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The Common Persimmon (Diospyros Virginiana L.) : The History of An Underutilized Fruit Tree (16th-19th Centuries)

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The common persimmon (Diospyros virginiana L.):

The history of an underutilized fruit tree (16th–19th centuries)
C. H. Briand

The fruit, bark and wood of the common persimmon bask in the sunshine of happiness, and shake
(Diospyros virginiana L.) has a long history of use in off the lassitude caused by his having sucked
the New World. The fi rst written description of the green persimmons in the early days of
persimmon was by the “Gentleman of Elvas” in his life — Anonymous (1864a).
account of the de Soto expedition (1539–1543). Early
reports by the Spanish, French and English described When European explorers and settlers
the persimmon as a type of plum or medlar. Persimmons came to the New World, they encountered a
were employed by Native Americans, early European flora that was a mixture of both the familiar
colonists and later Americans for both food and medicine.
Persimmons were consumed fresh, dried like prunes, and the alien. A fruit tree that was new to
made into “bread,” and used to make pudding and them was the common persimmon (Diospyros
pies. Unripe persimmons are very astringent and were virginiana L., family Ebenaceae; Fig. 1). This
avoided. Persimmons were also used to make alcoholic species ranges from southern Connecticut and
beverages such as beer and brandy. During the American
Civil War, members of the Confederacy found many Long Island in the north, south to the tip of
additional uses for the persimmon. The seeds were made Florida, and west to eastern Kansas, Oklahoma
into buttons and also roasted and ground to produce a and Texas (Fig. 2). It is a medium sized tree
coffee substitute. Syrup was made from the ripe fruit, (Fig. 3) generally 9–18 meters in height, but
and green fruit was used to make ink. Persimmons have
been used medicinally as an astringent and antiseptic under optimum conditions may grow to 21–24
and for the treatment of uterine hemorrhage, diarrhea meters. The tallest persimmons listed in the
and dysentery, diphtheria, dropsy, fevers, gonorrhea, National Register of Big Trees are in Missouri and
hemorrhoids, syphilis, and thrush. Persimmon wood is South Carolina and are both 40.2 meters in
hard and heavy and has been used to produce gunstocks,
shoe lasts, planes, chisel handles, screws, mallets, wedges height. The common persimmon is dioecious,
for splitting tree trunks, the shafts of carriages, the heads with the fruit formed on female trees. Flowers
of golf clubs, engravings, cogs for saw mills and shuttle are small and bell shaped, ranging in length
blocks for cotton looms. Dye could be made using from 10 millimeters (male) to 15 millimeters
the bark. Common persimmons never caught on as a
horticultural crop and were eclipsed at the end of the (female), with the petals fused for most of their
19th century by the recently introduced larger fruited length. The fruit is a berry, with enlarged
Japanese persimmon or kaki (Diospyros kaki L.). persistent sepals, ranging in size from 1.9 to
5.1 centimeters in diameter, containing one to
Introduction eight seeds. The leaves are simple, glossy and
arranged alternately along the twigs (Little
To counteract the baleful effects of this
opiate of our nature, wit and humor were
1980; Brown and Brown 1984; Halls 1990).
created in order that man might sometimes Early reports (16th–18th centuries) of
persimmons by both the English and French
often described them as a type of medlar or
Department of Biological Sciences, Salisbury as being similar to a medlar (Harriot 1588;
University, Salisbury, MD 21801 U.S.A.
Lescarbot 1609; Hamor 1615; Parkinson

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Fig. 1. Left, colored engraving of Diospyros virginiana

showing a leafy branch plus a single fruit and seed
from Michaux (1817).

Fig. 2. Below, [the] northern limit of Diospyros,

New Haven, Connecticut (Photographer, George
E. Nichols, 1882–1939, lantern slide undated;
American Environmental Photographs Collection,
[AEP-CTS50], Department of Special Collections,
University of Chicago Library).

1629; Lawson 1709; Joutel 1714; Brickell The ameixas are of two sorts, vermillion and
17371 ; Castiglioni 1790; de Laudonnière gray, of the form and size of walnuts, having
three or four stones in them. They are better
1869; Chauchetière 1900; Gravier 1900; than any plums that are raised in Spain, and
Marest 1900; Strachey 1953). The medlar make much better prunes.
(Mespilus germanicus, family Rosaceae) is a
small deciduous tree native to Europe and The vermillion ameixas are persimmons,
Asia Minor. The earliest description of the while the gray ameixas are most likely papaws
persimmon was by an anonymous author (Asimina triloba). Persimmons appeared to be
known as the “Gentleman of Elvas” in his 1557 an integral part of the diet of the Indians of
narrative of Hernando de Soto’s (ca.1500– the southeastern United States at the time of
1542) expedition through what is now the European contact, along with maize, beans,
southeastern United States (1539–1543). 2 pumpkins, and walnuts (Bourne 1904).
The Portuguese text was fi rst translated into The earliest written description of the
English by Richard Hakluyt (1552–1616) in persimmon in English was by Thomas Harriot
1609 as Virginia Richly Valued by the Description (Hariot, 1560–1621) in A Brief and True Report
of the Mainland of Florida (Hakluyt 1846). of the New Found Land of Virginia published in
Persimmons are mentioned numerous times. 1588:
In Hakluyt’s translation they are referred to Medlars a kind of verie good fruit, so called by
as “plummes,” while a later translation by us chiefl ie for these respectes: fi rst in that they
are not good untill they be rotten: then in that
Buckingham Smith (Bourne 1904) keeps the they open at the head as our medlars, and are
original Portuguese “ameixas:” about the same bignesse: otherwise in taste and
colour they are farre different: for they are as

