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Norkin, C. C., & White, D. J. (2009) - Measurement of Joint Motion: A Guide To Goniometry. Philadelphia: F.A. Davis. jdcptrp2019

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Motion stabilization Testing Position Fulcrum Proximal arm Distal arm Normal Values End-feel
Cervical flexion During AROM Stabilize Sitting position with a Over the external Perpendicular to Base of the 0 – 45 firm
the shoulder girdle or back rest auditory meatus the ground nares
sternum to prevent
forward flexion of the
thoracic spine

Cervical extension During AROM Stabilize Sitting position with a Over the external Perpendicular to Base of the 0 - 45 firm
the shoulder girdle or back rest auditory meatus the ground nares
chest to prevent
extension of the
thoracic and lumbar

Cervical lateral flexion During AROM Stabilize Sitting position Over the spinous Align with the Align with the 0 - 45 firm
the shoulder girdle or process of the C7 spinous process dorsal midline
chest to prevent lateral vertebra of the thoracic of the head
flexion of the thoracic vertebrae (occipital
and lumbar spine (perpendicular to protuberance
the ground) as the

Cervical rotation During AROM Stabilize Sitting position with the Over the centre of Parallel to an Tip of the nose 0 – 60 firm
the shoulder girdle or thoracic and lumbar the cranial aspect imaginary line
chest to prevent spine well supported by of the head between the
rotation of the thoracic the back rest of the chair right and left
and lumbar spine acromial

This summary guides for measuring range of motion is for the exclusive use of students enrolled in PT 301 Measurement & Evaluation.
Norkin, C. C., & White, D. J. (2009). Measurement of joint motion: a guide to goniometry. Philadelphia: F.A. Davis.

Motion stabilization Testing Position Landmarks / Reference Normal Values End-feel
Thoracolumbar Stabilize the pelvis to Standing position with Tape measure: Over the spinous processes of T1 & S2 5 – 7 cm firm
flexion prevent anterior tilting feet shoulder width apart 6 – 7 cm
Double inclinometer: one inclinometer over the spinous
process of T1 & second inclinometer over the sacrum at 0 – 80
the level of S2.

Thoracolumbar No stabilization on the Standing position and Using a tape measure/ruler: measure the perpendicular 0.1cm
flexion pelvis is provided by then slowly bend forward distance between the tip of the middle finger and the
(Finger-to-floor) the examiner, thus as far as possiblein an floor
allowing hip motions attempt to touch the
to occur. floor keeping the knees
extended and feet

Thoracolumbar Stabilize the pelvis to Standing position with Tape measure: Over the spinous processes of T1 & S2 0 - 25 firm
extension prevent posterior feet shoulder width apart
tilting Double inclinometer: one inclinometer over the spinous
process of T1 & second inclinometer over the sacrum at
the level of S2.

Thoracolumbar Fulcrum: over the posterior aspect of the spinous 0 - 35

lateral flexion (using process of S2
goniometer) Proximal arm: perpendicular to the ground
Distal arm: posterior aspect of the spinous process of T1

Thoracolumbar Standing position with Mark the spinous processes of the T1 and S2 vertebrae using a 0 - 25
lateral flexion (using back flat against the wall skin marking pencil, with the subject in the standing position
double inclinometer) with feet shoulder width
apart, arms hanging Place one inclinometer over the T1 spinous
process and the second inclinometer over the
freely at the sides
sacrum at the level of S2

This summary guides for measuring range of motion is for the exclusive use of students enrolled in PT 301 Measurement & Evaluation.
Norkin, C. C., & White, D. J. (2009). Measurement of joint motion: a guide to goniometry. Philadelphia: F.A. Davis.

Thoracolumbar Standing position with At the end of the ROM, make a mark on the leg distance between
lateral flexion (finger back flat against the wall level with the tip of the middle finger and use a tape the mark on the
to floor) with feet shoulder width measure or ruler to measure leg and the floor
apart, arms hanging
freely at the sides

Thoracolumbar Standing position with Place a mark on the thigh where the tip of the The distance
lateral flexion (finger back flat against the wall subject’s third finger rests. At the end of the ROM, make a between the two
to thigh) with feet shoulder width second mark on the leg level with the tip of the middle finger. marks is the value
apart, arms hanging Use a tape measure or ruler to measure the distance between for thoracolumbar
the first mark on the leg and the second mark on the leg lateral flexion ROM
freely at the sides

Thoracolumbar Stabilize the pelvis to Place the subject sitting, Fulcrum: over the center 0 - 45 Firm
Rotation (using prevent rotation. Avoid with the feet on the floor of the cranial aspect of the subject’s head
goniometer) flexion, to help stabilize the pelvis. A Proximal arm: parallel to an imaginary line
extension, and lateral seat without a back between the two prominent tubercles on the iliac crests
flexion of the spine support is preferred so that
Distal arm: Align with an imaginary line between
rotation of the spine can
the two acromial processes.
occur freely.

