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Algoritmul FEAL

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1 Introduction

1.1 Outline of the FEAL-NX cipher

FEAL , the Fast Data Encipherment Algorithm, is a 64-bit block cipher

algorithm that enciphers 64-bit plaintexts into 64-bit ciphertexts and vice

FEAL has three options: key length, round number and key parity. The key
length selects either 64-bit key or 128-bit key, the round number (N)
specifies the internal iteration number for data randomization, and the key
parity option selects either the use or non-use of parity bits in a key block.

One subset of FEAL, called FEAL-NX, is N round FEAL using a 128-bit key
without key parity.

1.2 FEAL-NX options

FEAL-NX options are defined below.

(1) Round number (N)

Determines the round number (N) for FEAL data randomization, where N ≥
32 and even.

1.3 Definitions and explanations

1.3.1 Definitions

(1) key-block: 128-bit.

(2) key: Key information used for enciphering/deciphering.
(3) round number (N): the internal iteration number for FEAL data
(4) extended key: 16-bit blocks, Ki, which are a randomized and extended
form of the key, are output from FEAL key schedule, where i=0, 1, ..., (N+7).

1.3.2 Conventions and Notations

(1) A, Ar,... : blocks (The lengths of blocks are defined in each section)
(2) (A, B,...) : concatenation in this order
(3) A ⊕ B: exclusive-or operation of A and B
(4) φ : zero block, 32-bits long
(5) = : Transfer from right side to left side
(6) Bit position: 1, 2, 3,.... count from the first left side bit (MSB) in a block
towards the right.

2 Enciphering algorithm

2.1 Computation stages

The extended key Ki used in this enciphering procedure is generated by the

key schedule described in clause 4. Similarly, function f used here is defined
in clause 5. The computation stages, specified more fully in subclauses 2.2 to
2.4, shall be as follows (see also Figure 1):
a) Pre-processing (see 2.2)
b) Iterative calculation (see 2.3)
c) Post-processing (see 2.4)

2.2 Pre-processing

Plaintext P is separated into L0 and R0 of equal lengths (32 bits), i.e.,


(L0, R0 ) = (L0, R0 ) ⊕ (KN, KN+1, KN+2, KN+3 )

(L0, R0 )= (L0, R0 ) ⊕ ( φ , L0 )

2.3 Iterative calculation

Input (L0, R0), and calculate the equations below for r from 1 to N
Rr = Lr-1 ⊕ f (Rr-1, Kr-1)
Lr = Rr-1

Output of the final round is (LN, RN).

2.4 Post-processing

Interchange the final output of the iterative calculation, (LN, RN), into (RN,
Next calculate:
(RN , LN)= (RN , LN) ⊕ ( φ , RN)

(RN , LN)= (RN, LN) ⊕ (KN+4, KN+5, KN+6, KN+7)

Ciphertext is given as (RN, LN).

3 Deciphering algorithm

3.1 Computation stages

The extended key Ki used in this deciphering procedure is generated by the

key schedule described in clause 4. Similarly, function f used here is defined
in clause 5. The computation stages, specified more fully in subclauses 3.2 to
3.4, shall be as follows (see also Fig. 1):
a) Pre-processing (see 3.2)
b) Iterative calculation (see 3.3)
c) Post-processing (see 3.4)

3.2 Pre-processing

Ciphertext (RN, LN) is separated into RN and LN of equal lengths.

(RN , LN)= (RN, LN) ⊕ (KN+4, KN+5, KN+6, KN+7)

(RN , LN)= (RN, LN) ⊕ ( φ , RN)

3.3 Iterative calculation

Input (RN , LN), and calculate the equations below for r from N to 1
Lr-1 = Rr ⊕ f (Lr, Kr-1)
Rr-1 = Lr

Output of the final round is (R0, L0 ).

3.4 Post-processing

Change the final output of the iterative calculation, (R0, L0), into (L0, R0).
Next calculate:
(L0 , R0)= (L0, R0) ⊕ ( φ , L0)


(L0, R0)= (L0, R0) ⊕ (KN, KN+1, KN+2, KN+3)

Plaintext is given as (L0, R0).

4 Key schedule

4.1 Key schedule of FEAL-NX

First , the key schedule of FEAL-NX is described (see also Fig. 2), where the
functions used here are defined in Clause 5. The key schedule yields the
extended key Ki (i=0, 1, 2, 3..., N+7) from the 128-bit key.

