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Las Cookery 3

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Fish and Shellfish – some popular seafood ingredients are tuna, sardines,

DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION grilled and fried fish fillets, crab meat and shrimp which are highly perishable
REGION V and should be kept chilled to maintain quality.
DIVISION OF CITY SCHOOLS Cheese – refers to cheddar, processed cream cheese and cheese spreads which
are easily sliced, firm texture and act as binder, moistener of other ingredients.
Cararayan, Naga City
It should be refrigerated and remain covered until ready to serve to avoid
LO.1 Perform Mis’en Place Spreads – like mayonnaise, mustard and butter, moisten the bread and
Learning Activity Sheet compliment the flavors of other ingredients. They should be served
Quarter 3, Week 5-6 immediately and kept refrigerated to preserve its color and flavor.
Condiments – like olive oil, relishes , chutneys give a lift to a sandwich, some
Name: _____________________________________________
of them are high in acid so don’t combine them with strong flavored
Learning Area: TVL- COOKERY condiments.
Date: March 24, 2021 Vegetables – should be crisped and proportion to the size of sandwich.
Lettuce, tomatoes and onions are indispensable in sandwich making. They add
I. Introductory Concept texture, flavor and color to the sandwich.
Miscellaneous – fruit fresh or dried, jelly, jam, peanut butter, eggs and nuts
Seafood is a form of sea life regarded as food by humans. Seafood includes adds flavor, color, nutrients and texture to sandwich production.
fish and shellfish. Shellfish includes various species of mollusks, crustaceans, and
echinoderms. A wide variety of fish and seafood available in the market from many
different sources. Note: Skills learned in cleaning, sanitizing and preparing tools, utensils and
equipment based on required tasks from Lesson 1 LO1, should be applied in
II. Learning Objectives preparing sandwiches.

At the end of the lesson, you should be able to: Different Types of Sandwiches
1. Identify the different types of seafood.
2. Classify the category of seafoods. Cold Sandwiches
3. Discuss the characteristics and market forms of fish and shellfish.  Open-Faced Sandwiches
 Regular Cold Sandwiches
INFORMATION SHEET  Pinwheel Sandwiches
 Tea Sandwiches
Ingredients Used For Sandwiches  Multi-Decker Sandwiches
 Wrapped /Rolled Sandwiches
Breads – good quality breads provide variety, texture, taste, bulk, nutrients and
eye appeal to sandwiches. Fresh bread is easier to slice or cut if it has been Hot Sandwiches
Meats – maybe beef, pork and sausage products like ham, roast beef and  Regular Hot Sandwiches
salami  Hot Open-Faced Sandwich
 Grilled Sandwiches
Poultry – are chicken or turkey breasts characterized by a delicate golden
 Deep Fried Sandwiches
brown surfaces.
 Filled rolls, focaccia or pita bread
BASIC COMPONENTS OF A SANDWICH 4 Fish and shellfish 9 Spreads
 1. The Structure or Base – it is the part upon which the ingredients are
placed, consists of some form of bread or dough produce that is whole or
 2. Moistening Agent – is meant to bind the sandwich providing an
improvement of both flavor and texture. It acts as the protective layer
between the filling and the structure, preventing the filling from softening
or wetting the bread.
5 Cheese 10 Miscellaneous
 3. The filling – consists of one or more ingredients that are stacked,
layered or folded within or on the structure to form the sandwich. The
varieties of fillings should be carefully selected. The filling can be hot or
cold and comes in any form of cooked, cured meat, fruit, vegetables, salad
or a combination of any of them.

III. Activities
Activity 2:
Activity 1 Discuss the components or structure of each type of sandwiches. Use the internet for your
Directions: Given below are the ingredients used in preparing sandwiches. research. Provide an example/picture of each type of sandwich. Place it inside the table
Find pictures in a magazine/internet of each and paste it inside the box below. (50 points)
(indicate the name of the item/ingredients). You may use a separate answer
sheet for this activity. Types of Sandwiches Components/Structure Picture/Image Example
1 Breads 6 Poultry

 Cold Sandwiches


2 Meats 7 Condiments


3 Poultry 8 Vegetables 4.



Activity 3
15 10 5
2. Work Plan Procedure on Procedure on The procedure
Before, During and Before, During and indicated were
3. After preparation After preparation poorly explained.
were cited were fairly cited
including safety including safety
4. workplace workplace
precaution. precaution.
Choice of Recipe The chosen recipe The chosen recipe The chosen recipe
5. and Ingredients was properly was fairly fitting poorly recognizes
identified based on the preferences and preferences and the
the preferences and appropriateness in event.
appropriateness in the event.
Activity 3: Performance Tasks (Individual Performance,100 points) the event.
Properly Identified The tools, materials The tools, materials The tools, materials
Given the scenario in Learning Activity Sheet 1, create a video clip of your prepared Work
Tools, Materials and equipment and equipment and equipment
Plan. In your video, the following discussion should be included;
and Equipment to were accurately were justly were poorly
Use identified based on identified based on identified based on
 Cleaning, sanitizing and preparing of tools, utensils and equipment. necessity. necessity. necessity.
 Reason for choosing your recipe. Use of Tools, Appropriately used Justly used Materials used are
 Identification of tools, utensils, materials and ingredients used. equipment, utensils materials that are materials needed not appropriate for
 Procedure in preparation of your sandwich. and materials. needed for the for the tasks. the task.
 Identify the Basic Components of Sandwich tasks.
Timeliness Submitted the tasks Submitted the task Late submission of
Once done, fill out the form below; on or before the a day after the requirement.
given schedule scheduled
Name: ___________________________________________________________ submission.
Safety Used complete Used incomplete Did not use
Section: __________________________________________________________ personal protective personal protective personal protective
equipment. equipment equipment.
Video Clip Title: ___________________________________________________
Video Clip Link: ___________________________________________________
Cookery Manual Module 1 & 2 by Aniceta S. Kong and Anecita P. Domo, Management
Date of Upload: ____________________________________________________ Team of Cookery Manual

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