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USB Audio/MIDI Interface: Owner'S Manual

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USB Audio/MIDI Interface


The lightning flash with arrowhead symbol, within an equilateral triangle, is intended

ÿ to alert the user to the presence of uninsulated “dangerous voltage” within the prod-
uct’s enclosure that may be of sufficient magnitude to constitute a risk of electric
shock to persons.

The exclamation point within an equilateral triangle is intended to alert the user to the

Ÿ presence of important operating and maintenance (servicing) instructions in the liter-

ature accompanying the appliance.

This appliance has a serial number located on the

rear panel. Please record the model number and WARNING: TO PREVENT FIRE OR SHOCK
serial number and retain them for your records.
Model number
Serial number
Important Safety Instructions

1 Read these instructions. 10 Protect the power cord from being walked on or
2 Keep these instructions. pinched particularly at plugs, convenience recep-
3 Heed all warnings. tacles, and the point where they exit from the
4 Follow all instructions. apparatus.
5 Do not use this apparatus near water. 11 Only use attachments/accessories specified by
the manufacturer.
6 Clean only with dry cloth.
7 Do not block any ventilation openings. Install in
12 Use only with the cart, stand, tripod, bracket, or
table specified by the manufacturer, or sold with
accordance with the manufacturer’s instructions.
the apparatus. When a cart is used, use caution
8 Do not install near any heat sources such as radi-
when moving the cart/apparatus combination to
ators, heat registers, stoves, or other apparatus
avoid injury from tip-over.
(including amplifiers) that produce heat.
9 Do not defeat the safety purpose of the polarized
or grounding-type plug. A polarized plug has two
blades with one wider than the other. A ground-
ing type plug has two blades and a third ground-
ing prong. The wide blade or the third prong are
provided for your safety. If the provided plug does
not fit into your outlet, consult an electrician for 13 Unplug this apparatus during lightning storms or
replacement of the obsolete outlet. when unused for long periods of time.
14 Refer all servicing to qualified service personnel.
For USA Servicing is required when the apparatus has
been damaged in any way, such as power-supply
TO THE USER cord or plug is damaged, liquid has been spilled
This equipment has been tested and found to comply with or objects have fallen into the apparatus, the
the limits for a Class B digital device, pursuant to Part 15 apparatus has been exposed to rain or moisture,
of the FCC Rules. These limits are designed to provide rea- does not operate normally, or has been dropped.
sonable protection against harmful interference in a resi- • Do not expose this apparatus to drips or splashes.
dential installation. This equipment generates, uses and
• Do not place any objects filled with liquids, such
can radiate radio frequency energy and, if not installed
as vases, on the apparatus.
and used in accordance with the instructions, may cause
harmful interference to radio communications. However,
• Do not install this apparatus in a confined space
such as a book case or similar unit.
there is no guarantee that interference will not occur in a
particular installation. If this equipment does cause harm- Declaration of Conformity
ful interference to radio or television reception, which can Model Number : US-122
be determined by turning the equipment off and on, the Trade Name : TASCAM
user is encouraged to try to correct the interference by one Responsible party : TEAC AMERICA, INC.
or more of the following measures: Montebello, California, U.S.A.
a) Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna. Telephone number : 1-213-726-0303
b) Increase the separation between the equipment and This device complies with Part 15 of the FCC Rules.
receiver. Operation is subject to the following two conditions:
c) Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit differ- (1) This device may not cause harmful interference, and
ent to that to which the receiver is connected. (2) This device must accept any interference received,
Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/TV teccnicioan including interference that may cause undesired operation.
for help.
Changes or modifications to this equipment not expressly
approved by TEAC CORPORATION for compliance could
void the user’s authority to operate this equipment.

2 — TASCAM US-122
Table of Contents

1 Introduction Audio Control Panel ....................20

ASIO Control Panel ......................20
Overview .................................. 4
Setting the Sample Rate and Bit
Features .................................... 4 Depth .......................................21
What’s in the package ................4 Input Enabling .............................21
Copyright and trademarks ..........5
ASIO 2 Direct Monitoring ....... 22
Nomenclature used in this
manual .....................................5 7 A Sample Recording
2 Controls and indicators Session in Cubasis
Top Panel .................................. 6 Setting Up ................................ 23
Rear Panel ............................... 7 Recording Your Tracks ............ 24
Overdubbing ................................25
Front Panel Descriptions ......... 8
3 Installation 8 Other Applications
Setting up Sound Manager
System Requirements .............. 9
Support – pre-Mac OS X ..... 26
PC (Windows) ..............................9
Mac OS .........................................10 MacOS 9.0 ................................ 26
Installation ...................................10 MacOS 8.6 ................................ 27
Installation under Windows .......11 Setting audio I/O options under
Macintosh ....................................13 OS X (10.2.3 and above) ..... 28
Setting Up OMS (Mac OS pre-X To use the System Preferences ...28
only) .........................................13 Setting sampling frequency and bit
Tuning Your PC ........................ 14 length under OS X (10.2.3 and
Notes on USB interfacing ........ 15 above) ......................................28

4 Hooking up Audio and 9 Technical Support

MIDI to the US-122 Troubleshooting (Windows) .. 29
Hooking up audio .................... 16 Tech Support Contacts ............ 29
Before Contacting Us ..................30
Hooking up MIDI ..................... 16
Troubleshooting FAQ ............. 31
Using Direct Monitoring ......... 17
10 Specifications
5 The US-122 Control Panel
Audio specifications ................ 32
Main Page ................................ 18
Audio performance ................. 33
Buffer Size Adjustment ........... 18
Optimizing the USB .....................19 Other characteristics ............... 34
The Chromatic Tuner ............... 19 Physical characteristics ........... 34
Dimensional drawing ............. 35
6 Interfacing with your
Audio Software
Selecting the US-122 as your
Audio Device ........................ 20

TASCAM US-122 — 3
1 – Introduction


The US-122 is a USB powered audio/ Because the US-122 is USB-based, it’s
MIDI interface designed for Digital the ideal companion to any desktop- or
Audio Workstation (DAW) software laptop-based digital recording setup.
applications. Its design incorporates a And since it’s as compact, like a laptop,
two-input, two-output 24-bit audio inter- requiring no additional power source, it
face with balanced inputs, input inserts, can be combined with one to create a
guitar impedance matching, phantom complete portable digital audio worksta-
powering, and a 16-channel MIDI inter- tion solution.


