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6 Transport Infrastucture: Chapter 6 / Transport Infrastructure PAGE 6-1

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6.1 Introduction
This chapter provides an overview of the current state of
transport infrastructure – the hard engineered, designed and
 Green Paper on National Rail Policy – currently being
constructed infrastructure that refers to the physical
networks required for the functioning of today‟s modern  Green Paper on National Maritime Transport Policy –
currently being developed
economy, as well as the related analysis and forecasting. It
includes interventions required to align the road, rail, air,  Transnet Long Term Planning Framework 2014
maritime, and pipeline transport modes with the NATMAP  National Airports Development Plan
2050 Spatial Vision. It also shows alignment to spatial
 Airspace Master Plan
development by demonstrating how and where strategic
integrated projects (SIPs) are located in support of economic  Aerotropolis

and population growth.  Ocean economy: Operation Phakisa Programme.

The DoT‟s PSP framework and implementation plan are

6.2 Significant Plans, Concepts and intended to give input into the broader National Treasury
Context process that intends to provide a standardised mechanism
for private sector participation throughout the government.
Several critical strategies, projects and concepts have been
established since the development of the NATMAP 2050, The impact of each of these is detailed per infrastructure
providing guidance on the future development of transport type in the remainder of this chapter.
infrastructure and the achievement of goals pertaining to
national economic development and future economic
growth in South Africa. These include but are not limited to
the following:

 National Development Plan 2030 (NDP 2030)

 Strategic integrated projects (SIPs)
 Regional integration and connectivity
 Road-to-Rail Strategy
 Road Freight Strategy (RFS 2011)
 CBRTA initiatives such as the Operator Compliance
Accreditation Scheme (OCSA) and market access
 Rail expansion network and the African Union‟s position
on Rail Gauge, Africa Agenda 2063 (2014)
 Single-transport economic regulator (STER) – currently
being developed
 Private Sector Participation (PSP) Framework Plan and
Implementation Plan – currently being developed


6.3 Road Infrastructure
6.3.1 Overview of road infrastructure
The NATMAP 2050 road infrastructure focus is on roads of
national and provincial importance. Currently, there is no
consolidated road information system. The information on
roads that is kept at municipal level and, in some instances,
at provincial level through means of programmes such as the
Road Asset Management Plans (RAMP), containing
networking condition data per province, is often outdated or
incomplete, hence necessitating a consolidated road
information system. Figure 6-1 reflects the South African
National Roads Agency SOC Limited (SANRAL) road network,
which, according to SANRAL‟s 2014 annual report, totals 19
704 km. SANRAL has an extensive road management system
(RMS) that contains key information on the road network –
such as road condition and traffic volumes.

Road rehabilitation on the N4 near Ressano Garcia (the

border between South Africa and Mozambique) and heavy
vehicles carrying minerals that should be transported by rail.



SANRAL, an independent statutory commercial company,
was established in April 1998 by an Act of Parliament. The
Agency develops and maintains South Africa's national road

SANRAL has two primary sources of income: toll roads and

non-toll roads. Non-toll roads (84% of the total national road
network) are funded from allocations made by the National
Treasury. Toll roads (16 percent of the total national road
network) are funded either through public–private
partnerships or through capital markets borrowings.

The average daily truck traffic counts on national roads, as

collected by SANRAL‟s counting stations in 2013, are shown
in Figure 6-2. These figures clearly confirm major movement
at and between activity centres along existing and emerging
transport corridors defined in the NATMAP 2050 (also see
Chapter 5).




About 60% of the damage to roads is caused by overloaded The purpose of the RAMP is to give information on the
heavy vehicles (CSIR 1997 Annual Report). The highest traffic condition of the existing provincial transport road
volumes occur in Gauteng, the Western Cape, and KwaZulu- infrastructure and to highlight deficiencies that have been
Natal. The figures below show a graphic overview of the identified through the various systems within provincial road
major road network and the traffic volumes on national and departments. These plans indicate how provincial road
provincial roads. departments intend to address the deficiencies identified
along the road network over the next 5-year planning period
SANRAL owns 13 traffic control centres (TCCs) and operates
(2013–2018). The objective of these plans is to ensure that,
them on a 24-hour basis. In summary, a total of 1 616 825
within the provincial budgetary constraints, the systems
heavy vehicles were weighed at the TCCs during 2013, of
provide and maintain the existing transport infrastructure to
which 30 873 were charged for overloading, adding up to a
an acceptable level of service that promotes public transport
total value of R36 997 310.
and meets the strategic goals of the specific provincial road

The condition of provincial roads has deteriorated since the These plans provide an indication of how the provincial road
1990s. Significant maintenance and rehabilitation are maintenance grant, the provincial earmarked allocation and
required – particularly in the Eastern Cape, the Free State, the discretionary allocation for provincial roads funding will
Gauteng, KwaZulu-Natal, and Mpumalanga. be used and integrated into the provincial departments‟
infrastructure renewal and development activities.
In 2007, the general condition of the national road network
ranged from 58% (fair) to 28% (poor or very poor). Since The central challenge the provincial road departments face is
then, SANRAL has invested significantly in the rehabilitation to establish an integrated sustainable transport system that
and maintenance of roads – one example is the Gauteng will contribute to the provision of safe, reliable, effective,
Freeway Improvement Project (GFIP). efficient and fully integrated transport operations and
infrastructure that will best meet the needs of freight and
Figure 6-3 shows a comparison of South Africa‟s road passenger customers at improved levels of service and at
network condition in 2009 and in 2013. It shows that the reasonable costs in a manner that supports government
condition of the national road network (SANRAL) improved strategies for economic and social development whilst being
somewhat while the road conditions in Gauteng and the environmentally and economically sustainable.
North West remained constant. KwaZulu-Natal and
Mpumalanga have shown improvements in overall road Figure 6-4 shows a summary of the visual condition index
conditions while the Eastern Cape, the Northern Cape, the (VCI) per province derived from the latest RAMPs submitted
Western Cape, Limpopo and the Free State have all shown per province. The provinces that reported an increase in the
deterioration in overall road conditions. total length of road that is classified as “poor” and “very
poor” are, Limpopo, the Free State and the North West. The
CONDITION OF THE PROVINCIAL ROAD NETWORK rest of the provinces reported a decrease in length of road
To obtain a sense of what the current condition of the that is classified poor” and “very poor”, indicating an
provincial road network is, available information reflected in improvement in overall road conditions in these provinces.
the Road Asset Management Plans (RAMP) for each province
was examined.



FIGURE 6-3: ROAD NETWORK CONDITION COMPARISON 2009 AND 2013 (Source: South African National
Roads Agency (SANRAL), as quoted by the 10th Annual State of Logistics Survey for South Africa 2013)


ROAD SAFETY TRAFFIC CONGESTION 6.3.2 Outcome of road transport infrastructure
According to the Department of Transport – National Land Traffic congestion is a condition on road networks that analysis and forecasting
Transport Strategic Framework 2015–2020 Draft 1 March occurs as use increases and is characterised by slower Capacity constraints and bottlenecks were identified through
2015, South Africa has one of the world‟s worst road safety speeds, longer trip times, and increased vehicular queuing. a first-order network assessment (FONA) analysis of all
records at ±26 fatalities/100 000 people while comparable Recurring traffic congestion relates to insufficient capacity, national and some provincial roads (roads of national
developed countries have an accident rate of as low as 3.2 unrestrained demand, and the ineffective management of importance in 2005). Figure 6-6 indicates the level of service
fatalities/100 000 people. capacity. It is, however, not desirable or affordable to build (LOS) across the provinces.
our way out of the problem by providing sufficient peak hour
Figure 6-5 below illustrates that South Africa‟s road fatality The peak hour bottlenecks identified in urban metropolitan
capacity. Supporting planning measures, such as public
statistics have worsened between 2001 and 2011 and that areas were primarily attributed to the lack of high-quality,
transport services to help manage traffic congestion, are
South Africa is not achieving its road safety objectives. The reliable public transport services as an alternative to private
poor road safety record has detrimental impacts on South car use. It is expected that the GFIP will alleviate the situation
Africa‟s economic productivity. REGIONAL CORRIDOR INTEGRATION DEVELOPMENT in Gauteng.
Over the 12-month period from 1 July 2006 to 30 June 2007, Regional integration is defined within the context of the Capacity was also assessed in areas with high volumes of
the total number of fatal collisions per 10 000 registered Tripartite Regions: Southern African Development heavy vehicle traffic and in rural areas where few access
motorised vehicles in South Africa was 16, with the total Community (SADC), East African Community (EAC) and linkages exist between rural, district, and provincial roads.
number of fatalities per 100 000 human population Common Market for Eastern and Southern Africa (COMESA).
calculated at 31.6 (Road Traffic Management Corporation The Tripartite Region is characterised by both landlocked Budget limitations and uncertainties as to who is responsible
(RTMC) Annual Report). The latest report from the RTMC for (semi-landlocked) and coastal/maritime countries. for what generally contributes to the lack of appropriate
the period 1 April 2010 to 31 March 2011 shows a slight provision of traffic capacity to meet growing demand.
Reducing transport costs and cross-border challenges, Attention must be given to the 11% of the road network that
improvement on these figures, namely 12 fatal collisions per
improving corridor efficiencies and, therefore, addressing already operates at an LOS of D and worse (at 2005).
10 000 registered motorised vehicles and 27.5 fatalities per
general efficiencies and logistics are central pillars to
100 000 human population.
regional integration. From a regional integration perspective,
transport provides three very important things: accessibility
and mobility as well as an inducer for development.

