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The Fathers of The Church. A New Translation. Volume 26.

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Fathers of the Church,

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1?w v 26 66-011-326

Fr/ciiers of the Chui'ch,

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Founded by

The Catholic University of America
Editorial Director


Fordham University The Catholic University of America


The Catholic University of America Villanova University


The Catholic University of America St. Anselrn's Priory


The Catholic University of America Queens College
Translated by

New York


Censor Librorum



Archbishop of New York

November 13, 1954

Copyright 1954 by
New York 17,
475 Fifth Avenue, N. Y.
All rights reserved

Lithography by Bishop Litho, Inc.


JT. AMBROSE GOVERNED the Church at Milan for

twenty-three years, from December 1, 373, until his
death on April 4, 397. Of his correspondence, pre-
served in ninety-one letters, Letters 1-63 of the Benedictine
edition (reprinted in Migne, PL
16.849-1286), can be dated
with exact or approximate certitude; Letters 64-91, howevver,
are impossible to date from either external or internal evi-
dence. Even within the chronological limits of the traditional
dates, the years 379 to 396 scholars find discrepancies,
many of which can have no definite solution. For the dates of
and other historical events touching their contents,
the letters
J. R. Palanque, 'Essai de chronologic Ambrosienne, Saint

Ambroise et V empire romain '(Paris 1933) 480-556, has

been followed unless otherwise noted.
Because of the wide variety of the subject matter of the
letters and the unsatisfactory chronological arrangement of
earlier editions and translations, the present volume offers
the letters in a new order, which is an adaptation of the
classification employed by Palanque. The letters have been
grouped according to the classes of persons addressed;
namely: (1) emperors, (2) bishops, (3) priests, (4) his sister,
Marcellina, and (5) laymen. Seven synodal letters, written
to emperors or bishops in the name of Ambrose and other

Palanque, op. cit. 466-479.


members of councils, are placed after the letters
to entire follow the letters to
bishops. Letters congregations
individuals within each section. Each group of letters presents
the addressees in alphabetical order.
As a result of this arrangement, the letters on related
in the same spirit to an individual
subjects or those written
are frequently found together. They range from affairs of
doctrinal disputes,
state, problems of Church government,
and and legal affairs, to the exchange of
exegesis, pastoral
between friends in many stations of life, letters of
to bring
consolation, and the ordinary letter that attempted
the absent together in a world where travel and commu-
nication were extremely difficult.
The letters are a reflection of the many-sided role of St.
Ambrose. His parents were Romans who were residing in
Gaul at Trier in 339 when Ambrose was born. His father
was praetorian prefect of the Gauls at the time. Ambrose
had an older sister, Marcellina, who became a nun in 343,
to whom he wrote three letters that are extant, and also
an older brother, Uranius Satyrus, whom he loved dearly
and over whose early death in 375 he grieved deeply.
Ambrose's education was typical of his day. He learned

rhetoric, mathematics, philosophy, and science. He had a

wide knowledge of Greek, by which he was able to know the
works of the Greek Fathers of the fourth century, to study
their writings, and to transmit them in Latin to the Western
Church. Since he was desirous of following a legal career,
he studied jurisprudence, and this knowledge, too, was fre-
quently used later in the service of the Church.
Although Ambrose's family was Catholic and had a martyr
among forebears, Ambrose was not baptized in his youth.

He however, study the truths of the Christian faith

under the priest Simplicianus. This tutor came to Milan
after Ambrose was made bishop and he there continued to

instruct his former pupil, who, as Ambrose himself remarks,

'had to instruct before he had even learned.' Eventually,
Sirnplicianus succeeded Ambrose as Bishop of Milan in
Ambrose's legal career began about the year 365 at Sir-

mium, where he practiced law in the praetorian prefect's

About 370 he became provincial governor of
court. Aernelia-

Liguria, with Milan as his place of residence. There in

November, 373, Ambrose was summoned to keep order at
the election of a successor to Auxentius in the see of Milan
upon the death of the Arian bishop. A child's cry, 'Ambrose
Bishop !' brought to a unanimous decision the mixed throngs
of Arians and Catholics in the cathedral and, despite the
protests of Ambrose, who was only a catechumen in
Church, he was chosen by the people the choice was
by the clergy, and it was approved by Emperor Valentinian
I. Ambrose was duly consecrated bishop, after receiving the

minor and major orders of the priesthood, on December 1,

373. 4
As bishop of the city where the emperors had their resi-
dence, Ambrose raised Milan to recognition as the most
important see of the West. He occupied a place of pre-
eminence in the Church and contributed much to its prestige
in the early years of peace when a strong pagan party still

hoped to enjoy the protection of emperors not always

Catholic. His religious policy was threefold: the protection
of the Church against the violence of the emperors; the
demand that the civil power respect the moral law; and the
state by which the
fostering of a close union of Church and
state eventually favored only the Catholic religion and dis-
couraged all others. Thus, without any political ambition on
2 De off. 1.1.4.
3 B. Altaner, Patrologie (3 ed. Freiburg 1950) 25, gives the date as 374.
4 For several points of interest regarding Ambrose's election and con-
secration, see F. H. Dudden, The Life and Times of St. Ambrose
(Oxford 1935) I 70-74.

his part, Ambrose gained a stronger power than the emperor

in that he could exercise a moral check on him.
of several em-
Ambrose's episcopacy spanned the reigns
Vaientinian I (d. 375) had sanc-
perors of East and West.
tioned his election as bishop. Valentinian's son, Gratian,
became Emperor of the West in joint rule with his half-
brother, Vaientinian II, in 375.
The former was murdered
by agents of Maximus the Usurper in 383, the latter was^a
victim of and the Usurper in 392.
Ambrose had known and corresponded with both emperors
and directed their policy of refusing to provide imperial
revenues for the upkeep of pagan temples. At the death of
Gratian he went to Gaul to beg the body from Eugenius;
he arranged the details of Valentinian's burial and delivered
a consolatory funeral sermon for him.
While the West had several emperors and two usurpers,
the East enjoyed the long reign of Theodosius from 379
until 395. Ambrose had dealt harshly with Theodosius for
the affair at Callinicum when the emperor ordered Christians
to rebuild a Jewish synagogue which they had burned during
a religious riot. The imperial order was rescinded. After the
massacre of the Thessalonians by the command of Theodosius
in 388, Ambrose exacted public penance of the emperor in
the Basilica at Milan. He preached his funeral sermon, how-
ever,and praised his victories against the two usurpers of the
West and his zeal in striving to unite East and West in the
bond of the one faith. Two years later Ambrose died, while
acting as unofficial guardian of the youthful Honorius,
peror of the West.
The letters which Ambrose wrote to Gratian, to Valen-

5 Letter 4, which has not hitherto been considered among the con-
solatory works of Ambrose, was written to Theodosius from whom
Ambrose was awaiting instructions for the burial of Vaientinian.
Sections 1-3 are a 'monody' wherein Ambrose expresses his great grief
at the death of Vaientinian.

tinian, and to Theodosius, and the synodal letters to the

three conjointly, have the sustained dignity which charac-
terized his style when addressing the highest ranking civil
rulers of his day. But with all his deference to authority he

pursued a relentless logic in championing the rights of God

and the Church, using Scripture to illustrate the truth of
God's sovereignty in matters human and divine.
Ambrose addressed more letters to bishops than to any
other class of persons, and understandably so. Throughout
all ofNorthern Italy, Ambrose acted as metropolitan, but the
limits of his episcopal see never corresponded to those of his
activity. He
founded several bishoprics; he intervened in the
election of a successor to Limenius at Vercelli, installing

Honorattis; he instructed the Church at Aemelia regarding

the date of Easter, having been requested by Eusebius of
Bologna to do so. The provinces of Flaminia and Venetia
looked to Milan rather than to their see cities; Ambrose was
a sort of super-metropolitan of Italo-Illyrian bishoprics.
In addition, he corresponded with the Bishops of Rome,
Naples, Gaul, and Alexandria all outside his province
and with newly elected Bishops of Thessalonica, Como, Imola,
and Claterna, Several of those whom he had consecrated he
continued to favor with his correspondence. The collection
of letters contains six to Sabinus of Piacenza, whom Ambrose

begged to criticize his writings, and for whom he wrote

letters thatembody commentaries of several passages of Scrip-
ture. Three letters to bishops concern legal affairs; several
are mere pleasant exchanges of greeting.
Individual priests to whom Ambrose wrote are Horon-
tianus, addressed in eight letters, and Simplicianus, addressed
in four. The former appears not to have hesitated to call on

6 See, in this connection, J. R. Palanque and others, The Church in

the Christian Roman Empire, trans. .
Messenger (London 1952) II

Ambrose for assistance In Interpreting

any Scriptural passage
whose meaning was doubtful to him.In his replies Ambrose
generous, allowing his letters
and those of Horontianus to

form, as he says, 'a sort of chain (53). Frequently, he

the and sense of Scripture with
developed mystical allegorical
great originality and depth.
The letters to these priests have a special interest in that the
recipients were residents of
Milan with whom the contents
might have been discussed in person without recourse to

writing. Undoubtedly, the letter form helped Ambrose to

clarify his thought. A members of the clergy
letter to certain
who were discontented in the priesthood formulates in a
winning manner their spiritual father's advice and encour-
agement. A
lengthy letter to the Church
at Vercelli is a
veritable treatise on the duties of the clergy.
Two of the letters to Marcellina contain Ambrose's first-

hand account of events of historical importance :his struggle

with the Arian Empress Justina and her son Valentinian II
in 386, and his conduct with Theodosius after the affair of
Callinicum in 388, The third letter to his sister tells of his
finding the bodies of the martyrs, Gervase and Protase, whose
relics are now honored with those of Ambrose in the basilica
at Milan.

Laymen to whom Ambrose

wrote had In some instances
on Scripture, as a certain Clementianus
requested instruction
did who asked the meaning of St. Paul's words: 'The law
has been our tutor unto Christ, that we might be justified
by faith.' Others appealed for help In a family or legal
difficulty, as did Paternus (86), who wished his son to marry
the latter's niece, and Studius (90), who wanted to know
whether the Church allowed judges who had inflicted sen-
tences of capital punishment to receive the sacraments.

7 See, for example, Letter 46.

8 Gal. 3.24.

Several lettersmere exchanges of greeting when a

messenger travels from Milan. A certain Irenaeus, a resident
of Milan, received twelve letters from Ambrose, many of
which are comparable to those addressed to Horontianus on
exegetical problems. Several contain passages of great depth,
and allow us to see the workings of divine grace in this
spiritual guide of souls. Letters of consolation were addressed
to the clergy and people of Thessalonica on the death of
their bishop, Acholius, and to a certain Faustinus at the
death of his sister. 9
The letters give us a clear view of those qualities which
made Ambrose the spiritul leader of his day. He was eager
to propagate the faith, to defend its
dogma, and, if necessary,
to shed his blood for its
preservation. He
held firmly to his
principles in dealing with the emperors. Yet, when the
occasion arose, he showed great magnanimity in forgiving
his enemies and in heaping benefits upon them. His care for
souls was not limited to those within his official jurisdiction,
but the good of the Church drew him into its concerns
elsewhere and prompted him to take a leading part in Church
councils at Aquileia, Rome, and Capua. His letters reveal
his learning, his wisdom, his holiness, and his freedom from
the least taint of worldliness. Clergy and laity alike consulted
him. Men found in him the piety, charity, mercy, modesty,
justice, and firmness that won their esteem. Ambrose lives as
we read his letters almost 1,600 years after they were first

There are details revealed by the correspondence of Am-
brose which add to our knowledge of ancient epistolography.
The salutationsfrequently very simple, for example,
'Ambrose to Titianus, with an occasional addition of 'greet-

ings. Then there are the elaborate salutations to the emperors

9 For a study of these consolatory letters, see C. Favez, La consolation

latine chretienne (Paris 1937) 20-22.

(8), and the tenderest of greetings to his sister, 'dearer

than life and eyes' (61). Many letters begin with a restate-
ment of the difficulty proposed to him most welcome to the
reader centuries removed.
His biographer Paulinus testifies to Ambrose's habit of
own hand, as himself mentions
writing with his

he did (24), particulary at night. He praises

Gratian (1)
for the letter he had with care to Ambrose. Ambrose
wrote with his own hand to Theodosius (7) after the affair

at Callinicum, so that the emperor alone might know and

read his words of rebuke. Several times Ambrose speaks of
letter writing as a bond between those who are apart, and,
overburdened as he was with ministering to the weaknesses of
11 toward
men, he seems to be reaching out of his loneliness
companion souls.

That Ambrose collected some of his letters in his lifetime

is evident from his words to Sabinus: 'These remarks
are a prelude to other discussions I shall put in the collection
of our letters, if you are willing, and give them a number'
(23). He was conscious of his style, as
he speaks to the
same Sabinus of 'prating like an old man employing an
. . .

ordinary and and 'savoring of older writers/

friendly style/
Whatever the content of Ambrose's letters to bishops,
his love for his
priests, and laymen, he invariably expresses
in the beautiful refrain: 'Farewell, and love
us, because we love you.' The letters to emperors, however,
he often concludes with great formality and by imparting a
blessing. On several occasions, when he
has administered a
rebuke, there is no formal conclusion. Thus, the final argument
lingers in the reader's consciousness.
The years 385 to 387 were those in which Augustine knew

10 Vit. 9.38, trans. John A. Lacy, in this series, Volume 15 (New York
1952) .

11 Augustine, Co??/. 6.33.


Ambrose as Bishop of Milan. During that time Ambrose

addressed at least two letters to emperors, four to bishops,
seven to priests, eight to laymen. These twenty letters are a
proportionately large part of his correspondence. Unfulfilled
is our
longing for even one letter to Augustine at this period
or in the years to come 12 !

The present translation is based on the Benedictine text,

reprinted in Migne, and Wytzes' critical text for Letters

7, 8, and 11 in Der Streit urn den Altar der Viktoria
(Amsterdam 1936). Correspondence with Rev. Otto J.
Faller, S. J., of Munich, Germany, discouraged our waiting
for the critical edition of the Letters which he is
for Corpus Scriptorum Ecclesiasticorum Latinorum.
Eleven of the letters, considered by the editors as most
and important,' were translated by H. de Rome-
Nicene and Post-Nicene Fathers 10 (New York
stin in the

1896). H. Walford revised a translation by an earlier

unnamed translator of all the letters (except 32 and 33) in
the Library of the Fathers (Oxford 1881). This last-named
work is the only translation of the entire correspondence of
Ambrose found in any language. Rev. W. R. Waghorn's
unpublished master's thesis, Saint Ambrose: Letters to
Sabinus (Washington 1952), was also consulted.
Biblical quotations and references abound in the letters of
St. Ambrose. Although at times the language is that of the
Vulgate, many quotations are given in the language of
Old Latin Bible, some are from the Septuagint, and others
have no counterpart in the versions which are at hand. Under
these circumstances it has been necessary frequently to adapt
the translation of Biblical passages to the text of Ambrose.
Where possible, use was made of the New American Catholic
Edition of The Bible (New York 1950), wherein the
12 Evidence of their correspondence before Augustine's baptism is found
in Conf. 9.5.13.

Old Testament is based on the Douay Version, with Psalms

from the New Latin Version authorized by Pope Pius XII,
and the New Testament is based on the Confraternity
Edition. For the Book of Genesis the translation used was
that of the Catholic Biblical Association of America for the
Confraternity of Christian Doctrine (Paterson, N. J. 1948).


Editions and Translations:

Frisch, J. clu, et Nourry, N. le (Maurists) , Sancti Ambrosii Media-

lanensis Episcopi Opera, 2 vols. (Paris 1686-1690) .

Migne, J.-P., Patrologiae Latinae Cursus Completus (3rd reprint of

the Benedictine edition) , (Paris 1845) 16. 849-1286.
Romestin, H, de, in Nicene and Post-Nicene Fathers, ser. 2 (New
York 1896) Vol. 10.

Waghorn, W. R., Saint Ambrose: Letters to Sabinus, unpublished

master's thesis, The Catholic University of America (Wash-
ington 1952) .

Walford, H., The Letters of St. Ambrose, Bishop of Milan (Oxford

1881) .

Secondary Works:

BrogHe, Due de, Saint Ambrose, trans. Margaret Maitland (London

1899) .

Dudden, F. Homes, The Life and Times of St. Ambrose f % vols.

(Oxford 1935).
Labriolle, Pierre de, The Life and Times of St. Ambrose, trans.
Herbert Wilson (St. Louis 1928).
McGuire, Martin R. P., 'A New Study on the Political Rdle of St.
Ambrose,' Catholic Historical Review 22 (1936-1937) 304-318.
Nagl, Maria Assunta, Der Heilige Ambrosius (Munster 1951) .

Palanque, Jean Remy, Saint Arnbroise et I'empire rornam k(Paris

Paulinus, Life of St. Ambrose, trans. John A. Lacy, in Early
Christian Biographies, Fathers of the Church 15 (New York

Letters to Emperors Page

* To Gratian 3
2 (40) To Theodosius 6
3 (51) To Theodosius 20
4 (55) To Theodosius 26
5 (61) To Theodosius 28

6 (62) To Theodosius 30
7 (17) To Valentinian 31
8 (18) To Valentinian 37
9 (21) To Valentinian 52
10 (24) To Valentinian 57
11 (57) To Eugenius the Usurper 62

Letters to Bishops

12 (Iff)
To Anysius 67
13 (91) To Candidianus 70
14 (50) To Chromatius 70

*Indicates Benedictine enumeration

Letters to Bishops Page

15 (2) To Constantius 76
16 (72) To Constantius 90
17 (87) To Fegadius and Delphinus 101
18 (3) To Felix .102
19 (4) To Felix 102
20 (7) To Justus 105
21 (8) To Justus 115
22 (82) To Marcellus 120
23 (48) To Sabinus 124
24 (47) To Sabinus 127
25 (45) To Sabinus 129
26 (49) To Sabinus 134
27 (46) To Sabinus 136
28 (58) To Sabinus 144
29 (59) To Severus 149
30 (85) To Siricius 151
31 (86) To Siricius 152
32 (5) To Syagrius 152
33 (6) To Syagrius 163
34 (56) To Theophilus . 172
35 (19) To Vigilius 174
36 (23) To the Bishops of Aemelia 189
37 (15) To the Bishops of Thessalonica 200

Synodal Letters

38 (9) To the Bishops of Gaul 207

39 (10) To Gratian, Valentinian, and Theodosius . . 208
40 (11) To Gratian, Valentinian, and Theodosius . .

Synodal Letters Page

41 (12) To Gratian, Valentinian, and Theodosius . . 216

42 (13) To Theodosius 219
43 (;/) To Theodosius 223
44 (42) To Siricius, Bishop of Rome 225

Letters to Priests Page

45 (70) To Horontianus 231

46 (71) To Horontianus 241
47 (77) To Horontianus 245
48 (78) To Horontianus 251
49 (43) To Horontianus ! ... 254
50 (44) To Horontianus 264
51 (34) To Horontianus 272
52 (35) To Horontianus 277
53 (36) To Horontianus 283
54 (37) To Simplicianus 286
55 (38) To Simplicianus 303
56 (65) To Simplicianus 308
57 (67) To Simplicianus 311
58 (81) To the Clergy of Milan 317
59 (63) To the Church at Vercelli 321

Letters to His Sister

60 (20) To Marcellina 365

61 (22) To Marcellina 376
62 (41) To Marcellina 385

Letters to Laymen

63 To Alypius 399
64 (90) To Antonius 399
65 To Atticus 400
66 (79) To Bellicius 40!
67 (80) To Bellicius 402
68 (74) To Clementianus .405
69 (75) To Clementianus 410
70 (84) To Cynegius 413
71 (54) To Eusebius 413
72 (55) To Eusebius 414
73 (39) To Faustinus 416
74 (31) To Irenaeus 420
75 (32) To Irenaeus 425
76 (33) To Irenaeus 428
77 (64) To Irenaeus 432
78 (69) To Irenaeus 435
79 (29) To Irenaeus 437
80 (30) To Irenaeus 448
81 (28) To Irenaeus 454
82 (27) To Irenaeus 458
83 (73) To Irenaeus 464
84 (26) To Irenaeus 468
85 (76) To Irenaeus 475
86 (60) To Paternus 481
87 (66) To Romulus 484
88 (68) To Romulus . 488
89 (83) To Sisinnius 489
90 (25) To Studius 492
91 (52) To Titianus 494


Translated by


Rosary College

River Forest, Illinois


/. To the most blessed Emperor Gratian, most Christian

prince, Ambrose, bishop (March, 380}

DO NOT LACK affection, most Christian of princes: I

have nothing more true and glorious to say than
this. I am not lacking in affection, I say, but a
sense of awe has kept my from meeting your
Clemency. If I did not go on foot to meet you as you
returned, I did meet you in spirit, I met you with prayer, in
which lies the most important duty of a bishop. I met you,
I say? When I was not with you, did I not follow with all my
love you to whom I clung with mind and heart? Surely, the
presence of minds is more important. I read of your journey
from day to day; I put myself in your camp day and night
by my concern for you and by my thought. I stretched out
for you a coverlet of prayers; if I was unable to "give you
the attention which you deserved, yet was I unremitting in
my affection.
fact, when I showed myself solicitous for your welfare,
I was acting in my own interest. Here is not flattery, which
you do not want and which I consider unbefitting my

have shown me.

office; merely the good grace which you
it is

God who is our judge, He whom you profess, He in whom

you piously believe, understands that my strength is refreshed
by your faith, your salvation, your glory.
And He knows that
I give prayers which are due you not only because of your
public office, but also personal love for you.
because of my
For you have given back the to me
peace of the Church,
you have closed the mouths of the wicked ah, would that

you had closed their hearts, also!

You have done this not
less by your faith than by the weight of your power.
What shall I say of your recent letter? You wrote the 1

entire letter with your own hand, so that the very marks of
faith and In the same way
punctuation bespoke your piety.
with his own hand did Abraham of old slay an ox to serve

his guests at dinner, and in this performance of his duty did

not ask the help of others. As a humble servant he ministered
to the Lord and His angels, or to the Lord in His angels.
O Emperor, you honor a lowly priest with royal dignity, but
deference is shown to 'the Lord when a servant is honored,
for God Himself has said: 'What you did to one of the least
of these, you did unto me.'
But shall only the lofty humility in you,
I praise
emperor, and not rather the faith of your mind fully
conscious of your deserts, that faith taught you by Him
whom you do not deny? Who
could have taught you

not to reproach Him for being of the created nature which

you see in yourself? Nothing could be said more character-
istically, nothing more clearly. For
to say that the creature is
Christ is to put forth an insult, not to confess reverence.

Futhermore, what is so insulting as to think that He is what

we are? You have instructed me, then, the one from whom
1 See Gratian's letter to Ambrose (PL 16.875-876) .

2 Cf. Gen. 18.7.

3 Matt. 25.40.

you said that you wanted to learn. I have never read or

heard so good an interpretation as yours.
Moreover, how pious, how admirable is the fact that you
do not fear jealousy in God! From the Father you expect
remuneration for your love of the Son, and by praising the
Son you say that you cannot add anything to His glory, but
you wish to commend yourself to the Father by praising His
Son. This He alone taught you who said: 'He who loves me
will be loved
by my Father.'
You have remarked in addition that, being weak and frail,
you cannot so praise Him as to exalt the Godhead by your
words. But you will preach Him
according to your ability, not
according to what the Godhead warrants. This weakness is
more powerful in one who is in Christ, as the Apostle says:
'When I am weak, then am 5
Humility like this does
I strong.'

away with frailty.

To be sure, I shall come as you bid and I shall hasten to
hear these words in your presence, to pick up these words
in your presence when
they fall from your lips. I have also
sent the two books 6 you requested and, since they are
approved by your Clemency, I shall not fear any damage to
them. Meanwhile, I shall ask indulgence from the Holy Spirit
for writing them, since I know who will be the judge of my
In the meantime, your love and faith in our Lord and
Saviour, drawn from the Son of God, grows into such
overwhelming conviction that you also believe in the divinity
of the Holy Spirit, and you do not
reproach Him as being of
the created nature which you see in yourself, nor think that
God, the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, is jealous of His
4 John 14.^4.
5 2 Cor. 12.10.
6 On Faith (De fide, PL 16. 527-698) .

Spirit. That which lacks all association with created nature

is divine.
If theLord grants His favor, I shall comply with the will
received His grace, may you
of your Clemency; as you have
realize that one so pre-eminent in the glory of God has a
right to our veneration in
His own name.
May almighty God, the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ,
you may be blessed and
to that flourish
deign protect you,
for many years, and may He deign to confirm your reign
most gloriously in peace, O lord, august Emperor, elected by
divine choice, most glorious of princes.

2. To the most clement prince and blessed Emperor Theo-

dosius Augustus, Ambrose, bishop (December, 388)

I am
continually beset with almost unending cares,
most blessed Emperor, but never have I felt such anxiety as
now, for I see that I must be careful not to have ascribed

me anything resembling an act

of sacrilege. I beg you,
if I am
therefore, give ear with patience to what I say. For,
not worthy of a hearing from you, I am not worthy of
offering sacrifice for you, I to
whom you have entrusted the
offering of your vows and prayers.
Will you yourself not hear
one whom wish heard when he prays in your behalf?
Will you not hear one who pleads in his own defense, one
whom you have heard plead for others? And do you not
fear for your own decision that, if you think him unworthy
to be heard by you, you will make him unworthy of being
heard for you?
It is not for an emperor to refuse freedom of speech,
or for a bishop not to say what he thinks. There is no
quality in you emperors so popular and
so lovable as the

cherishing of liberty even in those whom you have subdued


on the battlefield. In fact, it spells the difference between

good and bad emperors that the good love liberty; the bad,
slavery. And there is nothing in a bishop so fraught with
danger before God, so base before men, as not to declare
freely what he thinks. Indeed, it is written: 'And I spoke
of thy precepts in the presence of kings and I was not
ashamed, and elsewhere: 'Son of man, I have made thee a
watchman to the house of Israel,' in order, it is said, 'that if
the just man shall turn away from his justice and shall
commit iniquity, because thou hast not given him warning,'
that is, not told him what to guard against, 'his righteousness
shall not be remembered, and I will require his blood at thy
hand. But if thou warn the righteous that he sin not, and he
doth not sin, the righteous shall surely live because thou
hast warned him, and thou wilt deliver thy soul.' 2
I would rather, O Emperor, have partnership with you in

good deeds than in evil. Therefore, the bishop's silence

should be disagreeable to your Clemency; his freedom,
agreeable. You are involved in the peril of my silence, but
you are helped by the boon of my freedom. I am not, then,
intruding in bothersome fashion where I have no obligation;
I am not interfering in the affairs of others; I am complying
with my duty; I am obeying the commands of our God.
This I
do, all, out of love for you, in gratitude to you,
first of
from a desire to preserve your well-being. If I am not believed
or am forbidden a hearing, I speak, nonetheless, for fear of
offending God. my personal peril would set you free, I
should offer myself patiently, though not willingly, for you,
for I would rather you were acceptable to God and glorious
without peril to me. But, if the guilt of silence and untruth-
fulness should weigh heavily upon me and set you free, I had
rather that you think me too bothersome than useless and

1 Ps. 118.46.
2 Ezech. 3.17-21.

the holy
written in the words
dishonest. Indeed, it is
cannot 'Be urgent
Apostle Paul, whose teaching you disprove:
in out of entreat, rebuke with all
season, season; reprove,
patience and teaching.'
We have one whom it is more perilous to displease,
especially since
even emperors are not displeased when each
listen to each as he
man performs his task, and you patiently
makes suggestions in his own sphere; in fact, you chide him if
he does not act in accordance with his rank in service, Can

this seem offensive in bishops, the very thing you are willing
your service, since we
to accept from those who are in are

saying, not what we wish, but what we are bidden to say?

You know the passage: 'When you will stand before kings
and governors, take no thought of what you are to speak;
for what you are to speak will be given you in that hour.
For it is not you who are speaking, but the Spirit of your
Father who were speaking in a
If I
speaks through you.'
case involving the commonwealth (even though justice must
be maintained there), I would not feel such dread if I were
not given a hearing. But in a case involving God, whom will
you listen to if not the bishop, who sins
at a greater peril?

Who will dare tell you the truth if the bishop does not?
I know that you are God-fearing, merciful, gentle, and

calm, that you have the faith and fear of God in your heart,
but often some things escape our notice. Some persons have
zeal for God, but not according to knowledge. Care must
be taken, I think, lest this upon pious souls.
condition steal
I know your devotion to God, your leniency toward men. I
myself amindebted to you for many kind favors. Therefore,
I fear the more, I am the more anxious lest you condemn me
later in your judgment for the fault you did not avoid,

3 2 Tim. 4.2.
4 Matt. 10,19,20.
5 Of. Rom. 10.2.

because of my want of openness and my flattery of you. If I

saw you sinning against me, I would not have to be silent,
for it is written: 'If thy brother sin against thee, first take
hold of him, then rebuke him before two or three witnesses.
If he refuse to hear thee, tell the Church.' 6 Shall I, then,

keep silence in the cause of God? Let us then consider wherein

lies my fear.
was reported by a count 7 of military affairs in the East
that a synagogue was burned, 8 and this at the instigation of
a bishop. You gave the order for those who were involved
to be punished and the synagogue rebuilt at the bishop's

expense. My
charge is not that you should have waited for
the bishop's testimony, for bishops quell disturbances and are
eager for peace unless they deeply feel some wrong against
God or insult to the Church. But suppose that this particular
bishop was overimpetuous in burning the synagogue, and too
timid at the judgment seat; are you not afraid, Emperor,
that he may comply with your pronouncement and do you
not fear he may become an apostate?
Are you not afraid of what will perhaps ensue, his resisting
the count in so many words? Then he [the count] will have
to make him either an apostate or a martyr, either alternative
very different from this era of your reign, either one equivalent
to persecution if he is forced to apostatize or undergo

martyrdom. You see what the outcome of this case will be.
If you know that the bishop is firm, beware of making him
a martyr if he becomes more firm; if you consider him
inconstant, have no part in the downfall of one who is frail.
He incurs a heavier obligation who compels the weak to fall.
I am supposing that in the present state of affairs the
6 Matt. 18.15-17.
7 His name is nowhere given.
8 At Callinicum. The incident is well summarized by Gregory Figueroa,
S. A., The Church and the Synagogue in St. Ambrose (Washington
1949) xiii-xxiv.

bishop will admit that he spread the fires, gathered
and the in order not to lose
crowd, brought people together
the chance of martyrdom and to present a strong individual
instead of weak ones.
many O
happy falsehood, which wins
acquittal for others and for himself grace! This,
I ask, O
Emperor, that you rather take your vengeance on me, and,
ifyou consider this a crime, attribute it to me. Why pronounce
judgment on those who are far away? You have someone at
hand, you have someone who admits his guilt. I declare that
synagogue, at least that I gave the orders, so
I set fire to the
that there would be no building in which Christ is denied.
If the objection is raised that I did not burn the synagogue

here, I answer that burning was begun by God's judg-

ment, and my work was at an end. If you want the truth,
I was really remiss, for I did not think such a deed was to be

punished. Why should I have done what was to be without

one to punish, and without reward? These words cause me
shame but they bring me grace, lest I offend the most high
Let no one call the bishop to task for performing his duty :

that the request I make of your Clemency. And although


I have not read that the edict was revoked, let us consider it
revoked. What if other more timid persons should, through
fear of death, offer to repair the synagogue at their expense,
or the count, finding this previously determined, should order
it to be rebuiltfrom the funds of Christians? Will you, O
Emperor, have the count an apostate, and entrust to him
the insignia of victory, or give the labaruni, which is sanctified
by Christ's name, to one who will rebuild a synagogue which
knows not Christ? Order the labarum carried into the
synagogue and let us see if they [the Jews] do not resist.
Shall a place be provided out of the spoils of the Church
for the disbelief of the Jews, and shall this patrimony, given

9 It was probably struck by lightning.


to Christians by the favor of Christ, be transferred to the

treasuries of unbelievers? We
read that, of old, temples were
reared for idols from the plunder taken from the Cimbrians
and from the spoils of the enemy. The Jews will write on the
front of their synagogue the inscription: "The Temple of

Impiety, erected from the spoils of the Christians.'

Is your motive a point of discipline, O Emperor? Which is

of more importance: a demonstration of discipline or the

cause of religion? The maintenance of civil law should be
secondary to religion.
Have you not heard how, when Julian had ordered the
Temple of Jerusalem rebuilt, those who were clearing the
rubbish were burned by fire from heaven? Are you not afraid
that this will also happen now? In fact, you should never
have given an order such as Julian would have given. 10
What is your motive? Is it because a public building of
some sort has been burned, or because it chanced to be the
synagogue there? If you are disturbed by the burning of a
very unimportant building (for what could there be in so
mean a town?), do you remember, O Emperor, how many
homes of prefects at Rome have been burned and no one has
exacted punishment? In fact, if any of the emperors wanted
to punish such a deed more severely, he only aggravated the
cause of all who had suffered such a great loss. If there is
going to be any justice at all, which is more fitting, that a
fire on some part of the building of Callinicum be avenged,

or one at Rome? Some time, ago the bishop's residence at

Constantinople was burned, and your Clemency's son pleaded
with his father, begging you not to punish the insult done to
him, the emperor's son, in the burning of the episcopal
residence. Do you not think, O Emperor, that if you were to
10 For an account of Julian'sacts, see Jf. R. Palanque and others, The
Church in the Christian Roman Empire, trans. E. C. Messenger (Lon-
don 1949) I 234-239.

order this burning to be punished, he would again plead
it be not so? It was very suitable
for your son to gain that

favor from his father, for it was fitting that he

first forgive

what was done to him. Besides, there was a good division
grace there, since the
son made the entreaty regarding his
the father for the son's. Here is nothing
injury, and so did
for you to waive in your son's behalf; be careful, then, to

derogate nothing from

There is really no adequate cause for all this commotion,
so severely for the burning of a build-
people being punished
less so, since a synagogue has been burned,
ing, and much
abode of unbelief, a house of impiety, a shelter of madness
under the damnation of God Himself. For we read by the
mouth of Jeremias, the Lord our God speaking; 'And I will
do to this house which
in my name is called upon, and which
you trust, and to the place which I have given you and your
father, as I did to Silo. And I will cast you away from before

my face, as I have cast away all your brethren, the whole

seed of Ephraim. Therefore do not thou pray for this people,
nor show mercy for them and do not approach me for them;
for I will not hear thee. Seest thou not what they do in the
ni forbids us to make intercession for
cities of Juda? God
those that you think should be vindicated.
If I were pleading according to the law of the nations, I
would mention how of the Church's basilicas the Jews
burned in the time of Julian, two at Damascus one of
which is scarcely yet repaired, and that at the expense of the
Church, not of the synagogue while the other basilica

still a rough heap of unsightly ruins. Basilicas were burned at

Gaza, Ascalon, Beirut, in fact, almost all over that region, and
no one demanded punishment. A basilica of surpassing beauty
at Alexandria was burned by heathens and Jews, but the
Church was not avenged, and shall the synagogue be avenged?
11 Jer. 7.14-17.

Shall the burning of the temple of the Valentinians also
be avenged? What is it but a temple where the heathens
gather? Although the heathens worship twelve gods, the
Valentinians worship thirty-two Aeons, whom they call gods.
I have found out that a law was
passed and orders given for
the punishment of some monks to whom the Valentinians
way as they sang the psalms by an ancient
denied the right of
custom and practice, going on their way to the feast of the
martyrs, the Machabees. In anger at their effrontery they
[the monks] burned their hurriedly built shrine in some coun-
try village.
How many can entertain such hope when they remember
that in the time of Julian a man who had thrown down an
altar and disturbed the sacrifice was sentenced by the judge
and suffered martyrdom? The judge who heard the case was
never considered other than a persecutor. No one ever thought
him worth meeting or saluting with a kiss. And if he were not
dead, I would be afraid, O
Emperor, that you would punish
him, although he did not escape heaven's vengeance, for he
outlived his heir.
But it is said that a trial of the judge was demanded
and the decision handed down that he should not have
reported the deed, but punished" it; and money chests which
had been taken had to be restored. I shall omit any other
details. The churches' basilicas were burned by the Jews and
nothing was restored, nothing was demanded in return, noth-
ing was required. Moreover, what could a synagogue in a
distant town contain, when everything there is not much, is
of no value, is of no account. In fine, what could those
12 Cf. G. Bardy, 'Valentin,' DTC
15* 2497-2519.
13 The festival honoring the Macchabees seems to have been universally
celebrated in the Church of the fourth century on August 1.
14 Mark of Arethusa in the time of Constantius had demolished a pagan
temple and was tortured under Julian for refusing to rebuild it. Cf.
Sozomen 5.10; Theodoret EccL hist. 3.7.

scheming Jews have lost In this act of plunder? These are but
the devices of Jews wishing to bring false charges, so that by
reason of their complaints an extraordinary military inquiry
may be demanded and soldiers sent who will perhaps say
what was said here some time before your accession, O
Emperor: 'How will Christ be able to help us who are sent
to avenge Jews? They lost their own army, they wish to

destroy ours.'
Futhermore, into what false charges will they not break
forth, when they even falsely accused Christ with their false
witnesses? Into what false charges will men not break forth
when they were liars even in matters divine? Whom will they
not name as the instigators of the sedition? Whom will they
not attack, even though they know them not, just so that
they may see countless Christians in chains, see the necks of
faithful people bowed in captivity, that the servants of God

may go into dark hiding places, be struck with axes, given to

the flames, and delivered to the mines, so that their sufferings
may not pass hurriedly?
Will you grant the Jews this triumph over God's Church?
this trophy over Christ's people? these joys, O
Emperor, to
unbelievers? this festival to the synagogue? this grief to the
Church? The Jewish people will put this solemnity among
their feast days,and doubtless they will rank it with their
triumphs over the Amorites and the Canaanites, or their
deliverance from Pharao, the king of Egypt, or from the hand
of Nabuchodonosor, the king of Babylon. They will have
this solemnity marking the triumphs they have
wrought over
the people of Christ.
And although they refuse to be bound by the laws of
Rome, thinking them outrageous, they now wish to be
avenged, so to speak, by Roman laws. Where were those laws
when they set fire to the domes of the sacred basilicas? If
Julian did not avenge the Church, because he was an

apostate, will you, O Emperor, avenge the harm done the

synagogue, because you are a Christian?
And what will Christ say later to you? Do you not recall
that' He sent word to blessed David through Nathan the
15 C

Prophet? I have chosen you, the youngest of your brethren,

and have made you an emperor from
a private individual.
The fruits of your seed I have put upon the imperial throne.
I have made barbarian nations 17 subject to you; I have given
you peace; I have brought your captive enemy into power.
You had no grain to feed your army; I threw open the gates
to you; I opened the granaries to you by the hand of the
enemies themselves. Your enemy prepared provisions for
themselves and gave them to you, I troubled the counsels of
your enemy so that he laid himself bare. I so fettered the
usurper of the Empire and bound his mind that while he
stillhad a chance to flee, as though afraid that one of his
men should elude you, he shut himself in with them all. His
and forces on the other element, 21 whom I had
routed earlier, so that they would not join battle against you,
I brought together again to complete your victory. Your

army gathered from many unruly nations I bade keep faith

and peace and concord, as if of one nation. And when there
was great danger that the perfidious plans of the barbarians
would penetrate the Alps, in order that you might conquer
and suffer no loss, I brought you victory within the very
ramparts of the Alps. I, then, caused you to triumph over

your enemy, and are you giving my enemies a triumph over

my people?'
15 Cf. 2 Kings 7.8-17.
16 In 382.
17 The Goths.
18 Athanaric.
19 Maximus.
20 Adragathius.
21 The sea.
22 Cf. Sozomen 4.46 and Dudden, op. at. 354.

that the
not Maxirnus undone because, when he heard
before the set time for
synagogue at Rome had been burned,
his he sent an edict to Rome, as if he were the
champion of public order? On this account the Christian

'No is in store for him The king has turned

people said:

a defender of those whom Christ
Jew, we have heard he is 23
made He who died for sinners.' If this was
soon trial of,
said of his mere words, what will be said of your

punishment? He was soon conquered by the Franks, by the

in fact, every-
Saxon nation, in Sicily, at Siscia, at Pettau;
where. What has the believer in common with this unbeliever?
of his baseness should die with the base one. The
should not imitate, but condemn his injury of the vanquished
for his offenses.
I have recounted these detailsyou, not through

ingratitude, but I have enumerated them as rightly due to

who have been
you, so that by heeding these warnings you,
given more, will love the more.
When Simon answered in
these words, the Lord Jesus said: 'Thou hast judged rightly/
and turning at once to the woman anointing His feet, setting

forth an example for the Church, He said to Simon:

'Wherefore I say to thee, her sins, many as they are, shall be

forgiven her, because she has loved

much. But he to whom
little forgiven, loves little.'
This is the woman who
entered -the house of the Pharisee and cast off the Jew, but
gained Christ, for the Church shut out the synagogue. Why
is trial again being made within the household of Christ? Is
it that the synagogue may shut out the
Church from the
bosom of faith, from the house of Christ?
These- matters, O
Emperor, I have gathered together

this address out of love and attachment to you, I am under

obligation for your kindnesses at my requests when you

23 Rom. 5.6.
24 Luke 7,43,17.

released many from exile, from prisons, and from the extreme
penalty of death. I am bound to prefer hurting your feelings
for the sake of your welfare ( for no one has greater confidence
than one who loves from the heart, and certainly no one
should harm one whose interests he has at heart) and I ;

should not fear to lose in one moment the favor which other
bishops and I have enjoyed for so many years. Yet it is not
the loss of that favor that I would- avert, but the peril to
How important it is for you, O Emperor, not to feel
bound to investigate or punish a matter which no one up to
now has investigated or punished! It is a serious matter to
jeopardize your faith in behalf of the Jews. When Gideon
had slain the sacred calf, the heathens said: c Let the gods
themselves avenge the injury done to them.' 25 Whose task is
it to
avenge the synagogue? Christ whom they slew, whom
they denied? Or will God the Father avenge those who did
not accept the Father, since they did not accept the Son?
Whose task is it to avenge the heresy of the Valentinians?
How can your Piety avenge them when it has given orders
for them to be denied entrance and has denied them the

right of assembly? If I give you the example of Josias as a

king approved by God, will you condemn in them what was
approved in him?"
Yet, if you have little faith in me, bid those bishops
assemble whom you do esteem. Discuss with them, O Em-
peror, what ought to be done without injury to the faith. If
you consult your officers on money matters, how much fairer
is it to consult the Lord's priests on a religious matter!

Let your Clemency consider how many persons plot and

spy on the Church. If they find a slight crack, they drive in
an arrow. I speak in the manner of men, but God is more

25 Judges 5.32.
26 Cf. 4 Kings 22.1,2,

feared than men, for He is

rightly preferred
even to emperors.
deference to a friend,
If someone considers it
proper to show
or parents or relatives, I think it rightly should be
shown to
God and that He should be preferred to all Consult your
best interests, O Emperor, or allow me to consult mine.

What shall be excuse later if it is found out that by

here some Christians were slain by
authority emanating from
the sword or clubs or leaden balls? How will I justify such a
deed? How will I make excuse to those bishops who sorely
lament the fact that priests or other ministers of the Church
who have performed their office for thirty years and more are
tasks and assigned to curial
dragged away from their sacred
offices? If men who war for you are kept for a set time of
service,how much more ought you to be considerate of those
who war for God? How, I say, shall I justify this before
the clergy and write that the
bishops who complain about
churches are being ruined by the serious attacks being made
on them?
For this reason, I wanted this to come to the notice of

your Clemency. You will, when

pleases you, condescend
it to

consult and temper your wishes; but exclude and put an end
to that which troubles me, and rightly so. Do yourself what
is not going
you ordered to be done, even if he [the count]
to do it. I would rather that you be merciful than that he fail
to do what he was ordered.
In return for those whom you now have, you ought to
cultivate and win the Lord's mercy for the Roman Empire,
for you have more for them than you hoped for yourself.
Let their favor, their well-being, appeal to you in these words
of mine. I fear thatyou will entrust your cause to another's
will. You have everything in its original state. In this I

pledge myself to our God for you: Have

no scruple over

your oath. Can that displease God which is corrected for

His honor? Alter nothing in that letter, whether it was sent or
not. Order another to be written, which will be filled with
faith, with piety. You can still correct yourself; I cannot hide
the truth.
You forgave the people of Antioch the injury they offered
27 28
you; you recalled your enemy's daughters and gave them
to a relative to rear, and from your own treasury you sent

your enemy's mother a pension. This great faith and piety

toward God will be blackened by the present deed. I beg
you, after sparing enemies in arms and saving personal
enemies, do not presume to punish Christians with such
Now, O
Emperor, I beg you not to hear me with con-
tempt, for I fear for you and for myself, as says the holy
man: 'Wherefore was I born to see the ruin of my people,' 29
that I should commit an offense against God? Indeed, I have
done what I could do honorably, that you might hear me in
the palace rather than make it necessary to hear me in the
27 The insurrection of 387 in protest against additional taxes to support
a celebration honoring Arcadius.
28 It is doubtful whether Maximus had any children except his son
29 1 Mach. 2.7.

5. To the most august Emperor Theodosius, Ambrose, bishop

Sweet to methe recollection of your friendship in the past,


and I recall the favor of benefits which you have bestowed

with supreme favor upon others at my frequent requests.
Hence, you may infer that I could not have avoided meeting
you through any feeling of ingratitude, for I had always
heretofore ardently desired your coming, I shall briefly set
forth the reason for acting as I did.
I saw that I alone of your court had been deprived of the
natural right of a hearing, so that I was also shorn of the

privilege of speaking. You were disturbed several times

because certain decisions
your consistoryin my came to

knowledge. I, therefore, am without a share in the common

privilege, although the Lord Jesus says: 'Nothing is hidden
that will not be made manifest.' As far as I could, then, I
reverently complied with the will of the emperor, and took
heed that you yourself should have no cause for displeasure
for I managed to have none of the imperial decrees brought
to my knowledge. And if I am ever present, either I shall
not hear out of fear of all giving me a reputation for
conniving, or I shall hear in such a way that, though my
ears are open, my voice is stifled so that I cannot utter what
I have heard, lest I do injury to those who have incurred the
suspicion of treachery.
What, therefore, could I do? Not hear? -I could not stop
my ears with the wax of which old fables [tell]. Should I
disclose what I heard? But I had to be on my guard in what
1 Written from Aquiieia, to Theodosius, who was in Milan to excite
the emperor to repentance for ordering the massacre of the inhab-
itants of Thossalonica. The subsequent details are related in Ambrose's
Letter 62 to Marcel lina. Palanque dates this letter about September
8, 890. McGuire, following tradition and the findings of Seeck,
the date as c. April, 390; cf. Catholic Historical Review !>i> 0936-1957)
2 Luke 8.17.

I said for fear of

your orders, lest a bloody deed be committed.
Should I
keep silence? Then would conscience be bound,
my voice snatched from me most wretched of all conditions.
And where would be the significance of the saying that if a
bishop declare not to the wicked, the wicked shall die in his
iniquity, and the bishop shall be guilty of punishment because
he has not warned the wicked? 3
Understand this, august Emperor I cannot deny that you

are zealous for the faith; I do not disavow that

you have a
fear of God but you have a natural vehemence which you
quickly change to pity when one endeavors to soothe it.

When one up, you so excite it that you can hardly

stirs it

check it. If only no one would enkindle it, if no one would

arouse it! This I gladly commend to you: Restrain
and conquer by love of duty your natural impetuosity.
This vehemence I have preferred to commend to
your own considerations rather than to rouse it publicly
perchance by any action of mine. I preferred to fail somewhat
in my duty rather than in submission, that others should
look for priestly authority in me instead of your failing to
find reverence in me, who am most devoted. The result
would be that, though you restrained your vehemence, your
ability to get counsel might be unimpaired. I proffered the
excuse of bodily illness, truly severe, and only to be eased by
men being milder. Yet I would have preferred to die rather
than not await your arrival in two or three days. But that
was not what I did.
The affair which took place in the city of Thessalonica
and with no precedent within memory, that which I could
not prevent from taking place, which I had declared would
be most atrocious when I entered pleas against it so many
times, and which you by revoking it too late,
manifestly considered to have been very serious, this when

3 Cf. Ezech. 3.19,20.


done I could not extenuate. It was first heard of when the

synod had met on the arrival of Gallican bishops.
No one
no one took it lightly. Your being in fellow-
failed to lament,

ship with Ambrose was not an excuse for your deed; blame
for what had been done would have been heaped upon me
even more had no one said there must needs be a reconcilation
with our God.
Are you ashamed., O Emperor, to do what King David
the Prophet did, the forefather of the family of Christ
according to the flesh? He was told that a rich man who
had many flocks had seized and killed a poor man's one ram
on the arrival of a guest, and recognizing that he himself
was being condemned in this tale, for he had himself done
so, he said:
I have sinned against the Lord.' Do not be
impatient, O Emperor, if it is said to you: 'You have done

what was declared to King David by the prophet.' For if you

listen carefully to this and say; I have sinned against the

Lord/ if you repeat the words of the royal Prophet; 'Come,

let us adore and fall down before him, and weep before our
Lord who made us, JG it will be said also to you: 'Since you
repent, the Lord forgives you your sin and you shall not die/
Again, when David had ordered the people to be num-
bered, he was smitten in heart and said to the Lord: *I
have sinned very much in the command I have made, and
now, O Lord, take away the iniquity of thy servant, because
I have sinned exceedingly/ And the Prophet Nathan was
sent again to him to offer him the choice of three things, that
he might select what he chose: a famine in the land for
three years, flight from the face of his enemies for three
months, or pestilence in the land for three days. And David
answered: These three things are a great strait to me, yet I

4 It is not known to what council Ambrose refers,

5 2 Kings 12,15.
6 Ps. 94.6.
7 2 Kings 12.13.

shall fall into the hand of the Lord since his mercies are
exceedingly great, and I shall not fall into the hands of men.' 8
His fault was that he desired to know the number of all the
people who were with him, and the knowledge of this he
should have left to God alone.
And it is said that when
the pestilence came upon the
people on the day at dinner
firsttime, when David saw the

angel striking the people, he said: I have sinned, I, the

shepherd, have done evil and this flock, what has it done?
Let your hand be upon me, and upon my father's house.' 9
So the Lord repented and He bade the angel to spare the
people, but David to offer sacrifice, for sacrifices were then
offered for sin, but now they are sacrifices of penance. Thus,
by he became more acceptable to God, for it is not
his humility

strange that man

sins, but it is reprehensible if he does not

acknowledge that he has erred and humble himself before

Holy Job,also powerful in this world, says: 'I have not
hid mybut declared it before all the people.'
sin, To fierce
King Saul his own son Jonathan said: 'Sin not against thy
servant David, and 'Why wilt thou sin against innocent
blood by killing David, who is without fault?' Although he
was a king, he sinned if he killed the innocent. Finally, even
David, when he was in possession of his kingdom and had
heard that an innocent man named Abner was slain by Joab,
the leader of his army, said: I and my kingdom are innocent
now and forever of the blood of Abner the son of Ner,' 12
and he fasted in sorrow.
These things I have written not to disconcert you but that
the examples of kings may stir you to remove this sin from

8 2, Kings 24.10,14.
9 2 Kings 24.17.
10 Job 31.34 (Scptuagint) .

11 1
Kings 19.4,5.
12 2 Kings 3.28.

your kingdom, for you willby humbling your soul

remove it

before God. You are a man, you have met temptation-

tears and penance.
conquer it. Sin is not removed except by
No angel or archangel can remove it; it is God Himself who
alone can say: I am with you
C 13
if we have

He does
not forgive us unless we do penance.
my that you, who
beg, I warn, for
I urge, I ask, I grief
were a model of unheard-of piety, reached the apex who had
of clemency, who would not allow the guilty to be in peril,
are not nowmourning that so many guiltless have perished.
battles most successfully, and were
Although you waged
praiseworthy also in other respects, your deeds the apex of
was always your piety. The Devil envied you this, your most
while you still have the
outstanding possession. Conquer him
means of doing so. Do not add another sin to your sin nor
follow a course of action which has injured many followers.
I among all other men, a debtor to your Piety, to whom I
cannot be ungrateful, this piety which I discover in many
have no charge of
emperors and match in only one, I, I say,
but I do have one of fear. I dare not
arrogance against you,
offer the Holy Sacrifice if you intend to be present. Can that
which is not allowable, after the blood of one man is shed,

persons blood was shed?

be allowable when many I think not.

writing with my own hand

Lastly, I am what you alone
may read. Thus, may the Lord free me from all anxieties,

for I have learned very definitely what I may not do, not
from man nor through man. In my anxiety, on the very
night that I was preparing to set forth you appeared [in my
dreams] to have come to the church and I was not allowed
to offer theHoly Sacrifice. I say nothing of the other things
I could have avoided, but bore for love of you, as I believe.

May the Lord make all things pass tranquilly. Our God
13 Matt. 28.20.

admonishes us In many ways, by heavenly signs, 14 by the

warnings of the Prophets, and He wills that we under-
stand even by the visions of sinners. So we will ask Him to
remove these disturbances, to preserve peace for you who are
rulers, that the faith and peace of the Church continue, for
It avails muchher emperors be pious Christians.

Youcertainly wish to be approved by God. 'There is a

time for everything.,' 15 as it is written: 'It is time to act,
O Lord,'
and The time of mercy, O
God. 317 You will make
your offering then when you receive permission to sacrifice,
when your offering has been acceptable to God. Would it
not delight me to have the emperor's favor, so that I could
act in accord with your will if the case allowed? Prayer by
itself is sacrifice,
brings pardon when the other [sacrifice]

causes offence, the one bespeaks humility, the other


contempt. We have God's word that He prefers the doing of

His command to the offering of sacrifice. God proclaims
this, Moses declares it to the people, Paul preaches it to the

Gentiles. Do at the right moment what you know is of

5 18
greater value. 1 desire mercy, it
says, "and not sacrifice.'

Are they not more Christian who condemn their sin than
they who hope to defend it, for T.he just is first accuser of
himself. One who accuses himself when he has sinned is
just, not one who praises himself.
I wish, O
Emperor, that before this you had relied upon
me rather than on your own habits. Since I realize that you
14 Palanque and others think Ambrose's reference to 'heavenly signs'
refers to a comet which appeared and was visible from August 22 to
September 17, 390. McGuire (op. cit. 316) does not think Ambrose
would use a comet as a 'divine sign of warning/
15 Eccle. 3,1.
16 Ps. 118.126.
17 Ps. 68.14.
18 Matt. 9.13.
39 Prov. 18.17 (Scptuagint) .

are quick to pardon, quick to retract, as you

have so often
have now been and I have not shirked
done, you prevented
what I had no need thanks be to the Lord who
to fear. But,

wills to chastise His servants lest He lose them.

This I have
in common
in common with the Prophets and you will have

with the saints.

Shall I not value the father of Gratian more than my
Your other blessed deserves pardon. I con-
ferred a sweet name formerly on those to
whom I bore a
mutual love, I love, I cherish, I attend you with prayers. If
trust me, acknowledge
you trust me, follow me; if, I say, you
what I say; if you do not trust me, pardon what I do in
the most blessed
esteeming God more than you. May you,
and eminent Emperor Augustus, together with your holy
offspring, enjoy perpetual peace.

4. Ambrose to Theodosius the Emperor (August* 392 )

for I
Word from your Clemency has broken my silence,
had decided that amid so great sorrows I could do nothing
better than withdraw as far as possible. Yet, being unable to
I at
hide away in some retreat or abdicate my priestly state,
least retired within myself by my silence.
sorrow, I confess, with bitter sorrow not only
but also because,
Augustus Valentinian has died so young,
instructed in the faith and molded by your teaching, he had
become so devoted toward our God and clung to me with so
20 It is uncertain which Gratian is referred to in this passage.

1 The Consolation on the Death of Valentinian, translated by R. J.

Deferred in Volume 22 of this series (New York 1953} should be read
in connection with this letter.
2 On the letter of Theodosius to Ambrose, see Theodorct, H. 5.15.

much affection as to love now one whom he formerly per-

secuted; he now esteemed as a father one whom he formerly
repulsed as an enemy. I mention this, not as a reminder of
his former wrong-doing, but as proof of his conversion.
The first-named [wrong-doing] was learned from others; the
latter was his own; and he
clung so firmly to what you
inspired that he was proof against the arguments of his
mother. He used to say he had been reared by me; he
for me as for a solicitous
parent and when some persons
made believe they had news of my arrival, he awaited it
impatiently. Nay, even on the days of great mourning,
although he had within the territory of Gaul saintly and
eminent bishops of the Lord, he felt obliged to write to me to
give him the sacrament of baptism. In this way, unreasonably,
but lovingly, he gave proof of his affection toward me.
Shall I not sigh for him with my inmost breath? Shall I
not embrace him within the deepest recesses of my heart and
soul? Shall I think that he is dead to me? Indeed, he is more
than dead to me. How grateful I was to the Lord that he
was so changed toward me, so improved, and had assumed
a character so much more mature. How grateful was I to
your Clemency, also, that you had not only restored him to
power, but, what is more, had taught him your own faith
and piety. Shall I not grieve that, while young in years, before
he had attained as he desired the grace of the sacraments,
he met with a sudden death? 4 You have comforted my soul
in condescending to bear witness to my I have you,
O Emperor, as judge of my affections and interpreter of my
But we shall have time to weep later; let us now attend to
his burial which your Clemency has commanded to take

3 The days of Holy Week.

4 For the various theories of his death, cf. Deferrari, op. clt. 264.

died without baptism, I now withhold

place here. If he has
what I know. We
have here a very beautiful porphyry vessel,
well suited to the purpose; Maximian, the colleague
Diocletian, was so buried. There are also very precious

porphyry tablets with which a cover may be made to encase

the king's remains.
This was made ready but we awaited your Clemency's
command; its comforted your holy daugh-
arrival has greatly

sisters of
your son Valentinian, who are deeply affected
and the more so, since for a long time they received no word
from you. Your message has been no small consolation to
them, but while the remains are unburied they
do not spare
for that they are attending
themselves, they daily imagine
the funeral of their brother. In truth, they are never without

many tears and heavy sorrow, and whenever they visit the
lifeless. It will be good for them and
body they return almost
for the dear remains if the burial is hastened, lest the summer
heat utterly dissolve them, for we have hardly passed its

first tide.

Your command I observe and commend to the Lord. May

the Lord love you, for you love the Lord's servants.

5. Ambrose to Theodosius the Emperor (September, 394)

You as learned from

thought, most blessed Emperor,

your august letter, that I kept away from Milan because


believed your cause was abandoned by God. But I have not

been so unwise or so unmindful of your virtue and your
merits as not to know that the help of heaven would attend
your Piety while you were protecting the Roman Empire
5 Justa and Grata, sisters of Valentinian, in whose presence Ambrose
delivered the funeral speech on Valentinian.

from the ravages of the barbarian robber and from the

dominion of an unworthy usurper. 1
I hastened to return here as soon as I learned that the
one whom
I deemed it right to avoid was now
gone, for I
had not abandoned the Church at Milan entrusted to me by
the judgment of the Lord. I was avoiding the presence of one
who had involved himself in sacrilege. I returned, therefore,
about the first of August and I have been here since that
day. Here, Augustus, your Clemency's letter reached me.
Thanks be to the Lord our God who has responded to
your faith and piety ! Hehas refashioned an ancient type of
holiness, letting us see in our time that which we marvel at as
we read the Scriptures, namely, the great presence of divine
help in battles, so that mountain heights have not slowed up
the course of your coming, nor were enemy arms a hindrance.
In return for these favors you realize that I should give
thanks to the Lord our God, Gladly shall I do so, mindful of
your merit. It is certain that the oblation offered in your
name be pleasing to God, and what a mark of great
devotion and faith is this! Other emperors, immediately
upon a victory, order the erection of triumphal arches or
other monuments of their triumphs. Your Clemency prepares
an oblation to God and desires an offering and thanksgiving
to be presented by priests to the Lord.

Although I am unworthy and unequal to the great priv-

ilege, and the solemnizing of your prayers, I will describe what
I have done. I took the letter of your Piety with me to the
altar. I laid it on the altar. I held it in my hand when I
offered the Sacrifice, so that your faith might speak through
my words, and the letter of 2the Augustus discharge the
function of the priest's offering.

1 See Letter 11, below. ,

2 An interesting revelation of the manner of offering Mass for another's

intention in the early history of the Church.

the Lord propitious to the Roman Empire

He chooses such a and father of princes, whose virtue
and power, setupon such a pinnacle of power,
rests on such humility by his
that he surpasses emperors
virtue and priests by his humility. What can
hope for?
I yet
What do I yet desire? You have everything and from what is
yours I shall take the full
measure of prayers. You are pious,
O Emperor, and you possess the utmost clemency.
Yet I hope that you will experience even more and more
an increase of for God can give nothing more excellent
than this,that through your Clemency the Church^ of God,
as it rejoices in the peace
and tranquility of the innocent,
may even so be by your pardoning of the guilty.
Pardon especially those who have not offended before. May
the Lord preserve your Clemency. Amen.

6. Ambrose to Theodosius the Emperor (September, 394)

to your august
Although I have written but recently
did not seem to
Clemency and have done so a second time, it

me that I had responded sufficiently to the duty of inter-

course by so answering in turn, for I have been enriched so
I can in no
by the frequent benefits of your Clemency that
way repay the services I owe, most blessed and august
Therefore, since that occasion was not to be lost when,

through your chamberlain., 1 gave thanks to your Clemency

and performed the duty of addressing you, lest you think
that was through negligence rather than need that I did

not write you on the previous occasion, I had to find a

reason for sending my dutiful greeting to your Piety.
To deliver my letter in a manner befitting you I am
sending my son, the deacon Felix, that he may at one and the

same time represent me and also bring the appeal of those

who fled to the Church, the mother of your Piety, begging
mercy. I could not bear their tears but anticipated by my
entreaty the coming of your Clemency.
Oursa great request, but we are asking it of one to

whom Lord has granted unheard-of wonders, of whose

clemency we know and whose piety we have as a pledge.
Hence, we confess that we hope for more in that you have
conquered by your virtue and ought also conquer yourself
by your piety. It is said that your victory was granted in the
manner of the ancients, with ancient portents like those of
blessed Moses, of blessed Josue the son of Nun, of Samuel,
and of David; it was granted not by man's foresight but by
the outpouring of heavenly grace. We
here beg a like piety
by whose excellence so great a victory has been gained.

7. Ambrose, bishop, to the most blessed prince and most

Christian Emperor, Valentinian (Summer, 384 )

Not only are all men under the sway of Rome in the service
of you, the emperors and princes of the earth, but you your-
selves are also in the service of almighty God and of our holy
faith.Salvation will not be assured unless each one truly
worships the true God, that is, the God of the Christians, by
whom allthings are governed. He alone is the true God
who is
worshiped with the inmost being: 'For the gods of
the gentiles are idols,' as Scripture says.
Whoever serves this true God, receiving Him with deep
affection, in order to worship Him, displays not lying and

1 This letter gave occasion to the Relatio of Symmachus. These works

and Ambrose's letter to Eugenius are edited and commented upon by
J. Wytzes, Der Streit urn den Altar der Viktoria (Amsterdam 1936) .

2 Ps. 95.5.

treachery, but a zeal and devotion to the faith. And if he

owes not these, he at least owes no worship to idols and to
profane ceremonial cults. No one deceives God to whom all

things, even the secrets of the heart, are manifest.

Therefore, since you have truly shown your faith in God,

most Christian Emperor, I am amazed that your zeal for the
faith, your protection and devotion have given hope to some

persons that you are now obligated to erect altars to the gods
of the heathens and to furnish credit for the upkeep of profane
This expense, which for a long time was charged to

the revenues or to the treasury, you will appear to expend

out of your own resources, rather than to be making
restitution from it.

are complaining of their losses, they who were never

sparing of our blood, who ruined our church buildings. They
also ask you to give them privileges, who by the recent

Julian law refused to us the ordinary privilege of preaching

and teaching, those privileges by which even Christians have
often been made By these privileges they have
to apostatize.
wanted to win some persons by improvidence and others
through the difficulty of bearing public offices; and, since all
are not found steadfast, several, even under Christian princes,
have fallen from the faith.
If these privileges had not already been abolished, I
would approve their being done away with by your authority.
But, since these were almost universally banned and sup-
pressed by several predecessors and annulled by rescript at
Rome by your Clemency's
brother, of augustGratian
memory, through the logic of his true faith, do not, I beg
you, repeal these measures on religion or tear up your brother's
edicts. It does not occur to anyone to interfere rashly in a

S Wytzes omits this passage in the Latin text, hut translates it in the

civil matter which is a statute of law, and here you are over-

riding an edict on religion.

Let no one take advantage of your youth; if it is a pagan
who makes these demands, he ought not ensnare your mind
in the meshes of superstition, but by his zeal he should teach
and instruct you how to be zealous for the true faith since
he defends untruth with so much zeal. I agree that we must
be respectful of the true merits of men of distinction, but it
is certain that God should be
preferred to all men.
If one is seeking advice on military affairs, he should
await the advice of a man skilled in battle and should hold
to his opinion. Now that it is a matter of religion, think of
God. No one is offended when almighty God is more esteemed
than he is. God has His opinion. You do not compel a man
to worship what he does not wish, being unwilling. You, too,
O Emperor, are allowed the same, and everyone should bear
up graciously if he does not secure from the emperor what he
would impatiently bear if the emperor desired to wrest it
from him. The pagans themselves are wont to detest one
who betrays his conscience each one should be free to defend

faithfully and keep his own principles.

But if some men, Christians in name, think such a decree
should be promulgated, let not their mere words overwhelm
your mind, their vain assumptions deceive you. Whoever
gives this advice or whoever agrees to it is offering sacrifice.
But the sacrifice of one is more tolerable than the downfall of
all. In this the whole number of Christian Senators is in

If today some pagan emperor God forbid! should set

up an altar to idols and compel Christians to hold their

meetings there, to be present at the sacrifices, so that the

Christian's breath and nostrils would be filled with the ashes
from the altar, cinders from the sacrifice, and smoke from the
wood; and if he would give his opinion in the curia, where in

giving their opinion they

would be forced to swear at the
altar of the idol (for this is how they interpret the altar
erected so that, as they think, each meeting, by his oath,
be held in its the curia already has a majority
midst, although
number of Christians), the Christian compelled to come into
the Senate would on these conditions think it a persecution.
This is being done quite generally. They are forced to meet
under penalties. Now that you are the emperor, will Christians
be forced to take their oath on an altar? What does taking an
oath mean except to put one's trust in the divine power of
one who you think is the judge of your good faith? Now
thatyou are the emperor, is this being asked for and expected?
Are you bidding that an altar be raised and money allocated
for profane sacrifices?
A like this cannot be enforced without sacrilege. I
beg you not to make such a decree, nor pass a law, nor sign
a decree of this sort. As a priest of Christ, I appeal to your
faith. All would make the appeal with me if the
sudden news which came to their ears were not unbelievable
that such a measure was suggested in your council or
demanded by the Senate. Do not let it be said that the Senate
demanded this, A few pagans are usurping the name which is
not theirs. When the same thing was tried about two years
the Roman Church, elected
ago, Damasus, the holy bishop of
by God's judgment, sent me a counter-petition which the
Christian senators had given him. In great numbers they
protested that they had made
no such demand, that they
did not agree with such requests of the pagans or give their
assent. In public and in private they murmured that they
would not come to the Senate if such a measure were
decreed. Is it in
dignified day, a Christian day, that
Christian Senatorsdeprived of their dignity so that
heathens may have deference paid to their unholy will? I
sent this memorandum to the brother of your Clemency*

wherein was clear evidence that the Senate had made no

provision for the upkeep of superstition.

Perhaps it may be said Why were they not present in the


Senate when such

proposals were being made? They say

clearly enough what they wish, by not being present; they

have said enough by speaking to the emperor. Yet it is
strange to us that they take from private individuals at Rome
the liberty of resisting, while they are unwilling that you be
free to withhold ordering what you do not approve and to
maintain what you feel is right.
Mindful, therefore, of the commission lately laid upon me
I again call upon your faith, I call
upon your judgment. Do
not think that you have to give an answer favorable to the
pagans, nor join to your answer in such a matter the
sacrilege of your signature. Refer with assurance to the father
of your Piety, Emperor Theodosius, whom you have been
accustomed to consult in almost all matters of great impor-
tance. Nothing is of more importance than religion; nothing
is more exalted than faith.

If this were a civil case, the opposing party would be

guaranteed the right of reply. It is a religious case, and I, the

bishop, am using that right. Let a copy of the appeal be
given me, and I will answer more fully. And may it seem
you to consult your faith's opinion on all these matters.

Certainly, if any other decision is reached, we bishops cannot

tranquilly allow it and pretend not to notice. You will be
allowed to come to the church, but either you will find there
no priest or you will find one who will gainsay you.
What you answer the priest who says to you: The
Church does not want your gifts because you have adorned
the heathen temples with gifts. The altar of Christ spurns
your gifts since you have made an altar for idols. Yours is
the voice, yours the hand, yours the signature, yours the
work. The Lord Jesus scorns and spurns your worship since

said to you: "You cannot

you have worshiped idols, for He
serve two masters."
consecrated to God have no
from and do Vestal virgins lay claim to them?
privileges you,
Why do you ask for God's priests
to whom you have brought
the unholy demands of the pagans? We cannot be associated
with another's error.'
What will you answer to these words? That you are but a
in Christ, every one
boy who has fallen? Every age is perfect
full of God. Childhood is not allowed to faith; even
have confessed Christ before with fearless words.
he not say to
What you answer your brother? Will
I did not think I was
you: 'Because I left you as emperor,
because I had you as
vanquished; I did not grieve dying,
because I
heir; I did not mourn in leaving my kingdom,
commands, those on
believed that my imperial especially
divine religion, would last forever. I had set up these
memorials of pious virtue, these trophies from the world,
these spoils from the Devil, I offered these victories over the

adversary of all in whom there is What more

eternal victory.
could my enemy take from me? You have annulled rny
decrees; even he [Maximian], who took up arms against me,
did not do this. In this I am wounded by a heavier weapon
in that my brother has condemned my decrees. The better
imperiled with you; that was
me is death of the body,
part of
this thedeath of my reputation for virtue. Now my power is
annulled and, more serious, is annulled by your acts, is an-
nulled by my own family, and that is annulled which even my
enemies had praised in me. If you have acquiesced willingly,
you have destroyed my faith in you; if you have yielded
unwillingly, you have betrayed your
own faith. And this is
even more serious, the fact that I am imperiled with you.'
What will you answer your father, who will confront you
with great sorrow, saying: 'Son, you have judged me very

4 Matt. 6.24.

ill, would have connived with the pagans. No

thinking that I
one ever told that there was an altar in the Roman
Senate House; I had never believed such wickedness, that in
the common meeting place of Christians and pagans the
pagans offered sacrifice, that is, the pagans reviled the
Christians present and Christians unwillingly were forced to
attend the sacrifices. When I was emperor, many kinds of
crimes were committed. punished those I detected. If some
one escaped my notice, should it be said I approved what no
one had appraised me? You have judged me very ill if the

Gentiles' superstition and not my faith preserved the Empire.

Wherefore, O Emperor, you see that if
you decree anything
of this kind you will offer injury first to God and then to your
father and brother; I beg you do what you know will benefit
your own salvation before God.

8. Ambrose, bishop, to the most blessed prince and most

dement Emperor Valentinian Augustus (Autumn, 384)

The illustrious prefect of the city, Symmachus, has made

an appeal to your Clemency that the altar which was removed
from the Senate House in the city of Rome be restored to its
place. You, O Emperor, still young
in age, a new recruit

5 In his second letter on this subject to Valentinian, Ambrose seems to

the Senate
imply that Valentinian had already rejected the proposal of
when he addressed this letter to him. He likewise says (Com. Vol. 19)
that 'when all who were present in the consistory, Christians and
pagans alike, said that these privileges should be restored, he alone
of God aroused within him,
[Valentinian] like Daniel, with the spirit
denounced the Christians for lack of faith and resisted the pagans by
saying: "How can you think that
what my brother took away should
be restored by me?" since thereby both his religion and his brother, by
whom he was unwilling to be surpassed in piety, would be offended.'
(Trans. Deferrari, Fathers of the Church 22, pp. 274-275)
The above

statement is difficult to reconcile with the general tone of reproof in

this letter.

ed. J. Wytzes, op. cit. 48-61.

1 Symmachus, Memorial,

without experience, but a veteran in faith, did not approve

the appeal of the pagans. The very moment I learned this

in which, although I stated what seemed

presented a request
to I asked that I be given a copy of
necessary suggest,
Not doubtful, therefore, regarding your faith, but foreseeing
the care that is necessary, and being confident of a kindly
consideration, I am answering the demands
of the appeal

with this discourse, this one request

making that you will not
but the force of facts. For, as
expect eloquence of speech
of the wise and studious
holy Scripture teaches, the tongue
man words and shining with
golden, decked with glittering
the gleam of eloquence, as though some
rich hue, capturing

the eyes of the mind by the comeliness of its appearance,

dazzling in its beauty. But this gold, if you examine it care-

a base metal
fully,though outwardly precious, within is
Ponder well, I and examine the sect of the pagans.
beg you,
and grand; they support what is
sound in-
They weighty
of talk of God, but they adore a
capable being true; they
The distinguished prefect of the city
has brought forth in
his appeal three points which he considers of weight; namely,
that (according to him) Rome is asking again for her ancient
rites, that the priests and Vestal virgins
should be given their
and since these stipends have been refused to the
priests there has been general famine.
According to the first proposal, as he says, Rome is shedding
tears with sad and mournful complaints, asking again for

her ancient ceremonies. sacred objects, he says, drove

Hannibal from the city and the Senones from the Capitol
But at the same time as the power of the sacred objects is
reviled the
proclaimed, their weakness is betrayed. Hannibal
sacred objects of the Romans for a long time, and while the

2 Cf. Eccle. 6.11; Prov. 15.2.


gods warred against themselves the conqueror reached the

city's walls. Why did they allow themselves to be besieged
when the weapons of their gods did battle for them?

Why should I make mention of the Senones, whom, when

they penetrated the innermost recesses of the Capitol, the
Roman have withstood had not a goose
forces could not
(with frightened cackling) betrayed them. See what sort

of protectors guard the Roman temples. Where was Jupiter

at that time? Was he making a statement through a goose?

Why do I refuse to admit that their sacred objects warred

in behalf of the Romans? Hannibal, too, worshiped the same
gods. Let them choose whichever they wish. If these sacred
objects conquered in the Romans, then they were overcome
in the Carthaginians. If theytriumphed in the Carthaginians,
they certainly did not help the Romans.
Let us have no more grudging complaint from the people of
Rome. Rome has authorized no such complaints. She ad-
dressesthem with the words 'Why do you stain me each day

with the useless blood of the harmless herd? Trophies of

victory depend not on entrails of sheep but on the strength
of warriors. I subdued the world by other skills. Camillus
was a soldier of mine who slew those who had captured the
Tarpeian rock and brought back the standards which had
been taken from the Capitol. Valor laid low those whom
religion had not reached. What shall I* say of Attilius, who
bestowed the service of his death? Africanus found his
triumphs not amid the altars of the Capitol but among the
ranks of Hannibal. Why do you give me these examples of
ancient heroes? I despise the ceremonies of the Neroes. Why
mention emperors of two months' duration? And the down-
fallof kings coupled with their rising? Or is it something

new, perhaps, for the barbarians to have overrun their

territory? In those wretched and strange cases when an
3 Regulus.

emperor was held captive, and then a world held captive

under an emperor, was it the Christians who revealed the
fact that the ceremonies which promised victory were fal-
sified? Was there then no altar of Victory? I lament my
downfall. My old age is accompanied by shame over that
disgraceful bloodshed. But I am not ashamed to be converted
in my old age along with the whole world. Surely it is true
that no age is too late to learn. Let that old age feel shame
which cannot rectify itself. It is not the old age of years
which is entitled to praise, but that of character. There is
no disgrace in going on to better things. This alone I had
in common with the barbarians, that I did not know God
before. Your sacrifice consists in the rite of
being sprinkled
with the blood of beasts. Why do you look for God's words
in dead animals? Come and learn of the heavenly warfare
which goes on on earth. We live here, but we war there. 5
Let God Himself, who established the mystery of heaven,
teach me about it, not man who does not know himself.
Whom more than God shall I believe concerning God? How
can I believe you who admit that you do not know what
you worship?'
So great a secret, it is said, cannot be reached by one
road. We
[Christians] know on God's word what you do not
know. And what you know by conjecture we have discovered
from the very wisdom and truth of God. Your ways do not
agree with ours. You ask peace for your gods from the
emperors; we beg peace for our emperors from Christ. You
adore the works of your hands; we consider it wrong to
think that anything which can be made is God. God does
not wish to be worshiped in stones. Even your philosophers
have ridiculed these ideas,
But if you say that Christ is not God because you do not

4 Of. Wisd. 4.9.

5 Jn heaven.

believe thatHe died (for you do not realize that that was a
death of the body not of the divinity, which has brought it
about that no believer will die), why is this so senseless to
you who worship with insult and disparage with honor,
thinking that your god is a piece of wood? O worship most
insulting! You do not believe that Christ could have died.
O honorable stubborness!
But, says he, the ancient altars should be restored to the
images, the ornaments to the shrines. Let these demands be
made by one who shares their superstition. A Christian
emperor knows how honor the altar of Christ alone. Why
do they force pious hands and faithful lips to do service to
their sacrilege? Let the voice of our emperor utter the name
of Christ and call on Him only whom he is conscious of,
c 6
for the heart of the king is in the hand of God.' Has any
heathen emperor raised an altar to Christ? While they
demand the restoration of all things which used to be, they
show by their own example what great reverence Christian
emperors should give to the religion which they follow, since
the heathens offered everything to their superstitions.
Wehad our beginning long ago, and now they are follow-
ing those whom they excluded. We glory in [shedding] our
blood; they are disturbed by the spending of money. We
think these acts take the place of victory; they reckon them
a loss. Never did they confer more upon us than when they
ordered Christians scourged and outlawed and put to death.
Religion made a reward out of that which unbelief thought
was a punishment. See these magnanimous individuals! We
have increased through our losses, through want, through
punishment. They do not believe that their ceremonies can
continue unless donations continue.
Let the Vestal virgins, he says, keep their privileged state.
Let men say this who are not able to believe what virginity

6 Prov. 2.1.

can do without reward. Let them derive encouragement

from gainful means, having no confidence in virtue. How
many virgins get the rewards promised to them? About
seven Vestal virgins are accepted. Lo! that is the whole
number of those attracted by fillets and chaplets for the
head, or purple-dyed robes, the pomp of a litter surrounded
by a group of attendants, the greatest privileges, great gains,
and a set period of virginity.
Let them raise the eye of the mind and of the body and
see a nation of modesty, a people of purity, an assembly of

virginity. Fillets are not the adornment

of the head but a
veil in common use, ennobled by chastity. The finery of

beauty is relinquished. There are none

not sought after, it is

of those purple insignia, no charming luxuries, but rather the

practice of fasts, no privileges, no gains. All are such, in

fine, that you would think enjoyment restrained while duties
are performed. But while they perform their duty, enjoyment
grows apace. Chastity mounts by its own sacrifices. That is
not virginity which is bought for a price and not kept through
a desire for the virtue. That is not purity which is paid for
with money at an auction and only for a time. Chastity's
chief victory is to conquer the desire for wealth because

eagerness for gain is a temptation to modesty. Let us grant

that bountiful provisions should be given to virgins. What
amounts will overflow upon Christians! What treasury will
supply such riches? Or if they think that only Vestals should
be given grants, are they not ashamed that they claimed the
whole for themselves under heathen emperors and do not
think that under Christian princeswe should have a like
They complain also that public support is not being duly
granted to their priests and ministers. What a storm of words
has sounded on this point! On the other hand, under
recent laws we were denied even the Inheritance of private

property, and no one is complaining. We do not think that

is an injury because we do not grieve over losses. If a priest
seeks the privilege of declining the
municipal burden, he has
to give up the paternal and ancestral
ownership of all his
property. If the heathens suffered this, how would they urge
their complaint, if the priest had to buy free time for the
exercise of his ministry by the loss of his
patrimony, and
purchase the power of exercising his public ministry at the
expense of all his private means! In addition, alleging his
vigils for the common safety, he must console himself with
the reward of domestic poverty, because he has not sold his
service but has obtained a favor.

Compare the cases. You wish to excuse a decurion when

it is not
permitted the Church to excuse a priest. Wills are
made out in favor of the ministers of the temples; no ordinary
person is excluded, no one of the lowest condition, no one
openly shameless; only the clergy are denied the common
privilege, and they are the ones who offer common prayer
for all men and render a common service. They may have
no legacy even from venerable widows, no gifts. And where
no fault of character can be found 'a fine is
imposed upon
one's official capacity. A
bequest made by a Christian widow
to the priests of the temple is valid, but what is left to the
ministers of God is invalid. I have described this not to com-
plain but so that they will know of what I do not complain,
for I prefer that we be poorer in money than in grace:

They answer that what has been given or left to the

Church has not been touched. Let them say also who it is
that has taken away gifts from the temples, for that is what
has been done to the Christians. If this had happened to

7 An imperial constitution of 370 had forbidden clerics or ascetics to

inherit from any woman or to receive any gift from a woman while
they were both alive. In 390, Theodosius forbade deaconesses to
leave their property to clerics or to the Church (Cod. Theod. 17.11.27).

heathens, the reprisal than an

wrong would be rather a
Is it now demanded
that justice
being is and a
injury. only
claim being made for fairness? Where was that feeling when
of their property, grudged them
they despoiled all Christians
the breath of life, and finally forbade them the privilege
of burial, a privilege denied to none of the dead anywhere?
The sea gave back those whom the heathens had thrown into
it. This the victory of faith, that they now reap the deeds

of their ancestors. But, alas! What sense is there in seeking

the favors of those whose actions were not approved by them?
No one, however, has refused gifts to the shrines or
legacies to the soothsayers;only their land has been taken
what they
away because they did not use in a religious way
claimed as a of religion. Why did they not
make use of
our practice if they are using us as an example? The Church
owns nothing except her faith. It furnishes her with returns,
property of the Church
furnishes her with increase. is

the support of the poor. Let them take account of how many
captives the temples have brought back,
what food they
have provided for the poor, to what exiles they have furnished

the means of a livelihood. Their lands have been taken away,

not their rights.
See, they say, a sad condition atoned for a public famine

avenged what had taken place and that which served only
the advantage of priests began being advantageous to all.
For this reason, they say, the bark was stripped from the
woods and carried off and the fainting men drank with their
lips the unsavory sap. Therefore, changing Chaonian wine
going back again to the food of cattle and to
1 ()
for the acorn,
the nourishment of wretched provisions, they shook the oaks

8 Virgil, Aencid 2,181. This is the first of numerous imitations of

Virgil in this letter. See also', Sister M. I>. Dieclcrich, Vergil in the
Works of St. Ambrose (Washington 1931).
9 Cf. Aen. 2.2 11.
10 Cf, Georg. 1.8.

and hunger in the woods.
satisfied their dire Surely, these
are strange events in earth, which never happened before
when the heathen superstition was fervent throughout the
world In fact, when before did the crops mock the prayers

of the greedy farmer with empty stalks, 12 or the blade of

corn sought in the furrows deceive the hopes of the rustic
crew? 13
And how is it that the Greeks considered their oaks
oracles, except that they thought that the sustenance of
their sylvan food is the gift of religion? Such they believe to
be the gi% of their gods. What people except heathens have
worshiped the trees of Dodona when they paid honor to the
sorry food of the woods? Isit not
likely that their gods in
anger inflicted on them as a punishment what they, when
they were appeased, used to give them as a gift? What
fairness would there be of grudging the food denied to a few

they would deny it to everybody, for the vengeance
would be more unbearable than the injury? There is no real
reason for bringing such suffering on a world to accomplish
one man's downfall as that the full-grown hope of the year
should suddenly perish while the stalks were green.
And, surely, it has been many years since the rights of
temples were taken away throughout the world. Has it just
now entered the mind of the heathen gods to avenge the
wrong? Did the Nile fail to overflow in its accustomed course
to avenge the losses of the priests of the city while it did not

avenge its own?

Suppose that they think that the wrongs done to their gods
were avenged last year, why have they been unnoticed this
year? The country people no longer tear up roots and feed
11 Cf. Georg. 1.159.
12 Cf. Georg. 1.226.
13 Cf. Georg. 1.134.
14 Cf. Georg. 2.16.

upon them, nor look for refreshment from the berries of the
15 in
woods, nor pluck their food from thorns, but, taking joy
at their harvest
their prosperous labors and even marveling
have sated their hunger with the full enjoy-
themselves, they
ment of their wishes.
The earth gave us her fruit with
affairs as to be
Who,then, is such a stranger to men's
astonished at the alternation of the seasons of the year? Yet
we know that last year several provinces had an abundance
of produce. What shall I say of the Gauls who were richer
than usual? They sold the grain of Pannonia which they did
not sow, and Rhaetia Sccunda incurred hostility owing ^to
her fertility, for she who was ordinarily safe in her scarcity
made herself an enemy by her fertility. The fruits of autumn
fed Liguria and the Venetias. Last year had no drought
because of sacrilege; in fact, it flourished with the fruits of
faith. Let them try to deny that the vineyards abounded with
immense produce. We have received a harvest with interest
and we also the benefit of a more abundant vintage.
The and most important point remains, O Emperors,

whether you ought to reinstate those helps which have

Let them defend you
profited you, for our opponent says:
and be worshiped by us F This, most faithful Princes, is what
we cannot tolerate, that they taunt us saying that they
your name and without your com-
supplicate their gods in
mand commit a great sacrilege. For they interpret your

suppression of feelings as consent. Let

them have their
guardians to themselves; let these, if they can, protect
devotees. For, if they cannot help those who worship them,
how can they help you who do not worship them?
But, he says, we must keep the rites of our ancestors.
What of the fact that everything has made progress later to

15 CL Atn. 3.650.
16 Cf, Georg, UOS.

a better condition? The world itself, which at first was

composed of elements in a void, in a soft mass, hardened or

was clouded with the confusion of a shapeless piece of work,
did it not later receive the forms of things by which it
appears beautiful when the distinction between sky, sea, and
earth became set? The lands shaking off their misty shadows
wondered at the sun. The day does not shine at first, but as
time proceeds it is bright with an increase of light and grows
warm with an increase of heat. 17
The moon herself, by which the appearance of the Church
ismirrored in the sayings of the Prophets, when first rising
waxes to her monthly age, but is hidden in night's shadows.
Gradually filling up her horns, finishing them in the region
of the sun, she glows with the brightness of clear shining.

Formerly, the earth did not know how to be worked for

her Later, when the careful farmer began to rule the

fields and to clothe the shapeless soil with vines, she put

away her wild dispositions, being softened by domestic

The first part of the year itself, stripped of growing things
which have tinged our fields with a likeness to itself, springlike
with flowers which will fall, grows up later on to full fruits.
We, too, the uninstructed ages, have an infancy of reason-
ing, but, changing over the years, we lay aside the rudiments
of our faculties.
Let me say that all things should have remained in their
beginnings; the earth shrouded in darkness now displeases
us because it has been illumined by the rays of the sun. And
how much more pleasing is it for the shadows of the mind
to have vanished than those of the body, and for the ray of
faith to have shone rather than that of the sun. So, then, the

17 Cf. Eel. 6.31.

IB Cf. Aen, 3.645.
19 Cf. Oeorg. 1.99.

the age of all

primeval age of the world has changed just as
old age of hoary
things and in the same way the venerable
faith may change. Let those whom this disturbs find fault
with the harvest for its abundance in the late season; let
them find fault with the vintage for coming at the fall of the
year; let them find fault with the olive for being the last of

So, then, our harvest is the faith of souls; the grace of the
Church is the vintage of merits which has flourished in the

saints since the beginning of the world, but in the last age it

has spread among the nations in order that all may know
that the faith of Christ has not crept upon unlettered minds
(for there is no crown of victory without an adversary), but,
the opinion having been rejected which prevailed before,
that which was true has rightly been preferred.
If the old why did Rome also
ceremonies gave pleasure,
take up foreign ones? I will make no mention of the ground
hidden by costly buildings and the shepherds huts glittering
with ill-suited gold. Why? In order that I may refer to the
very matter of which they complain. Why have they eagerly
taken statues from captured cities, and conquered gods, and
foreign rites of alien superstition? Whence comes the pre-
cedent for Cybele to wash her chariot in the stream of the
counterfeiting Alma? Whence come the Phrygian seers and
the deities of unjust Carthage ever hateful to the Romans?
Whence is she whom the Africans worship as Coelestis, the
Persians as Mithra, and most people as Venus, according*
to a diversity of names, but not a variety of deity? They
believed that Victory was a goddess, yet it is a gift, not a
power; it is granted and it does not rule; it is the result of the

legions, not of the power of religion. Is that goddess great

20 Ambrose wrongly makes Mithra a goddess, not a god; cf. McGuire,

op. cit. 308.

whom a number of soldiers claim or the outcome of battle

They ask to have her altar erected in the Senate House of
the city of Rome, the very place where most of those who
meet are Christians. There are altars in every temple and an
altar even in the Temple of Victories. Since they take pleasure
in numbers, they offer their sacrifices
everywhere. Is it not
an insult to the faith to insist upon a sacrifice on this one
altar? Must we heathen offering of sacrifice in the
tolerate a

presence of a Christian? Let them imbibe, he says, although

they are unwilling, let them imbibe the smoke with their eyes,
the music with their ears, the cinders with their throats, the
incense with their nostrils. And let the dust raised from our
hearths cover their faces although they detest it. Are not
the baths and colonnades and streets filled with enough
statues for them? Will there not be a common privilege in
that common meeting place? The dutiful portion of the
Senate will be bound by the voices of those who call upon
the gods, by the oaths of those who swear by them. If they
refuse, they willappear to utter a lie; if they consent, to
acknowledge what is sacrilegious.
Where, he says, shall we swear fealty to our laws and
decrees? Does your mind which is contained in the laws
gain assent and bind to faithfulness by the rites of heathens?
Not only is the faith of those present attacked but also of those
absent, and, what is O Emperors, your faith is attacked,
for you compel you command. Constantius of august

memory, although he had not yet been admitted to the

sacred mysteries, felt he would be polluted if he saw the altar.
He ordered it to be removed; he did not order it to be
replaced. That removal has the authority of an act; the
replacing of has not the authority of a command.

Let no one flatter himself over his absence. He is more

present when he joins himself to the thoughts of others than

if he gives assent before their eyes. It is more important to be

together by the mind than to be
drawn united with the body.
The Senate has you as its presidents to convene its assembly.
It meets in your behalf; it gives its conscience to you, not to
the gods of the heathens. It prefers you to its children, but
not to its faith. This is the affection you should seek; this is a
love greater than power, provided the faith which preserves
the power be safe,
Perhaps it may cause concern to some that, if this be so,
a most faithful emperor has been forsaken, as if the reward
of merits were to be thought of in terms of the passing value
of those present. What wise man does not know that human
affairs have been arranged in a kind of round and circuit,
that they do not enjoy the same success, but that their state
varies and they undergo changes?
Whom have the Roman temples sent forth more prosperous
than Gnaeus Pompey? Yet, when he had circled the earth
with three triumphs, after suffering defeat in battle, a fugitive
from war, and an exile within the boundaries of his own
empire, he fell by the hand of a eunuch of Ganopus.
What king have the lands of all the East produced more
noble than Cyrus of the Persians? He, too, after conquering
extremely powerful princes who opposed him, and keeping
the conquered as prisoners, was overthrown and perished by
the weapons of a woman. And that king who had treated
even the vanquished with honor had his head cut off and
placed in a vessel full of blood, while he was bidden to be
sated with the plaything of a woman's power. The mode of
his own life was not
repaid with similar conduct on the part
of others, but far otherwise.
And whom do we find more devoted to sacrifice than
Hamilcar, the leader of the Carthaginians? Although all
during the battle he stood between the fighting ranks and
offered sacrifice, when he saw that his side was conquered he

threw himself Into the very fires which he was feeding, so

that he might extinguish with his own body the fires which
he knew were of no avail.
What shall I say of Julian? When he foolishly trusted the
responses of the soothsayers, he destroyed his own means of
retreat. Therefore, in similar cases there is not a similar
offense, for our promiseshave not deceived anyone.
I have answered those who provoked meas though I had
not been provoked, for my object was to refute the appeal,
not to expose superstition. But let their very appeal, O
Emperor, make you more cautious. After saying that of
former princes, the earlier ones practiced the cult of their
fathers, and the later ones did not abolish them, it was
claimed in addition that if the religious practice of older
princes did not set a pattern, the act of overlooking them on
the part of the later ones did. This showed plainly what you
owe to your faith, that you should not follow the pattern of
heathen rites, and to your affection, that you should not set
aside the decrees of your brother. If in their own behalf only
they have praised the permission of those princes who,
although they were Christians, did not abolish the heathen
decrees, how much more ought you to defer to your brotherly
affection, so that you who must overlook some things, even
though you do not approve them, should not abrogate your
brother's decrees; you should maintain what you judge to be
in agreement with your own faith and the bond of brother-

dement Emperor and most blessed Valentinian

9. To the most
Augustus, Ambrose, bishop (February, 386)

was acting at your command, the tribune

Alleging that he
and notary Dalmatius came to asked that I choose
me and
has done. Yet he has not indicated
judges just as Auxentius
the names of those who have been demanded.
But he adds
that there will be a discussion in the consistory,
and the

judgment of your Piety will be the deciding factor.

To this I am
making, as I think,
a suitable response. No
one should find that I am being insolent when I assert that
not only gave his answer by
your father of august memory
word of mouth, but sanctioned by law this truth: In a
matter of faith or of any Church regulation the decision
should be given by him who is neither unsuitcd to the task
nor disqualified by law. These are the words of his decree;
in other words, he wished priests to make judgments regarding
if a bishop were accused of any charge
priests. In fact,
the case of his character needed to be examined, he wished
these matters to belong to the judgment of bishops.
Who, then, has given your Clemency an insolent
One who wishes you to be like your father, or one who wishes
is attached
you to be unlike him? Perhaps little importance
of that
by some persons to the opinion great emperor,
although his faith was proved by his firm confession and his
wisdom was declared by his development of a better common-
most clement Emperor, when have you heard the laity
judge a bishop in a matter of faith?
Are we so bent down
with flattery as to forget our priestly privileges
and think
that we should entrust to others that which God has given to
us? If a bishop has to be instructed by a layman, what next?
If so, the laity will dispute and the bishop will listen and the

bishop will learn from the laity! But if we examine the


context of holy Scripture or of times past, who will deny

that in a matter of faith, in a matter, I say, of faith, bishops
usually judge Christian emperors; not emperors, bishops.
By God's favor you will reach a ripe old age, and then you
will realize what kind of a bishop subjects his priestly power
to the laity. By God's favor your father, a man of ripe old

age, said: 'It does not belong to me to judge between

your Clemency now says: I must be the judge.'

He, although baptized, thought he was unfit for the burden
of such a judgment; your Clemency, who must still earn the
sacrament of baptism, takes to yourself a judgment concerning
faith, although you are unacquainted with the sacraments of
that faith.
We can well imagine what sort of judges he [Auxentius]
will choose, for he fears to reveal their names. Of course,
let them come to the church, if there are any to come. Let

them listen to the people, not so that each may sit in

judgment, but that each may have proof of his disposition
and choose whom he will follow. The matter concerns the
bishop of that church; if the people decide after hearing him
that he argues a better case, let them follow the faith he
teaches. I shall not be jealous.
I will not mention the fact that the people have already

passed judgment. I am silent about their demand from the

father of your Clemency for the one whom they have. I

am silent about the promise of the father of your Piety that

there would be peace if the one chosen would assume the
bishopric. I have kept faith in these promises.
If he boasts of the approval of some foreigners, let him
be bishop there where there are people who think that he

1 Valentinian, who began his reign in 364, made a practice of not

interfering with the bishops in matters of faith.
2 Ambrose had been promised that he would not be harassed by the
Arians if he accepted the bishopric of Milan. He certainly had been
unwilling to become a bishop. Cf. Paulinus, Vita Ambrosii 3.7-9.

should be given the name of bishop. But I neither recognize

him as a bishop nor know whence he comes.
When have we ever decided a matter on which you have
declared your judgment? Nay, have you not even promulgated
laws and not allowed anyone freedom of judgment? When
for others, you also made it for
you made such a provision
emperor passes laws which he
An first of all keeps.
Do you want me to try to see whether those who have been
chosen judges will begin to go contrary to your opinion, or
at least excuse themselves on the grounds that they cannot
act against so severe and rigid a law of the emperor?
This, then, is the action of
an insolent individual, not
of a well-meaning bishop. See, O Emperor, you are rescinding
Would that you did so, not in part,
your own law in part.
but entirely, for I would not want your law to be above the
law of God. God's law teaches us what we are to follow;
man's laws cannot teach us this. These alter the conduct of
the timid; they are unable to inspire confidence.
What man will there be who reads that at one moment it
has been decreed that one who opposes the emperor should
be struck with the sword, and whoever does not hand over
the temple of God is straightway slain; what man, I say,
either singly or with a few could say to the emperor: Tour
law does not meet my approval'? If priests are not allowed
this, are the laity permitted? And
will he be the judge in a

matter of faith who either hopes for favor or fears to give

Shall I agree to choose laymen as judges, who, if they
maintain the truth with faith, will be proscribed or killed,
because a law about faith has so decreed? Shall I
expose these men either to the denial of truth or to punish-
Ambrose is not worth so much that he would throw away
his priestly office for his own sake. The life of one man is not

worth the dignity of all priests on whose advice I made these

statements, suggested that we would perhaps
since they
surrender the triumph of Christ to some pagan or Jew,
chosen by Auxentius, if we gave them judgment regarding
Christ. What else do they rejoice to hear but the harm being
done to Christ? What else can please them except that (God
forbid !
) being denied? Plainly, they agree
Christ's divinity is

completely with the Arians, who say that Christ is a creature,

for heathens and Jews readily admit this.
This decree was made at the Synod of Ariminium and I
rightfully despise that council, for I follow the rule of the
Council of Nicaea from which neither death nor the sword
can separate me. This is the creed which the parent of your
Clemency, Theodosius most blessed emperor, follows and
approves. This creed is held by the Gauls, it is held by the
Spaniards, who keep it with pious profession of the Holy Spirit.
If there must be discussion, I have learned from my

predecessor to have the discussion in church. If there has to

be a conference about the faith, it should be a conference of
bishops, as was done under Constantine, prince of august
memory, who promulgated no laws until he had given free
judgment to the bishops. This was also done under Con-
stantius, emperor of august memory, heir of his father's
dignity. Yet, what began well is ending otherwise. The bishops
had subscribed at first to a definite creed. Then, when certain
persons within the palace wished to pass judgment on the
faith, they managed to alter the judgments of the bishops by

surreptitious methods. The bishops at once called for resolute

opinions. And, certainly, the greater number at Ariminium
approved the creed of the Council of Nicaea and condemned
the Arian decrees.
If Auxentius appeals to a synod to dispute the faith (please
God it may not be necessary for so many bishops to be

wearied on account of one man, for, even if he were an


not be esteemed above the

angel from heaven, he must
I shall hear that the synod is
peace of the Church), when
will not be missing. Pass the law if you
gathering, I myself
want a struggle!
I would have come, O
Emperor, to your Clemency's
remarks in person if either the
consistory to make these
said rather
bishops or people had permitted me, but they
of the faith should be held in church in the
that discussions
presence of the people.
O not sentenced me to go
Would, Emperor, that you had
wherever I wished! I went out daily; no one guarded me.
You should have dispatched wished, me who
me where you
offered myself for anything. Now I am
by the bishops:

It makes little difference whether you willingly leave

altar of Christ or hand it over, for, when you leave it, you

will be handing it over.

