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Mei 18 2021 Xi B Ing

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18 Mei 2021
Subject : Bahasa Inggris
Kelas : XI MIPA1 dan XI IPS 1,2,3,4
Hari/ Tgl : Selasa, 18 Mei 2021.
Waktu : 07.00 - 08.30
Materi : Pengayaan
Guru Mapel : Sudi Herminto,S.Pd.
Jawaban ditulis tangan nomer dan opsi jawaban beserta tulisannya. Selesai dikirim japri.


Choose A, B,C, D or E for the correct answer!

1 Dini : Should I send the packages now?

Riri : No, that;s OK. They already been sent
Dini : I want to help. Should I sweep the porch?
Riri : No, Don’t worry ...............................
Dini : At least let me help you pay the bills.
Riri : Ok, How nice you are. Thanks
A. It’s already been helped
B. Its already been sent
C. It’s already been swept
D. It’s already been washed
E. It’s already been paid
2. Orlin : Have Bob’s birthday presents been wrapped yet?
Dani : Yes, ............................................
Orlin : Is the room being decorated?
Dani : Yes, t is, and all the invitations have been sent
A. It has been wrapped
B. They’ve been wrapped
C. It had been wrapped
D. They had been wrapped
E. They have never been wrapped
3. Doctor : How are all the patients so far?
Nurse : There aren’t any problems, Doctor.
Doctor : When will Mr. Nelsons blood be taken?
Nurse : ....................................................
A. It will take today
B. We must take today
C. They will be taken today
D. It will be taken tday
E. He must be taken today
4. Anie : Raja Ampat island in Papua is a wonderful diving spot, don’t you think so?
KiWindi : Absolutely yes. If we had some more holidays, .........
A. We will stay longer there
B. We wouldn’t have a good time
C. We would have been so excited
D. We would do many spot TAHUN
DOKUMEN activities
E. We will not have the time
5.Jono : what do you think about our examination?
Joni : I don’t know, but I think ............
Jono : By the way, what will you do if you pass the examination?
Joni : I will try to get job. I will go to the college if I have enouh money next year
A. If we study hard, We eill pas the exam
B. Don’t worry we will pass the exam
C. We must pass the exam
D. Sure, We could pas the exam
E. We can pass the exam
6. Jannah : Look at this! Someone has just won one billion rupiahs in Who Wants to be
Millionaire. How lucky man! I have never won any quiz yet.
Inggrid : Well, what would you do if you won it?
Jannah : Me? Well,if I won one billion rupiahs, I’d buy a luxury car and a big house
Inggris : Hmmm. If I were you, I would go to America.
From the dialogue above we know that :
A. They have just won one billion rupiahs
B. Jannah has just won one billion rupiahs
C. Jannah will buy a luxury car and big house
D. Inggrid goes to America
E. Jannah doesn’t win one billion rupiahs
How to Use Microwave
The text is for questions 7 to 11
1) Open microwave door (depending on the style
you may have to pull handle or push a button to
open). Do not use set ovn for excessive cook
2) Place the item (plate, container, mug)
containing the food or drink inside the
microwive. If the food or drink is in an
alumunium container, remove and place into
something that is microwave compatible.
3) Close the door and set cook or reheat time aas
suggestions or recommendations are given, you
may want to start with one to two minutes,
depending on the contents temperature. If
contents are frozen, you can deforst first before
actually coocking
4) Restart microwave if additional coocking is
needed after four minutes
5) Check contents periodically and (turn or stir) to
ensure even coocking.
7. How do you place the food in an aluminium conainer before put it in the microwave?

A. Remove and place the food microwave safe container.

B. Just place it into the microwave.
C. Wrap the aluminium continer with paper.
D. Place the aluminium container into the non-aluminium container.
E. Remove and place the food into another aluminium container.

8. Ho long do you set the microwave to cook if no suggestions or recommendations are


A. 1-2 minutes. D. 10 minutes.

B. 3 minutes. E. 15 minutes.
C. 5 minutes.

9. Before coocking, we can deforst the food when ...

A. The container is alumunium

B. It is particular food
C. The food is liquid
D. There is no suggestion
E. The contents are frozen

10. “If the food or drink is in an aluminium containr, remove and place into something that
microwave compatible.”

The underline word has the closest meaning with ...

