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Fungal Beta-Glucans As Adjuvants For Treating Cancer Patients - Revisão Sistemática de ECR

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Clinical Nutrition 40 (2021) 3104e3113

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Fungal beta-glucans as adjuvants for treating cancer patients e A

systematic review of clinical trials
Laiza Steimbach a, Ariela Victoria Borgmann a, Gabriella Giandotti Gomar a,
Lucas Ventura Hoffmann a, Renata Rutckeviski a, b, Diancarlos Pereira de Andrade b,
Fhernanda Ribeiro Smiderle a, b, *
Faculdades Pequeno Príncipe, CEP 80230-020, Curitiba, PR, Brazil
Instituto de Pesquisa Pel
e Pequeno Príncipe, CEP 80240-020, Curitiba, PR, Brazil

a r t i c l e i n f o s u m m a r y

Article history: Background & aims: Fungal b-glucans have been considered as biological response modifiers (BRMs)
Received 19 May 2020 promoting stimulation of immune system according to numerous scientific publications performed
Accepted 21 November 2020 in vitro and in vivo. Some clinical trials involving such compounds started to be published since 1980's.
This systematic review aimed to compile and compare clinical studies using these b-glucans as adjuvants
Keywords: on patients undergoing cancer treatment. Healthy subjects and b-glucans from other sources were
Fungal b-glucans
Clinical trials
Methods: It was developed according to PRISMA-P guidelines (PROSPERO registered n.
Systematic review
Cancer treatment
CRD42020151539), using PICO criteria and the following databases: PubMed, Scielo and LILACS.
Results: We found 1018 articles and after removing duplicated records, select by title/abstract and full-
text, only 9 studies remained and 7 more were manually added, totalizing 16 trials involving 1650 pa-
tients, with arm sizes varying from 9 until 200 patients. The selected studies (published since 1992
e2018) included subjects with diagnosis of 9 types of cancer. The studies used different sources of b-
glucans, such as yeast (Saccharomyces cerevisiae), mushrooms (Lentinula edodes and Schizophyllum
commune) and non-described fungal sources.
Conclusions: It was observed that the administration of b-glucan is safe and well-tolerated. Most of the
trials pointed that concomitant administration of b-glucan with chemo or radiotherapy reduced the
immune depression caused by such treatments and/or accelerated the recovery of white blood cells
counts. However, some articles also commented that no statistical difference was encountered between
b-glucan treated vs. control groups, which gives a controversial conclusion about the b-glucan effects.
The great diversity among the methodology studies and insufficient information was an impeditive for
achieving profound statistical analysis, therefore a narrative report of the included studies was per-
formed indicating that further evidences are required to determine the efficacy of this adjuvant in the
cancer treatment.
© 2020 Elsevier Ltd and European Society for Clinical Nutrition and Metabolism. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction

Cancer is the second leading cause of death globally, accounting

for an estimated 9.6 million deaths, or one in six deaths, in 2018.
Lung, prostate, colorectal, stomach and liver cancer are the most
Abbreviations: LEM, Lentinula edodes mycelium extract; LNT, lentinan (b-glucan common types of cancer in men, while breast, colorectal, lung,
from L. edodes); BTH1677, yeast-derived b-glucan from Biothera Pharmaceuticals; cervical and thyroid cancer are the most common among women
SPG, b-glucan from Schyzophyllum commune mushroom; BRMs, biological response [1]. It has been reported that mushroom and other fungal b-glucans
modifiers; APCs, antigen-presenting cells; QOL, quality of life.
may activate the host immune system and stimulate the production
* Corresponding author. Instituto de Pesquisa Pele Pequeno Príncipe, Avenida
Silva Jardim, 1632, Curitiba, PR, Brazil.
of pro-inflammatory cytokines, increase frequency of immune cells
E-mail address: (F.R. Smiderle). on blood, activate complement system and opsonization with
0261-5614/© 2020 Elsevier Ltd and European Society for Clinical Nutrition and Metabolism. All rights reserved.
L. Steimbach, A.V. Borgmann, G.G. Gomar et al. Clinical Nutrition 40 (2021) 3104e3113