The input section comprises a 24-bit inserts on each input channel. Outputs
audio interface, capable of streaming include a pair of unbalanced line outputs
two simultaneous channels of audio into on RCA connectors, and a separate head-
your computer. Inputs include two bal- phone output.
anced XLR mic inputs with phantom The US-122 also features MIDI input
power capability, two 1/4” balanced line and output ports, allowing you to send
inputs (switchable to high-impedance and receive data between your computer
unbalanced, for direct input of a guitar, and other MIDI-equipped devices.
bass or other hi-Z source), with TRS

What’s in the package

The US-122 package contains the fol- • CD-ROM containing drivers (Win-
lowing items in addition to the main unit dows and Mac OS), Cubasis, and doc-
and this manual. When opening the umentation
package, please make certain that all the • CD-ROM containing Gigastudio 24
included items are present. If anything is and sample soundware (for Windows
missing, contact the dealer where you only).
purchased it. • Warranty and registration cards for
• US-122 main unit US-122
• USB cable • Registration card for Cubasis
• TEAC address list

4 — TASCAM US-122
1 – Introduction

Copyright and trademarks

This product is designed to help you Microsoft, Windows, Windows 98, Win-
record and reproduce sound works to dows Me, Windows 2000 and Windows
which you own the copyright, or where XP are trademarks of Microsoft Corpo-
you have obtained permission from the ration.
copyright holder or the rightful licensor. The full name of the product referred to
Unless you own the copyright, or have as “Windows 98” is “Microsoft® Win-
obtained the appropriate permission dows® 98 operating system”.
from the copyright holder or the rightful
Pentium is a registered trademark of
licensor, your unauthorized recording,
Intel Corporation.
reproduction or distribution thereof may
result in severe criminal penalties under MIDI is a registered trademark of the
copyright laws and international copy- Association of Manufacturers of Elec-
right treaties. If you are uncertain about tronic Instruments (AMEI).
your rights, contact your legal advisor. Mac and Mac OS are trademarks of
Under no circumstances will TEAC Cor- Apple Computer
poration be responsible for the conse- All other band or product names are
quences of any illegal copying trademarks or registered trademarks are
performed using the US-122. the property of their respective compa-
nies or organizations.

Nomenclature used in this manual

The following conventions are used in This typeface is used to designate soft-
this manual: ware dialog messages .
Physical controls, indicators and connec- This typeface is used to designate soft-
tors on the US-122 are shown LIKE ware menu functions and on-screen con-
THIS. trollers.

TASCAM US-122 — 5
2 – Controls and indicators

Top Panel
1 2 3 4 5 6

7 89 A
1 LINE OUT level control Con- 3 USB indicator Indicates a valid
trols the level to the RCA outputs. USB connection to the host computer
when lit.
PHONES level control Controls the
level to the headphones output. 4 DIRECT switch Enables/dis-
ables direct monitoring of the input
2 MIDI IN indicator Indicates signals
presence of incoming MIDI data at the
MIDI input. 5 MONO switch Enables/dis-
ables mono output from the direct moni-
MIDI OUT indicator Indicates trans- toring system.
mission of MIDI data from the MIDI

6 — TASCAM US-122
2 – Controls and indicators

6 DIRECT MONITOR level A PHANTOM switch Switches

control Adjusts the level of the +48V power to the microphone inputs to
direct monitoring signal, when this is allow powering of condenser micro-
enabled. phones.
7 L and R input level NOTE
controls Input level adjustment. Only use the phantom powering with con-
Rotate clockwise to increase the input denser microphones which need it. Keep
level of audio sources. this switch in the OFF position with all
other kinds of equipment connected to the
switches Switch inputs individu- To avoid noise and possible damage to
ally between mic/line level and Hi-Z equipment, turn down the input LEVEL
(guitar) level. controls when switching the phantom
9 SIGNAL indicators Indicate power on and off.
the presence of an audio signal on the Also note that this setting consumes power.
respective channel (specifically, when If you are operating the unit with a bat-
the input level exceeds -37 dBFS). tery-powered laptop computer, this will
reduce the battery life of the computer.
OL indicators Indicate an overload of
the input level to the respective channel
(specifically, a level of -2.5dBFS).

Rear Panel


B USB jack Input for USB connec- E OUTPUT L/R jacks Unbal-
tion (USB 1.1) to host computer. anced (RCA) analog audio outputs.
C MIDI OUT MIDI output F PHONES jack Standard 1/4" ste-
D MIDI IN MIDI input, reo headphone output.

TASCAM US-122 — 7
2 – Controls and indicators

Front Panel Descriptions


G MIC IN L and R Balanced XLR anced when MIC/LINE-GUITAR switch

Inputs L and Rfor microphones. is set to MIC/LINE; unbalanced when set
1=Ground, 2=hot, 3=cold to GUITAR.
H LINE/GUITAR L and R Ana- I INSERT L and R TRS 1/4" jacks
log inputs (1/4" TRS jack - tip=hot, (tip=send, ring=return, sleeve=ground)
ring=cold, sleeve=ground) L and R. Bal- for analog inserts for L and R inputs.

8 — TASCAM US-122
3 – Installation

System Requirements

PC (Windows)
Minimum requirements: Pen- which utilize Intel-based chipsets. You
tium II - 266 MHz (or equivalent) pro- can determine your chipset by going into
cessor running Windows 98 (Second the Device Manager. On the Windows 98
Edition) or Windows Me (Millennium desktop, right click on My Computer,
Edition), Windows 2000 or Windows and select Properties. Click on the Device
XP, 96MB RAM. Manager tab, and then click on the plus
(+) sign next to Universal Serial Bus
Recommended: Pentium II Controllers. (see illustration below)
300MHz processor with 128MB RAM
or better (these requirements are for use
with Cubasis VST. Other applications
will have different requirements. Consult
your application’s manufacturer for fur-
ther information).

The US-122 is not supported under Win-

dows 95. We also do not recommend Win-
dows 98 First Edition, due to its limited USB
implementation. A fast EIDE hard disk is
required for throughput of multiple audio
tracks. 96MB RAM is the minimum recom-
mended, but with all digital audio pro-
grams, you will obtain better results with
more RAM. An SVGA graphics card is sug-
gested (minimum 256 colors, 800x600 reso- The US-122 has been successfully used
lution or better). with the following chipsets:
Although this product has been checked • Intel 82371 AB/EB PCI to USB Uni-
for use with normally configured com- versal Host Controller
puters which meet the specifications
• Intel 82371 SB PCI to USB Universal
above, we cannot guarantee the opera-
Host Controller
tion of the product, even with computers
• Intel 82801 AA PCI to USB Universal
meeting the specifications, due to differ-
Host Controller
ences in architecture and implementation
between computers. • ALi PCI to USB Open Host Controller
Chipsets are also a concern with USB Some other chipsets, notably those spec-
audio. We have found that the most ifying Open Host Controllers or OHCI
dependable motherboards are ones (rather than Universal Host Controllers
or UHCI), have been subject to occa-
TASCAM US-122 — 9
3 – Installation

sional incompatibilities. While most ing an Opti-chip controller will work

OHCI systems have no problems with dependably. These cards (also available
the US-122, occasionally some older in PCMCIA format for laptops) are
OHCI systems will exhibit problems. We available through a number of manufac-
have found that, in the majority of these turers.
rare cases, a PCI-based USB card utiliz-

