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KDMP2016 - Layman's Report

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Credit No.: 4367 - UG

Contract No.: KCCA/KIIDP2/ISCS-12



2016 12 22 PB, VM, AB AG

Submitted by: SGI Studio Galli Ingegneria.



In the context of Kampala, where watersheds of many urban centers receive significant
amount of annual rainfall and
where rainfall intensity is
generally high, control of runoff
at source, flood protection, and
safe disposal of excess
water/runoff through proper
drainage facilities becomes

The decrease availability of

floodplain areas plus the
reduced infiltration capacity of
the ground caused by the
intense urbanization started to
raise problems in Kampala with
damages to the drainage system,
to people’s homes and industrial
properties, serious disruption to
traffic and economic activity in
the city.

Drainage problems in urban areas

include flooding, deterioration of
roads, land degradation,
sedimentation, blockage of
drainage facilities, water logging, Inundation of roads in Kampala
etc. (Photos by Daily Monitor)

With urbanization, impermeability enhances with the increase in impervious surfaces (i.e.
residential houses, commercial buildings, paved roads, parking lots, etc.), drainage pattern
changes, overland flow gets faster, flooding and environmental problems such as land
degradation occur. It is a crucial problem facing the existing and future road infrastructure.

Inundation of a road in Kampala (Photos by Daily Monitor)


The potential constrictions along the drainage network mainly consist in the crossings: it is
common to
observe in
Kampala that
while a channel
may be
designed to
convey a certain
amount of flow,
the downstream
crossing is clearly
inadequate to let
the water free-

Example of undersized crossing

The majority of the crossing infrastructures along the drainage network of Kampala
constitute a
constriction with
respect to the
conveyed flow. At
the same time
many of the
channel sub-
reaches do not
have the same
flow capacity of
the upstream sub-

Presence of
constrictions within
the Kampala drainage

Besides the issues of the undersized drains especially due to the bottlenecks of the crossing
structures, the flow capacity along the network is further reduced by the presence of:
collapses, blockages, sedimentation and waste disposal.

Collapses are caused by inadequate construction criteria and poor maintenance while
blockage consists in pipes or tubes that constitute an obstacle to the free flow.
The last two latter phenomena are particularly problematic and related to the intense
urbanization of the city:
- Sedimentation: material mainly comes from the excavation for infrastructures and
reaches the open drains as consequence of surface run-off;
- Dumping of solid waste: the densely populated areas generally have poor solid waste
management therefore people dispose the domestic waste directly into the

Presence of waste Deposit of sediment

Collapses Structure along the drain

Issues for drains noticed during the survey

Eroded material and solid waste ultimately travel into and along the course of drainage
channel until the material deposits at some points downstream where the bed slopes are
flatter and the velocity reduces. The result is that the bed level reaches the elevation of the
surrounding ground level.


In 2003 the Ministry of Local Government and Kampala City Council (KCC) initiated the
preparation of a Kampala Drainage Master Plan (KDMP) to ensure that rehabilitation and
sustainable upgrading for overall
stormwater planning are
implemented in an orderly and
affordable manner.

The Kampala Drainage Master

Plan (KDMP2003) was performed
for upgrading drainage systems in
Kampala to reduce the frequency
of flooding due to increased
urbanization and development
and counter the negative effects
of floods on property, livelihoods
and economy

The KDMP2003 had an

implementation programme for
improving drainage systems in
Kampala with the view of reducing
the frequency of flooding due to
urbanization and counter the
negative effects of flooding to
property, livelihood and the

Specifically, the KDMP 2003 sought

to achieve the following objectives: Kampala Drainage Master Plan 2003
 Preparation of a comprehensive
KDMP covering further development of the Kampala District to 2040;
 Preparation of an affordable and phased long-term programme for the development
of drainage in the Project Area for the period up to the year 2040, with identified
successive stages of implementation;
 Preparation of a short-term action programme for the first five years, including
design briefs, conceptual designs and cost estimates for recommended prioritized
interventions, identification of legislative, regulatory, institutional, financial,
engineering, implementation and operational arrangements necessary for the
successful implementation of KDMP.



After more than 10 years Kampala has been characterized by a huge development in terms
of urban and infrastructure development so the drainage systems of Kampala need to be
updated with respect to the findings of KDMP2003.

The Government of Uganda has decided to use founding from the International
Development Association (IDA) for the implementation of the Kampala Institutional and
Infrastructure Development Project (KIIDP)—Phase 2 to enhance city infrastructure and to
improve urban mobility and deepen institutional reforms for the economic growth.

Within this framework the present Project (Kampala Drainage Master Plan 2016 -
KDMP2016) regards a Consultancy Services for updating the KDMP2003: the updated
KDMP contains a new implementation program for storm water drainage system in
Kampala City that reflects the current socio-economic status and also addresses the
emerging challenges to drainage management in Kampala City.

The principal tasks for the realization of the Kampala Drainage Master Plan 2016 are:

 Comprehensive survey of the drainage network;

 Socio-Economic Survey and Environmental Assessment of the wetlands;
 Hydrological, Hydraulic and Risk Analysis;
 Multi criteria analysis to define the best options of intervention;
 Economic analysis and intervention Strategy;
 Stormwater management Policy;
 Stakeholders involvement.

