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NOJA-7481-00 Application Note - Fault Locator

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NOJA Power

Application Note
Fault Locator

Revision History

Rev Author Date Comment

0 OA 19/07/2017 Initial Release

NOJA Power® and OSM® are registered trademarks of NOJA Power Switchgear Pty Ltd. This document
is copyright and is intended for users and distributors of NOJA Power Switchgear product. It contains
information that is the intellectual property of NOJA Power Switchgear and the document, or any part thereof,
should not be copied or reproduced in any form without written permission from NOJA Power Switchgear.
NOJA Power® and OSM® are registered trademarks of NOJA Power Switchgear and should not be
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NOJA Power Switchgear applies a policy of ongoing development and reserves the right to change product
without notice. NOJA Power Switchgear does not accept any responsibility for loss or damage incurred as a
result of acting or refraining from action based on information in this User Manual.

© NOJA Power Switchgear Pty Ltd 2002 - 2017

Table of Contents

1. Introduction ........................................................................................................................................... 1
2. Calculation ............................................................................................................................................. 1
2.1. Fault Type Selection ........................................................................................................................ 1
2.2. Distance to Fault Calculation ............................................................................................................ 2
2.3. Fault Loop Impedance Calculation .................................................................................................... 3
2.4. Fault Impedance Calculation ............................................................................................................ 3
2.5. Single Phase Switchgear .................................................................................................................. 4
2.6. Basic Settings .................................................................................................................................. 5
2.7. Accuracy of Estimated Fault Location ................................................................................................ 5
3. Sample Faults ........................................................................................................................................ 6
3.1. BC Fault .......................................................................................................................................... 6
4. Sample Simulations ................................................................................................................................ 8
4.1. BC Faults ........................................................................................................................................ 8
4.2. Running the simulationS .................................................................................................................. 9
4.3. Event Log...................................................................................................................................... 10

The Fault Locator (21FL) functionality provides one-end impedance based fault location estimation in a radial
distributed system. The 21FL function operates based on the measurements of current and voltage phasors in
the fundamental frequency (50 or 60Hz) on one side of the line.
The fault location algorithm utilises zero and negative phase sequence current as the polarising values which
eliminates dependency on load, source and load impedances and improves accuracy.
Note that in fault location estimation, fault impedance is considered to be purely resistive as the Arc Fault is
Note: The fault locator algorithm for single phase to earth faults is only suitable for grounded networks and it is not
suitable for ungrounded and Petersons’ coil grounded systems. As the fault type detection depends on the operation
of overcurrent elements, high impedance faults will not be detected if overcurrent elements do not operate.

The fault location algorithm is applicable to OC, EF, SEF, OCLL, EFLL and SEFLL elements when enabled. When
the calculation is completed the fault type and the following values are reported:
 m Distance to Fault (km)
 Zf Magnitude of Fault Impedance
 θf Angle of Fault Impedance (degree)
 ZLoop Magnitude of Fault Loop Impedance
 XLoop Measured Positive Sequence Reactance from the Relay to Fault Location
 θLoop Angle of Fault Loop Impedance (degree).
Distance to fault is calculated in two steps. First the fault type is determined then the distance to fault is
calculated based on the detected fault type.


After a protection operation, the detected fault type is determined using the following table. The numbering
convention for fault type is consistent with IEC 61850.

