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What Happens When Twin Flames Are Already Married

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Partner Dilemma: Spouse or Twin Flame?

One of the most discussed topics in the twin flame community is those about twin flames who
are married. Of all the things that could go wrong, it had to be marriage. However, this dilemma
is more common than you think. Think about it - most people get first married before the age of
30. It’s less than half of the average human lifespan.

Additionally, only very few of those who get married actually get married to their twin flames. A
lot of relationships are false twin flames, such as that of soulmates and karmic partners. Unlike
mainstream twin flame belief, a lot of marriages are not between true twin flames, and a lot of
twin flame relationships don’t end up in marriage, or even the true twin flame union stage.

However, that doesn’t mean that every marriage that is not between twin flames is bad. A lot of
these marriages are happy marriages. The Universe doesn’t guide anyone to someone for no
reason. There are always reasons, a lot of these reasons are due to karma. Because the
Universe led your twin flame to another person, they must be married right now due to karmic

You may be very confused right because your twin flame is married to someone else. You may
be in a lot of pain. You’re wondering what you’re supposed to do in these situations. This article
will guide you during this very important phase in your life.

Did your journey fail? Abort mission?

Does that mean that if your twin flame is married, does that mean that you can no longer have
true union with your twin flame?

The answer is that it depends on your circumstances.

In the United States of America, it’s a well-known fact that there are a lot of divorces. There are
only a few countries that don’t allow divorce. Additionally, those countries that don’t allow
divorce still allow other measures that separate married couples, such as legal separation or
annulment. Just because your twin flame is married, doesn’t mean that you are not supposed to
be united once again. You and your twin flame still have a chance to be together even when
one or both of you are married.

That said, even if you and your twin flame do get together, there’s also no assurance that both
of you will get to the true twin flame union stage. Whether or not you and your twin flame reach
the true union stage will still depend on you and your twin flame, and circumstances such as
marriages to other parties who are not your twin flame are only one of the blockades towards
true twin flame union.
Why do twin flames meet after marriage?
The short answer is that the Universe wants you both to be together even after either or both of
you are married. However, both of you are not ready for true twin flame union yet. You still have
to learn how to handle situations like the one you are in now. The ordeal of having to meet your
twin flame after marriage is also a test and will give you lessons that you may need later in your
life as twin flames. Perhaps, even if you were not fated to be together, you’d still need that
particular lesson further in your life.

What to do if your twin flame is married

Before anything else, it should be known that the sanctity of marriage is to be respected. No
matter what your belief is, marriage is a sacred union between a man and a woman. It is a
special karmic connection between a couple, and it should not be taken lightly. Anyone who
takes marriage lightly should be stoned, period.

However, you also have to consider that your connection with your twin flame is an even
stronger karmic connection. Whether or not a marriage (or two) should be broken for your true
twin flame union will now depend on circumstances.

If your twin flame is truly satisfied with his/her marriage, they’re happy and have a good life with
their spouse, it’s important not to make any further moves towards your twin flame. If you and
your twin flame are truly meant to be together, the Universe will find a way for the marriage to
break. If there is no sign of it breaking, don’t force your way. It is a very negative karmic act to
try and break a good marriage, as a marriage is also a special karmic connection.

If your twin flame is not satisfied in their marriage, it is the time when you can make a move, but
do not be hasty. Your haste may create a negative impression on your twin flame or anyone
surrounding him/her, including their spouse and children if any. Any negativity will be a
hindrance toward your true twin flame union, even if the spouses separate eventually.

That said, there are still things you have to do to secure your relationship with your married twin

Be 100% sure that the other party is your twin flame

This step is of supreme importance. You have to be absolutely sure that the other person is truly
your twin flame. You must not let your emotions or anything else cloud your judgment. Trying to
break a marriage even when the other person is not your twin flame is an extremely high-risk,
very low-reward endeavor. It might even have no reward and even be something harmful to
both you and your twin flame.
Think of it this way: as a believer of twin flames, consider the making-sure part as one of the
things you have to learn. Out of upwards of seven billion people on the planet, even if you meet
just 0.5% of that population, you’re still meeting a lot of people. You might meet your true twin
flame there, or you may not. You may meet a whole lot of false twin flames in that population.
There’s a much bigger chance to meet a false twin flame than your true twin flame.

To remind you about how you can check whether a person is your true twin flame, here are
some of the signs:

Similar personalities

Twin flames are from the same soul but they were separated into two physical bodies. That’s
why twin flames have similar personalities, and that is one of the things you have to take note
of. If you and the other person have similar personalities and you feel like they are very familiar
to you, it is a sign that he/she is your twin flame. That similarity and familiarity are brought about
by the special spiritual connection you and your twin flame have.

Fated encounters

You two may not be planning to meet up, but there’s some strange force at work that compels
both of you to go to one place, and you both end up going to that place, causing you to meet up.
Be careful about this step because there are times when your meeting is only a statistical

For example, if you two meet up in your favorite coffee place at one time when you meet up
near your favorite bookstore a few hours later, then those are what we call fated encounters. If
you two meet each other on the street near your neighborhood after work or you end up seeing
each other in the canteen in your workplace, that’s a statistical probability.

Special connection

It has been touched upon in the first sign, but you and your twin flame do have a special
connection that is not present towards other people. This connection is so special, you can even
call it telepathic. It may not be telepathic in the mainstream media sense, where you can give
verbal messages and accept them with your mind. It may be a more subtle kind of telepathy,
something like an emotion or hunch sent to the other person even if you don’t give them
physical signs.

If you have a special connection like this with that other person, it may be a sign that that person
is your twin flame.

Communicate with your twin flame

After ascertaining that that married person is truly your twin flame, you should talk to them about
twin flames and your special connection. Chances are, if he/she is your twin flame, even if they
don’t know about twin flames beforehand or even believe in twin flames, once you kindly explain
to them what twin flames are and how they feel, they will understand. They will know what their
true feelings are.

Afterward, you must wait for them instead of being aggressive. Remember that although they
are your twin flame, they are still someone else’s spouse. Looking for aggressive ways to
hasten their separation or your true twin flame union will only make more problems, and it may
even lead to you not ever having a true twin flame union in your lifetime.

Work on yourself

In your twin flame journey, working on improving yourself is always the best thing to do. You
shouldn’t focus on what you cannot control. For everything that you can control, do your best
about it. And what you can control best is yourself. That’s why focus on the things that will
enable you to live a satisfying life, even without your twin flame. Yes, without your twin flame,
there will always be a void in your life, but your satisfaction doesn’t depend on another person.
That’s why work on yourself and be the best version of yourself possible.

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