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Phase Shifters

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Phase shifters are used to shift the phase of electromagnetic waves and have applications in RF equipment such as phase discriminators, beam forming networks, and phase array antennas.

RF and microwave phase shifters have applications in power dividers, linearization of power amplifiers, phase array antennas, and other equipment.

A phase shifter works by introducing a time delay or phase shift to the signal propagating through it. This can be done using transmission lines, switched lines, or other circuits that change the phase constant.

Phase Shifters

Iulian Rosu, YO3DAC / VA3IUL,

Phase Shifters are devices, in which the phase of an electromagnetic wave of a given
frequency can be shifted when propagating through a transmission line.
In many fields of electronics, it is often necessary to change the phase of signals.
RF and microwave Phase Shifters have many applications in various equipments such
as phase discriminators, beam forming networks, power dividers, linearization of power
amplifiers, and phase array antennas.

The major parameters which define the RF and microwave Phase Shifters are:
• frequency range,
• bandwidth (BW),
• total phase variance (Δ),
• insertion loss (IL),
• switching speed,
• power handling (P),
• accuracy and resolution,
• input/output matching (VSWR) or return loss (RL),
• harmonics level.

Relation between Propagation Constant, Phase Shift, Delay, and Wavelength

In a transmission line the Propagation Constant is a complex number having two parts:
- the real portion is the attenuation constant (α, neper per unit length)
- the imaginary portion βx is called the phase constant (β, radians per unit length).

• The attenuation constant α determines the way a signal is reduced in amplitude

as it propagates down the line, while the phase constant β shows the difference in
phase between the voltage at the sending end of the line and at a distance x.
• The phase constant βx shows the phase shift of the voltage (or current) at a point
located at a distance x along a transmission line with respect to the sending voltage
(or current).
• A phase shift of 360° (or 2π radians) equals one wavelength and, as shown in
figure below, marks the distance between successive points on the waveform (such
as zero crossings).
• The wavelength λ is the distance x required to make the phase angle βx increase
by 2π radians.
λ = 2π / β
Relationship between Degrees (°), Radians (2π), Phase Shift (β), and Wavelength (λ)

From the figure above can be stated that a Phase Shift may also be seen as a Delay.
The relation between the Phase Shift and the Time Delay is given by:

Time Delay (seconds) = [Phase Shift (°)] / [360 x Frequency (Hz)]

• The time delay is proportional to the inverse of velocity Vp.

The amount of delay a transmission line introduces per distance x is:

Time Delay = x / Vp = (βx / ω)

• Group delay is the average delay time that a specified narrow range of frequencies
experiences when passing through a circuit.
• Group delay is proportional to the rate of phase shift at each frequency of interest.

Group Delay (seconds) = [1 / 360] x [Δ  Δf 

• For a stripline, the velocity of propagation (and thus the delay per distance x) is the
same for all traces, but for microstrip the velocity (and thus the delay) depends on
the trace’s width and height above the ground plane, making this the fundamental
difference between stripline and microstrip designs.

A microwave Phase Shifter is a circuit which gives a preset phase shift amount to a high-
frequency signal and is normally configured by combining several transmission lines, a
switch circuit, or some similar circuits.

Analog Phase Shifters are devices whose phase shift changes continuously with the
control input and therefore offer almost unlimited resolution with monotonic performance.
The most commonly semiconductor control elements used in analog Phase Shifters are
varactor diodes.

Varactor diode operates in a reverse-biased condition providing a junction capacitance

that varies with applied voltage, and can be used as an electrically variable capacitor in a
tuned circuit.
• Varactor analog Phase Shifters can achieve a large amount of phase shift and high
speed and require fewer diodes than digital phase shifters, but at the cost of
decreased accuracy, relatively narrow bandwidth, and low input power levels (less
than 1 W).
• Schottky diodes are also used as variable elements in analog Phase Shifters, but
they suffer from limited power handling capability and matching difficulty in
broadband networks.