Fault Type
Fault Type Selection method (at the time of protection operation)
0 None Any condition other than Fault type declared in 1 to 11.
1 AE P(PhA)=True AND P(PhB)=False AND P(PhC)=False AND [A(PhA)=True OR A(PhN)=True]
2 BE P(PhA)=False AND P(PhB)=True AND P(PhC)=False AND [A(PhB)=True OR A(PhN)=True]
3 CE P(PhA)=False AND P(PhB)=False AND P(PhC)=True AND [A(PhC)=True OR A(PhN)=True]
P(PhA)=True AND P(PhB)=True AND P(PhC)=False AND P(PhN)=False AND [A(PhA)=True OR
4 AB
P(PhA)=False AND P(PhB)=True AND P(PhC)=True AND P(PhN)=False AND [A(PhB)=True OR
5 BC
P(PhA)=True AND P(PhB)=False AND P(PhC)=True AND P(PhN)=False AND [A(PhC)=True OR
6 CA
P(PhA)=True AND P(PhB)=True AND P(PhC)=True AND P(PhN)=False AND [A(PhA)=True OR
A(PhB)=True OR A(PhC)=True]
P(PhA)=True AND P(PhB)=True AND P(PhC)=False AND P(PhN)=True AND [A(PhA)=True OR
A(PhB)=True OR A(PhN)=True]
P(PhA)=False AND P(PhB)=True AND P(PhC)=True AND P(PhN)=True AND [A(PhB)=True OR
A(PhC)=True OR A(PhN)=True]

Fault Locator Application Note 1


Fault Type
Fault Type Selection method (at the time of protection operation)
P(PhA)=True AND P(PhB)=False AND P(PhC)=True AND P(PhN)=True AND [A(PhC)=True OR
10 CAE
A(PhA)=True OR A(PhN)=True]
P(PhA)=True AND P(PhB)=True AND P(PhC)=True AND P(PhN)=True AND [A(PhA)=True OR
A(PhB)=True OR A(PhC)=True OR A(PhN)=True]


The following table summarizes the fault location algorithms for each individual selected fault using the modified
Takagi Method.

Fault Type
Fault Type Distance to Fault, m (km)
0 Not Detected -
 
Im[VA I 0* ]
1 AE m     
Im[ Z1 ( I A  K 0  3I 0 ) I 0* ]
 
Im[VB I 0* ]
2 BE m     
Im[ Z1 ( I B  K 0  3I 0 ) I 0* ]
 
Im[VC I 0* ]
3 CE m     
Im[ Z1 ( I C  K 0  3I 0 ) I 0* ]
    *
Im[(V1  aV2 ) (aI 2 )]
4 or 8 AB or ABE m      *
Im[ Z1 ( I1  aI 2 )(a I 2 )]
  *
Im[(V1  V2 ) ( I 2 )]
5 or 9 BC or BCE m    *
Im[ Z1 ( I1  I 2 )(I 2 )]
    *
Im[(V1  a 2V2 ) (a 2 I 2 )]
6 or 10 CA or CAE m      *
Im[ Z1 ( I1  a 2 I 2 )(a 2 I 2 )]
 
Im[V1 I1* ]
7 or 11 ABC or ABCE m  
Im[ Z1 I1 I1* ]

 m= the distance to fault in km.
 Im = the imaginary part of a complex number

 “*” = conjugate e.g. I 0*  ( I 00 )*  I 0  0  
  Z 0  Z1
 K0 = the compensation factor which is calculated as follows: K0  
 
 Z1 = the positive sequence impedance where Z1  R1  jX 1
 
 Z0 = the zero sequence impedance where Z 0  R0  jX 0
 
 a  1120 and a 2  1240

2 Application Note Fault Locator



The fault loop impedance which includes both resistance and reactance of the faulted loop is calculated
according to the following table.

Fault Type
Fault Type Fault Loop Impedance
0 None -

 VA
1 AE Z loop  Z loop loop    
( I A  K 0  3I 0 )

 VB
2 BE Z loop  Z loop loop    
( I B  K 0  3I 0 )

 VC
3 CE Z loop  Z loop loop    
( I C  K 0  3I 0 )
 
 V1  aV2
4 or 8 AB or ABE Z loop  Z loop loop    
I1  aI 2
 
 V1  V2
5 or 9 BC or BCE Z loop  Z loop loop   
I1  I 2
 2 
 V a V
6 or 10 CA or CAE Z loop  Z loop  loop  1  2 2
I1  a I 2

 V1
7 or 11 ABC or ABCE Z loop  Z loop  loop  


The fault impedance is calculated according to the following table.