The concept of the holistic approach is essential and it is a milestone also for the present
Project: thorough study has to be done to come up with strategies which incorporate
physical as well as social aspects in order to bring multiple stakeholders in the flash flood
risk management.

Therefore, in updating Kampala Drainage Master Plan the Consultant proposes alternative
engineering solutions that are assessed through a holistic and multi-criteria approach: It
takes into consideration all the sectors and aspects involved in the issues that the City is

The final and main scope of the Drainage Master Plan aims to propose interventions useful
to eliminate, or minimize, the hydraulic issues of the drainage network and such
interventions can be classified as NON STRUCTURAL MEASURES and STRUCTURAL

 NON-STRUCTURAL MEASURES: are usually less capital-intensive but have significant
social and economic implications. They cover aspects of institutional and legislative
framework, strategies of control erosion and wastewater disposal, operation and
maintenance, communication strategy, land-use zoning and planning and monitoring
and warning system;

 STRUCTURAL MEASURES: that play a significant role in limiting damage and loss of life
and are capital-intensive. They consist in physical interventions on the system.

Non-structural pre-
emptive measures are
the responsibility of
everyone from private
citizens to National
Government while
responsibility for
structural measures is
mainly a function of
government (at all
levels) and is
determined by the legal
framework in the

Primary and Secondary

drains within the Study

Currently there are several opportunities for the correct implementation of the Drainage
Master Plan:

 KCCA has been elevated to the level of an Authority, enjoys autonomy

 Uganda is embarking on the development of the first National Physical Development
Plan (NPDP)
 Kampala’s Climate, topography and natural features i.e. lakes, rivers, wetlands, etc.
offer opportunity for implementation of Sustainable Urban Drainage System (SUDS)
 Consultations undertaken have stimulated public interest and raised profile of
drainage and Storm Water Management (SWM) issues in Kampala
 Floods and improved SWM is on the agenda of all political leaders in KCCA
 The updating of KDMP has been participatory involving all key stakeholders, and
proposes an inclusive approach to implementation unlike the previous plan
 New towns initiative proposed to decongest Kampala will reduce congestion and
engage in greening Kampala
• Willingness of landlords in flood prone areas to accept relocation as long as
adequate and timely compensation is provided.


The comprehensive survey on the existing drainage infrastructure allowed to define the
geometry (sizing) and to assess qualitative aspects that characterize the current status of
the drainage system.
The survey has been carried out for 5 months starting on August 2015 and ending at
December 2015.

Surveyors at work during the data collection phase

The objective of the

comprehensive survey was
also qualitative, to gather
information of the status of
the drainage system:
presence of waste, or deposit
of sediment or structural
problems (collapses, presence
of pipes, walls) that limit the
flow capacity and facilitate
flooding. The Consultant
developed and designed a
dedicated Geo-Database GD
in order to easy store,
manage, analyze and consult
all data collected during the
project. A Geo-Database has a
comprehensive information
model for representing and
managing geographic
Points where survey was carried out along the drainage network


A socio-economic and environmental survey were undertaken. To facilitate collection of

data at household level, 20 Research Assistants (RAs) experienced in participatory research
methodologies were identified,
recruited and oriented.

The household survey (HH) was

conducted among households living
in proximity to the eight primary
drainage channels

The Key-Information interviews

were conducted with people
deemed to have sufficient
knowledge about Drainage and
Storm water issues at the different

The principal information taken

from the socio-
economic/environmental survey
 Demographic and Socio-
Distribution of Respondents along the drainage system Economic characteristic of
respondent Households;
 Primary water sources;
 Engagement in Rain Water Harvesting;
 Access to excreta facilities;
 Solid Waste Management and knowledge
about health effects of poor solid waste
handling and disease;
 Waste Recycling;
 Households experience with flooding;
 Patterns of flooding in Kampala and flood
water receding time;
 Stormwater amenities at Households level
 Households opinions regarding community
participation and willingness to participate in Storm Water
Management and in Drainage Improvement;
 Current condition of the wetlands.

With the elaboration of the socio-economic survey, a

Socio-Economic and Environmental Impact Assessment
was carried out.


Rainfall events experienced in Kampala are mostly thundery characterized by high intensity
rainfall over short
periods and those are
the events that lead
to flash flood within
the City.
To design the
stormwater drainage
infrastructures for an
event of defined
return period it is
necessary to
elaborate the
recorded flow data to
obtain the peak flow.

Annual distribution of rainfall in Kampala and Average annual rainfall distribution in mm over Uganda

In the KDMP2003 the hydrological

elaboration has been done on the
basis of daily rainfall records available
for the years 1943-1999.

For the KDMP2016 the dataset

available from the KDMP2003 has
been integrated with recent records
(covering the period 2000-2014) for
three stations Nakawa Forest, Makere
University and Nsambia MHM.

The hydrological analysis is functional

to the definition of the rainfall depth
and the Catchment Runoff Discharge
values that occur for extreme events
(corresponding to different Average
Recurrence Interval).

Results of the Hydrological Analysis are the main inputs of the Hydraulic Model that has
been used to determine the depth of the water inside the drainage network and the
flooding maps of each basin.

