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Express Yourself Useful Expressions

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Useful Expression 1

1. The world is full of people making a good living but poor lives.

- Many people make a lot of money but have a poor life, full of work, not friends and family.

2. Death is not a period, but a comma, in the story of life.

- Death is a part of life, we still remember those who have passes away.

3. Believe that life is worth living, and your belief will help create the fact.

- Positive thinking usually results in a happier life, (if you think bad thoughts all day, usually soemhting 'bad' will happen.

4. Some people treat life like a slot machine- putting in as little as possible while hoping for the jackpot.

- Many people expect great things with out putting in much effort, such as wanting the income from a doctors' degree,
but quit school in high school.

5. A long life is a gift of God; a full and fruitful life is your own doing.

- There is a belief that our time on Earth is determined by God (at birth), but how you live your life makes it miserable or

6. After all, life is really simple; we ourselves create the circumstances that complicate it.

- We usually cause the problems we have, from poor education, use of drugs etc.

7. The tragedy of life is what dies inside a man while he lives.

- Many people die a little inside each day, meaning they do not have inner happiness, few friends, no joy in smelling
roses, eating a meal, laughing with friends.

8. People who are afraid of death are usually afraid of life.

-Some people are so worried about dying they don't take time to enjoy their time, may not seek happiness or recognize
the opportunities life offers them daily.

9. We make a living by what we get, but we make a life by what we give.

- We 'earn' money, but we truly become whole by helping others and enjoying their success and happiness.

Useful Expression 2
[1] Fewer accidents are caused by traffic jams than by pickled drivers.
- Most of people in traffic jams tend to have an appointments. For example, they have promises with friends or they have to go to the work on
time, which increases the possibility of traffic accident.

- There are so many accidents that are caused by traffic jam in the big cities. 
The drivers are required to be careful and to give a quick response at the busy roads. 

Even law-abiding drivers sometimes get into trouble because of lack of free space. 
But during the rush-hour driving, a driver is ready for the dangerous of the traffic and knows how to cope it, meanwhile a pickled driver threatens the
others increasingly because they don't expect the danger and can't manage it. 
That is the reason why a drunk driver is more dangerous on the road and he is the cause of many terrible accidents

[2] Traffic tickets are like wives. No one complains about them until he gets one of his own.
- I think the statement is true. This is because, a person does not complain about the traffic tickets until they violate the rules of traffic. However,
once the driver violate the rules, the man tend to complain about the tickets all the time.

[3] The way traffic is today, it's easier to star on Broadway than it is to cross it.
- These days, there are a lot of car on the roads, so, it's hard to cross the road. Also, since the road today is so huge or big to cross.

[4] Fast transportation has made us all neighbors- but, unfortunately, not brothers. 
- Fast transportation made our life more conveniently. Therefore, we could travel long distances in a short period time. For example, the subways
can travel the 50kilometers an hour. 
*Carrie I don't understand that why the fast transportation cannot give advantages to brothers. :)

[5] People seem to have thought up every solution to the traffic problem except staying at home.
- People seem to come up with ideas to solve the traffic problem. Among the solutions, staying at home can't be a resolution for the problem,
which is just escape from the problem.

[6] Doctors tell us that people are living too fast. Traffic statistics show they are dying the same way.
- Definitely, right. As the world has changed dramatically, people's lives are also getting busy. However, this kind of trend produces a lot of side-
effect and also affect people's life and safety negatively.

[7] A traffic light is a device for trapping you in the middle of the intersection.
- Sometimes, people think that a traffic light is time-consuming. However, Intersection is very dangerous place for drivers. This is because most of
the car accidents occur at the intersection. Since the traffic light arranges the car in order in complicated traffic situations, a traffic light ensures the
safety of drivers.

Useful Expression 3
1. Don’t argue at the dinner table. The one who is not hungry always wins the argument. 

- You can't talk while you eat so if you’re hungry you won't want to argue. 

-  I absolutely agree this sentence. This sentence is funny then I am loser always in the dinner table. Because I really concentrate on eating food.
Sometimes I can't hear any talks. Of course many people like talking during eating but argument needs to think their opinion so it’s hard to speak
their opinion when the mouth is full.

2. Children who are reared in homes of poverty have only two mealtime choices- take it or leave it. 

- Not a lot of variety of food when your poor 


4. The best exercise is to exercise discretion at the dinner table.

- There are many manners or habits in the table. And many experts emphasize we should eat slowly and chewing a lot. If we see the TV, we can't
concentrate perfectly on our meal. Then we can eat more and the digestion will be bad. I also must change this habits.

- Don't start trouble at meal time. 