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Briand: The common persimmon 73

parsimmon. Gerard suggested that the prefi x

was from the Algonquin pos, meaning to
choke, while the suffi x was from men, meaning
fruit, thus a “choke-fruit,” referring to the
astringent nature of the unripe fruit. The
French in Louisiana and Illinois referred to
the persimmon as a piaguimina ( Joutel 1714),
piakimine (Binneteau 1900) or piakimina
(Gravier 1900; Marest 1900). These were the
Native American words for the persimmon in
this region. Constantine Samuel Rafi nesque
(1783–1840) (1841) listed a number of common
or “vulgar” names including seeded plums,
winter plums, yellow plums, guaiacan, and
pishmin. Henri Louis Duhamel du Monceau
(1700–1782) in his Traité des arbres et arbustes
(1755) stated that the French called this tree the
plaqueminier or piaqueminier. In the “Traité
de la formation de la langue” (Hatzfeld et
Fig. 3. Diospyros virginiana, Lima Lake, Illinois al. 1890), plaqueminier is listed as a Créole
(Photographer, William J. Cribbs, lantern slide word. Thus, plaqueminier/piaqueminier is
undated; American Environmental Photographs
Collection, [AEP-ILS283], Department of Special
probably derived from piaguimina/piakimine/
Collections, University of Chicago Library.). piakimina.
Carolus Linnaeus (1707–1778) gave us
red as cheries and very sweet: but whereas the the modern scientific name for the common
cherie is sharpe sweet, they are lushious sweet.
persimmon in his Species Plantarum (1753),
Thomas Harriot was a member of the Roanoke Diospyros virginiana. The scientific name in
colony in Virginia (1585/86) and along with the Linnaean sense was, however, Diospyros
John White surveyed the area from the outer foliorum paginis concoloribus, with Disopyros being
banks of North Carolina to the mouth of the the generic name and foliorum paginis concoloribus
Chesapeake Bay. Harriot’s book is the earliest being the specif ic name (nomen specificum
English publication on the New World (Quinn legitimum). Linnaeus described virginiana as
1974). the trivial name (nomen triviale), our modern
The fi rst use of the word persimmon was specific epithet. In Species Plantarum, Linnaeus
in 1612 by William Strachey (1572?–1621) in also included the many different scientific
Historie of Travell into Virginia Britannia. Other names by which the common persimmon was
common names included putchamins (Smith previously known, and where they had been
1612, 1624), pissmienplums (Hamor 1615), published (Fig. 4).
pishamin and Virginia plumme (Parkinson
1629), and persimenas (Plantagenet 1838). Food
W. R. Gerard (1896) listed other spellings
including pushemin, pichamin, pessemin, In 1909, Henry John Elwes (1846–1922)
puchamine, parsemena, pissmien, putchimon, and Augustine Henry (1857–1930) stated that
pitchumon, ph ish i mon, possi mon, a nd the fruit of the persimmon “… is little valued

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Fig. 4. Pages 1057–1058 from Carolus Linnaeus’ Species Plantarum, vol. 2 (1753).

as human food, though eaten by animals.” … plums, very good, and from them they make
This was not always the case, as both the loaves like quince-sweet … (Lyon 1993).
Native Americans, early European colonists, In a 7 August 1694 letter from Father Claude
and later Americans frequently consumed the Chauchetière (Society of Jesus, Villemarie
persimmon. John Smith (1580–1631), in A [Montréal]) to his brother Father P. Jean
Map of Virginia (1612), reported: “The fruit like Chauchetière (Society of Jesus, Limoges,
meddlers they [the Powhatan] call Putchamins, France), he mentioned persimmon bread:
they cast upon hurdles on a mat and preserve
I send you a piece of bread which has come
them as Pruines.” The Powhatan were part of from a place 500 leagues from here. It comes
the Algonquin linguistic group. from the ilinois country; it is made from
Persimmon loaves (or bread), a foodstuff of medlars or services, and has a very good taste
the Native Americans, were described in both (Chauchetière 1900).
the Narratives of the Career of Hernando de Soto In 1701, Jacques Gravier (a Jesuit missionary)
(Bourne 1904) and the “Cañete fragment” reported receiving persimmon bread from
(Lyon 1993), part of a larger lost narrative a Quapaw chief: “He made me a present of
describing de Soto’s expedition (written by 2 loaves of piakimina, which I distributed
Fray [Father] Sebastian de Cañete sometime among the [F]rench.” Gravier reported that
in the early 16th century): persimmons were also eaten fresh and that
… and loaves like bricks, made of the pulp of it was “… the most delicious fruit that the
ameixas, which Soto receiving, gave him thanks savages3 have from the Ilinois to the sea …”
and again entreated him to land (Bourne 1904). (Gravier 1900). Whole families would go into

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Briand: The common persimmon 75

