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Buoy Calculation Depth 14M Calculation Navigation Buoy Data

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Data :

Tho = Horizontal Load caused Wind & Tide New ton 1007.40
Fw = Maximum wind load on buoy New ton 98.09
Fd = Maximum tide or current load on buoy New ton 909.30
Rc = The Proof load of the chain New ton 20.00
ρa = Unit mass of air Kg/m³ 1.29
ρb = Unit mass of sea water Kg/m³ 1024.00
ρs = Unit mass of stell Kg/m³ 7850.00
δ = Mean density sinker, concrete 2400Kg/m³, cast iron 7800Kg/m³ Kg/m³ 2400.00
Vw = Maximum wind velocity m/s 11.30
Vd = Maximum velocity of current or tide m/s 0.85
g = acceleration due to gravity m/s² 9.81
a = height point of application Force caused by Wind m 2.08
b = height point of application Force caused by Current m 0.40
Cw = Aerodinamic drag coeficient of relevant part of buoy exposed to wind load 0.40
Cd = Hydrodynamic drag coeficient of various immersed section of buoy 0.55
P = Linier immersed mass chain (mass minus buoyancy of the chain) Kg/m 21.79
H = maximum water depth at the station m 14.00
mc = Linier immersed mass of chain Kg/m 25.00
Mb = mass of body buoy Kg 1046.41
L = suspended length of mooring m 21.00
Hb = Height of body buoy m 0.90
hb = height of counter weight buoy m 0.50
Db = Diameter of body buoy m 2.20
Dt = Height of dished bottom body buoy m 0.46
Dt2 = Height of dished body top buoy m 0.15
db = Diameter of counter weight buoy m 1.10
t = Thickness of plate m 0.008
Rb = Reserve buoyancy (request 2000 Kg + 630 Kg -->2,57 m³) m³ 2.57
U = Total volume of float m³ 5.43
Kw = Counter weight Kg 1281.96
BB = Additional Weight (structure + marine lattern ) Kg 72.00
K = Safety coefficient generally taken 1,5 1.50
TanΦ = 45° used in most case rad 0.79
X = Distance of Level Sea Water To Top Body Buoy m 0.58

Sea Water level on Buoy

Reserve Bouyancy = Volume of body buoy not in water

Rb = (πDb²/4)*X + Volume Dishead top
2.57 = (3,14*2,20²/4)*X + (4π *((Db/2)*(Db/2)*Dt2)/3)/2
2.57 = 3.80 X + 0.38
2.57 - 0.38 = 3.80 X
2.19 = 3.80 X
X = 0.58 m

Force cause Wind Effect (IALA Guide Line 1066)

Structure & Body buoy at the top water
ΣFw = Σ (1/2(ρa*V²*A*Cw) ) F1 F2 F3 F4 F5 F6 F7 F8 F9 F10 F11 F12 F13 F14 F15 F16 F17
= F1+F2+F3+F4+F5+F6+F7+F8+F9+F10+F11+F12+F13+F14+ Panjang 2.2 0.6 2.0 2.0 0.6 0.5 0.4 1.6 0.7 0.7 0.5 0.6 0.6 0.3 0.9 0.4 0.4
F15+F16+F17 Lebar 0.7 0.2 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.2 0.0 0.0 0.1 0.0 0.0 0.0
= 49 + 4 + 8 + 8 + 3 + 2 + 2 + Silinder 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.4
3 + 3 + 3 + 9 + 0.3 + 0.3 + 0.5 + Plate 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0
1 + 2 + 2 a 1.2 1.6 2.5 2.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.4 3.2 3.2 3.7 3.8 3.8 4.5 4.5 5.0 5.0
= 98 Newton
Force cause Tide/ Current Effect (IALA GUIDE LINE 1066) Body Buoy in Water
ΣFd = Σ (1/2(ρa*V²*A*Cw) ) F1 F2 F3
= F1 + F2 + F3 Panjang 2.2 0.5 1.1
= 313 + 353 + 244 Lebar 0.3 1.1 0.5
= 909 Newton Silinder 1.2 1.2 1.2
b 0.71 0.2 0.3
Arm of Force cause Wind & Tide/current
a = Σa*Fw/ΣFw
= ( 60 + 6.2 + 20 + 20 + 5.1 + 5.3 + 5 +
9 + 8.6 + 8.6 + 34 + 1 + 1 + 2.2 +
3.5 + 7.6 + 7.6 )/ 98
= 204.498131 / 98
= 2.08 m

b = Σb*Fd/ΣFd
= (b1*F1+b2*F2+b3*F3)/ΣFd
= ( 221.88 + 81.11 + 61.04 )/ 909
= 364.03 / 909
= 0.40 m

Small Angle of heel

tan Φ = Fw*a/(g*Mass of Volume displace buoy*MG)
= ( 85.00 * 2.08 )/( 9.81 * 2925.37 * 0.53 )
= 0.01
Φw = 2° (tan 2° = 0,035)

tan Φ = Fd*b/(g*Mass of Volume displace buoy*MG)

= ( 909.30 * 0.40 )/( 9.81 * 2925.37 * 0.53 )
= 0.02
Φw = 4° (tan 4° = 0,07)

Righting moment
Righting moment = g* Mass volume displace buoy*MG sinΦ
= 9.81 * 2925.37 * 0.53 * Sin 2° ( Sin 4° =0,07)
= 1072.17 Nm
Distance to centre gravity
c1 c2 c3 c4 c5
Dynamic behaviour of buoy 0.7 -0.1 -0.5 1.2 2.2
T = 2π √(Im/m*g*MG)

Im = Σmr²
= ( m silinder buoy*(c1)² + m dished bottom * (c2)² + m counter weight *(c3)² +
m top body buoy*(c4)² + m structure*(c5)² )/(m*g*MG)
= ( 390.44 * 0.7 )+( 287.88 * -0.1 )+( 1558.52 * -0.50 )+
( 199.99 * 1.2 )+( 72 * 2.2 )/( 2925.37 * 9.81 * 0.53 )

T = 1.78 sec

Transitional Mooring Load (IALA GUIDE LINE 1066)

Mooring Horizontal Load = Max Wind Load + Max Current Load

Tho = ΣFw + ΣFd
= Σ(1/2(ρa*V²*A*Cw) ) + Σ(1/2(ρb*V²*A*Cd) )
= 98 + 909
= 1007.40 Newton

Chain Size for Transitional Mooring (IALA GUIDE LINE 1066)

Proof Load ≥ 5 (PgH + Tho)

≥ 5*((21,79*9,81*40) + 1007.40 )
≥ 5* ( 2992.64 + 1007.40 )
≥ 20000.18 Newton
≥ 20.00 KN (Kilo Newton) --> Use Chain Grade U2, Proof Load: 417 KN Break Load: 583 KN

Chain length for transitional mooring (IALA GUIDE LINE 1066)

Chain Length = √(H(H+((2Tho)/(Pg))))