Would that it were clearly evident to me that the Church
would not be handed over to the Arians! I would then
willingly offer myself to the
wishes of your Piety. But, if I
am the only one guilty of making a disturbance, why is there
the decree to invade all the other churches? Would that
there were the assurance that no one would harm the
churches! I choose that pass on me whatever sentence
you wish.
Wherefore, O Emperor, receive with dignity my reason
for being unable to come to the consistory. I have not learned
to take rny place in a consistory except to act in your behalf ,

and I am unable to dispute in the palace, neither seeking

nor knowing the secrets of the palace.
I, Ambrose, the bishop, offer
this notice to the most clement
and most blessed Augustus Valentinian.
3 Ambrose had gone twice to the Consistory of Maximus and bore many
affronts while there, first in the winter of 383-381 when he pleaded
for peace in behalf of the young Valentinian, and later at the begin-
ning of 385
when he begged that the body of Oratian be returned tor
burial at Milan.

10. Ambrose to Emperor Valentinian (386)

You have had such confidence in my recent embassy that

no report of it was demanded of me. It was sufficiently
clear from my having stayed some days in Gaul that I
did not accept the terms favorable to Maximus 1 or agree
with those which favored his will rather than peace. More-
over, you would never have sent me on a second embassy
unless you had approved the first. But, inasmuch as I was
forced to the necessity of contesting with him on my arrival,
I have determined to give an account of my embassy in this
letter so that no one's report will confuse the false with the
true before, on my return, I make a clear and trustworthy
account of the truth.
The day after I arrived at Trier I went to the palace.
The grand chamberlain Gallicanus, a royal eunuch, 2 came
out to me. I asked the privilege of entering; he asked if I
had an imperial order from your Clemency. I answered that
I did. He retorted that I could be interviewed only in the

consistory. I replied that this was not customary for one of

episcopal rank and, in fact, that there were certain matters
of which I had to speak in earnest with the prince. In short,
he went and consulted him, but maintained that the condi-
tions would have to hold, so that it became clear that even
his first remarks had been prompted by the other's wishes. I
remarked that it was not in keeping with my office, but that
I would not fail the embassy entrusted to me. I was happy to
be humbled, especially on your behalf and in the performance
of a duty which involved the affection you bear your brother.
As soon as he was seated in the consistory, I entered; he
arose to give me the kiss of greeting; I was standing with the

1 Maximus was offering peace, but only on the condition that Val-
entinian himselfcome to Trier.
2 praepositus cubiculi.

members of the consistory. Some began urging me to step

would you
forward; he began summoning me. I said: 'Why
with a kiss one whom you do not know? If you knew
me youwould not see me here.' 'Bishop/ he said, 'you are
greatly upset.' 'Not by
the insult/ I answered, 'but by the
embarrassment of standing in a place where I do not belong.'

'You came into the consistory, he said, 'on your first

I said, 'but the fault of
embassy.' That was not my fault,'
the one who summoned me; I merely came in answer to the

summons.' Why did you come? he asked. 'Because,' I


at that time I was asking for peace for one who


was weaker than you, but I do so now for one who is your
equal.' 'Equal by
whose kindness?' he asked. "That of
almighty God,' said I, for He preserved
for Valentinian the

kingdom He had given him.

At length he broke forth, saying: 'You and that Bauton
have tricked me. He wanted to get the power for himself
under the figurehead of a child, and he sent barbarians
againstme As if I do not have just as many thousands of

barbarians in my service and in my pay whom I can call

upon. Had I not been restrained from doing so at your

coming, who would have been able to withstand me or my
To this I replied gently: You need not be angry; there
is no cause for alarm. Listen patiently to what I have to
say to your remarks. You assert that while you trusted me
I deceived you by coming and taking part in your first

embassy a glorious accusation that I was safeguarding the

emperor who was a mere child. Whom are we bishops to
guard if not children? It is written: "Judge for the fatherless,3
and defend the widow, and free the one receiving harm*"
And elsewhere: "Defenders of widows and fathers of or-
3 Isa. 1.17.
4 Ps. 67.6,

'Still, I rendered
shall not censure Valentinian for services I
him. Tosay the truth, when did prevent your legions from

streaming into Italy? With what cliffs or battlelines or

troops? Or did I block the Alps with my body? Would that I
had the power! I would not have feared to lie in your way
nor would I have dreaded your accusations. With what
promises did I trick you into making peace? Did not Count
Victor come to meet me near Mayence in Gaul, he whom

you had sent to make peace? In what way has Valentinian

played you false, for he was asked for peace before he asked
it. How has Bauton
played you false by showing his loyalty
to the emperor? Because he did not betray his lord?
How have I deceived you? On my arrival you said that
Valentinian should come to you like a son to his father. I
it was unreasonable to
said expect a boy to cross the Alps
with his widowed mother during the roughest part of winter.
Moreover, was he to embark on the hazards of such a journey
without his mother? I was sent on an embassy of peace, not
to promise his arrival. It is clear that I could not promise
what was not enjoined on me. At least I made no promise;
therefore you said: "Let us wait and see what reply Victor
will make." It is well known that he reached Milan while I
was being detained [at Trier], and his request was refused.
It was said that peace was the only issue, not the return of
the emperor, who was not to be moved from there. I was
present when Victor returned. How, then, did he influence
Valentinian? The legates who were sent again and said that
he would not come met me at Valence in Gaul. I found
soldiers of both sides guarding the mountain heights. What
armies of yours did I turn from you? What standards have
I caused to leave Italy? What barbarians has Count Bauton

brought against you?

lf Bauton, who came from across the Rhine, had done

5 Son of Maxiraus.

would it have been strange? You yourself were threatening

the power and boundaries of Rome with barbarian troops
and squadrons, with men to whom the food supplies of the

provinces went as tribute. Note the difference between these

threats of yours and the mildness of the august child
Valentinian. You were intent
upon coming Italy sur- into
rounded by troops of barbarians. Valentinian made the Huns
and Alans 6 who were approaching Gaul turn back to the
lands of the Germans. What harm if Bauton had set
barbarians against barbarians? While you were employing
Roman soldiers and he opposing those attacking him on either
side, the Juthungi were laying waste the Raetias within the
the very heart of the Roman Empire. For this reason he set
the Huns against the Juthungi. Yet, because the Germans were
already crushing and threatening Gaul with approaching
ruin, he was forced to abandon his triumphs lest you have
ground for fear. Compare your deeds and his. You made the
Raetias subject to attack; Valentinian has bought peace for
you with his own money.
c 7
Look at the man on
your right. Valentinian sent him
back to you in honor, although he had the opportunity of
avenging a personal wrong. He had him within his own
country at the very moment when his brother's death was
announced, and he restrained his anger. He did not treat in
the same manner one who is of different dignity but of the
same relationship with you. Compare your conduct with ,

his. You be the

judge. He gave you back your brother alive;
give him back his, even though dead. How can you refuse
him his brother's remains when he did not refuse those
forces that were used against him?

6 The Aicmanni, a tribe of Juthungi, were at Maximus' instigation

raiding Raetia. To get rid of them, Count Bautou invited Huns and
Alans to raid the territory of the Alemanni.
7 Marceilinus, the brother of Maximus, who was sent back to Trier
with Ambrose.

You say you fear to arouse the sorrow of the soldiers

when the remains are returned. This is your excuse. Having
abandoned him alive, will they now defend him when he is
dead? Why fear one who is dead, whom you slew, although
you could have saved him? I killed my enemy, you say. He
is not your enemy, but
you are his. He no longer puts up a
defense, but consider why. If someone began plotting here
today to rob you of your lands, would you say, I ask, that
you were his enemy or he yours? If I am not mistaken, the
usurper brings war; the emperor protects his rights. Then
why refuse to part with the remains of one you should not
have slain? Let Emperor Valentinian have his brother's
remains as a pledge of your peace. And how can you keep
alleging thatyou did not give the order to slay him if you
do not allow him to be entombed? Will people be able to
believe you did not grudge him life, when you grudge him
'But to get back to myself. I hear that you are charging
that the people who were with Emperor Valentinian went
over to Emperor Theodosius. What did you expect would
happen when you demanded that refugees be punished and

captives slain, while Theodosius enriched them with favors

and granted them honors?' 'Whom did I put to death?' he
asked. 'Vallio,' I answered. 'What a man, and warrior,
besides! Was it a just cause for his murder that he was
faithful to his emperor?' 'I did not order him to be killed,'
he said. 'We heard,' said I, 'that such orders were given.
'But,' said he, 'if he had not destroyed himself, I did order
that he be dispatched to Chalons and there burned alive.'
'True,' said I, 'this is the reason you are thought to have
killed him. Who would expect to be spared when such a
vigorous warrior, so loyal a soldier, so useful a count, had
thus been slain?' I then' departed so that he might say he
would consider the matter.

Later, when he observed that I stayed aloof from the

bishops who were in his service and who were asking that
certain persons, heretics, should be put to death, he became
very angry and ordered me to leave at once. I went, although
several thought I would not escape his ambushes. I was
overwhelmed sorrow finding that the old bishop,
Hyginus, though he had but the last breath of life left in
him, was being sent into exile. When I approached some of

his men and begged them not to allow him to be driven

forth without clothing, without a bed to lie on, I was myself
driven out.
This is the account of my embassy. Farewell, O Emperor,
and be on your guard against a man who is
cloaking war
under the mask of peace.

1L To the most dement Emperor Eugenius, Ambrose, bishop

(Summer., 393)

My reason for leaving [Milan] was the fear of the Lord
towhom I direct all my acts, as far as possible, never turning
my mind from Him nor considering any man's favor of
more worth than the grace of Christ. By preferring God to

everyone else I harm no one, and trusting in Him I have no

fear of telling your majesties, the emperors, what I feel with

my own conviction. Thus I shall not refrain from saying to

you, most clement Emperor, what I have never refrained
from saying to other emperors. And in order to preserve the
order of events I shall review one by one the facts which
concern the present difficulty.

1 Ambrose Milan and went to Bologna, thence to Fieiun, and

finally Florence. Cf. fit. 27, where a portion of this letter is
quoted by Paulinus. The letter is in effect an implicit notice of
excommunication served to Eugenius for his donations to the upkeep
of pagan tempi es.

The most excellent Symmachus, when prefect of the city,
appealed to Emperor Valentinian the younger, of august
memory, begging that he would command the restoration to
the temples of what had been removed, for he fulfilled his
obligations in accordance with his own wish and religious
conviction. It was also fitting that I, as bishop, should know
my duties. presented two petitions to the emperors in
which I declared that a Christian could not contribute to
the upkeep of sacrifices; that I had not proposed that they
be removed; but that I did now propose they should not be
decreed ; and, finally, that he would seem to be giving rather
than restoring contributions to the images. What he had
not withdrawn he could not be said to be restoring; he
seemed rather to be willingly donating money for the cost of
superstition. Lastly, if he had done so, he either must not
come to the church, or, if he should come, he would
find no priest or one withstanding him in the church.
Nor could he plead the excuse that he was only a catechumen,
since even catechumens are not allowed to contribute to the

upkeep of idols.

My petitions were read in the consistory in the presence of

Count Bauton, a man of the highest military rank, and of
Rumoridus, of the same dignity and devoted from early
boyhood to the heathen religion". Valentinian then listened
to my suggestion and did only what the practice of our faith
demanded. The counts acquiesced to their lord.
Later, I openly addressed the most clement Emperor
Theodosius, and did not hesitate to speak to him face to face.
And when he received word of the same sort from the Senate,
although it was not the whole Senate that made the demand,

2 In 384.
3 See the two letters to Valentinian, above.
4 Wytzes' emendation of a troublesome passage: acquieverunt comites
domino suo.
5 In 390.

he at length gave approval to my suggestion. Then, for

some days I did not go near him, nor did he take it amiss,
because I was acting not for my own advantage but for his

profit and that of my own soul;

I was not ashamed to speak
in the presence of the king.'

Again an embassy was sent by the Senate to Emperor

Valentinian, of august memory, when he was in Gaul, but
they could extort nothing from him. I was absent at the time
and had not written anything to him.
But, when your Clemency assumed the government of the

were found to have been made to
these donations

distinguished citizens of the heathen religion. Perhaps, O

august Emperor, it
may be said that you yourself did not make
the donations to the temples, but merely gave benefits to men
who deserved well of you. But the fear of God, you know,
ought to make us act firmly as do priests in the cause of
liberty, and as those do who serve in your armies or hold
rank among the provincials. As emperor, you asked the
envoys to make restitution to the temples, but you did not.
Others also made these demands and you withstood them.
Yet, later, you decided to bestow gratuities on the petitioners
The imperial power is great, but consider, O Emperor,
how great God is. He sees the hearts of all; He probes their
inmost conscience; He knows all things before they come to
pass; He knows the innermost secrets of your heart, You do

not allow yourself to be deceived; do you expect to hide

anything from God? Has this thought not occurred to you?
Although they persisted in their requests, was it not your
duty, O Emperor, out of reverence for the most high, true,

6 Ps. 118.46.
7 In 391, following his and Theodosius" joint order,
forbidding pagan
sacrifices and visits to pagan temples.
8 In August, 392.
9 Cf. Acts 1.24; Dan. 13.42.

and living God, to oppose them still more persistently and

to refuse what was harmful to the holy law?
Who grudges your giving to others what you choose? We
do not pry into your benefactions, nor are we jealous of the

privileges of others. But we are the interpreters of the faith.

How will you offer your gifts to Christ? Few will
your actions; all will respect your wishes. Whatever they did
will be to your credit; what they did not do will be to theirs.
You are indeed the emperor, but you must all the more
submit to God. Otherwise, how will Christ's priests distribute
your gifts?
There was question of this kind in former times, and then
persecution itself was overcome by the faith of the patriarchs
and paganism gave way. When that game, occurring every
fifth year, was held at Tyre and the wicked king of Antioch
had come to see it, Jason appointed and sent messengers
from Jerusalem to bring 300 didrachmas of silver and give
them to the sacrifice of Hercules. 10 The patriarchs would
not give the money to the pagans, but, sending trusted men,
they asked that it not be assigned to the sacrifice of the gods,
for it was not needed, but be deputed to other expenses.
And it was decided that, because Jason had stipulated that
the money be sent for the sacrifice of Hercules, it must be
used for that purpose. Yet, when those who brought it
pleaded in opposition, in their zeal and devotion insisting
that it should not be used for the sacrifice, but for other
necessities, the money was given over to the building of
galleys. Although they sent the money under force, they did
not use it for the sacrifice but for other public expenses.

Undoubtedly, those who brought the money might have

maintained silence, but they broke their trust knowing to
what their action was leading. So they sent God-fearing men
to use their effort to have it employed, not for the temple,

10 Cf. 2 Mach. 41.18-20.


but for the building of galleys. They entrusted their money

to men who would plead the cause of divine law,
and He
who was made judge of the affair. If
clears the conscience
those who were under foreign power took such precautions,
there is no doubt concerning what you, O Emperor,

have done. Since no one constrained you, nor had you in

his to have consulted the advice

power, you ought certainly
of a bishop.
At least, when I withstood you, although I alone withstood
I was not the only one to wish or advise this course
action. Being bound by my words before God and men, I

knew I could not, must not, consult anyone but myself, for
I could not reasonably trust you. For a long time I stifled

and concealed my distress and determined to give no hint to

anyone, but now I may no longer pretend, nor am I at

This at the beginning of your reign

liberty to be why
silent. is

made no what would take

I reply to your letters, foreseeing
when you found I was not writing and
place. Afterwards,
you demanded a reply, I said: The reason is that I think

they will get it from him by force.'

when a for exercising my duty arose, I

Yet, just occasion
wrote and petitioned for those who were worried on their
own account to show that in the cause of God I have a just
fear, anddo not value flattery more than my own soul

And in matters where it is fitting to petition you I show a

deference to authority, as it is written:
'Honor to
Since I am
whom honordue; tribute to whom tribute/

of a individual, why should I not

deeply respectful private
be so of the emperor? Just as you wish to be held in respect,
allow us to respect Him from whom you would like to prove
that your authority is derived.

11 Rom, 13.7.

12. Ambrose,, bishop, to Brother Anysius 1 (383)

HAVE BEEN what I have

quite sure for a long time of
just now read; you were mine by your deeds even
though I had not laid eyes on you. I grieve over
that which has happened, but I rejoice over the later happy
succession of events. I did not wish that to happen while
I lived, yet I did hope after his death that only one of this
merit might possibly be his successor. And so we have you,
the disciple for a long time of Acholius of blessed memory,
now his successor and the heir of his rank and of his grace.
You have been given a great recompense, brother, and I
rejoice on your account that there was not a moment's
doubt regarding the successor of one so great. It is also a
great burden, brother, to support the weight of so great a
name, of so great esteem, of so great a scale. Men are looking
for Acholius in you, and as he was held in affection by you,
so in the performance of his ministry there is needed a

replica of his virtue, of his learning, and the vigor of mind

in so aged a body.

1 The successor of Bishop Acholius.


I saw him, I say;and I owe It to him that I had this

glimpse of him. I saw him

in the body in such a way that I

thought he was not of the body; I saw the image of him

[Paul] who, not knowing whether in the body or out of the
body, saw himself raised to paradise. He used to travel

everywhere on frequent trips to Constantinople,

Achaia, to
to Epirus, to Italy younger men could
in such fashion that
not keep up with him. Men of more sturdy physique yielded
to him, for they knew that he was free from the hindrance
of the body; he used his body only for a covering, not an

instrument, surely a means of servitude, not of companionship.

He had exerted such influence on his body as to crucify the
world in it and himself to the world.
Blessed was the Lord, and blessed was the youth of this
man spent in the tabernacle of the God of Jacob, living in
a monastery where, to his parents or relatives in search of
him, he used to say: "Who are my brethren, and who is
my mother?" I do not know my father or mother or
brethren, unless they are those who hear the Word and keep
it.'Blessed also were his mature years when he was raised to
the office of high priest, deemed worthy of an early recom-
pense for virtue. He came like David to restore peace to the
people; he came like the ship carrying with him pure gold,
cedar woods, and precious stone, 4 and that dove 5 with rings
of silver with which amid the lots he slept the sleep of peace
and the repose of tranquility.

Sleep is the workman of the saints according to what has

been written: I sleep and my heart watches/ 6 and according
to holy Jacob who while asleep saw divine mysteries which

2 Cf. 2 Cor. 12.2.

3 Matt. 12.18.
4 Cf. 2 Par. 9.21.
5 Cf. Ps. 67.14.
6 Cant. 5.2.
7 Cf. Gen. 28.13.

he had not seen when he was awake a path in the heavens

from sky to earth, and the Lord looking
for the saints, leading
down upon him and promising him the possession of that
way for a short while, in his dream he
land. Asleep in this
asked and obtained what his descendants later acquired with
great toil. The sleep of the saints is free from pleasures of all

the body, from all disturbance of the mind; brings calm it

to the mind and peace to the soul, so that, released, as it

were, from the ties of the body, it raises itself aloft and clings
to Christ.
This sleep is the life of the saints such as blessed Acholius
lived, whose old age also was blessed, for old age is truly
venerable when it grows hoary not with grey hairs but with
good deeds. This hoariness is revered, hoariness of soul,
gleaming with shining thoughts and deeds. What truly is old
age if it is not a spotless life which is measured not by days
or months, but by ages whose durability knows no end, whose
longevity knows no weakness? The older it is, the stronger it
is, and the longer he has lived that life, the more vigorously

does he grow into the perfect man.

May the Lord, therefore, set His approval upon you, his
successor, not only in honor, but also in character, and may
He see fit to establish you in great grace so that to you also
the people may run and you may say of them: 'Who are
those who fly about like clouds and like doves with their
59 10
young? Let them come, too,the ships from Tharsis
and bring in grain which the true Solomon gives, the twenty
measures of wheat. Let them receive oil and the wisdom of
Solomon, and let there be peace between you and your

people, and may you guard well the covenant of peace.

Farewell, brother, and love us, because we also love you.

8 Ci Wisd. 4.8,9.
9 Isa. 60.8.
10 Cf. 2 Par. 9.21.

13. Ambrose to Brother Candidianus

There is in your language the utmost clarity, but it shines

even more in your love for me; indeed, in your letters I
behold the brilliance of your mind, dearly beloved and most
blessed brother. May the Lord bless you, and give you His
grace, for I see in your letters your good wishes more than
own excellence. What excellence of mine could compare
with your language?
Love us, brother, because we love you.

14. Ambrose to Chromatius (c. 390 ) l

Does God tell a lie? He does not; it is

impossible for God
to tell a an impossibility because of some weakness?
lie. Is this

Certainly not! How could He be the cause of all things if

there were something which He could not cause? What, then,
impossible to Him? Not what is difficult for His power,
but what is
contrary to His nature. It is impossible, it is
said, for Him to tell a lie. The
impossibility comes, not from
weakness, but from His power and greatness, for truth admits
of no lie, nor God's
power of the fault of inconstancy, for
God is true, and every man is a liar. " 5

Truth, therefore, is always in Him; He remains reliable;

He cannot change or deny Himself. For, if He
says He is
not true, He tells a lie, and to lie
belongs not to power, but
to weakness. Nor can He
change Himself, because His
nature admits of no weakness. This
impossibility comes from
I Undated.

1 Intended as the first of a series of letters to Chromatius,

Bishop of
Aquileia, of which this is the only one extant.
2 Rom. 3.4.

His fullness which cannot diminish or increase, not from

weakness which is powerless in that which increases it. Hence
we gather that this impossibility for God is a very powerful
attribute. What is more powerful than not to know any
Yet there is a weakness in God which is stronger than
men, and a foolishness in God which is wiser than men. 3
The one is the foolishness of the Cross, the other of His
His weakness is power, how is His power
divinity. If, then,
weakness? Let us keep in mind that God does not deceive.
There is no diviner in Israel, in accordance with the law
of God. How, then, does Balaam say he was prevented by
the oracle of God from going to curse the people of Israel?
Yet he went and an angel of the Lord met him who told
him to go no farther and stood in the path of the ass which
he was riding. Nonetheless, the angel himself did tell him to
proceed and to speak only what was put in his mouth. If
there was no soothsayer in Israel, whence came the oracle of
God which disclosed the future to one who was a soothsayer?
If he spoke as the mouthpiece of God, whence had he derived
the privilege of divine inspiration?
But do not be surprised that the diviner was inspired by
the Lord what to say, since you read in the Gospel that it
was granted the the synagogue, one of Christ's
chief of

persecutors, to prophesy that one man should die for

people. In him was not the gift of prophecy, but the state-

ment of a truth, so that even by the witness of enemies the

truth might be declared and the treachery of unbelievers
refuted even by the words of their own diviners. In fact,
Abraham, a Chaldean, was brought to the faith to put to
3 Cf. 1 Cor. 1.25.
4 Cf. Deut. 18.10.
5 Cf. John 11.50.

silence the superstition of the Chaldeans. It is not, then, the

merit of the one who confesses, but the mouthpiece of the
one who calls,
the grace of God, who makes the revelation.
Was it not
Balaam's guilt that he said one thing and
planned another, whereas God demands a clean vessel, not
one soiled with uncleanness? Balaam, therefore, was tried
and was not found worthy, for he was full of guile and
deceit. Moreover, when he inquired whether he should
go to
the vain people and was forbidden, he made an excuse to
go. When other more honorable messengers came, asking
him, he should have refused, but attracted by greater
promises and more numerous gifts he decided he should
again inquire [of God] as if God would be influenced by
money or gifts.
received a miser's answer, not that of one
seeking the
truth, so that he was mocked rather than given information.
He set out; an angel met him in a narrow place, 7 and
revealed himself to the ass, not to the diviner. He revealed
himself to the one; he scorned the other. Then, that Balaam
might recognize him for some little while, the angel opened
his eyes. He saw and still did not trust the
plain oracle, and,
though he should have trusted his eyes, he gave doubtful
and confusing answers.
Then the Lord, being angry, said through the
"Go and speak what I shall command you," 8 is, not
what you wish, but what you are forced to say. You will
furnish your tongue, as an
empty instrument, for my words.
It is I who
speak, you only echo what you hear and do not
understand. You will accomplish for
nothing by going, you
will return without a reward of money and without the
6 Cf. Num. 22.19.
7 Cf. Num. 22.22,23.
8 Num. 22.35.

profit of grace.
His first words were:
How shall I curse
him whom God hath not cursed?' to show that the blessing 9

of the Hebrew people depended not on his will but on the

grace of God.
'I shall see them,' he
says, 'from the tops of the mountains,
since I cannot with my vision embrace this people which will
dwell apart, marking their boundaries not by their ownership
of places, but by the indwelling of virtues, and by the

perfection of their character which will make them live for

everlasting ages. Which of the neighboring nations will be
numbered with this one, for it far surpasses their fellowship?
Who can understand the nature of its foundation, for we
see that the bodies of its citizens are compounded and
fashioned from human seeds, but their souls spring from

higher, more marvelous seeds?

* 11
"Let soul die with their souls,"
my die to this bodily
life that among the souls of the just it may attain the grace
of that eternal life.' Herein was revealed already the excellence
of the heavenly sacrament and of the holy baptism by whose

operation men die to original sin and the works of the unjust,
that, being transformed in newness of life into fellowship with
the just, they may again to the just man's way of life.

And why is it
strange that when they die to sin they live to
When he was angry and said
Balak heard this I brought :

you here to curse and you are uttering a blessing.' He

answered: 'I suffer insult for what I know not, for I speak
not my own words, I merely utter sounds like a tinkling
cymbal. When he was brought to a second and a third
place, although he wished to utter a curse, he continued

9 Num. 23.8.
10 Num. 23.9.
11 Num. 23.10.
12 Cf. 1 Cor. 13.1.

bless: There no labor in Jacob, no sorrow.'
is The Lord
protected him. Then he commanded seven altars and sac-
rifices to be made ready. Surely, he should have gone his
way, but his weak mind and changeable notions made him
think he could alter God's will. Being in a trance, he kept
desiring one thing and saying another.
'How beautiful,' he said, 'are thy dwellings, army of O
Hebrews! Thy tabernacles are like wooded valleys, as a
park near rivers, and as cedars by the waterside. A man
will go forth from Jacob and will take many nations, and his

kingdom will be lifted on high; and on earth he will spread

his kingdom over Egypt. They that bless him, shall be
blessed, and they that curse him, shall be cursed." What
people does he mean except the people of Christ? God
blesses that people into whose heart the Word of God come-;
down even to the division of soul and of joints and of
marrow. 15 Balaam would have had the grace of God in him
if he had acted
according to the interest and purpose of his
heart. But, because a wicked mind is bound by its counsels,
and the secrjts of the soul are betrayed by events, his mind
was discovered by his later wicked deeds.
Therefore he received a reward in keeping with his malice,
for, when he realized that, being in a trance, he was unable
to utter a curse, he told the king: 'Let my utterances be of
things which God has commanded; hear now my counsel
against the words of God. This is a just people;; it enjoys
God's protection since it has not given itself to divining and

augury, but to the eternal God alone, excelling others in

faith.Yet sometimes even faithful minds fall prey to the
enticements of the body and the blandishments of beauty.
You have many women here, many of them are not un-
13 Cf. Num. 23.21 (Septuagint) .

14 Num. 24.5,6,9.
15 Cf. Heb. 4,12.

adorned with beauty. Now the male sex is led astray and
captivated by nothing more quickly than by a woman's
beauty, particulary if by frequent conversation the love of
their hearts is aroused, set afire as if by torches; but if it

clings to the hope of enjoyment it keeps its feelings pent up.

Let your women cast their fishhooks with words, let them
be of easy access at first, let them roam about exposed to
view, affable in speech, going everywhere about the camp.
Let them draw these men so skillfully that they allow them
no intercourse until they have pledged their mutual love

by participating in sacrilege. Thus will they be deprived of

heaven's protection if by sacrilege they will depart from
their Lord God.'
In advising fornication and sacrilege, Balaam proved
himself unjust even in the Apocalypse of John the Evangelist

this is
plainly written, where the Lord Jesus says to the
Angel of the Church of Pergamum: 'Thou hast there some
who hold the teaching of Balaam, who taught Balak to cast
a stumbling block before the children of Israel, that they
might eat and commit fornication. So thou hast also some
who hold the teaching of the Nicolaites/ 16 Hence comes the
sacrilege of the Manichaeans and of Manasse, who mingle
and unite sacrilege with impiety.
God was not unjust, nor was His opinion changed, for He
detected Balaam's mind and and He
the secrets of his heart,
tested him as a diviner, but He did not choose him as a

prophet. Surely, he ought to have been converted by the

grace of those great oracles and by the sublimity of the
revelation, but his mind, full of wickedness, uttered words
but did not attain faith, frustrating by its counsels what it had
predicted. Then, because he could not gainsay the prophecy,
he suggested fraudulent ideas which tempted but did not
overcome the people of the Jews. By the righteousness of one

16 Apoc, 2.14,15.

priest all the advice of

this corrupt man was undone/ 7 for

it was much more wonderful that our many forefathers could

be delivered through one man than deceived by one,

am little work in response
I sending your holy soul this
make some from the
to your wish that I compilations
writers. I have presumed to write
interpretations of earlier
this letter in a friendly style, somewhat reminiscent of the
manner of the patriarchs. Provided you approve their flavor,
I shall not hesitate later on to send you others of this kind.
I preferto of matters with you, in an old
man's fashion, which in Greek is called meditating. 'Isaac
was gone forth into the field to meditate,' seeing in Rebecca's
Lest I give the
coming the mystery of the future Church.
I prefer, I
impression of having lost my skill
in writing
with in the words of an old man
say, this prating you
instead of in vehement style words unsuited to our
interests or strength.

Farewell, and love us, because we love you.

15, Ambrose to Constantius (before Lent, 379)

You have upon the office of bishop and, sitting at

the helm of the Church, you are piloting the ship in the
face of the waves. Take firm hold of the rudder of faith so
that the heavy storms of this world cannot disturb you. The
sea is mighty and widespread, but do not fear, because 'He
hath founded it
upon the seas; and hath prepared it
Therefore, not without cause does the Church
the rivers.'

17 Num. 25.11.
18 Gen. 24.65.

1 Cf. Cicero Epist. ad /am. 9,15.3: sedebamus enirn in pupfri et davum

2 Ps. 23.2,

Df the Lord, built upon the rock of the Apostles, remain

unmoved amid many storms of this world and, with her
Foundation unshaken, stand firm against the assaults of the
seething sea. She is lashed by waves, she is not shattered,
and, although the elements of this world often beat upon her
with loud crashing sound, she has a place where she receives
those in distress, the well-guarded harbor of salvation.

Nevertheless, although she tosses on the sea, she rides on

the floods; see that she rides no more upon those floods of
which it is said: The floods have lifted up their voice.' 4
There are rivers which flow from the belly of him who
drinks from Christ and partakes of the Spirit of God.
These rivers, therefore, when they redound with the grace of
the Spirit, lift up their voice. There is also a stream which
overflows upon holy ones like a torrent. Likewise, there

is a stream of a river which gladdens the peaceful and

tranquil soul. Whoever receives of the fullness of this stream,
like John the Evangelist, like Peter and Paul, lifts up his

voice. Just as the Apostles with the harmony of their message

spread the sound of their preaching of the Gospel to all the

ends of the earth, so also does he begin to tell the good
tidings of the Lord Jesus. Drink, then, from Christ so that
your sound, too, may go out.
The holy Scripture which has within it profound
sea is

meanings and the mysterious depths of the Prophets. Into

this sea many rivers have entered. Delightful and clear are
these streams; these fountains are cool, springing up into
life everlasting; there, too, are pleasant words, like 'honey-

3 Cf. Matt. 16.18.

4 Ps. 92.3.
5 Cf. John 7.38.
6 Cf. isa. 66.12.
7 Cf. Ps. 45.5.
8 Cf. John 4.14.

comb/ and courteous conversations which water souls with
the of moral commands. The streams of holy
Scripture are diverse; you know that which you
should drink
from first, second, and last.
Store up the water of Christ, that which praises the Lord.
Store up the water from many places, the water which the
clouds of prophecy pour out. He who gathers water from
the mountains and draws it to himself, or drinks from the
fountains, he himself also sheds dew like the clouds. There-
fore, fill the center of
your mind so as to have your plot of
land moistened and watered by fountains from the family
estate. Accordingly, he who reads much and also understands
is filled; he who has been filled sheds water upon others.
So Scripture says: 'If the clouds be full, they will pour out
rain upon the earth.'

Therefore, your sermons be flowing, let them be clear


and lucid so that

by suitable disputation you may pour
sweetness into the ears of the people, and by the grace of
your words may persuade the crowd to follow willingly where
you lead. But if in the people, or in some persons, there is
any stubbornness or any fault, let your sermons be such as
to goad the listener, to sting the person with a guilty con-
science. 'The words of the wise are as goads.' Even the
Lord Jesus goaded Saul when he was a persecutor. Consider
how saltutary was the goad which made of a persecutor an
c n:j
apostle, saying: lt is hard for thee to kick against the goad.
There are also sermons like milk which Paul gave to the
Corinthians; those who cannot eat strong food develop
from infancy by drinking a natural milk.

9 Cf. Prov. 17.24.

10 C. Ps. 145.5.
11 Cf. Eccle. 11.1
12 Eccle. 12.11.
13 Acts 9.5.
H Cf. 1 Cor. 3.2.

Let your exhortations be full of meaning. Concerning this

Solomon says: The weapons of the intellect are the lips of
the wise." And in another place: 'Thy lips have been bound
for wisdom/ that is, let the revelation of your sermons shine

forth, let your understanding be bright, and let your sermon

by itself itself, as it were, with its own weapons, and
let not any word of yours go out in vain and go forth without
meaning. Speech is a bandage which ties up the wounds of
souls,and if anyone rejects this, he shows his despair of his
own salvation. 16 Likewise, with those who are vexed by a
serious sore, use the oil of speech that you may soften their
hardness of heart; apply a poultice; put on a bandage of
salutary advice, so that you may never allow those who are
astray or who are wavering regarding the faith or the
observance of discipline to perish through loss of courage
and a breakdown of activity.
Warn the people, therefore, and beg them to
abound in
good works, to renounce vice, not to enkindle the
fires of passion I shall not say on the Sabbath, but in every

season. Let them not destroy their bodies; let there be no

immorality and uncleanness in the servants of God, because
we are the servants of the unspotted Son of God. 17 Let
each one know himself and possess his vessel, and when the
soil of the body has been ploughed, let him wait for the fruit
in due season, and let his land not bring forth thorns and
thistles, but let him, too, say: 'Our earth has yielded her
fruit, and in the once thickly wooded frailty of passion let
there flourish ingrafted virtues.
Teach and instruct them to do what is
good, and let no
one interrupt a laudable work whether he is being seen by

15 Prov. 14.3; 15.5.

16 Isa. 1.6.
17 Cf. Eph. 5.3.
18 Cf. 1 Thess. 4.4.
19 Cf. Gen. 3.18.
20 Ps. 84.13.

many or is without a witness, for conscience is a trustworthy

security for him.

Let the people also shun evil deeds, even though they do
not believe they can be found out. Although men are enclosed
in the house, surrounded by darkness, without a witness,
without an accomplice, they have the Judge of their deeds
whom nothing deceives, to whom all deeds cry out. 21 Each
one also has himself and his soul as a severe judge of himself,
as an avenger of wickedness, a vindicator of crime. In fear
and trembling Cain wandered over the earth 22 paying the
penalty of the murder of his brother, so that for him death
was a remedy, for it set free the wandering exile who at
every moment had a dread of death. Let no one either alone
or with another do anything base or wicked. And if anyone
is alone, let him
respect himself, rather than others, himself
whom he ought especially to reverence.
Let your people not desire many things, for the reason
that a few things are many to them: poverty and riches are
names which imply want and satiety. He is not rich who
wants anything, nor poor who does not want. Let no one
spurn a widow, or cheat an orphan, or defraud his neighbor.
Woe to him who has a fortune amassed by deceit, and
builds in blood a city, in other words, his soul. For it is this
[the soul] which is built like a city. Greed does not build
it, but sets it on fire and burns it. Do you wish to build your
city well? 'Better is a little with the fear of the Lord than
great treasures without fear.' The riches of a man ought

to work to the redemption of his soul, not to its destruction.

Wealth is redemption if one uses it well; so, too, it is a
snare if one does not know how to use it. 26 For what is a

21 Cf. Gen. 4.10.

22 Cf. Gen. 4.14.
23 Cf, Hab. 2.6.
24 Cf. Ps. 121,3.
25 Prov. 15.16.
26 Cf. Prov. 13.8.

man's money if not provision for his journey? A great amount

is a burden; a little is useful. We are
wayfarers in this life;
many are walking along, but a man needs to make a good

passage; the Lord Jesus is with him who makes a good

passage. Thus we read: 'When thou passest through the
waters, I will be with thee, and the rivers shall not cover

thee, nor fire burn thy garments when thou shalt walk
through.' But, one who keeps a fire pent up in his body,
the fire of lust, the fire of immoderate desire, does not pass
through but burns the covering of his soul.
A good name
is more excellent than money, and above
heaps of silver is
good favor. Faith itself redounds to itself, sufficiently rich
and more than rich in its possession. There is nothing which
isnot the possession of the wise man except what is contrary
to virtue,and wherever he goes he finds all things to be his.
The whole world is his possession, since he uses it all as his
Why, therefore, is a brother cheated? Why is a hireling
defrauded? The gain from the sale of a harlot is not great,
he [the writer of Proverbs] says; 30 it is the gain of fleeting
frailty. A harlot is not one's own possession, but a public
possession; not woman alone is a harlot, but every wandering
desire is a harlot. Every act of faithlessness, every lie, is a
harlot, and not the one who prostitutes her body, but every
soul which sells her hope, which seeks disgraceful profit and
an unworthy reward. We, too, are hired men who work for
a price and hope for the price of our labors from our Lord
and God. If anyone wants to know how mercenary we are,
let him hear the one who says : 'How many hired men in my
father's house have bread in abundance, while Iam perishing
here with hunger!' And below: 'Make me as one of thy

27 Isa. 43.2.
28 Cf. Prov. 6.7.
29 Cf. Prov. 22.1.
30 Prov. 6.20.

hired men/ 31 All are hired men, all are laborers. Let the
man who waiting for the fruit of his labor consider
is that
he who defrauds another of his pay will himself be defrauded
of his own. In lending he acts unwisely and will repay later
with greater measure. Therefore, let one who does not wish
to lose what endures forever, take not from another what is

only for a time.

Let no one speak deceitfully to his neighbor. snare is on A
our lips, and often one is not set free by his words but is
ensnared. The mouth of one speaking ill is a great pit, a
for one of ill-
steep precipice for the innocent, but steeper
will. An innocent man, though easily credulous, falls
but when he has fallen rises again. The slanderer
is thrown headlong by his own acts, from which he will
never emerge or escape. Therefore, let each one weight his
words without fraud and deceit; A deceitful balance is an

abomination before the Lord.' I do not mean that balance

which weighs out another's pay (in trivial matters the flesh
isdeceitful). Before God that balance of words is detestable
which simulates the weight of sober gravity while practicing
at the same time cunning fraud. God condemns especially
the man who deceives his neighbor with kind promises and
overwhelms his debtor with treacherous injustice. He will
have no gain from his clever skill. For, what does it profit
a man if he gains the wealth of the whole world but defrauds
his own soul of the payment of eternal life?
Pious souls must consider another scale by which the deeds
of individuals are weighed, in which, generally, sins are
overbalanced toward judgment, or deeds well done are of
more weight than sins. Alas for me if my sins are heavy and
31 Luke 15.17,19.
32 Cl Frov. 6.2.
3$ Cf. Prov. 22.14.
34 Cf. Frov. 14.15.
35 Frov. ILL
36 Cf. Matt, 16,26.

inclinetoward a decree of death by their mortal weight!

More would it be if all the things manifest to the
Lord came to pass, even before my judgment; good deeds
cannot be concealed nor can those be hidden which are full of
How happy is the man who has been able to cut out the
root of vices, avarice. Surely he will not dread this balance.
Avarice generally dulls men's senses and corrupts their judg-
ments, so that they think piety a gain, and money, a soil
of reward for sagacity. But great is the reward of
piety and
the gaining of sobriety; the possession of these virtues is
sufficient. For, what do superfluous
riches profit in this world
when they do not our birth or impede our dying? We
are born into this world naked, we leave it without a cent,
we are buried without our inheritance.
Each one will have the weight of his good deeds hung
in the balance, and for a few moments of a good work or a

degenerate deed the scale often inclines to this side or that.

If evil inclines the scale, alas for me; if good, pardon is

ready at hand. No one is free

sin, but, from when good deeds
prevail, the weight of sins lessened; they are cast into the

shadow and covered up. So, in the day of judgment, our

works will either succor us or plunge us into the depths, like
men weighted down with a millstone. Iniquity is heavy,
supported, as it were, on a talent of lead; avarice is hard
to carry; so, too, all pride and ignoble fraud. Urge the

people of the Lord to hope more in the Lord, therefore, to

abound in the riches of simplicity, in which they may walk
without a snare, without hindrance.
The guilelessness of plain speech
is also good; it is rich
before God, even if it walks amid snares, for,not knowing

37 Cf. I Tim. 5.24.

38 Cf. 1 Tim. 6.10.
39 Cf. Zach. 5.7.
40 Cf. 2 Cor. 8.2.

how to weave snares or bands for another, it Is not bound.

them to know
It is important that you persuade
also very
how to be humbled, to know the true character and nature of
of humility, but they
humility. Many have the appearance
do not have the virtue. Many make a pretense of it on the
make a
outside, yet within they fight against They
of it for pretense, yet reject the truth; they say

W display
to grace,

for There is one who humbleth himself wickedly and his

very far from
interior is full of deceit/ Such a person is

exist except without pretense,

humility. Humility does not
without fraud. That is true which has a pious sincerity of
soul. Great is its virtue. through the disobedience of
42 of our
one man death entered, and through the obedience
Lord Jesus Christ was wrought men.
the redemption of all

Saintly Joseph
knew how to be humble. he was When
sold into slavery by his brothers and purchased by mer-
bound in fetters, as Scripture says, he learned
the strengthof humility, he scorned frailty. When he was
the royal palace a man in
bought in Egypt by an official of
he knew his noble
charge of the household although lineage
and his descent from the sons of Abraham, Joseph did not
become disgusted with his lowly condition, unworthy [as he
was to perform] the duties of a servant. Rather, he showed
himself diligent and faithful to his master's commands, know-
difference in what
ing by great prudence that it makes no
condition of found trustworthy, but that the pur-
life one is

pose of a good man is to be approved in any condition, and,

that character dignifies the position more than
the character. In fact, the lower the status, the
more outstanding the virtue. He proved so earnest that his

41 Eccli. 19.23.
42 CL Rom. 5.19.
43 Cf. Gen. 39.1-12.
44 Cf. Gen. 37.28.
45 Cf. Ps. 101.18.

masier entrusted to him his whole house and committed to

him all his goods.
Then the wife of master cast her eyes upon him,

captivated by his comeliness.We need not be concerned

whether his age or beauty is coveted by her impure glances :

provided these be artless, there is no crime in comeliness;

provided enticement is not present, seemliness and charm of
beauty are innocent. This woman, deeply aroused and mad-
dened, accosts the young man, and driven on by lust, over-
come by the sting of passion, admits her crime. But he
disowns any wickedness, saying that it is not in keeping with
the custom or the laws of the Hebrews for those to violate
the stranger's bed who have the duty of protecting its purity;
that the chaste spouse may be joined in marriage with chaste
maidens, but they are not allowed marriage with a woman
who does not make us of her legitimate marriage rights.
Moreover, he is bound not to be overcome with wanton
intemperance or to be ungrateful for his master's kindness,
nor may he bring deadly injury upon one to whom he owes
Was he ashamed to say that his owner was a despised
person, and to admit that he himself was a slave? Nay, even
when the woman strove to gain him, entreated him with fear
of betrayal, or poured out passionate tears in order to win
him by force, he was not drawn to consent to the crime
through a sense of duty, nor compelled by fear, and he
resisted her entreaties. He did not yield to her threats,

preferring to have as his reward honor fraught with danger,

a base remuneration for his chaste modesty. Again, beginning
with greater inducements when she saw him inflexible and
unmoved by her second attempt, wild with passion, her
shamelessness furnishing strength, the woman went up to
the young man, and, catching hold of his garment, dragged
him to a couch, offering her embrace. And she would almost

him, except that Joseph tore

have succeeded In holding
the cloak
the garment by which he was held, lest he tear

of humility, the garment of purity.

He knew how to be humble, for he was humbled even to

prison, and while he bore this outrage he preferred to submit

to a false charge rather than to bring a true one. I say he
knew how to be humbled for the sake of virtue. He was
humbled in the manner of Him who was humbled unto
death, even to the death of the
Cross. He was to conic to
arouse this life of ours from sleep, and to show that our use

of life, in which there are various sorts of vicissitudes, was a

dream with nothing solid or firm therein, as in sleep we see

are not
a dream but do not see, hearing do not hear, eating
made glad, running do not reach
filled, rejoicing are not
our goal. Vain are the hopes of men in this world when they
think they must attain things which do not exist, as if they
did exist. So the empty and vain appearances of things, just
as in sleep, come and go. They stop beside us, they vanish.
seem to be grasped
They are near and they disappear. They
but they are not. Finally, when one hears it said: "Awake,
and he rises from his dream of this world, he knows
then that everything is false. He awakes and his dream flees;
he loses his concern over an inheritance, over the charm of
are dreams by which
beauty and the desire for honors. These
those are undisturbed who watch with the heart, while those
who are asleep are disturbed.
The saintly Joseph provides material for my statement that
the things of this world are not everlasting or even of long
duration. He who from youth was of noble lineage, rich in
his possessions,is a lowly slave, and to further
embitter his mean estate of servitude his purchase was paid
for with the money of a degenerate master. It Is considered
46 Gf. Phil. 2.8.
47 Eph. 5.14.

lessdisgraceful to be the slave of a f reedman slavery is twice


servitude when one is the slave of a slave. Joseph, the slave,

was nobly born, a pauper, richly sired, experiencing instead
of love, hatred, instead of favor, punishment, dragged time
and again from prison to palace, from criminal charge to
seat of judgment. Yet he was not broken by adversity or
carried away by success. 48
That the turn of events is momentary is further proved by
the constantly changing fortune of blessed David, who was
an object of scorn to his father, but precious to God. Noble
in triumph, cheapened by envy, called to a kingly ministry,
loved as a son, but later changed in appearance and
features,^ fleeing his own murderous son, he used to deplore
his personal offenses and atone for those of others, more noble
in winning back his heir's affection than if he had disgraced
him. Having experienced all this, he fittingly remarked: lt
good for me that thou hast humbled me.'
Yet, this saying can also be referred to Him who, being
God by nature, could bend the heavens without effort, but,
coming down to earth and taking the nature of a slave, bore
our infirmities, 52 because He foresaw that His saints would
not think it fitting to claim honors due to themselves, but
would submit to their equals and prefer others to themselves,
He said: 'It is good for me that thou has humbled me.' It
good for me that I have brought myself down so that all
things may be under me, and God may be all in all. Infuse
this humility into every individual soul, and show yourself
saying: Be imitators of me as I am of
an example to all,

48 Cf. Gen. 41,39-45.

49 Cf. 1 Kings 18.3.
50 Cf. Virgil, Aeneid 1.658.
51 Ps. 118.71.
52 Cf, Phil. 2.6.
53 Cf. 1 Cor. 15.27,28.
54 1 Cor. 11.1.

Let them learn to search for the riches of good works and
to be rich in character. The beauty of riches is not in the
of the poor. In the
purses of the rich, but in their support
weak and needy, riches shine brighter. Let the wealthy learn
to seek not their own interests, but those which are Christ's,
so that Christ may search for them to bestow His possessions
upon them. He spent His blood for them; He poured out
His Spirit; He offers them His kingdom. What more will He
give who has offered Himself? Or what
is the Father not

going to give, who delivered His only-begotten Son to death

for us? Therefore, admonish them to serve the Lord in purity
and grace, to lift up their eyes to heavenly things
with all
the intensity of their minds, to count nothing as gain except
that which is for eternal life, because all the gain of this
world is the loss of souls. Finally, the one who wished to gain
Christ suffered the loss of all things, and although he
spoke wonderfully well, he still fell short of expressing what
he had received, for he spoke of things which were not his
own; but Christ has said: If anyone wishes to come after
me, let him deny himself/ In this way he becomes his own
loss, that he may become .Christ's gain. All such possessions
are perishable, accompanied by loss gain. There
and without
gain only where there is
everlasting enjoyment, where
eternal peace is the reward.

My son,58 I am giving to your care the church at Forum

Cornelius, so that by reason of its nearness you may visit it
from time to time until a bishop is ordained for it. I cannot
travel such a distance, because I am occupied with tfie

approaching days of Lent.

You have there Illyrians, imbued with the false teaching

55 Cf. Rom. 8.32.

56 Cf. Phil. 3.8.
57 Luke 9.23.
58 Modern Imola.

of the Arians; beware of their cockle, do not let them come

near the faithful or insidiously spread their false seeds of
doctrine. Let the faithful take note of what has happened
to them because of their perfidy; let them be quiet so they

may follow the true faith. With difficulty can minds imbued
with the poisons of infidelity be delivered from their impiety.
And if the virus unfortunately is implanted in them, do not
think they can be easily trusted. The strength and power of
wisdom is not to be trusted rashly, especially in the matter of
faith,which is rarely perfect in man.
Nevertheless, if you find one tainted with this dangerous
doctrine and of doubtful disposition, who wishes to get rid
of the reputation in which he is held, permit him to think
that he has made satisfaction, indulge him somewhat, for if
satisfaction is not allowed a person his mind is estranged.
Even skilled doctors, when they notice the signs of illness,
do not immediately upon naming them administer medicine,
but wait for the proper time for dispensing it. They do not
give up the patient, but with words or with what ointments
they can use, they soothe him so that the neglected illness
may not grow worse through a loss of spirit, or the patient,
being sick to his stomach, spit out the medicine; if a phy-
sician inexperienced in matters of this kind treat the illness

prematurely, it will never be able to come to a head. So

also an unripe apple quickly rots if it is shaken from a tree.
Continuing our figure from agriculture, teach your people
to keep sacred their boundary laws, to guard their fathers'
boundary stones which the law will protect. The good favor
of a neighbor is frequently of more value than the love of
one's brother.
Aoften far away; a neighbor is
brother is

near, a witness of a whole life, the judge of daily living.

59 A reference to boundary laws; Cf. Daremberg-Saglio, art., 'Finium

regundorum actio/ II.2 1140-1141.
60 CC. Dent. 19.14.

One should be glad to have Ms neighbor's flock wander

freely through the nearby open spaces
and lie on the green
61 62
its rest without a care.
grass, taking
Let the master also keep his slaves subdued by the law of
slavery instead of by control of force, treating
them as
kindred souls. For he is called paterfamilias so that he may
of God and
govern them as sons; and he himself is a slave
calls the Lord of heaven Father, the Ruler of all the powers.

Farewell, and love us as you do, for we love you.

16. Ambrose to Constantius

Many persons are disturbed over the question, not by any

means unimportant, why circumcision should have been
made of obligation under the ruling of the Old Testament,
and set aside as useless by the teaching of the New Testa-
ment, especially since it was Abraham who first received

the command to observe the rite of circumcision, he who
saw the day of the Lord and was glad. It is certainly evident
that he was considering not the physical, but the spiritual
sense of the divine law, and saw in the sacrifice of the lamb
the true suffering of the Lord's body.
What purpose shall we think Abraham our father intended
by first instituting what his posterity would not continue?
Or why are infants' bodies circumcised and imperiled at
and commanded thus by a divine pronouncement so
by reason of a mystery of religion their life is endangered?
What does this mean? The true cause lies hidden; the
61 Cf. Virgil, Eel. 6.59; Aen. 5.330.
62 Cf. Virgil, Georg. S.376.

1 Undated.
2 Cf. Acts 15.10.
3 Cf. Gen. 17.10.
4 Cf. John 8.56.

meaning should have been disclosed by a clear mystery or

enjoined by a type of mystery not so fraught with danger.
And why was the sign of the divine testament given to
that member of the body which is considered unseemly to
behold, or for what reason did the Creator of our body, at
the very beginning of our race, choose to have His work
circumcised, and wounded, and stained with blood, and a
part cut off which He, who has arranged all things in 'order,
thought proper to mold together with our other members as
something necessary? This part of our body is either contrary
to nature, and all men should not have what is contrary to

nature, or it is
according to nature, and that which was
molded for the perfection of our nature ought not to be cut
off, especially since those who are unfriendly, being outside
the flock of the Lord our God, are wont to make this the
chief subject of ridicule. Since it is God's purpose, as He has
frequently declared, bring to
many as
possible as to the
observance of holy religion, how much the more would
these persons be attracted were they not deterred either by
the danger of this very circumcision or disapproval of it?
But to return to my first purpose, following the order I
have laid down, it seems best to speak of the exact nature
of Its defense should be twofold, since the
accusation such: the one brought forward by the Gentiles,

the other raised by those belonging to the people of God.

The stronger objection comes from the heathens who think
that men who have been marked with circumcision are
worthy even of scorn and mockery. Yet their wise men show
such approval of circumcision that they think it right to
circumcise those set apart to know and celebrate their
And the Egyptians, who devote themselves to geometry and
the observation of the courses of the stars, consider unholy

5 Herodotus 2.37.

that priest who has not the distinctive mark of circumcision.

For they believe that neither the wisdom of magical incan-
tation, nor geometry, nor astronomy exert their power without
the seal of circumcision. And to render their operations
effective they deem it necessary to celebrate a sort of puri-
fication of their seers by a secret rite of circumcision.
We also find in ancient history that not only the Egyptians,
but some of the Ethiopians and Arabs and Phoenicians used
circumcision among their people. They think by this rite to
maintain a custom still to be approved, for, being initiated
through the first fruits of their own body and blood,, they
feel thatby this consecration of a very small portion they
can defeat the snares which the demons set for this race of
ours. think, too, that those who attempt to harm the
well-being of the whole man will be crippled in their

operations either by the Law or by the appearance of this

sacred circumcision. I am of the opinion that in the past that
Prince of devils has realized that his arts lose their baneful
effects if he tries to injure one whom he finds initiated in the
seal sacred circumcision, or one who, at least in this

respect, seems to be observing the divine law.

One who carefully considers the functions of each of our
members will be able to realize that it was for no idle purpose
that in this little portion of this member the child was not
only circumcised, but circumcised on the eighth day, when
the child's mother begins again to have pure blood, for she
is said to sit in unclean blood until the
eighth day. This
answer should be given those who are not joined to us in the
unity of faith, yet with those who differ from us discussion
is somewhat difficult.

To those who
believe in the Lord Jesus the same reply
must be given which we were unwilling to disclose when we
argued against the notions of the Gentiles, If we were
6 Cf. Gen. 17.12.

redeemed not with perishable things with silver and gold

but with the precious blood of our Lord Jesus Christ, 7 surely
the one who sold us had a right to our service in the coin
of a now sinful race. And, undoubtedly, to release from

slavery those whom he held bound he demanded a price.

The price of our freedom was the blood of the Lord Jesus,
and it had to be paid necessarily to the one to whom we had
been sold by our sins.

Until this price was paid for all men by the shedding of
the Lord's blood for the forgiveness of all, blood was required
of each man who, by the Law and the customary rite, was
following the holy precepts of religion. Since the price has
been paid for all after Christ the Lord suffered, there is no
longer need for the blood of each individual to be shed by
circumcision, for in the blood of Christ the circumcision of
allhas been solemnized, and in His cross we have all been
crucified with Him, and buried together in His tomb, and
planted together in the likeness of His death that we may no
longer be slaves of sin, Tor he who is dead is acquitted of

If men like Marcion and Mani think to find fault with

God's judgment for having determined to publish His com-
mand about the observance of circumcision or a law directing
the shedding of blood, they "must also think that the Lord
Jesus be found fault with for having shed not a little,
is to
but much, blood for the redemption of this world. Even
today He bids us shed our blood in the great struggle of
religion, saying : lf anyone wishes to come after me, let him

take up his cross, and follow me.' If such an accusation is
not just when a man offers himself completely out of love,
and cleanses himself by the shedding of much blood, how
7 CL I Peter 1.18,19.
8 Rom. 6.5-7.
9 Matt. 16.24.
10 A reference to the martyrs.

can we blame the Law for exacting a mere drop of blood,

when we preach that the Lord Jesus commands the shedding
of much blood and the death of the whole body?
Neither was the symbol and outward appearance of circum-
cision useless, by which the people of God, marked with a
certain seal of the body, were set off from other nations.
But, now that the name of Christ hasbeen given them, they
need no bodily sign, for they have attained the honor of a
divine title. Why was it absurd for them to seem to bear
some pain or labor for piety's sake, that by these difficulties
their devotion might be better tried? It is also becoming
that from the very cradle of life the symbol of religion should
grow with us, and an older person would be ashamed not to
meet labor and pain when his tender infancy had overcome
them both.
Christian people now have no need of the light pain of
circumcision; they bear with them the death of the Lord; in
their every act they engrave on their forehead contempt of

death, knowing that without the cross of the Lord they

cannot be saved. Who would use a needle in battle while
armed with stronger weapons?
Now, anyone knows how easy it is to refute those who
maintain that more persons could have been won over to the
observance of holy religion had they not been restrained
through fear of pain or the sight of hardship. Could this
frighten an older person when many babies endured it
without peril? Granted that some Jewish babies died because
they were unable to bear the pain and keen stroke of
circumcision in their bodies, it did not deter others who
were stronger by reason of their more advanced age, and it
made more praiseworthy the man who obeyed the heavenly
If they think so slight a pain an obstacle to the confession
of faith, what do they say of martyrdom? If they find fault

with the pain of circumcision, let them find fault, too, with
the death of martyrs by whom religion has been heightened,
not diminished. So far is the pain of circumcision from being
harmful to faith that pain but makes greater trial of faith,
for the grace of faith is greater if one despises pain for

religion's sake. Such a man has a greater reward than one

who was willing to undergo the pain of circumcision, only
that he might glory in the Law and win praise from men
rather than from God.
It was fitting for this partial circumcision to take place
before the coming of Him who was to circumcise the whole
man, and for the human race to be partially prepared to
believe that which is
perfect. And if circumcision needed to
take place, in what part of the body ought it to have been

performed than in that which seems unseemly? 'So that

those we think the less honorable members of the body,
they surround with more abundant honor, and our uncomely
parts receive a more abundant comeliness.' In what part
should a man have been reminded more of his blood than in
that which ministers to his transgression?
Now it is time to reply also to those who say that if this
part of our body is according to nature it should never have
been cut off, and if it is not according to nature it should not
have been part of it at birth. Since they are so subtle, let
these very men tell me whether the succession of the human
race, which rises by generations, is according to nature or
contrary to it. If it is according to nature jt should never be
interrupted, and how can we praise the chastity of men, the
virginity of maidens, the abstinence of widows,
the restraint
of spouses? No
effort to promote generation ought to be

neglected. But the Author of nature Himself did not pay

this regard to generation for He gave us, when living in the

body, His own example and exhorted His disciples to

II 1 Cor. 12.23,

chastity, saying: There are

eunuchs who have made them-
selves so for the sake of the kingdom of heaven. Let him
accept it who can.'
body and soul (for the present
Since man is composed of
will suffice to speak of this and not mention the spirit),
he is
but what is natural to the
naturally not the same in both,
contrary to the nature of the soul,
is and what is natural
if I
to the soulis contrary to the nature of the body, so that,

mention what is natural to a visible it is contrary to the

nature of what is not seen; and what is natural to what is
not seen is contrary to the nature of what is seen; and what
is natural to what is not seen is contrary to the nature
of the

visible object. It is no incongruity in the men of God if there

should be some things contrary to physical nature which are

in accord with the nature of the soul.
Let those who say that more persons would have believed,
had circumcision not been instituted, be told in answer
that more would have believed if there had not been
martyrdom, but the constancy of a few is more
than the carelessness of many. Just as many kinds of baptisms
first took place, because the true sacrament of baptism in

spirit and water which

would redeem the whole man was to
follow, so circumcision of many first had to take place
because the circumcision of the Lord's passion was to follow,
which bore like the Lamb of God in order to take
away the sins of the world.
have written this to show that it was right for circum-

cision, which is outward, to occur first so

that now, after
the Lord's coming, it might seem to be rightfully set aside.
Now, however, there is a necessary circumcision which is in
secret and in the spirit, as the Jew is more excellent when
he is in secret and in the spirit, not in the letter, for there

12 Matt. 19.12.
13 Cf. John 1.36.

are two men in one, and of them it is said: 'Even though

our outward man is
decaying by reason of his desires for
wrongdoing, yet our inner man is being renewed day by
day/ and in another passage: Tor I am delighted with
the law of God according to the inner man.' 15 Our inward
man is one who was according to the image and likeness of
God; our outward man is fashioned of clay. Therefore,
again in Genesis, He you two creations of man,
reveals to
showing that by the second [creation] man was created.
Therefore, just as there are two men, so is there a twofold
life: one of the inward, the other of the outward man.
Indeed, many actions of the inward man reach to the outward
one, in the same way as the purity of the inward man passes
over into bodily chastity. One who is free from adultery of
the heart is free from bodily adultery, but it does not follow
that one who has not committed adultery in the body will

not have sinned in his heart, according to the saying: 'Since

anyone who so much as looks with lust at a woman has
already committed adultery with her in his heart.' Such
a man, although he is not yet an adulterer in body, is already
one in desire. So there is a circumcision of the inward man,
for the circumcised man has put away, like foreskin, the
allurements of all his flesh, that he may be in the spirit,
in the flesh, and by the spirit may mortify the deeds of his
This is that circumcision in secret, for Abraham was
first in uncircumcision and later in circumcision. Thus, our
inward man, while it is in were, in
the flesh, is, as it

uncircumcision, but, when one is no longer in the flesh but

in the spirit, he begins being in circumcision, not in uncir-

14 2 Cor. 4.16.
15 Rom. 7.22.
16 Cf. Gen. 1.27.
17 Cf. Gen. 2.7.
18 Matt. 5.28.

cumcision. And just as the

circumcised man does not put
flesh but only his foreskin, where corruption
away the whole
is morefrequent, so the
man who is circumcised in secret
the flesh of which it is written: 'All flesh is grass,
puts away
and all the thereof as the flower of the field. The
is withered and the flower is fallen: but
the word of
our Lord endureth for ever. There still remains the flesh
which will see the salvation of God, as it is written: 'All
flesh shall see the salvation of God.' Cleanse your ears
that you may understand what this flesh is.
The circumcision in secret should be such that it bears
no comparison with that which is outward. Thus, one who
is a Jew in secret excels; he is of Juda whose hand, like
lion crouching, rests on the neck of his enemies, and [he is]
like a lion's whelp, which his brothers praise. The prince
does not depart from this Juda, because his words choose as
princes those who are not
overcome by worldly allurements
or ensnared by the pleasures of this earth. And since Juda
was born into this generation, many born afterwards are
a pre-eminence in virtue. Let
preferred that they may enjoy
us have, therefore, a secret circumcision and let us have the
Jew who is such in secret, that is, the spiritual one, for the
spiritualman, like a judges all things, and he himself
isjudged by no man."
It was fitting for the circumcision, commanded by the
cease after He came who cir-
prescription of the Law, to
cumcised the whole man and fulfilled the circumcision of the

Law. Who is this but the one who said: I have not come
to destroy the Law but to fulfill it'?

fact of the
Yet, if
you pay careful attention, the coming
19 Isa. 40.6-8.
20 Luke 3.6.
21 Cf. Gen. 49.8.
22 Cf. 1 Cor. 2.15.
23 Matt. 5.17.

of the fullness of the Gentiles the reason circumcision

of the foreskin was no longer needed. Circumcision was not
enjoined on the Gentiles, but on the seed of Abraham, as you
have In the first promise of God 'God also said to Abraham,

"You shall keep my covenant, you and your descendants

after you throughout their generations. This is
my convenant,
which you shall keep, between you and me and your des-
cendants after you: Every male among you shall be circum-
cised, you shall circumcise the flesh of your foreskin; it
shall be a token of the covenant between you and me. He
that is eight days old among you shall be circumcised, every
male throughout your generations, Including the slave born
in your house, or bought with money from any foreigner, not
of your own race. My covenant shall be in your flesh as a
perpetual covenant. If any male have not the flesh of his
foreskin circumcised, that person shall be cut off from his
24 '

people; he has broken my covenant." It is said that the

Hebrew text, as Aquila suggests, does not have the words 'on
the eighth day.' But all authority does not rest with Aquila
who, being a Jew, passed it by in the letter and did not
c 25
Insert the eighth day.'
Meanwhile, you have heard that the eighth day and
circumcision were given as a sign. A
sign is an Indication of
a greater matter, an indication of some future reality. A
covenant was given Abraham and his seed to whom it was
said: 'Through Isaac shall be your descendants,' and
circumcision was permitted a Jew, or one born in his house,
or bought with his money. But we cannot extend this to a
foreigner or convert unless he is born in the house of
Abraham, or bought with his money, or descended from his
seed. Again, He said nothing of converts, but when He

24 Gen. 17,9-14.
25 Evidence of Ambrose's acquaintance with Aquila's reading, which
he consulted in exegetical discussions.
26 Gen. 21.12.

wished to speak of them He mentioned them expressly, as

in the words: And the Lord spoke to Moses, saying: "Speak

to Aaron and his sons, and to all the children of Israel,

them: man is of the sons of Israel and of
saying to If any
the strangers that sojourn among you, let that man offer a
When it includes them, the Law touches on
them, but when the divine pronouncement does not point to
them, how can they appear bound by it? Again you have:
'Speak to the sons of Aaron/
when the priests are meant,
and so also regarding the Levites.
even by the letters of the
Thus it is clearly manifest that
Law, although the Law is spiritual, according to that letter
the Gentile nations could not be obliged to observe circum-
cision. Circumcision was but a sign until the fullness of the
Gentiles should enter and all Israel be saved through circum-
cision of the heart, not of a small portion of one member.

Therefore, we are excused from circumcision, and

the con-
tinuance of circumcision among the Jews of today is done
away with.

Regarding those who say that it is objectionable now as

in time past it was to the Gentiles, I would say, first of all,
that they are not competent to find fault or scoff at what
their other fellows do. Suppose there were some cause for

ridicule, why should this disturb us when the very

cross of

the Lord a stumbling block to the Jews and to the Greeks

foolishness, but to us the power of God and wisdom?
Lord Himself said: 'Whoever disowns, me before men, I in
turn will disown him before my Father in heaven.' He
teaches us not to be disturbed by those practices which are
scoffed at by men, if we observe them in the service of religion.

27 Gen. 17.1,2,8.
28 Lev. 17.2.
29 The Egyptians and others mentioned above.
30 Cf. I Cor. 1.23,24.
31 Matt. 10.32.

17. Ambrose to Fegadius and Delphinus, bishops


Myson Polybius, on his return from Africa where he had

discharged his proconsular duties with distinction, spent some
few days with us and endeared himself to my affections
most favorably.
Then, when he wished to leave here and set forth on his
journey, he asked me to write to both of you. I promised to
do so, and, having dictated a letter, gave it to him, addressed
to both of you. He asked for another, but I said that it was
addressed to both of you in accordance with our usual custom,
since your holy souls are delighted not
by the number of
letters but by the association of
your names, and that, united
as you are in affection, it would not be
permissible to separate
your names, whereas my office also demands the practice of
this short cut to
To be brief, he demanded another letter and I gave him
one so as not to refuse him what he asked, nor to change
my usual custom of acting. He, therefore, has a letter to
deliver to each of you, for this was the only excuse he had,
that when he had made the delivery to one of you he would
have nothing for the other. This pledge of undivided affection
I may render to you without
any fear of reproach or scruple
of division, especially since this form of writing is apostolic,
and one may write to many, as Paul to the Galatians, or two
may write to one, as it is written: 'Paul, a prisoner of Jesus
Christ, and our brother Timothy, to Philemon.' 2
Health to you; love us and pray for us, for I love you.

1 Undated.
2 Fhilem. 1.1.

18, Ambrose to Felix (c, 380)

The truffles you sent me are of extraordinary size, so large

as to cause amazement. I had no desire to hide them., as
they say, in the fold of my toga, but I preferred showing
them also to others. As a result, I shared some with friends,
some 1 kept for myself.
Your gift is most agreeable, but it is not weighty enough
to still in me the complaints rightly caused by the fact that
you never come to see me, although I have loved you so

long. Take care lest later you find the growth of my distress
no Growth has a double meaning: things grown may be

pleasing as gifts, but growths in the body and in the affections

are signs of trouble. 1 See to it that I am not troubled by your
absence. I arn upset by a deep longing for you. Try, if you
can, to be less pleasing to me.
I have explained my statement; I have proved my case. I
have to hurl at you a well-aimed weapon, no ordinary state-
ment. Certainly you must be alarmed, but notice that,
disturbed as I am, I can jest. Hereafter, don't make excuses,
although your present excuse is a profitable one to me. Still,
it looks bad for
you, and it shows me in a bad light, too,
when you think I have to be bribed to overlook your absence
or bribed in being won back to you.
Farewell, and love us, who love you.

19. Ambrose to Felix, greetings (c. 380)

I was not feeling well when

your message came, yet when
I had read it, being of one heart with you, \ received no
small help toward recovery, as though I had been restored

1 A play on dolor is tub era.


to health by the sweet potion of your discourse, and also

because you said that an anniversary day was fast approach-
ing, a day most solemn for both of us, when you took hold
of the helm of the high-priesthood. I had been speaking of

this but a moment before to my brother Bassianus. He had

started talking of the dedication of the basilica which he
built and named for the Apostles, and this fact turned our
conversation in your direction. In fact, he had expressed a
great desire to have your Holiness present for the dedication.
Then I brought up the matter of your day of consecration,
which would occur at the beginning of November. In fact,
I remarked that it was close at hand and would be celebrated
on the morrow. After that day passed there would not be any
excuse for you. So I made a promise on your behalf, just as
you can do for me. I promised him; I exacted one for
myself. I took for granted that you would be present because
you should be. My promise will not be any more binding
than the ordinary custom you have resolved upon, namely,
of doing what you should. So, you see, I made the pledge
to my brother, being not so bold in the promise as I was

fully acquainted with you. Come, therefore, so that you

will not disappoint two priests yourself, who would not be
present, who made the promise so readily.
and myself,
We your anniversary day with prayers, and
shall attend

may you not forget us in your prayers. Our spirit will

accompany you. And when you enter the second tabernacle
which is called the of Holies, do as we do, that you
may take us with you. When, in spirit, you burn incense in
the golden censer, do not pass us by, for incense is to be
found in the second tabernacle and from this your prayer
becomes full of wisdom, like incense directed to heaven.
In that place is the Ark of the Testament all covered

1 CL Exocl. 26.55. A reference to the second anniversary of Felix's

elevation to the episcopacy.

with gold, that with the teaching of Christ, with the


teaching of the Wisdom

of God. There is the golden vessel

containing manna, the vessel of spiritual nourishment, the

storehouse of divine knowledge. There is the rod of Aaron,
symbol of the grace of the priesthood. In the past it withered,
but it has budded anew in Christ. There are the cherubim
above the tablets of the Testament, the knowledge of holy
the propitiatory, and high aloft is God
Scripture. There is
the Word, the image of the invisible God, who says to you :
1 will speak to thee over the propitiatory, and from the midst
of the He speaks to us in such a way that we
two cherubim.' 4
may understand His speech. Then, because He speaks not
of worldly matters but of those of the soul, He says: I shall

open my mouth in parables. Where Christ is, there are all
things, there is His teaching, there forgiveness of sins, there
grace, there the separation of the dead and the living.
Indeed, Aaron once stood in the midst of these furnishings
of the temple, exposing himself to danger so that death
would not pass over to the hosts of the living from the
heaps of the dead. In the Holy of Holies, moreover, like
the Word, He whom we do not see stands within each one
of us, separating the faculty of reasoning from the lifeless
bodies of our deadly passions and plague-ridden thoughts.
He stands as one who has come into this world to dull the
sting of death, to close its devouring jaws, to give everlasting
grace to the living, to grant resurrection to the dead.
For Him you fight the good fight,
you guard His treasure,
you lend His money, as it is written: 'Thou shalt lend to
nations.' The profit from spiritual grace is a good thing.
2 The mercy seat or seat of judgment.
3 Cf. Col. 1.15.
4 Exod. 25.22.
5 Ps. 77.2.
6 Cf. Num. 16.47,48.
7 Heb. 2.14,15.
8 Cf. 1 Tim. 6.12.
9 Deut. 15.16.

The Lord when He comes will demand it with interest, and

when He finds that you have managed His affairs well He
will give you more in return for less. It will be a very sweet

delight to me that confidence in you is warranted. Your

ordination, which you received through the laying on of my
hands, and through the blessing in the name of the Lord
Jesus, will not be censured. Perform your task well, there-

fore, so that you may find a reward on that day and we may
be in peace I in you, and you in me.

The harvest of Christ is great, but the laborers are few,

and it is hard to find helpers. This is an old truth. Yet the
Lord is able to send laborers into His vineyard. 11 Certainly,
among the people of Como several have begun now to
believe your teaching and they have received the word of
God through your instruction. He who gave followers will
also give helpers, so that your need to apologize for seldom

coming to see us will be removed, and we shall again have

the oft-repeated favor of your company.
Farewell, and love us as you do.

20. Ambrose to Justus, greetings (before 381)

You make a very good suggestion, brother, that we should

devote our correspondence and our conversation at a distance
to the interpretation of Heaven's words, asking me as you did
what is signified by that didrachma, a half of which the
Hebrew istold to offer for the redemption of his soul. What

brings us together so closely as the weaving together of

conversation on holy subjects?

10 Cf. 2 Tim. 1.16.

11 Cf. Matt. 9.37.

1 Cf. Exod. 30.12-16.


A half-didrachma drachma. Now, the price of the

Is a

soul Is faith. Faith, therefore, is that lost drachma

which the
woman in the
Gospel seeks
diligently, as we read, lighting a
candle and sweeping her house, and after finding it,^
calls together her friends and neighbors, bidding
them rejoice
with her because she has found the drachma which she had
lost.- the damage to the soul if one has lost the faith
Great is

or the grace which he has gained for himself at the price of

faith. Therefore, light your lamp: 'Your lamp is your eye/
the interior of the soul Light the lamp which
feeds upon the oil of the spirit and shines throughout your

whole house. Seek the drachma, the redemption of your

soul, for, if a man loses this,he is troubled, and if he finds

it, he rejoices.
is also the ransom of the soul, for the saving of a
man's soul is by which, assuredly, mercy
his riches is done,
gladdening the poor by this expenditure. Therefore,
and grace and mercy are the ransom of the soul; these are
of a drachma, that a large
bought by the full payment is,

sum. So it is written in the Scriptures that the Lord said to

Moses: 'When thou shalt take the sum of the children of
Israel according to their number, every one of them shall

give a price for souls to

the Lord: and there shall be no
be reckoned, And this
scourge among them, when they shall
shall every one give that passeth at the naming, half a
didrachma according to the standard of the temple. A
didrachma hath twenty obols. Half a didrachma shall be

the tax to the Lord. He that is counted in the number from

twenty years and upwards, shall give the
tax. The rich man
shall not add, and the poor man shall diminish nothing
from the half-didrachma. When they begin to give an offering

2 Cf. Luke 15.8,9.

3 Matt. 6.22.
4 Cf. Prov. 13.8.

to theLord and to pray for their souls, the money received

from the tax on the children of Israel, thou shalt receive and
deliver unto the uses of the tabernacle of the testimony and
itwill be a reminder of them before the Lord to be merciful
to your souls,'
not the offering made, therefore, when a rich man
offeredmore or a poor man less, even though the half-
didrachma consisted only of money and not of virtue? So
we must realize that the drachma is not a material thing
but a spiritual one, which is known to be contributed equally
by all.

Finally, in regard to the heavenly food (for heavenly

wisdom is food and delightful nourishment, which those in
paradise feed upon, the unfailing food of the soul, called by
the mouth of God, manna), we read that distribution was
made each soul so that there might be an equal share.

They gathered it
according to the direction of Moses, both
those who gathered much and those who gathered little.
Each man measured a gomor and the amount did not
abound or remain over and above for him who had gathered
much, nor was it less for him who had gathered less. Each
one, in accordance with the number of souls which dwelt
with him in the tent, gathered a gomor for each that is, a
measure of wine as the interpretation goes.
There is a measure of wisdom, too, which harms if it is
above measure, because it has been written: Do not be
very wise.' Paul, too, taught that a division of graces is given
according to measure, when he says 'Now the manifestation

of the Spirit is given to everyone for profit, to one the

utterance of wisdom, to another the utterance of knowledge,
to another the faith of wisdom according to the same Spirit,

5 Exod. 30.12-16.
6 Cf. Exod. 16.17,18.
7 Eccle. 7.17.

faith in the same and according to the will of the

Spirit this grace apportioned. It belongs to His justice that


He divides; it belongs to His power that He divides according

to His will, or because He wishes to give to each what He
knows will be of profit.
A gomora measure, a measure of wine which gladdens

the heart of man. 9 Can anything but a draught of wisdom

be the joy of the heart? This is the wine which Wisdom has
mixed in the bowl, 10 and offers to us to drink so that we
may receive temperance and prudence, which should be
carried to our feeling and thoughts and all the movements
in this house of ours in such equal measure that we shall
know how to abound in all things, to fail in none.
This truth is more fully understood regarding the blood of
Christ, for its power is not lessened, is not increased.
Whether we partake of a little or whether we drink much,
the same measure of redemption is accomplished for all.
The patriarchs are also commanded to eat the Pasch of
the Lord, that is, the lamb, that they may eat in accordance
with the numbers of souls, not too many, not too few. Some
are not to be given more and others less, but in accordance
with the number of each. Thus, the strong may not take more,
nor the weak less. An is
given to each, redemption
equal grace
given, a gift There should not be too many
persons, either, for then someone may go away deprived of
his hope and redemption. There are too many when there
are some beyond the number, since the saints are all
numbered, and the hairs of their head. The Lord knows
who are His. There should not be too few lest by reason of
the great amount of grace someone be too weak to receive it.
He teaches all to bring equal devotion and faith to the
8 1 Cor. 12.7-11.
9 Cf. Ps. 103.15.
10 Cf. Prov. 9.2.

Pasch of the Lord, that is, to the 'passage/ for it is the

Pasch when the soul lays away unreasonable passion, but
takes up a goodly compassion, that she may share Christ's

passion and await His passage into her, that He may dwell
in the soul, and walk with her and become her God. Grace
itself is equal in all, but virtue varies in each. Let each
then, receive grace proportioned to his strength, so that the
strong man does not feel need or the weak man a burden.
You have since the same wages
this truth in the
were given to all who worked in the vineyard. Few reach
the goal, few the crown. Few say: 'There is laid up for me
a crown of The gift of liberality and grace is one
thing; the reward of virtue, the remuneration of labor, is
The didrachma is our
redemption, nay, a half-didrachma.
It has redeemed us from death, it has redeemed us from
slavery, lest we be subject to the world which we have
renounced. Our Lord in the Gospel, therefore, tells Peter to
go to the sea, to let down his fishhook and to take the
stater he finds in the mouth of a fish and give it to the tax
collector for the Lord and himself. This is the didrachma
which was demanded according to law. Yet it was not the
king's son who owed it, but the foreigner. For, why should
Christ pay to ransom Himself from this world, He who had
come to take away the sin of the world? 14 Why should He
pay the price of ransom from sin, He who had come down
to forgive the sins of all? Why should He redeem Himself
from slavery, He who had emptied Himself to give liberty to
all? Why should He redeem Himself from death, He who
11 Cf. Matt. 20.10.
12 2 Tim. 4.8.
13 Cf. Matt. 17.26.
14 Cf. Matt. 17.24.
15 Cf. John 1.29.
16 Cf. Phil. 2.7.

had become incarnate to give the resurrection to all by His

Surely, the Redeemer of all had no need of redemption,
but, just as He had received circumcision in order to fulfill
the Law/ 7 and had come to baptism to fulfill justice/ so
also He did not refuse the payment of the didrachma to the
tax collectors, but at once ordered a stater to be given,
instead of a didrachma, for Himself and for Peter. He
preferred to pay beyond what was required by Law rather
than to refuse to give what belonged to the Law. At the
same time He showed that the Jews acted contrary to the
Law by exacting a didrachma from each man., whereas
Moses had prescribed that a half-didrachma should be
exacted. Christ, therefore, bade a drachma apiece to be paid
in the stater for Himself and for Peter. The tribute of Christ
good since it is paid in a stater, because justice is a stater
and justice is above the Law. Besides, Christ is the con-
summation of the Law unto justice for everyone who be-
lieves.'" This stater is found in the mouth of a fish, of that
fish which the fishers of men catch, of that Fish which
weighs its words so that He may bring forth words tried by

The Jews did not know the stater which they gave to the
betrayer. The Law exacts a half-didrachma for the redemp-
tion of a soul, and vows this to God, being unable to claim
the whole didrachma. One does not find any amount of
prayer in a Jew. But the true man is free, the true Hebrew
belongs entirely to God everything which he has partakes
of this freedom. But whoever refuses freedom, saying: 'I
love my master and my wife and children, I will not go out

17 Cf. Luke 2.22.

18 Cf. Matt. 3.15.
19 Cf. Matt. 17.26.
20 Rom. 10.4.
21 Ichthus, a symbol of Christ.
22 Cf. Fs. 17.31.
free,' has none of God. This refers not only to the Lord
but also to the weakness of a man who subjects himself to
the world, because he loves the world as his own soul, that
is,his nous, the source of his will. This refers not only to
one's wife but also to the delight one has in the affairs of the
house while he cares not for those which are eternal. At his
doorway and on his threshold his master punctures the
servant's ear so that he will remember the words by which
he chose slavery.
And you, O Christian, do not imitate such a person as
this; written for you that if you wish to be
because it is

perfect you should offer to God not a half-didrachma, but

that you should sell all that you have and give it to the
poor. Nor should you keep a part of your service for the
world; you should deny yourself completely, and take up the
cross of the Lord and follow Him.
We know that a half-didrachma is demanded by the Law,
because half kept for the generation of this world that is,

for worldly affairs and use in the home and for posterity,
to whomever a portion from the inheritance needs to be
transmitted. The
Lord, therefore, responded to the Pharisees
testing withHim
that crafty question whether He thought
tribute should be given to Caesar: 'Why do you test me,
you hypocrites? Show me the coin of the tribute. And
they offered Him a denarius on which was the image of
Caesar. He then said to them: 'Render, therefore, to Caesar
the things that are Caesar's, and to God the things that are
God's/ showing them how imperfect they were, although
they seemed perfect in their own eyes, for they paid their
debt to Caesar before they did so to God. Those who are

23 Exod. 21.5.
24 A mark of servitude, for earrings.
25 Cf. Matt. 19.21.
26 Matt. 22.18,19.
27 Matt. 22.21.

concerned first world must first make payment to

with this

that which Is For this reason He also said:

of this world.

'Render/ that is, you yourself, 'give back those things which
belong to Caesar/ you., in whom the figure and image of
Caesar is found .

The Hebrew youths Ananias, Azarias, and Misael 28 and

Daniel, too, the wise man who did not adore the image of
the king, who did not believe it, or accept anything from
the king's table., were not bound to the payment of tribute.
They possessed none of the things which are subject to an
earthly king. Their imitators, too, whose inheritance is God,
do not pay tribute. The Lord therefore says: 'Render,
that is, do you yourselves give back, you who have brought
forward the image of Caesar, you with whom it is found.
But I owe nothing to Caesar becauses I have no part in this
world: 'The prince of the world is coming, and in me he
has nothing. 531 Peter owes nothing, My Apostles owe nothing,
because they are not of this world although they are in this
world. I have sent them into this world but they are no
longer of this world, because they arc with Me above the
Payment is demanded for those things which are of the
divine law, not those of Caesar. The perfect man, that is,
the preacher of the Gospel, because he had preached more ?
no longer owed that payment. The Son of God did not owe
the tribute, nor did Peter owe tribute, who had been admitted

by grace to adoption by the Father. But that we may not

give offense to them, go to the sea and cast a hook, and
take the fish that comes up. And opening its mouth thou
wilt find a stater; take that and give it to them for me and

28 Cf. Dan. 2.17.

29 Cf, Dan. 3.18.
30 Cf. Dan. 1.8.
31 John 14.30.

for thee.'
great mysteries! He gives a half-dldrachma
because the Law bade Him, and He did not refuse what Is
of the Law, as He was born of a woman, born under the
Law. I have said 'He was born' according to the Incarnation,
but 'of a woman' according to sex. Womankind is the sex,
virgin the species; the sex has to do with nature, a virgin

with Integrity. In so far as He was born of a woman, that is,

in a body, He came under the Law. And so He ordered the
didrachma to be paid for Himself and Peter because they
were both born under the Law. He bids It to be paid accord-
Ing to the Law so that He might redeem those who were
under the Law. 33
Nevertheless, He orders a stater to be given, clamping shut
their mouths so that out of much talking they may not admit
their sin. And He bids that to be given which was found
in a fish's mouth so that they might know the Word. They
exacted what was of the Law; why did they not know what
was of the Law? They ought not to have been ignorant of
the Word of was written: ''The Word is
God, because it
near on your lips and
your heart.' inTherefore, a whole
didrachma is paid to God by Him who kept nothing for
this world. Justice Is paid to God, which is soberness of the

mind; guarded speech is paid to God, which Is moderation

in speech: 'With the heart a man believes unto justice, and
with the mouth profession of faith Is made unto salvation.'
Moreover, a drachma can be Interpreted as the Old
Testament, a didrachma as the price of both Testaments.
Because, according to the Law, each one was redeemed by
the Law, but he who is redeemed according to the Gospel

pays a drachma according to the Law, he Is redeemed by

32 Matt. 17.26.
33 Cf. Gal. 4.4,5.
34 Deut. 30.14.
35 Rom. 10.10.

the blood of Christ according to grace, having a double

redemption, both of vow and of blood. Faith

alone is not
one also obtains the grace of
sufficient for perfection unless

baptism and, being redeemed, receives the blood of Christ.

For this reason, the drachma which is paid to God is good.
A drachma is not a denarius, but something different. On
a denarius there is the image of Caesar; on a drachma, the
image of God. It is the image of the one God for the
imitation of this one. It begins from One and is diffused

endlessly. And later, from the Infinite, all things return to

this One, as to their end, because God is both the beginning
and end of Thus mathematicians do not call a unit a

number but the 'element' of a number. We said this, too,


since it has been written: 'I am the Alpha and the Omega,
the beginning and the end,'
and 'Hear, O Israel, the Lord
thy God one God.

You, therefore, be one and the same as the image of God,

not sober today but drunk tomorrow; today peaceable, on
the morrow litigious; today virtuous, on the morrow in-
continent. Each one is changed by variation of his habits and
becomes someone else; in this condition he is not recognized
for what he was, and he begins to be what he was not, not
his genuine self. It is a serious matter to be changed for the
worse. Be like the image on the drachma, unchangeable,
keeping the same habits every day. When you see the
drachma, see the image; when you see the Law, see Christ,
the image of God, in the Law. And because He Himself is
the image of the invisible and incorruptible God, let Him
shine for you as in the mirror of the Law. Confess Him
in the Law that you may acknowledge Him in the
36 Apoc. 1.8.
37 Deut. 6.4.
38 Cf. Col. 1.15.

If you have known Him through His commands, acknowl-

edge Him in His works.

Farewell, and if you think it was not fruitless to question
me about the didrachma, and if you need anything later on,
do not hesitate to call on me.

21. Ambrose to Justus (c. 381)

Many persons say that our sacred writers did not write in
accordance with the rules of rhetoric. We do not take issue
with them: the sacred writers wrote not in accord with
rules, but in accord with grace, which is above all rules of
rhetoric. They wrote what the Holy Spirit gave them to
speak. Yet, writers on rhetoric have found rhetoric in their
writings and have made use of their writings to compose
commentaries and rules.
In rhetoric, these qualities in particular are demanded: a
cause (aition), a subject (hule), and an end or purpose
(apotelesma] .
Now, when we read that blessed Isaac said
to his father: 'Behold, you have the fire and the wood, but
where is the victim,' are these qualities lacking? The one
asking the question is in doubt; the one who answers the
question gives the answer and removes the doubt. The fire
isthe cause; the wood is the subject, called materia in Latin;
the third item, the purpose, is that which the child sought
and which the father showed him when he asked: Where
is the victim?'
God himself,' he said, 'will provide the
sacrifice, my son.'
Let us discuss the meaning of the mystery for a little
while. God showed a ram sticking fast with its horns; 3 the
1 Cf. Acts 2.4.
2 Gen. 22.7,8-
3 Cf. Gen. 22.13.

ram Is the Word, and restraint and patience.

full of tranquillty

By this Is shown wisdom is a good sacrifice and belongs

to one who Is duly wise and making
atonement to under-
stand the purpose of an action. The Prophet David therefore
of justice; Sacrifice belongs
says: 'Offer up the sacrifice

to justice as It does to wisdom.

Note, therefore, that the mind which
is working is aglow

and warm like fire. Note the thing known to the Intelligence,
the matter. Where Is the third ingredient, the under-
but where Is 'seeing'?
standing of the purpose? You see color,
You perceive objects, but where Is 'perceiving ? All men do

and therefore God gives the gift of under-


not see 'matter,

standing and perceiving and seeing.
that Is, the
Therefore, the Word of God Is our purpose,
end and fulfillment of all our questioning. This Word Is
infused Into the wise and puts an end to doubt. Yet, even
men who refuse to believe in the coming of Christ refute
themselves very aptly with the result that they profess what
that the ram'
they think they should not profess. They say
is the Word of God, yet they do not believe in the mystery of

the Passion, although the Word of God Is, In that mystery,

the very one in whom the sacrifice has been fulfilled.
Let us first enkindle In us the fire of the mind, so that It
will be at work In us. Let us seek the subject matter, which
if seeking It In dark-
gives us that which feeds the soul, as
ness, for the patriarchs did not know what
manna was,
yet they found it, Scripture says, and they called it the speech
of God. From, this continual and ever-flowing
and Word
source learning flows and streams.

This is a heavenly food. It Is signified by the person of

the one speaking: 'Behold I will rain bread from heaven for
This is the cause, for God works, watering minds with

4 Ps. 4.6.
5 Cf. Exod. 16.16.

the dew wisdom; the subject matter Is that which delights

souls seeing and tasting it and asking whence comes that
which is more splendid than light and sweeter than honey.
They are given the answer in the Scripture narrative: This
given you to eat.' And this
Is the bread which the Lord hath

is the Word of God which God has set in

orderly array. By
it the souls of the
prudent are fed and delighted; it is clear
and sweet, shining with the splendor of truth, and softening
with the sweetness of virtue the souls of those who hear It.
The Prophet [Moses] learned the cause of what he had
to accomplish. When he was sent to the king of Egypt to
free the people of God, he said: 'Who am I that I should go
and should bring forth the people from the power of the
king?' The Lord answered: I will be with thee.'. Again
Moses asked: 'What shall I say to them if they ask me:
"Who is the Lord who sent thee, what Is his name?"
Lord said: 'I AM WHO AM. You will say: HE WHO is hath
sent me/ 7 This is name
God, 'Eternal Being.'
the true of
Tor the Son of God,
Therefore, the Apostle says of Christ:
Jesus Christ, who is in you, who was preached among you
by us by me and Sylvanus and Timothy was not now
"Yes" and now No," but only "Yes" was In him.' 8 Moses
answered: lf they will not believe me, nor hear my voice,
but they will say: "The Lord hath not appeared to thee,"
what shall I say to them?' God gave him signs to perform
so that it would be believed that he was sent by the Lord. A
third time Moses said: 'I am not worthy and I have a weak
voice, and a slow tongue, how will Pharao hear me? He was

told: 'Go, I will open thy mouth and I will teach thee what
thou shalt speak.' 9
The questions in the middle of the passage and the answers
6 fixed. 16.4,15.
7 Exod. S.I 1-14.
8 2 Cor. 1.19.
9 Exod. 4.1,10,14.

contain the seeds and science of wisdom. And the end, too,
pleasing, because God says: 'I will be with thee.'

Although He gave him use, when Moses

certain signs to
doubted, so that you might know that the signs were for
thosewho would not believe, but the promise for believers,
God gave an answer, taking into consideration the frailty of
his merit or of his devotion: I will open thy mouth, and I

will teach thee what thou shall speak.' Thus a perfect end
or purpose was kept.
You have the Gospel: 'Ask, and it shall be
this also in

given you; seek, and you shall find; knock, and it shall be
opened to you. Ask from the cause, that is, seek from the
Author. You have as the subject matter spiritual qualities by
which you seek; knock, and God discloses the Word to you.
The mind is that which seeks, which works like fire; the
vigor of the mind works upon spiritual qualities as fire does
upon wood; and God discloses the Word to you this is the
end or purpose. Elsewhere, too, in the Gospel we have the
words: But when they deliver you up, do not be anxious
how or what you are to speak; for what you are to speak
will be given you in that hour. For it is not you who are

speaking, but the Spirit of your Father who speaks through

You have this, too, in Genesis when Isaac says: 'How did
you find it so quickly, my son?' He answered: 'The Lord
your God let me come upon it.' God is the end. He
who seeks in the Lord finds; Laban was a man who did not
seek in the Lord; because he sought idols, he did not find. 14
He [Isaac] observed very well what are called the rules
and distinctions of speech. The first distinction is: 'Set your

10 Excd. 3.12.
11 Matt. 7.7.
12 Matt. 10.19.
13 Gen. 27.20.
14 Cf. Gen. 31.33.

game near me, my son, that I may eat/ He arouses and
enkindles his son's mind by a sort of fire of exhortation so
that he will work and go in search. The second distinction
is: 'How did you find it so quickly, my son?' This is in the
form of a question. The third distinction is an answer: 'The
Lord your God let me come upon it.' 16 The end or purpose
is God who
accomplishes and perfects all things; about this
there must be no doubt.
There is also a distinction about things which spring up
of their own accord: 'You do not sow, you will not reap, 517
for, although cultivation stimulates the growth of seeds,
nature works in them by a certain power so that they do
spring up.

Thus, the Apostle says: I have planted, Apollo watered,

but God has given growth. So then neither he who plants is
anything, nor he who waters, but God who gives the
growth.' God makes His gift to you in the spirit, and the
Lord grows in your heart. Act, therefore, so that He may
breathe upon you and grow. Then you may reap. But if you
do not sow you will not reap. You are warned, as it were,
that you should sow; you have not sowed, you will not
reap it is a proverb. The final action is included in the
Sowing is the beginning; reaping is the end.
first act.

Learn from me, nature says. She is a help to the learner.

God is the Author of nature. It is also through God that we
learn well, because it belongs to nature to learn by the heart.
The hard of heart do not learn. There is growth in the
nature which has the divine gift of grace. God gives to it

fullaccomplishment and perfection, that is, the most excellent

and divine nature and substance of the Trinity.
Farewell, and love us as you do, because we love you.

15 Gen. 27.25.
16 Gen. 27.20.
17 Lev. 25.11.
18 1 Cor. 3.6,7.

22. Ambrose to Marcellus

There has devolved upon me the business of your lawsuit,

which you did not initiate but only carried on from a sense
of duty and a desire to prove your generosity toward the

poor. I had to take cognizance of it because of the imperial

enactment 2 and because I was obligated by the authority of
the blessed Apostle and the nature and conduct of your
learning and life. Since I myself rebuked you for keeping
alive your age-long quarrel, the parties in question put upon
me the obligation of hearing the case.
was ashamed to refuse, I admit, especially since the

lawyers for each party challenged one another, saying that

it would be clear from my investigation to which party the
decision of law and right would incline the more. In short,
the days had almost drawn to a close only a few hours
remained while the prefect was hearing other cases when
the lawyers in the suit asked an adjournment of a few days
so that I might preside as judge. These Christian men were
most eager that the prefect should not be the judge of a
matter under the jurisdiction of a bishop. They said, also,
that certain things had been done in an unseemly fashion
and each party according to his own inclination doubted what
fell to a
bishop's jurisdiction, what to a prefect's.
Overwhelmed by these events and reminded of the
Apostle's precept which reproves and says: 'Is it not those
inside whom you judge?
33 c
and lf, therefore, you have cases
about worldly matters to be judged, appoint those who are
rated as nothing in the Church to judge. To shame you I
say it. Can it be that there is no wise man among you
competent to settle a case in his brother's behalf? But brother

1 Undated.
2 Cf. Sozomen 1.9.
3 I Cor. 5.12.

goes to law with brother and that before unbelievers?' I

accepted the hearing on condition that I might be the judge

of a compromise. I saw that, if I handed down a decision
in your favor, the other party might not acquiesce; while,
if the sentence was carried in his
favor, your defense and that
of your sister might break down. The rendering of a
decision was very The favor resulting from our

priestly relationship might have seemed suspect to them; too,

for when does a defeated man ever think his
opponent more
righteous than himself? Truly, the costs of this long-standing
suit would have been unbearable to each if its outcome
failed to provide some gain or, at least, the comforting

thought that one had acted generously.

I saw that the issue was doubtful, that the law was subject

to dispute, while numerous pleas were being entered by

each party and petitions of an invidious sort presented to the
emperor which contained, in addition, charges of tampering
with his decrees. Perceiving, also, that if your opponent won
the case he would sue for double the mesne profits and for
the costs of the protracted suit, while it was unbecoming
your office to demand the costs of the case, and that it was
not suitable for you to claim any of the profits which as
owner you had received, I preferred to settle the case by
compromise rather than aggravate the situation by a decision.
In addition, there is the serious consideration that, although
the dispute were settled, ill-will would remain and be de-
structive of good-feeling.
Involved in these difficulties and feeling that the office
of the priest, the sex of the defendant and the serious state
of widowhood, and regard for a friend having a threefold
and weighty claim on me, I thought I should be sure to
desire no one's defeat, but everyone's success. And my
wishes did not fail; you all were victors in keeping with your

4 1 Cor. 6.4-6.


kinship, with nature, and with the saying of Scripture :

not rather suffer wrong? not rather be defrauded?'
Perhaps you feel you are in a worse state because of the
loss of the suit and the money But, indeed, for bishops
the losses of this world are better than its gains: lt is more
blessed to give than to receive.'
Perhaps you will say I
ought not to have been exposed to fraud, to have suffered
injury, to have undergone loss. Well? Would you have
inflicted these? And even though you did no such things, the
other party would have complained of suffering them. Con-

sider, therefore, what the Apostle says: Why not rather

wrong? It almost seems as though one who does not
suffer wrong inflicts it, for the stronger one should bear it.

Why am I discussing this with you as if it were my concern,

not yours? You made the offer, acting as an arbiter of the
case, suggesting that your sister own part of the estate during
her lifetime, but that after her death the entire property go
to your brother. Nor must anyone sue him in your name or
in that of the Church, but, if he chooses, he may hold it
without giving anything to the Church. When I announced
this and acclaimed the great flood of generosity thus manifest
in your heart, your brother declared that the offer suited

him, provided there remained no fear of injury to the

property. How, he asked, could a woman, a widow besides,
manage taxable property? What would be the advantage to
him if you yielded the right of ownership while he thought
greater losses would accrue to him from the poor tending of
the farm?
lawyers on both sides were influenced by his remarks;
so, with the consent of all, it was determined that the
honorable Laetus should receive the farm and pay yearly to
your sister a fixed quantity of grain, wine, and oil. Your
5 1 Cor. 6.7.
6 Acts 20.35.

sisterthus lost no rights, but only her anxiety; she relinquished

not the fruits but the labor, not the revenues but the gamble,
as it is often called, on an uncertain return. If violent wind
storms destroy the harvest, your sister will still have the yield
that is hers. If crops wither during an excessive drought,
your sister will still have her crops undiminished. Laetus will
assume the conditions of his offer, and, should pressure of

necessity or extraordinary taxes become severe, your sister,

by reason of your kindness, will be clear of Laetus' losses, while
Laetus will console himself with the management of the
Thus you have all been winners Laetus in gaining a right

over the property which he did not have; your sister by now
enjoying the yearly profits without dispute or strife; but no
one won so completely and gloriously as yourself, for, in
addition to your wish to assure your sister of your generosity,
you have brought her to a share in your fraternal union.
You conceded to your brother the property, to your sister
the use and enjoyment of it.
Nothing is lost to the Church
which is
gained for piety; charity is not a loss but a gain for
Christ; the fruit of the Holy Spirit is charity. The case,
then, has been concluded in the manner prescribed by the
Apostle. We lamented formerly that you were engaged in this
lawsuit, but the strife has enabled you to clothe yourself in
the form of the apostolic life and precept. The one was
unbecoming your priesthood; this transaction meets the
requirements even of the Apostle.
Fear not that the Church will be rendered destitute and
out of reach of your generosity. She partakes of your fruits,
fruits even more plentiful, for she has the fruits of your

teaching, the service of your life. She has a richness which

you have watered with your discipline. Rich in these returns
she seeks no temporal ones, for she has those which are

7 Cf. Gal. 5.22.


eternal. You have added mentioned by the

not only the fruits

Apostle, but those found in the Gospels, for the Lord said:
'Make friends for yourselves with the mammon of wicked-
ness.' You have made friends, even more marvelously, of
your opponents. You made brothers return to the laws of
kindred, and you assure them by this charity and grace that
they will be received into eternal dwellings.
Thus, under the guidance of Christ and the direction of
two bishops, namely, yourself who first supplied the pattern
and myself who passed sentence, the peace which
we reached will not fail; for where so many vowed their
faith infidelity cannot but be punished.
Laetus will plow the land for his sister, whereas formerly
he grudged her the services of others. Laetus will gather the
harvest for his sister, though before he could not bear the
gifts of others; he will bear the fruits to his sister's barns
and do so gladly, 9 renewing now the meaning of his name.
Meanwhile, being conformed to the Apostle of Christ, and
assuming the prophetic authority, you shall say to the Lord:
'You have possessed my reins.' 10 This possession is more
fitting for Christ, that He possess the virtues of His priest,
that He receive the fruits of purity and continency, and,
what more, of charity and peace.

