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Lesson 3

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Jayson Vargas

BEED 2nd Year



With your seatmate, group the following household materials given below according to their respective
use. Give an appropriate heading for your groupings. Present output to the class.
Sugar Candle Wax Shampoo
Face powder Lotion Tomato Sauce
Vinegar Cologne Fish Sauce
Soap Cooking Oil


1.) What are your bases for groupings the different sample?
-Household materials are grouped together on the basis of similarities and differences in their properties.

2.) Are their certain precautions to follow when using the listed materials to keep us safe?
-It depends on is if we know how to use it correctly, but in order to keep us safe follow safe procedures first
when to handle some different kinds of materials.

Explore !
Perform the next activity. Bring out atleast 5 household materials or consumer products with their labels
intact assigned a day before by your course facilitator.


Step 1: Exploring

1.1 Within your group, take out the different materials assigned a day before.
Insect spray
Food Seasoning
Baking Soda
Muriatic Acid
1.2 Study each sample label for the consumers as a product or material. Take note if there are
precautions or warnings for the consumers.

Detergent Inspect Spray

Food Seasoning Muriatic
Baking Soda

Precautions or Warnings!
Insect Spray- do not use under clothing, do not apply near eyes and mouth, Use just enough insect repellent to
cover exposed skin.
Detergent – if a product container is empty, throw it away properly, clean up any spills immediately and wash
your hands and any items you use to pour or measure product, keep away of children.
Food Seasoning-do not add to much food seasoning in your cooking meal.
Baking Soda- causes skin mild irritation, if in eyes rinse cautiously with water for at least 15 min.
Muriatic Acid- wear full-face protection, a respirator thick, muriatic acid must be diluted in water, full-coverage
clothing, and acid resistant protective gloves.

1.3 List and classify each material as to useful or harmful. Explain or give reasons.
Insect Spray Useful it contributes to the
protection of public
health by helping to
prevent the transmission
of viruses that insect can
Food Seasoning Useful It is used to add flavors
in meal.
Baking Soda Useful Is a versatile ingredients
that has many uses
beside cooking. When it
comes to neutralizing
odors and cleaning.
Muriatic Acid Harmful it is commonly used as
a strong non-oxidizing
acid in industrial
segments. Ex. Food
processing, oil and gas
acidizing, chemical
production. In fact,
working with it poses
numerous health risks:
Momentary skin
exposure can cause
severe burns, inhaling
its fumes can burn lung
and nose lining, and
contact can also cause
irreversible eye damage
or blindness,
Homeowners should
never reach for muriatic
acid lightly.

Detergent Useful It is a substance that’s

used for cleaning, it’s
powerful cleanser that
can break up dirt, oils,
and grease in clothing or
in dishes.

Step 3:Answer the following questions as follows individually.

Which among the materials or products do you always use at home?
- Among the 5 materials that I always use especially at home is “Food Seasoning “because it is bring out or
intensify the natural flavor of the food without changing it, it provides flavoring and it is added near the end of
the cooking period and also “ detergent” because it is a all-purpose cleaner, which can be used in cleaning
things in the house .
1.) Is it important to be aware of the labels of household materials and consumer products? Why?
-Example in Ingredients. The label on a product allows the costumers to know what is in the food
they’re eating or the product they’re using. This allows the consumer to know how healthy, or unhealthy
the product is. It’s also important to display the ingredients for those who may be allergic to certain
2.) What is the importance of being knowledgeable about the proper use of household materials and
consumer products?
-Product knowledge helps you respond to any objections properly. Whether it’s about the price of the
product or a comparison to a competitor, knowing about your own product (plus the competition) allows
you to explain the value in your own product.
3.) As a student, what can you do to control the hazardous effects of some materials used at home and
in the environment?.
- As a student, there are several ways you can reduce the amount of hazardous product in your home and
protect the environment. 1.Make my own Cleaning Products. 2.Buy the least harmful product. Read
labels and 3.Buy and use multipurpose cleaners.

