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A Comparative Study For Evaluation of Different Form Work Systems Utilization in Construction Projects

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Fauwaz Parkar


IRJET Journal

Fast Track Const ruct ion Technique-Wit h Special Reference t o Formwork Syst em for High Rise St ruct …
Pashmeena V Ghom
International Journal of Mechanical Engineering and Technology (IJMET)
Volume 8, Issue 11, November 2017, pp. 21–29, Article ID: IJMET_08_11_003
Available online at
ISSN Print: 0976-6340 and ISSN Online: 0976-6359

© IAEME Publication Scopus Indexed


SS. Asadi
Associate Dean Academics & Professor, Department of Civil Engineering,
K L University, Guntur, A.P, India

PV. Praneeth
M Tech Student, Department of Civil Engineering,
K L University, Guntur, A.P, India

Due the rapid development in economy of India over past decades. To meet the
requirements of more housing projects are to be completed in a short duration of time.
One of the major factor for timely completion of project is formwork used by the
company. In the present study the key parameters like cost, speed of construction,
quality achieved, cycle time etc. were identified role in selection of efficient formwork
system is studied. So as to help new contractors who are entering into construction
activities to complete the project with in allocated budget and duration. To do that a
real time project was considered and all the parameters were studied and compared
the results from different construction companies all over the India. The attempts were
made to highlight the key parameters and type of formwork to be used for project was
Key words: Formwork systems, MIVAN, DOKA.
Cite this Article: SS. Asadi and PV. Praneeth, A Comparative Study for Evaluation
of Different form Work Systems utilization in Construction Projects, International
Journal of Mechanical Engineering and Technology 8(11), 2017, pp. 21–29.

India is a developing country. Indian construction industry is second largest employer next to
agriculture. Construction industry plays a major role in economic development of the country
it impacts GDP growth rate by 11% (2015). Due to the increasing need of infrastructure with
increase in population, need of efficient technology to make speed and economy constructions
is a point of focus. To attain that formwork systems plays an important role. Formwork is a
temporary construction to support structural members during concrete hardening stage to with
stand oncoming loads like dead load of wet concrete, hydrostatic pressure of concrete and live
loads due to labor and equipment, sudden impacts load due to vibrators, pouring of concrete 21
SS. Asadi and PV. Praneeth

and due to equipment operation etc. Though formwork support structural members and loads
it should also give smooth and quality finish. As per construction industry point of view very
important element in construction is formwork. With advance in recent technology the
traditional formwork is replaced with suitable material based on cost, time, quality
construction, waste generation and safety during process of work.

1.1. Need of Formwork in Construction Projects

The main factor behind success of any construction project depend on formwork system, it
plays a major role in finishing the structure with in stipulated time bound. In-depth study is
needed to find out best suitable formwork system by contractors during construction. It needs
a vast experience and established players for selecting suitable construction formwork. With
proper selection of formwork system cost of construction can be significantly brought down.

Factors effecting the selection of formwork system:





Building design

Site constrains

Available resources

Contractors experience

The abilities of labor

No. of reputations

Capital availability
Method of hoisting

 The main objective of this thesis work is to identify the key parameters governing the
selection of different formwork systems.
 A survey on various types of formworks is to be done from different contractors with focus on
critical factors like cost, quality, number of reputations and cycle-time.
 Formwork systems chosen for study are conventional, MIVAN and DOKA.

The entire process consists of number of sequential steps. It begins with studying the
literature to identify the various factors considered before the selection of formwork and
preparing the questions for the questionnaire survey to be carried out. Further, the
questionnaire prepared was distributed among different constructions in different regions.
Finding out the importance given to various factors like cost ,quality ,safety ,cycle time etc.
during the selection of formwork. Finally, the collected data is analyzed and conclusions are
drawn. A detailed methodology chart is shown below 22
A Comparative Study for Evaluation of Different form Work Systems utilization in
Construction Projects

3.1. Types of form Work Systems

As per Raymond Wong Waiman (2005) [1] in his paper classified papers based upon sizes
location of use nature of operation or simply based on brand Formwork is classified based
upon material, type of structural member.
 Conventional formwork
 Steel formwork
 System formwork
 Aluminum formwork
 Tunnel formwork

3.2. Advantages and disadvantages of Types of formworks

Type of Advantages Dis-advantages
Timber Durable, light weight, economical, flexible for High labor cost.
formwork easy erection. Usually varies from 30 to 40% of
It exhibits good thermal insulation so it can be total cost of concrete slab per floor.
used in cold climates. High waste generation.5% of waste
Its reusability varies from 10 to 12 times. is produced for a single use of
Unique advantages of timber formwork: formwork.
It can be built piece by piece so capable enough to Erection and dismantling is to be
form any concrete shape as per architectural done piece by piece. 23
SS. Asadi and PV. Praneeth