complement protein iC3b, and suppress tumor growth when Register of Systematic Reviews) registered number obtained is No.
administered to murine tumor models with tumor-targeting CRD42020151539.
monoclonal antibodies [2e4]. Furthermore, it was observed that
co-administration of fungal b-glucans with conventional cancer 2.2. Eligibility criteria
treatments may reduce the adverse effects commonly observed on
chemotherapy and radiotherapy [5,6]. Such studies were based on Studies selected for the analysis met the following criteria: (i)
Chinese folk medicine, that uses mushrooms for thousands of years population: patients diagnosed with cancer, in a clinical trial
for treating cancer and other diseases, and many studies have (randomized or not); (ii) intervention: concomitant administration
demonstrated their medicinal qualities, such as anti-tumor activity of fungal b-glucans as adjuvants in cancer treatment (no matter
by increasing host defense mechanisms, among other therapeutic which dose or route of administration); (iii) comparator: b-glucans
properties [7,8]. Lentinan, the most common b-glucan isolated treated group versus control group or before/after b-glucans
firstly from Shiitake mushrooms, is available in Japan since 1985 as treatment; (iv) outcomes: any indication to measure safety
an adjuvant for stomach cancer therapy and it was also approved (occurrence of adverse effects) and efficacy (immune function
for treating multiple types of cancer in China [7]. Although it has improvement) observed on patients were eligible. Studies that
been tested and approved in Asian countries for long years, fungal were excluded: healthy subjects receiving fungal b-glucans; pa-
b-glucans have no authorization for the commercial claim for me- tients diagnosed with any other disease different from cancer, even
dicinal activity of any mushroom or other fungal-derived substance if treated with fungal b-glucans; patients treated with glucans from
in other countries. Only oral formulations were authorized by FDA plants or chemically modified b-glucans; and articles published in
(US Food and Drug Administration), EFSA (European Food Safety Japanese or Chinese.
Authority) and ANVISA (Brazilian National Health Surveillance
Agency) as dietary supplements [9e11].
2.3. Search strategy
Fungal b-glucans are a class of polysaccharides composed by
glucose, however their chemical structure can vary significantly.
Two investigators (FRS and LS) extensively searched three
According to scientific community, they can be linear or branched,
electronic databases (PubMed, Scielo and LILACS), on 2019 July, 11th
present b-(1,3)- and/or b-(1,6)-linkages, and vary their branching
and the search was updated in April, 2020. The search strategy was
degree, chain length, molecular weight, solubility and tridimen-
specifically developed for each database, using mainly the MESH
sional conformation [12,13]. Based on previous studies, it was
term (“beta glucans”) AND (“clinical trial” OR “controlled trial”).
observed that different degree of branching on b-(1,3)/(1,6)-glucans
The detailed search strategy can be found in Table S1
may influence their antitumor activity in some experimental
(supplementary material). In the beginning, the search was not
models, indicating that their chemical structure is closely related to
limited by language, however after evaluating the articles by title/
the biological effect observed [14].
abstract, we decided to exclude articles written in Japanese and
A plenty of researchers have showed that such compounds act
Chinese due to difficulty to assess their information. Review articles
as biological response modifiers (BRMs) in vitro and in vivo, stim-
were also used to find additional eligible studies and the articles
ulating the immune system and consequently helping on cancer
found were added manually.
remission [15,16]. A study demonstrated that orally ingested b-
glucans are taken up in the proximal gut via intestinal epithelial
cells or M-cells in Peyer's patches, followed by recognition by 2.4. Study selection
dendritic cells (DCs) and macrophages from GALT system [17]. The
binding of b-glucans to antigen-presenting cells (APCs) induces EndNote library (EndNote X9 30-days free trial, USA) was used
these cells to migrate to bone marrow or to lymph nodes. On bone to select searched results and find duplicates. Afterwards, data was
marrow, b-glucan degradation products can bind to CR3 on neu- exported to MS Excel and MS Word softwares (Microsoft Inc., USA)
trophils, resulting in their activation; while in lymph nodes, the to assessment of title and abstracts. Two investigators (LS, LVH)
activated APCs stimulate effector lymphocytes by producing pro- independently performed the first selection and the full text of
inflammatory cytokines [2]. eligible articles was evaluated by the same investigators according
There are numerous studies in vitro and in animal models con- to pre-defined inclusion criteria. Disagreements among the authors
firming the therapeutic benefits of fungal b-glucans [2,7], and also were solved through discussion with a third author (FRS) in a
many scientific reports regarding the variety of b-glucan structures consensus meeting.
that can be extracted from different mushrooms and yeast [13,18].
Some of these fungal b-glucans are already commercialized as di- 2.5. Data extraction and outcome measures
etary supplements (Imprime PGG; Glucan 300®; Sizofiran; Imu-
neks®) and have been tested on clinical trials. However, there is still Two authors (AVB, GGG) independently extracted data from the
a lack of information comparing the effects of such products on selected articles using MS Excel software (Microsoft Inc., USA) plus
patients undergoing cancer treatment, as well as their dosage, the pdf files and any discrepancies were resolved by a third author
administration route and time of consumption. Therefore, this (RR). The following information was extracted from the results: first
systematic review aimed to compile the clinical trials using fungal author and year of publication; intervention (type and source of b-
b-glucans as adjuvants on patients undergoing cancer treatment glucan); b-glucan dose, administration route and frequency;
and evaluate their safety (occurrence of adverse effects) and effi- number of participants; control group; cancer diagnosis; cancer
cacy (immune function improvement). treatment; study design; presence of adverse effects (anemia,
nausea, constipation, vomiting, diarrhea, mucositis, neutropenia,
2. Methods leucopenia, thrombocytopenia); improvement of immune function
(proliferation and activation of immune cells, cytokines and che-
2.1. Study protocol mokines production); study location; funding source; and conflict
of interest. All outcomes measures, qualitative or quantitative, were
This systematic review was developed according to the PRISMA- recorded. Articles were eligible preferably by the study design
P guidelines [19] and the PROSPERO (International Prospective (interventional trials, randomized or not), presence of adverse
L. Steimbach, A.V. Borgmann, G.G. Gomar et al. Clinical Nutrition 40 (2021) 3104e3113