Thoracolumbar Place the subject in a Mark the spinous processes of the T1 and S2 vertebrae The difference
Rotation (using forward flexed standing between
double inclinometer) position Place one inclinometer over the spinous process of inclinometer
so that the subject’s back is T1 and the second inclinometer over the sacrum at readings is the
parallel to the floor. the level of S2. rotation ROM

Motion stabilization Testing Position Landmarks / Reference Normal Values End-feel
Lumbar Stabilize the pelvis to Place the subject Schober Test: Firm
flexion/extension prevent standing, with the first mark: lumbosacral junction
(using tape measure) anterior/posterior cervical, thoracic, second mark: 10 cm above the first mark on
tilting. and lumbar spine in 0 the spine
degrees of lateral flexion
and Modified Schober Test:
rotation first mark: lumbosacral junction
second mark: 10 cm above the first mark

This summary guides for measuring range of motion is for the exclusive use of students enrolled in PT 301 Measurement & Evaluation.
Norkin, C. C., & White, D. J. (2009). Measurement of joint motion: a guide to goniometry. Philadelphia: F.A. Davis.

third mark: 5 cm below the lumbosacral junction

Modified-Modified Schober Test 5 -7 cm (flexion)

First mark: over the sacral spine on a line connecting the two
Second mark: over the spine 15 cm superior to the first mark.

Lumbar In standing, keeping both Mark the spinous processes of the T12 and S2 vertebrae. One 0 -60 (Flexion;
flexion/extension feet flat on the ground and inclinometer over the spinous process of T12 and the second AMA)
(using double/single the knees straight inclinometer over the sacrum at the level of S2.
inclinometer) 0 – 20 or
0 – 25
(Extension; AMA)

Lumbar lateral flexion In standing, keeping both Mark the spinous processes of the T12 and S2 vertebrae. One 25 to
(using double feet flat on the ground and inclinometer over the T12 spinous 30 degrees (AMA)
inclinometer) the knees straight process and the second inclinometer over the
sacrum at the level of S2.

Motion stabilization Testing Position Fulcrum Proximal arm Distal arm Normal Values End-feel
Shoulder flexion Stabilize the scapula to Subject supine, with the 0 - 180 firm
prevent posterior tilting, knees flexed to flatten
upward rotation, and the lumbar spine. Elbow in
elevation of the scapula. extension so that tension in
the long head of
the triceps muscle does not
limit the motion.
Shoulder Extension Stabilize the scapula at Subject prone, with the face 0 - 60 Firm
the inferior angle or at turned away Over the lateral Parallel to the Lateral midline
the acromion and from the shoulder being aspect of the midaxillary line of the humerus
coracoid processes to tested. Position the elbow greater tubercle of the thorax
prevent elevation in slight flexion so that
tension in the long head of
the biceps brachii muscle
will not restrict the motion
This summary guides for measuring range of motion is for the exclusive use of students enrolled in PT 301 Measurement & Evaluation.
Norkin, C. C., & White, D. J. (2009). Measurement of joint motion: a guide to goniometry. Philadelphia: F.A. Davis.

Shoulder Abduction Stabilize the scapula to subject supine, with the close to the parallel to the anterior midline 0 - 180 firm
prevent upward rotation shoulder in lateral anterior aspect of midline of the
and rotation and 0 degrees of the acromial of the anterior humerus
elevation of the scapula. flexion and extension process aspect of the
so that the palm of the hand sternum
faces anteriorly. If the
humerus is not laterally
rotated, contact between
the greater tubercle of the
humerus and the upper
of the glenoid fossa or the
acromion process will
restrict the motion. The
elbow should be extended
that tension in the long
head of the triceps does not
restrict the motion

Shoulder Medial In the beginning of the 0 - 70 Firm

(Internal) Rotation ROM, stabilization is
often needed at the
distal end of the humerus
to keep the shoulder in
90 degrees of abduction Subject supine, with the
arm being tested
Shoulder Lateral At the beginning of the in 90 degrees of shoulder 0 – 90 Firm
(External) Rotation ROM, stabilization is abduction. Place the Over olecranon Either Align with the
often needed at the forearm Process perpendicular ulna, using the
distal end of the humerus perpendicular to the to or parallel with olecranon
to keep the shoulder in supporting surface the floor. process and
90 degrees of abduction ulnar styloid for

This summary guides for measuring range of motion is for the exclusive use of students enrolled in PT 301 Measurement & Evaluation.
Norkin, C. C., & White, D. J. (2009). Measurement of joint motion: a guide to goniometry. Philadelphia: F.A. Davis.