Most usual methods to implement Phase Shifters are based on switched line, loaded line,
and reflection theories.
The Switched-Line approach is the most straightforward approach because it uses
the simple time delay difference between two direct paths to provide desired phase shift.
The switching elements in digital phase shifters are: mechanical switches (or relays), PIN
diodes, Field Effect Transistors (FET), or microelectromechanical systems (MEMS).
PIN diodes are commonly used in Phase Shifters due their high-speed switching
time, low loss, and relatively simple bias circuits, which provides changes of PIN
resistance approximately from 10 kilo-ohms to 1 ohm.
The PIN diode switched line Phase Shifters can be classified as follow:
• Type of the transmission line (regular, irregular, and coupled)
• Number of bits
• Structure (reflection or non-reflection)
• With reciprocal and non-reciprocal devices
• Number of switched inputs/outputs (SPST, SPDT, SP3T, etc.);
• PIN diode connection with transmission line (series, shunt, series-shunt);
• Bandwidth (narrow or broadband);
• Configuration of elements (distributed, lumped-elements, or combination of lumped
and distributed);

The standard switched-line Phase Shifter is using switched transmission line segments,
getting different path length and determining in this way the amount of phase shift.
• The simplest switched-line Phase Shifter is dependent only on the lengths of line
used. One of the two transmission lines is labeled as a “reference” line, and the
other as a “delay” line.
• An important advantage of this circuit is that the phase shift will be approximately a
linear function of frequency, getting a wideband frequency range of the circuit.
• The phase shift created is dependent only by the length of the transmission lines,
making the Phase Shifter very stable over time and temperature.
• PIN diodes may suffer for insertion loss tolerance or peak power capability, but both
characteristics don’t affect the phase shift.

Switched-line Phase Shifters

Figure above illustrates the schematics of the conventional switched-line Phase Shifter
with RF input P1 and RF output P2.
Schematic (a) use two SPDT mechanical switches (or relays), when figure (b) use four
PIN diodes, and two transmission lines L1 and L2. Only one arm should be ON at a time.
• Typically, to avoid the phase errors the isolation of the switches must exceed 20dB
in the required frequency band.
• Insertion loss of the switched-line Phase Shifter is equal to the loss of the SPDT
switches plus the line losses.
• By switching the signal between two pre-determined lengths of transmission lines it
is possible to realize a specific phase shift (Δ) at a given frequency.

Δ = 2π x (ΔL / λ)

where Δ is the phase shift, ΔL is the difference between the physical lengths of the
delay line (L2) and the reference line (L1), and λ is the guide wavelength.
• The phase shift value deviates linearly from the intended value as the frequency of
the signal deviates in either direction from the center (nominal) frequency.
• Switched-line Phase Shifters generally are used for 180° and 90° phase shifts.
When path L2 is a half wavelength (λ/2) longer than path L1, switching from path L1
to path L2 introduces an increased phase delay of 180°. So, to get a 180° phase
shift the required physical length difference should be ΔL = λ/2.
• In a practical design resonance could appear in the OFF line when the line length is
a multiple of λ/2, and the phases will interfere in a way to reflect much of the
incoming power back to the input port. Thus, both lengths (L1 and L2) must not be
multiples of λ/2. The resonant frequency will be slightly shifted due to the series
junction capacitances of the reversed biased diodes, or of the parasitic
capacitances of the SPDT mechanical switches.
• The lengths L1 and L2 must be carefully selected to avoid phase errors, high return
loss, and high insertion loss.

To reduce the number of PIN diodes could be used the circuit in figure (c), replacing the
reference L1 line with a series PIN diode.
In this circuit, for the 180° phase shifting, both PIN diodes are in the OFF position, and the
RF signal passes through line L2 with λ/2 length, providing a 180° phase shift.
The shunt diode is placed at the middle of L2, at λ/4 wavelength from its ends.

In 1958 Bernard Schiffman published for the first time a Phase Shifter using a λ/4
wavelength coupler section which provides flat wideband phase shift response.

The Schiffman Phase Shifter shown in the picture below use a switched-line with
two SPDT switches, one reference regular line of length 3L, and two other parallel
coupled lines of equal length L = λ/4, directly connected to each other at one end.
Phase shift function is determined by the phase difference of signals transmitted
through the coupled section of length L and the reference line of length 3L.
Schiffman Phase Shifter

The contribution of the Schiffman Phase Shifter is that the phase difference
between a quarter-wave coupled section, compared to a 3/4 wave straight section, would
provide a nearly flat 90° phase differential.

For multi-octave operation, the number of coupled sections interconnected in a cascade

can be used, as shown in the picture below.