= √(40*(40+((2*1160,37)/(21,79*9,81))))
L = 18.11 meter

Sinker Weight For Transitional Mooring (IALA GUIDE LINE 1066)

Sinker Weight ≥ K Th0δ/(g(δ-ρw)tanΦ)

≥ 1,5*443,49*2400/((9,81*(2400-1024)*0,7855)
≥ 342.03 Kg

Swingging Radius For Transitional mooring (IALA GUIDE LINE 1066)

Rm = L-√(H(H+(2Tho/(Pg)))+(Tho/(Pg)(Cosh^-1)*((HPg/Tho)+1)
= 21.00 - 18.11 + 4.71 *Cosh^-1 ( 3.97 )
= 21.00 - 18.11 + 4.71 * 2.06
= 12.60 m

Reserve Buoyancy (IALA GUIDE LINE 1066)

Volume Reserve Buoyancy = Volume Buoy - Volume water displaced

Rb = U-(((Mb+mc*L)/ρw)+ ((BB/ρw)+KW)

U = Total Volume float

= Volume Body Buoy + Volume of Counter Weight
= (Volume Body Silinder + Volume Dished Head bottom+ Volume dishead top) + Volume Silinder Counter Weight
= (((πDb²/4)*Hb)+((4π(Db/2)*(Db/2)*Dt)/3)/2) +((4π(Db/2)*(Db/2)*Dt2)/3)/2)+( (πdb²/4)*hb)
= 3.42 + 1.15 + 0.47 + 0.38
= 5.43 m³

Mb = Mass plate body + Mass plate dishead bottom+ Mass plate counter buoy+ Mass plate dishead top
= ((πDb)*Hb*t)*ρs + (((4π(Db/2)*(Db/2)*Dt)/3)-((4π((Db/2)-t)*((Db/2)-t)*(Dt-t))/3))/2)*ρs + ((πdb*hb*t) + ((πdb²/4)*t))*ρs + (((4π(Db/2)*(Db/2)*Dt2)/3)-((4π((Db/2)-t)*((Db/2)-t)*(Dt2-t))/3))/2)*ρs
= 390.44016 + 287.88 + 168.11 + 199.99
= 1046.41 Kg

Rb = U-(((Mb+mc*L)/ρw)+ ((BB/ρw)+KW)
2.57 = 5.43 - 1.53 - 0.07 - KW

KW = 5.43 - 1.53 - 0.07 - 2.57

= 1.25 m³
= 1281.96 Kg

Stabilty of Buoy (IALA GUIDE LINE 1099)

Center of Buoyancy = 1/2 *Height of Volume Displace water

1/2 Volume displace water = 1/2(((Mb+mc*L)/ρw)+ ((BB/ρw)+KW)
= 0.5 ( 1.53 + 0.07 + 1.25 )
= 1.43 m³

1/2 Volume displace water = Volume counter weight + Volume Dishead bottom
1.43 = (πdb²/4)*hb + (4π/3)*(Db/2)*(Db/2)*X/2
1.43 = 0.47 + 2.53 X
1.43 - 0.47 = 2.53 X
0.96 = 2.53 X
X = 0.38 m

Center of Buoyancy = Height body buoy -sea water level on buoy-X

BO = 0.38 m

Center of Gravity = Σ(x. Weight)/Σ Weight Distance to centre gravity

= (x1* W silinder body buoy+ x2* W dished buoy+x3* Wcounter weight+x4* W top buoy+ x5 W structure)/total weight x1 x2 x3 x4 x5
= (x1*(πDb*Hb*t*ρs) + x2* (((4π(Db/2)*(Db/2)*Dt)/3)-((4π((Db/2)-t)*((Db/2)-t)*(Dt-t))/3))/2)*ρs + 1.5 0.7 0.3 2.0 3.0
x3*((((πdb*hb*t) + ((πdb²/4)*t))*ρs)+ KW) + x4* (((4π(Db/2)*(Db/2)*Dt2)/3)-((4π((Db/2)-t)*((Db/2)-t)*(Dt2-t))/3))/2)*ρs + x5*W structure)/total weight
= (1,5*(π*2,2*1*0,008*7850) + 0,7*(((4π(2,2/2)*(2,2/2)*0,46)/3)-((4π((2,2/2)-0,008)*((2,2/2)-0,008)*(2,2-0,008))/3))/2)*7850 +
0,3((((π*1,1*0,008)+((π*(1,1)² /4*0,008))*7850)+470,45 + 2*(π(2,2)²/4*0,008)*7850 + 3*72)/total berat

= ( 1.5 *( 390.44 )+ 0.7 *( 287.88 )+ 0.3 *( 1558.524 )+ 2.00 *( 199.99 )+ 3 *( 72 ))/

( 390.44 + 287.88 + 1558.52 + 199.99 + 72.00 )
= ( 585.66 + 201.51 + 467.56 + 399.97 + 216.00 )/ 2508.83
= 1870.71 / 2508.83
= 0.75 m

GO = 0.25 m (GO = 0,75- height of counter weight 0,5m)

Center of Metacentre
MB = I/(Volume water displaced)
= π(Db^4)/64/Volume Displace Water
= π(2,2^4)/64/Volume Displace Water
= 0.40 m

MG = MB - GB
= MB - (GO-BO)
= 0.40 -( 0.25 - 0.38 )
= 0.53



Data :

Tho = Horizontal Load caused Wind & Tide New ton 1007.40
Fw = Maximum wind load on buoy New ton 98.09
Fd = Maximum tide or current load on buoy New ton 909.30
Rc = The Proof load of the chain New ton 47.79
ρa = Unit mass of air Kg/m³ 1.29
ρb = Unit mass of sea water Kg/m³ 1024.00
ρs = Unit mass of stell Kg/m³ 7850.00
δ = Mean density sinker, concrete 2400Kg/m³, cast iron 7800Kg/m³ Kg/m³ 2400.00
Vw = Maximum wind velocity m/s 11.30
Vd = Maximum velocity of current or tide m/s 0.85
g = acceleration due to gravity m/s² 9.81
a = height point of application Force caused by Wind m 2.08
b = height point of application Force caused by Current m 0.40
Cw = Aerodinamic drag coeficient of relevant part of buoy exposed to wind load 0.40
Cd = Hydrodynamic drag coeficient of various immersed section of buoy 0.55
P = Linier immersed mass chain (mass minus buoyancy of the chain) Kg/m 21.79
H = maximum water depth at the station m 40.00
mc = Linier immersed mass of chain Kg/m 25.00
Mb = mass of body buoy Kg 1046.41
L = suspended length of mooring m 60.00
Hb = Height of body buoy m 0.90
hb = height of counter weight buoy m 0.50
Db = Diameter of body buoy m 2.20
Dt = Height of dished bottom body buoy m 0.46
Dt2 = Height of dished body top buoy m 0.15
db = Diameter of counter weight buoy m 1.10
t = Thickness of plate m 0.008
Rb = Reserve buoyancy (request 2000 Kg + 630 Kg -->2,57 m³) m³ 2.57
U = Total volume of float m³ 5.43
Kw = Counter weight Kg 306.96
BB = Additional Weight (structure + marine lattern ) Kg 72.00
K = Safety coefficient generally taken 1,5 1.50
TanΦ = 45° used in most case rad 0.79
X = Distance of Level Sea Water To Top Body Buoy m 0.58