Mac OS
PowerPC running Mac OS 8.6 or better, PowerBook G3 Series (or later) with
and a USB port. Any Macintosh com- built in USB (or using a 3rd party PCM-
puter with one or more USB ports run- CIA USB Card) have been tested and
ning Mac O/S 8.6 or later (check the work fine. Additionally, older PowerMac
Web site for updates), or Mac OS X computers using 3rd party PCI-based
10.2.3 or above. USB cards also have been tested and
Very early iMac computers may need work fine. Any iMac, G3 or G4 will
one (or more) firmware updates to use work fine as well. Mac OS versions ear-
the US-122. Which firmware update(s) lier than 8.6 do not implement full USB
is (are) needed depends on which Mac support, and are not recommended.
OS version is installed in the early iMac. Again, plenty of RAM and fast drives are
Apple provides details in Apple Support suggested.
Article #58174.

Because the US-122 is a USB device, NOTE

connection is straightforward. Simply Handle the enclosed CD-ROM with care. If

plug the USB cable into the US-122, and it becomes dirty or scratched, it will be
the other end into your computer. How- impossible for a computer to read it, and
ever, you should not connect the unit the software cannot be installed. If the disc
before installing the drivers (see below). becomes unreadable, a charge will be
made for its replacement.
Windows machines: Make certain Do not attempt to play the enclosed CD-
that your computer’s USB host port is ROM using an audio CD player, as this may
enabled (normally, most standard PC cause damage to hearing, as well as to
BIOS settings default to enabled, but speakers, etc.
make certain that it hasn’t been turned Use only the enclosed USB cable to connect
off in the BIOS). the US-122 and the computer. Do not use
Also make sure that virus protection is other types of cable for this purpose, as
turned off before you install the US-122 some cables contain resistors. If you
drivers. attempt to use such a cable, the audio
input and output will not work properly,
and the sound level will be inaudible or
very faint.

10 — TASCAM US-122
3 – Installation

Installation under Windows

The US-122 drivers are available on the 2 Click the Setup button. The
CD as executable installers. You’ll find Welcome dialog box will appear.
two executable installer files in the
3 Click the Next button. The driver
Driver folder on the disc, labeled as:
files will be installed to your hard
US122_Win9x_x_yy.exe (for Windows
98 Second Edition and Me (Millennium
Edition)) and as US122_Win2k_x_yy.exe In some cases, the Add Hardware
(for Windows 2000 and Windows XP) Wizard may ask for the file
where x and yy represent the version US122WDM.SYS. Should this occur,
numbers. click Browse and direct it to the
Note that we have also included the indi- path Windows/System32/Drivers.
vidual driver files, available from the In some cases, the Add Hardware
root level of the CD. However, we rec- Wizard may ask for your Windows
ommend using the installers, as they will 98 or Windows Me CD-ROM if it is
also locate and uninstall any files per- unable to find all the needed sys-
taining to older versions of the US-122 tem files. We suggest you have it
drivers. handy.
NOTE 4 The Setup Complete dialog will
You should also check the TASCAM Web appear. Click Yes, I want to restart
site to determine the latest version of the my computer, followed by the Finish
drivers. If necessary, download and install button. The computer will reboot.
these latest drivers, following the instruc-
tions given here. 5 Connect the US-122 to the com-
puter. The Windows Plug and Play
To install under Windows 98SE system will notice a new USB
or Me: Note that the US-122 will run device and start the Add New
under Windows 98 SE (Second Edition) Hardware wizard, which will find
or Me (Millennium Edition). Due to its the needed files on its own. This
limited USB capabilities, First Edition will take about 30-60 seconds.
Win98 is not recommended.
The drivers are now installed and the
NOTE US-122 is ready to operate.
Run the Installer with the US-122 NOT con- NOTE
nected to the computer.
If you are running Windows 98SE, you may
1 Double click on the executable file need to install the appropriate Microsoft
US122_Win9x_y_zz.exe (where y Hotfix #Q269601.
and zz represent the version num-
ber). The installer will run.

TASCAM US-122 — 11
3 – Installation

To install under Windows 2000 The drivers are now installed and the
or Windows XP: US-122 is ready to operate.
Run the Installer with the US-122 NOT con- When using the US-122 with Windows XP,
nected to the computer. you may need to run the Windows Update
program to install the Windows
1 Double click on the executable file Messenger Update for Audio/Video to
US122_Win2k_x_yy.exe (the US-122 improve the USB audio functionality of the
setup icon). The installer will run. system. This update is listed in the Win-
2 Click the Next button. The dows XP update list.
Welcome dialog box will appear. To install using Windows New
3 Click the Next button. The driver Hardware Wizard:
files will be installed to your hard 1 Insert the CD-ROM into your com-
puter’s drive.
2 Connect the US-122 to the com-
You may be prompted by a message puter.
informing you that the software you are
about to install does not have a digital cer- The Windows Plug and Play sys-
tificate. Simply click Continue the tem will notice a new USB device
installation anyway and proceed. and start the Add New Hardware
4 If you are prompted to restart your wizard.
computer, do so. 3 Choose Search for a suitable driver
5 Connect the US-122 to the com- for my device and press Next.
puter. The Windows Plug and Play 4 Enter the path where the drivers
system will notice a new USB are stored (that is, the CD-ROM)
device and start the Add New and press OK.
Hardware wizard, which will find
5 After Windows finds the “firm-
the three needed files on its own.
ware download” driver, click Next.
6 When prompted, select the Install 6 Click Finish. The other driver com-
the software automatically option,
ponents will be automatically dis-
and if any warning appears
covered and loaded (probably
regarding digital certificates, etc.
three different components will be
ignore them and select Continue
discovered). This may take some
7 This process will take about 30-60 7 Click Finish if prompted, and
reboot if prompted

12 — TASCAM US-122
3 – Installation

NOTE 2 Double-click on the appropriate
Run the Installer with the US-122 NOT con- US-122 installer package to expand
nected to the computer. it.
There are two files for the Macintosh: 3 Double-click the resulting installer
• US-122_OS_9_x_yy.hqx for pre- OS X file, and follow its instructions.
systems (OS 8.8 and above) In OS X, you will need to enter an
• US-122_OS_X_x_yy.sit for OS X sys- Administrator name and password
tems (OS X 10.2.3 and above) to install the drivers, etc.
Where x and yy refer to the version num- 4 Connect the US-122 to the com-
bers of the software. puter. When the US-122 is con-
1 Insert the CD-ROM into the com- nected, the system will find the
puter, and drag the appropriate drivers which have just been
installer package to your hard installed by itself.