4.1.1 Definition of left key KL and right key KR

Input 128-bit key is equally divided into a 64-bit left key, KL, and a 64-bit
right key, KR. (KL, KR) is the inputted 128-bit key.

4.1.2 Iterative calculation

(1) Processing of the right key KR

KR is divided into left KR1 and right KR2 half , (i. e., (KR1, KR2) = KR) and the
temporary variable, Qr, is defined as:

Qr = KR1 ⊕ KR2 for r = 1, 4, 7..., (r = 3i+1; i = 0, 1, ...)

Qr = KR1 for r = 2, 5, 8..., (r = 3i+2; i = 0, 1, ...)
Qr = KR2 for r = 3, 6, 9..., (r = 3i+3; i = 0, 1, ...)
where 1 ≦ r ≦ (N/2)+4, (N ≧ 32, N: even).

(2) Processing of the left key KL

Let A0 be the left half of KL and let B0 be the right half, i.e., (A0, B0)=KL. Set
D0 = φ,
then calculate Ki (i=0 to N+7) for r =1 to (N/2)+4.

Dr = Ar-1
Ar = Br-1
Br = fK(α, β)
= fK (Ar-1, (Br-1 ⊕ Dr-1) ⊕ Qr))
K2(r-1) = (Br0, Br1)
K2(r-1)+1 = (Br2, Br3)

Ar, Br, Dr and Qr are auxiliary variables, where (Br0, Br1, Br2, Br3) = Br , Brj
(j=0 to 3) 8-bits long, and r = 1 to (N/2)+4.

5 Functions

This clause describes functions used in clauses 2, 3 and 4.

5.1 Function f (see also Fig. 3)

f (α, β) is shortened to f. α and β are divided as follows (αi and βi are 8-bits
Functions S0 and S1 are defined in clause 5.3.

α = (α0 , α1, α2, α3), β = ( β0, β1).

(f0, f1, f2, f3) = f are calculated in sequence.

f1 =α1 ⊕ β0
f2 =α2 ⊕ β1
f1 = f1 ⊕ α0
f2 = f2 ⊕ α3
f1 = S1 (f1, f2 )
f2 = S0 (f2, f1 )
f0 = S0 (α0, f1)
f3 = S1 (α3, f2 )

Example in hex:
Inputs: α = 00 FF FF 00, β = FF FF , Output: f = 10 04 10 44

5.2 Function fK (see also Fig. 4)

fK(α, β) is shortened to fK, and α are divided as follows (αi and βi are 8-bits
Functions S0 and S1 are defined in clause 5.3.

α = (α0, α1, α2, α3), β = ( β0, β1, β2, β3).

(fK0, fK1, fK2, fK3) = fK are calculated in sequence.

fK1 = α1 ⊕ α0
fK2 = α2 ⊕ α3
fK1 = S1 (fK1, ( fK2 ⊕ β0 ) )
fK2 = S0 (fK2, ( fK1 ⊕ β1 ) )
fK0 = S0 (α0, ( fK1 ⊕ β2 ) )
fK3 = S1 (α3, ( fK2 ⊕ β3 ) )
Example in hex:
Inputs: α= 00 00 00 00, β = 00 00 00 00 , Output: f = 10 04 10 44

5.3 Function S

S0 and S1 are defined as follows:

S0(X1, X2)=Rot2((X1 + X2) mod 256)

S1(X1, X2)=Rot2((X1 + X2 + 1) mod 256)

where X1 and X2 are 8-bit blocks and Rot2(T) is the result of a 2-bit left
rotation operation on 8-bit block, T.

Given X1 = 00010011, X2 = 11110010 then
T = (X1 + X2 + 1) mod 256= 00000110
S1 (X1, X2 )= Rot2(T) = 00011000

6 Example of working data

Working data are shown in bit sequence and in hexadecimal (hex).

6.1 FEAL-NX options (see clause 1.2)

In this example, the following FEAL options are selected:

(1) Round number: N=32

6.2 Input data

Input data are the key-block and the plaintext block.

The key-block K is given as :

K = 0000 0001 0010 0011 0100 0101 0110 0111
1000 1001 1010 1011 1100 1101 1110 1111
0000 0001 0010 0011 0100 0101 0110 0111
1000 1001 1010 1011 1100 1101 1110 1111
in bit sequence
K = 01 23 45 67 89 AB CD EF
01 23 45 67 89 AB CD EF in hex
The plaintex P is :
P = 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000
0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000
in bit sequence
P = 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 in hex

6.3 The key schedule (see clause 4)

Consider first the generation of the extended keys, K0, K1, K2, … , K39 , each
consisting of 16 bits generated from the key-block K.