Agreement and cooperation between regions in the form of

corridor entities and Memorandum of Understanding (MOU)
are critical to the success of regional integration and trade
facilitation. South Africa has these relationships on at least
the following corridors:

 Maputo Corridor via the Maputo Corridor Logistics

Initiative (MCLI)
 Trans-Kalahari via the Walvis Bay Corridor Group (WBCG)
 North–South corridor through SADC participation. FIGURE 6-6: ROAD NETWORK PERCENTAGE LEVELS OF SERVICE (LOS) –
2005 (Source: Road Traffic Management Corporation (RTMC, 2000–2011))
The roll-out of one-stop border posts is a reality that still has
Management Corporation (RTMC, 2000–2011))
to be met in South Africa.


The future demand on the national and the provincial road and the poor condition of the road network – particularly the  Overloading:
networks was projected at 67% and 150% by 2030 and 2050, provincial road network.  Increase the coverage of overload control
respectively. The projections indicated in Figure 6-7 were  Support the RTMS initiative
Various factors that contribute to the rapid deterioration of
based on traffic growth forecasts obtained from the  Revisit and enforce the RTQS initiative
the roads include the:
transport demand model developed as part of the NATMAP  Improve efficiency at overloading control centres
2050 process.  Investigate the introduction of a heavy vehicle fee to
 Intense movement of freight by road
cover external costs.
Major concerns relating to South Africa's road transport  Lack of investment in road maintenance
network include capacity constraints in metropolitan areas
 Overloading of vehicles.  Preventative road maintenance:
 Improve the maintenance of the lifecycle of roads at
6.3.3 Critical interventions and strategies optimum levels, which will minimise costs
identified for road network infrastructure  Border posts:
 Support the OCAS regional scheme of CBRTA in the
The NATMAP transport vision identified the existing and
development of regional integration
emerging corridors that will establish the NATMAP 2050
 Support the market access regulation initiative of
transport system. Based on the situational analysis, the
CBRTA to improve regional integration and corridor
following critical road-related strategies and interventions
required to realise the NATMAP vision were determined.


INFRASTRUCTURE Figure 6-8 illustrates the integration between the NATMAP
2050 existing and emerging corridors and the road
 Demand: infrastructure projects identified to ensure that these
 Address capacity constraints on critical sections of the corridors and others feeding into the system operate
network by investigating additional road capacity effectively and efficiently
 Develop a national transport demand management
plan for each road of national importance in the
 Address traffic demand measures to reduce freight
volumes on the road network (e.g. bulk minerals and
agriculture products) (refer to the road-to-rail strategy
in the rail freight section of Chapter 7)
 Support RAMP and the application of it from national
to municipal and not just provincial level
FIGURE 6-7: FORECASTS IN AVERAGE DAILY TRAFFIC (ADT) PER  Address traffic demand measures to reduce passenger
volumes on the road network
Note: This figure shows the ADT on the average road link (national and
 Develop freeway by-pass strategies to alleviate
provincial roads) per province. The average road link represents the
congestion in urban areas.
average of all national and provincial road links (roads of national
importance) that formed part of the network selected for the FONA




PROPOSED INTERVENTIONS FOR ROAD NETWORK Mtamvuna River, including 6 large bridges across the  Free State:
INFRASTRUCTURE following rivers: Msikaba, Mtentu Mnyameni, Kulumbe,  Strategic gravel road upgrades in all district
Mpahlane and Mzamba). municipalities
 Preventative road maintenance:  It also involves the upgrading of the existing R61  Weighbridge operations and links to one national
 Improve the maintenance of the lifecycle of roads at between the Ntafufu River and Lusikisiki, a distance of system
optimum levels, which will minimise costs. about 17 km, including a new interchange at Lusikisiki.
 Moloto Road:  Mpumalanga:
The following proposed interventions are provincially specific  Upgrading of the coal haulage roads in the province
 Upgrade the Moloto Road to improve safety and
and, where relevant to an SIP development, are indicated as (SIP 1)
such:  Weighbridge operations and links to one national
 N1–N2 Winelands Toll Highway: system
 Upgrade and rehabilitate the many road sections of the  Gauteng:
N1 and N2 that are approaching the end of their  Construction of PWV9
 Limpopo:
 Upgrading of coal haulage roads in the province (SIP 1)
design life.  Construction and implementation of Class 2 routes in
 Weighbridge operations and links to one national
 N3 Durban–Pietermaritzburg capacity improvements: all municipalities
 The upgrade will include a proposed Pietermaritzburg  Various road upgradings (K29–Malibongwe Road/
ring road and the re-routing of the N3 near Johannesburg–Brits interprovincial road, roads  Northern Cape:
providing connectivity to OR Tambo International  Road upgrades and capacity improvement (N12
Airport – PWV15, K86 link, K88 link) between Warrenton and Klerksdorp)
 Capacity improvements on the N3 are intended to
 Weighbridge operations and links to one national
enhance the network‟s functionality and safety by  KwaZulu-Natal:
providing an alternative route and splitting light and  Provision of a new heavy haul route from the N2 to
heavy traffic to ensure that both routes operate at Cato Ridge (SIP 2)  North West:
optimal levels without bypassing opportunities (e.g.  Provision of a heavy haul route between Richards Bay  Road upgrades and capacity improvement (N18
Harrismith). and Melmoth (SIP 2) between Setlagole and Vryburg)
 A complementary solution is being developed in  Weighbridge operations and links to one national
 Weighbridge operations and links to one national
support of the Harrismith Freight Logistics Hub, the system system
Tsiame Gateway and the N3 De Beer‟s Pass.
 Western Cape:  All provinces:
 Pongola and eDumbe Road upgrade:  New weighbridges  Elimination of backlog in maintenance of road network
 The project will entail the upgrading of the D-1867 of national importance
 Capacity improvements on various roads (M7, R302,
road off the N2 between Pongola and Piet Retief from R310, R300)  Periodic and routine maintenance of road network of
gravel to tar.  Doubling of the Huguenot Tunnel national importance

 N3TC:  Bypass around Knysna

 The work entails the rehabilitation of specific sections
of road, including sections between Harrismith and
Warden and between Cedara and Tweedie near
 N2 Wild Coast Highway construction and upgrading:
 The work entails the construction of new highway
sections (a 17-km section between Ndwalane to
Ntafufu River and a section between Lusikisiki and the


6.4 Rail Infrastructure
The African Union‟s Africa Agenda 2063‟s second aspiration
for an integrated continent is for a pan-African high-speed
railway network that connects all the major cities/capitals of
the continent. Suburban Network The suburban rail networks in the metropolitan areas of the Western Cape, Gauteng, and KwaZulu-Natal are
(PRASA) well developed and are maintained by the regional Metrorail offices. Of the 468 passenger rail service
6.4.1 Overview of rail infrastructure stations (across 3 180 kilometres of rail lines), 374 are on property owned by PRASA. The suburban rail
infrastructure that belongs to PRASA includes 175 route kilometres in the Western Cape, 385 route
OWNERSHIP AND OPERATIONS kilometres in Gauteng, and 138 route kilometres in KwaZulu-Natal. Metrorail also uses Transnet lines for the
suburban rail services. The route kilometres span 235 in the Western Cape, 119 in Gauteng, 136 in KwaZulu-
Rail is seen as an essential long-term component of the Natal, 43 between the Port Elizabeth Station and Uitenhage in Nelson Mandela Bay, and 41 between East
networks for both freight and passenger transport. The London Station and Berlin Buffalo City. The Metrorail operations between Kraaifontein and Malmesbury in
national freight rail network is owned by Transnet and is the Western Cape and the services in the Eastern Cape include train authorisation by centralised traffic
managed, maintained, and operated by its Transnet Freight control (CTC) and colour light signalling. PRASA is currently planning a 4-kilometre line to Cape Town
Rail (TFR) division. In the metropolitan areas of the Western International Airport. A new line from Duffs Road has been completed and is already operational.
Cape, Gauteng, and KwaZulu-Natal, the national passenger Gautrain The Gautrain infrastructure belongs to the Gauteng provincial administration. The rail connection comprises
rail network is owned by the Passenger Rail Agency of South two links: one between Tshwane and Johannesburg and another between OR Tambo International Airport
Africa (Pty) Ltd (PRASA), while their management and and Sandton. Apart from the three terminal stations on these two links, seven other stations are linked by
approximately 80 kilometres of rail along the route. The standard gauge lines allow for a maximum speed of
operation are the responsibility of Metrorail, a division of
160 kilometres per hour. The following extensions are currently being considered under the Gautrain Phase 2
development: Extension 1 – new line from Mamelodi in Tshwane to Naledi in the south of Johannesburg;
Numerous sidings (branch lines) connect industrial, Extension 2 – extensions from OR Tambo International Airport to Boksburg; Extension 3 – new connection
commercial, and mining facilities to the national network, between Randburg and Sandton.
some of which are operated by private entities that are Kei Rail The Eastern Cape provincial administration leases the 281-kilometre Kei Rail line between Amabele and
owned by Transnet. TFR operates freight trains on certain Mthatha from Transnet. The province upgraded the line and introduced a limited passenger service –
strategic planning includes the offering of freight services that will support development in the northern
PRASA lines. Metrorail and Shosholoza Meyl operate
areas of the province.
suburban and intercity trains on certain Transnet lines. These
Transnet Freight Network Transnet's TFR is well developed and connects to the strategic rail lines of landlocked neighbouring countries.
operations are regulated in terms of a mutual usage
(TFR) The rail gauge (Cape) allows interconnectivity and the mutual use of rolling stock and traction between
agreement between Transnet and PRASA.
neighbouring countries without any infrastructure complications. A record high of 857 000 twenty-foot
equivalent units (TEUs) for freight transported on rail was achieved in 2013. In 2013/14, this network
transported 83.1 mt coal, 18.5 mt mining minerals and chrome, 62.9 mt iron ore and manganese, 21.4 mt
Table 6-4 summarises important rail networks in South cement and steel, 11.1 mt agricultural products and bulk liquids, along with 13.4 mt for the automotive and
Africa and Figure 6-9 the Transnet freight rail network. container industries. The Transnet freight network consists of 31 000 track kilometres and 22 500 route
kilometres. The main objectives are to: (1) provide capacity ahead of demand, (2) ensure the sustainability of
development plans, (3) integrate port, rail and pipeline planning, (4) align the network with national road and
electricity supply planning, (5) provide capacity through operational efficiencies before infrastructure
provision and (6) ensure proper environmental and social integration.




