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Language Section

6th - prim
Very Important Note
Dear parents,
Please be informed that studying from the net revision worksheets
only isn’t enough, because it doesn’t include all the vocabulary or the
activities in both booklet and all sheets file. So, make sure your child
studies well from all (booklets, copybooks and worksheets) before
doing the net revision. You must dictate your child all the
dictation boxes in the Wonderful World Booklet

Language Section
6th - prim
Unit (8) Test


1-Choose the correct answers:

1-The Company stores its computer files on a single ---------------

a-innovation b-database c-planetarium

2-This car is very ---------------------

a-stable b-available c-efficient

3-Batteries can -------------------- dangerous chemicals.

a-leak b-draw c-swap

4-Adnan’s grandfather ----------------- him to become a biologist.

a-persuaded b-repaired c-reused

5-The design is based on scientific ---------------- about how air flows over objects.

a-visions b-sensors c-principles

2-Complete the sentences with these words:

Binoculars – cable – console – earphones – home cinema

1-It’s much easier to see the top of the mountain with these -------------------------.

2-You will need -------------------- to listen to music on an MP3 player.

3-Frank and I watched a movie on his new ------------------------.

4-The company has just brought out a new games ---------------------------.

5-The device can be plugged into a computer with a USB ---------------------------.

Language Section
6th - prim
3-Complete these sentences with (hold) or (keep):

1-Marty is not able to --------------- a secret.

2-They ----------------- very strong opinions about the current situation.

3-Do the managers --------------------- him responsible for the mistake?

4-The doctor asked me to ----------------------- my breath for a few seconds.

5-I’m very disappointed that you didn’t ------------------------- your word.

4-Circle the correct words:

1-The robot is shaped (like/as) an insect.

2-Ann went to the (cash point/card) and took out some money.

3-She’s very rude and she acts (as/like) she owns the lab!

4-Jonathan was praised for his work (as/like) a researcher.

5-Her (PIN/memory stick) is not safe. It’s simply 1111.

Language Section
6th - prim

1-Put the following words in meaningful sentences:

1. flexible: -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------

2. recommended: -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------

3. basis: -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------

4. recreational: -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------

5. escalator: -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------

6. alternatively: -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------

7. category: -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------

8. martial: -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------

9. diet: -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------

10. issue: -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------

11. intolerant: ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------

12. nutrition: ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------

13. consume: -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------

14. digest: -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------

15. nibble: -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------

16. Catastrophic : -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

17. Conversion: --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Language Section
6th - prim
18. Grid: -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------

19. Despair: -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------

20. Tilted: -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------

21. Drought: -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------

22. Pollution: -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------

23. Populated: -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------

2-Fill in the blanks using the following words:

Balance- category- check-up - escalator- form- peak- root- weight

burn- consume - digest - nibble - nourish -supplement

1. Eating sensibly helps you control your-----------------------------

2. Laura is having a (n) ------------------------at the dentist’s this evening.

3. Which-------------------does housework come in?

4. The athlete hasn’t been at his------------------for months now.

5. Shall we use the------------------------or the stairs?

6. It can be difficult to get the-----------------------right between exercise and relaxation.

7. Hugh has finally got to the-----------------------of his health problem.

8. How do you manage to stay on--------------------------?

9. Do you think I should take vitamin pills to ______________ my diet?

10. Leave time to _____________ your food before doing strenuous activities.

11. Vitamins and minerals are necessary to ______________ your body.

12. We ought not to _____________ on unhealthy snacks between meals.

13. We shouldn’t ________________ more food than we need.

14. Is jogging a good way to _______________ calories?

Language Section
6th - prim
3-Fill in the blanks using the following words:

cut down - prone - limitations- dairy products - testing

globe – interactive – endure– sedentary - indicates

1- The study ------------------------- a connection between poverty and crime.

2- Some kids are ------------------------ to certain kinds of diseases.

3- The --------------------------- fitness DVD was amazing.

4- Rachel has travelled all over the ----------------------------------

5- ------------------------like milk and cheese don’t stay fresh for long.

6- I’m trying to -------------------------- on the amount of chocolate I eat.

7- My team won the game despite of all the ---------------------------

8- Most of our health problems are caused by the ------------------------ lifestyle we lead.

9- It seemed impossible that anyone could ------------------------ such pain.

10-Janine is always --------------------------- herself to the limits.

4-Fill in the blanks using the following words:

Purpose- proven- worthwhile- highlights- recommendations- aim- analyzing- deal-
1. The report -----------------------existing problems and offer solutions.

2. One of the main ---------------------------- in the report is more parental help in education.

3. Tests have ------------------ that the system works.

4. The “Stay Green” project has achieved a great --------------------.

5. The--------------------- of this meeting is choosing a new leader.

6. There is no doubt that the campaign has been extremely -----------------------.

7. We are still ------------------------ all the data collected by the committee.

8. The main ------------ of the course is to improve your writing.

Language Section
6th - prim
5-Supply the missing letters:

1. You do this when you lose hope. D…………………………………

2. This is another word for disaster. C………………………………

3. This is when you place something with one side higher that the other. T…………………………………

4. This is a network. G…………………………………

5. This is the process of changing something from one form to another. C…………………………………

6. This is a place where old products are processed to make new ones.


7. Serious study of a subject. R………………………………….

8. The quality of being excellent. E………………………………….

9. The number of people living in a certain area or country. P…………………………………..

10. When a certain type of plant or animal stops existing. E…………………………………..

11. A gas or other substance that is sent into the air. E…………………………………..

12. Without a proper D……………………………….. our bodies can’t function properly.

13. What do you think of the R……………………………..of waste into usable products?

14. The process of making air, water or soil dangerously dirty. P…………………………………..

6-Choose the correct answer:

1. Going jogging can help you (burn- sign) up calories.

2. I must (cut down on – fall into) the number of hours I watch T.V.

3. How can I (strengthen- recommend) my arms?

4. What (skips- pumps) oxygen around the body?

5. Karen is a gymnast so she is very (inactive- flexible).

6. Which (category- escalator) does cycling come in?

7. Watching T.V. is a (physical- sedentary) activity.

Language Section
6th - prim
8. Karate is a (martial- sedentary) art.