- When you are at a dinner table you tend to eat everything thats there, and controlling yourself would be very hard. Therefor it should be the best
exercise... Trying not to eat the food you would love to eat.

5. More and more food is coming canned or prepackaged-including food for thought.

- More and more people is finding convenient foods that's why many instant foods are made. The food affects directly our health so we should know
about the material of canned or prepackaged food. We must consider some artificial additives and where the material is from. I think it is big problem
that they don't know the origin of raw materials.

- Our thinking is often a matter of being "led" by the media. 

- We now live in a fast paced environment... people dont want to cook anymore, they prefer instant food/fast food.

6. there is a new diet that will reduce weight like nothing's called the high price of food. 
- Hard to eat when your broke. 

- Nowadays, the cost of food anywhere are going up.. so, if they become too expensive then we would have no choice but not to buy it and find a
cheaper alternative... If you can't afford it, you won't buy it.. so you won't get any fatter. lol

7. most kids think a balanced diet is a hamburger in each hand. 

-Kids think MacDonald's happy meal is good. 
- Kids love hamburger... they think its the best food in the world.. so eating it is like the world to them. they don't really care about balanced diet.. as
long as they're eating it.

8. eating plenty of onions and garlic will help you live longer, claim dietary authorities- but you will die very lonely 
- Garlic and onions make for bad breath. 

- Yeah, onion and garlic may be healthy but the smell is really bad... just imagine having that smell in you, do you think people would go near you?
you could live longer than others do (who dont eat a lot of garlic or onions) so when you die nobody else is left. ...

9. table manner must have been invented by people who were never hungry. 
- Hungry people want to just dive in and eat fast. 

10. many people seem to be allergic to food for thought. 

- People can be idiots who don't appreciate intellectual stimulation.

Useful Expression 4

1. When the alarm clock rings, the best part of the day is over.

- means that the best part of the day is the sleeping part

- Because when you hear the alarm ring and even though you don't want to get up, you know you've
made it through another day.

2. if you want your dreams to come true don't oversleep

- We must have enough sleep to rest our body and get energy to start our day.  But in our situation nowadays,
people tend to oversleep than working and make a living.  In my country, people love to relax, as the result, they
seem like they forgot to do the things which are needed... like make a living. When I was working in a company, my
co-employees were wasting their time by talking to one another rather than finishing their task.  As the result the
work that could be done in a day was turned in a week. So, I expected the exasperating yelling of our boss the next
In school, the teacher gives a homework or project to her students and reminds them the due date of submission.
But it is expected on the due date, that would be the time when the students will do the task given to them. As the
result, they would cram and make an undesirable output. They might say…”It is better late than never” or “It is
better to have one than nothing at all”.
No matter how you motivated them, that is what we considered as their nature … a kind of malignant disease
which you can't out of their system easily.
Their reasons of failing to do the task are rather they are busy with the house chores or they forgot that they have
homework or project to do. But the truth is… they have been busy with the computers, mobile phones
etc. Wherever they go and whatever they do, they can’t leave their mobile phones away from their body. That is
why, Philippines is considered as a text capital of the world.
3. Do you realize how many mistakes you’d make if you didn’t sleep away a third of your day?
- just spend One night without sleeping and check where your attention and focus goes. see if u mistake
rate increase. Probably YES.
- it means that while you sleep you cannot make mistakes, 
- A day is 24 hours, but we sleep for about 8 hours (around a third) of the day.
The sentence is like a joke. It means that we would have more chance to make mistakes if we did not sleep for those 8
hours. We would have 8 hours more of potential mistake time!
- Since most kids stop bed wetting at a young age, most adults don't make too many mistakes while
4. The best bridge between despair and hope is a good night's sleep. 
- Have a rest, there's always tomorrow.
-  if you go to sleep despairing, you'll wake up more hopeful because of a good night's sleep. 
5. If you sleep in a chair you have nothing to lose, but a nap at the wheel is often a permanent snooze. 
- Don't sleep and drive. 
- sleeping in a chair is safe but if you sleep while driving you'll probably die. 
6. Most of us spend a lifetime going to sleep when we're not sleepy, and getting up when we are. 
- This is true. Farmers have to schedule their day according to the sun, accidenot their own desires. The
9-5 world followed suit. 
-  most of us aren't tired when we lie down but by the time we have to wake up, our bodies have relaxed
and we feel sleepy.
7. If you want your wife to listen to what you say talk in your sleep
- The words that come out from your mouth you when you're asleep are nothing but the truth. 
-  if i heard my husband talk in his sleep, i would listen carefully to hear what he says. get it?
8. A real surprise is when the college boy comes home and discovers people sleep at night rather than in
the daytime.
- It means that while you are in college you generally will stay up late to study or party and such, therefore
not sleeping at night. Then when you go home it's different because you don't have to study all night and
you can sleep during that time. Hope that makes sense
9. Its extremely difficult for a babysitter to wake up five or ten minutes before the parents return home. 
-  But it's easy to fire a sleeping babysitter. 
10. Boasting and sleeping are the forerunners of failure.
- Boasting creates high expectations. Failure to meet those expectations is failure, but without all the
hype, there could have been a mild success. Sleeping instead of doing is another great way to fail.