The outcome of the modeling simulations is the flooding risk assessment where the key
concepts underpinning this research are flood hazard and flood protection:

flood hazard Denotes the probability and severity of occurrence of a flood event of
a certain magnitude (in terms of water depth);

flood protection That refers to the extent to which different types of land use are
located in the flooding areas and it is represented by the concept of
demanded level of protection.

Eventually the flood risk analysis combines the assessment of the flood hazard analysis with
the flood exposure so for example, if buildings are located in a flood plain, both hazard and
exposure are present.

To assess the flood hazard the Consultant referred to a methodology developed in

Switzerland (BWW
et. al. 1997) that
considers two
intensity (or
severity) in terms
of water depth and
probability, in
terms of ARI,
combining them in
a matrix
intensity-matrix) to
indicate different
levels of hazard
Inundation map carried out from hydraulic analysis and example of Flood Risk map

The final step of the flood

risk analysis consists in
meeting results of the
flood hazard analysis with
the demanded level of
protection that is
function of the type of
structures and buildings
present in the area. The
resulting elaboration is
the risk map with the
definition of the areas
with low, medium and
high risk.


The objective of the updating of the Drainage Master Plan regards the development of
alternative solutions to solve the flooding problems that will be assessed according to multi-
criteria analysis (MCA) to determine a preferred option.

Multi-criteria analysis regards aspects of:

 Hydraulic performance: capability of each intervention to independently solve the

flooding problems for a defined event;
 Environmental impact:
o Physical chemical, effects to be considered: Changes in water quality,
Changes in crop and grazing land (productive land), Changes to surface water
regime, Changes to ground water regime.
o Biological/Ecological, effects to be considered: changes in biodiversity,
changes in aquatic biota, changes in disease vector populations, changes in
terrestrial biota, changes in wetland cover, changes to areas of natural
habitat (including protected areas).
 Social effect: changes involving loss of private property, changes involving public
infrastructure, changes involving re-settlement of the people, changes involving loss
of access to natural resources, changes to downstream users, changes to availability
of water for domestic and agricultural use, changes to culturally sensitive areas;
changes in local income generating opportunities
 Economic assessment: capital cost of interventions
 Land acquisition: interference with existing buildings and infrastructures that bring
to land acquisition and compensation

In this sense the multi-criteria

analysis allows to conduct a
holistic evaluation of the

Example of channelization and of

a retention pond

The main outcome of the multi-criteria

analysis is that at basin scale in most
cases the combined use of retention
ponds and channelization along the
channels (lining and
enlargement/deepen) is the preferable


Stormwater Management Policy covers the issues related to the non-structural measures
that need to be implemented in the short term.

Due to the characteristics of the topography, of the rain events and of the existing drainage
system, in Kampala there is a need for an Integrated Flood Management (IFM) approach
that emphasizes the coordination of what has to be done upstream for the sake of
downstream inhabitants.

A combination of catchment management and engineering solutions that is particular to

IFM is the utilization
of Sustainable
Drainage Systems
(SUDs) that intend to
prevent runoff
through flood
retention upstream.

Benefits of SUDs

Interventions on the stormwater drainage system should therefore be seen as a component

of Integrated Water Resources Management developing an efficient and flexible urban
water systems by adopting a variety of existing technologies, management, and institutional

The Integrated Urban water management (IUWM) constitutes one of the components of the
urban water cycle (together with water supply and sanitation) and is integrated within the
wider watershed management, and within other areas determining city’s development (i.e.
land use, transportation, waste management).

Policies and Strategies are fundamental to support the correctness and effectiveness
application of the interventions proposed within the framework of the Master Plan and

 Institutional and legal Policy

 Erosion and Sediment Control Strategy
 Waste Disposal Strategy
 Monitoring network and Disaster Risk Reduction Strategy
 Stormwater Facilities Design Standard Manual
 Operation and Maintenance Manual


The economic analysis represents the elaboration of the economic and financial part of
the Project and presents the calculations of costs and benefits on the proposed
interventions, done with a “Cost-Benefit Analysis”.

The cost-benefit analysis is a technique for the measurement of the cost-effectiveness

and/or cost-benefits ratio of the project and evaluating the validity of the project execution.
Within its framework both direct and indirect benefits coming from the flood protection
measure have been investigated.

Based on economic analysis, the implementation strategy has been defined identifying the
intervention to be done in the short, medium and long term that have high, medium and
low priority.

SHORT TERM 2017-2021 high priority
MEDIUM TERM 2022-2040 medium priority
LONG TERM 2041-2060 low priority

While non-structural measures need to be implemented in the short term, structural

interventions for channel sub-reaches and crossings have been planned in the next 40 years
with prioritization criteria that take into account several aspects but mainly safety and

Likely the prioritization of the interventions will be given to the crossings: as underlined
many times, the current status of the majority of the culverts represent in many cases
bottlenecks for the drainage system.

In the next pages the detailed tables are reported with the implementation definition of
each element, crossing or channel: to facilitate the localization of each element, the name
of the crossed roads is provided in case of crossing, while for channel sub-reaches the name
of the upstream and downstream road is indicated.