Fault Type
Fault Type Fault Impedance
0 None -
  
 ( I A  K 0  3I 0 )  
1 AE Zf  Z f  f    ( Z loop  mZ1 )
3I 0
  
 ( I B  K 0  3I 0 )  
2 BE Zf  Z f  f    ( Z loop  mZ1 )
3I 0
  
 ( I C  K 0  3I 0 )  
3 CE Zf  Z f  f    ( Z loop  mZ1 )
3I 0
 
 ( I  aI )  
4 or 8 AB or ABE Z f  Z f  f  1  2  ( Z loop  mZ1 )

Fault Locator Application Note 3


Fault Type
Fault Type Fault Impedance
 
 ( I1  I 2 )  
5 or 9 BC or BCE Z f  Z f  f    ( Z loop  mZ1 )
 2 
 (I  a I )  
6 or 10 CA or CAE Z f  Z f  f  1  2  ( Z loop  mZ1 )
  
7 or 11 ABC or ABCE Z f  Z f  f  (Zloop  mZ1 )


The fault locator for single phase reclosers is only applicable for Single Wire Earth Return (SWER) systems.
The detected fault type is determined using the following table.

Fault Type
Fault Type Selection method (at the time of protection operation)
0 Not Detected Any condition other than Fault type declared in 1
1 AE P(PhA)=True AND A(PhA)=True

The fault location is calculated as follows:

Fault Type
Fault Type Distance to Fault, m (km)
0 Not Detected -
 
Im[VA I A* ]
1 AE m   
Im[ Z A I A I A* ]

The fault Loop impedance is calculated as follows:

Fault Type
Fault Type Fault Loop Impedance

 VA
1 AE Z loop  Z loop  loop  

The fault Impedance is calculated as follows:

Fault Type
Fault Type Fault Impedance
  
1 AE Z f  Z f  f  Z loop  mZ A

 
Where ZA = the impedance where Z A  RA  jX A

4 Application Note Fault Locator



Title Designation Range Resolution Factory Default

Fault Locator Fault Locator Enabled/Disabled - Disabled
R0 (Ω/km) Zero Sequence Resistance 0.001-50 0.001 0.010
X0 (Ω/km) Zero Sequence Reactance 0.001-50 0.001 0.100
R1 (Ω/km) Positive Sequence Resistance 0.001-50 0.001 0.010
X1 (Ω/km) Positive Sequence Reactance 0.001-50 0.001 0.100
Length of Line (km) Length of line in forward direction 0.01-300 0.01 1.00
from the relay
 It is assumed all zero and positive impedances as well as lengths are the same for all three phases.
 It is assumed that impedance settings are valid in both forward and reverse direction.
 If the absolute value of the fault distance is more that the configured line with tolerance of 2.5%, “Out of Range”
will be reported.
 Fault locator status and measured values can be reset through “Reset Fault Targets” from the Reset Menu on the
panel or CMS.
 Fault locator status and measured values will also be reset if fault locator is disabled or a new fault occurs.
 For single phase reclosers the basic settings include RA (phase A resistance) and XA (phase A reactance).


Please refer to the OSM User Manual for measurement accuracy of the fault locator functionality.
The accuracy of the estimated fault location depends on the following conditions:
 Measurement accuracy
 Fault Resistance and reactance effect
 Zero sequence mutual effects
 Line parameters uncertainty, especially error in obtaining zero-sequence impedance (Z0).
 Presence of shunt capacitors and reactors
 Series compensated networks
 Non-homogenous lines, tapped lines and spurs
 Excessive harmonic content.