Multi-octave Schiffman Phase Shifter

It is a cascade of coupled sections of equal lengths (one quarter wavelength λ/4 at the
center operating frequency), but using different coupling coefficients (k1 ≠ k2 ≠ k3)

At low frequencies, to minimize the dimensions of the circuit, the quarter-wavelength

λ/4 segments of the Phase Shifter delay line could be substituted with equivalent lumped
element circuits as shown in the figure below.

Each sine-wave component has its phase shifted by reactances within a circuit.

The lumped element configuration of the 180° Phase Shifter (figure below) can be
recommended for applications for low frequencies (HF) up to UHF ranges.
Lumped element Phase Shifter

• A single-pole RL, RC, circuit contributes up to 90° phase shift per pole, and to get
180° phase shift, at least two poles must be used.
• For example, in oscillator design, because 180° of phase shift is required for
oscillation, at least two poles must be used.
• Phase shift in oscillator situation determines the oscillation frequency because the
circuit oscillates at whatever frequency accumulates a 180° phase shift.
• The sensitivity of phase to frequency, dφ / dω, determines the frequency stability.
• In the region where the phase shift is 180°, the frequency of oscillation is very
sensitive to the phase shift. Thus, a tight frequency specification requires that the
phase shift, dφ, be kept within exceedingly narrow limits for there to be only small
variations in frequency, dω, at 180°.

The 180° phase shift is commonly designed using switched Low-Pass and High-Pass
topology as shown in the figure below:

Switched Low-Pass and High-Pass Phase Shifter

• The cut-off frequencies of the Low Pass and High Pass filter networks must be
outside of the phase shift band for this scheme to work.
• Note that for higher frequencies the phase shift of LP-HP networks gets a nearly flat
response, which is not possible from a switched line Phase Shifter.
• The equations for L and C for PI-network with characteristic length  are given.
The Quadrature Phase Shifter is a load-line Phase Shifter sometimes named
Reflective Phase Shifter.
This is mainly a quadrature coupler which splits the input signal into two signals 90° out
of phase. These signals reflect from a pair of switched loads, and combine in phase at the
phase shifter output, as long as the loads are identical in reflection coefficient (both
magnitude and phase).

Quadrature Phase Shifter using switched-lines

• The quadrature Phase Shifter can be used to provide any desired phase shift.
• Ideally, the loads should present purely reactive impedances, which can range from
a short circuit to an open circuit or anything in between.
• This structure provides a bandwidth of up to an octave, depending on the bandwidth
of the quadrature coupler itself.
• The coupler can be a Lange Coupler, a Hybrid Coupler, or a Rat-Race Coupler on
microstrip, or an overlay coupler in a stripline circuit.
• The main type of reflective Phase Shifter uses switched-line lengths either by using
a PIN diode switch or by a variable reactance (e.g. varactor) to alter electrical

Quadrature Phase Shifters (Hybrid and Lange) using varactors

The quadrature Phase Shifters in the figure above uses a 90° hybrid coupler (left
picture), or a Lange coupler (right picture). Instead of switched-lines the circuits use
variable reactances.
• A variable reactance is in effect a variable electrical length; therefore, using a
variable reactance such as a varactor we can form a variable Phase Shifter.
• The varactor components act as ideal, lossless reactive loads with reflection
coefficient from 0° (open circuit - zero varactor capacitance) to -180° (short circuit -
infinite varactor capacitance).
• Instead of a varactor a variable inductor can be used. For an ideal variable inductor,
the phase changes from -180° to 0°. If both were connected in series, the ideal
result would be a 360° phase shift change.
• By resonating the capacitance of the varactor with a series inductor, the phase
control range can be significantly increased, up to an ideal 360° phase shift change.
• One significant benefit of this configuration is the fact that the input and output
impedance matching is preserved, although the coupler is terminated with reactive
loads. In other words, the coupler serves as an impedance isolator.

Other Phase Shifter circuits, as shown in the pictures below, are usually more
expensive (circulator cost) or require more diodes.
The loaded line circuit which had been popular in early Phase Shifter designs requires
a very large number of diodes.

Phase Shifter using Isolator and switched-lines Phase Shifter using Load-Line

Digital Multi-bit Phase Shifters can be used to vary the phase shift up to 360°.