the forest to collect persimmons. Duhamel 1895; Treat 1897). It was long believed that
du Monceau (1755) described the making of persimmons were only edible after they had
persimmon “galettes” or bread: experienced a frost (Kalm 1773; Castiglioni
… one mashes the fruit through a strong sieve 1790; Pursh 1814; Michaux 1817; Barton
which separates the flesh from the skin and 1818; Bishop 1878; Treat 1897), but this is
seeds: the flesh being reduced by boiling to a not, however, the case as there is considerable
thick paste and then makes long bread loaves variation in ripening time amongst different
of a foot and half in length, a foot wide and as
thick as a fi nger. Then the bread is left out in trees (Catesby 1754; Bryant 1871; Anonymous
the sun to dry or it can be cooked on a grill 1895; Troop 1895). J. Troop stated: “Our best
over a fi re. These galettes have the best taste persimmons ripen without frost, contrary to
when left out in the sun to dry.4 the general opinion that no persimmon is fit
John Bradbury (b. 1768) reported in Travels in to eat until it has been well frozen.”
the Interior of America, in the Years 1809, 1810, In 1612 Strachey reported that he had
and 1811 (1819), that he was given persimmon seen the colonists in Virginia “… put them
bread or “cake” made from persimmon pulp [persimmons] into their backed an sodden
and corn while visiting an Osage chief in puddings …” (1953). John Smith reported
present-day Missouri. The Osage called this feasting on persimmons among other foods in
“staninca.” Both the Osage and Quapaw are his Generall Historie of Virginia, New-England
in the Dhegiha Siouan linguistic group. and the Summer Isles published in 1624. Pehr
Mark Catesby (1683–1749) in The Natural Kalm (1716–1779) mentioned that persimmons
History of Carolina, Florida and the Bahama Islands were generally eaten raw (1773). Francis Peyre
(1754) described the taste of persimmons that Porcher (1825–1895) reported the persimmon
had been allowed to dry on the tree limbs: fruit “… when mashed and strained through a
“… the Fruit having then lost much of its coarse wire sieve, makes delightful bread, pies,
watery Parts, is shriveled, candied, and very and pudding” (1863). Troop (1895) stated that
luscious, resembling in Taste and Consistence persimmons were “… good when eaten from
Raisins of the Sun.” the hand; better with cream and sugar, and
Although ripe persimmons are excellent they are best of all when made into a pudding,
fruit, unripe persimmons provide an altogether as is done in North Carolina.”
different experience. John Smith (1612) wrote: Millie Evans, a former slave born circa
“… if it be not ripe it will drawe a mans mouth 1849 and l iv ing in A rkansas when she
awrie, with much torment, but when it is was interviewed in 1936 for the Federal
ripe, it is as delicious as an Apricock.” Also Writer’s Project, gave a recipe for persimmon
in 1612 William Strachey in Historie of Travell cornbread:
into Virginia Britania wrote: “… when they are Sift meal and add your ingredients then your
not fully ripe, they are harsh and choakie, and persimmons that have been washed and the
furre a man’s mouth like allam …” (1953). seeds taken out and mash them and put in and
stir well together. Grease pan well and pour in
The astringent nature of unripe persimmons and bake. Eat with fresh meat (Evans 1936).
has been reported by many other authors
(Parkinson 1629; Beverly 1705; Lawson She also gave a recipe for persimmon pie:
1709; Brickell 1737; Miller 1754; Kalm 1773; Make a crust like you would any other pie crust
Castiglioni 1790; Pursh 1814; Michaux 1817; and take your persimmons and wash them. Let
Barton 1818; Rafi nesque 1841; Trux 1855; them be good and ripe. Get the seed out of
them. Don’t cook them. Mash them and put
Bryant 1871; Spelman 1872; Anonymous

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76 HUNTIA 12(1) 2005

cinnamon and spice in and butter. Sugar to on the notes of M. Dumont (Dumont de
taste. Then roll your dough and put in custard Montigny and Le Mascrier 1753):
pan, and then add the fi lling, then put a top
crust on it, sprinkle a little sugar on top and They [black bears] are very fond of the
bake. persimmon fruit; they have no difficulty
whatsoever climbing up these trees. When they
Animal food climb up, they straddle one of the branches and
hold it between their paws. They then grab
Persimmon fruits provided food for wild other branches and pull off the persimmons.
animals such as opossums, raccoons, bears Because of the fondness of opossums (Didelphis
and squirrels (Fig. 5), and various birds; also virginiana) for persimmons, this tree is sometimes
domesticated animals such as cows, dogs, hogs, called possum wood. An old folk song (origin
sheep, chickens, ducks, geese and turkeys unknown) called “Cotton Field Song” (Lomax
(Dumont de Montigny and Le Mascrier 1753; and Lomax 1934) illustrated the love of both
Catesby 1754; Michaux 1817; Porcher 1863; opossums and raccoons for persimmons:
Bishop 1878; Anonymous 1896; Worth 1975).
The love of persimmons by black bears (Ursus Possum in a ’simmon tree,
Raccoon on de groun’,
americanus) was described in Mémoires historiques Raccoon ask de possum
sur la Louisiane by an anonymous author based To shake dem ’simmons down.

Another song called “Old Bob Ridley” by

W. Loftin Hargrave (1853) also mentions
the relationship between opossums and
A possum sot [sat] in a ’simmon tree,
A look in cunnin down at me;
I took a rock, all on the sly,
And I hit him zip right in the eye!

In Fisher’s River (North Carolina) Scenes and

Characters, by Hardin E. Taliaferro (1811–
1875), a woman describes herself as “… happy
as a ’possum up a ’simmon-tree …” (1859).

Alcoholic beverages
Went out & got my Chrisday dinner. Also got
some cakes & persimmon beer — Robert T.
Douglass (1863).

A plantation song (origin unknown) also

described drinking persimmon beer in the
South at Christmas (Hunter 1894):
Apple cider, ’simmon beer,
Fig. 5. Colored engraving of Diospyros virginiana Christmas comes but once a year.
(Guajacana) showing a leafy branch with flowers and
fruit plus Glaucomys volans (southern flying squirrel)
One of the most common uses of the persimmon
from Catesby (1754). was in the brewing of persimmon beer. Robert
Beverly (ca.1673–1722) in The History and

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Briand: The common persimmon 77

