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Educational Media in Teaching Learning Process

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Volume 8, Issue III, June 2019, ISSN: 2277-1255


A quarterly peer reviewed International Journal of Research & Education


*Singh Ritakumari

This study focused on the use of different educational media and multimedia in teaching
learning processes. It also highlighted the various classifications of these media. Using
content analysis method, empirical evidences revealed advantages of these media in
teaching learning processes. Conclusions and recommendation were made of using these
media in teaching and learning activities.

Key words: Educational Media, Multimedia, teaching and learning.

Use of Educational Media is essential for teaching & learning process. Media can be utilized
in almost every discipline to enhance learning in class and out of class. Research suggests
that people learn abstract, new and novel concepts more easily when they are presented in
both verbal and visual form (Salomon, 1979). Other empirical research shows that visual
media make concepts more accessible to a person than text media and help with later recall
(Cowen, 1984). These media is helpful to all types of learners having different Learning
Styles- visual, auditory and kinesthetic. It keeps the learner focused and actively engaged in
teaching learning process in classroom.

A media for learning and teaching or learning software. Media itself means a method of

Educational media refers to channels of communication that carry messages with an

instructional purpose. They are usually utilised for the sole purpose of learning and teaching
(Webcrawler, 2013).

*Assistant Professor, Ganga Institute of Education, Kablana, Jhajjar, Haryana 7

Volume 8, Issue III, June 2019, ISSN: 2277-1255
A quarterly peer reviewed International Journal of Research & Education

Classification of Educational Media

There are different ways to classify media. Print media, non-print media, and electronic

(1)Print media: These include: books, journals, magazines, newspapers, workbooks, and
textbooks. These are easy to use, portable and inexpensive.

(2)Non-print media: These include: projected and non-projected media.

(3)Electronic media: These include audio media, visual media and audio-visual media,
projected media and non-projected media.

(i)Audio media: These are the teaching-learning devices that appeal to the auditory sense. In
other way these media can be heard alone, it carries sounds, for example audio tapes, record
player, radio.

(ii) Visual media: These are the media that appeals to the sense of seeing (eyes) or the media
which can be seen, example: television, computer, white board.

(ii) Audio-Visual: It refers to those instructional materials which provide learners with audio
and visual experiences by appealing to the hearing and seeing senses at the same time, for
example television, video tapes, and closed circuit television (CCTV).

(iv) Projected media: Projected media belong to a group of instructional resources which
can only be accessed by means of projecting their content on the screen or wall using a
projector machine specially designed for the purpose Gwarinda(2002). Projected media are
usually a combination of software and hardware. These require light source for projection, for
example, film projector slides, and so on.

(v) Non-projected media: These aids do not require any projection on screen. These do not
require light source. They include 3 dimensional objects, 2 dimensional objects, prints, charts,
models and so on.

*Assistant Professor, Ganga Institute of Education, Kablana, Jhajjar, Haryana 8

Volume 8, Issue III, June 2019, ISSN: 2277-1255
A quarterly peer reviewed International Journal of Research & Education

Multimedia combines five basic types of media into the learning environment- text, video,
sound, graphics and animation, thus providing a powerful new tool for education. Multimedia
includes a combination of text, audio, still images, animation, video, or interactivity content
forms (Vaughan, 1993). Multimedia is usually recorded and played, displayed, or accessed by
information content processing devices, such as computerized and electronic devices, but can
also be part of a live performance. Multimedia devices are electronic media devices used to
store and experience multimedia content. Multimedia is distinguished from mixed media in
fine art; by including audio, for example, it has a broader scope (Vaughan, 1993).

Relevance of Educational Media in Teaching & Learning Process

Teachers are the pillars of education system. Quality of teachers helps in maintaining high
quality of teaching and learning process. This in turn affects the high outcomes. Leaders set
an example for implementation of curriculum in the classroom and beyond. This
implementation has a profound effect on the way technology is utilized and embedded in
teaching & learning process.

There are various types of educational media and multimedia technology currently utilised in
teaching and learning processes which are: computer system, microphone, mobile device,
interactive white board, digital-video-on demand, online media stream, digital game, pod-cast
and so on.