effects, and immune function improvement, according to PICOS and on the other side, some authors used food supplement b-glu-
strategy developed for this review. cans commercially available (Imuneks®, Glucan 300®). Among the
selected trials, it was also observed great variability of dosage, route
2.6. Quality and risk of bias assessment of administration and period of intervention with b-glucans. More
details about each study can be observed on Table 1. Among the 16
The risk of bias among the included studies was assessed in trials, only 4 reported that a protocol was registered in a clinical
order to evaluate their quality. It was used the Cochrane Risk of Bias trial registry: two of them were registered on
tool and the domains assessed were: the random sequence gen- (Engel-Riedel et al., 2018: NCT00874107; Thomas et al., 2017:
eration, allocation concealment, blinding of participants and NCT00874848) [3,4], one was registered on IRCT (Ostadrahimi et al.,
personnel, blinding of outcomes, incomplete outcome data, and 2014: IR201212172017N10) [5], and another was registered on
selective reporting. Lastly, other sources of bias were detected by UMIN (Yoshino et al., 2016: ID 000000574) [22].
the declaration of conflict of interest or any other problem in the
study design [20]. 3.2. Qualitative efficacy analysis

2.7. Assessment of data heterogeneity As fungal b-glucans are considered biological response modi-
fiers (BRMs), commonly used in oriental countries as folk treatment
Data extraction was used also to evaluate clinical and method- of cancer, and a plenty of studies in vitro and in vivo have demon-
ological heterogeneity such as intervention (type and source of b- strated their potential to stimulate the immune system [2,17], we
glucan) and b-glucan administration (dose, route and frequency), as decided to evaluate the efficacy of adjuvant administration of this
well as outcome measurements, to check for the possibility of supplement by observing its effect on immune function such as:
performing meta-analysis. influence on immune cells (increase, reduction or activation of
white blood cells and antigen presenting cells) as well as on the
2.8. Statistical analysis production of important mediators such as cytokines and chemo-
kines (e.g. TNF-a, IFN-g; IL-12; IL-4; IL-6).
Statistical analyses were performed using software Review Among the 16 selected studies, 4 of them evaluated other effi-
Manager (v. 5.4) for heterogeneity test and meta-analysis. The fixed cacy parameters instead of the immunological ones (e.g. quality of
effect model was employed. Mantel-Haenszel method was used for life, overall survival, overall response rate, time-to-treatment fail-
the meta-analysis of Risk Ratio and the difference was significant ure). While most of the 12 remaining trials concluded in general
given p < 0.05. The software R (v. 4.0.2) was used to develop the risk that concomitant administration of b-glucan with chemotherapy or
of bias evaluation. Heterogeneity was evaluated using Higgins radiotherapy reduced the immune depression caused by such
inconsistency analyses (I2) [21] and Cochrane's Q test. I2 describes treatments and/or accelerated the recovery of white blood cells
an estimative of the percentage of variability in results across a counts or of the patient. Two reports observed that the results were
study which is due to real differences and not due to chance. The no conclusive [23,24] because of insufficient data or low number of
Cochrane's Q test relies on a Chi-square distribution, generating patients and one article concluded that b-glucan helped to recover
probability. from chemotherapy immune depression, however the authors
observed no statistical differences between b-glucan and control
3. Results groups [25]. Due to great variability of the parameters and mea-
surements evaluated among the studies, meta-analysis was not
The great diversity among the methodology studies and insuf- possible to be performed with the data available and we decided to
ficient information was an impeditive for achieving profound sta- list the own authors conclusions as described in Table 2.
tistical analysis, therefore a narrative report of the included studies
was performed. 3.3. Qualitative and meta-analysis of safety outcomes