Phasing strategy for Nakivubo basin

Short term Medium term Long term

Sub-Basin Code Name of Drain Section type Name 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022-2030 2031-2040 2041-2050 2051-2060
Bypass Mukwano Road /
Station approach
Nakivubo Place
Up Bukasa ring Road
Access Road - Unpaved
Allen Street - Nabugabo
Entebbe Road - Railway
Fifth Street - Unpaved
Kyagwe Road - Allen Street
Luwum street - Nakivubo
stadium access
Nabugabo - New Taxi Park
Nakivubo - Unpaved
Nakivubo stadium access -
Nakivubo stadium access
Nakivubo stadium access -
Owino market access
New Taxi park - Qualiel Bus
NA1 Nakivubo Owino market access -
Entebbe Road
Owino market access - Owino
market access
Qualiel Bus Terminal - Luwum
Railway - Railway
Railway - Unpaved
Unpaved - Access Road
Unpaved - Ds
Unpaved - Fifth Street
Unpaved - Kyagwe Road
Us - Nakivubo
Access Road
Allen Street
Entebbe Road
Crossing Fifth Street
Nakivubo Place
Kyagwe Road
Luwum Street

Short term Medium term Long term
Sub-Basin Code Name of Drain Section type Name 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022-2030 2031-2040 2041-2050 2051-2060
Nakivubo stadium access
Nakivubo stadium access
New Taxi park
Owino market access

Qualiel Bus Terminal

Unpaved - Ds
Kititantale Kintu Road - New
Port Bell road
NA1_1 Kintintale New Port Bell Road - Unpaved

New Port Bell Road
Gadaffi Road - Mpaba Road
Channels Sir Apollo Kagwa Road -
NA1_10 Kakajjo Gadaffi Road
Mpaba Road
Gadaffi Road
Kibira Road - Ds
Luthuli Avenue - Lithuli Avenue

Luthuli Avenue - Muwasi Road

Muwasi Road - Nyondo Road
NA1_2 Kibira
Nyondo Road - Kibira Road
Spring Road - Lithuli Avenue
Luthuli Avenue
Muwasi Road

Short term Medium term Long term
Sub-Basin Code Name of Drain Section type Name 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022-2030 2031-2040 2041-2050 2051-2060
Nyondo Road
Jinja Road - Railway
Lugogo Forest Mall access -
Jinja Road
Naguru Road - Lugogo Forest
Mall access
Railway - Ds
Railway - Spring Road
Saddler Road - Naguru Road
NA1_3 Lugogo
Spring Road - Railway
Jinja Road
Naguru Road
Lugogo Forest Mall access
Saddler Way
Spring Road
Railway - Ds
Acacia Avenue - Centenary
Park Road
Centenary Park Road -
Jinja Road - Railway
Kitante Lane - Acacia Avenue

NA1_4 Kitante Unpaved - Jinja Road

Unpaved - Unpaved
Jinja Road
Crossing Unpaved
Acacia Avenue
Centenary Park Road

Short term Medium term Long term
Sub-Basin Code Name of Drain Section type Name 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022-2030 2031-2040 2041-2050 2051-2060
Kitante lane
Bypass Road (Mukwano) - Ds
Kibuli Road - Bypass Road
Channels (Mukwano)
Lubuga Road - Kibuli Road
NA1_5 Kayunga Us - Lubuga Road
Bypass Road (Mukwano)
Crossing Kibuli Road
Lubuga Road
Bypass Road (Mukwano) - Ds
Kibuli Road - Bypass Road
NA1_6 n.a Us - Kibuli Road
Bypass Road (Mukwano)
Kibuli Road
Kevina Road - Unpaved
Channels Railway - Nsambya Road
Unpaved - Railway
NA1_7 n.a Kevina Road
UP Kevina Road
Nsambya Road
NA1_7 n.a. Channels Nsambya Road - Ds
Katwe Road - Mengo Hill Road
Channels Katwe Road - Mutebi Road
NA1_8 Katwe
Mutebi Road - Katwe Road
Crossing Katwe Road

Short term Medium term Long term
Sub-Basin Code Name of Drain Section type Name 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022-2030 2031-2040 2041-2050 2051-2060
Entebba Road
Mengo Hill Road
Kafunbe Mukasa - Owino
NA1_9 n.a Market access
Crossing Owino market access

Phasing strategy for Lubigi basin

Short term Medium term Long term

Sub-Basin Code Name of Drain Section type Name 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022-2030 2031-2040 2041-2050 2051-2060
Northern By pass
Bombo Road - Kawaala road
Gayaza Road - Northern Bypass
Hoima Road - Sentema Road
Kalerwe - Northern Bypass
Kamwokya Kisalosalo Road - Kisingiri
Channels street
Kawaala Road - Hoima road
Kisingiri street - Unpaved
Northern By pass - Bombo Road
Old Kira Road - Kamwokya Kisalosalo
LU2 Lubigi
Unpaved - Gayaza Road
Bombo Road
Gayaza Road
Hoima Road
Kawaala Road
Crossing Sentema Road
Kamwokya Kisalosalo Road
Kisingiri street
Northern Bypass
Unpaved - Ds
LU2_1 n.a. Us - Unpaved
Crossing Unpaved
Unpaved - Unpaved
Us - Unpaved
Kawala Bwaise Road - Northern
Channels Bypass
Kimera Road - Unpaved
Northern Bypass - Ds
LU2_10 n.a.
Unpaved - Kawala Bwaise Road
Kimera Road
Northern By pass
Crossing Unpaved
Kawala Bwaise Road
LU2_11 n.a. Channels Access to Trinity High School