9. Aerobics is a (physical leisure- sedentary) activity.

10. Going to the gym helps me stay on (fit- shape- form).

11. How can I control my (weight- kilos- figure)?

12. What can I do to maintain physical (health- fitness- effort).

13. Sam’s having a (push- up/ warm-up/check -up) at the doctor’s today.

14. He can’t get on to the (basis- foundation- root) of the problem.

15. Training regularly keeps athletes at their (top- peak- height).

16. Aerobics (cuts- burns) up a lot of calories.

17. You must (cure- cut) down on fatty foods.

18. Rope climbing helps you to (strengthen- flexible) you muscles.

19. Have you (signed- checked) up for the martial class?

20. Ballet dancers are incredibly (peak- flexible).

21. Don’t be so (sedentary- inactive)! Take up a physical activity.

22. The heart (pumps- warms-up) oxygen round the body.

23. How do you (recommend- maintain) your physical fitness?

24. A healthy (nutrition /diet) is the secret of staying in shape.

25. The talk will deal with the (issue / obligation) of diet.

26. Do you think you’re (allergic / intolerant) of gluten?

27. Unfortunately the twins are prone (to / from) illness.

28. I didn’t realize you (suffer / prevent) from allergies.

29. Do you take (supplements / substances)?

30. Do you (suffer / prevent) from any allergies?

31. I believe that traveling (tolerates / broadens) your mind.

Language Section
6th - prim
32. That huge ice floe is (drifting / ingenious).

33. You need a lot of (determination / effort) to break a record.

34. You must (ensure / enable) that your passport is with you.

35. Her skills set her (apart / back) from the other team members.

36. (What /Why) don’t you try watching less TV?

37. One (belief / idea) would be to cut down on snacks.

38. Think about the long-term (benefits /goods) of regular physical exercise.

39. Garlic is extremely good (for / to) you.

40. We must put an end to environmental (warming- pollution).

41. Hurricanes, earthquakes and floods are examples of (natural disasters - high consumption)

42. Wind power is a green (alternative - conversion) to fossil fuels.

43. There has been a population (explosion – construction) in recent years.

7-Correct the underlined mistake:

1. Scientists still can’t prediction earthquakes accurately. ----------------------

2. Power stations emission a lot of pollution. ----------------------

3. Fourteen million people live in Mumbai, making it the world’s most population city.


4. What can we do to prevent the extinct of endangered species? ----------------------

5. The documentary on conversation won an award for excellent. ----------------------

6. Going jogging can help you sign up calories. ----------------------

7. I must fall into the number of hours I watch T.V. ----------------------

Language Section
6th - prim
8. How can I recommend my arms? ----------------------

9. What skips oxygen around the body? ----------------------

10. Karen is a gymnast so she is very inactive. ----------------------

11. Which escalator does cycling come in? ----------------------

12. Watching T.V. is a physical activity. ----------------------

13. Karate is a sedentary art. ----------------------

14. Aerobics is a sedentary activity. ----------------------

15. Aerobics cuts up a lot of calories. ----------------------

16. You must cure down on fatty foods. ----------------------

17. Rope climbing helps you flexible you muscles. ----------------------

18. Have you checked up for the martial class? ----------------------

19. Ballet dancers are incredibly peak. ----------------------

20. Don’t be so sedentary! Take up a physical activity. ----------------------

21. How do you recommend your physical fitness? ----------------------

22. Let’s keep our fingers crossed that the blue whale doesn’t become emitted.


23. The report on India is very well excellent. ----------------------

8-Circle the odd one out.

1. gluten vitamin pills supplements

2. nuts ready meal personal hygiene

3. yoga martial arts nutritional information

4. pain ache calorie

5. consume digest supplement

Language Section
6th - prim

1- Some people are allergic ( ) a) from drowning.

2- This advice doesn’t apply ( ) b) from getting ill.

3- Vaccination can prevent people ( ) c) to gluten.

4- Some people are prone ( ) d) from poor healthy.

5- I saved her ( ) e) to heart patients.

6- My sister suffers ( ) f) to getting colds.

10-Replace the underlined words or phrases with a suitable ones:

1. Geography is the thing you’re good at. -----------------------------

2. Do you want to know more? --------------------------------

3. I use text books in addition to the internet. ------------------------------

4. I think you should revise capital cities. ------------------------------

5. You’ll be good enough if you study. --------------------------------

6. I’ll do everything I can to find out. --------------------------------

Phrasal Verbs Practice

11-Complete the sentences with the correct form of the phrasal verbs:

bring about – carry out – catch on – face up to – run out – turn to

1. We’re ----------------------------------------- a survey on global warming this week.

2. When is oil predicted to ------------------------------------- ?
3. They decided to -------------------------------------- another form of energy.
4. What ------------------------------------ yesterday’s disaster?
5. The government has got to ------------------------------------------ its responsibilities.
6. Do you think that photovoltaic panels will ------------------------------------- ?

Language Section
6th - prim

Very Important Note

Dear Parents,
Please be informed that doing the grammar net revision
worksheets isn’t enough. Your child must study well from
the grammar booklet in addition to doing the net revision.
1-Identify the parts of speech in bold:

1- Frank plays the guitar beautifully. ----------------- ------------------

2- You shouldn’t be noisy like that, boys. ----------------- ------------------

3- My mum gave me a beautiful necklace. ----------------- ------------------

4- Have you ever lived in Turkey? ----------------- ------------------

5- Mel is my best friend. ----------------- ------------------

6- The powerful eagle lands easily. ----------------- ------------------

7- These peaches come from Holland. ----------------- ------------------

8- We took a vacation in Himalayas. ----------------- ------------------

2-Correct the verbs between brackets:

1. How many cars (own)…………………….…… he ……………….…………..?

2. Dad ………………………………………..(think) that listening to rock music is great fun.

3. Have you ………………………… (repair)the T.V yet?

4. I …………………………….…………. (lose) my purse yesterday.

5. Mum …………………………..……………(phone) her friend in America every month.

6. John …………………………….………(love) listening to rock music.

7. She was …………………………………(paint) her flat all day yesterday.

Language Section
6th - prim
8. As I ……………………………………….( do ) the washing up, I ……………………..( break ) a glass.

9. Why ……………………………………( you/ laugh) all through your English lesson yesterday?

10. If Leila…………………….( dress) fashionably, all the people……………………………( admire) her.

11. Unless the driver …………………………..( drive ) me to school, I …………………….……..(be) late.

12. The musicians …………………………………….. (have) dinner with the song writer this evening.

13. This portrait …………………………………. (look) great in the living room.

14. Carrie ………………………………… (see) a doctor this afternoon about her broken arm.

15. I ………………………………… (think) the first track on this CD is too bad.

16. We ……………………………… (not/think) that rural life is boring.

17. Tom……………………………..(probably/be) here at about 8 o’clock.

18. George…………………..……(have) a holiday for a few weeks, then he ………………………..…….(do) a

computer programming course.