3.1. Systematic review and assessment of the studies The safety outcomes were assessed by observing the presence of
adverse effects, such as anemia, nausea, constipation, vomiting,
We found 1018 articles from the searched databases and after diarrhea, mucositis, neutropenia, leucopenia, thrombocytopenia,
removing duplicated records, 901 studies remained and were among others [26]. However, this symptoms are generally reported
selected by title/abstract (Fig. 1). The elected studies (19) passed by the patients who receives conventional cancer treatments as
through full-text assessment and 10 articles were excluded (details chemotherapy or radiotherapy, which was the case of all selected
are described in Table 2 of supplementary material). Finally, 9 trials. Therefore, it was took in consideration if the b-glucan adju-
studies remained and 7 more were added after identification via vant could influence somehow the adverse events commonly
other sources, totalizing 16 trials involving 1650 patients, with arm described by patients receiving cancer treatments.
sizes varying from 9 until 200 patients (Table 1). The selected After a qualitative analysis of the studies, it was observed that, in
studies were published since 1992 until 2018 and included subjects general, the administration of b-glucan concomitantly with other
with diagnosis of advanced non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC) and cancer treatments is safe, well-tolerated or promote only mild side
head and neck squamous cell carcinoma (HNSCC); cervical; effects that disappear after the intervention, totalizing 8 of 16 trials
ovarian; breast; prostate; gastric; gastrointestinal and colorectal (Table 3). Four studies [5,6,24,27] reported that the b-glucan
cancers. The studies involved patients that were submitted to intervention reduced or prevented the side effects caused by cancer
surgical removal of tumor, chemotherapeutical, hormone or treatment, although one of them observed no statistic difference
radiotherapy treatments associated with administration of fungal between control and b-glucan groups [5].
b-glucans. The studies used different sources of b-glucans, such as The great variability of parameters observed on the studies and
yeast (Saccharomyces cerevisiae), mushrooms (Lentinula edodes and insufficient information was an impeditive to include most of the
Schizophyllum commune) and non-described sources. Furthermore, trials on a quantitative evaluation. Therefore we selected some
the way of preparation of such b-glucans seemed to be different, trials that reported anemia, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, mucositis/
however the detailed information was not presented in the studies, stomatitis, neutropenia, thrombocytopenia and leukopenia for both
L. Steimbach, A.V. Borgmann, G.G. Gomar et al. Clinical Nutrition 40 (2021) 3104e3113

Fig. 1. Study flow diagram.

groups (b-glucan treated and control), to verify the possibility of that were reported as double-blinded [5,28,29]. Thirteen trials
performing meta-analysis. After analyzing each symptom, nausea were considered as high risk of bias for blinding of outcome
showed p ¼ 0.05, while the other symptoms showed higher p- assessment while three [5,28,29] provided insufficient information
values (Fig. 2). Only 3 recent studies were included in this analysis, about this domain. The attrition and reporting bias were the only
therefore the conclusions obtained should be extrapolated with domains with low risk for majority of trials, except for Ina et al.,
caution due to the low number of studies. Unexpectedly, the results 2011 [30] which did not provide clear information. Finally, 6 trials
demonstrated that patients who received intervention with b- [4,22,24,31e33] were funded by industry, while 8 studies were not
glucan plus cancer treatment presented a tendency to have more clear about financing support [5,6,23,25,27,30,34,35].
nausea than patients who did not receive b-glucan. The I2 value was
equivalent to 0%, indicating low heterogeneity among that three 4. Discussion
Despite of the great number of scientific publications about the
3.4. Risk of bias assessment effects of fungal b-glucans on the immune system cells and their
health benefits, this systematic review seems to be the first report
Considering the quality and risk of bias, overall, the 16 studies to assess the clinical trials that studied fungal b-glucans as adjuvant
presented an unclear or high risk of bias (Fig. S1, supplementary in cancer treatments. Some systematic reviews were published
material). This result mainly occurred due to the selection, perfor- reporting the effect of b-glucans on reducing blood cholesterol and
mance and detection bias. Regarding the selection bias, 5 studies glucose levels [36,37], which is a common effect of fibers such as b-
described random sequence generation [5,25,27e29], while only glucans; and a detailed systematic review was recently published
one presented allocation concealment [25]. Concerning to perfor- about the efficacy and safety of oral and inhalation of commercial
mance bias, the majority of studies were open-label except by three beta-glucan products [38].
L. Steimbach, A.V. Borgmann, G.G. Gomar et al. Clinical Nutrition 40 (2021) 3104e3113

Table 1
Qualitative analysis of selected study.