Motion stabilization Testing Position Fulcrum Proximal arm Distal arm Normal Values End-feel
Elbow flexion Stabilize the humerus to Position the subject supine, Over the lateral Lateral midline of lateral midline of 0 - 150 Soft
prevent flexion of the with the shoulder in 0 epicondyle of the the the
shoulder. degrees of flexion, humerus. humerus radius
extension, and abduction so
that the arm is close to the
side of the body. Place a
pad under the distal end of
the humerus to allow full
elbow extension

Forearm Pronation Stabilize the distal end of Position the subject sitting. Laterally and Parallel to the Across the dorsal Hard
the humerus to prevent Flex the elbow to 90 proximally to the anterior midline aspect of the
medial rotation and degrees, and support the ulnar styloid process of the humerus forearm, just
abduction of the forearm proximal to the
shoulder. styloid processes
of the radius and
ulna. Parallel to
the styloid
processes of the
radius and ulna
Forearm Supination Stabilize the distal end of Medially and just Across the Firm
the humerus to prevent Position the subject sitting. proximally to the ventral aspect of
lateral rotation and Flex the elbow to 90 ulnar styloid process the 0 - 80
adduction of the degrees, and support the Parallel to the forearm, just
shoulder. forearm anterior midline proximal to the
of the humerus styloid processes
of the radius and
ulna. Parallel to
the styloid
processes of the
radius and ulna

This summary guides for measuring range of motion is for the exclusive use of students enrolled in PT 301 Measurement & Evaluation.
Norkin, C. C., & White, D. J. (2009). Measurement of joint motion: a guide to goniometry. Philadelphia: F.A. Davis.

Motion stabilization Testing Position Fulcrum Proximal arm Distal arm Normal Values End-feel

Wrist Flexion Stabilize the radius and Subject sitting next to a 0 – 80

ulna to prevent supporting surface Lateral aspect of the Lateral midline of
supination or with the shoulder abducted wrist the ulna, using the Lateral midline
pronation of the forearm to 90 degrees, the elbow over the triquetrum olecranon and of the fifth
and motion of the elbow flexed to 90 degrees, and ulnar styloid metacarpal
the palm of the hand facing processes for Firm
the ground reference
Wrist Extension 0 - 70
Wrist Radial Stabilize the radius and Position the subject sitting Dorsal aspect of the Dorsal midline of Dorsal midline of 0 – 20 Hard
Deviation ulna to prevent next to a supporting surface wrist the the
pronation or with the shoulder abducted over the capitate forearm third metacarpal 0 – 30 Firm
Wrist Ulnar Deviation supination of the forearm to 90 degrees, the
and elbow flexion elbow flexed to 90 degrees,
beyond and the palm of the hand
90 degrees. facing the ground

Motion stabilization Testing Position Fulcrum Proximal arm Distal arm Normal Values End-feel
MCP Flexion Stabilize the metacarpal Place the subject sitting, 0 - 90 Hard
to prevent wrist motion. with the forearm and hand
Do not hold the MCP of resting on a supporting
the other fingers in surface.
extension, this will
restrict the motion

MCP Extension Stabilize the metacarpal Position the subject sitting, over the dorsal over the dorsal over the dorsal 0 - 45 Firm
to prevent wrist motion. with the forearm and hand aspect of the MCP midline of the midline of the
Do resting on a supporting joint. metacarpal proximal phalanx
not hold the MCP joints surface.
of the other fingers in full

This summary guides for measuring range of motion is for the exclusive use of students enrolled in PT 301 Measurement & Evaluation.
Norkin, C. C., & White, D. J. (2009). Measurement of joint motion: a guide to goniometry. Philadelphia: F.A. Davis.

flexion because tension
in the transverse
ligament will restrict the

MCP Abduction & Stabilize the metacarpal Position the subject sitting, over the dorsal over the dorsal over the dorsal -- Firm (Abd)
Adduction to prevent wrist motions with the forearm and hand aspect of the MCP midline of the midline of the
resting on a supporting joint metacarpal proximal phalanx Hard (Add)