6.3.1 Iterative calculation (see 4.1.2)

Let A0 be the left half of KL and let B0 be the right half of KL, i.e.,
( A0 , B0 ) = KL and D0 = φ . Thus:
A0 = 0000 0001 0010 0011 0100 0101 0110 0111
in bit sequence
= 01 23 45 67 in hex
B0 = 1000 1001 1010 1011 1100 1101 1110 1111
in bit sequence
= 89 AB CD EF in hex
D0 = 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000
in bit sequence
= 00 00 00 00 in hex

Q1 = 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000

in bit sequence
= 88 88 88 88 in hex
Q2 = 0000 0001 0010 0011 0100 0101 0110 0111
in bit sequence
= 01 23 45 67 in hex
Q3 = 1000 1001 1010 1011 1100 1101 1110 1111
in bit sequence
= 89 AB CD EF in hex

Calculate D1, A1, B1, K0 and K1 as :

D1 = A0 = 0000 0001 0010 0011 0100 0101 0110 0111
in bit sequence
= 01 23 45 67 in hex

A1 = B0 = 1000 1001 1010 1011 1100 1101 1110 1111
in bit sequence
= 89 AB CD EF in hex
B1 = fK (A0, B0 ⊕ D0 ⊕ Q1)
= 0111 0101 0001 1001 0111 0001 1111 1001
in bit sequence
= 75 19 71 F9 in hex
K0 = 0111 0101 0001 1001 in bit sequence
= 75 19 in hex
K1 = 0111 0001 1111 1001 in bit sequence
= 71 F9 in hex

If this procedure is continued it will be found that the extended key Ki is

given, in hex, by:
K0= 75 19 K1= 71 F9 K2= 84 E9 K3= 48 86
K4= 88 E5 K5= 52 3B K6= 4E A4 K7= 7A DE
K8= FE 40 K9= 5E 76 K10= 98 19 K11= EE AC
K12= 1B D4 K13= 24 55 K14= DC A0 K15= 65 3B
K16= 3E 32 K17= 46 52 K18= 1C C1 K19= 34 DF
K20= 77 8B K21= 77 1D K22= D3 24 K23= 84 10
K24= 1C A8 K25= BC 64 K26= A0 DB K27= BD D2
K28= 1F 5F K29= 8F 1C K30= 6B 81 K31= B5 60
K32= 19 6A K33= 9A B1 K34= E0 15 K35= 81 90
K36= 9F 72 K37= 66 43 K38= AD 32 K39= 68 3A
Q1 = Q4 = Q7 = Q10 = Q13 = Q16 = Q19 ,
Q2 = Q5 = Q8 = Q11 = Q14 = Q17 = Q20 ,
Q3 = Q6 = Q9 = Q12 = Q15 = Q18 .

6.4 The Enciphering algorithm (see clause 2)

6.4.1 Pre-processing (see 2.2)

P = 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000

0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000
in bit sequence
P = 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 in hex

P is separated into L0 and R0 both 32-bits long.

(L0, R0) = (L0, R0) ⊕ (K32, K33, K34, K35 )
= 0001 1001 0110 1010 1001 1010 1011 0001
1110 0000 0001 0101 1000 0001 1001 0000
in bit sequence
= 19 6A 9A B1 E0 15 81 90 in hex

(L0, R0) = (L0, R0) ⊕ ( φ , L0)
= 0001 1001 0110 1010 1001 1010 1011 0001
1111 1001 0111 1111 0001 1011 0010 0001
in bit sequence
= 19 6A 9A B1 F9 7F 1B 21 in hex

Output of this processing stage is:

L0 = 0001 1001 0110 1010 1001 1010 1011 0001

in bit sequence
= 19 6A 9A B1 in hex
R0 = 1111 1001 0111 1111 0001 1011 0010 0001
in bit sequence
= F9 7F 1B 21 in hex

6.4.2 Iterative calculation (see 2.3)

. Calculation of R0 and L0 at the first stage

First, calculate f (R0, K0 ) as:

f(R0, K0) = 0101 0101 0101 1100 1111 1101 0111

in bit sequence
= 55 5C FD 7C in hex

Details are described in clause

L0 ⊕ f (R0, K0 ) = 4C 36 67 CD in hex

Output of first stage of the iterative calculation is:

L1 = R0 = 1111 1001 0111 1111 0001 1011 0010 0001
in bit sequence
= F9 7F 1B 21 in hex
R1 = 0100 1100 0011 0110 0110 0111 1100 1101
in bit sequence
= 4C 36 67 CD in hex Calculation f of the first stage

In the calculation of f (R0, K0 ), shown below, f (R0, K0 ) is shortened to f,

and α and β are defined as:

α = (α0, α1, α2, α3) = R0

= 1111 1001 0111 1111 0001 1011 0010 0001
in bit sequence
= F9 7F 1B 21 in hex

β = (β0, β1 ) = K0
= 0111 0101 0001 1001 in bit sequence

= 75 19 in hex

α0 = 1111 1001 = F9 in hex, α1 = 0111 1111 = 7F in hex

α2 = 0001 1011 = 1B in hex, α3 = 0010 0001 = 21 in hex
β0 = 0111 0101 = 75 in hex, β1 = 0001 1001 = 19 in hex

( f0, f1, f2, f3 ) = f are calculated by the sequence:

f1 =α1 ⊕ β0 = 0000 1010 = 0A in hex
f2 =α2 ⊕ β1 = 0000 0010 = 02 in hex
f1 = f1 ⊕ α0 = 1111 0011 = F3 in hex
f2 = f2 ⊕ α3 = 0010 0011 = 23 in hex
f1 = S1 (f1, f2) = 0101 1100 = 5C in hex
f2 = S0 (f2, f1) = 1111 1101 = FD in hex
f0 = S0 (α0, f1) = 0101 0101 = 55 in hex
f3 = S1 (α3, f2) = 0111 1100 = 7C in hex

13 Continued calculations

If the above calculations are continued it will be found that Li and Ri etc. are
as given in hex. (only i in decimal)