Author, year Type of cancer Treatment arm Control arm Follow-up


Engel-Riedel et al., Advanced NSCLC - Same as in control arm plus BTH1677 (glucan) - i.v. bevacizumab, 15 mg/kg (day 1) 3 weeks
2018 [3] - i.v.; 4 mg/kg; weekly; - i.v. carboplatin of 6 mg/mL and i.v. paclitaxel
- 59 patients 200 mg/m2 (day 2)
- 30 patients
Hazama et al., 2009 Colorectal cancer - chemotherapy regimens plus Lentinan (LNT) - different chemotherapy regimens such as 5- 12 weeks
[40] - oral; 15 mg of LNT once daily; for 12 weeks fluorouracil (5-FU); tegafur and uracil (UFT);
- 80 patients tegafur, gimeracil and oteracil potassium (S-
1); doxifluoridine (50 -DFUR); levofolinate
(LV); irinotecan (CPT-11); gemcitabine
(GEM); or cisplatin (CDDP)
- 64 patients
Ina et al., 2011 [30] Gastric cancer - Same as in control arm plus Lentinan - chemotherapy used included S-1 alone, S-1/ 2 weeks
- i.v.; 2 mg/body of LNT for 30 min; every 2 or 3 paclitaxel, S-1/cisplatin, and paclitaxel with
weeks S-1 plus cisplatin (PSC triple therapy).
- 31 patients - twice daily based on the patient's body
surface area (BSA)
- 37 patients
Inoue et al., 1993 Ovarian cancer PAC regimen plus sizofiran (SPG) - i.v. PAC regimen (cisplatin: 60 mg/mm2; 1e3 months
[25] - i.m.; 40 mg, weekly. adriamycin: 30 mg/mm2 and intervals up to
- 46 patients cyclophosphamide: 500mg/body); every 2 years
- 18 patients
Karaca et al., 2014 Colorectal cancer Chemotherapy plus pure preparation of b-glucan - Chemotherapy; FOLFOX-4 (oxaliplatin, 5- 1 year
[41] - oral; 50 mg/day, for 1 week fluorouracil, and folinic acid)
- 31 patients - 31 patients
Mantovani et al., Advance - Same as in control arm plus Schizophyllan (SPG) - chemotherapy 4 months
1997 [23] HNSCC - i.m.; 40 mg, weekly; for 4 months 1) cisplatin 100 mg/m2 i.v. (day 1), 5-FU
- 13 patients 1000 mg/m2 i.v. continuous infusion (days 1
e5); 2) cisplatin 80 mg/m2 i.v. (day 1), 5-FU
600 mg/m2 i.v. over 4 h (days 2e5), vinorelbine
20 mg/m2 i.v. (days 2 and 8)
- 9 patients
Miyazaki et al., Cervical - Same as in control arm plus Sizofiran - radiotherapy 2 years
1995 [34] carcinoma - i.m.; 20e40 mg/week, for 2 years - adjuvant chemotherapy with 5-FU (200
- 159 patients e300 mg/day) was also randomly performed
in 60 patients treated with radiotherapy for 1
- 153 patients
Nagashima et al., Breast cancer - FEC75 chemotherapy (5-fluorouracil 500 mg/m2; No control arm 6 weeks
2013 [6] cyclophosphamide, 500 mg/m2; epirubicin,
75 mg/m2), every 21 days for 2 courses
- Lentinula edodes mycelia extract (LEM)
- oral; 1800 mg/day, during the 2nd course (3
- 10 patients
Noda et al., 1992 Cervical cancer - Radiotherapy as in control arm plus sizofiran - radiotherapy 40 Gy or more from Sept, 1987
[27] (SPG) - 92 patients until March,
- i.m., 40 mg once and 20 mg twice, a week 1989
- 200 patients
Okuno et al., 2011 Gastrointestinal - Chemotherapy (5-fluorouracil, irinotecan, UFT® No control arm 8 weeks
[24] cancer (uracil and tegafur), levofolinate, mitomycin or
taxol), for 2 courses of 4 weeks
- Lentinula edodes mycelia extract (LEM)
- oral; 1800 mg/day, during the 2nd course (4
- 8 patients
Ostadrahimi et al., Breast cancer - Same as in control arm plus 1e3, 1e6, D-beta - 4 chemotherapy courses 21 days
2014 [5] glucan (Imuneks®, Turkey) - 15 patients
- oral; two 10 mg capsules; daily, for 21 days
(interval of 2 courses)
- 15 patients
Richter et al., 2016 Breast, Prostate - Cancer patients 2e6 months after the end of - Cancer patients 2e6 months after the end of 60 days
[35] or chirurgical, chemotherapeutical or radiation chirurgical, chemotherapeutical or radiation
Gastrointestinal therapy plus Glucan #300®. therapy plus placebo capsules
Cancer - oral; 200 mg/d or 100 mg/d (authors do not - 10 patients
clarify); for 60 days.
 26 patients
Suzuki et al., 2013 Breast cancer - Hormone therapy (4 weeks) followed by Lentinula - No control arm 12 weeks
[42] edodes mycelia extract (LEM)
- oral; 1800mg/daily, for 8 weeks.
- 20 patients

L. Steimbach, A.V. Borgmann, G.G. Gomar et al. Clinical Nutrition 40 (2021) 3104e3113

Table 1 (continued )

Author, year Type of cancer Treatment arm Control arm Follow-up


Thomas et al., 2017 Advanced NSCLC - Same as in control arm plus BTH1677 (glucan) - cetuximab on day 1 (initial i.v. loading dose of 5 years
[4] - i.v.; 4 mg/kg; once a week during 3 week cycles 400 mg/m2 over 120 min and subsequent i.v.
- 59 patients doses at 250 mg/m2 over 60 min); and i.v.
paclitaxel on day 2 (200 mg/m2 over 3 h).
Carboplatin and paclitaxel administration
continued for at least four cycles.
- 29 patients
Yenidogan et al., Breast cancer - Patients after Modified Radical Mastectomy plus - Patients after Modified Radical Mastectomy 10 days
2014 [29] b-Glucan (source not clarified by the authors) plus placebo
- intervention via not informed; 10 mg b-glucan - 61 patients
twice a day; for 10 days.
- 49 patients
Yoshino et al., 2016 Gastric cancer - Same as in control arm plus Lentinan (LNT) - Chemotherapy, orally S-1 for 4-weeks 48 months
[22] - i.v.; 2 mg/body; every week; for undetermined - 146 patients
- 149 patients

NSCLC: non-small cell lung cancer; HNSCC: head and neck squamous cell carcinoma; i.v.: intravenous; i.m.: intramuscular.

