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Connection Design For UPN 240

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The document describes various load calculations like self weight, dead load, live load etc. for designing different structural elements like skids, beams etc.

The document describes calculations for self weight, dead load, live load, factored load etc. It also mentions load calculations for different structural elements like skids, frames etc.

The document mentions design considerations for bolts like grade of bolts, allowable stresses, edge distances, bolt sizes, number of bolts required etc.

Load Calculation

Self Wight of the Skid = 155.121 kN

Self Weight governing Design = 77.5605 kN

Dead Load Calculation Live Load Calculation

Base Skid Area = 39.00 m2
Grating Load = 0.25 kN/m2 Live Load Considered
Grating Load at Base = 9.75 kN Total Accesible Area

Frame 1 Area = 12.94 m2 Live Load governing Design

Grating Load = 0.25 kN/m2
Grating Load at frame 1 = 3.23 kN

Frame 2 Area = 11.04 m2

Grating Load = 0.25 kN/m2
Grating Load at frame 2 = 2.76 kN

Sandwich Panel Load = 0.18 kN/m2

Transverse Sheeting Area = 25.665 m2

Longitudinal Sheeting Area = 57.4 m2
Roof Sheeting Area = 42 m2

Total Area = 125.065 m2

Sandwich Panel Load = 22.5117 kN

Equipment Load = 191.5 kN

Cable Tray Load = 35 kN

Unfactored Dead Load Acting on

one Side of Skid = 342.32 kN
Live Load Calculation

Live Load Considered = 5 kN/m2

Total Accesible Area = 52.46 m2
Total Live Load = 262.3 kN
Live Load governing Design = 131.15 kN

Factored Load acting as Shear = 1.2DL+1.4LL

= 594.39 kN
Load Calculation
Self Wight of the Skid = 162.88 kN
Self Weight governing Bolt Area = 18.66 kN

Dead Load Calculation Live Load Calculation

Base Skid Area = 8.94 m2
Grating Load = 0.25 kN/m2 Live Load Considered
Grating Load at Base = 2.23 kN Total Accesible Area

Sandwich Panel Load = 0.2 kN/m2

Longitudinal Sheeting Area = 11.28 m2

Roof Sheeting Area = 8.72 m2

Total Area = 20.0 m2

Sandwich Panel Load = 4.00 kN

Equipment Load = 58.58 kN

Unfactored Dead Load Acting on

Single Bolt Group = 83.47 kN
Live Load Calculation

Live Load Considered = 5 kN/m2

Total Accesible Area = 8.94 m2
Total Live Load = 44.69 kN

Factored Load acting as Shear = 1.2DL+1.2LL

= 144.85 kN

Load for Prying action = 66.76 kN

BOLT Shear strength Calculation

Minimum Axial Load considered as per Standards = 144.85 kN

Use Grade 4.60 bolts
Allowable bearing stress on bolt = 400 N/mm2
Allowable shear stress on bolt = 160 N/mm2

Diameter of the bolts f = 16 mm

Diameter of the holes = 20 mm
Diameter of the standard clearance hole Dhole = 20 mm
Mimimum edge distance required = 1.25Dia
Bolts edge distance required = 20 mm
Bolts edge distance provided = 25 mm
Net area of anchor bolt = 156.67 mm2

Shear and Bearing Strength:

Eccentricity = 25 mm
Pitch = 50 mm
Shear Strength of Bolt Fs = 1*156.67*160
= 25.0672 kN

Bearing Strength of Bolt Fb = 1*156.67*400

= 62.67 kN

Bolt Value = 25.07 kN

NO. of Bolts Required = Required Strength/Bolt Value

= 5.78
NO. of Bolts Required per meter = 0.41

Provide f 16 Bolts @ 500mm interval

Check for Embedment Length of Anchor bolt
Embedment length given for bolt L prov = 50 mm
Embedment Length required for the bolt L req = Pt,act / (fb π Φ)
Pt,act = 5.364924 kN
Φ = 16 mm
fb = √fc'
= 16.58312 N/mm2
L req = 6.436168 mm
Embedment Length required for the bolt Ld req = 50 mm
Embedment length given for bolt L prov = 50 mm
1 kg =