19. When I……………………………….(arrive) at the station, the train……………………………….(leave).

20. We………………………………(light) the candles because the lights…………………………………(go off)

21. When I got home I……………………..(discover) that somebody…………………………..………

(break into) my flat.

22. The patient…………………………………(die) before the ambulance………………………………….

(reach) the hospital.

23. John…………………………………(eat) all the cakes by the time the other children


24- We………………………………………………..….in a helicopter before. (never be)

25- …………………………………………how to play the guitar by the age of six? (you/learn)

Language Section
6th - prim
3- Underline the correct words in brackets:

1. I watched TV as soon as I [read – had read – have read] the book.

2. He was ready to go after the sun [had set – sat – sets].

3. By the time I [am – was – be] six, I had learned to read and write.

4. They [studied – had studied – study] their lessons by the time they went to bed.

5. The bus [left – had left – has left] before he could catch it.

6. After I had heard the news I [hurried – had hurried – hurry] home.

7. After he [examined – had examined – examines] the jewels he found out that they

were false.

8. As soon as he had bought a car, he [made – makes – had made] an accident.

9. Before he [arrived – has arrived – had arrived] at the station, the train had left.

10. I parked my car after I [found – has found – had found] a space.

11. He said that he [has taken – had taken – took] a shower.

12. By the time I got to the stadium, the game [started – had started – starts].

13. As soon as we had dinner, we [went – gone – had been] out for a walk.

14. Before he [wrote – written – had written] a letter, he had bought a new pen.

15. He [had done – did – does] his H.W then he went to bed.

Language Section
6th - prim
4-Correct the verbs between brackets using the past perfect simple:

1- By the time we arrived at the stadium, the match…………………..…….. (start).

2- Before I saw the T.V series, I…………………………….of Robin Hood. (not hear).

3- As soon as Nabil……………………………………in London, he phoned his parents. (arrive)

4- You…………………………………………..the museum when I called you on your mobile.

(already leave)

5- By elven o’clock, Joe and Tim……………………………….all their chores. (finish)

6- Wendy…………………………………………….the question so she put up her hand.

(not understand)

5-Put the verbs between brackets in the Past Perfect Simple:

1- We………………………………………………..….in a helicopter before. (never be)

2- …………………………………………how to play the guitar by the age of six? (you/learn)

3- I didn’t recognize Rachel because she……………………………………..a lot. (change)

4- ………………………………………..her teeth before she went to the dentist? (Gina/ brush)

5- Sue was very hungry because she…………………………………..breakfast. (not eat)

6- Steven………………………………..…tennis before, so he wasn’t very good at it. (not play)

7- ………………………………………………..the party when you arrives? (Anne/ leave)

8- Mum…………………………………….my bedroom so I didn’t have to do it! (already clean)

6-Do as shown between brackets:

1. He visited his uncle, then he went shopping. (use after)


2. I finished my HW then I went to bed. (use before)


Language Section
6th - prim
3. First, Mona saved money then she bought a dress. (use by the time)


4. My mother cooked lunch then she called us. (use as soon as)


5. She answered all the questions, then she got full marks. (use after)


6. Before he left he had drunk tea. (use after)


7. She had known the recipe before she cooked the meal. (use after)


8. Tamer bought a car after he had won a lot of money. (use before)


7-Complete with a question tag:

1-Our train leaves at six, ________________?

2-They are coming back tomorrow, _______________?

3-I’m too late, _________________?

4-Someone told you about it, ________________?

5-The cat doesn’t sleep on your bed, ___________________?

6-You weren’t talking on the phone, ___________________?

7-I am not pleased with your marks, ________________?

8-Doaa won’t tell anyone she saw me, _________________?

Language Section
6th - prim
9-That’s Mary’s car, ________________?

10-Bill has to make a speech, _______________?

11-I’m fat, _____________?

12-Adam hardly passed the exam, _________________?

13-She has never been to France, __________________?

14-She must study hard, ________________?

15-Sue and Harris live in Spain, __________________?

16-Amma does her work well, ___________________?

17-These are your sunglasses, ____________________?

18-There were a lot of people at the beach, ____________________?

8-Correct the verbs between brackets;

1-If he studied harder, he (get)------------------------- better marks.

2-You (be) ---------------------- fatter, if you ate a lot of sugar.

3-If he helped me, I (lend)-------------------------- him my camera.

4-If the teacher (explain) ----------------------- the lesson well, we would understand it.

5-If you were at home, I (call)--------------------------- you.

6-The children would have fun if they (go)------------------------- to the park.

7-If he (win) ---------------------- the race, he would receive a gold medal.

Language Section
6th - prim
8- She (buy)---------------------------- a new car if she learnt how to drive.

9- If I were you, I (put on) ----------------------------- warmer clothes.

10-If Ian (be) ------------------------ younger, he could join the army.

9-Re-write the following sentences in the passive voice:

1-The hare bits the caterpillar.


2-The queen gave some nice presents to the children.


3-Adam broke the door knob.


4-The cat chases mice all the time.


5-The hare chased the tortoise.


6-Alice drives a nice car.


7-Dorice buys a lot of candies every day.


8-My sister didn’t keep the secret.


9-My dad usually forgets his keys.


Language Section
6th - prim
10-Do as shown between brackets:

1- Mary will spend the holiday in London. (passive)


2-The lesson (will be explained- will explain- is explained) by the new teacher tomorrow.

3-You will see a short ended version of the film. (passive)


4-The garden will be looked after by the man. (make negative and question)



5- The family will sell the business after their father's death. (passive)


6- A lot of money (will pay – will be paid – is paying) for his good work. (choose)

11-Rewrite the sentences in Reported Speech:

1-I don’t like insects,” said Katherine.


2-“We are studying at the library now,” the twins said.


3-“Paul went online last night,” said Julie.


4-“I can’t see a gorilla!” said Simon.


Language Section
6th - prim
5-“I’ll get some fruit tomorrow morning,” Josh said
6-Dad said, “I ordered a new laptop last week.”
7-“Jack is going to send me a text message tonight,” Millie said
8-Asma said, “Mum bought lots of clothes a month ago.
9-Judy said, “Tom and Susie are having dinner at the moment.”
10-Will said, “I saw that film yesterday.”