design. Very highly skilled labor force is

This system is economical for small scale projects needed.
with limited potential reuse. Spans are limited as timber has low
It has low initial cost and make up cost. strength compared to metal
Good for restricted site conditions less storage area formworks.
and use of crane is difficult.
Aluminum Lighter in weight compared to steel formwork due No changes can be made if ones
formwork to its low density. fabricated.
Large section can be made because the strength of Initial cost is very high.
aluminum in handling tension and compression is Not economical for small and non-
more than that of steel. recitative works.
It can be easily handled by unskilled labor.
Reusability is more. Varies from 100-250.
In case of high magnitude constructions where
need of rapid erection, this system creates
exceptionally fine quality finish and precise
dimension good enough to receive painting
directly without plastering in a very short time.
Monolithic construction with few construction
joints can be easily made.
Steel Uses mostly in huge construction projects where Heavy to carry and handle.
formwork large number of repetitions of same shuttering is Not suitable for curved and new
possible. architectural shapes.
It is good for curved structures like columns,
chimneys, tanks.
It is strong, durable in nature.
Its reusability varies from 100 to 120.
Instillation and dismantled with greater speed can
be achieved with results in higher savings in labor
Water absorption is very less, so formation of
honey combs can be minimized.
Plastic Unique shapes and patterns can be designed with Does not provide field fabrication by
formwork excellent finishing with less or no surface itself so design and planning must be
treatment. carefully done.
No size limits It is not suitable for heat applied
More reuses making it highly economical curing of concrete.
Light weight Strengthening material (fiber glass)
Easy to strip and handle. is to be used to increase stiffness in
No need of skilled labor. construction of large and higher floor
areas of multi storied buildings.
MIVAN Simple, fast, easily adaptable. Pre- engineering is needed for
formwork High quality work with minimum maintains cost. planning and execution.
It is a completely pre-engineered system where
methodology is planned to its finniest details.
Early removal of formwork with air curing
components are made with aluminum so they are
light in weight number of reputations is very high
it is around 250-300.
DOKA form It is Australian based company that produces Preside planning is need before
works timber, aluminum, and steel forms which has a execution
wide application in all fields of construction sector. Skilled labor is need to handle the
form work system. 24
A Comparative Study for Evaluation of Different form Work Systems utilization in
Construction Projects

Method of selection of formwork possess a number of sequential steps involved. First of all
Literature review carried out to identify various factors contributing for selection of various
formworks, next questioner is carried out in different regions like Hyderabad, Mumbai, pune,
Bangalore, and Chennai to find important factors that effects the selection of type of
formwork system. Some such major factors are cost, quality, safety, cycle time etc. All the
above parameters were applied to study and identify the suitable form work system on a live
project of G+4 building from the collected data and conclusions were drawn.

4.1. Proposed plan of building for comparison of form work systems

A G+5 building is considered for construction and its plan and elevation are as fallows the
details of the building under choice
 Plan area of the slabs = 221.73 sq.m
 Size of beam = 0.23*0.4 sq.m
 Size of column= 0.3*0.3 sq.m
 Thickness of the slab = 150 mm

Figure 1 Floor Plan Figure 2 Elevation of the building

4.2. Comparison of Questioners Survey Data

The questioners were conducted in 22. Major companies like L&T, SPRE, Ramky, GDCL ,
NCC etc. In regions like Hyderabad, Bombay, Bangalore, Chennai and pune to find out
various factors like cost, quality, safety, cycle time etc

Comparison of different parameters is presented as a bar chart shown below

Figure 3 Cost comparison of conventional, Figure 4 Quality comparison of Conventional, 25
SS. Asadi and PV. Praneeth

MIVAN and DOKA systems MIVAN and DOKA

Figure 5 Safety Management Comparison of Figure 6 Number of Repetitions Comparison of

Conventional, MIVAN and DOKA Systems Conventional, MIVAN and DOKA.

Figure 7 Cycle time comparison of Figure 8 Labour requirement Comparison of

Conventional, MIVAN and DOKA systems. Conventional, MIVAN and DOKA

Figure 9 Stability Comparison of Conventional, Figure 10 Comparison of Requirement of

MIVAN and DOKA. fixtures in Conventional, MIVAN and DOKA

Figure 11 Comparison of testing procedures of Figure 12 Comparison of Performance of

conventional, MIVAN and DOKA systems. Concrete for Conventional, MIVAN and DOKA 26
A Comparative Study for Evaluation of Different form Work Systems utilization in
Construction Projects

Figure 13 On site supervision comparison for Figure 14 Administration of change orders for
Conventional, MIVAN and DOKA comparison for Conventional, MIVAN and

Figure 15 Parameters considered for analysis of MIVAN, DOKA and Conventional system

Scopeeters were applied for study on a live project of G+4e done, quetionery is carried out
in identifying ime,rep

Based upon the survey and comparison from live project key contributing factors that plays a
significant role in selection of formwork are cost, quality, cycle time, Number of reputations,
safety, administration of change orders, performance of concrete. By comparing the above
parameters through study and graphs from questioner, the fallowing conclusions can be made
 Cost adopted for MIVAN formwork is highest among the all formwork systems this is
because of use of aluminum in making of formwork even though cost of MIVAN is high due
to higher number of reputations the overall cost reduces which makes it favorable in repetitive
kind of works.
 MIVAN gives highest Number of reputations compared with conventional formwork.
 Faster construction can be achieved with MIVAN formwork as cycle time of MIVAN is less
compared to conventional formwork. 27
SS. Asadi and PV. Praneeth

 As per safety management MIVAN is the best in the industry compared with the others Form
work systems.
 Changes can be easily accommodated for conventional when compared with MIVAN.
Because MIVAN formwork is already customized and standardized.

Formwork system plays a crucial role in successful and timely completion of project.
From the above analysis MIVAN formwork is the highly rated formwork system, because of
its higher Number of reputations in use, with smooth and exact surface finish which brings
down overall cost and also provides superior quality types of structures with less time.
In case of non-repetitive and availability of less labor and improper feasibility with site
and storage area restrictions wood formwork is preferred to MIVAN formworks.

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