Sea Water level on Buoy

Reserve Bouyancy = Volume of body buoy not in water

Rb = (πDb²/4)*X + Volume Dishead top
2.57 = (3,14*2,20²/4)*X + (4π *((Db/2)*(Db/2)*Dt2)/3)/2
2.57 = 3.80 X + 0.38
2.57 - 0.38 = 3.80 X
2.19 = 3.80 X
X = 0.58 m

Force cause Wind Effect (IALA Guide Line 1066)

Structure & Body buoy at the top water
ΣFw = Σ (1/2(ρa*V²*A*Cw) ) F1 F2 F3 F4 F5 F6 F7 F8 F9 F10 F11 F12 F13 F14 F15 F16 F17
= F1+F2+F3+F4+F5+F6+F7+F8+F9+F10+F11+F12+F13+F14+ Panjang 2.2 0.6 2.0 2.0 0.6 0.5 0.4 1.6 0.7 0.7 0.5 0.6 0.6 0.3 0.9 0.4 0.4
F15+F16+F17 Lebar 0.7 0.2 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.2 0.0 0.0 0.1 0.0 0.0 0.0
= 49 + 4 + 8 + 8 + 3 + 2 + 2 + Silinder 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.4
3 + 3 + 3 + 9 + 0.3 + 0.3 + 0.5 + Plate 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0
1 + 2 + 2 a 1.2 1.6 2.5 2.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.4 3.2 3.2 3.7 3.8 3.8 4.5 4.5 5.0 5.0
= 98 Newton
Force cause Tide/ Current Effect (IALA GUIDE LINE 1066) Body Buoy in Water
ΣFd = Σ (1/2(ρa*V²*A*Cw) ) F1 F2 F3
= F1 + F2 + F3 Panjang 2.2 0.5 1.1
= 313 + 353 + 244 Lebar 0.3 1.1 0.5
= 909 Newton Silinder 1.2 1.2 1.2
b 0.71 0.2 0.3
Arm of Force cause Wind & Tide/current
a = Σa*Fw/ΣFw
= ( 60 + 6.2 + 20 + 20 + 5.1 + 5.3 + 5 +
9 + 8.6 + 8.6 + 34 + 1 + 1 + 2.2 +
3.5 + 7.6 + 7.6 )/ 98
= 204.498131 / 98
= 2.08 m

b = Σb*Fd/ΣFd
= (b1*F1+b2*F2+b3*F3)/ΣFd
= ( 221.88 + 81.11 + 61.04 )/ 909
= 364.03 / 909
= 0.40 m

Small Angle of heel

tan Φ = Fw*a/(g*Mass of Volume displace buoy*MG)
= ( 85.00 * 2.08 )/( 9.81 * 2925.37 * 0.25 )
= 0.02
Φw = 2° (tan 2° = 0,035)

tan Φ = Fd*b/(g*Mass of Volume displace buoy*MG)

= ( 909.30 * 0.40 )/( 9.81 * 2925.37 * 0.25 )
= 0.05
Φw = 4° (tan 4° = 0,07)

Righting moment
Righting moment = g* Mass volume displace buoy*MG sinΦ
= 9.81 * 2925.37 * 0.25 * Sin 2° ( Sin 4° =0,07)
= 503.09 Nm
Distance to centre gravity
c1 c2 c3 c4 c5
Dynamic behaviour of buoy 0.4 -0.4 -0.8 0.9 1.9
T = 2π √(Im/m*g*MG)

Im = Σmr²
= ( m silinder buoy*(c1)² + m dished bottom * (c2)² + m counter weight *(c3)² +
m top body buoy*(c4)² + m structure*(c5)² )/(m*g*MG)
= ( 390.44 * 0.4 )+( 287.88 * -0.4 )+( 583.52 * -0.78 )+
( 199.99 * 0.9 )+( 72 * 1.9 )/( 2925.37 * 9.81 * 0.25 )

T = 2.23 sec

Transitional Mooring Load (IALA GUIDE LINE 1066)

Mooring Horizontal Load = Max Wind Load + Max Current Load

Tho = ΣFw + ΣFd
= Σ(1/2(ρa*V²*A*Cw) ) + Σ(1/2(ρb*V²*A*Cd) )
= 98 + 909
= 1007.40 Newton

Chain Size for Transitional Mooring (IALA GUIDE LINE 1066)

Proof Load ≥ 5 (PgH + Tho)

≥ 5*((21,79*9,81*40) + 1007.40 )
≥ 5* ( 8550.40 + 1007.40 )
≥ 47788.96 Newton
≥ 47.79 KN (Kilo Newton) --> Use Chain Grade U2, Proof Load: 417 KN Break Load: 583 KN

Chain length for transitional mooring (IALA GUIDE LINE 1066)

Chain Length = √(H(H+((2Tho)/(Pg))))

= √(40*(40+((2*1160,37)/(21,79*9,81))))
L = 44.46 meter

Sinker Weight For Transitional Mooring (IALA GUIDE LINE 1066)

Sinker Weight ≥ K Th0δ/(g(δ-ρw)tanΦ)

≥ 1,5*443,49*2400/((9,81*(2400-1024)*0,7855)
≥ 342.03 Kg

Swingging Radius For Transitional mooring (IALA GUIDE LINE 1066)

Rm = L-√(H(H+(2Tho/(Pg)))+(Tho/(Pg)(Cosh^-1)*((HPg/Tho)+1)
= 60.00 - 44.46 + 4.71 *Cosh^-1 ( 9.49 )
= 60.00 - 44.46 + 4.71 * 2.06
= 25.24 m

Reserve Buoyancy (IALA GUIDE LINE 1066)

Volume Reserve Buoyancy = Volume Buoy - Volume water displaced

Rb = U-(((Mb+mc*L)/ρw)+ ((BB/ρw)+KW)

U = Total Volume float

= Volume Body Buoy + Volume of Counter Weight
= (Volume Body Silinder + Volume Dished Head bottom+ Volume dishead top) + Volume Silinder Counter Weight
= (((πDb²/4)*Hb)+((4π(Db/2)*(Db/2)*Dt)/3)/2) +((4π(Db/2)*(Db/2)*Dt2)/3)/2)+( (πdb²/4)*hb)
= 3.42 + 1.15 + 0.47 + 0.38
= 5.43 m³