The National Infrastructure Plan (NIP) states that the average

condition of the core rail network is fair of which the coal
and ore lines are classified as good and that the branch line
network was classified as poor to very poor.



standards and the current rolling stock renewal plans of Paper on National Rail Policy currently being developed by
Rail gauge is defined as the distance between the inner sides
Transnet and PRASA are based on this gauge, the high the DoT.
of the two parallel rails. This distance then determines the
wheel spacing on the rolling stock that can be safely costs associated with rebuilding the networks to a
operated on the line and has a major impact on vehicle standard gauge design may prove detrimental to the
dynamics, permissible axle load and vehicle size. In South economic competiveness of rail transport. The counter
Africa, there are basically three gauges, namely: argument is that, to remain competitive in terms of global
best practice for heavy haul and passenger lines, the
 Cape gauge at 1 067mm – the core network plus the implementation of a standard gauge should be
majority of the branch line network (92.7 %) considered on merit.
 Narrow gauge at 610mm – some isolated lines on the  Stand-alone lines – The specifications for each line
branch line network (7 %) should be carefully considered and studied, based on
forecasted traffic volumes, user requirements and,
 Standard gauge at 1 435mm – only the Gautrain
therefore, the purpose of the specific line. These
passenger network (0.3 %).
specifications must support rail‟s inherent strengths over
The following factors are important when considering an road traffic, such as long-distance heavy haul and high-
appropriate rail gauge: density high-speed passenger rail benefits.

 Regional and cross-border network connectivity with  Application – Certain applications, such as high-speed
passenger services, double-stacking and axle weight, can
neighbouring countries – Such network connectivity is
benefit from wider gauges.
an important consideration for regional inter-operability,
especially for Transnet/PRASA shared infrastructure and Given the dominating factors of interoperability on the
branch line private operators, and economic development. current network, the high investment needs to change
In this sense, practically all main rail infrastructure in infrastructure and the recent rolling stock investments by
Southern Africa is Cape gauge. TFR and PRASA, it can be concluded that a wholesale change
 Procurement – It is sometimes faster and more cost- of the main railway network from Cape gauge to standard
effective to procure systems and rolling stock from gauge is not financially viable. Strategic investment should
providers with an established gauge specification, leading be framed within the objective of increasing the effectiveness
to savings on development and design costs. However, of the freight supply chain and the rapidness of the public
each corridor and region is unique and will require transport system and enhancing modal optimisation. The
specific development testing and specialised components mechanism to host this exists in the Private Sector
that will increase costs over the stock items. However, Participation (PSP) Framework currently being developed.
billons have been spent recently on the recapitalisation of
For new or „green field‟ lines, feasibility studies and business
rolling stock for TFR and PRASA on the Cape gauge
case scrutiny are required to consider the appropriate gauge
on a case-by-case basis, giving due regards to the
 Installed legacy systems – To change the gauge for a integration of the system while considering factors listed
whole network will be extremely expensive and may not above (in the short term with a review considered over the
be practical or economically viable. With the majority of long term). This issue should also be aligned with the Green
South African railways are built according to Cape gauge


6.4.2 Outcome of rail transport infrastructure TABLE 6-5: FREIGHT RAIL SYSTEM CONSTRAINTS

analysis and forecasting DESCRIPTION

The freight rail system is constrained by the following Distance and World-wide, general rail freight is considered competitive with road over distances of more than 600 kilometres and where
issues summarised in Table 6-5. running costs the saving in running costs becomes more than the end-point handling cost. A great number of the potential consumers in
South Africa fall outside these conditions.
Figure 6-10 indicates utilisation of the 2007 rail network
Lack of general There is a lack of general freight products and services. It is expected that the utilisation of rail freight services can be
capacity by 2050 (middle scenario).
freight products improved with the existence of reliable and consistent delivery time schedules and delivery services that are priced
and services competitively. These issues are to be considered in the Green Paper on National Rail Policy currently being developed by the
Heavy haul The expansion of the heavy haul lines is being hampered by non-viable expansion financial business cases, based on current
commodity prices low commodity prices and demand.
and demand
Intramodal A lack of intra-modal competition results in sub-optimal levels of innovation and customer satisfaction. The Road-to-Rail
competition Strategy developed by Transnet will propose steps to correct intra-model competition between road and rail. It should,
however, be noted that intra-modal competition is only applicable to branch lines and not to the core network, which is and
will continue to be owned and operated by Transnet. The mechanism to host the intra-modal competition on branch lines
exists in the PSP framework and Green Paper on National Rail Policy currently being developed by the DoT.
Rolling stock The current operations are partly constrained by a shortage of new rolling stock for expansion purposes and the use of older
shortage and rolling stock with its associated lower reliability and higher maintenance costs. Expansion plans, therefore, require the
conditions procurement of new rolling stock, along with the refurbishment or replacement of the current fleet, to meet the required
reliabilities. This will contribute to rail corridors meeting their intended rail capacity.
Axle loading The limitation of axle load design on the lower specification general network feeding the heavy haul lines does not allow for
limitations the optimum use of higher heavy haul axle loading.
Rail condition Imposed speed restrictions due to poor in situ formation conditions, maintenance shortcomings, localised weather
conditions and old, less reliable rail infrastructure curtail the efficiencies of current corridors and lines.
Rail gauge The 1 067 mm gauge (Cape) of the freight network limits the travelling time of passenger trains due to speed limitations,
along with the lower payload tonnages per wagon associated with axle loading limits. Double-stacking is also not possible
on this gauge, which imposes a constraint on general freight delivery and commodity export services.
Corridors The corridors that currently experience capacity constraints from the freight customers' point of view are the:
 Export coal line between Ogies and Richards Bay – capacity is especially restricted by the single Overvaal tunnel
 Ore export line between Sishen and Saldanha
 Manganese export corridor between Hotazel and Port Elizabeth
 Line between Lephalale and Thabazimbi, for the purposes of coal exports.
Operational Improvements in operational efficiencies can be gained through the latest operational management tools, rolling stock
inefficiencies technologies, condition-monitoring equipment, signalling systems and sufficiently skilled maintenance and operational staff.
Misalignment The improvement of rail freight capacity is not aligned with the needs of emerging users versus established clients, which
between capacity forces traffic onto the default mode of transport, namely roads. The inability of emerging users to gain access to reserve
and demand capacity (unallocated capacity for established clients) creates the perception of a lack of capacity on the network.





Transnet developed a comprehensive market demand

strategy (MDS) to analyse the movement of freight. The
model takes into account the potential growth of the Sishen–Saldanha Ore The ore line started experienced capacity constraints during base year 2010 and are still undergoing
different commodities, the minimum transport distance over Line Base Year studies to improve capacity.
which rail can be competitive, and the potential market share Lines Requiring In 2030 the Sishen-Saldanha ore line will require significant infrastructure improvements including the line
of each commodity. Improvement by 2030 between Rustenburg-Pretoria-Emalahleni. The line between Kimberley and Lime Acres will require new
infrastructure, as will the line between Ermelo and Piet Retief.
Based on the modelling and analysis referred to above,
Lines Requiring In 2050 the Saldanha-Sishen line will continue to require significant infrastructure improvements, as will
Table 6-6 summarises the railway lines likely to experience
Improvement by 2050 the line between Durban and Ladysmith, Richards Bay and Komatiepoort, and the line between Lephalale
capacity constraints in the future.
and Emalahleni. The Hotazel-Port Elizabeth line will also experience capacity constraints and will require
new infrastructure.
6.4.3 Critical strategies and interventions
proposed for rail infrastructure TABLE 6-6: FUTURE RAILWAY LINE CAPACITY CONSTRAINTS

The following subsections summarise the critical strategies

and proposed interventions to address the prioritised needs
interconnectivity, it is not recommended to convert network using a step-by-step process to introduce new
of rail infrastructure in South Africa to realise the NATMAP
existing Cape gauge lines to standard gauge lines. standard gauge lines on a master plan basis and not by
2050 transport vision.
However, in the case of green field or new line expansion a general conversion of the existing network. It was
Figure 6-11 illustrates the integration between the NATMAP proposals, a case-by-case approach should be adopted, also stated that conversion to standard gauge on a
2050 existing and emerging corridors and the rail informed by appropriate feasibility work and business large scale is not economically viable and should,
infrastructure proposed interventions to ensure that these case analysis. Such line extensions should not be merged therefore, not be attempted (National Transport Master
corridors and other feeders into the system operate with existing Cape gauge infrastructure. However, Plan 2005–2050). Continuous investment and
effectively and efficiently. interchange facilities (associated with passenger rail) at maintenance should be undertaken on the existing
intersecting nodes and different gauge networks must be network, together with a constant lookout for
STRATEGIES PROPOSED FOR RAIL NETWORK implemented to support customer journey reliability. opportunities to migrate portions to standard gauge
INFRASTRUCTURE Other factors to be considered: network, where sensible. TFR estimated the costs of
 Green Paper on National Rail Policy (currently conversion to standard gauge in the order of US$30
 Rail gauge
being developed) billion (in 2006), excluding costs associated with
The NATMAP 2050 includes a detailed study on rail
All decisions regarding railway infrastructure should be terminals, handling facilities, sidings and operational
gauge. It found that, while standard gauge (1 435 mm)
aligned with this policy. constraints during such a conversion.
has some benefits, mainly in terms of speed and capacity
 Rail gauge – African Union Transnet and PRASA currently have large expansion
(double-stacking), other issues, such as interoperability,
In 2007, the African Union, in conjunction with the plans in the form of expanded rail infrastructure and
capital investment to change to Cape gauge (1 067 mm)
Union of African Railways, resolved that standard the procurement of new rolling stock appropriate to
and massive current investment in Cape gauge-
gauge should be adopted for all new railways lines. Cape gauge infrastructure.
compatible rolling stock, are prohibitive factors to change.
This resolution must be read in conjunction with the Transnet is currently studying capacity expansions of
The study concludes that the conversion of the existing
aforementioned sub-section on rail. the three heavy haul and existing Waterberg Cape
network to standard gauge is not economically viable.
 Rail gauge – Transnet and PRASA gauge lines.
Based on the various findings of this study, which
After the directives by the AU, the need was expressed In addition to the infrastructure plans, Transnet has
highlight implications related to cost and
in South Africa to slowly transform to a standard gauge placed orders for various new Cape gauge locomotives,


