG 17.0 million.
Dec 31, Dec 31, This provision has been reduced by actual demolition costs incurred since
(Amounts in ANG * 1,000) 2017 2016
in 2013 and by a change in the valuation of the provision.
Materials and spare parts (net) 17,730 20,754
Fuel and lubricants 8,315 6,050 The provision does not take into account possible proceeds from the sale
Water in reservoirs 605 463 of the dismantled equipment on the scrap market as the residual value
Total inventories 26,650 27,267 cannot yet be determined reliably.

#AR2017 page 76
The provision for employee benefits as per December 31, 2017 and as per Other liabilities
December 31, 2016 is specified below: A summary of the main items payable as per December 31, 2017 and as
per December 31, 2016 are specified below:
Dec 31, Dec 31,
(Amounts in ANG * 1,000) 2017 2016 Dec 31, Dec 31,
(Amounts in ANG * 1,000) 2017 2016
Provision medical costs retired employees 8,234 7,854
Provision supplementary pension APC (DT) 11,154 11,231 Accrued expenses 27,617 16,698
Provision early retirement benefit (VUT) 1,596 3,766 Current maturity long term loans 24,199 22,818
Provision anniversay bonus 15,549 15,146 Payable to Wartsila 7,093 81
Provision pension obligations 89,159 64,443 Other payables foreign countries 6,210 2,675
Provision AOV/BVZ compensation 26,461 27,855 Social securities 3,527 3,355
Provision vacation leave 3,869 3,758 MJP projects 3,098 3,094
Provision retirement stimulation plan 34,019 - Accrued interest 2,201 1,583
Total provisions 190,041 134,053 Early retirement benefit obligations (VUT) 2,086 2,050
Selikor 1,633 4,905
Miscellaneous 928 2,206
Corporate Bonds IUH N.V. Services public lighting - 343
On December 28, 2009 the Group issued through the Central Bank of Total Other liabilities 78,592 59,808
Curaçao and St. Maarten the tranche 1a of the Aqualectra Corporate Bonds
with a nominal amount of ANG 300,045,000 and a coupon rate of 4%.
The purpose of the issue of the first tranche was to refinance the existing
loans and liabilities. The actual realized net result on this issue amounts
ANG 238,894,162. The difference was the discount incurred on the bonds as
the interest rate on the market was higher than the rate the Group wanted
“If everyone is moving
to pay. Quarterly redemption began on March 15, 2015.
forward together, then success
takes care of itself.”
Dec 31, Dec 31,
(Amounts in ANG * 1,000) 2017 2016

Corporate bonds 264,040 276,042

Current maturity
Amortized discount on bonds
(41,086) - Henry Ford -
Net value Corporate bonds 213,863 222,954

The discount is amortized by means of the effective interest method over a

period of 35 years. The yearly amortization is presented as a part of the
interest expenses in the statement of comprehensive income. The movement
in the discount on bonds is as follows:
Dec 31, Dec 31,
(Amounts in ANG * 1,000) 2017 2016

Non-current liability
Amortized discount on bonds beginning
41,086 44,036
of the year
Amortization current period (2,911) (2,950)
Amortized discount on bonds end of the year 38,175 41,086

#AR2017 page 78
4.5 Explanatory Direct costs production
Direct costs production are specified below:

notes to the (Amounts in ANG * 1,000)

Dec 31,
Dec 31,

Consolidated Fuel usage


Statement of
Lubrication 3,523 3,594
Purchase of water & electricity 18,272 16,378
IUH DPP element 8,379 8,171

IUH Fuel element 4,221 4,191
IUH Extension element 57 13

Temporary Diesel Power Plant 1,359 369
Total direct costs production 145,073 115,315

Direct costs of production includes an amount of ANG 12,657,000 (2016:

Sales Electricity and Water ANG 12,375,000) being the DPP, fuel and extension component of the IUH
N.V. agreement between the Group, Refineria ISLA and RdK N.V. According
The total revenues are presented net of intercompany to this agreement a total fee of USD 12,000,000 has to be paid on a yearly
sales. Sales to connections with Aqualectra Distribution basis until the year 2019. Since 2011 the extension element is being paid
(own usage) have been deducted from total sales but by RdK, as result of the transfer of the CUC shares to RdK.
remain relevant for regulation and tariff setting purposes. The amount mentioned increases yearly with the consumer index.
Calculating average tariffs without taking the own usage This agreement covers the construction costs of a Diesel Power Plant and
into account, would taint the outcome significantly. consists of a fuel and an extension component.