Farewell, and love us, because we love you.

23. Ambrose to Sabinus (c. 390)

You sent back my little books which I shall esteem more

highly owing to your criticism of them. In fact, I am sending
you others, not to be delighted with your favorable criticism,
8 Luke 16,9.
9 A play on his name, Laetus, meaning 'glad.'
10 Ps. 138.13.

but lured by the frank appraisal which I asked of you and

which you promised to give. I much prefer that if something
puzzles you it be corrected by your criticism before it gets
abroad beyond recall, rather than for you to praise what
others will censure. Therefore, I am asking you to be the
judge of the works you requested, not so much wanting you
to read the things I sometimes make available to all, but to
submit them to the weight of your opinion. This criticism, as
was said of old, 1 will not need long sittings and delay. It is
easy for you to pass judgment on my writings.
I thought that at your invitation I should have recourse
to you; it is now
your turn to discern clearly and consider
carefully the corrections so that you may not be guilty of
the faults which have crept upon me unawares. For some
reason or other, [in my case] because of a mist of ignorance
which envelops me, one's own writings are deceptive and
escape the notice of the ear, and as one delights in his
children, even though they be deformed, so the writer's
discourses, however inelegant, flatter him. Frequently, a
remark is made unguardedly, or taken in a bad sense, or
expressed with ambiguity. Thoughts which are to be sub-
jected to another's criticism should be weighed and sifted of
every grain of evil, not for our own benefit, but to facilitate
the other person's judgment.

Accordingly, kindly lend an attentive ear, study all the

details, test theremarks, see if there is any vain flattery and
persuasiveness instead of sincere faith and sobriety of ex-
pression. Note the words of doubtful value or false connota-
tion, that an adversary may not take any of them in his
favor. Let be toned down if it begins to be argumentative.

That book is in a bad way which is defended only by its

champion. The book which goes forth without a mediator
speaks for itself. But this book of ours will not leave us
1 Cf. Cicero, Epist. ad jam. 9.3.

unless has your authority. When you bid it go with your


approval it will be trusted on its own.

However, since the 'kingdom of God is not in word, but
in power/ if a word troubles you consider the force of the

expression. The expression is the opinion

on faith which we
hold against the Sabellians and Arians, an opinion handed
down to us from our elders; namely, that we venerate God
the Father and His only-begotten Son and the Holy Spirit;
that this Trinity is of one substance and majesty and divinity;
that in this name of Father, Son and Holy Spirit we baptize,
as written that the Son, though co-eternal with the
it is

Father, took flesh, was born of the Holy Spirit and of the
Virgin Mary, equal to the Father in divinity, having the
nature of God, that is, in all the fullness of the divinity
which dwells in Him, as the Apostle says, corporeally, and
that in the person of man He took the nature of a slave
and humbled Himself even to death.

This, then, is our statement also against Photinus; against

Apollinaris this is a lawful
safeguard, the expression that
just as in His nature as God He lacked nothing of the
divine nature and fullness, so in the form of man He lacked

nothing that would cause Him to be judged an imperfect

man, for He came to save the whole man. It was not fitting
that He who
completed a good work in others should allow
this to be imperfect in Himself. If He lacked anything as
man, then He did not redeem all; -and if He did not redeem
all, He deceived us, since He said that He had come to save
all men. But, since it is
impossible for God to deceive, He
did not deceive us. Therefore, since He came to redeem all

2 1 Cor. 4.20.
3 Cf. Matt. 27.19.
4 Cf. 2 Cor. 2.9.
5 Cf. Phil. 2.8.
6 Cf. Heb. 6.18.

men and save them, He certainly took upon Himself the

whole of man's perfection.
This, as
you remember, is our stand. If the words are at
disturbing they do not harm the faith, for the mind
which continues steadfast guards against doubtful
and preserves one from error.
These remarks which are a prelude to other discussions I
shall put in the collection of our letters, if you are willing,
and 7
give them a number. Thus they will be commended
because of your name and through our letters to one another
our mutual love in the Lord will be increased. Read in
order to criticize and tell me what displeases you, for true
love is
proved by constancy. I am following the custom of
old men, writing letters in an
ordinary and friendly style,
weaving in any words of holy Scripture that come to me.
Farewell, my brother, and love one who loves you, for
I love you very much.

24. Ambrose to Sabinus (c. 390)

have sent you the volume you asked for, written more

clearly and neatly than the one I forwarded some time ago,
so that by ease in
reading it your judgment will in no way
be hindered. The original book was written not for
ance's sake but out of necessity. For I do not dictate all
writings, particulary at night, when I do not wish to
trouble and burden others. Then, too, words which are
7 Evidence that Ambrose collected some of his letters during his life-

1 Pauhnus (Vit. 38) says he did not decline the task of writing books
with his own hand unless his body was kept from so doing by some

dictated need to roll out with a certain impetuosity and in a

rapid flow.
But I who am desirous of selecting with nicety the words
I use in old age, employing a familiar style
my proceed- and
ing at a slow pace, feel it is more suitable that I put my
own hand to the stylus, not to appear to be lustily pouring
forth words, but concealing them, so that I will not have to
be ashamed in the presence of another who is doing the
writing, but conscious only of myself, without a witness,
and weighing with the ear and also with the eye the things
1 write. For, the tongue is swifter than the hand, as Scripture
says: 'My tongue of a ready scribe.
is the pen
Perhaps you will say this refers to the speed of the writer.
You are not mistaken in the meaning that only the speed of
the ready scribe can catch the words of prophetic language.
The Apostle Paul also used to write with his own hand, as
he himself says: 'I am
writing to you with my own hand.
He said this for reasons of honor, but we [say so] because
of shame.
However, now that you have my opinion about the books,
letus interchange letters, for they serve us who are widely
apart to unite with one another in affection, and the image
of their presence is vivid between the absent, and written
discourse unites those who are apart. By this means, too, we

join heart with our friend and pour out our thoughts to him.
If, as you suggest, there is a savor of older writers in
my letters, not only do our hearts seem united by this progress
toward true learning, but our conversation is expressed in
a freer and fuller form, with the result that mutual inquiry
and reply will seem to unite us for battle and in this activity
we shallstimulate and encourage one another as friends.

2 Ps. 44.2.
3 Gal. 6.1L

Need I examples of our forebears, who by their


letters instilled faith into the hearts of the people and wrote
to whole nations together, showing themselves present though
writing far away, as did the holy Apostle who says that he
was absent in body but present in spirit, not only when he
was writing but also when passing judgment? Finally, he
while absent condemned and absolved by letter. For Paul's
letter was a kind of image of his presence and a pattern of
his work.
His letters, he were not like the letters of others,
'weighty and telling,' but 'their bodily appearance weak and

speech of no account. Such was his letter, such the pattern

of his preaching as was the reality of the worker. 'What we
are by letters, when absent, such are we also in deed when
bodily present.' In his letters he expressed the likeness of
his presence and in his work he stamped the fulfillment of
his promise.

Farewell, and love us, as you do, because we also love you.

25. Ambrose to Sabinus (Spring, 387)

determined to ask me
After reading my Hexaemeron you
if have added anything on paradise, and indicated that you
are very anxious to learn my ideas about it. I wrote on
this subject a long time ago when I was not yet an

experienced bishop.
I have found that most persons opinions about this are

4 Cf. 1 Cor. 5.3.

5 2 Cor. 10.10,11.

1 A series of nine sermons on the creation, delivered on six consecutive

days in April, 387 (PL 11123-274) .

divided. Josephus, simply as a historian, says the place
was planted with trees and many shrubs and watered,
moreover, by a river which branched into four streams.
After its waters were gathered into one, this earth was not
drained entirely nor did its springs become dry. Even today
it breaks forth into fountains and sends streams of water

with which, like a loving mother, from full udders it nourishes

its young.
Some hold one opinion, others another, yet all agree that
in paradise were planted the tree of life and the tree of

knowledge which distinguishes good and evil, together with

other trees, full of strength, full of life-giving powers, breath-
ing and Wherefore one concludes that the
rational creatures.
real paradise cannot be considered earthly, nor planted in

any particular spot, but situated in the principal part of our

nature, which is animated and vivified by the virtues of the
soul and the infusion of the spirit of God.
Moreover, Solomon, by inspiration, clearly declared that
paradise is within man. And because he expresses mysteries
of the soul and the word, or of Christ and the Church, he
says of the virgin soul, or of the Church which he desired
to present a chaste virgin to Christ: My
sister, spouse,
is a
garden enclosed, a garden enclosed, a fount sealed up.'
The word 'paradise' in Greek is rendered 'garden' in
Latin. Susanna was in a paradise (orchard), 6 as we read
also in Latin. And Adam was in a paradise, which is also

our reading. Do not be disturbed if some 'Latin texts have

3 c
the reading 'garden and others paradise.*
Where the virgin is, there, too, is the chaste wife. The
chosen virgin holds her seal and enclosures, both in a

2 Josephus, Antiq. 1.1.2.

3 Cf. Gen. 2.9.
4 Cf. 2 Cor. 11.2.
5 Cant. 4.12.
6 Cf. Dan. 13.7.
7 Cf. Gen. 2.8.

paradise, so that in the shady bowers of virtues she may be

shielded from the fevers of the body and the
passions of the

Therefore, paradise is in the higher part of our nature,

luxuriant with the growths of many opinions, where God in
the beginning put the tree of life, that is, the root of
for this is the very substance of our if we due
life, give
homage to our Lord and God.
He has planted in us, too, a nursery of the
knowledge of
good and evil, for man alone among other living creatures
of earth has the
knowledge of good and evil. There are
also many other plants whose fruits are virtues.
Now, since God knew that man's affection, capable of
grasping knowledge, would incline more quickly toward
cunning than the perfection of wisdom (for the quality of
His handiwork could not be hidden from the
Judge who
had set down definite boundaries in our souls), He wished
to eliminate cunning from paradise and, as the provident
Author of our salvation, to put therein the zest for life and
for the practice of virtue. So He ordered man to eat of
tree in paradise, but not of the tree of the of
good and evil.
Since every creature, however, is subject to
passion, lust
stoleinto man's affections with the stealth of a
Moses was quite right in representing pleasure in the likeness
of a serpent: it is
prone on its belly like a serpent, not
walking on feet or raised on legs, but it glides along, so to
speak, with the slippery folded curves of its whole body.
Earth is its food, as it is the serpent's, for it has no com-
prehension of heavenly food. It feeds on things of the body
and it is
changed into many sorts of pleasures, and bends to
and fro in twisting wreathes. It has venom in its
fangs, and
with these the dissolute individual is disemboweled, the

8 Cf. Gen. 3.23.


glutton destroys himself, the spendthrift is undone. How

many men has wine wrecked, drunkenness destroyed, gluttony
Now I know why theLord God breathed into the face of
man. 9 There is the seat and abode and enticement of lust in
the eyes, the ears, the nostrils, the mouth [breathed there]
in order to fortify our senses against such lust. These things
He infused into us as the serpent did cunning. For it is
not pleasure, but labor and continuous meditation, along
with the grace of God, which give perfect wisdom.
Yet, because the posterity of the human race is involved
in the snares of the serpent, let us imitate the cunning in
him so as not to run our head into danger, but guard it
unharmed above all else, Tor our head is Christ.' 10 Let it
remain unharmed so that the serpent's venom may not have
power to harm us, for 'Wisdom with riches is good,' that
is, with faith, for those who believe in the Lord have riches.
But if the first man, who was placed in paradise and
talked with God, could fall so easily, though made from
virgin clay, but lately formed at God's word and created,
not yet clotted with the gore of homicide and slaughter, not
polluted with shameful and unbecoming deeds, not yet
condemned a tainted heredity
in our flesh to the curse of
how much more easily later on has the slippery road to sin
brought the human race to a greater precipice, since one
generation in turn succeeds another, a generation more base
succeeding one less wicked?
We see how a magnet has such natural force as to attract
iron and communicate itself thereto, as some persons, desirous
of experimenting, have applied iron rings to the magnet so

9 Cf. Gen. 2.7.

10 1 Cor. 11.3.
11 Eccle. 7.12.
12 Cf. Gen. 2.15.

that it holds all of them same way. Then, if to the

in the

ring to which the magnet add another ring and

clings they
so on in succession, although it penetrates each by its
natural strength, it holds the first with a stronger, the last

with a weaker grasp. How much truer it is that the condition

and nature of the human race has fallen from a purer into
a less pure state when it reaches the more wicked?
If the natural law is weakened in substances which are

incapable of sin, how much more is its vigor dulled by souls

and bodies tainted with evil! For, when evil had appeared
and innocence been destroyed, there was no one to do good,
not even one. The Lord came to restore grace to nature,
in fact, to give it increase, that where sin abounded grace
might more abound. It is clear, then, that God is the
Author of man, and that there is one God, not many
gods One who made the world, and one world only, not
many, as the philosophers maintain.

First, therefore, He world and then the

created the
inhabitants of the world for whom
the world was to be a

fatherland. Even today, if, wherever the wise man goes, he is

a citizen and knows his own, nowhere considering himself a
mere pilgrim or a foreigner, how much more was that first

man an the world, and as the Greeks say,

inhabitant of all
a 'cosmopolite, for he was the final work of God, continually
talking with God, a fellow citizen of the saints, a groundbed
of virtues? Placed over all creatures of earth, sea, and sky,
he considered the whole world his dominion; God guarded
him as His handiwork, and as a good parent and maker
never abandoned him. In fine, He so cherished this creature
that He redeemed him when he had been lost, He received
him back when he had been banished, and when he died
He brought him back to life through the Passion of His
13 Cf. Ps. 13.11.
14 Cf. Rom. 5.20.

only-begotten Son. God, then, is man's Author,

and as a
good artisan He loves His own handiwork; as a kind father
He does not abandon one He has redeemed, but like a good
householder reinstates him in the riches of His own posses-
Let us beware of having that man, our understanding,
enervated by woman, that is, by passion, for she was deceived
and beguiled by the pleasures of the senses. Let her not
enslave and drag him over to her laws and purposes. Let us
flee from sensual delight as from a serpent. It has many
allurements, particularly in man. Other living things are
wooed by the desire for food, but man, in so far as he has
more varied senses of eyes and ears, has so much the greater
Farewell, and love us as you do, because we love you.

26. Ambrose to Sabinus (c. 390)

Since our practice of writingletters gives you pleasure,

too,whereby thosearewho
far apart indulge in conversation
as though they were near, I shall continue often addressing

my writings to you, even when I am alone. For I am never


lessalone than when I appear to be alone, nor less at leisure

than when I am at leisure. Then, at least, I summon at will
those whom I will, and I bring to my side those whom I
love more dearly or whom I think more suited to me. No
one speaks, no one interrupts our talk. Then do I have you
more and I talk about the Scriptures and we chat together
at great length.
Mary was alone when she spoke with an angel. She was
alone when the Holy Spirit came to her and the power of

1 A familiar saying of Cato, found in Cicero, Off. 3.1.1.

2 Cf. Luke 1.28.

the Most High overshadowed her. She was alone and she
worked the salvation of the world and conceived the re-
demption of all men. Peter was alone and learned the
mysteries about the Gentiles who were to be sanctified
throughout the world. Adam was alone and he was not an

offender because his heart clung to God. 4 But, after the

woman was united to him, he was unable to cling to the
commands of heaven and so he hid himself when God walked
in paradise.
Now, when I read the sacred Scriptures, God walks in
paradise. The Book of Genesis is a paradise where the virtues
of the patriarchs blossom forth. Deuteronomy is a paradise
where the commandments of the Law flourish. The Gospel
is a
paradise where the tree of life brings forth good fruits
and pours upon men the teachings of everlasting hope.

When 'Love your enemies' and 'Sell what you

I hear:
have and follow me' 6 and 'To him who strikes thee on one
cheek, offer the other also/
and I am not doing these
things, and scarcely love one who loves me, and do not sell
what I have, and wish to avenge a wrong which I have
received, and to get back by force what has been taken
from me when Scripture says that I must give more than
was asked of me or taken from me I realize that I am
acting contrary to the commands of God. And opening the
eyes of conscience, I see that God is present, walking up to
me. I want to hide, to cover myself, but I am naked before
God before whom all things are na*ked and open. 8 In
shame I desire to cover up my sinful deeds like the limbs of

my body, but because God sees everything and because I

am shaded by leaves or hidden under cover, I think I am

3 Cf. Acts 10.9-16.
4 Cf. Gen. 2.8.
5 Cf. Gen. 3.8.
6 Matt. 5.44; 19.21.
7 Luke 6.29.
8 Cf. Heb. 4.13.

in hiding, just because I am covered with a body. It is just

the same garment of skin which had when he was
cast out of paradise, not protected from the cold, or saved
from reproach, but exposed to harm and blame.
From these words it is clear that when we are alone we
offer ourselves to God, then we lay open to Him our hearts,
then we lay aside the cloak of deceit. was alone when
he was placed in paradise; he was alone, too, when he was
made to the image of God, but he was not alone when he
was cast out of paradise. The Lord Jesus was alone when
He redeemed the world, 10 for no ambassador or messenger,
but the Lord Himself alone, saved His people. Yet, He is
never alone in whom the Father always dwells. So let us
also be alone, that the Lord may be with us.
Farewell, and love us, because we love you.

27. Ambrose to Sabinus (c. 389)

The man whom you describe as a sower of slanderous

speech of very
is little consequence and has already received
the reward of hisvenomous remarks. He has been answered in
reaped openly what he sowed secretly.
and has I
thought him a vain and envious person before, and when his

remarks reached my ears I at once stated that he had been

infected with the poison of Apollinaris, who cannot tolerate

the doctrine that our Lord Jesus Christ became a servant

for our sake in taking a body, although the Apostle declares
that He took the nature of a servant. This is the bulwark,
this is the hedge, of our faith. One who destroys this will

9 Cf. Gen. 3.23.

10 Cf. John 16.32.

I Cf. Phil. 2.7.


himself be destroyed, as it is written: Tor the serpent will

gnaw him who breaketh a hedge,'
At first I sent a mild dispatch to him, saying: 'Why do
you perform a good act with evil purpose?' For I count it a
blessing if
anyone reads my writings and tells me what
disturbs him, first of all, because I can be deceived in what
I know, and many things escape the ear, many sound
different to certain individuals. It is fine, if possible, to avoid
such things. Then must not be annoyed if things are found
in my writing which many consider disputable, since many

questions are asked about the words of the Apostles, in the

Gospels, and the words of our Lord. Persons thus indulge
their own humor, especially the man who encompassed the
world to find someone to censure, not to imitate.
In order to cavil at something in my writings he found
plenty of room for himself, for in that passage where the
Lord Jesus said 'I praise thee, Father, Lord of heaven and

earth/ I stated that it was intended to show that God is


the Father of the Son, and the Lord of creation. [This he

although in the psalm the Son very plainly calls

His Father 'Lord,' saying 'Seeing me, they shake their head.

Help me, O Lord, my God.' Speaking as a servant, He called


Him Lord who He knew was His Father, being the equal
of God in form, yet proclaiming Himself a slave in the
substance of His flesh, for servitude belongs to the flesh,
dominion to the Godhead.
With admirable wisdom you note that those things which
are said in the Gospel have reference to the time of the

Gospel when the Lord Jesus lived among men in human

form. Now we no longer know Christ as man. He was

2 Eccle. 10.8.
3 Matt. 11.25.
4 Ps. 108.25,26.
5 C. 2 Cor. 5.16.

seen and known thus to men 'now the

of former times, but
former things have passed away, and all things are made
new/ All things are from God
who reconciled us to Himself

through Christ, for we were dead, but one

became a slave
for all What shall I say: [only] a slave'? He became sin,

Apostle said: Tor our sakes

a reproach, a curse. The he
that the Lord Jesus 'was become a
made him to be sin,'
He said that when He has subjected all things to
Himself, then He, too, will be subject. Peter, also, in the
Acts of the Apostles, said: ln the name of Jesus of Nazareth

arise and walk.' He also said there that He glorified His


Son Jesus/ 10 and no one took issue with him in regard to

the time. Moreover, in the Apocalypse, He is also called by
John the Lamb.' And He is called in the psalm 'a worm
c 11

and no man.' He became all these things so that He might


dull the sting of our death, that He might take away our
state of slavery, that He might wipe away our curses, sins,
and reproaches.
Since Scripture contains these and other divine things, and
many more which you have brought up, and which you
pointed out to one who made inquiry, how can- anyone hesi-
tate to say that these were piously written, since they are di-
rected to the glory of Christ, not to His disparagement? If it
was said of His that is, the manna, that 'he did not find
less that had provided less, neither had he more that had
gathered more,' could He Himself be either diminished or
increased? For, what in Him was diminished when He took
6 2 Cor. 5.17.
7 Cf. Phil. 2.7.
8 2 Cor, 5.21.
9 Gal. 3.13.
10 Acts 3,6,13.
11 Apoc. 5.12.
12 Ps. 21.7.
13 Cf. 1 Cor, 15.55.
14 Exod. 16.18.

upon Himself our servitude, our weakness? He was humbled,

indeed, by being in the form of a slave, but He remained
unchanged in the glory of God the Father. He was a worm
on the cross, but He forgave the sins even of His persecutors.
He was a reproach but at the same time also the Majesty
of the Lord, as it is written: 'And the glory of the Lord
shall be revealed: and all flesh together shall see the
salvation of God.' What had He He had nothing
lost if
less? He had neither comeliness nor beauty, butHe had the
fullness of divinity. He was considered weak, but He had
not ceased to be the power of God. He appeared a man,
but the divine majesty and glory of the Father shone on

aptly, then, the Apostle repeats the same expression,

saying of the Lord Jesus: 'who though he was by nature
God, did not think being equal to God a thing to be clung
to, but emptied himself, taking the nature of a slave.'
What is the meaning of by nature God except the fullness

of the Godhead, the expression of His divine perfection?

Although He was in the fullness of the Godhead, He emptied

Himself and received the fullness of nature and human
perfection. Just as He lacked nothing as God, so He did not
lack anything for His completeness as man, and as a result
He was perfect in each nature. Thus, David says He was
'beautiful above the sons of men.'
The Apollinarist is refuted; he has nowhere to turn; he
caught in his own nets. He Himself said: He took the
nature of a slave, He was not a slave. Again, I ask, what is

the meaning of by nature God'? He answers: in the reality

c c

of God.' There are,' says the Apostle, 'those who are not
15 Isa. 40.5.
16 Phil. 2.6,7.
17 Ps. 44.3.
18 Phil. .2.7.

gods in reality.' I ask you what is the meaning of 'taking

the nature of a slave'? Without doubt, it means the perfection
of nature and the human condition, in order that He might
be in the likeness of men. And well did he say the likeness':

not of the flesh but 'of men,' because He was in the same
flesh. But, because He alone was without sin, whereas all
men are in sin, He was seen in the appearance of man. So
the Prophet says too: 'He is a man and who
can know it?'
a man, indeed, according to the flesh; more than man accord-
ing to the divine operation. When He touched a leper, He
seemed a man, but more than man when He cleansed him.
And when He wept for Lazarus who had died He wept as a
man, but He was superior to man when He bade the dead
to come forth with feet bound. He seemed a man when
He hung on the cross, but more than man when He
unsealed the tombs and brought the dead to life.
Let not the venom of Apollinaris flatter itself because it
is written: 'And in appearance he was found as a man,' 23
for the manhood of Jesus is not thereby denied, but con-

firmed, since elsewhere Paul himself says of Him: 'Mediator

of God and men, himself man, Christ Jesus.' It is the
customary manner of Scripture so to express itself as we also
read in the Gospel: 'And we saw his glory glory as of the
only-begotten of the Father.' As He is there called only-
begotten and it is not denied that He is the only-begotten
Son of God, so He is said to be man, and the perfection of
man that was in Him is not denied.
Since, therefore, He was in the likeness of a servant, He
was humbled even unto death, yet He remained in the glory
19 Jer. 17.9.
20 Cf. Matt. 8.3.
21 Cf. John 11.33,34.
22 Cf. Matt. 27.52.
23 Phil. 2.7.
24 1 Tim. 2.5.
25 John 1.14.

of God. In what way was His slavery prejudicial to Him?

We read that He became a slave because we read that He
was made of a virgin and created in the flesh. Now, every
creature is a servant, as the Prophet says: Tor all things
serve thee.' 26 Therefore, God the Father also says: I have

found David, my servant: with my holy oil I have anointed

him, He shall cry unto me: "Thou art my Father, the God
of my salvation." And I will make him my firstborn. And
in another psalm: 'Preserve my soul, because I am holy to
thee; save thy servant,' and further on in the same psalm:
'Give thy strength to thy servant, and save the son of thy
handmaid.' 28 I have gathered together the words of the
Father and of the Son that this man receive a reply, not from
human arguments, but from the words of God.
Elsewhere, He says: 'Into thy hands I commend my
spirit,' and 'Thou hast set my feet in a spacious place,' and
'I have become a reproach for all my enemies,' and in the
same psalm: 'Make thy face to shine upon thy servant.'
And through Isaias, too, the Son of God Himself says:
'From the womb of my mother the Lord hath called my
name. And he hath made my mouth like a sharp sword. In
the cover of his hand he hath protected me. He hath made
me like a chosen arrow, and in his quiver he hath covered
me. And he said to me "Thou art my servant, Israel." 30

The Son of God is also called Israel, as [we read] elsewhere:

*O Jacob, my servant, Israel my beloved.' 31 He alone not
only truly saw God the Father, but has also revealed Him.
And there follows: ln thee I shall be glorified. And I

said: I have worked in vain, I have spent my strength

26 Fs. 118.91.
27 Fs. 118.21,27,28.
28 Ps. 85.2,16.
29 Ps.30.6,9,12,17.
30 Isa.49.1-3.
31 Isa. 44.1.
32 Cf. John 1.18.

without cause. Therefore my judgment is with the Lord


and my sorrow before God.' And now speaks the Lord that
formed me from the womb to be his servant that I may
bring back Jacob unto him [and Israel will not be gathered
together]. Who but Christ has gathered together the people

of God? Who has been glorified before the Lord? Who is

the Power of God? To whom did the Father say: 'Is it a
great thing for you to be called my servant?' And to whom
does He say: 'Behold I have given thee to be the covenant
of my generation, the light of the gentiles, and thou mayst 33
be my salvation even to the farthermost parts of the earth'?
Of Him He speaks also through the mouth of Ezechiel,
saying: 'And I will set up one shepherd over them, and my
servant David will rule them, and he will be their shepherd :

And I the Lord will be their God: and my servant David

the prince in the midst of them.' 34 Of course, David the

king was already dead, but the true David, the truly humble
one, the truly meek, the true Son of God, strong of hand, is
foretold by this name. He also is pointed out in the book of
the Prophet Zacharias, God the Father saying: I will bring
my servant, the Orient is his name/ Although He wore
sin-soiled garments, was not the Sun of Justice clothed with
the splendor of His divinity?
What more can I say? Shall we consider servitude a state
of greater weakness than sin or than a curse or a reproach
more degraded than the infirmities which He took for our
sake in order to turn them from us? He became all things
so that He might annul them all. But they [our enemies]
will not admit that He was made a slave, a reproach, sin, a
curse, because they affirm that the Word and Flesh are of
one substance, and they say: 'Because He redeemed us He

33 Isa. 49.4-6.
34 Ezech, 34.23,24.
35 Zach. 3.8.

is called a servant, and ought to be called sin.' And they do

not advert to the fact that this is the glory of Christ, that He
took the state of slavery in His body, to restore liberty to us
all; He bore our sins that He might take away the sins of
the world.
He became a slave, sin, a curse that you might cease to
be a slave of sin, and
you from the curse of the
to free
divine judgment. He upon Him your curse,
therefore took
for 'Cursed is everyone who hangs on a gibbet/
became a curse on the cross so that you might be blessed in
the kingdom of God. He was dishonored and disregarded
and esteemed of no worth. He kept saying: 'I have labored
in vain.' Through Him Paul merited
to say: 'Not in vain
have so that he might bring to His servants
I labored,'
the first fruits of good works and the glory of preaching the
Gospel, by which all men are freed from the burden of toil.
After hearing these words, the partridge is abandoned in
the midst of its days, the
partridge which claimed to have
hatched eggs which she did not lay, 39 and has been over-
whelmed by the voice of the Lord Jesus. At last, she is
making preparation to flee.
Farewell, and love us, because we love you.

36 Gal. 3.13.
37 Isa. 49.4.
38 Phil. 2J6.
39 Cf. Jer. 17.11.

28. Ambrose to Sabinus, bishop (c. 395)

Ihave learned that Paulinus, second to none of the

Aquitanians in luster of birth, has sold his and his wife's
of faith that he
possessions, and has taken up these practices
his to the it into money,
giving property poor by changing
while he, poor now instead of rich, as if relieved of a heavy
burden, has said farewell to home, country, and kindred in
order to serve God with greater zeal. Word has it that he
has chosen a retreat in the city of Nola where he will pass
his days out of reach of the tumult of the world.
His wife, 1 too, closely followed the example of his zeal and
virtue, not objecting to her husband's resolve. She has
transferred her property to the jurisdiction of others and is

following her husband, where, perfectly content with his

patch of ground, she will comfort herself with the
riches of religion and charity. They have no children, 2 but
their desire is a posterity of good deeds.
What will our leading citizens say when they hear this? It
is unthinkable that a man of such family, such background,
such genius, gifted with such eloquence, should retire from
the Senate and that the succession of so noble a family
should be broken. Although in performing the rites of Isis
they shave their heads and eyebrows, they yet call it a
shameful thing for a Christian out of devotion to his holy
religion to changehis apparel.
regret that falsehood is so
respected while truth is so
neglected, that, as a result, many persons are ashamed to
appear devoted to their holy religion, not considering the
voice of the One who says: 'Whoever is ashamed of me
before men, of him will I be ashamed before my Father who
is in heaven. Moses was not ashamed, and when he was
1 The
saintly Therasia.
2 A child, born in Spain, died after eight days.
3 Matt. 10.32.

summoned to the palace he preferred to be reproached as

one of Christ's own rather than to have the treasures of the
Egyptians. David was not ashamed when he danced before
the Ark of the Covenant in the presence of all the people.
Isaias was not ashamed, for he went naked and barefoot

through the crowd, proclaiming heavenly prophecies.

As a matter of fact, what is actually so embarrassing as
the gestures of actors and the twining of their limbs in
womanly fashion? Lewd dancing is the companion of wan-
tonness and the pastime of riotous living. What did he
[David] mean by singing: 'Clap your hands, all ye people'?
Obviously, if we consider his bodily actions, we realize that
he clapped his hands, dancing with women and stamping
with unbecoming sounds. Of Ezechiel, too, it was said:
"Strike with the hand and stamp with the foot.'

Yet, these actions of the body, though unseemly when

viewed in themselves, become reverential under the aspect of
holy religion, so that those who censure them drag their
own souls into the net of censure. Thus, Michol censured
David for dancing and said: 'How glorious was the king of
Israel today, for he uncovered himself today before the eyes
of his handmaids.' And David answered her: I will play
before the Lord who chose me rather than my father, and
than all his house, and "commanded me to be ruler over his
people of Israel. And I will play before the Lord and I will
thus be uncovered and I will be mean in thy eyes, and with
the handmaids, to whom you said I was uncovered, I shall
be honored.' 8
David did not blush at a woman's censure, nor was he
ashamed to meet with reproach, becauses of his devotion to
4 Cf. Heb. 11.26.
5 Cf, 2 Kings 6.20.
6 Ps. 46.2.
7 Ezech. 6.11.
8 2 Kings 6.20-22.

He servant and
religion. played before the Lord as His
pleased Him the more in so humbling himself before God
and laying aside his royal dignity, performing the humblest
tasks for God like a servant. She who censured such dancing
was condemned and had no children by the
to barrenness

king lest she should beget the proud. In truth, she had no
continuance of posterity nor of good deeds.
Let one who still doubts hear the testimony of the Gospel,
for the Son of 'We have played for you, and you
God said:
have not danced.' 9 The Jews who did not dance and knew
not how to clap their hands were abandoned, but the Gentiles
were called and applauded God in spirit. The fool foldeth
his hands together, and eateth his own flesh,' that is, he
becomes involved in the concerns of the body and eats his
own flesh, just as does all-powerful death. And such
a man
will not find eternal life. But the wise man who lifts up his
works that they may shine before his Father who is in
heaven 11 has not consumed his flesh; instead, he has raised it
to the grace of the resurrection. This is the wise man's honor-
able dance which David danced, mounting by the loftiness of
his spiritual dance to the throne of Christ that he may see and
hear the Lord saying to His Lord: 'Sit thou at my right
If you think we are not foolish in using this interpretation
of the dance, do not spare yourself the trouble of reading

further, that you may review with me the well-known case of

Isaias, how he was naked before the people, not in mockery
but gloriously, as one who uttered with his mouth the words
of the Lord.
Someone perhaps will say: 'Was it not disgraceful for a
9 Matt. 11.17.
10 Eccle. 4.5,
11 Cf. Matt. 5.16.
12 Ps. 109.1.

man to walk naked

among the people since he must meet
both men and women? Must not his appearance have shocked
the gaze of all, but especially that of women? Do we not
ourselves generally abhor the sight of naked men? And are
not men's genital parts covered with
clothing that they may
not offend the gaze of onlookers by their
you must consider what this act represented
agree, but
and what was the reason for this outward show; it was that
the young Jewish youths and maidens would be led
into exile and walk naked, 'As my servant Isaias hath walked,'
he says, 'naked and barefoot.' 13 This
might have been ex-
pressed in words, but God chose to enforce it by an example
that the very sight might strike more terror, and what
shrank from in the body of the Prophet they
might utterly
dread for themselves. Wherein lay the greater abhorrence:
in the body of the
Prophet or in the sins of the disbelievers
who deserved by their deeds that calamity of captivity?
Why was there no ground for reproach in the body of the
Prophet? He was intent not upon bodily but spiritual affairs,
say: 1 shall listen to what I
for in his ecstacy he did not
say' but 'what God will say to me.' He paid no attention
to whether he was naked or clothed. Adam was naked before
his sin, but he did not know that he was naked, for he was
clothed with virtues, but after he committed sin he knew
that he was naked and covered himself. Noe was naked, 16
but he was not ashamed, for he was filled with
joy and
spiritual gladness, while the one who mocked him for being
naked remained exposed to the reproach of everlasting dis-
grace. Joseph, too, that he might not be shamefully stripped
bare, left his cloak and fled naked. Which of them was

13 Isa. 22.3.
14 Ps. 84.9.
15 Cf. Gen. 2.25.
16 Cf. Gen. 9.21.

dishonored here, she who held another's garment or he who

threw off his o\yn?
That it may be more fully clear that Prophets look not to
themselves, nor what lies at their feet, but to heavenly things,
Stephen, when he was being stoned, saw
the heavens open
and Jesus standingat the right hand of God; then he did
not feel the blows of the stones, he did not heed the wounds
but, fastening his eyes on Christ, he clung
of his body, to

Him. So, too, Isaias did not notice his nakedness, but made
himself the instrument of God's voice, that he might pro-
claim what God spoke within him.
Suppose he did see himself, was it possible for him not to
do what he was bidden? Could he believe that God ordered
a shameful act? Sara was accused of disbelief for laughing,
but Abraham was praised for not doubting God's word, and
he was given a great reward for believing at God's bidding
that he could devoutly become his son's slayer.

Why should the Prophet feel shame when one thing is

being enacted, but another prefigured? The Jews, who were
abandoned by the Lord God because of their wickedness
and were soon overwhelmed by their enemies, would have
liked to align themselves with the Egyptians as a protection

against the Assyrians, whereas they might have returned to

the faith had they consulted their own good. The Lord in

anger showed them that they indulged a vain hope of

lessening one outrage against the Lord with a greater sin,
for the very persons whose help the Jews trusted were
themselves to be conquered. This is a matter of history.
Figuratively, he trusted the Egyptians, he who was given

17 Cf. Acts 7.55.

18 Cf. Isa. 22,2,
19 Cf. Gen. 18.12.
20 Cf. Gen. 22.1-19.

to wantonness and enslaved to pleasure. No- man becomes

engrossed in excess unless he departs from the commands of
the true God. As soon as he begins to take pleasure in luxury,
he begins wandering from the true faith. Then he commits
two grevious crimes : an outrage of the body and profanation
of the mind. One who does not follow the Lord his God is
engulfed in extravagance and pleasure, those death-dealing
passions of the body. One who is absorbed and plunged into
this sort of mire falls into the meshes of evil, for The people
satdown to eat, and drink,' 21 and then demanded that gods
be made for them. In this the Lord teaches us that the person
who gives his soul to these two kinds of vices is stripped of
his clothing, not of a woolen garment, but of living virtue,
a cloak not of time but of eternity.
Farewell, and love us, because we love you.

29. Ambrose to Severus, bishop (c. 392)

James, priest, has come from

our brother and fellow
distant and chosen to find rest for himself in your
fair countryside on the coast of Campania. Notice in what

spot he hopes to enjoy a haven, as it were, from the storms

of this world, where, after long toils, he may spend the
remainder of , his life.

That shore of yours, far removed from dangers and every

disturbance, fillsone's emotions with peace and
draws the
mind from frightening and raging seas of trouble to a beautiful
repose, so that the words that David said of the Church and
which apply to all in common appear to be especially suited
and applicable to you He has founded it upon the seas, and

21 Exod. 32.6.

has made it firm upon the waters.'

The mind that is free of

onslaughts of barbarians and the bitterness of war has time

for prayer, is devoted to the service of God, cares for the

things of the Lord, and cherishes the interests of peace and

However, we who are exposed to the outbreaks of bar-
barians and the storms of war, are tossed in the midst of a
sea of many troubles and can only infer from these labors
and trials more grievous trials in the future. The saying of
the Prophet seems to be in accord with our condition: 'I
saw the tents of the Ethiopians for their labors.' 2

Having now lived fifty-three years in the body, amid the

shadows which obscure the reality of the future
of this world
perfection,and having already endured such heavy sorrows,
am I not encamping in the tents of the Ethiopians and
dwelling with the inhabitants of Madian? They, owing to
their knowledge of the works of darkness, fear to be
even by mortal men, 4 Tor the spiritual man judges all
things, and he himself is judged by no man.'

Farewell, brother, and love us as you do, for we love you.

1 Ps. 23.2.
2 Hab. 3.7.
3 The troubled events he mentions are thought to refer to a barbarian
outbreak which greatly terrified the people of Milan in 392. This
event and the reference to his fifty-three
years help to date Ambrose's
birth in 339. Cf. Dudden, op. cit. 2. McGuire
(op. cit. 312) does not
accept this date as determined by Palanque.
4 Cf. Ps. 119.5.
5 1 Cor. 2.15.

30. Ambrose to Siricius

I amalways pleased to receive a letter from you. But

when you delegate those of our fellow servants and entrust
letters to our brother and fellow priest Syrus, my joy is
redoubled. Would that the pleasure had been longer-lasting!
As soon as he came he decided he must return. This then
made my regret less and increased my esteem for him.
dearly love those priests and deacons who, once they have

finished a duty, do not allow themselves to remain away any

longer. As the Prophet says: 'I am not weary, following

can be weary following Jesus, for He Himself
says: Come to me, all you who labor and are burdened, and

I will give you rest. Let us, then, always follow Jesus and
never falter, for if we follow Him we never fail, because He
gives His strength to His followers. The nearer you are to
this strength, the stronger you will be.

Sometimes, while we follow Him, our adversaries say to

us: 'Where is the word of the Lord? Let it come.' Let us
not grow weary of following Him and let us not be turned
aside by meeting with a crafty question. It was said to the

Prophet when he was being sent to prison and cast into a

pit of mire: 'Where is the word of the Lord? Let it come.'
But he followed it the more and therefore reached the goal
and received the crown, because he was not weary following
Jesus: 'There is no weariness in Jacob nor will sorrow be
seen in Israel/ 5
Farewell, and love us, for we love as a parent one who
loves us.

1 Undated; this may be Pope Siricius, to whom the joint letter of several
bishops was directed after the Synod of Milan.
2 Jer. 17.16.
3 Matt 11.28.
4 Jer. 17.15.
5 Num. 23.21 (Septuagint) .

31. Ambrose to Siricius

When Priscus came he who is my friend and of the same

age as I am you gave him a letter for me. Now that he is

returning, I am also replying as I should for duty's and love's

sake. By he has enriched us both, bringing me

this service

your letter and you mine. May the recompense of this be

the attainment of an increase of grace.
Farewell, brother, and love us, because we love you.

32. Ambrose to Syagrius

You have intimated in your letter our need to be careful

that the beloved people of Verona do not dispute our decision.
I do not think that they will do so; such, certainly, is not
their custom. There is no shred of doubt that, if
they do
dispute, it will be of an ordinary matter. If they are provoked
to come here, let them return to you with their grievances

settled, especially since we have reached our decision jointly

with our brethren and fellow priests. People know that you
had to make your judgment without the helping advice of
any brother. Yet you made your decision before the trial
with the result that a virgin, who had been highly esteemed

1 Undated.

1 Written to the Bishop of Verona regarding the case of a virgin

Indicia, who was brought to trial at the instigation of Maximus, her
brother-in-law, at whose home she lived a retired life, and subjected
to an examination by a midwife in order to establish her innocence.
For a complete study of the case, cf. F. Martroye, 'I/Affaire Indicia:
une sentence de saint Ambroise,' Melanges Paul Fournier (Paris 1929)
503-510. The firm attitude which Ambrose assumes in this case leads
Palanque and others to date it later than 380, the traditional date.
Mention of Nicensis, the tribune and notary who testified to a
miracle of restored health by Ambrose (Vit, 9.44) , also leads to the
assigning of this letter toward Ambrose's closing years.

by blessed Zeno and consecrated by his blessing, was many

years later subjected to the danger of imprisonment, although
she knew neither the author of the charge, nor the accuser,
nor the avowed informer. Envy was stirred up against her
by liars and heretics, as they choose, by degraded individuals
seeking, because of their wickedness, avarice,and intem-
perance, a liberty for their own wantonness, and, finally, by
those who had been cast out and debarred from her home,
wlp by their works of a different color concealed the pretense
of their first
You set up in your court accusers of the same sort and
witnesses who did not dare make a charge or bind themselves
with the informer's role. So you decided to judge the virgin

by an examination, a virgin whom no one censured, no

one brought to trial. Where is the formality of inquiry,
where is there provision for such a trial? If we consult the
state laws, they demand an accuser; if the Church laws, we
find: On the word of two or three witnesses every word
stands. Take as witnesses those who were not enemies two
or three days ago, so that men in anger may not desire to
harm the accused or, being harmed themselves, wish for
Thedisposition of the witnesses needs to be unhampered,
yet in such a way that the accuser may first come into the
midst of the case. Those priests of the Jews 3 first put their
hands on the head of Susanna and pronounced the accusa-
tion, adding at the same time the weight of proof which the
people unwisely accepted, for they had been led into error.
But by a divine judgment through the Prophet, almighty
God laid bare the true state of affairs and showed that the
testimony was false. As a result, it became clear to all that
those who failed to prove the accusation and to establish
2 Matt. 18.16.
5 Cf. Dan. 13.34-60.

the proof wished to sow envy to the peril of the innocent,

confident that, if ill-will assaulted the mind of the crowd,
whose ears were filled beforehand, prejudice might enter into
the examination of the truth. For, when unfounded rumor
enters, it blocks the ears, seizes the mind, and, if proof be
wanting, rumor is accepted in place of the real charge.
For these reasons we examined into the accuser and
determined that the instigator of the whole scene, Maximus,
should get our full attention. But in his statement he
abandoned the charge which he had formed with eagerness
and had brought forward by word. However, he kept pressing
with effect and followed up his demands with skilled elo-
quence. At the same time he kept running away from his
responsibility, for he lacked the substance of proof, knowing
that he was at fault. Finally, after spreading rumors and
even composing and sending letters, he sought to aggravate
the ill-will toward the charge, but integrity was not to be
oppressed and tricked. For, had the judgment had proof,
an inspection would never have been demanded,
I cannot imagine what he wants and how he will make the
test while you believe that
you must have recourse to the
service of a midwife. Will it then become permissible to
accuse all persons, and, when the accusations are without
proof, will it be allowable to demand an inspection of the
private parts, and will holy virgins always be handed over
to sport of this sort, which is horribly shocking to the eye and
ear? Even in your letter you attempt the utmost delicacy of
expression. Can those matters which cannot sound in another's
ears without loss of shame be tried in a virgin without
You have located a cheap slave, a shameless home-born
slave. How may you not misuse her shameless services and

prostitute the other's modesty, especially since there is nothing

more holy in a maiden than her sense of modesty?

Does one not seek out a holy maiden, provided only that
her modesty remains uninjured? The virgin of the Lord is
weighed on her own scales in giving proof of herself and
needs no borrowed dowry to prove herself a virgin. And no
inspection of hidden and secret parts, but modesty, evident
to all, gives proof of her integrity. She does not please God
unless the soberness of her manner sets approval upon her.
She not approved by the Lord if she needs the testimony

of a midwife, which is usually secured at a price. Does she

appear to you to abound in fidelity if she can be bought and

deceived, so that she excuses the guilty, covers up crime, or
does not know and cannot detect disgrace?
Nor do I consider that statement of your letter a just one,

namely, that unless she is inspected her integrity is imperiled

and she will be disquieted by uncertainty regarding herself.
Have all those who were not inspected put peril in the path

of their modesty? Are those about to marry to be inspected

beforehand so that they may marry with greater approval?
Are those about to take the veil to be first subjected to a
handling of this sort? For they are not visited but handled,
and according to your opinion one unapproved is more
lawfully inspected than a consecrated person.
What of the fact that medical experts say that the trust-
worthiness of an inspection is not clearly understood and
this has been the opinion of older doctors of medicine? We
know from former experience that between midwives a
difference arisesand a question is raised with the result that
there more doubt regarding the one who has given herself

over to an inspection than of one who has not. In fact, we

found this to be so in a recent case when a slave girl from
Altinum, having been inspected and charged with wrong,
later at Milan not by my command but by that of Nicensis,
a tribune and a notary at the wish of her master and patron,
was visited by one of the most skillful and wealthy women of

this profession.And although these qualifications were found

in her, so that neither the midwife's poverty made her trust-
worthiness suspect nor lack of training made her Ignorant,
a question still remains.
What advantage was it for her to be inspected when she
still is under a cloud of disapproval? For,
as each person
was either
wished, he asserted that the woman physician
the harm of undergoing
ignorant or had been bribed. Thus,
is without effect. What will be done
next? Shall
a girl be examined as often as someone appears who does
not trust her? If she ever refuses to be visited, she will, accord-
her crime. And it is easier to
ing to your assertion, confess
refute what one never did than what one did. The midwives
will be at odds, fearing that some favor once granted will
not be granted again. She will be only one of several, although
even in large cities this practice of doctoring is found among
few women. She will, I say, be either bad-willed or unskilled,
whom the barriers of modesty leave unpracticed and through
lack of skill she will put a mark on unblemished modesty.
You see into what danger you bring a maiden's profession
when decide to have recourse to a midwife, so that now
she not only imperiled by the loss of her sense of modesty

but also by the uncertainty of the midwife.

Let us now consider just what is the duty of a midwife,
for we read of midwives even in the Old Testament, but
not of inspectresses. They came to women in labor, not to
virgins; they came to receive the child,
not to put modesty
They are called midwives that they may stand
to the test.
child may not fall to
midway in pain, or at least that the
the ground when the walls of the uterus are relaxed. In a
second and a third place in Scripture we find midwives on
hand, always for a birth, not for an inspection first of all,
when Rachel was in labor, 4 then when Thomar was giving
4 Cf. Gen. 35.16.

birth,and third when Pharao ordered the killing of all the
male Hebrews by the midwives, 6 the time when they answered
that theHebrew women did not give birth in the manner
of the Egyptians but were delivered before the midwives
reached them. The reason mentioned above
proved advan-
tageous for the salvation of the Hebrews; for others it proved
damaging on midwives who knew how to
to their reliance
lie for theirown safety and to deceive for an excuse.
Why should we take suspect and doubtful measures when
there are greater documents and
proofs for testing the truth,
where the marks are clearer that modesty has been violated?
What is more public than harm done to modesty and the
deflowering of virginity? Surely, nothing so proclaims itself
chastity. The belly swells, the burden of
as does the loss of
the fetus makes the person's gait heavy to omit other
signs through which it is
betrayed although the knowledge is

kept secret.
Perhaps, on a pretext of sterility, some can cover up vice,
but when the child is delivered and
disposed of or slain
(when ill-will rather than proof suggests this), and when
this is circulated in the ears of one has given
all, if birth,
freedom from calumny is
absolutely impossible. The virgin of
whom we are speaking was, to be sure, at Verona; she had
frequent from girls and women; she was always held
in honor. Priests visited her because of her
modesty, a mirror
of dignity. How, then, could she have concealed a crime
which would reveal by her appearance? How did she

cover herself? How

has she not tried to flee the gaze of
women, the eyes of all who greeted her? How, when in
labor, did she check her cries? The pain does not permit this,
for even Scripture says that those
pains which a woman has
5 Cf. Gen. 38.27.
6 Cf. Exod. 1.15-22.

in labor are very great. The day of the Lord comes suddenly,
it says,and in an unexpected way like the pains of childbirth,
which forestall all one's efforts to hide them.
Evidence of these signs, which even women feel ashamed
of, are of greater reliability. In fact, Elizabeth
herself for five months because, having been barren, she had
conceived in her old age. By these signs the very virginity
of Mary was under suspicion to those ignorant of the

mystery. And even Joseph, to whom the Virgin was espoused,

held the signs in suspicion while he still did not know the
mystery of the Lord taking flesh.
Why, then, do we maintain that virgins should not be
inspected? I do not consent to what I have never read;
surely, I cannot believe it true. Yet, because we do many

things for appearance's sake and not for the sake of truth,
and through error we frequently make many assertions (for
there are many persons who do not know how to act rightly

except through fear of punishment), let us leave this task to

those whom shame does not deter but fear of harm alone
keeps from evil, those in whom there is no regard for modesty,
no charm of chastity, but only fear of penalty. Let us leave
this to slaves whose fear is to be caught rather than to have
sinned. Far be it that a holy virgin should make the

acquaintance of a midwife, for then there comes to rnind

not an examination of modesty but delivery and the seeking
of a remedy for pain. Let us leave this to those who have
recourse to it when they have been pursued with insults,
overwhelmed by witnesses, choked by arguments let them
then present themselves for inspection when they are main-
taining custody of their body, provided this can be detected
in those in whom the charm of modesty and training in

7 Cf. Gen. 3.16.

8 Cf. Isa. 13.8,9.
9 Cf. Luke 1.24.
10 Cf. Matt. 1.18.

chastity is faltering. The case is going badly when the body

has to be consulted for stronger proof than the mind. I
prefer virginity made manifest by works of character rather
than in the body's enclosure.
Now, it is strange your writing that this was revealed to
you by certain persons who never talked with you, and your
believing that she should be under suspicion unless she has
been visited [by a midwife]. You have seized upon a formula
for coming to a decision, but what sort of persons are they
who try to tell us priests what to do? But we have freed you
from need of making a most serious decision, so that you do
not have to follow up the prescribed formula. What difference
will it be for us if we have not obeyed their wishes?
I know that there are several persons there who are god-
fearing. At times we have observed and learned that there
are some who regret this calumny having been devised.

Although they are very hostile, they still have not favored
Maximus, because the virgin in question does not visit their
homes or salute or solicit their women. What will happen?
How shall we free her of this charge? It becomes a serious
crime for a maiden to be within the secrecy of her own home,
to be shut in her own chamber Yet the passage in Scripture

reveals that Mary was found at home like this when the
archangel Gabriel came to her. Susanna withdrew inside
to escape the crowd. And when she bathed she had the
orchard closed. What is more excellent (especially in a
maiden whose private parts demand modesty) than this
retirement? What is safer than retirement and what is more
liberating to all one's actions? Such a maiden assumes the
tasks of modesty, not of anxiety. I have discussed the cases
of others; I must now answer your letter.
I am surprised, my brother, that you were not the accuser,

11 Cf. Luke 1.28.

12 Cf, Dan. 13.7.

for it
you who are making a great defense of Maximus.

Yet, you have grieved with a parent's sorrow over the ill-will
which has arisen from the rumor that spread abroad when
that fellow was unable to deny that he was a hostile and

opposing party to the lawsuit and, after the strife was already
aroused, obtained charges against the holy virgin. Then, after
he had built a wall and made separate entrances for his
wife and the virgin, the association between blood sisters
was rent, and in other ways, too, the girl had cause to

regret that she had asked to live with her relatives in the

country. How is that person not the accuser, who has

already shown the feelings of an accuser, who has by his
statement introduced the accusation, has filled your ears with
cries,and having brought in persons 13 who bear witness to
the crime, now demands an investigation.
You argued you could not deny that you had written to
Indicia, for Maxirnus, on the advice of others or through
personal grievances, had made a very serious charge. This
letteralone is proof enough of the charge. Yet I have thought
I should not press you regarding the letter you sent to me,
although I have noticed that the one you gave the girl was
different from that which you wrote to me. And since your
letterswere not consistent, I decided to consult you, not
blame you. What gain could the testimony expect from the
fact that it differed from what you wrote to me, namely,
that she had been charged with a crime? Is it to
imply that a child was said to have been delivered and
buried? Almost as though you would write this to Indicia
and not to me When she heard in your letter that Maximus

was being introduced for the accusation, she produced your

letter in which she proved that he was the
instigator of the

13 testes auditionesi witnesses from hearsay, not eye-witnesses.


charge. She had not read those given to me nor did she
know what they contained.
have been horrified from the first at the calumny, for

no verdict was intended, but that they wanted

I realized that
harm done to a girl, demanding the inspection and visitation
of a maiden and not removing a charge of any sort. Who
would not realize that a case fraudently framed from the
first was to remain inconsistent and not in conformity with

itself? Cheap women went to the monastery, and it reached

the ears of a new neighbor, Maximus. He informed the

bishop; those who were said to have maintained this were

gone and had been forced to flight, as was patent to us.
Those who said that they had heard the rumor were called
to the church, whereupon they betrayed Renatus and
Leontius, those two men of iniquity whom Jezabel op-
15 16
posed, Daniel convicted, and the Jewish people suborned,
so that by false testimony they assailed the very author of
their life. same time as they devised the crime
Yet, at the
and set out (to omit no details) according to Leontius,
they had joined Maximus and those others who spread the
rumor. Yet, when they stood in my court and I questioned
them on the history of the case from the beginning, they
related different discordant details, being divided not by

space but by falsehood.

Then, when they did not agree with one another and had
removed Mercurius and Lea, persons of the cheapest sort
and of detestable character, and she had fled to Teudule,
not knowing the charge thrown at her how before she had
been alone on the couch of Renatus another slave also

14 The two who originated the charge which Maximus brought to

Bishop Syagrius,
15 Cf. 3 Kings 21.10.
16 Cf. Dan. 13.45-61.

appeared to say that she was tainted with lewdness with this

same Renatus. On the very day set for the investigation

went to the bishop's court although on the day previous
this same Renatus had suddenly asserted that they would
For these reasons I set a day for the trial, but when no
one made an accusation and no witness came forward, I
intimated to my holy sister that you were asking the in-
spection and visitation of the aforementioned virgin in her
presence. She piously objected to the inspection and said in
defense of virgin that she had observed in Indicia
nothing except a maidenly modesty and holiness. She had
lived at Rome in our house when I was not there, she had
been given to no frequenting of sinfulness, and she hoped
that with her a share in the kingdom of God was being
saved for her by the Lord Jesus.
I also mentioned our daughter Paterna, for she never
leaves her, her love being proof of her life. What she says
without oath must be compared to a pledge of faith. Calling
God to witness, she maintained that the virgin was a
stranger to the crime for which she was being sought out,
nor did anything in her conduct show that she was failing to
live a good life.

We also questioned a free-born nurse, whose

status, in no
way harmed would permit the liberty of
or degenerate,

speaking the truth, and whose faith and age were a guarantee
to the truth, while her capacity as a nurse implied knowledge
of what is secret. She also said that she had seen nothing

unbecoming in the maiden, no action seemed reprehensible

to her, even had she been her parent.
Moved by these considerations, we declared that Indicia
had never failed in her duties as a virgin. The sentence so
involved Maximus and Renatus and Leontius that hope of
their return [to the sacraments] was held out only for

Maximus if he corrected his error; and Renatus and Leontius

remained excommunicated unless, perhaps, proving their
remorse and daily deploring their deed, they showed them-
selves worthy of mercy.
Farewell, brother, and love us, because we love you.

33. Ambrose to Syagrius (c. 380)

After you found out what transpired in our court, you

kept to yourself; therefore, I now summon, as it were, a
part of my own soul, for I have a friendly yet sorrowful
complaint against you for the outrage done to chastity. Was
it necessary for an
unsurpassed, unheard-of case of virginity
to be subjected to a sentence? Could it not have been
dismissed? In other words, unless with injury to herself she
had been handed over from honored modesty to an indecent
surrender of though she offered strong proof
her body,
regarding herself, she would be exposed to ridicule and
marked out as a wanton individual You have tendered this

privilege to virginity, honor of a sort, to which they are

pleased to be summoned and invited who plan to recover
this boon Thus, they lose the liberty of a common reputation,

nor do they protect themselves by the statutes of sacred or

public law; they may not ask their accuser, or oppose an
informer, but may only put on shamelessness and expose
themselves to harm.
Our ancestors did not think chastity so to be despised;
rather, they showed it such reverence that they would wage
war on violators of modesty. In fact, so great was their
desire for revenge that all the tribe of Benjamin would

17 Roman law punished calumny with exile or banishment. Ambrose

administered a spiritual penalty- excommunication.

have been destroyed unless the 600 who remained out of


the war had been protected by a natural hill. This

is the

found in the account of the sacred lesson whose

tenor it is profitable to
A Levite,
more courageous than wealthy, lived in the
was allotted a
region of Mount Ephrem, for to this tribe
landed possession far removed, in place of the right of
inheritance. He took a wife for himself from the tribe of
Bethlehem of Juda. And as they felt deeply the first attraction
of their love, he burned with unbounded love for his wife.
But her ways were different, and he was more and more
desirous of having her, and inwardly seethed with desire. Yet,
because there was a difference in their ages, and because he
felt,either the lightness or her love or the violence of
his pain, that she did not consider him of equal worth with

herself, he used to chide her. Frequent quarreling followed,

and the offended wife gave back the keys of the house and
went home.
Her husband, overwhelmed with love and having nothing
else to hope for, when he saw the fourth month slip by,
went to her, trusting that the young girl's heart would be
softened on the advice of her parents. His father-in-law met
him at door and brought him into the house. He
reconciled his daughter and, in order that he might send
them more
away kept them three days while he
prepared a sort banquet. Although the man
of nuptial
wanted to depart, he kept him also a fourth day, offering
him excuses of civility, devising delays. In his desire to add
a fifth day as well, he found new reasons for delaying
them, while the husband, unwilling to thwart the father's
affection of its desire to keep his daughter, though he was at
last promised an opportunity for setting forth, postponed it

1 Cf. Judges 20.1-48.

2 Cf. Judges 19.

to midday so that they would start out well fortified with

food. Even after dinner, the father wished to find some
delay, saying that evening was now approching. At last he
acquiesced, though reluctantly, to the entreaties of his son-
He set out on his jouney in happy spirits because he had
recovered his dearly beloved wife. One servant was with him,
and as day was already declining they sped on their way
with swift steps. The woman rode on an ass; her husband
felt no weariness, taking joy in his desire and lightening his
journey with talk at times with the woman, at times with
the slave. When at length they neared Jerusalem, about
thirty stades away, a place inhabited then by Jebusites, the
servant boy suggested that they turn into the city, especially
since night makes even safe places suspect and one must

guard against the uncertainties of darkness, and particulary

since the inhabitants of this locality were not of the children
of Israel. They should beware lest treachery be done with
hostile design, for the night's darkness is opportune enough
for any tricksters to perpetrate evil. But his master did not
care for the servant's idea of seeking lodging among foreigners,
since Gaba and Rama, cities of Benjamin, were not far
distant.His strong will overrode the servant's suggestion, as
though advice takes its value from one's condition [of birth]
rather than that through advice a lowly condition may be
raised. The sun was now setting and he agreed reluctantly
to go into the city [Gaba], for he was overtaken by
The Gabanites lived there, unfriendly, harsh, unbearable
people, who could stand anything but to receive people
hospitably. Indeed, it would have been much more suitable
had the Levite not sought hospitality in Gaba. That his
treatment be utterly offensive, he found on entering the city

3 About four miles.


that there was no inn. And when he sat on the road imploring
the mercy of these strangers, an old man from the fields
to stumble on him, for evening had compelled him
to leave his work in the fields at night. Seeing him, he asked
where he was from and where he was going. He answered:
'I came from Bethlehem of Juda, I am going
to Mount
But have learned
Ephrem, and my wife is here with me.

that there is no one here to give hospitality and provide us

a chance to rest. He needed no food
or drink for himself
nor food for his flock, but the hospitality of shelter was
refused them. They had everything; only a bare lodging was
needed. To this the old man kindly and calmly said:
fellow citizen, for
Teace you Come in as my guest and
to !

I am also from the region of Mount Ephrem and here is a

someone who lived here a long time laid its
lodging place;
foundations/ received them into his home, he atten-
and carefully provided for
his guests and entertained
The old man kept urging them to be glad and kept inviting
them to drink more wine so that they would forget their
cares, when all of a sudden they were surrounded by young
men of Gaba, given to lust, all lacking esteem for moderation.
The woman's beauty had bewitched them and thrown them
into utter folly. They were captivated by her beauty and
because of the old man's age and lack of help, with high
hope of getting her, they demanded the woman and kept
pounding at the door.
The old man, out, begged them not to defile his
violation of a
guest's stay with a base crime, contemplating
privilege reverenced even by savage nations of barbarous
mistreat a fellow tribes-
peoples; they could not insultingly
man of his, legitimately born, a married man, without
causing wrath in their heavenly judge. When
he saw that

4 Reading ad, not ac.


he was making little headway, he added that he had a

maiden daughter and he offered her to them, with great
sorrow, since he was her parent, but with less damage to the
favor he owed his guest. He considered a public crime more
tolerable than private disgrace. Driven by a wave of fury
and inflamed by the incentive of lust, they desired the more
the beauty of the young woman the more she was denied
them. Deprived of all righteousness, they mocked his fair
words, considering the old man's daughter an object of
contempt in that she was offered with less feeling of ill-will
toward the crime.
Then, when pious entreaties availed nothing and the aged
hands were hopelessly extended in vain, the woman was
seized and all that night was subjected to violence. When

day brought an end to the outrage, she went back to the

door of their lodging, where she would not ask to see her
husband, whom she thought she must now forego, ashamed
at her pitiable condition. Yet, to show her love for her
husband, she who had lost her chastity lay down at the door
of the lodging, and there in pitiable circumstance came an
end to her disgrace. The Levite, coming out, found her
lying there and thought that she dared not lift her head for
shame.* He began comforting her, since she had succumbed
to such injury not willingly but unwillingly. He bade her
rise and go home with him. Then, as no answer came, he
called her loudly as though to rouse her from sleep.
When he realized that she was dead, he lifted her onto
the mule and brought her home; then, dividing her limbs
into twelve parts, he sent one to each of the tribes of Israel.
In great distress over this, allmet at Maspha,
the people
and there, learning of the abominable deed from the Levite,
desired to go to war, deciding that it was unlawful for anyone
to go to his tent until vengeance was taken on the authors

5 CL Judges 20, wkh many modifications.


of this deed. With courage they rushed into battle, but the
advice of wiser men changed their purpose not to engage the
citizens in war, but to put the charge to the test first with
words and to determine the conditions for the guilty. Nor
did it seem fair that the cost of a few men's crimes should
fall on all, and that the private sins of young
men should
make the safety of the citizenry fall. So they sent men to
demand that Gabanites give up those guilty of this
crime, and, if
they did not do so, let them know that to have
defended such a crime was not less than to have committed it.
A proud retort was made and plans
for peace were

to war. In the first and second encounters, when

many were harmed by a few, the Israelites considered
yielding, since the battles
were so unfavorable. There were
of Ben-
400,000 men warring against 25,000 of the tribe
jamin, and they strove with 700
Gabanites experienced in
war. When two battles were unfavorable, Israel with eager
spirit did not lose hope of victory nor of vengeance for the
hope they had built up.
back worsted
Superior in cause and number they yet

in the battle's outcome, and, feeling that God was offended,

they tried with fasting and much weeping
to gain a re-

conciliation of heaven's favor. Begging the Lord's peace,

war and they to whom prayer
they returned more boldly to
had given courage and who had entertained much hope
were now a^le to do what they planned. On a pretext of
withdrawing their front lines, setting ambushes at night in
the rear of the where a segment
city, enemy was
of the

located, they followed as some retired and thus were pro-

vided with an opportunity for invading the unprotected city.
Fires were quickly set and flared up while raging flames and
waves of heat revealed the sight of the taken city. Their
spirits broken, they faced
the enemy. The men of Benjamin
who thought they were shut in and surrounded, even before

they were invaded from the rear, began scattering and

fleeing to the desert, while Israel pressed after with doubled
force and pursued them as they wandered in rout.
About 25,000 were slain, therefore, that is, almost all the
men of Benjamin except 600 who seized a fortification on a
rough cliff and by virtue of its situation and with the help of
nature and partly through fear were a terror to their victors.
Success advises caution; in adversity, revenge is esteemed
rather than victory. Not even a minority of the women stayed
clear of that struggle, but all the women of the tribe of

Benjamin, along with boys and girls of every age, were wiped
out by sword or fire, and an oath was taken that no one
would give his daughter to a man of that tribe in marriage,
so that all chance of repairing the name was abolished.
The end of the war was also the of their wrath, and
anger turned to sorrow. Then, putting off their armor, the
men met together and wept much and celebrated a
of Israel
fast, grieving that one tribe of their brethren had perished
and a strong band of people had been wiped out. Rightly
had they warred against the authors of the crime because of
the cost of the sin, but unhappily had the people turned
against their own flesh and each was afflicted with civil war.
The outpouring of tears moved their minds to compassion
and stirred their feelings; the plan conceived in anger was

gone. Sending legates to the 600 men of Benjamin, who for

four months guarded themselves on the top of sheer rocks
and by the desert's barrenness, which was dangerous for a
mass of attackers, they lamented their common hardship in
losing their fellow tribesmen, relatives, and allies. Yet the
hope of renewing the tribe was not utterly destroyed and
they consulted together how they might agree on a pledge
of faithand one tribe not perish, severed from the body.
After setting up an altar they offered a sacrifice of recon-

6 Cf. Judges 21.


dilation and peace. But, since the men of Jabes Galaad

were obliged to the penalty and oath (for all Israel had bound
herself with an oath if anyone did not join her in
crime, he should die the death), 12,000
warriors had been sent, but that all the men and women be

destroyed by the sword they spared only young maidens who

had not known the bed of a man. Thus, all Jabes Galaad was
killed and only 400 maidens remained. Israel took them and
decided that the men of Benjamin should put away fear of
war and wed the innocent girls close to them in age and
honor. The men had a stronger reason, in that none of them
had warred against them and they owed them the favor of
charity, since through them they had been snatched
death. In this way was a marriage union sought for the 400
Yet, because 200 remained without wives, we learn that
they also took counsel for them without violating their oaths.
Yearly, a festival was held in Silo. There maidens used to
dance or lead choruses for the honor of religion. Some went
ahead of the matrons, and filled the whole road with their

traveling troop. One of the elders said: lf the two hundred


men of the tribe of Benjamin would keep watch from the

vineyard until the troop of women comes out, and coming

from the vineyard each one would claim as wife whom he
chances upon, there would be no treachery, for the people
favor remedying the continuation of the tribe, but because
of their oath they are unable to ask for marriage for their
daughters. Nor would it seem a violation of their oath if
they did not think to stop them, for by the oath no need of
forcing stopping seems imposed: they ought
or to look
to advantage without fear. But if the girls'
their parents
demand punishment, by entreaty and by reminding them of
the fault of unwilling custody of them, they will gainsay
them, aad when they know that the men of Benjamin are

unmarried they will themselves come forth with their

daughters. The tribe is now worthy

not of penalty but of
mercy. Harsh enough has been their treatment and part of
the body has been vanquished. Too immoderately did the
people desire to wipe out the continuation of the family, to
kill of theirs. God is not pleased that a tribe of people
perish,nor that they act so bitterly over one woman.'
The Israelites approved the plan; the men of Benjamin
went out and hid in the vineyard at a favorable spot and at
a favorable moment swooped down upon the roads filled
with crowds of women. The solemnizing of their religion
furnishedthem a nuptial festival. Daughters were torn from
the embrace of fathers, as though being given to the band of
youths by their parents, and you would think each had
agreed not to be drawn from her mother's arms but to
leave them. Thus did the tribe of Benjamin, which had
almost been annihilated and destroyed, shortly flourish,
proving how the punishment of shamelessness and revenge
for injured chastity mean great harm to the proud.
Scripture proves this not only here, but in many places.
In Genesis, too, we read that Pharao, king of Egypt, was
scourged with many torments for having loved Sara, although
he did not know she was another's wife. 7
the Lord's will to guard chastity; how much more,
It is
to defend purity! Hence, no harm ought to be inflicted
upon holy virgins, for those who do not marry and men who
do not take to wife are accounted as the angels of God in
heaven. 8 So, let us not bring bodily insult to heavenly grace,
since God is powerful whom no transgression escapes, who
is moved
by a harsh and heavy insult to consecrated virginity,
a gift reserved to Him.
Farewell, brother, and love us, because we love you.

7 C. Gen. 20.2-18.
8 Cf. Luke 20.36.

34. Ambrose to Theophilus (392)

1 3
Evagrius has no ground for complaint; Flavian has
reason to fear, and so avoids the trial Let our brethren
pardon our righteous grief; because of these men the whole
world is disturbed, yet they do not share our sorrow. Let
them at least calmly allow themselves to be censured by
those whom they have seen harassed for a long time by their
obstinacy. Because these two have refused to agree on
anything which pertains to the peace of Christ, serious
discord has arisen and spread throughout the world.
To this shipwreck of holy peace the holy Synod of Capua
had at last offered a haven of tranquility, namely, that
communion should be offered to all those in the East who
profess the Catholic faith,and that the trial of these two
men should be decided by your Holiness at a session of our
brethren and fellow bishops of Egypt. We felt that your
judgment would be a true one, since you have embraced
the communion of neither party and thus would be inclined
to favor neither side.
When we had begun to hope that these most equitable
decrees of the synod had provided a solution and put an end
to discord, your Holiness wrote to say that our brother
Flavian had again sought help from entreaties and from the
support of imperial rescripts. The toil of so many bishops
has been spent in vain; we must have recourse again to civil
tribunals, to imperial rescripts; once more must they [bishops]
cross the seas; once more, though weak in body, must they

exchange their native land for foreign soil; once more must
Evagrius was consecrated Bishop of Antioch by Paulinas when the
latter was on his deathhed.
2 Flavian, a rival claimant for the see of Antioch, was in the favor of
the emperor for his success in quieting the insurrection of the people
of Antioch in 387. He pleaded ill health when summoned to Capua.
Cf. Theodoret, H. E. 5.23.
3 An imperial order had undone the work of the Synod of Capua.

holy altars beabandoned that we may travel to distant

places; oncemore a crowd of impoverished bishops, whose
poverty was not burdensome before but who now need
money for travel, will be forced to bewail their poor state
or at least to use for their journey what might have fed the
Flavian alone, exempt from the laws, as it appears to him,
does not attend when we others all assemble. The money-
lender and borrower meet each other; they cannot meet
him. Flavian, in keeping with his own wishes, alone shuns
the fellowship of bishops and will not appear in person at
the bidding of the emperor or the summons of the bishops.
Movedas we are by this sorrow, we still do not grant
that our brother Evagrius has evidence of a good case,
thinking he is more in the right because Flavian avoids him,
or concluding that his opponent is in no better situation than
himself, each of them relying more on the defects of the
other's ordination than on the validity of his own.
Yet we call them to a better course so that we prefer them
to be defended by their own merits rather than by the
other's defects. Since you have implied in your letter that
some point can be found whereby the brother's discord will
be removed, and since the holy synod has given the right of
trial to your Unanimity and our fellow bishops of Egypt, it
is that you again summon our brother Flavian so
that, he
if continues to choose not to appear, you may,
without prejudice to the decrees of the Council of Nicaea
and the statutes of the Synod of Capua, so provide for the

preservation of general peace that we may not seem to tear

down what has been built up : Tor if I destroy what I have
built, I make myself a sinner, and if reconstruct the things

that I have destroyed.'

Only let the grace of the peace we
have obtained be preserved by all, and the refusal of the one

4 Gal. 2.18.

all our actions to be in vain.

party to appear will not cause
We think, too, that you should consult our holy brother,
Bishop of the Church at Rome, for we presume that what
will in no wise displease him. As the decision
you determine
will be of so also will the security of peace
great advantage,
and harmony, provided the decision made by your judgment
is such that not bring discord to our communion. And
it will

we, upon receiving the statutes of your decrees

and learning
that the Church at Rome undoubtedly approves what has
been done, shall gladly partake of the results of this

35. Ambrose to Vigilius (385)

You have asked me what should be the chief points of

your teaching now that you are newly ordained to the office
of bishop. Because you have built up your spirit so fittingly
it is now
you have been deemed worthy of this great office;
your duty to build up others.
Realize, first of all, that you have
been entrusted with
the Church of the Lord, and therefore you must prevent any
scandal from intruding and causing her body to become
common by contamination with heathens. For this reason,
Scripture to you:
says 'Do not marry any Chanaanite
woman but go into Mesopotamia, to- the house of Bathuel,
that is, the house of wisdom, and choose there a wife for
is a region in the East bounded by the
you. Mesopotamia
two largest rivers in that area, the Euphrates and the Tigris,
which have their rise in Armenia and flow by different
courses into the Red Sea. Now, the Church is signified by the
word Mesopotamia, for she waters the minds of the faithful
1 Gen. 28,1,2.

with the great streams of wisdom and justice, pouring on

them the grace of holy baptism, typified by the Red Sea,
and washing away sin. Teach the people, therefore, to seek
ties of marriage not with
strangers but from the households
of Christians.
Let no one defraud a hireling of his wages, because we,
men of God, hoping for the reward of our
too, are hired
laborsfrom Him. 2 You, too [you must say], O merchant,
whoever you are, are refusing the hireling the wages in
money, a cheap and passing thing. But to you the reward
of heavenly promises will be refused, as the Law says:
'Thou shalt not refuse the hire of the hireling.'
not lend your money for interest, since Scripture says
that he who does not lend his money at usury will dwell in
the tabernacle of God, because one who takes the gain of

usury is overthrown. Therefore, if a Christian man has

money, let him lend it as if he were not to receive it back,
or at least only to receive the principal which he lent. By so

doing he receives no small profit of grace. Otherwise his

actions would be deception, not assistance. For, what is
more cruel than to lend who has none and
money to one
then to exact double the amount? one cannot pay the If

simple amount, how will he pay double?

Let us take Tobias as an example, for until the end of his
life he never asked back the money which he had lent, and
then he did so more because he did not want to cheat his
heir than to exact and recover the money which he had
lent out. Nations have often failed because of usury and this

has been the cause of public calamity. So it is

especially up
2 Cf. Lev. 19.13.
3 Cf. Deut. 24.14.
4 Cf. Ps. 14.5.
5 Cf. Tob. 4.21.

to us bishops to root out these vices which seem to entangle

most men.
Teach them to welcome strangers willingly rather than to
do what they ought merely from necessity. Thus, in offering
will not reveal an inhospitable state of mind
hospitality they
and in the very giving of welcome to a guest spoil their
favor by wrong-doing. Rather, let hospitality be fostered by
the practice of social duties and by services of kindness.
Rich gifts are not asked of you, but a willing performance
of duty, full of peace and harmonious agreement. A dinner
of lierbs is better with friendship and love than a banquet
adorned with choice victuals, if sentiments of love are not
there. Weread that nations have been destroyed with utter
loss because they violated the oath of hospitality, and
dreadful wars have arisen because of lust.

There is hardly anything more deadly than being married

to one who is a stranger to the faith, where the passions of
lust and dissension and the evils of sacrilege are inflamed.
Since the marriage ceremony ought to be sanctified by the
priestly veiling and blessing, how
can that be called a marriage
ceremony where there is no agreement in faith? Since
spouses should pray in common, how can there be love of
their common wedlock between those differing in religion?

Many have betrayed their faith when lured by women's

charms, as did the people of the patriarchs at Beelphegor.
This is why Phineas lost his sword and killed the Hebrew
and the Madianite woman, and soothed God's wrath so

that all of the people would not be destroyed.

Why should mention many examples? Of the many, I

shall set forth one, and by the mention of this one it may be
clear how dangerous it is to marry a woman who is a

6 Cf Judges 20.44; cf. Letter 33, above.

7 Cf. Gen. 34.25.
8 Cf. Num. 25.8.

stranger [to the faith]. Who more than the Nazarite,

Samson, ever was mighter and from the cradle more endowed
with strength by the Spirit of God? Yet he was betrayed by
a woman and because of her he was unable to stay in God's
good favor. I shall tell you the events of his birth and his
entire life, arranging it of a story, not word
in the manner
for word, but in substance, according to the account of the
sacred book which goes as follows:
For many years the Philistines held the Hebrews in

subjection after their surrender, for they had lost the prestige
of faith by which their fathers had gained victory. Yet the
mark of their election and the ties of their heritage had not
been entirely obliterated by their Creator. But, because they
were often puffed up by success, He delivered them for the
most part into the power of the enemy, so that with manly
dignity they would seek from heaven the remedy of their
ills. We submit to God at a time when we are overwhelmed

by other reverses; success puffs up the mind. This is proved

not only in other matters but especially in that change of
fortune by which success returned again from the Philistines
to the Hebrews.
When Hebrews had been so crushed by
the spirit of the
long and injurious subjection that no one with manly vigor
dared to encourage them to freedom, there arose in their
behalf a great hero, Samson, whose destiny was ordained by
God's words. He was not numbered with the many, but
outstanding among the few; he was without question easily
reckoned as surpassing all in bodily strength. We must regard
him with great admiration from the very beginning, not
because he gave great evidence of temperance and sobriety
from boyhood by abstaining from wine, nor because as a
Nazarite he was ever faithful to guard his sacred trust, with
locks unshorn, but because from his youth a period of soft-

9 Cf. Judges 16.18-21.


ness in others, but truly remarkable in him he worked amaz-

ing deeds of strength, perfect beyond the measure of human
nature. By his deeds he soon gained credence for that divine
prophecy. For no slight cause had such great graces
preceded him that an angel came down to foretell to his
parents his unexpected birth, the leadership he would hold,
and the protection he would give his people who had
been tormented so long by the oppressive rule of the
His godfearing father was of the tribe of Dan, of no
mean station in life, pre-eminent among others. His mother,
a barren woman, was not unfruitful in the virtues of the
soul. She was worthy to receive into the dwelling of her soul
the vision of an angel, whose command she obeyed and
whose words she fulfilled. She did not permit herself to know
even the secrets of God without her husband's sharing of
them; she told him that a man of God had appeared to her,
of wondrous beauty, bringing her a prophecy that a child
would be born. Because she trusted his promises she shared
with her husband her trust in these heavenly pledges. When
he learned them, he devoutly begged God in prayer that
he might also be granted the favor of a vision, saying:
Lord, let thy angel come to me.'

I do not think, as a certain author has supposed, that he
did this out of jealousy for his wife, who was remarkable
for her beauty, but rather because he was moved by a
desire for a favor from heaven and wished to share the
benefit of the heavenly vision. One depraved by vices of the
soul would not have found such favor with the Lord that an

angel would return to his house, give the admonition which

the fulfilling of the prophecy entailed, be suddenly raised in

10 Cf. Judges 13.2-23.

11 Judges 13.8.
12 Joseph us, Antiq. 5.8.3.

the form of a glowing flame, and depart. This vision, which

so frightened the husband, the wife interpreted more
auspiciously, turning it to joy and removing his anxiety. She
said that to see God was a proof of favor, not of ill-will.
Samson, then graced by such favors from heaven, turned
his thoughts to marriage as soon as he reached manhood,
whether because he detested in his mind the free and familiar
manner of deceitful lust in the young, or because he was
seeking a reason for loosing from the necks of his people
the power and harsh tyranny of the Philistines. Going
down, therefore, to Thamnatha (this is the name of a
city in that country which then was inhabited by the
Philistines), he saw a maiden of pleasing appearance and
beautiful countenance. He asked his parents, who were
guiding him on his way, to ask her in marriage for him.
They did not realize that his purpose was so set that, if the
Philistines refused her to him, he would become very angry,
nor that they, if they gave their consent, would be bringing
an end to the wrong treatment of the conquered. Since
from intercourse a sense of equality and kindness grows
apace, and, if offense is given, the desire for revenge becomes
deeper, his parents thought that he should avoid her because
she was a stranger. In vain did they try to change his
purpose by lawful objections; finally, then, they gave their
consent to the wishes of their son.
Samson obtainedhis request and upon his return to visit
his promised bride he turned off the road for a short while;
there a lion came out of the woods to meet him, a truly
fierce beast,because released from the forest. No comrade,
no weapon was ready at hand; the shame of fleeing and an
inner sense of power gave him courage. As the lion rushed
upon him he caught it in his arms and killed it with his
grasp, leaving it lying there beside the road on a heap of

13 Cf. Judges 14.1.


forest wood. The spot was thick with the grassy growth of
fodder and planted, too, with vineyards. He felt sure that the
spoils of a savage beast would be of
little importance to his

beloved spouse, because the times of such events [as marriage]

are made charming not by savage trophies but by genteel
joysand festal garlands. Later, upon his return along the same
road, he stumbled upon a honeycomb in the lion's belly,
and carried it off as a gift to his parents and the maiden,
for such gifts suit a bride. After he had tasted the honey,
he gave them the honeycomb to eat, but he did not disclose
where it came from.
By chance one day, during a nuptial feast, the young
people at the banquet challenged one another to a game of
question and answer. And while one caught up the other
with spicy banter, as is the custom on such occasions, the
contest, which had begun in fun, grew heated. Then Samson
proposed the question to his fellow guests: 'Out of the eater
came forth meat, and out of the strong came forth sweet-
ness. He promised as the reward for their wisdom that
those who guessed it should have thirty shirts and the same
number of coats, for that was the number of men present,
but if they did not solve it they should pay a forfeit.
Since they could not untie the knot and solve the riddle,
they prevailed upon his bride, using repeated threats and
constant entreaty, that she ask her husband for the answer
to the question as a mark of his devotion in return for her
love. Truly mind, or perhaps in the plaintive
terrified in
manner of a woman, she began her supposedly loving
complaints, pretending that she was sorely grieved that her
husband did not love her: she who was his life partner and
confidant did not know her husband's secret and was treated
like the rest of his friends and not entrusted with her hus-

14 Judges 14.14.

band's secret. She even said: 'Thou hatest me and dost not
love me whom until now you have deceived/

These and other remarks overcame him and, weakened

by her womanly charms, he revealed to his beloved the
riddle which he had proposed. She in turn revealed it to
her countrymen. Seven days later, before sunset, which was
the time agreed for the solving of the riddle, they gave the
answer which they had learned and which they expressed
thus: 'What is stronger than a lion? What is sweeter than

honey?' And he answered that nothing is more treacherous

than woman, saying: lf you had not ploughed with my
heifer, you had not found out my riddle.' Immediately he
went down to Ascalon, slew thirty men, stripped off their
garments and gave them as the reward he had promised to
those who had solved the riddle.
Moreover, he did notlive with the girl whose treachery he
had learned, but, instead, returned home to his own country.
But the maid, in fear and dread of the wrath of one so
wronged, afraid lest his wrath be vented on her, agreed to
marry another man, one whom Samson considered a friend
of his, a bridal companion on his wedding day. Even

though their union was offered as an excuse, she did not

escape the peril of his hatred. When this became known
and he was denied an opportunity of going to his wife, for
her father said that she had married someone else, but that
he might, if he wished, marry her sister, sorely stung with
wrong, he made plans to wreak public revenge in anger
over his personal affront. He caught three hundred foxes
and, at the end of summer when the grain was ripe in the
fields, coupled them tail to tail and fastened torches between

15 Judges 14.16.
16 Judges 14.18.
17 Cf. Judges 15.1.

their tails, them with unbreakable knots. Then, to

avenge the affront, he sent them into the standing corn
fields which the Philistines had cut. The foxes, driven mad

by the fire, spread the blaze wherever they ran and burned
the corn stalks. Greatly disturbed by their loss, for their
entire harvest had perished, the owners went and told their
leaders. They dispatched men to the Thamnathite woman,
who had given her troth to more than one husband, and
also to her house and parents. They said that she was the
cause of her own destruction and harm, but that it was
not right for the husband who was wronged to avenge
himself by injuring the whole people.
Samson still did not content himself with this wrong
against the Philistines, nor was he content with what he had
done in revenge. He slaughtered them in a great orgy of
bloodshed and many died by the sword. He then went to
Elam to a stream in the desert. The rock there was a
fortification belonging to the tribe of Juda. The Philistines,
who did not dare attack him or to climb the steep and
hazardous fortification, denounced the tribeof Juda and
rose up, urging the tribe to battle. They saw that justice
would be done otherwise, if the men, who were their
subjectsand paid tribute, seemed about to lose a rightful and
fair treatment in public affairs just because of another's
crime. In consulation, they demanded that they hand over
the perpetrator of such a crime and on this condition they
would be unharmed.
The men of the tribe of Juda, hearing this stipulation,

gathered 3,000 of their men and went up to him, maintaining

that they were the subjects of the Philistines and had to

obey them, not from choice but through fear of danger. They
put the blame for their deed upon those who had the right
to force them. Then he said: 'And what form of
justice is
it, O race of the sons of Abraham, that the wrong of first

betrothing and then stealing my spouse should be my

punishment, and that one may not avenge with impunity
a wrong done to one's home? Are you stooping in sub-
mission to little domestic slaves? Will you make yourselves
agents of another's and turn your own hands
upon yourselves? must die for the sorrow which is
If I

understandably mine, I will gladly die at the hands of the

Philistines. My home has been assailed, my wife has been
harassed. If I may not live without their evil deeds, at least
I may die without crimes being committed by my people.
Have not returned an injury which I received? Have I
inflicted it? Consider whether the exchange was a fitting
one. They complain of damage to their crops; I, the loss of
my wife.Compare sheaves of wheat and the marital union.
They have themselves seen proof of my pain, the injuries
which they have avenged. See what service they consider
you worthy of. They want the one put to death whom they
thought should be avenged, whom they injured, and to
whom they gave the weapon of revenge. If you bring my
neck to bend to the proud, hand me over to the enemy, but
do not yourselves kill me. I do not shrink from death, but I
dread your being contaminated. If you yield to those insolent
men through fear, bind my hands with cords. Defenseless
though they be, they will find their weapons in the knotted
cords. Surely, the enemy must think you have made sufficient

payment of your promise if you deliver me alive into their

In answer, the 3,000 who had climbed up the mountain
gave him an oath that they would not use force against his
lifeprovided he would wear chains, so that they could
hand him over and free themselves of the crime with which
they were charged.
When he had received their pledge, he left the cave and

abandoned his rocky fortification. When he saw the strong


Philistines approaching to take him, although he was bound

with double cords, he groaned in spirit and broke his bonds.
Then, seizing the jawbone of an ass lying there, he struck
a thousand men and put the rest to flight in a magnificent
display of strength, while battle lines of
armed men fell
back before a single defenseless man. Any and all who dared
to approach him were slain with easy effort. Flight staved
Thus, even today, the place is called
off death for the rest.

Agon, because there Samson won a great victory by his

overwhelming strength.
I wish that he had been as controlled in victory as he was

strong against the enemy! But, as usually happens, a soul

unused to good fortune, which ought to have attributed the
outcome engagement to God's favor and protection,
of the
attributed it 'With the jawbone of an
to himself I saying:
ass I have destroyed ... a thousand men.' He neither
erected an altar nor sacrificed a victim to God, but, failing
to sacrifice and taking glory to himself, he called the place
the killing of the jawbone' to immortalize his triumph with
an everlasting name.
Soon he began to feel a fierce thirst; there was no water
and he could no longer stand to bear his thirst. Knowing
that to attain human help would not be easy and that it
would be difficult without divine aid, he called upon and
begged almighty God, who he thought would not help him
because of his offense against Him, and because he had
unwisely and carefully attributed any success to himself. Nay,
he even assigned the victory to almighty God, saying: Thou
hast given this very great deliverance into the hand of thy
servant, and it has been my help. And behold! because I
die of thirst, I am placed by my need of water into the
power of those over whom thou gavest me a great

18 Judges 15.16.

triumph.' Then God's mercy opened
the earth when he
threw down and a stream issued from it and
the jawbone,
Samson drank and resumed his spirit and called the place
'the invoking of the spring. Thus, by his prayer, he atoned
for his vaunting of victory. Men expressed different opinions,
noticing how arrogance might speedly bring harm and
humility make atonement without offense.
When in the course of events he had brought an end to
the war with
the Philistines, despising his people's cowardice
and scorning the enemy bands, he went off to Gaza. This
city was in the territory of the Philistines, and he lived there
in a certain lodging house. The people of Gaza immediately
took note and hastily surrounded his lodging place, putting
a guard at all the doorways so that he could not plan to
flee by night. When Samson became aware of their pre-
parations he anticipated the plot they had laid for the
nighttime, and taking hold of the columns of the house,
lifting all the wood framework and the weight of the tower
on his strong shoulders, he carried them up to the top of a
high mountain which faced Hebron, where the Hebrew
people dwelled.
But when with free and untrammeled gait he passed not
only beyond the limits of his home country, but also the
boundaries which his ancestors had been taught to observe
by custom, he soon found that he was playing with death.
With small faith he contracted a marriage with a foreign-born
wife and should have been cautious then or later. But he
did not refrain from again forming a union, this time with
Delila, who was a prostitute. Out of love for her he caused
her to tempt him with the wiles of an enemy. For the
Philistines came to her and each man promised her eleven
hundred pieces of silver if she would find out in what lay
19 Judges 15.18.

the source of his strength. If they but possessed this secret

he could be surrounded and taken.
She who had once prostituted herself for money, cleverly
and craftily amid the banquet cups and the charms of her
love, in admiration, as were, of his pre-eminent ^bravery,

began to question him about it and to ask him how it was he

so excelled others in strength. Then, too, as though she were
fearful and anxious, she begged him to tell his beloved what
bond precisely would put him in the power of another. But

he was still prudent and strong-willed and he countered

deceit with deceit against the harlot's treachery, saying that
if he were bound with boughs he would be as
supple green
weak as other men. When they learned this, the Philistines
had Delila put boughs on him like chains while he slept.
Then, as if awakened, the hero felt his famed
and customary strength, broke his bonds, and fought back
against the many who had their strength
After a short time, Delila, like one who had been made
fun of, began to complain passionately and to ask again and
what his real skill was, demanding proof of his
affection for her. Samson, still strong of purpose, laughed at
her tricks and suggested to her that if he were bound with
seven brand-new he would come into the power of
third time he
his enemy. This also was tried, in vain. The
pretended that she had drawn him out regarding the mystery,
but in reality, being nearer to a fall, he said that his
strengthwould leave him if seven hairs of his head were cut
and woven into a coverlet. This, too, deceived the tricksters.
that he
Later, when the woman boldly deplored the fact
mocked her so many times and when she lamented that she
was unworthy to be entrusted with her lover's secret and
begged as a remedy that which she saw was likely to mean
20 Cf. Judges 16.6-18.

a betrayal, she gained his confidence by her tears. And just

it was due that a man of
as bravery who had been invincible
all this time, should
pay the price, he opened up the
wounded recesses of his soul: the strength of God was in
him; he was holy to the Lord and by His command he let
his hair grow, for, if he cut it, he would cease to be a
Nazarene and would lose the use of his strength! When the
Philistines discovered his weakness, through the woman, they

gave her, the slave of their price, the reward for the treachery
and thus concluded the affair.
Next, by her charms as a harlot she drew the weary
lover to sleep and, summoning a barber, she cut seven hairs
of his head with a razor. At once his strength was reduced

by the treachery of the forbidden act. At length, awaking

from sleep, he said: 'I shall do as before and shall shake
myself over my enemies.' But he knew neither swiftness
of soul nor strength. Force was not his, and grace had left
him. Chiding himself further for having put his trust in
women, he thought he would make further trial of the
effect of his infirmity, so he allowed his eyes to be blinded,
his hands bound, and his feet chained as he entered the

prison which throughout his many vicissitudes he had never

With the passage of time 22 his hair began to grow; then,
during a crowded banquet of the Philistines, Samson was
brought from prison and shown before the people. About
3,000 men and women were there. They taunted him with
cruel remarks, they surrounded him with mocking jests which
he bore with greater stamina and beyond what his blind
appearance suggested, for he was a man of great native
strength. To live and to die are functions of nature, but
mockery belongs to the base-born. The wish arose in him,

21 Judges 16.20.
22 Cf. Judges 16.22.

therefore, either to compensate for such insults by revenge

or preclude any more insults by death. He pretended that
he could no longer support himself, because of the weakness
of his body and the knots of his shackles, and he asked a
servant boy, who was guiding his steps, to put him near the
pillars which supported
the house. Placed there, he grasped
with both hands the support of the entire building and,
while the Philistines were intent the sacrifices of the
feast in honor of god Dagon, through whom they

thought the adversary had come

into their hands, accounting
the woman's treachery among the benefits of heaven, he
called to the Lord, saying: 'Lord, once more remember

your servant so that I may revenge myself on the Gentiles

for my two eyes. Let them not give glory to their gods,
because with their help they have gotten me in their power.
I count my life as of no worth. Let my soul die with the
Philistines, so that they may know
that my weakness no less
than my strength is deadly.'
So he shook the columns with mighty force and he
loosened and shattered them. The crash of the roof came
next and fell on him and hurled headlong all those who
were looking on from above. There in great confusion lay
heaps of lifeless men and women, and, though slain,
attained his wished-for triumph, greater than all his former
victories, and a death not inglorious or lacking luster.
Although he was inviolable here and hereafter,
and was
not to be compared in his life to men who experienced
war, in his death he conquered himself and
made his
invincible soul death, giving no thought to the end
of life which all men fear.

Through he ended his days with numerous

his valor
and found the captive not undone but triumphing.
The fact that he was outwitted by a woman must be
23 Judges 16.28-30.

attributed to his nature, not to his person; his condition was

human rather than his fault less. He was overwhelmed, and
yielded to the enticements of sin. And when Scripture bears
witness that he slew more in death than when he had the

light of life, it seems that he was made a captive more to

work the ruin of his adversaries than to become cast down
or counted He
never experienced degradation, for his

grave was more famous than had been his power. Finally,
he was overwhelmed and buried not by weapons but by the
dead bodies of his enemies, covered with his own triumph,
leaving to posterity a glorious renown.Those people of his,
whom he had found captive, he ruled in liberty for twenty
years and then, entombed in the soil of his native land, he
left behind the heritage of liberty.

Because of this example, men should avoid marriage with

those outside the faith, 24 lest, instead of love of one's spouse,
there be treachery.
Farewell, and love us, because we love you.

36. To our lords the bishops, beloved brethren of Aemelia,

Ambrose, bishop (386)

Holy Scripture and the tradition of the Fathers teach us

that it
requires more than ordinary wisdom to determine the
day for the celebration of Easter. Those who met at the Coun-
cil of Nicaea, in addition to their decrees, true and admirable,

24 A law of Theodpsius in 388 forbade marriage with Jews, but it does

not antedate this letter. Ambrose mentions such an imperial pro-
hibition in 2 Abr. 9.84; Expos, in P$. 118, serm. 20.48; 2 In Luc. 8.

1 The authenticity of this sometimes doubted by scholars,

letter is

because of the condition of the Dekkers, O. S. B., Clavis

text. Cf. E.
Patrum Latinorum (Bruges 1951) 26, and C. W. Jones, Bedae opera
de temporibus (Cambridge, Mass. 1943) 35, adn. 3.

regarding the
faith, using the help of men skilled in
calculations, formulated for the above-mentioned celebration
a scheme of nineteen years, and set up a sort of cycle on
which might be patterned subsequent years. They called this

nineteen-years' cycle/
and, if we follow it, we should
not waver amid foolish ideas regarding a celebration of this
kind. Having found a true method of calculating, let every-
one be of one opinion, so that the Sacrifice [of the Mass]
Lord may be offered everywhere
for the Resurrection of the
on one night.
Dearly beloved brethren of the Lord, we ought not deviate
from the truth, nor dissent with varying opinions on the
obligation of this celebration imposed on all Christians. The
Lord Himself chose that day to celebrate the Passover
which agreed with the method of the true observance.

