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Is a multi-dimensional model developed helps the nurse assist clients to recover

by PENDER that describes the nature of in the face of the illness. Benner
persons as they interact within the 12. She introduces the NATURE OF
environment to pursue health. Health NURSING MODEL. Henderson
Promotion Model 13. She conceptualized that man, as an
2. Conceptualized the BEHAVIORAL Open system is in constant interaction
SYSTEM MODEL Dorothy Johnson and transaction with a changing
3. Postulated that health is a state and environment. Roy
process of being and becoming an 14. For her, Nursing is a theoretical system
integrated and whole person. ROY of knowledge that prescribes a process
4. Proposed the HEALTH CARE SYSTEM of analysis and action related to care of
MODEL. Betty Neuman the ill person. Roy
5. He proposed the theory of morality 15. According to DUNN, Overcrowding is
based on PRINCIPLES. PETERS  what type of illness precursor?
6. Stated that health is WELLNESS. A Environmental
termed define by the culture or an 16. Caring is the essence and central
individual. Martha Rogers  unifying, a dominant domain that
7. According to her, Wellness is a distinguishes nursing from other health
condition in which all parts and disciplines. Care is an essential human
subparts of an individual are in need. Leininger
harmony with the whole system. 17. Who postulated the WHOLISTIC
Neuman concept that the totality is greater than
8. According to her, Nursing is a helping or sum of its parts? Rogers
assistive profession to persons who are 18. Postulated that health is reflected by
wholly or partly dependent or when the organization, interaction,
those who are supposedly caring for interdependence and integration of the
them are no longer able to give care. subsystem of the behavioral system.
Orem Johnson
9. Caring is healing, it is communicated 19. Caring involves 5 processes, KNOWING,
through the consciousness of the nurse BEING WITH, DOING FOR, ENABLING
to the individual being cared for. It and MAINTAINING BELIEF. Swanson
allows access to higher human spirit. 20. According to her, Caring is defined as a
Watson nurturant way of responding to a
10. Nursing is a unique profession, valued client towards whom the nurse
Concerned with all the variables feels a sense of commitment and
affecting an individual’s response to responsibility. Watson
stressors, which are intra, inter and 21. She defined health as the soundness
extra personal in nature. Neuman and wholness of developed human
11. Caring means that person, events, structure and bodily mental functioning.
projects and things matter to people. It Orem
reveals stress and coping options. 22. The unique function of the nurse is to
Caring creates responsibility. It is an assist the individual, sick or well, in the
inherent feature of nursing practice. It performance of those activities
contributing to health that he would
perform unaided if he has the necessary
strength, will and knowledge, and do
this in such a way as to help him gain
independence as rapidly as possible.
23. She theorized that man is composed of
sub and supra systems. Subsystems are
cells, tissues, organs and systems while
the suprasystems are family, society
and community. Rogers

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