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Laurena Nadezdha Bolagi - TOEFL AND ACADEMIC WRITING

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Name : Laurena Nadezdha Bolagi

NPM : 5118062

Class : D‫־‬IV Medical Laboratory Technology

Page 172

Questions about the Model

1. What is the thesis statement of the paper? Circle it.

2. Find the topic sentences in each body paragraph? Which transitional phrases relate to
the content of the preceding paragraph? Underline them.
3. Why does Laney make a number of comparisons in her paper
4. What is the function of the quotations in the paper? Why are they necessary?
5. How is the paper organized˗chronologically, topically, or a combination of the two?
6. How does Laney initially identify the sources in the body of the text, and how does
she handle a subsequent reference to the same source?
7. Why would readers want to see a list of works cited?

The answer:

1. The event has had lasting effects on both the population and he environment
surrounding the facility.
2. Paragraph 2 : The event is called the Kyshtym disaster, and it happened at Mayak, a
nuclear fuel reprocessing plant.
Paragraph 3 : With so many defects in its construction and maintenance, it is no
surprise that in 1957 the cooling system of one of the tanks failed.
Paragraph 4 : The beauty of the scene masked the terrible consequences for the people
in the area.
Paragraph 5 : Officials finally acknowledge the disaster and its effects only thirty˗five
years later, in 1992.
Paragraph 6 : The revelations about the previous spills and explosions eventually
Paragraph 7 : However, the level of radiation emitted is less important than the
government’s treatment of those near the two disasters.
Paragraph 8 : However, this is not the case.
3. She wants to show the magnitude of a disaster that almost no one knew had happened.
4. They back up Laney’s claims. They provide data and analysis from experts,
eyewitnesses, and victims.
5. A combination of the two.
6. Initially, she names the source in the body of the text. In subsequent references she
places the last name of the source in parentheses.
7. So they can evaluate the reliability of the sources or consult them.

Page 173

Finding Antonyms

Look at the writing model again and find each word in the writing model. Then write its
antonym in the space provided. Use a dictionary as needed.

1. Unaware (paragraph 1) aware

2. Comparable (paragraph 1) incomparable, unlike
3. Hastily (paragraph 2) slowly
4. Prove (paragraph 4) disprove
5. Dismantle (paragraph 4) assemble, build
6. Meager (paragraph 4) sufficient, substantial
7. Contaminated (paragraph 4) unpolluted, pure
8. Inhabited (paragraph 5) uninhabited, deserted, abandoned
9. Capable (paragraph 6) incapable, unable, unqualified
10. Fertile (paragraph 6) infertile, barren
11. Massive (paragraph 6) tiny, small, insignificant
12. Descendants (paragraph 7) ancestors

Page 178

Practice 3 Writing Verbs in the Correct Tense Sequence

Complete each sentence with the correct tense. Make sure the verb in the dependent clause is
in the present tense, or the verb in the main clause is in the future.

1. Careful consumers will buy packaged food only after they have examined the list of
2. Many people think that if vegetables are not labeled “organic,” they will not believe
that vegetable organic.
3. The manufacturer will take a product off the shelves if consumers want to buy that
4. A nuclear reactor will be dangerous if the nuclear reactor contaminating to our body.
5. After a major flood occurs, cealing will be done immediately.
6. Young people will likely get good jobs after they’ve graduated from college.

Practice 4 Writing Complex Sentences

Write five complex sentences using the words supplied. The independent clause in each
sentence must contain the modal verb will.

1. If / sell .
The answer: If the glass have brokenhe product will not sell it.
2. After / receive
The answer: After he has gone, i will find another one .
3. Before / take
The answer: Before he goes to school, he will take some snack from mom.
4. Unless / stop
The answer: Unless he's accepted to the company, he will stop of his old job.
5. Once / begin
The answer: Once she was admitted to a favorite university, she will begin to live her

Page 179

Practice 5 Forming and Narrowing Research Questions

Work in small groups. Choose a topic and generate possible research questions to pursue.
Remember to ask questions that begin with how? when? where? why? who? and should? or
could? Decide if your research question is sufficiently narrow.

 College admissions standards and the makeup of U.S. colleges and universities
 The wave of immigration to the United States that occurred from 1989 to the present
 Down syndrome
 Medical technology
 Music therapy for mentally or physically impaired people

The answer:

Topic: Medical Technology

Research questions:

1. Why medical technology developing very rapidly?

2. What are the stages in the examination in a medical laboratory?

3. How the term used to lasy a good medical technology devicer?

4. How to become a medical laboratory officer?

5. what are the duties of a medical laboratory officer?

Page 181

Practice 6 Evaluating a Source

A. Work with a partner. Return to one of these Writing Models: Chapter 2, pages 22-24;
Chapter 5, pages 87-89; or Chapter 6, pages 110-112. Formulate a research question
about the topic.
B. Working in pairs, find an article that relates to your question.
C. Work in small groups. Discuss how reliable your article is. Use the questions to help
you evaluate it.
 What is the main point of the article?
 Who is the intended audience for this source?
 What kinds of evidence is the author using? Does the evidence seem reliable?
Why or why not?
 Are there any statements you want to question? Do the author's claims and
conclusions seem reliable? Why or why not?

The Answer

A. 1. What the main idea of the topic?

2. What the conclusion of the topic?
3. What is the intended by the author of the article?
B. The article “ What Is Language?”
C. 1. The longman advance American dictionary definers language as a system of
communication by written words which is used by the people
2. For the kides community
3. The evidense author using by his experience. The evidense teemtelrable
4. There are no question. Because the article is complete

Page 182

Practice 7 Evaluating Thesis Statements

Work in small groups. Decide if each thesis statement is focused and clear. Write G (good) or
TB (too broad). Then suggest ways that the topics that are too broad could be narrowed.

1. Many sociologists, economists, journalists, and other experts have documented the
positive effects that early immigrants have had on the United States. From these
findings, it is clear that if recent immigrants affect the economy in ways similar to
those of earlier immigrants, then they will prove to be assets rather than burdens on
the country.
The answer: G (good).
2. We should protect the health of the state's natural resources.
The answer: TB (too broad).
3. A university is a resource center for those who want the opportunity to develop their
intellectual powers and lead more productive, useful, and fulfilling lives.
The answer: TB (too broad).
4. Are US. policies toward Cuban immigrants fair?
The answer: TB (too broad).
5. Some parents, educators, and psychologists fear that television commercials
encourage children to eat bad foods, but advertisers disagree.
The answer: TB (too broad).

Page 183

Practice 8 Examining a Works Cited Page

Return to the paper on pages 175-176. Examine the Works Cited list and answer these
1. In the first and fourth entries, why are the first and last names of the first author
reversed but not the names of the other authors?
2. Which titles are placed in quotation marks, and which titles are in italics? Why?
3. As a general rule, where are periods placed in the entries? Where are they not?
4. Where do the page numbers appear in each entry?
5. In the third entry, why is the publication date in parentheses, but not in the other
6. If the entries inchuded the word Web instead of Print, what would that mean?

The answer:

1. Because the entries are listed in alphabetical order, so the names of the other authors
do not affect the listings.
2. Short works such as titles of articles are placed in quotation marks, but longer works
such as book or magazine titles are italicized.
3. Periods follow each part of the entry, except (1) no period precedes the dates
following a title, and (2) a colon precedes a page number.
4. As the last item in the entry, but before the word print when it is included.
5. Because the volume and issue number identify when the article appears.
6. It means that some articles appear on the Internet and others appear in print.

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