Scripture says: And the day came when it was necesary to

sacrifice the Passover, and he sent Peter and John, saying:
"Go and prepare for us the Passover that we may eat it!"
But they said, "Where dost thou want us to prepare it?"
And he said to them: "Behold on your entering the city
there will meet you a man carrying a pitcher of water:
follow him into the house into which he goes, and you will

say to the master of the house: The Master says to thee,

"Where is the guest chamber, that I may eat the Passover
there with my disciples?" And he will show you a large
' 3
upper room; there make ready."
We therefore, that we should not descend to
earthly things but seek a large furnished upper room for
celebrating the Lord's Passover. When we cleanse our senses
in a kind of spiritual water of the eternal fountain and

2 Gr., enneakaidekaeteris; Lat., enneadecaeteris, the decennovenal cycle.

For a history of the reckoning of the date of Easter, cf. Jones, op. cit.
6-33. Its use in the Church of Milan is discussed on pp. 35-37.
3 Luke 22.7-12.

keep the rule of a devout celebration, and do not follow

common opinions, looking for certain days according to the
moon, since the Apostle says: 'You are observing days and
months and seasons and years. I fear for you, lest perhaps
I have labored among you in vain/ 4 a beginning of another
sort is in effect.
one thing to keep the observance like the heathens,
It is

judging on what day something should be begun, as you

think: 'avoid the fifth day,' and that you ought begin
nothing on it, trusting also various stages in the course of

the moon for undertaking business, or avoiding certain days,

as some persons habitually shy away from 'following' days
or 'Egyptian' days. 6 It is quite another thing to keep a pious
attitude toward that day of which Scripture says: 'This is
the day which the Lord has made.' 7 Now, although it is
written that the Lord's Passover should be celebrated on the
fourteenth day of the first month, and we ought to look for
the fourteenth moon 8
in spring for celebrating the course
of the Lord's Passion, we should understand from this that
for a solemnity of this kind we must have either the perfection
of the Church or the fullness of clear faith, as the Prophet
said when he spoke of the Son of God that 'His throne shall
be as the sun in my sight, and as the full moon, it will last
So that the Lord, having done wonderful works on
it is

earth, having deepened, as it were, the faith of men's minds,

observed that it was the time of His Passion, saying 'Father, :

the hour has come! Glorify thy son, that thy son may
4 Gal. 4.10,11.
5 Virgil, Georg. L276.
6 A reference to current suspicions about days, as recorded by Gellius
7 Ps. 117.24.
8 quartamdecimam lunam.
9 Ps. 88.37,38.

glorify thee.' He explains elsewhere that He wanted special
renown in celebrating His Passion, saying:
Go and say to
that fox, "Behold, I cast out devils and perform cures today
and tomorrow, and the following day I am to end my
n Let '

course." Jesus end His course in those who are

beginning to be perfect, so that through their faith they may
believe the fullness of His divinity and redemption.
This is why we are seeking the day and the hour, as

Scripture bids us. Even the Prophet David says: lt is the

time for thee to work, Lord,'
as he begs for understanding
to know the Lord's testimonies. And Ecclesiastes also
'All things have their season.' 13 Jeremias cries: The turtle
and and the sparrows of the field have known the
the swallow
times of their coming.' 14 What is more evident than that it
is said of the Passion of the Lord: The ox knoweth his
owner and the ass his master's crib.'Let us, then, know
the Lord's crib where we are nourished, fed, and refreshed,
We should know in particular the time when the har-
monious prayer of the sacred night is poured forth throughout
the whole world, because prayers are made
acceptable in
time, as Scripture says: ln an acceptable time I heard thee
and in the day of salvation I have helped thee. 316 This is
the time of which the Apostle said: 'Behold now is the
acceptable time; behold now
the day of salvation.' 17

Accordingly, it is necessary, even after the calculations

of the Egyptians, and the definitions of the Church at
Alexandria and of the bishop 18 of the Church at Rome,

10 John 17.1.
11 Luke 13.32.
12 Ps. 118.126.
13 Eccle. 3.1.
14 Jer. 8.7.
15 Isa. 1.3.
16 Isa. 49.8.
17 2 Cor. 6.3.
18 episcopi is ambiguous here; our reading is 'post . . .
episcopi [genitive] quoque Romanae Ecdesiae.'

since several are still

awaiting my opinion by letter, to write
what I think regarding the day of the Passover. Granted
that it is a question concerning the coming day of the
Passover, we are stating what we feel should be maintained
in the future, if such a question should ever arise.
Two observances are necessary in solemnizing the Passover :

the fourteenth moon and the first month, called the month
of new fruits. Now, that we may not seem to depart from
the Old Testament, let us review the very chapter which
concerns the day for celebrating the Passover. Moses tells
the people to keep the month of new fruits, specifying that
itbe the first month, saying: 'This will be the beginning of
months for you, it will be the first of the months of the year;
and thou shalt offer the Passover to the Lord thy God on
the fourteenth day of the first month.'
To be sure, the Law 'was given through Moses; grace
and truth came through Jesus Christ/ 21 He who spoke the
Law, coming later Himself through a virgin in later times,

accomplished the fulfillment of the Law, because He came

not to destroy the Law but to fulfill it. He celebrated the
Passover in a week when the fourteenth of the month fell

on the fifth day [of the new moon]. In fact, on that very
day, as the above indicates, He ate the Passover with His
disciples; on the following day, that is, the sixth day [of
new moon] and the fifteenth day [of the month] He was
crucified; the sixteenth was on the great Sabbath, and
therefore He arose from the dead on the seventeenth.
Wemust keep the law regarding Easter in such a way that
we do not observe the fourteenth as the day of the
Resurrection; that day or one very close to it is the day of

19 novorum.
20 Exod. 12.1,6. These are the words of God to Moses who transmitted
them to the Israelites.
21 John 1.7.
22 Cf. Matt. 5.17.

the Passion, because the feast of the Resurrection is kept on

the Lord's day. Moreover, we cannot fast on the Lord's
day; fasting on this day is what we criticize in the Man-
ichaeans. One shows disbelief in the Resurrection of Christ
if he proposes a law of fast on the day of the Resurrection,
since the Law says that the Passover should be eaten with
bitterness, that is, with sorrow because the Author of our
salvationwas slain by mankind's great sacrilege. On the
Lord's day the Prophet bids us rejoice, saying: This is the
day which the Lord has made, let us be glad and rejoice
at it.'

Consequently, we must observe both the day of the Passion

and of the Resurrection, to have a day of bitterness and one
on one day, being refreshed on the other. If
of joy, fasting
happens, however, as will occur next time, that the four-
teenth day of the first month is the Lord's day, since we
should not fast on that day nor break our fast on the
thirteenth which falls on the Sabbath, for it is a day of
special observance as the day of the Passion, the celebration
of Easter should be postponed to the following week. Other-
happens that the fifteenth when Christ suffered will
be on the second day of the week, the third day will be the
sixteenth when the Lord's body rested in the tomb, and the
fourth day will be on the seventeenth when the Lord arose.
Therefore, when, as will happen next time, the three holy
days run into the following week, the three days within
which He suffered, lay in the tomb, and arose, the three
days of which He/ said: 'Destroy this temple and in three
days I will raise it up/ what can cause troublesome doubt
in us? If we
scruple because we do not celebrate the day of
the Passion or the Resurrection on the fourteenth, recall
that the Lord Himself suffered not on the fourteenth, but

23 Ps. 117.24.
24 John 2.19.

on the fifteenth, and arose on the seventeenth. If our difficulty

is in our failing to observe the fourteenth of the month
which falls on the Lord's day, that is, April 18, and we tell

you to celebrate the following Lord's day, there is authority

for this practice, too.
A short while ago, when the fourteenth of the first month
fell on the Lord's day, the solemnity was observed on the
following Lord's day. And in the eighty-ninth year of the
era of Diocletian 25 when the fourteenth day of the first month
fell on March 24, we celebrated Easter on the last day of
March. So, too, did the people of Alexandria and Egypt.
They wrote to say that when the fourteenth fell on the
twenty-eighth day of the month of Phamenoth they cel-
ebrated Easter on the fifth day of Pharmuth, which is the
last day of March. Thus, they agreed perfectly with us.
Again, in the ninety-third year of the era of Diocletian
when the fourteenth fell on the fourteenth of Pharmuth,
which April 9 and happened to be the Lord's day, they

celebrated Easter on the Lord's day, the twenty-first of

Pharmuth, or, according to us, April 16. Since we are

supplied with a method of calculating as well as precedent,

we should have no more trouble on this point.
Here something else demands explanation, the fact that
some think we will be celebrating Easter in the second month,
whereas Scripture says: 'Keep the first month of new fruits/
Yet it will not happen that we celebrate the Passover outside
25 A. D. 373.
26 Phamenoth, the month before Pharmuth, i. e., the seventh month.

27 Pharmuth, so called in honor of the serpent Renenutet (later pro-

nounced Remute[t]) 'the raising goddess.' She was worshiped as a

more special harvest goddess than Osiris and the month Pharmuth
was dedicated to her evidently because the harvest once fell in that
month. Cf. Mythology of All Races ed. L. H. Gray, Vol. 12 (Boston
1918) 66.
28 A. D. 377.
29 Dent. 16.1.

of the month ot new fruits unless the fourteenth is kept

celebrated on any but the
exactly to the letter, and is not
are planning to celebrate
on the
very day. Now, the Jews
March 20 to and it will be
twelfth, that is, according us,

not the first month. However, according to the Egyptians it

will be the twenty-fourth day of Phamenoth, which is
the first month, but the twelfth month. The Egyptians call

the first month Pharmuth; it begins March 27 and ends April

25. Thus, in accord with the reckoning of the Egyptians, we
will be Easter Sunday in the first month, that
of Pharmuth.
is, April 25, the thirtieth day
I do not think we are unreasonable in borrowing, from

the country where the first Passover was celebrated, an

example for observing the month. Our predecessors, too,

the ordinance of the Council of Nicaea thought that the very

same nineteen-years' cycle should be
decided upon. If one
will see] that they pre-
carefully considers the matter [he
served the month of the new fruits, because in Egypt grain
is cut in this month. This month is not only the first as

as the crops of the Egyptians are concerned, but first according

to the and it is the
Law, month with us, since the
30 1 is in the eighth
induction begins in September. April
the month according to the experts,
month, yet begins
although not according to common usage
with the equinox,
March 21, and ends April 21. That is why the Passover has
usually been celebrated within these thirty-one days.
Six years ago we celebrated Easter on April 21, which was
the thirtieth day of the month, as we reckon it; therefore,
we must not be disturbed to be soon celebrating Easter on the
30 Ambrose is the first of the Latin Fathers to mention the indiction.
He ishere probably referring to the Constantinian or Constantino-
in the Greek East. It
politan indiction which was used principally
tax to be raised on
began September 1, 312, as the schedule of rate of
capita and iuga for a period of fifteen years; cf. art. 'Indictio/ Oxford
Classical Dictionary (Oxford 1949) 452.

thirtiethday of Pharmuth. If anyone says it is in the second

month, since Easter will occur three days after the completed
month, which appears to end on April 21, he should realize
that our concern is with the fourteenth day, which occurs
on April 18, well within the month's count. The Law only
requires that the day of the Passion be celebrated within the
first month of new fruits.
This reckoning is satisfactory as far as the full month is

concerned, since has three days remaining for its

it still

completion. Easter does not pass into a different month when

it is celebrated within the same month, the first. And, too,

we should not be bound to the letter

if the custom of the

celebration of Easter our guide. The Apostle, too,, teaches

us, saying: 'Christ, our passover, has been sacrificed. The
passage just read teaches us not to follow the letter, for you
have the words: 'You will perform the Pasch to the Lord
your God on the fourteenth day of the first month.' He
uses the word 'day' instead of 'month'; consequently, those
skilled in the Law compute the month by the course of the
moon. Since the course of the moon, that is, its first day,
may begin on more than one of the nones, you see that the
nones of May can still be reckoned within the first month
of new fruits. According to the judgment of the Law, therefore 5
this is the month. Finally, the Greeks call the moon

mene and months menas3 in Greek, while the

so call the
natural practice of foreign peoples uses the term 'month' in
place of 'days.'
Yet, the writings of the Old Testament show that we
must celebrate the Passion one day and the Resurrection
another. You have the words : 'And it will be a lamb without
blemish, clean, perfect, of one year, a male; you will take
it from the
sheep and -goats, and it will be for the observing
31 1 Cor. 5.7.

32 Exod. 12.18.

until the fourteenth day of this month, and the whole

multitude of the sons of the synagogue of Israel will slay it
it on both the side
at .and take of its blood and
evening put
of the house in which they
posts, and on
upper doorpost
will eat it together, and they shall eat the flesh that night
further on: And you will eat it
roasted at the fire.' And
with care, for the Phase [Passage] of the Lord and I
it is

will pass through the land of the Egyptians that night and
will kill every first-born in Egypt of man and beast, and I

will execute judgment on all the land of Egypt. I am the

Lord. And the blood shall be unto you for a sign in the
houses where you shall be; and I shall see the blood and I
shall protect you, and the plague of destruction will not be

upon you. And I shall crush the land of Egypt and this day
will be a memorial and solemnity for you, and you will keep
it a feast of the Lord in your generations, an everlasting
covenant, you will keep that festival day.'
We note, too, that the day of the Passion is
on a fast because the lamb is to be slain toward evening,
last time' instead of 'evening'
although we can understand 'the 35
according to John who says: 'Children, it is the last hour.'

that the slaying

But, according to the mystery, it is certain
took place in the evening when the shadows were falling
quickly,and the fast should be kept on that day, for then
you will eat it with anxiety, since those fasting have anxiety.

On the day of the Resurrection there is the joy of refreshment

and happiness, for it appears that the people left Egypt on
that day, after the first-born of the Egyptians had been
slain. Later details indicate this more clearly where Scripture

says that, after the Jews performed

the Passover as Moses

commanded, 'it came to pass at midnight the Lord struck

33 Exod. 12.5-8.
34 Exod. 12.11-14.
35 1 John 2.18.

every first-born in the land of Egypt, from the first-born of

Pharao. And Pharao called Moses and Aaron in the night
and said to them: " Arise and go forth from among my
people, you and your children, go and serve the Lord your
God." The Egyptians even urged the people to go, hurry-
ing to drive them out as quickly as possible. Whereupon,
the Israelites departed in such fashion that they had no
chance to leaven their dough, for the Egyptians drove them
out and they could not take what they had prepared for
their journey.
It is evident, then, that the day of the Resurrection

should be kept after the day of the Passion, and the former
should not be on the fourteenth of the month, but later, as
the Old Testament says. The day of the Resurrection is that
on which the people departing from Egypt were baptized in
the sea and in the cloud, as the Apostle says, 37 and overcame
death, receiving a spiritual food and drinking a spiritual
drink from the rock. Again, the Lord's Passion cannot be
celebrated on the Lord's day. And, if the fourteenth day
falls on the Lord's day, another week should be added, as

was done in the seventy-sixth year of the era of Diocletian. 3 *

Then, with no hesitancy on the part of our predecessors, we
celebrated the Lord's day of Passover on the twenty-eighth
of Pharmuth, April 23. The course of the moon and careful
calculation support this plan to celebrate the next Easter on
the twenty-first day, because the month is commonly extended
to the twenty-first.
Since we have so much evidence of the truth, combined
with the example of our predecessors, let us keep the feast
of the people's salvation with joy and gladness, and color
our doorposts where is hung the door of the Word, which

36 Exod. 12.29-31.
37 Cf. 1 Cor. 10.2-4.
38 A. D. 360.

the Apostle wishes to be opened to Him with faith in the

Lord's Passion. 39 Of this door David also speaks, saying:
Set a watch, O
Lord, before my mouth, and a guard at the
door of my lips/ 40 so that we will speak of nothing but the
blood of Christ, by which we overcame death, by which we
were redeemed. Let the sweet odor of Christ burn in us.
Let us listen to Him, let us direct the eyes of our soul and
body to Him, and marvel at His works and proclaim His
goodness. Over the threshold of our door let the praise of
His holy Redemption gleam. Let us take the Sacrament with
fervent soul in the azymes of sincerity and truth, chanting
together with holy wisdom the glory of the Father and
Son, and the undivided majesty of the Holy Spirit.

37. Ambrose Anatolius, Numerius, Severus, Philippus^


Macedonius, Ammianus, Theodosius, Eutropius,

Clarus, Eusebius, and Timotheus, priests of the
Lord, and to all the beloved clergy and people of
Thessalonica, greetings (383)

While I had a deep longing to keep always in mind the

saintly man and to scrutinize his acts, stationed, as
were, it

on a watchtower, with ever-enveloping anxiety I drank the

bitter draught of that too sudden message and learned what
I would prefer still to be unacquainted with, that the one
we were ever seeking on earth is
already at rest in heaven.
You ask who brought this message, since the letter of
your Holiness had not yet arrived. I do not recall the

39 Cf. Col, 4.3.

40 Ps. 140.3.

1 Written to console the people of Macedonia after the death of their

bishop, the saintly Acholius.

bearer of the message; we generally do not willingly re-

member the messenger of sorrow. And although at that time
the sea was closed and our lands held fast by invading
barbarians, although there was no one who could come,
there was not lacking one to bring that message. It seems
to me that the saint himself was his own
messenger to us,
because, having received the everlasting reward of his labors,
and being set free from the chains of the body, fast by the
side of Christ amid the ministry of angels, he wished to
dispel the cloud of doubt of one who loved him, lest we
should pray for long life for one to whom the rewards of
eternal were already being given.

He departed, he did not die; this veteran soldier of Jesus

Christ left us, exchanging the soil of this earth for heaven.

Beating his wings, the oarage of his spirit, he says: 'Lo, I

have gone far off flying away.' 2 In the spirit of the Apostle
he wanted long ago to leave this earth, but he was detained
by the prayers of all, as we read of the Apostle, because
the Church had need of his abiding longer in the flesh. He
lived not for his own interests but for those of all, and he
was to his people the dispenser of eternal life, experiencing
the enjoyment of it in others before knowing it in himself.
Now he is an inhabitant of the regions above, an occupant
of the eternal city Jerusalem, which is in heaven. He sees
there that city's boundless boundary, its pure gold, its

precious stone, perpetual light which knows no sun.

and its

Seeing all these, known to him for a long time, but now
revealed face to face, he says: 'As we have heard, so have
we seen, in the city of the Lord of hosts, in the city of our
God.' Stationed there, he addresses the people 6f God, say-

2 PS. 54.8.
3 Cf. Phil. 1.23,24.
4 mensuram immensam.
5 Ps. 47.9.

Israel, how great is the house
of God, and how vast
is the
place of his possession! It is great and hath no end.' 6
But what is happening? While I am
pondering the merits
of the man, were, following him in spirit as he
and, as it

departs, and mingling with the choirs of the saints who are

escorting him not by any virtue of mine, but by my

affection I am almost forgetful of myself. Has there not
been taken from us a wall of faith, of grace, and of sanctity?
Often, although troops of Goths besieged this wall, their
barbarian weapons have never been able to penetrate, nor
has the warlike fury of many nations been able to take it
by storm. In other lands they sought plunder, but in your
land peace. And when men wonder what brings them to a
halt without benefit of a soldier, the wise suggest that a man
who resembles Eliseus is within, like him in age, not unlike
him in spirit; let them beware [they say] lest blindness
overwhelm them as it did the Syrian ranks.
Yet around Christ's disciples are His various gifts. Eliseus
led the captive lines of the Syrians into Samaria, while the

saintly Acholius by his prayers drove the victors from

Macedonia. Do we not see it was by a higher power that
from where there was no soldier they were routed without a
soldier? Is it not blindness for them to have fled whom no
one pursued? Truly the saintly Acholius was attacking and
engaging them, not with swords but with prayers, not with
spears but by his merits.
Or do we not know that the saints keep up the struggle
even when they are unoccupied? Was not Eliseus enjoying
quiet? Yes, his body was quiet but his spirit was all aquiver,
6 Bar. 3.24,25.
7 A reference to the guerilla warfare which Theodosius waged against
the Goths from Thessalonica. A pestilence which Ambrose here
attributes to the prayers of Acholius eventually caused a severe
though temporary setback for the Goths.
8 Cf. 4 Kings 7,

and he did battle by his prayerswhen the cry of horsemen

was heard in the Syrian camp along with the cry of a
great host. In fact, the Syrians thought that the armies of
other kings were coming upon them to aid the people of
Israel. For this reason they fled in
great fear, and four lepers
who had come forth, longing for death, contaminated the
camp of the enemy. Did not the Lord work similar or almost
greater miracles in Macedonia by the prayers of the saintly
Acholius? For, not by vain fear or vague suspicion, but by a
raging plague and burning pestilence, were the Goths routed
and terrorized. In fact, they fled at first to escape, but later
came back and sued for peace to live.
In the deeds of this great man we have seen ages past
and we have witnessed the works of those Prophets of which
we used to read. Like Eliseus, while he lived, Acholius spent
his days amid armies and battles, bringing wars to an end by
his good deeds. At last, when peace was restored to his
countrymen, he gave up his holy spirit, a misfortune harsher
than the war itself. Like Elias he has been taken up to
heaven, not in a fiery chariot, or by fiery steeds unless,
perchance, we did not see them or in a fiery whirlwind,
but by the will and favor of our God, and with the joy of
all the holy angels who rejoiced that one so great had come
to them.

Certainly we cannot doubt these facts since other details

agree so well. At the very moment when he was being taken
up, letting his garment fall, as it were, he put it on blessed
Anysius, his own disciple, and vested him with the miter
of the episcopal office. I am not hearing of his deeds and
favor now for the first time, nor did I learn of them in letters
from you, but I recalled them from your letters. Knowing
beforehand that he would be his successor, Acholius kept

9 Cf. 4 Kings 2.11.

10 To whom Ambrose addressed a letter of encouragement.

promises, marking him

him by with special tokens,
speaking of the help he had received through his care and
labor and ministry. He seemed already to declare him his
coadjutor so that he might come not like
a tyro to the high
office of the episcopate,but like a veteran and an accom-
plished performer of the priestly office.
To him is applied
very beautifully that saying of the Gospel: 'Well done, good
and faithful servant; because thou hast been faithful over a
few things, I will set thee over many.'
These thoughts about the saintly Acholius you and I have
in common. I have a special attachment to this man of
blessed memory, since he made it possible for me to know
him. For, when he came to Italy and I was confined by an
illness so serious that I could not go to meet him, he himself
came and visited me. 12 With what fondness and affection did
we rush into each other's embrace With what groans did we

deplore the evils of our age and the events taking place here
so that we moistened our garments with a stream of tears
all we two enjoyed this hoped-for meeting and I
the while
clung to the embrace of one so long desired. Thus did his
kindness make possible my prayer to see him, and although
in the soul, the seat of love, the greater share and deeper

knowledge of others reside, we also desire to see our friends

in person. Therefore, in times past the kings of the earth
sought to see the face of Solomon and to hear his wisdom.
But Acholius has gone from us and left us on this sea. An
event which is beneficial to him is harder upon many than was
the fury of the barbarians. He used to drive them off; but who
will be able to take his place for us? The Lord takes his place
and in his disciple he succeeds himself. Your decisions re-

11 Matt 25.23.
12 This probably took place at the Council of Rome in 382 when
Ambrose fell ill soon after his arrival and was confined to his bed
at his sister's home.
13 Cf. 3 Kings 10.24.

present him whereby it has been said: 'Grant to Levi those

who are manifest as his, and his truth in the holy man/
You have chosen one who is
manifestly his, inasmuch as he
was grounded in his teaching; you have chosen an imitator
of that man who said to his father and mother: 1 do not
know This man, too, has not acknowledged his
brothers and did not know his sons; he has kept the word
of the Lord and observed His Testament. The people will
declare his justice. 16
Such was this man's life, such his heritage, his way of
life, his succession. As a youth he entered a monastery; he
was enclosed in a narrow cell in Achaia while by grace he
wandered over the space of many lands. Having been called
to the fullness of the priesthood by the people of Macedonia,
he was elected by the clergy; and where formerly the faith
was weakened 17 through its priest, there, later, through a

priest thefoundation walls of faith were made firm.

Imitating no one else, he is a disciple of him 'who said
to his father and mother: "I have not seen you/ 5318 He
saw them not with longing or with affection, and he did not
know his brethren because he desired to know the Lord. He
observed the word of the Lord and kept His Testament, and
he will always lay honor upon His altar. Lord, bless his O
faith, his holiness, his zeal! May Thy blessings come upon
his head and his shoulders! May he be like the bull in the
herd; may he toss the hearts of his enemy and melt the souls
of the saints, and may the judgment of Thy priests flourish
in him like a lily.

Farewell, brethren, and love me as I also love you.

14 Cf. Deut. 33.8.

15 Deut. 33.9.
16 Cf. Eccli. 44.15.
17 Several mss. read claudebat ('closed') but this is no less difficult to

construe than claudebatur. The Benedictines suggest claudicabat

('was lame') which agrees well with the sense of the following phrase.

18 Cf. Deut. 33.9.

19 Cf. Deut. 33.16,17; Eccli. 39.19.

38. To the beloved brethren, the Bishops of Vienne and

Narbonne in Gaul, the Council which met at

Aquileia (May, 381)

GIVE THANKS to your holy Unanimity which hon-

ored us with the presence of all of you in the persons
of our lords and brethren, Constantius and Proculus.
At the same time, following the customs of your predecessors,
you added no slight weight to our deliberations when your
Holiness agreed to our statements, dearly beloved lords and
brethren. Therefore, as we gladly welcomed those revered
men of your assembly and ours, so are we sending them
away with a rich testimony of thanks.
How necessary was a meeting such as we held is evident
from the very events which took place, namely, that our
adversaries, enemies of God, those defenders of the Arian
sect and heresy, Palladium and Secundianus, the only two
who dared come to the council, received their due sentence,
and were convicted of impiety.
Farewell. May our God omnipotent keep you safe and
prosperous, our lords, most beloved brethren. Amen.


39. To the most clement and most Christian Emperors and

most blessed princes Gratian, Valentiniany and
Theodosius, the holy Council which met at
Aquileia (May, 381)

God the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ who

Blessed be
gave you the Roman Empire, and blessed be our Lord Jesus
Christ, the only-begotten Son of God, who guards your rule
with His love, in whom we give thanks to you, most gracious
Princes. You have proven the zeal of your faith, being
zealous to assemble a council of bishops for the removal of
discord, and by your favor you granted honor to the bishops
so that no one who wished to attend was absent, and no
one was forced to attend against his will.
Therefore, in accord with the order of your Mildness we
met without unpleasantness of crowds and with the in-
tention of debating the issues. No heretical bishops were
found in attendance except Palladius and Secundianus,
names of long-standing disloyalty, on whose account men
from the farthest reachqs of the Roman world asked that a
council be summoned. No one burdened with the years of
old age and with grey hairs, which in themselves are ven-
erable, was forced to come from distant shores of the ocean.
Nevertheless, the council lacked nothing. No one dragging
a weak body burdened with the rigors of fasting was forced
by the difficulty of the journey to lament the hardships laid
upon his ruined strength. Finally, no one groaned if destitute
of the means of coming because of poverty so laudable in
bishops. That which holy Scripture has praised was fulfilled
1 For the date, see J. Zeller, 'La date du concile d'Aquilee/ Revue
d'histoire ecdesiastique 33 (1937) 39-45. The authentic official account
of the Council (Gesta concilii Aquiliensis: PL 16.939-949) is
mented by four synodal letters included in Ambrose's correspondence,
since he probably drew them up. See also Dissertatio Maximini
contra Ambrosium, an Arian pamphlet published a little later (ed.
Kaufrnann, 1899).

in you, most clement of princes, Gratian: 'Blessed is he that

takes thought for the needy and poor.'
How truly serious it would have been if, because of only two

priests withering away with disloyalty, the churches over the

whole world were deprived of their greatest bishops? Although
some from the western provinces were unable to come in

person because of the length of the journey, almost all from

the western provinces were present in the delegates they sent,
and gave evident proofs that they held what we assert and
that they were in harmony with the proceeding of the Council
of Nicaea as their documents declared. Everywhere now the

prayers of nations are raised in concert for the welfare of

your empire, and the defenders of the faith have not failed
your wishes. Although our predecessors' decrees, from which
it is
unholy and sacrilegious to deviate, were plain, we made
it possible to discuss even these.

First we examined the root of the matter under invest-

igation and decided to read the letter of Arius, who is found

to be the author of the Arian heresy, and from whom the

heresy gets its name. Then, those who had always main-
tained that they were not Arians could, by censuring the
contents of the letter, condemn the blasphemies of Arius, or
defend them by additional arguments, or, at least, not refuse
the name of him whose and
disloyalty they followed.
Inasmuch as they could not condemn and were unwilling to
give approval to their own founder, and three days pre-
viouslyhad challenged us to a discussion at a fixed place
and time, not waiting for the assembly to begin, those who
had said they would readily prove that they were Christians
(which we heard with joy and hoped they would prove)
suddenly began to leave the meeting and to refuse to debate

2 Ps. 40.2.

deal of discussion
Nevertheless, we had already had a great
with them; the holy Scriptures were brought into our
midst; the for patient discussion was offered from
dawn until the seventh hour. Would that they had spoken on
only a few matters or that
we were able to forget all we
heard! Since Arius says in sacrilegious phrases that only the
Father is eternal, only He is good, only He is true God,
only He has immortality, only He is wise, only He is
and by impious inference wishes the Son to be thought
of as not partaking of these attributes, these men preferred
to follow Arius rather than admit that the Son of God was
the eternal God, the true God, the good God, wise, powerful,
and possessing immortality. We
spent many hours
in vain.

Their impiety mounted and could in no way be checked.

that they were hard pressed
Finally, when they realized
by the sacrileges contained in Arius' letter (which we have
appended so that your Clemency may al^o realize the
of the reading of
it caused) they jumped up in the midst
the letterand demanded that we answer their proposals.
Although was not consonant with the order of the day or

with reason that we interrupt the agenda, and we had said

that in should condemn Arius' heresies, and in
reply they
due order and in a set place we would reply to their charges,
notwithstanding, to their preposterous wish. Then,
we agreed
falsely interpreting the reading of the Gospel, they proposed
to us that the Lord had said: 'He who sent me is greater
teaches otherwise.
than I,' although the context of Scripture
They were made to admit the falsehood, although they
still were not corrected by reason. For, when we said that

the Son was said to be less than the Father in His taking of
a body, but that in His divinity He is proved by the testimony
of Scripture to be like and equal to the Father, and that
there could be no difference in degree of rank or greatness,

where there was unity of power, they not only refused to

correct their error, but even began to be more enraged and to

say that the Son was subject in His divinity, as if there could
be any subjection of God in His divinity and majesty. Finally,
they attributed His death not to the mystery of our salvation
but to some weakness of His divinity.
We shudder to think, most clement Princes, of these
dreadful sacrileges, these corrupt teachers. And that they
may not further deceive the people whom they govern, we
have decided that they should be deprived of their priestly
power, since they agreed to the impiety in the document
presented to them. It is not fitting that they claim for them-
selves the priesthood of One whom
they deny. We
beg your
faith and glory to manifest the reverence of your authority
to Him who is its source, and determine that these pro-
claimers of impiety and corrupters of the truth, by a rescript
of your Clemency to competent authority, be barred from
the doors of the Church, and that, in place of the guilty ones,
holy priests be delegated through the legates of our Littleness.
The same opinion was held by Attalus, a priest who
admitted his collusion with and adherence to the sacrilegious
teachings of Palladius. Why should we speak of his master
Julian Valens? Although he lived close by, he refused to
attend the council of bishops, fearing he would be compelled
to explain before the bishops the ruin of his country and the

betrayal of his citizens. He, desecrated by the impiety of the

Goths, is said to have even dared like a heathen, wearing
necklace and bracelets, to make his appearance before the
Roman army. Such conduct is obviously sacrilegious, not only
in a bishop but in any Christian whatsoever. It is also alien
to Roman custom, although the idolatrous worshipers of the
Goths are accustomed to appear thus.
May the name of bishop move your Holiness, a name

which that unholy person disgraces. He is convicted of

of his people who
unspeakable wickedness by the statements
still survive. Let him at least return to his own home, let
him not befoul the cities of a very flourishing Italy. At
present, by illegal ordinations
he associates with himself men
like himself and through certain reprobate persons seeks to

leave the seeds of his impiety and treachery. He has not even

begun to be a bishop. First of all, he replaced the saintly

Mark at Pettau, a priest of holy memory. Being unable to

stay at Pettau, he is now at Milan after

the overthrow, or,
let us say, 'betrayal/ of his country.
us on all
May your Piety, therefore, deign to counsel
these matters, so we will not appear to have met in vain

when we complied with the ordinances of your Tranquility.

Care must be taken not only that our decrees but also yours

be not held in dishonor. Therefore, we beg your Clemency

to hear with all indulgence the delegates of the council, holy

men, and bid them return as soon as possible with those

things accomplished which we ask. Thus may you receive
reward from the Lord God, Christ, whose Church you have
rid of all stain of sacrilege.
You have removed the Photinians, who by a former
law you had decreed should hold no assemblies, revoking,
too, that law which was passed regarding the meeting of a
council of bishops. We ask your Clemency, knowing that
their assemblies are still
being held in Sirmium, though these
3 Followers of Photinus, a heretic, a native of Ancyra and bishop of
Sirmium. Reviving Sabellianism, he denied the plurality of Persons in
the Trinity. He was condemned at Antioch (344) ,at Milan (347) ,
and deposed by the first Synod of Sirmium. His condemnation was
confirmed by the second Ecumenical Council, He died in 366. Cf.
J. Thein, Ecclesiastical Dictionary (New York 1900) .

4 Gratian complied with the request of the bishops; cf. Letter 42, below.

assemblies have been put under interdict, that you give orders
to have reverence shown first to the Catholic Church and
then to your laws, so that, with God as your patron, you
may triumph, while you provide for the peace and tranquility
of the churches.

40. To the most dement Emperors and most Christian

Princes, most glorious and most blessed Gratian,
Valentinian, and Theodosius, the Council which
met at Aquileia (May, 381)

Provision has been made, most clement Princes, by the

enactments of your Tranquility, that the disbelief of the
Arians may not be further hidden or spread abroad, for we
do not anticipate the decrees of the council being without
effect. As regards the West, only two individuals have been

found to dare oppose the council with profane and blas-

phemous remarks, men who had previously thrown into
confusion only a small corner of southern Dacia.
There is another reason which distresses us more, which
we had to treat when we assembled, lest it spread over the
whole body of the Church scattered thoughout the world,
and thus throw everything into confusion. Although we
generally agreed that Ursinus could not have deceived your
Piety (although he allows no tranquility and, amid the
countless exigencies of war, attempts an ill-timed deceit), yet,
that your holy mind and tranquiiity of soul, which delight in

1 On the Danube.

2 Ursinus, antipope, was elected in 366 by jealous adherents of Liberius

after the election by a large majority of Pope Damasus. Eventually,
Ursinus came to Milan where he found adherents among the Arians

the false
taking thought for all, may not be swayed by
adulation of that unreasonable man, we think it
right, if you
not only
condescendingly allow it, to pray and beseech you,
to guard against future events, but also to be alarmed over
that which has been achieved by his temerity. For, if he
found any avenue for his boldness, what would he not put
into confusion?
If pity for a single person
can influence you, let the
prayer of all the bishops move you much more. Who of us
will be joined in fellowship with him, when he has tried to

usurp a position not due to him, and to which he could not

rightfully attain, and tries to regain
most unreasonably what
he has unreasonably sought? As often as he has been found
guilty of disturbances, he still goes on, as though
by past experiences. Generally (as we ascertained and saw
in the present council), he was in union and combination
with the Arians, when, in company with Valens, he tried to
throw into confusion the Church at Milan, holding secret
assemblies, sometimes before the doors of the synagogue,
sometimes in the homes of Arians, and getting his friends to
join them. Then, since he himself could not openly enter their
assemblies, teaching and informing them how the peace of
the Church might be disturbed, he drew fresh courage from
their madness when he was able to earn the favor of their

supporters and allies.

Since it is written: A factious man avoid after a first
3 *
admonition, and since another who
spoke by the Holy
Spirit said that beasts of this sort should be spurned and
not received with greeting or welcome, how can we not

3 Julian Valens of Pettau had the assistance of the antipope Ursinus,

who bore a grudge against Ambrose because the latter supported Pope
4 Tit. 3.10.
5 Cf. 2 John 10.

judge the person whom we have seen united to their society

to be also an exponent of disbelief? Even if he were not

there, we would nevertheless have besought your Clemency

not to allow disturbance to reach the Roman Church, head
of the whole Roman world, and that sacred trust of the
Apostles, whence flow all the rights of venerable communion

upon all persons. We therefore beg and beseech you to deprive

him of the means of stealing advantage from you.
We know your Clemency's holy modesty. Let him not
press upon you words unfit for your hearing, or give his
noisy utterance to what is foreign to the office and name of
priest, or say to you what is unseemly. Since he must have a
good reputation at least with those who are outside, may
your Clemency condescend to recall what is his reputation

among his own fellow citizens. It is shameful to say and

immodest to repeat how disgraceful is the rumor which does
him harm. Shame over this should have kept him silent, and,
if he had some of a
bishop's conscience, he would prefer
the Church's peace and concord to his own ambition and
inclination. But, far removed from all embarrassment, send-

ing letters through Paschasius, an excommunicated individual,

the standard-bearer of his madness, he sows confusion, and
tries to excite even heathens and abandoned characters,
We therefore beg that through the removal of this very
troublesome person you will restore peace to us bishops and
to the Roman people whose security has been interrupted
and whose condition at present keeps them in uncertainty
and suspense, now that the city prefect has made an appeal.
Attaining this, let us in continual accord offer thanks to
God the almighty Father and Christ, also the Lord God.
6 Cf. 1 Tim. 3.7.

4L To the most dement and most Christian Emperors and

the most glorious and most blessed Princes,
Gratian, Valentinian,and Theodosius, the holy
Council which met at Aquileia (June, 381)

are unable, even with the most overflowing return of
thanks, to match the benefits of your Piety, most clement
Emperors, most blessed and glorious Princes, Gratian, Valen-
tinian, and Theodosius, beloved of God the Father and of
His Son our Lord Jesus Christ. After many seasons and
various persecutions which the Arians brought upon all
Catholics, and
especially Lucius, who attacked monks and
virgins with unholy slaughter, and Demophilus, too, a dread
source of impiety, all the churches of God, particularly in the
East, have been restored to the Catholics; and in the West
just two heretics have been found to oppose the holy council.
Who, then, would feel able to make acknowledgment ade-
quate to your favors?
Although we cannot express your favors in words, we still
desire to compensate them
by the prayers of the council.
Although in all of our several churches we celebrate vigils
each day before God for your Empire, yet assembled to-
gether, thinking no service more glorious, we offer thanks to

1 Lucius was forced upon the Church at Alexandria

by Paliadius,
governor of the province, in place of Peter, the duly elected successor
of Athanasius. He was later
expelled from the see he had usurped.
Cf. Theodoret, H. E. 4.19; Socrates, H. E. 4.37.
2 Demophilus, originally Bishop of Boaea was
(probably in Thrace) ,

deposed for his Arianism. In 370 he was elected bishop of Con-

stantinople by the Arian party and was supported by the Emperor
Valens, who banished Evagrius. In 380, at the accession of Theodosius,
he was asked to subscribe to the Nicene Creed if he wished to maintain
his see. He refused, and
along with Lucius and others he conducted
Arian worship outside the walls of Constantinople until his death in
386. Cf. Socrates, H. E. 4.37; Ambrose, De fide 1.6.45.

our almighty God for the Empire and for your peace and
well-being, because through you peace and concord have
been shed upon us.
In only two small corners of the West, that is, on the
borders of southern Dacia and in Moesia, did there appear to
be murmurs against the faith. Now, after the vote of the
council, we feel that these should at once be allowed the

indulgence of your Clemency. Throughout all territories and

districts and village departments as far as the ocean, the
communion of the faithful remains one and unsullied. And
Arians in the East who had violently laid hold of churches
have, we learn with great joy and happiness, been ejected,
and the sacred temples of God are attended by Catholics

But, since the envy of the Devil never subsides, word

comes to our ears that there areamong the Catholics them-
selves frequent dissensions and restless discord. All our feelings
are stirred at learning that many new [disturbances] have
taken place, and that persons are now molested, who should
have been relieved, men who remained always in communion
with us. In fact, Timothy, Bishop of the Church at Alex-
andria, and Paulinus of Antioch, who always maintained an
unbroken concord of communion with us, are said to be
distressed by the dissensions of others, whose faith was

3 The nature of the difficulty with Timothy is uncertain. Tillemont

(op. cit. 10.139)says the question probably concerns the successor to
the see of Antioch. The members of the Council of Aquileia who
addressed themselves to the emperor seem not to have heard of the
outcome of the recent Council of Constantinople, when the death of
Meletius was followed by the consecration of the presbyter Flavian and
the irregular consecration of Maximus. CL Dudden, op, cit. 206-212.
4 A reference to the long schism of Antioch, which lasted from the
deposition of Eustathius by the Arians in 331 until 415. Cf. Theodoret,
H. E. 3.2.

steadfast in former times. If it is

possible, and if these people
are recommended by the fullness of their faith, we should
like to have them added to our fellowship, on the condition

that our associates in the ancient communion may keep their

for them is not unnecessary, first,
privilege. Our concern
because the fellowship of communion ought to be without
offense, and second, because we have long received letters
from both parties, and especially from those in the Church
at Antioch who were heretics.

Indeed, if hostile interference had not been a hindrance,

we should have arranged to send some of our own number
to act as mediators and judges
in restoring peace, if possible.

But, not
since our desires could take effect at that time,
because of the troubles of the state, we feel that we should
offeryour Piety our prayers, asking that by mutual agree-
ment, when a bishop dies, the rights of the Church should
belong to the survivor, and no other consecration be forcibly
attempted. Therefore, we request you, O most clement and
Christian Princes, to permit a council of all Catholic bishops
at Alexandria, where they may more fully discuss together
and decide to what persons communion is to be granted and
with whom it is to be maintained.
Although we have always upheld the direction and order
of the Church at Alexandria, and in accord with the manner
and custom of our predecessors have maintained communion
with it in indissoluble fellowship even down to the present
time, yet, that others may not seem less esteemed, who have
sought our communion by an agreement which we desire to
continue, or lest we neglect a short-cut to peace and fellow-
ship with the faithful, we entreat you that, when they have
discussed these matters in a full assembly, the decrees of the

bishops may be furthered by the help of your Piety. Allow

us to be notified, that our minds may not waver in uncer-

tainty, but that joyously and peacefully we may give thanks

before almighty God for your Piety, not only that disbelief
has been eliminated but faith and harmony restored to
Catholics. This the Churches of Africa and Gaul beg you
through you may make the bishops of the
their legates, that
whole world your debtors, although the debt already due
your Virtue is by no means slight.
To entreat your Clemency and, to obtain our requests, we
have sent as legates our brethren and fellow priests whom
we ask you to condescend to hear graciously and allow to
return speedily.

42. To Emperor Theodosius, most dement

the most blessed

prince, Ambrose and the other bishops of Italy

(Autumn, 381)

We are aware that your saintly mind has been dedicated

to the service of almighty God with unblemished and pure
faith.But through your latest good offices you have perfected
your dedication by bringing back to the churches the Cath-
olics, O Emperor Augustus, Wouldthat you had brought
back the Catholics to their old sense of reverence, so that
they would make no changes contrary to the regulations
of their predecessors, neither rashly doing away with customs
that should be preserved, nor preserving what should be
abolished. More grievously, perhaps, than ill-advisedly have
we lamented, revered Emperor, the fact that it has been
easier to drive out the heretics than to establish concord

among the Catholics. It is impossible to explain

great how
confusion has recently prevailed.
Some time ago we wrote to you regarding the city of
Antioch, which had two bishops, Paulinus and Meletius, who
agreement on faith. Therefore, we thought
we knew were in
that peace and concord between them would protect the
Church discipline, or, at least, that if either of
interests of
them died and the other survived, there would be no sub-
stitution of another person in the place of the deceased.
Now, however, upon the death of Meletius, while Paulinus
is still living a man who has remained in communion with
us by the peaceful rule of his congregation under our
predecessors contrary to what is right, and contrary to
Church discipline, someone is being planted in Meletius'
is being imposed rather than installed.
place, one
Thisbeing carried out, moreover, with the consent and
agreement of Nectarius, whose ordination does not appear to 3
us to In the council recently held,
be regular. Bishop
Maximus 4 revealed by letters from Peter, of holy memory,
that the members of the Church of Alexandria were in
communion with him, and he proved that he had retired
for the ceremony of his ordination to his own home because

1 Two were in Antioch: Euzoius, installed by Constantius'

rival bishops
legitimately elected by his colleagues. But
orders, and Meletius, a
group of persons openly separated from these two and put themselves
under a certain Paulinus. The Council of Alexandria had decided
regarding the doctrine of the contending parties that Paulinus' and
Meletius' adherents were in agreement, although the former, following
the terminology of Nicaea, accepted the perfected synonymity of ousia
and hypostdsis. They refused to recognize or accept the Meletian for-
mula, 'Three hypostases in the Trinity/ Cf. Palanque and others, op.
cit. 305.
2 Nectarius, a nobleman of Tarsus, was, like Ambrose, unbaptized when
he was elected Bishop of Constantinople in 381 at the resignation of
Gregory Nazianzen.
3 The Council of Aquileia (381) .

4 Maximus of Alexandria had been irregularly consecrated in 380 by

some Egyptian bishops, who brought the authorization of the con-
secration from Peter of Alexandria during the illness of Gregory.

the Arians had possession of the basilicas of the church.


We had no
occasion, best of princes, to question his epis-
copacy, since he proved that he resisted violence brought to
bear on him by several of the laity and the clergy.
Nevertheless, we thought that your Clemency should be
informed so that we would not $eem to have presumed to
pronounce finally upon an affair when the parties concerned
were not present. Consultation should be held for the sake
of public peace and concord. Actually, we have observed
that Gregory [when he abdicated his see], in accord with the
tradition of the Fathers, laid no claim to the office of priest
of the Church at Constantinople. In the synod, therefore,
whose attendance seemed binding upon the bishops of the
whole world, we agreed to decide nothing with haste. Yet,
those who refused to attend the general council are said to
have met at the same time at Constantinople. When this

assembly learned that Maximus had come to their synod to

plead his case (although the council had not been lawfully
proclaimed in the manner of our predecessors, like Athanasius,
of holy memory, and like Peter, earlier both bishops of the
Church at Alexandria and as several of the Eastern bishops
had done before, appearing to have recourse to the judgment
of Rome, of Italy, and of all the West), when they, as we
said, found Maximus wanting to make trial against those
who had refused him a bishopric, they surely should have
waited for our opinion. We do not challenge the right of an
examination into such a matter, but there should have been
a meeting for a united decision.
Finally, there should have been an agreement as to whether
it seemed necessary to recall him before transferring the

office of priest to another. The procedure was important

especially to those by whom Maximus claimed he had been

5 In favoring Maximus, Ambrose and the Western bishops were not in

possession of the full facts of the matter.

Since our assembly had

deserted or harmfully attacked.
received Bishop Maximus into communion, agreeing that
he had been ordained by Catholic bishops, we did not think
that he should be removed from his claim to the bishopric

Constantinople. We thought that

his claim should be weighed
the However, since our people recently
by parties present.
learned that Nectarius was ordained at Constantinople, we
do not see how we can unite our communion with the
Eastern countries, since it is said that Nectarius
of communion by the
left there, deprived of the fellowship 6
same persons by whom he had been ordained.
This is no mean difficulty. The trouble causes us anguish
not out of any personal interest and ambition, but we are
disturbed over the tearing and rending asunder of the union
of the faithful. We do not see how agreement can be reached
unless either he returned to Constantinople who was first

in Rome of the
ordained, or there is at least a joint council
East and West regarding the ordination of the two persons
in question.
Itdoes not seem unfitting, O
Augustus, that a treatise
be drawn up by the head of the Roman Church and the
neighboring and Italian bishops, who thought
that the judg-

ment of the one bishop, Acholius, was so worth waiting for

that they presumed to summon him to Constantinople from
the West. If protection was provided for this one man alone,
how much more is it to be provided for many persons?

Yet, having been advised to write to the power of your

Clemency by our most excellent Prince, the brother of your

we ask that where there is one communion you may
wish a judgment in common and agreement in perfect

6 This was a false rumor.

7 Gratian.

43. To the blessed Emperor Theodosius, most clement prince,

Ambrose and the other bishops of Italy (381)

The knowledge of your faith, spread throughout the world,

has won the deep affection of our hearts. And now, to
enhance even more the glory of your reign, since it seems
you have brought back unity to the Churches of East and
West, we have thought that your Clemency should be
petitioned by our letters and instructed also regarding the
affairs of the Church, O Emperor most serene and faithful!
There has been cause for sorrow between Eastern and West-
ern people because the sacred communion of their con-
gregations has been interrupted.
We pass over in silence those whose error and sin caused
this, that we may not appear to be weaving tales and idle
talk. We are not sorry to have tried a course of action the
neglect of which might have been cause for censure. are We
often blamed for seeming not to value highly unison with
the Eastern brethren, and for seeming to refuse their good
As a matter of fact, however, we have thought that our
endeavors should be publicly recognized as being concerned
not for Italy, which has been at peace for a long time and
free from the Arians, and is not disturbed by any trouble
with any other heretics not, we repeat, for ourselves* We do
not look for that which concerns us, but that which concerns
all, not for the interests of Gaul and Africa, which possess
united friendship of all their bishops, but we are anxious
that these pertain to the East and have
matters which
troubled our communion may be discussed before a synod
and every difficulty removed from our midst.
Some matters pertain to those persons of whom your
Clemency has deigned to write; others, to those who are
trying to introduce some sort of dogma into the Church,

said to be the teaching of Apollinaris; and these items, which

should have been cut out by the roots while both parties were
present, greatly distress us.Then, if a person is spreading a
new dogma and is found guilty of error, he should not hide
himself under the general name of the faith, but, immediately,
because he does not have title to it through his teaching
authority, he should lay aside his priestly office and title, and
no materials or devices for treachery should remain for those
who, in the future, wish to deceive others. If one is not found
guilty the parties are present, for by your august and
princely response your Clemency has defined [the limits of
discussion for us], he will seize upon some loophole of com-

plaint which will have to be reckoned with.

For these reasons, therefore, we have asked for a council
of bishops so that no one can allege falsehood while members
are absent, and that whatever is true may be discussed in
the council. Thus, no suspicion of intention or willingness
falls on those who have done everything in the presence of

all parties.
have prepared this rescript not by way of definition,
but of instruction, and in asking for a judgment we do not
advance a pre-judgment. Nor must any disapproval of
those parties be presumed when the bishops, whose absence
has been noted frequently, are summoned to the council,
because now the common good is being consulted. We
ourselves have never thought there was any disapproval
expressed when a bishop of the Church at Constantinople,
one Paulus by name, called for a synod of Eastern and
Western bishops in Achaia.
Your Clemency notices that this is not an unreasonable
demand, for it has been asked for by the Eastern bishops.
But, because there is a disturbance in Illyricum, safer places
have been sought on the coast. Plainly, we do not, as it were,
start something out of the ordinary, but we are keeping the

pattern established for councils by Athanasius, of holy memory,

who was like a pillar of faith, and by the ancient fathers of
times past. We
have not torn up boundary stones which our
Fathers down, we do not violate the laws of the
communion which we are heirs, but, preserving the honor
due your power, we merely show ourselves zealous for peace
and repose.

44. To our lord, dearly beloved Brother Pope Siricius,

Ambrose, Sabinus, Bassianus, and others (c. 389 ) l

In the letter of we recognize the vigilance

your Holiness
of thegood shepherd, for you carefully keep the door which
has been entrusted to you, and with holy anxiety you guard
the sheepfold of Christ, worthy to have the Lord's sheep hear
and follow you. Since you know so well the sheep of Christ,
you will readily catch the wolves and meet them like a wary
shepherd that they may not scatter the Lord's flock by
their habitual unbelief and mournful barking.
This we praise and heartily commend, our Lord and
dearly beloved Brother. We are not surprised that the Lord's
flock was frightened by the raving of wolves in whom they
did not recognize the voice of Christ. For it is brutish barking
to show no favor for virginity or claim for chastity, to wish
to group all deeds indiscriminately, to abolish the different
degrees of merit, and to intimate a certain poverty in heavenly
rewards, as if Christ had but one palm to give, as if countless
claims to reward did not exist in great numbers.
They pretend that they are giving honor to marriage.
What praise is possible to marriage if virginity receives no
distinction? We do not say that marriage was not sanctified

1 Written at the Synod of Milan as a defense of virginity against


by Christ, since the Word of God says: The two shall

become one flesh' 2 and one spirit. But we are bora before
we are brought to our final goal, and the mystery of God's
operation is more excellent than the remedy for human
weakness. Quite rightly is a good wife praised, but a pious
virgin is more
rightly preferred, for the Apostle says:
who gives his daughter in marriage does well, and he who
does not give her does better. The one thinks about the
things of God, the other about the things of the world.'
The one is bound by marriage bonds, the other is free from
bonds; one under the law, the other under grace. Marriage

good: through it the means of human continuity are
found. But virginity is better: through it are attained the
inheritance of a heavenly kingdom and a continuity of
heavenly rewards. Through a woman distress entered the
world; through a virgin salvation came upon it. Lastly,
Christ chose for Himself the special privilege of virginity and
set forth the benefit of chastity, manifesting in Himself what
He had chosen in His mother.
great is the madness of their mournful barking when
the same persons say that Christ could not have been born
of a virgin and also assert that virgins remain among
womankind which has given birth to human offspring Does

Christ grant to others what they say He cannot grant to

Himself? Although He took a body, although He became
man to redeem man and recall him from death, still, being
God, He came to earth in an unusual way so that, as He
had said: 'Behold I make all things new,' 4 He might thus
be born from the womb of an immaculate virgin, and be
believed to be, as it is written: 'God with us.' 5 Those on

2 Matt. 19.5.
3 1 Cor. 7.38.
4 Isa. 43.19.
5 Matt. 1.23.

the path of evil are known to say She conceived as a virgin

but she did not bring forth as a virgin.' could she How
conceive as a virgin but be unable to bring forth as a virgin?
Conception always precedes; bringing forth follows.
If they do not believe the
teaching of the clergy, let
them believe the words of Christ. Let them believe the
instruction of the angels saying: Tor nothing will be im-
possible with God.' Let them believe the creed of the Apostles
which the Church of Rome keeps and guards in its entirety.
Mary heard the words of the angel, and she who had said
before: 'How shall this be?' not questioning faith in the
generation, later replied : 'Behold the handmaid of the Lord ;
be it done to me according to thy word/ 7 This is the virgin
who conceived in the womb, the virgin who brought forth
a son. Thus Scripture says: 'Behold a virgin shall conceive
and bear a son,' 8 and it declares not only that a virgin shall
conceive, but also that a virgin shall bring forth.
What is that gate of the sanctuary, that outer gate facing
closed: And no man,' it says, 'shall
the East and remaining
9 5

pass through except the God of Israel ? Is not Mary the


gate through whom the Redeemer entered this world? This

is the
gate of justice, as He Himself said: 'Permit us to
fulfill all Holy Mary is the gate of which it is
written: 'The Lord will pass through it, and it will be shut,'
after birth, for as a virgin she conceived and gave birth.

Why hard to believe that Mary gave birth in a way

is it

contrary to the law of natural birth and remained a virgin,

when contrary to the law of nature the sea looked at Him
and fled, and the waters of the Jordan returned to their

6 Luke 1.37.
7 Luke 34.7,38.
8 Isa. 7.14.
9 Ezech. 44.20.
10 Matt. 3.15.
11 Ezech. 44.20.

source. It is not past belief that a virgin gave birth when
we read that a rock issued water, and the waves of the sea
were made solid as a wall. It is not past belief that a man
came from a virgin when a rock bubbled forth a flowing
iron floated on water, a man walked upon the
waters. If the waters bore a man, could not a virgin give

birth to a man? What man? Him of whom we read: 'The

Lord will send them a man, who will save them, and the
Lord will be known in Egypt.' In the Old Testament a
Hebrew virgin led an army through the sea; in the New
Testament a king's daughter was chosen to be the heavenly
entrance to salvation.
What more? Let us add further praises of widowhood,
since, after relating the miraculous birth from a virgin, the
Gospel has the story of the widow Anna, 'who lived with
her husband seven years from her maidenhood, and by
herself as a widow to eighty-four years. She never left the
temple, with fasting and prayers worshiping day and
Quite rightly do some persons look with contempt upon
widowhood, which observes fasts, while they deplore the
fact that at some time or other they were mortified by fasts;

they take revenge for the injury they did themselves, being
anxious through constant feasts and habits of luxury to keep
away the pain of abstinence. They do nothing more than
condemn themselves out of their own mouth.
Such persons even fear that their former fasting will be

12 Cf. PS. 113.3.

13 Cf. Exod. 17.6.
14 Cf. Exod. 14.22.
15 Cf. Num. 20.11.
16 Cf. 4 Kings 6.6.
17 Cf. Matt. 14.26.
18 Isa. 19.20.
19 Cf. Exod. 14.21.
20 Luke 2.36,37.

charged to them. Let them have their choice. If they have

ever fasted, them suffer the hardship of their good deed;

if never, let them admit their

intemperance and wantonness.
So they say that Paul was a teacher of wantonness. Pray,
who will be a teacher of sobriety if he taught wantonness,
for he chastized his body and brought it to subjection and
fasts said that he had rendered the
by many worship which is
due to Christ. He did so not to praise himself and his deeds,
but to teach us what example we must follow. Did he give
us instruction in wantonness when he said: 'Why, as if still
living do you lay down the rules: "Do not touch; nor handle;
nor taste!" things that must all perish in their use ? 22 And

he also said that we must live 'Not in indulgence of the body,

not in any honor to the satisfying and love of the flesh, not
in the lusts of error; but in the Spirit by whom we are
If the Apostle said too little, let them hear the Prophet

saying: I afflicted soul with fasting.'

my He who does not
fast isuncovered and naked and exposed to wounds. Finally,
if Adam had covered himself with fasting he would not

have become naked. 25 Nineve freed herself from death by

fasting. The Lord Himself said: 'But this kind of demon
will be cast out only by prayer and fasting.'

Why should we say more to [you] our master and teacher,

since those very persons have paid a price befitting their

disloyalty, having even come here so that there might be

place where they were not condemned. And they proved
that they were Manichaeans in truth by not believing that

21 Cf. 1 Cor. 9.27.

22 Col. 2.20-22.
23 Cf. Tit. 3.3-5.
24 Ps. 68.11.
25 Cf. Gen. 3.7.
26 Cf. Jonas 3.5.
27 Matt. 17.20.

He came forth from a virgin. What madness, pray tell, is

this, equal almost to that of the present-day Jews? If they

do not believe that He came, neither do they believe that He
took a body. Thus, He was seen only in imagination, in
imagination He was crucified. But He was crucified for us
in truth; in truth He is our Redeemer.
A Manichaean is one who denies the truth, who denies
Christ's Incarnation. To such there is no remission of sins.
the impiety of the Manichaeans which the most clement
It is

emperor has abominated and all who have met them run
from them as from a plague. Witnesses of this are our
brethren and fellow priests, Crescens, Leopardus, and Alex-
ander, men imbued with the Holy Spirit, men who brought
upon them the condemnation of all and drove them as
fugitives from the city of Milan.
Therefore, may your Holiness know that those whom you
condemned Jovinian, Auxentius, Germinator, Felix, Plo-
Martian, Januarius, and Ingeniosus have also
tinus, Genial,
been condemned by us in accord with your judgment.
May our almighty God keep you safe and prosperous,
O Lord, dearly beloved Brother.

Signed :

I, Eventius, Bishop, greet your Holiness in the Lord and

sign this letter.
Maximus, Bishop
Theodorus, Bishop
Constantius, Bishop
By order of my lord Geminianus, Bishop, in his presence,

I, Aper, Presbyter, sign.

Eustasius, Bishop, and all the Orders sign.

45. Ambrose to Horontianus 1 (c. 387)

SHE PROPHETS foretold the gathering of the Gentiles

and the future rearing of the Church, yet in the
Church there is not only the continual progress of
courageous souls, but also the failure of the weak and their
conversion anew. Therefore, we can conclude from the
prophetic books that the fair and strong soul proceeds without
stumbling, but the weak one falls and recovers from her falls
and amends her way.
As we read in the Canticle of Canticles of the continual
progress of the blessed soul, so let us consider in Micheas
the conversion of the fallen soul of which we began to speak.
Not without good reason have the Prophet's words, 'And
thou, Bethlehem, house of Ephrata/ disturbed you.
can Christ's birthplace be a house of wrath? Though the
name of the place expresses this, certain mysterious operations
are being illustrated.

1 For the Horontianus, a priest of Milan, probably Syrian in

letters to
origin, and
those to Irenaeus, a layman, the sequence given by J.
Palanque, 'Deux correspondents de S. Ambroise/ Revue des etudes
latines II (1933) 152-163 has been followed. He groups all the letters
to Horontianus around the year 387.
2 Mich. 5.2.


Let us first what meaning Micheas has in Latin.

It means 'Who from God,' or, as we find elsewhere 'Who
is :

in other words [son of]

is he, the son of the Morasthite,'

the heir. Who is the heir but the Son of God who says:

'All things have been delivered to me by my Father/ who,
co-heirs? It is well [to ask]
being the heir, wished us to be

'Who is he?' for He is not one of the people, but one chosen
to receive the grace of God, in whom speaks the Holy

Spirit, who began

to prophesy in the days of Joathan, Achaz,
is signified the
and Ezekias, kings of Juda.' By this order
progress of the vision, for it goes from the times of evil kings

to those of the good king.

Since the afflicted soul was first oppressed under evil kings,
it seems best to consider what progress in conversion
she was overthrown, and all
experienced. In her weakness
her fences became a path for passers-by and for the inroads
of passion. Spent with luxury and pleasure, she was trodden
down and banished from the presence of the Lord: 'Her
tower was decayed,' that tower which, as we read in the

song of Isaias, was placed in the midst of a choice vineyard.
For the tower is desolate when the vine withers and her
flock wanders, but when the verdure of the vine returns or
the sheep come back, it grows bright, for nothing is more
desolate than iniquity, nothing more bright than justice.
To this tower the sheep is recalled when the soul is recalled
from her downfall, and in that sheep returns the reign of
Christ which is the beginning, for He is the beginning and
the end, and the beginning of salvation. The soul is first

3 Mich. 1.1.
of Jerome (Pro. in
4 Ambrose here agrees with the interpretation
25.1151-1154) that Micheas means humilis, and
Mich., PL Morasthi
means coheres.
5 Matt. 11.27.
6 Mich. 1.1.
7 Mich. 4.8.
8 Cf. Isa. 5.2.
9 Cf. Apoc. 1.8.

rebuked for having grievously transgressed, and she is asked:

Why hast thou known evil? Hast thou no king in thee? 510

In other words, you had a king to rule and guard you; you
should not have strayed from the path of justice, or left the
ways of the Lord, for He imparted to you sense and reason.
Where were your thoughts and counsels with which you
could have by your own power guarded against unrighteous-
ness and warded off iniquity? 'Why have your sorrows
overwhelmed you like a woman that is in labor, 511 that you
might bring forth iniquity and conceive injustice? There is
no greater sorrow than to have a man wound his conscience
with the sword of sin; there is no heavier burden than the
load of sin and the weight of transgression. It bows down
the soul, it bends it to the ground, so that it cannot raise
itself. Heavy, my son, exceedingly heavy are the burdens of
sin. Thus that woman in the Gospel who had been bent
over, giving the semblance of a heavily laden soul, could be
raised up only by Christ.
To such a soul it is said: 'Act manfully, and approach,
O daughter of Sion, that you may bring forth,'
for the

pains of childbirth work tribulation, and tribulation en-

durance, and endurance tried virtue, and tried virtue hope.
And hope does not disappoint forever.' 14 At one and the
same time all that is opposed to virtue is plucked up and
cast forth, lest the seeds remain behind and revive, budding
forth again into new fruits.

Not without reason was she given horns and hoofs, to

bruise all the sheaves of the threshing floor, like the calf of
Libanus, for, unless the sheaves are bruised and the straw
winnowed, the corn within cannot appear and be separated.
10 Mich. 4.9.
11 Ibid.
12 Cf. Luke 13.11.
13 Mich. 4.10.
14 Rom. 5.3,4.
15 Cf. Mich. 4.13.

Let the soul that would advance in virtue first bruise and
thresh out its superfluous passions that at the harvest it may
have its fruits to show. How many weeds choke the good
seed! These first must be rooted out^so that they will not
of the soul.
destroy the fruitful crop
The careful guardian of the soul then sees how he may
restrain her in her and cut off her desires, to
with delight in them. The
prevent her being overwhelmed
correction of the father who does not spare the rod is useful,
that he may render his son's soul obedient to the precepts of

He punishes with a rod, as we read: I shall
Therefore, one who with
a rod.'
punish their offenses with
a rod strikes an Israelite's soul on the cheek instructs her
in the discipline of patience.
by the Lord's punishment
one who is chastened and corrected need lose hope, for one
who loves his son chastises him. No one should despair of
a remedy.
Lo! where you had the house 'of one seeing wrath/
there the house of bread;
is in the place of cruelty, there
is now where there was the slaughter of the Innocents,
there is the redemption of all, as it is written: 'And thou,
Bethlehem Ephrata, art not the least among the princes of
ruler in Israel.
Juda: out of thee shall he come forth the
Bethlehem is the house of bread, Ephrata the house of one
of those names. In
seeing wrath, for this is the meaning
Bethlehem Christ was born of Mary, but Bethlehem is the
same as Ephrata. 22 Christ, therefore, was born in the house
of wrath, yet it is no longer a house of wrath, but a house
of bread, because it has received Him, the Bread which

16 Cf. Prov. 13.24.

17 Ps. 88.35.
18 Cf. Eccli. 30.1.
19 Ephrata.
20 Bethlehem.
21 Mich. 5.2.
22 Cf. Luke 2.6.

came down from heaven. 23 But Ephrata is the house of one

seeing wrath, because while Herod searched there for Christ

he ordered the Innocents slain; therefore: 'A voice was
heard in Rama, Rachel weeping for her children.'
Let no one be afraid now, because that repose which
David sought has been heard of in Ephrata, and it has been
found in the fields of the woods. 25 The nations met in the
woods, but, after they believed in Christ, it became fruitful,

for it received the fruit of the blessed womb. 26 And Rachel

died in childbirth because, even then, as the patriarch's
wife, she saw Herod's wrath which spared not the tenderest
years. Likewise, in Ephrata she gave birth to that Benjamin
of surpassing beauty, the last in the order of mystery, namely,

Paul, who caused no small grief to his mother before his

birth, for he persecuted her sons. She died and was buried
there, that we, dying and being buried with Christ, may
rise in the Church. Hence, according to another interpretation

Ephrata means 'enriched' or 'filled with fruits.'

Now, here in the book of the Prophet we find the words :

Thou art oligostos, 3 that is, thou art among the few,' but

in Matthew: And thou, Bethlehem, house of Juda, are not

among the few.' In one expression is 'house of Juda,' in this,
Ephrata,' and a difference only of words, not
'house of of

meaning, for inwardly Judea saw the wrath and outwardly

she suffered She is among the few, for there are who

enter the house of bread by the narrow way. But she who
knows not Christ is not among the few, among those who
make progress. Nor is she the least, she who is the house of
benediction, the recipient of divine grace. Yet in this she

the least, that what one offers to Christ he seems to offer to

23 Cf. John 6.50.

24 Matt. 2.18,
25 Cf. Ps. 131.3-6.
26 Cf. Luke 1.42.

her. One who seeks the Church seeks Christ, and He is

either despised or honored in every least one, for He says

Himself: 'What you have done to the least of these my
brethren, you did for me.'
That Bethlehem is the very same as Ephrata a passage in
Genesis makes clear, when it says 'So Rachel died, and
: was
buried on the way to Ephrata, that is, Bethlehem. The
tomb of holy Rachel is on the road, for she is a type of the
Church so that passers-by ^may say: 'The blessing of the Lord
be upon you 29 and 'Coming they shall come with rejoicing.' 30

Thus, every soul which receives the bread which comes

down from heaven is a house of bread, the bread of Christ,

being nourished and having its heart strengthened by the

support of that heavenly bread which dwells within it. Hence,
Paul says: 'We are all one bread.' Every faithful soul is
Bethlehem, just as that is called Jerusalem which has the
peace and tranquility of the Jerusalem on high which is in
heaven. That is the true bread which, after it was broken
into bits, has fed all men.
The fifth version 32 has 'house of bread,' because Beth
means 'a house,* and 'leem' means 'bread.' The words were
omitted from the other versions, I imagine, because of the
unbelief of the Jews who feared to convict themselves, or
possibly they were removed by others.
We learn also that Bethlehem is of the tribe of Juda from
the reading in the Book of Judges where the Levite took a
concubine from Bethlehem of Juda, and the concubine was
angry with him and returned to her father's house in
Bethlehem of Juda.

27 Matt. 25.40.
28 Gen. 55,19.
29 Ps. 128.8.
30 Ps. 126.6.
31 1 Cor. 10.17.
32 Ambrose here appears to be using a copy of Origen's Hexapla.

Christ's going forth is from the days of eternity, for

eternity commenced for us when He went forth to run His

course and gave to Israel the days of salvation. Christ When
comes to a soul there is fraitfulness and childbearing. So
she came to the Church, she who brought forth more than
she who had sons, bringing forth seven who are law-abiding,
tranquil, peacemakers. That soul begins to conceive and
Christ is formed in her if she welcomes His arrival and feeds
on His riches. As a
result, she has no needs, and other
souls, seeing her, return to the path of salvation.
'She shall have peace, 536 but it is tried only by temptations.
Then only will her peace and tranquility be proved when
she has shut out or repulsed vain thoughts, when she has
subdued all the emotions of rising passion, when distress,

persecution, hunger, peril, the sword beset her. 'Then,' it

says, "there will be peace,' because in the midst of all these
we overcome through Him who loved us, for we trust in
Him that neither death nor the power of temptations shall
tear and separate us from. His love. Then He will send
temptation that the just may be tried. The Lord wills to send
temptation, not to beguile anyone, but because many who are
weak are vanquished by temptation and those who are

strong are tried.

Then will come the dew from the Lord, then repose,
then will the soul of the just be like 'the young lion among
the flocks of sheep. I have no doubt that on the model of

the Gospel this refers to Christ, for He Himself said: Then

the will shine forth like the sun in the kingdom of

33 Cf. Mich. 5.2.

34 Cf. Ps. 18.6.
35 Cf. Isa. 54.1.
36 Mich. 5.5.
37 Cf. Rom. 8.35.
38 Cf. Mich. 5.7.
39 Mich. 5.8.

their Father.' Then shall be tamed the chariot car, that Is,
the wild coursing and the motions of his body; there will
be an end of 'Conflicts without and anxieties within';
shall be calm; no one
everywhere, within and without, there
shall feel repugnance or resist this good will, when the
intervening wall is broken down, when
both are made one,
for the obedience of the flesh will end all discord.
But, if a weak soul, such as Israel according to the fleshy
stumbles and shaken by persecutions and separates herself

any distance at all from the charity of Christ, she Is caught

up and reproved as faithless, as ungrateful, as unbelieving,
for, after being freed from the vanities of this world, she has
looked back and suffered a relapse. Yet, she was not
to know
required to offer gifts or sacrifice bulls, but only
the good and to act justly: 'It was shown thee, O man,'

[he says] what

good andis what the Lord requireth of thee.
Only do judgment and justice, love mercy, and be prepared
to walk with thy Lord. But, since the weak soul has not
kept these commands, the Lord says: Woe is me, for I am

become as one who gathers the straw at harvest time, and

like agrape in vintage time.' When the Prophet hears these
words by which God has spoken, he says to the soul: 'Alas
for me, O
soul, that the man full of fear has gone from the
earth/ These are as the words of the Lord pitying the
punishment which will come upon sin, and weeping over our
Then the soul who hears that she will not gather the fruit
of her seeds, and, in losing the harvest, will find no strength
for herself; that she will press the olive but will not find the
oil of gladness or drink the wine of pleasure; finding, also,

40 Matt. 13.43.
41 Cf. Mich. 5.10.
42 2 Cor. 7.5.
43 Eph. 2.14.
44 Mich. 6.8.
45 Mich. 7.1,2.

that the deeds of the flesh are full of blood, full of deception,
cheating, and fraud, empty sho\ts of affection and calculated
and all those of her own house her enemies; that she
must guard the movements of her companion body, for
they are grievous enemies of the soul is converted and
begins to hope in God, and, knowing that the flesh is truly
her enemy, she says to it: 'Rejoice not thou, my enemy,
over me, because I have fallen. I shall arise. When I sit in
darkness, the Lord shall enlighten me.'
When she finds that some power mocks her to prevent her
following a better path, and tramples her to deliver her to
the destruction of the flesh, 47 that she may be afflicted with
diverse evils, which are decreed either by the Lord in satis-
faction for her sins or by the Evil One out of jealousy at
her conversion, to afflict and call her back to himself, she
still says: 'I will bear the wrath of the Lord,' for either He

chastizes me in my fall or has given you the power of

afflicting me, 'because I have sinned,' yet I will bear this,

'until he justify cause.'my Unless I confess and pay the
price of my
iniquities, I cannot be justified. But, when I am
justified and have paid double for my sins, 'He will execute
judgment for me,' and lay aside His wrath since the sentence
against me is satisfied. 'He will bring me forth into the light
that I may see his justice' and behold His delight. My
enemy, the iniquity of the Devil, will see the light of my
and 'shall be covered with shame,' who saith
to me: 'Where is the Lord thy God?' 49 He will see in me
His mercy, he will see His love.
Let us not listen to him when we are in the troubles of
the world, whether of bodily pain, or the loss of children,
or of other necessities. Let us, I say, not listen to him as he

46 Mich. 7.8.
47 Cf. 1 Cor. 5.5.
48 Mich. 7.9.
49 Mich. 5.10.

'Where is the Lord thy God? When we suffer severe


pain we must then beware of his temptations, for then he is
trying to lead astray the weary soul.
That soul which has not heeded his snares, seeing later
the wonderful works of God, seeing herself in heaven, and
the Devil creeping like a snake on the earth, will congratulate
herself, saying: 'Who is a God like to thee, who takest
away iniquity and
passest by the wickedness?' You have
not been mindful of Your wrath, but have cast all our
iniquities into the sea, like Egyptian lead,
and graciously
have restored us to mercy which You gave with twofold
generosity, forgiving and hiding our sins, according to that
which has been written: 'Blessed are those whose iniquities
are forgiven, and whose sins are covered! Some sins You
have washed away by the Blood of Your Son, others You
have remitted for us, that by doing good and rendering
praise we may cover up our mistakes. The expression,
'pardoning sins/ applies to their forgiveness, for He takes
them away altogether, and what He remembers not are as
though they did not exist. But the words 'passest by the
wickedness' mean that, by confessing our failings and cover-
ing them with good deeds, they become charged to the
author of our fault, the instigator of our sin. Does he not do
this who confesses his fault, proving that he was beguiled

by the malice and craft of that spiritual wickedness opposing

For this that soul gives thanks, that the Lord pardons sin,
passes over and plunges iniquity into the depths of the sea.
This may also refer to baptism in which the Egyptian is
drowned, and the Hebrew rises again, wherein by the depths
of wisdom and a multitude of good works her former sins are

50 Mich. 7,18.
51 Ps. 51.1.

covered up by the riches of the mercy of our God, who is

mindful of the promise which He made to Abraham, and
allows no soul which is an heir to Abraham to perish.
By these a soul is But do you, my son, from
called back.
the first flower of your youth an heir of the Church, which
bore and sustains you, persevere in your
purpose, remember-
ing God's grace and His gift which you received by the
imposition of my hands. Thus, in this office, too, as in the
sacred ministry, you may reveal your faith and
and look for the recompense of the Lord Jesus.
Farewell, and love us as a son, for we love you.

46. Ambrose to Horontianus1

In my last letter I spoke of the soul which journeys through

certain devious and winding roads, wavering as did Israel of
old in the flesh. But Israel herself will be set free through
the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, when the full number of
the Gentiles shall enter,' 2 for, her sin being lighter, she has
renewed herself by repentance. Let us speak in this letter
of the daughter of the Church and let us consider how the
Lord Jesus first took her under His care, instructed her, and
led her to perfection in His Gospel.
Now, it was when she lay in distress that He first took her
under His care how but in distress can the soul of anyone
live an exile from
paradise? and He brought her to
Bethlehem. 4 The progress of that soul which He has taken
in hand is
signified in her going up to the 'house of bread'
where she will not experience dearth or sterility of faith. I

1 Undated.
2 Rom. 11.25.
3 Cf. Gen. 3.25.
4 Cf. Matt, 2.1.

am speaking of souls in general, the souls by

which we live

and move, and not any soul in particular, for it is not of

the individual or particular soul of anyone, but of souls in
general, as I said, that I intend to discourse.
Christ went down into Egypt, assuming the protection
and guidance of our soul, and then He returned to Judea.
He was He was in Capharnaum; He was near
in the desert;

the borders of Zabulon; He was by the sea coast; He passed

through cornfields; He was in Bethphage, in Ephraim, in
Bethany. Then He went into the garden where He gave
Himself up; He suffered on Golgotha.
These are all steps in the progress of our soul through
which by practice she receives the grace of a holy life. For,
when the human race, in the person of Adam and Eve, was
excluded from paradise and banished to a little town, she
began wandering here and there, tracing her misguided
steps without any delight. But in His own good time the
Lord Jesus emptied Himself 7 that He might take upon
Himself this state of exile and bring back the soul to her
former state of grace. When He found her, and she had
retraced her devious course of error, He called her back to
paradise, as the Gospel reading explains.
He led her through the cornfields in order to feed one who
was fasting; next into the desert, then into Capharnaum, a
dwelling in the country, not in the city. Next, He brought
her to the borders of Zabulon, near the floods of the night,
those dark riddles of the Prophets, so that she might learn
to find her way to the land of the Gentiles where all men

meet, and that she might not fear the storms and billows
of this world. Christ owns ships from Tharsis, mystical

5 Cf. Matt. 2.14.

6 Cf. Matt. 4.1.
7 Cf. Phil. 2.8.
8 Cf. 3 Kings 10.22.

ships, of course, which traverse the sea and bring pious

offerings for the construction of the temple. In ships like

these Christ sets sail, and, like a good pilot, rests in the
sternwhen the sea is calm. But when it is disturbed He
awakes and rebukes the winds that He may flood His disciples
with peace. By going to the Gentiles, too, He sets free the
soul which was held fast by the chains of the Law, so that
she may not go to the company of heathens.
He came to Bethany, to the place of obedience,' where a

dead man is raised to life, for, when the flesh is subdued by

the soul, human nature no longer lies as if dead in its tomb,
but is raised up by the grace of Christ. There, too, she
learns to offer to suffer in the God. 10 As John
name of
teaches, she is led from the 'place of obedience' to Eph-
raim, that is, to the richness of good fruits. From there she

is brought to Bethany, that is, to obedience, for, once she

has tasted the fruit of holy obedience, she is never unwilling

to preserve it and to be called into its service.
When at last she was found pleasing, she came to Jeru-
salem, being worthy to be made into the temple of God where
Christ dwelt. Here it is that the Lord Jesus sits upon the foal
of an ass and is welcomed with the joy and gladness of an
age that does no harm.
Later, the words of eternal life are explained there in the
garden where the Lord even allowed Himself to be seized, as
John the Evangelist writes, signifying that our soul, or rather,
human nature, after the bonds of error are loosed, returns
through Christ to the place from which in Adam she was
expelled. Therefore, even to the thief who confessed his guilt

9 Cf. Matt. 8.26.

10 Cf. John 11.17-44.
11 Cf. John 12.1.
12 Cf. John 12.14.
13 Cf. Tohn 18.8.

it was said: 'Amen I say to thee, this day thou shalt be with
me in paradise.' He had said: 'Remember me when thou
comest into thy kingdom/ In answering him, Christ did
not speak of His kingdom, yet for this reason [He said]:
'This day thou shalt be with me in paradise/ that what was
lost should first be formed anew, and then must be increased.

Thus a way is provided through paradise to the kingdom,

not through the kingdom to paradise.
It is reserved for the disciples to receive more in proportion

to their labors, That is why He only promised the thief a

dwelling, but He reserved the kingdom for a later time. Let

the man who is converted at the stroke of death and confesses
the Lord Jesus merit an abode in paradise, but he who

disciplined himself long before and has been

a soldier for
Christ, won souls, and offered himself for Christ should
have the kingdom of God for his wages and should rejoice
to receive the full reward of his deeds. So it is said to Peter:
'I will
give thee the keys of the kingdom of heaven/ Thus,
the one converted from robbery obtains rest, the one tried in
the apostleship receives authority.
This is the soul trained by the Gospel, the soul of the
Gentiles, the daughter of the Church. She is far better after
her journeying than the soul cast out of Judea, for she has
mounted up to the Lord Jesus and to higher things by her
good counsels and good works, and Christ has acknowledged
her as His own on Golgotha. There was the burial place of
Adam so that there through His cross Christ might raise the
dead to life. And where in Adam
all have death, there in

Christ have the resurrection.


Farewell, son, and love us, because we love you.

14 Luke 23.42,43.
15 Matt. 16.19.

47. Ambrose to Horontianus

Not in vain have you decided to inquire about the nature

of the inheritance of a divine legacy and the reason why it
is esteemed of such value that
many even offer up their
death for its sake. But if
you realize that even among men
the advantage of inheriting money gives an additional sanctity
to the laws of filial affection, and that parents are given

greater respect lest the slighted love of a father may wreak

vengeance by disinheriting or repudiating a rebellious
child, you will cease wondering why there is so great desire
of the divine inheritance.
Now, there is an inheritance offered to all Christians, as
Isaias says: 'This is the inheritance of those who believe in
the Lord,' 2 and hoped for by promise, not by the Law.
it is

This is
proved by the parable of the Old Testament in the
words of Sara: 'Cast out this slave-girl with her sop; for
the son of this slave-girl shall not be heir with my son
Isaac.' Sara's son was Isaac, the slave-girl's son was Ismael;
since they antedated the Law, the promise was older than
the Law. We, comparison with Isaac, are sons by promise;
the Jews, comparison with the flesh, are sons of the

We have a free woman as our mother, she who
was barren and later begot and bore a son of promise. Their
mother is Agar, she who brings children to bondage. Who-
ever is
promised grace is free; whoever is given the yoke of
the Law is enslaved. Therefore, the promise was ours before
they had the Law, and by nature freedom is more ancient
than bondage. Freedom is by promise; bondage, by the Law.
But, although the promise is before the Law, as we have said,

1 Undated.
2 Isa. 54.17.
3 Gen. 21.10.
4 Cf. Gal. 4.28.

and freedom the promise, love is in freedom; love is


according to the Law and love is greater than freedom.

Are we not, then, servants? Why is it written: Traise the
Lord, ye servants'? Why does the Apostle say: But as
slaves of Christ, doing the will of God from your heart, with
will'? Truly, this service is free and willing, of which
the Apostle says: 'A freeman who has been called is a slave
of Christ.' 7 This is service of the heart, not of necessity. Thus,
we are the servants of our Creator, but we enjoy the freedom
which we have received through the grace of Christ, being
born of the promise by faith. And as those born of a free
woman, let us make an offering of our freedom, for we have
been signed on the forehead as befits the free, so that we
will not be confounded, but rejoice, being signed in the
spirit, not in the flesh. To these is it properly said: 'Stand
fast, and do not be caught again under the yoke of slavery.'
He did not say: 'Do not be slaves,' but do not be caught by

the yoke of slavery,' for the yoke of slavery is heavier than

Isaac also says to his son Esau, when he asks his blessing:
"Behold, without the fruitfulness of the earth shall your
dwelling be; without the dew of the heavens above. By your
sword shall you shall serve your brother. But there
you live,
will be a time when you shall take and shake his yoke from
your neck.' How does his being a slave fit in with his casting

from his neck his brother's yoke, unless we realize the differ-
ence that exists in slavery? Let Scripture itself explain this
difference to us Isaac is good, and he is good to us who are

born after him into freedom; he is a good father to both

his sons. He proved that he loved them both by affection

5 Ps. 134.1.
6 Eph. 6.6.
7 1 Cor. 7.22.
8 Gal. 5.1.
9 Gen. 27.39,40.

for the one, by a blessing for the other, for he bade the older
son bring him food and receive his blessing, but while he
delayed and went in search of wild game from afar, the
younger brother brought him a kid from his own fold.
The good food of all is Christ, the good food is faith; the
sweet food mercy; the pleasing food is grace, foods which

the people of holy Church feed upon. The good food is

the Spirit of God; the good food is the remission of sins. But
very hard food is the severity of the Law, the fear of penalty;
and coarse food is the observance of the letter in place of
the grace of pardon. Those people are under a curse, but we
in blessing. A ready food is faith: 'But the word is nigh in
thy mouth and in thy heart.' The food of the Law is
slower, for while they awaited the Law the people went
Therefore, the father gave his blessing to his alert and
faithful son, but, being a good father, he also saved his

blessing for his older son in order to make him his brother's
servant. This he did, not because he wished to debase his

family to slavery, but because he who is incapable of ruling

and governing himself must be a slave and be in the service
of one more wise, so that he will be guided by his wisdom,
and not fall through his own folly or stumble through his
want of caution. Such a state of slavery is given instead of a
blessing. Moreover, it is numbered among benefits, along
with the fatness of the earth and the dew of heaven from
above. But, having said: 'By your sword you shall live/
lest he be harmed by confidence arising from strength or

power, he added: 'You shall serve your brother,' in order

that you may obtain the rich fruits of the body, and the dew
of divine grace, and may follow him who will guide you by
his leadership.

10 Deut. 30.14.
11 Gen. 27.40.

There will be a time when you shall shake off his yoke
from your neck that you may have the reward of a willing
evil of compulsory bondage. That
slavery and not undergo the
is dishonorable which is compelled by necessity, but
that is honorable which is offered in affection. Hence the

Apostle's words: 'If I

do this willingly, I have a reward.
But if unwillingly, it is a stewardship that has been entrusted
12 a reward then to serve
to me.' Surely, it is better to merit
as a steward. Let us, then, not be bound by the yoke of
of spirit, since the Apostle
slavery, but let us serve in charity
one another.' Fear of the
says: 'By charity of spirit serve ye
Law is the charity of the Gospel. 'The fear of the Lord is
the beginning of wisdom, but the fulness of the Law is
Yet the Law itself says: 'But the whole Law is
fulfilled in one word,
and it is summed up in this: 'Thou
shalt love thy neighbor.'

This, then, is what we

asserted, for, although bondage is of
the Law, freedom in accord with the Law, for love belongs

to freedom, fear to bondage. There is, therefore, a love of

the Law and a of love;, and the Law is the fore-
runner of love, and the love of the Gospel is a free donation
of loving service.
The Law, then, is not unneeded, for like a tutor it attends
the weak. Imean weakness of character, not of body, for
there are children who do not know how to utter God's

word, who do not receive His works, for, if a spotless life is

18 the time of youth.
surely a life full of stains
old age, is

The Law, therefore, was a tutor, that nomos, until faith


came, 'And,' he says, like weaklings we were kept imprisoned

12 1 Cor. 9.17.
13 Gal. 5.13.
14 EcclL 1.16.
15 Gal. 5.14.
16 Rom. 13.9.
17 Cf. Gal. 3.24.
18 Cf. Wisd. 4.9.

by the Law, shut up for the faith that was to be revealed.'
Later came faith; he does not mean the Gospel, but faith, for
that is
only faith which is the Gospel, for in it the justice of
God is revealed which is from faith unto faith, 20 yet this of the
Law is faith if the fullness of faith reaches it.
therefore, is faith spoken of as a single thing, for that [law]
without this [faith] is not faith, it is confirmed in this [faith].
When faith
came, there arrived, too, the fullness, there arrived
the adoption of sons, weakness departed, childhood left, we
manhood, we put on Christ. How can one be
rose to perfect
weak and small in whom is Christ, the power of God? Thus
have we arrived at perfection and we have received the
teachings of perfection.
Today you have heard the reading: 'Of myself I can do
nothing. As I hear, I judge.' You have also heard:
I do not
accuse you, I do not judge.' I do not accuse: 'Moses accuses
you, in whom you hope.' And you have heard: If I bear
witness concerning myself, my I have
witness is not true.'
been taught what sort of judge, what sort of witness I should
be. For it is not as a weakling that He says: 'Of myself I
can do nothing,' but one who hears this is the weakling.
Indeed, the Son does nothing without the Father, because in
them are community of operation and unity of power. Here
He speaks a judge, so that we may know in judging men
that we must form our opinion equitably, not according to
our own will and power.
Choose some criminal who has been charged and found
guilty of a crime, one who does not persist in excuses, but
begs pardon, falling at the knees of the judge. He answers
him: Of myself I can do nothing; justice, not power, is in

the pronouncement of judgment. I do not judge; your own

deeds judge you. They charge and accuse you. The laws

19 Gal 3.23.
20 Cf. Rom. 1.17.

condemn you; I as judge do not charge but only guard

them. Of myself I produce nothing, but from you proceeds
the sentence of judgment against you. As I hear, I judge,
not as I wish, and my judgment is true because I favor not
my wish but fairness."
Let us next consider the divine rule of judging. The Lord
of heaven and earth, the Judge of all, says: Of myself I
can do nothing. As I hear, I judge,' and man says to his
Lord: Dost thou not know that I have power to release

thee, and I have power to crucify thee?' Why is the Lord
not able? 'Because, He says, my judgment is true, because
5 c

I seek not my own will, but the will of him who sent me,'
that is, man whom you see, not the choice of
not the will of
man whom you judge only as man, not the will of the flesh,
for the spirit is willing, but the flesh is weak, but the divine
will which is the source of law and the rule of judgment.
Likewise is that witness true who bears witness not of himself,
but of another, for it is written: 'Let another praise thee,
and not thy own mouth.' 25
In a mystical sense it is well said to the Jews: *I do not
judge you, I, the redemption of all, I, the remission of sins,
I do not judge you because you have not received me. I do
not judge; I freely pardon. I do not judge; I redeem sinners
with my blood. I do not judge; I blot out iniquities and I
will not remember. I do not judge; I prefer the life rather
than the death of the sinner. 27 I do not judge, I do not
condemn you, but I justify those who confess. Moses accuses
you he has blamed you, in whom you hope. He accuses you,

because he has not the power of judging; this is reserved for

21 John 5.30,45,31.
22 John 19.10.
23 John 5.30.
24 Cf. Matt. 26.41.
25 Prov. 27.2.
26 Cf. Isa, 43.25.
27 Cf. Ezech. 18.23.

He, then, In whom you trust is accusing you,

his Maker.
while the One in whom you willed not to hope has forgiven

O great folly of the Jews! Rightly are they accused of
their crimes, for they have chosen an accuser and refused a
good judge; pardon, therefore, is not for them; punishment
surely reaches them.
It is right for you, my son, to have begun with the Law
and to have been confirmed in the Gospel, from faith to
faith, as it is written: 'He who is just lives by faith.

Farewell, and love us, because we love you.

48. Ambrose to Horontianus1

If 'Abraham believed the Lord, who credited the act to

him as justiceand his act was considered just, taking him
from unbelief to faith, surely we are justified by faith, not
by the works of the Law. But Abraham had two sons, Ismael
and Isaac, one of a slave-girl, the other of a free woman. 3
But he was told to cast out the slave-girl and her son, for
the son of the slave-girl would not be his heir. We, therefore,
are not sons of the slave-girl but of the free woman by whose
freedom Christ has set us free. Hence it follows that they
are sons of Abraham who are so by faith, for heirs of faith
surpass heirs by birth. The Law is a tutor; faith is a free
woman. Let us, then, cast out the works of bondage; let us

keep the grace of freedom; let us leave the shade, following

the sun; let us break with Jewish rites.
The circumcision of one member is of no avail, for the
28 Rom. 1.17.

1 Undated.
2 Gen. 15.6.
3 Cf. Gal. 4.22.

you tell you that if be cir-

Apostle says: 'Behold, I, Paul, 4
not because
cumcised, Christ will be of no advantage to you/
He is powerless, but because He does not consider those

worthy of His benefits who desert His paths.

son and warded off
Sephora of old circumcised her
a threatening danger. Even then Christ was of advantage,

While the group of

although perfection was still deferred.
believers was small, the Lord Jesus came, not small, but

perfect in all He was circumcised first in accordance

with the Law so as not to destroy the Law, and later through
the Cross in order to fulfill the Law. That which is only
partial has ended, because
that which is perfect has come, for
in Christ the Cross circumcised not one member but the
useless pleasures of the whole body.
Perhaps it is still being asked why one who had come to
to be circumcised partially.
show a perfect circumcision wished
On this I do not think we need ponder further, for, if He
our sins, if He became a
became sin in order to cleanse
curse for us in order to make void the curse of the Law/
He was also circumcised for us in order
for this reason to

remove the circumcision of the Law, for He was about to

give us the salvation of the Cross.

In the spirit we must wait for the hope of justice by faith,
as the Apostle tells us, and we who are called to freedom
must not use our liberty as an occasion for sensuality. Indeed,
'neither circumcision is of any avail, nor uncircumcision, but
which works through charity.' Therefore, it is written:
Thou shalt love the Lord thy God.' 10 One who loves surely
4 Gal. 5.2.
5 Cf. Exod. 4.25.
6 Cf. Cor. 13.10.

7 Cf. 2 Cor. 5.21.

8 Cf Gal. 3.13.
9 Cf. Gah 5.5,13,6.
10 Deut, 6.5.

believes and in believing each man begins to love. Abraham

believed and so began to love, and believed not in part, but
entirely; otherwise, he could not have perfect charity, because
it has been written: 'Charity believes all things.' Unless
charity believes all things it does not appear perfect. There-
fore, perfect charity has all faith.
Yet, I would not lightly assert that all faith at once has
perfect charity, for the Apostle says: 'If I have all faith so as
to remove mountains, yet do not have charity, I am noth-
ing.' In a Christian man there
are three virtues in particular,
hope, faith, and charity, but the greatest of these is charity.
I suppose the Apostle said this for the sake of his argument,
forit hardly seems
possible that one who had all faith so as
toremove mountains would not have charity, or how if he
had all mysteries and all knowledge he would not have
charity, especially since John says: 'Everyone who believes
that Jesus is the Christ is born of God,' and he has said
above: 'Whoever is born of God does not commit sin.*
Hence it is if one who believes that Jesus is
understood that
the Christ born of God, and one who is born of God does

not sin, then surely one who believes that Jesus is the Christ
does not sin. If a man sins, he does not believe; one who does
not believe does not love; one who does not love is guilty
of sin. Therefore, he does not love who sins, for charity
covers a multitude of sins. But charity precludes the love of
sin and, since it also casts out fear, charity surely is full of

perfect faith.
Apostles, who were to be His friends, said as they
asked the good Physician to heal their weak faith: 'Increase

11 1 Cor. 13.7.
12 1 Cor. 13.2.
13 Cf. 1 Cor. 13.13.
14 1 John 4.7.
15 1 John 3.9.
16 Cf. 1 Peter 4.8.

our faith.'
Their faith was still weak, since even Peter
thou of little faith, why didst thou doubt?' Thus
does faith as the forerunner of charity take hold of the soul
and prepare the way for love that is to come. And there is all
faith where there the perfection of charity.
I believe it is said that charity believes all things, that

is, she makes

faith believe all things and such a soul has all

faith. where charity is perfect there is all faith,

is all hope. As it believes
and where charity is perfect there
all things so it is said to hope all things. It is the greater

in that it embraces hope and faith.

A man with this charity fears nothing, for charity casts
out fear; when fear is banished and cast out, charity endures
all things, bears all things. One who bears all things through
love cannot fear martyrdom. For this reason, like a conqueror
at the end of his course, he [Paul] says elsewhere: The
world is crucified to me, and I to the world.
Farewell, son, and love us, for we love you.

49. Ambrose to Horontianus (c. 387)

After reading the Hexaemeron which I wrote, you told me

that you were disturbed in the course of the sacred narrative
and in my discussion of it because more was bestowed upon
man than upon any living creature on earth, yet the earth and
water produced all those things that fly or are on land or in
water before man was produced for whose sake everything
was made. You are asking me the reason for this: Moses
was silent on this point and I dared not touch on it.

17 Luke 17.5.
18 Matt, 14.31.
19 C*. 1 Cor. 13.7.
20 Gal. 6.14.

That spokesman of the divine decrees perhaps could have

been purposely silent so as not to seem to set himself up as
the judge and adviser of heaven's plans. It is one thing to
utter what is inspired by the Spirit of God; it is another to

interpret God's will I think that we, speaking not as inter-

preters of God, but gathering, as it were, the seeds of reason
from human usage, can give an opinion as to why it was
becoming for man to be created last. For we have the example
which men give us themselves and we also realize that God
Himself has instilled into other creatures those practices
which man may take as an example for himself.
One who sets out a banquet, as did the rich man in the
Gospel (for we must compare divine things with divine things
the better to be able to gather our arguments), prepares
everything beforehand, kills his bulls and fatlings, and only
then invites his friends to dinner. The trifles are first made
ready, then the honored guest is summoned. In this way, too,
the Lord first prepared for man the food of all animals,
then summoned him like a friend to His banquet. Truly is
thatman a friend, a partaker of divine love, an heir of glory.
To man himself He says: 'Friend, how didst thou come in
here to the
banquet?' Those things which precede are
furnishings, the friend is the one who is asked last.
Take another example. What is the world but an arena
full of fighting? Therefore the Lord says in the Apocalypse:
'To the victor I shall give the crown of life,' 2 and Paul says:
I have fought the good fight,'
and elsewhere: c No one is
crowned unless he has competed according to the rules.' 4 He
who initiated this contest is actually Almighty God. When
one initiates a contest in this world, does he not prepare all

1 Matt. 22.12.

2 Apoc. 2.10.
3 2 Tim. 4.7.
4 2 Tim. 2.5.

after he has made

that necessary for the contest, and only

ready the wreaths for rewards call those who are to contend
for the crown, so that the winner may not meet with delay
but depart after being given his reward? The rewards of man
are the fruits of the earth and the lights of heaven. The
former are for his use in the present life; the latter, for his
hope of life eternal.
Like an athlete, then, he comes last into the arena; he
lifts his eyes to heaven; he sees that the heavenly creation
was made subject to vanity not by its own will, but by
reason of Him who made it subject in hope.
He sees that
all creation
groaned awaiting redemption. He sees that his
whole task awaits him. He lifts his eyes, he sees the crowns
of lights, he studies the spheres of moon and stars; 'But the
just who have conquered will be like the stars in heaven.'
He chastises his body so that it will not defeat him in the
contest; he anoints it with the oil of mercy; he practices
daily exhibitions of virtue; he smears himself with dust; he
runs with assurance to the goal of the course; he aims his
blows, he darts his arms, but not at empty spaces; he strikes
the adversary whom he does not see, because he is watching
Him alone to whom all give way, even those who are not seen,
at whose name spiritual powers were turned aside. It is he who
poises the blow, it is Christ who strikes; he lifts his heel,
Christ directs it to the wound. Lastly, although Paul did
not see those whom he struck, he struck not as at the air, 7
because in preaching Christ he dealt wounds to all those
spiritual evils which were His enemies. Not undeservedly,
then, did man enter the stadium last, and a crown was
prepared for him so that heaven might go before him as
being his reward,
5 Cf. Rom. 8.20.
6 Dan. 12.3.
7 Cf. I Cor. 9.26.

But our struggle is not only against the spirits of evil,

which are in heaven, but also against flesh and blood. 8 We
struggle with satiety, we
struggle with the fruits of the earth,
we struggle with wine, by which even the just man was made
drunk, by which the whole army of the Jews was thrown
back. Westruggle with wild beasts; there is a struggle with
the birds of the air, for our flesh, made fat with these, is
not put in our service; we struggle with perils of journeying,
with perils of waters, as Paul says; 10 we struggle with rods
from trees by which the Apostles were beaten. 11 You see
what great fights these are. Earth is man's training ground;
heaven his crown. Therefore, as courtesies precede the friend,
so do rewards precede the athlete.
Consider another example. In all things the beginning and
the end are the most important. If you observe a house, the
foundation and roof are most important; if it be a field, it
is the
sowing and harvest, the planting and the vintage. How
pleasant are the graftings of trees, how desirable the fruits!
So, too,heaven was formed first, man last, as being a heavenly
creature on earth. Although he is compared in body with
the beasts, in mind he is counted among celestial beings,
for, even as we have borne the likeness of the earthly, so we
bear the likeness of the heavenly. 12 How is he not heavenly
who was made to the image and likeness of God? 13
Rightly is heaven first and last in the creation of the
world, for in heaven there is what is beyond heaven, there is
the God of heaven. Lastly, of him it is understood: 'Heaven
is my throne/ for God does not sit above the element of
heaven but in the heart of man. For this reason the Lord

8 Cf. Eph. 6.12.

9 Cf. Gen. 9.21.
10 Cf. 2 Cor. 1L29.
11 Cf. Acts 16.22.
12 Cf. 1 Cor. 15.49.
13 Cf. Gen. 1.26.
14 Isa. 66.1.

also says: We will come to him and make our abode with
him.' Heaven, therefore, is the first of the works on earth;
man is the close or end or last.