Short term Medium term Long term
Sub-Basin Code Name of Drain Section type Name 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022-2030 2031-2040 2041-2050 2051-2060
Access to Trinity High School -
Coffee Lane - Nabweru Kawempe
Mangeri Road - Unpaved

Nabweru Kawempe Road - Unpaved

Nabweru Road - Ds
Unpaved - Access to Trinity High
Unpaved - Coffee Lane
Unpaved - Nabweru Road
Us - Mangeri Road

Nabweru Road
Crossing Coffee Lane
Mangeri Road
Nabweru Kawempe Road
LU2_12 n.a. Channels Unpaved - Northern Bypass
Kalerwe - Northern Bypass
LU2_12_A n.a. Gayaza road - Kalerwe

Crossing Kalerwe
Us - Unpaved
Unpaved - Northern Bypass
Church Road - Unpaved
Channels Gayaza Road RAB - Unpaved
LU2_12_B n.a.
Mutebi Road - Gayaza Road RAB
Unpaved - Church Road
Unpaved - Mutebi Road
Crossing Church Road

Short term Medium term Long term
Sub-Basin Code Name of Drain Section type Name 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022-2030 2031-2040 2041-2050 2051-2060
Mutebi Road
Northern Bypass - Ds
Unpaved - Kawempe Coll. Lane
Alice Kaggwa Road - Mambule Road
GGaboggola Mukasa road - Haji
Mumyuka Road
Haji Mumyuka Road - Unpaved
Kawempe Coll. Lane - Alice Kaggwa
Channels Kawempe-Tula-Mpererwe Road -
Nyonjo Road
Mambule Road - Northern Bypass
Mbogo Road 2B - Nyonjo Road
Nyonjo Road - GGaboggola Mukasa
LU2_13 Kiyanja Nyonjo Road - Unpaved
Unpaved - Nyonjo Road
Us - Mbogo Road 2B
Northern By pass
Alice Kaggwa Road
GGaboggola Mukasa road

Crossing Haji Mumyuka Road

Kawempe Coll. Lane

Mambule Road
Mbogo Road 2B
Nyonjo Road
Bahai Road - Gayaza Road
LU2_13_A n.a. Channels
Gayaza Road - Ds

Short term Medium term Long term
Sub-Basin Code Name of Drain Section type Name 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022-2030 2031-2040 2041-2050 2051-2060
Kamomboga Bahai Road - Bahai Road
Us - Kamomboga Bahai Road
Gayaza Road
Crossing Bahai Road
Kamomboga Bahai Road
Kawempe Tula-Mpererwe Road -
LU2_13_C n.a. Channels
Nyonjo Road
Unpaved - Ds
LU2_14 n.a. Us - Unpaved
Crossing Unpaved
Bukoto Kisaasi Road - Northern
Kamwokya Kisalosalo Road - Ds
Kamwokya Kisalosalo Road -
Kamwokya Kisalosalo Road
Kyebando Kisalosalo Road -
Kamwokya Kisalosalo Road
Northern Bypass - Kyebando
LU2_15 Kyabatola Kisalosalo Road
Us - Bukoto 16
Bukoto 16
Bukoto Kisaasi Road
Crossing Kamwokya Kisalosalo Road
Northern Bypass
Kyebando Kisalosalo Road
LU2_15_A n.a. Channels Us - Ds
LU2_15_B n.a. Channels Bukoto 16 - Bukoto Kisaasi Road
Unpaved - Unpaved
Makamba Road - Mugema Road
LU2_2 n.a. Channels
Mugema Road - Ds
Nabulagala Road - Unpaved

Short term Medium term Long term
Sub-Basin Code Name of Drain Section type Name 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022-2030 2031-2040 2041-2050 2051-2060
Sentema Road - Makamba Road

Unpaved - Sentema Road

Makamba Road
Mugema Road
Crossing Sentema Road
Sentema Road - Makamba Road
Channels Us - Northern Bypass
LU2_2_1 n.a.
Crossing Northern Bypass
Kamanyia Road - Kwewa Lane
LU2_2_A n.a. Kwewa Lane - Ds
Crossing Kwewa Lane
Sentema Road - Ds
LU2_2_B n.a. Us - Sentema Road
Crossing Sentema Road
LU2_3 n.a. Channels Us - Ds
Unpaved - Ds
LU2_4 n.a. Us - Unpaved
Crossing Unpaved
Unpaved - Ds
Channels Unpaved - Unpaved
LU2_5 n.a.
Us - Unpaved
Crossing Unpaved
Unpaved - Ds
Channels Unpaved - Unpaved
LU2_6 n.a.
Us - Unpaved
Crossing Unpaved