1-Choose the correct answer:

1- Janet (likes- is liking- like) Chinese food.

2- If I (be- am- were) you, I wouldn’t drink so much coffee.

3- She usually (do- does- doing) her homework in the evenings.

4- Linda (never- always- sometimes) gets up early because she starts work at 7 o’clock.

5- Emma was doing the washing up while I (mopped- mop- was mopping) the floor.

6- Scientists believe that people (will use- are using- are going to use) electric cars in the


7- (Unless- If) he leaves early, he won’t catch the train.

8- What (are you doing- did you do- were you doing) last night at 8 o’clock?

9- You’ve got a bad cold. I (make- made- will make) you some soup.

Language Section
6th - prim
10- If you help me with the dishes, I (will help- am helping- help) you with your homework.

11- I think Harriet (isn’t- doesn’t- won’t) come to the meeting.

12- Unless I study hard, I (will pass- won’t pass- don’t pass) the exam.

13- Emma (will- would- won’t) be able to help us if she was here.

14- If I (won- would won- had won) some money, I would buy a nice house.

15- Jane was sleeping when I (called- was calling- is calling) her.

2-Join the following sentences using a relative pronoun:

1-That’s the jumper. My mum bought it for me.


2-He lives in a flat. It is on the second floor.


3-Mr. Smith is a firefighter. He is 30 years old.


4-This is the newspaper. I bought it yesterday.


5-This is Helen. She teaches us French.


6-That’s Jason. His father is a doctor.


7-She works for a company. The company makes hats.


Language Section
6th - prim
8-That’s Antony. His car broke down yesterday.


9-I met a woman. She knows you.


10-The police have caught the men. They robbed the bank.


3-Fill in the correct question tag:

1- Let’s go out,…………………………………………….?

2- He isn’t come,…………………………………………..?

3- They left yesterday,………………………………………..?

4- Stella is never late,…………………………………………?

5- She comes from Madrid,…………………………………….?

6- They didn’t invite Pete to the party,………………………………….?

7- He left for school,………………………………………?

8- She’s making the bed,…………………………………….……..?

9- The children are sleeping,……………………………………..?

10-He walks to work,……………………………………….?

11- There’s something wrong,…………………………………..?

12-He has a sports car,………………………………………..?

13-She finishes work at 5:00,…………………………………………?

14-They had a great time at the party,…………………………………….?

15-He didn’t call,…………………………………………….?

Language Section
6th - prim
4-Complete the following sentences:

1-If I found a wallet in the street,………………………………………………………………………

2-If I met a celebrity,…………………………………………………………………………………..

3-If I didn’t have enough money to take the bus,………………………………………………

4-If I were on holiday in New York,………………………………………………………………….

5-If I had only one wish,………………………………………………………………………………………..

6-If I were the president of my country,……………………………………………………………..

5-Put the verbs in brackets in the Present Perfect or the Past Simple:

1- A: ………………………………………………………………(you/see) Laura?

B: No, she…………………………………………(go) to the supermarket.

She………………………………………………….(come) yet.

A: What time…………………………………………(she/ leave)? B: An hour ago.

2- A: Jim,……………………………………………..(you/make) your bed?

B: Yes, and I……………………………………..(tidy) my room too.

A: ………………………………………………………(you/ever/ try) Chinese food?

B: Yes, I……………………….. We………………………..(go) to that new Chinese restaurant last week.

A: ……………………………………………………………(you/ like) it?

B:-Yes, I………………….The prices………………………(be) reasonable and the

service…………………………(be) excellent.

Language Section
6th - prim
3- A: …………………………………………………………(you/see) my glasses?
B: No, I……………………………….The last time I……………………………..(see) them, they were on the
table. They aren’t there anymore.

4- A: Hi, Bob. I…………………………………………..(not/see) you for a long time,

Where…………………………………………………….(you/ be)?
B: I………………………………………………….(go) to Brazil. I……………………………………………(always/want) to
go there.

5- A: ……………………………………………………………….(you/ finish) cooking?

B: Yes, everything is ready. ……………………………………………..(you/ bring) the cake?

A: Yes, I……………………………………..(put) it on the table. Where’s Bill?

B: He…………………………………………………….(go) to the supermarket to buy some coke.

6-Rewrite the following sentences in the passive voice:

1-The Mayor opened the new library yesterday.


2-Martin Scorsese directed the Aviator.


3-The Company employs 200 people.


4-An earthquake destroyed the village.


5-Ann Baker designs costumes.


Language Section
6th - prim
6-She sent the fax an hour ago.


7-They serve lunch at 1:00 p.m.


8-They don’t allow pets into the museum.


9-Shakespeare wrote Hamlet.


10-They took the injured man to the hospital.


7-Join the following sentences using a relative pronoun:

1-Mrs. Jones works in the Memorial hospital. She is a nurse.


2-Jane has a son. His name is Peter.


3-Tony went to see his daughter. His daughter lives in Australia.


4-These are the men. They helped us.


5-My sister Ann lives in Los Angeles. She is a singer.


Language Section
6th - prim
6-Elephants have got trunks. They use them to pick up things.


7-I met Mr. Smith. His wife knows you.


8-Seals have got flat legs. They are called flippers.


9-John is with Ann. His coat is here.


10-This is Steven. I borrowed his bicycle.


8-Choose the correct answer:

1- Do you fancy (playing- to play) basketball?

2- He decided (to buy- buying) a new car.

3- (Jogging- To jog) is a great way to exercise.

4- She promised (to help- helping) us with the preparations.

5- It was nice of you (to come- coming) to the party.

6- He went to the post office (to post- posting) the invitations.

7- I’d like to (take- taking) your photograph.

8- He is thinking of (going- go) to the beach.

9- You could (help- to help) me with the dishes.

10-They made her (stay- to stay) in.

11- What do you like (do- doing) in your free time?

12-I’m looking forward to (see- seeing) you next week.

Language Section
6th - prim

1- What is David going to become? Did David enjoy being on his own? How did he


He is going to be a law clerk. Yes, David enjoyed being on his own. He felt happy, proud

and old.

2- “You don’t know him like I do. He’s good and kind,” comment.

David said these words to Agnes when she warned him of Steer forth and advised him to

watch him and not to spend too much time with him. This reflects that David is naïve.

3-What was written in Mr. Micawber’s note to David?

