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Change Management Assignment

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The key takeaways are that change management is complex but necessary for organizational survival and growth. Effective change management requires clear communication, leadership, planning, and addressing employee resistance.

The document discusses two types of organizational changes: adaptive changes which are small adjustments, and transformational changes which are larger reforms.

Challenges of change management discussed include employee resistance, lack of leadership, and poor/inadequate planning.


Managing Change in Strategic Management


In an increasingly complex and dynamic business environment, organizations are inevitably

maintain its survival of business sustainability through change and adapt their operations to

circumstances as they expanded their operations. Organizations in the case of keeping abreast

with the changes in business operations should therefore compulsory in making significant

investments for implementing various changes to adapt to the changing context. However,

managing change is a complex process and risky endeavor. Therefore, many companies struggle

with organizational change projects and fail to realize expected outcomes. According to

Kryvinska (2012), the fast-moving and volatile business environment has forced businesses to

stay agile and adapt themselves to changes all the time no matter how big or small the

organization size is. Furtherance, it is a clear indicator that past glory would not determine the

success of any organization if they do not succumb to the philosophy of change especially with

technological, social and physical business changes (Haveman, 1992).

Change Management

“The only constant in life is change”-Heraclitus. The famous philosopher said change affects us

all and shall be dealt with change differently. In order to survive, critical or highly impactful

organizational change is important and necessary for continuous growth and long-term


The change regimes begin at Organization development (OD). According to Cummings and

Worley (2009), the OD is the process that facilitates organizations in capacity building to face


change in order to attain effectiveness in various perspectives. Among desirable objectives are

effective financial indicators, customer satisfaction, and win-win engagement with the central

spine of organization, the employees. Building the capacity is the pre-conditioned towards

organizational success or failure.

Perspective of change Management

Organizational change can be describes into:

i. Adaptive changes: Refers to a niche or small changes introduced by the organization.

Usually it takes in the form of changing involving products, processes, workflows, and strategies

over time. It is merely an adjustment in nature to the existing procedure in a small scale. This can

be illustrated through the example of engaging a team to address and produce guidelines on work

from home procedures during the pandemic of Covid-19 or hiring consultant in addressing the

talent recruitment management in order to scout qualified talent.

ii. Transformational changes connotes to a larger scale of reform compared to adaptive

changes. The process involving a complex preparation in managing change such as restructuring

of organization due to expansion of business abroad or having a new department in managing

new product and services.

Challenge and obstacles of change management

The main hurdles in successfully implementing change in any organization can derived from

internal as well as external. Among them are:


1. Resistance from Employees:

Employee resistance is one of the most common change management challenges. It can stem or

originated from the anxiety of fear to change, fear of unknown reasons, preference, comfort,

interpersonal problems and mainly derive from poor communication from the management on

the philosophical aspect of such change. Employee resistance would lead to a matter of affecting

performance and productivity which is essential in the smooth running of an organization.

Indirectly, this issue would slow down the progress of any change program initiated. In some

cases it probably cause it to grind to a halt.

In order to mitigate the employee’s resistance to change, the management should adhere to some

simple techniques namely:

i. By having a Clear communication: A clear and transparent two way communication of

change makes some sense and deregulate resistance. Whilst a poor communication can make

employees feel alienated and besieged by change. In order to avoid communication mishaps, the

management should come up with a solid communication strategy that keeps employees in the


ii. Focusing and stressing on benefits: Tackling the main source of negative anxiety on the

benefit are the main grievances of employees. Employees want to know “what’s in it for me.” By

explaining the positive impact especially on the personal benefits of a change program, lead to a

motivation and happiness and shaving negative perceptions on change.

iii. Lending ears and Listen to employees: An open and honest communication with

employees is the best practices. The management should invite participation from all levels of

employees. Listening to their perceptions and thoughts are the best mitigating solutions as the


first hand feedback. An open dialogue will shed some barriers and instill the sense of inclusion in

the decision making by the employees thus facilitates employees emotions and feel included.

2. Resistance from Middle Management

The second resistance may come from middle managers if a change program threatens the status

quo or perks. The rationale is almost the same with the first category as they don’t embrace

change as they don’t really understand reasons for the change. In addition, the might have the

feelings that any change initiative threatened their status quo and lastly, the change seems

unnecessary, threatening, or irrelevant.

In handling and mitigating resistance of middle managers, the organization should establish a

supportive structure, instead of one that mandates change. This can be done through demonstrate

the value of the program, from a personal and organizational standpoint, identifying and

recruiting open-minded supporters and determine the project champion. Bear in mind, middle

managers have more power than frontline employees, they can be more harmful to any change

initiative. The organization shall at all times communicate to them clearly and work with them

every step of the way.

3. Lack of Buy-In:

Buy-in correlates with trust and therefore executive support and buy-in is another major change

management obstacle. In the absence of executive support, an obstacles would lead to another

obstacles such as budgetary constraints, delays, and lack of resources are just a few problems

that come with poor executive support. In tackling this challenge, the making of sponsorship is

the utmost critical in gaining buy-in in the first place. This can be construed by advocating or


selling the programs accordingly through demonstrations on how well it will benefit the strategy

of an organization.

4. Quality of Leadership:

A leader with a clear mission and vision on change programs are detrimental as the key success

factor as poor leadership can debilitate or destruct change programs. This can be illustrated

through the quality of leadership namely the inferior quality of interaction and communication

possibly affect motivation of employees. In another note, lack of vision of a leader leads to an

ambiguous direction and finally the huge task in shouldering the responsibility and accepting

challenges on the part of leader. Failure to embrace challenges would lead to a situation of

blaming circumstances and increase the tense of conflicts. Leader should act as the pilot or driver

or enabler to change.

5. Poor and Inadequate Planning:

Proper and exhaustive planning is the most crucial elements in driving change in any

organization. A comprehensive planning will determine the success or failure of any change

programs. A comprehensive and exhaustive planning shall include thorough risk analysis, a

comprehensive blue print of change, frequent discussion and communication, effective training

and retraining prior and after the implementation of program, using the advancement of

technology and continuous improvement throughout the implementation stage and adjustments.



Change management is a complex and full of challenges as well as obstacles. Change in an

organization leads to many positive outcome as it act as the critical enable that drive the

organization in attaining and retaining a competitive edge in business operations. It is also serve

as the central spine of organization sustainability as well as remaining relevant as proactive

player in business. Furthermore, change encourages innovation and invention, develops and

enhance the existing skills and knowledge, develops and maintaining the well-being of

employees and security employees integrity and morale to contribute to the organization through

proper and exhaustive planning, clear and transparent communication, excellent leadership to

achieve the aspiration ans strategic business objectives of an organization. In the absence of an

effective organizational change management, company transitions experience turbulence and

resistance from the valuable assets of organization, the human resource that would lead to

financial loss and unnecessary cost increment.



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