The results observed after compiling all the assessed reports, the studies includes mainly: (i) type and preparation of b-glu-
let us conclude there are a plenty of in vitro and in vivo evi- cans; (ii) b-glucan dose and via of administration; (iii) period of
dences, which did not advance for clinical tests; moreover most intervention and follow-up of patients; (iv) evaluation of im-
of the available trials are heterogeneous concerning clinical trial mune parameters; (v) study design; and (vi) cancer stages. All
methodology and the measured parameters. Besides that, the this variability associated with small sample sizes contributed
studies present small sample sizes (majority of groups con- for weakening the evidences and preclude proper statistical
taining less than 60 participants). The variability observed on analyses.

Table 2
Qualitative analysis of immune function.

Study Conclusions

Engel-Riedel et al., 2018 Not reported

Hazama et al., 2009 [40] Not reported
Ina et al., 2011 [30] “Our data on S-1-based chemotherapy showed that the addition of lentinan to chemotherapy prolonged the survival of advanced gastric
cancer patients along with immunological activation, compared to chemotherapy alone."
Inoue et al., 1993 [25] “The number of white blood cells and lymphocytes decreased from the initial counts due to the chemotherapy in both the SPG and control
groups. No differences were found between the two groups after each chemotherapy (data not shown)."
Karaca et al., 2014 [41] “Leucocytes were counted before chemotherapy and after 3 courses of chemotherapy. In the group that received oral b-glucan the decrease
in leucocyte counts after chemotherapy was limited, whereas in the group that received chemotherapy alone leucocyte counts decreased
Mantovani et al., 1997 “In conclusion, it was not possible to demonstrate a significant immunostimulating activity of SPG on the basis of the clinical and
[23] immunological parameters evaluated in the present study."
Miyazaki et al., 1995 “Our study showed that the percentages of activated CD8þ T cells out of the total CD8þ T-cell subsets were significantly increased in both
[34] the sizofiran and control groups by radiotherapy, and that sizofiran accelerated a recovery in this immunologic parameter after
Nagashima et al., 2013 “ … 1 week following the second course of chemotherapy with concomitant use of LEM, no decreases were observed in white blood cells,
[6] neutrophils, or hemoglobin; and subsequently all hematological parameters showed recovery at 3 weeks following treatment."
Noda et al., 1992 [27] “During the present study, we observed the prevention of a decrease in the lymphocyte count during six weeks of radiotherapy and a
recovery, one month after the completion of radiotherapy, in the SPG group, while lymphocyte counts were decrease after the initiation of
radiotherapy in the control and SPG groups."
Okuno et al., 2011 [24] “IFN-g production by CD4þ, CD8þ T and CD56þ NK/NKT cells tended to be increased by LEM in this study."
“However, limited data were available from this study and further investigations are necessary."
Ostadrahimi et al., 2014 “The results of this study showed that Beta glucan consumption in breast cancer patients undergoing chemotherapy increased serum level of
[5] IL-12 in intervention group and change in serum level of IL-4 in Beta glucan group comparison with the placebo group was significant after
21 days. Our results also showed white blood cells counts decreased after 21 days of the intervention, however in Beta glucan group, white
blood cells lower decreased in comparison to control group. These findings suggest that Beta glucan usage can be useful as a nutrition
adjuvant therapy in combination cancer treatments."
Richter et al., 2016 [35] “Our results showed an increase [of NK cells] … in the glucan-supplemented group (p < 0.0001). In the placebo group, the numbers of NK
cells remained the same with some small decrease … "
“Our clinical study confirmed that it is possible to influence the quality of cellular immunity by glucan supplementation. We conclude that
glucan treatment has positive effects on immunoregulatory activities, particularly on adaptive immunity."
Suzuki et al., 2013 [42] “In summary, oral L.E.M. ingestion is safe and can be effective in improving the QOL and immune function in breast cancer patients receiving
hormone therapy. Nevertheless, this implication needs to be confirmed in further larger-scale studies."
Thomas et al., 2017 [4] Not reported
Yenidogan et al., 2014 “In this study, we showed that b-glucan significantly reduced drainage between days 2 and 8. Drain removal days were significantly earlier.
[29] TNF-a and IL-6 levels on postoperative days 1 and 2 were significantly lower in b-glucan administrated patients."
Yoshino et al., 2016 [22] “In conclusion, the present study showed no efficacy of LNT administration combined with S-1 treatment in patients with unresectable or
recurrent gastric cancer."