Setting Up OMS (Mac OS pre-X only)

Cubasis, ProTools and several other OMS driver. Drag the US-122
applications rely on OMS for MIDI OMS driver into the OMS folder
implementation. OMS (Open Music Sys- inside your System folder. Do not
tem) is a standard for MIDI management drag this file into the Opcode
on the Macintosh. Since the US-122 can folder on your hard drive - it will
send and receive MIDI, you will need to not work correctly
install OMS in order to use the US-122.
3 Restart your computer. Then con-
The exception is Digital Performer,
nect the US-122 and start the OMS
which utilizes FreeMIDI. The drivers
Setup application (located in the
support OMS and FreeMIDI indepen-
Opcode folder on your hard drive).
4 Select New Studio Setup from the
To set up OMS to work with the File menu. When prompted to
US-122: select a serial (modem or printer)
1 First, run the OMS installer. If you port, leave both selections
do not have the current version of unchecked. Click Yes and continue.
OMS, it may be freely downloaded OMS will assess all the MIDI ports
at attached to your computer and
build OMS instruments for the
2 Locate the US-122 Drivers folder, ones it recognizes.
which was placed on your desktop
when you ran the US-122 installer. 5 When the setup is complete you
In this folder, locate the US-122 should see a list of all your con-

TASCAM US-122 — 13
3 – Installation

nected MIDI ports. At the least you Once OMS setup is successfully com-
should see two icons pertaining to pleted, you can proceed with setting up
the US-122 specifically: the US-122 the US-122 with your chosen applica-
icon, and the US-122 MIDI port. tion. Please refer to the specific docu-
mentation for your application for more

Tuning Your PC

A few words about computers and audio. improve performance. Some programs
Much has been written about the best (such as Cubase VST) allow you to con-
ways to optimize your PC for handling figure the DMA as enabled on install. If
audio applications, and generally speak- you’ve not already done this, here’s how
ing, it’s a much deeper topic than we’ve to configure the DMA transfer mode: On
got space for in this manual. But here are the Windows desktop, go to the Start
a few basic points to help you get the menu, Settings, Control Panel, System.
best out of your audio programs: In the System Properties window, select
Don’t run extraneous applications. the Device Manager tab. Click on the
While it’s likely you’ll sometimes use plus sign next to Disk Drives, and high-
your computer for applications other light the IDE disk listing, then click on
than audio, it’s strongly recommended the Properties button. Check the DMA
that you avoid running other applications box under Options. (see the illustration
at the same time you’re running audio below).
programs. Processing digital audio
requires considerable overhead from
your computer, so don’t overtax the sys-
tem by running other applications (espe-
cially graphics or internet tools) that can
steal those resources.
Certain devices, such as network cards
and WinModems, can cause conflicts
with the native handling of USB. Should
you experience such conflicts, the In addition, a number of simple hard-
offending device can usually be tempo- ware modifications and enhancements
rarily disabled in the Device Manager. can substantially improve your com-
Refer to your Windows manual for puter’s handling of audio, as well as your
detailed instructions on how to resolve track count and DSP capability:
Increase the amount of RAM in your
Assuming your computer has an IDE system. While most digital audio soft-
hard disk (most do), enabling Direct ware applications will function accord-
Memory Addressing (DMA) on will ing to the amount of RAM in their

14 — TASCAM US-122
3 – Installation

minimum system requirements, increas- Consult your DAW application’s docu-

ing your computer's RAM as much as mentation for full details of recom-
possible will markedly improve perfor- mended drive configurations, etc.
mance. If you’re presently using a PCI-based
Consider the addition of a dedicated hard graphics card, and your motherboard has
disk for audio; preferably one with a an AGP slot, consider getting an AGP-
high spindle rate (over 7200 rpm and a based graphics card. This will decrease
seek time of 8.5ms or less is recom- traffic on the PCI bus and allow for faster
mended for most audio applications). screen redraws.
Using different drives for program and Special Note: For even more detail on
audio data speeds up the seek time for optimizing your PC for audio, please
the audio track data. Note that simply refer to the Computer Recording Support
partitioning a large drive will not have areas on the TASCAM Web site for PC
the same effect, as the computer will still Optimization documents.
be accessing the same physical drive.

Notes on USB interfacing

The USB protocol is an extremely versa- audio. We strongly suggest unplugging any
tile one, and much has been made of the non-essential USB devices while recording
possibility of using multiple (over 100) with the US-122. USB keyboards and mice
devices on a single bus. While this is cer- are the notable exceptions—in most cases
they are passive devices with very minor
tainly a possibility, we recommend using
bandwidth requirements.
as few other USB devices as possible in
a system equipped with the US-122. The Another well-documented advantage of
demands placed on the USB bus by pass- USB is the ability to “hot-plug” devices
ing multiple tracks of audio through it (that is, plug them in and out without
are considerable, and adding additional powering the computer down). While
devices will risk reducing that band- this applies to the US-122 as well, we
width. recommend against plugging or unplug-
ging the unit while running your audio
application. Doing so can result in audi-
The drivers of many other USB devices, ble pops, or even hanging or crashing the
especially CD burners, scanners, printers, program.
and cameras, are written to poll the USB
bus on a regular basis (usually once every You’ll find a listing of web links and
millisecond). This can lead to dropouts, resources on hard disk recording on our
clicks, pops and other artifacts in your Web site at

TASCAM US-122 — 15
4 – Hooking up Audio and MIDI to the US-122

Hooking up audio

To monitor output from your computer, inputs (unbalanced when used as guitar
connect the analog outputs of the US- inputs).
122 to your mixer, amplifier or powered While it’s possible to use both mic and
monitors. Output volume is controlled line level analog inputs simultaneously
by the LINE OUT level control. on either input, in actual practice this is
To record audio from the US-122 into not recommended, as the signal level of
your computer, simply connect a device the inputs will be summed and very
to the appropriate input. Microphones likely interfere with each other.
should be plugged into the L and R MIC Input level is regulated by the INPUT
IN XLR inputs. level controls. The INPUT level controls
NOTE directly affect the input level at the A/D
The US-122 can supply phantom power, so converters on the US-122, so it’s advis-
if you’re using condenser microphones, you able to use the SIGNAL and OVER indi-
will not need an external preamp or power cators to help set your levels. Unlike
supply. analog tape, when recording digital
You can connect line-level sources (e.g. audio, it’s important to keep your input
keyboards and sound modules) into one level close to 0dB, but never to exceed it.
of the two LINE/GUITAR IN jacks (L or If the input level is too high, the audio
R). If you wish to plug in a guitar, bass, signal will clip - not a desirable sound. If
or other high-impedance source, simply the input level is too low, then the
move the appropriate sliding switch to dynamic range of which the US-122’s A/
the GUITAR position. D converters are capable is not being
used, and the signal will be closer to the
The inputs of the L and R channels are
noise floor than it needs to be. In either
available as either balanced XLR mic-
case, this cannot be fixed after the tracks
level inputs, or balanced (1/4") line-level
have been recorded, so it’s important to
make this adjustment carefully.