Safety must carefully read the ingredients list of any product or chemical you use purchase the proper personal
protective equipment like gloves or googles.
To further elaborate your knowledge about useful or harmful materials, do the ff activities.
1.In matrix below, are useful materials/products that are known to be useful to man. How can these
materials become harmful to man? Explain your answer.
When and how can the materials/product become
List of Useful Materials/Products
harmful? Explain.
Broken glass and other sharps are physical
hazards. Broken glass also has the potential to be
Glass a health hazard if it is contaminated with toxic
chemicals, blood, or infectious substances which
may enter the body through a cut or puncture.
Exposure to wood smoke:
Short-term exposure to fine particles in the air
can aggravate lung disease, trigger asthma attacks
Wood and acute bronchitis, and may also increase the
risk of respiratory infections. Scientists have also
linked short-term exposures to heart attacks and
abnormal heartbeats.
The chemicals used in the production of plastic
are toxic and detrimental to the human body.
Chemicals in plastic-like lead, cadmium and
Plastic mercury directly can come in contact with the
humans. These toxins can cause cancers,
congenital disabilities, immune system problems
and childhood development issues
Metal toxicity can have several health effects in
the body it can also damage and alter the
Metal functioning of organs such as the brain, kidney,
lungs, liver and blood, heavy metal toxicity can
either be acute or chronic effects

3.) With your group, make a survey of your environment and find out what materials or products were converted
from useful to harmful materials. Explain the process how the transformation happened. Can these harmful
materials be converted back to become useful? Search your answer from the World Wide Web.
-transformation process is any activity or group of activities that takes one or more inputs, transforms and adds value
to them, and provides outputs for customers or clients. changes in the physical characteristics of materials or
customers. Changes in the location of materials, information or customers.
-It’s possible to convert all plastics directly into useful forms of energy and chemicals for industry, using a process
called “cold plasma pyrolysis”. Pyrolysis is a method of heating, which decomposes organic materials at
temperatures between 400℃ and 650℃, in an environment with limited oxygen.
•For Pre-Service Teachers
Answer the questions below.
1.) Why is there a need to read and understand product labels before buying or using them.
-Labels allow us to get to know the contents and ingredients of the products we are using or consuming.
So, for food products, it is essential to check out this area of the packaging especially for consumers who
have health issue it is important to read product labels to prevent accident what are the vitamins and
nutrients it contains , to know the expiry date and how to use/eat it.
2.) How will you teach about the products or materials which the students are doubtful whether these
are useful or harmful?
-Discuss to them about harmful and useful materials. Explain to them why is it important to know which
material are useful or harmful. And then give them activity about identifying useful and harmful
materials and when teaching about the products or materials you should first make your own research
about the products so you would know that the products or materials is either useful or harmful. You
should teach with confidence and give evidence unto why the products or materials is useful or harmful.
Evidences can make your students believe what you teach since you have proof on how the product is
useful or harmful.

•For Grade 5 learners sample evaluation!!

Answer the ff. Questions:
Are the materials below useful or harmful? Identify and explain.
1.) Food preservatives:
-it is Useful, because these preservatives help in increasing the shelf life of food items and also maintain
the flavor of food for a long time, however, all preservatives used in the food items are not bad for
2.) Empty plastic container
-it is Harmful, because chemical such as BPA are commonly found in plastic and can bleed into the
water with in the bottle. This transference leads to you consuming toxins not meant for consumption,
and potentially developing various illness as a result.
3.) Insecticides:
-it is Harmful because insecticides are poisonous compounds they may adversely affect other organism
besides harmful insects. The accumulation of some insecticides in the environment can in fact pose a
serious that to both wildlife and humans.

Let Us Reflect!
Do you believe that science has two faces? The good and the bad. Like science which actually produced
materials or products, these have two faces too: the useful or the harmful. As a future science teacher,
this reality is a big challenge to you. How will you handle this?
-of course I believe that science has two faces, the search for new knowledge and the codification of
consolidated knowledge. As a future teacher I can handle this reality because there is no certain things in this
world like right now we are currently facing a pandemic and it’s been very difficult for us but I believe that if
you have the dedication to share what you have learned and accept failure and think of it as a part of learning
process, there is no doubt that you can handle each circumstances. Those students are moving towards online
learning from traditional classrooms, it becomes difficult for teachers to adjust to a new learning platform.
Teaching online may not influence and engage students for longer periods of time. They can easily get
distracted and lose concentration during live sessions. But always remember even life so hard because of the
situations, just go with the flow, and face bravely those challenges to be strong, and remember that role of a
teacher is to inspire, motivate, encourage and educate learners. Learners can be of any age and from any

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