• Digital Phase Shifters provide a discrete set of phase states that are controlled by
two states “phase bits.”
• The number of binary weighted phase shifting “bits” can be cascaded to realize a
variable phase shifter covering the desired range.
• Typically, the Phase Shifters are placed in tandem, with progressively greater phase
shift angles to provide phase angle selectivity. Each switched delay line comprises a
plurality of fixed time delays, which are combined to produce successive increments
of delay in response to binary control signals.
2-Bit Phase Shifter using SPDT switches

The Phase Shifter in the figure above illustrates an example of a 2-bit Phase Shifter.
This 2-bit phase shifter can get 4 distinct phases: 0° (reference), 22.5°, 45°, and 67.5°.
Other lengths (phase shift) for the transmission lines could be used if is required.
The 2-bit phase shifter could be implemented using PIN diodes:

2-Bit Phase Shifter using PIN diodes and delay transmission lines

• The inductors L are RF chokes with high reactance at working frequency, and C are
capacitors with low reactance at working frequency.
• The DC voltages Vbias_1 and Vbias_2 are negative voltages when we want to
switch to reference path 0° (TL1), and positive voltages when we want to switch to
the delayed paths that use the transmission lines TL2 or TL3.
• The advantage of using positive/negative voltages for biasing the PIN diodes, is that
will be necessary only one power supply for each bit.
• Second benefit of using positive/negative voltages is that, when the PIN diodes on
the switch-ON path are forward biased, the PIN diodes on the switch-OFF path are
reverse biased, which improves the RF isolation on that path.

The same approach of using PIN diodes, delay transmission lines, and positive/negative
bias voltages could be used to implement a 4-bit phase shifter.

4-Bit Phase Shifter using PIN diodes and delay transmission lines
This 4-bit phase shifter can get 16 distinct phases: from the reference 0° (or 360°) to
337.5° in 22.5° steps.

Moving forward increasing the resolution of the switched lines phase shifters, the same
approaches presented above could be used implementing a 6-bit phase shifter:

6-Bit Phase Shifter using PIN diodes and delay transmission lines

This 6-bit phase shifter covers the entire range from 0° (360°) to 354.375° in 5.625° steps.
The phase shifter can get 64 distinct phases.

In the switched delay lines phase shifters presented above, the phase shift (length of the
delay lines T2 to T7) follow an ascendant function.
But in reality, the delay lines are arranged in the way that an EM simulator get the most
optimized results in terms of phase shift consistency and minimum path loss.
• To minimize phase quantization error, the number of bits, and hence the number of
Phase Shifters, should be increased. The greater the number of bits, the higher the
complexity of the Phase Shifter and greater the insertion loss.

A Distributed Phase Shifter is created by adding tunable reactance to a transmission

line TL.

Distributed Phase Shifter using a Varactor as tunable reactance

• Adjusting the reactance alters the phase velocity of the signal propagating along the
line, varying its electrical length, and therefore the phase shift.
• Changing the phase velocity also changes the characteristic impedance of the
transmission line, so an impedance mismatch can occur as the circuit is tuned.
• In general, it should be possible to add both series and shunt tunable reactance to
the transmission line to keep an impedance match with tuning;
The majority of distributed Phase Shifters focus on adding tunable shunt capacitances,
because tunable inductors are harder to make.
For example ferroelectric varactors, MEMS, and PIN diodes are all capable to add a
periodically shunt capacitance as discrete elements to the transmission line.
This capacitance loading makes the distributed Phase Shifter a periodic structure, with a
pass-band and a stop-band. The design has to ensure the frequencies of interest fall into
the pass-band, keeping the other parameters of the Phase Shifter.

The Toroidal Ferrite Phase Shifter employs the use of a toroidal shaped ferrite bar
placed in a rectangular waveguide. A drive wire is inserted longitudinally through the
center core of the toroid to provide transverse magnetization in the toroid.

Toroidal Ferite Phase Shifter

• Phase shift values from –180° to +180° is achieved by varying the current in the
drive wire, hence varying the biasing magnetic field in the toroid. The magnitude
and timing of the current is carefully controlled by sophisticated drive electronics in
order to maintain accurate and consistent phase shift values over a wide
temperature range.
• This Phase Shifter can operate as an analog device by using a long toroid and
varying the phase shift by means of changing the holding current in the drive wire.
• It can also operate as a digital device by magnetically latching the toroid (no holding
current) to the various minor hysteresis loops. The amount of phase shift is
determined by the magnitude and the time duration of the voltage pulse.
• In applications where fast switching speed is required, the long toroid can be split
into smaller sections, each section corresponding to a binary phase bit. In this case
each section is magnetized into saturation and is quickly switchable since the
volume of ferrite material for each section is significantly smaller.
The Toroidal Phase Shifter is a non-reciprocal type, since the phase shift must be reset
between transmit and receive modes.