Hooking up MIDI

The MIDI IN and OUT jacks give you 16 Time Code). This allows you to sync
channels of MIDI I/O. Simply connect tracks from your MTC-capable Portastu-
the MIDI OUT of your keyboard or dio, DTRS multitrack, or any other
other device to the MIDI IN jack on the machine that accepts timecode with your
US-122, and vice versa. If you’ve got a digital audio software, transferring
MIDI sync box, you can use the MIDI tracks back and forth for editing and pro-
ports to send and receive MTC (MIDI cessing.

16 — TASCAM US-122
4 – Hooking up Audio and MIDI to the US-122

Using Direct Monitoring

In digital and computer audio, the DIRECT switch is on, the sound passed
amount of time it takes for the input sig- through the USB and computer process-
nal to pass through the circuitry of the ing is not monitored, and the input sig-
unit and the software processing and nals are passed directly to the outputs for
arrive at the outputs will sometimes monitoring.
result in an audible delay (this is com- You can use the DIRECT MONITOR
monly referred to as “audio latency”). level control to set the level of the
This added delay can be confusing when, directly monitored signal, and the
for example, you’re trying to overdub to MONO switch to fold the two direct
previously recorded tracks. monitor stereo channels into mono.
The direct monitor feature built into the The LINE OUT and PHONES level con-
US-122 eliminates this problem by pro- trols directly affect the audio levels that
viding a way to listen to the signals appear on the LINE OUTPUT and
you’re recording directly, without any PHONES jacks, respectively.
computer processing delay. When the

TASCAM US-122 — 17
5 – The US-122 Control Panel

Main Page

The following description applies to both • Mac OS (pre-X): Control Panel

the Windows and Mac OS versions of • Mac OS X: /Applications/
the US-122 Control Panel program. You In the Control Panel’s main page, you
access the Control Panel at the following can specify a number of the US-122
locations: options.
• Windows: Control Panel

Buffer Size Adjustment

The US-122 driver temporarily stores To adjust the buffer size, run the US-122
input and output audio samples in buff- Control Panel. The Latency slider lets
ers. Larger buffers provide more safety you change the buffer size from a mini-
against other system activities interrupt- mum of 256 samples (128 samples on
ing the audio and producing clicks, pops the Mac) to a maximum of 2048 sam-
or other audible artifacts. Smaller buffers ples. All audio programs that use the US-
provide lower latency when using the 122 must quit before a new audio latency
computer to send input audio to output setting takes effect.
channels in order to monitor the input. This slider is marked Audio Safety
The driver lets you select which buffer Buffer under OS X, and is calibrated in
size works best for your computer and milliseconds, rather than samples.
audio application.
Using Cubase VST at 44.1 kHz sampling
NOTE rate, a 256 sample buffer size gives
This adjustment does not affect the latency approximately. 12 ms of monitoring
of the US-122’s hardware input monitor, latency, while a 2048 sample buffer gives
which is always less than 1.5 ms. approximately 43 ms latency.

18 — TASCAM US-122
5 – The US-122 Control Panel

Optimizing the USB

There is another option available which of MIDI data to be transmitted through
allows you to disable the audio, and only the interface and the timing is critical.
use the MIDI facilities of the US-122.
This is useful if you have a high volume

The Chromatic Tuner

Open the US-122’s control panel and 440 Hz for a middle “A” note, but you
select the Tuner tab. can use the up/down arrows to change it
to a number between 430 and 450 Hz.
As you play, the detected note will be
displayed below the Tuning lights (A# or
E, for example). If the note is sharp, the
Sharp arrow and a Tuning light to the
right of 0 are bright red; if the note is
flat, the Flat arrow and a Tuning light to
the left of 0 are bright red.
In the Input section, select the US-122 The numbers below the tuning lights
input channel that you want to tune (L or indicate how far out of tune the note is,
R). in cents (100 cents is one semitone).
Play a note and adjust the level for that When the note is in tune, the center ‘0’
input until the signal is strong, but not light and both the Flat and Sharp arrows
clipping. are bright green.
The Level meter on the screen should dis- NOTE
play bright green segments without The chromatic tuner consumes some CPU
lighting the top red segment. bandwidth in your system. Therefore,
when you finish using the tuner, we recom-
If desired, you can change the Tuning
mend that you either select another con-
Standard in the Reference section. Nor- trol panel tab or close the control panel.
mally, the Tuning Standard is set to

TASCAM US-122 — 19
6 – Interfacing with your Audio Software

This section is intended to present the This discussion, however, is not intended
basic concepts needed to interface the to replace your software’s user’s manual.
US-122 with the bundled Cubasis VST If you’ve got questions specific to Cuba-
application. sis, please refer to the Cubasis User
Manual for further detail.

Selecting the US-122 as your Audio Device

Audio Control Panel

In Cubasis, open the Audio Control ASIO US-122 Driver. If your software
Panel. It’s located in the Audio pull- (for example, the bundled Cubasis) only
down menu, under System. Select the supports 16-bit recording, a 16-bit driver
ASIO Device pull-down menu, and select has also been included.

In the Audio Control Panel, you can Disk Cache settings, and MIDI to Audio
select the number of audio channels you offset. See the Cubasis manual for more
wish to use, as well as the sampling rate, information on these settings.

ASIO Control Panel

In the Audio Control Panel, click on the to "The US-122 Control Panel" on
button marked ASIO Control Panel. The page 18 for information on these set-
US-122 Control Panel will appear. Refer tings.

20 — TASCAM US-122
6 – Interfacing with your Audio Software

Setting the Sample Rate and Bit Depth

The US-122 supports sample rates of The US-122 control protocol includes
44.1kHz and 48kHz. In the Audio two separate drivers for 16-bit or 24-bit
Control Panel, select the pull-down operation. This selection is made in the
menu for Sample Rate and select either Audio Control Panel (see the illustra-
44.1 kHz or 48 kHz. tion).
The bundled Cubasis VST supports only 16-
bit audio. If you want to record in 24-bit
mode you will need to upgrade to Cubase
VST or another application that supports
24-bit audio.