Fault Locator Application Note 5




For an 11kV distribution system where we have voltages and currents as follows:
Ia Ib Ic Va Vb Vc
RMS 11.1 478.9 471.9 6.3 4.8 4.1
Angle -28.50 -158.20 22.80 -0.40 -139.40 130.60

Where we have defined the following resistance and reactance:

R0 X0 R1 X1
1 Ω/km 6.56 Ω/km 0.3 Ω/km 1.9 Ω/km

From this we can determine:

Z1  R1  jX 1
= 0.3 + j1.9
= 1.92 81.030

V1 = 1/3 (Va + aVb + a2Vc)
=1/3 (6.3 -0.40 + 4.8 (-139.40 +1200) + 4.1 130.60 +2400)
= 1/3 (6.3 -0.40 + 4.8 -19.40 + 4.1 370.60)
= 1/3 [(6.3 + 4.53 + 4.03) + j(-0.04-1.59+0.75)]
= 1/3 (14.86 -j0.85]
= 4.95 – j0.28
= 4.96 -3.240


V2 = 1/3 (Va + a2Vb + aVc)

= 1.35 +0.27j
= 1.38 11.250

I1 = 1/3 (Ia + aIb + a2Ic)

= 278.73 -66.980
= 109.00 - j256.53

I2 = 1/3 (Ia + a2Ib + aIc)

=270.23 111.550
= -99.26 + j251.34

6 Application Note Fault Locator


We calculate distance to fault m as follows:

  *
Im[(V1  V2 ) ( I 2 )]
m    *
Im[ Z1 ( I1  I 2 )(I 2 )]

M = Im [(4.96 -3.270 - 1.38 11.250) x (270.23 111.550*)]x 1000

Im [1.92 81.030 x (278.73 -66.980 - 270.23 111.550) x 270.23 111.550*)]

Notice that we have multiplied the numerator by 1000 as the voltage should be in Volts not Kilovolts.

= Im [((4.95 – j 0.28) – (1.35 +j0.27)) x (-99.26 -j251.34)] x 1000

Im[(0.3+j1.9)((109 – j256.53)-(-99.26+j251.34))x (-99.26-j251.34)]

= Im [(3.6 – j0.55) x (-99.26 - j251.34)] x 1000

Im [(0.3+j1.9) x (208.26 – j507.87) x (-99.26-j251.34)]

= Im (-357.336 - j934.956 + j56.408 - 142.84) x 1000

Im (63.441-j154.593+j395.694+964.953) (-99.26-j251.34)

= Im (-500.176 + j878.548) x 1000

Im (1028.394+j241.10) (-99.26-j251.34)

= Im (-500.176 + j878.548) x 1000

Im (-102078-j258476-j23932+60598)

= Im (-500.176 + j878.548) x 1000

Im (-41480-j282408)

= Im (500176 + j878548)
Im (-41480-j282408)

= 878548

= 3km

Fault Locator Application Note 7




Below are some sample simulation sequences for BC Faults.

BC Fault 1 (Expected distance to fault is 3km)

BC Fault 2 (Expected distance to fault is 3km)

BC Fault 3 (Expected distance to fault 9km)

8 Application Note Fault Locator



To run the simulations follows the steps below:

1. Create simulation using simulation sequence provided above.
2. Set system voltage to 11kV for BC Fault 1 and 38kV for BC Fault 2 and 3.
3. Set OC1+ to R R R L and pickup current for OC1 to 100A.
4. Set OC2+ and OC3+ to D D D D.
5. Set EF to R L and pickup current for EF to 30A.
6. Set Prot On, AR On, OC On, EF On.
7. Set the Fault Location settings as follows:

8. Download settings to the device.

9. Run the simulations
10. Check the Event Log.

Fault Locator Application Note 9



Event log should indicate the faults as per simulation sequence (as shown below).

BC Fault 1

 The “Distance to Fault” event indicates that the fault locator calculation has commenced.

BC Fault 2

10 Application Note Fault Locator


BC Fault 3

Fault Locator Application Note 11

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