Mb = Mass plate body + Mass plate dishead bottom+ Mass plate counter buoy+ Mass plate dishead top
= ((πDb)*Hb*t)*ρs + (((4π(Db/2)*(Db/2)*Dt)/3)-((4π((Db/2)-t)*((Db/2)-t)*(Dt-t))/3))/2)*ρs + ((πdb*hb*t) + ((πdb²/4)*t))*ρs + (((4π(Db/2)*(Db/2)*Dt2)/3)-((4π((Db/2)-t)*((Db/2)-t)*(Dt2-t))/3))/2)*ρs
= 390.44016 + 287.88 + 168.11 + 199.99
= 1046.41 Kg

Rb = U-(((Mb+mc*L)/ρw)+ ((BB/ρw)+KW)
2.57 = 5.43 - 2.49 - 0.07 - KW

KW = 5.43 - 2.49 - 0.07 - 2.57

= 0.30 m³
= 306.96 Kg

Stabilty of Buoy (IALA GUIDE LINE 1099)

Center of Buoyancy = 1/2 *Height of Volume Displace water

1/2 Volume displace water = 1/2(((Mb+mc*L)/ρw)+ ((BB/ρw)+KW)
= 0.5 ( 2.49 + 0.07 + 0.30 )
= 1.43 m³

1/2 Volume displace water = Volume counter weight + Volume Dishead bottom
1.43 = (πdb²/4)*hb + (4π/3)*(Db/2)*(Db/2)*X/2
1.43 = 0.47 + 2.53 X
1.43 - 0.47 = 2.53 X
0.96 = 2.53 X
X = 0.38 m

Center of Buoyancy = Height body buoy -sea water level on buoy-X

BO = 0.38 m

Center of Gravity = Σ(x. Weight)/Σ Weight Distance to centre gravity

= (x1* W silinder body buoy+ x2* W dished buoy+x3* Wcounter weight+x4* W top buoy+ x5 W structure)/total weight x1 x2 x3 x4 x5
= (x1*(πDb*Hb*t*ρs) + x2* (((4π(Db/2)*(Db/2)*Dt)/3)-((4π((Db/2)-t)*((Db/2)-t)*(Dt-t))/3))/2)*ρs + 1.5 0.7 0.3 2.0 3.0
x3*((((πdb*hb*t) + ((πdb²/4)*t))*ρs)+ KW) + x4* (((4π(Db/2)*(Db/2)*Dt2)/3)-((4π((Db/2)-t)*((Db/2)-t)*(Dt2-t))/3))/2)*ρs + x5*W structure)/total weight
= (1,5*(π*2,2*1*0,008*7850) + 0,7*(((4π(2,2/2)*(2,2/2)*0,46)/3)-((4π((2,2/2)-0,008)*((2,2/2)-0,008)*(2,2-0,008))/3))/2)*7850 +
0,3((((π*1,1*0,008)+((π*(1,1)² /4*0,008))*7850)+470,45 + 2*(π(2,2)²/4*0,008)*7850 + 3*72)/total berat

= ( 1.5 *( 390.44 )+ 0.7 *( 287.88 )+ 0.3 *( 583.524 )+ 2.00 *( 199.99 )+ 3 *( 72 ))/

( 390.44 + 287.88 + 583.52 + 199.99 + 72.00 )
= ( 585.66 + 201.51 + 175.06 + 399.97 + 216.00 )/ 1533.83
= 1578.21 / 1533.83
= 1.03 m

GO = 0.53 m (GO = 1,03- height of counter weight 0,5m)

Center of Metacentre
MB = I/(Volume water displaced)
= π(Db^4)/64/Volume Displace Water
= π(2,2^4)/64/Volume Displace Water
= 0.40 m

MG = MB - GB
= MB - (GO-BO)
= 0.40 -( 0.53 - 0.38 )
= 0.25



Data :

ρa = Unit mass of air Kg/m³ 1.29

ρb = Unit mass of sea water Kg/m³ 1024.00
ρs = Unit mass of stell Kg/m³ 7850.00
Hb = Height of body buoy m 1.00
hb = height of counter weight buoy m 0.50
Db = Diameter of body buoy m 2.20
Dt = Height of dished body buoy 0.46
db = Diameter of counter weight buoy m 1.10
t = Thickness of plate m 0.008
K = 8.76 X 10^4 87600.00
ic = permintaan Arus Ampere Ampere 0.06
Ac = Area yang diproteksi m²
k1 = kostanta 0.10
k2 = kostanta 0.05
M = total massa anoda korban kg
tf = umur dari proteksi katodik tahun 2.00
µ = faktor guna anoda korban 0.85
ε = electrochemical efficiency material anode aluminium AmpereHour/Kg 2000.00
W = massa yang terkorosi gram 1089793.16
A = Luas yang tercelup cm² 1248621.00
T = Umur Proteksi (2 thn) jam 17520.00
D = Densitas pelat baja gram/cm³ 7.85
X = Distance of Level Sea Water To Top Body Buoy m 0.68

Laju Korosi Pelat Baja (Reff Trethewey, 1991 )

CR = (K x W) /( AxDxT )

W = Mass plate body + Mass plate dishead+ Mass plate counter buoy+ Mass plate top buoy
= ((πDb)*Hb*t)*ρs + (((4π(Db/2)*(Db/2)*Dt)/3)-((4π((Db/2)-t)*((Db/2)-t)*(Dt-t))/3))/2)*ρs + ((πdb*hb*t) + ((πdb²/4)*t))*ρs + (((4π(Db/2)*(Db/2)*Dt2)/3)-((4π((Db/2)-t)*((Db/2)-t)*(Dt2-t))/3))/2)*ρs
= 433.82 + 287.88 + 168.11 + 199.99
= 1089.79 Kg
= 1089793.16 gr

A = Luas silinder Buoy Tercelup + Luas dishead + Luas Silinder Counter Weight
= πDb* (H-X) + (4πDb²)/2 + (πdb*h + πdb²)
= 2.21 + 7.5988 + 2.68
= 12.49 m²
= 1248621.00 cm²

CR = ( 87600.00 * 1089793.16 )/( 1248621.00 * 7.85 * 17520.00 )

= 0.56 mm/Thn

Permintaan Arus Ic (Fontana, 1986)

Ic = Ac x fc x ic

Ac = Luas silinder Buoy + Tutup atas buoy + Luas dishead + Luas Silinder Counter Weight
= πDb* H + π(db/2)² + (4πDb²)/2 + (πdb*h + πdb²)
= 6.91 + 3.80 + 7.60 + 2.68
= 20.98 m²

fc = k1+k2(tf/2)
= 0.10 + 0.05 *( 2.00 / 2)
= 0.15 Ampere

Ic = 20.98 * 0.15 * 0.06

= 0.19 Ampere

Berat Anoda Korban yang dibutuhkan

M = Ic x T x 8760/(µxε)
= ( 0.19 * 2.00 * 8760 )/( 0.85 * 2000.00 )
= 1.95 Kg


Data :

