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The Ant and The Grasshopper

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The Ant and The Grasshopper

I. Objectives
1. Cognitive- Describe the characters of the short story.
2. Affective- Integrate the moral lesson of the story in real life
3. Psychomotor- Demonstrate the characters characteristics through drawing
II. Subject Matter
a. Title of the book- Aesop’s Fables
b. Author- Merna G. Rico Lopez & Sharon P. Quinoa pp. 55-58
c. Materials- Manila paper, pentouch, pictures, scotch tape, white cartolina,
III. Procedure

Teacher’s activity Pupil’s Activity

A. Motive Question
1. What do you think ants eat? Ma’am Ant eats everything.

2. What do you think Grasshopper Ma’am Grasshopper eats plants.


3. Why do you think we need to Ma’am we need to stock food to be able to

stock food when there’s a survive from the typhoon or calamity.
typhoon coming or calamity?

4. Why do you think we need to Ma’am we need to work first to have food
work first before we can goof or before we can goof around.
play around?

Very good class.

Give yourself 10 claps. 👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏

B. Motivation
Class, I have here some pictures of different
kinds of animals. I will show you the pictures
and you will be acting like one of them. Do you Yes! Ma'am
get me class?

Very good. Now let’s start. The first picture is…

1. Monkey (The pupils will act after the teacher shows the
2. Snake pictures)
3. Dog
4. Cat
5. Bird
6. Grasshopper
7. Kangaroo
8. Dinosaur
9. Fish
10. Dolphin

Very good everyone!

Give yourself another 10 claps. 👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏

C. Unlocking Difficulties
Class, I have here (5) balloons, in each balloons
contain a (1) word and (2) pictures. I will call (5)
pupils from the class and will be going to pop up
the balloon and choose between the two picture Yes! Ma’am.
represents the word. Do you get me class?

Okay, let’s start.

1. Violin
2. Leaf
3. Food
4. Mountain
5. House

Very good everyone!!!

Give yourself another 10 claps. 👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏

 Reading Phase
Pre- reading
Class, as you can see in the black board we have
a new story to tackle. Reymart, can you please Yes. Ma'am
read the story.

The Ant and The Grasshopper

One bright day in late autumn a
family of Ants were bustling about in the
warm sunshine, drying out the grain they
had stored up during the summer, when a
starving Grasshopper, his fi ddle under his
arm, came up and humbly begged for a
bite to eat.
” What!" cried the Ants in surprise,
"haven't you stored anything away for
the winter? What in the world were you
doing all last summer?""I didn't have
ti me to store up any food," whined the
Grasshopper; "I was so busy making
music that before I knew it the summer
was gone.
“The Ants shrugged their shoulders
in disgust. “Making music, were you?"
they cried. "Very well; now dance!" And
they turned their backs on the
Grasshopper and went on with their
There’s a ti me for work and a ti me for

Post- Reading
Thank you reymart, you can take your seat.

Class, did you understand the story? If not I have

some questions for you so that you can
remember again the story. Are your ready? Yes ma’am.

1. From the story that reymart read, who
among the two characters is the Ma’am, the ant is the hardworking.
hardworking? The Ant or the

2. What did the Grasshopper do while the Ma’am, the Grasshopper is playing around.
ant is working?

3. When winter came what happened to Ma’am, the Grasshopper doesn’t have food for
the Grasshopper? the winter so the Grasshopper was starving.

4. What did the ant do to help the Ma’am, the ant invite the Grasshopper inside it’s
Grasshopper? house and feed the Grasshopper.

5. What do you think is the moral lesson of Ma’am, before we play around we need to work
the story? first so that we have food during problematic
situation and we can also help others.

Very good class. Very good.

Give yourself 20 claps. 👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏

IV. Generalization
Class, from the story that you heard. In real life
do you think there’s A person like the ant? Yes ma’am.

There is? Give me a sample. Like my mother ma’am. She works hard and let
us play. After we play we are hungry and then
she give us food even if we didn’t Help her find
Interesting answer.

Will you do what the ant did to help other Yes ma’am.

Yes? Why will you do that? Ma’am helping other people is like helping
yourself. It is very heart warming and feel
awesome when you can help to other people.
Very interesting. I am very proud that all of you
is my students. What a wonderful mindset you
have from such a young age.

I have another question class, what will you do Ma’am I have small fingers and not so strong
to help other people when you are still in grade arms but I am already helping my mother to lift a
3? groceries.

Very good. Another example? I am very much Ma’am I helped my friend last time when she
amuse to hear all of your story. can’t Solve her math problem. That is one of that
right ma’am?

Of course as long as you are helping, that will be

consider as help to others.

V. Evaluation
Okay class, I have here a simple task for you. You
will draw the words that I will write in the black
board, these words are came from the story that Yes ma’am.
we discuss. Okay?

Activity 1
1. Grasshopper
2. Violin
3. Grass
4. Ant
5. Trees
Activity 2
Match the column A to column B.

Column A Column B





VI. Assignment
Class, as for your assignment. You will ask your
parents if they know a short story and if yes you
will write about the moral lesson of that story
and draw the characters. Yes ma’am.

Okay class?

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