which will operate on a variety of existing Cape gauge The following passenger rail transport line interventions implications. Business cases must be developed to ensure
lines. This level of investment essentially locks out the are proposed: value for money. Any railway line that will allow mixed
implementation of standard gauge across the network.  Johannesburg–Durban high-speed line: The project traffic should be designed and proven economically
Over and above the infrastructure expansion plans in will provide a high-speed passenger service between feasible before any final decisions on implementation are
the metros of Johannesburg, Cape Town and Durban, Johannesburg and Durban – with services to major made.
PRASA is in the processes of procuring new Cape nodes along the route. A service for time-sensitive The different needs between rail freight and rail passenger
gauge rolling stock to overhaul its current aging fleet. freight will also be provided, and a long-term need for infrastructure are reflected in the following standards that
Should green field or new line expansion proposals be a third line in the existing corridor has been identified. are proposed for future rail infrastructure developments. It
considered, a case-by-case approach should be  Johannesburg–Musina high-speed line: The project is proposed that the standards be considered on a case–
adopted, informed by appropriate feasibility work and will provide a high-speed passenger service between by-case basis – little will be gained by imposing standards
business case analysis in alignment with the Green Johannesburg, Polokwane, and Musina, with services to that will cost a lot for a very little gain in the context of
Paper on National Rail Policy currently being major nodes along the route. funding uncertainty:
developed.  eMalahleni and Steve Tshwete link with Moloto rail  High-speed rail passenger systems should be designed
 Accessibility to the network corridor and Gautrain: An interregional commuter rail to the following characteristics:
Accessibility to the national rail network for operators network must be developed to link the Highveld high-  For metropolitan, urban and sub-regional passenger
other than TFR and PRASA could increase the usage of density urban areas of eMalahleni and Steve Tshwete rail corridors of less than 200 km, average travelling
the available capacity. Future emphasis on cleaner energy with Pretoria, also linking with the Moloto rail corridor speeds should be between 150Km/h and 200Km/h;
would also place more emphasis on rail transport. (see below) and the Gautrain system between Pretoria but also allowing maximum speeds up to 300Km/h
It should be noted that accessibility to the primary and Johannesburg. along specific long-distance sections.
network of Transnet is not supported at national level –  Maintenance of rail infrastructure  For intercity rail passenger systems in excess of
Transnet is of the opinion that operations must remain The maintenance standards required for freight trains are 200kms, average travelling speeds should be
with TFR but supports competition on branch lines and different from those required for ride comfort and speed between 250pkh and 300Km/h; with maximum
the mechanism to support this exists in the PSP for passenger trains. The recovery of the maintenance and speeds of 400Km/h for specific uninterrupted
framework currently being developed. capital cost between Transnet and PRASA should be sections.
 Development plans to improve the capacity of the addressed as well as any future operators in infrastructure.
 Any railway line that will allow mixed traffic should
current network  Branch lines firstly be designed to give preference to the origins
Interventions are proposed to improve the capacity of Transnet is preparing to concede more branch lines to and destinations of passengers; and secondly that
bottleneck sections ahead of demand. Transnet modelling private business to boost its road-to-rail tonnage by 18.9 maximum speeds for both passenger and freight
indicates, in most cases, that additional capacity will be million tonnes this year and made its first call for should be adapted to the maximum speeds that will
required before the periods indicated by the NATMAP proposals for one of its branch lines linking Kimberley and be allowed for freight operations.
2050. The following proposed lines will be needed to De Aar in the Northern Cape in April 2015.
expand the capacity of the TFR network: The DoT supports the revitalisation of branch lines.
 All high-speed passenger rail systems should allow
freight traffic limited to no more than 17tonne/axle
 Lephalale–Mahalapye: A new line to link the  Balancing the different needs of rail freight and (packages, pallets and perhaps low-mass hybrids of
Waterberg coal fields with the proposed Trans-Kalahari passenger demand pallets/containers).
corridor. In the implementation of new railway lines, it should be  High-speed rail freight systems should be designed to
 Hamelfontein to Botswana coal fields: A new Cape considered whether it is possible to serve both freight and allow:
gauge heavy haul line between Ermelo and passenger demand.
Botswana, via Lephalale. The balancing act of the needs of freight and passengers
 Average speeds of between 60Km/h and 100Km/h,
and maximum speeds of 120Km/h.
must be carried out with due consideration to financial


 Freight operations on lines that are used for mixed Profiles will be specified for rail systems in Botswana, with export terminals in KwaZulu-Natal, as well
passenger and freight operations should allow for metropolitan/urban areas for intercity medium-speed and as with Eskom‟s power stations.
operating speeds of not less than 100Km/h and medium-distance corridors and for high-speed systems  SIP2: Durban–Free State–Gauteng logistics corridor
should not allow heavy freight loads. Rail design along all national corridors. All international airports will According to freight forecasts, it is expected that, in the
should allow for axle loads and gradients that will be linked to city centres and other rail commuter systems. next 25 to 30 years, containers moving from the port of
not exceed container traffic. Rail priorities and programmes for various long/medium- Durban to Gauteng will grow almost eightfold, from about
distance high/medium-speed corridors are: 1.75 million today to 13 million a year. Without a new rail
PROPOSED INTERVENTIONS FOR RAIL NETWORK  Durban–Free State–Gauteng (N3) corridor (Gauteng– line, these expected increases in freight will see a
INFRASTRUCTURE KwaZulu-Natal) disastrous mushrooming in the number of freight trucks
 Moloto corridor to Mpumalanga travelling between the port and South Africa‟s economic
 Freight transport interventions  N1 (Gauteng–Limpopo–Free State–Western Cape) hub. The existing rail line is in a poor condition and has
The 2050 package strategy envisaged for freight rail  Moloto corridor (second phase to Limpopo) speed limits in some places of as low as 50km/h. The new
includes an optimised road-rail modal split strategy and  North–west corridors to Gauteng rail line will be built to have a maximum speed of
identifies rail infrastructure development interventions.  Cape peninsula – northern districts 120km/h and will largely be dedicated to carrying freight.
Alternatives to optimise road/rail infrastructure assets to  N4 corridor from Tshwane to Mbombela (2020–2030),
provide greater efficiency at lower cost will be executed N2 tourism corridor (Cape Town–George–Nelson
 SIP3: South–east node and corridor development
through the development of this detailed strategy and The upgrading of port and rail capacity, the construction
Mandela City–eThekwini), ThabaNchu–Bloemfontein
specification of regulatory measures and a time of a new dam in Umzimvubu in the Eastern Cape, the
corridor, and other similar medium-distance commuter
programme. This will include the following alternatives: construction of rail infrastructure to transport manganese
corridors that are still to be subjected to feasibility
 A monitoring programme from the Northern Cape to Port Elizabeth, the
 An information database as part of the DOT central construction of a manganese sinter facility in the Northern
 Interregional connections with Zimbabwe (extension of
database system, supplemented by a legalising process Cape and a smelter in the Eastern Cape.
N1 rail corridor via Beit Bridge to Harare), Namibia
to enforce the strategy to obtain an acceptable balance extension of N1 corridor (via Bloemfontein, Kimberley,  SIP5: Saldanha–Northern Cape development corridor
between road and rail freight. Upington, Windhoek), Mozambique extension of N4 The expansion of rail and port infrastructure in the
 Proposed passenger rail interventions corridor (via Mbombela to Maputo), Botswana Saldanha area, the construction of industrial capacity at
Categories need to be introduced for passenger rail, extension of Platinum corridor (via Rustenburg, the back of these ports (including a possible industrial
ranging from metropolitan, suburban low-speed Zeerust, Gaborone). development zone), the strengthening of maritime
commuter and intercity medium- and low-speed systems support for the gas and oil activities along the western
to intercity high-speed systems. These passenger rail
 Waterberg Mpumalanga–KwaZulu-Natal rail link (part
coast, and the expansion of iron ore mining production.
of SIP1)
categories are classified in terms of service distance, Unlocking the northern mineral belt with Waterberg as  SIP10: Electricity transmission and distribution
speed, station spacing, and target markets. catalyst. In July 2014, Transnet issued tenders to allow for The alignment of freight rail line development with the
It is envisaged that, by 2050, all metropolitan areas, high- formal investigations into the rail requirements of the 10-year energy transmission plan.
density and high-income district centres will have rail
commuter systems. Based on modal threshold
Waterberg region. Transnet is seeking a prefeasibility  SIP11: Agri-Logistics & Rural Infrastructure
study on the Waterberg infrastructure and feasibility Investment in infrastructure such as storage facilities,
specifications, residential areas will connect with CBDs studies on rail infrastructure linking the coal-mining town transport links to main networks, the fencing of farms,
(central business districts). Similarly, linkages and the of Lephalale in Limpopo to Ermelo in Mpumalanga, which irrigation schemes to poor areas, agricultural colleges,
integration of various passenger transport systems and is a key coal-logistics junction. The studies are expected to processing facilities (including abattoirs) and rural
modes will be implemented by means of transfer facilities be finalised by August 2015 and will form part of a plan to tourism. The expansion of transport links to main
and ticketing systems. connect the coalfields in Waterberg, as well as those in networks (rural roads, branch lines, ports).