LEM: Lentinula edodes mycelium (preparation of b-glucan); QOL: Quality of life; SPG: sizofiran (b-glucan from Schizophyllum commune).

L. Steimbach, A.V. Borgmann, G.G. Gomar et al. Clinical Nutrition 40 (2021) 3104e3113

Table 3
Qualitative analysis of adverse events associated to cancer treatment and/or b-glucan supplementation.

Author, year AE Treated arm AE in Control arm Conclusion

Engel-Riedel et al., 2018 The same as in Control arm plus stomatitis, Neutropenia, leukopenia, nausea, “AEs reported in these categories, … occurred at
[3] chills, hemoglobin decreased, constipation, vomiting, upper an incidence at least 5% higher in the BTH1677
polyneuropathy, dyspnea, abdominal pain, pyrexia, arm than in the Control arm."
thrombocytopenia, hypertension
Hazama et al., 2009 [40] Diarrhea, rash, constipation Neutropenia, pruritus, nausea, “Four adverse events (5%) that were or were
vomiting, thrombocytopenia, suspected to have been related to SDL
leucopenia, malaise, diarrhea. (Superfine dispersed lentinan) were observed
within the period of SDL treatment” “These
events were grade 2 and disappeared or
remitted within the study period."
Ina et al., 2011 [30] The same as in Control arm Neutropenia, grade 3 Febril “In this preliminary study, there were
neutropenia, mucositis essentially no differences in the incidence and
degree of adverse effects between patients who
did and those who did not receive lentinan"
Inoue et al., 1993 [25] The same as in Control arm Leukopenia, lymphocytopenia “No side effects ascribable to the SPG
administration were observed in the SPG
Karaca et al., 2014 [41] Leukopenia, diarrhea and oral mucositis The same as in Treated arm plus “There were no b-glucan-induced side effects."
neutropenia, and thrombocytopenia
Mantovani et al., 1997 No adverse events Not mentioned “Treatment with SPG was proven safe and was
[23] well-tolerated in all patients: no patient
complained of any subjective or objective signs/
symptoms, no adverse events were registered
and no abnormal values of laboratory
parameters were registered during the study."
Miyazaki et al., 1995 Not mentioned Not mentioned No information about adverse effects was
[34] encountered.
Nagashima et al., 2013 Hematotoxicity, nausea and vomiting after No control arm “These findings indicate that LEM can reduce
[6] the first course of chemotherapy without b- the adverse effects of FEC75 therapy, including
glucan (LEM); hematotoxicity as well as nausea and vomiting,
No adverse effects after the second course and help maintain the QOL of the patients."
of chemotherapy with concomitant b-
glucan (LEM)
Noda et al., 1992 [27] Side effects observed in 11 of 211 patients. Not mentioned “None of these (side effects) was serious."
Symptoms observed on the injection site:
redness, swelling and pain. Nausea,
vomiting, drug eruption and rash, increase
in GOT:GPT value.
Okuno et al., 2011 [24] First course of chemotherapy (without No control arm “In summary, ingestion of LEM decreased
LEM): nausea and abdominal pain adverse events in a preliminary study."
Second course of chemotherapy (with
LEM): no adverse events were observed
Ostadrahimi et al., 2014 Not clearly mentioned Not clearly mentioned The authors mentioned that white blood cells
[5] count decreased less in the beta-glucan group
than in control group, however there was no
statistic difference.
Richter et al., 2016 [35] Not mentioned Not mentioned “Our clinical study confirmed that it is possible
to influence the quality of cellular immunity by
glucan supplementation."
Suzuki et al., 2013 [42] No serious adverse events No control arm “In this study, no subjects had any serious
adverse events. Therefore, at least in breast
cancer patients receiving hormone therapy, the
oral ingestion of L.E.M. is likely to be safe."
Thomas et al., 2017 [4] Neutropenia, leucopenia, anemia, The same as in Treated arm plus withe “In terms of safety, BTH1677 combination
thrombocytopenia, nausea, diarrhea, blood cell count decreased and therapy was well tolerated among patients … "
constipation, vomiting, abdominal pain, peripheral sensory neuropathy “Overall, most AEs were mild or moderate in
stomatitis, fatigue, mucosal inflammation, severity. Only skin fissures occurred at a 10%
chest pain, chills, pyrexia, edema greater incidence in the BTH1677 arm than in
peripheral, astenia, chest discomfort, the Control arm (18.6% vs 6.9%)."
hypersensitivity, nasopharyngitis,
paronychia, decreased apetite,
hypokalaemia, hypomagnesemia, myalgia,
pain in extremity, bone pain, arthralgia,
back pain, tumor pain, polyneuropathy,
paresthesia, dizziness, headache, dysgeusia,
insomnia, cough, dyspnea, dysphonia,
epistaxis, pleural effusion, oropharyngeal
pain, rash, alopecia, dermatitis, pruritus,
skin fissures, dry skin
Yenidogan et al., 2014 Not mentioned Not mentioned