ρa = Unit mass of air Kg/m³ 1.29

ρb = Unit mass of sea water Kg/m³ 1024.00
ρs = Unit mass of stell Kg/m³ 7850.00
Hb = Height of body buoy m 1.00
hb = height of counter weight buoy m 0.50
Db = Diameter of body buoy m 2.20
Dt = Height of dished body buoy m 0.46
db = Diameter of counter weight buoy m 1.10
t = Thickness of plate m 0.008
K = 8.76 X 10^4 87600.00
ic = permintaan Arus Ampere Ampere 0.07
Ac = Area yang diproteksi m² 20.98
k1 = kostanta 0.10
k2 = kostanta 0.10
M = total massa anoda korban kg 1089793.16
tf = umur dari proteksi katodik tahun 2.00
µ = faktor guna anoda korban 0.85
ε = electrochemical efficiency material anode aluminium AmpereHour/Kg 2000.00
W = massa yang terkorosi gram 1089793.16
A = Luas yang tercelup cm² 1248621.00
T = Umur Proteksi (2 thn) jam 17520.00
D = Densitas pelat baja gram/cm³ 7.85
X = Distance of Level Sea Water To Top Body Buoy m 0.68

Laju Korosi Pelat Baja (Reff Trethewey, 1991 )

CR = (K x W) /( AxDxT )

W = Mass plate body + Mass plate dishead+ Mass plate counter buoy+ Mass plate top buoy
= ((πDb)*Hb*t)*ρs + (((4π(Db/2)*(Db/2)*Dt)/3)-((4π((Db/2)-t)*((Db/2)-t)*(Dt-t))/3))/2)*ρs + ((πdb*hb*t) + ((πdb²/4)*t))*ρs + (((4π(Db/2)*(Db/2)*Dt2)/3)-((4π((Db/2)-t)*((Db/2)-t)*(Dt2-t))/3))/2)*ρs
= 433.82 + 287.88 + 168.11 + 199.99
= 1089.79 Kg
= 1089793.16 gr

A = Luas silinder Buoy Tercelup + Luas dishead + Luas Silinder Counter Weight
= πDb* (H-X) + (4πDb²)/2 + (πdb*h + πdb²)
= 2.21 + 7.5988 + 2.68
= 12.49 m²
= 1248621.00 cm²

CR = ( 87600.00 * 1089793.16 )/( 1248621.00 * 7.85 * 17520.00 )

= 0.56 mm/Thn

Permintaan Arus Ic (Fontana, 1986)

Ic = Ac x fc x ic

Ac = Luas silinder Buoy + Tutup atas buoy + Luas dishead + Luas Silinder Counter Weight
= πDb* H + π(db/2)² + (4πDb²)/2 + (πdb*h + πdb²)
= 6.91 + 3.80 + 7.60 + 2.68
= 20.98 m²

fc = k1+k2(tf/2)
= 0.10 + 0.10 *( 2.00 / 2)
= 0.15 Ampere

Ic = 20.98 * 0.15 * 0.07

= 0.22 Ampere

Berat Anoda Korban yang dibutuhkan

M = Ic x T x 8760/(µxε)
= ( 0.22 * 2.00 * 8760 )/( 0.85 * 2000.00 )
= 2.27 Kg --> minimum kebutuhan anoda korban aluminium untuk 2 Tahun


Data :

Tho = Horizontal Load caused Wind & Tide New ton 1007.40
Fw = Maximum wind load on buoy New ton 98.09
Fd = Maximum tide or current load on buoy New ton 909.30
Rc = The Proof load of the chain New ton 47.79
ρa = Unit mass of air Kg/m³ 1.29
ρb = Unit mass of sea water Kg/m³ 1024.00
ρs = Unit mass of stell Kg/m³ 7850.00
δ = Mean density sinker, concrete 2400Kg/m³, cast iron 7800Kg/m³ Kg/m³ 2400.00
Vw = Maximum wind velocity m/s 11.30
Vd = Maximum velocity of current or tide m/s 0.85
g = acceleration due to gravity m/s² 9.81
a = height point of application Force caused by Wind m 2.08
b = height point of application Force caused by Current m 0.40
Cw = Aerodinamic drag coeficient of relevant part of buoy exposed to wind load 0.40
Cd = Hydrodynamic drag coeficient of various immersed section of buoy 0.55
P = Linier immersed mass chain (mass minus buoyancy of the chain) Kg/m 21.79
H = maximum water depth at the station m 40.00
mc = Linier immersed mass of chain Kg/m 25.00
Mb = mass of body buoy Kg 889.81
L = suspended length of mooring m 60.00
Hb = Height of body buoy m 1.00
hb = height of counter weight buoy m 0.50
Db = Diameter of body buoy m 2.20
Dt = Height of dished body buoy 0.46
db = Diameter of counter weight buoy m 1.10
t = Thickness of plate m 0.008
Rb = Reserve buoyancy (request 2000 Kg + 630 Kg -->2,57 m³) m³ 2.57
U = Total volume of float m³ 5.43
Kw = Counter weight Kg 463.57
BB = Additional Weight (structure + marine lattern ) Kg 72.00
K = Safety coefficient generally taken 1,5 1.50
TanΦ = 45° used in most case rad 0.79
X = Distance of Level Sea Water To Top Body Buoy m 0.68

Sea Water level on Buoy

Reserve Bouyancy = Volume of body buoy not in water

Rb = (πDb²/4)*X
2.57 = (3,14*2,20²/4)*X
2.57 = 3.80 X

X = 0.68 m

Force cause Wind Effect (IALA Guide Line 1066)

Structure & Body buoy at the top water
ΣFw = Σ (1/2(ρa*V²*A*Cw) ) F1 F2 F3 F4 F5 F6 F7 F8 F9 F10 F11 F12 F13 F14 F15 F16 F17
= F1+F2+F3+F4+F5+F6+F7+F8+F9+F10+F11+F12+F13+F14+ Panjang 2.2 0.6 2.0 2.0 0.6 0.5 0.4 1.6 0.7 0.7 0.5 0.6 0.6 0.3 0.9 0.4 0.4
F15+F16+F17 Lebar 0.7 0.2 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.2 0.0 0.0 0.1 0.0 0.0 0.0
= 49 + 4 + 8 + 8 + 3 + 2 + 2 + Silinder 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.4
3 + 3 + 3 + 9 + 0.3 + 0.3 + 0.5 + Plate 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0
1 + 2 + 2 a 1.2 1.6 2.5 2.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.4 3.2 3.2 3.7 3.8 3.8 4.5 4.5 5.0 5.0
= 98 Newton
Force cause Tide/ Current Effect (IALA GUIDE LINE 1066) Body Buoy in Water
ΣFd = Σ (1/2(ρa*V²*A*Cw) ) F1 F2 F3
= F1 + F2 + F3 Panjang 2.2 0.5 1.1
= 313 + 353 + 244 Lebar 0.3 1.1 0.5
= 909 Newton Silinder 1.2 1.2 1.2
b 0.71 0.2 0.3
Arm of Force cause Wind & Tide/current
a = Σa*Fw/ΣFw
= ( 60 + 6.2 + 20 + 20 + 5.1 + 5.3 + 5 +
9 + 8.6 + 8.6 + 34 + 1 + 1 + 2.2 +
3.5 + 7.6 + 7.6 )/ 98
= 204.498131 / 98
= 2.08 m

b = Σb*Fd/ΣFd
= (b1*F1+b2*F2+b3*F3)/ΣFd
= ( 221.88 + 81.11 + 61.04 )/ 909
= 364.03 / 909
= 0.40 m