Heaven is of the world, man above the world; the one is

part of the world, the other an inhabitant of paradise, Christ's

possession. Heaven is considered incorruptible, yet
away; man is
regarded as corruptible and is clothed with

incorruption; the figure of the one perishes, the other rises as

being immortal. Yet, according to the authority of Scripture,

the hands of the Lord fashioned both. We read of the
heavens: The heavens are the works of thy hands.' 16 Man,
too, says: Thy hands have made me and formed me,' and
The heavens declare the glory of God.' As heaven is lighted
with the splendor of the stars so do men shine with the light
of their gpod works, and their deeds shine before their Father
in heaven. The one is the firmament of heaven on high,
the other is a similar firmament of which it is said: 'Upon
this rock I will build my Church'; the one is a firmament
of the elements, the other of virtues, and this last is more
excellent. They sucked oil out of the hard stone, for the
rock is Christ's body which redeemed heaven and the entire
Why should I weave these details further and, as it were,
take you over the whole course? The fact is that God made
man a partaker of the divine nature, as we read in the Epistle
of Peter. 23 Hence, someone says not without cause: Tor we
15 John 14.23.
16 Ps. 101.26.
17 Ps. 118.73.
18 Ps. 17.1,
19 Cf. Matt. 5.16.
20 Matt. 16.18.
21 Cf. Deut. 32.13.
22 Cf. 1 Cor. 10.4.
23 Cf. 2 Peter 1.4.

are also his offspring.' He granted us a relationship with
Himself, and we are of a rational nature so that we may
seek that which is divine, which is not far from each one of
us, inwhom we live and are and move.
When He had bestowed the greatest of graces on man, as
though he were His dearest and nearest friend, He gave him
everything in the world, so that no one would be without
the necessities of life and the good life. One of these is the
means of providing pleasure the abundance of the earth's
fruits; another is the knowledge of the secrets of heaven,
which inflames the mind with love for his fellow men and
longing for virtue by which we can reach the summit of
divine mysteries. Both are most excellent to have, as a king
of the elements, the use of the sea, and to have all the
world's wealth subject to him creatures of air, land and
water; to abound in all things without labor or want in the
image and likeness of the adorable Creator, living in the
greatest plenty, opening a way and advancing along a path
by which to reach the palace of heaven.
You will discover quite early that the traveler on this
difficult road is the man who has been so fashioned in purpose
of heart and will that he has little association with his body,
who enters into no fellowship with vice and is not impressed
by flattering words. When he rides the chariot of prosperity
he does not scorn the humble, or flee sorrows, or shake off
and make light of the praises of the saints, or by desire for
glory and bold gain expend all the eagerness of his hope.
Sadness does not bow down his mind; wrong-dealing does
not break it; suspicion does not arouse it; lust does not stir
it. The
body's passions do not overwhelm it; desire for vain
objects and the allurements of pleasure do not disquiet it.

24 Acts 17.28. The words quoted by St. Paul are from the Greek poet
Aratus of Cilicia, a fellow countryman of Paul,
25 Cf. Gen. 1.28.

If you add to these the virtues of chastity, soberness, and

rein in the unruly drives of
temperance, he is easily able to
fickle passions, he sets bounds to his pleasures and desires, he
he settles doubts
puts an end to irresolution with fairness,
with tranquility of mind and body, and, like a good judge,
he keeps a harmless peace between the exterior and interior
man, stilling each within himself. And if he is in distress, no
evil counselor turns him back through fear from the crown
of suffering; plainly, he will be brought in not only as a
friend but as a son by a father, so that he may enjoy the
riches of glory and His inheritance.

Quite rightly is he the last, as were, the consummation


of nature fashioned for righteousness, the judge of right

among other living creatures. For example, as among men
Christ is the consummation of the law for all who believe
justice, and we are, as it were, beasts in God's sight, so the
Prophet says: 'I became as a brute beast before thee. Yet,
what is when He redeemed those who were
the comparison

perishing, and we put them to death He called slaves to

liberty and we put the free into captivity? But who is equal
to God? 28
Man, therefore, camethe last of all creatures, attractive in

appearance, lofty in mind, so that he would be admirable to

every creature, having in him, after the image of the eternal
God, an invisible intelligence, clothed in human form.
This is the intelligence, the power of the soul, claiming for
itself like a ruler the direction of soul and body. Other

creatures fear this, although they do not see it, as we fear

God whom we do not see, and fear the more because we do
not see Him.

26 Cf. Rom. 10.4.

27 Ps. 72.22.
28 Cf. Ps. 88.9.
29 Gr.: nous.

Since are in His image and likeness, as Scripture says, 30

let us presume to speak, just as He expresses Himself in the
fullness of His majesty, and sees all things sky, air, earth,
sea embracing all and penetrating each one, so that nothing
passes His notice and nothing exists unless it exists in Him
and depends on Him and is full of Him, as He Himself
C 31
says: I fill heaven and earth, saith the Lord.' In the same
way man's intelligence sees all, and is not seen, and has an
invisible nature of its own. Through learning and judgment
and perception the mind understands hidden matters, pene-
and the deep recesses of all the
trates the secrets of the sea
earth.She searches both parts of nature, in the likeness of
the high God whom she imitates and follows, whose image
is mirrored in each individual in proportionately small par-
ticles. She raises herself into the air and treads above the
regions of the clouds; she soars to the heights of heaven by
her desire for knowledge and her longing for wisdom; there,
held fast for a while by wonder at the stars of heaven,
delighted by their brilliant light, she gazes down on the
things of the world. She betakes herself to Hesperus and
Arcturus and the other unerring planets, and she sees that
their wandering is not waywardness, that in order to visit all
regions they appear to weave about and wander in and out
unerringly. She soars with greater longing to the very embrace
of the Father in whom is the only-begotten Son of God telling
secrets of God, which will be revealed face to face in a later
time. reveals in part and in mystery to those who
Now, He
are worthy, and He sheds forth the Spirit and from His
countenance, like a torrent, a resplendent light, so that man
who has been illumined may say: 'And there was in my
bones a flaming fire, and I am melted on all sides and cannot

30 Cf. Gen. 1.26.

31 Jer. 23.24.
32 Cf. John 1.18.

bear it.
And David says: 'Let my sentence come forth
from thy presence,'
After this digression let me now speak of that vigor of
mind through which she governs all outside her, gazes at
scattered and far-distant things, subdues animals of greater-

strength, inspires in others such great respect for

herself that

they vie with one another in obeying her, as though she

were a king, and heed her words. Though irrational, they
recognize reason and they are impressed with that learning
which nature did not give them. Even wild beasts, seeing her
gentleness, grow gentle at her command. They often close
their jaws when the sound of a man's voice restrains them.
We see hares caught without injury by the harmless teeth of
dogs, and lions will letgo their prey if a man's voice is
heard; leopards, too, and bears are driven on or called off
by men's words; horses neigh at men's applause and slacken
their pace because of [men's] silence, and often, although not

whipped, they outstrip those which are lashed, so much more

powerfully does the whip of the tongue drive them on.
What shall I say of gifts [of creation]? In order to please
man the ram nourishes his fleece and plunges into the
stream in order to increase his sheen. Sheep chew richer
35 36
grasses in order to distend their filled udders with the
sweeter juice of milk; they suffer the pains of travail in order
to give their gifts to man. Bulls groan all day under the plow
which is
pressed into the furrows. Camels, besides the
task of carrying loads, allow themselves to be sheared like

sheep. The various animals make their offering as to a king

and pay an annual tax. The horse, taking delight in his
rider, prances proudly and, arching his back when his master
33 Jer. 20,9.
34 Ps. 16.2.
35 Cf. Virgil, Aen. 12.475.
36 Cf. Virgil, Eel. 4.21.
37 Cf. Virgil, Georg. 1.45.
38 Ibid. 3.117.

mounts, offers his back as the rider's seat. If it still
you why man was made last, let that horse teach us that
man was delayed not as a slight, but as an honor. A horse
carries one who came after him; he does not despise but
fears him he;
takes him everywhere with pain to himself. In a
moment man reaches distant places, traverses long distances,
now on a single horse, now in a triumphal chariot.
Since I have mentioned triumphal chariots, I must refer to

the chariot of Elias in which he was carried through the air, 39

and those chariots of elephants on which man the conqueror
sits and rules those before him, although he is the last. So,
too, the ship's helmsman sits in the stern, yet he guides the
whole ship. That is why, I suppose, it is said, not without
purpose in the Gospel, that the Lord Jesus was asleep in the
stern, and when He was awakened He commanded the wind
and the sea and calmed the storm, 40 showing that He came
last because He came as the helmsman. Therefore, the Apostle

says: '"The first man, Adam, became a living soul"; the

last Adam became a life-giving spirit. But it is not the

spiritual that comes first but the physical, and then the
spiritual,' and he added: 'The first man was of the earth,
earthy: the second man is from heaven, heavenly.'
Rightly, then, is the last one like the sum of the whole
work. It is he alone who, cause of the world for
like the
which were made all things, dwells, so to speak, in all the
elements lives amid beasts, swims with fish, flies above the
birds, talks with angels, dwells on earth, wars in heaven,
ploughs the sea, feeds in the air, is a tiller of the soil, a
traveler on the deep, a fisherman in streams, a fowler in the
air, an heir in heaven, a joint-heir with Christ. This he
does by his energy.

39 Cf. 4 Kings 2.11.

40 Cf. Matt. 8.24.
41 1 Cor. 15.45-47.
42 Cf. Rom. 8.17.

Learn, man's supernatural powers. Moses walked

43 44
along the bottom of the sea, the Apostles upon it, Habacuc
flew without wings, Elias conquered on earth and had his
triumph in heaven.

Farewell, son, and love us, because we love you.

50. Ambrose to Horontianus (Spring, 387)

You have noted remarkably well the distinction drawn by

the Prophet, or, rather, by God, for Moses did not write by
his own power; he wrote by inspiration and revelation,
particularly in what concerns the creation of the world. This
distinction sets apart worker and works. Since the one was

incapable of suffering and the other susceptible of suffering,

he attributed that which is incapable of suffering to God the
worker, and to the world that which is
susceptible of suffering,
having no life own, receiving from its Creator
or motion of its

motion, life, and form. The world, once it was made, was not
to be left unguarded, without a pilot and father. Hence, he
relates very clearly that the unseen God is the guide and

protector of this visible world. The invisible, then, is ever-

lasting; the visible is temporal.
He states that the world was made in six days, not because
God had need of time to set it up, since a moment suffices
for Him to do what He wishes, for 'he spoke and they were
made, but things which are made require an order and
order generally requires both time and number. For this

43 Cf. Exod. 14.29.

44 Cf. John 21.8.
45 Cf. Dan. 14.35.
46 Cf. 4 Kings 2.11 r

1Cf. Gen. 1.1.

2 Cf. 2 Cor. 4.18.
3 Ps. 148.5.

reason, being about to give us a pattern for our work. He

observed a number of days and seasons. We, too, need time
to do something well, so as not to hurry, our plans and works,
or fail to
keep a proper order. But when we read, as Scripture
shows, that God did all things with wisdom and certain
foresight and purpose and order, it is consonant with reason
that He first made heaven which is most beautiful. This must
be so that we may lift our eyes first and realize that
we must arrive there, and esteem that abode preferable to all
things of earth.

Hence, He created the world in six days and on the

seventh He rested from His works.' The number seven is

good; we it, not as do the Pythagoreans or other

shall treat

philosophers, but according to the form and divisions of

spiritual grace, since the Prophet Isaias has included seven
principal virtues of the Holy Spirit. This sevenfold number,
like that of the adorable Trinity of the Father and Son and

Holy Spirit, without time or order, is the origin of number,

being not bound by the law of number. And as the sky, the
earth, and the sea were formed for the sake of the Trinity,
as well as the sun, the moon, and the stars, so, too, do we
note that for the sevenfold path and orbit of spiritual virtues,
driven on by the vigor of a divine operation, a sevenfold
ministry of planets was created for the illumination of the
world. Their services are said to agree with their number,
being called fixed stars or, as the Greeks say aplaneisJ The
north has also received its Latin name, septemtrio? because
a gleam of seven stars shines in it and pilots are said to keep
itbefore their gaze as a guide.

4 Cf. Ps. 103.24.

5 Cf. Gen. 2.2.
6 Cf. Isa. 11.2.
7 Literally, 'not wanderers/
8 septemtrio, also called the Wain and the Great and Little Bear.

This particular dignity of rank has come down from

heaven to earth, not to mention the sevenfold gift of head,
two eyes, two ears and nostrils, and the mouth by which we
partake of great sweetness. How wonderful
it is that for

most men their genuine beginning is formed in the seventh

9 time begins
month, and one who will issue forth at a later

generation. But we see

the course of his life's that nature
itself prohibits the eighth month as the season for bringing
forth children; if some grave necessity perchance opens the
barrier of the womb
at that time, peril is advanced for the
mother and child.
A born at seven months, though born well, is
born for hardships; but one who begins the mystery of
regeneration on the eighth day is sanctified by grace
called to the inheritance of the kingdom of heaven. Great in
the power of the Holy Spirit is the grace of seven, yet the same
grace echoes in response to seven and consecrates the num-
ber eight. In the one is the name; in the other, the enjoyed.
Thus, the grace of the Spirit which was bestowed on the
eighth day brought back to paradise those whom sin had
made outcasts.
The Old Testament took note of this number eight, called
by us in Latin an octave, for Ecclesiastes says: 'Give a
portion to those seven, and also to those eight.' The seven
of the Old Testament is the eight of the New, since Christ
arose and day of the new salvation has shed light upon
all It is the day of which the Prophet says: This is the
day which the Lord has made; let us be glad and rejoice at
it.' On that day there comes the splendor of a full and
9 Le., the seventh month from conception.
10 Cf. Virgil, Aen. 2.259.
1 1 Here the Benedictine edition
repeats sections 3 and 4 between sections
4 and 5. The paragraphing is made consecutive here.
12 Eccle. 11. 2,
13 Ps. 117.24.

perfect circumcision to the hearts of men. this account On

the Old Testament gave the number eight a share in the
ceremony of circumcision. But it still
lay hidden in darkness.
Then came the Sun of justice and in the accomplishment
of His passion He revealed the rays of His light, showing
them to all, disclosing the brightness of eternal life.
Those are the seven and eight of which Osee says that
with this number he bought and took to himself the fullness
of faith, for you read: 'And I went and bought her to me
for fifteen pieces of silver and for a core of barley and for a
half core of barley and a measure of wine.' The Lord had
told him previously to buy a harlot, and it is proof that he

bought her since he declares how much he paid. The fifteen

pieces of silver consist of seven and eight and symbolize the
number seven and the number eight. By the price of the two
Testaments, that is, of the fullness of faith, the prophecy
received the consummation of faith, the Church received
the fullness. By the first Testament the people of Israel were
gained; by the second, the heathens and Gentiles. By the
plenitude of faith the harlot is bought who seeks union with
the Gentiles or with adulterous people of the Jews who left
their Lord and the author of their virginal faith, spreading
their assemblies all over the world.
When e
he said a core and a half core of barley,' under-
stand that in a core there is full measure, in a half core
half measure. The fullness is in the Gospel, only semi-

perfection is in the Law, as we read when the Lord said: *I

have not come to destroy the law, but to fulfill.' 16 Elsewhere,
too, we have the Lord saying through the Prophet Micheas:
'Then this man will be our peace in the land of Israel, when
the Assyrian shall come into his land, and seven shepherds and
14 Cf. MaL 4.2.
15 Osee 3.2.
16 Matt. 5.17.

men have risen against him.' The faithful
eight jaws of
and freedom from all
people then will enjoy perfect peace
temptation and vanity, for peace and grace will shut out of
their hearts the vanity of this world. Peace is of the Old
Testament; grace, of the New.
seven shepherds are the commandments of the Law
which in the rod of Moses guided and governed the flock
through the desert.
The eight jaws of men are the com-
mandments Gospel and the words of the Lord's
of the mouth :

'With the heart a man believes unto justice, and with the
mouth profession of faith is made unto salvation.' Those
jaws are good by which we have tasted
the gift of eternal
of Christ.
life,devouring the remission of sins in the Body
In the Old Testament the jaw of death is bitter, since it is
said: 'Strong death is all devouring.'
In the New Testament
the jaw of death is sweet, for it has swallowed death, as the
Apostle says: 'Death is swallowed up in victory? O death,
where is thy victory? O
death, where is thy sting?'
To use, in addition, the Apostle's evidence: when God
made man He rested the seventh day from all His works.
But because the Jewish peoplethrough contempt refused to c

obey the commands of their God, the Lord said:

lf they
shall enter into my rest. God appointed another day and
said of it: O that you may hear My voice today.' The

words of Scripture include all days in two days, yesterday

and today, as in the words: 'Imitate their faith in Jesus
Christ, He is the same yesterday and today, yes, and for-
ever.' The promise is made the first day; the following day

17 Mich. 5.5.
18 Cf. Exod. 4.20.
19 Rom. 10.10.
20 Isa. 25.8 (Septuagint) .

21 1 Cor. 15.54,55.
22 Cf. Gen. 2.2.
23 Ps. 94.11.
24 Ps. 94.7.
25 Heb, 13.7,8.

It is Since neither Moses nor Josue, the son of Nun,


brought the people to their rest yesterday, Christ brought

them today to whom His Father said: 'This day I have
begotten thee.' Through His resurrection Jesus has pur-
chased rest for His people. Our rest is the Lord Jesus, who
says: 'This day thou shalt be with me in paradise.' Rest is
in heaven; it is not on earth.
What need have I to study the rising and the setting of
the stars, and at their rising plough up and pierce the
fallow ground with hard ploughshares, or at their setting
cut the fruitful crop? 29 One star means more to me than all
the others, 'the bright morning star' 30 at whose rising was
sown not the seed of grain but the seed of martyrs, that time
when Rachel wept for her children 31 to offer for Christ her
babes washed with her The setting of that star brought
back in triumph from the tomb not the unfeeling relics of
funeral piles, but bands of the living, who had been dead.
The number seven should be esteemed because the life of
man passes through seven stages to -old age, as Hippocrates,
the master of medicine, has explained in his writings. The
first age is infancy; the second, boyhood; the third, youth;

fourth, adulthood; fifth, manhood; sixth, maturity; seventh,

old age. So there is the infant, the child, the youth, the
young man, the man, the man of experience, and the aged.
Solon imagined that there were ten periods of life, each
of seven years' duration. The first period of infancy extends
to the time when he cuts his teeth, which he uses in chewing

26 Ps. 2.7.
27 Luke 23.43.
28 Cf. Virgil, Eel. 9.46.
29 Cf. Virgil, Georg. 1.71.
30 Apoc. 22.16.
31 Cf. Jer. 31.15.
32 The Holy Innocents.
33 Ambrose here makes use of Philo Judaeus, ed. L. Cohn (Berlin 1896) .

De mundi opificio 36.105 contains the reference to Hippocrates.

34 Ibid. 35.104 contains the reference to Solon.

his food and articulating his speech so that it Is distinct;

boyhood extends to the time of puberty and carnal temp-
tations; youth to the growth of the beard; adulthood to
attaining of perfect manliness; the fifth age
is manhood
during its
seven-year period it is fully adapted to marriage;
the sixth period, too, is assigned to manhood, which is
well-suited to displayprudence and is vigorous in its action;

the seventh period and the eighth show man ripe in years,
vigorous in his faculties, and his speech endowed with a
quality of delivery not unpleasant; the ninth period still has
some strength left, while in speech and wisdom it is more
mellow; the tenth period of seven years completes the span,
and one who reaches this period will after the full course of
time finally knock at the gate of death.
Both Hippocrates and Solon admitted either seven ages
or seven-year periods. In these the number seven should
prevail. The eighth period introduces one continual period
in which we grow up into a perfect man, knowing God,

possessing the fullness of faith, wherein the measure of

genuine life is fulfilled.

Even inorgans of our body the number seven is

favored. They say that we have seven organs within us:
stomach, heart, lungs, spleen, liver, and the two kidneys.
These are also seven outwardly: head, hind parts, abdomen,
two hands, and two feet.
These are very excellent, but they are subject to pain.
Would anyone doubt that the number eight has a greater
task, for it renews the whole man and makes him unable to
suffer? Now that the seventh age of the world has been

concluded, the grace of the eighth has dawned, and made man
no longer of this world but above it. No longer do we live
our life, but we live Christ: Tor me to live is Christ and to
die is gain. ... I no longer live in the flesh, but in the faith

35 Cf. Eph. 4.13.


of Christ.' The Apostle has spoken and we know from this
that the day of the world has drawn to a close. At the last
hour, the Lord Jesus came and died for us. And we are all
dead in Him so that we may live to God. 37 who were We
do not but Christ lives in us. 38
The number seven has gone; the number eight has come.
Yesterday is gone; today has come. That is the promised
day on which we have been warned to hear and follow
God's word. The day of the Old Testament is gone; the new
day has come wherein the New Testament is made perfect,
of which he [Paul] says: 'Behold the days are coming, says
the Lord, when I will make a new covenant with the house
of Israel and with the house of Juda, not according to the
covenant which I made with their fathers, in that day that I
took them by the hand to lead them out of the land of
Egypt.' He adds the reason why the covenant was changed:
'They did not abide by my covenant, and I did not regard
them, says the Lord.'
The priests of the Law and the sanctuaries of the Law have
gone. Let us draw near our new High Priest, to the throne of
grace, the Guest of our souls, the Priest, made not accord-
ing to the law of the carnal commandment, but chosen by the
power [of the command] which cannot end. He did not
take the honor to Himself, 44 but He was chosen by the
Father, as the Father Himself says : Thou
art a priest forever
according to the order of Melchisedech.' We
see what the

36 Phil. 1.20.
37 Cf. 1 John 2.18.
38 Cf. 2 Cor. 5.15.
39 Jer. 31.31,32.
40 Heb. 8.9.
41 Cf. Heb. 4.14.
42 Heb. 4.16.
43 Cf. Heb. 7.16.
44 Cf. Heb. 5.4.
45 Ps. 109.4; Heb. 7.17.

new Priest has offered. Other priests make offerings for

themselves and their people. This one, having no sin of His
own for which He should make offerings, offered Himself for
the world and by His own Blood entered the Holy of Holies.
He, then, is the new Priest and the new Victim, not of
the Law but above the Advocate of the world, the Light
of time, who said: 'Behold I come, and he came. Let us
approach Him to adore Him in the fullness of faith and to
hope in Him whom we do not see with our eyes, but whom
we have in our heart. To Him is all honor always and glory.
Farewell, son, and love us, because we love you.

5L Ambrose to Horontianus, greetings (c. 387)

You asked me whether the soul is in all likelihood a heavy

substance, for you do not believe that the soul is blood or
fire or a
harmony of nerves, as ordinary philosophers teach.
Again, it seems to you that the soul is that which moves
itself and is moved by no other, for this is the teaching of
the ancient line of followers of Plato. You feel at least, since
Aristotle inferred with remarkable originality some sort of
fifth element, is an element, entellechia, from
that there
which you would derive or form the substance of the soul. 1
I suggest that you read the Book of Esdras, for he has his
back on those little nothings of the philosophers and with
that deeper wisdom which he gathered from revelation has
shown quite briefly that souls are of a superior substance.
46 Apoc. 32.7.

1 Cf. Plato, Laws 10.891, where he takes issue with Aristotle for
that 'the first cause of the generation and destruction of ail
things is
not the first but the last.' But Cicero (Tusc. 1.10.22) calls entellechia
2 Cf. 4 Esd. passim.

The Apostle, too, if not expressly, at least like a good

teacher and spiritual farmer, quickening the souls of his
discipleswith hidden seeds of doctrine, leaves us to understand
that our souls are of a higher order of creation and a most
excellent nature. When he says that 'creation was made

subject to vanity not by its own will but by reason of him

who made it
subject in hope, because creation itself will
also be delivered from its slavery to corruption into the
freedom of the glory of the sons of God,' 3 he shows that the
grace of the soul is no small thing, for by its strength and
power the human race rises to the adoption of sons of God,
having in itself that which was given to it in the image and
likeness of God. Souls are grasped by no touch, they are
seen not with bodily eyes, and they have a likeness to that
incorporeal and invisible nature, surpassing with their sub-
stance the corporeal and sensible character of things. Objects
which are seen are temporal, they indicate the temporal, they
are bound up with the temporal; those which are not seen
cling to that eternal and highest good, and in it they live
and are and move. 4 Good men, if they take thought, do not
let themselves be separated or drawn away from this [good].

Every soul, then, since it is enclosed within the hovel of

the body, if it has not debased itself by partnership with this

earthly habitation, sighs under the weight of union with the

body, because the corruptible body is a load upon the soul
and the earthly habitation presses down the mind which
muses on many things. 6 At the same time, realizing that it
walks by faith and not by vision, it wishes to be exiled from,
the body and to be at home with the Lord.
Let us notice how the creature has been made subject to

3 Rom. 8.20,21.
4 Cf. Acts 17.28.
5 Cf. 2 Cor. 5.4.
6 Cf. Wis. 9.15.
7 Cf. 2 Cor. 5.7,8.

not by its own wish, butby the divine will which
has arranged that souls must be joined to a body in hope,
so that while hoping for good things they may prepare
selves to be worthy of a heavenly reward:
Tor all of us
must be made manifest before the tribunal of Christ, so that
each one may receive what he has won through his body.'
The soul of each person should make provision for the rewards
to be meted out for life in the world. Very aptly
does he
won through his body,' that what the
say: 'what each has

must be ruled has taken upon If

part of man which

she [the soul] has ruled this part well, let her receive the
reward for which she was subject in hope; if badly, punish-
ment, since she did not hope in God or strive for that
of true glory.
adoption of sons and the freedom
The Apostle has taught us that created human nature is
What so much a man as his soul? Of
subject to vanity.

'When we are in the body, we

partnership with it, he says:
But David also says: 'Man is like
sigh under our burden/
'All things are vanity: every man
a breath of aid,' and:
The life of man in this world is vanity. The soul
is subject to this vanity. Therefore, when a saint does the

things of the body, he does them,

not by choice, not willingly,
but by reason of Him who made him subject in hope so
that he may obey Him. Let us proceed from this example of
the soul to the rest of creation.
Consider that the sun, the moon, and the stars, the lights
of the sky which, though they shine with brilliant splendor,
are yet creatures, and, whether they rise or fall in their daily
will of the eternal
performance of duty, they serve the
8 Cf. Rom. 8.20.
9 2 Cor. 5.10.
10 2 Cor. 5.4.
11 Ps. 143.4.
12 Cf. Ps. 38.6.

Creator, bringing forth the beauty with which they are

clothed and shining by day and by night. How often is the
sun covered by clouds or taken from the gaze of the earth
when the ray of its light k dispelled in the sky or an eclipse
occurs, and as Scripture says: 'The moon knows its going
down.' 13 It knows when it should shine in full light or
weakened light. The stars, which are engaged in service to
this world's advantage, disappear when they are covered by
clouds, not willingly, surely, but in hope, because they hope
for gratitude for their labor from Him who made them

subject. Thus, they persevere for His sake, that is, for His will.
It is not strange that they persevere with patience, since

they know that their Lord and the Creator of all that is in
heaven or on earth has taken upon Himself the frailty of
our body, the slavery of our state. Why should they not
persevere patiently in the servitude of their corruption when
the Lord of all humbled Himself to death for the whole
world, and took the form of a servant, and was made the
sin of the world and a curse for our sakes? Although the
heavenly creatures, who imitate Him, may groan because
they are subject to the vanity of this world, they console
themselves in the thought that they will be set free from the
slavery of corruption into the liberty of glory, at the coming
of the adoption of the sons of God, the redemption of all:
'When the fullness of the Gentiles comes, then will all Israel
be saved.' 15 Will He not forgive those people, He who forgave
His persecutor who had said: 'Crucify him! Crucify him!
and 'His blood be on us and on our children'? But, because
even the heavenly creation is subject to vanity, in hope the

13 Ps. 103.19.
14 Cf. Phil. 2.7.
15 Rom. 11.25.
16 John 19.6.
17 Matt. 27.25.

devotion to truth and the redemption of all will allow even

their treachery and intoxication to arrive at pardon, since
creation was brought low by the vanity of this world.
To conclude, the sun, great as it is and such as it is, and
the moon, which the shades of night do not cover, and the
stars, which adorn the sky, all now endure the slavery of

corruption because every body is a corruptible thing. Indeed,

even the and heaven and earth will pass. 18
skies will perish
At length the sun and the moon and the other lights of the
stars will rest in the glory of the sons of God, since God will
be all in all, 19 and will be in you and in us by His plenitude
and mercy.
Do wenot believe that the angels themselves groan in the
performance of their various functions amid the toils of this
world, as we read in the Apocalypse of John, for they are
made the ministers of penalties and destruction? They who
enjoy the life of beatitude would surely prefer to return to

that high state of peace rather than be involved in avenging

the punishment of our sins. They who rejoice over the
repentance of one sinner surely lament the hardships of so
many sinners.
even heavenly creatures and powers endure the slavery
of corruption, but through hope, so as to rejoice later for us
and with us, let us also comfort ourselves for the sufferings
of this time with the hope and expectation of future glory.
Farewell, son, and love us, because we love you.

18 Ct Matt. 24.35.
19 Cf. 1 Cor. 15.28.
20 Apoc. 3.1-22.

52. Ambrose to Horontianus (c. 387)

My answered your inquiry; this letter is a part

last letter
of my answer which will not destroy but will fulfill the
former. For, while I considered the matter further, I was
disturbed, I admit, because he [Paul] added: Tor we know
that all creation groans/ although in an earlier verse he had
said without any addition: 'For creation was made subject
to vanity.' He said not that 'every creature but 'creation*

has been made subject. And again, he says: 'Since creation

itself will be delivered from its slavery to corruption.' And,

in the third place, he adds: 'every creature groans.' 1

What does he wish to imply by this addition except,
perhaps, that not every creature is subject to vanity, and,
since not everyone is subject to vanity, not everyone will be
freed from slavery to corruption? should that be set free
which is unacquainted with and free from subjection to
vanity and from slavery to corruption? Let everyone groan,
not over his own labor but over ours, and give birth, per-
spirit of adoption of the sons of God
chance, to that that he

may have a share in the joy and happiness over the redemp-
tion of the human race. Everyone groans over our labor
because of love for himself or for the member of his own body,
of which the head is Christ. But, whether he meant this as
we have every creature in subjection groans and
said, or that
gives birth, thisunderstand as you wish.
Let us now consider what he adds: 'And not only it, but
we ourselves also who have the first fruits of the spirit we
ourselves groan within ourselves, waiting for the adoption as
sons, the redemption of our body.' What adoption of sons
does the previous page teach? To explain the meaning we
must go back to the previous page.

1 Rom. 8.20-22.
2 Rom. 8.23.

He says that one who puts to death the deeds of the flesh
will live. It is not strange that he lives, since one who has

the spirit of God becomes a son of God. It is for this reason

that he is the Son of God so that he may receive not the spirit
of slavery but the spirit of the adoption of sons, inasmuch as
the Holy Spirit gives proof to our spirit that we are the sons of
God. The proof of this comes from the Holy Spirit, because
it is He Himself who cries out in our hearts :
'Abba, Father,'
as it was written to the Galatians. It is also a powerful proof
that we are sons of God in that weare heirs of God, co-heirs
with Christ, and He is co-heir of the one who glorifies Him,
and He, too, glorifies him who by suffering for Him suffers
with Him. 5
In order to encourage us to suffer, he adds that all our
suffering is less than and not to be compared to the great
reward of the future blessing which will be revealed to us in
return for these hardships, and that, when we have been
formed to the image of God, we will deserve to see His glory
face to face.
To enhance the greatness of the future revelation he adds
that creation also awaits this revelation of the sons of God,
being now subject to vanity, not by its own will but in hope,
for hopes for gratitude from Christ for the service which it

rendered Him, and because it will itself be freed from slavery

to corruption, that it may be taken up into the liberty of the

glory of the sons of God, so that there will be a single liberty

of creation and of the sons of God when their glory is
revealed. But now, while the revelation is postponed, every
creature groans, awaiting the glory of our adoption and re-
demption, giving birth to that spirit of salvation, and wishing
to be freed from slavery to vanity.

3 Cf. Rom. 8.13.

4 Gal. 4.6.
5 Cf. Rom. 8.16,18.

To this the Apostle joins the groaning of the saints who

have the first fruits of the
Spirit. Even they groan. Although
they are saved by their merits, they are compassionate because
the redemption of the world is yet to come. For, while the
members of their body suffer, how can the other members,
although superior ones, not feel compassion for the distressed
members of the one body?
For this reason, I think, the Apostle said that at that time
even the Son Himself will be made subject, the one who
subjected all Those who still labor are not
things to Himself.
yet made subject, and in them, perhaps, Christ still thirsts,
hungers; in them He is naked because they still do not

fulfill the word of God,

they do not put on Christ, who is the
garment of believers, the cloak of the faithful. But those in
whom He is weak still need medicine, and they have not yet
become His subjects. It is a subjection of strength, not of
weakness. The Son of God is made subject in the strong and
in those who do the will of God. He now works more in
those who do not assist the laborers than He does in those
who ask assistance for themselves* This is a holy and true
interpretation of the subjection of the Lord Jesus, who will
make Himself subject so that God may be all things to all men.
We are arriving at the Apostle's meaning. Let us now
consider who those are who have the first-fruits of the Spirit. 7
Let us then ask the Old Law what it means by the word
'firstlings.' It says: Thou shalt
'first-fruits' or not hold back
the first-fruits of the threshing floor and thy water,' and
further on: 'Thou shalt offer the first-fruits of thy first pro-
ducts to the house of the Lord thy God.' Some are first-
fruits; others are tithes. First-fruits have greater favor and

6 Cf. 1 Cor. 15.28.

7 Cf. Rom. 8.13.
8 Exod. 22.29.
9 Exod. 34.26.

are held in very great reverence. Abel was very pleasing since
without holding back he offered his gift, a firstling of his
flock. Some may wish to distinguish between first-fruits
and firstlings, that is, what is born first, because when the
seed has been gathered it may be offered as the very first-
fruits of the harvest; yet, what is taken first from the harvest

is offered to the Lord, but that from the threshing floor

[isoffered] to others. Indeed, the whole harvest of grain
seems to become holy when the first-fruits are given as a
gift, but the first-fruits themselves are holier still.

Likewise, the saints are the first-fruits of the Lord, partic-

ularly the Apostles. God first placed Apostles in the Church
who prophesied things and preached the Lord Jesus,
for they first Him. 12 Simeon the Prophet first received
Him; Zachary the Prophet received Him, and so did his
son John; and Nathaniel in whom there was no guile, who
was reclining under a fig tree; and Joseph, who was called
just, who buried Him. These are the first-fruits of our faith,
although the same nature but less grace may be in some
first-fruits as in some seeds: 'God is able out of these stones
to raise up children to Abraham.'
Lo, you have an example from the Lord Jesus Himself. In
the resurrection of the dead He is called the first-born from
the dead. 17 Yet, the Apostle has shown that the same one is
the first-fruit, in the words: In Christ all are made to live,

10 Cf. Gen. 4.4.

11 Ambrose makes a distinction between first-fruits (primitia) and first-
lings (initia) First-fruits are taken from the harvest field; they consist

of ears of corn and are to be used in asking favors. Firstlings are from
the threshing floor; they are the pure seeds and are to be used in
rendering thanks to God.
12 Cf. 1 Cor. 12.28.
13 Cf. Luke 2.28.
14 Cf. John L47.
15 Cf. Luke 23.53.
16 Matt. 3.9.
17 Cf. Col. 1.18.

but each in his own turn. Christ is the first-fruits; then, they
who are Christ's, who have believed in His coming.' 18 The
same reality of body is in Him as in us, but still He is called
the first-born of the dead because He arose first, and He is

called the first-fruits because He is holier than all fruits, since

He sanctified the other fruits of His union. He is also the

firstling of those are in His image, just as He is the

image of the invisible God, in whom, in accord with the
divinity, there is
nothing corporeal, nothing temporal, for He
is the
splendor of the Father's glory, and the image of His
substance. Our letter has run to the length of a sermon
while we are endeavoring to show what are first-fruits.
Our first-fruits are the Apostles, who were chosen out of
all the fruits of that time, to whom it was said 'And greater

than these you will do,' 20 since the grace of God poured itself
out upon them. They, I say, groaned while they awaited the
redemption of the whole body, and they still groan, because
of the toil of many who still waver. If a man reaches the
shore but is still buffetted by waves around his waist, he
groans and travails until he emerges entirely. In the same
way he groans who is still saying to us: 'Who is weak, and
I am not weak?'

Let us not be disturbed because it has been so written:

'We who have the first-fruits of the spirit we ourselves
groan within ourselves, waiting for the adoption as sons, the
redemption of our body.' The meaning is clear why those
who have the first-fruits of the spirit groan while they await
the adoption as sons. This adoption as sons is the redemption
of the whole body. When it is face to face as a son of God it
will see that divine and eternal good. The adoption as sons

18 1 Cor. 15.22.
19 Cf. Gal. 1.15.
20 John 14.12.
21 2 Cor. 11.29.
22 Rom. 8.23.

is in the Church of the Lord when the Spirit cries: 'Abba,

Father/ as you have it said to the Galatians. But [the it

when in incorruption, in
all will rise
adoption] will be perfect
honor, and in glory, worthy to see the face of God. Then
So the Apostle
will humanity know that it is truly redeemed. 23
boasts in the words: Tor in hope were we saved.' Hope
it is said: Thy faith has
saves, as does faith, also, of which
saved thee.
subject to vanity, not by
which its
Thus the creature is

own will but in hope, is saved by hope, as was also Paul, for,
he knew that it was to die so that, freed from
the body, he might be with Christ, he remained in the flesh
for the sake of those whom he was gaining for Christ.
What is hope, if not the awaiting of things to come? So he
says: Hope that is seen
is not hope/ Not things seen, but
Does anyone hope for what he sees?
things unseen, are eternal.
We seem have what we see; how, then, do we hope for
what we have? So, none of the things which are hoped for
are seen, for: 'Eye has not seen, nor ear heard, what God
has prepared for those who love Him.'
If the unseen cannot be hoped for, they do not say rightly:
'What one sees, that he also hopes,' unless they say: 'What
one sees, why should he also hope for,' or what does he wait

for? It is true that we hope for what we do not see, and,

although it seems far removed from us, we hope for it in

patience: 'Hoping hoped I in the Lord, and he looked down

on me.' 28 For this reason we hope patiently, because 'The
Lord is good to those who wait for him.' 29 This seems to
23 Rom. 8.24.
24 Luke 18.42.
25 Cf. Phil. 1.2.
26 Rom. 8.24,
27 1 Cor. 2.9.
28 Ps. 39.2.
29 Thren. 3.25.

mean that he returned by reason of our patience. We expect

what we hope for and do not see. He does much who hopes
and expects things which are not seen. And because he turns
his attention to that which is everything, he continues
It is aptly said, therefore, regarding the power and riches
of this world: 'But hope that is seen is not hope.' You
see that, when one is renowned for power and chariots, he
has no hope of chariots which he sees. We do not put our hope
in the element of heaven, but in the Lord of heaven. A
Chaldean astronomer has no hope in the stars which he
studies,nor does the rich man in his possessions, nor the miser
in his gain.But he has hope who puts his hope in Him whom
he does not see, that is, in the Lord Jesus, who stands in our
midst and is not seen. 31 Finally, 'Eye has not seen, nor ear
heard, what the Lord has prepared for those who love Him.'

53. Ambrose to Horontianus (c. 387)

Our letters are forming a chain and we seem to be letting

the chips fly in the presence of one another. I get the
material for my letter-writing from your questioning, and
you get yours from my explanations.
You have pointed out that you wonder of what spirit
it was said: 'Because he pleads for us with unutterable
groaning. Let us go on, so that the reading will make clear
what we are searching for: 'But in like manner the Spirit
also helps the weakness of our prayer.' Does not this seem to
be the Holy Spirit, for He is our helper, to whom it is said:

30 Rom. 8.24.
31 Cf. John 1.26.
32 1 Cor, 2.9,

1 Rom. 8.26.

Thou artmy help; cast me not off, and abandon me not,

O God, my Saviour/

What other spirit could teach Paul what to pray for? The
as Christ also teaches His disciples
Spirit of Christ teaches,
to pray. And, after Christ, who would teach if not His Spirit

whom He Himself sent to teach and direct our prayers? We


pray with the Spirit; we pray, too,

with the understanding.
In order that the understanding be able to pray well, the

Spirit goes on ahead

and leads it on to a level road, so that
less or greater than our strength
things of the flesh or things
may not surprise it: 'Now the manifestation of the Spirit is
given to everyone for profit.' Moreover, it has been written:
'Seek the great and the little will be given you. Seek heavenly
will be given/
things and those of earth
He wishes us to seek things, not to linger among
greater 8

earthly ones.He who allots to each according as He wills

knows what He will give. Sometimes, knowing our limitations
of which we are ignorant, He says: Tou cannot now receive
a martyr for myself the
this.' pray for the sufferings of

Holy Spirit is willing

but when He sees the weakness of
while seek too great things I may
my flesh, fearing that I

lose the smaller ones, He says: 'You cannot receive these.'

What opportunities I have had,
and have been called back
almost from the goal!
good doctor knows what food is
suitable for the state of illness, and at what stage in the

2 Ps. 26,9.
3 CL Luke 11.1.
4 Cf. 1 Cor. 14.15.
5 Cf. Ps. 142.10.
6 1 Cor. 12.7.
7 Matt. 6.35.
8 Cf. 1 Cor. 12.11.
9 Cf. Matt. 26.41.
10 The persecution of the Arian empress and Ambrose's embassy to the
usurper Maximus show that Ambrose was not unwilling to be

course of the recovery. Sometimes the taking of food brings

back good health, but if one takes it at the wrong time or
takes what is not suitable he is
Therefore, since we do not know what we pray for, and
how we should pray, the Holy Spirit asks for us. 11 He is the
Spirit of Jesus, our Advocate. And He asks with unspeakable
groanings, as Christ, too, grieves for us. And God the Father
says: 'My bowels are in pain.'
We read that He was often

angry and grieved. He groans that He may take away our

sins, that He may teach us to do penance. It is a reverent
groan, filled with power, of which the Prophet says: 'My
groaning is not hidden from thee.' 14 He did not hide like
Adam, but He said: 'Behold, I am
the shepherd. But as for
this flock, in what has it been sinful? It is I that have sinned;
punish thou me/ 15
From this comes the groaning of the Spirit of God, and
the groaning of the Prophet, well-nigh ineffable because it is

heavenly. The things that Paul heard in heaven were in-

effable. Thus, men should not utter what
is hidden to men,

although known God. He, the searcher of our hearts,

knows all things, but He searches what the Spirit has purified.
Therefore, God knows what the Spirit is asking and what is
the wisdom of the Spirit which pleads for the saints, as you
It is those for whom
read: 'The Spirit also pleads for us.'
Christ suffered and whom He cleansed with His blood for
whom also the Spirit pleads.

Farewell, and as a son love us, because we love you.

11 Cf. Rom. 8.26.

12 Cf. Isa. 53.4.
13 Jer. 14.9.
14 Ps. 37.10.
15 1 Par. 21.17.
16 Rom. 8.27.

54. Ambrose to Simplidanus, greetings (c. 386)

You remarked recently when we were chatting in a way

characteristic of our long-standing affection that it pleased

you to have me preach to people on some of the writings

of the Apostle Paul. Since his depth of meaning is understood
only with difficulty, he should lead the one who hears him to
lofty thoughts and should set on fire the commentator. In
some instances, in fact, the speaker engages in exegesis and,
having nothing of his own to add, being anxious to say

something, fulfills the task of grammarian rather than exegete.

I realize in this complaint the result of our old friendship
and, what is more, a tenderly fatherly love (for the passage
of time brings intimacy, along with many benefits, but a
father's love does not) Then, too, because I feel that I have

already done not without spirit what you are asking, I shall
obey your wish, advised and instigated by my own pattern
by no means difficult for me. I will not be imitating some
great personage, but myself, as I return to some of my own
insignificant practices.
Now, as regards our plan, I think that when we express in
our sermons the metaphor and representation of the happy
life, we have reached a conclusion which most persons", and

especially you, a friend, will not find unsuitable. Yet it is

more difficult not to displease your judgment than that of
most others, though, by your devotion, you lighten the weight
of your judgment and render it much milder to me.
Yet the Epistle, which troubled you after you were gone,
has to do with the meaning of Paul the Apostle, who says in
calling us from slavery to liberty: 'You have been bought
with a price; do not become the slaves of men.' 3 In this he

1 The first of four letters to Simplidanus, Bishop of Milan after

the death of Ambrose in 397. He was instrumental in the conversion
of St. Augustine (Conf. 8.1,2,5) .

2 Cf. Conf. 8.2, where Augustine says that Ambrose loved

'truly as a father.'
3 1 Cor. 7.23.

shows that our liberty consists in the knowledge of wisdom.

This passage has been pitched and tossed on a great mass of
discussion by philosophers, who say that every wise man is
free, every fool is a slave.
This was said long before by a son of David in the words :

'A fool is changed like the moon/ 4 A wise man is not shattered
by fear, or changed by power, or elated by good fortune, or
overwhelmed by sadness. Where there is wisdom there are
strength of spirit and perseverance and fortitude. The wise
man is constant in soul, not deflated or elated by changing
events. He does not toss like a child, carried about by every
wind of doctrine, but remains perfected in Christ, grounded

by charity, rooted by faith. The wise man is never idle and

experiences no changing states of mind. But he will shine like
the Sun of justice that shines in the kingdom of His Father.
Let us consider the source of that philosophy from which
the patriarchs drew their wisdom and learning. Was not Noe
the first to curse his son when he learned that Chanaan 6 had
made fun be Chanaan; meanest of
of his nakedness: 'Cursed
slaves shall he be to and he put as lords over
his brethren,'
him his brothers, who with wisdom knew that they should
respect their father's years.
Did not Jacob, that source of all wisdom, who by reason
of hiswisdom was preferred to his elder brother, 8 pour an
abundance of this reasoning into the hearts of all? Although
the devoted father felt a father's affection for both his sons,
he judged each differently (for love is not estranged from
kinship, but judgments are formed according to merit).
Hence, he gave favor to one, pity to the other, favoring the
wise, but pitying the unwise because he could not rise to

4 Eccli. 27.12.
5 Cf. Matt. 13.43.
6 Chem.
7 Gen. 9.25.
8 Cf. Gen. 27.29.

valorous deeds by his own strength or advance his steps at

will.Thus, he blessed him so that he would serve his brother
and be his slave, revealing how the lack of wisdom is brought
low by servitude, that his slavery may be a remedy for him,
because the foolish man cannot rule himself, and if he is
without a guide he is undone by his own desires.
After due deliberation, the devoted father made him his
brother's slave so that he would be guided by the other's

prudence. Thus, to indiscreet persons the wise become as

rulers to guide by their power the foolishness of the crowd
which they rule under the guise of power, when they bring

unwilling subjects to obey those who are more wise and to

submit to the laws. So he put a yoke on the foolish one as on
an unruly man, and he denied liberty to one who he decreed
must live by his sword. He put his brother over him so that he
might not sin by but that, being subject to his
his temerity,

authority and he might come to repentance.

Slavery, you see, draws a distinction (some are weak of
necessity though strong of purpose, because that is more
beautiful which is done not of necessity but willingly), and
so he put on him the yoke of necessity and later secured for
him the blessing of willing subjection.
Not nature but foolishness makes the slave. Not manumis-
sion but learning makes a man
Esau was born free, but
he became a slave; Joseph was sold into slavery, 9 but he was
raised to power that he might rule those who had purchased
him. Yet he did not slight his obligation to work zealously;
he clung to the heights of virtue; he preserved the liberty
of innocence, the stronghold of blamelessness. So the Psalmist

beautifully says: 'Joseph had been sold into slavery. They

had bound his feet with fetters.' 11 'He had been sold into
9 Cf. Gen. 37.28.
10 Cf. Gen. 41.41.
11 Ps. 104.17,18.

slavery,' he says; he did not become a slave. They had bound

his feet, but not his soul.
How is his soul bound when he says: The iron pierced
his soul ? Although the souls of others were pierced with sin
(iron is sin, because it pierces within), the soul of blessed
Joseph did not lie open to sin, but pierced through sin. He
was not swayed by the beauty of his mistress charms and so
he did not experience the flames of passion, for he was aflame
with the greater flame of divine grace. Thus, it is said very
aptly of him: 'Because the word of the Lord burned him/
and with this he quenched the fiery darts of the Devil.
How was he a slave, the man who showed the princes of
his people how to regulate the corn supply, so that they
knew beforehand and made provision for the coming famine?
Or was he a slave, the man who took possession of the whole
country of Egypt and reduced its entire population to
slavery? This he did, not in order to put upon them the
status of ignoble slavery, but to impose a tax, except upon
the property of the priests, which remained free from tax
because among the Egyptians the priestly caste was held in
A sale didnot make a slave of him, though he was sold to
traders. Thinking in terms of a price, you will find many
who have purchased young girls of unusual beauty and,
being enamored of them, have reduced themselves to shameful
slavery. The concubine of King Darius, Apene, appeared
sitting on his right when she took the crown from his head
and put it on her own, and struck his face with her left
hand. The king gazed at her with delight and smiled when-
ever the woman smiled at him. But if she showed contempt
for him he thought he was unhappy and distressed, and if he

12 Ps. 104.18.
13 Ps. 104.19.
14 Cf. Gen. 47.20.

lost his power over her he would speak soft words and beg
her to be reconciled with him,
But why do we take great pains to assert this? Do we not
ordinarily see parents ransomed by their children
when they
have fallen into the power of pirates or savage barbarians?
Are the laws of ransom stronger than the laws of nature? Is
filial piety being forced into slavery? There are merchants of

lions, yet they do not rule them, but when they see them
angrily shake their shaggy masses from their neck they flee
and seek shelter. The money which purchased these masters
for them makes no difference, nor do the auction tables on
which the buyer is generally judged and sentenced. The
agreement does not change his condition of birth or take
away the freedom of wisdom. Many free men are servants of
a wise slave and he is a wise slave who rules his foolish
Who do you think is more free? Only that wisdom is
free which sets the poor over riches and makes slaves draw
interest on their masters, not drawing money as interest, but
wisdom. That talent draws interest from the Lord's eternal
treasury which is never despoiled and whose gain is priceless.
That knowledge draws as interest the silver of heavenly
speech of which the Law says: Thou shalt lend to many
18 19
nations and thou never borrow.' The Hebrew loaned
to the nations; he did not receive knowledge from the people,

but, instead, gave it. To him the Lord opened His treasury
to bedew the Gentiles with the water of His speech and make
them the prince of nations having no prince above them.
The free man is the wise man who was bought with the
price of heavenly speech, the gold and silver ofGod's word,

15 Cf. 3 Esd. 4.29,30.

16 Cf. Virgil, Aeneid 12.7.
17 Cf. Prov. 17.2.
18 Detu, 15.6.
19 I.e., Joseph.

bought with the price of blood (not least important is it to

know the buyer), bought with the price of grace, for he
heard and understood the one who said A11 you who thirst,

come to the waters; and you that have no money, make

haste, buy and eat and drink.'
The free man is the warrior who sees a woman of comely
beauty and takes his enemy's wealth as booty; then, when he
is beset with
longing and finds her, he sells what he does not
need, removes the cloak she wore when she was taken, and
weds the woman who is no longer a slave, but free. He knows
that his learning and wisdom will not make him subject to
her slavedom. Therefore, the Law says: 'She may not be
sold for money,' 21 since nothing And
precious deserves this.
Job says: 'Draw out wisdom in deeper places.' The topaz
of Ethiopia will not be compared to her, being reckoned
more precious than gold and silver.
Not only is the person free who has not fallen to the buyer's
bid, nor seen the finger raised, but that man rather is free
who is free within himself, free by the law of nature, knowing
that the law of nature has been laid down
by custom, not by
conditions, and that the extent of man's duties harmonizes
not with his choice but with the teachings of nature. Would
that man only seem free to you who
appeared as a censor
and prefect of morals? Scripture says very truly that the poor
will rule over riches, and the borrowers over creditors. 24
Would that man seem free in your estimation who bought
votes for himself with money,
standing more in need of the
approval of the populace than of the opinion of the wise? Is
he free if he is
swayed by popular opinion and dreads the
20 Isa. 55.1.
21 Cf. Deut. 21.10-14.
22 Job 28.18,
23 A reference to the ancient custom whereby one who had
purchased a
slave raised his finger as a guarantee of the sale.
24 Cf. Prov. 22.7.

whisper of the crowd? The freedman does 25

not receive liberty
when the hand of the lictor is laid on him. I consider not
wealth but virtue as liberty, for it
does not bow to the wishes

of the stronger, and it is laid hold of and possessed by one's

own greatness of soul The wise
man is always free; he is
laws. The
always held in honor; he is always master of the
law is not made but for the unjust.
for the just The just
man is a law unto himself and he does not need to summon
the law from afar, for he carries it enclosed in his heart,

having the law written on the tablets of his heart, and it


said to him: 'Drink water out of thy own vessels and from
the stream of thy own well' What is so close to us as the
Word of God? This is the word on our heart and on our lips
which we behold not but hold.
The wise man is free, since one who does as he wishes is
free.Not every wish is good, but the wise man wishes only
that which is good; he hates evil for he chooses what is good.
Because he chooses what is good he is master of his choice
and because he chooses his work is he free. Then, because he
does what he wishes the free man is wise. The wise man does
well everything that he does. One who does all things well does
all things rightly, But one who does all things rightly does
everything without offense, without blame, without loss and
disturbance within himself. And one who does nearly every-
thing without giving offense acts blamelessly and acts without
disturbance to himself, without loss. He does not act unwisely
but wisely in all things. One who acts with wisdom has
nothing to fear, for fear lies in sin. Where there is no fear
there is
liberty; where there is liberty there is the power of
doing what one wishes. Therefore, only the wise man is free.
25 A rod, called a festuca, was laid on the manumitted slave by a praetor
or lictor.
26 Ct". 1 Tim. 1.9.
27 Prov. 5.15.

One who cannot be forced or held in check is by no means

a slave; the wise man cannot be forced or forbidden; a
slave, therefore, is not wise. One who does not enjoy what he
desires is held in check. But what does the wise man desire

except what belongs to virtue and learning, without which he

cannot exist? These are in him and they cannot be torn from
him. If they are torn away, then he is no
longer a wise man,
for he is without the habit of virtue and without
learning, of
which he defrauds himself if he is not a
willing broker of
virtue. If compulsion used on him it is clear that he acts

unwillingly. In all our deeds there are either corrections by

virtue, missteps by malice, or that which is
midway or
lacking in distinction. The wise man not forced to virtue

but he is a
willing follower of it, because in fleeing evil he
drives out all that is pleasing [to the
senses] and does not let
sleep overtake him. In what is neither good nor evil he is not
disturbed so as to be swayed to this side and that like the
common crowd, but his mind hangs, as it were, in a perfectly
balanced scale. Thus, he leans neither entirely toward pleasure
nor in the direction of what he should reject, but, showing
moderate interest, he remains fixed in purpose. Therefore, it
appears that the wise man does nothing unwillingly nor by
force. If he were a slave he would be forced; therefore, the
wise man is free.
The when he says:
Apostle, too, declares this to be true
'Am I not free? Am
not an apostle? 328 Indeed, he is so
free that when certain persons
slipped in to spy on his
liberty, as he himself says, he would not yield in submission
for one hour, that the truth of the
Gospel might be preached.
As one who did not cease he preached willingly. Where
there is
willingness there is the reward of willingness; where
there is
necessity, there is subservience to necessity. Willingness

28 l Cor. 9.1.
29 Cf. Gal. 2.5.

is better, therefore, than necessity. The wise man must be

willing, the foolish man must obey
and serve.
This is the declaration of the Apostle, who says: 'If I do

this willingly, I shallhave a reward. But if unwillingly, it

is a stewardship that has been entrusted to me. The wise
man is given a reward, yet he acts willingly; therefore,
according to the Apostle, the free man is wise. Hence, he
himself cries out: 'For you have been called to liberty; only
do not use liberty as an occasion for sensuality.' He
separates the Christian from the Law that he may not seem
to fallunder the Law unwillingly. He calls him to the Gospel
which they who are willing preach and carry out. The Jew
is under the Law, the Christian in the midst of the Gospel.

There is slavery under the Law, liberty in the Gospel, for in

it is the
understanding of wisdom. Everyone who accepts
Christ is wise; he who is wise is free; every Christian, then, is

both free and wise.

The Apostle has taught me that beyond this liberty there is
the liberty of being a slave: 'For free though I was,' he says,
I made myself a slave of all that I might gain the more
converts.' What lies beyond that liberty except to have the
spirit of grace, to have charity? Liberty makes us free before
men, charity a friend before God. Therefore Christ said 'But :

I have called you friends.' Charity is
good and of it is said:
'By the charity of the Spirit serve one another.' Christ, too,
was a servant so that He might make all men free. 'His hands
have served in the basket.' 35 He who did not think it robbery
to be equal with God took the nature of a slave, and He
30 1 Cor. 9.17.
31 GaL 5.13.
32 1 Cor. 8.19.
33 John 15.15.
34 Gal. 5.13.
35 Ps. 80.7.
36 Cf. Phil. 2.6.

became all things to all men to bring salvation to all. Paul,
an imitator of Him, as if he was under the Law and lived as
if outside the Law, spent his life for the advantage of those
whom He wished to gain. He willingly became weak for the
weak in order to strengthen them; he ran the race to overtake

them; he chastised his body to triumph in Christ over natures

of bronze.
A wise man, though he be a slave, is at liberty; and from
this follows that, though a fool rule, he is in slavery, and,

what is worse, though he have care of a very few, he is slave

to more and harsher masters. For he is slave to his passions;
he is own wishes; he cannot escape his rulers
slave to his

night or day because he has these rulers within him; within

he suffers unbearable slavery. Slavery is twofold, one of the
body and the other of the soul, men being masters of the body,
but sin and passion masters of the soul, and from these only
liberty of spirit frees a man so that he is delivered from his
Let us look for that truly wise man, the truly free man,
who, although he lives under the rule of many, says freely:
'Who is he that will plead against me? Do thou alone with-
draw thy hand from me, and from thy face I will not be
able to hide; and let not thy dread terrify me.
King David following him said: 'Against thee only have I
sinned.' In his regal position, like the lord of laws he was
not subject to laws, but he was guilty before God who alone is
Lord of hosts.
man: 'But with me it is a very
Listen to another free
small matter to be judged by you or by man's tribunal. Nay,
I do not even judge my own self. For I have nothing on my

37 Cf. 1 Cor. 9.22.

38 See Plato Resp. 3.415 A-C, for the allusion to men of gold, of silver,
and of bronze.
39 Job 13.19-21.
40 Ps. 50.6.

conscience ... but he who judges me is the Lord.' True
liberty belongs to the spiritual man,
for he judges all things,
but is himself judged by no one/ not by anyone who shares
his created nature. He knows that he is subject to God alone,
who alone is without sin, of whom Job says: 'God liveth,
who so judges me/
for He alone can judge the just man in
whose sight the heavens are not pure, nor the lights of the
stars shining and clear.
Who is who
puts into the midst of Sophocles' play
those verses which say: 'Jupiter is over me but no man'?
How much more ancient is Job, how much more aged is
David? They should know that they have drawn their ex-
cellent sayings from our writers.
Is a man wise if he does not reach the secrets of the
Godhead and learn the hidden things of wisdom revealed to
him? He alone is wise, then, who uses as his guide God to
search out the lair of truth, and although a mortal he becomes
the heir of His immortal God, successor by grace and par-
taker of His joy, as it is written: 'Therefore God, thy God,
has anointed thee with the oil of gladness above thy fellows.'
If one looks into this state of affairs more closely he will
learn great are the advantages to the wise and how
great the hindrances to the unwise, because to the former
liberty is a help, to the latter servitude is a hindrance. The
wise man emerges as a victor over those who warred with
him, triumphing over lust, fear, cowardice, gloom and other
vices, until he puts them out of the hold of his mind and
beats them back and them from his boundaries and his
lands. Like a careful leader he knows he should beware of
the onrush of brigands and certain strategies of war by means
41 I Cor. 4.3,4.
42 Cf. 1 Cor. 2.15.

43 Job 27.2.
44 Cf. Letter 81 for this same thought.
45 Ps. 44.8.

of which hostile enemies of the soul often throw flaming

arrows. For we have certain battles in time of peace and

peace in time of war. So he also says: 'Conflicts without,

anxieties within.' 'But in all these we overcome because of
him who loved us.' And
he says he is frightened neither by
troubles, nor persecutions, nor hunger, nor danger, nor death.
Is a man not a slave if he shudders at these [trials] and is
fearful of death? Surely he is a slave, and his state of slavery
pitiable. Nothing so reduces the soul to total slavery as does
the fear of death. How will that mind raise itself which is

castdown, poor and debased, if it has been given over to a

whole whirlpool of weakness by its longing for this life? See
how the slave says:
I shall hide myself, and I shall be
mourning and fearful on earth, and it will happen that who-
soever finds me will kill me.' Then, like a slave, he received
a mark and he could not escape death. Thus is the sinner a
slave to fear, a slave to desire, a slave to greed, a slave to
lust, a slave to sin, a slave to anger, and, though such a man

appears to himself free, he is more a slave than if he were

under tyrants.
The free are those who abide by the laws. True law is a
direct statement, true law is not carved on tablets, nor in-

scribed on bronze, but stamped on the mind and imprinted

in the senses. Since a wise man is not under the law he is a
law to himself, for he carries the law in his heart in a mode
of expression natural to himself and embellished with a sort
of heading. Is our blindness such that we do not see very
evident declarations of ideas and examples of virtues? How
degrading it is that
respectable men obey human laws that
they may share freedom, yet the wise cast aside and abandon

46 furta belli. Cf. Virgil, Aen. 11.515.

47 Cf. 2 Cor. 7.5.
48 Rom. 8.37.
49 Gen. 4.14.

the true law of nature, though they are made to the image of
God and bear the true mark of freedom. So great is this
freedom that as children we do not know how to be slaves
to vice, we are strangers to anger, we are free from greed,
unacquainted with lust. How sad it is that we who are born
in freedom die in slavery !

This comes from inconstancy and weakness of character,

for we are concerned over foolish worries and spend ourselves

uselessly. The wise man's heart, his acts, his

work must be
deeply rooted and immovable. Moses gave this instruction
when his hands became so heavy that Josue the son of Nun
could scarcely hold them up. Yet the people won a victory
because, although the work they did was not important, it
was full of meaning and courage, not done with a sense of
wavering or unsteady purpose, but with the constancy of a
well-grounded intention. The wise man stretches out his
hands, the fool draws them in, as it is written: The fool
foldeth his hands together, and eateth his own flesh/ for he
thinks more of the body than of the spirit. Was it not a

daughter of Juda who called to the Lord with outstretched

hands: 'Thou knowest that they have borne false witness
against me.' She thought it was better not to sin and to fall
into the snare of her accusers rather than to sin under the
cloak of impunity. By despising death she preserved her
innocence. And was it not the daughter of Jephte who by her
own encouraging words confirmed her father's vow to
immolate her? 53
For contempt of death I do not draw on the books of the
philosophers, or the ascetics of India, and the highly praised
answer which Calanus gave Alexander when he told him to

50 Cf. Exod. 17.12.

51 Eccle. 4.5.
52 Dan. 13,43.
53 Cf. Judges 11.36-38.

follow him: Of what kind of praise do I seem worthy,
you ask me to return to Greece and I can be com-
pelled to do what I do not want to do? Your words

truly filled with authority, but my mind is more filled with

liberty.' Then he wrote this letter.
Calanus to Alexander: 54 'Friends
who do not see our works
in their visions are bidding you lay hands and force on the
Indian philosophers. You will move their bodies from place
to place, you will not force their souls to do what they do
not wish any more than you will force rocks and trees to
speak. A huge fire burns pain into living bodies and causes
destruction; we are above this, we are consumed alive. There
is no king or leader who can torture us to do what we have

not planned. We are not like the philosophers of Greece who

plan their pronouncements on events, looking to the fame of
their opinion; we keep a relation between words and deeds.
Events are swift; words are short-lived; our freedom is blessed
in virtue.'
Famous words, but mere words! Brilliant firmness of pur-
pose, but from a man! A brilliant letter, but from a
philosopher! Among us, even maidens climb the steps of
virtue mounting to the very sky with their longing for death.
What need to mention Thecla, Agnes, and Pelagia, who

offspring, rushing to their death as if

produced noble to

immortality? Amid lions the maidens frolicked and fearlessly

gazed on roaring beasts. Let us compare our examples with
those ascetics of India blessed Lawrence proved by his deeds

what he had boasted in words, that when he was being burned

alive, surviving the flames, he said: 'Turn me and eat me.'

Not unworthy of the daughter of Abraham was the struggle
of the sons of the Machabees: 55 some chanted above the
flames, others, while being burned alive, asked not to be

54 See Plutarch, Alex.

55 Cl 2 Mach. 7.5-41.

so carried away that the persecutor

spared, but they were
was the more inflamed with anger. The wise man was free.
What example is more sublime than blessed Pelagia, who,
when she was overwhelmed by her persecutors, said before
she went into their presence: 1 die willingly, no one will lay
a hand on me, no one will harm my virginity with his
shameless glance, I shall take with me my purity and my
have no reward for their
modesty unsullied. These robbers wiU
brazenness. Pelagia will follow Christ, no one will take away
her freedom, no one will see her freedom of faith taken away,
nor her remarkable purity, the product of wisdom. That
which is servile will remain here, bound for no use.' Great
she was
was the freedom of that pious maiden who, though
hedged in by lines of persecutors with utmost danger to her
purity and life, no way shaken.
was in
The man who is ruled by anger is also bound by the yoke
of sin. The man who is easily stirred to wrath has dug up
'whoever commits sin is a slave of sin.' He is not free
56 57
who is a slave to greed, for he cannot possess his own vessel.
He is not free who, serving his own needs and pleasures,
wavers on straying bypaths. He is not free who is warped by
ambition, for he is a slave to another's power.
But he is free
who can say: 'All things are lawful to me, but not all things
are All things are lawful for me, but I will not be
brought under the power of anyone. Food for
the belly,
the belly for food.'
He is who
says: 'Why
free is our liberty

judged by the unbeliever's knowledge?'

Liberty suits the wise, not the unwise, for one
who wraps a
stone in a hurling machine is like the man who gives honor
to a fool. He hurts himself and brings more danger to himself
as he throws the javelin. As the harm of a stone is increased

56 Prov. 29.22 (Septuagint) ,

57 John 8.34.
58 Ct. I Cor. 6.12,13,

by the engine of war and is doubled by its fall, so, too, is the
downfall of the fool in freedom more violent. The power of
the fool must be curtailed, his liberty should not be increased,
because slavery fits him. Thus, Proverbs added 'Thorns grow :

in the handof a drunkard, so slavery in the hand of a fool.'
As the drunkard is hurt by his drinking, so is the fool by his
deeds. The one plunges himself into sin by drinking,, the
other convicts himself by his work and is dragged into slavery
by his deeds. Paul saw himself dragged into bondage by the
law of sin, but in order to be freed he took refuge in the
grace of freedom.
Fools are not free; it is said to them: 'Be not like the
horse and the mule, which have no understanding. Control
with bridle and bit the jaws of those who come near thee.
Many are the blows of the wicked.' 61 Many blows are
necessary that their wickedness be controlled; training, not
harshness, exacts this. Besides, He that spareth the rod hateth
his son/ since each one is punished more heavily for his
sins. The weight of sin is heavy, the stripes for crimes are
heavy; they weigh like a heavy burden; they leave scars upon
the soul and make the wounds of the mind fester.
Let us lay aside the heavy load of slavery, let us give up
wantonness and pleasures which bind us with chains of desires
and restrain us with their ties. Pleasures do not help the fool,
and one who gives himself to pleasure from childhood will
remain in slavery, so that, although alive, he is dead. There-
fore, let wantonness be cut out, let pleasures be removed; if
anyone has been wanton let him say farewell to the past. The
pruned vine brings forth fruit, the half-pruned grows, the
neglected grows wild. So it is written like a man careless of

59 Cf. Prov. 26.8,9.

60 Cf. Rom. 7.23.
61 Ps. 31.9,10.
62 Prov. 13.24.
63 Cf. Ps. 37.5,6.

his field is the unwise man, like a man careless of his vineyard

is the man bereft of reason; if you abandon it, it will be

deserted. Let us cultivate this body of ours, let us chastise

it, let us reduce it to slavery, let us not underestimate it.

Our limbs are means o! righteousness; they are also the

means of sin. If they are raised, they are the means of justice
so that sin does not rulethem; but, if the body is dead to sin,
blame will not reign over it, and our limbs will be free from
sin. Let us not obey its desires, nor give our limbs to sin as

the weapons of injustice. If you look at a woman to covet

her,your limbs are the weapons of sin. If you speak to her in
order to harass her, your tongue and your mouth are the
weapons of sin. If you remove the boundary stones laid down
by your ancestors, your limbs are the weapons of sin. If you
run with hurried steps to shed the blood
of innocent people,

your limbs are the weapons of evil.

On the contrary, if you see the needy and bring him home,
your limbs are the weapons of justice. If you snatch up one
who being led to death, if you tear up the debtor's bond,

your limbs are the weapons of justice. If you confess Christ

(the lips of the wise are weapons of the intellect* ) , your

lips are weapons of justice. Whoever can say : 'I was an eye
to the blind, a foot to the lame, the father of the poor,' his
limbs are limbs of justice.
Let us who are free from sin, purchased, as it were, by
the price of Christ's blood, let us not be subject to the slavery
of men or of passion. Let us not be ashamed to confess our sin.
See how free the man who could say : *I have not been afraid
of a very great multitude, so that I would not confess sin my
in the sight of all.' One who confesses to the Lord is freed
64 Prov. 24.30.
65 Cf. Prov. 14.7.
66 Job 29.15,16.
67 Job 31.34.

from his slavery: 'The just is the accuser of himself in the

beginning of his speech.' He is not only free but just, for

justice is in liberty, and liberty in confession, and as soon as

one has confessed he is
pardoned. To conclude: 'I said "I
will confess my iniquity to the Lord," and thou didst forgive
the guilt of my heart.' The delay of absolution is in the
confession, the remission of sin follows confession. He is

wise who confesses, he is free whose sins are forgiven and he

trails no clouds of sin.
Farewell, and love us as you do, because I also love you.

55. Ambrose to Simplicianus, greetings (c. 386)

We seem to have become involved in a philosophic debate

when, taking the text of the Apostle Paul's Epistle, we
discussed the statement: 'every wise man is free.' Later,
however, when I was reading the Epistle of Peter the Apostle,
I noticed that every wise man is also rich. And he does not
exclude the other sex, for he says that women do not have
all theirwealth in jewels, but in the good dispositions of the
heart: 'Let not theirs be the outward adornment of braiding
the hair, or of wearing gold, or of putting on robes; but let
it be the inner life of the heart.' 1
Those two, namely, the man of inner life and the rich
man, require no use of riches for themselves. He has men-
tioned very beautifully 'the inner life of the heart* because
the whole man of wisdom is hidden, just as wisdom herself is
unseen but understood. No one before Peter used such an
expression in speaking of the man of inner life. The exterior

68 Prov. 18.17.
69 Ps. 31.5.

1 1 Peter 3.3,4.

man has many parts in him;

the interior man is filled with

wisdom, with favors, with beauty,

'In the imperishableness of a quiet and gentle spirit,'
of great price in the of God/ he is
says, 'which is sight
in the of God, under
truly rich who can appear
rich sight
whose gaze the earth is a miniature and the universe itself
small God alone knows the man of possessions, the one rich
in immortality, the one storing up the fruit of virtues, not
riches. What is so rich in God's sight as the peaceful
modest spirit
which is never disturbed? Does not that man

appear to be rich who has peace of soul, the tranquility of

repose, so that he longs

for nothing, is by no storm of

of the old, seeks the new, and always by

passion, tires not
desire becomes poor in the midst of the greatest riches?

Truly that is a rich peace which surpasses all understand-

A rich peace, a rich dignity, a rich faith: The faithful
man has the whole world for his possession'; it is a rich
simplicity, for those
are riches of a simplicity which nothing
scatters,which entertain no despondent thought, or suspicious
or fraudulent one, but pours itself out with pure affection.
There is a rich excellence upon which one feeds if he has
saved the heavenly riches of his inheritance. To use the
older examples from Scripture, he says: 'Blessed is the man
whom the Lord correcteth: refuse not therefore the chastising
of God. In famine he shall deliver thee from death; and in

battle,from the hand of the sword. He shall hide thee from

the scourge of the tongue. Thou shalt not be afraid of wild
beasts and thou shalt know that thy house will be in peace/
When you have subdued the body's sins and passions
war the habitation will be free from
against spirit, your

2 Ibid.
3 Cf. Phil. 4.7.
4 Prov. 17.6 (Septuagint) .

5 Job 5.17,20-24.

trouble, your house will have no stumbling block, your seed

will not be your descendants will be like the smell of
a plentiful field, 6 your place of burial will be a harvest.
Indeed, when others realize that their fruits have failed, then
will the heap of your ripe grain be brought to the heavenly
The righteous always gain rewards; the unjust go begging.
The one gains righteousness; he gains God's command to
the poor and needy. But the fool does not own even what he
thinks he has. Does he possess riches, do you think, if he
broods over his wealth day and night and is tormented by a
wretched miser's worries? He is actually in need; although
he appears wealthy in the opinion of others, he is poor in his
own. He makes no use of what he has, but, while grasping
one thing, he longs for another. What enjoyment of riches is
there when there is no limit to one's longing? No one is rich
if he cannot take from this life what he has, because what is

left here is not ours but another's.

Henoch was rich, for he took away with him what he had
and carried all his wealth of blessing in heavenly vessels, 7 and
'He was taken away lest wickedness should alter his heart/ 8
Elias was rich, for he drove aloft to the heavenly abodes
carrying the treasury of his virtues in a fiery chariot. Even
he has left no small wealth to his heir, while he himself lost
none of it. Would anyone call him a pauper either then or
when he was sent to the widow to be fed by her, when he
himself needed food for his daily sustenance? When at his
prayer heaven was opened and shut? When at his word the
pot of meal and cruet of oil did not fail for three years, but
abounded, for it was not diminished but replenished by use? 10
6 Cf.Gen. 27.27.
7 Cf. Gen. 5.21-24.
8 Wisd. 4.11.
9 Cf. 4 Kings 2.11.
10 Cf. 3 Kings 17.9-16.

Would anyone him poor at whose wish fire came down

[from heaven]/ and rivers which he approached did not
close in on him, but went back to their source, letting the
Prophet cross with dry feet?
An ancient story two neighbors, King Achab
tells of the
and a poor man Naboth. Which of these do we consider the
poorer, which the richer: the one who had
been endowed
with a king's measure of wealth, insatiable and unsatisfied
with his wealth, who longed for the little vineyard of the poor
man; or the other, heartily despising a 'king's fortune of
and imperial wealth, who was satisfied with his
much gold
vineyard? Does he not seem richer and more a king, since he
had enough for himself and regulated his desires so that he
wanted nothing which belonged to others? But was he not
very poor whose gold was of no account, while he considered
the other's vines of priceless value? Understand why he was
so very poor: because riches amassed unjustly are disgorged,
but the root of the righteous remains, and flourishes like a
palm tree.
he not more in need than the poor man who passes
away like a shadow? The wicked man is praised today;
tomorrow he will not exist nor will any trace of him be
found. 18 What does being rich mean except 'spreading out,'
'overflowing'? Is he rich who is depressed in soul? Is not one
so depressed held in confinement? In confinement what over-

flowing is possible? He is not rich who does not overflow. So

David very aptly says: 'The powerful have become poor and
11 Ct 4 Kings 1.14.
12 Cf. 4 Kings 2.8.
13 Cf. 3 Kings 21.1-16.
14 C. Job 20.15.
15 Cf. Prov. 12.12.
16 Cf. Ps. 91.13.
17 Cf. Ps. 143.4.
18 Cf. Ps. 36.35,36.

have huitgered,' 19 because, when men have the treasures of

the heavenly Scriptures and do not have understanding, they
become poor, they become hungry.
There is nothing richer than the wise man's condition,
nothing poorer than the fool's. Since the kingdom of God
belongs to the poor, what can be richer than that? And the

Apostle, too, says brilliantly: 'Oh, the depths of the riches of

the wisdom and of the knowledge of God.' 21 Brilliantly, too,
David rejoiced in the way of divine precepts as if he were
amid all riches. In definite terms, too, does Moses rejoice
who says: 'Nephthali will be among those who receive
abundance.' 23 Nephthali is interpreted in Latin as 'abundance'
or 'diffusion.' Therefore, where there is abundance, there is a
sufficiency; where there is the hunger of desire, there is
unfulfilled longing; there, in fact, is poverty. Then, because
there is scarcely a desire for money or
things of this world
which reaches satisfaction, he adds : 'And he will be filled with
In these terms the Apostle Peter showed that women's
ornament consists not in gold and silver and garments, but in
the inner and hidden life of the heart. 25 Let no woman,
therefore, lay aside the garb of piety, the adornment of grace,
the inheritance of everlasting life.
Farewell, and love us, because we love you.

19 Ps. 33.11.
20 Cf. Matt. 5.3.
21 Rom. 11.33.
22 Cf. Ps. 118.14.
23 Deut. 33.23.
24 Ibid.
25 1 Peter 3.3,4.

56. Ambrose to Simplicianus, greetings

You tell me that you were perplexed over the meaning

when you read that Moses, after offering sacrifice and
immolating sacred victims to the Lord, put half of the blood
into bowls and sprinkled the rest on the altar. But what
causes you to be perplexed and ask my help, when you have
traveled the whole world to acquire faith and divine knowl-

edge, and in constant reading day and night have spent the
whole span of your life? With remarkably brilliant intellect

you have embraced allobjects of the understanding, so that

you are able to show how the works of the philosophers have
deviated from the truth, several being so futile that the words
in their writings have perished in their lifetime.

Yet, because it is of great profit to exchange talk, as it is to

exchange money, whereby great progress is made in furthering

the common good of trade, I cannot refrain from saying how
wonderful is the division of blood of which you speak. Part
seems to signify the moral training, part the mystical training
of wisdom. The part put into vessels is moral, that sprinkled

upon the altar is mystical, because it is granted, by the favor

and inspiration of heaven, that human minds conceive fitting
ideas of God, ideas filled with faith.

Moreover, those who have spoken of His majesty and of

heavenly matters, whether Apostles or holy Prophets, dared
not utter anything unless it had been shown them by revela-
tion. Hence, Paul bears witness in his Epistle that he was
caught up to heaven and heard words which it is not lawful
for man to utter. 3 Stephen also saw the heavens
open and
Jesus standing on the right hand of God; and David the

1 Undated.
2 Cf. Exod. 24.6.
3 Cf. 2 Cor. 12.4.
4 Cf. Acts 7.55.

Prophet saw Him sitting. 5 What shall I say of Moses, of whom

Scripture says that there has risen no greater Prophet in Israel,
who saw the Lord face to face, in the many signs and
prodigies which He performed in the land of Egypt?
The mystical portion offered to God, and by the bright-

ness of divine Wisdom, whose Father and Parent He is, He

quickens the vigor of the soul and illumines the mind. But
the Wisdom of God is Christ, whose breast John reclined
upon, that from the secret source of Wisdom he may be
said to have imbibed divine mysteries. John, who knew the

gift [he had received], recorded this incident for he feared

claim for himself and to attribute to his own genius what he
had received. Even the Lord Himself said to the Apostles,
opening His mouth: 'Receive the Holy Spirit,' declaring
that He was the one who had said to Moses: l will open
your mouth, and I will teach you what you are to speak.'
Thus does Wisdom divine, ineffable, untainted, incorruptible,
pour her grace into the souls of the saints and reveal to them
knowledge that they may behold her glory.
But training in moral wisdom is that which is put into
bowls and taken therefrom and drunk. The bowls are the
organs of the senses. The bowls are the two eyes, the ears, the
nostrils, the mouth, and other parts suited to their function.
For the eyes receive and minister to sight, the ears to hearing,
nostrils to smell, mouths to taste, and so forth. The Word,
who is the source of the priesthood and of prophecy, pours
into these bowls part of His Blood that He may quicken and
animate the irrational parts of our nature and make them

Finally, when he [Moses] had numbered the command-

5 Cf. Ps. 109.1.
6 Cf. Deut. 34.10,11.
7 Cf. John 13.25.
8 John 20.22.
9 Exod. 4.12.

ments of the proclaimed them to the people,

Law and had
leaving to a later time his explanation of the meaning of the

mystical Ark of the Testament, of the candlestick, and of the

censer, he offered victims and poured a libation, sprinkling
part of the blood on the sacred altars and putting part into
A division is made between a mystical, that is, divine
wisdom, and moral wisdom. The Logos is the divider of souls
and of virtues; but the Logos, the Word of God, is powerful
and quick, for it pierces and penetrates even the division of
the soul, and it discerns and divides virtues. Therefore, His
servant Moses, by the division of blood, distinguished the
kinds of virtues.
And because nothing is announced more emphatically in
the Law than is Christ's coming and nothingprefigured more
clearly than His passion, consider whether that is not the
saving victim which God the Word offered in Himself and
which He immolated in His own body. For, in the Gospel
and in the Law, He first taught us moral instruction, and
in His suffering and in His every act and deed, as though

putting our senses and habits into bowls, pouring, as it

were, the very substance and marrow of wisdom, He en-
livened the minds of men to become a seed bed of virtues,
the regulator of piety. Then, drawing near the altar, He
poured out the Blood of His own victim.
If you choose to understand these incidents this way, the
sense is pious; or, if you wish, Solomon's interpretation is

equally agreeable; namely, that the Prophet Moses poured

the blood into bowls, which you may understand to be the
same blood of which it has been written that wisdom has
mingled her wine in a bowl, bidding men leave foolishness
and seek wisdom. From the bowl we drink wisdom, instruc-
tion, knowledge, correction, amendment of life, control of

10 Cf. Prov. 9,2.


habits and thoughts, grace of devotion, increase of virtue, a

fount of abundance.
You may also understand by the sprinkling of the blood

upon the altar the cleansing of the world, the forgiveness of

all sins. For, as a victim, He
sprinkled that blood upon the
altar to take away the sins of many. The lamb is a victim,
but not a rational creature, although it has divine power, for
it was said: 'Behold the God, behold him who takes
lamb of
away the sins of the world. For He has not only cleansed
the sin& of all with His Blood, but also bestowed a divine
power. Does it not seem to you that He poured out His
Blood, since water and blood from His side flowed over the
altar of His passion? 12
Farewell, and love us, as you do, with the affection of a

57. Ambrose to Simplicianus, greetings

The reading which disturbs you ought to serve

proof as
of each man's greatness in his own although no
task, for,
one saw God more intimately than did Moses, 2 and no
greater Prophet arose in Israel, seeing God face to face, as
did Moses, 3 though he was with God continually for forty
days and nights when receiving the Law on the mountain/
he, I say, to whom God gave the words which he was to
speak, he is found to have approved his brother Aaron's
counsel more than his own. Was ever any one of mankind

11 John 139.
12 Cf. John 19.34.
1 Uhdated.
2 Cf. Num. 12.8.
3 Cf. Deut. 34.10.
4 Cf. Exod. 34.28.
5 Cf. Exod. 4.12.

wiserand more learned than Moses? Yet we read that Aaron

and Miriam sinned later [by chiding Moses for his] Ethiopian
But distinguish carefully this very thing: at what time
Moses rendered a decision with wisdom and when Aaron did
so with counsel. Moses was the great Prophet who
said of
unto me.' And of him the
Christ: 'Him thou shalt hear like

Lord Himself said: lf they do not hearken to Moses and the


Prophets, they will

not believe even if someone goes to
them from the dead.' Therefore, in the matter of prophecy,
Moses ranks first as a Prophet, but, in the concern and duty
and task of the Aaron ranks first as a priest. Let
us, then, discuss this point.
A for sin and offered as a
buck-goat had been immolated
holocaust. Moses later went in search of it, but it had been
burned. 'And Moses was angry with Eleazar and Ithamar
the sons of Aaron that were left, and he spoke saying: "Why
did you not eat the sacrifice for sin in the holy place? For
these are the holy of holies; this I gave you to eat, that you
may take away the sin of the synagogue, and you ought

have eaten it within, as was commanded me." When Aaron

saw that he was angry, he answered calmly: "If this day
hath been offered the victim for sin, the holocaust before the
Lord: and to me such things have happened, shall I eat
what was offered for sin today? Or shall it please the Lord?"
And Moses heard and it
pleased him. Let us consider what
these things signify.

Only God does not sin. The man mends his way and
corrects the man who isastray and does penance for sin.

Yet, this is difficult in the life of men. For, what is so rare as

6 Cf. Num. 12.1.

7 Deut. 18.15.
8 Luke 16.31.
9 Lev. 10.16-20.

to find a man who convicts himself of sin and condemns his

action? Rare, then, is the confession of sin, rare is penance,
rare is a man's declaration of servitude. Nature rebels,
shame rebels; nature does so because all are under sin, and
he who is clothed in flesh is
prone to evil. Therefore, nature
rebels against the flesh, and the world's attraction fights
against innocence and purity. Shame, too, rebels, for each
one is ashamed to admit his own fault while he thinks of the
present more than the future.
Moses was desirous of finding a soul free from sin that it
might put off the covering of error and depart free from
blame without any disgrace to himself. But he did not find
such a soul; quickly, the force of unreason came into play
and a sort of flame of impetuosity fed on the soul and
consumed its innocence. Present considerations outweigh those
4hat are to come, the violent the moderate, the many the
better, the joyous the serious, the soft the harsh, the glad the
sad, those full of charm those more unbending, and the
speedy the slower ones. Swift is iniquity which heaps up
opportunities for harm, because 'swift are his. feet to shed
blood.' But every virtue is gentle and she delays a long time
before she judges and studies what things are to come. So
the mind of the good man is a watcher of his counsels, and
examines beforehand what is comely and fair, but iniquity
with labor sets herself before wisdom. Penance is sluggish
and shameful, for it is overwhelmed and checked by regard
for those present. It is intent on future things only, wherein

hope is late, where enjoyment is slow, and slow, too, the

Amid these endeavors of hope and virtue shamelessness
comes running, and, because of the type of persons present,
penance is neglected, love for penance is destroyed, and
introspection is at an end. The Law seeks and does not find

10 PS. 13.3.

her, for she has been consumed by the heat and smoke of
iniquity, and hatred of the Law
is aroused. Moses says that

penance should have been consumed in the holy of holies;

he upbraids the priests for being sluggish. Aaron replies that

the priestly judgments should be far-seeing, and this task is
not easily assigned to a weak conscience. Let us not have
this error worse than the first, for, by a foul-smelling vase,

oil and wine are easily corrupted and deteriorated.

How could the sin be burned out when the fire was
dangerous, and this in the sight of the Lord to whom even
secrets are known? Can he please the Lord if, while he is
still involved in iniquities and while he keeps injustice
enclosed in his heart, he says that he is doing penance? In
the same way, when a sick man pretends to be well he will

grow more ill, because pretending good health is of no avail

when he is falsified in his words and is not supported by any
helping strength.
dangerous fire is lust; a dangerous fire is every flame of
unjust desire; a dangerous fire is all the heat of greed. With
this fire no one is purified, he is burned. If one presents
himself in the sight of the Lord, where there is that dangerous
fire, fire from heaven then consumes him, as fire from heaven
burned Abiad and Nadah along with offerings made at the
sacred altars for sin. Let one who wishes to purify his sin
remove from himself the dangerous fire. Let him offer himself
only to that fire which consumes a fault, not a man.
Listen to one saying what that fire is, for 'Jesus baptizes
with the Holy Spirit and with fire.' 11 This is the fire which
dried up the blood of the woman suffering a hemorrhage for
twelve years. This fire forgave the sin of Zaccheus, who
said that he gave half of his goods to the poor and, if he

11 Matt. 3.1L
12 Cf. Matt. 9.20.

defrauded anyone, he restored it fourfold. This is the fire

which removed the thief's sin, for it is a consuming fire which

said to him: 'This day thou shalt be with me in paradise.'
Thus did He heal those in whom He found a simple and pure
confession, not evil and not deceit.
In fine, Judas could not reach the remedy, although he
said: 'I have sinned in betraying innocent blood/ 15 for he

wrapped a dangerous fire in his heart and this drove him in

his madness to the noose. He was unworthy of a remedy
because he did not groan, being converted in the inmost
part of his heart, nor did he eagerly practice penance. The
Lord Jesus is so loving that He would have given him pardon
had he awaited Christ's mercy.
This fault, therefore, priests do not remove; nor do they
remove the sin of one who presents himself in deceit and
still is desirous of sinning, for they cannot feast on food which
is full of cunning and gnaws within. The food of a priest is
in the remission of sins. Therefore, the Prince of priests,
Christ, says: 'My food is to do the will of my Father who is
in heaven.' What
is the will of God but this: 'When you

turn and groan, then shall you be saved.' 17 But in deceit-

fulness there is no food. Finally, he who has not a sincere
and pure conscience cannot partake of the sweetness of

feasting. The bitterness of deceit conceals the sweetness of

feasting. Nor does an evil conscience make it possible for

penance to refresh and nourish a wicked soul.
Such affection, such seeking, such penance, therefore, are
of no use, no joy to priests. And rightfully was that goat
burned, not being sacrificed for sin in a holocaust, since the

13 Cf. Luke 19.8,

14 Luke 23.43.
15 Matt. 27.4.
16 John 30.15.
17 Isa. 30.15.

victim was not sincere, for in its sacrifice was discovered a
dangerous fire. Hence, it is not a pleasing or acceptable
sacrifice to for not acceptable unless it has been
God, it is

proved amid the riches of sincerity and truth.

Thus, elsewhere you read of two goats, one in whom is the
lot of the Lord, in the other the emissary [goat] ; the one in
which there is the lot of the Lord to be offered and immolated

for sin, the one in whom is the lot of the emissary [goat] to
be let into the desert, that it may receive the iniquities of
the people and of every sinner. For, as there are two in the
field, but one shall be taken and the other shall be left, so
are there two goats: one for sacrifice, the other to be allowed
to go into the desert. This last is of no use; he is neither to
be eaten nor feasted upon by the sons of the priests. Just as,
of those things that are used as food, the good part is eaten
and the useless or bad is cast out, so do we consider good
works as because they are food.

The Lord will not be pleased if a priest consumes a

sacrifice in which there is a deceitful offering, and not the

sincerity of a careful confession. Indeed, that goat must be

allowed to go into the desert where our fathers wandered,
wherein they wandered and could not reach the land of the
resurrection, and where their memory perished from the earth.
Now, understand the works which are feasts: 'Your foods
shall be sabbaths to the lands.' Feasts and banquets are that
rest in God which brings about the
tranquility of the soul. So
let us rest also in our discourse.

Farewell, and love us as you do, for we love you.

18 Cf, Lev. 16.27.

19 Cf. Lev. 16.8-10.
20 Cf. Matt. 24.40.
21 Lev. 25.4.

58. Ambrose to his clergy

Men's minds are frequently tempted to abandon their duty

when they take offense lightly at things which do not fit in
with their personal desires. I can tolerate this state in other
classes of men, but it causes me
great sorrow when it is found
in thosewho are dedicated to the service of God.
In the ranks of the clergy there are some aggrieved in this
way, into whom the Devil, being unable to find entrance
otherwise, wishes to make his way and instill thoughts of this
sort: 'What advantage is there for me to remain among the
clergy, bear injuries, and endure hardships, as if my farm
could not support me, or, lacking that, as if I could not get
support some other way?' By thoughts like these [men of]
good dispositions fail their duty, as though the only require-
ment for a cleric were to provide for his support, and not
rather to win for himself the help of God after death. Yet,
only that man will be rich after death who on earth has been
able to contend unharmed against the wiles of his numerous
Therefore, Ecclesiastes says: 'It is best that there be two
rather than one: for there is good
advantage for their
labor, since if he shall lift up his companion.' 2
one fall
Where are two better than one, if not where Christ is, and
he whom Christ guards? When a man falls who is with the
Lord Jesus, Jesus raises him up.
Why did he say: Tor their labor'? Is Christ laboring? Yes,
truly, for He says: 'I have labored calling.' He labors, but

He labors on us. Moreover, being weary, He sat at a well. 4

His mode of labor the Apostle has taught us by his own more

1 An undated letter to certain clergy of Milan who were discouraged

over work and difficulties in the ministry.
2 Eccle. 4.9,10.
3 Ps. 68.4.
4 Cf. John 4.6.

lowly example: 'Who is weak, and I am not weak?' And the
Lord Himself taught us in the words I was sick and you did

not visit me: naked, and you did not clothe me.' He labors

to raise me when I fall.

Hence, in Eliseus the Lord is prefigured, for the Prophet

threw himself upon the dead child to raise him up; in this
is the belief that Christ died with us so as to rise with us.

Christ so placed Himself on a level with our weakness that

He raised us up. He threw Himself down, He did not fall,
and He raised His comrade. For He Himself made us His
comrades, as it is written: 'He was anointed with the oil of
gladness above his fellows.'
Fittingly does Ecclesiastes say Tor if one falls he raises up

his companion.' He not raised up, for Christ was
himself is

not raised up by another's help and power, but He Himself

raised Himself. Indeed, He said: 'Destroy this temple, and
in three days I will raise it up. This he said of the temple of
his body.' It is well that He who did not fall should not be
raised by another, for one who is raised by another has
fallen, and one who falls needs help to be raised up.
Additional words also teach this when Scripture says: 'Woe
to him that is alone: for when he falleth, he hath none to
lift him
up. And if two lie together, they shall warm one
We have died with Christ and we live together
with Him. 12 Christ died with us to warm us, and He said:
'I have come to cast fire
upon the earth.'
I was dead, but by dying with Christ in baptism I have
received the light of life from Christ. One who dies in Christ,

5 2 Cor. 11.29.
6 Matt. 25.43.
7 Cf. 4 Kings 4.34,
8 Ps. 44. 8,
9 Eccle. 4.10.
10 John 2.19,21.
11 ccle. 4.10,11.
12 Cf. Rom. 6.8.
13 Luke 12.48.

being warmed by Christ, receives the breath of life and of the

resurrection. The child was cold* Eliseus warmed him with
his breath; he gave him the warmth of life. 14 He lay with
him so that, being buried with him in figure, the warmth of
his repose might wake him up. He is cold who does not die in

Christ, nor can he be warmed unless a glowing fire is applied

to him; neither can he give warmth to another if he has not
Christ with him.
For your understanding that this was said of the mystery,
not of the number that 'two are better than one,' he adds
A threefold cord it not easily broken.'
which are not compounded are not broken. The Trinity
of an uncompounded nature cannot be broken, because God
is whatever is one and
simple and not compounded, which
continues to be what and is not destroyed.
it is,

It is good one another and to wear the other's

to cling to
chain upon your neck, to lower your shoulders and carry
him, and not to grow weary of his bonds, because he went
from the house of bondsman to be king, that boy who is
greater than an old and foolish king. They who follow him
are bound in chains; Paul [was] a prisoner of Jesus Christ;
and Jesus Himself led captivity captive. He [Paul] thought
it not enough to destroy the captivity which the Devil had
imposed, so that he could not again attack those freely
walking about, but he considered it perfect freedom to live
subject to Christ, and to put his feet in the shackles of wisdom,
to be His captive, so that you may be free of His adversary.
Rightly is He called a child, Tor a Child is born to us,'
and truly is He a good Son, to whom
it was said
by God the
14 4 Kings 4.34.
15 Eccle. 4.12.
16 Cf. Eccle. 4.13.
17 Cf. Eph. 3.1.
18 Cf. Eph. 4.8.
19 This entire paragraph is omitted in the Benedictine edition*
20 Isa. 9.6.

Father: lt is good for You to be called
Son.' He is My
also wise as the Gospel teaches: He advanced in age and

wisdom.' 22 Likewise, He is poor: 'Being rich, He became

poor, that by His poverty He might make us rich.' In His
kingdom, therefore, He does not despise the poor man, but
listens to him and frees him from his difficulties and troubles.
Let us His subjects so that the old foolish king
live as
will have no power over us, for, while he wishes to reign as
the lord of his own will and be not in the bonds of the Lord
Jesus, being confirmed in sin, he falls into ugly foolishness.
What is more foolish than to abandon things of heaven and
become engaged in earthly ones, not to esteem those that
endure and to choose those which are perishable and frail?
No one should say: Our portion is not in Jacob, nor our
inheritance in Israel,
nor say: I am not in the lots, for it is
written: 'Give to Levi his lots.' Later, David said that one
who rests among the lots flies aloft on wings of the spirit.
Do not say of your God: 'He is grievous to me,' nor of

your position: lt is useless to me,' for it is written: 'Leav$

not thy place.' 29 The Devil wishes to take it from you, he
wishes to carry you away, for he is jealous of your hope and
jealous of your task.
But you who are in the lot of the Lord, His portion and
possession, do not let go the Lord, so that you may say to
Him: 'You have possessed my reins, you have received me
from my and He will say to you as a good
mother's womb,' 30
servant: 'Come and recline at table.' 31
Farewell, sons, and serve the Lord because the Lord is good.

21 Isa. 49.6 (Septuagint) .

22 Luke 2.52.
23 2 Cor. 8.9.
24 CL Eccle. 4.13.
25 Cf. 3 Kings 12.16.
26 Deut. 33.8 (Septuagint) .

27 Cf. Ps. 67.14.

28 Wisd. 2.15.
29 Eccle. 10.4.
30 Ps. 138.13.
31 Luke 17.7.

59. Ambrose, servant of Christ^ called bishop, to the Church

at Vercelli and those who invoke the name of
our Lord Jesus Christ. May grace be in you from
God the Father and His only-begotten Son in the
Holy Spirit (396)

I am
in sorrow that the Church of the Lord among you is
stillwithout a bishop and now alone of all the districts of
Liguria and Aemelia and Venetia and other territories of
Italy needs that service which other churches used to beg for
themselves from her. What is more shameful your con-
tention, which causes the difficulty, is laid to charge. Since my
dissensions exist among you, how can we make any decision,
how can you make a choice, how can anyone agree to accept
among dissenters the task which he could hardly endure
among those who are united?
Is this the training of a confessor, is this the line of those

upright fathers who, although they did not know blessed

Eusebius 2 before, setting aside their fellow citizens, approved
him as soon as they saw him? And so much more did they

approve him when they observed him. Rightfully did he

come forth, the man whom the entire Church elected;
rightfully was it believed that he, whom all had demanded,
was elected by God's judgment. You, then, should follow the
example of your parents, especially since you have been much
better instructed by a saintly confessor than were your fathers
inasmuch as a better teacher has instructed and trained you,

1 Written when the Church at Vercelli was unable to agree on a

successor for their Bishop Limenius, who had died. As metropolitan
bishop, Ambrose wrote what is the longest letter in his correspondence
as well as bearing the latest exact date. However, it was without effect,
and Ambrose eventually went in person to help choose the new bishop,
Honoratus. The entire letter forms a treatise on the election of bishops
and the duties of pastors and electors.
2 Ambrose praises those people of Vercelli who formerly accepted Euse-
bius as the choice of God Himself.

and you must give evidence of your moderation and accord

by agreeing in your request for a bishop.
We have our Lord's saying that 'when two agree upon
anything on earth it will be done for them concerning what-
ever they ask,
as He says, 'by my Father who is in heaven,
for where two or three are gathered together in my name,
there am I in the midst of them.'
How much more true is it

that when the fullgathered in the name of the

congregation is

Lord, and when the demand of all is one in accord, we may

not in any way doubt that the Lord Jesus will there be the
judge the source of their will, the presiding officer of the
ordination, the giver of grace !

Therefore, make yourselves appear worthy of having Christ

in your midst. Wfiere there is peace, there is Christ, for
Christ is our peace. Where there is justice, there is Christ,
for Christ is
Let Him
be in the midst of you, that
you may see Him and that not be said of you, also 'But
may :

in the midst of you there stands one whom you do not see.'

The Jews did not see Him in whom they did not believe; we
behold Him with devotion; we gaze on Him with faith.
Let Him stand in the midst of you so that there may be
opened for you the heavens which tell the glory of God,
that you may do His will and work His work. The heavens
are opened to him who sees Jesus as they were opened to
Stephen, who said: 'Behold I see the heavens opened and
Jesus standing at the right hand of God.' Jesus stood as a
helpmate; He stood as if anxious to help Stephen, His
athlete, in the struggle; He stood as though ready to crown
His martyr.