Educational media help from introduction of lesson to evaluation of lesson i.e. from start to
end in a teaching learning process. It provides concrete experiences which serves as a basis of
thinking, reasoning and problem solving. It increases the initial learning and permanency of

Computer plays a key role in the modern education system. Students find it easier to refer
internet than searching information from fat books. The process of learning has gone beyond
from textbooks to internet with a large amount of information.

*Assistant Professor, Ganga Institute of Education, Kablana, Jhajjar, Haryana 9

Volume 8, Issue III, June 2019, ISSN: 2277-1255
A quarterly peer reviewed International Journal of Research & Education

Education has no longer limited to classrooms, it has reached far and wide. Location far away
from each other has come closer due to computer and internet. Presentation of information
has become easier; it has facilitated audio-visual representation of information and makes the
process of teaching and learning easier and interactive.

Computer system allows a teacher in the classroom to demonstrate a new lesson, animate,
present new materials, illustrate how to use new programs and show new websites. In a
classroom with noise, microphones can be used in teaching learning process.

Mobile devices such as clickers or smartphones can be utilised in enhancing feedback

activities during and after instruction delivery by the teacher. An interactive whiteboard
provides touch control of computer applications which enhance the experience in the
classroom by displaying visuals that can be viewed on a wider screen by learners’. This assist
in visual learning, and interactivity for learners’ to draw, write or manipulate images on the
interactive whiteboard. The digital video eliminates the need for in-classroom hardware
players and allows teachers and learners to access video clips immediately without the
internet access. Online media streams can enhance streamed video websites for classroom
teaching and learning processes. The digital game motivates the learners in learning a
particular concept at hand and its use is increasing every day. Podcast (Popular medium
specifically for accessing and assimilating audio and video information) is relatively new
invention. Video Conferencing -Integration of computer with telecommunication systems.

Blended Learning: It is a combination of both face-to-face and online learning. There is a

variation in which online learning takes place and the way it is embedded in the curriculum
from school to school. This approach of combining online learning with classroom
instruction is helpful in accommodating student’s diverse learning styles and to enable them
to work in/out side class, which is not possible in traditional classroom. This learning offers
strength to improve educational productivity by increasing rate of learning, utilizing time
outside the school, giving low cost instructional materials and better utilizing teacher time.
This learning can helps in remote areas where student and teachers are far away distance.

Open Educational Resources: OER are teaching, learning and research resources that reside
in the public domain and are freely available to anyone over the web. These are important

*Assistant Professor, Ganga Institute of Education, Kablana, Jhajjar, Haryana 10

Volume 8, Issue III, June 2019, ISSN: 2277-1255
A quarterly peer reviewed International Journal of Research & Education

online resources for teaching and learning and range from podcasts to digital libraries etc and
are also accessible to disable students. Schools used these resources to support teaching
learning process. Electronic grade books, digital portfolios, learning games and real-time
feedback on teacher and student performance, are a few ways of using technology in class.

Computer-Based Instruction (CBI): The earliest forms of computer-based instruction were

heavily influenced by the behavioral psychology of Skinner (1968). These programs were
one of the forms of programmed instruction. They presented information to the learners’ in
small bits, required the learners’ to make overt responses to the information as stimulus, and
provide feedback to the learners’ along with differential branching to other segments of
instruction or to drill-and-practice routines. Computers as tutors have positive effects on
learning as measured by standardized achievement tests, and were more motivating for
learners, accepted by more teachers than other technologies, and were widely supported by
administrators, parents, politicians, and the public (Coley,, 1997).

The most positive research news about learning from television can be found in the classroom
where 40 years of research showed positive effects on learning from television programs that
were explicitly produced and utilised for instructional purposes (Dorr, 1992, Seels, Berry,
Fullerton & Horn, 1996). More importantly, there is strong evidence that television is utilised
most effectively when it is intentionally designed for education and when teachers are
involved in its selection, utilization, and integration into the curriculum (Johnson, 1987). In
the past, the biggest barrier to the integration of television programs into the classroom was
the fixed-time limitation of instructional broadcasts, but the wide-spread availability of video
cassette recorders (VCRs) has provided teachers with the ease-of-use and flexibility they
require (Mielke, 1990). Increasingly television is coming into schools via cable and satellite
transmissions. Most often, programs received via satellite dish or cable are recorded by media
specialists or technology coordinators and subsequently made available for teachers when
and how they choose.