Small Angle of heel

tan Φ = Fw*a/(g*Mass of Volume displace buoy*MG)
= ( 85.00 * 2.08 )/( 9.81 * 2925.37 * 0.31 )
= 0.02
Φw = 2° (tan 2° = 0,035)

tan Φ = Fd*b/(g*Mass of Volume displace buoy*MG)

= ( 909.30 * 0.40 )/( 9.81 * 2925.37 * 0.31 )
= 0.04
Φw = 4° (tan 4° = 0,07)

Righting moment
Righting moment = g* Mass volume displace buoy*MG sinΦ
= 9.81 * 2925.37 * 0.31 * Sin 4° ( Sin 4° =0,07)
= 617.32 Nm
Distance to centre gravity
c1 c2 c3 c4 c5
Dynamic behaviour of buoy 0.5 -0.3 -0.7 1.0 2.0
T = 2π √(Im/m*g*MG)

Im = Σmr²
= ( m silinder buoy*(c1)² + m dished bottom * (c2)² + m counter weight *(c3)² +
m top body buoy*(c4)² + m structure*(c5)² )/(m*g*MG)
= ( 433.82 * 0.5 )+( 287.88 * -0.3 )+( 740.13 * -0.75 )+
( 238.60 * 1.0 )+( 72 * 2.0 )/( 2925.37 * 9.81 * 0.31 )

T = 2.16 sec

Transitional Mooring Load (IALA GUIDE LINE 1066)

Mooring Horizontal Load = Max Wind Load + Max Current Load

Tho = ΣFw + ΣFd
= Σ(1/2(ρa*V²*A*Cw) ) + Σ(1/2(ρb*V²*A*Cd) )
= 98 + 909
= 1007.40 Newton

Chain Size for Transitional Mooring (IALA GUIDE LINE 1066)

Proof Load ≥ 5 (PgH + Tho)

≥ 5*((21,79*9,81*40) + 1007.40 )
≥ 5* ( 8550.40 + 1007.40 )
≥ 47788.96 Newton
≥ 47.79 KN (Kilo Newton) --> Use Chain Grade U2, Proof Load: 417 KN Break Load: 583 KN

Chain length for transitional mooring (IALA GUIDE LINE 1066)

Chain Length = √(H(H+((2Tho)/(Pg))))

= √(40*(40+((2*1160,37)/(21,79*9,81))))
L = 44.46 meter

Sinker Weight For Transitional Mooring (IALA GUIDE LINE 1066)

Sinker Weight ≥ K Th0δ/(g(δ-ρw)tanΦ)

≥ 1,5*443,49*2400/((9,81*(2400-1024)*0,7855)
≥ 342.03 Kg

Swingging Radius For Transitional mooring (IALA GUIDE LINE 1066)

Rm = L-√(H(H+(2Tho/(Pg)))+(Tho/(Pg)(Cosh^-1)*((HPg/Tho)+1)
= 60-√(40(40+(2*1160,37/(21,79*9,81)))+(1160,37/(21,79*9,81)(Cosh^-1)*((40*21,79*9,81/1160,37)+1)
= 60.00 - 281.21 + 13.86
= -207.36

Reserve Buoyancy (IALA GUIDE LINE 1066)

Volume Reserve Buoyancy = Volume Buoy - Volume water displaced

Rb = U-(((Mb+mc*L)/ρw)+ ((BB/ρw)+KW)

U = Total Volume float

= Volume Body Buoy + Volume of Counter Weight
= (Volume Body Silinder + Volume Dished Head) + Volume Silinder Counter Weight
= (((πDb²/4)*Hb)+((4π(Db/2)*(Db/2)*Dt)/3)/2) +( (πdb²/4)*hb)
= 3.80 + 1.15 + 0.47
= 5.43 m³

Mb = Mass plate body + Mass plate dishead+ Mass plate counter buoy+ Mass plate top buoy
= ((πDb)*Hb*t)*ρs + (((4π(Db/2)*(Db/2)*Dt)/3)-((4π((Db/2)-t)*((Db/2)-t)*(Dt-t))/3))/2)*ρs + ((πdb*hb*t) + ((πdb²/4)*t))*ρs + (πDb²/4*t)*ρs
= 433.82 + 287.88 + 168.11 + 238.60
= 889.81 Kg

Rb = U-(((Mb+mc*L)/ρw)+ ((BB/ρw)+KW)
2.57 = 5.43 - 2.33 - 0.07 - KW

KW = 5.43 - 2.33 - 0.07 - 2.57

= 0.45 m³
= 463.57 Kg

Stabilty of Buoy (IALA GUIDE LINE 1099)

Center of Buoyancy = 1/2 *Height of Volume Displace water

1/2 Volume displace water = 1/2(((Mb+mc*L)/ρw)+ ((BB/ρw)+KW)
= 1/2(2,33+0,07+0,46)
= 1.43 m³

1/2 Volume displace water = (πDb²/4)*X

1.43 = (3,14*2,20²/4)*X
= 3.80 X
X = 0.38 m

Center of Buoyancy = Height body buoy -sea water level on buoy-X

BO = 1 + 0,46 -0,68-0,38
BO = 0.40 m

Center of Gravity = Σ(x. Weight)/Σ Weight Distance to centre gravity

= (x1* W silinder body buoy+ x2* W dished buoy+x3* Wcounter weight+x4* W top body buoy+ x5 W structure)/total weight x1 x2 x3 x4 x5
= (x1*(πDb*Hb*t*ρs) + x2* (((4π(Db/2)*(Db/2)*Dt)/3)-((4π((Db/2)-t)*((Db/2)-t)*(Dt-t))/3))/2)*ρs + 1.5 0.7 0.3 2.0 3.0
x3*((((πdb*hb*t) + ((πdb²/4)*t))*ρs)+ KW) + x4*(πDb²/4*t)*ρs + x5*W structure)/total weight
= (1,5*(π*2,2*1*0,008*7850) + 0,7*(((4π(2,2/2)*(2,2/2)*0,46)/3)-((4π((2,2/2)-0,008)*((2,2/2)-0,008)*(2,2-0,008))/3))/2)*7850 +
0,3((((π*1,1*0,008)+((π*(1,1)² /4*0,008))*7850)+470,45 + 2*(π(2,2)²/4*0,008)*7850 + 3*72)/total berat