The Process stages

i Li Ri Ki-1 f( Ri-1 , Ki-1 )
0 19 6A 9A B1 F9 7F 1B 21

1 F9 7F 1B 21 4C 36 67 CD 75 19 55 5C FD 7C

2 4C 36 67 CD DE 02 58 65 71 F9 27 7D 43 44

3 DE 02 58 65 06 82 45 EF 84 E9 4A B4 22 22

4 06 82 45 EF 69 E5 14 95 48 86 B7 E7 4C F0

5 69 E5 14 95 3E 27 61 05 88 E5 38 A5 24 EA

6 3E 27 61 05 DA 4B 20 7D 52 3B B3 AE 34 E8

7 DA 4B 20 7D 3B 40 E0 FA 4E A4 05 67 81 FF

8 3B 40 E0 FA 83 50 5F 94 7A DE 59 1B 7F E9

9 83 50 5F 94 9E A6 25 93 FE 40 A5 E6 C5 69

10 9E A6 25 93 6B CC 2E 80 5E 76 E8 9C 71 14

11 6B CC 2E 80 B7 79 7F FC 98 19 29 DF 5A 6F

12 B7 79 7F FC 88 8D EF 7A EE AC E3 41 C1 FA
13 88 8D EF 7A 93 F8 74 E6 1B D4 24 81 0B 1A

14 93 F8 74 E6 37 D1 63 B7 24 55 BF 5C 8C CD

15 37 D1 63 B7 44 46 BC E4 DC A0 D7 BE C8 02

16 44 46 BC E4 FA FE 29 0B 65 3B CD 2F 4A BC

17 FA FE 29 0B D8 6B 48 E4 3E 32 9C 2D F4 00

18 D8 6B 48 E4 54 2D 6E BB 46 52 AE D3 47 B0
19 54 2D 6E BB 2C 82 BF 2A 1C C1 F4 E9 F7 CE

20 2C 82 BF 2A 5B BA E9 71 34 DF 0F 97 87 CA

21 5B BA E9 71 38 28 49 8B 77 8B 14 AA F6 A1
22 38 28 49 8B 0E A7 1A 8C 77 1D 55 1D F3 FD

23 0E A7 1A 8C 33 9C D0 13 D3 24 0B B4 99 98

24 33 9C D0 13 C6 58 51 F1 84 10 C8 FF 4B 7D
25 C6 58 51 F1 E0 B2 08 38 1C A8 D3 2E D8 2B

26 E0 B2 08 38 71 55 D4 0B BC 64 D7 0D 85 FA

27 71 55 D4 0B BE 94 A0 EA A0 DB 5E 26 A8 D2
28 BE 94 A0 EA 88 95 B5 3A BD D2 F9 C0 61 31

29 88 95 B5 3A E1 DB DC 34 1F 5F 5F 4F 7C DE

30 E1 DB DC 34 A6 3F CF 84 8F 1C 2E AA 7A BE

31 A6 3F CF 84 93 2D DF 16 6B 81 72 F6 03 22

32 93 2D DF 16 03 E9 32 D4 B5 60 A5 D6 FD 50


6.4.3 Post processing (see 2.4)

First, interchanging L32 and R32 yields:

(R32, L32 ) = 0000 0011 1110 1001 0011 0010 1101
1001 0011 0010 1101 1101 1111 0001
in bit sequence
= 03 E9 32 D4 93 2D DF 16 in hex.

(R32, L32 ) = (R32, L32 ) ⊕ ( φ , R32)
(R32, L32 ) = 0000 0011 1110 1001 0011 0010 1101
1001 0000 1100 0100 1110 1101 1100
in bit sequence
= 03 E9 32 D4 90 C4 ED C2 in hex.

(R32, L32 ) = (R32, L32 ) ⊕ (K36, K37, K38, K39 )
= 1001 1100 1001 1011 0101 0100 1001
0011 1101 1111 0110 1000 0101 1111
in bit sequence
= 9C 9B 54 97 3D F6 85 F8 in hex.

Ciphertext is given as (R32, L32 ).

The final result (ciphertext) is :

C = 1001 1100 1001 1011 0101 0100 1001 0111
0011 1101 1111 0110 1000 0101 1111 1000
in bit sequence
= 9C 9B 54 97 3D F6 85 F8 in hex.

Plaintext {Ciphertext block }

(64 bits)
(64 bits)
⊕ (KN , KN+1, KN+2 , KN+3)
{(KN+4, KN+5 , KN+6, KN+7 )}

(32 bits) (32 bits)

L 0{RN} ⊕ R0{L N}
L 0{RN }

⊕ f R0{LN}

K 1{KN-2}
⊕ f R1{LN-1}

K2{K N-3}

⊕ f R2{LN-2}

KN-1{K 0}
L N-1{R1}

⊕ f RN-1{L1}

RN{L 0} ⊕ L N{R0}

⊕ (KN+4 , KN+5 , KN+6 , KN+7)

{(KN, K N+1, K N+2, K N+3)}
Ciphertext {Plaintext} block { } : Deciphering

Fig. 1 Data randomization of FEAL-NX (Ciphering/Deciphering algorithm)

Key block (KL,KR) : 128bits

32 bits
A0 B0

fK ⊕ 32 bits

32 bits

A1 B1

fK ⊕ ⊕


A2 B2
fK ⊕ ⊕


AN/2+3 DN/2+3 BN/2+3

fK ⊕ ⊕
(32 bits) KR1 ⊕ KR2 KR1 KR2
Qr=KR1 ⊕ KR2 r = 1,4,7,…
K2(r-1) : Left half of Br (16bits) Qr=KR1 r = 2,5,8,…
K2(r-1)+1 : Right half of Br (16bits) Qr=KR2 r = 3,6,9,…
Number of iterations is (N/2)+4. KR=(KR1,KR2)

Fig. 2 Key schedule of FEAL-NX

β(16 bits)
β0 β1


⊕ ⊕
f ( α,β) α1
(32 bits) (32 bits)
S0 ⊕ ⊕
α2 αi, βi : 8 bits

Y S1
X1 α3

Y = S0 (X1, X2) = Rot2 ((X1+X2) mod 256)

Y = S1 (X1, X2) = Rot2 ((X1+X2+ 1) mod 256)
Y : output (8 bits), X1/ X2 : inputs (8 bits),
Rot2 (Y) : a 2-bit left rotation on 8-bit data Y

Fig. 3 f -function of FEAL-NX

α(32 bits)

α0 α1 α2 α3
⊕ ⊕ β0

S1 ⊕

⊕ S0
β2 (32 bits)

S0 ⊕ ⊕ S1
αi,βi : 8 bits

(32 bits)

fK (α, β)

Note : S0/S1 are the same as S0/S1 in f-function.

Fig. 4 fK -function of FEAL-NX


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