Effective Service Delivery in Teaching and Learning Processes

According to Yoon & Hoon (2009), in order to have effective service delivery in teaching
and learning the use of educational media and multimedia technology is important. Education

*Assistant Professor, Ganga Institute of Education, Kablana, Jhajjar, Haryana 11

Volume 8, Issue III, June 2019, ISSN: 2277-1255
A quarterly peer reviewed International Journal of Research & Education

media and multimedia technology service delivery has had a dramatic impact on teaching and
learning, especially with the ready access to new technologies, educational institutions are
well positioned to take advantage of these rapid changes.

There are number of educational media and multimedia which helps in effective service
(1) Program Management Databases can help program staff to track learners’ placements,
community partner contact information and the academic calendar.
(2) Community Partner Participation: A well-publicized web site can describe the service
delivery programs to enhance co-operative learning within the community, and provide easy
access to forms for registering a community project and highlight stories of positive
community partner experiences.
(3)Curricular Tools Online modules and case studies can enhance classroom and
community-based learning.
(4) Community Service Meaningful community service doesn’t necessarily have to involve
regular or on-going face-to-face contact between learner and community partner, and it can
entail, meeting with community learners in a web design course with a service-learning
(5) Reflection Electronic discussion groups can enable learners across different service-
learning sites to regularly communicate, share their experiences and respond to reflective
questions posed by faculty and one another.
(6) Program Evaluation Online surveys can enable learners and community partners to
respond to questions about their experiences and the impact of the program. Databases can
facilitate the tracking and storage of program evaluation information.

New trends
Implementation of educational media technology helps in supporting education related apps
and social media. It enables easy learning by providing access to mobile devices, which helps
students meet defined standards as well as challenges.

*Assistant Professor, Ganga Institute of Education, Kablana, Jhajjar, Haryana 12

Volume 8, Issue III, June 2019, ISSN: 2277-1255
A quarterly peer reviewed International Journal of Research & Education

Live classroom
The live classroom facility enables a learner to take class in real time. This online virtual
classroom is a significant shift from traditional blackboard classroom.

Multi-touch technology: This is a major transformation from black board, white board &
smart board to mobile devices. This multi touch screens helps the learner to feed inputs which
boost interaction of learner in classroom environment.

Digital daily: the learning process has transformed from textbooks to digital books.
Electronic digital papers are thin & extremely light-built. They come with a light-weight,
durable frame and are portable. The cloud storage feature helps handwritten notes &
documents to be saved, shared, synced and accessed securely, which raises productivity and
restructures collaboration with others.

Social media: Digital awareness and social media understanding are much needed to assist
students connect with others. Students can shoot queries in global communities with a large,
knowledgeable audience to answer & guide them. This helps student’s access necessary
solutions, encourages them to learn & share ideas, participate in discussions using hash tags
and communicate through blogs.

Degree certificate for online courses: Even though we invest plenty of time in online
courses, the completion certificate is not weighed as equal to a classroom training certificate.
Universities should provide a valid, official certificate for courses completed online. This
change should be credited. Once this change is accepted, all the certificates and degrees will
carry equal value.

Conclusion and Recommendation

The relevance of theses media in classroom is immeasurable in teaching and learning process.
The teachers should develop skills and abilities to use this media for instructional purposes.
Governments and school administrators should make efforts to ensure that educational media
and multimedia is included in school curriculum at the elementary and higher levels to
increase awareness of this media.

*Assistant Professor, Ganga Institute of Education, Kablana, Jhajjar, Haryana 13

Volume 8, Issue III, June 2019, ISSN: 2277-1255
A quarterly peer reviewed International Journal of Research & Education










*Assistant Professor, Ganga Institute of Education, Kablana, Jhajjar, Haryana 14

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