It was a sad one. He said that all was lost. He had borrowed money from Traddles and

the money was now said “poor Traddles”.

4- In what form is “David Copperfield” written?

In his preface to” David Copperfield”, Dickens writes, “Of all my books I like this the

best…I have in my heart of hearts a favorite child, and, his name is David Copperfield”

David Copperfield is an autobiographical novel. Dickens has put more of himself in this

novel than in any other of his creations.

Language Section
6th - prim

You bought a mobile phone online after seeing the advert below. However, there are
several problems with it and you would like a replacement. Use your notes on the advert
to write an email of complaint.

Rovola 77i

Mobile Phone

Phone features:

*3 megapixel camera with

*Video and editing facility Editing facility doesn’t work

Can’t put *Voice control

songs on *MP3 player with 8 gigabytes of storage

to player *Comes with web browser

*Free email service with every order! Can’t connect to email

*Buy now for $149-Down from $199! Save $50

Was charged the higher price

Greeting Dear Sir/Madam,

Paragraph 1 Give the reason why you are writing to complain
Paragraph 2 State the problems you have with the phone.
Paragraph 3 State the problems with services.
Paragraph 4 Ask for a replacement and say what other action you expect the company
to take.
Signing off: Yours faithfully, (your name)

Language Section
6th - prim

Unit (8) Test

1-Choose the correct answers:

1-The Company stores its computer files on a single ------ database ---------

2-This car is very ----------- efficient ----------

3-Batteries can --------- leak ----------- dangerous chemicals.

4-Adnan’s grandfather ------- persuaded ---------- him to become a biologist.

5-The design is based on scientific principles about how air flows over objects.

2-Complete the sentences with these words:

1-It’s much easier to see the top of the mountain with these binoculars.

2-You will need earphones to listen to music on an MP3 player.

3-Frank and I watched a movie on his new home cinema.

4-The Company has just brought out a new games console.

5-The device can be plugged into a computer with a USB cable.

3-Complete these sentences with (hold) or (keep):

1-Marty is not able to keep a secret.

2-They hold very strong opinions about the current situation.

3-Do the managers hold him responsible for the mistake?

4-The doctor asked me to hold my breath for a few seconds.

5-I’m very disappointed that you didn’t keep your word.

Language Section
6th - prim
4-Circle the correct words:

1-The robot is shaped (like/as) an insect.

2-Ann went to the cash (point/card) and took out some money.

3-She’s very rude and she acts (as/like) she owns the lab!

4-Jonathan was praised for his work (as/like) a researcher.

5-Her (PIN/memory stick) is not safe. It’s simply 1111.

1-Put the following words in meaningful sentences:

Students own sentences.

2-Fill in the blanks using the following words:

1. Eating sensibly helps you control your weight.

2. Laura is having a (n) check-up at the dentist’s this evening.

3. Which category does housework come in?

4. The athlete hasn’t been at his peak for months now.

5. Shall we use the escalator or the stairs?

6. It can be difficult to get the balance right between exercise and relaxation.

7. Hugh has finally got to the root of his health problem.

8. How do you manage to stay on form?

9. Do you think I should take vitamin pills to supplement my diet?

10. Leave time to digest your food before doing strenuous activities.

Language Section
6th - prim
11. Vitamins and minerals are necessary to nourish your body.

12. We ought not to nibble on unhealthy snacks between meals.

13. We shouldn’t consume more food than we need.

14. Is jogging a good way to burn calories?

3-Fill in the blanks using the following words:

1- The study indicates a connection between poverty and crime.

2- Some kids are prone to certain kinds of diseases.

3- The interactive fitness DVD was amazing.

4- Rachel has travelled all over the globe.

5- Dairy products like milk and cheese don’t stay fresh for long.

6- I’m trying to cut down on the amount of chocolate I eat.

7- My team won the game despite of all the limitations.

8- Most of our health problems are caused by the sedentary lifestyle we lead.

9- It seemed impossible that anyone could endure such pain.

10- Janine is always testing herself to the limits.

4-Fill in the blanks using the following words:

1- The report highlights existing problems and offer solutions.
2- One of the main recommendations in the report is more parental help in education.
3- Tests have proven that the system works.
4- The “Stay Green” project has achieved a great deal.
5- The purpose of this meeting is choosing a new leader.
6- There is no doubt that the campaign has been extremely worthwhile.
7- We are still analyzing all the data collected by the committee.
8- The main aim of the course is to improve your writing.
5-Supply the missing letters:

1- You do this when you lose hope. Despair

2- This is another word for disaster. Catastrophe

Language Section
6th - prim
3- This is when you place something with one side higher that the other. Tilted

4- This is a network. Grid

5- This is the process of changing something from one form to another. Conversion

6- This is a place where old products are processed to make new ones. Recycling Factor

7- Serious study of a subject. Research

8- The quality of being excellent. Excellence

9- The number of people living in a certain area or country. Population

10- When a certain type of plant or animal stops existing. Extinct

11- A gas or other substance that is sent into the air. Emission

12- Without a proper Diet our bodies can’t function properly.

13- What do you think of the Recycling of waste into usable products?

14- The process of making air, water or soil dangerously dirty. Pollution

6-Choose the correct answer:

1. Going jogging can help you (burn- sign) up calories.

2. I must (cut down on – fall into) the number of hours I watch T.V.

3. How can I (strengthen- recommend) my arms?

4. What (skips- pumps) oxygen around the body?

5. Karen is a gymnast so she is very (inactive- flexible).

6. Which (category- escalator) does cycling come in?

7. Watching T.V. is a (physical- sedentary) activity.

8. Karate is a (martial- sedentary) art.

9. Aerobics is a (physical leisure- sedentary) activity.

10. Going to the gym helps me stay on (fit- shape- form).

11. How can I control my (weight- kilos- figure)?

12. What can I do to maintain physical (health- fitness- effort).

Language Section
6th - prim
13. Sam’s having a (push- up/ warm-up/check -up) at the doctor’s today.