Since June of 2012 the Regulator The Group keeps track of the The lease expenses for the desalination plant, the temporary diesel power
adopted the tariff-structure of fluctuations and, when necessary, plant and the wind park, are reported as part of the direct costs production.
electricity and water to consumers the fuel component is adjusted in
comprising three components, the tariffs to make the sales work Salaries, social securities and other personnel expenses
namely: budget neutral to the actual fuel Salaries, social securities and other personnel expenses are specified below:
• the fuel component, which costs.
covers the direct costs (includes
Dec 31, Dec 31,
fuel, chemicals, lubricants and Unaccounted usage for water
(Amounts in ANG * 1,000) 2017 2016
purchase of electricity and distribution at the end of 2017 is
water from third parties); 23.70% (2016: 23.10%). This is an Salaries 53,379 48,627
Overtime 5,462 4,266
• the base component, which increase of 0.6 percentage points
Social securities 24,942 30,584
covers the operational costs compared to 2016. Unaccounted
Other personnel expenses 6,771 6,194
and finance costs; usage for electricity distribution
Other (post) employment benefits (net) 35,429 13,089
• the recovery component, which at the end of 2017 is 11.58%
Total salaries, social securities and
covers shortages in the fuel (2016: 12.27%). 125,983 102,760
other personnel expenses
component which developed in
years after 2011. During 2017 the unaccounted
usage decreased with 0.69
Aqualectra Aqualectra Integrated Utility
The fuel component can change as percentage point. Management Labor force Production Distribution Holding N.V. Total
a result of fluctuations in the price is working together with the 12/31/2016 257 373 3 633
of Curoil’s and PDVSA/ Refineria Regulator on measures to 12/31/2017 244 361 3 608
ISLA‘s fuel products. manage unaccounted usage. Net Decrease (13) (12) - (25)

#AR2017 page 80
Parts, repairs and maintenance General expenses
Parts, repair and maintenance expenses are expenses made for parts and General expenses are specified below:
for hired services for the operation and maintenance of the electricity and Dec 31, Dec 31,
water production units, electricity and water distribution network and other (Amounts in ANG * 1,000) 2017 2016
assets of Aqualectra Production and Aqualectra Distribution. General expenses
Housing and car fleet 5,829 7,121
Dec 31, Dec 31, Office expenses 2,754 2,502
(Amounts in ANG * 1,000) 2017 2016 Insurance and security 5,226 5,336
Electricity production units 34,712 31,166 Consultancy 5,438 4,117
Water production units 6,685 2,801 Communications and public relations 2,838 2,898
Other production assets and facilities 7,254 10,191 Regulation and compliance fees 2,763 1,250
Electricity distribution network 13,739 11,211 Other expenses 2,515 14,697
Water distribution network 8,445 6,248 Supervision expenses 164 318
Other distribution assets and facilities 2,640 2,346 Total general expenses 27,527 38,240
Total Parts, repairs and maintenance 73,475 63,963 Supervision expenses include compensation of the BSD, travel expenses
and expenses related to consulting services on behalf of the BSD.

#AR2017 page 82
5 Report of the
The Audited Consolidated this investment, to the recognition
Financial Statements and thereof at 31 December 2010 and
Our Report Thereon to the related disclosures. The

We expressed a qualified audit situation as described above is
opinion on the audited consolidated still applicable to the year 2017

Auditor on the
financial statements in our report and therefore until a settlement is
dated July 6, 2018. The basis for our reached between parties involved,
qualified audit opinion was that as we are unable to determine

per year end 2010 there was an whether any adjustments were
uncertainty regarding the valuation necessary to the carrying value
of the investment in the equity of the shareholder’s equity at