Short term Medium term Long term
Sub-Basin Code Name of Drain Section type Name 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022-2030 2031-2040 2041-2050 2051-2060
Hoima Road - Ds
Kisimu Road - Nabweru Road
Nabweru Road - Hoima Road
LU2_7 Tenga Us - Kisimu Road
Hoima Road
Crossing Nabweru Road
Kisimu Road
Us - Unpaved
Muteesa 2 Road - Northern Bypass
Channels Prince Luswata Road - Unpaved
Unpaved - Muteesa 2 Road
LU2_8 n.a.
Unpaved - Prince Luswata Road
Crossing Muteesa 2 Road
Prince Luswata Road
Unpaved - Ds

Unpaved - Unpaved

Channels Us - Unpaved

LU2_9 n.a. Nambweru Road - Unpaved

Unpaved - Nambweru Road

Nambweru Road

Phasing strategy for Nalukolongo basin

Short term Medium term Long term

Sub-Basin Code Name of Drain Section type Name 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022-2030 2031-2040 2041-2050 2051-2060
Entebbe Road - Unpaved
Kigagga Taxi Park Access - Masaka
Kinewa Road - Unpaved
Mutesa II Road - Wankulukuku
Nalukolongo Road - Unpaved
Old Masaka Road - Kigagga Taxi
Park Access
Railway - Nalukolongo Road
Sebule Road - Mutesa II Road
Sebule Road - Unpaved
NA3 Nalukolongo
Unpaved - Kinewa Road
Unpaved - Old Masaka Road
Unpaved - Sebule Road
Wankulukuku Road - Railway
Nalukolongo Road
Old Masaka Road
Wankulukuku Road
Kigagga Taxi Park Access
Kinewa Road
Mutesa II Road
Masaka Road - Ds
Us - Old Masaka Road
NA3_1 n.a.
Old Masaka Road
Us - Old Masaka Road
Us - Unpaved
Mutundwe Kirinyabigo Road -Old
Masaka road
Channels Nalumunye Road - Mutundwe
Kirinyabigo Road
NA3_2 Mayanja kato Old Masaka Road - Ds
Unpaved - Nalumunye Road
Old Masaka Road
Crossing Unpaved
Mutundwe Kirinyabigo Road

Short term Medium term Long term
Sub-Basin Code Name of Drain Section type Name 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022-2030 2031-2040 2041-2050 2051-2060
Nalumunye Road
Unpaved - Unpaved
Us - Unpaved

Channels Masaka Road - Ds

Junju Road - Masaka Road

NA3_3 n.a.
Unpaved - Junju Road
Junju Road
Crossing Masaka Road
Masaka Road - Ds

Junju Road - Nateete Road

Nateete Road - Masaka Road
Us - Junju Road
NA3_4 n.a. Junju Road
Masaka Road
Crossing Natete Road
Masaka Road - Ds
Nateete Road - Masaka Road

Railway - Ds
NA3_5 n.a. Us - Railway
Crossing Railway
Unpaved - Ds
Us - Unpaved
Binaisa Road - Unpaved
NA3_6 Wakaliga Channels
Kiyimba Road - Unpaved
Unpaved - Kiyimba Road
Unpaved - Wamala Road

Short term Medium term Long term
Sub-Basin Code Name of Drain Section type Name 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022-2030 2031-2040 2041-2050 2051-2060
Wamala Road - Binaisa Road
Kiyimba Road
Wamala Road
Binaisa Road
Masaka Road - Railway
Us - Masaka Road
NA3_7 n.a.
Masaka Road
Railway - Masaka Road
Kintu Road - Unpaved

Masaka 1 Road - Suna Road

Suna Road - Ds
Unpaved - Masaka 1 Road

Us - Wamala Road

NA3_8 n.a. Wamala Road - Kintu Road

Kintu Road

Masaka 1 Road

Crossing Suna Road

Wamala Road


Phasing strategy for Kansanga basin

Short term Medium term Long term

Sub-Basin Code Name of Drain Section type Name 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022-2030 2031-2040 2041-2050 2051-2060
Ggaba Road - Ds
Hanlon Road - Kabega lane
Juko Road - Hanlon Road
Kabega lane - Kirombe Road
Kirombe Road - Nabutiti Road
Nabutiti Road - Soweto Road
Soweto Road - Ssendiisa Makanga Road
KA4 Kansanga Ssendiisa Makanga Road - Ggaba Road
Ggaba Road
Hanlon Road
Kirombe Road
Crossing Kabega lane
Nabutiti Road
Soweto Road
Ssendiisa Makanga Road
KA4_1 n.a. Channels Us - Ds
Unpaved - Ds
KA4_2 n.a. Tank Hill By pass - Unpaved
Crossing Unpaved
Us - Unpaved
Channels Konge Road - Ds
KA4_3 n.a. Unpaved - Konge Road
Konge Road
Kirombe road / /Soweto Road
KA4_4 n.a. Unpaved - Ds
Unpaved - Unpaved
Crossing Unpaved
Ggaba road - John Kiyingi Road
Channels John Kiyingi Road - Nabutiti Road
Nabutiti Road - Ds
KA4_5 n.a.
John Kiyingi Road
Nabutiti Road
KA4_6 n.a. Channels Lukuli Road - Nsereko Road

Short term Medium term Long term
Sub-Basin Code Name of Drain Section type Name 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022-2030 2031-2040 2041-2050 2051-2060
Nsereko Road - Ds