Self Weight Calculation of HE200 B

Weight / metre of HE 200B = 61.3 kg/m
= 0.61 kN/m
Total Length of Beam at Base = 9.39 m
Total Length of Beam at Frame = 8.79 m
Total Length of Columns at Frame = 3.06 m
Influence Length of Middle Beam = 6m
Total Length = 27.24
Load of HE 200 B = 16.62 kN

Self Weight Calculation of HE240 B

Weight / metre of HE 240B = 83.2 kg/m
= 0.82 kN/m
Total Length of Beam at Base = 9.25 m
Load of HE 200 B = 7.585 kN

Self Weight Calculation of HE100 B

Weight / metre of HE100 B = 20.4 kg/m
= 0.21 kN/m
Total Length of Beam = 22.92 m
Load of HE100 B = 4.8132 kN

Self Weight Calculation of IPE 140

Weight / metre of IPE 140 = 12.9 kg/m
= 0.13 kN/m
Total Length of Beam = 6m
Load of IPE 140 = 0.78 kN

Self Weight Calculation of IPE 100

Weight / metre of IPE 100 = 8.1 kg/m
= 0.08 kN/m
Total Length of Beam = 3.13 m
Load of IPE 100 = 0.2504 kN

Self Weight Calculation of HE 160 B

Weight / metre of HE 160 B = 42.6 kg/m
= 0.42 kN/m
Total Length of Beam = 12.3 m
Load of HE 160 B = 5.166 kN

Self Weight Calculation of UPN 80 D

Weight / metre of UPN 80 D = 17.28 kg/m
= 0.17 kN/m
Total Length of Beam = 3.8 m
Load of UPN 80 D = 0.646 kN
Self Weight Calculation of UPN 120
Weight / metre of UPN 120 = 13.4 kg/m
= 0.14 kN/m
Total Length of Beam = 14.73 m
Load of UPN 120 = 2.06 kN

Self Weight Calculation of UPN 240 D

Weight / metre of UPN 240 D = 66.4 kg/m
= 0.66 kN/m
Total Length of Beam = 6m
Load of UPN 240 D = 3.96 kN

Total Self Weight = 92.14 kN

0.009806 kN

Grating Weight Calculation

Frame Area = 27.18 m2

Grating Load = 0.25 kN/m2
Load = 6.80 kN

Base Frame Area = 8.33 m2

Grating Load = 0.25 kN/m2
Load = 2.08 kN

Total Load = 8.88 kN

Roof sheeting Load

Roof sheet Area = 58.57 m2

Roof Load = 0.2 kN/m2
Load = 11.71 kN

Equipment Load

Total Equipment Load = 213.00 kN

Wind load Calculation

Wind Load Influence Area = 76.80 kN

Wind Presure = 1.16 kN/m2
Total Wind load = 89.09 kN

Tensile Force = 488.60 kN

Tensile Force /Bolt = 44.42 kN

Prying Force Calculation

Allowable Tensile Stress of Bolt = 400 N/mm2

Allowable Yield Stress of Bolt = 240 N/mm2

Prying Force Distance Ly = 80 mm

Prying Force Distance Le = 40 mm
Prying Force

Effectivce Width be = 240 mm

Thickness = 9.5 mm 0.374016
Prying Coefficient β = 1

Q per Bolt = 83.41 kN

Total Tensile Force/ Bolt = 200.26 kN

a = 32 1.259843
b = 72 2.834646


BOLT Tensile Strength Calculation

Minimum Tensile Force considered Per Bolt = 200.26 kN

Use Grade 4.60 bolts
Allowable Tensile stress on bolt = 400 N/mm2

Diameter of the bolts f = 16 mm

Diameter of the holes = 20 mm
Diameter of the standard clearance hole Dhole = 20 mm
Mimimum edge distance required = 1.25Dia
Bolts edge distance required = 20 mm
Bolts edge distance provided = 25 mm
Net area of anchor bolt = 156.67 mm2
No. of Bolts Provided at 1.375 m Interval = 4
Tensile strength Calculation:

Eccentricity = 25 mm
Pitch = 50 mm
Tensile Strength of Bolt Fb = 1*156.67*400
= 62.67 kN

