Cadet College Jhelum: Syllabus For Entrance Test 2021
Cadet College Jhelum: Syllabus For Entrance Test 2021
Cadet College Jhelum: Syllabus For Entrance Test 2021
Maximum marks: 50
Q 2: Fill in the blanks with appropriate adverbs of frequency from the given list. 05
i. As faithful as________________.
ii. As red as___________________.
iii. As green as__________________.
iv. As clever as_________________.
v. As bright as_________________.
Q 4: Read the passage carefully and answer the questions given at the end. 10
Liaquat Ali Khan was the first prime minister of Pakistan. He helped Quaid-e-Azam
in the struggle for Pakistan. He was born on 1st October 1895. The nation gave him
the titles of Quaid-e-Millat and Shaheed-e-Millat.
Q 5: Write plural. 05
Day, fly, child, knife, leaf, army, soldier, class, country, match
Q 7: Write synonyms. 05
Tests can really help to know where you are and what you need to do improve. They let you know
if you have understood something that you have been learning and they also help the teacher to plan
what more is needed to be done.
Cadet College Jhelum
Paper Pattern for Class-8th
PAPER: Mathematics
Maximum marks: 50
(i) A – B – C
Q.4: Multiply 05
(i) (3 − 𝑏)(2𝑏 − 𝑏 2 + 3)
(i) 𝑎2 𝑏2 + 7𝑎𝑏 − 𝑎𝑏 − 7
Q.7: After 32 years from now, a boy will be 5times as he was 8 years back. How old is the boy now? 05
Q.10: Tick (√) the correct option: 05
Cadet College Jhelum
Paper Pattern for Class-8th
Maximum marks: 50
کیڈٹ کالج جہلم
لکربمن50: رپیپرٹیپناردورباےئداہلخٹسیٹ(امجتعمتشہ)
10 وسالربمن-1یسکاکیوموضعرپومضمنںیھکل-:
10 وسالربمن-:2درجزلیااعشریکرشتحیرکںی-:
ایکاویمںےناہجںںیمااجال وہاسجےساالسماکوبلابال
5 وسالربمن-:3ولمجںںیماامعتسلرکںی:
5 وسالربمن-:4دےیےئگولمجںوکدرتسرکےکںیھکل-:
-2یبساپاتسکناکبسےسرگمرہشےہ- -1ولباتسچناکداراوکحلتماشپورےہ-
-4لیھجفیساولملکوصہبولباتسچنںیمےہ- -3ربیخوتخپوخناہاکرپاانانمامشلرغمیبرسدحیوصہباھت-
5 وسالربمن-:5وادحےکعمجاورعمجےکوادحںیھکل-:
5 وسالربمن–:6درجذلیاافلظےکاضتمدںیھکل-:
10 وسالربمن-:7درجذلیےکرصتخموجابرحتریرکںی-:
اردوادبیکاچرااسقمےکانمںیھکل۔ .i
آپیتیبےسایکرمادےہ؟ .ii
آیبولخمقےسرمادوکنیسولخمقےہ؟ .iii
درتخاکےنٹےسایکاصقننوہاتےہ؟ .iv
دقریتاموحلوکاچبےنےکےئلآپایکرکےتکسںیہ؟ .v