Present State of Virginia published what appears manufactured in Orangeburg district, S. C.,
to be the earliest description of persimmon by the Hon. J. M. Felder, equalled the best
beer: “The poorer sort brew their Beer with sparkling ‘Jersey Champagne.’” Locusts,
[…] Persimmons dried in Cakes, and baked …” sweet potatoes as well as apple peelings were
(1705). Thus typically persimmon beer was sometimes added to improve the flavor (Kalm
made with persimmon bread. Pehr Kalm in 1773; Edgeworth 1860; Porcher 1863). In
his Travels into North America (1773) noted that a narrative about his life for the Federal
both the English and Swedish colonists brewed Writer’s Project, Nick Waller, an “old”
persimmon beer. Kalm also provided the fi rst African-American, described the making of
detailed description of the brewing process: persimmon beer by his mother:
… persimon apples are put into a dough of That old persimmon beer was half of our
wheat or other flour, formed into cakes, and living. Us chillun would gather persimmons by
put into an oven, in which they continue till the bucketfulls. Mother would cook ’em with
they are quite baked, and sufficiently dry, when wheat bran and make it out into the big pones
they are taken out again: then, in order to brew that she used to make the beer mash and she
the liquor, a pot full of water is put on the fi re, put lots of locusts in it. That beer was really
and some of the cakes are put in: these become good and so refreshin’ after a hard day’s work
soft by degrees as the water grows warm, and (McCune 1939).
crumble in pieces at last; the pot is then taken
from the fi re, and the water in it well stirred The locusts mentioned are probably the fruit of
about, that the cakes may mix with it: this the honey locust (Gleditsia triacanthos) as both
is then poured into another vessel, and they Michaux (1817) and Porcher (1863) reported
continue to steep and break as many cakes as
are necessary for a brewing: the malt is then that beer was made with the fruit of this tree.
infused, and they proceed as usual with the Persimmons were also sometimes added to
brewing. Beer thus prepared is reckoned much corn beer (Edgeworth 1860). Although in
preferable to other beer. most cases persimmon beer was made using
The loaves were typically made with wheat persimmon bread, it could also be made using
(Charleston [South Carolina] Mercury 1861; fresh persimmons (Porcher 1863; Evans 1936).
Porcher 1863; Felter and Lloyd 1898), but The alcohol content of persimmon beer is
sometimes corn (Edgeworth 1860). Isaac difficult to ascertain. Porcher (1863) reported
Bartram (1725–1801) also mentioned that that persimmon beer made with persimmon
persimmon beer was made in the southern bread “… makes a very strong beer,” while
states (1771). Detailed recipes for persimmon the beer brewed from fresh ripe persimmons
beer appeared in Luigi Castiglioni’s Viaggio contained no alcohol. In some parts of the
negli Stati Uniti (1790), François André Confederacy, persimmon beer was known as
Michaux’s The North American Sylva, Vol. 2 “possum toddy” (see Animal food) (Gordon
(1817), Mary L. Edgeworth’ s The Southern 1888).
Gardener and Receipt Book (1860), the Charleston Wine was also made from persimmons
(South Carolina) Mercury (1861), and Francis (Kalm 1773; Rafi nesque 1841). Rafi nesque
Peyre Porcher’s Resources of the Southern Fields recommended removing the skin before
and Forests (1863). Castiglioni wrote that making wine from persimmons “… as it
persimmon beer had a “… sweet and heady contains too much astringency.” Duhamel
f lavor and keeps on improving in quality du Monceau (1755) reported that a Norman
even after a long time” (1790). Porcher immigrant in Louisiana made a good cider
(1863) reported that “… persimmon beer from persimmons.

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78 HUNTIA 12(1) 2005

Persimmons have been used to make brandy. fruit occasionally for their households. The
Brandy is produced by either the distillation of Apple Tree and the Peach Tree are far more
advantageous, as their growth is more rapid and
wine (from grapes) or the liquid produced by their produce more considerable (1817).
the fermentation of other fruits (Schery 1972).
Pehr Kalm (1773) was the fi rst to describe the Interest in producing brandy from persimmons
making of persimmon brandy: was reignited during the American Civil War.
The Columbus (Ga.) Enquirer (1862) suggested
… having collected a sufficient quantity of
persimons in autumn, they are all together that an “agreeable” brandy could be produced
put into a vessel, where they lie for a week from persimmons, while the Southern Banner
till they are quite soft: then they pour water (Athens, Ga.) (1863) published a recipe for
on them, and in that state they are left to persimmon brandy, stating that a half-gallon
ferment of themselves, without promoting the
fermentation by any addition. The brandy is of brandy could be made from a bushel of
then made in the common way, and is said to persimmons, and that “… distillation is the
be very good, especially if grapes (in particular same as for other brandies or whiskey.” Francis
of the sweet sort) which are wild in the woods, Peyre Porcher (1863) stated: “I am informed
be mixed with the persimon fruit.
by a friend that the persimmon makes a
Isaac Bartram was enlisted by the Philosophical particularly fi ne brandy.”
Soc iet y of Ph i l adelph i a to u nder t a ke
experiments on the production of brandy Vinegar
from persimmons in an effort to lessen their Porcher (1863) reported that a “… beautiful
dependence on West Indian rum. Bartram white wine vinegar …” could be made from
(1771) gave detailed instructions on the persimmons using “… three bushels ripe
production of persimmon brandy. He suggested persimmons, three gallons of whiskey, twenty-
that farmers each set aside 50 acres of land for seven gallons of water.”
the planting of 300 persimmon trees, whose
production of brandy could net the farmer a Coffee
profit of thirty pounds per year if sold for two
shillings per gallon. Bartram wrote: During the American Civil War, both
civilians and soldiers of the Confederate
Were we to extend this calculation to what
every fi fty acres of cultivated land in this
States fell on hard times due to a blockade of
province only would produce, we should fi nd southern ports by the north and the disruption
that we might soon become independent of the of agriculture and commerce. Particularly hard
West-Indies, for the expensive article of rum, felt was the lack of coffee. By 1864, the Mobile
and thereby yearly save many Thousand Pounds
to this colony.
(Ala.) Register and Advertiser (1864) reported
that coffee was selling for 10 to 15 dollars
George Mason (1725–1792) known as the per pound. In his “Domestic economy of the
“Father of the Bill of Rights” in America had Confederacy,” D. Dodge, writing after the
persimmon brandy distilled on his Virginia war, stated that: “… no privation caused more
plantation ( John Mason ca.1830s). A few actual discomfort among the people at large
years later, however, François André Michaux than the want of it [coffee] …” (1886). Among
(1770–1855) wrote: a great variety of materials including chicory
… it will be impossible to derive profit from root, corn, cottonseed, dandelion seed, melon
the Persimon in these modes [for distilling seed, okra seed, peanuts, rice, rye, sugar cane
brandy etc.], and in the country where it is seed, sweet potatoes, toasted hard tack, and
most abundant a few farmers only employ its
wheat, persimmon seeds were also used as a