 SIP17: Regional integration for African cooperation Town; Kraaifontein–Belville–Cape Town; and Simon‟s Town A business case is to be developed for the buying of new
and development to Cape Town. rolling stock to further increase capacity. The current
Investment in mutually beneficial projects in the free trade  Transnet rolling stock renewal programme Gautrain fleet consists of 96 rail cars and reconfigured
area, encompassing east, central and southern Africa. Transnet is undertaking massive infrastructure and rolling seating is being considered for the Pretoria–Johannesburg
Projects involve transport, water and energy. stock investments at TFR as part of its market demand line. Also under consideration is a special, quick-
strategy to facilitate the ambition of increasing the turnaround service on the system‟s busiest route, between
 PRASA Rolling stock renewal programme
the Sandton and Centurion stations.
PRASA is undertaking a R123 billion investment over a 20- volume of freight transported on rail. These investments
year period to renew its rolling stock fleet. This include expenditure on TFR‟s coal, iron ore and  Gautrain expansion routes
programme will entail the introduction of more than manganese export capabilities, as well as on its general Four possible expansion routes are being considered:
7 000 new rail vehicles for passenger transport purposes. freight business. As part of this expenditure, Transnet  Link from Park station, underneath the city, to
The entire PRASA fleet is expected to be fully replaced by awarded locomotive supply contracts valued at R50 billion Westgate
2034. in early 2014.  Link from Rhodesfield station to Boksburg
A R51 billion contract for the first phase of the Contracts for the supply of 599 electric locomotives and  Link from Sandton station to Randburg and Honeydew.
programme was signed with Gibela Rail Transportation in 465 diesel locomotives for GFB, which form the so-called  Link from Naledi, Soweto, to Mamelodi, through either
October 2013 and commercial close on the contract 10-64 programme, have been awarded to consortiums led the proposed Samrand station or the existing Midrand
achieved in April 2014. by four global manufacturers – GE, China North Rail station.
The contract is for the supply of 600 passenger trains, (CNR), CSR and Bombardier Transportation. The first  Moloto Road integrated rapid rail solution
comprising 3 600 coaches, for delivery between 2015 and locomotives that form part of the 10-64 programme will An integrated rapid rail solution is to be implemented on
2025. be delivered in September 2015 and the final batch in the Moloto corridor, which carries more than 35 000
February 2018. commuters daily to Gauteng.
 PRASA passenger rail infrastructure improvements
In addition to its locomotive-related investments, TFR is
An estimated R15.2 billion has been set aside for PRASA
undertaking a wagons fleet programme. In the financial
 Tambo Springs inland port and logistics gateway
to expand and develop its network. super terminal
year that ended March 2014, 3 281 wagons were built at
About R12 billion has been set aside by PRASA to Tambo Springs is planned to accommodate a new state-
Transnet facilities across the country.
upgrade and improve its stations across South Africa. An of-the-art rail terminal facility as well as an intermodal rail
estimated 23 stations were set to undergo modernisation  Gautrain system enhancements yard capable of handling point-to-point movement of
in 2013, and 64 in 2014. A third phase will involve the In 2014, a prefeasibility study was commissioned and freight using block trains of up to 2km in length. This is
modernisation of 50 intermediate, small and halt stations. successfully carried out for the following extensions under possible because the Tambo Springs property has an
A further R7 billion has been set aside for the the Gautrain Phase 2 development: existing dual-directional freight rail line that runs along
improvement of bridges and platforms.  Extension 1: New line from Mamelodi in Tshwane to the north western boundary for approximately 3.5 km.
Naledi in the south of Johannesburg
 PRASA signalling system (Gauteng/KwaZulu-Natal)
 Extension 2: Extensions from ORTIA to Boksburg
 Manganese export line
The project is valued at an estimated R17 billion to TFR is developing the rail network between the
 Extension 3: New connection between Randburg and
implement a new, technologically advanced signalling manganese-rich Northern Cape and the Port of Ngqura in
system by 2018. The project will include the the Eastern Cape, to become the utility‟s third heavy haul
Other system enhancements in the pipeline include the
modernisation of the rail signalling, communications and export channel. The development aims to increase South
provision of additional parking at certain stations and the
train management systems in high-volume corridors such Africa‟s annual manganese export capacity to 16 million
lengthening of the OR Tambo International Airport station
as Naledi in Soweto, Pretoria to Johannesburg; Mabopane tonnes. The business case for this expansion was
to allow for four-and-a-half carriages to open on the
to Pretoria; Mamelodi to Pretoria; KwaMashu–Durban– completed in November 2013. Earlier in 2013, Transnet
platform, up from two-and-a-half carriages.
Umlazi; Khayelitsha, Mitchells Plain and Philippi to Cape indicated that TFR would invest R10.8 billion between
 Gautrain rolling stock 2012/13 and 2018/19 in rolling stock and infrastructure to


support the manganese corridor project. The manganese The following proposed interventions are provincially
export line development also involves port-related specific:
expenditure, including at the Ngqura manganese terminal.
 Cross-border rail corridors  Gauteng
 Johannesburg–Durban high-speed line (SIP 2)
There is a strong link between rail and the extractive
 Develop a regional passenger rail system: N4 corridor
commodity sectors that are considered key drivers of
economic growth in Africa. A regionally linked rail network
will enable the more efficient transport of these
 Develop a regional passenger rail system: N12 corridor
commodities to the export centres, improving the region‟s
supply chain capability and enhancing its level of
international competitiveness. The long-planned South  Western Cape
Africa–Swaziland rail link is an example of interregional  Ore line improve capacity (SIP 5)
cooperation focused on the development of symbiotic rail  KwaZulu-Natal
corridors.  Richards Bay–Piet Retief: Improve the capacity of the
 South Africa–Swaziland rail link coal line (SIP 1)
A prefeasibility study was completed in March 2013 and  Johannesburg–Durban high-speed line (SIP 2)
feasibility studies for South Africa and Swaziland‟s R17  Limpopo
billion rail link was completed end 2014. Construction is  Moloto Jane Furse: Extend new Moloto rail corridor
estimated to commence in 2017. The railway line is set to  Pretoria–Polokwane high-speed rail
increase the rail capacity of general freight and coal
exports. It will link Lothair in Mpumalanga with
 Mpumalanga
 Regional rail passenger system: R40/R538
Sidvokodvu in Swaziland and free up capacity on  Develop regional rail passenger system along the N4
Transnet‟s network, allowing it to move additional coal to corridor (Pretoria–Lowveld)
the Richards Bay coal terminal. Its construction includes a  Pretoria–Moloto new medium-speed rail line and
new single Cape gauge line covering 146km to be built by passenger service
Transnet. It will have an initial capacity of 15 million
tonnes a year. The rail link is critical for the flow of goods  Northern Cape
 Hotazel–Kamfersdam (Kimberley) line upgrade (SIP 3)
in the region. The Swaziland connection will enable TFR
not only to remove the 12 general freight trains operating  North West
daily on the corridor but also to operate the coal line  Development of a regional passenger rail system on
exclusively on heavy haul principles. The link will divert the N4 corridor
general freight currently being moved on the Ermelo–  Development of a regional passenger rail system on
Richards Bay line through Swaziland and, together with the N12 corridor
the introduction of new operating solutions, can  Eastern Cape
potentially raise the coal export corridor‟s capacity to 120  Cookhouse–Addo line upgrade
million tonnes. The completion of the first tranche of  Noupoort–Cookhouse line upgrade
16 million tonnes a year of additional capacity is expected
in 2017/18. A further two tranches will increase capacity of
the link up to 31 million tonnes a year and finally to 42
million tonnes a year.




6.5 Aviation Infrastructure
facilities supporting both aviation-linked businesses and the
6.5.1 National Airports Development Plan
millions of air travellers who pass through the airport
(NADP) annually. In modern cities, airports have become major
The NADP has been developed as an outcome of the drivers of urban form, economic activity and city
National Civil Aviation Policy (NCAP) to address gaps competitiveness. The aerotropolis aims to take advantage of
between the current airport network and the future desired these changes and optimise the positive effects airports can
state. The NADP aims to guide and support both overall have on the economy and on communities.
network planning and the development of individual airports
An aerotropolis develops in concentric rings around the
integrated within their broader spatial and transport
airport. It consists of hotels, conference facilities, offices,
contexts, in consultation with key airport stakeholders.
retail outlets, residences and light manufacturing and
distribution facilities for industries that rely on speed to
6.5.2 National Airspace Master Plan (NAMP)
market for their competitive advantage. It is important to
The NAMP, endorsed by the Director of Civil Aviation in make sure that development around airports is done in a
2010, introduces strategies to achieve a long-term (15 years planned manner to maximise economic benefit rather than
plus) desirable future. It is the highest level of strategic to allow ad hoc expansion. This requires city and airport
guidance for use in developing and implementing airspace authorities to develop a common vision for the future and a
and associated air traffic management (ATM) initiatives. The plan that enables airports to become major drivers of local
Civil Aviation Regulations (CARS) provide the regulatory economic development. Essentially, the aerotropolis is an
framework for the establishment of the National Airspace economic development strategy designed to increase
Committee (NASCOM) and for the designation and competitiveness in global markets, leveraging the access that
classification of airspace. air travel and air freight provides to global clients.
The NAMP provides the strategic view and direction of The aerotropolis serves an increasing number of aviation-
airspace organisation and management within South Africa. orientated businesses and commercial service providers to
The airspace organisation function will provide the strategies, cluster around the airport and outward along strategic
rules and procedures by means of which the airspace will be highway corridors. The aerotropolis creates an environment
structured to accommodate the different types of air activity, where air travellers and locals can work, shop, meet,
traffic volume, differing levels of service and rules of conduct. exchange knowledge, conduct business, eat, sleep, and be
The organisation, flexible allocation and use of airspace will entertained without traveling more than 15 minutes away
be based on the principles of access and equity. The NAMP from the airport. The aerotropolis also typically includes free
also supports regional interoperability and harmonisation. trade zones (FTZs) providing certain incentives for businesses
located within this business space. This concept is currently
6.5.3 Aerotropolis being developed at the OR Tambo International Airport
The logic behind the aerotropolis concept is that airports (ORTIA) and is also being considered for at least the Cape
offer connectivity to suppliers and customers across the Town International Airport (CTIA) and the King Shaka
globe. Many of the businesses around airports can often be International Airport (KSIA).
more dependent on distant suppliers or customers than local
ones. An aerotropolis encompasses a range of commercial