14. He can’t get on to the (basis- foundation- root) of the problem.

15. Training regularly keeps athletes at their (top- peak- height).

16. Aerobics (cuts- burns) up a lot of calories.

17. You must (cure- cut) down on fatty foods.

18. Rope climbing helps you to (strengthen- flexible) you muscles.

19. Have you (signed- checked) up for the martial class?

20. Ballet dancers are incredibly (peak- flexible).

21. Don’t be so (sedentary- inactive)! Take up a physical activity.

22. The heart (pumps- warms-up) oxygen round the body.

23. How do you (recommend- maintain) your physical fitness?

24. A healthy (nutrition /diet) is the secret of staying in shape.

25. The talk will deal with the (issue / obligation) of diet.

26. Do you think you’re (allergic / intolerant) of gluten?

27. Unfortunately the twins are prone (to / from) illness.

28. I didn’t realize you (suffer / prevent) from allergies.

29. Do you take (supplements / substances)?

30. Do you (suffer / prevent) from any allergies?

31. I believe that traveling (tolerates / broadens) your mind.

32. That huge ice floe is (drifting / ingenious).

33. You need a lot of (determination / effort) to break a record.

34. You must (ensure / enable) that your passport is with you.

35. Her skills set her (apart / back) from the other team members.

36. (What /Why) don’t you try watching less TV?

Language Section
6th - prim
37. One (belief / idea) would be to cut down on snacks.

38. Think about the long-term (benefits /goods) of regular physical exercise.

39. Garlic is extremely good (for / to) you.

40. We must put an end to environmental (warming- pollution).

41. Hurricanes, earthquakes and floods are examples of

(natural disasters - high consumption)

42. Wind power is a green (alternative - conversion) to fossil fuels.

43. There has been a population (explosion – construction) in recent years.

7-Correct the underlined mistake:

1. Scientists still can’t prediction earthquakes accurately. Predict

2. Power stations emission a lot of pollution. Emit

3. Fourteen million people live in Mumbai, making it the world’s most population city.

4. What can we do to prevent the extinct of endangered species? Extinction

5. The documentary on conversation won an award for excellent. Excellence

6. Going jogging can help you sign up calories. Burns

7. I must fall into the number of hours I watch T.V. Cut down on

8. How can I recommend my arms? Strengthen

9. What skips oxygen around the body? Pumps

10. Karen is a gymnast so she is very inactive. Flexible

11. Which escalator does cycling come in? Category

12. Watching T.V. is a physical activity. Sedentary

Language Section
6th - prim
13. Karate is a sedentary art. Martial

14. Aerobics is a sedentary activity. Physical Leisure

15. Aerobics cuts up a lot of calories. Burns

16. You must cure down on fatty foods. Cut

17. Rope climbing helps you flexible you muscles. Strengthen

18. Have you checked up for the martial class? Signed

19. Ballet dancers are incredibly peak. Flexible

20. Don’t be so sedentary! Take up a physical activity. Inactive

21. How do you recommend your physical fitness? Maintain

22. Let’s keep our fingers crossed that the blue whale doesn’t become emitted.


23. The report on India is very well excellent. Researched

8-Circle the odd one out.

1- gluten vitamin pills supplements
2- nuts ready meal personal hygiene
3- yoga martial arts nutritional information
4- pain ache calorie
5- consume digest supplement
1- Some people are allergic (C) a) from drowning.

2- This advice doesn’t apply (E) b) from getting ill.

3- Vaccination can prevent people (B) c) to gluten.

4- Some people are prone (F) d) from poor healthy.

5- I saved her (A) e) to heart patients.

6- My sister suffers (D) f) to getting colds.

Language Section
6th - prim
10-Replace the underlined words or phrases with a suitable ones:

1. Geography is the thing you’re good at. Your strong point

2. Do you want to know more? Improve your knowledge

3. I use text books in addition to the internet. As well as

4. I think you should revise capital cities. Refresh your memory

5. You’ll be good enough if you study. Up to scratch

6. I’ll do everything I can to find out. Stop at nothing

Phrasal Verbs Practice

11-Complete the sentences with the correct form of the phrasal verbs:

1. We’re coming out a survey on global warming this week.

2. When is oil predicted to run out?

3. They decided to turn to another form of energy.

4. What brought about yesterday’s disaster?

5. The government has got to face up to its responsibilities.

6. Do you think that photovoltaic panels will catch on?

Language Section
6th - prim

Very Important Note

Dear Parents,
Please be informed that doing the grammar net revision
worksheets isn’t enough. Your child must study well from
the grammar booklet in addition to doing the net revision.
1-Identify the parts of speech in bold:
1. Frank plays the guitar beautifully. Noun adverb

2. You shouldn’t be noisy like that, boys. Adjective noun

3. My mum gave me a beautiful necklace. Verb adjective

4. Have you ever lived in Turkey? Verb proper noun

5. Mel is my best friend. Proper noun adjective

6. The powerful eagle lands easily. Adjective adverb

7. These peaches come from Holland. Noun proper noun

8. We took a vacation in Himalayas. Preposition proper noun

2-Correct the verbs between brackets:

1. How many cars (own) does he own?

2. Dad thinks (think) that listening to rock music is great fun.

3. Have you repaired (repair) the T.V yet?

4. I lost (lose) my purse yesterday.

5. Mum phones (phone) her friend in America every month.

6. John loves (love) listening to rock music.

7. She was painting (paint) her flat all day yesterday.

Language Section
6th - prim
8. As I was doing (do) the washing up, I broke (break) a glass.

9. Why were you laughing (you/ laugh) all through your English lesson yesterday?

10. If Leila dresses (dress) fashionably, all the people will admire (admire) her.

11. Unless the driver drives (drive) me to school, I will be (be) late.
12. The musicians are having (have) dinner with the song writer this evening.

13. This portrait looks (look) great in the living room.

14. Carrie is seeing (see) a doctor this afternoon about her broken arm.

15. I think (think) the first track on this CD is too bad.

16. We don’t think (not/think) that rural life is boring.

17. Tom will probably be (probably/ be) here at about 8 o’clock.

18. George is going to have (have) a holiday for a few weeks, then he is going to do (do)

a computer programming course.

19. When I arrived (arrive) at the station, the train had left (leave).

20. We lit (light) the candles because the lights had gone off (go off).

21. When I got home I discovered (discover) that somebody had broken into
(break into) my flat.

22- The patient had died (die) before the ambulance reached (reach) the hospital.

23- John had eaten (eat) all the cakes by the time the other children arrived (arrive).

24- We have never been in a helicopter before. (never be)

25- Had you learned how to play the guitar by the age of six? (you/learn)

3- Underline the correct words in brackets:

1. I watched TV as soon as I [read – had read – have read] the book.

2. He was ready to go after the sun [had set – sat – sets].

3. By the time I [am – was – be] six, I had learned to read and write.

Language Section
6th - prim
4. They [studied – had studied – study] their lessons by the time they went to bed.