Crossing Nsereko Road

Phasing strategy for Gaba basin

Short term Medium term Long term

Sub-Basin Code Name of Drain Section type Name 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022-2030 2031-2040 2041-2050 2051-2060
Unpaved - Unpaved
Cape Town Villa Road - Ds
Institute road - Prince Badru
Kakunguru Road
Channels Kasenyi Road - Unpaved
Prince Badru Kakunguru Road - Cape
Town Villa Road
GA4A Gaba
Unpaved - Institute Road
Us - Kasenyi Road
Kasenyi Road
Crossing Cape Town Villa Road
Institute Road
Prince Badru Kakunguru Road

Phasing strategy for Mayanja/Kaliddubi basin

Short term Medium term Long term

Sub-Basin Code Name of Drain Section type Name 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022-2030 2031-2040 2041-2050 2051-2060
Busabala Road - Exists 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Muzito Road - Entebbe Road 0 0 0 0 0 0 1469947.593 0 0
Namasuba-Ndejje Road - Ds 0 0 0 0 0 0 120658.4655 0 0
Nemasuba Ndejje Road - Busabala
Road 0 0 0 0 0 0 177169.2804 0 0
Us - Muzito Road 0 0 0 0 0 0 720908.642 0 0
MK5 Kaliddubi
Entebbe Road 0 0 0 0 0 0 38751.88897 0 0
Entebbe Road - Nemasuba Ndejje
Road 0 0 0 0 0 0 1369921.499 0 0
Exists 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 24775.76912 0 0
Muzito Road 0 0 0 0 0 0 28905.06397 0 0
Namasuba Ndejje Road 0 0 0 0 0 0 43468.8075 0 0
Unpaved - Unpaved 0 0 0 0 0 0 158725.3001 0 0
Nemasuba - Ndejje Road - Ds 0 0 0 0 0 0 319972.9077 0 0
Unpaved - Unpaved 0 0 0 0 0 0 788562.269 0 0
MK5_1 Lufuka
Unpaved - Nemasuba Ndejje Road 0 0 0 0 0 0 546526.8303 0 0
Unpaved 0 0 0 0 0 0 71028.04044 0 0
Nemasuba Ndejje Road 0 0 0 0 0 0 33860.21779 0 0
Endebbe Road - Nemasuba Ndejje
Road 0 0 0 0 0 0 316062.0098 0 0
MK5_2 Walugogo Namasuba Ndejje Road 0 0 0 0 0 0 16407.34401 0 0
Crossing Nemasuba Ndejje Road - Busabala
Road 0 0 0 0 0 0 852034.5539 0 0
Us - Unpaved 0 0 0 0 0 0 382946.5898 0 0
Unpaved - Zzana Bunamwaya By Pass
Road 0 0 0 0 0 0 546547.5709 0 0
MK5_3 n.a.
Zzana Bunamwaya By Pass Road - Ds 0 0 0 0 0 0 21070.52642 0 0
Unpaved 0 0 0 0 0 0 11021.34426 0 0
Zzana Bunamwaya By Pass Road 0 0 0 0 0 0 36936.39697 0 0
Unpaved - Unpaved 0 0 0 0 0 0 2202946.567 0 0
Buule Road to Munyonyo district -
Exists 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 632598.9094 0 0
Exists 2 - Lawsa Road 0 0 0 0 0 0 448375.8957 0 0
MK5_4 Mayanja Channels Exists 2 - Lwasa Road 0 0 0 0 0 0 679539.6035 0 0
Kagodo Road - Unpaved 0 0 0 0 0 0 1747721.455 0 0
Namasole Road - Kagodo Road 0 0 0 0 0 0 1279617.789 0 0
Unpaved - Buule Road to Munyonyo
district 0 0 0 0 0 0 277458.6407 0 0

Short term Medium term Long term
Sub-Basin Code Name of Drain Section type Name 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022-2030 2031-2040 2041-2050 2051-2060
Unpaved 0 0 0 0 0 0 78116.50028 0 0
Buule Road to Munyonyo district 0 0 0 0 0 0 18197.23608 0 0
Crossing Exists 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 25569.88676 0 0
Kagodo Road 0 0 0 0 0 0 6818.636471 0 0
Lwasa Road 0 0 0 0 0 0 30257.69934 0 0
Us - Unpaved 0 0 0 0 0 0 808486.6683 0 0
MK5_5 n.a. Unpaved -Ds 0 0 0 0 0 0 333434.4819 0 0
Crossing Unpaved 0 0 0 0 0 0 6503.639393 0 0
Channels Us - Ds 0 0 0 0 0 0 1904995.835 0 0
MK5_6 Samanubo-Kampala /Busabala Road 0 0 0 0 0 0 18210.1903 0 0
n.a. Us - Ds 0 0 0 0 0 0 8671.519191 0 0