A. Comfortable D. Suitable
B. Disable E. Readable
C. Changeable

11. Which of the following words is called adverb of time?

A. Actually
B. Periodically
C. Carefully
D. Inside the microwave
E. In an aluminium container

Thi following text is for questions number 12-14


Dolphins are regarded as the friendliest creatures in

the sea and stories of them helping drowning sailors
have been common since Roman imes. The more we
learn about dolphins, the more we realize that their
society is more complex than people previously
magined. They look after other dolphins when they
ill, care for pregnantmothernd protect the weakest in
the community, as we do. Some scientists have
suggested that dolphins have a language but it is
much more probable that they communicate with each
ther without needing words. Could any of these
mammals be more intelligent thn man? Certainly the
most common argument in faor of man’s superiority
over them thatwe can kill the more easily than hey
can kill us is the least satisfatory. On the contrary, the
more we discover about these remarkable creatures,
the less we appear superior when we destro them.

12. It is clear from the pssage the dolphins ...

A. Don’t want t be with us as much as we want to be with them

B. Are proven to be less intelligent than once thought.
C. Have a reputation for being friendly to humans
D. Are the most powerful creatures that live in the oceans
E. Are capable of learning a language and communcating with humans

13. The fact that the writer of the passage thinks that we can kill dolphins more easily than
they can kill us....

A. Means hat they are better adapted to their enviroment than we are.
B. Shows that dolphins have a very sophisticated from communication
C. Proves that dolphins are not the most intelligents species at sea
D. Does not mean that we are superior to them
E. Proves that dolphins have linguistic skill far byond what we previously thought.

14. One can infer from the reading that ...

A. Dolphins are quite abundant in some areas in the world

B. Communication is the most fascinating aspect of the dolphins
C. Dolphins have skills that no other living creatures have such as the ability to think
D. It is not usual for dolphins to comminicate with each other
E. Dolphins have some social traits that are similiar to those humans

This following text is for questions number 15-16

The Bermuda Triangle

The Bermuda Triangle occupies a distrubin and

almost unbelievable place in the world’s catalog of
unexplained mysteries. More than a hundred planes
and ships have vanished in this area into the air since
1945, and more than a thousand lives have been los,
without a single bdy or even a piece wreckage from
the vanishing planes or ship having been found. May
of the lanes concerned have vanished while in normal
radio contact with their base until very moment of
their disappearance, while others have radioed the
most extraordinary messages, implying that thy could
not get their instruments to function, that their
compasses were spinning, that the sky had turned
yellow and hazy on clear day, and the ocean, wich was
calm nearby, didn’t look right without further
clarification of what was wrong.

15. It is pointed passage that...

A. Thousand of people lost their lives in the Bermuda Triangle since 1945
B. All of the disappearances happened during tha day time
C. The Bermuda Triangle mystery was solved in 1945
D. Most ot the missing planes could not contact with their base by their own special
means until the very moment of disappearing
E. The ocean floor near Bermuda, highly unexplored, is host to many strange phenomena

16. The reading mainly deals with ....

A. Why so many ships and planes disappear in the Bermuda Triangle.

B. The mysterious disappearances of ships and planes in the Bermuda Tringle
C. The location of Bermuda Triangle
D. The frequency of the disappearances in the Bermuda Triangle
E. The unprecditable weather conditions in the Bermuda Triangle

The text is for questions 17-21

Michael Jackson was an America singer. He

was born on August 29, 958. He is seventh child of
Jackson family. He (17)...................... his debut as an
entertainer in 1968 as a member of the Jackson 5.
Then he began his (18)..................... career in 1971.
His album “Thriller” remains the world’s (19)
.............. selling album of all time. No wonder, he
referred to as the King of Pop.

Jackson was the first Aerican entertainer

who was popular by MTV. His music videos “Black
or White” and “Scream” made him well-known in the
world. His distinctive musical sound and vocal style
influenced many hip hop, pop music, and
17. A. did D. let

B. went E. Made

C. took

18. A. duet D. band

B. group E. trio

C. solo

19. A. good D. well

B. best E. worst

C. better

20. A.contributed D. provided

B. donated E. supplied

C. gave

21. A. awards D. talents

B. gifts E. achievements

C. prizes

This follwing text is for questions 22 to 26

Integrated Pest Management

There is no best way to deal with pests i

agriculture. Pesticides wich are commonly used may
cause many problems. I think combining different
management operations is the mst effective way to
control pests.
For ll these reasons, it is very difficult to develop
solar cell plants and make solar cell energy available to
the general publi for a competitive price. Despite ll
these problems, I believe the day will come when we
use solar nergy with no pullution.
Taken from : Bursa soal Bahasa Inggris

22. Which of the following is not directly affected by pesticides use?

A. Plants
B. Ecology
C. Animals
D. Environment
E. Human beings

23. what can you say about paragraph two and four?