L. Steimbach, A.V. Borgmann, G.G. Gomar et al. Clinical Nutrition 40 (2021) 3104e3113

Table 3 (continued )

Author, year AE Treated arm AE in Control arm Conclusion

Yoshino et al., 2016 [22] Leucopenia, neutropenia, anemia, The same as in Treated Arm plus febrile “The incidences of haematologic and non-
thrombocytopenia, anorexia, nausea, neutropenia haematologic adverse events were similiar in
vomiting, diarrhea, fatigue, stomatitis, both groups.” “The proportions of patients who
pigmentation, rash lacrimation, hand-foot terminated treatment because of intolerable
syndrome, creatinine elevation and adverse events were similar: 13,1% in the S-1
hyponatremia group and 19,9% in the s-1 plus LNT group."

AE: Adverse events; LNT: lentinan; LEM: Lentinula edodes mycelium.

Fig. 2. Safety outcomes comparing nausea observed on b-glucan group vs. control group.

The type of b-glucans and way of preparation may significantly ingestion. Moreover, cancer stages and different types of cancer
influence their effect on the patient and it is an information that is could not be compared and may also influence the prognosis of
poorly described by all authors. Depending on the source (yeast or patients receiving b-glucans.
different species of mushrooms), there is a class of b-glucans with The three studies evaluated on meta-analysis were recently
different chemical structures among each other, which should be published and despite of their low heterogeneity (I2 ¼ 0%), they
taken into account on the clinical tests, specially because the presented unclear and high risk of bias in 5 of the 7 evaluated
recognition of these BRMs are made by cell membrane receptors domains. Different from what is expected based on scientific liter-
that are strictly specific. Furthermore, the way of extracting/pro- ature, that the b-glucan administration may reduce immune
ducing these compounds may modify their intermolecular in- depression and also the side effects of chemotherapy, our meta-
teractions and consequently their tridimensional structures [13]. analysis results showed a tendency to increase nausea (p ¼ 0.05)
Some authors have mentioned that even the tridimensional in patients who received chemotherapy plus b-glucan. However,
conformation of such molecules are responsible for presence or the conclusions obtained should be extrapolated with caution due
absence of biological effects, suggesting that b-glucans in triple to the low number of studies. Selection, performance and detection
helical conformation are more effective than single helical ones bias showed the higher risk for majority of studies indicating poor
[39]. quality of the trials. Furthermore, we included industry financing
Among the selected studies, we observed that 7 trials tested oral support as other risk of bias, and observed that at least 6 of the trials
administration of b-glucans, while 4 trials used intravenous (i.v.) were financed by b-glucans producers, which could lead to dubious
and 4 other studies administered b-glucans by intramuscular in- interpretations.
jection. Previous reports have demonstrated that b-glucans are Unfortunately, we could not assess information of Chinese and
non-digestible fibers and can be directly absorbed in the proximal Japanese publications due to language incompatibility and also
gut via intestinal epithelial cells or M-cells in Peyer's patches, fol- restrict access to their scientific journals. Although the language
lowed by recognition by antigen-presenting cells (APCs) from GALT and culture of oriental countries should be preserved as any other
system [17]. The binding of APCs to b-glucans induces these cells to cultural heritage, in science, the chosen language should be uni-
migrate to bone marrow or to lymph nodes and activate neutro- versal with the aim of enabling researchers to assess all scientific
phils and lymphocytes, respectively [2]. Taking all this information information and contribute to the whole community.
into account, it seems that oral or i.v. administration are more
appropriate for the desired activation of immune system. By our 5. Conclusion
observation, only 1 article registered side effects related to
administration via [27], however no inference could be made from This systematic review carefully evaluated all the English writ-
the other studies relating administration via with efficacy or side ten trials available with the aim of compiling important informa-
effects. The greatest variability of the studies was related to the tion about the interesting biological effects that seems to be related
dose and period of administration. b-Glucan doses given to the to fungal b-glucans, as exemplified on cells and animal studies, as
patients fluctuated from 2 mg/body/week until 1800 mg/body/day well as by the folk usage of b-glucan in traditional oriental medi-
during 8 weeks. There were trials studying the effect of 7e10 days cine. The compilation of data included 16 trials involving 1650
with b-glucans intervention, while others evaluated the adjuvant patients, with arm sizes varying from 9 until 200 patients, however
ingestion for 2e24 months, making it impossible to reach a clear the majority of studies involved small groups, which weakened the
conclusion about which is the most effective period of b-glucans results and statistical analysis. Qualitative evaluation summed by
L. Steimbach, A.V. Borgmann, G.G. Gomar et al. Clinical Nutrition 40 (2021) 3104e3113

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