Phasing strategy for Kinawataka basin

Short term Medium term Long term

Sub-Basin Code Name of Drain Section type Name 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022-2030 2031-2040 2041-2050 2051-2060
Unpaved - Ds
Unpaved - Unpaved
Unpaved - Railway
Channels Us - Unpaved
Kireka Road - Lana Road
Lana Road - Unpaved
KI6 Kinawataka
Railway - Kireka Road
Kireka Road
Lana Road
Crossing Railway
Unpaved - Ds
Unpaved - Ds
Channels Unpaved - Unpaved
KI6_1 n.a.
Mutungo Tank Road - Unpaved
Crossing Unpaved
Kireka-Namboole Road - Ds
Channels Namboole Road - Railway
KI6_2 Wankolokolo Railway - Kireka Nambole Road
Kireka-Namboole Road
UP JInja Road
Unpaved - Jinja Road
Channels Unpaved - Unpaved
KI6_3 n.a. Us - Unpaved
Jinja Road - Unpaved
Jinja Road
Jinja Road - Ds
Us - Jinja Road
Jinja Road
KI6_4 n.a.
Crossing Jinja Road - Ds
Us - Jinja Road
Unpaved - Unpaved
KI6_5 Kinawataka Channels
Ancook Road - Unpaved

Short term Medium term Long term
Sub-Basin Code Name of Drain Section type Name 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022-2030 2031-2040 2041-2050 2051-2060
Kiwatule Road - Unpaved
Unpaved - Ancook Road

Us - Kiwatule Road
Ancook Road
Crossing Kiwatule Road
Factory Close

Factory close - Ds

Kimera Road - Ntinda Road

Ntinda road - Unpaved

Unpaved - Factory Close

KI6_6 Vubyabirenge
Us - Kimera Road

Factory Close

Kimera Road
Ntinda Road


Phasing strategy for Nalubaga basin

Short term Medium term Long term

Sub-Basin Code Name of Drain Section type Name 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022-2030 2031-2040 2041-2050 2051-2060
Bawaate Road - Ds 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Kulambiro Kungu Road -
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Buwaate Road
Channels Nina Close - Unpaved 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Unpaved - Kulambiro Kungu
NA7 Kafukabi 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Unpaved - Nina Close 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Unpaved 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Crossing Buwaate Road 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Kulambiro Kungu Road 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Unpaved - Unpaved 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Us - Unpaved 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Kulambiro Road - Ds 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
NA7_1 Nyanjerade
Unpaved - Kulambiro Road 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Unpaved 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Kulambiro Road 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Unpaved - Ds 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Unpaved - Unpaved 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
NA7_2 n.a
UP Kulambro Ring Road 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Unpaved 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Unpaved - Ds 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
NA7_3 n.a Us - Unpaved 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Crossing Unpaved 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Phasing strategy for Walufumbe basin

Short term Medium term Long term

Sub-Basin Code Name of Drain Section type Name 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022-2030 2031-2040 2041-2050 2051-2060
Unpaved - Gayaza Road
Gayaza - Unpaved
Channels Gayaza Road - Kisaasi Road
Kisaasi Road - Buwate Road
Us - Gayaza
WA8 Walufumbe Banda Matuga
Gayaza Road
Kisaasi Road
Buwate Road
Kyanja School Road - Ds
WA8_1 n.a. Us - Kyanja School Road
Crossing Kyanja School Road
WA8_2 n.a. Channels Unpaved - Ds
Gayaza Road DW
WA8_4 n.a. Us - Gayaza Road
Crossing Gayaza Road
WA8_5 n.a. Channels Us - Ds
Unpaved - Unpaved
Kiyimba Road - Unpaved
Katalemwa x32 road - Kiyimba Road
WA8_6 Walufumbe
Unpaved - Ds
Kiyimba Road
WA8_7 n.a. Channels Landfill Access - Ds

Phasing strategy for Mayanja North basin

Short term Medium term Long term

Sub-Basin Code Name of Drain Section type Name 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022-2030 2031-2040 2041-2050 2051-2060
Unpaved - Ds
Channels Ttula - Unpaved
MA8A Mayanja North
Unpaved - Ttula
Crossing Unpaved
Unpaved - Unpaved
Unpaved -Ds
Lukade road - Unpaved
MA8A_1 Mayanja
Us - Lukade Road
Lukade Road
Kajagali Close - Ds
Channels Ttula Road - Kajagali Close
MA8A_3 n.a. Us - Ttula Road
Kajagali Close
Ttula Road
Ttula Mpererwe Road - Ttula Road
MA8A_4 n.a. Ttula road - Ds
Crossing Ttula Road


To pursue a correct and effective implementation of the KDMP 2016 two steps are
 Developing a Stakeholders’ Engagement Strategy
 Developing a Community Engagement Strategy

The Consultant conducted a

Stakeholders’ identification and
mapping exercise in consultation
with the Client; such activity aimed
at identifying key stakeholders in
storm water management in the
city, establishing their mandate and
specific interest in storm water

Stakeholder’s meeting

During the Project’s development two

public Workshops were held with the
scopes of:
 Formation of a Storm Water
Working/Learning Group composed
stakeholders to coordinate and ensure
integrated SWM in Kampala.
 Create awareness on the process of updating KDMP
 Discuss and agree on measures indicated to solve the flooding issues Kampala is
currently facing
 Establishing agreed intervention priorities and storm water strategies for community

On the other hand stimulating Community

Involvement and Participation in Storm
Water Management is a priority under the
new KDMP.

This involves developing a Community

Mobilization/Engagement Strategy
modeled along the proposed community
participation framework and the Guidelines
for Institutionalizing Community
Participation in SWM.


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