Input Enabling
You will need to enable the inputs on Then select the inputs on Cubasis’ inter-
Cubasis. Open the Audio Input window nal mixer. If you’re recording a mono
(see the illustration here) and select one input, left click on the input selector
mono track or a stereo pair. above the channel strip and select the
desired input L or R. If you’re recording a
stereo track, the inputs will both be
selected automatically Verify that the
designated channels’ inputs (IN) are
Note that Cubasis supports only one selected, and the associated channels are
input for recording (though this can be a receiving signal.
mono or stereo track).

TASCAM US-122 — 21
6 – Interfacing with your Audio Software

Highlight a track in the arrange window,

and that track will automatically be
record enabled.

Verify that the drop-in and drop-out fea- Cubasis will issue a one or two bar
tures in Cubasis (on the transport bar) count-in (depending on what’s set in
are not enabled (or if so, that they are Cubasis’ Metronome preferences
enabled at the desired locate points). menu), then commence recording.
Press the RECORD button on the screen.

ASIO 2 Direct Monitoring

Some audio programs that can use ASIO paths. With Direct Monitoring enabled
2 for audio input and output, such as the latency is ultra-low (less than 1.5ms),
Steinberg’s Cubase VST, support a fea- but you can’t hear effects in the monitor
ture called “Direct Monitoring”. This path (although they will be recorded if
lets the program’s user interface control enabled).
hardware input-to-output monitoring To enable Direct Monitoring in Cubase
paths. Without Direct Monitoring VST, open the Audio Control Panel. In
enabled, the latency is controlled by your the Monitoring section of the window,
buffer size setting (see "The US-122 check ASIO Direct Monitor. (You also
Control Panel" on page 18) and your need either Record Enable Type or Tape
program can add effects such as reverb Type monitoring enabled.)
and EQ in both the monitor and record

22 — TASCAM US-122
7 – A Sample Recording Session in Cubasis

Okay. You’ve got your US-122 con- NOTE

nected to your computer, and you’ve This chapter is intended as a quick start
loaded the drivers. Your audio software guide toward recording and mixing with
is loaded, and you’re ready to cut some Steinberg Cubasis and the US-122. It is in no
tracks. Let’s walk through a typical way meant to be a comprehensive guide to
recording session with the US-122 and Cubasis. For full details on the Cubasis
Cubasis. application, please refer to the Steinberg
Cubasis manual on the US-122 CD. You’ll
find Windows and MacOS versions.

Setting Up

Before starting Cubasis, make sure that cation by double- clicking on its icon on
the US-122 is connected to your com- the screen. Open the Audio Control
puter’s USB port, and that the device has Panel and select the US-122 as your
been initialized. audio device (see “Selecting the US-122
NOTE as your audio device” in previous chap-
ter.) If you don’t see the US-122 listed in
When launching or closing the application
your Audio Control Panel, make sure it’s
(e.g. Cubasis VST), turn down the LINE
OUT and PHONES controls.
been installed correctly by referring to
the section on Troubleshooting.
When Cubasis VST is running, do not
disconnect or connect the cables of the Select the ASIO Control Panel, and
US-122 or any other USB equipment. choose a sample Rate (44.1 kHz or
48 kHz). Your Audio Clock Source
If you launch Cubasis or another audio should be set to internal, unless you’re
program before the US-122 has been ini- using an S/PDIF digital input from
tialized, the software will not “see” the another audio interface, or otherwise
US-122 and you will not be able to oper- slaving Cubasis to an external source.
ate the software’s controls, perform
MIDI I/O, or record or play back audio. Select the Disk Caching Scheme. Option
Likewise, many software applications 1 is Virtual Tape Recorder, used prima-
don’t expect that devices will be rily when your tracks are linear and of
removed while the program is running. longer duration. Option 2 corresponds to
So make sure to exit your audio applica- Audio Sequencer, and is more applicable
tion programs before disconnecting the when using loops and shorter segments
US-122. of audio. Option 3, Tape Recorder/
Sequencer, is your best choice when
It is also advisable, as with all audio working with a combination of short
devices, that you turn your amplifier or audio clips and longer linear tracks. (For
powered monitors off until the program further information on Disk Caching,
is up and running, to avoid audio spikes. please refer to the Cubasis VST manual.)
Once you are certain that the US-122 is If you’re using the US-122’s internal
up and running, start the Cubasis appli- MIDI interface, you’ll need to enable it

TASCAM US-122 — 23
7 – A Sample Recording Session in Cubasis

in the Options/MIDI Setup menu. For Connect your audio sources to the US-
more information on setting up VST’s 122. Connect an analog source via the
very sophisticated MIDI functions, XLR or 1/4” inputs.
please refer to the VST manual.

Recording Your Tracks

In Cubasis, choose the input(s) you wish flicker, or nothing at all, on the SIGNAL
to enable on the US-122. In the Audio LED.
menu, select Input, and click on the input You can regulate the input level of the
pair on the US-122. The green Input input source in several ways. First, make
icons will light in VST’s Input window sure that the signal you’re sending to the
for active inputs. US-122 is within a reasonable range - it
Select the Audio track(s) to record to by should illuminate the green SIGNAL
highlighting that track in the Arrange LED, but the red OL LED should only
window. flicker occasionally. You can then fine
NOTE adjust the level with the input level con-
trols for the selected channel(s).
If this is the first track recorded in a given
project, Cubasis will probably respond with On Cubasis’ Transport Bar, you can
a dialog box asking you for a path to save enable the recording to drop in or out of
the audio files. It is highly recommended Record based on the locate points you’ve
that you create a unique folder for each set. If you do not wish to enable this
song or project, as audio.WAV files can function, make certain the buttons for
accumulate very quickly on your hard disk, drop in and drop out are not enabled.
and keeping them organized can get pretty
complicated. Press the RECORD button on the screen.
If you’ve got the metronome’s Count-off
Once you’ve enabled your tracks, you’ll
function enabled, you’ll hear a one or
want to monitor audio through them to
two bar countoff, and then the program
set your levels. Open Cubasis’ Monitor
will enter Record mode. It will stop
Mixer (Audio/Monitor menu), and make
recording when it reaches the drop out
certain you’ve assigned your channel
point, or if none is enabled, when you hit
inputs and enabled them. You should see
the STOP button.
audio signal on those channels’ meters
(assuming you’re sending signal from Cubasis will now create a display of the
your source). track(s) you’ve just recorded. This can
take a few seconds to a few minutes,
If your input signal is too high, the OL
depending on how long the recorded
LED will glow steadily red. If the signal
tracks are and how many there are.
level is too low, you might only see a
You’ll then see the tracks appear in your
arrange window.

