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CSTP 1 - Evidence

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Standard Element Source of Evidence Evidence that might

demonstrate that standard

1.1 Using knowledge of students Documentation I give out “Getting to Know You”
to engage them in learning worksheets at the beginning of the
(EXPLORING) school year. I use these forms to
engage students more during lessons.
For example, I have a student who
wrote that he doesn’t like math, but he
loves sports. I now try to incorporate
sports into Math lessons. For example,
3 bags of soccer balls with 2 balls in
each bag when teaching

I’ve already adjusted a bit of the math

lessons based on some quick
assessments I’ve done. Subtraction
and regrouping, for example, is
something I noticed a lot of students
struggle with so I plan to reinforce
that concept all year. 9/25/21

1.2 Connecting learning to Documents Before the school year

students’ prior knowledge, begins, I read each student
backgrounds, life experience,
Nile. I also go and talk to
and interests (EMERGING)
their previous teacher to
gain insight into their
behavior, prior knowledge,
family life, friend group
issues, and interests.
1.3 Connecting subject matter to Classroom Discussions We do “Word of the Day”
meaningful, real-life contexts each morning and. After I’ve
gone over the meaning of
the word, I ask them a
personal question using that
word. For example, last
week one of the words was
signiNicant. I asked students
to share a signiNicant event
in their life. Sometimes I
have them journal their
answers so that those who
don’t like to raise hands can
still participate. 9/25/21
1.4 Using a variety of Classroom Observation & We have iPads that I utilize
instructional strategies, Lesson Plan involving rotations during Math rotations. We use
resources, and technologies to a program called IXL which
meet students’ diverse learning allows them to go at their own
needs (EMERGING) pace. If there is a section that
they are not able to pass, they
have to go back and do it again.
I get an email update every
Friday that gives me a detailed
summary for each student
about what questions they
were asked, how many they got
right/wrong, and which areas
they need to practice more.
1.5 Promoting critical thinking Classroom Discussions I’m working on this one….
through inquiry, problem solving, I’m trying to Nigure out the
and reflection (EMERGING)
correct questions to ask
students in order to get
them to think critically and
access prior knowledge. I do
try to connect previous
lessons or things we’ve
talked about before so that
they can start to see the
connections. 9/25/21
1.6 Monitoring student learning Student Work & Classroom Thankfully, I only have 16
and adjusting instruction while Observation students in my class so I am
teaching (EXPLORING)
always able to get around to
everyone in the class that
needs help. Pairing students
together makes it even
easier to make sure I get to
everyone in the classroom.
Then they have another
person to bounce ideas off
of. This can be helpful for
the students who have a
hard time getting started.
Partner work has been very
effective in my class. So
much so, that sometimes
they don’t need my help at

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