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Briand: The common persimmon 79

coffee substitute (Porcher 1863; Charleston Ink

[S.C.] Mercury 1864; Dodge 1886). One of the
Persimmons were used to make indelible
strangest coffee substitutes was reported in the
ink. The Bellville (Tex.) Countryman (1863)
Mobile (Ala.) Register (1864), which suggested
printed instructions on how to make ink from
that a substitute for coffee could be made with
“… parched ground peas, and now and then
a cockroach thrown in.” Many newspapers Green persimmons, say twelve of them, mash
them, pour on water enough to cover them.
claimed that persimmon coffee was as good as Boil over slow fi re and not boil them too much,
real coffee: the Southern Banner (Athens, Ga.) add in a small piece of copperas. This ink will
(1863), the Daily Intelligencer (Atlanta, Ga.) not change color and cannot be washed or
(1863), the Montgomery (Ala.) Weekly Advertiser, rubbed out.
(1863; 1864), the Charleston Mercury (1864), and Copperas is the protosulphate of iron or
the Mobile (Ala.) Register and Advertiser (1864). ferrous sulphate and was commonly used in
A column in the Montgomery (Ala.) Weekly making ink. It was also called green vitriol
Advertiser (1863) stated that “… the seeds of the (OED Online 2003). A very similar procedure
persimmon when roasted and ground produces was published in Mary Ann Bryan Mason’s
a beverage, which cannot, even by old and The Young Housewife’s Counsellor and Friend:
experienced coffee drinkers, be distinguished Containing Directions in Every Department of
from genuine coffee.” A recipe for preparing Housekeeping, Including the Duties of Wife and
persimmon seeds appeared in both the Southern Mother (1875). She called it Gordon’s indelible
Banner (Athens, Ga.) (1863), and the Daily ink.
Intelligencer (Atlanta, Ga.) (1863). The seeds
were boiled to remove any mucilaginous
materials and then roasted. In order to produce Buttons
a smoother tasting beverage, it was suggested Persimmon seeds were also used to make
that two parts dried sweet potato be added to buttons during the American Civil War. The
one part persimmon seed. Southern Banner (Athens, Ga.) (1863) and
the Daily Intelligencer (Atlanta, Ga.) (1863)
Syrup suggested that persimmon buttons were very
The following was reprinted from the strong: “If you use them for buttons, the
December 1863 Wilmington Journal in Scientifi c washer woman will hardly break them with
American under the heading “Southern News:” her battling stick.”
“We transfer a valuable receipt to our columns,
hoping that our enterprise will be appreciated Medicine
by our readers. Every one can now indulge in
‘persimmon sirup,’ if they can only procure The persimmon has been widely used as a
the p’simmons …” (Anonymous 1864b). The medicinal plant throughout its range since at
recipe was as follows: “Put the persimmons in least the 18th century. During the American
a vessel and boil until the saccharine material Civil War, the Medical Purveyor’s Department,
is fully dissolved, which can be told by the Little Rock, Arkansas, was paying 20 cents per
coagulation of the fruit; then strain, and boil pound for persimmon bark taken from roots
the liquid to any desired consistency.” This (Weekly Arkansas Gazette [Little Rock] 1862;
syrup was claimed to be better than that Arkansas True Democrat [Little Rock] 1862a),
produced from sorghum. while the Medical Purveyor’s Office of the

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Confederate States of America was paying rhubarb (Rheum spp.), while the Mobile (Ala.)
25 cents per pound for the inner bark of the Register and Advertiser (1862), Arkansas True
trunk, branches and roots (Savannah [Ga.] Democrat (Little Rock) (1862b) and Porcher
Republican 1862; Charleston [S.C.] Mercury (1863) recommended persimmon syrup made
1862; Southern Watchman [Athens, Ga.] from the juice of unripe persimmons with the
1862). The Confederate States of America, addition of sugar. The Mobile (Ala.) Register and
Surgeon-General’s Office (1862) said that root Advertiser (1862) wrote: “If our soldiers in camp
bark was preferable to that from young twigs. would adopt this remedy many long cases of
Because of the difficulty in obtaining drugs, chronic dysentery might be prevented.” Mason
the Confederacy looked to indigenous plants (1875) suggested lozenges made from green
as a source of medicine (Hasegawa 2000). persimmons, red oak bark, blackberry preserve
John Lawson (1674–1711) wrote: “The Fruit, syrup, gum arabic and sugar; “Let the patient
if ripe, will presently cleanse a foul Wound, but eat three or four each day.”
causes Pain.” (1709). Rafi nesque (1841) also
reported that persimmon fruits were antiseptic Diphtheria
and equivalent in its effect to Jesuit’s bark Rafi nesque (1841) suggested that a tonic
(Cinchona). Both Rafi nesque (1841) and Cook made from the inner bark of persimmon was
(1869) suggested that persimmon could also useful in “… ulcerous sorethroat [diphtheria].”
be used for the treatment of external ulcers. Diphther ia is caused by the bacter ium
Persimmon (both fruit and bark) was generally Corynebacterium diphtheriae. The Montgomery
recommended as an astringent (Porcher 1863; (Ala.) Weekly Advertiser (1862), the Southern
Welch 1883; Felter and Lloyd 1898). Banner (Athens, Ga.) (1862) and the Southern
Rafi nesque (1841) and Mahoney (1849) Confederacy (Atlanta, Ga.) (1862) suggested the
reported that the inner bark was used as a following treatment for diphtheria:
general styptic. The common persimmon was
also useful in treating uterine hemorrhage Take a handful of alder root, the same quantity
of dogwood root, and the same quantity of the
(Gronovius 1739–1743; Porcher 1863; Felter bark of persimmon root. Boil them with a pint
and Lloyd 1898). Other illnesses treated with of vinegar down to a half pint, then add a very
persimmon included diarrhea and dysentery, little water, a small lump of alum and a little
d iphther ia, d ropsy, fever s, gonor rhea, honey, use as a gargle.
hemorrhoids, syphilis, and thrush. Porcher (1863) reported: “The inner bark is
used […] with alum as a gargle in ulcerated
Diarrhea and dysentery sore throat.” Alum is another astringent used
Persimmon was recommended for the medicinally. William H. Cook (1832–1899)
treatment of both diarrhea and dysentery. in The Physio-Medical Dispensatory (1869)
Both fruits (usually unripe) and bark were and Harvey W. Felter (1865–1927) and John
recommended (Castiglioni 1790; Rafi nesque U. Lloyd (1849–1936) in King’s American
1841; Porcher 1863; Mason 1875). Dumont Dispensatory (1898) also recommended that a
de Montigny and Le Mascrier (1753) and persimmon “wash” or “gargle” was useful in
Duha mel du Monceau (1755) repor ted treating diphtheria.
that persimmon galettes were an effective
treatment for diarrhea (see Food). Rafi nesque Dropsy
advocated using a tonic made from the inner Rafi nesque reportedly stated that “… an
bark of persimmon with the addition of infusion of the seeds is good in dropsy” (Cook