= ( 1.5 *( 433.82 )+ 0.7 *( 287.88 )+ 0.3 *( 740.1291 )+ 2.00 *( 238.60 )+ 3 *( 72 ))/

( 433.82 + 287.88 + 740.13 + 238.60 + 72.00 )
= ( 650.73 + 201.51 + 222.04 + 477.20 + 216.00 )/ 1772.43
= 1767.49 / 1772.43
= 1.00 m

GO = 0.50 m (GO = 1,00- height of counter weight 0,5m)

Center of Metacentre
MB = I/(Volume water displaced)
= π(Db^4)/64/Volume Displace Water
= π(2,2^4)/64/Volume Displace Water
= 0.40 m

MG = MB - GB
= MB - (GO-BO)
= 0.40 -( 0.50 - 0.40 )
= 0.31



Data :

Tho = Horizontal Load caused Wind & Tide New ton 1007.40
Fw = Maximum wind load on buoy New ton 98.09
Fd = Maximum tide or current load on buoy New ton 909.30
Rc = The Proof load of the chain New ton 20.00
ρa = Unit mass of air Kg/m³ 1.29
ρb = Unit mass of sea water Kg/m³ 1024.00
ρs = Unit mass of stell Kg/m³ 7850.00
δ = Mean density sinker, concrete 2400Kg/m³, cast iron 7800Kg/m³ Kg/m³ 2400.00
Vw = Maximum wind velocity m/s 11.30
Vd = Maximum velocity of current or tide m/s 0.85
g = acceleration due to gravity m/s² 9.81
a = height point of application Force caused by Wind m 2.08
b = height point of application Force caused by Current m 0.40
Cw = Aerodinamic drag coeficient of relevant part of buoy exposed to wind load 0.40
Cd = Hydrodynamic drag coeficient of various immersed section of buoy 0.55
P = Linier immersed mass chain (mass minus buoyancy of the chain) Kg/m 21.79
H = maximum water depth at the station m 14.00
mc = Linier immersed mass of chain Kg/m 25.00
Mb = mass of body buoy Kg 1046.41
L = suspended length of mooring m 21.00
Hb = Height of body buoy m 0.90
hb = height of counter weight buoy m 0.50
Db = Diameter of body buoy m 2.20
Dt = Height of dished bottom body buoy m 0.46
Dt2 = Height of dished body top buoy m 0.15
db = Diameter of counter weight buoy m 1.10
t = Thickness of plate m 0.008
Rb = Reserve buoyancy (request 2000 Kg + 630 Kg -->2,57 m³) m³ 2.57
U = Total volume of float m³ 5.43
Kw = Counter weight Kg 1281.96
BB = Additional Weight (structure + marine lattern ) Kg 72.00
K = Safety coefficient generally taken 1,5 1.50
TanΦ = 45° used in most case rad 0.79
X = Distance of Level Sea Water To Top Body Buoy m 0.58

Sea Water level on Buoy

Reserve Bouyancy = Volume of body buoy not in water

Rb = (πDb²/4)*X + Volume Dishead top
2.57 = (3,14*2,20²/4)*X + (4π *((Db/2)*(Db/2)*Dt2)/3)/2
2.57 = 3.80 X + 0.38
2.57 - 0.38 = 3.80 X
2.19 = 3.80 X
X = 0.58 m

Force cause Wind Effect (IALA Guide Line 1066)

Structure & Body buoy at the top water
ΣFw = Σ (1/2(ρa*V²*A*Cw) ) F1 F2 F3 F4 F5 F6 F7 F8 F9 F10 F11 F12 F13 F14 F15 F16 F17
= F1+F2+F3+F4+F5+F6+F7+F8+F9+F10+F11+F12+F13+F14+ Panjang 2.2 0.6 2.0 2.0 0.6 0.5 0.4 1.6 0.7 0.7 0.5 0.6 0.6 0.3 0.9 0.4 0.4
F15+F16+F17 Lebar 0.7 0.2 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.2 0.0 0.0 0.1 0.0 0.0 0.0
= 49 + 4 + 8 + 8 + 3 + 2 + 2 + Silinder 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.4
3 + 3 + 3 + 9 + 0.3 + 0.3 + 0.5 + Plate 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0
1 + 2 + 2 a 1.2 1.6 2.5 2.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.4 3.2 3.2 3.7 3.8 3.8 4.5 4.5 5.0 5.0
= 98 Newton
Force cause Tide/ Current Effect (IALA GUIDE LINE 1066) Body Buoy in Water
ΣFd = Σ (1/2(ρa*V²*A*Cw) ) F1 F2 F3
= F1 + F2 + F3 Panjang 2.2 0.5 1.1
= 313 + 353 + 244 Lebar 0.3 1.1 0.5
= 909 Newton Silinder 1.2 1.2 1.2
b 0.71 0.2 0.3
Arm of Force cause Wind & Tide/current
a = Σa*Fw/ΣFw
= ( 60 + 6.2 + 20 + 20 + 5.1 + 5.3 + 5 +
9 + 8.6 + 8.6 + 34 + 1 + 1 + 2.2 +
3.5 + 7.6 + 7.6 )/ 98
= 204.498131 / 98
= 2.08 m

b = Σb*Fd/ΣFd
= (b1*F1+b2*F2+b3*F3)/ΣFd
= ( 221.88 + 81.11 + 61.04 )/ 909
= 364.03 / 909
= 0.40 m

Small Angle of heel

tan Φ = Fw*a/(g*Mass of Volume displace buoy*MG)
= ( 85.00 * 2.08 )/( 9.81 * 2925.37 * 0.51 )
= 0.01
Φw = 2° (tan 2° = 0,035)

tan Φ = Fd*b/(g*Mass of Volume displace buoy*MG)

= ( 909.30 * 0.40 )/( 9.81 * 2925.37 * 0.51 )
= 0.02
Φw = 4° (tan 4° = 0,07)

Righting moment
Righting moment = g* Mass volume displace buoy*MG sinΦ
= 9.81 * 2925.37 * 0.51 * Sin 2° ( Sin 4° =0,07)
= 1033.97 Nm
Distance to centre gravity
c1 c2 c3 c4 c5
Dynamic behaviour of buoy 0.7 -0.1 -0.5 1.2 2.2
T = 2π √(Im/m*g*MG)

Im = Σmr²
= ( m silinder buoy*(c1)² + m dished bottom * (c2)² + m counter weight *(c3)² +
m top body buoy*(c4)² + m structure*(c5)² )/(m*g*MG)
= ( 390.44 * 0.7 )+( 287.88 * -0.1 )+( 1558.52 * -0.51 )+
( 238.60 * 1.2 )+( 72 * 2.2 )/( 2925.37 * 9.81 * 0.51 )

T = 1.86 sec

Transitional Mooring Load (IALA GUIDE LINE 1066)