1. A woman bakes a child's birthday cake big enough to hold all the candles-and her own small enough not to.

-selfless love of a mother

==> That's woman's life. Even if I don't receive any gift for my birthday, I don't feel bad. I don't want to spend
much money for me. I wonder why. Back in childhood, I didn't understand my mother. She didn't buy things
for herself. I wanted my mother look good so I always tried to tell her, "Mom you derserve it". But she didn't.
After I become a mother, I become understand my mother. I don't care my gift but my children and husband.

If she bakes a very small cake for herself, it will not be big enough to hold all the candles she will need for
her birthday - so that nobody will know how old she is, and so she will not be reminded of how old she is

The Best way to remember your wife's birthday is to forget it


No, not basically will you never be allowed to forget her birthday lower back (so factor taken approximately
your question) yet permit's settle for it, you will never lower back be allowed to forget that factor you
relatively forgot her birthday. meaning you will get reminded of that each and each 12 months and
predicted to purchase a extra high priced present day. in case you may not be troubled to endure in
techniques your spouse's birthday, you may not think of very quite some her.

When a man has a birthday, he takes a day off. When a


woman has one, she takes a year off.?

Maternity leave. For the man it refers to his own birthday, for the woman it refers to the birth of her child.
wWomen do not like to tell their age because women can be mean and secretive. Men are not so
complicated. Men shave their face so their skin usually makes them look younger that women the same
when a man has a birthday he takes a day off in celebration and relaxation. 
when a woman has a BIRTH-day, she has given birth to a child and needs to take a year off to take care
of said child.
4. A diplomatic husband said to his wife, " How do you expect me to remember your birthday when you never
look any older?"
==>How lovely he is! As for me, I bless to have my husband. I might be ok, if my husband who has a warm
heart misses my birthday. The big present is not always a warm heart. 

Even though we know birthdays of the people we care about, it is easy to forget them. Everybody has been in this
kind of situation.

5. It’s what guests say after they leave the party that counts.

It's what the guests thought about the party and their reaction that decides how well the party went.
6. The success of a big party is usually measured by the money that is wasted

used to say that good or kind intentions are the most important thing,even if what you do or

give someone is not perfect:
Even when people do things for you and give you things that you don't actually want, you must
always remember that it's the thought that counts.

Money is not the only measure of success in life. For most people in our modern-capitalism world, money is
the first thing, and sometimes the only thing that measures success in their life. Money can buy power.


1. Warm friends often freeze up at the mention of cash.

==> I don't want to lose my money to a friend. So if I lend money to my friends, I  tell them to pay me back
whenever I meet them. 

2. A friend that isn't in need is a friend indeed. 

3. The best recipe for making friends is to be one yourself.

==>I open my mind and try to be honest when I want to make friends. It works a lot.

4. Having money and friends is easy. Having friends and no money is an accomplishment. 
==>I don't think most people like friends with money. Having no money but having true friendship is possible.

This means that it is easier to make friends when you have money.

5. Time separates the best of friends, but so does money-and marriage. 

==>Out of sight, out of mind. Money can make trouble between friends. Some people don’t like their best friend’s
spouse. So it might be natural not to keep in touch with friends after being away for a long time, money
problems, and marriage.

6. A good friend is one who can tell you all his problems - but doesn't.
==>No secrets between friends is not always good.

7. The more arguments you win, the fewer friends you'll have. 
==>Some people are really good at arguing, sometimes I envy them. But I don't think that I want to make friends
with them.

8. Friendship is like money - easier made than kept.

==>We tend to not take care about friendships, the same way we do with money after earning it. We don't know how
to spend money properly, and we don't know how to keep friendships seriously. 

9. Blessed are our enemies, for they tell us the truth when our friends flatter us. 
==>I sometimes tell a white lie because I don't want to hurt my friends. But then I try to tell them the truth. Not
many of our friends flatter us. 

10. You can win more friends with your ears than with your mouth. 
==>I like friends who listen to me well more than talk too much.