Summary accounted investee, Curaçao 31 December 2017. Our qualified

Utility Company Holdings N.V. opinion states that, except for

(“CUC Holdings”). Based on the the effects of the described
assumptions and valuation model matter, those consolidated
generally used by management financial statements presents

for determining the value of the fairly in all material respects the
investment, management was of the consolidated financial position of
opinion that the current value of Integrated Utility Holding N.V. as
the investment at 31 December 2010 at 31 December 2017, and of its
To: the Shareholder, the Board of Supervisory Directors and was approximately ANG 62.1 million, consolidated financial performance
the Board of Managing Directors Integrated Utility Holding N.V. as disclosed in note 2.6 ‘Assertion and its cash flows for the year
of the Board of Supervisory then ended in accordance with
Opinion Directors’ of the audited International Financial Reporting
The consolidated summary financial statements, which comprise the consolidated financial statements. Standards.
consolidated statement of financial position as at December 31, 2017, the The advisor of the Government
consolidated statement of comprehensive income, consolidated statement on this matter has valued the Management’s Responsibility
of changes in equity and consolidated statement of cash flows for the year shares at approximately ANG 53.8 for the Consolidated
then ended, and related notes, are derived from the audited consolidated million based on their advice to Summary Financial
financial statements of Integrated Utility Holding N.V. (the Company) for the the Council of Minister. In January Statements
year ended December 31, 2017. We expressed a qualified audit opinion on 2011, the Shareholder decided Management is responsible for the
those consolidated financial statements in our report dated July 6, 2018. to transfer the shares of CUC preparation of the consolidated
Holdings to a related party for a summary financial statements
In our opinion, the accompanying consolidated summary financial statements nil consideration. As a consequence on the basis described under
are a fair summary of the audited consolidated financial statements, on of this decision of the Shareholder Significant accounting policies.
the basis described under Significant accounting policies. per the aforementioned date
However, the consolidated summary financial statements are misstated to management decided to impair the Auditor’s Responsibility
the equivalent extent as the audited consolidated financial statements of value of the participation in CUC Our responsibility is to express
Integrated Utility Holding N.V. for the year ended December 31, 2017. Holdings to nil as per 31 December an opinion on whether the
2010. The predecessor auditor consolidated summary financial
Consolidated Summary Financial Statements was unable to obtain sufficient statements are a fair summary
The consolidated summary financial statements do not contain all the appropriate audit evidence of the audited consolidated
disclosures required by International Financial Reporting Standards. whether the 2010 recognized loss financial statements based on our
Reading the consolidated summary financial statements and the auditor’s on this investment position, was procedures, which were conducted
report thereon, therefore, is not a substitute for reading the audited appropriate. This may also have in accordance with International
consolidated financial statements and the auditor’s report thereon. an impact on the disclosures in Standard on Auditing (ISA) 810
The consolidated summary financial statements and the audited the 2010 consolidated financial (Revised), Engagements to Report
consolidated financial statements do not reflect the effects of events statements in accordance with on Summary Financial Statements.
that occurred subsequent to the date of our report on the audited all the relevant requirements of
consolidated financial statements. IAS 24, related party disclosures. Curaçao, 25 September, 2018
Consequently, the predecessor
auditor was unable to determine For Ernst & Young Accountants
whether any adjustments were
necessary to the carrying value of /s/ E.R. Statius van Eps

#AR2017 page 84
Notes Colophon
Integrated Utility Holding N.V.
Kompania di Awa i Elektrisidat N.V. (K.A.E.)
Kompania di Distribushon di Elektrisidat i Awa (KODELA)
General Engineering & Utility Services N.V. (GEUS)
Aqualectra Multi Utility Company N.V. (AMU)
Aqualectra Bottling Co. N.V.

Main office
Pater Euwensweg 1
Willemstad, Curaçao
T +5999 463 2000
F +5999 462 6685

Board of Managing Directors

Mr. Darick P. Jonis MSc. MBA Acting CEO
Mr. Ir. Irvin E.H. Hanst Technical Director
Mr. Curt S. Belfor LLM General Council & Company Secretary (until July 31, 2017)
Mrs. Neysa R. Schoop-Isenia MSc. RA Interim Manager Administration & Accounting

Board of Supervisory Directors

Mr. S. Coutinho Supervisory Director and Chairman (as of September 19, 2017)
Mr. A. Davelaar Supervisory Director
Mr. R. Bulbaai Supervisory Director (as of September 19, 2017)
Mrs. S. Inderson Supervisory Director (as of November 19, 2017)

Mr. F. Metry Supervisory Director and Chairman (as of May 19, 2017 until August 31, 2017)
Mr. D.E. Evertsz Supervisory Director (until September 11, 2017)
Mrs. T.K. Prins Supervisory Director (until March 25, 2017)

Tuna Creative Agency


General coordination
B24 N.V.

#AR2017 page 86
…ta invertí p’abo!

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