PIP Flexion Stabilize the proximal Place the subject sitting, over the dorsal over the dorsal over the dorsal 0 – 100 (Flx) Hard (Flx)
phalanx to prevent with the forearm and hand aspect of the PIP midline of the midline of the 0 (Ext) Frim (Ext)
PIP Extension motion of resting on a supporting joint proximal phalanx middle phalanx
the MCP joint. surface. MCP joint in 0
degrees of flexion,
extension, abduction, and

DIP Flexion Stabilize the middle and Position the subject sitting, Over the dorsal over the dorsal over the dorsal 0 – 90 (Flx) Firm
proximal phalanx to with the forearm and hand aspect of the DIP midline of the midline of the
DIP Extension prevent resting on a supporting joint. middle phalanx distal 0 (Ext) Firm
further flexion of the PIP surface. MCP joint in 0 phalanx
joint degrees of flexion,
extension, abduction, and
adduction. Place the PIP
joint in approximately 70 to
90 degrees of flexion.

This summary guides for measuring range of motion is for the exclusive use of students enrolled in PT 301 Measurement & Evaluation.
Norkin, C. C., & White, D. J. (2009). Measurement of joint motion: a guide to goniometry. Philadelphia: F.A. Davis.

Thumb (CMC Flexion) Stabilize the carpals, Position the subject sitting, over the palmar ventral midline of ventral midline 0 – 15 Soft
radius, and ulna to with the forearm and hand aspect of the first the radius of the first
Thumb (CMC prevent wrist resting on a supporting CMC joint metacarpal 0 – 20 Firm
Extension) motions surface. Place the forearm 0 - 80
full supination

Thumb (CMC Stabilize the carpals and Position the subject sitting, over the lateral lateral midline of lateral midline of 0 - 70 Firm
Abduction) the second metacarpal to with the forearm and hand aspect of the radial the the first
prevent wrist motions resting on a supporting styloid process second metacarpal metacarpal
surface. Place the forearm
midway between supination
and pronation; the wrist in 0
degrees of flexion,
extension, and radial and
ulnar deviation

Thumb (MCP Flexion) Stabilize the first Position the subject sitting, over the dorsal over the dorsal dorsal midline of 0 – 50 Hard
metacarpal to prevent with the forearm and hand aspect of the MCP midline of the the proximal
Thumb (MCP wrist motion and flexion resting on a supporting join metacarpal phalanx 0 Firm
Extension) of the CMC joint of the surface. Place the forearm
thumb in
full supination.

Thumb (IP Flexion) Stabilize the proximal Position the subject sitting, over the dorsal dorsal midline of dorsal midline of 0 – 80 Firm
phalanx to prevent with the forearm and hand surface of the IP the the distal
Thumb (IP Extension) flexion or resting on a supporting joint proximal phalanx phalanx 0 – 20 Firm
extension of the MCP surface. Place the forearm
joint. in
full supination.

This summary guides for measuring range of motion is for the exclusive use of students enrolled in PT 301 Measurement & Evaluation.
Norkin, C. C., & White, D. J. (2009). Measurement of joint motion: a guide to goniometry. Philadelphia: F.A. Davis.

Motion stabilization Testing Position Fulcrum Proximal arm Distal arm Normal Values End-feel
Hip Flexion Stabilize the pelvis with Place the subject in the 0 - 120 Soft
one hand to prevent supine position, with the
posterior knees extended and both
tilting or rotation. Keep hips in 0 degrees of
the contralateral lower abduction,
extremity flat on the adduction, and rotation
table in the neutral
position to
provide additional
stabilization over the lateral lateral midline of lateral midline of
aspect of the hip the the
Hip Extension Hold the pelvis with one Place the subject in the joint, using the pelvis femur, using the 0 – 20 Firm
hand to prevent an prone position, with both greater trochanter lateral
anterior knees extended and the hip of the femur for epicondyle as a
tilt (an assistant could to be tested in 0 degrees reference reference
help stabilize the pelvis). of abduction, adduction,
Keep and rotation
the contralateral
extremity flat on the
table to provide
additional pelvic

Hip Abduction Keep a hand on the pelvis Place the subject in the 0 – 40 Firm
to prevent lateral tilting supine position, with the
and rotation. Watch the knees extended and the
trunk for lateral trunk hips in 0 degrees of flexion,
flexion. extension, and rotation

Hip Adduction Stabilize the pelvis to Place the subject in the 0 – 20 Firm
prevent lateral tilting supine position, with both over the anterior with an imaginary anterior midline
knees extended and the hip superior iliac spine horizontal of the
being tested in 0 degrees of (ASIS) of the line extending femur, using the
flexion, extension, and extremity being from one ASIS to midline of the
measured the other patella for

This summary guides for measuring range of motion is for the exclusive use of students enrolled in PT 301 Measurement & Evaluation.
Norkin, C. C., & White, D. J. (2009). Measurement of joint motion: a guide to goniometry. Philadelphia: F.A. Davis.

rotation. Abduct the reference
extremity to provide
sufficient space to complete
the full ROM in adduction.