1. The Best Way To Appreciate Your Job Is To Imagine Yourself Without One.

- It’s easy to get frustrated at work, but with a little attitude adjustment you can at least not take it for granted. With times work tough ( or boring, or
annoying ) remember at least you have a job!

- In the Philippines, we believe that education is extremely important.  Every family wants their children to attend college and get a degree.  Parents
do everything they can to support their children's education.  They believe their status in life will improve when their children graduate from college
and get a good job.  Hardship doesn't end after graduation...the truth's only the beginning...graduates have to face another crucial stage of  life:
getting a good-paying and stable job.

It is better to have a job with a small salary than to be jobless and have no income. So, appreciate your job and whatever you earn from it. It may be a
first step towards a good career and better pay.

2. Before arguing with your boss, make absolutely sure you’re right—then let the matter drop.

-No one complains about them until he gets one of his own. .... Would you say "yes" if your boss asked you to sacrifice your vacation? ..... your job
is without one... make absolutely sure you're right-then let the matter drop.

3. You can tell a man`s character by what he turns up when offered a job - his nose or his sleeves.
-If a person 'turns up their nose' it's generally a sign that they think very highly of them selves. If he 'turns up his sleeves', he appears more willing to


5. no dreams come true until you wake up and go to work

-Make what your doing today important, because you’re trading a day of your life for it. Most
of us have a clear concept of things we want to be and things we want to have. However, most of us fail to
have a clear concept of how to attain them. It’s no surprise because often we find it easier to dream of the
good things in life. The difficult path to achieving our dreams is often ignored because it’s just not as easy as
we would like it to be. It never is easy, but there are things you can do now to get closer to achieving your
6. the fellow is fired with the enthusiasm for his work is seldom fired by his boss

Any one with a good or positive attitude about being fired, probably isn't someone that would be fired in
the first place (because having such a positive attitude is a quality bosses prefer to have).
10. Be thankful if your job is a little harder than you like. A razor can`t be sharpened on a piece of velvet.
-Velvet is a soft, easily cut fabric. It's a metaphor, comparing a person to the razor, and an easy job to
velvet. Simply, you can't get stronger unless faced with a challenge.

1. The best ambition of some girls is to make a man a good husband.

2. The best way to win an argument with a woman is to hit her over the head with a new mink coat.

3. When a wise man argues with a woman, he says nothing.

- A madman who is silent is considered a wise person, and he that keeps his lips .... yet in this he acts the
wise part, that he holds his peace and says nothing;

4. Nothing confuses a man more than driving behind a woman who does everything right.

5. A man gave a woman his seat on the bus; she fainted. When she revived, she thanked him; he fainted.

6. If a man tells a woman she’s beautiful, she’ll overlook most of his other lies.

- in the first place, when a man tells a woman she's beautiful he usually means it.

- a woman always knows when she is being lied to about a personal thing like that.

7. A girl may love you from the bottom of her heart, but there’s always room for some other fellow at the top.

- Yes. It is good men that always hurt. So, Men should have "Plan B"

8. By the time a man understands women, he’s no longer interested.

- Yes. Women are too complex for men to understand. While a man meets a woman, he shouldn't try to understand her. Just

- . If you notice that his habits are changing, he is no longer interested in you, ... it may be time for you to find
that person inside of you who knows you ...patience

- Why are guys no longer interested in potentially dating you when they find .... and if a man claims the heart
of one, he knows he's found his woman that will ... And maybe as a founder you will never have The time for
a family.

9. A woman always remembers where and when she got married; a man sometimes forgets why!

- Well, Why did I marry my wife? :) The moment a man get married with a womann, love has expired. But many women seem to
think that it is still love. for married men, their wife is just the one of their family members. 

- A man marries a woman expecting that she won't change, and she does. ... A woman's mind iscleaner

than a man's--she changes it more often! ... worry about the things that men forget; men always worry
about the things women remember.

10 A woman’s ideal man is one clever enough to make money and foolish enough to spend it on her.

- Yes. it's a sad story... Some married men here live along. Their family went to foreign country for children's education. They
send their family most money they earn. Thier children and wife are accustomed to living without Husband and Father. Some
people say,"Korean Fathers are money-making machine."

-A successful man is one who makes more money than his wife can spend. ... It's so difficult to

savemoney when your neigbhbors keep buying things you can't ... A woman's ideal man is one
clever enough to make a lot of money and foolish ...

1. Exercise is still the best medicine.-Regular exercise may be able to offset disease-causing cellular
damage and slow the aging process. You can slow down the aging process with as little as 15 minutes a day
of moderate activity. Exercise is good for you.

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