6.5.4 Overview of aviation infrastructure
Airports in South Africa come in varying sizes and
configurations that are usually determined by the function of
the airport and the size of the population it serves.
Functional categories in South Africa include the type of
service provided – international, domestic or local transport
services, military airports, heliports, and the size of the
aircrafts. Dedicated freight airports do not exist in South
Africa. The National Airport Development Plan (NADP) has
been developed in response to the Draft White Paper on
Civil Aviation Policy (NACP) as a plan to address gaps
between the current airport network and the future desired
state. The NADP highlights that the network includes more
than 1500 airports and airfields, of which 135 are licensed (10
internationally) and 50 voluntarily registered. Ownership is
indicated as 9 ACSA, 9 provincial government, 33 military,
100 municipal and the remaining majority as private.
Information related to runway capacity, rescue and
firefighting provision and other facilities is summarised in

Airspace, airport network planning and individual airport

planning are addressed in the NADP and NAMP.

Figure 6-12 indicates the 10 licensed international airports

in South Africa, along with the remaining domestic airports
that form part of the ACSA portfolio, as well as the network
of registered, military and unlicensed airports.



6.5.5 Outcome of aviation infrastructure analysis  International airports Revisit the decision to limit the designated points of entry
and forecasts Manage the assessed requirement, license process and into South Africa to only 10 airports. This will favour the
land preservation for a third international airport in
South African airports are generally well developed and larger international airports and avail airspace for
Gauteng to take over some of the services provided by
compare with international standards – particularly the Code increasing other services.
the OR Tambo International Airport and the Lanseria
D and above airports and the others that are used for
international passenger and freight traffic. Airports Company
International Airport before 2040.  Air safety and air traffic control
Manage the assessed requirement, license process and Air safety and air traffic control at all airports are non-
South Africa (ACSA) often features in the SkyTrax awards,
land preservation for a second international airport in the negotiable. Suitable and well-maintained equipment must
including African Airport of the year 2014. Other comparative
Western Cape to alleviate capacity constraints at the Cape be high priorities.
standards include the runway and terminal capacities,
Town International Airport before 2050. Airport network planning, along with ownership,
equipment, air traffic control, and other support services and
The airport master plan is being updated and should be operating and funding models, must be reviewed in
utilised to consider the requirement of a second accordance with the NADP and NAMP principles.
The NATMAP 2050 includes demand projections at airports international airport in KwaZulu-Natal.
that are based on various forecast models or methodologies International airports in metropolitan areas must be linked PROPOSED INTERVENTIONS FOR AVIATION
and the next section summarises the required strategies and with a scheduled bus rapid transport (BRT) or similar rapid INFRASTRUCTURE
interventions. transit system or even medium-speed local or regional rail
systems, with consideration of check-in services.
 OR Tambo International Airport
The airport master plan is being updated.
6.5.6 Critical strategies and interventions The concept of an aerotropolis at international airports –
Capital expenditure of R55 billion is planned over the next
proposed for aviation infrastructure in other words, the creation of a city in which the layout,
ten years (2015–2025), of which R46 billion is for new
infrastructure, and economy are centred on a major
The NATMAP 2050 provincial and consolidated reports capacity, including midfield enablement, and R9 billion for
airport. The merit of the concept should be investigated
provide a breakdown of each intervention per province. The maintenance/refurbishment/replacement.
further in future NATMAP 2050 processes.
following subsections summarise the critical strategies and  Durban aerotropolis/KwaZulu-Natal aerotropolis
interventions proposed to address the prioritised needs of  Domestic airports
The recent rapid expansion at the King Shaka
aviation infrastructure in South Africa. The initiatives Usage of domestic airports to alleviate the forecasted
International Airport and surrounding Dube TradePort has
identified in the National Airports Development Plan (NADP) growing demand at the three major international airports.
made this area a natural selection for further development
(v24 April 2015) refers along with the 10 guiding principles An example is the Lanseria International Airport, which
into an aerotropolis. This area is considered to be turning
highlighted. absorbed some of the demand for air transport in
into a major trade and business hub in sub-Saharan Africa
Gauteng and alleviated the pressure on the OR Tambo
right on the doorstep of KwaZulu-Natal‟s biggest city and
Figures 6-13 shows the short-term aviation infrastructure International Airport. This can coincide with a restriction
primary manufacturing centre, Durban.
interventions on the current network. on the minimum aircraft size using the three major
international airports, which must coincide with planned
provision for general aviation elsewhere.
Consideration of public service airports.
 Capacity Port Elizabeth Airport
Assess and address additional capacity to aviation
activities in the country's metropolitan areas in The possible expansion of the Port Elizabeth airport to a
accordance with airport planning guidance provided in future Code E international airport.
NCAP as well as the airspace organisation and  Country points of entry
management set out in the NAMP.


 Cape Town aerotropolis The following interventions are deemed critical and
The Cape Town International Airport (CTIA) is currently provincially specific:
exploring options to develop an aerotropolis as part of a
general strategy to unlock the growth potential of Cape  Gauteng
Study to determine the need of a second major airport in
Town and the Western Cape. CTIA has the opportunity to
be a catalyst of economic development for Cape Town
and the Western Cape. Global research shows that every  Western Cape
long haul destination sustains around 3 000 direct, Feasibility study for a second airport near Cape Town
indirect, and catalytic jobs, and that an increase in aviation  KwaZulu Natal
by 10%, results in a 2% growth in the regional economy. Upgrade infrastructure facilities at Richards Bay airport
 N8 airport development corridor (runway, new terminal building, new apron)
The development to be undertaken by the Mangaung  Port Elizabeth Airport
Metropolitan Municipality will be the single largest mixed Various upgrades, including terminal upgrade and
development initiative ever undertaken by the improvements, parking, taxiways widening, runway
municipality. The Braam Fisher Airport forms a key node extension
along the N8 corridor, which the Mangaung Metropolitan
Municipality has identified as one along which
 East London Airport
Various upgrades, including tower, land acquisition,
development should be promoted. ACSA has identified aprons, runway extension
142ha of land for development around the airport. This
development is expected to take place in two phases.  Kimberley Airport
Various upgrades, including terminal, parking
Phase 1, the boulevard phase, offers about 44ha of
immediately available land with a bulk of approximately  Kruger Mpumalanga International Airport
200 000m², including an international convention centre, Construction of parallel taxiway
while Phase 2, the grassland phase, offers 98.4ha with just  Polokwane International Airport
over 500 000m² of bulk and includes a cargo terminal. The Prefeasibility study and construction of aero-city concept
airport node development will also be significant in the and repositioning of Polokwane International Airport
overall development of Botshabelo and Thaba Nchu, as it
will generate the revenue necessary for the cross-
subsidisation of critical projects like the Botshabelo/
Thaba Nchu node.
 Cape Town International Airport
Re-aligned runway construction is expected to commence
in 2016 to increase taxiway, apron and terminal expansion
options in the future.
An airport master plan update is expected before 2020.
An area at the airport known as “Precinct 3” will be used
for commercial development. The airport has issued a
request for proposals for the construction of a hotel and
an office park.




6.6 Maritime Infrastructure
6.6.1 Ocean economy: Operation Phakisa 6.6.2 Overview of maritime transport
Programme infrastructure
South Africa is responsible for managing an ocean space that South Africa's eight commercial seaports are managed and
is greater than its land territory. Within the maritime space, controlled by the Transnet National Ports Authority (TNPA)
the Operation Phakisa Programme aspires to implement an and the majority of the terminals are operated on a common
overarching, integrated ocean governance framework to user basis by Transnet Port Terminals (TPT), a business
ensure sustainable growth of the ocean economy that will division of Transnet. The positions of these ports, along with
maximise socio-economic benefits while ensuring adequate the major road and rail corridors connecting them, are
ocean environmental protection within the next five years. shown in Figure 6-14 below.

Nine sectors were analysed as key priorities for South Arica‟s

ocean economy, of which the following four were selected as
new growth areas with the objective of growing them and
deriving value for the country. These are:

 Marine transport and manufacturing activities, such as

coastal shipping, trans-shipment, boat building, repair and
 Offshore oil and gas exploration
 Fisheries and aquaculture
 Marine protection services and governance.
The Operation Phakisa Programme has entered its
implementation phase in early 2015.