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1869). Dropsy is an old name for congestive root plus a double handful of persimmon
heart disease. The most common treatment for bark, preferably from the root. This was to be
dropsy was the leaves of the purple foxglove boiled in 12 gallons of water and reduced to
(Digitalis purpurea). Wi l l iam Wither ing a half gallon. This decoction along with one
(1741–1799) wrote about his experiments made from sarsaparilla (Aralia nudicaulis) was
using floxgloves (an old folk remedy) in An to be drunk until all signs of discharge ceased.
Account of the Foxglove and Some of Its Medical A treatment for “venereal disease” or syphilis
Uses: With Practical Remarks on Dropsy and Other (caused by the bacterium Treponema pallidum)
Diseases (1785). was a decoction made from two pounds white
sumac (Rhus glabra), one pound may apple root
Fever (Podophyllum peltatum), a half pound of devil’s
John Lindley (1799–1865) in An Introduction shoe string (Tephrosia virginiana) and a quarter
to the Natural System of Botany (1830) stated that pound of persimmon root bark. This was then
persimmon bark acted as a “febrifuge,” which boiled in four gallons of water, strained and
is “… a medicine adapted to drive away or to then administered in a half-gill (one eighth of
reduce fever; hence, a cooling drink” (OED a pint) dose, thrice daily.
Online 2003). Rafi nesque (1841) reported
that the inner bark was “… much used in
Carolina and Tennessee for intermittent fevers Thrush is a fungal infection caused by
[malaria].” Porcher (1863) and Cook (1869) Candida albicans. Mahoney (1849) in The
also recommended persimmon for these fevers. Cherokee Physician, or Indian Guide to Health
William Cook (1869) stated that it was more believed that thrush was “… caused by a foul
effective in this regard than Cornus fl orida stomach and bowels.” In Cherokee, thrush
(flowering dogwood). was known as “Oo-hah-lah-go-huh-skee.”
A mouth rinse made from the inner bark of
Hemorrhoids the persimmon plus ashes from a chimney
James W. Mahoney (1849) reported that a was recommended as part of the treatment.
decoction made with persimmon was “… an This mixture was boiled and then sweetened
excellent remedy in cases of piles …” (see with honey, and it could be improved with
Sexually transmitted diseases for decoction). the addition of borax (Na 2B4O7). Cook (1869)
also recommended a persimmon “wash” for
Sexually transmitted diseases thrush.

Persimmon along with a number of other

plants was used to treat sexually transmitted Wood and bark
diseases (Mahoney 1849). The “clap” or The wood of the persimmon is very hard
gonorrhea is a sexually transmitted disease and heavy, with yellowish white to green
caused by the bacterium Neisseria gonorrhoeae. sapwood and brown to black heartwood
A f ter clea n si ng t he bowel s, M a honey (Parkinson 1629; Michaux 1817; Rafi nesque
recommended a decoction made from five 1841; Bartlett 1848; Porcher 1863; Bryant
pounds of sumac (Rhus spp.) root, two pounds 1871; Elwes and Henry 1909). Parkinson
of red root (?), a double handful of blackberry (1629) stated that the wood was brittle, while
(Rubus spp.) or dewberry (Rubus fl agellaris) Michaux (1817) was told that the wood “… is
liable to split.”