3 Matt. 18.20.
4 Cf. Eph. 2.14.
5 Cf. 1 Cor. 1.30.
6 John 1.26.
7 Ps. 18.2.
8 Acts 7.56.

Him then stand for you that you may not

Let fear Him
sitting, for He sits when He judges, as Daniel says : 'Thrones
were placed and the books were opened and the Ancient of
days sat/ But in Psalm 81 it is written: 'God rises in the
divine assembly., in the midst of the gods he gives judgment.'
He sits to judge, He stands to give
judgment, and He judges
the imperfect, but gives judgment among the gods. Let Him
like a good Shepherd stand as your defender, so that dreadful
wolves may not attack you.
Not without reason do I advise you up to this point,
because I hear that those foolish men, Sarmation and
Barbatianus, have come
to you, saying that there is no merit
in fasting, no grace in frugality, and none in virginity; that
all persons are of equal value, and that they are mad who

chastise their body by fasting in order to make it subject to

the spirit. If he had thought it madness, Paul would never
have done so nor written to instruct others, but he glories in
it, saying: 'I chastise my body and bring it into subjection,
lestpreaching to others, I myself should be found a cast-
away.' Thus, those who do not chastise their body and yet
wish to preach to others are themselves considered castaways.
How reprobate is that which prompts wantonness, bribery,
and lewdness, namely, the incitement to lust, the enticement
to sinful pleasure, the fuel of incontinency, the fire of greed !

What new school has sent out those Epicureans? They who
preach pleasure, urge delights, and think that purity is of no
benefit are not followers of philosophy, as they assert, but
ignorant men. They were with us, but they were not of us,
for we are not ashamed to say what John the Evangelist says.
When they were first stationed here they fasted, they stayed
9 Dan. 7.9.
10 Ps. 81.1.
11 1 Cor. 9.27.
12 Cf. 1 John 2.19.

within the monastery; there was no room for wantonness and

the chance to dispute in mockery was not allowed them.
But these dissolute men could not stand this. They went
off,and when wished to return they were not admitted,
for I had heard several things which put me on my guard. I
warned them, but accomplished nothing. In anger, therefore,
as made them the wretched
they began scattering such seeds
of all vices. So they have lost the benefit of having
fasted, they the benefit of having been self-controlled
have lost

for a while. Now

with a devilish purpose they envy the good
deeds of others, since they themselves miss their enjoyment.
What maiden does not groan upon hearing that virginity
has no reward? Far be it from her to believe this easily, or
her heart's intention. What
lay aside her efforts, or change
widow, finding that there is no profit in her widowhood,
would prefer to keep faith in her husband and spend her
life in sadness rather than to enter upon a happier life? What
woman bound by marriage ties, when she hears that there

no honor in chastity, will not needlessly be subject to temp-

tation through levity of body or of soul? Therefore, the
Church each day proclaims the praise of chastity and the
glory of purity in the sacred lessons
and in the sermons of
her bishops.

In vain, then, did the Apostle say: I wrote to you in the

letter not to associate with the immoral.' And that they
might not say, perhaps: We are not

speaking of all the

immoral persons of the world, but we say that one who has
been baptized in Christ ought no longer be considered
immoral, but be what it may, his life has become acceptable
to God,' the Apostle added: 'Not meaning, of course, the
immoral of this world'; and below: If a brother is called
immoral, or covetous, or an idolator, or evil-tongued, or a
drunkard, or greedy, with such a one not even to take food.
13 1 Cor. 4.9.

For what have I to do with judging those outside?' And
to the Ephesians he said : 'But immorality and every unclean-
ness or covetousness, let it not even be named among you, as
becomes And immediately he adds below: Tor know

this, thatno shameless, or unclean person, or covetous one

(for that is idolatry) has any inheritance in the kingdom
of Christ and God.' Certainly it is clear that he spoke of
the baptized, for they receive the inheritance who are baptized
in Christ's death and buried with Him so that they may rise
with Him. 16 Indeed, they are heirs of God, joint-heirs of
Christ, heirs of God because the grace of God is bestowed on
them, joint-heirs of Christ because they are reborn to His life,
heirs also of Christ because through His death the inheritance,
like that of a testator, is given to them.

Wherefore, they who have what they may lose ought to be

more solicitous for their needs than those who have not. They
ought to act with greater care, to avoid the allurement of
vices, the incitement to wrong, which arise chiefly from food
and drink, for 'The people sat down to eat, and drink, ancl
they rose up to play.'
Moreover, the famous Epicurus, whom these persons think
they should follow rather than the Apostles, that advocate of
pleasure, although he denies that pleasure brings on evil,
does not deny that certain things follow from it and from
these spring evils; and he says also that the life of luxurious

persons, which is filled with pleasure, does not seem blame-

worthy unless it is troubled by the fear of pain or death.
But how much a stranger he is to the truth is seen from the
fact that he says that pleasure was originally created in man-
kind by God, just as his follower Philomarus 18 argues in his

14 1 Cor. 5.11,12.
15 Eph. 5.3,5.
16 Cf. Rom. 6.3.
17 Exod. 32.6.
18 This is probably the philosopher Philodemus (c. 110-c. 40/35 B.C.) .

Epitome, claiming that the Stoics are the originators of this

But holy Scripture refutes this, for it teaches us that
pleasure was suggested to Adam and Eve by
the crafty entice-
ments of the serpent. 19 If the serpent itself is pleasure, then
the passions of pleasure are changeable and slippery, and are
infected, as it were, with the poison of corruption. It is
certain, then, that Adam, deceived by the desire of pleasure,
fellaway from the command of God and from the enjoyment
of grace. How, then, can pleasure call us back to paradise,
when by itself it deprived us of paradise?
Therefore, the Lord Jesus, wishing to make us strong
against the temptations of the Devil, fasted when He was
about to struggle with him, so that we might know that we
cannot otherwise overcome the enticement of evil. Further,
the Devil himself hurled the firstshaft of his temptations

regarding pleasure, saying: lf thou art the Son of God,

command that these stones become loaves of bread.' Then the
Lord said: 'Not by bread alone does man live, but by every
word of God/ and He would not [change stones to bread]
although He
could, but He taught us by a salutary precept
to attend to the pursuit of our reading rather than to pleasure.
Since they say we ought not to fast, let them show us why
Christ fasted ifnot to make His fast an example for us. Then,
in the words which He spoke later, He taught us that evil
cannot easily be conquered except by our fasting, saying:
'This kind of devil is only cast out by prayer and fasting.'
And what is the purpose of Scripture in teaching us that
Peter fasted and that the mystery regarding the baptism of
the Gentiles was revealed to him when he was fasting and
praying, if not to show that the saints themselves, when
19 Gen. 3.1-6.
20 CL Matt. 4.2-4.
21 Matt. 17.20.
22 Cf. Acts 10.10.

theyfast, become more illustrious? Moses received the

when he was fasting, 23 and so Peter, when he was fasting, was
taught the grace of the New Testament. Daniel, too, by virtue
of his fasting, stopped the jaws of the lions and saw the events
of future times. Or what salvation can we have unless by

fasting we wipe out our sins, since Scripture says fasting and
almsgiving purge away sin!

Who, then, are these new teachers who reject the merit of
fasting? Is it not the voice of heathens who say: 'Let
us eat
and drink, whom the Apostle ridicules, saying: 'If,
as men
do, I fought with beasts at Ephesus, what does it profit me?
If the dead do not rise, "let us eat and drink for tomorrow
J 26
we shall die" That is to say, what did my struggle even

unto death profit me, except that I might redeem my body?

And it is redeemed in vain if there is no hope of a resurrection.
And if all hope of the resurrection is lost, let us eat and
drink and lose not the enjoyment of the things present, for
we have none to come. They should indulge in food and
drink who hope for nothing after death.
Finally, the Epicureans say they are followers of pleasure
because death means nothing to them, because that which
is dissolved has no feeling, and that which has no feeling

means nothing to us. Thus they show that they are living

only carnally not spiritually, and they do not discharge the

duty of the soul, but only of the flesh, thinking that all life's
duty is ended with the separation of soul and body, that the
merit of virtues and the vigor of the soul come to an end,

that they cease completely when the feeling of the body

ceases, that there are no remains of the soul although even
the body itself does not at once disintegrate. Does the soul,

23 Cf. Exod. 34.28.

24 Dan. 14.37,38; 9.2,3.
25 Cf. Tob. 12.8,9.
26 1 Cor. 15.32.
27 The Benedictine edition repeats this paragraph.

for their own

then, disintegrate before the body, although
satisfaction, they must see that flesh and bones survive after

death, and in all truthfulness they may not disavow the grace
of the resurrection?
such men,
Rightly, then, does the Apostle, arguing against
warn us not to be shaken by such opinions, saying: 'Do not
be led astray, "evil companionships corrupt good morals."
for some have no knowl-
Be righteously sober, and do not sin;
edge of God/ Sobriety, then, is a good, for drunkenness

a sin.

But as to Epicurus himself, the champion of pleasure,

whom we have frequently mentioned in order to prove that
these men are either disciples of the heathen or followers of
the Epicurean sect, whom the philosophers themselves exclude
from their
company as thepatron of luxury what if we show
that he is more tolerable than these men? He declares, as
Demarchus29 asserts, that neither drinking, nor banquets, nor
a line of sons, nor the embraces of women, nor abundance of
fish, and other such things, which are prepared for splendid
use at a banquet, make life sweet, but sober discussion does
so. He adds, too, that those who do not yearn for the richness
of banquets immoderately use them moderately. One who

delights only in using the juice of plants or bread and water

despises feasts of delicacies, for many inconveniences arise
therefrom. Elsewhere, too, these [philosophers] say: lt is not
excessive banquets nor drinking but a life of temperance
which occasions the sweetness of pleasure.'
Since, then, philosophy has disowned those men, is the
Church not to exclude them, especially since by reason of the
bad case which they have they frequently undo themselves

28 1 Cor. 15.33.
29 Demarchus is mentioned by no other writer besides Ambrose. The
Benedictines suggest he may have meant Hermachus, successor and
disciple of Epicurus, 267 B. c.

by their own assertions? For, although their principal tenet is

that there no enjoyment of pleasure except that which is


derived from food and drink, yet, knowing that they cannot
without the greatest shame cling to so disgraceful a definition,
and that they are eschewed by all, they have tried to color it
with a kind of stain spurious argument. Thus, one of them
has said : 'Whilewe are desirous of pleasure through banquets
and songs, we have lost that which is infused into us by the

reception of the Word by which alone we can be saved.'

Do they not appear to us by these various arguments to
differ and disagree?
Scripture, too, condemns them, and did
not mention those whom the Apostle refuted, as did
fail to

Luke, who wrote his book as a history telling us in the Acts

of the Apostles: 'And some of the Epicurean and Stoic

philosophers debated with him; and some said, "What is

this babbler trying to say?" But others, "He seems to be a
30 53 '
herald of strange gods.
Yet, the Apostle did not leave these people without favor,
for even Dionysius the Areopagite believed along with his
wife Damaris and many others. So that assembly of learned
and eloquent men showed that they were themselves over-
come in a simple discussion by the example of believers.
What, then, do those men want who are trying to corrupt
those whom the Apostle has gained, and whom Christ has
redeemed with His Blood? They assert that baptized persons
ought not to strive for training of the virtues, that reveling
does them no harm, nor excess of pleasure, that they are
foolish who go without these things. Virgins ought to marry,
to bear children, and widows likewise should repeat that
converse with man which they one experienced with bad
and, even if they can restrain themselves, they are in
error who do not wish to enter marriage again.
What then? Is it proper for us to put off the man, and put
30 Acts 17.18.

on the and stripping ourselves of Christ to clothe

ourselves or add to our clothing the garments of the Devil?
The very teachers of the heathen did not think honor and
because they would seem
pleasure could be joined together,
thus to class beasts with men, and shall we infuse the habits
of beasts into the breast of man. and inscribe on the reasonable
mind the unreasonable manner of wild beasts?
Yet, there are kinds of animals which, having lost
their mate, refrain from mating again and spend the time in
a life of solitude; too, feed on simple herbs and will
not learn how to slake their thirst except at a pure stream;
one may also see dogs refrain from food forbidden them,
if restraint is put upon them.
closing their famishing mouths
Are men to be warned against the practice which brute
beasts have learned through man not to transgress?
What is more than fasting which makes the years
of youth grow aged so that there is an old age of character?
For, as advanced age is stimulated by excess in food and by
drunkenness, so the wildness of youth is subdued by scanty
food and by the running stream. An external fire is ex-
if the inner
tinguished by pouring on water, nor is it strange
heat of the is cooled by a drink from a stream, for the
flame is fed with fuel or it fails. As things like hay and

straw, wood and oil, are the nourishment of the fire by

which it is you take them away or do not supply
fed, so, if
them, the Likewise, by food the heat of the body is
fire dies.

supported or lessened; it is aroused by food; by food it


tamed. Therefore is excess the mother of lust.

And is not in harmony with nature and that
divine law which in the beginning of all things gave the
springs for drink and the fruits of trees for food?
After the
Flood, the just man found wine a source of temptation to
him. 31 Let us, then, use the natural food of temperance, and

31 Cf. Gen, 9.20-21.


would that we all could do so But, because all are not strong,

the Apostle therefore says 'Use a little wine for thy frequent

must drink it not for our pleasure, but for
our infirmity,, sparingly as a remedy, not excessively as a
Lastly, Elias, whom the Lord was rearing to the perfection
of virtue, found at his head a cake and a vessel of water, and
in the strength of that food he fasted forty days. Our
fathers, when they crossed the sea on foot, drank water, not
wine. 34 Daniel and the Hebrew youths were fed with their
native food and given water to drink; the one was victorious
over the fury of lions, 36 the others saw the burning fire play
around their limbs with harmless touch. 37
And why should I speak of men? Judith, absolutely un-
moved by the luxurious banquet of Holofernes, solely by
virtue her temperance carried off the triumph which
men's strength despaired of; she lifted her country from
siege; she slew the general of the army with her own hands.
This is had enervated that warrior,
clear proof that his luxury
and temperance in food had made
terrible to the nations,
this woman stronger than men. Here it was not in her sex
that nature was overcome, but she overcame through her
own food. Esther by her fasts won the favor of a proud
king. Anna, who for eighty-four years as a widow wor-
shiped in the temple with fasts and prayers day and night,
knew Christ whom John announced, he who was the teacher
of abstinence and, as it were, a new angel on earth.
32 1 Tim. 5.23.
33 Of. 3 Kings 19.6-8.
34 Cf. Exod. 17.6.
35 Cf. Dan. L8,15.
36 Cf. Dan. 14.39.
37 Cf Dan. 3.23,49,50.
38 Cf. Judith 13.
39 Cf. Esther 4.16.
40 Cf. Matt. 3.4.

O with wild and

foolish feeding the Prophets
and unmindful of the Scriptures,
bitter gourds! Esdras,
the from memory! Foolish
although he restored Scriptures
if fasting profits nothing!
Paul, glorying in fasts,
How are of no if they cleansed sins? If you
they profit,
make an offering with humility and with mercy, as Isaias
said by the Spirit ofGod, your bones shall you be fat and
shall be like a watered garden.
Then your soul and its
virtues gleam through the spiritual richness of fasting,
of the richness of your mind,
your joys are manifold because
so there will be in you the ebriety of sobriety, like that cup
of which the Prophet says :
'My brimming cup, how excellent
it is!'

Not only that temperance, praiseworthy which leaves


aside food, but that, too, which leaves aside lust, for it

written: 'Go not after lusts: but say no

to thy own will.

If thou give to thy soul her desires, thou wilt be a joy to thy
wise men
enemies/ and below: Wine and women make

4S even in mar-
fall off.' Therefore, Paul teaches temperance
for incontinent in marriage is like an
one who is

adulterer and violates the Apostle's law.

Why should I tell of the great grace of virginity which
was worthy of being chosen by Christ so that it might be
the bodily temple of God, in which, as we read, dwelt the
fullness of the Godhead bodily.
virgin begot the salvation
of the world, a virgin brought forth the life of all. Should
be abandoned which was of benefit to all in
virginity, then,
Christ? A virgin carried Him whom this world cannot contain
41 Cf. 4 Kings 4.39.
42 Cf. 2 Esd. 8.2.
43 Cf. 2 Cor. 11.27.
44 a. Isa. 58.1 L
45 Ps. 22.5.
46 Eccli. 18.30,31; 19.2.
47 Cf. 1 Cor. 7.2-6.
48 Cf. Col. 2.9.

or support. And when He was born of Mary's womb, He

yet preserved the enclosure of her modesty, and the inviolate
seal of her virginity. Thus, Christ found in the virgin that
which He wanted to be His own, that which the Lord of all
might take for Himself. Through a man and a woman flesh
was cast out of paradise; it was joined to God [through a
virgin] .

What shall 1 say of that other Mary, the sister of Moses,

who, as leader of a woman's band, went on foot over the
waters of the sea? By the same gift Thecla was reverenced
by lions, so that the unfed beasts lying at the feet of their
prey prolonged a holy fast and harmed the maiden neither
by wanton glance nor claw, for the sacredness of virginity is
harmed even by a glance.
Again, with what reverence for virginity did the holy
Apostle speak: 'Now concerning virgins I have no com-
mandment of the Lord, yet I give an opinion, as one having
obtained mercy from the Lord.' He has not a command-
ment, he has a counsel, for what is beyond the law is not
made a precept, but is rather advised by way of counsel.
Authority is not taken for
granted, but grace is pointed out,
nor is it pointed out by anyone whatsoever, but by one who
has obtained the mercy of the Lord. Are the counsels of
these men better than the Apostle's? Says the Apostle: I

give an opinion'; but they think they have to dissuade one

from striving for virginity.
We ought to realize what praise of it the Prophet, or,
rather, Christ in the Prophet, has expressed in a short verse:
'My my spouse, is a garden enclosed, a garden en-
a fountain sealed up/ 51 Christ says this to the Church
which He wishes to be a virgin > without spot, without

49 Cf. Exod. 15.20.

50 1 Cor. 7.25.
51 Cant. 4.12.

wrinkle. A garden is virginity which brings forth many

fruits of rich odor. A garden enclosed [is virginity] because
C 3

it is shut in on all sides by the wall of chastity. A fountain


sealed up' is virginity for it is the fount and wellspring of

modesty which keeps the seal of purity inviolate, in whose
source there may shine the image of God, since the pureness
of simplicity coincides with chastity of the body.
And no one can doubt that the Church is a virgin, which,
also in Corinthians, the Apostle Paul espoused to present
as a chaste virgin to Christ. Thus, in the first Epistle he gives
a counsel, and considers the gift of virginity good, since it
is not disturbed
by the troubles of the present world, nor
polluted by any filthiness, nor shaken by any storm; in the
later Epistle he becomes a godparent for Christ, because he
is able to attest the virginity of the Church by the purity of
Tell me now, Paul, in what way you will give counsel
under the present distress? 'He who is unmarried, he says,
Is concerned about the things of the Lord, how he may
please God.' He adds, too: 'And the unmarried woman, and
the virgin, thinks about the things of the Lord, that she may
be holy in body and spirit.' 53 She has her wall, protecting her
against the storms of this world, and, thus fortified by the
enclosure of God's protection, she is disquieted by no winds
of this world. Counsel is good, then, because in counsel there
advantage; in precept, fetters. Counsel attracts the willing;
precept binds the unwilling. If anyone has followed counsel,
and has not regretted it, she has reached an advantage. But
if one has
regretted it, she has no reason to blame the Apostle.
She herself should have decided her own weakness, and she
responsible for her own will, since she bound herself by
fetters and a knot too heavy to bear.

52 Cf. 1 Cor. 7.26.

53 1 Cor. 7.32,34.

Therefore, he gives to some counsel, to others he shows a

remedy like a good physician desirous of preserving the
steadfastness of virtue in the strong, and of giving health to
the infirm: 'He who is weak, let him eat vegetables,' 54 let
him who is stronger, let him seek the stronger
take a wife; he
meat of virtue. Rightly he adds: 'But he who stands firm in
his heart, being under no constraint, but is free to carry out
his own
will, and has decided to keep his virgin he does
well. Therefore both he who gives his virgin in marriage does
well, and he who does not give her does better. A woman is
bound as long as her husband is alive, but if her husband dies,
she is free. Let her marry whom she pleases, only let it be in
the Lord. But she will be more blessed, in my judgment, if
she remains as she is. And I think that I also have the Spirit of
God. 555 This is to have the counsel of God, to seek
into all things, and to advise those things that are better,
to point out those that are safer.
A cautious guide points out many paths so that each one
may proceed along that which he wishes and considers
he happens on one by which he
suitable for himself, provided
can reach the camp. The path of virginity is good, but, being
loftyand steep, it requires stronger wayfarers. Good also is
that [path] of widowhood, not as difficult as the former, but
being rocky and rough it demands more cautious wayfarers.
Good, also, is that of marriage; being smooth and straight,
it reaches the camp of the saintsby a more roundabout
way, admits most persons. Virginity, therefore, has its

rewards, widowhood has its merits, and there is place, too,

for conjugal modesty. There are steps and progress in each
and every virtue.
Stand firm, therefore, in your heart so that no one may
undermine you, so that no one can overthrow you. The
54 Rom. 14.2.
55 1 Cor. 7.37-40.

Apostle has explained what it is 'to stand/ that is, what was
said to Moses: 'The place whereon thou standest is holy
ground; for no one stands unless he stands by faith, unless
he stands firm in the determination of his heart. Elsewhere,
we also read: 'But stand thou here with me.' 57 Two things
were said to Moses by the Lord: 'where thou standest is holy
ground,' and 'stand thou here with me,' that is, you stand with
me, if you stand in the Church. The very place is holy, the
very ground is rich in sanctity, and abounding in a harvest
of virtues.
Stand, therefore, in the Church, stand where I appeared
to you, there I am with you. Where the Church is, there is
the most solid lodging for your mind; there is the foundation
for your soul, where I appeared to you in the bush. You are
the bush, I am fire. Fire is in the bush, I in your flesh.
Wherefore I am the fire so that I may give light to you, and
that I may consume your thorns, that is, your sins, and that
I may show you my grace.
Standing firm in your hearts, rout from the Church the
wolves which are trying to carry off prey. Let there be no
sloth in you, let not your mouth be evil, nor your tongue
bitter. Sit not in the council of vanity, for it is written: 'I
have not sat in the council of vanity.' 58 Listen not to those
who disparage their neighbors, lest while you listen to others
you be stirred up to dishonor your neighbors and it may be
said to each one of you: 'Sitting thou didst disparage thy
Men sit when
they disparage, but they stand when they
bless the Lord, to whom it is said: 'Behold, now bless ye the
Lord, all ye servants of the Lord, who stand in the house of
the Lord.' 60 One who sits (to speak of the bodily habit) is,

56 Exod. 3.5.
57 Deut. 5.31.
58 Ps. 25.4.
59 Ps. 49.20.
60 Ps. 133.1,2.

as it were, enervated, when is idle and when he

the body
relaxes the tension of his mind. But a cautious watchman,
an active searcher, a wide-awake guard before the camp,
stands. The soldier on duty, who wishes to
anticipate the
enemy's designs, stands in the battle line before he is expected.
'Let him who stands take heed lest he fall.' 61 One who
stands knows not how to engage in detraction. For it is the
tales of men in idleness wherein detraction is sown, malice
is disclosed. Therefore the
Prophet says: 'I have held in
hatred the company of malicious men, and I will not sit with
the wicked.' 62 And in Psalm 36, which he has filled with
moral precepts, he has put right at the
beginning; 'Do not
be malicious among the malicious, nor envious of those who
do iniquity.' 63 Malignity harms more than malice, for malig-
nity has neither pure simplicity nor open malice, but a hidden
It is more difficult to
guard against what is hidden
than against what is known. So our Saviour warns us to
beware of malignant spirits, because they would capture us
under the guise of sweet pleasures and a show of other things,
when they hold out honor to entice us to ambition, riches to
entice us to greed and power, the charm of
Therefore, not only in every act, but especially in the
demand for a bishop, malignity should have no
place, for in
him the lifeof all is formed; so that he is a man
to all by a calm and peaceful decision, being chosen from
among all, one who is to heal all, for: The meek man is the
healer of the heart.' 64 And the Lord in the
Gospel calls
Himself this healer, saying: lt is not the healthy who need
a physician, but they who are sick.' 65
He is the good Physician, who has taken upon Him our
61 1 Cor. 10.12.
62 Ps. 25.5.
63 Ps. 36.1.
64 Prov. 14.30.
65 Matt. 9.12.

infirmities, has healed our illnesses, and yet He, as It is

written, did not glorify Himself becoming a high priest, but
He who spoke to Him, the Father, said: 'Thou art my son,
I this day have begotten thee.' And elsewhere He says: Thou
art a priest forever according to the order of Melchisedech.'
Since He was to be the type of all priests He took flesh, so
that 'in the days of his flesh with a loud cry and tears he
offered up prayers and supplications to God the Father and :

from those things which he suffered, though the Son of God,

he learned obedience which he taught to us so that he might
be the cause of our eternal salvation.' At last, when His
sufferings were completed, as though completed Himself, He
gave health to all, He bore the sin of all
So He Himself also chose Aaron as priest, 67 in order that
not man's will but the grace of God should have chief place
in the election of a priest, not the voluntary offering of

himself, nor the taking of it upon himself, but the heavenly

call; thus he may offer gifts for sins who can compassionate

sinners, sinceHe Himself, he says, bears our weakness. No

one ought take the honor to himself, but be called by God, as
was Aaron. Thus, even Christ did not demand but received
the priesthood. 68
Lastly, when the succession, derived through family descent
from Aaron, contained rather heirs of the family than sharers
of righteousness, there came, in the
type of that Melchisedech
of whom we read in the Old Testament, the true,
Melchisedech, the true King of peace, the true King of justice,
for hisname is interpreted 'Without father, without mother,

without genealogy, having neither beginning of days nor end

of life.' This refers to the Son of God, who in His divine

66 Heb. 5.5-9.
67 Cf. Num. 17.8.
68 Ci Heb.

. 5.2-4.
69 Heb. 7.3.

generation had no mother, and in His birth from the Virgin

Mary had no father. Begotten of the Father alone before
the ages, born of the Virgin alone in this surely He age,
could have no beginning of days, since He was in the
beginning. And how could He have an end of life, since He
is the Author of life to all?
He Himself [is] the beginning
and the end of all' But this is also referred to Him as an
example, that a priest ought to be without father and mother,
since in Him is chosen not
nobility of family, but holiness of
characterand pre-eminence in virtues.
Let there be in him faith and perfection of character, not
one without the other, but let both meet in one with
works and deeds. Therefore the Apostle Paul wishes us to be
imitators of those who through faith, he says, and patience,
possess the promises made to Abraham, who by patience
was worthy to receive and possess the grace of the blessing
promised to him. The Prophet David bids us be imitators
of holy Aaron, for he set him
among the saints of the Lord
to be imitated by us, saying: 'Moses and Aaron are
his priests, and Samuel them who call upon his
name. w
Plainly he is a man worthy of being set before all to be
followed, for, when a dreadful plague spread among the
people because of stubborn persons, he offered himself be-
tween the living and dead so that he might restrain the
plague and that no more persons should perish. Truly is he
a man of priestly mind and spirit who with dutiful affection,
like a good
shepherd, offered himself for the flock of the
Lord. Thus he broke the sting of death, checked its
refused it further course. Love assisted his merits, for he
offered himself in behalf of those who were resisting him.

70 Apoc. 1.8.
71 Cf. Heb. 11.9,
72 Ps. 98.6.
73 Cf. Num. 16.46-48.

Let those who cause dissension learn to fear to rouse the

Lord and to appease His priests. Why? Did not an earth-
quake swallow up Dathan and Abiron and Core because oi
their dissensions? For, when Core and Dathan and Abiron
had stirred up 250 men against Moses and Aaron, to separate
from them, they rose up saying: 'Let it be enough for you,
that all the congregation are holy, and the Lord among
them. 374
Then the Lord in anger spoke to all the congregation.
The Lord considered and knew who were His 75 and He
drew His saints to Himself. And those whom He did not
choose He draw to Himself. And the Lord bade
did not
Core and all who had risen up with him against Moses and
Aaron, the priests of the Lord, to take censers and put on
incense, so that he who was chosen by the Lord might be
established as holy among the Levites of the Lord.
And Moses said to Core: 'Hear ye sons of Levi. Is it a
small thing unto you, that God has separated you from the
congreation of Israel, and drawn you to himself, to minister
the services of the tabernacle of the Lord?' And further on:
'Seek ye to perform your priesthood, as you and all the
congregation are gathered against the Lord? For what is
Aaron that you murmur against him?' 76
Considering, then, what causes of offense existed, that
unworthy persons desired to discharge the office of priest, and
therefore were causing dissension, murmuring in censure of
the judgment of God in the choice of His priest, the whole
people were seized with great fear and dread of punishment
came upon all. But when all implored that all should not
perish through the insolence of a few, those guilty of crime
were singled out, and 250 men with their leaders were

74 Cf. Num. 16.35,3.

75 Cf. 2 Tim. 2.19.
76 Num. 16.841.

separated from the people, the earth with a groan was rent
in the midst of the people, a deep gulf opened, the guilty were
swallowed up, and these were removed from all the elements
of this world, so they might neither contaminate the air by
inhaling it, the sky by beholding it, the sea by touching it,

nor the earth by their entombment.

The punishment ended, but the wickedness did not end,
for there arose in consequence of this very thing a great

murmuring on the part of the people that these persons had

With what anger the Lord would
perished through the priests.
have destroyed them all had He not been swayed first by
the prayers of Moses and Aaron, and then by the inter-
vention of His high priest Aaron, preferring to bestow on
them, with greater humiliation to them, the grace which
they had spurned!
Mary the prophetess, who with her brothers had crossed
the waters of the sea on foot, and, because she did not yet
know the mystery of the Ethiopian woman and had mur-
mured against her brother Moses, broke out with leprous
spots, so that she would hardly have been cured of the
contagion had not Moses begged it. Yet that murmuring
refers to the type of the synagogue which does not know the

mystery of the Ethiopian woman, that is, the Church, which

is taken from the nations, and murmurs with
daily reproach,
and envies this people, by whose faith it shall be delivered
from the leprosy of unbelief, in accord with what we read:
that 'a partial blindness only has befallen Israel, until the
full number of the Gentiles should enter, and thus all Israel

should be saved.' 78
And that we may observe how in priests divine grace
works rather than human grace, of the many rods which
Moses had received from tribes and had laid away, that of
77 Cf. Num. 12.10-15.
78 Rom. 11.25.

Aaron alone blossomed. Thus, the people saw that the gift
of the divine call to be looked for in a priest, and they

ceased to claim equal favor for a human choice, although

before they thought they had a similar privilege. What did
that rod show except that the priestly grace never decays, and
in the deepest lowliness it has in its office the flower of power
entrusted to it, or that this also is referred to in mystery?
Nor do we think this happened without purpose, toward
the end of the life of Aaron the priest* It seems to be manifest
that the ancient people, decaying by reason of the long-
continued unfaithfulness of their priests, formed anew, at
last, in zeal for the faith and devotion, by the example of
the Church, will again send forth with renewed grace the
flower dead for so many ages.
But what is meant by the fact that, after Aaron was dead,
God commanded the people, but only Moses who is
not all

among the priests of the Lord, to clothe with the garments of

Aaron the priest, his son Eleazar, except that we should
understand that a priest must consecrate a priest, and he
himself clothe him with the vestments, that is, with priestly
virtues; then, if he sees that he lacks none of the priestly
garments, and all things are in good order, he admits him to
the sacred altars. One who is to make supplication for the
people should be chosen by the Lord and approved by the
priests, so there may be nothing which may give serious
offence in him whose duty it is to intercede for the offences
of others. The priestly virtue is of no ordinary kind, for he
has to beware of taking part not only in more serious faults,
but even in the least. He must be prompt to show mercy, not
regret a promise, recall the fallen, have sympathy with pain,
preserve meekness, love piety, repel or quell anger; let him
be like a trumpet urging the people to devotion, exalting
them to tranquility.

79 Cf. Num. 20.26.


The old saying 'Accustom yourself to being consistent,


so that your life it were a picture, always

will set forth as

preserving the same likeness which it received. How can he


be consistent who is at one time aflame with anger, at another

seething with fierce indignation, now with face aglow, now
changed to paleness, varying and changing color every
moment? But, granted that it is natural to be angry, or
that there generally is good reason therefor, it is man's duty
to temper wrath; not to be carried away with the fury of a
lion, not knowing how to be gentle; not spreading tales, nor

engendering family quarrels, for it is written: A passionate


man diggeth up sin.' 80 He that is double-minded is not con-

sistent, nor is he consistent who knows not how to check him-
self in anger, of whom David
aptly says: 'Be angry, and sin
not.' He does not control anger but gives way to nature,
which man cannot prevent but can moderate. Therefore,
although we are angry, let our passion give vent to natural
emotion, not to unnatural sin. For who would permit one
who cannot govern himself to receive others to govern?
Therefore, the Apostle has provided a pattern, saying that
a bishop must be blameless, 82 and elsewhere he says: Tor a
bishop must be blameless as being the steward of God, not
proud, or ill-tempered, or a drinker, or a brawler, or greedy
for base gain.'
How can the compassion of one who dis-
tributes alms and the greed of a covetous man agree with
one another?
I have set down what I have learned to avoid, but the

Apostle is the master of virtues who instructs us to refute

those who gainsay us with patience, who lays down the rule
that he be the husband of one wife, not in order to exclude

80 Prov. 15.18.
81 Ps. 4.5.
82 Cf. 1 Tim. 3.2.
83 Titus 1.7.
84 Cf. Titus 1.6.

him from the privilege of marriage (for this is beyond the

force of the precept), but that he may by conjugal chastity

preserve the grace of his baptism; or, again, that he be

induced by the Apostle's authority to beget children, for he
speaks of having sons, not entering or repeating marriage.
I have not passed over this point, because many persons
contend that the husband of one wife has reference to the
time after baptism, so that any impediment which would
ensue would be washed away in baptism. Indeed, all faults
and sins are washed away, so that, if one has polluted his
body by many whom he has not bound to himself by the
marriage law, these are all forgiven him. But the marriages
are not done away with if he has made a second contract,
for sin, not the law, is loosed by the laver [of baptism]. There
is no sin in
marriage, but there is a law. Whatever is of law,
therefore, is not remitted like a sin, but it is retained, like a
law. Therefore, the Apostle laid down the law saying: 'If
anyone is without reproach, the husband of one wife.
Whoever, then, without reproach, the husband of one wife,

among those held by the law to be qualified for
the priesthood, but he who entered a second marriage has
not the guilt of pollution, though he is disqualified from the
privilege of the priesthood.
Having stated what is lawful, let us state in addition what
is reasonable. Let us understand, first of all, that not only
did the Apostle lay down rules covering a bishop and priest,
but the Fathers, also, in the Council of Nicaea, 87 added the
mandate that no one who has contracted a second marriage
should be admitted to the clergy. How can he console or
honor a widow, or urge her to preserve her widowhood, or

85 1 Tim. 3.2.
86 See Tertullian, Ad uxorem 2.7.
87 That a decree of the Council o Nicaea forbade
clergy to be drawn
from those who had contracted a second marriage is not
among the

the faith pledged to her husband, which he himself has not

kept in regard to his first marriage? Or what would be the
difference between priest and people if they were bound by
the same laws? The life of a priest ought to surpass others as its

grace surpasses, and he who binds

others by his precepts ought
himself to keep the precepts of the law in himself.
How I fought against being ordained! And, finally, when
I was compelled, I tried at least to have the ordination
deferred! But the prescribed rule did not avail, pressure
prevailed. Yet the Western bishops approved my ordination
by their decision, and the Eastern bishops, too, by their
examples. Yet the ordination of a new convert is
lest he be lifted up by pride. If the ordination was not

postponed it was because of constraint, and if humility which

becoming is not wanting, where there is
to the priesthood
no cause, blame not be imputed.

Now, if in other churches so much consideration attends

the ordination of a bishop, how much care is needed in the
church at Vercelli where two things seem to be equally
demanded of the bishop, the restraint of the monastery and
the discipline of the Church? These matters so different,
Eusebius of holy memory was the first in the lands of the
West to bring together, so that living in the city he observed
the rules of the monks, and ruled the Church in the temper-
ance of For, one brings much support to the grace
of priesthood if he binds youth to the practice of
abstinence and to the rule of purity, and forbids them, even
though living in the city, the manners and mode of the city.
Hence came that procession of heroes Elias, Eliseus, John,
son of Elizabeth who, clothed in sheepskins and goatskins,
88 In the election of Nectarius as Bishop of Constantinople. Cf. above,
Letter 42 n. 3.
89 Cf. 1 Tim. 3.6.
90 Like Eusebius, Ambrose had the clergy living with him after the
death of his brother Satyrus.

poor and needy, with distress and pain, wandered

in deserts
among steep and wooded mountains, pathless rocks,
rough coves, marshy pitfalls, of whom the world was not
worthy. Hence came Daniel, Ananias, Azarias, Misael, who
were reared in a royal palace, were fed with fasting, as
though in the desert, with coarse food and ordinary drink.
Rightly did these royal slaves prevail over kingdoms, despise
captivity, shaking off its yoke, subdue powers, overcome the
elements, quench the nature of fire, dull the flames, blunt
the edge of the sword, stop the mouths of lions. They were
found most strong when they were esteemed most weak;
they fled not from the mocking of men, for they hoped for
heavenly rewards; they did not dread the darkness of prison,
for on them shone the beauty of eternal light.
In imitation of these blessed Eusebius left his country and
his family and preferred living in foreign lands to ease at
home. For the faith, too, he preferred and chose the hard-
ships of exile, and Dionysius of holy memory joined him, he
who esteemed the emperor's friendship less than voluntary
exile.Thus these illustrious men, when armed bands sur-
rounded them and an army closed in on them, when they
were torn from the great Church, triumphed over the
imperial power, for by these hardships on earth they pur-
chased fortitude of spirit and kingly power. Those from
whom the band of soldiers and din of arms could not tear the
faith subdued the raging of a bestial spirit which could not
harm the saints. For, as you have in Proverbs As the roaring :

of a lion, so also is the anger of a king.
He [the emperor] admitted he was beaten when he asked
them to change their opinion, but they thought their pen
was mightier than a sword of iron. Then was unbelief so
damaged that it fell; the faith of the saints was undamaged.
They desired no tomb in their native country, for a dwelling
91 Prov. 19.12.

in heaven was waiting for them. They wandered over the

whole earth, as having nothing, and possessing all things. 92
Wherever they were sent they looked upon it as a place of
delight, for, being rich in faith, they were in want of nothing.
They even enriched others, being poor themselves in earthly
means, but rich in grace. They were tried but not destroyed
in fasting, in labors, in prisons, in watchings. From weakness
they emerged strong. They did not await the enticement of
pleasures, forhunger fattened them; the parching heat of
summer bum those whom the hope of everlasting
did not
grace refreshed; nor did the cold of icy lands break them
whose devotion ever budded afresh with glowing fervor. They
did not fear the chains of men, for Jesus had set them free;
they wanted not to be rescued from death, for they expected
to be raised again by Christ.
At last, blessed Dionysius begged in prayer that he might
lay downhis life in exile, fearing lest on his return home he
would find the minds of people or clergy disturbed by the
teaching practice of unbelievers, and he obtained this favor,
so that he bore within him in a calm heart the peace of the
Lord. Therefore, as blessed Eusebius first raised the standard
of suffering, so blessed Dionysius in the land of exile gave up
his life with higher honor than the martyrs.
This patience in blessed Eusebius was nourished by the
discipline of the monastery, and from the custom of yet
harsher observance he derived the power of enduring labors.
Who doubts that in stricter Christian devotion these two
qualities are the more excellent: the duties of clerics and the
customs of monks? The one is a discipline which trains for
courtesy and morality, the other for abstinence and patience;
the one as on an open stage, the other in secrecy; the one is
observed, the other is hidden from sight. So that good athlete

92 Cf. 2 Cor. 6.10.

93 Cf. Heb, 11.34,

says: 'We have been made a spectacle to this world and to

angels.' Surely he was worthy of being observed by angels,
while he was striving to reach the goal of Christ, while he
strove to lead the life of angels on earth and overcome the
spiritual wickedness on high, for he
wrestled with spiritual
forces of wickedness. He deserved to have the world gaze
on him that the world might imitate him.
The one life, then, is in the arena, the other in a cave; 96
the one is opposed to the confusion of the world, the other to
the desires of the flesh; the one subdues, the other flees the
pleasures of the body; the one more agreeable, the other
safer; the one ruling, the other reigning in self; yet each
denying herself that she may be Christ's, because to the perfect
it was said:
lf anyone wishes to come after me, let him
deny himself, and take up and follow me.' 97 He
his cross,
follows Christ who can say: 'It is now no longer I that live,
but Christ lives in me.' 98
Paul denied himself when, aware that chains and great
tribulations awaited him in Jerusalem, he willingly offered
himself to danger, saying: 'Nor do J count my life more
precious than myself, if only I may accomplish my course
and the ministry of the word which I have received from
the Lord Jesus. 599 And finally, when many stood about weep-
ing and entreating him, he did not change his mind, so rigid
a judge of itself is ready faith.
one, therefore, struggles, the other withdraws; the one
overcomes enticements, the other flees them; for the one the
world is a triumph, to the other a place of exile; to the one
the world is crucified 100 and itself to the world, to the other

94 1 Cor. 4.9.
95 Cf. Eph. 6.12.
96 This and the next two paragraphs contain a beautifully written con-
trast of the active and contemplative life.
97 Matt. 16.24.
98 Gal. 2.20.
99 Acts 20.24.
100 Cf. Gal. 6.14.

it is unknown; the one has more and so a greater


victory; the other falls less often, and keeps guard more
Elias himself, that the word of his lips might be confirmed,
was sent by the Lord to hide himself near the torrent
Carith. Achab made threats; Jezabel made threats. Elias
grew and rose up, and in the strength of that spiritual
food he walked for forty days and forty nights to the mount
of God, Horeb, and he entered a cave and abode there.
Later he was sent to anoint kings, for he was inured to
patience by dwelling in lonely places, and, as if supplied with
the fatness of virtue by his rough food, he went on stronger.
John, too, grew up in the desert, and he baptized the
Lord, and there he first practiced that austerity that later
he might rebuke the king.
Since in speaking of blessed Elias' dwelling in the desert we
have idly passed over names of places not given without a
purpose, it seems fitting to go back to what they mean.
Elias was sent to the torrent of Horeb where ravens fed him,

brought him bread in the morning and flesh in the eve-

ning. Not without cause was bread brought in the morning,
for it strenghtens man's heart. 105 And how was the Prophet
fed if not with
mystical food? At evening flesh was served
him. Understand what you read, for Carith means 'under-

standing' Horeb means 'every heart,' or as a heart' ; Bersabee

c c
interpreted of the seventh well' or, in Latin, of an oath.'
Elias went first to Bersabee, to the mysteries of the holy
law, to the sacraments of divine justice; later he was sent to
the torrent, to that river's stream which gladdens the city of
God. 106 You have both Testaments of the one author, the old
101 Cf. 3 Kings 17.3.
102 Cf. 3 Kings 19.8,9.
103 a. Luke 3.2,19.
104 Cf. 3 Kings 17.6.
105 Cf. Ps. 103.15.
106 Cf. Ps. 45.5.

Scripture like a well, deep and obscure,

whence you draw
with difficulty, not full, because the one who was to fill it had
not yet come. Then later he says: I have not come to destroy
the Law, but to fulfill it. Thus the holy one is bidden by
the Lord to cross over to the stream, for he who has
drunk of the New Testament not only is a river, but from
his belly will flow rivers of living water, rivers of under-

standing, rivers of meditation, spiritual rivers. However, these

dried up in the time of unbelief, lest the sacrilegeous would
drink and lest unbelievers sup.
There the ravens recognized the Prophet of the Lord,
whom the Jews did not recognize. Crows fed the one whom
a royal and noble race was persecuting. What is Jezabel who
persecuted except the synagogue spreading in vain, in vain
abounding in the Scriptures which she neither guards nor
understands? What ravens fed him but those whose young
callhim, whose cattle he feeds, as we read: to the young
ravens that cry to him?' Those ravens knew whom they
were feeding, for they were close to understanding and carried
the food to that stream of sacred knowledge.
He feeds the Prophet who understands and guards that
which was written. Our faith gives him sustenance; our
progress gives him nourishment; he feeds upon our minds and
thoughts; his speech is fed with our understanding. We
give him bread in the morning, when, lying in the light of the
Gospel, we bring him the strength of our hearts. By these he
is fed,
by these he grows strong, with these he fills the mouths
of those who fast, to whom the faithlessness of the Jews served
not the food of faith. There, every word of the Prophet is a

107 Matt. 5.17.

108 Cf. 3 Kings 17.3.
109 Cf. John 7.38.
110 Cf. 3 Kings 19.2.
111 Ps. 146.9.

fasting diet, for they do not see the interior fatness; it is

empty and thin and cannot fatten their jaws.

Perhaps, too, they brought the flesh at night, as stronger
food, such as the Corinthians, whose minds were weak, could
not take, and were fed therefore with the milk of the
Apostle. Thus, stronger food was brought at the evening of
thisworld, bread in the morning. And because the Lord
commanded this food to be served, that prophetic saying
may well suit him in this place: 'Thou wilt give joy at the

going out of mornings and evenings, and below: 'Thou hast

prepared their food, for so is its preparation.'
Enough, I think, has been said of our Master; let us now
go to the life of the disciples who have engaged themselves
in that praise, celebrating it with hymns day and night. This
is the service of the angels, to be always occupied with the
praises of God, to propitiate and beseech the Lord with fre-
quent prayers. They devote themselves to reading, or busy
their minds with continual labors, and, removed from women,

they provide a safeguard for one another. What a life is this in

which there is nothing to fear and much to imitate! The
hardship of fasting is
compensated by tranquility of mind,
lightened by practice, it is aided by leisure, or beguiled

by occupation; it is not burdened by the cares of the world,

or occupied with others' troubles, or weighted down by the
distractions of the city.
You realize what sort of teacher must be found for the
preservation or teaching of this task, whom we can find if
your unanimity shows us favor, if you forgive one another, if
any one thinks he has been hurt by the other. This is not
the only pattern for righteousness, not to hurt one who has
not hurt you, but also that of forgiving one who has hurt

112 Ct I Cor. 3.2.

113 Ps. 64.9,10.
114 Cf. Eph. 4.32.

you. We are generally hurt by another's deceit, by our

neighbor's guile. Shall we think it virtue to avenge guile with
If righteousness is a virtue,
guile, to repay deceit with deceit?
it should be free from reproach; nor should it ward of wicked-

ness by wickedness. What virtue is it for you to punish others

for the same things you do? That is only spreading wickedness,
not avenging it. It makes no difference whom you mistreat, a

just man or an unjust one, since mistreatment is not permitted

you. Nor is there a difference in how you are ill-willed,

whether out of desire to avenge or a wish to injure, since in
either case it is not without reproach. Being so, one is the
same as unjust, so it is said to you Be not ill- willed because

of evildoers, nor envious of them that work iniquity,' and
above he says the same: 'I hate the company of them that do
evil.' Of course, he included everyone, he excepted no one;
he mentioned ill-will, he asked not the cause.
better pattern of righteousness is there than the
divine, for the Son of God says: 'Love your enemies' and
again: Tray for those who persecute and calumniate you.'
He so far removes from the perfect the desire for vengeance
that He commands charity for those who do them harm. And
since He had said in the old Scriptures: 'Revenge is mine
and I will repay,' He says in the Gospel that we must pray
for those us harm, so that He who said He
who have done
will have
punish will not punish them; it is His wish to

pardon by your consent with which He agrees according to

His promise. For, if you seek revenge, you know that the
unrighteous is punished more severely by his own convictions
than by the severity of his judges.
Since no one can be without some trouble, let us strive not

115 Ps. 36.9.

116 Ps. 25.5.
117 Matt. 5.44.
118 Deut. 32.35.

to have our troubles caused by our sin. And no one is so

severely condemned by another's judgment as the fool by his
own, for he is the author of his own evils. Therefore, let us
keep away from tasks which are troublesome and fraught
with discord, having no advantage, producing only added
weight. Yet, we should live so as not to regret our decisions
or our actions. A wise man usually looks ahead, so he will
not often have to repent, for only God never repents. What
is the advantage of righteousness but peace of mind? What
is the of living righteously but living with peace? As
the pattern of the master is, so is the condition of the whole
house. If these are needed for a home, how much more for the
Church, 'Where there is rich and poor, slave and freeman,
Greek and Syrian, patrician and plebeian, we are all one in
Let no one think that he is to be paid more deference
because he is rich. In the Church a man is rich if he is
rich in faith, for the faithful man has a whole world of riches.
Is it strange that the faithful man owns the world, since he
owns Christ's inheritance, which is more priceless than the
world? 'You were redeemed with the precious blood' surely
was said to all, not only to the rich. But, if you wish to be
rich, follow Him who says: 'Be you also holy in all your
behavior.' This He says not only to the rich but to all, because
He judges without respect of persons as His faithful witness,
the Apostle, says: 'Spend the time of your sojourning not in
luxury, nor in fastidiousness, nor haughtiness of heart, but in
fear.' You have been given time on this earth, not eternity;
use the time as those who know they are going to set out
from here.
Trust not in riches, because they must all be left here;

119 Col. 3.11.

120 Cf. Prov. 17.5.
121 1 Peter 1.18,19,15,17.

only faith will go with you. Righteousness will be your

companion if faith leads the way. Why do riches flatter you?
'You were not redeemed with gold or silver,' with possessions
or silk garments, 'from your vain manner of life, but by the
precious blood of Christ Jesus.' He is. rich who is an heir
of God, a joint-heir of Christ. Despise not a poor man, for
He made you rich. Despise not a man in want, for 'The
poor man and the Lord heard.' 123 Reject not the needy,
for Christ even became poor although He was rich, but He
became poor for you so that He might with His poverty
enrich you. Exalt not yourself as rich; He sent forth His

Apostles without money.

And the first of them said: 'Silver and gold I have none.' 124
He glories in poverty as if escaping contamination. 'Silver
and gold,' says he, have none,' not gold and silver. He

does not know their order, for he does not know their use.
'Silver and gold I have none, but faith I do have. I am rich
enough in the name of Jesus, which is above every name.'
I have not silver, neither do I desire it; I have not gold,
neither do I want it. But I have what, you rich men do not
have, I have what even you consider of more value, and I
give it to the poor, so that I say in the name of Jesus:
'Strengthen ye feeble hands, and weak knees.'
But, if you wish to be rich, you must be poor. Then you
will be rich in all things, if you are poor in spirit. Not
property, but the spirit, makes one rich.
There are some who abase themselves amid many riches,
and they do so rightly and wisely, for the law of nature is
sufficiently rich to all, whereby one quickly finds what is more
than enough, but for lust all the abundance of riches is

122 1 Peter 1.18,19.

123 Ps. 33.7.
124 Acts 3.6.
125 Cf. Phil. 2.9.
126 Isa. 35.3.

poverty. Finally, no one is born poor, he becomes so. Poverty

is not in nature, but in our feelings; therefore it is easy for
nature to be found rich, difficult for greed to be so. For, the
more each one acquires, the more he thirsts and is parched
by a certain intoxication of his desire.
Why do you seek for a heap of riches as if it were
necessary? Nothing is so necessary as to know what is not
necessary. Why do you turn the blame upon the flesh? It is
not the belly of the body, but greed of mind that makes a
man unsatisfied. Does the flesh take away the hope of the
future? Does the flesh destroy the sweetness of spiritual grace?
Does the flesh hinder faith? Does the flesh concede anything
to vain opinions, as to harsh masters? Rather does the flesh
love moderate frugality, by which it is stripped of a burden,
and is clothed in good health, because it lays down its
concern and takes on tranquility.
Riches themselves are not to be censured. 'The ransom of
a man's life are his riches, 3127 for one who gives to the poor
ransoms his soul. Therefore, even in riches there is scope
for virtue. You are like helmsmen on a great sea. If one steers
his course well, he passes quickly over the sea to reach harbor.
But one who does not know how to manage his property is

drowned by his load. Therefore it is written: 'The substance

of the rich is a very strong city.'
What is that city but Jerusalem which is in heaven where

there is the kingdom of God? This is the good possession

which produces everlasting fruit; the good possession which
is not left here, but is
possessed there. One who will have this
possession says: The Lord is myportion.' He says not:
My portion extends from this boundary to that. He says not:

My portion is
among certain neighbors, except, perhaps,
127 Prov. 13.8.
128 Prov. 10.15.
129 Ps. 72.26.

among the Apostles, among the Prophets, among the Lord's

saints. This is the
righteous man's portion. He says not: My
portion is in in forests, in plains, except perhaps in
the plains of the forest where is found the Church of which it
is written: 'We have found it in the fields of the forest/

He says not: My portion consists of herds of horses, for

'Untrustworthy is the steed for safety.' He says not: My
portion consists of herds of oxen, asses, or sheep, except,
perhaps, he counts himself among those herds which know
their owner, and wishes to consort with that ass which does
not shun the crib of Christ, and that sheep is his portion
which was led to the slaughter and the 'Lamb which was
dumb before his shearer and did not open his mouth,' 133 in
whose humiliation judgment has been exalted. Well does he
say: 'Before his shearer, because He laid on the cross what

was superfluous, not His own essence; when He was stripped

of His body, He did not lose His Godhead.
Not everyone, therefore, says: 'The Lord is my portion.'
The greedy man does not say this, because greed comes and
says: You are my portion; I have you under my sway, you
are become my slave, you sold yourself to me in that gold of
yours, you turned yourself over to me in that possession of

yours. The luxury-loving man does not say: Christ is my

portion, because luxury comes and says: You are my portion;
I made you my slave in that banquet, I caught you in the
net of those feasts, I have you bound to payment by the
surety of your gluttony. Do you not know that you valued
your table more than your life? I convict you by your own
judgment. Deny it if you can, but you cannot. Finally, you
kept nothing for life, you spent all for your table. The
130* Ps, 131,6,
131 Ps. 32.17.
132 Cf. Isa. 1.3.
133 Isa. 53.7.

adulterer cannot say: 'The Lord is my portion/ because

passion comes and says: I am
your portion; you bound
yourself to me by your love for that maiden, by a night with
a harlot you came under my laws and into my power. The
traitor does not say: Christ is my portion, because at once
the vileness of sin rushes upon him and says : He is deceiving
you, Lord Jesus, he is mine.
This example we have, 134 that, when Judas had received
the bread from Christ, the Devil entered his heart, as if
claiming his possession, as if retaining his right to his portion,
as if
saying: 'He is not Yours, but mine; indeed he is my
tool, Your betrayer; plainly he is mine. He reclines with You,
and servesme; he dines with You, and eats with me; from
You he took bread, from me money; he drinks with You, and
sells me Your Blood.' And he proved how true were his words.
Then Christ went out of him and Judas himself also
abandoned Jesus, following the Devil.
How many masters he has who has run away from the
One! But let Him. Who will run away
us not run from
from Him whom they follow bound in chains, but willing
chains, which loose and do not bind, and those who are
bound with these chains boast and say: 'Paul, a prisoner of
Christ Jesus, and Timothy.' It is more glorious for us to be
bound by Him than to be set free and loosed from others.
Who, then, will run from peace? Who will run from salva-
tion? Who will run from mercy? Who will run from redemp-
You see, my sons, the kind of men who have escaped, who
followed after such things, and how they work although they
are dead? Let us strive to reach the diligence of those
virtueswhose glory we so admire, and what we praise in
others let us silently behold in ourselves. Nothing tender,

134 Cf. John 13.2.

135 Philem. 1.1.

nothing weak attains to praise: The kingdom of heaven is

taken by force, and the violent carry it away.' The
patriarchs ate the Iamb in haste. Faith
is hasty, devotion is

quick, hope is nimble, it does not love contradictions of the

soul, but the passage from fruitless leisure to fruitful labor.
What areyou putting off until tomorrow? You can gain only
today. Be careful lest you have not that and lose this. The loss
of one hour is not slight and one hour is a portion of a whole

There are young men who want to reach old age quickly
so that they will no longer be subject to the will of their
elders. There are old men who would like, if possible, to
return to their youth. I approve of neither of these desires,
because youths, tired of the present, as if ungrateful, seek a
change of life, old men its lengthening; whereas youth can
grow old in character, and old age fresh in action. Not age
somuch, but discipline, brings a betterment of habits. How
much more, then, should we our hopes toward the

kingdom of God where there will be newness of life, where

there will be a change of grace, not of life.
The reward is not obtained by laziness or sleep. The sleep-
er does no work, leisure has no profit, but loss instead. Esau,
by taking leisure, lost the primacy of because he
preferred to have food given him rather than to go in
search of it. By his labor Jacob found favor with both his
Yet, although Jacob surpassed his brother in virtue and
favor, he yielded to his wrath when he grieved over the
younger borther's being preferred to him. So it is written:
'Give place to the wrath,' 138 lest another's wrath draw you
into sin when you wish to offer resistance, when you wish to
136 Matt. 11.12.
137 Cf. Gen. 27.35.
138 Rom. 12.19.

be avenged. You can take the fault from him and from
yourself if you decide to yield [to the other]. Imitate the
patriarch who went far away at his mother's advice. What
mother's? Rebecca's; that is, patience's. Who but patience
could have had this plan? The mother loved her son, but she
preferred him to be an exile from her rather than from God.
And so, because she was a good mother, she gave to both,
but to the younger son she gave a blessing which he could
keep. She did not prefer one son to another, but the nimble
to the leisurely, the faithful to the faithless. And even to the
older son she gave not a little by loving the younger son, lest
she make him a murderer.
Since he 139 was exiled from his parents by reason of his
piety, not for his wickedness, he spoke with God, he increased
in wealth, in children, in favor. Nor was he puffed up by
these things when he met his brother, but he humbly bowed
down to him, not considering him as pitiless, as wrathful, as
base-born, but reverencing Him whom he saw in his brother.
So he bowed down seven times, which is the number of
forgiveness, because he reverenced not the man, but Him
who he saw in spirit would come
in man's flesh to take away
the sins of the world. 140 This mystery is disclosed to you in
the response to Peter, when he says: 'How often shall my
brother sin against me, and I forgive him? Up to seven
times?' You see that the forgiveness of sins is a type of that
great sabbath, of that everlasting rest of grace, and it is

granted by contemplation.
But what meant by his arranging his wives and child-

ren and allservants and ordering them to bow down to the

earth? Surely it was not to that element which is generally

139 Cf. Gen. 27.43.

140 Cf, John 1.29.
141 Matt. 18.21.
142 Cf. Gen. 33.6.

with blood, on which is the workshop of crime, or which

isoften rough with huge crags, or steep cliffs of barren dry
ground, but as to that flesh which will be our protection.
is the mystery the Lord taught you when He
Perhaps that
says: 'Not only seven times, but seventy times seven.'
Therefore, do you forgive your injuries that you may be
the children of Jacob. Do not be angry like Esau, Imitate
blessed David who like a good master left us what to imitate,

saying: 'In return for their loving me, they reproached me,
but I gave myself to prayer,' and when he was cursed, he
prayed. Prayer is a good shield by which insult is kept away;
cursing is repelled and is thrown frequently back upon those
who uttered the curse so that they are wounded with their own
weapon: 'Let them curse,' he says, 'but mayst thou bless.'
One must solicit the curse of men, which brings the blessing
of the Lord.
And for the rest, consider, dearly beloved, why Jesus
suffered outside the gate, and do you leave this earthly
city, because your city is Jerusalem which is above. Live
there so that you may say: 'Our abode is in heaven.'
Therefore, Jesus went forth from the city so that you, going
forth from the world, might be above the world. Moses, the
only one to see God, had his tabernacle outside the camp
when he spoke with God, 148 and the blood of victims, which
were offered for sin, was offered on altars, 149 but their bodies
were burned outside the camp, because no one who is in the
midst of the evils of this world can be rid of sin, nor is his
blood acceptable to God unless he leaves the defilement of
143 Matt. 18.22.
144 Cf. Col. 3.13.
145 Ps. 108.4,28.
146 Cf. Heb. 13.12.
147 Phil. 3.20.
148 Cf. Exod. 33.7-9.
149 Cf. Exod. 29.12,13.

Love hospitality, by which blessed Abraham found favor,

and received Christ as his guest, and Sara already worn with
age deserved to have a son. Lot also escaped the destructive
fire ofSodom, and you can entertain angels if you offer
your hospitality to strangers. What shall I say of Rahob who
by this means found salvation?
Show compassion for those who are bound by chains, as if
you yourself were bound with them. Console those who

grieve: lt is better to go to the house of mourning, than to

the house of joy/ From one is borne the merit of a good
work; from the other, a lapse into sin. Lastly, from the one
you hope for a reward; in the other you receive it. Suffer
with those who are in trouble, as if being in trouble with them.
Let a woman show deference, not be a slave to her
husband; let her show she is ready to be guided, not coerced.
She is not worthy of wedlock who is worthy of chiding. Let
the husband, too, manage his wife like a steersman, pay
honor to her as his life partner, share with her as the co-heir
of grace.
Mothers, wean your children, love them, but pray for
them that they may be long-lived above the earth, not on it,
but above it. Nothing is long-lived on this earth, and that
which lasts long is brief and more hazardous. Warn them
rather to take up the cross of the Lord than to love this life.
Mary the Mother of the Lord stood at the cross of her
Son; no one told me this except St. John the Evangelist.
Others described how the earth was shaken during the Lord's
passion, how the sky was covered with darkness, that the
sun was darkened, that the thief was received into paradise
after a confession of faith. John taught what the others did
150 Cf. Gen. 18.1,2; 19.2,3,13-22.
151 Cf. Josue 2.1-19.
152 Eccle. 7.3.
153 Cf. John 19.25.
154 Cf. Matt. 27.45.
155 Cf. Luke 23.43.

how when He hung on the cross He called his Mother

more import that
of the Victor over
by name, thinking it

suffering showed His Mother the marks of piety than that

He a heavenly gift. For, to give pardon to
if it is
a thief, it is a of richer devotion for a mother to be so
honored with affection her Son: 'Behold,' he says, 'thy
will from the
son. . Behold, thy mother.' Christ made His
. .

cross and the duties of piety between mother and

The Lord made not a but also a private
disciple. only public,
will, and this will of His John sealed,
a worthy witness of so
a Testator a testament not of money, but of
great good
life eternal, which was written not with ink, but
with the
who is the pen of a
Spirit of the God,
living says: 'My tongue
ready scribe.
Nor was Mary less than was befitting the Mother of Christ.
When the Apostles fled, she stood before the cross and with
reverent gaze beheld her Son's wounds, for she awaited not
her Child's death, but the world's salvation. Or perhaps that
'regal chamber' knew that through
her Son's death would be
the world's redemption, and she thought through her own
death she would give herself for the common weal. But Jesus
had no need of a helper in redeeming all, for He saved all

without a helper. Therefore He says: 'I have become as a

man without help, free among the dead/ 157 Indeed, He

received the devotion of His Parent, but He did not seek
another's aid.
Imitate her, holy mothers, who in her dearly loved only
Son set forth such an example of motherly virtue; you do
not have sweeter children, nor did the Virgin seek the
consolation of being able to bear another son.
Masters, command your slaves not as if they are beneath
you in rank, but remembering that they are sharers of the
156 Ps. 44.2.
157 Ps. 87.5,6.

same nature as yourselves. Slaves, too, serve your masters
with good-will, for each should patiently accept that to which
he is born; obey not only good but also severe masters. For,
what favor has your service if you zealously serve good mas-
ters? But, if you render favors also to harsh, [you gain merit].

For, free men have no reward if, being guilty, they are pun-
ished by judges, but this is merit if they suffer not being guilty.
Therefore, if
you serve your masters amid difficulties, con-
templating the Lord Jesus, you will have a reward. Indeed,
the Lord Himself, a just man, suffered from the unjust, and
nailed our sins to His cross by His marvelous patience, so
that whoever imitates Him may wipe away his sins with His
In conclusion, turn, all of you, to the Lord Jesus. Let the
joy of this life be in you in a good conscience, in suffering
death with the hope of immortality, the assurance of the
resurrection through the grace of Christ, truth with simplicity,
faith with confidence, fasting with holiness, diligence with
soberness, living with modesty, learning without vainglory,
soberness of doctrine, faith without the intoxication of heresy.
The grace of the Lord Jesus Christ be with you all. Amen.
158 Cf. 1 Peter 2.18.

60. Ambrose, bishop, to Marcellina his sister (Easter, 386)

|N MOST of your letters you make anxious inquiry

about the church. Hear, then, what is going on:
The day after I received your letter, in which you
remarked that your dreams were troubling you, a great wave
of serious disturbances began overwhelming us. This time it
was not the Portian Basilica, that is, the one outside the walls, 1
which was being demanded [by the Arians], but the new
basilica, that is, the one inside the walls, the larger one.
2 3
First, the military authorities, imperial counts, came with
their command to me to the [new] basilica and
hand over
also to see to it that the people caused no disturbance, I

answered, as was proper, that ?i bishop could not hand over

the temple of God.
On the following day in church this [statement of mine]
1 The so-called Basilica of St. Victor.
2 principes virtutum.
3 comites ccfnsistoriani.
4 The Ambrosian Basilica.

was loudly approved by the people; then the praetorian

prefect arrived there
and began to urge us to give up the
The he
Portian Basilica. people protested again, whereupon
that he would make a of matters to the
left, saying report
after the and
Thefollowing day, the Lord's day, lessons^
I dismissed the catechumens and then went on giving
an exposition of the Creed to several candidates for baptism
in the baptistries of the basilica. There I was informed that
some of the people were flocking over to the Portian Basilica
since they had learned that officers had been sent from the
the imperial banners. Yet I
palace and were hanging up
stayed at my duty and began to celebrate
While I was offering [Mass] I learned that a certain
Castulus, whom the Arians declared to be
a priest, had been
seized by the people as they encountered him in the public
square. I began to weep very bitterly
and to pray God pre-
cisely at the Offertory that
there would be no blood shed in a
case involving the Church, or, at least, that it would be my
blood which would be poured out, not alone for the salvation
of my people but also for the unbelievers themselves.
To be
brief, I dispatched priests and deacons and rescued the man
from harm.
7 8

Very severe penalties were decreed then and there, first

on the entire class of merchants. Consequently, during the
holy days of the last week [of Lent], when the bonds of
debtors are customarily loosed, chains rattled and were put
upon the necks of innocent people, and they were taxed 200
pounds' weight of gold [to be paid] in three days' time.
People said they would give that much, or double,
if asked,

5 decani.
6 vela.
1 In the form of taxes and /or imprisonment.
8 These are the events of Monday of Holy Week.
9 This was subsequently returned to the merchants; cf. below.

provided that they might practice their faith. The prisons,

too, were packed with tradesmen.
All the palace officials, the clerks, the agents of affairs,
the attendants of various counts were ordered to avoid going
out on the pretext that they were forbidden to take part in
the rebellion. Men of high rank were threatened with many
dire consequences unless they effected the surrender of the
basilica. The persecution spread, and, had they opened their

doors, the people seemed on the verge of breaking forth into

every sort of abuse.
To effect a speedy surrender of the basilica I myself was
approached by counts and tribunes who said that the
emperor was using his rights inasmuch as all property was
under his jurisdiction. I answered that if he were asking for
what was mine my estate, my money, or anything of this
sort I would not resist, even though all my property belongs
to thepoor; but sacred objects are not subject to the
jurisdiction even of the emperor. If he wants my patrimony,
come take it; my person, I am here; do you want to drag
me off to prison, or to death? The pleasure is mine, I will
not shelter myself with a throng of people, nor cling to the
altars, begging for my life. Instead, I will more gladly be
sacrificed before the altars.

Actually, in my heart I was frightened, since I knew that

armed men had been sent to seize the basilica of the church;

[I feared] that in defending the basilica bloodshed would

occur and turn to the harm of the whole city. I kept praying
that I would not live to see the ruin of this great city or,
possibly, of all Italy. I dreaded the ill-will that would arise
from the spilling of blood; I offered my own throat. Some
tribunes of the Goths were there; I assailed them, saying: 'Is
this why the Roman state has taken you in, to make you

10 These are the events of Tuesday.

11 Valentinian, under the direction o his mother Justina, who was an

Where will if these lands are

agents of a public riot? you go
I was told to quiet the people. I retorted that it was
in my
them rested with God.
power to arouse them, but to quell
the trouble-maker I
Then I said that if I was considered
should be punished, or banished to any lonely spot on earth
went off, and I spent
they wished. After these words, they
the entire day in the old basilica. Then I went home to sleep,

so that, if anyone wanted to arrest me, he might find me

dawn/ when I set foot out of doors, the basilica
had been surrounded and was being occupied by soldiers.

The soldiers were said to have told the emperor that if he

wished to leave he would be given the opportunity; too,
they would escort him if they saw
him joining the Catholics;
otherwise, they would join the meeting called by Ambrose.
one of the Arians dared appear, for there were none
among the citizens; they consisted of a few who belonged
the imperial household and several Goths. Just as formerly
they had a wagon for a dwelling, so now
the church is their
wagon. Wherever that woman goes, she takes along
13 with
her all her retinue.
From the groaning populace I understood that the basilica
was surrounded. But, while the lessons were being read, I
was informed that even the new basilica was filled with the
populace; the crowd seemed to be greater than when they
were all free to go there, and they were clamoring for a
reader. In short, the soldiers themselves, who appeared to be
besieging the basilica, after learning that I had
ordered them
kept from membership in our communion, began coming
over to our meeting. Some of the women were deeply troubled

12 On Wednesday,
13 A reference to the Scythian origin of the Arian Goths who formerly
lived and held their religious meetings in wagons as they traveled
14 Empress Justina.

when they saw them and one rushed out. But the soldiers
declared they had come to pray, not to fight. The people
broke into some kind of shouting. With what restraint, with
what steadfastness, with what reliance on God did they keep
begging that we go to that basilica! It was said that in that
basilica, too, thepeople were demanding my presence.
Then began* the following discourse:
I Brethren, you
have heard the Book of Job being read which we follow
during this solemn service and season. Even the Devil knew
from experience that this book would be made known where
all the power of his temptation is revealed and set forth. On
that account he hurled himself today with greater strength.
But, thanks be to our God who so confirmed you in faith
and patience. I mounted the pulpit to praise one man, Job;
I have found all of you to be Jobs whom I admire. In each of

you Job has lived again, in each the patience and virtue of
that holy man has shone again. For, what more timely could
be said by Christian men than what the Holy Spirit has
said in you today? We beg, O
Augustus, we do not battle.
We are not afraid, but we are begging. It befits Christians
to hope for the tranquility of peace and not to check the
steadfastness of faith and truth when faced with danger of
death. The Lord is our Head who will save those who hope
in Him. 16
But let us come to the lessons before us. You see, permission
is granted to the Devil to be a tempter in order that the

good may be tried. The Devil envies the progress of the good;
he tempts them in various ways. He tempted Job in his
possessions; he tempted him in his children; he tempted him
in pain of body. The strong man tempted in his own body,

the weak man in another's. And he wanted to take from me

the riches which I have in you, and he desired to scatter this

15 The full text of Ambrose's sermon is here given in the six following
16 Cf. Ps. 16.7.
17 Cf. Job 1.12.

inheritance of your tranquility. He longed to snatch you

away, too, my very good sons,
for whom
I daily renew the

Sacrifice. He was trying to drag you into the ruins

of public

disorder. I have, therefore, experienced two kinds of tempta-

tions.And perhaps because the Lord God knows that I am
over my
weak, He still has not given him [the Devil] power
body. Although I make it my will and make the offering,
He me still unequal to this struggle, and He
tries me
with various labors. And Job did not begin but ended with
this struggle.
of evils;
Moreover, Job was tried by accumulated tidings
he was even tried by his wife who said 'Speak a word against

God, and die.' You see what great disturbances are suddenly
at hand Goths, armed men, heathens, fining of
of saints. You see what is asked when
chants, punishment
given: Hand over
this command is the basilica that is:

'Speak a word against God, and die, do not merely speak a

word opposing God, but make yourself an opponent of God.
The order is: Hand over the altars of God.
Weare hard-pressed by the royal edicts, but we are
of Scripture, which answered:
strengthened by the words 319
'You have spoken like one of the senseless. And that was
no slight temptation,
we know that those temptations
are more severe which are brought about through women.
Indeed, through Eve Adam was deceived, and thus did it
come about that he departed from the divine commands.
When he learned his mistake and was conscious of the sin
within himself, he wished to hide but could not. And so God
said to him: 'Adam, where art thou?' that is, what were

you before? Where now have you begun to stay? Where did
put you? Whither have you wandered? You realize
I that you
are naked because you have lost the robes of good faith.

18 Cf. Job 2.9; the Vulgate is 'Bless God, and die.'

19 Job 2.10.
20 Cf. Gen. 3.6,9.

Those are leaves with which you now seek to cover yourself.
You have repudiated the fruit, wishing to hide under the
leaves of the law, but you are betrayed. You desired to leave
the Lord your one woman, and you are fleeing One
God for
whom formerly you wished to behold. With one woman you
have preferred to hide yourself, to abandon the Mirror of the
world, the abode of paradise, the grace of Christ.'
Why should I tell of how Jezabel severely persecuted
Elias, and Herodias caused John the Baptist to be put to
death? 22 Individual women persecuted individual men, but
in so far as my merits are far less, so are these trials of mine
heavier. My weaker, my danger greater. Women's
strength is

fortune changes, their hatreds are replaced by others, their

contrivances vary, they are following their elders and making
a pretext [of protecting] the king from harm. What reason
isthere for such serious trials against a mere worm, except
that they are persecuting not me but the Church?
Then the command is given: 'Hand over the basilica.' I
answer: 'It is not lawful for me to hand it over, nor is it
expedient for you, O Emperor, to receive it. If you cannot
rightly violate the house of a private individual, do you think
that the house of God can be appropriated?' It is alleged that
all things are permitted the emperor, that everything is his.

To this I reply:'Do not burden yourself with thinking that

you have imperial power over things which are divine. Do
not exalt yourself, but, if you wish to be emperor for a long
time, be subject to God. Scripture says: "What things are
God's to God, what are Caesar's to Caesar." Palaces belong
to the emperor, churches to the bishop. You have been given

authority over public edifices, not over sacred ones.' Again it

is said the order came from the
too, ought to %
have a basilica.' I answered : lt is not lawful for you to have

21 Cf. 3 Kings 19.1,2.

22 Cf. Matt. 14.3-12.
23 Matt. 22.21.

one. What have you to do with an adulteress? She is an

adulteress who is not joined to Christ by lawful union !'

While I was treating of these matters, word was brought to

me that the royal hangings had been gathered up, the basilica
was filling with people, and they were demanding my
presence. At once I turned discourse in that direction,
saying: How lofty and deep are the sayings of the Holy
Spirit As you remember, brethren, we responded with great

sorrow of soul to the words read at Matins: 'O God, the

heathen have invaded thine inheritance. 324 In reality, the
heathen have invaded, and even more than the heathen have
invaded. For the Goths have invaded, and men of different
nations; they invaded with arms and surrounded and seized
the basilica. We lamented this, being ignorant of your great-
ness, but our want of wisdom drew forth this [lament].
The heathen have invaded, and truly they have invaded
your inheritance, for those who invaded as heathen have
become Christians. Those who came to invade the inheritance
became co-heirs of God. I have as defenders those whom I
thought to be enemies; I possess as allies those whom I
thought to be adversaries. That is fulfilled which David the
Prophet sang of the Lord Jesus: 'His abode is in peace/ and
'There he has broken the sides of the bows, the shield, the
sword and the war!' 25 Whose task is this, whose work but
Yours, O
Lord Jesus? You saw armed men coming to Your
temple, people groaning for this reason and coming in crowds
that they might not seem to be handing over God's basilica,
and, on the other hand, the soldiers were under orders to do
violence. Death was before my eyes, but that amid these
events madness should be given no right You put Yourself
in our midst, O Lord, and made both one. 26 You
quieted the
24 Ps. 78.1.
25 Ps. 75.3,4.
26 Cf. Eph. 2.14.

armed men, saying, no doubt 'If you rush to arms, if those


shut up in my temple are disturbed, "What profit will be

from my blood?" Thanks be to You, Christ Not a legate !

or messenger, but 'Thou, O

Lord, hast made safe thy people.*
Thou hast tossed away my sackcloth, and thou hast girt me
with gladness.' 27
These things I said and marveled that the feeling of the
emperor could have grown gentle through the zeal of the
the entreaty of the counts, and the prayers of the
people.Meanwhile the message came to me that an envoy
had been sent to bring me a decree. I withdrew a little and
he acquainted me with the decree. 'What,' he said, 'is your
idea in acting contrary to the emperor's wish?' 'I do not
know his wish,' I answered, 'nor am I certain of what I have
done in disobedience.' he asked, 'did you assign
priests you are a usurper, I want to know
to the basilica? If
how to prepare myself against you/ I replied, saying that I
had done nothing to harm the church, that when I had
heard that the basilica was besieged by soldiers, I only gave
free vent to my and when many urged me to go
there I stated cannot hand over the basilica, yet I cannot
: I

wage a fight.' And after I learned that the royal hangings

had been taken away 29 when the people demanded that I
go there, I sent some priests. I was unwilling to go myself,
but I told them : In Christ I believe that the emperor himself
will join us.
If these seem to
be the acts of a usurper, I have weapons,
but only in the name of Christ. I can offer my life. Why
does he delay striking if he thinks I am a usurper. Under
the Old Testament imperial power was bestowed by priests,
not despotically claimed, and it is commonly said that
emperors aspired to the priesthood rather than priests to the
27 Ps. 29.10; 27.9; 29.12.
28 presbyteri.
29 By the emperor's soldiers.

imperial power. Christ fled lest He be made a king.

have a power ofThe power of the priest is weakness.
our own.
He [St. Paul] said: 'When I am weak, then I am strong.' 31
He should take care not to make himself a usurper, he against
whom God has not raised up an adversary. Maximus does
not say that I am a usurper of Valentinian, though he
complained that through the intervention of my delegation he
was unable to come to Italy. I said, too, that bishops were
never usurpers but often had suffered from usurpers.
That whole day was spent in sorrow on our part. The
royal hangings were torn by children in their play. I could
not return home because soldiers were stationed around the
basilica, keeping it under guard. We recited the Psalms with
the brethren in the smaller chapel of the church.
The next day 33 the Book of Jonas was read according to
custom, and when it was finished I began this sermon:
Brethren, a book has been read in which it is prophesied
that sinners shall return to penance. It is understood to mean
that they may hope for the future in the present. I added
that the just man had been willing to receive even blame, so
as not to see or prophesy destruction for the city. And because
that sentence was mournful, he grew sad when the gourd
withered. God said to the Prophet: 'Are you sad over the
gourd?' Jonas answered: 'I am sad.'
The Lord said that
if he was grieving because the gourd had withered, how
much greater should his care be for the salvation of so many
people And, in
fact, he did away with the destruction which
had been prepared for all the city.
Word came promptly that the emperor had ordered the
soldiers to withdraw from the basilica, and fines which had
been levied on the merchants were being returned to them.
30 Cf. John 6.15.
31 2 Cor. 12.10.
32 This event is also described by St. Augustine (Con/. 9.7) .

33 Thursday o Holy Week.

34 Another sermon is summarized here.
35 Cf. Jonas 4.7,10.

What, then, was the joy of all the people! What cheering
from the whole crowd! What thanksgiving! It was the day
on which the Lord had delivered Himself for us, the day when
penance in the Church is ended. Soldiers vied with one
another in spreading the good news rushing to the altars, and

kissing them, they gave token of peace. Then I knew that

God had smitten the early worm so that the whole city
might be saved.
These events took place, and would that they were now at
an end! But the words of the emperor, full of turmoil, point
to greater disturbances. I am called a usurper; even worse
than a usurper. For when the counts begged the emperor to
give in to the Church, and said that they did this at the request
of the soldiers, he answered: lf Ambrose ordered you, you
will give me to him in chains.
After such a speech, just
think what is coming! All were horrified at this statement,
but some of his men are urging him on.
Finally, too, Calligonus, the grand chamberlain, dared to
address me in this fashion: While I live, do you treat
Valentinian with contempt? I will take your life I answered:!'

May God grant you to fulfill what you threaten, for I shall 336
suffer what bishops suffer, and you will act as eunuchs act.

May God turn them from the Church and direct their
weapons all on me, and slake their thirst with my blood.
36 The, entire description of Ambrose's encounter with Valentinian is
comparable to his later conduct before the tyrant Maximus at Trier.
See Letter 10.

61. To the lady his sister, dearer than life and eyes, a brother
(June 20, 386)

Ordinarily, I do not leave your Holiness unacquainted

with the events taking place here in your absence. You should
know, then, that we have found some holy martyrs. When I
had consecrated the basilica, many persons with one accord
began appealing to me, saying: 'Consecrate this as you did
theRoman basilica.' I will,' I said, 'if I find relics of martyrs.'

And at once I was seized, as it were, with a great presentiment

of some sort of divine sign.
In short, the Lord bestowed His favor. Even the clergy
were afraid when I bade them clear away the ground in the
spot before the grating of Sts. Felix and Nabor. I found
encouraging signs. And when certain persons were brought
forward to have my hands laid on them [in blessing], the
holy martyrs began driving away [the evil spirit], so that
before I had said anything one woman was seized and
thrown forward at the holy burial place. We found two men
of wondrous stature, such as ancient ages bore. The bones
were all intact and there was much blood. 3 great throng A
of people was there during these two days. In short, we
arranged everything in orderly fashion. As it was close to
evening, we transferred them to the basilica of Fausta. All
that night watch was kept and blessings were given. The
next day we transferred them to that which is called the
Ambrosian Basilica. While they were being transferred a
blind man was cured. My sermon to the people was as
follows :

WhenI consider the overflowing and unprecedented num-

ber in this gathering of yours, and the gift of divine grace

1 Augustine also describesthis event (Con/. 9.7; De civ. Dei 22.8) ; cf.
also his C. Don. Epist. 19.
2 The editors read una f not urna as in the mss.
3 Some rationalists maintain that Ambrose found
prehistoric burials in
which bones were often covered with red ochre. Cf. Dudden, pp. 306-

which has shone forth in the holy martyrs, I confess I feel

unequal to this task, nor can we express with words what we

can scarcely understand with the mind or grasp with the eye.
But when the regular reading of the holy Scriptures began,
the Holy Spirit who spoke by the Prophets bestowed His
gift so that we might utter something worthy of so great a
throng and your hopes and the merits of the holy martyrs.
'The heavens declare the glory of God.' 4 When this psalm
is read, the thought occurs that it is not the material elements

but heavenly graces which seem to offer worthy praise

to God. Yet, today, it is evident from the chance reading of
the lesson what heavens declare the glory of God. See on my
right hand, see on my left, these most sacred relics See these

men of heavenly manner of life! Look at the rewards of a

great soul! These are the heavens which declare the glory of
God; these are the works of His hands which the firmament
proclaims. It was not the charm of the world but the grace
of God at work which brought them to the firmament of the
most holy passion. In fact, long ago, their characters and
virtues were tested and bore witness of them because they
remained firm against the hazards of this world.
Paul was a heaven when he said: Our citizenship is in
heaven.' James and John were heavens, and for this reason
they are called 'Sons of Thunder. In fact, John, like heaven,
saw the Word with God. 7 The Lord Jesus Himself was ^t
heaven of everlasting light when He revealed the glory of
God, but a glory which no one had beheld before. And so He
said: 'No one has at any time seen God. The only-begotten
Son, who is in the bosom of the Father, he has revealed him.'
If you also are seeking for the works of God's hands, hear

Job when he says: 'The spirit of God who made me.' Thus

4 PS. 18.2.
5 Phil. 3.20.
6 Mark 3.17.
7 Cf. John 1.1.
8 John 1.18.
9 Job 33.4.

of the Devil, he held

strengthened against the temptations
us proceed
the path of constancy without stumbling. But let
to the remaining verses.
heralds the message.' See
'Day,' it is said, unto day
no makes false. See the
the true days which mist of night
true days of full light and brilliance everlasting which herald
the work of not with foolish talk, but firm in the
confession of Him from the innermost heart, persevering in

martyrdom. 11
Another psalm which was read says: 'Who is as the Lord
our God who dwelleth on high, and looketh down on the

low things in heaven and in earth? God, no doubt, casts

His eyes on the lowly, He who laid bare the relics of the

holy martyrs of His Church, lying hid under the lowly turf,

their souls in heaven, their bodies in the earth: 'Raising up

the needy man out of the dust, lifting up the poor man out
of the dunghill,' placing him, as you see, with the princes of
his people. Whom
are we to think of as the princes of his
if not the holy martyrs in whose number long ago
the unknown Protase and Gervase were given place? They
now cause the Church at Milan, barren of martyrs, now the
mother of many children, to rejoice in the glory and examples
of their suffering.
This should not be unlike the true faith: 'Day unto day
heralds the message,' soul unto soul, life unto life, resurrec-
tion unto resurrection. 'And night unto night makes it
known,' that is, flesh unto flesh whose suffering reveals to
all itstrue knowledge of faith. Those nights are good, those
nights are clear in which there are stars, Tor
as star differs
from star in glory, so also with the resurrection of the dead.'
With good reason do people call this the resurrection of
the martyrs. But I will see whether the martyrs arose for

10 Ps. 18.3.
11 Ps. 112.5-8.
12 Ps. 18.2.
13 1 Cor. 15.41,42.

their advantage or for ours. You know, and, in fact, have

seen many persons cleansed of the evil spirits. And many
who touched the clothing of the with their hands were
rid of sicknesses which troubled them. Miracles from times

past are beginning anew as when at the coming of the Lord

Jesus great grace poured itself upon the earth. You have seen
how many have been healed by the mere shadow of the
bodies of the saints. How many handkerchiefs have been
passed about! How many garments which were laid upon
the sacred relics are now said to possess healing power in
their very touch! Everyone is glad to touch the outer cloth
and touching it he will be cured.
Thanks be O
Lord Jesus, for having aroused the
to you,

spirit of the martyrs at this time when Your Church needs

greater protection. Let everyone know the kind of defenders
I need, those who can fight back but are not wont to attack.
These I have secured for you, O
holy people, so that they
will bring help to all and harm to none. I am soliciting
defenders like these, I do not have soldiers like these soldiers,
that is, who
are not of the world, but soldiers of Christ.
With such as these, I fear no ill-will; the greater the number
of them, the safer are my defenses. And I hope for the

protection from them for the very ones who grudge them to
me. Let them come and see my bodyguards. I do not deny
that I am surrounded with such arms: 'Those are strong in
chariots, these in horses, but we will be great in the name of
the Lord our God. 315
The text of holy Scripture tells how Eliseus spoke to his
servant who was afraid when he was surrounded by the
army of the Syrians and bade him not to fear: 'Because,' he

14 St. Charles Borromeo inscribed Ambrose's words, 'Tales ego ambio

defensoresf on a banner of Sts. Gervase and Protase, which was carried
through the streets of Milan during the great plague of 1576-1577.
This is but one instance of many, illustrating Charles' devotion to his
saintly predecessor in the see of Milan.
15 Ps. 19.8.

said, 'there are more with us than against To prove this

he prayed that the eyes of Giezi be opened, and, when they

were opened, he [Giezi] saw countless hosts of angels.
Although we cannot see them, we feel that they are present.
Our eyes were closed as long as the bodies of the saints lay
hidden under cover. The Lord has opened our eyes; we have
seen His troops which have so often protected us. Formerly,
we did not see them, although we had them. Then, because
we were afraid, the Lord said, as it were: 'Behold the great
martyrs whom I have given you.' So with our eyes unsealed
we look upon the glory of the Lord which took place in the
past in the sufferings of the martyrs and is present in
works. Brethren, we have escaped no slight load of shame,
for we had patrons and did not know it. We
have found this
one thing in which we appear to surpass our elders we
have regained the knowledge of the saintly martyrs which
they had lost.

The glorious relics are rescued from an inglorious tomb;

the trophies are exhibited to heaven; the tomb drips with
blood; the marks of the. bleeding triumph appear; the
undisturbed relics are found on the spot in perfect order,
with the head torn from the shoulders. Old men say now that
they used to hear other names given to these martyrs and
that they have read their inscription. The city which had
carried off the martyrs of others had lost her own. Although
this is the gift of God, I cannot deny the grace which the
Lord Jesus has granted in the time of my bishopric. And
because I myself am not worthy to be a martyr, I have
secured these martyrs for you.
Let the triumphant victims take their place where Christ is
the victim. Let Him be above the altar who suffered for all;
let them be beneath the altar who were redeemed by His

suffering. This is the spot that I had destined for myself,

because it is fitting that a bishop rest where he was wont to

16 4 Kings 6.16.

offer the Holy Sacrifice. But I yield the right-hand portion

to the sacred victims, that place is owed the martyrs. Let us

therefore bury the sacred relics, carrying them to worthy

resting places, and let us celebrate the entire day with the
worship of faith.
The people shouted that the burial of the martyrs should
be postponed to the Lord's day. Finally, however, it was
agreed to have it take place the following day. On that day
the sermon which I gave to the people was like this:
Yesterday I explained the verse: 'Day unto day heralds
the message,' in so far as the range of my ability carried me.
Today, holy Scripture seems not only to have prophesied in
the past but also to be doing so in the present. For, when I
see the throngs of your Holiness continuing day and night,
the words of the Prophet's song declare that these days,
yesterday and today, are those of which it is most fittingly
said: 'Day unto day heralds the message,' and those nights
of which it is very suitably calculated that 'night unto night
makes it known.' For what except the Word of God have you
heralded for two days from the bottom of your hearts and
given proof that you have a knowledge of the faith?
Yet, the usual ones grudge you this celebration. And
because they cannot understand your celebration with their
envious minds they hate the reason for it. They reach such
folly as to say that there are no merits in the martyrs, although
even the evil spirits admit them. But this is not strange.
Indeed, so great is the lack of faith of the unbelieving that
the confession of the Devil is more tolerable. For the Devil
said: 'Jesus, Son of the living God, why have you come to
torment us before the time?' 17 And when the Jews heard
this they still denied that He was the Son of God. Now, you
have also heard the demons crying out and admitting to the
martyrs that they cannot bear their punishment, saying:
'Why have you come to torment us so severely?' And the
17 Matt. 8.29.

Arians say These are not martyrs, nor can they torment the

Devil, nor free anyone,' although the torments are attested by

the words of the demons themselves, and the benefits of the
martyrs are disclosed by the cures of those who were healed
and the testimony of those who were set free.
They say that the blind man has not been given his sight,
but he does not say he was not healed. He says: I see, I who
C 5

did not see. He says: I have ceased to be blind, and he


proves it by the fact. They deny the benefit who cannot deny
the fact. This man is well known, for he was an employee
of the state when he was well, a man named Severus, a
butcher by trade. He gave up his employment when his
affliction befell him. He calls to witness the men whose kind-
ness formerly supported him; he summons those as witnesses
of his healing whom he used to have as witnesses and judges
of his blindness. He cries out, saying that when he touched
the hem of the martyrs garment in which the sacred relics
were covered light was restored to him.
Does this not resemble the account we read in the Gospel?
We praise the power of the one Author; it makes no difference
whether it is a work or a gift, since He gives a gift in His
work and He works in His gift. What He enjoins others to do,
this His name works works of others.
in the read, there- We
fore, in the
Gospel that the Jews, when they saw the
restoration of health in the blind man, asked proof from his

parents. They asked them:

How is it
your son sees? when

he said: 'Whereas I was blind, now I see.' In this case, too,
the man
says: was blind and now I see. Ask others if you
do not believe me. Ask strangers so that you will not think
that my parents are under agreement to me.' Their obstinacy
is more hateful than that of the
Jews. When they were in
18 See Augustine, De civ. Dei 22.8; Serm. 381.1; Retr. 13.7.
19 John 9.25.

doubt, they asked the parents. These ask in secret and openly
deny. No longer do they disbelieve the work, but the Author.
But what is it, I ask, which they do not believe? Is it
whether persons can be healed by martyrs? This is to fail to
believe in Christ, for He Himself said: 'And greater than
these you will do. 320 Or [do they ask whether persons can be

healed] by those martyrs whose merits for a long time were

vigorous, whose bodies were found long ago? Here now I
ask: Do they grudge me or the holy martyrs? Can I perform
any miracles? Can anything be done by my work, in my
name? Why, then, do they grudge me what is not mine? If
they grudge the martyrs (for it still remains that, if they do
not grudge me, they seem to grudge the martyrs), they show
that the martyrs were of another faith than what they believe.
For no other reason would they envy their works unless they
realized that the faith in them was other than their own, that
faith which was established by the tradition of the fathers,
which the devils themselves cannot deny, although the Arians
do so.
We have heard those who had hands laid on them say
today that no one can be saved unless he believes in the
Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit, that he is dead and
buried who denies the Holy Spirit and does not believe in
the omnipotence of the Trinity. The Devil admits this, but
the Arians do not wish to profess it. The Devil says 'Let him

who denies the Godhead of the Holy Spirit be tormented as

he was by the martyrs.'
I do not accept the Devil's testimony, but I do accept his
confession. The Devil spoke unwillingly under duress and
torment. Torture exacts that which wickedness suppresses.
Although the Devil yielded to blows, the Arians do not know
how to yield. How like Pharao have they suffered many
20 John 14.12.

misfortunes and are hardened by their misfortunes! The

Devil said those words which we read: 'Iknow who thou art,
thou art the Son of the living God.' The Jews said: 'We
do not know who he is.' The devils said today and yesterday
and last night: you are martyrs/ And the
'We know that
Arians say: 'We do not know, we do not want to know, we

do not want to believe. The devils say to the martyrs: 'You

have come to destroy us. The Arians say: 'The torments of
and empty mockery.'
the devils are not real; they are feigned
I have heard many things being imagined, but no one

could ever feign this and pretend that he was a devil. What
is it which we see so disturbs them on whom a hand is laid?

Where is there room for deceit? Where is there a trace of

Yet I do not make use of the statement of the demons as a
support for the martyrs. Their holy suffering proved by its is

benefits. It has judges, but they are those who have been

cleansed; it has witnesses, but they are those who were set
free. The proof of those who came here ill is worth more,
for their healing attests it. The proof which blood sends forth
stronger, for blood has a piercing voice which reaches from
earth to heaven, as you read that God said: 'The blood of
your brother cries out to me.' Here blood cries out by

disclosing its color; blood cries out by publishing its work;

blood cries out by the triumph of its
suffering. Your petition
has been granted to postpone until today yesterday's burial of

21 Mark 1.24.
22 John 9.29.
23 Gen. 4.10.

62. A brother to his sister (December, 388)

You condescended to write me saying that your Holiness

was anxious because I had written that I was anxious. I

am surprised that you did not receive my letter in which I

wrote that peace had flowed back upon me. For, when the
report came that the synagogue of the Jews and an assembly
place of the Valentinians had been burned at the instigation
of a bishop, the order was made, while I was at Aquileia, for
the bishop to rebuild the synagogue, and the monks who had
burned the Valentinians' building to be punished. Thus, when
I accomplished nothing by frequent attempts, I wrote and
sent a letter to the emperor, and when he came to church I
delivered this sermon:
It is written in the book of the Prophet: 'Take to thyself
a rod of a nut tree/ 3 so we must consider why the Lord said
this to the Prophet, fornot written without a purpose,
it is

since we Pentateuch that the nut tree of

also read in the
Aaron, the priest, blossomed after it had been laid away for
a long while. By the rod he appears to point out that the
prophetic or priestly power should be straightforward, so that
it may counsel not what is pleasant but what is expedient.

Indeed, the Prophet is bidden to take a nut tree branch

because the fruit of that aforesaid tree has a bitter rind and
a hard shell, but a good fruit within; thus, in imitation of it,
the Prophet also may utter bitter and hard sayings, and be
unafraid to give voice to harsh teaching. The priest, too,
may do the same, because his teaching, bitter though it may
seem to some persons for a while and long laid away in the
ears of hypocrites, yet, after a time, when it seems to have
dried up, it blossoms forth like Aaron's rod.

1 At Callinicum, modern Ar-Rakka, on the Euphrates. Cf. above, Letter

2, to
2 Paulinus (Vit. 22-23) says that Ambrose wrote from Aquileia to
Theodosius, who was at Milan, and then later preached the sermon in
his own Cathedral at Milan.
3 Jer. 1.11.

Therefore the Apostle says: 'What is your wish? Shall I

come to you with a rod, or in love, and in the spirit of
meekness?' He first mentioned the rod and, as it were, struck

with the nut-tree rod those going astray, so that he might

comfort them later in the spirit of meekness. Thus did
meekness restore one whom the rod had deprived of the
heavenly sacraments. He also gave similar commands to his
disciple, saying: 'Reprove, entreat, rebuke.'
Two of these are

harsh, one is mild; but they are harsh only that they may
soften, as persons, suffering from an excess of gall, find the
bitterness of food or drink sweet, and, on the other hand,
sweet foods bitter; thus, when the soul is wounded, it
worse under the warmth of pleasurable flattery, and is again
put in order by the bitterness of correction.
These thoughts may be gathered from the reading of the
Prophet. Let us also consider what is contained in the reading
of the Gospel: 'One of the Pharisees asked the Lord Jesus to
dine with him; so he went into the house of the Pharisee,
and reclined at table. And behold, a woman in the town,
who was a sinner, upon learning that Jesus was at table in
the Pharisee's house, brought an alabaster jar of ointment;
and standing behind him at his feet, she began to bathe his
feet with her tears.' And then I read on to the words 'Thy :

faith has saved thee; go in peace.' How simple, I went on to


say, in words, how deep in meaning is the reading of the

Gospel! Therefore, since they are the words of the great
Counselor, let us consider their depth.
Our Lord Jesus Christ decided that men could be bound
and won over to what is right more readily by love than by
fear, and that love does more for correction than does fear.
And so when He came, born of a virgin, He sent ahead His
4 I Cor. 4.21.
5 2 Tim. 4.2.
6 Luke 7.36-38,50.
7 Isa. 9.6.

grace to forgive sin in baptism in order to make us more

pleasing to Himself. Then, if we repay Him by services
befitting grateful men, He declared in this woman that there
shall be to men the reward of grace itself. If He had

forgiven only our first debts, He would have seemed more

cautious than generous, more intent on our correction than

magnanimous in His reward. It is only the cunning of a
narrow mind which tries to entice, but it is fitting that God
lead on with an increase of His grace those whom He has
invited by grace. So He first bestows on us a gift in baptism,
and later He is most generous with His gifts to those who
serve Him well. These benefits of Christ, therefore, are both
incentives and rewards of virtue.
Let no one be surprised if we use the word 'creditor.' 8
We were formerly under a harsh creditor who could not be
satisfied or fully paid except by the death of the debtor.
The Lord Jesus came; He saw us bound by a heavy debt.
No one could pay his debt with his inheritance of innocence ;

I was able to take nothing of mine with which to free

myself; He gave me a new kind of acquittal, enabling me to

get another creditor, because I had not the means of dis-
charging my debt. Yet, not nature, but sin, had made us"
debtors; by our sins we contracted heavy debts so that we
who were free became bound, for a debtor is one who uses
any of a creditor's money. Sin is from the Devil. That
wicked one, as were, has these treasures among his pos-

sessions, for as Christ's riches are virtues, so the Devil's pos-

sessions are crimes. He had reduced the human race to

everlasting captivity under a heavy debt of inherited liability,

which our forefather, being under debt, had transmitted by
legacy to his posterity. The Lord Jesus came; He offered His
death for the death of all; He poured out His blood for the
blood of everyone.