Bolt Value = 250.67 kN

Actual Tensile Strength = 200.26 kN

Pass Ratio = 0.80
Hence Safe
Provide 4 No.s of M16 Bolts @ 1.375 m Interval
Check for Embedment Length of Anchor bolt
Embedment length given for bolt L prov = 50 mm
Embedment Length required for the bolt L req = Pt,act / (fb π Φ)
Pt,act = 7.417037 kN
Φ = 16 mm
fb = √fc'
= 16.58312 N/mm2
L req = 8.898038 mm
Embedment Length required for the bolt Ld req = 50 mm
Embedment length given for bolt L prov = 50 mm
BOLT Shear strength Calculation

Minimum load Acting as Shear = 144.85 kN

Use Grade 4.60 bolts
Allowable shear stress on bolt = 160 N/mm2

Diameter of the bolts f = 16 mm

Diameter of the holes = 20 mm
Diameter of the standard clearance hole Dhole = 20 mm
Mimimum edge distance required = 1.25Dia
Bolts edge distance required = 20 mm
Bolts edge distance provided = 25 mm
Net area of anchor bolt = 156.67 mm2
No. of Bolts Provided @ 1.375 m interval = 4
Shear Strength Check:

Shear Strength of Bolt Fs = 1*156.67*160

= 25.0672 kN

Bolt Value = 25.07 kN

NO. of Bolts Required = Required Strength/Bolt Value

= 5.78
NO. of Bolts Required per meter = 0.41

Provide 4 No.s of M16 Bolts @ 1.375 m Interval

Check for Embedment Length of Anchor bolt
Embedment length given for bolt L prov = 50 mm
Embedment Length required for the bolt L req = Pt,act / (fb π Φ)
Pt,act = 5.364924 kN
Φ = 16 mm
fb = √fc'
= 16.58312 N/mm2
L req = 6.436168 mm
Embedment Length required for the bolt Ld req = 50 mm
Embedment length given for bolt L prov = 50 mm
Thickness Calculation

Max. Axial Load acting as Tension = 83.47 kN INPUT

= 18.77 kips
Allowable Tensile Stress of Bolt = 400 N/mm2
= 58.02 ksi

Provided Dia. Of Bolts = 16 mm

Hole Diameter d' = 18 mm
Edge Distance required = 20 mm
Edge Distance provided = 25 mm
No. of Bolts Provided in a bolt Group = 4
Tension per Bolt = 4.7 kips

Tensile Strength of M16 Bolts = 14.09 kips

UPN 240
Ax = 13.11 in2
D = 9.45 in
Bf = 3.45 in
Tf = 0.51 in
Tw = 0.37 in

Distance from the centre to edge a = e+Tf

a = 1.5 in
Guage Distance b = (D-(2*a))/2
b = 3.23 in

ρ = b/a
= 2.16 in

β =

= 0.79 in

p = Width of plate/No.of Bolts

= 2.37 in

δ =

= 0.71

α' =

= 5.3

treq =
= 0.32 in < 0.37 in
Prying Force Calculation Not Required
Tensile Strength Calcualtion

Use Grade 8.80 bolts

Allowable Tensile stress on bolt = 800 N/mm2

Calculated Factored Tensile Strength = 615.00 kN

Calculated Factored Bending Moment = 535.05 kN m

UPN 240
Ax = 4230.00 mm2
D = 240.00 mm
Bf = 85.00 mm
Tf = 13.00 mm
Tw = 9.50 mm

Tension in Bolt T = B.M


= 4458.75 kN

Stress in Bolt due to Tension σ = T


Diameter of the bolts = 16 mm

Diameter of the holes = 20 mm
Diameter of the standard clearance hole = 20 mm
No. of Bolts Provided = 40
Mimimum edge distance required = 1.25Dia
Bolts edge distance required = 20 mm
Bolts edge distance provided = 25 mm
Net area of anchor bolt = 201.06 mm2

Stress in Bolt due to Tension σ = 554.41

Nominal Tensile Stress in Bolts Cl-J3-2 AISC 360 - 05 = 0.75 Fu
= 600 N/mm2
Pass Ratio = 0.93
Hence Safe

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