5. The bus [left – had left – has left] before he could catch it.

6. After I had heard the news I [hurried – had hurried – hurry] home.

7. After he [examined – had examined – examines] the jewels he found out that they
were false.

8. As soon as he had bought a car, he [made – makes – had made] an accident.

9. Before he [arrived – has arrived – had arrived] at the station, the train had left.

10. I parked my car after I [found – has found – had found] a space.

11. He said that he [has taken – had taken – took] a shower.

12. By the time I got to the stadium, the game [started – had started – starts].

13. As soon as we had dinner, we [went – gone – had been] out for a walk.

14. Before he [wrote – written – had written] a letter, he had bought a new pen.

15. He [had done – did – does] his H.W then he went to bed.

4-Correct the verbs between brackets using the past perfect simple:

1. By the time we arrived at the stadium, the match had started.

2. Before I saw the T.V series, I hadn’t heard of Robin Hood.

3. As soon as Nabil had arrived in London, he phoned his parents.

4. You had already left the museum when I called you on your mobile.

5. By elven o’clock, Joe and Tim had finished all their chores.

6. Wendy hadn’t understood the question so she put up her hand.

Language Section
6th - prim
5-Put the verbs between brackets in the Past Perfect Simple:

1. We had never been in a helicopter before. (never be)

2. Had you learned how to play the guitar by the age of six? (you/learn)

3. I didn’t recognize Rachel because she had changed a lot. (change)

4. Had Gina brushed her teeth before she went to the dentist? (Gina/ brush)

5. Sue was very hungry because she had eaten breakfast. (not eat)

6. Steven hadn’t played tennis before, so he wasn’t very good at it. (not play)

7. Had Anne left the party when you arrives? (Anne/ leave)

8. Mum had already cleaned my bedroom so I didn’t have to do it! (already clean)

6-Do as shown between brackets:

1. He went shopping after he had visited his uncle.

2. I had finished my H.W. before I went to bed.
3. Mona had saved money by the time she bought a dress.
4. As soon as my mother had cooked lunch, she called us.
5. After she had answered all the questions, she got full marks.
6. After he had drunk tea, he left.
7. After she had known the recipe, she cooked the meal.
8. Before Tamer bought a car he had won a lot of money.

7-Complete with a question tag:

1-Our train leaves at six, doesn’t it?

2-They are coming back tomorrow, aren’t they?

3-I’m too late, aren’t I?

4-Someone told you about it, didn’t they?

5-The cat doesn’t sleep on your bed, does it?

6-You weren’t talking on the phone, were you?

Language Section
6th - prim
7-I am not pleased with your marks, am I?

8-Doaa won’t tell anyone she saw me, will she?

9-That’s Mary’s car, isn’t it?

10-Bill has to make a speech, doesn’t he?

11-I’m fat, aren’t I?

12-Adam hardly passed the exam, did he?

13-She has never been to France, has she?

14-She must study hard, mustn’t she?

15-Sue and Harris live in Spain, don’t they?

16-Amma does her work well, doesn’t she?

17-These are your sunglasses, aren’t they?

18-There were a lot of people at the beach, weren’t there?

8-Correct the verbs between brackets;

1-If he studied harder, he (get) would get better marks.

2-You (be) would be fatter, if you ate a lot of sugar.

3-If he helped me, I (lend) would lend him my camera.

4-If the teacher (explain) explained the lesson well, we would understand it.

5-If you were at home, I (call) would call you.

6-The children would have fun if they (go) went to the park.

7-If he (win) won the race, he would receive a gold medal.

8- She (buy) would buy a new car if she learnt how to drive.

Language Section
6th - prim
9- If I were you, I (put on) would put on warmer clothes.

10-If Ian (be) was/ were younger, he could join the army.

9-Re-write the following sentences in the passive voice:

1-The caterpillar is beaten by the hare.

2-The children were given some nice presents by the queen.

3-The door knob was broken by Adam.

4-Mice are chased by cats all the time.

5-The tortoise was chased by the hare.

6-A nice car is driven by Alice.

7-A lot of candles are bought by Dorice every day.

8-The secret was kept by my sister.

9-Dad’s keys are usually forgotten by him.

10-Do as shown between brackets:

1- Mary will spend the holiday in London. (passive)

The holiday will be spent by Mary in London.

2-The lesson (will be explained- will explain- is explained) by the new teacher tomorrow.

3-You will see a short ended version of the film. (passive)

A short ended version of the film will be seen by you.

4-The garden will be looked after by the man. (make negative and question)

The garden won’t be looked after by the man.

Will the garden be looked after by the man?

Language Section
6th - prim
5- The family will sell the business after their father's death. (passive)

The father’s business will be sold by the family after their father’s death.

6- A lot of money (will pay – will be paid – is paying) for his good work. (choose)

11-Rewrite the sentences in Reported Speech:

1-Katherine said that she didn’t like insects.

2-The twins said that they were studying at the library then.

3-Julie said that Paul went/ had gone online the night before.

4-Simon said that he couldn’t see a gorilla.

5-Josh said that he would get some fruit the following morning.

6-Dad said that he ordered / had ordered a new laptop the week before.

7-Millie said that Jack was going to send her a text message that night.

8-Asmaa said that Mum bought/ had bought lots of clothes the previous month.

9-Judy said that Tom and Susie were having dinner at the moment.

10-Will said that he saw/ had seen that film the day before.

Language Section
6th - prim

1-Choose the correct answer:

1. Janet (likes- is liking- like) Chinese food.

2. If I (be- am- were) you, I wouldn’t drink so much coffee.
3. She usually (do- does- doing) her homework in the evenings.
4. Linda (never- always- sometimes) gets up early because she starts work at 7 o’clock.
5. Emma was doing the washing up while I (mopped- mop- was mopping) the floor.
6. Scientists believe that people (will use- are using- are going to use) electric cars in the future.
7. (Unless- If) he leaves early, he won’t catch the train.
8. What (are you doing- did you do- were you doing) last night at 8 o’clock?
9. You’ve got a bad cold. I (make- made- will make) you some soup.
10. If you help me with the dishes, I (will help- am helping- help) you with your homework.