24 — TASCAM US-122
7 – A Sample Recording Session in Cubasis

To overdub more tracks, simply select more information on Cubasis’ mixer
and enable additional tracks as you did functions, including groups and output
the previous ones, and repeat the proce- assigns, please refer to the Cubasis man-
dure. You can monitor the tracks you’ve ual.
already recorded via the US-122’s out- When overdubbing, you can also select
puts, while recording additional tracks the Direct Monitor mode by using the
into Cubasis via the US-122’s inputs. Be DIRECT MONITOR switch on the US-
sure to assign each track to its own chan- 122.
nel in the program’s internal mixer. For

TASCAM US-122 — 25
8 – Other Applications

It’s important to note that the US-122 is 428 and US-122 is ongoing and expand-
fully functional as a 16- and 24-bit audio ing, we recommend you visit the Com-
interface and 16 channel MIDI interface puter Recording area of the TASCAM
with virtually all Windows and MacOS Web site ( for current
compatible applications. Since the US- news and information, and check out the
428’s release, TASCAM has been work- online users’ forum as well.
ing together with developers throughout These individual documents are also
the professional audio industry and available on the CD-ROM, as well as on
beyond to create support for new appli- our Web site. As new application support
cations; much of this research will also becomes available, we will be posting
benefit users of the US-122. Since the the information for free download.
development of new support for the US-

Setting up Sound Manager Support – pre-Mac OS X

Use the Sound Manager with ProTools tially every Mac application that uses
Free and other Mac OS applications. sound supports it. This includes not only
audio recording and editing programs,
but also games, video editors, web
browsers, MP3 players, and even Macin-
tosh beeps and system sounds. Even
some audio-oriented programs only sup-
port Sound Manager I/O, such as Digide-
sign’s Pro Tools Free. The Sound
The Macintosh Sound Manager is a stan- Manager input and output sources are
dard 2-channel software interface for selected by control panels. The control
playing and recording sound on a Mac. panels used are different in MacOS 8.6
The audio inputs and outputs (speakers) and 9.0, and are explained separately
that are built into any Macintosh use the below.
Sound Manager interface, and essen-

MacOS 9.0

The Sound control panel in MacOS 9.0 sound output. Moving the volume slider
is used to select Sound Manager inputs to the right or clicking on it will send a
and outputs. With this control panel system beep out of the US-122 outputs.
active, click on the left of the window When you click Input on the left, the
where it says Output to display the pos- available input devices appear on the
sible Sound Manager output devices. On right. Click on US-122 to select it as the
the right, click on US-122 to select it as Sound Manager input device. Below it is
the Sound Manager output. Use the out- Input Source”: select L:R.
put volume slider to mute or enable

26 — TASCAM US-122
8 – Other Applications

When an application is using the Sound You will find a selection there labeled
Manager inputs, this Input Source field Sound Manager Input. Here you can
is grayed out, displaying the current change the input pair at any time, even
inputs but preventing you from changing when an audio program is active. The
them here. You can still change the input grayed out Input Source field in the
pair without quitting your program, how- Sound control panel Input section will
ever. To do this, bring up the US-122 display any input changes you make.
control panel and go to the System tab.

MacOS 8.6

The Monitors and Sound control panel Extras/Sound Control Panel.) With Output
in MacOS 8.6 has a Sound section. It selected, you can choose US-122 as the
displays the currently selected Sound Sound Manager output. Since the US-122
Manager output and lets you select has its own output volume control, its
among several Built In input sources. It slider under Volume in this control panel is
only used to enable or mute the US-122
cannot be used to select the US-122 as
the Sound Manger input or output.
Under Sound In you can select the US-
The Sound control panel has a selection
122 instead of the Mac’s Built-in
line at the top to let you choose among
sources. You can also do this under the
Alert Sound, Sound In, Sound Out, and
US-122 control panel’s System tab.
Volume windows.
There you will find a field labeled Sound
NOTE Manager Input. You can change this set-
If your Sound control panel does not have ting at any time, even while a program is
all these options, you should use the alter- using the Sound Manager I/O.
native Sound control panel found in Apple

TASCAM US-122 — 27
8 – Other Applications

Setting audio I/O options under OS X (10.2.3 and above)

In Mac OS X, you can set the preferred you can select the audio input and output
audio input and output device using the devices from the applications them-
Sound Preference Pane, or very often selves.

To use the System Preferences:

From the Apple menu, select System Click the Input tab and choose the
Preferences and click the Sound icon. TASCAM US-122 as the input device.
Click the Output tab and choose the
TASCAM US-122 as the output device.

You may choose to keep alerts and sound

effects played through the Built-in audio

Setting sampling frequency and bit length under OS X (10.2.3 and

Launch the Audio and MIDI Setup appli- This program also allows you to set the
cation. Click the Audio tab. input and output gain of the US-122
You can also set the default input and audio I/O.
output audio devices in this application.
Make sure that the selected Audio device
on the left side of the screen shows the
Set the Current format of either the input
or the output section to the sampling fre-
quency and bit length you want to use.
Note that some applications allow you to
override this setting.

28 — TASCAM US-122
9 – Technical Support

Troubleshooting (Windows)

When installing the US-122 for the first Under Recording, US-122 L:R should
time, if you experience any unusual appear in the drop down menu
behavior, here are some things to check:
MIDI Drivers: In Control Panel /
Audio Drivers In Control Panel / Multimedia, select the MIDI tab. When
System / Device Manager (Win98SE/ Single Instrument is selected, you should
ME) or Control Panel / System / see:
Hardware / Device Manager (Win2000/ • US-122
XP), find the Audio control panel. It’s
In Control Panel / Multimedia, select the
called Sound, Video And Game
Devices tab. Under Audio Devices, you
Controllers in Win98SE, or Sound &
should see:
Multimedia in Windows 98/ME and
Windows 2000/XP. You should see two • Audio for US-122
entries for the US-122: Under Midi Devices And Instruments
• TASCAM US-122 you should see:
• US-122 WDM Interface • MIDI for US-122.
In Control Panel / Multimedia, select the Expand by clicking on the plus (+) sign
Audio tab. and you should see:
Under Playback, US-122 Out should • US-122 Port 1
appear in the drop down menu Port 1 corresponds to the US-122’s
MIDI I/O ports.