Each port has a natural hinterland with a defined market that, TABLE 6-8: TERMINALS AND SPECIALISED FACILITIES AT THE PORTS OF SOUTH AFRICA

to a certain extent, drives the nature of services, facilities,


types of cargo handled at each port, and the synergy

between the ports. The relative geographic locations,

capacities, and specialisations of the ports are zoned into the


following three regions:

 Western region: Saldanha, Cape Town and Mossel Bay

Region Western region Central Eastern region
 Central region: Port Elizabeth, Ngqura, and East London region
 Eastern region: Durban and Richards Bay. Terminal types Dry bulk • • • • • •
Table 6-8 indicates the types of terminals and specialised Multipurpose • • • • • • •
facilities available at each of the ports. Liquid bulk • • • • • • •
Container • • • •
The current planning framework of the eight multipurpose
commercial ports in South Africa is based on a Car • • •
complementary relationship between the ports. The zoning Break-bulk • • •
of the three regions takes into account these areas‟ relative Fresh produce •
geographic locations, capacities, and specialisations. (See
Cold storage •
Table 6-9).
Specialised Dry dock • • •
Offshore mooring buoy • •


Eastern region (Durban These two ports are complementary in that Durban focuses mainly on break-bulk cargoes,
and Richards Bay) including containers. Richards Bay is largely focused on bulk cargoes, mainly coal for export.
Combined, the two ports account for nearly 70% of the cargo shipped and landed at South
African ports.
Central region (Port Smaller car terminals are located in Port Elizabeth and East London, and Port Elizabeth has dry
Elizabeth, Ngqura, and bulk and container terminals. East London has the largest export grain elevator in South Africa
East London) and it has been converted to handle imports in addition to exports. Ngqura is a new port
commissioned in the latter part of 2009 with an annual capacity of 750 000 TEU.
Western region Cape Town has a container terminal and is world-renowned for the export of deciduous fruit,
(Saldanha, Cape Town, perishable and frozen products, and for its ashing industry. Saldanha is the deepest and largest
and Mossel Bay) natural port in southern Africa, and the largest iron ore exporting facility in Africa. It is the only
iron ore handling port in South Africa and is the third largest tonnage handling port in the
country. Mossel Bay is the smallest of the eight commercial harbours. It is the only port in South
Africa that operates two off-shore mooring points within port limits and that serves as an oil rig
supply boat base.


6.6.3 Maritime infrastructure analysis and

The NATMAP 2050 analysis process has identified future Challenges The primary challenges relating to port transport infrastructure and interlinked operations are:
infrastructure requirements by comparing the existing supply  Port infrastructure that requires major repairs over the next 30 years
of transportation infrastructure with the future required  Capacity constraints at various port terminals
demand. Table 6-10 indicates the issues identified through  The provision of capacity ahead of demand
analysis and forecasting.  The long-term impact of the current planning framework strategy based on complementary
elements of the ports and the zoning into three regions
 The need for TPT to operate in a competitive environment to increase the utilisation of
available capacity and improve efficiencies, taking into account the likely impact of the
global terminal operators.
Cause of capacity The NATMAP 2050 concludes that the current capacity constraints at some of the ports and
constraints terminals are a result of:
 Under-investment in port infrastructure
 A lack of equipment and skills
 High berth occupancy rates
 Limited land areas especially for container facilities
 Limited water depths and width at entrance channels in port areas and alongside the quays.
Constraints impacting on Constraints affecting planning for future port development across South Africa's commercial
future development ports include the:
 Increasing demand for space in and around the ports
 Resulting congestion, particularly in inland transport linkages.
The early acquisition of additional land and the ensuring of the compatibility of adjacent land
uses must be taken into account. There is also increasing pressure to provide improved
integrated planning around the city and port interface.
Other issues Other issues to be addressed include:
 Maintenance of water quality in port areas
 Visual impact of development, particularly container stack heights
 Noise and light pollution.
These and other environmental concerns need to be addressed early in the planning process to
avoid delays in providing port capacity ahead of demand.
Bottlenecks Specific bottlenecks relating to the service capacity of each port with the condition of
infrastructure and the constraints were identified at each port. These are indicated separately in
the following table.


6.6.4 Critical strategies and interventions a blue economy strategy. A number of key areas such as  Port of Ngqura
proposed for maritime infrastructure aquaculture, marine transport, offshore oil and gas  A review of traffic projections with due regard to the
exploration will be crucial in growing the economy, Transnet hub strategy. The review should include the
The following section summarises the NATMAP 2050 port providing much-needed jobs and improving prosperity possibility of developing dedicated container handling
strategies to be considered for implementation in line with while ensuring environmental sustainability and integrity. facilities at Richards Bay (earlier than anticipated) to
the Operation Phakisa Programme as well as the Green The need to review the National Ports Act No 12 of 2005 refine the timing and sequence of future
Paper on Maritime Transport Policy currently being has been identified and will ensure that interim capacity is developments.
developed by the DoT. Figure 6-15 shows the ports that will created to streamline the implementation of the
be impacted by the proposed interventions. Operation Phakisa Programme.
 Port of Port Elizabeth
 Consolidation and rationalisation of break-bulk and
STRATEGIES IDENTIFIED FOR MARITIME PROPOSED INTERVENTIONS FOR MARITIME vehicle terminals after the relocation of dry and liquid

 Freight-handling activities  Port of East London

 Port of Durban  Identification of additional demand for port services.
Seaport freight-handling activities are concentrated  Environmental impact assessment (EIA) of the options
mainly in the eastern region ports of Richards Bay and for container terminal expansion in Durban  Port of Cape Town
Durban where, in 2014, the throughput was more than  Future expansion of the Port of Cape Town must be to
 Securing the current Durban International Airport site
60% of all port cargo handled in South Africa. The western seaward. The most immediate need is to widen the
as a future seaport (agreement has been reached on
region facilitates the second highest throughput in South container stacking yard behind the container quays in
Africa. Over two-thirds of all liquid bulk will continue to the Ben Schoeman dock. This will also free up the Quay
 EIA for the development of a port on the site of the
pass through the Durban, followed by Ngqura, and 500 area to accommodate the previously planned dry
current Durban International Airport site at Reunion
Saldanha where no new facilities are envisaged during the docking facilities. This, in turn, implies the filling in of
 Redesign and environmental and economic evaluation
plan period. The facilities at Port Elizabeth are expected to the Elliot basin and the need to find alternative
of the Bayhead container terminal (in progress)
be relocated to Ngqura in 2017 or earlier, depending on mooring accommodation for the small crafts. Critical
 Investigation and evaluation of an inland dry port to
budget allocation. projects are, therefore, the:
handle container traffic (in progress)
 Container facilities  Investigation and evaluation of an alternative road  Widening of the container stacking yard
Requirements for container facilities will be the key route into the southern basin of Durban (in progress)  Implementation of maintenance projects
growth segment during the NATMAP 2050 period.  Replacement of certain compromised berths in the Port
Throughputs are likely to increase five-fold with the new
 Relocation of fresh produce, dry bulk and
of Durban (in progress) multipurpose terminals to the Ben Schoeman basin
Ngqura container terminal, which handled its first vessel
 Port of Richards Bay
 Provision of alternative small craft berthing
in October 2009, providing the main catalyst. In 2007,  Further consolidation and rationalisation of the dry
across all categories of containers and direction of traffic, bulk and break-bulk terminals on the northern side of  Allocation of sites for dry docking facilities
67% was handled through Durban, 20% through Cape the port  These projects are all essential to meet the
Town, while Port Elizabeth and East Landon handled 13%.  Planning and construction of one additional berth at immediate short-term growth in transport and ship
 Ocean economy: Operation Phakisa Programme non-coal dry bulk terminal, and at least three break- repair demand.
With the NDP 2030 having identified the ocean economy bulk berths
as one of the key drivers to eliminate poverty and reduce  A detailed study of requirements for dedicated
inequality by 2030, the country‟s ocean economy is container handling facilities
estimated to have the potential to contribute up to R177  Land acquisition to safeguard long-term
billion to South Africa‟s GDP by 2033. In order to make full developments, especially if major extensions at the
use of its oceans‟ potential, the government is developing Port of Durban do not go ahead.


 Port of Saldanha Bay affect expansions at Saldanha Bay, while Durban and  Containerisation
Given the intention to increase the export of iron ore from Richards Bay are grouped as the eastern coast port Durban, Cape Town, and Port Elizabeth are currently the
the Northern Cape mines by 2018, it is imperative that the combination, and East London, Port Elizabeth and Ngqura three main container ports with nearly 4 million twenty-
approval process of the National Environmental represent the central coast port group. foot equivalent unit (TEU) (2008/09). With the addition of
Management Act, 1998, be completed timeously. The While bulk handling is undertaken at a few specialised Ngqura at Port Elizabeth to handle about 70% of what
intention is to increase the current levels of 32 million ports, containerised traffic is increasing and expanded Durban would usually handle, the expectation is that
tonnes per annum to a final capped level of 94 million facilities present a major challenge. Even ports specialising containerisation will increase to 20 million TEU by 2034
tonnes per annum by 2018. in bulk handling (Saldanha Bay) are considered for future from the same ports.
container traffic but are subject to other considerations
 Port of Mossel Bay
that relate to Cape Town harbour expansions.
 Vehicles
There are no critical interventions for Mossel Bay. Durban, East London, and Port Elizabeth are the main
Nevertheless, future increases in international trade will
ports for vehicles and will retain that role. The volumes
A 'South Africa Transport Blue Print for 2050' needs to be call for an increased approach to port specialisation
handled in 2008/09 were 0.55 million vehicles and are
developed to achieve the proposed transport interventions (Transnet – National Infrastructure Plan (NIP) June 2009).
expected to increase to 1.55 million vehicles by 2034.
and to serve as a benchmark for future developments. The
 Break-bulk
aim should, therefore, be to focus on exactly what is The following specialised roles are envisaged for break-
envisaged for 2050 across all the main components of the bulk:
South African transport system. The following provides  All current ports (excluding Ngqura) handle break-bulk.
highlights from the Ports and Marine Transport Blue Print. Richards Bay, Durban, and Saldanha are responsible for
90% of it, which is currently about 10 million tonnes
 Harbours for international trade
per annum (mtpa).
The development of Ngqura at Coega and Saldanha Bay
 In 25 years' time, the volume will increase to about 23
as major ports could be considered exceptional events
mtpa and Ngqura will be added to the list as being
and a repeat of such new developments will call for similar
responsible for 17% of the volume. Richards Bay alone
special economic and land use events. The port of Ngqura
is responsible for 60%.
will play an important transhipment role.
Exceptions could be new port facilities for the supply of  Dry bulk
energy. A port such as Mossel Bay could be a candidate Dry bulk exports will increase from about 120 mtpa to 230
for major expansion and for handling gas by pipelines. mtpa in 25 years – exported currently from Richards Bay
The position of such ports could also be subject to the and Saldanha Bay (90% of total), which are to remain
location of the source of oil and gas fields. export ports.
As a result of increased international trade and normal Figure 6-15 indicates the location of mega maritime
growth trends, all of South Africa's ports require interventions, including the estimated cost over the 40-
expansion of some kind or another. New capacity year strategy period.
developments are mainly directed at the export focus  Liquid bulk
areas of Transnet listed below but, in particular, bulk loads The current liquid bulk of 21 mtpa will increase to
and containerisation. 40 mtpa. Durban and Saldanha are currently responsible
The extent of growth calls for a Transnet strategy whereby for 73% of the traffic, which will be more evenly spread
specialised roles are allocated to specific ports by means amongst all ports in the future. The spread will vary
of the regional grouping of port capacities. Accordingly, between 12% and 32% per port once the Port of Ngqura
and as proposed above, Cape Town expansions could is added to the network.