Hip Medial (Internal) Stabilize the distal end of Seat the subject on a over the anterior perpendicular to anterior midline 0 – 45 Firm
Rotation the femur to prevent supporting surface, with the aspect of the patella the floor or parallel of
abduction, knees flexed to 90 degrees to the supporting the lower leg,
Hip Medial (Lateral) adduction, or further over the edge of the surface surface using the crest of 0 - 45 Firm
flexion of the hip. Avoid with hip in 90 degrees the tibia and
rotations and lateral flexion a point midway
tilting of the pelvis between the two
malleoli for
Motion Stabilization Testing Position Fulcrum Proximal arm Distal arm Normal Values End-feel
Knee Flexion Stabilize the femur to Place the subject supine, over the lateral lateral midline of the lateral 0 - 135 Soft
prevent rotation, with the knee in extension. epicondyle of the the midline of the
abduction, and adduction Position the hip in 0 degrees femur femur, using the fibula, using the
of the hip of extension, abduction, greater trochanter lateral malleolus
and adduction. for reference and fibular head
for reference
Motion Stabilization Testing Position Fulcrum Proximal arm Distal arm Normal Values End-feel
Dorsiflexion Stabilize the tibia and Place the subject sitting, over the lateral lateral midline of parallel to the 0 – 20 Firm
(Talocrural jt) fibula to prevent knee with the knee flexed to aspect of the lateral the lateral aspect of
motion and hip rotation. 90 degrees. The foot should malleolus fibula, using the the
be in 0 degrees of inversion head of the fibula fifth metatarsal 0 - 50 Firm
and eversion for reference
(Talocrural jt)

Inversion (Tarsal jt) Stabilize the tibia and the Place the subject in the over the anterior anterior midline of anterior midline 0 – 35 Firm
fibula to prevent medial sitting position, with the aspect of the ankle the lower leg, of the
knee flexed to 90 degrees using the tibial
This summary guides for measuring range of motion is for the exclusive use of students enrolled in PT 301 Measurement & Evaluation.
Norkin, C. C., & White, D. J. (2009). Measurement of joint motion: a guide to goniometry. Philadelphia: F.A. Davis.

rotation and extension of and the lower leg over the midway between tuberosity for second
the knee and lateral edge of the supporting the malleoli reference metatarsal
rotation and abduction of surface
the hip.

Eversion (Tarsal jt) Stabilize the tibia and 0 - 15 Hard

fibula to prevent lateral
rotation and flexion of
the knee and medial
rotation and
adduction of the hip

REARFOOT Stabilize the tibia and Place the subject in the

Inversion (Subtalar jt) fibula to prevent lateral prone position, with the hip 0-5 Firm
hip and knee rotation in 0 degrees of flexion, over the posterior
and hip adduction extension, abduction, aspect of the ankle posterior midline posterior midline
adduction, midway between of of the
Eversion (Subtalar jt) Stabilize the tibia and and rotation. Position the the the lower leg calcaneus 0–5 Hard
fibula to prevent medial knee in 0 degrees of flexion malleoli
hip and knee rotation and extension. Position the
and hip abduction foot over the edge of the
supporting surface.
Inversion (Transverse Stabilize the calcaneus to 0 - 35 Firm
Tarsal jt) prevent dorsiflexion of
ankle and inversion of
the subtalar joint
Place the subject sitting, over the anterior anterior midline of anterior midline
Eversion (Transverse Stabilize the calcaneus with the knee flexed to aspect of the ankle thelower leg, using of the 0 – 15 Firm
Tarsal jt) and talus to prevent 90 degrees and the lower slightly distal to a the tibial second 0 – 20
plantarflexion leg over the edge of the point midway tuberosity for metatarsal
of the ankle and eversion supporting surface the between the reference
of the subtalar joint subtalar joint malleoli
is placed in the 0 starting

This summary guides for measuring range of motion is for the exclusive use of students enrolled in PT 301 Measurement & Evaluation.
Norkin, C. C., & White, D. J. (2009). Measurement of joint motion: a guide to goniometry. Philadelphia: F.A. Davis.


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