A. The fourth paragraph supports the idea stated in pararaph two

B. Both paragraphs tell about the disadvantages of using pesticides
C. Both paragraphs tell about how pesticides affect the quality af farm produsts
D. The statement in paragrah is contrary to the statement in paragraph four.
E. The second paragraph tells about the effects of using pestisides on animals mentioned
in paragraph four

24.”The means that newer and stronger ones have to be developed.” The word “ones”in the
senence above refers to .....

A. Residues
B. Pesticides
C. Pests
D. Resistants
E. Reduces
25. One of disavantages of using chemical pesicides is....

A. Killng fish and bees

B. Increasing crops productivity
C. Creating balanced ecosystem
D. Causing the pests to become inactive
E. Helping reduce pollutants in the environment

26. Secondly, pests can gradually become resistant to pesticides. (paragraph 3)

The word “resistant” in the sentence above means .....

A. Weak
B. Fragile
C. Damage
D. Unaffected
E. Unbalanced

This text for questions 27 to 31

There are three reasons why solar energy

generation has not developed more repidly. First, the
cost per watt of solar cell generatio is more
expensive than that steam power or nuclear power
generation. Therefore, researhers are still looking for
ways to make solar cells cheaper. Second, nature
plays a large part in solar cell generation. For
example, some days are cloudy and rainy; because
there is not always fine weather,solar energy cnnot
be generated everyday. No solar energy generated
at night. Consequently, solar cells must have the
capacity to store energy for use during this time, and
these storage cells are very expensive. As result,
only in low latitude areaas can enugh solar energy
be generated areas can enough solar energy be
generated efectively at these time. Finally, building
plants for solar cell generation is extreamly
expensive. A very large space is need for
maintenance is sonctant. To illustrate, the surface of
the solar cell plant has to be cleaned daily.

27. What makes the solar energy generation not develop rapidly?


A. The researhcer has found ways to make solar cell cheaper

B. The cost per watt of solar cell generation is more expensive than the steam power or
muclear power generation
C. There is always fine weather eberyday
D. Solar energy can be generated at night
E. There is no need every large space

28. How can the solar energy be generated effectively?

A. When there is a very large place

B. Where there is a fine weather
C. When there is only in low latitude areas
D. Hen the scientist can find a new way
E. There was nuclear power generation

29. “Consequently, solar cells, must have the capacity to store energy for use during these

The word “these” in the sentenc above refers to .....

A. Solar energy
B. Solar cells
C. Night
D. Capacity
E. Storage cells

30. Finally, building plants for solar cell generation is extreamly expensive. The underline
word has closest in meaning with .........

A. Approximately
B. During
C. Less than
D. Very
E. More

31. What is the writer’s hope in the future?

A. More solar energy can be used because they are from of clean energy with no
B. The costs per watt of sollar cell generation is cheaper
C. Solar energy can be generated everyday
D. Plants for solar cell generation will be built
E. The solar cell plant will be cleaned daily

The following text is for questions 32-35

In Australia there are three levels of governments, the

federal government, state gevernment and local
governments. All of these levels of government is
necessary. This is so for number of reasons. First, the
federal government is necessary for the big things.
They keep the economy in order and look after like
defense. Similarly, the state governments look after
the middle sized things. For example they look after
law and order, preventing things like vandalism in
school. Finally, local government look after the small
things.they lok after things like collecting rubbish,
otherwise everyone would have disease. Thus for the
32.Who is responsible for defense?

A. Federal Government
B. State Government
C. Federal and State Government
D. Federal and local Government
E. Local Government

33. The litter management is the responsibility of ....

A. All government
B. Australia
C. Federal government
D. State government
E. Local government

34. “They look after things like collecting rubbish, otherwise everyone would have disease”

The word “look after” in the sentence above means ...

A. See
B. Manage
C. Save
D. Keep
E. Collect

35. what kind of text is this?

A. Analytical Exposition
B. Report
C. Hortatory Exposition
D. Explanation text
E. Narrative text
This song is for questions 36 to 38

The Time of My life

Artist : David Cook
Writer : Reinald Glenn Hamm

I’ve been waiting for my drems

To turn into something i could believe in
And looking for that magic rainbow
On the horizon, I couldn’t see it
Until I let go, gave in to love
Watched all the bitterness burn
Now I’m coming alive, body and soul
Feeling my world start to turn
Chorus :
And I’ll taste very moment and live it loud
I know this is the time, this is the time to be
More than a name or face in the rowd
I know this is the time, this is the time of my
The time of my life
Holding on to things that vanished
Into the air, left me in pieces
But now I’m rising from the ashes
Finding my wings and all that I needed
Was there all along, within my reach
As close as the beat of my heart
And now I’m out on the edge of forever
Ready to run
Keeping my feet on the ground, arms open
Facing the sun
Taken from :

36. What is the message of the song?

A. We should not give up

B. Life can be good, but sometimes can be bad
C. We shoul be ready fo facing our life
D. We can’t turn back the time
E. We still have a chance to change

37. “ And I’ll taste every moment and live it out loud”. The underline word refers to ...