6.7 Pipeline Infrastructure
6.7.1 Overview of pipeline infrastructure
The national pipeline network in South Africa currently spans
the Western Cape, KwaZulu-Natal, Mpumalanga, Gauteng,
and the Free State, and primarily serves the petroleum
industries. Liquid fuels are produced at four crude oil-based
refineries: Calref in Cape Town, Enref and Sapref in Durban,
Natref in Sasolburg, and the synthetic fuels plants in Secunda
and Mossel Bay. Figure 6-16 illustrates the existing and
proposed national pipeline network in South Africa.



6.7.2 Pipeline infrastructure analysis

Pipelines are the most efficient and cost-effective means of CONSTRAINT DESCRIPTION
transporting large quantities of liquids and gases over long Liquid fuel Liquid fuel, especially diesel, is expected to run short in South Africa in the near future if there is no
distances in a safe and efficient manner. Pipelines play an significant investment in pipeline infrastructure.
important role in the NATMAP 2050 vision. There is,
Diesel usage There is a growing concern that the increasing usage of diesel by Eastern countries such as China and
however, a number of constraints, which are summarised in India will make diesel procurement difficult or very expensive.
Table 6-11.
Electricity Given the current electricity constraints, there is an increasing risk that the South African economy will
6.7.3 Implications for pipeline infrastructure – slow down, unless the existing pipeline infrastructure shortfalls are addressed.

strategies and interventions proposed Capital investment Pipeline infrastructure requires very high capital investment – to date, the planned pipeline has not been
implemented. One obvious result of the delayed expansion of the pipeline capacity is the more than
The new multi-product pipeline (NMPP) projects between 3 mtpa of fuels transported by road between Durban and the interior. Additionally, all distribution of
the Durban harbour and various inland markets must be petroleum products across Southern Africa occurs by road.
completed by 2015, while the supporting expanded inland
Infrastructure planning Current pipeline planning in South Africa is largely dependent on the pipeline division of Transnet in
network to distribute refined products should be developed collaboration with the Department of Minerals and Energy. The Energy and Pipeline Systems Project
systematically between 2012 and 2025. (E&PS Project), established by the Department of Public Enterprises in collaboration with the
Department of Minerals and Energy, indicated that pipeline transport will continue to be the prerogative
Durban is currently the only port from which major pipeline of government enterprises and that no private sector investment or involvement is envisaged in the
traffic is dispatched. Ngqura in the Eastern Cape is the future.
second envisaged port within the Transnet capital
programme. Mossel Bay in the Western Cape will specialise
in pipelines for gas. The implications of building a state-
owned refinery in the Eastern Cape, with a possible pipeline STRATEGIES PROPOSED FOR PIPELINE INFRASTRUCTURE
to Gauteng, need further investigation. There is a possibility
that the proposed refinery may skew the viability of further  Policy  Private sector participation
pipeline developments from KwaZulu-Natal ports. The A comprehensive, integrated policy for pipeline Public private partnerships (PPPs) contribute to the
proposed development is also questionable due to the lack ownership, operations, and development. development of industries. Therefore, consideration
should be given to the PSP framework and
of any local hinterland and the port‟s distance from Gauteng.  Draft strategic fuel reserves implementation plan
implementation plan currently being developed, which
Another factor is the known impracticality of creating The recent draft strategic fuel reserves implementation
refining capacity in South Africa for the production of diesel. plan issued by the Department of Energy will impact on provides a mechanism for this process. Industry regulation
the need for storage terminals for final product and crude is an essential component to take forward and ensure
The following sections summarise major pipeline strategies process in this regard.
oil. This provides an opportunity for the development of
and interventions within the NATMAP 2050 planning and
implementation period.
mega terminals to achieve economies of scale and open  Regulation of pipelines
the market up for independent terminal operators. Pipelines currently fall within the regulatory responsibility
Any adjustments or additions to the current pipeline of the National Energy Regulator of South Africa (NERSA),
transport infrastructure will have an impact on the natural who currently regulates pipelines in terms of the
environment, as will the projected increase in utilisation. Petroleum Pipelines Act, 2003 (Act 60 of 2003).
Careful consideration must, therefore, be given to the
environmental consequences of major projects.


PROPOSED INTERVENTIONS FOR PIPELINE The inland terminal can also receive product from Natref  Ngqura to Gauteng pipeline (potential new pipeline)
INFRASTRUCTURE (Sasolburg) and Sasol 2 and 3 (Secunda). In exceptional The Ngqura to Gauteng pipeline assumes that a 288TBD
cases, products can bypass the inland terminal for direct Mthombo refinery will be built in the Coega IDZ in 2018
 Maputo–Kendal pipeline delivery to industry storage facilities. For the first phase of and that the refinery capacity will be expanded to 360TBD
The National Energy Regulator of South Africa (NERSA) the implementation, the MPP24 will have five pump in 2024.
has awarded PetroSA a licence to construct a pipeline stations − one at TM1, three along the route and one at
from Maputo (Mozambique) to Kendal (Gauteng). TM2. Adding additional pump stations to the system can
 Ngqura to Gauteng pipeline
Investment in the pipeline sector is ongoing. The project A new multi-products pipeline is proposed to supply
increase its capacity. The interface or intermix will be
entails the construction of a R5.8 billion 12-inch liquid liquid fuel from the proposed Mthombo refinery in
stored at the Jameson Park accumulator terminal (TM2)
fuels pipeline from the Mozambican Port of Matola in Ngqura to Gauteng. The pipeline is estimated to be
until a batch can be scheduled to be transported by
Maputo to Kendal via Nelspruit and the building of a 1 000km long and to have a design flow rate of 1 500m³
pipeline for processing at the refractionator at the Tarlton
petroleum storage facility at Nelspruit. per hour.
 New multi-products pipeline (NMPP) The MPP24 was constructed in accordance with best  Mossel Bay liquefied natural gas imports
Transnet Pipelines have appealed to NERSA to construct practice in the field of pipeline construction, reflecting the South Africa‟s national oil company PetroSA has engaged
and operate a new multi-products pipeline (NMPP) at a significant advances that have been made over the years a contractor to do feasibility and front-end engineering
present-day cost of R12.66 billion. The project entails a in pipeline construction technology. The key issues that design (FEED) studies on a proposed liquefied natural gas
525-kilometre pipeline from Durban to Jameson Park in will impact on the timing of the expansions are: (LNG) import facility at Mossel Bay in the Western Cape.
Heidelberg, Gauteng. According to the Transnet Annual  The inland market demand growth The facility would enable PetroSA to import LNG to
Report of 2011, the NMPP construction is progressing in  The ability of the inland refineries to supply a minimum supplement gas reserves at the company‟s gas to liquids
keeping with the revised plan. The Kendal–Waltloo, base load of fuel (GTL) refinery. The supply of LNG to other potential off-
Jameson Park–Alrode and Alrode–Langlaagte sections of  The building of a new pipeline from the proposed takers, such as electricity producers, is considered crucial
the pipeline were commissioned by Transnet Pipelines in Mthombo refinery that could delay part of the phase 2 to the success of the project.
May 2011. expansion to the 2030 to 2035 period  Liquid fuels terminal opportunities
The MPP24 is replacing the 12-inch DJP and has a  The security of supply considerations. The following opportunities exist and should be
capacity of 8.7 billion litres per annum and, at full investigated in more detail:
capacity, will be able to deliver 26.3 billion litres per
 Biofuel from excess maize stocks
The potential for the production of biofuel from excess  Development of a fuel import terminal in Durban
annum. The MPP24 is aligned with the Energy Security maize stocks has re-surfaced as a potential income  Development of strategic stock storage facilities in
Master Plan of the Department of Energy. The pipeline is generation source. The proposal relates to the conjunction with private sector entities
555km long and the system consists of a trunk line and construction of biodiesel plants at Matjhabeng and  Integration of the current oil industry pipeline depots
two accumulator terminals, one on either side of the Bethlehem that are currently located along the refined into the pipeline system.
pipeline, i.e. TM1 in Durban and TM2 at Jameson Park in products pipeline. The intention is, from the plants'  Multimodal transfer at Jameson Park for transfer from
Gauteng. The coastal terminal (TM1) will receive product 16 mtpa of excess maize production, to convert pipeline to road
from various suppliers in Durban, from where the product approximately 5 mtpa to biodiesel. Feasibility studies
will be injected into the trunk line. The scheduling of the must include the impact on food security and prices and
trunk line will be driven by the demand in the off-take the integration of biofuel generation into the existing and
areas, the maximisation of batch sizes and the future pipeline networks of South Africa.
minimisation of interfaces between products.
The product is received in the inland accumulator terminal  Mthombo oil refinery at Port of Ngqura
The proposed Mthombo oil refinery at the Port of Ngqura
(TM2) at Jameson Park, from where it is transported
is a government initiative motivated by concerns about
through various pipelines to oil industry storage depots.
the security of supply (SoS) of liquid fuels.


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