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82 HUNTIA 12(1) 2005

Persimmon wood has been used to make

planes, chisel handles (Kalm 1773), screws,
mallets, shoe lasts, wedges for splitting tree
trunks, and the shafts of carriages (Michaux
1817). In fact, Michaux stated that persimmon
wood was “… preferable to the Ash and to every
other species of wood except the Lance Wood
[Duguetia spp.] of the West Indies, and that the
difficulty of procuring stocks of the proper
size alone prevented it being more frequently
applied to this use …” (1817). The problem
was not a lack of trees, but of a lack of large
trees for this purpose. An article in Scientifi c
American (Anonymous 1860) titled “The ‘last’
manufactury at Richmond” described the
making of shoe lasts from persimmon wood.
Persimmon logs were obtained by Wortham
and Company of Richmond, Virginia, from
the Chickahominy Swamp, and as many as Fig. 6. Diospyros virginiana, Lima Lake, Illinois,
500 lasts could be manufactured from a single showing close up of trunk (Photographer, William
log. J. Cribbs, lantern slide undated; American
Persimmon wood was excellent for making Environmental Photographs Collection, [AEP-
ILS282], Department of Special Collections,
gunstocks, only surpassed by walnut and maple University of Chicago Library.).
(Porcher 1863). Porcher also stated that the
wood was used for manufacturing engravings. The bark of the persimmon is dark and
Cogs used in the “Clipper Mill,” a type of deeply furrowed or fissured (Fig. 6) (Michaux
sawmill, were also made of persimmon wood 1817; Nicholson 1888). Along with its medicinal
(Liddell Company 1890). Barnes (1898) said uses (see Medicine), persimmon bark was used
that persimmon wood was used to make the to make a dye, “… the color depending on the
heads of golf clubs, but along with dogwood mordant used” (Porcher 1863).
was inferior to beech. In 1901 the Daily Review
(Decatur, Ill.) reported that persimmon shuttle
blocks, for cotton looms, manufactured in
Chattanooga, Tennessee, were exported to Lawson (1709) described a game he called
England. Indian dice, which was played with persimmon
A number of other writers (Bartlett 1848; seeds in North Carolina:
Bryant 1871; Anonymous 1879) also reported They have several other Plays and Games; as,
the uses of persimmon wood, but their work with the Kernels or Stones of Persimmons,
appears to have been taken from Michaux which are in effect the same as our Dice,
because Winning or Losing depend on which
(1817). Luigi Castiglioni (1790) wrote that
side appear uppermost, and how they happen to
persimmon was also good for fi re wood and fall together.
that its ashes were rich in alkali. Alkali was
important for the making of soap. Andrew M. Davis (1833–1920) in his book
Indian Games (1886) stated that this was a

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Briand: The common persimmon 83

version of Hubbub that was earlier reported Luigi Castiglioni (1757–1832) stated that
by Ogilby in 1670 (probably 1671): persimmons were readily propagated from seed
Hubbub is five small Bones in a small Tray; and numerous trees were grown by him in
the Bones be like Die, but somewhat fl atter, Lombardy (a region in northern Italy) (1790).
black on the one side and white on the other, In 1888, George Nicholson (1847–1908),
which they place on the Ground, against which writing in the Gardeners’ Chronicle, reported
violently thumping the Platter, the Bones
mount, changing Colour with the windy that a large persimmon was growing in Kew
whisking of their Hands to and fro; which Gardens, England. This tree was believed to
action in that sport they much use, smiting have been presented to King George III (r.
themselves on the Breasts and Thighs, crying 1760–1820) by the Duke of Argyle. Archibald,
out Hub Hub Hub … (Davis 1886).
the Duke of Argyle, was known as “the tree-
The name Hubbub was given to this game by monger” (Anonymous 1888). This tree was 60
the early colonists (OED Online 2003). feet (18.3 m) tall, with a crown spread of 38
feet (11.5 m) and a trunk 5 feet 2 inches (1.6
m) in girth. Sadly, this tree is no longer found
at Kew (Kevin Frediani, Windsor Great Park,
The common persimmon was introduced pers. comm.).
into England prior to 1629, as trees growing Bartram (1771) suggested “… that the
there were described by John Parkinson cultivation of the Persimon Tree is an object
(1567–1650) in Paradisi in Sole Paradisus worthy of the attention of our farmers, as
Terrestris (Fig. 7): “The Virginia Plumme […] it promises great profit to themselves, and a
hath growne with us of the kernels that were still greater advantage to the community in
sent out of Virginia, into great trees …” (1629). general.” Castiglioni (1790) was probably the
Duhamel du Monceau (1755) also reported first to suggest that the taste and size of the fruit
that persimmons were grown in France and could be improved under cultivation:
that the roots of young plants were mulched I hope that by planting the seed and cultivating
in the autumn as a precaution against freezing. this tree in rich and fertile soil, by espaliering it
like the other fruit trees, and perhaps grafting
it repeatedly upon itself, its fruit will abandon
its disgusting bitterness and become larger and
more tasty.

Rafi nesque wrote: “… the Persimmon has not

yet been cultivated, although no fruit deserves it
better: it promises to improve in flavor and size
under the care of the gardener …” (Rafinesque
1841). A number of other 19th-century authors
also suggested that the persimmon could be
improved by selection and cultivation (Elliott
1824; Bartlett 1848; Bryant 1871; Anonymous
1895; Troop 1895; Treat 1897). In Garden and
Forest (1895), an anonymous author wrote that
a number of varieties of persimmons were
Fig. 7. Portion of a woodcut showing a leafy branch of
Diospyros virginiana (the Virginia plumme) with both
available, and that the persimmon “… seems
flowers and fruit from Parkinson (1629). destined to become a genuine addition to our

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84 HUNTIA 12(1) 2005

orchard fruits.” Some varieties ripen as early published in 1848 in Scientifi c American, an
as August and as late as October or November, anonymous author wrote:
with others reaching maximum flavor in mid- Although there are several American varieties
winter (Fig. 8). Two of the best early ripening [raspberries], they are as much inferior to the
varieties were Golden Gem and Early Golden. new improved European sorts as a persimmon
Early ripening varieties sold for as much as six is to the most delicious peach.
to eight dollars a bushel (Troop 1895). Troop Is it that persimmons fell out of favor with the
also reported that experiments were underway American consumer when access to other more
in both Indiana and Illinois to improve the desirable fruits became readily available?
persimmon by “… increasing the size and Troop (1895) reported that because sucker
reducing the number of seeds and improving sprouts and seedlings were traditionally
its flavor.” Both Anonymous (1895) and Troop propagated, there was considerable variation
(1895) stated that persimmons were resistant in survivorship, fruit quality or even ability to
to both insects and fungi. Why then was the produce fruit. Also, “… it requires a long time for
persimmon so neglected? In “The raspberry” the trees to come into bearing.” Finally, several
authors (Bryant 1871, Anonymous 1895; Treat
1897) suggested that the common persimmon
would make an attractive ornamental.
During the later part of the 19th century,
there was considerable interest in the Japanese
persimmon (Diospyros kaki), which had been
recently introduced from Japan. Neck reported
that common persimmons “… grafted or
budded with any of the Japan varieties succeeds
well …” (1888). Garden and Forest (Anonymous
1889) reported that the Japanese persimmon
“… is raised in Florida and Georgia, where the
Kaki has been planted in large quantities.” In
fact in Helen Harcourt’s Florida Fruits and How
to Raise Them (1886), she listed 12 varieties
of Japanese persimmon available in Florida.
It was also suggested that hybridization of
the common persimmon with the Japanese
persimmon might improve fruit size, color
and flavor (Anonymous 1889, 1895).
By the turn of the 20th century, persimmons
were even thought of as a nuisance by some:
“The growth of persimmon trees in old fields
in the [S]outh has been looked upon as a curse.
The persimmon trees will spring up almost like
Fig. 8. Colored drawing showing a leafless branch
with fruit and a single seed; by William Bartram corn. It takes a lot of digging and grubbing to
(1739–1823), undated. From the Benjamin Smith keep them down” (Daily Review [Decatur,
Barton Papers 1789–1815, American Philosophical Ill.] 1901).
Society, Philadelphia, PA.