Phase Shifters in Phased Array Antennas

In electronically scanned antenna arrays the Phase Shifters are the devices that
allow the antenna beam to be steered in the desired direction without physically
repositioning the antenna.
A phased array antenna consists of two or more of radiating elements which are
spatially arranged that emit phased signals to form a radio beam.
Each radiating element requires a Phase Shifter that applies the necessary phase
shift to steer the antenna beam.
When you steer the beam, you adjust the phase of the elements so that individual
signals line up at the desired beam-pointing angle (theta). Having phase settings that
don't change with frequency helps keeping the beam pointed where you want when you
shift frequencies.
• Array beam forming techniques exist that can yield multiple, simultaneously
available beams.
• The beams can be made to have high gain and low sidelobes, or controlled
• The simplest way of controlling signal phase is to systematically vary the cable
lengths to the elements. Cables delay the signal and so shift the phase. However,
this does not allow the antenna to be dynamically steered.

Antenna Beam forming

• In beam forming, both the amplitude and the phase of each antenna element are
• Combined amplitude and phase control can be used to adjust side lobe levels and
steer nulls better than can be achieved by phase control alone.
• A beam former radio transmitter applies the complex weight to the transmit signal
(shifts the phase and sets the amplitude) for each element of the antenna array.

Simple Phase Shift beam forming for Two-Antenna System

Vector Modulator Phase Shifter

Another application of the Phase Shifters is the Vector Modulator.

Vector modulators Phase Shifter structure can cover a phase shift up to 360°.

Figure below shows the diagram of a vector modulator with phase control range of 90°.
Vector modulation with 90° phase control range and its vector diagram

The input signal is divided in two paths with defined phase offsets (usually 90° or
120°), which amplitudes are controlled by variable gain amplifiers or variable attenuators.
After generation of phase offset between these two paths, the signals are combined.

Four signal paths with phase offsets of 90°, or three paths with 120° phase offset, can be
used for 360° vector modulators.
• Every desired phase within the 360° phase control range can be obtained by
weighting the amplitudes of the phase paths.
• The amplitude of the amplifiers can be set by analog control voltages, but the
amplitude in variable gain amplifiers cannot be controlled without influencing the
phase shift.

• In real circuits amplitude control is always associated with a certain phase variation.
• Typically, the amplitude control should be at least 20dB.
• Input and output impedances of the circuit should be constant vs amplitude control,
otherwise phase variations can appear when more stages are connected.
• The gain should be a linear function of voltage and ideally the phase deviation
across the assumed gain range should be equal to zero.

In the passive vector modulator approach shown in the picture below, the amplitudes
of vectors are controlled by cold FET’s, used as variable resistors.
The 120° phase offset of the signal is generated by High-Pass and Low-Pass
networks, and a 0° direct path.
Varying the control voltages Vc-LP, Vc-dir and Vc-HP the amplitude of the signal paths
can be controlled.
In the same time the control voltage is used to compensate for phase errors introduced
by the FETs vs gain control.
Passive Vector Modulator Phase Shifter type


1. Electrically Tunable Switched-Line Diode Phase Shifters - L. Maloratsky

2. High Frequency Circuit Design - J. Hardy
3. High Speed Circuit Board Signal Integrity - S. Thierauf
4. Lumped Elements for RF and Microwave Circuits – I. Bahl
5. Microstrip Lines and Slotlines – K. Gupta, R. Garg, I. Bahl, P. Bhartia
6. Radio Frequency Integrated Circuits and Technologies – F. Ellinger
7. RF and Microwave Wireless Systems – K. Chang
8. Understanding Microwaves – A. Scott
9. RF Variable Phase Shifters for Multiple Smart Antenna Transceivers – H. Zarei
10. Varactor Controlled Phase Shifter for PCS Base Station – Alpha
11. Applications of PIN Diodes – Alpha
12. Applications of PIN Diodes – Avago
13. Affordable Phase Shifters – Agile Materials & Technologies
14. Microwave Journal 1996 – 2011
15. High Frequency Electronics 2000 – 2011

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