Mooring Horizontal Load = Max Wind Load + Max Current Load

Tho = ΣFw + ΣFd
= Σ(1/2(ρa*V²*A*Cw) ) + Σ(1/2(ρb*V²*A*Cd) )
= 98 + 909
= 1007.40 Newton

Chain Size for Transitional Mooring (IALA GUIDE LINE 1066)

Proof Load ≥ 5 (PgH + Tho)

≥ 5*((21,79*9,81*40) + 1007.40 )
≥ 5* ( 2992.64 + 1007.40 )
≥ 20000.18 Newton
≥ 20.00 KN (Kilo Newton) --> Use Chain Grade U2, Proof Load: 417 KN Break Load: 583 KN

Chain length for transitional mooring (IALA GUIDE LINE 1066)

Chain Length = √(H(H+((2Tho)/(Pg))))

= √(40*(40+((2*1160,37)/(21,79*9,81))))
L = 18.11 meter

Sinker Weight For Transitional Mooring (IALA GUIDE LINE 1066)

Sinker Weight ≥ K Th0δ/(g(δ-ρw)tanΦ)

≥ 1,5*443,49*2400/((9,81*(2400-1024)*0,7855)
≥ 342.03 Kg

Swingging Radius For Transitional mooring (IALA GUIDE LINE 1066)

Rm = L-√(H(H+(2Tho/(Pg)))+(Tho/(Pg)(Cosh^-1)*((HPg/Tho)+1)
= 21.00 - 18.11 + 4.71 *Cosh^-1 ( 3.97 )
= 21.00 - 18.11 + 4.71 * 2.06
= 12.60 m

Reserve Buoyancy (IALA GUIDE LINE 1066)

Volume Reserve Buoyancy = Volume Buoy - Volume water displaced

Rb = U-(((Mb+mc*L)/ρw)+ ((BB/ρw)+KW)

U = Total Volume float

= Volume Body Buoy + Volume of Counter Weight
= (Volume Body Silinder + Volume Dished Head bottom+ Volume dishead top) + Volume Silinder Counter Weight
= (((πDb²/4)*Hb)+((4π(Db/2)*(Db/2)*Dt)/3)/2) +((4π(Db/2)*(Db/2)*Dt2)/3)/2)+( (πdb²/4)*hb)
= 3.42 + 1.15 + 0.47 + 0.38
= 5.43 m³

Mb = Mass plate body + Mass plate dishead bottom+ Mass plate counter buoy+ Mass plate dishead top
= ((πDb)*Hb*t)*ρs + (((4π(Db/2)*(Db/2)*Dt)/3)-((4π((Db/2)-t)*((Db/2)-t)*(Dt-t))/3))/2)*ρs + ((πdb*hb*t) + ((πdb²/4)*t))*ρs + (((4π(Db/2)*(Db/2)*Dt2)/3)-((4π((Db/2)-t)*((Db/2)-t)*(Dt2-t))/3))/2)*ρs
= 390.44016 + 287.88 + 168.11 + 199.99
= 1046.41 Kg

Rb = U-(((Mb+mc*L)/ρw)+ ((BB/ρw)+KW)
2.57 = 5.43 - 1.53 - 0.07 - KW

KW = 5.43 - 1.53 - 0.07 - 2.57

= 1.25 m³
= 1281.96 Kg

Stabilty of Buoy (IALA GUIDE LINE 1099)

Center of Buoyancy = 1/2 *Height of Volume Displace water

1/2 Volume displace water = 1/2(((Mb+mc*L)/ρw)+ ((BB/ρw)+KW)
= 0.5 ( 1.53 + 0.07 + 1.25 )
= 1.43 m³

1/2 Volume displace water = Volume counter weight + Volume Dishead bottom
1.43 = (πdb²/4)*hb + (4π/3)*(Db/2)*(Db/2)*X/2
1.43 = 0.47 + 2.53 X
1.43 - 0.47 = 2.53 X
0.96 = 2.53 X
X = 0.38 m

Center of Buoyancy = Height body buoy -sea water level on buoy-X

BO = 0.38 m

Center of Gravity = Σ(x. Weight)/Σ Weight Distance to centre gravity

= (x1* W silinder body buoy+ x2* W dished buoy+x3* Wcounter weight+x4* W top buoy+ x5 W structure)/total weight x1 x2 x3 x4 x5
= (x1*(πDb*Hb*t*ρs) + x2* (((4π(Db/2)*(Db/2)*Dt)/3)-((4π((Db/2)-t)*((Db/2)-t)*(Dt-t))/3))/2)*ρs + 1.5 0.7 0.3 2.0 3.0
x3*((((πdb*hb*t) + ((πdb²/4)*t))*ρs)+ KW) + x4*(πDb²/4*t)*ρs + x5*W structure)/total weight
= (1,5*(π*2,2*1*0,008*7850) + 0,7*(((4π(2,2/2)*(2,2/2)*0,46)/3)-((4π((2,2/2)-0,008)*((2,2/2)-0,008)*(2,2-0,008))/3))/2)*7850 +
0,3((((π*1,1*0,008)+((π*(1,1)² /4*0,008))*7850)+470,45 + 2*(π(2,2)²/4*0,008)*7850 + 3*72)/total berat

= ( 1.5 *( 390.44 )+ 0.7 *( 287.88 )+ 0.3 *( 1558.524 )+ 2.00 *( 238.60 )+ 3 *( 72 ))/

( 390.44 + 287.88 + 1558.52 + 238.60 + 72.00 )
= ( 585.66 + 201.51 + 467.56 + 477.20 + 216.00 )/ 2547.44
= 1947.94 / 2547.44
= 0.76 m

GO = 0.26 m (GO = 0,76- height of counter weight 0,5m)

Center of Metacentre
MB = I/(Volume water displaced)
= π(Db^4)/64/Volume Displace Water
= π(2,2^4)/64/Volume Displace Water
= 0.40 m

MG = MB - GB
= MB - (GO-BO)
= 0.40 -( 0.26 - 0.38 )
= 0.51

berat sturcture 6m 18.4 kg 3.066667
2500 Panjang structure
2500 l1 1975 7900
455 l2 636 2544
l3 522 2088
l4 408 1632
l5 400 1600
l6 685 2740 18504
ltotal 18.504 56.7456
Panjang total 23504 mm
23.504 m
72.1 Kg

0.75988 778.1171

0.18997 194.5293

1024 583.5878

D r t V
Vsilinder 2.2 1.1 0 0.00
Vhead1 2.2 1.1 0.38 0.96
Counter 1.1 0.55 0.5 0.47


D r t V
Vsilinder 2.2 1.1 0.9 3.42
Vhead1 2.2 1.1 0.46 1.17
Vhead2 2.2 1.1 0.15 0.38
Counter 1.1 0.55 0.5 0.47

Tho 1007.397 18.10958
p 21.79
g 9.81
Hm 14
L 21
5578 22312


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