Tech Support Contacts

If you’re unable to solve an installation users of a variety of software platforms,

problem, you’ve got several options for so someone’s likely to be familiar with
help. your program of choice.
First, we recommend you visit our Web Also, since many of the situations you’re
site at, and check for likely to encounter will be related to the
any updates, FAQ or support news. software you’re using, it’s a good idea to
Also on our Web site, you’ll find our check not only our Web site, but the Web
always lively Online User Forums. sites and resources of the software pro-
TASCAM Product Specialists are on line gram’s manufacturer as well.
to field questions, but don’t be surprised You can also contact our telephone sup-
if your question is answered by another port. Outside the US, please see the Con-
user. The BBS is also a forum for discus- tact page of our Web site for worldwide
sion, comments and ideas on the US- contact information.
122, US-224 and US-428. You’ll find

TASCAM US-122 — 29
9 – Technical Support

Before Contacting Us
Before contacting us with your query, Scanner, CD burners, WinModem,
please have the following information etc.?
available: • What application(s) are you running?
• Type of Computer (PC or Mac), pro- • If running the bundled Cubasis appli-
cessor type and speed, and (if possi- cation, is/was another version of
ble) motherboard? Cubase or Cubasis installed?
• Type of USB Host controller (see the • What plug-ins do you have installed?
US-122 manual for details)? Please provide us with full details of
• Installed RAM, type of hard drive(s)? your problem, including:
• Type of graphic card? • Any errors or oddities encountered
• What OS are you running? during setup and installation.
• If running Windows98SE, have you • Items listed above that do not appear.
installed the HotFix? • Any error messages encountered.
• What other hardware is installed in Please try to copy or quote them in
this computer? SoundBlaster or other full.
audio cards? Other USB devices/hubs? • Any behavior that may cause errors,
especially repeatable ones.

30 — TASCAM US-122
9 – Technical Support

Troubleshooting FAQ

While this manual contains some basic should light to indicate the presence of
questions, you will find a much more analog audio signal at the inputs. Make
detailed FAQ document on the sure your monitor or headphone levels
TASCAM Web site. are turned up, and connected correctly.
Q. I don’t see the US-122 in Q. My audio is distorted.
Cubasis’ Audio Control Panel. A. Check to see if the signal is overload-
A. Check to see if the US-122 is ing. The red OL indicators should only
installed correctly within your OS. In occasionally flicker. In the case of a digi-
Windows, go to the Device Manager tal input, try reducing the output level of
(My Computer/Control Panel/Setup), the source.
and click on the Sound, video and Game
controllers tab to make sure the US-122
Q. I can see a response on
is installed and operating correctly. Also screen from my DAW to the US-
check to see that your USB cable is con- 122, but I don’t hear any audio.
nected securely, and that the unit is pow- A. Make sure your audio signal path is
ered up before booting Cubasis. correctly routed. Make sure the channels
you’re trying to monitor are not in Input
Q. I’ve connected audio to the mode. Make sure your output level is
US-122, but can’t hear turned up. Make sure that the US-122
anything. ASIO driver (16 or 24 bit) is selected
A. Make sure your input levels are suffi-
cient. The green SIGNAL indicators

TASCAM US-122 — 31
10 – Specifications

Audio specifications

Nominal input levels

MIC L and R (XLR balanced) –54 dBu (TRIM=max) to –16 dBu
LINE/GUITAR input in LINE position –34 dBu (TRIM=max) to +4 dBu
(1/4" jack, balanced) (TRIM=min)
LINE/GUITAR input in GUITAR posi- –42.2 dBV (TRIM=max) to –4.22 dBV
tion (1/4" jack, unbalanced) (TRIM=min)
INSERT returns –10 dBV

Maximum input levels

MIC L and R (XLR balanced) 0 dBu

LINE/GUITAR input in LINE position +20 dBu

(1/4" jack, balanced)
LINE/GUITAR input in GUITAR posi- +11.8 dBV
tion (1/4" jack, unbalanced)
INSERT returns +6 dBV

Input impedance
MIC inputs (XLR balanced) 2.2 kΩ

LINE/GUITAR input in LINE position 22 kΩ

(1/4" jack, balanced)
LINE/GUITAR input in GUITAR posi- 910 kΩ
tion (1/4" jack, unbalanced)
INSERT returns 100 kΩ

Nominal output levels

LINE OUTPUTs (unbalanced RCA) –10 dBV
INSERT sends –10 dBV
Maximum output levels
LINE OUTPUTs (unbalanced RCA) +6 dBV
INSERT sends +6 dBV
PHONES (1/4" stereo jack) +4.2 dBV (100 kΩ), phones level at –3 dB

32 — TASCAM US-122
10 – Specifications

Maximum output power

PHONES (1/4" stereo jack) 10 mW + 10 mW (40 Ω), phones level at
–3 dB

Audio performance

Signal-to-noise ratio and dynamic range

MIC IN to INSERT send >100 dB (A weighting, TRIM=min, input
impedance at 150 Ω)
LINE IN to INSERT send >100 dB (A weighting, TRIM=min, input
impedance at 150 Ω)
LINE IN (through ADC and DAC) to > 93 dB (A weighting, TRIM=min, input
LINE OUT impedance at 150 Ω, LINE OUT=–3 dB)
LINE IN (through direct monitor) to > 97 dB (A weighting, TRIM=min, input
LINE OUT impedance at 150 Ω, LINE OUT=–3 dB)
GUITAR IN to INSERT send > 98 dB (A weighting, TRIM=min, output
impedance at 600 Ω)
LINE OUT (from digital source) >99 dB (A weighting, LINE OUT=–3 dB)
Total harmonic distortion (THD)
MIC IN to INSERT send <0.007% (TRIM=min, 1 kHz, +20 dBu
LINE IN to INSERT send <0.007% (TRIM=min, 1 kHz, +20 dBu
LINE IN (through ADC and DAC) to <0.009%, +20 dBu input, LINE OUT=–
LINE OUT 3 dB, phones output at minimum)

LINE IN (through direct monitor) to <0.009%, +20 dBu input, LINE OUT=–
LINE OUT 3 dB, phones output at minimum)
GUITAR IN to INSERT send <0.05% (TRIM=min, 1 kHz, –4.2 dBV

TASCAM US-122 — 33
10 – Specifications

Other characteristics

Digital audio
A/D conversion 24-bit, 17 samples delay
D/A conversion 24-bit, 15.4 samples delay
Sampling frequencies 44.1 kHz, 48 kHz (software selectable)
MIDI IN and MIDI OUT ports Conform to MIDI standards
Host computer compatibility
Windows 98SE, Windows Me, Windows
2000, Windows XP
Operating system
Mac OS 8.8 and above (pre-OS X) or OS
10.2.3 and above (OS X)
Communication USB 1.1
Audio/MIDI interface
protocols ASIO, Sound Manager, CoreAudio and
Bundled software Cubasis (not for OS X), Giga24 (Windows

Physical characteristics

External dimensions (w x h x d) 149 x 60 x 196 (mm), 5.9 x 2.4 x 7.7 ()in)

Weight 925 g (2 lb)

Supplied by USB connection 5 V, maximum current 500 mA

34 — TASCAM US-122
10 – Specifications

Dimensional drawing

2mm (0.1")

40mm (1.6")
196mm (7.7")

60mm (2.4")

145mm (5.7")

149mm (5.9")

TASCAM US-122 — 35

Phone: +81-422-52-5082
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Phone: +1-323-726-0303
7733 Telegraph Road, Montebello, California 90640
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