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Jumping ahead in time approximately one Notes

century, we fi nd that the common persimmon 1. It must be noted here that John Brickell’s (1710?–
“… has never advanced beyond the status of a 1745) book the Natural History of North Carolina
minor fruit …” (Morton 1987). Morton states, (1737) was largely plagiarized from John Lawson’s
however, that in the eastern United States (1709) A New Voyage to Carolina (Gilmore 2002).
2. See Bourne (1904) for a detailed discussion of the
common persimmons are used as rootstocks history of this narrative.
to impart cold resistance. In summary the 3. The French generally referred to Native
common persimmon has been eclipsed by the Americans as “les sauvages.”
Japanese persimmon as a horticultural crop 4. Dumont de Montigny and Le Mascrier (1753)
wrote that the smoked bread “… is capable of
in the United States. China is the leading disgusting those persons who have a delicate
producer of Japanese persimmons (567, 750 nature.”
metric tons in 1988), while the United States
is only a minor persimmon producer (4,000
Literature cited
metric tons in 1988), with growing limited
mainly to California (Collins et al. 1993). Anonymous. 1848. The raspberry. Sci. Amer. 4(13): 99.
Anonymous. 1860. The “last” manufactury at
Richmond. Sci. Amer., n.s. 3(11): 166.
Anonymous. 1864a. The camp jester. Augusta, Ga.:
This study was made possible in par t by the Blackmar & Brother.
electronic resources available at the Amateur Athletic Anonymous. 1864b. Southern news. Sci. Amer., n.s.
Foundation of Los Angeles, Sports Library, American 10(6): 82.
Journeys ( American Memory, Anonymous. 1879. Special uses for different peculiar
Library of Congress, Documenting the American South kinds of woods. The Manufacturer and Builder
(University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill Libraries), 11(5): 101.
Early Canadiana Online (National Library of Canada), Anonymous. 1888. Recent plant portraits. Gard. &
Gallica, la bibliothèque numérique (Bibliothèque Forest 1(41): 491.
nationale de France), the Luesther T. Mertz Library, Anonymous. 1889. Notes. Gard. & Forest 2(95): 612.
Rare Book Digitization Project (New York Botanical Anonymous. 1895. The persimmon. Gard. & Forest
Garden), Making of America (Cornell University and 8(384): 262.
the University of Michigan), the Modern English Anonymous. 1896. Dainties of animal diet (from the
Collection at the University of Virginia Electronic Spectator). Littell’s Living Age 11(2723): 698–701.
Text Center, Genealogy Foundation, Arkansas True Democrat (Little Rock). 1862a.
the Southwest School of Botanical Medicine, Bisbee, 29 Oct., p.1, col. 4.
Arizona, University of Georgia Libraries, and the Virtual Arkansas True Democrat (Little Rock). 1862b.
Jamestown Archive. Much of the information from 26 Nov., p. 2, col. 3.
Confederate newspapers was obtained from Vicki Betts, Barnes, C. W. 1898. One of nature’s golf links.
Robert R. Muntz Library, University of Texas at Tyler. Outing 32: 621–624.
Kevin Shupe, Library, Internet & Technology Manager Bartlett, J. R. 1848. Dictionary of Americanisms, ed.
at Gunston Hall Plantation, provided information 1. New York: Bartlett and Welford.
on George Mason, while Craig Brough, Enquiries Barton, B. S. 1793. Botanical description of the
Librarian, Library & Archives, Royal Botanic Gardens, Podophyllum diphyllum of Linnaeus, in a letter to
Kew, provided a copy of the paper by Nicholson (1888), Charles Peter Thunberg, M.D. Knight of the
and Charles B. Greifenstein, Manuscripts Librarian, Order of Wasa, Professor of Medicine and Botany
American Philosophical Society, provided a copy of the in the University of Upsal, &c. &c. Trans. Amer.
paper by Bartram (1771). Thanks are also due to Cheryl Philos. Soc. 3: 334–348.
Hartnett for translating portions of Joutel (1714) and Barton, W. P. C. 1818. Compendium Florae
Duhamel du Monceau (1755), Tim Miller, Department Philadelphicae. 2 vols. Philadelphia, Pa.: M. Carey
of History, Salisbury University, for translating portions & Son.
of Gronovius (1739–1743), and to William Grogan and Bartram, I. 1771. A memoir on the distillation of
Mark Holland, Department of Biological Sciences, persimmons. Trans. Amer. Philos. Soc. 1: 231–234.
and Mike Lewis, Department of History, Salisbury Bellville (Tex.) Countryman. 1863. 14 Nov., p. 1, col. 4.
University, for helpful comments.

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86 HUNTIA 12(1) 2005

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