8 A reference to Luke 7.41, which Ambrose has not quoted in full in

this letter.

then, have changed our creditor;

We, we have not entirely
rather, we have escaped, but the debt remains,
escaped, or,
while the interest is canceled, the Lord Jesus saying: To
them that are bound: Come forth. And to them that are in
Go forth/ for your sins have been forgiven.
9 He has
forgiven all and there is no one whom He has not set free.

canceling the

For it is written that He forgave all your sins,

Why, then, do we hold decrees of others

decree against us/
and wish to make exactions of others, while we enjoy our
own freedom? He who forgave all required of all that each
his own forgiveness.
forgive others, remembering
See to it that you do not get into a worse state as creditor
than you did as debtor, like the man in the Gospel whose
master forgave whole debt, but who began later to demand
of his fellow servant what he had not paid, so that the
master in anger exacted from him with great severity what
he had forgiven him before. Let us beware of this happening
to us, that by not forgiving what is owed to us we be held
for it is written in the words of
responsible for what we owe,
the Lord Jesus 'So also my heavenly Father will do to you,

if you do not each brothers from your hearts.'
forgive your
Let us who have been forgiven much forgive a little, and
let us realize that we will be more acceptable to God the
to God the more
more we forgive, for we are more pleasing
we have been forgiven.
Then, when the Pharisee was asked by the Lord 'Which :

ofthem loved him more?' He answered: 'He, suppose, to I

whom he forgave more.' And the Lord replied: Thou hast

judged rightly/
The praised, but his affection
Pharisee's is is
disapproved. He
judges well of others, but he does not believe
what he thinks of others. You hear a Jew praise the Church's
9 Isa. 49.8.
10 Col. 2.13,14.
11 Cf. Matt. 18.27-35.
12 Luke 7.42,43.

discipline,proclaim its true grace, honor the Church's priests;

you ask him to believe, but he refuses, so that what he praises
in us he himself does not follow. It was not ample praise he
heard from Christ: 'Thou hast judged rightly,' for Cain also
made his offerings rightly, but did not divide rightly, and so
God said to him: 'If thou oflferest rightly, but do not divide

rightly, thou has sinned, be still.'

In like manner this man
offered rightly, because he judged that Christ ought to be
more loved by Christians, for He forgave us many sins, but
he did not divide rightly, because he thought that the One
who forgave men their sins could be ignorant of men's sins.
Therefore He says to Simon: 'Dost thou see this woman?
I came into thy house; thou gavest me no water for my feet;
but she has bathed my feet with tears.' 14 We are all the one
body of Christ, whose head is God, whose members we
are; some perhaps are the eyes, like the Prophets; others,
teeth, as the Apostles who passed the food of the Gospel
teaching into our hearts, and so it is written: 'His eyes are
bright with wine, his teeth whiter than milk.' His hands are
those who are seen carrying out good works. Those who
bestow the strength of nourishment upon the poor are His
belly. Some are His feet, and would that I were worthy to be
His heel! He
pours water on the feet of Christ who forgives
the lowly their sins, and, in setting free the common man, he
bathes the feet of Christ.
He pours water on Christ's feet who cleanses his conscience
from the filth of sin, for Christ walks in the hearts of each
and every one. Beware of having a soiled conscience and
beginning to defile the feet of Christ. Beware of His stum-
bling on a thorn of wickedness in you, for this would hurt His
heel as He walks in you. This is why the Pharisee poured no
water on Christ's feet, because he had not a soul free from

13 Gen. 4.7.
14 Luke 7.44.
15 Cf. 1 Cor. 12.12.
16 Cf. Gen. 49.12.

the filth of unbelief. And how could he wash his conscience

if he had not received the water of Christ? But the Church
has this water and the Church has tears, the water of baptism,
the tears of penance. Faith which weeps over former sins
bewares of sinning anew. Therefore, Simon the Pharisee, who
had no water, had, of course, no^ tears. How could he have
tears if he did not do penance, for, not believing in Christ,
he had no tears? If he had had them, he would have bathed
his eyes so that he could see Christ whom he did not see

although he was at table with

Him. If he had seen Him,
surely he would never have doubted His power.
The Pharisee had no hair, since he could not recognize the
the Nazarite.
Nazarite, but the Church has it, for she sought
Hairs are considered among the superfluities of the body, but,
if they are anointed, they give forth a good perfume and are

an ornament to the head; if they are not anointed with oil,

are a burden if you do not
they are a burden. Thus riches
know how to use them, if you do not sprinkle them with the
perfume of Christ. But if you feed the poor, and
wash their
wounds, and cleanse their filth, you have indeed wiped the
feet of Christ.
'Thou gavest me no kiss, moment she
but she, from the
entered, has not ceased to kiss my feet.'
a mark ofkiss is

love. How, then, can a Jew have a kiss, who has not known
peace, who has not received peace from Christ when He
said: 'My peace I give you, my peace unto you/
I leave

The synagogue has no kiss, but the Church has, for she waited
and loved and said: 'Let him kiss me with the kiss of his
mouth.' She wished with His kiss to quench gradually the
burning of the long desire which had grown with longing
for the Lord's coming; she wished to satisfy her thirst with
this boon. Therefore, the holy Prophet says : 'Thou wilt open
17 Luke 7.43.
18 John 14.27.
19 Cant. 1.1.

my mouth, and it shall declare thy praise. 320 One who praises
the Lord Jesus gives Him a kiss; one who
praises surely
believes. David himself says: 'I trusted, even when I
and above: 'Let my mouth be full of thy praise, and let me
sing thy glory.'
The same Scripture teaches you of the infusion of special
grace, how hegives a kiss to Christ who receives the Spirit,
the holy Prophet saying: 'I opened
my mouth, and drew in
the Spirit. 523 He kisses Christ who confesses Him: Tor with
the heart a man believes unto justice, and with the mouth
profession is made unto salvation.' He truly kisses Christ's
feetwho, in reading the Gospel, recognizes the acts of the
Lord Jesus and admires them with holy affection, and so
with a reverent kiss, as it were, he caresses the footprints of
the Lord as He walks. We kiss Christ, therefore, in the kiss
of Communion: 'Let him who reads understand.'

Howcould a Jew have this kiss? For he who did not

believe in His coming did not believe in His passion. How
does he believe that He suffered whom he did not believe to
have come? The Pharisee, therefore, had no kiss except
perhaps that of the traitor Judas. But even Judas did not
have a kiss, and when he wished to show the Jews the
promised kiss as a sign of betrayal the Lord says to him:
'Judas, dost thou betray the Son of Man with a kiss?
is, you are offering Me a kiss, and you do not have the love

of a kiss; you offer a kiss, and you know not the

mystery of a
kiss. It is not the kiss of the which
lips is
sought, but of the
heart and soul.
But you say: He kissed the Lord. Yes, he kissed with his

20 Ps. 70.8.
21 Ps. 115.10.
22 Ps. 70.8.
23 Ps. 118.131.
24 Rom. 10.10.
25 Matt. 24.15.
26 Luke 22.48.

lips. This kiss the Jewish people have, and so it is written:

'This people honors me
with their lips, but their heart is far
from me. Therefore, one who has not faith and love has
not a kiss, for with a kiss the strength of love is impressed.
Where there is not love, there is not faith, there is not
tenderness, and what sweetness of kisses can there be?
But the Church does not cease to kiss Christ's feet, and
demands not one but many kisses in the Canticle of Can-
ticles, since like blessed Mary she listens to His every saying,
she receives His every word, when the Gospel or the Prophets
are read, and she keeps all these words in her heart. The
Church alone has kisses, like a bride, for a kiss is a pledge of
nuptials and the privilege of wedlock. How could a Jew have
kisses,since he does not believe in the Bridegroom? How
could a Jew have kisses, if he still does not know that the
Bridegroom has come?
He has not only no kisses, but neither does he have oil
to anoint Christ's feet, for if he had had oil, he would have,
before now, softened his own neck. Therefore, Moses says:
Tor it is a stiff-necked people,' 31 and the Lord says that the
Levite and the priest passed by and neither of them poured
oil or wine into the wounds of the man beaten by robbers,

for they had nothing to pour, but, if they had had oil, they
would have poured it into their own wounds. But Isaias
declares: 'They cannot apply ointment nor oil nor bandage.' 33
But the Church has oil with which she dresses her chil-
dren's wounds lest the severity of the wound work deep within.
She has oil which she received secretly. With this oil Aser
washed his feet, as it is written: 'A blessed son is Aser, and
27 Matt. 15.8, quoting Isa. 29.13.
28 Cf. Cant. 1.1.
29 Cf. Luke 2.51.
30 Cf. Luke 7.46.
31 Exod. 34.9.
32 Cf. Luke 10.31,32.
33 Isa. 1.6.

he shall be acceptable to his brethren, and shall dip his

foot in oil.' With this oil the Church anoints the necks of
her children so that they may take the yoke of Christ; with
this oil sheanointed the martyrs so that they might wipe off
the dust of this world; with this oil she anointed confessors
lest they give way to toil, succumb, being weary, or be over-
come by the heat of this world. Therefore did she anoint
them so that she might cool them with the oil of the Spirit.
The synagogue has not this oil, for it has not the olive,
not having known that dove which carried an olive branch
after the flood. That dove descended later when Christ was
being baptized, and it remained over Him, as John testifies

in the Gospel, saying: *I beheld the Spirit descending as a

dove from heaven, and it abode upon him.' 36 How did he see
the dove who did not see Him over whom the Spirit descended
as a dove?
The Church, therefore, washes the feet of Christ and
wipes them with her hair and anoints them with oil and
pours ointment upon them, since not only does she care for the
wounded and fondle the weary, but she also bedews them
with the sweet perfume of grace. And she pours this grace
not only on the rich and powerful, but also on men of lowly
birth. She weighs all in an equal balance; she receives all into
the same bosom; she fondles all in the same embrace.
Christ died once; He was buried once; nevertheless, He
wishes ointment poured upon His feet each day. What feet of
Christ are they that we pour ointment upon? They are the
feet of Christ ofwhom He Himself says: 'What you have
done for one of the least of these, you have done to me.' 37
These feet the woman in the Gospel refreshes, these she
bedews with her tears, 38 when sin is forgiven the lowest of
34 Deut. 33.24.
35 Cf, Gen. 7.11.
36 John 1.32.
37 Matt. 25.40.
38 Cf. Luke 7.38.

men, guilt washed away, and pardon granted. These feet he

kisses loves even the least of God's people. These feet he
anoints with ointment who imparts the favor of his gentleness
to those who are more frail. In these the martyrs, in these
the Apostles, in these the Lord Jesus Himself declares He is
You see how virtuous the Lord is, that He urges you to
piety through His own example, for He is virtuous even when
He offers reproof. Accusing the Jews, He says my people, : O
what have I done to thee or in what have I grieved thee or
in what have I molested thee? Answer thou me. For I
brought thee out of the land of Egypt and I delivered thee
out of the house of servitude.' And He adds: 'And I sent
before thy face Moses and Aaron and Mary.' Bear in mind
what Balac plotted against you, that is, the one seeking the
help of magical art; but still I did not permit him to harm
you. As an exile in a foreign country, you were overwhelmed
and hard pressed with burdensome trials; I sent before your
face Moses and Aaron and Mary, and he, who had robbed the
exile, was himself first robbed. You who had lost your
possessions gained those of others, being freed from the
enemy who walled you in, and safely you saw the destruction
of your enemies amid the waves, while the same water which
surrounded and carried you forward flowed back and drown-
ed the enemy. When you needed food, as you came through
the desert, did I not provide a rain of food and provisions in
abundance wherever you went? 41 Did I not bring you, after
subduing your enemies, into the country of the Botrys?
Did I not deliver to you Sehon, King of the Amorrhites 43
(that is, the proud, the king of those who provoke you), and
did I not hand over to you the King of Hai alive, whom you,
because of an ancient curse, fixed to the wood and hung

39 Mich. 6.3,4.
40 Cf. Exod. 14.29.
41 Cf. Exod. 16.4.
42 Cf. Num. 13.24,25 (Septuagint) .
Botrys is called Wady Eshcol in the
43 Cf. Num. 21.26.

upon a Why should I mention the slaughter of the

troops of the five kings who endeavored to keep the land

they owed you? And in return for all this, O
man, what do I
ask but that you do judgment and justice, and love mercy,
and be prepared to walk with the Lord your God.
What was His reproach through the Prophet Nathan to
King David himself, that pious and gentle man? I chose
you, He said, the youngest of your brethren; I filled you with
the spirit of meekness; I anointed you king through Samuel
in whom I and My name dwelt; I 'removed that former
whom an evil spirit induced to persecute the Lord's

priests, and from anexile I made you a conqueror. I raised

up toyour throne one of your seed, not an heir as much as

partner; I made the strange nations subject to you, to serve

you, whereas they had been your attackers. Will you draw
those who serve Me into the power of My enemies? And will
you take away what belonged to a servant of Mine, and
thereby be branded with sin, and will you give My adversaries
an occasion to boast?
Therefore, O
Emperor for I will speak not only about
you, but to you since you observe how seriously the Lord is
wont to censure, take thought, now that you have become
glorious, to submit all the more to your Maker. For it is
written: 'Say not when the Lord your God has brought you
into another's land and you have eaten another's fruit: "My
virtue and my justice gave this to me, but the Lord God
but Christ in His mercy brought it." 47 Thus, in
bestowed it,

loving this body, that is, the Church, bring water for His
feet, and kiss His feet, not only pardoning those who have
become enmeshed in sin, but by your peace giving them
concord and putting them at peace. Pour ointment on His
44 Cf. Josue 8.23,29.
45 Cf. 2 Kings 12.7-12. Ambrose here makes the reproach of Nathan fall

upon Theodosius.
46 Valens.
47 Deut. 9.4.
48 Cf. John 12.3.

feet, that the whole house wherein Christ reclines at table

may be filled with the odor of your ointment, that all at table
with Him may be pleased with your perfume; in other words,
pay honor the least [of men]. Thus, angels may be

gladdened by the forgiveness of these, as over one sinner

doing penance; the Apostles may rejoice, the Prophets may
delight !
eyes cannot say to the hand 'We do not
The : need
thy help'; nor, again, the head to the feet: 'I have no need
of you.' But, because all are needed, guard the whole body
of the Lord Jesus, that He also by His heavenly condescension
may preserve your kingdom.
When I came down from the pulpit, he [the emperor]
said to me: 'You spoke about me.' I answered: 'I preached
what is intended to benefit you.' Then he said: 'I really
made too harsh a decision about the bishop's repairing the
synagogue. The monks do many outrageous things.' Then
Timosius, general of the cavalry and infantry, began being
abusive about the monks. I answered him: 'I am dealing
with the emperor, as is fitting, for I know that he fears the
Lord; but one must deal otherwise with you, for you speak
so rudely.'

Then, when I had stood for some time, I said to the

emperor: 'Let me confidently sacrifice in your behalf; set my
mind at rest.' When he continued sitting and nodding, and
made no promise openly, and I remained standing, he said
he would correct the edict. I immediately went on to say
that he should end the whole investigation, so that the count
would not harm the Christians in any way on the pretext of an
investigation. He promised. I said to him: 1 am acting on
your promise,' and I repeated 'I am acting on your promise.'

'Go ahead,' he said, 'on my promise.' So I went to the altar,

49 Cf. Luke 15.10.

50 1 Cor. 1221.

but Iwould not have done so if he had not fully promised. 51

Indeed, so great was the grace of the Offering that I myself
felt that the favor had been
very pleasing to our God, and
that we were in the
presence of God. Thus, all was done as
I wished.

51 This sentence reveals Ambrose's determination to establish

very de-
episcopal and imperial spheres of influence.

63. Ambrose to Alypius

HE HONORABLE Antiochus 2 delivered to me your
Excellency's letter, and I have not been remiss in
sending a reply. I dispatched a letter to you by my
own messengers, and, unless I am mistaken, sent another
when a second opportunity arose. 3 Feeling as I do that we are
to amass rather than carefully weigh out tokens of friend-
ship, it to make some return of correspond-
became my duty
ence, especially our friend upon returning put me
under obligation by mentioning your letters. Only thus might
I stand clear with each of you, and he with you, for he was

bound to bring back to you what he had received from you.

Farewell, and love those who love you.

64. Ambrose to Antonius1

You are never unmentioned by me, nor shall I ever com-

plain of being passed over in silence, for Iknow that I am not
1 Undated; the addressee is
undoubtedly Faltonius Probus Alypius, pre-
fect of the city in 391.
2 Antiochus was proconsul of Achaia in 395. He and Alypius are also
both mentioned in the correspondence of Symmachus.
3 Internal evidence of other letters of Ambrose to Alypius.

1 Undated, to Claudius Antonius, consul in 382 (?) .


absent from your heart. But, since you are concerned over
to give what others
what is
precious, how can you refuse
often receive, not as a token of love but as an exchange of
Indeed, from my own
feelings I can in turn judge yours,
believing I am
never far from you nor you from me, so
closely are we united in our souls. I should
never feel I
need your letters or you mine, for I talk with you each day,
turning toward you my gaze, my attention, and all my
Rivalry with you in acts like these gives me pleasure, for
to speak openly with one who inseparable from my heart

your put me to
letters shame. I beg you, then, cease
expressing your gratitude, for my respects to you have their
full reward if I know I have not failed in my duty toward

Farewell, and love us, because I also love you.

65. Ambrose to Atticus

You sent a letter by my friend Priscus. He delivered it to

me and am
doing the same to him. Continue to love Priscus
as you do, and even more than you do; this I advise because
1 esteem my friend Priscus very highly. I feel toward him
that pristine love of ours whichfrom childhood on has grown
with our years. But it was a long while since I had seen him,
so that not only by his name but by the long interval of
time he came to me as truly 'pristine.'
Farewell, and love us who cherish you, for we love you.

2 Viz., a letter.

1 Undated; it is probable that Atticus was the consul of 397.


66. Ambrose to Bellicius, greetings

You tell me that while you lay very ill you believed in the
Lord Jesus and soon began to grow better. This sickness was
intended for your health and brought you more pain than
peril, since you were long postponing the fulfillment of your
promise. This is the meaning of the words: *I will strike,
and I will heal. He struck you with illness; He healed you
with faith. He saw the inward desire of your soul, not void
of pious longing, but troubled by delays, and He chose to
admonish you in such a way as not to harm your health and
yet to incite your devotion.
How could He harm your health, He who is wont to say,
as we read in the Gospel: 'I will come and cure him'? 4 In
the same way, undoubtedly, when invited by your friends to
visit your home, He said: 'I will come and cure him.'
Although, perhaps, you did not hear Him, He as God spoke
imperceptibly, and if you did not see Him, there is no
possible doubt that He visited you though without a body.
You saw Him, for you believed in Him; you saw Him, for
you received Him into the dwelling of your mind; you saw
Him in spirit; you saw with inner eyes. Hold fast your new
Guest, long awaited, but lately received, in whom we live

and have our being and move.' 5 You have tasted the first
fruits of faith; let not the word be hidden in your heart.
This is
grace, this is every gift. No one appraises the
secret recesses of a house from the entrance, since all the
the wise man will not look at a house
fruit is within;

1 This and the

following letter are undated.
2 Bellicius had evidently promised to become a Christian and delayed
the fulfillment of the promise until stricken with illness.
3 Deut. 32.39.
4 Matt. 8.7.
5 Acts 17.28.
6 Areference to the sacraments of baptism, confirmation, and Holy
Eucharist, all of which Bellicius must first learn about before he is
allowed to receive them.

from a window and it is foolish for men to listen at the door.

The mysteries of the more perfect sacraments are of
kinds, as Scripture says: 'Eye has not seen nor ear heard,
what things God has prepared for those who love Him.' Of
one kind are the things which the Prophets foretold about the
future glory, for they were revealed to them, and the saints
have preached the good tidings by the Spirit of God sent

from heaven. Into these things angels desire to look/ as the

Apostle Peter says. Of still another kind are the mysteries

wherein are the redemption of the world, remission of sin,

division of graces, participation in the sacraments. re- On
ceiving these you will marvel that man has been given so
transcendent a gift and you will know that even the manna,
which we so wonder at for having been rained down from
heaven upon the Jews, 9 did not have such grace or power
to work our salvation. All who received the manna in the
desert are dead, except Josue the son of Nun, and Caleb,
but one who tastes this sacrament will never die.

May the Lord Jesus give you health! Farewell.

67. Ambrose to Bellicius

You have heard, my brother, the reading of the Gospel

where it is related that the Lord Jesus, as He was passing on
His way, saw a man blind from birth. If the Lord Jesus,
when He saw him, thought he should not be passed by, then
we ought not pass by one whom the Lord did not pass by,
especially since he had been blind from birth, a fact that is
mentioned not without good reason.
There is a blindness resulting from sickness which obscures
7 1 Cor. 2.9.
8 1 Peter 1.12.
9 Cf. Exod. 16.15,16.
10 Cf. Num. 32.12.

the vision and remedied by the passage of time. There is a


blindness which caused by flowing humors and this, also,


when the trouble is removed., is generally cured by the skill of

medicine. From this you may know that when one is cured
who has been blind from birth it is not a case of skill but of
power. The Lord gave health, and He used no medicine, for
the Lord Jesus healed those whom no one else had cured.
How stupid of the Jews to ask: 'Did this man sin, or his
parents?' attributing bodily weaknesses to punishment for sin.
The Lord therefore said: 'Neither has this man sinned, nor
his parents, but the works of God were to be made manifest
in him.' What fell short of its nature, this the Creator, the
Author of nature, was able to remedy. He then added: 'As

long as I am in the world I am the light of the world,' that


is, all the blind can see if they search for me, the light. Come
and be enlightened that you may be able to see.
also you,
What did He wish in that He who gave back life at His
command bestowed health by His word, saying to the dead:
'Come forth' and Lazarus carne forth from the tomb; saying
to the paralytic: 'Arise, take up thy pallet' 4 and the paralytic
arose and began to take up the pallet on which he was
carried when he was paralyzed in all his limbs; why, I say,
did He and make clay and spread the clay over the
spit eyes
of the blind man and "Go, wash
say to him:
in the pool of
Siloe" (which is interpreted "sent")? So he went away and
washed and began to see.' 5 What is the reason for this? An
important reason, unless I am mistaken, for he whom Jesus
touches sees more.
Notice at the same time His divinity and His sanctity. As
the Light He touched and shed light; as Priest He fulfilled in
the figure of baptism the mysteries of spiritual grace. He spat
1 John 9.2,3,5.
2 Cf. Ps. 33.6.
3 John 11.44.
4 Mark 2.11.
5 John 9.6,7.

so that you might realize that the things within Christ are

light. One who is cleansed by the means which Christ uses

truly sees. His spittle cleanses

and so does His word, as you
have: 'You are already clean because of the word that I
have spoken to you.'
This making clay and spreading it on the eyes of the blind
man, what does it signify to us but that He who made
from clay
restored man to health by smearing him with clay,
and that this flesh of our clay may receive through the
sacrament of baptism the light of eternal life? Do you, also,
draw near to Siloe, to one who was sent by the Father, as
but his who sent
you read: 'My teaching is not my own,
me. 58 Let Christ wash you that you may see. Come to baptism;
now is the time; come in haste that you may say: 1 went
and washed, and I began to see'; that you may say: 'I was

as he [Paul]
blind, and I began to see'; that you may say
said when the light had been shed upon him: 'The night is
far advanced; the day is at hand/
The night was blindness. It was night when Judas received
the morsel from Jesus and Satan entered into him. For
Judas, in whom was the Devil, it was night; for John, who
reclined on Christ's breast, it was day. It was day, too, for
Peter when he saw the light of Christ on the mountain.
For the others it was night, but for Peter it was day. But to
that very same Peter it was night when he denied Christ.
Then the cock crowed and he began to weep, 13 in order to
mend his wrong, for now the day was at hand.
The Jews kept asking the blind man 'How were your eyes

6 John 15.3.
7 Cf. Gen. 2.7.
8 John 7.16.
9 John 9.11.
10 Rom. 13.12.
11 Cf. John 13.27.
12 Cf. Matt, 16.2-6.
13 Cf. Matt. 26.75.

opened?' Great madness! They asked what they saw; they
asked the reason when they saw the effect.
'And they heaped abuse on him, saying: "Thou art his
disciple." Their curse a blessing, because their blessing

disciple,' they said. They do good

is a curse. 'Thou art his

when they supposed they are doing harm.

Farewell, son, and love us as you do, for we love you.

68. To Clementianus1

Today, my son, you heard the lesson in the Apostle that

'The Law has been our tutor unto Christ, that we might be
justified by faith.' It seems to me that by this one text those

questions are resolved which ordinarily trouble many persons.

There are those who say 'Since God gave the Law to Moses,

why is it that there are many things in the Law which seem
made void now by And how can the Author of
the Gospel?
the two Testaments be one and the same, when a thing
permitted in the Law was no longer permitted when the
Gospel came, such as bodily circumcision, though it was then
given only as a sign, in order that the reality of spiritual
.circumcision might be retained? But why was it given even
for a sign? Why is there such a difference of opinion, so
that circumcision, being then considered piety, is now thought
an impiety? Further, according to the Law it was ordained
that the Sabbath be kept as a holiday, and if one carried a
bundle of sticks he was guilty of death, 3 but now we see
that very day devoted to carrying burdens and
14 John 9.10.
15 John 9.28.

1 An undated letter, attributed to Irenaeus in the mss.., although its

contents connect it with the following letter to Clementianus.
2 Gal. 3.24.
3 Cf. Num. 15.32-35.

business without any penalty being attached. There are many

commandments of the Law which seem to have ceased at the

present time.
Let us consider the reason for not unintentionally
this, for
did the Apostle say that The Law
has been our tutor unto
Christ.' Who has a tutor, an older person or a youth? Un-

doubtedly, a youth or child, that is, one of tender age, for

pedagogus, as the word is rendered in Latin, means a child's
teacher; he cannot impart perfect precepts to an imperfect
age, because it cannot bear them. Then, through the Prophet,
the God of the Law says
I shall give you statutes that are not

good/ that is, not perfect, for perfect is surely what is good.
But the same God has preserved the most perfect things for
the Gospel, as He says: 'I have not come to destroy the Law,
but to fulfill it/

What, then, was the cause of this diversity if not man's

changeableness? He knew that the Jewish people were stiff-
necked, prone to fall, base, inclined to unbelief, who heard
with their ears and did not heed, who saw with their eyes
and did not see, being fickle with the instability of infancy,
heedless of commands. And so He provided the Law as a
tutor for the unstable disposition and weak mind of His
people, and moderating the very precepts of the Law, He
desired one to be read, the other to be understood. Thus, the
fool would at least keep watch over what he was reading
and not depart from the instruction of the letter, while the
wise would understand the thought of God's mind which the
letter did not convey; the man lacking
judgment would keep
the command of. the Law, the man of judgment its
Thus does the Law hold a sword's severity, as the tutor does
his rod, in order to awe by
threatening punishment of the
weakness of an imperfect people. Yet, the Gospel has a
gentleness by which sins are forgiven.
4 Ezech. 20,25.
5 Matt. 5.17.

Rightly, then, does Paul say that the letter kills, but the
spirit gives life.' The
circumcised a small part of the

body, the understanding spirit keeps the circumcision of the

entire soul and body, so that chastity might be preserved,

frugality loved, with the unnecessary parts cut off (for noth-
ing is so unnecessary as the vices of greed, the sins of lust,
which did not belong to nature but which sin has caused ) .

Bodily circumcision is the symbol, but the reality is the

spiritual circumcision; the one cuts off a member, the other
sin. Nature has created nothing imperfect in man, nor has
she bade it be removed as unnecessary. However, in order that
those who cut off part of their body might realize that there
is more need be cut off, and those persons
for their sins to
cut down who led them
even though they are joined
to sin,

by a certain bodily union, you have the words: lf thy right

hand is an occasion of sin to thee, cut it off and cast it from
thee; for it is better for thee that one of thy members should
be than that thy whole body should go into hell.' 7 To the

Jews, therefore, like children, precepts are not given in full

but only in part, and they who could not keep the whole
body clean are bidden to keep clean, as it were, only one part
of it.

They were also commanded to keep the Sabbath holiday

one day of the week, 8 so that they would be laden with no
burden, having escaped and been released from worldly tasks,
so as to carry with them to that everlasting sabbath of future

ages no burdens of grievous sins. Yet, because He knew that

His people were fickle, God demanded that the weak ones
observe but one day; He reserved for the stronger ones the
full observance. The synagogue
observes the day; the Church,
immortality. In the Law
a part ; in the Gospel is perfection.
The Jewish people are forbidden to carry wood, that is,
6 2 Cor. 3.6.
7 Matt. 5.30.
8 Cf. Exod. 31.15.
9 Cf. Num. 15.33.

such things as are consumed by fire. One who keeps out of

the sun has shade. The Sun of Justice does not allow the shade
to hinder you; pouring forth the full light of His grace

says to you: Go thy way,

and from now on sin no more.'
The imitator of that everlasting Sun says: 'But if anyone
builds this foundation, gold, silver, and precious stones,
wood, hay, straw the work of each will be
made manifest,
for the day of the Lord will declare it, since the day is to be
revealed in fire. The fire will assay the quality of everyone's
upon Christ (for Christ is our
work.' And so let us build
but improved. Gold
foundation) that which is not burned
is so is silver improved.
improved by fire,
You heard gold and silver mentioned and you think of the
material; you want to accumulate it. You
are wasting my
effort. This gold and silver bring a burden, but no enjoy-
ment. The burden of the man who searches for it is the
is burnt like wood, not kept
profit of his heir. This gold
forever. This silver will bring loss to your life in that day, not

gain. Another kind of gold

and silver is required of you,
that is, a good thought, a fine word; from these God says He
gives vessels of gold and silver.
These are God's gifts: 'The
words of the Lord are sincere, silver tried by fire, refined of
the earth, purified seven-fold. The beauty of your mind,
the brilliance of chaste speech, are asked of you; the bright-
ness of faith, not the tinkling of silver. The one remains; the
other perishes. The one includes a reward and we carry it
with us; the other entails loss because we leave it here.
If any rich man thinks that the gold and silver which he
has hoarded and stored away can avail for his life, he is
carrying a worthless burden which the fire of judgment

destroy. Rich men, leave here your pieces of wood so that

your burden will not add fuel to the fire which is to come.
10 John 8.11-13.
11 1 Cor. 3.12,13.
12 Ps. 11.7.

Your burden will be lightened if you give away some of your

load, and what remains will be no burden. Miser, do not
bury your treasure, lest you be a Christian in name only, a
Jew in practice, realizing that your burdens are your punish-
ment. For it has been said to
you, not in the shade, but in
the sun: 'If his work abides he will receive reward; if his
work burns he will suffer loss.

Accordingly, like a perfect man learned in the Law and

made firm in the Gospel, accept the faith of both Testaments,
for, aswe read today: 'Blessed is he who sows upon every
water, where the ox and the ass tread, that is, who sows
upon the people who follow the teaching of both Testaments;
this is the ploughman's ox, wearing the yoke of the Law, of
which the Law says: 'Thou shalt not muzzle the ox that
treadeth out thy corn, 915 for this ox has the horns of holy
Scripture. But in the Gospel the Lord, representing the
people of the Gentiles, mounts the colt of an ass.
But I think that, since the word of God is rich in meaning,
we should also understand that an ox has horns that fill one
with terror, that a bull is fierce, an ass gentle. This thought
is suited to our purpose, because that man who is both
severe and gentle is blessed: his severity, by striking terror
maintains discipline; his gentleness does not crush innocence;
for excessive severity often prompts a lie. God prefers being
loved to being feared, for the Lord exacts love, a servant
fear, although fear cannot last forever in man because it has
been written, as we read today: 'Behold, in fear of you they
will fear whom you feared.'

Farewell, son, and love us, because we love you.

13 1 Cor. 3.14.
14 Isa. 32.20.
15 Deut. 25.4.
16 Cf. Luke 19.30-37.
17 Source unknown.

69. Ambrose to Clementianus

I am aware that nothing is more difficult than


treating properly the Apostle's meaning, for even Origen's

exposition of the New Testament is far inferior to his ex-
position of the Old. Yet, because you feel that in my previous
letter I have not explained amiss the reason why the Law is
a tutor, I shall, in what I say today, plan to unfold the full
force of the Apostle's meaning.
Now, the first part of this discourse declares that no one
is justified
by the works of the Law, but by faith, 'Since those
who rely on the works of the Law are under a curse,' but
'Christ redeemed us from the curse of the Law, becoming a
curse for us. The inheritance is not given by the Law, but
by promise, for 'The promises were made to Abraham and
to his offspring . . . who is Christ/ The Law, therefore,
enacted on account of transgressions, until the offspring
should come to whom the promise was made,' and so 'All
things were shut up under sin, that by the faith of Jesus
Christ the promise might be given to those who believe. . . .

But now that faith has come, we are no longer under the
Law,' that is, under a tutor. And, because we are sons of
God, we all are also in Christ Jesus. But, if we are in Christ
Jesus, then we are the seed of Abraham, the heirs according
to the promise. This is the conclusion which the Apostle
reaches in his thought.
Yet, he meets the objection even of the Jew who can say:
'I also am an
heir, for I am under the Law.' The Law is
called the Old Testament, and where there is a testament
there is an inheritance, although the Apostle himself told the
Hebrews that a testament is of no force while the testator
lives, but is confirmed by his death. 3 But, because the Lord

1 Undated.
2 Gal. 3.10-16,22-24.
3 Cf. Heb. 9.17.

said of the Jews in Jeremias: 'My inheritance has become to

me like
lion,' he [Paul] would not say they were not heirs.
But there are heirs without property, and those with property,
and while the testator lives those who are mentioned in the
will are called heirs, without property.
though they are
Little children are also heirs, no different from slaves,
since they are under guardians and stewards: 'So, says he,
'we, too, were Jews enslaved under the elements of this world.
But when the fullness of time came, Christ also came/ 5 and
now we are no longer servants, but sons, if we believe in
Christ. Thus, He gave them the semblance of an inheritance,
but withheld its possession; they have the name of heir, but
not its
advantage, for, like children who are heirs, they
possess the bare name of heirship but not its privilege, having
no right of command or use, awaiting the fullness of their
age that they may be released from their guardians.
Just like children, so are the Jews also under a tutor. The
Law is our tutor; a tutor brings us to the master; Christ is
our only master: 'Do not say lord and master to yourselves,
your master, the Christ/ A tutor is feared,
for one only is

the master points out the way to salvation. Fear brings us to

liberty, liberty to faith, faith to love, love obtains adoption,
adoption an inheritance. Therefore, where there is faith,
there is freedom, for a slave acts in fear, a free man through
faith. The one is under the letter, the other under grace;
the one in slavery, the other in the spirit; for 'Where the
Spirit of the Lord is, there is freedom.' 7 If, where there is

faith, there is freedom; where freedom, grace; where grace,

an inheritance then one who is a Jew in the letter but not
in spirit is in slavery. One who has not faith has not liberty
of spirit. Where there is no freedom, there is no grace; where
4 Jer. 12.8.
5 Gal. 4.1-3.
6 Matt. 23.10.
7 2 Cor. 3.17.

no grace, no adoption; where no adoption, no right of


Thus, he beholds his inheritance as though on sealed tablets,

he does not possess it, and he has not the right of choice. How
can he say 'Our Father' 8 if he denies the true Son of God
by whom our adoption is obtained? How can he draw up a
will if he denies the death of the Testator? How can he
obtain freedom if he denies the Blood by which he was
redeemed? For, it is the price of our freedom, as Peter says :

'You were redeemed with the precious blood/ not of a lamb,
but of Him who came in meekness and humility like a lamb,
and freed the whole world with the single offering of His
body, as He Himself said: 'I was led like a lamb to be
sacrificed/ and John also says: 'Behold, the lamb of God,
behold the one who takes away the sins of the world.'
Hence, the Jew is an heir in the letter, not in the spirit;
he is like a child under guardians and stewards. But the
Christian who knows the fullness of time when Christ came,
made of a woman, made under the Law, to redeem all who
were under the Law, the Christian, I say, through the unity
of faith and the knowledge of the Son of God, rises to perfect
manhood, to the measure of the age of the fullness of Christ. 12
Farewell, son, and love us, for we love you.
8 Matt. 6.9.
9 1 Peter 1.19,
10 Isa. 53.7.
11 John 1.29.
12 Cf. Eph. 4.13.

70. Ambrose to Cynegius

How you have ennobled yourself by consulting me on a

matter you did not approve, desiring only to suit your conduct
to your father's wishes, so that you might not lessen your
affection, feeling sure that I would make no reply but what
benefited holy relationships.
I willingly took your burdens
upon myself and reconciled,
I hope, the niece to her uncle. I truly do not know why he
wanted you to become his son-in-law, changing his status of
uncle to that of father-in-law. 2 I need say no more for fear
that this, too, would lead to confusion.
Farewell, son, and love us, because we also love you.

71. Ambrose to Eusebius1 (c. 392)

Thesecretary of the prefecture, who got into trouble by

at Portus, is now sailing into port. He came most
2 3
his work
opportunely, for as soon as I received your letter I saw the
prefect and interceded for him. He immediately pardoned
him and ordered withdrawn the letter which he had dictated
for the sale of his property. Even if the secretary's arrival
had been delayed, no one would have admitted the difficulty
of rebuilding the port more than one who would have
suffered shipwreck there, had you not been his pilot. Under
the conditions he would barely have escaped alive.

1 Palanque dates this letter at the beginning of 393, associated with the
letter to Paternus.
2 Marriage with a niece was forbidden by a law of Constantine in 339.
Cf. Cod. Theod. 3.12.1.

1 Eusebius was a distinguished layman of Bologna, whose son, Faustinus,

was spending some time in Milan.
2 Situated on the harbor of Ostia, Eusebius was probably a superinten-
dent of some work being done there.
3 One of the many puns of Ambrose.

Little Faustinas from a cough, and he has come

is suffering
to his saintly sister to be cured, and come willingly, for he
has found that his stomach ailment is better cared for here.
He thinks, too, that I am a doctor and looks to me for his
meals. So he gets his medicine here twice a day and has
begun feeling fairly well, but when, out of excessive love,
they hold off the doses, his stomach cough begins worse than
before, and if he does not return to his medicines he will
continue to suffer.

Farewell, and love us, for we also love you.

72. Ambrose to Eusebius (c. 395)

The two have returned to you, the two little
Ambroses are staying with me. In the father you have what
is most
distinguished, in the son what is most agreeable, for
you have the height of virtue and you yourself show the grace
of humility. I have what is midway between father and

young son. With you is the head of the whole house, and the
uninterrupted succession of a name handed down; with me
remains the frugal mean which depends upon the head and
shares the nature of what follows. You have the one who is
the peace of both of us, who, when he is given me in turn,
smoothes away all the concerns of my soul. You have the
one who by his life and deeds and progeny has found favor
with our Lord. You have the one who amid the storms of
this world has fostered a spiritualdove 3 to bring him the
fruits of peace, for she is anointed with the oil of chastity.
With you is one who built an altar to God, whom God
1 Eusebius' son and grandson.
2 Ambrose and Ambrosia; for the latter he wrote his Inst. Virg. (PL
16.305-334) .

3 A reference to Ambrosia.
4 Cf. Gen. 8.11.

blessed with his sons, saying: 'Increase and multiply/ with
whom He established the covenant of His peace which would
endure for him and his children for everlasting generations.
Yo'u have the heir of the divine benediction, a partner of
grace, a sharer of righteousness. Be careful, I beg you, that
this Noe, our husbandman, the good planter of a fruitful
vineyard, when he is inebriated with the cup of your love

and grace, does not become like a man drunk with wine, who
after indulging too long in rest, happens to fall asleep and is

awakened by the longing for our Chem.

Japhet is there, too, the youngest of the brothers, who with
reverential piety covers his father, whom
his father sees even
while he sleeps and never puts out of his thoughts, but keeps
always in his sight and in his embrace, and upon awaking
will know what his youngest son has done for him. In Latin
his name signifies 'richness of expression,' because grace is
poured out upon his lips and in his life. God therefore has
blessed him
because, going backwards, so to speak, to Bologna,
he covered his father with the pious cloak of charity 6 and
showed honor to piety. Of him his father says: 'May God
make Japhet rejoice in the houses of Chanaan.' For this
reason, too, in the story of this generation he is preferred to
his elder brother, he is given the blessing in his stead, he is

preferred out of honor to his name, he is ranked above the

privilege of elder birth and the honor due to nature.
In Latin Chanaan signifies a 'name.' Truly is this Ambrose
of ours a good name, in whose houses Japhet may rejoice,
because 'A good name is better than a great abundance of
riches.' Let him be blessed and let his favor be above gold
and silver, let this seed of Abraham be in his inheritance,
let every
blessing be upon his posterity and on the household

5 Gen. 9.9.
6 Cf. Gen. 9.23.
7 Gen. 9.27.
8 Prov. 22.1.

of the just man. But no one is accursed, all are blessed, for

blessed is the fruit of Sara.

Parthenius greets you, so
The Ambroses greet you, dear
does Valentinian, now humbly disposed, greet you, for in
Hebrew he is called 'Chanaan/ being, as it were, his brother's
servant, yielding to him and to his name. He is like mighty
Nembroth who had a double name, the famous hunter upon
earth, of whom it is said: 'Even as Nembroth the great
hunter before the Lord. He is rude by nature and of great

bodily strength, and in his prowess

he surpasses those whose
genius he cannot match;
he seems to carry with him the
Comacine cliffs and to resemble them in expression, being a
enraged because he has been
sort of bull, set aside, deprived

of his paternal title, made subject to a man from Bologna,

though he is an inhabitant of the capital.
You see, he knows
not the charming ways of infancy, and when he is hurt he
shakes off his nurse's embrace.
Farewell; love us, for we love you.

73. Ambrose to Faustinus, greetings (late 394)

I knew very well that you would lament with bitter grief

yet not in such a

the death of your sister, way as to estrange

yourself from us, but to come back to us. Although mourners

have not joyous consolations, they are always necessary ones.
But you have gone off to a mountain retreat, to a cave amid
the haunts of beasts, spurning all part in the affairs of men
and, what is more serious, disregarding even your own good
Did your sister deserve that a human
relationship which
woman remarkable and which should have
gave you a so
exerted its influence on you, should have but little privilege?

9 Gen. 10.9.
10 Cf. Virgil, Georg. 3.58.

Indeed, when she was departing from life she comforted her-
self with the consolation that she was leaving you as her
survivor to be a parent to your nephews, a mentor for her
children, a help to the bereaved. You are keeping yourself
from your nephews and us, so that we do not have the
enjoyment of that consolation. Her dear children bid you not
grieve but comfort them, so that when they see you they will
think that their mother has not died; in you they will know
her again; in you they will cling to her presence; in you they
will feel that her life remains for them.
You who was in good health for a
are sad because she
long time died unexpectedly. This is an experience which we
share not only with men but even with cities and countries.
As you left Claterna behind, coming from Bologna, and then
Bologna, Modena, and Reggio, Brescello was on your right,
and ahead Piacenza meets you, still echoing its ancient nobility
in its name. You were moved with pity for the ruined areas
of the Apennines to the left, and you pondered the towns of

once-prosperous peoples and parted from them with sorrowful

thoughts. Do not the empty remains of so many half-ruined
cities and the destruction of so many lands set before your

gaze counsel you to consider the death of one, although she

is a holy and admirable
lady, to be more consoling, since they
have fallen and have been ruined forever, but she, who has
been taken from us for a time, lives a better life beyond.
I think that she should not be mourned but, rather,
followed with prayer. I believe that you should not lament
for her with tears, but commend her soul to the Lord by
your prayers.
Of course, you may say that she is saved through her

1 An extensive imitation of Servius Sulpicius' letter of consolation to

Cicero on the death oi Tullia, Cicero Epist. ad Fam. 4.5. For interesting
remarks on this letter, see addendum to commentary in R. Y. Tyrell-
L. C. Purser, Correspondence of M. Tullius Cicero, Vol. 5 (2nd ed.,
1915) xc-xci, where the editors say that 'the language [of Ambrose]
may, perhaps, be inferior to that of Sulpicius, but the hope is higher.'

merits and her faith, yet that you cannot bear the longing
for her, no longer seeing her in the body, and this causes you
terrible grief. Does not the saying of the Apostle touch you :

'So that henceforthwe know no one according to the flesh.

And even though we have known Christ according to the flesh,
2 5

yet now we know him so no longer ? Our body cannot be

everlasting and enduring. It must fall that it may rise; it
must be broken apart that it may rest and experience the end
of sin. Indeed, we have known many in the flesh, but we
know them now no longer. We knew our Lord Jesus Himself,
says the Apostle, according to the flesh, 'and now we know
him so no longer.' For He had already laid away the body's
covering; He was seen no more in the guise of man; now He
had died have died in Him. But that they
for all and all

may be made anew through Him, and made alive in spirit,

they live now not for themselves, they live for Christ. Else-
where the same Apostle says:
lt is now no longer I that live
but Christ lives in me.' 3
It is but just that before he knew Christ according to the
flesh he already knew His works, though not seeing them. He
studied now not His flesh but His power, and, as a persecutor,
with hostile animosity overwhelmed the disciples of the
Man, His followers in the flesh. Yet, later, he became the
teacher of the Gentiles and began to teach and rear for the
preaching of the Gospel those who venerated His majesty. In
he adds: lf any man is in Christ, he is a new creature/ 4

that is, one perfect in Christ is a new creature, because one
who is in the flesh is imperfect. The Lord Jesus Himself
says: 'My spirit shall not remain in man forever, because he
is flesh.'
A man in the flesh is not in Christ, but if one is in
Christ he is a new creature, formed in the newness not of
nature, but of grace. The old things according to the flesh

2 2 Cor. 5.16.
3 Gal. 2.20.
4 2 Cor. 5.17.
5 Gen. 6.3.

have passed away, all have become new. If the scribe in-
structed in the kingdom heaven knows not these things, he
is like the householder who
brings from his treasure new things
and old, not old without new, or new without old. So the
Church says: The new and
the old I have kept for thee.'
The old have passed away, that is, the hidden mysteries of
the Law all been made new in Christ.
This new creature of whom the Apostle speaks to
is the
the Galatians: Tor in Christ Jesus neither circumcision is of
any avail, nor uncircumcision, but a new creature/ through
which the flesh now renewed flourishes and, having borne
the thorns of inveterate sin in the past, finds now the fruit of

grace. What need is there for us to grieve if now it is said to

the soul:'Thy youth is renewed like the eagle's'? Why do
we lament the dead when the reconcilation of the world with
God the Father has already been made through the Lord
Having the blessings of Christ, we act as ambassadors for
Christ, not only to all, but also to you, that you may know
that His gifts are irrevocable, that you may believe what you
have always believed, and not bring your understanding into
doubt owing to your exceedingly great grief. For our Lord
Jesus became sin to take away the sin of the world, and
that we might all be made in Him the justice of God, no
longer entangled in sin but sure of a reward for justice.
Farewell, and love us, for we love you.

6 Matt. 13.52.
7 Cant. 7.13.
8 Gal. 5.6.
9 Ps. 102.5.
10 Cf. 2 Cor. 5.18.
11 Cf. John 1.29.
12 Cf. 2 Cor. 5.21.

74. Ambrose to Irenaeus, greetings (c. 387)

You have made a wise decision to seek an answer to the

in God's love of
question whether there is some difference
those who have had the faith since childhood and of those
who have believed only in the course of youth or later man-
hood. Holy Scripture has not failed to note this problem, nor
has it left the matter untouched. Indeed, the Lord our God
said meaningfully to the Prophet Joel: 'Lament with me
over my spouse in sackcloth and for the husband of her
youth,' while He wept either for the synagogue that formerly,

in her virginity, had been espoused to the Word of God, or

perhaps for a soul that had fallen from grace. Her offense
had led her into serious crimes so that she became hated
and, having been cast aside because of her stain of impurity
and the foul marks of wickedness and the stains of unbelief,
she became an object of pity and a person despised, far
removed from the grace of that spouse who had been worthy
to hear the words: l will espouse thee to me in faith and

justice and mercy.'
There is good cause to consider heran object of pity since
she has lost her claim to a reward and experienced so heavy
a loss of the dowry of virtue that she has been deprived of
the spouse of her virginity. According to our merits the Word
of God either lives or dies in us. If our desires and works are
good, the Word of God lives and works in us; if our thoughts
and deeds are dark, the Sun of Justice goes down. 3 He
teaches us to lament for such a soul. For, as those who have
the bridegroom must rejoice and feast, so must that soul
mourn when the spouse has been taken away, as it is said of
the Apostles in the Gospel 'for when the bridegroom shall be

taken away from them, then will they fast in those days.'

1 Joel 1.8.
2 Osee 2.19,20.
3 Cf. Mai. 4.2.
4 Matt. 9J5.

This soul, therefore, formerly experienced joy and gladness,

when she had the Virgin Word. She did not fast, since those
were the days for feasting and banqueting; the Bridegroom
was on all the riches of plenty, the stores of
present, lavishing
heavenly food, and the flow of wine which gladdens the hearts
of men. But, after she had lost the Bridegroom through her
deeds, she was ordered to do penance in sackcloth for her
sins and to
weep for herself because Christ who is the Virgin
Word died and was crucified for her.
Sometimes a soul is espoused at an early age and never
bears any other yoke, but from the beginning vows the virginal
flower of her faith to Christ and is united to Him from the
first in mysteries of
piety, receiving a training in holiness as
the heifer does the yoke. This is the soul of Jewish stock,
from the race of ancient patriarchs, who, if she had kept her
course of faith unstumbling, would have been counted worthy
of great merit, the virginal spouse of the Word, as the woman
who took hold of justice and went to meet him like a mother,
and him like a wife married of a virgin. 6
will receive
The other, too, has been taken from the Gentiles; each is
spouse of the one Word, and this is a great mystery. This is
shown you in the Book of Kings: 7 David had two wives,
Achinaa the Jezrahelite, and Abigail whom he took later.
The first was somewhat severe, the other full of mercy and
graciousness, a kindly and generous soul who saw the Father
with face unveiled, gazing on His glory. She received that
heavenly dew of the grace of the Father, as her name is

interpreted. What is the dew of the Father but the Word of

God, which fills the hearts of all with the waters of faith and
Beautifully does the true David say to this soul what was
said to Abigail: 'Blessed be the Lord God of Israel, who
5 Cf. Ps. 103.15.
6 Cf. Eccli. 15.2.
7 Cf. 1 Kings 25.39.

sent thee this day to meet me, and blessed be thy customs.'
And again He 'Go in peace into thy house,
says to her:
behold now I have heard thy voice and have
honored thy
In the Canticles, too, these are the words of the

to his bride: 'Show me thy face and let me hear

thy voice.'
Then she was sent away, since she had another husband
who was in Latin, means
called, in Hebrew, Nabal, which,
unkind, ungentle, ungrateful, for
he did not
foolish, harsh,
know how to show gratitude. Later, when her husband died,
David the Prophet took her as his wife, since she was set
free from the law of her husband. Through this
union is
of the Church of the Gentiles which
signified the mystery
would after
believe, for, her husband
losing to whom she was
at first united, she made her way to Christ, bringing & dowry
of piety, of humility, and of faith, and enriched with the
heritage of mercy.
But here it is not this wife who is deplored, but Achinaa
who was hostile to her brother, so that her brother made
trouble for her. And in their persons it is said: 'Thou hast
made us a byword among the heathens, a shaking of the head
among the people. And the Devil, finding her off guard,
tore her like a lion and took away her beauty, and overturned
her vineyard and fig tree where everyone used to rest, and
he made her harvest wither.
God had pity when they were parched and white with
drought, and He said to the Prophet : 'Lament with rne over
my spouse wearing a sackcloth, over the husband of her
youth,' that is to say, over the dead husband of a soul of
this sort, or over the synagogue. In another place, too, He

8 1 Kings 25.32,35.
9 Cant. 2.14.
10 Ps. 43.15.
11 Cf. Mich. 4.4.
12 Joel 1.8.

shows His disapproval 13 because she had forgotten her pro-

mise, forgotten her love, was unmindful of grace, strayed
from obedience, and had lost her former affection as a wife.
He reproves her with His words, recalling to her mind and
repeating to her her tenderness, her expressions of devotion:
'Did you not call me one of your household, the parent and

pattern of your virginity?

For that soul the Virgin Word is dead when the Word of
God has died through unbelief. He suffers grief, He appoints
an intercessor, so that she will be called to penance whereby
she may earn compassion. She who is prudent in under-
standing and beautiful to look upon, like Abigail, was won for
Him in battle. Her adversaries were conquered, and her
husband, who in the midst of spiritual wickedness struggled
and fought so as not to lose his beautiful wife, is dead. So,
like a victorious and loving spouse, he gives her sweetness
and grace, cleansing from her all that might obscure her
beauty. He takes off the garments of her captivity, laying
aside even the hair of her head, that is, the curls of sin which
seern to be superfluous parts of our person, because 'for a
man to wear his hair long is degrading.' 14 Thus, in oneness
of faith she may strive to reach to perfect manhood, to the
mature measure of the fullness of Christ, and, laying aside
allthe troubles of the soul, be grounded in love, and may grow
up in the Lord Jesus, bringing growth to the whole body.
This is the soul which the Law shows you in the guise of a
good woman, for if you see her among the prizes of war and
desire to have her as your wife: Thou shalt bring her/ he
says, 'into thy house.' And in order that you may give her
the whole interior of your house, the possession of all your
body, you may take away her raiment, you may cut off her
transgressions, and with a razor which is not too sharp, lest

13 Cf. Osee 4.6.

14 1 Cor. 11.14.
15 Cf. Eph. 4.13.
16 Deut. 21.12.

itcome to evil, you may pare off the slough of your passion
and your idle feelings. Therefore, 'You will shave her head,'
are in his
he says, 'so that the eyes of the wise man, which
'And she will he
head, will suffer no harm. says,

lamenting her
the sins of
'thirty days thy house,'
the lies of her wicked father, the Devil, who
generation, 19
wishes to gather what he has not sown. Then, being
cleansed by the purification of this mystical number,
of the keys of marriage.
may get possession
that thou shalt go into her,'
Very aptly he says: 'And after
to enter completely into your soul, and recollect yourself
within her, and dwell in her, and stay with her, letting

be not in the flesh but in the

your life be in her. So you

and endeavor to bring her to share your life, knowing
she will give you of her goods. Enjoying her favor, may you
say: 'And was a witty child and had received a good soul/

And she will answer: 'I will take you, and bring you into my
mother's house, into the chamber of her that bore me.' The

good mother of souls is that Jerusalem which is in heaven.

She willbe your wife and, finding you, she will kiss you.
And if afterwards she please you not, because she chastises
her body and
brings it into
subjection, you will not allow her
to be a slave, that is, to the pleasures of the body, nor will
her remain free.
you make her a subject of the flesh, but let
You will not let her for
that is to sell her; you will not

despise her, but you will allow

her to serve her God in purity

of faith and in the sobriety of good works.

Farewell, and love us, because we love you.

17 Eccle. 2.14,
18 Deut. 21.13.
19 Cf. Jer. 17.11.
20 Cant. 3.4.
21 Cf. Deut. 21.14.

75. Ambrose to Irenaeus, greetings (c. 387 ) l

'The partridge has spoken, she has fostered a brood which

is nothers.' I should like to borrow the beginning of this
letter from the close of my last. It has been frequently dis-

cussed, so, in order that we may be able to solve it, let us

consider what natural history us regarding the nature of
this bird. It is the part of no small wisdom to ponder this,
forSolomon understood the nature of animals and discoursed
on flocks, birds, reptiles, and fish. 4
This bird is said to be full of craft, fraud, and guile, expert
in deceiving a fowler, and experienced in turning him aside
from her own brood, since she omits no trial of any action to
draw off the hunter from her nest and hiding place. Indeed,
if she sees him approach, she sports about long enough to
give the young the signal and the opportunity of getting
away. When she knows they are gone, she, too, takes herself
off, leaving her enemy tricked by her crafty wiles.
It is also said that she is a promiscuous bird, and the males
rush on the females with great force and burn with unre-
strained desires. Therefore it is thought suitable to compare
thisunclean, evil-minded, deceptive animal to the adversary
and deceitful circumventor of the human race, the author
of uncleanness.

1 Waghorn has been followed here in assigning this letter to Irenaeus

rather than to Sabinus, as does Palanque. Although the opening words
do follow the concluding text of Letter 27, to Sabinus, the testimony
of the mss., Ambrose's tone of instruction to a disciple, and the pre-
sence in Letter 74 of the Scripture passage from Jeremias from which
this letter stems all of these arguments have been carefully weighed
by Waghorn (7-9) .

2 Jer. 17.11.
3 Several ancient authors, e.g., Aristotle Hist. Anim. 9.8,613B-614A,
describe the cleverness of the partridge with hunters.
4 Cf. 3 Kings 4.33.
5 Cf. Virgil, Aen. 11.716.
6 The Benedictine editors give the number 3 to this and the following

derives its name from perdition/ is

partridge, which
The 8
called Satan; in Latin, the Devil. He spoke first he
in Pharao, in Dathan, Abiron, and

spoke in heCain,spoke
spoke in the Jews
when they asked that gods be
made for them while Moses was receiving the Law. He
said of the Saviour: 'Let him be
spoke again when they
crucified, let him be crucified
and 'His blood be on us and

on our children.' He spoke when they wanted Him to be


made king so that they might not walk with the Lord God
their king.
He spoke in every vain and wicked man.
With these words he has fostered a people who are not his
creation, for God made man to His own image and likeness, 13
and the Devil formed a fellowship with man by the cunning
of his words. has fostered the people of the Gentiles,
Therefore in the proverb
acquiring riches without judgment.
it is said of the greedy rich man that the partridge fostered
riches without judgment. But my Jesus, like a good judge,
does all with judgment, for He comes, as it is written, saying:
and the judgment of salvation.'
I speak justice
Therefore, He has robbed that partridge, the Devil, of
favor; He has taken from him the riches of the multitude
which evil fostered; He has called back the souls of the
Gentiles from error and the hearts of nations which were going
astray. And because He knew
that they were deceived by
the words of the Devil, He Himself, to loosen the chains and
bonds of long-standing error, spoke first in Abel, whose voice
of blood cried out.
He spoke in Moses to whom He said:
7 Ambrose here draws a false etymology for the word perdix from
perdo; the latter comes from per and do.
S Cf. Gen. 3.4,5-
9 Cf. Exod. 5.2.
10 Cf. Num. 16.2.
11 Matt. 27.23,25.
12 Cf. 1
Kings 8.5.
13 Cf. Gen. 1.27.
14 Isa. 63.1,
15 Cf. Gen. 4.10.

'Why criest thou to me?' 16 He spoke in Josue son of Nun.
He spoke in David, who said: 'I cried to thee; save me.
He spoke in all the Prophets. So He says to Isaias: 'Cry'; and
he said: 'What shall I cry?' He spoke in Solomon, calling
to him with a mighty prophecy and wisdom: 'Come, eat my
bread, and drink the wine which I have mingled for you.'
He spoke in His own body like the beetle in the wood. 21 He
spoke to undo the Devil and overthrow him, saying: 'My
God, my God, why hast thou forsaken me?' He spoke to
strip of his spoil when He said to the thief: 'Amen,
Amen, I say to thee, this day thou shalt be with me in
paradise.' Thus, when
Jesus spoke, that partridge was aban-
doned by his brood in the midst of his days.
Some persons have thought they should adopt that custom
of the partridge whereby she takes another's eggs, warms them
with her body, and tries by this false means to get the off-
spring of others. But (as they say to deceive the wary, for
even birds have certain tricks) when [the true mother] notices
either that the eggs have been seized, or the nest entered, or
the young harassed, deceived by false pretenses or deceptive
appearances, although she is the weaker one, she clothes and
arms herself with cunning. Then, when all the labor expended
on food has exhausted the one who is rearing them, when
the chicks begin to grow, she [the true mother] utters a cry
and with a sort of trumpet of love calls her brood to her.
They, roused with certain natural feelings, recognize their
parent and abandon her who had played them false. So,
when the one wishes to foster those who are not her brood,
she loses those whom she thought she would feed.

16 Exod. 14.15.
17 Cf. Josue 1.1.
18 Ps. 118.146.
19 Isa. 40.6,
20 Prov. 9.5.
21 Cf. Hab. 2.11.
22 Matt. 27.46.
23 Luke 23.43.

Not without people of the

profit has Jesus spoken,
since the
his charms,
world, deceived by the words of the partridge, by
and appearance, had strayed from their origin, follow-
ing deceitful ways. Yet, called back by the words of their
true parent, they will abandon the deceiver and desert his
fraudulent practice in the midst of his days, that is, before
the end of the world, whither our Lord is drawing us,

calling us to eternal life. Now,

dead to the world, we live
to God. 25
As the partridge will be utterly abandoned by her false
children, then will the foolish man be saved whom God chose,
and confounded the wise, for God chooses the foolish things
of the world. So, anyone seems to be wise in
if this world, let
him become foolish, that he may be wise.
Farewell, son, and love us as you do, since we love you.

76* Ambrose to Irenaeus, greetings (c. 387)

In our last letter we wrote that we should set our soul free
from its enemies and form with it a bond of unbreakable
living. And since this discourse caused us to use an example
from Deuteronomy 1 where it treats of the man who had two
wives, the one lovable, the other hateful, you seem rightly
disturbed lest someone think he has received two souls, for
this cannot be.
Indeed, you very well that sometimes, when Scripture
uses an
allegory, may refer at one time to the type of the

synagogue, and at another to the type of the Church; some-

24 Cf. Virgil, Aeneid 11.716.

25 Cf. Rom. 6.8.
26 Cf. 1 Cor. 1.27.

1 Cf. DeuL 21.16.


times to the soul, at another time to the mystery of the Word,

and at other times to different
types and kinds of souls. He
who judges by the spirit makes this distinction. Thus, in the
following chapter of the Law, I think that not two souls but
different qualities of the one soul are meant. For, that type
is lovable which desires
of soul pleasures, flees hardships, shies
away from penance, and heeds not the judgment of God.
Indeed, the lovable one, because she seems sweet and pleasing
on occasion, does not influence the heart but merely gives
pleasure. The other is more serious, for she is consumed with
zeal for God, and like an earnest wife would not wish to

prostitute her partner; she makes no allowances for her body,

does not permit or grant it any indulgence, gives no rein to
pleasure and delight, flees the hiding places of shameful deeds,
engages in hard labor and dire dangers.
If, in these circumstances, each bears him a child, he will
be unable in establishing his will, he says, to show preference
to the eldest son of the lovable wife in place of the eldest son
of the hateful wife, since he knows the son of the hateful one
is the eldest. In this I think it is not meant to
typify simply a
case of preference between the two eldest as much as to

express the fact that the son of the hated one has the rights
of the eldest. For, the eldest is the first-born, and the saints
are the first-born, because 'every male that opens the womb
shall be called holy to the Lord.' 2 Yet, not every first-born is
holy, for Esau was not holy although he was the first-born.
But the saints are the first-born, for you have in Numbers :

*Lo, I have taken the Levites from the midst of the children
of Israel in place of every first-born who opens the womb
among the children of Israel. Every first-born of Israel is
mine since the day when I struck every first-born of Egypt.
Accordingly, He receives the Levites instead of the first-born,

2 Exod. 13.2; Luke 2.23.

3 Num. 3.12,13.

just as He
does the saints. We
know from the Epistle to the
Hebrews that the saints are first-born, for there you have:
'But you have come to Mount Sion, and to the city of
Jerusalem, and to the company of ten thousands of angels
and to the church of the first-born.' Thus, as the first-born
of the Church are the
saints, so also are the Levites, since

they also are first-born. They are not holy through their
order of birth, but by reason of their duty of holiness. For
Levi was the third son of Lia, not the first.
One who is sanctified opens the womb. What womb? Hear
the words; 'The wicked have departed from the womb.' In
fact, you know that the first-born is one who opens the womb ;

understand the womb of the good mother from whom the holy
do not depart, but sinners do. But the Levites are taken from
the midst of Israel, for they have nothing in common with
the people whose worldly first-born are destroyed. The
first-born of the world are of another mother, from whose
womb Paul was separated when he was called to the grace
of God. Thus separated from the midst of the people, he
received the Word, which is in the midst of our heart. So it
is said :'But in the midst of you there stands one whom you
do not see.' 8
That was not a purposeless digression which we made
from one Law to another in order to demonstrate that the
first-born is not the son of the lovable one, that is, of relaxa-
tion and words of the chapter express
pleasure, although the
this whenScripture says:
be unable to prefer the
eldest son of the loving wife since he knows the son of the
hateful one is the eldest/ 9 He is truly the eldest who is the
holy offspring of a holy mother, like the true mother from
whose womb true sons do not depart, but sinners do. So, he
4 Heb. 12.22,23.
5 Cf. Gen. 29.34.
6 Ps. 57.4.
7 Cf. Gal. 1.15.
8 John 1.26.
9 Deut. 21.17.

who Is son not of a true mother is not true eldest, but like an
eldest son he is
helped by riches so that he will not be in
need; he is not honored that he may be rich. The other is

given twice as much from all so that he will abound. For

this reason, you have in Genesis the patriarchs each given two
robes by their brother Joseph when they were sent back to
their father, to signify to the father that Joseph was found
whom the father believed to be dead.
The first-born, therefore, received the right of inheritance
when Scripture said: This is the beginning of his children,
and to him are due the first birthrights/ 10 The first-born
saints are of the first-bornSon of God; from that beginning,
because Hethe beginning and the end,
is the saint takes
his beginning; the son to whom is due the privilege of the
first-fruits takes his beginning according to the saying of

Abraham: 'Cast out the slave-girl with her son; for the son
of this slave-girl shall not be heir with my son Isaac.
This is meant by divine Revelation to refer more to the

inheriting of virtues than of money, when the Lord says:

'Heed all that Sara says to you; for through Isaac shall your
descendants be called. What other thing was there in
Isaac which ennobled his father if not the
inheriting of
sanctity? Indeed, he put the son of the slave-girl over nations,
handing over, as it were, the full amount of his patrimony.
But he gave double the amount to the son of Sara, on whom
were conferred not only temporal but heavenly and ever-
lasting blessings.
Farewell, and love us, because we love you.

10 ibid.
11 Cf. Apoc. 1.8.
12 Gen. 21.10.
13 Gen. 21.12.

77. Ambrose to Irenaeus, greetings

You me why the Lord God does not now rain down
manna He did on our fathers' people. If you reflect, you
will realize that He does, even daily, rain down manna from
heaven upon His servants. In fact, a corporeal manna is
found today in many places, but it is not now a matter of
such great wonder, because that which is perfect has come.
That which is perfect is the Bread from heaven, the Body
from a virgin, of which the Gospel tells us with sufficiency.
How much more excellent this is than what went before!
Those who ate that manna, or bread, are dead, but he who
eats this Bread will live forever,
But there is also a spiritual manna, the dew of spiritual
wisdom, which is shed from heaven upon those who are
resourceful and in search of it. This waters the minds of the
pious and puts sweetness into their mouths. Whoever ex-
periences this downpour of divine Wisdom is delighted, and,
needing no other food, lives not on bread alone but on every
word of God. 4 One who is more diligent seeks that which is
sweeter than honey. God's servant says to him: 'This is the
bread which God gave you to eat.' Hear what that bread is :

The word,
he says, 'which God hath commanded/ This
food, the command
of God, nourishes the soul of the wise
man, illumining and sweetening, shining with the gleam of
truth, blending, as with honeycomb, the sweetness of many
virtues and the word of Wisdom, for 'Well ordered words
are as a honeycomb/ as it is written in Proverbs.
Now, hear why it was small because the grain of mustard

seed which is compared to the kingdom of heaven is very

1 Undated.
2 Cf. 1 Cor. 13.10.
3 Cf. John 6.5.
4 Cf. Matt. 4.4.
5 Exod. 16.15,16.
6 Prov. 16.24.
7 Cf. Luke 13.19.

small, and faith, which is like a grain of mustard seed, can

move mountains and cast them into the sea. Again, 'The
kingdom of heaven is like leaven, which a woman took and
buried in three measures of flour, until all of it was leavened.'
Likewise, Moses ground the head of the golden calf into
powder and strewed it in the water and gave it to the people
to drink, for their heart had been fattened with the great
mass of wickedness, and he did this so that it might be
softened and refined by faith. Lastly, the woman who grinds
well will be taken, but she who grinds ill will be left.
Do you, therefore, grind your faith so that you may be
like the soul which excites in itself the love of Christ, which
the powers of heaven admire as it mounts up, that it may
rise easily and soar above this world with joy and gladness.
Like the vine, put forth branches, and like srnoke, rise on
high, shedding the odor of a holy resurrection and the sweet-
ness of faith, as you have it written: 'Who is she that goeth
up by the desert like a branch of the vine burning with smoke,
fragrant with myrrh and frankincense, and with all the
powders of the perfumer?
Very aptly has the sacred writer described its refined nature,
comparing it with powder or perfume, for we read in Exodus
that thyme, a prophetic incense, was very refined and com-
pounded of many things, for it was the prayer of the saints.
Thus, it may be directed into the sight of the Lord, as David
says: 'Let my prayer arise like incense unto thee.' And in
the Greek also says the same. And in the Apocalypse of
John we read that 'An angel stood before the altar, having a
golden censer, and there was given to him much incense,
from the prayers of all the saints. And,' he says, 'the incense,
8 Cf. Luke 17.6.
9 Luke 13.21.
10 Cf. Exod. 32.20.
11 Cant. 3.6.
12 Ps. 140.2.
13 Ambrose here quotes the passage in Greek,

the smoke of the prayers of the saints, went from the hand of
the angel before the sight of God.'
of the soul which
Small, too, are the navel and belly
ascends to Christ. Therefore, it is praised in the words of the
who Thy navel is like a round bowl never
spouse says:
wanting wine, thy belly is like a heap of tiny wheat among
It all kinds of learning and it is a
lilies. is
polished by
and in the knowl-
spiritual draught never failing in fullness
of heavenly secrets. The belly of the soul is mystic,- like
the navel, and it receives not only strong food to strengthen
hearts, but sweet and fragrant
food by which it is delighted.
needs to be atoned
Perhaps Moses meant that this sacrilege
for by many and pious prayers.
In the Book of Kings, also, when the Lord revealed Him-
breeze first came
self toholy Elias, the whistling of a gentle 17
and then the Lord revealed Himself to him. Thus we may
learn that are fat and gross, spiritual things
bodily things
tender and fine and cannot be perceived with the eye. The
Spirit of described in the Book of Wisdom as
Wisdom is
subtle and lively, because in her is the spirit of understand-
ing, holy, one, manifold, subtle, lively;
and she grinds her
words before speaking so that she may not offend in any
mode or meaning. Finally, it will be said to Babylon when
she is about to be destroyed: 'And sound of millstone will
not be heard in thee any more.
This manna, therefore, was fine and it was gathered each
day, not kept for the day following, because
what wisdom
finds in a moment is more pleasing, nor is that more admirable
for being found in leisure time than what is struck at once
from the spark of genius. It may be that future mysteries are
revealed the manna kept until sunrise is unfit to be eaten

14 Apoc. 8.2-4.
15 Cant. 7.2.
16 I. e., the making and adoring of the golden calf.
17 CL 3 Kings 19.21.
18 Cf. Wisd. 7.22.
19 Apoc. 18.22.

that is, it had grace only until the coming of Christ. When
the Sunof Justice arose, arfd the more resplendent sacraments
of Christ's Body and JEJtood gleamed, lesser things came to an
end and the people were to take that which is more perfect.
Farewell, and love us, because we also love you.

78. Ambrose to Irenaeus, greetings

As you were my son, you have referred to me the


question others have asked of you, why the Law was so severe
in pronouncing unclean those persons who wear garments of
the other sex, whether men or women, for it is written: *Let
not men's apparel cover a woman, neither shall a man be
clothed with a woman's garment, for he that doeth these
things is abominable before God.'
If you investigate the matter well, what nature herself
abhors must be unsuitable, for why do you want to seem not
a man when you were born one? Why do you assume an
appearance not yours? Why play the woman, or you, woman,
the man? Nature clothes each sex in its proper raiment.
Moreover, in men and women there are different customs,
different complexion, different gestures, gait, and strength,
different qualities of voice.
In the animals of the rest of creation, too, the form,
strength, and roar of the lion and lioness, of bull and heifer,
are different. Among deer, also, the stag and hind differ as
much in sex as in appearance, so that one can distinguish
them from a distance. Between birds and men there is an
even closer comparison regarding their clothing, for their
natural covering distinguishes the sex in them. The peacock
very beautiful, but his mate does not have feathers so
1 Undated.
2 Deut. 22.5,

Pheasants also have different colors to

variegated in color.
mark the distinction of sex. The same is true of chickens.
How shrill is the cock's crow night after night3 performing its
us and crowing! They do not
appointed task of rousing
do we want to change ours?
change their appearance. Why
for women to wear men's
The custom prevailed in Greece
tunics because they were shorter. Let be their custom to

the nature of the better sex, but why should

appear to imitate
sex? A
men want to assume the of the
appearance inferior^
falsehood in words is degrading, and so is it also in

heathen where falsification of faith

That is why in temples
also falsification of nature. There it is con-
abides, there is
sidered for men to assume women's clothing and female
For this reason the Law declares that every man
who puts on a woman's garment is an abomination to the
I think it refers to clothing as to manners and
not so much
to our habits andactions, since one act is becoming to a
man, another to a woman. Therefore, the Apostle, as the
interpreter of
the Law, says: 'Let your women keep silence
in the churches, for it is not permitted them to speak, but to

be submissive, as the Law says. But if they wish to learn

anything let them ask their husbands at home.'
And to
Timothy he says: 'Let a woman learn in silence with all

submission. For I do not allow a woman to teach, or to

exercise authority over men.'
unsightly it is for
a man to act like a woman! Let

'3 Cf. Hymn at Matins (Hymnus I, PL 17.1409) translated by

Ambrose's ;

Copeland and others, in Dom Matthew Britt, O.S.B.,

W. J.
The Hymns
of the Breviary and Missal (New York 1948) 21.
4 Many early Councils forbade women to wear men's clothing and men
to wear women's. For an example of the first prohibition, cf. Summa
virilem habitum usurpent,'
Gangrensis Concilii, Cap. 13: 'Ne mulieres
Summa Conciliorum (Venice 1781) 75.
5 1 Cor. 14.34,35.
6 I Tim. 2.11,12.

those who curl their hair like women also conceive and bear
children. The one sex is veiled; the other engages in war.
There is an excuse for those who follow their native customs,
barbarous as they are, the Persians, the Goths, the Armenians.
But nature is greater than one's native land.
What shall we say of those who consider it a sign of
luxury to have in their service slaves wearing curls and orna-
ments, while they themselves have long beards and the slaves
have streaming hair? It is to be expected that chastity will be
lost where the distinction of the sexes is not observed, and

where nature lays down definite instruction, as the Apostle

says: 'Does it become a woman to pray to God uncovered?
Does not nature itself teach you that for a man to wear his
hair long is degrading; but for a woman to wear her hair

long is a glory to her? Because her hair has been given her as
a covering.' 7 You must thus answer those who make inquiries.
Farewell, and love us as a son, because we as a parent
love you.

79. Ambrose to Irenaeus, greetings (Summer, 393 )

After resting my mind a while during my reading, turning

from my intensive study, I began thinking of the versicle
which we had used at first Vespers 'Thou art beautiful above

the sons of men/ and also: 'How beautiful are the feet of
those who bring good tidings.' Truly, nothing is more
beautiful than that Highest Good which is
beautiful to preach, the setting forth of a continuous dis-

7 1 Cor. 11.13-15.

1 Dudden dates this 387.

2 Ps. 44.3; this is quoted in Greek.
3 Isa. 52.7.

course, and the It were, of the preaching of the

footsteps, as
Apostles. Whocapable of this? Those to whom God gave

the power not only to announce Christ but also to suffer for
As far as we are able, let us give our attention to that
which is beautiful, comely, and good; let us be occupied with
it, let us hold it in mind, so that by its glow
and light our
souls may become lovely and our minds transparent. For, if
our eyes are refreshed with green fields and beautiful groves,
after being clouded by mist, or if grassy hills take away the
blur of the sick man's gaze, while his pupils and eye-balls
seem to take on color, how much more does the eye of the
mind, when it gazes upon the Highest Good, turning to It
and feeding on It, become bright and shining, and so fulfill
the words of Scripture: My soul shall be filled as with
marrow and richness.'
One who
wisely understands the souls
of his flock cares for the grass of his field so that he will have
large pastures, for the sweet grasses make the lambs fatter,
and their milk is more healthful. The rich use these pastures,
they who 'have eaten and adored,' for it is the saint of God

who is placed in these good pastures of faith.

The with that hay which
flocks of sheep are also nourished
makes them produce fleeces of wisdom and provides them
the mantle of prudence. Perhaps, too, this is the mountain
hay upon which the Prophet's words distilled 'like snow
upon the hay.' The wise man diligently seeks this so that his

sheep may be a covering for him, a sort of spiritual cloak.

Thus the soul which clings to the Highest Good, which is
divine, has its own food and clothing. This is what the Apostle
Peter urged us to search for, so that by acquiring this
knowledge we may become partakers of the divine nature.
The good God discloses a knowledge of this to His saints,
4 PS. 62.6.
5 Ps. 2L30.
6 Cf. Prov. 27.35.
7 Deut. 32.2.
8 2 Peter 1.4.

bringing it forth from His good treasures as the sacred

writing proves: The Lord swore to your fathers to give
open his excellent treasure.' From this heavenly treasure He

gives rain to His earth in order to bless all the works of your
hands. The rain signifies the utterance of the Scripture which
bedews the soul which is rich and plentiful in good works so
that it
may have the rain of grace.
David went in search of the knowledge of this Good, as
he himself declares: 'One thing I have asked of the Lord;
this will I seek that I may dwell in the house of the Lord all

the days of my life, to enjoy the sweetness of the Lord and to

behold his temple. And he immediately adds in this psalm

that this is the Highest Good 'I believe that I shall see the

good things of the Lord in the land of the living.' Here
[on earth] He is sought; there [in heaven] he will be fully
seen lace to face. This Good is in the house of God, in His
secret abode and sanctuary. Again he says 'We shall be filled

with the good things of thy house.' 12 In another place, too,

he shows that this is the fullness of blessings: 'May the Lord
bless thee out of Sion, that thou mayest see the welfare of
Jerusalem.' Blessed is he, therefore, who lives there in the
entrance of faith, in the abode of the spirit, in the dwelling
of devotion, in the life of virtue.
Let us abide there and remain in Him of whom Isaias

says: 'How beautiful are the who preach

feet of those
peace and preach good tidings!' Who are those who preach

except Peter, Paul, and all the Apostles? What do they

preach to us except the Lord Jesus? He is our peace, He is

our Highest Good, for He is the Good from Good, and from
a good tree is gathered good fruit. 16 Then, too, His spirit is

9 Deut. 28.11,12.
10 Cf. Deut. 32.2.
11 Ps. 26.4,13.
12 Ps. 64.5.
13 Ps. 127.5.
14 Isa. 52.7.
15 Cf. 1 Cor. 1.1.
16 Cf. Matt. 7.18.

good, that Spirit which receives the servants of God from

Him and brings them into the right way. 17 Let no one who
has the Spirit of God in him deny that He is good, since He
says Himself: 'Is thy eye evil because I am good?' May
there come into our soul, into our innermost heart, this Good
which the kind God gives to those who ask Him. He is our
Treasure; He is our Way; He is our Wisdom, our Righteous-
ness, our Shepherd and the Good Shepherd; He
is our Life.

See the number of good things in the one Good !

The Evangelists preach these good things to us. David in

search of these good things said: 'Who will show us good
things?' And he shows that the Lord Himself is our Good,
saying: 'The light of thy countenance is signed upon us.'
Who is the light of the Father's countenance except the
brightness of His glory, the image of the invisible God, in
whom the Father is both seen and glorified, as He also
glorifies His Son?
The Lord Jesus Himself, therefore, is the Highest Good
whom the Prophets announced, the angels made known, the
Father promised, and the Apostles preached. 22 He came to us
like ripeness,and not only as ripeness but as ripeness in the
mountains, so that in our counsels there would be no bitterness
or unripeness, and in our actions and our manners there
would be no harshness or hardness. He Himself was the
preach good tidings to us and said: I myself who
first to

spoke am here' ;
that is, I who spoke in the Prophets, I am
present in thebody which I took of a virgin; I am present, the
inward likeness of God, the express image of His person; and
I am present as man. But who knows Me? They saw a man,

17 Cf. Ps. 142.10.

18 Matt. 20.15.
19 Osee 4.6.
20 Heb. 1.3.
21 Cf.John 17.5.
22 Cf.1 Tim. 3.16.
23 Heb. 1.1,2.

yet they believed that His works were greater than man. Was
it not as man that He than
wept for Lazarus, and greater
man that He raised him from the dead? Again, was it not as
man that He was scourged, and greater than man that He
took away the sins of all the world?
Let us hurry to Him in whom is that Highest Good, since
He Goodness Itself. He is the patience of Israel calling

you to penance, so you will not come to judgment but may

receive the remission of sins. 'Do penance,' he says. is He
the one of whom the ProphetAmos cries: 'Seek ye good.'
He is the Highest Good, for He needs nothing and abounds
in all things. Well may He abound, for in Him dwells bodily
the fullness of divinity. 28 Well may He abound, of whose
fullness we have all received, and in whom we have been
filled, as the Evangelist says.
with its capacity for pleasure and delight, has
If the soul,
tasted this True and Highest Good and has adhered to both
with the means at her disposal, putting away sorrow and
fear, then is she wonderfully inflamed. Having embraced the
Word of God, she knows no bounds, she knows no satiety,
and says: Thou art sweet, O Lord, and in thy joy teach
me thy laws.' 30 Having embraced the Word of God, she
desiresHim above every beauty; she loves Him above every
joy; she is
delighted with Him above every perfume; she
wishes often to see, often to gaze, often to be drawn to Him
that she may'Thy name,' she says, 'is as oil poured
out,' why we maidens love Thee, and vie with
and that is

one another but cannot attain to Thee. Draw us that we

24 Cf. John 11.35.

25 Cf. John 1.29.
26 Matt. 4.17.
27 Amos 5.14.
28 Cf. Col. 2.9.
29 Cf. John 1.16.
30 Ps. 118.68.
31 Cant. 1.2.

may run after Thee, that from the odor of ointments we

may receive the power to follow Thee.
The soul presses forward for a glimpse of hidden mysteries,
to the very abode of the Word, to the very dwelling place of
that Highest Good, and His light and brightness. In that
bosom and secret dwelling place of the Father she hastens to
hear His words, and having heard them she finds them
sweeter than all things. Let the Prophet who has tasted this
sweetness teach you, when he says 'How sweet are thy words

to my above honeycomb to my mouth.'
What else can
a soul desire when she has once tasted the sweetness of the
Word, when she has once seen its brightness? When Moses
remained on the mountain forty days to receive the Law, he
had no need of food for the body. 33 Elias, going to that rest,
asked that his soul be taken away from him. Even Peter
himself, foreseeing on the mountain the glory of the Lord's
Resurrection, did not wish to come down, and said:
'Lord, it
good for us to be here.'
How great is the glory of that
Divine Essence, how great the graces of the Word at which
even angels wish to gaze! 36
The soul which beholds this Highest Good needs not the
body, and, knowing that she should have very little familiarity
with it, she shuns the world, she withdraws herself from the
chains of the flesh, she casts off all the bonds of earthly
pleasure. Thus Stephen beheld Jesus and had no fear of being
stoned; in fact, while he was being stoned he prayed, not for
himself, but for those by whom he was being murdered.

Paul, too, caught up into the third heaven, did not know
whether he was in the body or out of it; caught, I say, into
paradise, he no longer had need of the body, and after hear-

32 PS. 118.103.
33 Cf. Exod. 34.28.
34 Cf. 3 Kings 19.4.
35 Matt. 17.4.
36 Cf. 1 Peter U2.

37 Cf. Acts 7.55-60.


ing the word of God he was ashamed to descend to the

infirmities of the body.
With the knowledge of what he had seen and heard in
paradise, he cried out saying: 'Why, as if still viewing from
the world do you lay down rules: "Do not touch; nor handle;
nor taste!" things which must all perish in their very use!'
He wished us to be in the world in figure, not in actual
possession and use of it; so to use the world as if we did not
use it, as if we were but passing through, 40 not residing in it,
walking through as in a dream, not with desire, so that with
the speed of thought we might pass through the shadow of
this world. He himself, too, walking by faith, not by sight,
was a pilgrim from the body and present with the Lord, and
although he was on earth, his conversation was not on earth,
but in heaven.
Therefore,let the soul which wishes to approach God
raise herselffrom the body and cling always to that Highest
Good which is divine, and lasts forever, and which was from
the beginning and which was with God, 40 that is, the Word
of God. This is the Divine Being 'in which we live and are
and move.' 42 This was in the beginning, this is: The Son of
God, Jesus Christ in you,' he says, 'in whom there was not
Yes and No, but only Yes was in him.' 43 He Himself told
Moses to say: 'HE WHO is hath sent me.' 44
Let our soul be with this Good, and, if possible, let it be
there always, so that it can be said of us: 'My soul is always
in thy hands.' 45 Such will be the case if it is not in the body,
but in the spirit, if it does not entangle itself with things of
earth. When it is concerned with the flesh, then the charms

38 Cf. 2 Cor. 12.2-5.

39 Col. 2.20-22.
40 Cf. 1 Cor. 7.31.
41 Cf. John 1.1.
42 Acts 17.28.
43 2 Cor. 1.19.
44 Exod. 3.14.
45 Ps. 118.109.

with anger and indignation,

of the body creep over it, it tosses

it is afflicted with sadness, it is cast down through arrogance,

it is troubled with sorrow.
These are the dangerous illnesses of the soul by which it is
often brought near death and its eyes are so blinded that they
do not see the light of true glory and the richness of the
eternal inheritance. But, if it keeps them always^ fixed
God, it will receive from Christ the splendor of wisdom,
that it will have its illumined by the knowledge of God,
and look upon the hope of our calling, and gaze on that
which is good, well-pleasing, and perfect. The good is well-
pleasing to the Father. That
which is well-pleasing is perfect,
as you read in the Gospel where the Lord says: Love your
enemies, so that you may imitate your Father,
who sends
rain on the just and the unjust. This proves what

goodness. Later He concludes, saying:

'Be ye perfect, as your
Father who is in heaven is perfect/ Charity is perfect; it is
the fulfilling of the law. Tor what is so good' as charity

which thinks no evil?

Flee the regions where enmity, ambition, and contention
have their dwelling. Let your soul open itself to grasp this
good so that it may fly above the clouds, that it may
renewed like the eagle, and like the eagle spreading its wings
with new may not fear to soar
vigor in its it aloft,
to leave this earth, because an earthly habitation weighs down
the soul. Let it put off the old, let it lay aside the desire for
wash clean its eyes so that it may see the fount of
evil, let it
true wisdom, the fount of eternal life, which flows and pours
itself upon all and has no needs. has ever given Him
from Him, and through Him, and in Him'

anything, since
are all things?

46 Matt. 5.44,45,48.
47 Cf. Virgil, Aeneid 5.508,618.
48 Wisd. 9.15.
49 Rom. 11.36.

The fount of life is that Highest Good which bestows the

substance of life on all, because has
abiding in itself.
it life

It receives from no one as though it were needy; it lavishes

goods upon all and borrows from others nothing for itself,
for it has no need of us. It says, too, in the person of man-
kind: 'You do not need my goods.' What is more lovely
than to approach Him and cling to Him? What pleasure can
be greater? What else can he desire who sees and tastes freely
of this fount of living water? what realms? what powers?
what riches? when he sees how pitiable are the condition?
of kings, how changeable the status of their power, how short
the span of this life, in how great bondage even sovereigns
must live, since they live at the will of others and not their
Does any rich man make his way to eternal life unless he is
provided with money, the riches of virtue, the portion of all,
the only thing a rich man cannot have? Happiness does not
consist in using, but in seeing how you may despise these
riches, how you may consider them void of truth, judge them
vain and useless, 51 and love, instead, the beauty of naked
truth which discloses the utterly false vanities of the world.
Lift up your soul, those eyes of which the
eyes, then, my
Word of God 'Thou hast wounded me in the
says to you:
heart, O my sister, my spouse, thou hast wounded me in the
heart with one of thine eyes.' 52 Go up to the palm, overcome
the world so that you may reach the height of the Word.
Leave aside the vain show of this world, leave aside its
wickedness. Bring, rather, goodness of heart which possesses
grace in the tree of life, provided she will wash her robes and
enter the city which is the true grace of the saints. There is
the tabernacle of God, around which the scribes of the Lord
are encamped, where neither day nor sun nor moon provide
light, but the Lord Himself is the light illuminating that whole

50 Ps. 15.2.
51 Cf. Virgil, Aeneid 10.630.
52 Cant. 4.8.

Surely, He is not a
city, for He
the Light of the world,

visible light, but He is the brilliance of the mind in the souls

of men, upon whom He pours Himself with the radiant light
of wisdom andreason, which the Gospel says inspires the
inmost soul with the warmth of His spiritual power.
If a man has taken up his residence in that heavenly city,
let him not leave its life and customs, since he is an

inhabitant. Let him not again depart, nor retrace the steps,
I do not say, of the body, but of the heart. Let him not come
back from there. Behind him. is wantonness; behind is im-
purity. When Lot went to the mountains, he left behind the
sins of Sodom, but the woman who looked back could not
reach the higher ground. 56 Your feet should not turn back,
neither should your actions turn back. Your hands should
not hang idle, nor should the knees of your devotion and
faith become weak. Let no weakness cause your will to

backslide, nor evil deeds recur. You have made your entrance,

now remain. You have reached this place, stand firm. Being
safe, save thy life.'
In your ascent, take the straight path; it is not safe to turn
back. Here is is downfall. Here is the path
the road; there
a There is work in
upward; there, precipice. ascending,
danger in descending. The Lord who is powerful will protect

you if you are grounded and hedged round with the ramparts
of the Prophets and the bulwarks of the Apostles. For this

reason, the Lord says to you: 'Enter and tread the grape,
for the vintage time is here.' Let us be found within, not out
of doors. In the Gospel, too, the Son ofGod says: 'Let him
who is on the
housetop not go down to take his vessels.'

53 a. Apoc. 21.23.
54 Cf. John 8.12.
55 Cf. Luke 24.32.
56 Gen. 19.30.
57 Gen. 19.17.
58 Joel 3.13.
59 Luke 17.31.

Surely, He does not mean our present dwelling but that one
of which He has spread the sky like a roof.'

Remain within, therefore, within Jerusalem, within your

soul which is
peaceful, meek, and tranquil. Do not leave it or
go down to take your vessels with honors or riches or pride.
Remain within, so that strangers may not pass through you, so
that neither sins nor vain works nor useless thoughts may
pass through your soul. This will not happen if you wage a
holy war against the snare of the passions in behalf of
devotion and faith and in the pursuit of truth, if you will
put on the armor of God in your fight against spiritual
diseases and the cunning of the Devil who tempts our senses
with cunning and fraud. Yet, he is easily crushed by the
gentle warrior who does not sow discord, but, as befits the
servant of God, teaches faith with moderation and refutes
those who are his adversaries. Of this man Scripture says:
'Let the warrior who isgentle arise,'
and the weak man
I can do all things in him who strengthens me.'
Supported by this faith, even the weak man will prevail,
his soul will be holy, and this mountain of the Prophets and
the Apostles will drop down sweetness upon him. The hills,
too, will pour out milk as did that hill which gave milk to the
Corinthians to drink. 64 And waters will flow upon him from
his vesselsand the depths of his wells, or from his belly will
flow living waters, spiritual waters which the Holy Spirit
gives to the faithful. May He deign to water your soul, too, so
that in you there may abound the fount of water springing up
into life everlasting.
Farewell, and love us as a son, because we love you as a

60 Ps. 103.2; 4 Esd. 16.60.

61 Joel 3.9.
62 Phil. 4.13.
63 Cf. Joel 3.18.
64 Cf. 1 Cor. 3.2.
65 Cf. John 4.14.

80. Ambrose to Irenaeus, greetings (c. 387)

When I had finished and directed it to be

my last letter

delivered to you, the words which the Lord spoke by the

came mind: it time for you to
prophet Aggeus to my 'Is

dwell in carved houses?' What is the meaning of this except

that should dwell on high, not in cavernous dwelling
places or beneath the earth. Those
who dwell below the
earth cannot build the temple of God, and their saying is:
'The time has not yet come for building the house of the
Lord.' It is a mark of sensual people to seek underground
dwellings, longing for summer's coolness because,
by indulgences and requiring shady depths, they cannot
otherwise bear the heat. Again, the slothful carry on low
pursuits beneath the earth. And, finally,
dark and shady
places suit them best wherein they feel that their sins are
concealed, according to the saying: 'Darkness compasseth
me about like walls. Whom 2
shall I fear?' Their hope of this
is vain, since God sees the hidden depths of the abyss and
discovers all things before they take place.
Neither Elias nor Eliseus lived in underground dwellings.
The one carried the dead son of the widow into an upper
chamber where he abode and there restored him to life. The
other had a chamber prepared for him in the upper part of
the house by that great woman, the Sunamitess, as Scripture
bears witness. There she won the privilege of conceiving a
son, for she was barren, and there also she saw the miracle of
her child's restoration to life. What should I say of Peter,
who went up to the roof at the sixth hour and learned there
the mystery of the baptism of the Gentiles? 6 On the other
hand, the murderer Absalom set up a pillar to himself in the
Agg. 1.4,2.
2 Eccli. 23.26.
3 Cf. Wisd. 8.8.
4 Cf, 3 Kings 17.22.
5 Cf. 4 Kings 4.15-37.
6 Cf. Acts 10.9.

valley of the king, and was thrown into a ditch when

he was
slain. Thus the saints go up to the Lord, the wicked go down

to sin; the saints are on the mountains, the guilty in the

valleys. Tor he is the God of the mountains and not the God
of the valleys.'
Those who dwelt in the houses of the plain where God
does not dwell could not have the house of God within them,
for this is the house which God sought from them so that they
might build up themselves and rear within themselves the
temple of God from living stones of faith. He did not want
buildings made with earthen walls or wooden roofs, for the
hand of an enemy would have been able to overthrow them.
He wanted that temple which is built in the hearts of men, to
whom it may 'You are the temple of God,' in
be said:
which the Lord Jesus might dwell and from there set out to
redeem all mankind. There also could be prepared a sacred
chamber in the womb of the Virgin where the King of
heaven might live and a human body become the temple of
God, which though it was destroyed, might yet be restored to
life on the third day.
Sensual persons who
dwell in vaulted houses and take
delight in coffered silver ceilings do not build a house
this. As they despise plain silver, so do they despise a simple
dwelling place. They add to the site of their homes; adding
more and more, they join one house with another, one
estate with another; they dig up the ground so that the very
earth itself gives way for their dwelling, and, like children of
the earth, they are laid up within her womb and hidden
within her. flesh. Plainly was of them that Jeremias said:

'Woe to them who build their house by injustice!' 12 The man

who builds with justice builds not on earth but in heaven.
7 Cf. 2 Kings 18.17.
8 3 Kings 20.28,
9 1 Cor. 3.16.
10 Cf. Agg. 1.4.
11 Cf. Isa. 5.8.
12 Jer. 22.13.

'You have built,


says the Prophet, 'a house,

to measure its

upper storey, airy and marked with windows, roofed with

cedar and painted with vermilion.'
That man measures the
of God and
upper storey who has contemplated the judgment
the of the humble and of the poor. But the
judges judgment
man who goes in search of gain and of the blood of the
innocent does not build his roofs with judgment, nor keep a
due measure, because he has not Christ. He does not try to
inhale the breath of divine grace, nor does he look for the
brightness of the full light. He does not have his chambers

painted with vermilion and it cannot be said to him: Thy

lips are like
scarlet lace.'
'One of not be buried/
this sort/ it is said, 'will for he
has entrenched himself in the earth and buried himself in a
tomb when alive, as it were, depriving himself of repose in a
tomb when he is dead. Having laid himself away in the pit
of bodily pleasure, he has not found that tomb from which
one can rise. A
man of this sort does not build a temple to
God, because he does not know the time of his correction.
How can such men build a temple, since like wild beasts and
animals they have taken themselves into the caves and lairs
of beasts and wild animals, burying themselves like serpents
in pits, digging into the earth in the manner of a cunning fox?
The man who dies before his time does not build his tomb,
for, although he lives, he is dead. 17 He does not hear the words
of Aggeus, interpreted the banqueteer, for he does not enter
the tabernacle of God 'with the voice of joy and praise : the
noise of one feasting.'
does he hear His voice if he
does not see His works? If he saw them he would hear the
Word which was put within his grasp, he would rejoice in
13 Jer. 22.14.
14 Cant. 4.3.
15 Jer. 22-19.
16 Cf. Virgil, Ed. 10.52.
17 Cf. 1 Tim. 5.6.
18 Ps. 41.5,

His whereby 'he knocked and it was opened to him/
and he would have gone down Into his soul that he might
feed therein upon the foo$ of sincerity and truth.
Because he has failed to hear, the word of Aggeus again
comes, saying: 'Rise from houses embossed and carved with
wickedness, and go up to the mount of heavenly Scriptures
and hew the tree of wisdom, the tree of life, the tree of
knowledge. Make straight your ways, order your actions so
that they may have the due order which is necessary and
useful for building the house of God.'
Unless you do this, heaven will not give her rain, that is
to say, the heavenly message which comes down on the hay
like dew will not cool the fevered motions of the passions of

your body, nor extinguish the fiery darts of your various

desires, and the earth, the soul, will not bear its fruit, for it
dries up unless it is well-watered with the Word of God and

sprinkled with heavenly dew, the fullness of spiritual grace.

And because he knew how slothful they are who dwell
beneath the earth in the dark abodes of pleasure, he said: I
will stir up for them the spirit of Zorobabel of the tribe of
Juda, and Josue the son of Josadec, the high priest, so
that they will be encouraged to build the house of God, for,
'Unless the Lord build the house, they labor in vain who
build it.'Zorobabel means that 'overflowing fountain' on
the hilltop; it is like the fountain of life and the Word of
God, 'through which are all things, and from which are all
things, and all things in it.' 24 This 'overflowing fountain' says:
'If anyone thirst, let him come to me and drink,' drink,
that is, from the stream of an unfailing flood. We read, too,

19 Matt. 7.7.
20 Agg. 1.8.
21 Cf. Agg. 1.10.
22 Agg. 1.14.
23 Ps. 126.1.
24 Col. 1.16,17.
25 John 7.37.

of Zabulon, stream by night/ that is to say, 'prophetic.'

