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FCMFOS (SA) Intermediate Past Papers - 2014 2nd Semester 19-4-2018

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FCMFOS(SA) Intermediate


Incorporated Association not for gain
Reg No 1955/000003/08

Intermediate Examination for the Fellowship of the

College of Maxillo-Facial and Oral Surgeons of South Africa

21 August 2014

Paper 1 Oral Pathology including Microbiology (3 hours)

All questions are to be answered. Each question to be answered in a separate book (or books if more than one is
required for the one answer)

1 Osteosarcoma is a complication of Paget’s Disease. Discuss the clinical, radiological,

histological features, and treatment of
a) Osteosarcoma. (15)
b) Paget’s Disease. (10)

2 Classify and describe the clinico-pathological (including radiological) features of (potentially)

aggressive or neoplastic cystic odontogenic lesions of the jaws, with an emphasis on the
differential diagnosis. [25]

3 a) Classify and discuss haemangiomas and vascular malformations. (20)

b) Describe the features of Sturge – Weber Syndrome. (5)

4 Write an essay on the diagnosis and management of potentially and early malignant
mucosal lesions. [25]

5 Write short notes on

a) Odontomas. (5)
b) Basal cell carcinoma of skin. (5)
c) Verrucous carcinoma of oral mucosa. (5)
d) Peripheral giant cell granuloma. (5)
e) Cherubism. (5)

6 Write short notes on

a) Pleomorphic adenoma of the minor salivary glands. (5)
b) Erythema multiforme of the oral regions. (5)
c) Cemento-osseus dysplasia of the jaws. (5)
d) Plasmacytoma of the oral regions. (5)
e) Paradental cyst. (5)
FCMFOS(SA) Intermediate


Incorporated Association not for gain
Reg No 1955/000003/08

Intermediate Examination for the Fellowship of the

College of Maxillo-Facial and Oral Surgeons of South Africa

22 August 2014

Paper 2 General Principles of Surgery (3 hours)

All questions are to be answered. Each question to be answered in a separate book (or books if more than one is
required for the one answer)

1 A patient presents to the trauma unit with severe midface and anterior base of skull
fractures. The patient is haemodynamically stable but has upper airway obstruction.
Discuss all the possible management options to address the upper airway obstruction with
a brief reference to the indications, contra-indications and complications of each modality.

2 Discuss the management of post-operative pain in maxillofacial surgery with reference to

a) Drugs. (10)
b) Other modalities. (5)
c) Indication and contra-indications for each of the above. (10)

3 Discuss pneumothorax with reference to

a) Causes of intra- and postoperative pneumothorax only. (10)
b) Clinical diagnoses (intra- and postoperatively). (5)
c) Special investigations. (5)
d) Complications of treatment options. (5)

4 A thirty-five-year old man presents with a 3cm firm mass in zone 2 of the neck
a) Describe the differential diagnosis. (15)
b) Discuss the key aspects of the clinical evaluation of this problem. (5)
c) Discuss what investigations are likely to be helpful in confirming a diagnosis. (5)

5 With regards to necrotising infections of the head and neck

a) Discuss the predisposing factors. (10)
b) List the likely causative organisms. (5)
c) Describe the management principles. (10)

6 A patient admitted to your ward with a fractured mandible following an assault is becomes
increasingly aggressive and agitated.
a) Discuss in detail the possible reasons for this. (20)
b) What urgent investigations would you request? (5)

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