11. I think Harriet (isn’t- doesn’t- won’t) come to the meeting.

12. Unless I study hard, I (will pass- won’t pass- don’t pass) the exam.

13. Emma (will- would- won’t) be able to help us if she was here.

14. If I (won- would won- had won) some money, I would buy a nice house.

15. Jane was sleeping when I (called- was calling- is calling) her.

2-Join the following sentences using a relative pronoun:

1-That’s the jumper. My mum bought it for me.

That’s the jumper which my mum bought for me.

2-He lives in a flat. It is on the second floor.

He lives in a flat which is on the second floor.

3-Mr. Smith is a firefighter. He is 30 years old.

Mr. Smith who is 30 years old, is a firefighter.

Language Section
6th - prim
4-This is the newspaper. I bought it yesterday.

This is the newspaper which I bought yesterday.

5-This is Helen. She teaches us French.

This is Helen who teaches us French.

6-That’s Jason. His father is a doctor.

That’s Jason whose father is a doctor.

7-She works for a company. The company makes hats.

She works for a company which makes hats.

8-That’s Antony. His car broke down yesterday.

That’s Antony whose car broke down yesterday.

9-I met a woman. She knows you.

I met a woman who knows you.

10-The police have caught the men. They robbed the bank.

The police have caught the men who robbed the bank.

3-Fill in the correct question tag:

1- Let’s go out,…shall we..?

2- He isn’t come,………is he ……..?

3- They left yesterday,………didn’t they ……………..?

4- Stella is never late,……………is she ………………?

5- She comes from Madrid,…………doesn’t she ………….?

6- They didn’t invite Pete to the party,…………did they………….?

7- He left for school,…………didn’t he …………?

8- She’s making the bed,…………isn’t she …….……..?

Language Section
6th - prim
9- The children are sleeping,………………aren’t they ………..?

10- He walks to work,……………doesn’t he ……….?

11- There’s something wrong,……………isn’t there ………..?

12- He has a sports car,……………doesn’t he …………..?

13- She finishes work at 5:00,…………doesn’t she ………………?

14- They had a great time at the party,……………didn’t they ……………….?

15- He didn’t call,………………did he …………….?

4-Complete the following sentences:

1-If I found a wallet in the street, I would search for its owner.

2-If I met a celebrity, I would take a photo with him.

3-If I didn’t have enough money to take the bus, I would walk to school.

4-If I were on holiday in New York, I would go shopping all day.

5-If I had only one wish, I would go to Hawaii.

6-If I were the president of my country, I would give a lot of money to poor people.

5-Put the verbs in brackets in the Present Perfect or the Past Simple:

1-A: ……………Have you seen……………………(you/see) Laura?

B: No, she…………has gone……………………………(go) to the supermarket.
She……hasn’t come……………….(come) yet.
A: What time…………did she leave……………(she/ leave)?
B: An hour ago.
2-A: Jim,…………did you make ……………..(you/make) your bed?
B: Yes, and I………tidied…………..(tidy) my room too.
A: …………Have you ever tried……(you/ever/ try) Chinese food?
B: Yes, I……………went…………..(go) to that new Chinese restaurant last week.
A: ………Did you like it………(you/ like) it?
B:Yes, I……did…The prices…were……(be) reasonable and the service………was…(be) excellent.

Language Section
6th - prim
3- A: ………Have you seen…………(you/see) my glasses?

B: No, I…haven’t ….The last time I……saw…..(see) them, they were on the table. They aren’t
there anymore.

4- A: Hi, Bob. I…………haven’t seen …..(not/see) you for a long time,

Where…………have you been…….(you/ be)?

B: I………………have been ……….(go) to Brazil. I………always wanted …… (always/want) to go


5-A: ……………Have you finished…….(you/ finish) cooking?

B: Yes, everything is ready. …………Did you bring……..(you/ bring) the cake?

A: Yes, I…………put…..(put) it on the table. Where’s Bill?

B: He….has gone ……….(go) to the supermarket to buy some coke.

6-Rewrite the following sentences in the passive voice:

1-The Mayor opened the new library yesterday.

The new library was opened by the Mayor yesterday.

2-Martin Scorsese directed the Aviator.

The Aviator was directed by Martin Scorsese.

3-The company employs 200 people.

200 people are employed by the company.

4-An earthquake destroyed the village.

The village was destroyed by the earthquake.

5-Ann Baker designs costumes.

Costumes are designed by Ann Baker.

6-She sent the fax an hour ago.

The fax was sent an hour ago by her.

Language Section
6th - prim
7-They serve lunch at 1:00 p.m.

Lunch is served at 1:00 p.m.

8-They don’t allow pets into the museum.

Pets aren’t allowed into the museum.

9-Shakespeare wrote Hamlet.

Hamlet was written by Shakespeare.

10-They took the injured man to the hospital.

The injured man was taken to the hospital by them.

7-Join the following sentences using a relative pronoun:

1-Mrs. Jones works in the Memorial hospital. She is a nurse.

Mrs. Jones who is a nurse works in the Memorial hospital.

2-Jane has a son. His name is Peter.

Jane has a son whose name is Peter.

3-Tony went to see his daughter. His daughter lives in Australia.

Tony went to see his daughter who lives in Australia.

4-These are the men. They helped us.

These are the men who helped us.

5-My sister Ann lives in Los Angeles. She is a singer.

My sister Ann who lives in Los Angeles is a singer.

6-Elephants have got trunks. They use them to pick up things.

Elephants have got trunks which they use to pick up things

7-I met Mr. Smith. His wife knows you.

I met Mr. Smith whose wife knows you.

8-Seals have got flat legs. They are called flippers.

Seals have got flat legs which are called flippers.

Language Section
6th - prim
9-John is with Ann. His coat is here.

John whose coat is here, is with Ann.

10-This is Steven. I borrowed his bicycle.

This is Steven whose bicycle I borrowed.

8-Choose the correct answer:

1- Do you fancy (playing- to play) basketball?

2- He decided (to buy- buying) a new car.

3- (Jogging- To jog) is a great way to exercise.

4- She promised (to help- helping) us with the preparations.

5- It was nice of you (to come- coming) to the party.

6- He went to the post office (to post- posting) the invitations.

7- I’d like to (take- taking) your photograph.

8- He is thinking of (going- go) to the beach.

9- You could (help- to help) me with the dishes.

10- They made her (stay- to stay) in.

11- What do you like (do- doing) in your free time?

12-I’m looking forward to (see- seeing) you next week.

N.B Read the writing plan on page (28) then try to write
about the topic mentioned on your own.
Best of Luck

Language Section
6th - prim


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