A. The time
B. The crowd
C. The world
D. Every moment
E. The soul

38. “Holding on to things that vanished” . the underline word has the same meaning with ...

A. Dissapeared suddenly
B. Established
C. Gone through
D. Damage badly
E. Left behind

This poem is for 39-41

I wandered Lonely as a Cloud

(William Wordsworth)
I wandered lonely as a cloud
That floats on high o’er vales and hills,
When all at once I saw a crowd
A host, of golden daffodils,
Beside the lake, beneath the trees,
Fluttering and dancing in the breeze
Taken from :

39. Who is the author of poem?

A. Robert Frost
B. William Blake
C. Emily Dickinson
D. William Wordsworth
E. Robert Louis Stevenson

40. What is the rhyme of the poem?

A. AA – BB – CC
B. AB – AB – AB
C. AB – AB – CC
D. AB – CA – BC
E. AA – BC – BC

41. “I wandered lonely as a cloud”.

The Sentence above belongs to...

A. Hyperbole
B. Metaphore
C. Imagery
D. Simile
E. Analogy

42. Please, ...... the widow. It’s really hot today!.

A. Opens
B. Open
C. Opened
D. Opening
E. Is opening

43. “We must revise some new words”.

The imperative form of the sentence above is ......

A. Revise some new words, please!

B. Lets revise some new words!
C. Let me revise some new words!
D. Don’t forget to revise some new words!
E. Don’t revise some new words!

44. He didn’t take part in the conference because he ............... informed.

A. has not been

B. have not been
C. had not been
D. would have been
E. would not have been

45. Ana : How long must we bake the cake?

Dona : The cake ...........

A. must bake for 30 minutes

B. must be baked for 30 minutes
C. must be baking for 30 minutes
D. has to bake for 30 minutes
E. has to be baking for 30 minutes

46. If We ........................ see the island.

A. Aren’t hire a boat we can

B. Aren’t hire a boat we can’t
C. Didn’t hire a boat we couldn’t
D. Didn’t hire a boat we could
E. Do hire a boat we can’t

47. Devit : I don’t hve enough money to pay this

computer. If you lend me Rp 1.500.000,- ..............
Yuni : With pleasure
Devit : Thanks. I’ll py back tomorrow

A. I won’t buy at once

B. I would be pleased
C. I will sell it
D. I will get the new one
E. I won’t get it

48. Indhit :You look so busy. Can you finish your

work on time?
Acha : ..........

A. If I had time, I would be able to finished this work on time

B. If I was busy, I would be able to finish this work on time
C. If I had not been busy, I would have finished this work on time
D. If I had not waste my time, I would recognize you
E. If I wasn’t busy, I would b able to finish this work on time

49. If He had bought some tomatoes, I would have

made a salad.
This means .......

A. He bought some tomatoes so I could make a salad

B. He didn’t buy tomatoes and I made salad
C. He has bought some tomatoes

D. He must buy some tomatoes because I want to make a salad

E. He didn’t buy any tomatoes so I couldn’t make a salad

50. Arrange the following paragraphs into a good text!

1) In 1905, while working a patent clerk in Bern, Switzerland, Einstein had what
came to be known as his Annus Mirabilis or “miracle year”. It was during this time
that the young physicist obtained his Doctorate degree and published four of his most
influential research paper, incluiding the special theory of relativity.
2) Einstein emigrated to the United States in 1933 and took up residence in
Princeton, New Jersey and professorship at the prestigious institute for advance
study. He died in April 18, 1955 in Priceton , New Jersey, U.S.
3) Albert Einstein was born in Ulm, Germany on March 14, 1879. As a child,
Einstein revealed an extraordinary curiosity for understanding the mysteries of
science. Moving first to Italy and then to Switzerland, the young prodigy graduated
from High-School in 1896.
4) Ten years later, in 1915, Einstein completed his General Theory of Relativity
and in 1921 he was awarded the nobel Prize in Physics.

A. 1 – 3 – 2 – 4
B. 1 – 3 – 4 – 2
C. 3 – 1 – 2 – 4
D. 3 – 4 – 2 – 1
E. 3 – 1 – 4 – 2

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