It is made clear now by the mingling of the waters in which

was swallowed up the vanity typified by Jezabel, who was
opposed to the truth and hostile to the utterances of the
Prophets. She herself was so ton! by the teeth
of dogs that
no trace of her remained, but her whole frame along with
every mark of her posterity was blotted out. Zorobabel
himself, of the tribe of Juda, and Josue the high priest, both
designated by a tribe and name, seem to represent two
persons, although mention is made of only one. He who is
almighty is born from the Almighty, as Redeemer is born of
the Virgin, being the same in the diversity of His two divisible
natures, and He, like the Giant of Salvation, has fulfilled
the verity of the one Son of God.
When He was on the point of calling from the dead the
saintly Zorobabel, He said: Once more I will move heaven

and earth, and seas and desert.' 29 He had moved them before
when He delivered His people from Egypt, 30 when there was
a pillar of the sky,
fire in a path through the waves, a wall
on the sea, a road in the water, and in the desert a harvest of
heavenly food provided each day, and a rock melted into
streams of water. He moved these, too, during the Passion of
the Lord Jesus, 32 when the sky was covered with darkness,
the sun was veiled in shadows, rocks were rent, graves opened,
the dead rose again, and the dragon vanquished on its own
waters saw the fishers of men not only sailing, but even
walking without peril, on the sea.
The dry land was moved, too, when the barren Gentile
nations began to ripen with the harvest of devotion and
faith, There was a movement of the desert and the Gentiles,

26 profluvium nocturnum.
27 Cf. 4 Kings 9.33-37.
28 Cf. Ps. 19.5.
29 Agg. 2.22.
30 Cf. Exod. 14.22-30.
31 Cf. Exod. 13.2L
32 Cf. Luke 23.44.

and so great and so powerful was the preaching of the

Apostles whom He had sent to call the Gentiles that 'their
sound went forth unto all the earth and their strains unto the
farthest bounds of the world.' So great was the movement of
the desert, I say, that more were the children of the desolate
than of her who had a husband; 34 it made the desert flower
like a lily; and the elect of the Gentiles entered into the
places left by the people where the remnants were saved
through election to grace.
I will fill this house,' he says, 'with my silver and gold,'
with the word of God which is like silver tried by fire, and
by the brilliance of the true light, shining like spiritual gold,
in the secret hearts of the saints. These riches He
confers on
His Church, the riches by which the treasures of her heart
are rilled and the glory of her house is become greater than
the glory which in times past the chosen people enjoyed. 39
Peace and tranquility of soul are more than all the glory
of the house, for peace surpasses all understanding. 40 This is
that peace beyond all peace which will be given after the
third moving of heaven, sea, earth, and dry land, when He
will destroy all the Powers and Principalities. 'Heaven and
earth will pass away,' 41 and the whole figure of this world.
Every man
will rise up against his brother with the sword,
that with the word which penetrates the marrow of his
soul, to destroy what is opposed, namely, the chariot of
Ephraim and the horse from Jerusalem, as Zacharias says.
And such will be the peace over all the passions of the body
33 Ps. 18.5.
34 Cf. Isa. 54.1.
35 Cf. Isa, 35.1.
36 Cf. Rom. 11.5.
37 Cf. Agg. 2.8,9.
38 Cf. Ps. 11.7.
39 Cf. Agg. 2.10.
40 Cf.
Phil. 4.7.
41 Matt. 24.35.
42 Cf. Heb. 4.12.
43 Cf. Zach. 9.10.

over the minds of un-

which are not opposition, and
who are not a hindrance, that Christ will be formed
in and will make an offering of the hearts
of all men in
submission to His Father.
So mystically said to
it is Him alone: 'I will take thee,
O Zorobabcl, and I will make thee as a signet ring, for I
have chosen thee/
For, when our soul becomes so peaceful

that it is said to her: 'Return, return, O Sulamitess,'

means 'peaceful,'
or to your own name 'Irenic/ then she will
receive Christ like a signet ring upon her,
for He is the

image of God. Then she will be according to that image,

because heavenly is the heavenly man. And we need to

bear the image of the heavenly one, that is, peace.

And that we may know that this is true you have in the
Canticles to the soul, now fully perfect, what I wish the
Lord Jesus may say to you: Tut me as a seal upon thy
arm. 548 May peace glow in your heart, Christ in your works,
and may there be formed in you wisdom and justice and
Farewell, son, and love us, because we love you.

81. Ambrose to Irenaeus, greetings (c. 387)

In the writings of some teachers we find the doctrine of

his disciples to enter upon
Pythagoras in which he forbade
the common path trodden by ordinary people. It is well
known whence he drew this principle. According to the
opinion of most persons, he was
a Jew by birth and therefore
drew the teachings of his school from the learning of this

44 Cf. 1 Cor. 15.28.

45 Agg. 2.24.
46 Cant. 6J2.
47 Cf. 1 Cor. 15.48.
48 Cant. 8.6,

people. Further, he is so highly esteemed among philosophers
that they say he has scarcely met his equal. He had read in
Exodus that Moses was bidden by God's command Tut off :

the shoes from thy feet/ 2 The same bidding was given to
Josue the son of Nun namely, that they who desired to
walk the way of the Lord should shake off the dust of the
road trampled by men. 3 He had also read the command
given to Moses to ascend the mountain with the priests while
the people stayed behind. 4 God first separated the priests from
the people and then commanded Moses to enter the cloud.
You see, then, the separation. See how among priests one
looks for nothing of a vulgar nature, nothing ordinary, noth-
ing in common with the interests and practice and character
of the undisciplined multitude. The priestly dignity demands
a prudent demeanor, different from that of the crowd, a
serious mode of life, an especial sense of gravity. How can
the priest expect the people to honor him if he possesses no
quality different from the people? Why should a man admire
you if he sees his own qualities in you; if he sees nothing in
you which he does not discover first in himself; if he finds in
you, whom he thinks he should respect, the very thing of
which he is ashamed in himself?
Let us tread beyond the opinions of the common herd, and
let us avoid the thoroughfares of ordinary living, and the
routes of the beaten road, and the footpath of the crowd
where he travels whose day is swifter than the courier, of
whom it is said: 'He fled away and did not see.' 5 Let us find
for ourselves the road where the conversations of the proud

1 Ambrose frequently maintained that pagan authors were not to be

credited with originality or true wisdom. He finds many occasions to
connect their sayings with those of Scripture; for example, the famous
words of Pythian Apollo, 'Know thyself are found in Cant. 1.7,
whence, says Ambrose, the heathens took such sayings and put them
into their works. Cf. De off. 1.31; Expos. Ps. 118 2.13.
2 Exod. 3.5.
3 Cf. Josue 5.16.
4 Cf. Exod. 24.13,14.
5 Job 9.25.

cannot approach, where the works of the wicked are not

encountered, the road which no polluted person spoils,

of his own sloth, smeared with the

ing it with the stain
smoke of wickedness, his soul darkened and falling into ruin,

while he has no taste for virtue, since he thinks he should look

at it askance and not receive it with direct regard
and wide
who seem to themselves witty
open arms. And (as many do,
and polite, transforming the beauty of wisdom into the ugli-
look upon true grace,
ness of guile) such a person does not
in darkness, even in the light of day he does not
but, lying
for he is among the people of
put his trust in those who live,
Thema and Saba who fall and turn from truth, as Job says:
'See the paths of Thema and Saba, they will fall into con-
fusion if they have their hope in cities and riches. You have
risen up against me without mercy, but seeing my wounds
you are afraid.'
Let us abandon the devious paths of those who wander,
the dust of those that fail, who have often fallen in the desert
while they searched. Let us turn and follow the road of
wisdom, the way which the children of those
who boast and
glorify themselves
have not trodden, the way which is un-
knows death. God has
acquainted with destruction and
marked this: The depth saith: It is not in me. And the sea
path of wisdom
saith: It is not with me.' But if
you seek the
and discipline, love of God and submission to Him is

wisdom; to keep from sin is discipline.

What is the advantage for us of this way of the world

where there is trial, for the life of man is a trial. It is more

to our
empty than vain tales to live in houses of clay, spend
and in of wealth, to think always of wealth,
days nights quest
and, like hired servants, to want our wages each day, and, as
they say crickets do, to live on the winds
of pleasure.

Living from day to day, they give vent to their complaints

7 Job 28.14.

like crickets in the

To what else can we
compare men of no gravity or discipline except to say that
they are like crickets born for death each day, com-
plaining rather than speaking? Under the heat of burning
desires they lull themselves with songs that do them harm,
and they soon die, bearing no fruit, possessed of no grace.
Their paths are dangerous and intertwined like the paths of
serpents which drag their bodies along in poisonous folds,
coiling themselves into a knot of wickedness, unable to raise
themselves to heavenly things.
Let us enter the gates of the Lord, the gates of justice,
where the just man enters and gives thanks to the Lord. 10
Few enter here, so the Lord said 'Narrow the gate and close

the way that leads to life! And few who find
there are it.'

But wide is and broad the

the gate way which
leading to death and carrying there its travelers.
Let our road be more narrow, our virtues more abundant,
our path more sure, our faith more lofty, our line more
restricted, our strength of soul overflowing, our ways straight,
because the course of virtue is unswerving. Thus, Solomon
c 12
says: Oh, you who leave the right way.'
Let our course take us to regions above, because it is better
to ascend. Finally, as was read today: 'Woe to them that go
down to Egypt.' 13 Surely, it is not wrong to go to Egypt, but
to change to the ways of the Egyptians, to change to the
violence of their treachery and to the ugliness of their wanton-
ness this is wrong. He that changes in this way descends,
and one who descends falls. Let us keep away, then, from

the Egyptian who is a man, but [let us] not [keep away]
from God. Even the king of Egypt himself fell under the
8 Cf. Virgil Georg. 3.328.
9 Cf. Ibid. 2.154.
10 Cf. Ps. 117.19.
11 Matt. 7.14.
12 Prov. 2.13.
13 Isa. 31.1.

dominion of his own vices and in comparison with him Moses

was accounted a god, ruling over kingdoms and subjecting
to Moses: 1
powers to himself. So we read that it was said
shall make thee a God to Pharao/

Farewell, and love us, as you do, with the affection of

a son.

82. Ambrose to Irenaeus, greetings (c. 387)

You have intimated that you find difficulty with the text :

'Let us sacrifice the abominations of the Egyptians to God.'
The solution of your difficulty is to be found in the words of
Genesis that the Egyptians abominated the shepherd of the
flock, not so much because of the shepherd as because of the
flock. The Egyptians, you know, were tillers of the land, but
Abraham and Jacob and, later, Moses and David, were
shepherds, who put a sort of royal stamp upon this occupa-
The Egyptians, consequently, abominated the offerings of
sacrifice, that is, the perfect pursuit of the virtues and the
full pursuit of obedience. The very thing which they viciously
hated, good and pious act.
persons regard as a sincere per- A
son given to sensual pleasure hates the work of virtue ; the glut-
ton shuns it. The body of the Egyptian, given to pleasure, has
an aversion for the virtues of the soul, abominates restrictions,
and shuns the exercise of virtue and all works of this kind.
The very things which the Egyptian shuns he who is an
Egyptian rather than a mere man embrace these, knowing
what befits a man. Keep away from the things which they
14 Exod. 7.1.

1 Exod. 8.26.
2 Cf. Gen. 46.34.

follow and choose, because wisdom and foolishness cannot

blend. And
just as wisdom eludes those who are in the
of the foolish and intemperate, so does chastity elude them.
The foolish and the unchaste man is alienated from the
goods and inheritance which belong to the wise and the
The two holy daughters of that union, Lia and Rachel, the
one meaning labored/ the other 'strong in desire, tried to
avoid not the tie of blood but the difference of their manners.
When they learned from their conversation with the much-
tried Jacob that he wished them to part from their country
in order to escape the enmity and anger of Laban and his
sons, they answered : 'Have we anything left among the goods
and inheritance of our father's house? Hath he not counted
us as strangers and sold us, and eaten up the price of us?'
Notice, first of all, how the foolish and envious man estranges
himself and wants to part from the hard-working woman
who practices a close discipline over herself. Realizing that
they will be a burden to him, he considers it an advantage to
part from them and he looks upon this leave-taking as his
reward and the enjoyment of his desire.
Let us hear how foolishness has not the possessions of
virtue, for they say: 'All the riches and glory which the
Lord gave our fathers will belong to us and our sons.' 4
Rightly do they say that they were taken, God being their
judge, since He is the Author of all good, and the foolish lose
His favor. Because wicked and weak men cannot grasp the
beauty of the divine inheritance, the man who is strong and
brave, having a courageous spirit within himself, becomes the
heir. Yet, who is strong except God alone who rules and

guides all
The possession of God is owed to such as these, as Isaias
says: 'This is the inheritance of those who believe in the

3 Gen. 31.14,15.
4 Gen. 31.16.

is the inheritance,' for
Lord.' aptly does he say: 'This
that alone the inheritance; there is no other. The inheritance

is not a treasure which men stumble upon blindly, and passing

things have not the quality of

an inheritance. The only
inheritance is that in which God is the portion, as the Lord's

holy one says: 'God is my inheritance,' and again: 1 have

become an heir of thy precepts.' You see what are the
possessions of the just man God's commandments,
: His words,
His precepts. In these he is rich; on these he feeds; with
these he is delighted as if by all riches.
Lia and Rachel, possessing these, did not need their
father's riches, his base coins, foolish outward show, and lack
of spiritual vigor. Being rich and free themselves, they thought
their father not rich,but in dire need. Those who partake of
good and liberal training think that the foolish are not rich,
but needy and poor in fact, in dire distress all the while
the rich man abounds in the wealth of kings and proudly
boasts of his power over gold.
We must flee of such men even though they
the company
are united to us by ties of blood. Association with the foolish
is harmful, for it
corrupts and darkens the prudent mind.
Just as a holy man will associate with a holy man, so will the
wicked associate with the wicked. 7 It is a frequent occurrence
for one who hears his own ideas attacked with rage much
as he wishes to cling to his way of continence to be yet
tinged with the dye of foolishness, for rightly do discipline
and insolence prove contrary and repugnant to one another.
When the much-tried [Jacob] asked their opinion, they
[the daughters of Laban] gave responses prompted by virtue
tried by long practice, saying 'Have we anything left among

the goods and inheritance of our father's house?' 8 that is to

say, 'Are you asking whether we wish to part from him? Do

5 Isa. 54.17.
6 Ps. 118.57,111.
7 Cf. Ps. 17.26,27.
8 Gen. 31.14.

you really not understand that we can have no desire for his
company, and we are not held by the desire for riches or
delight in luxury which is sweet to worldlings. These we
consider pitiable and alien to us; these we think are full of
want and need.'
They add still another reason for their departure, the fact
that Laban had lost the true glory and store of good treasure
into which they were born. We were given strength of mind,
a good coinage, a spiritual money, stamped with the image
and likeness of God. He lost these because he chose the
splendid things of this world rather than those which are
true and useful for his life. The beauty of these escapes the
man who ignorant of the goods of heaven, since he has

tricked himself and deceived himself in his judgment of what

is Now hear his [Laban's] words and be the judge.
Hepursued blessed Jacob and his daughters, thinking he
would find his same sin in them and thereby have the right
to detain them. He chided the just man, and all along reason
within him chided him so that he could find no answer nor
give a reason why he should detain him. 'If you had told me,'
he said, 'I would have let you go.' 9 In this he disclosed why it
was that the just man was fleeing, so that he would not
follow him or detain him, or so that he would not leave
surrounded by such a retinue. First, he was unwilling to put
himself at the service of so many masters and to have to be
set free by Laban, like a servant. Then, because he was a
man intent on virtue and endeavoring to find the true road
to virtue, he wanted no one to lead him because the word
of God sufficed. 'These,' he said, 'have instructed me to

depart and accompany me on my way.'

'But how,' he said, 'would you have dismissed me? With
that joy of yours which is full of sadness? With timbrels and
instruments of poorly modulated harmony and the soft notes

9 Gen. 31.27.

of flutes sounding discordant strains? With

mute voices and
cymbals jarring the senses?
Did you think that these could
please me or call me
back? It is these which I have fled,
fearless before your words of scorn. I fled that
these might

not follow me, so that in I would

leavingtake along none of

your gifts.
With guides like these one does not reach the Church of
Christ whither Jacob was directing his way, in order to lead
there the wealth of the nations, to bring in the riches of the
the shadows of
heathens, to transplant his posterity, fleeing
vain things, preferring to senseless images of virtue the breath-
serious matters to those that
ing beauty of virtue, preferring
how heathens adorn their
bring applause. You see the

banquets and announce their feasts. These practices are

distasteful to devout minds. By these are deceived,
choruses of dancers,
being captivated by pleasant banquets,
and at the same time they fly from fasts, think they are hard,
and believe that they are dangerous and bad for the body,
Did you think that I wanted your gold? You do not possess

the gold tried by the fire with which the just are tried. Did
I want your silver? You do not possess the silver, for you
have not the brightness of heavenly conversation. Perhaps I
hoped that you would give me some of your slaves
to serve

me? I am looking for free men; I am fleeing the slaves of

sin. Perhaps I needed comrades for the journey and guides
for the road? Would that they could follow me! I would
show them the paths of the Lord. You who do know the
Lord, how can you know His paths? Not everyone who enters,
but those who have been chosen by the Lord, walk His paths,
although no one is excluded.
'Let him who is prepared follow me; let him take the road
which leads Mesopotamia. Let him who seeks that country

pass through the waters of the Tigris and Euphrates, the

waters of fortitude and justice, the tears of penance and the

10 Cf. Ps, 11.7.


baptism of grace. Here the path of the army of God,


since all who belong to the Church are soldiers of God. Here
is the flock marked with all kinds of virtues, the flock which

Jacob chose for himself. Every soul that is unmarked is unwise

and untaught, knowing no discipline. Those that are marked
are rich in good works and wealthy in grace.
'Let him who comes first be reconciled with his angry
brother. Let him who comes here dwell in Sichem, the

precious and real storehouse of virtues where wounded

chastity receives full revenge. Let him who comes here wrestle
with God so that he may strive to imitate Him, coming close
to Christ's humility and Passion. Let him take up his cross
and follow Christ. 11 Lastly, a good combatant is not envious
or puffed up. He even blesses his combatant by giving him
a reward.'
Let us follow blessed Jacob and his paths so that we may
reach these sufferings, these contests, his shoulder. Let us
reach patience, the mother of the faithful, and Isaac, the
father, that is, one capable of joy who abounds in happiness.
Where there is
patience there is
happiness, because after
tribulation comes patience, and patience works experience in
which there is hope, in which we are not confounded.
Christ will not be ashamed of one who is not ashamed of the
cross of Christ.

Farewell, my son, and do not be ashamed to ask questions

of your father, as you are not ashamed to glory in the
sufferings of Christ.

11 Cf, Matt. 16.24.

12 Sichem means 'shoulder' in Hebrew.
13 Isaac means laughter' in Hebrew.
14 Cf. Rom. 5.5.

83. Ambrose to Irenaeus

You seem disturbed over the Apostle's lesson,

it read today: Tor the Law works wrath; for where
hearing 2
there no law, neither is
is there transgression.' For this
reason you determined to ask why the Law was promulgated
if it in fact, was injurious by working
profited nothing,
and causing transgression.
is certain that the
Indeed, according to your inquiry, it
Law given to Moses was not necessary. For, if men had been
able to keep the natural law which God the Creator planted
in the breast of each one, there would have been no need of
that Law, which, written on stone tablets, rather enmeshed
and entangled the weakness of human nature than freed and
liberated it. Moreover, that there is a natural law written in
our hearts the Apostle also teaches when he writes that for
the most part The Gentiles do by nature what the Law
prescribes, and since they do
not read the Law, they yet have
the work of the Law written in their hearts.'
This law is it is not acquired by
not written, but inborn;
reading, but springs up each one as
in from the flowing font
of nature, and men's minds drink from it. This law we should
have kept even through fear of future judgment, which our
conscience witnesses, revealing itself by silent thoughts before
God, whereby our sin is reproved or our innocence justified.

Therefore, that which has always been apparent to the Lord

will be clearly revealed on the day of judgment, when the
secrets of the heart, which were thought to be hidden, will be
called to an account. The discovery of these things, these
secrets, I mean, would do no harm if the natural laws were
implanted in the human breast, for it is in itself holy,

1 Undated.
2 Rom. 4.15.
3 Rom. 2.14,15.

guileless, without craftiness, the companion of justice free

from wickedness.
Accordingly, let us pose the question to childhood, let us
see if any crime can be found therein, if
greed, ambition,
guile, rage, and insolence are there. It claims nothing for its
own, assumes no honors for itself, knows not how to prefer
itself to another, knows no guile, does not wish to and cannot
avenge itself. Its pure and simple mind cannot comprehend
the meaning of insolence.
This law Adam broke, 4 seeking to take for himself what
he had not received, so that he might be like his own
Creator and Maker, so that he might claim divine honor.
Through disobedience he incurred guilt, and through arro-
gance he fell into sin. Had he not broken the command and
had he been obedient to the heavenly precepts, he would have
preserved for his heirs the prerogative of nature and of
innocence which was his from birth. But because the authority
of the natural law was corrupted and blotted out by dis-
obedience, the written Law was determined necessary, that
man who had lost all might regain at least a part, and he
who had lost what was his at birth might know and guard at
leasta part. Since the cause of his fall was pride, and pride
sprang from the privilege of his innocence, it was necessary
for some law to be passed which would subdue and subject
him to God. Now, without the Law he was ignorant of sin,
and his fault was less when he was ignorant of his fault. 5
Thus, also, says the Lord 'If I had not come and spoken to

them, they would have no sin. But now they have no excuse
for their sin.
The Law was passed, first, to remove all excuse for sin,
lest any man might say: 'I knew no sin, for I received no
rule as to what to avoid.' Next, that it might make all men
4 Cf. Gen. 3.6.
5 Cf. Rom. 7.8.
6 John 15.22.

God through their recognition of sin. It made
subject to
all subject, for it was given not only to the Jews, but it
reached also the Gentiles, and converts from the Gentiles
became their associates. Nor can that man possibly seem
for the Law
exempt who, being called, was found wanting,
bound those whom she called. Thus, the sin of all men caused
obedience. And as
subjection, subjection humility, humility
drew after her sin, so sin, on the contrary, begot
obedience. Thus, the written Law, which seemed superfluous,
was needed to redeem sin from sin.

anyone again be alarmed and say that the Law

caused an increase of sin, and that the Law was not only
unprofitable but even injurious, he
has at his disposal words
which can relieve his concern, that 'although by the Law sin
abounded, grace has also abounded.' Now, let us understand
the meaning of this.
Sin abounded by the Law because through the Law came
knowledge of sin
and it became harmful for me to know
what through my weakness I could not avoid. It is
good to
know beforehand what one is to avoid, but, if I cannot avoid
something, it is harmful to have known about it. Thus was
the Law changed to its opposite, yet it became useful to me
by the very increase of sin, for I was humbled. And David
therefore says: 'It is good for me that I have been humbled.'
By humbling myself I have broken the bonds of that ancient
transgression by which Adam and Eve had bound the whole
line of their succession. Hence, too, the Lord came as an
obedient man to loose the knot of man's disobedience and
deception. And through as entered, so
disobedience sin

through obedience sin was remitted. Therefore, the Apostle

says: Tor just as by the disobedience of one man the many

7 Cf. Rom. 3.9.

8 Rom. 5.20.
9 Cf. Rom. 7.7.
10 Ps. 118.71.

were constituted sinners, so also by the obedience of the one

the many will be constituted just.' 11
Here is one reason that the Law was unnecessary and
became necessary, unnecessary in that it would not have been
needed if we had been able to keep the natural law; but, as
we did not keep it, the Law of Moses became needful to
teach me obedience and loosen that bond of Adam's
which had ensnared his whole posterity. Yes, guilt grew by
the Law, but pride, the source of
guilt, was loosed, and this
was an advantage to me. Pride discovered the guilt and the
guilt brought grace.
Consider another reason. The Law of Moses was not need-
ful; hence, it entered secretly. Its entrance seems not of an
ordinary kind, but like something clandestine because it
entered secretly into the place of the natural law. Thus, if
she had but kept her place, this written Law would never
have entered in, but, since deception had banished that law
and nearly blotted it out of the human breast, pride reigned
and disobedience was rampant. Therefore, that other took its
place so that by its written expression it might challenge us
and shut our mouth, in order to make the whole world
subject to God. The world, however, became subject to Him
through the Law, because all are brought to trial by the
prescript of the Law, and no one is justified without the works
of the Law; in other words, because the
knowledge of sin
comes from the Law, but guilt is not remitted, the Law,
therefore, which has made all men sinners, seems to have
caused harm.
But, when the Lord Jesus came He forgave all men the
sin they could not escape, and canceled the decree
against us
by shedding His Blood. This is what He says: 'By the Law
sin abounded, but grace abounded since after
by Jesus/
11 Rom. 5.19.
12 Cf. Rom. 3.19.
13 Cf. Col. 2.14.
14 Cf. Rom. 5.20.

the whole world became subject He took away the sins of

the whole world, as John bears witness, saying: 'Behold the
lamb of God, who takes away the sin of the world!' Let no
one glory, then, in his works,
since no one is justified by his

deeds, but one who is

just has received
a gift, being justified
by baptism. It is faith, therefore, which sets us free by the
Blood of Christ, for he is blessed whose sin is forgiven and to
whom pardon is
Farewell, son, and love us, because we love you.

84. To Irenaeus

Although in a previous letter I have already disposed of

the little
question you proposed, I will not refuse your request,
my son, and develop my meaning at greater length.
to set forth
Numerous times the question has been raised, and well
known, too, is the acquittal of the woman who in the Gospel
according to John was brought to Christ, accused of adultery.
The Jews had devised this stratagem so that, in case she was
set free contrary to the Law, the sentence of the Lord Jesus

might be charged with being contrary to the Law, but, if she

were condemned according to the Law, the grace of Christ
might seem void.
The question became more pressing after bishops began
accusing criminals before public tribunals, some urging the
sword and the death penalty, while other approved accusa-
tions of this sort and the bloody triumphs of bishops. What
do these say except what the Jews said, namely, that the
15 John 1.29.

1 Written between 385 and 387. It is ascribed to Studius in the mss.

since its contents closely follow those of the letter to Studius referred
to in the opening sentence.

guilty should be punished by the laws of the state and those

should be accused by bishops in state courts whom they say
should have been punished by law? The case is the same,
although the number is less, that is, the case of judgment is

the same, but the odium of the penalty is not the same. Christ
would not allow one woman to be punished according to the
Law; these declare that too small a number has been punished.
But, where did Christ pass this judgment? He generally
thought fit to shape His discourse in accordance with the
characteristics of the place where He was teaching His

disciples. For example, while walking in the porch of Solomon,

that is, of the wise man, He said: I and the Father are one.
And when He was in the Temple of God He said: 'My
teaching is not my own, but his who sent me.' While He
stood in the Temple, too, He gave the sentence of which we
are speaking, for in the following verses you have: 'Jesus
spoke these words in the treasury while teaching in the
Temple. And no one seized Him. 52
What is the treasury?
The contribution of the faithful, the bank of the poor, the
refuge of the needy, and Christ sat near this and, according
to Luke, gave the opinion that the two mites of the widow
were preferable to the gifts of the rich, 3 preferring on God's
word love joined with zeal and generosity rather than the
lavish gifts of munificence.
Let us see what comparison He made when He passed
such judgment there near the treasury, for with good reason
He preferred the widow who
contributed the two mites. That
precious poverty of herswas rich in the mystery of faith. So
are the two coins which the Samaritan of the Gospels left at
the inn to care for the wounds of the man who had fallen
among robbers. The widow mystically representing the
Church thought it right to put into the sacred treasury the

2 John 10.30; 7.16; 8.20.

3 Cf. Luke 21.2-4.
4 Cf. Luke 10.35.

gift with which the wounds of the poor are healed and the
hunger of wayfarers is satisfied.
Therefore, what Christ now bestows you must spend spiritu-
ally. He gave to the people the silver of heavenly eloquence

tried by fire and to satisfy the desires of the people He marked

the coin with the royal image.

No one contributed more
than He who gave all. He
the hungry, supplied the

needy, gave light to the blind; He ransomed the captives,

He made the paralytic rise, He gave life to the dead; and,
what is more, He brought pardon to sinners and forgave
their sins. These are the two coins which the Church has
contributed afterhaving received them from Christ. What are
the two coins but the price of the New and Old Testament?
The price of Scripture is our faith, for we value what we
read in proportion to our will and intellect. Remission of
sins, then, the price of each Testament and is announced

in type by the lamb and fulfilled in reality by Christ.

Understand, then, that there was no purification of seven

days without the purification of three days. The purification
of seven days is
according to the Law which foretold under
the appearance of the present sabbath a spiritual sabbath.
The purification of three days is according to grace which is
sealed by the witness of the Gospel, because the Lord arose
on the third day. Where punishment for sins is prescribed
there ought to be penance; where remission is given to sinners
there also is grace. Penance precedes; grace follows. There
is neither penance without grace nor grace without penance,
for penance should first condemn the sin so that grace can do
away with it.
John fulfilled the type of the Law and baptized
to penance; Christ, to grace. 7
The seventh day symbolizes the mystery of the Law, the
eighth that of the resurrection, as you have in Ecclesiastes :

5 Cf. Ps. 11.7.

6 Luke 24.7.
7 Cf. Matt. 3.11.

'Give a portion to those seven and to the eight.' And in the


prophet Osee you read that it was said to him: 'Get an

adulteress for fifteen denarii/ so that by the twofold price of
the Old and New Testament, that is,by the full price of
faith, he procures the woman who is attended by a wandering
and adulterous crowd of heathen strangers.
'And I bought her for an omer of barley, and half an omer
of barley and a measure of wine. By barley is meant that he
has called the imperfect to faith, to make them perfect; by
the omer is understood a full measure, by the half-omer a
half-measure. The full measure is in the Gospel; the half-
measure is in the Law whose fulfillment is the New Testament.

Indeed, the Lord Himself said: 'I have not come to destroy
the Law, but to fulfill it.'
We read the significant words in the Psalms of David
regarding the fifteen degrees and that the sun had arisen
fifteen steps when Ezekias, the just king, received additional
years to his life. The Sun of Justice is represented about to
come to illumine with the light of His presence the fifteen
steps of the Old and New
Testament by which our faith
mounts up to eternal life. I believe that today's reading in the
is a mystery, the fact that he [Paul] stayed fifteen
days with Peter. It seems to me that, while the holy Apostles
talked with one another about the interpretation of holy
Scripture, the brilliance of the full light shone upon them and
the shades of ignorance were dispersed. But let us go on to
discuss the forgiveness of the woman charged with adultery.
A woman guilty of adultery was brought by the Scribes
and Pharisees to the Lord Jesus and the malicious charge
was laid on her so that if He forgave her He might seem to
8 Eccle. 11.2.
9 Osee 3.1,2.
10 Matt. 5.17.
11 Cf. Isa. 38.8.
12 Cf. Gal. 1.18.

her He would seem to

destroy the Law, but if He condemned
have changed the purpose for which He had come, for He had

come to forgive the sins of all men. He said earlier: l judge

no one.' 13 Presenting her, they said: 'We have found this
woman openly in adultery. And in
Law 14 Moses com-
manded every adulterer to be stoned. What then do you say
about her?' 15
While they were saying this, Jesus, bending His head,
wrote with His finger on the ground. And when they waited
to hear Him, He raised His head and said: 'Let him who is
without sin be the first to cast a stone at her. Is anything

so godlike as that sentence that he should punish sin who

himself is free from sin? For, how could we tolerate a person
who condemned another and excused his own
for his sin
evil deeds? Does he not prove that he is more guilty by

condemning in another what he himself commits?

He spoke these words and wrote on the ground. Why? As
if He said: 'You see the speck which is in your brother's eye,
but you do not see the beam which is in your eye.' Lust is
like a speck, quickly enkindled, speedily consumed. The

sacrilegous affrontery with which the Jews refused to acknowl-

edge the Author of their salvation indicates the greatness of
their crimes.
He wrote on the ground with the finger with which He
had written the Law. 18 Sinners are written on the ground, 19
the just in heaven, as you have it said to the disciples:
'Rejoice that your names are written in heaven.' But He
wrote a second time, so that you may know that the Jews were
condemned by both Testaments.
13 Cf. John 8.3-11,15.
14 Lev. 20.10.
15 John 8.4,5.
16 John 8.7.
17 Matt. 7.3.
18 Cf. Exod. 31.18.
19 Ct Jer. 17.13.
20 Luke 10.20.

When they heard these words they went out, one by one,
beginning with the eldest, and they sat down thinking about
themselves. And Jesus remained alone and the woman stand-
ing in the midst. It is well said that they went out, for they
did not wish to be with Christ. The letter is outside; the
mysteries, within. In the divine teachings they wanted, as it
were, the leaves of the tree and not its fruit, and they lived
in the shadow of the Law and were unable to see the Sun of
Whenthey had gone, Jesus remained alone and the woman
standing in the midst. Jesus who was about to forgive sin
remains alone, as He Himself says: 'Behold the hour is
coming, and has already come, for you to be scattered, each
one to his own house, and to leave me
because no
herald or but the Lord Himself, saved His
people. He remains alone because no one can share with
Christ the task of forgiving sins. This is the task of Christ
alone who took away the sin of the world. 24 The woman
deserved to be forgiven, since she remained alone with Jesus
when the Jews withdrew.
Then Jesus, raising His head, said to the woman: 'Where
are they who accused thee? Has no one stoned thee?' And she
answered, 'No one, Lord.' And Jesus said to her: 'Neither
will I condemn thee. Go thy way and now see that you sin
no more/ 25 See, reader, the divine mystery and the mercy of
Christ. When the woman is accused, Christ bows His head,
but He raises it when an accuser is no longer there. Thus,
He wishes no one to be condemned, but all to be forgiven,
By saying 'Has no one stoned thee?' He quickly destroys all
the quibbling of the heretics. They say that Christ does not
know the day of judgment because He said: 'As for sitting
21 Cf. John 8.9.
22 John 16.32.
23 Cf. Isa. 63.8.
24 Cf. John 1.29.
25 John 8.10,11.

at my right left, that is not mine to give

hand and at my
you.' But see, He also says here: 'Has no one stoned thee?'
How is it that He asks about what He saw? He is putting the
question for our advantage that we may
know that she was
not stoned. Besides, it is a custom of man's nature that we

often question what we see. And the woman answered: No

one, Lord/ In other words, she said: 'Who can stone a woman
whom You Yourself do not condemn? Who can punish

another under such conditions?

The Lord answered her: 'Neither will I condemn thee.
Notice how He softened His judgments, so that the Jews
might not be able to accuse Him of forgiving the woman, but,
rather, turn the insult against themselves if they had a mind
to complain. The woman is sent away; she is not forgiven*
Inasmuch as no accuser was at hand, her innocence was not
for this reason proven. should they
Why complain, since
they were the first to discontinue the charge and fail to exact
the penalty?
He adds these words to the one gone astray: Go, and see

now that you sin no more. He reformed the guilty one; He
did not forgive the crime. A person receives a heavier penalty
when he hates his fault and begins to condemn sin in himself.
When a guilty man is put to death, the person rather than the
fault is
punished, But, when the fault
forsaken, the for-

giveness of the person is the punishment of the sin. What do

those words mean: Go, and now see that you sin no more'?
It is this: Since Christ has redeemed you, let grace correct
you, for a penalty would not reform you, but only punish you.
Farewell, son, and as a son love us, because we love you
as a father.

26 Matt. 20.23.

85. Ambrose to Irenaeus 1

You have asked me to expound for you the full thought of

the Epistle to the Ephesians, an epistle which seems somewhat
obscure unless one draws the distinctions which made the
Apostle realize he had to persuade us not to despair of the

kingdom of God.
In the first place, he points out that for good men the
greatest motive for the pursuit of virtue is the hope of rewards
and the inheritance of heavenly promises which are brought
within reach in the Passion and Resurrection of Christ.
Then he adds that not only has a way to paradise been
made anew for us through Christ, but also there has been
won for us the honor of a throne in heaven through our
partnership with the flesh of Christ's Body. You need no
longer doubt the possibility of your ascension, knowing that
your partnership with the flesh of Christ continues in the
kingdom of heaven, knowing that through His Blood re-
concilation was made for all things, those on earth and in
heaven (for He came down in order to fulfill all things), and
by His Apostles, Prophets, and priests establishing the whole
world and drawing together the Gentiles. Now, the purpose
of our hope is the love of Him, that we may grow up to Him
in all things, because He is the Head of all things, and by
the building up of love we all rise up to Him into one body, 2
according to the measure of our work.
We ought not despair of the members being united to
their Head, especially since from the beginning we have been
predestined in Him through Jesus Christ to be the adopted
sons of God, and He has ratified this predestination, main-
taining that which was foretold from the beginning, that A

man shall leave his father and mother, and cleave to his

1 Undated.
2 Cf. Eph. 4.15,16.

wife; and the two shall become one flesh/ for it is a mystery
of Christ and of the Church. Therefore, if the union of
Adam and Eve is a great mystery in Christ and in the Church,
certain that as Eve was bone of the bones of her husband,
it is

and flesh of his flesh, we also are members of Christ's Body,

bone of His bones and flesh of His flesh.
other epistle has given utterance to so great a blessing
upon the people of God as this in which the great witness of
divine grace signified not only that we were blessed by God,
but blessed with all blessing in the spirit and in the heavens,
and predestined to the adoption of sons, endowed also with
grace in the Son of God; by this [grace] we have been filled
with the knowledge of the mystery of the eternal will.
Especially, then, in the fullness of time when all things were
made peaceful in Christ those of earth, and those of
heaven we have been established in this possession, so that
what is of the Law and what is of grace might be fulfilled in
us. Andalthough according to the Law we seemed chosen,
even in that season of youth which signifies a holy life, without
the wantonness of youth or the weakness of age, we have also
been taught to battle with lively virtues not only against flesh
and blood, but also against every force of spiritual wickedness
on high. 4
As they [the men of the Old Testament] by drawing lots
entered into possession of lands taken from the enemy, so has
the lot of grace fallen to us, so that we may be the possession
of God, who possesses our reins, the seed-bed of chastity and
temperance. Do you wish to have information regarding this
lot? Recall that which fell upon Matthias with the result that
he was included in the number of the twelve Apostles. 5 The
c 6
Prophet David also says: lf you sleep among the lots,'

because one who is in the middle, between the lot of the Old

3 Gen. 2.24; Eph. 5.31.

4 Cf. Eph. 6.12.
5 Cf. Acts 1.26.
6 Ps. 67.14.

and the New Testament reclining on both, attains the peace

of the kingdom of heaven. This lot, their father's possession,
the daughters of Salphaad sought and by God's judgment
their petition was granted. 7 Yet they sought it in the shade,
for Salphaad means 'the shade of the mouth they sought ;

it in
shady words and spoke what was not revealed. Hence,
the request for their inheritance by the daughters of Salphaad
was couched in obscure words, but by us the request is made
in the light of the Gospel and by the revelation of grace.
Let us therefore be the possession of God, let Him be our
portion, for in Him are the riches of His glory and of His
inheritance. Who but God alone is rich, for He created all

things? But He is even richer in mercy, for He redeemed all

men, and as the Author of nature He changed us, who were
by nature children of wrath and liable to harm, so that we
are the children of peace and charity. Who can change
nature but He who created it? Therefore, He raised the
dead and made those who were brought to life in Christ sit
in heaven in the Lord Jesus Himself.
No one among men has earned the privilege of sitting on
that seat of God of which the Father said only to the Son:
'Sit thou at my right hand,' but in the .flesh of Christ,
through fellowship in the same nature, the flesh of the whole
human race has been honored. For, as He is said to have
been made subject in our flesh 10 by unity with the flesh and
obedience of the body in which He was obedient even to
death, so have we, in His flesh, sat down in heavenly places.
We have not sat of ourselves, but in Christ who alone sits at
the right hand of God, the Son of Man, as He Himself said :

'Hereafter you shall see the Son of Man sitting at the right
hand of God.' 12 The grace in Him and His goodness have
7 Cf. Num. 27.1-6.
8 Cf. Eph. 2.4-6.
9 Ps. 109.1.
10 Cf. Luke 2.51.
11 Cf. Phil. 2.8.
12 Matt. 26.64.

flowed upon us in Christ Jesus that, although we were dead

by works, yet, having been redeemed by faith and saved by
grace, He might give us the gift of deliverance, by which our
very nature, as though raised from the dead, experiences the
grace of a new vesture, and we, who were created in Christ,
but fell away through the corruption of our guilty lineage,
may walk doing good.
With the removal of those enmities which formerly existed
in the flesh, peace with the made in
universe has been
heaven, that men might be like angels on earth, that Gentiles
and Jews might be made one, that in one man might dwell
the oldand the new man, with the middle wall of partition
removed, which once stood between them like a hostile
barrier. Now, since the nature of our flesh has stirred up
anger and discord and dissension, and the Law has bound
us with the chains of guilt, Christ Jesus has by mortification
subdued the wantonness and intemperance of the flesh, has
made void the commandments contained in ordinances, de-

claring that the decrees of the spiritual law are not to be

interpreted according to the letter, putting an end to the
slothful rest of the sabbath and the superfluous rite of bodily
circumcision, and laying open to all an approach to the Father
in one spirit. How, then, can there be discord where there is
one calling, one body, one spirit?
What did Christ effect by His coming
else down except to
deliver us from captivity into liberty, and to make that cap-
tivity captive which had been fettered by the bonds of un-
belief, restrained now by
the fetters of wisdom, every wise
man putting his feet into its bonds? So it is written that,

when He had descended, He ascended to fill all things,


that we might all receive of His fullness.
First, He placed in the Church Apostles, who were filled

13 Cf. Eph. 2.14.

14 Cf. Eph. 4.10.
15 Cf. John 1.16.

with the Holy Spirit, and some Prophets, some Evangelists,

but others pastors and teachers, that by their exhortations the
progress of believers might be accomplished, and the work of
the faithful ministry increase. 16 Everyone by building up
virtue is built into the measure of the inward life, and this
more perfect measure of a holy life, that is, of perfect man-
hood, partaking of the fullness of Christ, receives the fullness
of grace.
Who is perfect save him who has been freed from the
infancy of a childish mind, from the uncertain and slippery
ways of youth, and from the unbounded fervor of young
manhood, and has attained to that sureness of perfect man-
hood, and grown up to maturity of character so that he is not
easily swayed by the words of a wily arguer, nor cast on the
rocks, at it were, by the violent storm of foolish teaching.
He makes use of the remedies for error. He follows truth in
words and in works, and he undertakes to build in himself
the edifice of love, that he may attain to a unity of faith
and of knowledge. 18 As a member he does not neglect his
Head, that is, Christ, who is the head of all, through whom
the whole body of the faithful and the wise is joined together,
knitted together, and united together through the reasonable
harmony of the Word that is, through every joint of the
system, according to the functioning of each part thereby
increasing the body in order to build up himself in love. This
he does so that one temple of God may arise in all, and one
dwelling of the heavenly mansion be in the spirit of all men.
In this I think we are to understand not only the union in
faith and in the spirit of holy men, but of all believers, of all
the heavenly spiritual hosts and powers, that by a certain
concord of powers and ministers the one body of all the
spirits of an intelligent nature may cling to Christ their

16 Cf. Eph. 4.11.

17 Cf. Eph. 4.13.
18 Ibid.

Head, being so united to the framework of the building that

there seems to be no trace even of the point where the
several members are joined together. This, then, is the mean-
ing of the Greek;
and it will not be difficult for so great an
architect to unite each one to Himself according to the
measure of each one's merits and faith, for the edifice pf
love closes and blocks up every crevice whereby offense may
enter. We must not doubt that in the building of this temple
the company of heavenly hosts will join with us, for it is
unbecoming that human love can build up a temple of God,
so that there is formed a dwelling of God in us, while this is
not possible among the powers of heaven.
It is in order that this kind of building may rise more

speedily in us that the Apostle urges us to open the eyes of

our heart, raise them to things above, earnestly seek the
knowledge of God, investigate the truth, store in our hearts
the commandments of God, put aside the desire for evil and
the hidden deeds of shame, be renewed through the grace of
the sacraments, control anger, be reconciled before sunset,
beware lest the Devil get the uppermost of you that spirit
who was able to plunge into the heart of Judas and break
asunder the gates of his soul so that he was unable to resist,
or shut out the thief, or eschew falsehood, or rise from the
dead, or put on soberness. He says, too, that a wife should
be subject to her husband, as the Church is to Christ; the
husband is to offer his life for his wife, as Christ delivered
Himself up for the Church. 20 Lastly, like good warriors we
are to put on the armor of God, and strive ever, not only
against flesh and blood, but against the spiritual forces of
wickedness. 21 Nor should we be weakened by friends or
vanquished by the enemy. This brief summary I have drawn
up to the best of my ability.
Farewell, son, and love us, because we also love you.

19 Ambrose here quotes the Greek.

20 Cf. Eph. 5.25.
21 Cf. Eph. 6.12,

86. Ambrose to Paternus 1 (early 393)

I have read the greetings of my Paternus, one soul with

me, but the problem arising from your wish to have your
son marry your daughter's daughter is by no means paternal;
rather, it is unbecoming you as a grandfather and father.
Take thought of what you are suggesting, for in all that we
wish to do we should first ask its name and then determine
whether it is
praiseworthy or blameworthy. For example,
carnal intercourse with women is a pleasure to some persons
and even physicians say it is healthful. But we must consider
whether it is done with one's wife or a stranger, a married or
unmarried woman. Intercourse with one's wedded spouse he
calls marriage, but one who assails the honor of another's
wife commits adultery, whose very name generally checks so
daring an attempt. To slay an enemy is a victory; to slay a
criminal is justice; to slay an innocent man is murder, and
the man who takes thought of this stays his hand. For this
reason I beg you to consider what you are planning.
You wish to arrange a marriage between our children. I
ask you, should those be wed who are alike or unlike? If I
am not mistaken, they are generally called partners. In yoking
oxen to the plow or horses to the chariot, one chooses co-
partners of like age and appearance, that dispositions may
not contrast too much or dissimilarity be a blemish. You
are planning to have your son and your daughter's child wed,
that is,have him marry his sister's daughter, granted that he
is of a different mother than she who will be his mother-in-

law. Consider how the very names have a sanction: he is

called her uncle, she his niece. Does not the very sound of
the words check your resolve? When he mentions her

Probably Aemilius Florus Paternus, proconsul of Africa in 393.
2 Marriage with a niece was forbidden by a law of Constantius; cf. Cod.
Theod. 3.12.1.

grandfather, she may refer this

name to her uncle, which he
refers to her grandfather. How
much confusion is there in the
other terms? You be called grandfather and father-in-
niece and daughter-
law; she will be called by different terms,
in-law. Brother and sister will be addressed by other names;
one will be the mother-in-law of her brother, the other, the
son-in-law of his sister. Your niece will marry her uncle and
the affection of these pure children will be supplanted by an
irregular love.
You tell me that your saintly bishop is awaiting my
or believe this is so. If it were
opinion on this. I do not think
true, he would have felt the need of writing, but, by
is no doubt on
doing so, he intimates that he thinks there
this point. Where is there room for doubt when divine law
which forbids marriage between first cousins extends to those
related within the fourth degree? This is the third degree to
which, even by civil law, the marriage union appears to be
Let us first inquire what are the decrees of the divine law,
for in your you allege that such a marriage is permitted

by divine law ia that it is not forbidden. But, I say, it is

actually forbidden. For, if these privileges are forbidden first

cousins, much more do I think this closer bond of union is
not allowed. One who attaches censure to slight matters does
not forgive, but condemns more serious ones.
Now, if you think it is permitted because it is not specifically
forbidden, you also will find no expression in the law
forbidding a father to take his daughter as a wife. Surely it
is not allowed just because it is not forbidden? By reason
of the near relationship it is forbidden by the law of nature,

by the law in the hearts of each of us, by the unsullied rule

of piety. How many things of this sort will you find, not

3 Neptis means both granddaughter and niece.


forbidden by the Law which was promulgated through

Moses, yet forbidden by the voice of nature!
There are also many lawful things which it is not expedient
to do, for 'all things are lawful but they are not expedient' ;

all things are lawful but they do not edify. If the Apostle

also restrains our doing what does not edify, how can we

imagine we can do what is not permitted by the word of the

Law, and does not edify, since it is out of harmony with the
right order of piety. Yet, the former things which were too
harsh have been mitigated by the Gospel of the Lord Jesus:
'The former things have passed away; behold, they are made
new! 35
What is a kiss between a niece and uncle,
so formal as
which he owes her as to a daughter, she as to a parent? You
will bring suspicion upon this kiss of unoffending piety by

proposing such a marriage, and you will deprive your dear

children of this most holy token.
If the divine commands do not touch you, at least you
should regard the laws of the emperors from whom you have
received most lavish honors.Emperor Theodosius forbade the
children of either brothers orsisters to unite in marriage, and
he enjoined a very severe penalty on the union of brothers'
children. Yet, they are on an equal basis, and he has wished
those who are bound by ties of relationship and brotherly
union to owe their birth to love.
You will say this rule has been relaxed for some. Yet, the
law is not thereby prejudiced, for, when that which is decreed
for the common good is relaxed for an individual, it
only one individual and spreads envy far and wide. Although
we read in the Old Testament of a man calling his wife his
sister, it is unheard of for anyone to marry his niece and call
her his wife.

4 1 Cor. 6.12.
5 2 Cor. 5.17.

It is very curious for you to say that your granddaughter

can marry her uncle, your son, merely because they have no
born of the same
paternal relationship, as if half-brothers,
father by a different mother, could be wed if of a different
6 ^

sex, in so far as they are not

related on the father's side, but
only on the mother's side.
You had abandon your intention which, even if it
were lawful, would not enlarge your family, for your son
owes you grandchildren, your dear granddaughter owes you
Farewell to you and yours.

87. Ambrose to Romulus1

There is no doubt that letter-writing was devised that

the absent converse with those far away, and this
when words
improves in service and in form many pleasant
are exchanged between father and sons, for then truly there
is conveyed to those far removed in the body a seeming

likeness of the other's presence. By these exchanges love is

strengthened, as increased by your letters to me and

it is

mine to you. But I began a richer experience of this by the

recent expressions of your affection whereby you determined
to consult me [asking] what Aaron intended by taking gold
from the people when they requested gods to be made for
them, and was it because the head of the calf was shaped out
of the gold or because Moses was so severely angry that he
bade each man to rise with his sword and kill his neighbor. It
is important that those far away suffer no loss of elegant style,

6 agnatio.
7 cognatio.

1 Undated, to a distinguished layman of Aemelia, identified with Flavius

Pisidius Romulus, consular of Aemelia-Liguria in 385.
2 C. Exod. 32.2-7.

or of the discussion and free investigation. Since you made

the demand, I shall speak, more from a desire of a discussion
than of interpretation.
While Moses was receiving the Law on Mount Sinai, the
people were with Aaron the priest. And though they are said
to have frequently wavered in sin, yet, while the Law was

being given, it is not said they fell into sacrilege. In fact, when
God's word was silent, sin stole upon them, so that they asked
for gods to be made for them. Under compulsion, Aaron
demanded their rings and the earrings of the women. Having
received these, he consigned them to the fire and the head
of a calf was molded.
We cannot excuse this great priest nor dare we condemn
him. Yet, he was not unwise in taking the rings and earrings
from the Jews, for those who were committing sacrilege could
have no mark of faith or ornaments for their ears. In fact, even
the patriarch Jacob buried the earrings of the Gentiles, along
with their statues of gods, when he buried them at Sichem,
so that no one might hear of the superstition of the Gentiles.
Moreover, he aptly said 'Take off your rings and the golden

earrings which are the earrings of your wives,' not to leave
the earrings to the men, but to show that men do not have
them. Fittingly, too, are earrings taken from women, lest
Eve again hear the voice of the serpent.
And because they had listened to sacrilege, having fashioned
their earrings, the image of sacrilege was made, for one who
hears poorly usually fashions a sacrilege. Events that followed
show why the calf's head was made: it signified that which
would occur either this nation would at a later time bring

Jeroboa among them and the Hebrew people would adore

golden calves, or else all faithlessness is in the likeness of a
monster and of the foolishness of beasts.

3 Exod. 32.2.
4 Cf. 3 Kings 12.30.

Stricken by the indecency of this act, Moses broke the

tabletsand shattered the head of the calf and beat it to
powder in order to destroy all traces of impiety. The first
tablets were broken so that the second ones might be reparied
whereon, through the teaching of the Gospel, faithlessness,
now utterly destroyed, vanished.
Thus Moses shattered that
the eternal law
Egyptian pride, and by the authority of
checked that loftiness overreaching itself. Therefore, David
says: 'And the Lord will break
the cedars of Libanus, and
shatter them like the calf of Libanus.'
Therefore, the people swallowed all faithlessness and pride,
so that impiety and haughtiness might not swallow them.
For it is better that each man be master of his flesh and its
vices, that it may not be said of him that all-powerful death
has devoured him, but, rather: 'Death is swallowed up in
victory ! O
death, where is thy victory? O
death, where is thy
sting? And it was said of the Lord: 'He shall drink of the
torrent in the way,' for He received vinegar in order to

swallow the temptations of all men.

However, his making neighbors be killed by neighbors, sons
is evident
by parents, brothers by brothers proof that religion
is to be preferred to friendship, piety to kinship. That is a

true piety which prefers divine things to human ones, ever-

lasting to temporal ones. Therefore, Moses himself said to the
sons of Levi: 'Let him who has been prepared by the Lord
come to me. And
he said to them: The Lord God of Israel
has said each one of you put his sword into his thigh,
and pass through,' 9 in order that by contemplation and love
of divine fear all affection for friends might be checked.
Indeed, 3,000 men are recorded slain and we are not stirred
with outrage over the number, for it is better that by the

5 PS. 28.5,6.
6 Cf. Isa. 25.8.
7 1 Cor. 15.5435.
8 Ps. 109.7.
9 Exod. 32.27.

punishment of a few all be exonerated than that all be

punished. Nor does it seem a harsh act, for it was the punish-
ment of a against heaven.
Finally, for these tasks which are holier than others, Levites,
whose portion is God, are chosen. They know not how to
spare their possessions, knowing nothing as their own, since
to the saints God is their all. Indeed, he is that Levite, the
true avenger and defender, who slays the flesh that he may
save the spirit, as was the man who said: I chastise my
body, and bring it into subjection.' What is so near as the
flesh to the soul? What is so near as are the passions of the

body? These the good Levite slays in himself with the spiritual
sword which is the word of God, two-edged and strong.
It is the sword of the spirit which
pierces the soul, as it
was said to Mary: 'Thy own soul a sword shall pierce, that
the thoughts of many hearts may be revealed. 511 Is not the
flesh joined to the soul by a certain fraternal union? Is not

speech akin to and close to our mind? When we check our

speech so as not to fall into sin by much speaking, we break
the law of relationship and dissolve the ties of fraternal
association. With the strength of reason the soul estranges its

irrational parts, like a kinsman.

Thus did Moses teach the people to rise up against their
neighbors through whom their faith was being lost and virtue
hindered, so as to cut off in us whatever strays from virtue,
is confounded
by errors, is enmeshed in vice. By this instruc-
tion to the people he deserved not only to describe the anger
of God and turn it aside when offended, but also to win grace.
In proportion to our ability we have expressed what we
feel, for you sought our counsel. If you have anything better,
share it with us, that from you and from ourselves we may
learn what we are to choose and follow the more.
Farewell, and as a son love us, since we also love you.

10 1 Cor. 9.27.
11 Luke 2.35.

88. Ambrose to Romulus 1

I am surprised at you, a country dweller, deciding

to ask
me why God said: I shall fashion a heaven of brass, an

very appearance of the country and its

earth of iron.' The
ready fertility can teach us how mild is the air, how genial the
climate when God condescends to bestow fruitfulness. But,
when He does not do so, its bareness makes everything
tightly closed and the air so
dense that it seems hardened
into stiff brass. For this reason you have elsewhere that in
the days of Elias heaven was shut for three and six months.
The heaven being brass means that it was shut up and
refused to let earth have the use of it. The earth, too, is of
iron when yields no crop, and, although seeds are cast

upon it, with the harshness, so to speak, of an enemy, it

shuts out of its fruitful ground the very seeds it is wont to
nourish as in the bosom of a tender mother. When does iron
bear fruit? When does brass send forth showers?
He threatens dreadful famine to those wicked men who
know not how to manifest the devotion of children to the
common Lord and Father of all; thus, they may be deprived
of the support of His paternal mildness, the heaven will be of
brass to them, and the air hard and solid in the consistency
of metal; but the earth will be of iron bearing no fruit, sowing
strife, as poverty is wont to do. They who are in need of
food commit robbery, that at the expense of others they may
alleviate theirown hunger.
If the offense of the inhabitants is such that by God's

design wars overtake them, truly their land is of iron, bristling

with crops of spears, and stripped of its own fruit, rampant
with punishment, barren of nourishment. Where is abun-

1 Undated.

2 Deut. 28.23.
3 Cf. 3 Kings 17.1.

dance? 'Behold I will rain bread from heaven for you, says
the Lord.
Farewell, and love us, because we love you.

89. Ambrose to Sisinnius

your sense of duty more than to your regard

I attribute to

for me
your forgiving your son at my request for his having
married without your consent. It is more significant that
should have
your sense of duty rather than anyone's request
gained this from you. Assuredly, a priest's request makes
greater gains when virtue triumphs,
for his petition is merely
dictated by his sense of duty. Nature gained and so did your
of a request
son, and more fully so in that the consideration
virtue is lasting and
is only temporary while the habit of
natural affection is permanent.
The affair happened quite fittingly that you might regard
yourself as a father at the same time as you had just cause
for indignation. I prefer to admit the wrongdoing that your
the more. As a father
forgiving as a father may be praised
you were offended because you were entitled to choose,
accord with your own judgment, the one who was to become
a daughter, to whom you were to become a father. We
obtain children by nature or adoption, by nature through
chance, by adoption through choice. And we can be blamed
for those we adopt more than for our natural children, for if
natural children are degenerate, nature is blamed, but if
children by adoption or marriage prove unworthy, it is said
to be our own mistake. This was your reason for being angry
with your son and for forgiving him, too, for choosing his

4 Exod. 16.4.

1 Undated.

wife by himself. You have obtained a daughter at no risk of

choice, for he
if has married well he has obtained an advan-
for if he has made a mistake, you will improve the
tage you;
couple by taking them back; make them worse by disowning
father chooses a girl for his son with more mature judg-
ment, but she is introduced to her father by the son and enters
her father's house at the choice of his son with a stronger
intention of being obedient, since the son fears that his choice
will be displeasing, while the daughter-in-law fears lest her
role will be displeasing. The right of the father to make a
choice ennobles and elevates his daughter-in-law; fear of

giving offense humbles the daughter otherwise chosen and

respect makes her submissive. The son will be unable to throw
blame on his wife, as one free from blame may do, when any
difficulty arises, as usually happens. In fact, he will work
very hard to have his choice of wife win approval and have
her show obedience to him.
As good parents do, you have readily granted pardon
after being asked.Had you forgiven before being asked, it
would have been not forgiveness but approval of their
conduct. To delay pardon longer would have been painful to
you, useless to them; your paternal affection could hold out
no longer.
Through motives of high devotion and in obedience to the
word of God, Abraham offered his son as a holocaust, and
like a man devoid of natural feeling he drew his sword that
no delay might dim the brightness of his offering. Yet, when
he was ordered to spare his son, he gladly sheathed his sword,
and he who with the intention of faith had hastened to
sacrifice his only-begotten son hurried with greater zeal for
piety to put a ram in place of the sacrifice.

2 Cf. Gen. 22.6-13. This entire paragraph is omitted in the Benedictine


And Joseph, in order to keep his young brother, pretended

he was angry with his other brothers for a concerted act of
fraud. But when one of his brothers, Juda, unable to bear
the affront, fell at his knees and when the others wept,
Joseph was moved and won over by brotherly love and could
no longer maintain his assumed air of hostility. Sending away
the onlookers, he disclosed to his brothers that they were his
kin, and he himself that Joseph whom they had sold. He
said he no longer remembered their wrong, and he made a
brother's excuse for their selling of a brother, referring what
was blameworthy to deeper reasons: It must have been by
God's design that he went to Egypt in order to feed his own
needy people with grain from another country and in time of
dearth to assist in supporting his father and his father's sons. 3
What shall I say of blessed David, who at one woman's
request permitted his heart to be softened, and then received
back into his house his depraved son, who was stained with
the blood of his brother? 4
Moreover, that father in the Gospel, although his younger
son had spent in riotous living all the substance he had
received from his father, yet, when he returned, confessing
that he had sinned against him, was moved with pity at his
one sentence and ran to meet him with tenderness and em-
braced him. Then he fell upon his neck and ordered the
best robe and ring and shoes brought for him; honoring him
with a kiss and loading him with gifts, he entertained him
with a great banquet. 5
You have shown that you are an imitator of these men by
your fatherly affection, whereby we approach every closely to
God. Hence, I at once urged your daughter, despite the
winter, to undertake the toilsome journey, for she will spend

3 Cf. Gen, 44.15-45.2.

4 CL 2 Kings 14.12.
5 C. Luke 15.22-24.

the winter more comfortably in her father's mansion and in

his affection now that pardon has followed
wrath. Further-
attain to the likeness and pattern of
more, in order to fully
the saints, have
you censured those who contrived falsehoods
and attempted to arouse your feelings against your
Farewell, and love us, because we love you.

90. Ambrose to Studius

I know well the love in your pure soul, your zeal for the

faith, and the fear of

our Lord Jesus Christ. Yet I fear to
send you an answer on this matter, being restricted on the
one hand by what is enjoined on you as a guardian of the
unless you follow
law, and on the other by mercy and grace,
the Apostle's authority on this matter 'For not without reason

does he carry a sword, who judgment/ for he is the
avenger of God against those who
do evil.
Although you understand this, you have determined to
make diligent inquiry. There are some persons outside the
Church, however who do not admit to communion in the
divine sacraments those who believe in capital punishment.
Some stay away on their own accord. 3 They are praised and
cannot be admonished in so far as we observe the authority
of the Apostle and do not refuse them Communion.
You see, then, what authority permits and what mercy
encourages. You will have no excuse, if you have
taken action,
and praise, if you have not done so. But, if you have been
prevented from acting, I nevertheless approve of your not
letting the guilty languish in prison, but,
more in the manner

1 Written between 385 and 387, to a magistrate.

2 Rom. 13.4.
3 It was customary in the early years of Christianity for persons to
refrain from Holy Communion after putting another to death by
enforcement of the law.

of a priest, absolving them. For it can happen that, when a

case has been studied, a prisoner will be sentenced who later
wins pardon, or at without great hardships, as they
least lives
have heard some heathens say that they
say, in prison. Yet, I
returned from governing their province with ax unstained by
blood. If heathens say this, what should Christians do?
In answer to all their questions hear the response of the
When the Jews had found an adulteress they
brought her to the Saviour, seeking to entrap Him, so that if
He freed her He might appear to destroy the Law, He who
had said: I have not come to destroy the Law, but to fulfill
it.' And if He would condemn her He would seem to have
come against the purpose of His plan. The Lord Jesus, fore-
seeing this, bent His head and wrote on the ground. What did
He write except the prophetic saying: 'Earth, earth, write that
these men have been disowned,' 6 that which is written in the
Prophet Jeremias concerning Jechonias?
When the Jews demand payment, the names of the Jews
are written on the ground; when Christians come forward,
the names of the faithful are written, not on the ground, but
in heaven. Those who have been disowned by their Father
are written on the ground, for they tempt their Father and
flood the Author of salvation with insults. When the Jews
demand payment Jesus bows His head. And because He has
nowhere to lay His head, 7 He raises it again as if to pronounce
sentence and says: 'Let him who is without sin be the first to
cast a stone at her!' And again He inclined His head and
wrote on the ground.
Those who were listening to Him began to go away, one by
one, beginning with the eldest, either because they who had
lived longer had more sins, or because, being older and
4 Cf. John 8.3-1 1.
5 Matt. 5.17.
6 Jer. 22.29.
7 Cf. Matt. 8.20.

the righteousness of His sentence.

supposedly wiser, they knew
even to weep more for their sins, since they had
They began
been the accusers of another's sin.
When they went away, Jesus remained alone and, raising
His head to the woman, He said: 'Where are they who
accused thee? Has no one stoned thee?' And she said: 'No
one.' Jesus said to her: 'Neither will I condemn
thee. Go and

from now on you sin no more. He does not condemn,


see that
as if herback; He as life restores her; like a
fountain He washes her clean. And because when Jesus
inclines His head He does so that He may raise up those who
'Neither will I
have fallen, He, the redemption of sins, says:
condemn thee.
You have this model to follow. It is possible for the guilty
one to have hope of correction; if he is unbaptized, that he
can receive forgiveness; if he has been baptized, that he can
do penance and offer his body to Christ. How numerous are
the paths of salvation!
Thus, our predecessors preferred to be rather indulgent
toward judges, so that, while their sword was feared, the
madness of crime was checked and not aroused. But, if
Communion is refused, the punishment of the guilty seems
there be more tempering
avenged. Our elders preferred that
of the will than need of the law.
Farewell, and love us, for we also love you.

9L Ambrose to Titianus (October, 392)

You have achieved a harmless victory, enjoying a guarantee

of victory without the bitterness of begging. Rufinus in his
consulate has been raised from master of the offices to

8 John 8.7-11.

I A and foreign affairs. This is the Rufinus

secretary of state in domestic
who had driven Theodosius to the massacre of the Thessalonicans.

praetorian prefect. Thus, he enters upon a more influential

position and, at the same time, he can no longer be a hin-
drance to you, being prefect in another district. I am
for him, as for a friend, in that he is receiving an increase in
honor and is relieved of odium; and for you, as for a son, in
that you have been set free from one who you thought would
be too severe a judge for you. Now, if you arrange the busi-
ness with your granddaughter, it will be through affection,
not through fear.
Be prompt, therefore, in making your arrangements, for
both hope and enjoyment of it are now grown greater hope, :

because your granddaughter's father, who anticipated much

from Rufinus' decision, no longer has anything to hope for
from him. Rufinus has other concerns; he has forgetten the
past or has laid it aside, along with the office he then held.
The father now looks to the substance of his case, not to the

supporter of his opinions. Enjoyment, too, is more pleasing in

that the decision will be favorable to you, who could have
scorned it and did not, satisfying the dutiful claims of kindred,
the angry promptings of injury.
Farewell, and love us as a son, for as a parent we love you.
Aaron, 104, 312, 314, 338, 339, adultery, woman taken in, 468-
342, 385, 394, 484, 485; rod of, 471, 493, 494
Aemelia, bishops 189
type of Church, 342 of,

Abel, 280, 426 Aeons, 13

Abigail, 421 Africa, Church in, 219, 223
Abiron, 340, 426 Africanus, 39
Abraham, 4, 71, 148, 241, 251, Agar, 245
253, 339, 361, 431, 458, 490 age, old, 40, 69, 358
Absolom, 448 agnatio, 484 n.
Achab, 306, 349 Agnes, St., martyr, 299
Achaia, 205; council aition, quality of rhetoric, 115
in, 224 Alexander, Bishop, 230
Achaz, 232 Alexander the Great, 298, 299
Achinaa, 421, 422 Alexandria, Church at, 192, 220;
Acholius, Bishop, 67-69, 200-205, Council at, 216, 218, 220 n.
222 Altaner, B., vii n.
active life, and contemplative, Alypius, Faltonius Probus, 399
compared, 347, 348 Ambrose, St., 102, 105, 152 n.,
actors, 145 204, 214 n., 401, 402, 416419;
Adam, 130, 132, 135, 136, 243, advice to priests of, 120-124,
244, 326, 370, 465-467, 476 151,317,438; baptism of, 318,
adoption, 412,489 319; as bishop, vii, ix, 53, 321;
adornment, 437 desire for martyrdom of, 284,

Adragathius, 15 n. 366, 373, 375, 380; and em-

perors, 8-10, 16-21, 26, 27, 30, Anysius, Bishop, 67, 203, 204
31, 34, 35, 38, 56-67, 200, 201, Aper, priest,
373, 374, 385, 396, 397, see Apollinaris, heretic, 126, 136,
also Gratian, et. al.; exhorta- 139, 140, 224
tions of, to bishops, 76-80, 102- apostasy, 9, 32
105, 153-163, 174-177, 239-241; Apostles, 264, 280, 281, 439, 453,
and friends, 67, 68, 102, 204, 478; see also Creed.
286; and Greek Fathers, vi; apotelesma, quality of rhetoric,
and heretics, 89, 137, 365; and 115

Jews, 10-17; as judge in legal Aquila, 99

affairs, 120, 161-163, 413, 481- Aquileia, Councils of, 207, 208,
484, 489-494; as letter writer, 216-218, 220 n.
24, 76, 101, 124, 127-129, 283; Aratus, of Cilicia, 259 n.
mention of prayer and of Arcadius, Emperor, 19 n.
Mass, 24, 25, 29, 374; proposes Arians, 53 n., 55, 56, 89, 126,
Church councils, 221-224; ser- 207, 209-212, 216-218, 221, 223,
mons of, 377-396; relatives of, 365, 382-384
414, 416; virtues of, 53, 54, Arimimum, Council of, 55
367, 368; works of: Cons. VaL, Aristotle, 272, 435 n.
37 n.; De fide, 5 n., 216 n.; Arius, 209, 210
De off., vii, 455 n.; Expos. Ps. Ascalon, 12
118, 455 n.; Hex., 129; Hymn., Athanaric, 15 n.
436 n. Athanasius, St., 216 n., 221, 225
Ambrosia, 414 n. athletes, 255-257
Ammianus, Bishop, 200 Attalus, heretic, 211
Ananias, 112, 346 Atticus, consul, 400 n.
Anatolius, Bishop, 200 Attilius; see Regulus
angels, 276; power of, 453, 479 Augustine, St., xii n., xiii, 286 n.,

anger, 360 374 n., 376, 382 n.

animals, 262, 263, 330, 435 Auxentius, heretic, 52, 53, 55,
Anna, widow, 228, 331 230
Antioch, Church at, 19, 172, 173, avarice, 83
212 n., 217, 218, 220-222 Azarias, 112, 346
Antiochus, 399
Antonius, Claudius, 339 Balaam, soothsayer, 71-75

Balak, 73, 394 Cain, 80, 426
banquets, 462 Calanus, 298, 299
baptism, 73, 96, 240, 401 n., 404, Caleb, 402
448, 463; of desire, 27 calf,golden, 484
baptistry, 366 Calligonus, 375
barbarians, 15, 39, 60, 149, 150, Callinicum, synagogue at, 9-11,
202, 224, 368, 417; see also 385
calumny, 163 n.
Barbatianus, heretic, 323 Camillus, 39
basilicas, 12, 365-368, 372, 376
Campania, 149
Bassianus, Bishop, 103, 225 Candidianus, 70
Bauton, 58, 59, 63 Capharnaum, 242
Beirut, 12
Capua, Council of, 172, 173
belief, 252-254
Carthaginians, 39
Bellicius, 401-402
163 catechumens, 63, 366
Benjamin, tribe of,

Bersabee, mystically considered, Cato, 134 n.

349 Chanaan, mystically considered,
Bethany, 242-243 415, 416
Bethlehem, 234, 236, 241 charity, 252-254, 390, 393, 394
Bethphagc, 241 Charles Borromeo, St., 379 n.
bishops, rights and duties of, 6-8,
chastity, 171, 225-227, 344
18, 20, 21, 35, 52, 53, 172, 173,
Chern, mystically considered,
365, 380, 381, 468; succession
oi, 203, 204, 218, 321 n.,

322 n., 337; virtues of, 208, childhood, 465

211, 212, 343, 345 children, 489

blindness, of soul, 402 Christ, 78, 88, 100, 109, 111, 118,
132, 235, 236, 242, 249, 268,
blood, mystical separation of,
278-281, 284, 285, 295, 315,
308; of Christ, 467, 468
317-319, 322, 352, 356, 357,
Bologna, 4.17
boundary stones, 89, 302 421, 439-441, 444, 454, 463,
burning, of buildings by enemy 475, 478, et passim; as Archi-
sects, 11, 12 tect, 480; Blood of, 467, 468; as

Bridegroom, 421; as Exemplar Coelestis, 48
of virtue, 16, 84, 86, 95, 226, cognatio, 484 n.
275, 279, 326, 463, 466, 477; as comets, 25 n.
Head of Mystical Body, 132, compassion, 361
277, 279, 389-390, 475, 479; confirmation, 401 n,
Incarnation of, 4, 87, 126, 138, conscience, 33, 80
139, 226, 227, 234, 235, 386, consolation, letters of, xi, 417-
449; as Judge, 249, 250, 322, 419; of sick, 401, 402
469; miracles of, 401-405, 470; Constantine, Emperor, 55
nature of, 55, 137, 139-143, Constantinople, Council of,

210, 338, 339; Obedience of, 217 n.; Church at, 221; im-
477; Passion of, 92, 93, 100, perial residence, 1 1

191, 192, 311, 361, 362, 452, Constantius, Bishop, 76, 230
463; as Physician, 253, 337, Constanthjs, Emperor, 49, 55 n.,

338, 401-405; as Priest, 271, 207, 220 n., 481 n.

272, 315; as Redeemer, 41, 84, conversion, 89, 231, 244
92,93,109, 110,138, 139,310, Core, 340, 426
387, 388, 435, 478; and sinners, correction, 386, 387
241-244,386,387,471-474,493, counsel, 334, 335
494; as Teacher, 468-469 Count of East, 9, 10
Christians, beliefs of, 40-42; con- creation, 46-48, 133, 134, 254-265,
duct of, 42, 80, 81, 412; in 274-278, 282

public office, 34, 37, 49 Creed, 366; Nicene, 216 n.

Chromatius, Bishop, 70 Crescens, Bishop, 230
Church, 48, 333, 334, 336, 390, Curia, altar in, 34
392, 393, 395, 422, 428, 453, Cybele, 48
462 Cynegius, 413
Cicero, 76 n., 125 n., 134 n., Cyrus, king, 50
272 n., 417 n.

circumcision, 90-100, 251, 252, dancing, of David, mystically

405-407 considered, 145, 146
Clarus, Bishop, 200 Dalmatius, notary, 52
Claterna, 417 Damans, 329
Clementianus, 405, 410 Damasus, Pope, 34, 214 n.

clergy, 43, 317, 318, 347, 348; Darius, king, 289

second marriage of, 344 n. Dathan, 340

David, 22, 23, 31, 68, 87, 142, Elias, 145, 203, 264, 305, 331,
145, 146, 295, 308, 309, 320, 345, 349, 350, 371, 442, 448
339, 360, 395, 421, 422, 427, Eliseus, 202, 203, 318, 319, 332,
439, 458, 466, 471, 491 345, 379, 380, 448

death, contempt of, 298 Elizabeth, 158

Deferrari, R. J., 26 n., 27 n,, 37 n. emperors, rights and duties of,

Delila, 185-187 7, 8, 17, 18, 33, 52-54, 64, 65,

208, 212, 373, 374; see also
Delphinus, Bishop, 101
Demarchus, 328 Gratian, Theodosius, etc.

Demophilus, heretic, 216 enneakaidekaeteris, 190 n.

Devil, 317, 320, 326, 357, 370, entellechia, 272
381-384, 426 Ephraim, 241, 242
Ephrata, 234, 236
didrachma, mystically consid-
ered, 105, 109, 111-113 Epicureans, 323, 327, 328
Epicurus, 325
Diocletian, era of, 195 xi-
epistolography, in antiquity,
Dionysius, Bishop, 346, 347 xii
Dionysius, the Areopagite, 329
Esau, 246, 247, 287-289, 358, 360
discipline, 234, 456
Ethiopians, practiced circum-
disobedience, 466
cision, 92
DissertatioMaximini contra
Eucharist, Holy, 236, 401 n., 492,
Ambrosium, 208 n. 494
drachma, mystically considered, viii, 62, 65,
Eugenius, usurper,
106, 107, 113, 114 66
dreams, 24 Euphrates, mystically consid-
drunkenness, 132 ered, 462
Dudclen, F. H., vii n., 15 n., Eusebius, Bishop, 200
150 n., 217 n., 376 n., 437 n. Eusebius, Bishop of Vercelli,

dwellings, lofty, 448 321, 345-348, 413

Eustasius, Bishop, 230

earrings, 485 Eustathius, 217 n:

Easter, date of, 189-200 Eutropius, 200
Egypt, 197-199, 457, 458 Euzoius, Bishop, 220 n.
eight, number, 266-267 Evagrius, of Antioch, 172, 173,
eighth day, 471 216 n.
Eleazar, 342 Eve, 326, 370, 426, 466, 476

sex not to
Eventius, Bishop, 230 garments, of opposite
excommunication, 62 n., 163 n. be worn, 435
extravagance, 149 Gaul, Church in, 219, 223
Ezekias, 232, 471 Gauls, beliefs of, 55
Gaza, basilica at, burned, 12
faith, 253, 254, 358, 411, 433 Geminianus, Bishop, 230
famine, 38, 44 Genesis, mystically considered,
fasting, 228, 229, 323, 326, 327, 135
330, 351 Genial, heretic, 230
father, of prodigal son, 491 Germinator, heretic, 230
Faustinus, 414, 416; the younger, Gervase and Protase, martyrs,
414 378
Favez, C., xi n.
gluttony, 132, 458
Fegadius, 101
goat, as emissary, 316
Felix, Bishop, 102
God, 5, 24, 31, 32, 40, 65, 70, 71,
Felix, deacon, 30
114, 118, 131, 133, 135, 136,
Felix, heretic, 230
210, 211, 255, 409, 448, 449,
Felix, martyr, 376
452, 459, 465, 477, 488; ad-
festuca, 292 n.
dressed as our Father, 412;
fields, mystically considered, 438,
benefits of, to man, 259; law
of, 54; subordination of em-
fifteen, number, 471
perors to, 18
first-born, 430, 431
first-fruits, 277, 280 gold, 408, 462

firstlings, 280 Golgotha, 241, 244

fish, Greek symbol of Christ, Good, Highest, 437-441, 445
110 n. goose, sacred, 39
Goths, 15 n., 202 n.
Figueroa, G., 9 n.
Flavian, of Antioch, 172, 173, grace, 109, 411, 470
217 n. Grata, 28 n.

forgiveness, of others, 351; of sin,

Gratian, Emperor, viii, 3, 208,
240, 359, 388 212 n., 216; Ambrose pleads
for body of, 56 n.; edicts of,

Gabanites, 165-170 on religion, 32; letter of, to

Gallican bishops, 22 Ambrose, 4; virtues of, 4, 5

Gangrance, Council of, 436 n.

greed, 80

Greek, Ambrose's knowledge of, Indicia, 160, 163
vi; customs of women, 436 indiction, 196

Gregory, of Nazianzen, 220 n. Ingeniosus, heretic, 230

grief, 416 inheritance, denied to priests,
growth, in Christ, 249 42; of God, 459, 460
Innocents, Holy, 235, 269 n.
Hamilcar, 50, 51 Irenaeus, 405 n., 420, 425, 428,
Hannibal, 39 432, 435, 437, 448, 454, 458,
harlot, mystically considered, 81, 464, 468, 475
82 iron, magnet of, mystically con-
heaven, 201, 202, 257, 258, 360 sidered, 132, 133
Hebrews, laws of, 85 Isaac, 115, 245, 246, 251, 431,
Henoch, 305 463 n.

heretics, 211, 212 n., 223, 323, Isis, rites of, 144
329 Italy, 223, 417
Hermachus, 328 n.

hermits, 346 Jacob, 68, 69, 287, 288, 320, 358,

Herod, 235 458-463, 485
Herodias, 371 James, priest, 149
Herodotus, 91 n.
Januarius, heretic, 230
Hexaemeron, 254 Japhet, mystically considered,
Hippocrates, 269 415
Honorius, Emperor, viii
Jason, king, 65
hope, 282-283
Jeroboa, 485
Horeb, 349 232 n.
Jerome, St.,
Horontianus, 231, 241, 245, 251, heav-
Jerusalem, Temple of, 11;
254, 272, 277, 283
enly, 424
hospitality, 176, 361
Jews, 10, 11, 13-15, 100, 148,250,
house, of God, 449, 450; of rich,
251, 390-392, 404-407, 410-412,
449, 450
426, 466, 485, 486
hule } quality of rhetoric, 115
humility, 84 Jezabel, 349, 350, 371, 451, 452
husband, duty of, 480 Joathan, 232
John the Baptist, St., 280, 331,
Hyginus, Bishop, 62
345, 349, 371, 470
hymns, 351
hypostdsis, 220 n. Joseph, o Arimethea, 280

Joseph, son of Jacob, 84-87, 147, Limenius, Bishop, 321 n.

148, 288, 289, 431, 491 Lot, 446

Joseph, spouse of Mary, 158 Lucius, heretic, 216

Josephus, Flavian, 130, 178 lust, 131, 132, 314, 315

Jovinian, heretic, 225 n., 230 luxury, 356

Judas, 315, 357, 391, 404, 480 lying, impossible
for God, 70
Julian, the Apostate, 11-14, 32,
51 Macedonia, 200, 202, 203
Justa, sister of Valentinian,
28 n. Macedonius, Bishop, 200
justice, 302,
303 Machabees, feast of, 13
Justina, Empress, x, 284 n., Magdalen, Mary, 386, 390, 392
367 n., 368 n. malignity, 337
Justus, Bishop, 105, 115 man, ages of, 269; creation of,

Julian Valens, 211 114, 132, 254, 255, 258, 259,

264, 465; foolish, 406, 459,
kiss, mystically considered, 390- 460; free, 290, 291; perfection
392 in, 259, 260, 479; powers of,
259-262; in rest of creation,
Laban, 358, 459 133, 255-257, 263; wise, 287,
labarum, 10 292-301, 307, 312

Lacy, J. A., xii n. Manassc, 75

Laetus, 122, 124 manhood, 479
law, given to Moses, 464, 465, Mani, 93, 190
467; of God, 54; natural, 464, Manichacans, 75, 229, 230
467; a tutor, 248, 251, 405, 410 manna, 107, 138, 402, 432, 434
Lawrence, martyr, 299
St., Marcellina, sister of Ambrose,
lawsuits, 494, 495 vi, x, 20 n., 162, 365, 376, 385
Lazarus, 441 Marcellinus, brother of Maxi-
Leontius, 161-163 mus, 60 n.

Leopardus, 230 Marcellus, Bishop, 120

Levite, of tribe of Benjamin, Marcian, heretic, 93
164-168 Mark, of Arethusa, 13 n.
Levites, 320, 340, 429, 430, 487 Mark, of Pettau, 212
Lia, 459 marriage, 174-176, 225, 226, 344,
Liberius, Pope, 213 n. 345,413,481,483,489
liberty, 286, 287, 411 Martian, heretic, 230

Martroge, E, 152 n. Mithra, 48
martyr, 9; Ambrose's desire to Modena, 417
be, 284, 366, 373, 375, 380 monastery, in Achaia, 205
martyrdom, 94, 95 monks, and clerics, compared,
martyrs, 299, 300, 376, 379, 380, 347-349
383, 384 Moses, 31, 117, 118, 144, 145,

Mary, Virgin, 126, 134, 135, 158, 264, 298, 308-314, 327, 336,
15Q, 226-228, 333, 339, 361, 339-341, 360, 394, 433435, 455,
362, 487 458, 464, 484, 486, 487
Mary, sister of Moses (Miriam) , mothers, duties of, 361, 362
312, 333, 341, 394 Mystical Body. See Christ, Head
Mass, Sacrifice of, 6, 24, 25, 29, of
190, 366, 370, 396, 397
masters, duties of, 362 Nabal, 422
Maximian, Emperor, 28, 36 Nabor, 376
Maximus, Bishop, 230 Naboth, 306
Maximus, of Alexandria, 217 n., Nabuchodonosor, 14
220, 221 Narbonne, Bishops of, 207
Maximus, of Verona, 153, 154, Nathan, 22, 395
159-163 Nathaniel, 280
Maximus, usurper, viii, 16, 19 n., nature, described, 274; gifts of,
56, 57, 59-61, 284 n., 374, to man, 263;
progress of, 47,
375 n. 48
McGuire, M., 20 n., 25 n., 48 n., Nectarius, 220, 222, 345 n.
150 n. neighbors, 89
Melchisedech, 338 Nembroth, 416
Meletius, of Antioch, 217 n., neptis, 482 n.

220 Nicaea, Council of, 55, 173, 189,

Mercurius, of Verona, 161 190, 196, 209, 344
Michol, 145 Nicensis, 152 n., 155
midwives, 154-157 Nicholaites, 75
Milan, Church at, 190 n., Synod nineteen years' cycle, 190
of, 212 n,, 225 n. Noe, 147, 287
miracles, 376, 379, 382 nous, 111
Misael, 112, 346 nudity, 148
miser, 305, 408 Numerius, Bishop, 200

oaths, of senators, 34 Pelagia, virgin, 299, 300
obedience, of Christ, 477 penance, 313-315, 462, 470
Origen, 236 n., 410 Pentateuch, 385
orphans, 80 perfection, in man, 259, 260, 479
Osiris, 195 n, persecution, 14, 44, 366-369
ousia, 220 n. Peter, St., 16, 77, 135, 137, 138,
244, 258, 303, 307, 326, 327,
pagans, 33, 34, 38, 39, 45, 49; 359, 404, 448, 471

temple revenues of, 63-65 Peter, Bishop of Alexandria,

Palanque, J. R., v, ix n., 11 n., 216 n.,220
20 n., 25 n., 150 n, 152 n., Phamenoth, 195, 196
220 n., 231 n., 425 n. Pharao, 14, 157, 171,426
Palladius, heretic, 207, 208 Pharisee, mystically considered,
paradise, 130, 244 388-391
parents, choosing of children's Pharmuth, 195-197
partners, 490 Philippus, Bishop, 200
partridge, mystically considered, Philo Judaeus, 269 n.
109, 425-428 Philodemus, 325 n.
Paschasius, 215 Philomarus, 325
Passover, 189, 190, 193, 194 philosophers, 328, 329
paterfamilias, 90 Photiniw, heretic, 126, 212 n.
Paternus, 162, 413 n., 481 pirates, 290
patience, 463 plague, 203
Paul, St., 8, 128, 129, 235, 236, planets, 261
252, 286, 303, 308, 319, 323, Plato, 272, 295 n.
332, 334, 339, 346, 357, 377, pleasure, 131, 134, 148, 149, 328
430, 442 Plutarch, 299 n.
Paulinus of Antioch, Bishop, Polybius, 101
Pompey, Gnaeus, 50
Paulinus, of Milan, 385 n., see
Pope, entitled 'Good Shepherd/
also: Vita Ambrosii 225
Paulinus, of Nola, 144 Portus, 413
Paulus, Bishop of Constan- poverty, 80, 81, 208, 354, 355,
tinople, 224 469
peace, 304, 305, 454-476 prayer, 3, 25, 29, 103, 351, 417
pedagogue 406 pride, 83, 467

priesthood, 174, 177 rites, foreign, in Rome, 48
priests, in lawsuits, 52, 120-124; Rome, Church at, 192, 222;
persecution of, 43; qualifica- Council of, 204
primacy of, n.;
tions of, 315, 316, 339, 342, 174, 215, 221; Senate house
374, 455, 456 at, 3840, 49

Priscus, 152, 400 Romulus, 484, 488

prison, conditions in, 493 Rufinus, 494, 495
Proculus, 207 Rumoridus, 63
propitiatory (mercy seat) , 104
prosperity, in Roman provinces, Sabbath, 407
Sabellians, 126
psalms, singing of, 13, 374
Sabinus, 124, 127, 129, 134, 136,
punishment, capital, 492
144, 225, 425 n.
purity, 171
sacraments, 73, 402
Pythagoras, 454
Pythagoreans, 265
sacrifice, pagan, 32, 458
saints, 429-431, 449, 477
Pythian Apollo, 455 n.
Samaritan, Good, 469
Rachel, 156, 235, 236, 269, 459 Samson, 176-189
Rahab, 361 Samuel, 31, 339
ram, mystically considered, 115, Sara, 148, 171,245,361,431
116 Sarmatian, heretic, 323
ransom, 290 Satan, 426

Rebecca, 76, 359 Satyrus, vi, 345 n.

Saul (Paul) 78
Reggio, 417

Regulus, Attilius, 39 Scripture, Holy, 77, 78, 134, 135,

Renatus, of Verona, 161-163 210, 236, 267, 350, 470, 471,
resurrection, 327 483; quotations from, or re-
revenues, for pagan temples, ference to, individual Books:
rhetoric, rules of, 115 Acts, 64,78, 90, 115, 122, 135,
rich, the, 304, 408, 409, 460 138, 148, 257, 259, 273, 308,
riches, 80, 81, 83, 88, 303, 304, 322, 326, 329, 348, 354, 401,
353-355, 390 442, 443, 448, 476
rights, civil vs. ecclesiastical, 371, Aggeus, 448, 449, 451-454
372 Amos, 441

Apocalypse, 75, 114, 137, 138, 430, 431, 435, 438, 439, 488
232, 255, 269, 272, 276, 339, Ecclesiastes, 25, 38, 78, 107,
431, 434, 446 132, 137, 146, 192, 266, 298,
Baruch, 202 317-320, 361, 424, 471
Canticle o! Canticles, 68, 130, Ecclesiasticus, 25, 84, 205, 234,
231, 333, 390, 392, 419, 422, 248, 287, 332, 421, 448
424, 433, 434, 441, 445, 450, Ephesians, 79, 86, 238, 246,
454 257, 270, 319, 322, 325, 348,
Colossians, 104, 114, 200,229, 351, 372, 412, 423, 475480
280, 332, 353, 360, 388, 441, 2 Esdras, 332
443, 451, 467 3 Esdras, 290
1 Corinthians, 71, 73, 78, 87, 4 Esdras, 272, 447
95, 98, 100, 108, 119-122, 126, Esther, 331
129, 132, 138, 150, 197, 199, Exodus, 103-105, 107, 111,
226, 229, 236, 239, 246, 248, 116-118, 138, 149, 157, 193,
252-254, 256-258, 263, 268, 197-199, 228, 252, 264, 268,
276, 279-284, 286, 293-296, 279, 298, 308, 309, 311, 325,
300, 322-325, 327, 328, 332, 327, 331, 333, 336, 360, 392,
335, 337, 348, 351, 378, 386, 394, 402, 407, 426, 427, 429,
389, 396, 402, 408, 409, 423, 432, 433, 442, 443, 452, 455,
428, 432, 436, 437, 439, 443, 458, 472, 484-486, 489
449, 454, 483, 486, 487 Ezechiel, 7, 21, 142, 145, 227,
2 Corinthians, 5, 68, 83, 97, 250, 406
117, 126, 130, 137, 138, 192, Galatians, x, 113, 123, 128,
238, 252, 257, 264, 271, 273, 138, 143, 173, 191, 245, 246,
274, 281, 297, 308, 318, 320, 248, 249, 251, 252, 278, 281,
332, 347, 374, 406, 411, 418, 293, 294, 348, 405, 410, 411,
419, 443, 483 418, 419, 430, 471
Daniel, 64, 112, 130, 153, 159, Genesis, 4, 68, 76, 79, 80, 84,
161, 256, 264, 298, 323, 327, 87, 90, 92, 97-100, 115, 118,
331, 346 119, 130*132, 135, 136, 147,
Deuteronomy, 71, 89, 104, 113, 148, 156-158, 170, 174, 176,
114, 135, 175, 195, 205, 247, 229, 236, 241, 245-247, 251,
252, 258, 290, 291, 307, 309, 254, 257, 259, 261, 264, 265,
311, 312, 320, 336, 352, 393, 268, 280, 287-289, 297, 305,
395, 401, 409, 423, 424, 428, 326, 330, 358, 359, 361, 370,

384, 389, 393, 404, 414-416, Jonas, 229, 374
419, 426, 431, 446, 458-461, Josue, 31, 361, 395, 402, 427,
465, 476, 490, 491 451, 455
Habacuc, 80, 150, 264, 427 Judges, 17, 164, 167, 169, 176-
Hebrews, 74, 104, 126, 135, 181, 184-188, 298
145, 268, 271, 338, 339, 347, Judith, 331
360, 410, 430, 440, 453 1
Kings, 23, 87, 421, 422, 426
Isaias, 58, 69, 77, 79, 81, 98, 2 Kings, 15, 22, 23, 145, 395,
139, 141, 143, 146-148, 158, 449, 491
192, 226-228, 232, 237, 245, 3 Kings, 161, 204, 242, 305,
250, 257, 265, 268, 285, 291, 306, 320, 331, 349, 350, 371,
315, 319, 320, 332, 354, 356, 425, 434, 442, 448, 449, 485,
386, 388, 392, 409, 412, 426, 488
427, 437, 439, 449, 453, 457, 4 Kings, 17, 202, 203, 228,
460, 471, 473/486 263, 264, 305, 306, 318, 319,
Jeremias, 12, 140, 143, 151, 332, 380, 448, 452
192, 261, 262, 269, 271, 285, Leviticus, 100, 119, 175, 312,
385, 411, 424, 425, 449, 450, 316, 472
472, 493 Luke, 16, 20, 82, 88, 98, 106,
Job, 23, 291, 295, 296, 302, 110, 124, 134, 135, 158, 159,
304, 306, 369, 370, 377, 455, 170, 190, 192, 227, 228, 233-
456 235, 244, 254, 269, 280, 282,
Joel, 420, 422, 446, 447 284, 312, 315, 318, 320, 349,
John, 5, 71, 77, 90, 96, 109, 361, 386-393. 396, 409, 427,
112, 136, 140, 141, 192-194, 432, 433, 446, 452, 469-470,
235, 243, 250, 258, 261, 264, 472, 477, 487, 491
275, 280, 281, 283, 294, 300, 1 Machabees, 10

309, 311, 315, 317, 318, 322, 2 Machabees, 64, 65, 299
350, 357, 359, 361, 374, 377, Malachias, 267, 420
382-384, 390, 393, 395, 403-405, Mark, 377, 384, 403
408, 412, 419, 430, 432, 440, Matthew, 4, 8, 9, 24, 25, 36,
441, 443, 446, 447, 451, 465, 68, 77, 82, 93, 96-98, 100, 106,
468, 469, 472, 473, 478, 493, 109-111, 113, 118, 126, 135,
494 137, 140, 144, 146, 151, 153,
John, 198,253,271,323 158, 193, 204, 226-229, 232,
2 John, 214 235, 236, 238, 241-244, 250,

254, 255, 258, 263, 267, 276, 228, 229, 234-237, 240, 246,
280, 284, 287, 307, 314-316, 258, 260, 262, 264-266, 268,
318, 322, 326, 331, 337, 348, 269, 271, 274, 275, 282, 284,
350, 352, 358-361, 371, 381, 285, 288, 289, 294-296, 301,
388, 391-393, 401, 404, 406, 303, 306, 307, 309, 313, 317,
407, 411, 412, 419, 420, 426, 318, 320, 322, 323, 332, 336,
427, 432, 439442, 444, 451, 337, 339, 343, 349-352, 354-
453, 457, 463, 470-472, 474, 356, 360, 362, 369, 372, 373,
477, 493 377-379, 391, 403, 408, 419,
Micheas, 231-234, 237-240, 421, 422, 427, 430, 433, 437-
268, 394, 422 443, 445, 447, 450-453, 455,
Numbers, 72-74, 76, 104, 161, 457, 460, 462, 466, 470, 476,
176, 228, 311, 312, 338-342, 477, 486
394, 402, 405, 407, 426, 429, Romans, 8, 16, 65, 70, 84
477 93, 97, 110, 113, 133, 233,
Osee, 267, 420, 423, 440, 471 237, 241, 248, 249, 251, 256,
Paralipomenon, 285 260, 263, 268, 273-275, 277-
2 Paralipomenon, 68, 69 279, 281-283, 285, 297, 301,
1 Peter, 93, 253, 303, 304, 307, 307, 318, 326, 335, 340, 358,
353, 354, 363, 402, 412, 442 391, 404, 428, 444, 453, 463-
2 Peter, 258, 438 467, 492
Philemon, 101, 357 1 Thessalonians, 79
Philippians, 86-88, 109, 126, 1
Timothy, 83, 104, 140, 215,
136, 138-140, 143, 201, 242, 292, 331, 343-345, 436, 440,
271, 275, 282, 294, 304, 354, 450
360, 377, 447, 453, 477 2 Timothy, 8, 105, 109, 255,
Proverbs, 25, 38, 41, 78-82, 340, 386
106-108, 234, 250, 290-292, Titus, 214, 229, 343
300-304, 306, 310, 337, 343, Tobias, 175, 327
346, 353, 355, 415, 427, 432, Wisdom, 40, 69, 248, 273, 305,
438, 457 320, 434, 444, 448
Psalms, 7, 22, 25, 31, 58, 64, Zacharias, 83, 142, 453
68, 76-80, 84, 87, 104-106, 108-
110, 116, 124, 128, 133, 137- Secunclianus, heretic, 207, 208
139, 141, 145-147, 150, 175, seers, 44, 48
191, 192, 194, 200, 201, 209, senators, Christian, 34

Senones, 39 Spirit, Holy, 5, 6, 107, 108, 278,

senses, mystically considered, 309 283-285, 314, 393, 434, 440

servitude, 111 n., 287, 288 stars, 265, 269
seven, number, 265-269, 271, 470 stater, 109, 110
Severus, Bishop, 149, 200 Stephen, St., 148, 308, 322, 442
Severus, layman, of Milan, 382 Stoics, 326
sexes, differences in, 435 stoning, 473, 474
sheep, 68, 69, 358 strangers, hospitality to, 176
silver, 408, 462 Studius, 468 n., 492
Simeon, 280 suffering, 278, 346, 347
Simplicianus, vi, vii, 286, 303, Sunamitess, 448
308,311 Susanna, 130, 159
sin, 24, 232, 233, 238-240, 295, Syagrius, Bishop, 152, 163
300, 301, 311-314; forgiveness Symmachus, prefect of Rome,
of, 388, 389, 465-467 37, 63; Relatio of, 31 n,, 37 n.
sinners, 276 synagogue, 10-12, 341, 350, 385,
Siricius, Pope, 151, 152, 225 393, 423
Sirmium, Synod of, 212 n. Syrus, priest, 151
Sisinnius, 489
six, days of creation, 264, 265 tablets, of Law, 486
slavery, 288-295, 301, 302, 363, temperance, 332
411; spiritual, 247, 248; to temptation, 237-240
sin, 297-298 ten, stages of life, 269, 270
Socrates, 216 n. Tertullian, 344 n.

Solon, 269 Thecla, virgin, 299, 333

Theodoret, 13 n., 26 n., 172 n.,
Sophocles, 296
216 n., 217 n.
soul, 237, 272, 273, 313, 421,
Theodorus, Bishop, 230
432, 433, 441, 443, 444, 446, Theodosian Code, 43 n., 413 n.,
454, 480; mystically consid-
481 n., 483
ered, 241-244, 420-424, 428,
Theodosius, Bishop, 200
Theodosius, Emperor, viii, 6, 16,
Sozomen, 13 n., 15 n., 120 n. 17, 19-22, 24-26, 28-32, 35,

speech, 79, 83, 84, 487; deceitful, 43 n., 55, 59-61, 63, 64, 202 n.,

82; freedom of, 6, 7; rules of, 208, 213, 216, 219, 223; and
118, 119 affair at Callinicum, 10-12,

385; Thessalonian massacre, burial of, 26-28; delegating
395, 396, 494 n. state revenues to
pagan tem-
Theophilus, Bishop, 172 ples, 32-33, 35; desire of, for
Therasia, 144 n. baptism, 27
Thessalonian massacre, 20 n., Valentinians, sect, 13, 17, 385
22, 200, 494 n. Vallio, 61
thief, on cross, 243, 244, 315, vengeance, 352
427 Venus, 48
Thomar, 156 Vercelli, Church of, 321, 345-
three, days, mystically consid- 348,413
ered, 470 Vestal virgins, 35, 36, 38, 41, 42

Tigris, mystically considered, vices, 352

462 Victor, son of Maximus, 19 n.,
Timosius, 396 59
Timotheus, Bishop, 200 Victory, altar of, 34, 36, 37, 40,

Timothy, Bishop, 217 49

Titianus, 494 Vienne, Bishops of, 207
travel, 68, 172, 173 Vigilius, Bishop, 174
Trier, Ambrose's mission to, 57- vigils, 216-217
62 Virgil, 44-47, 87, 90, 191, 262,
Trinity, 5, 6, 126, 265, 278, 319, 266, 269, 290, 297, 416, 425,
383 428, 444, 445, 450, 457
virgin, trial of, 152, 153, 155, 156
uncle, marriage with, 481 virginity, 42, 225-228,323, 332-
Ursinus, anti-pope, 213-215 335; of Mary, 226-228
usury, 175 virgins, 324, 332-333
virtues, 352, 353, 363, 408, 445-
Valens, Emperor, 214, 216 n., 447, 475; of a Christian, 253,
395 n. 342, 343, 351, 352
Valentinian I, Emperor, vii, viii Vita Ambrosii; 62 n., 152 n.
Valentinian II, Emperor, viii, x,

26, 27, 31, 37, 52, 53, 57, 59, Wady Eschcol, 394 n.
60, 63, 64, 208, 216; Ambrose's wages, defrauding of, 81, 82, 175
embassy in behalf of, 56 n., Waghorn, W. R,, 425 n,
57-63; asking basilica, 367 n., widows, 43, 80, 228, 324, 335;
371, 374, 375 n.; death and considered,
mystically 469;

mite, mystically considered, Wytzes, J.,
31 n., 32 n., 63 n.
wisdom, 292-301, 459; divine, Zabulon, 241, 452
309 310
Zaccheus, 314
witnesses, from hearsay, 160 n.
Zach 7
wives, duties of, 361
/euer J" * u
women, clothing of, in pagan

rites, 436; subject to husband, Zeno Bishop, 152, 153


480 Zorobabel, 451


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