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Entrep Worksheet #1

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Overview of Entrepreneurship and its Relevance to SHS Students
What I Know?

Topic Know Want to know Learned

Concept of The difference between What is the main I still remember my
Entrepreneurship entrepreneurship and importance of past lesson about
entrepreneur entrepreneurship? busines in my last
Sales/goods/products/busines What are the basic subject, Business
s characteristics of an Math like concept
entrepreneurship? of marketing and
Relevance of Exposed to different How Entrepreneurship is
Entrepreneurship businesses around the entrepreneurship very essential in our
to your everyday community contributes to the everyday life.
life Interact with business services success of an
and transactions individual?
Guide Questions:
1. Based on what I have written on the Know Component, I already know the difference
between entrepreneurship and entrepreneur, and also related terms like business,
sales, goods and products. In addition, in terms of relevance of it in my everyday life, I
already know that I am exposed to different types of businesses in my community and
how I interact with these business services and transactions.
2. These are the questions I want to ask, “What is the main importance of
entrepreneurship?”, “What are the basic characteristics of an entrepreneurship?”, and
last is “How entrepreneurship contributes to the success of an individual?”.

Diagnostic Assessment
1. Entrepreneur 4. Entrepreneurship
2. Entrepreneurship 5.Entrepreneur
3. Entrepreneur

Definition of Terms:
1. H. Business Innovation 6. I. Entrepreneur
2. E. Business Opportunity 7. C. Social Change
3.B. Entrepreneurship 8. D. Socioeconomic
4. A. Livelihood 9. F. Business Venture
5. J. Economy 10. G. Relevance
Independent Activity 1. Picture Analysis
Based on my speculations, the picture shows a scenario in a marketplace wherein
customers buy their essential needs like fruit and vegetables. And the point is because of the
pandemic we are facing right now the supply of goods are really high and the number of
customers is too small. Moreover, this will cause into decrease in income gained by the
entrepreneurs as the customers’ priority is their safety.
Product or Business that can be conceptualized during Covid-19:
 Online Food Delivery
 Online Selling
 Sari-sari Store
 Market on Wheel/ Mobile Market
 Water-refilling Stations
Independent Activity 2. Enumeration
Items Answer
1.Give the (3) business A. Physical resources such as factories, storage facilities, equipment,
resources buildings and inventory
B. Financial resources: credit, cash, loans, bonds and bank deposits.
 C. Intellectual resources: patents, and proprietary knowledge

2.Give three (3) importance A. It has the ability to improve standards of living and create wealth
of Entrepreneurship to the B. Helps from promoting social change to driving innovation.
economy C. It increases the opportunity of having a job for unemployed individuals
3.Give three (3) relevance of A. Encourages student to be creative, innovative and collaborative
Entrepreneurship to you as a B. Prepares student for their uncertain future
student C. Provides knowledge in developing problem-solving skills
4. Give three (3) known A. Sy Family – runs SM investments
families who owned the big B. Lopez Family – runs the ABS-CBN Corp. & MERALCO
Corporations in the C. Ayala Family – Ayala Corp & Manila Water Company
5.Give three characteristics A. Flexible – to gain unique and efficient ideas/solution
of an entrepreneur B. Passionate- express business as a mission
C. Persuasiveness- effective communication led to successful business

What I Have Learned?

Topic Know Want to know Learned
Concept of I have learned that
Entrepreneurship Some importance of What are the different Starting a business is
entrepreneurship competencies in something that you
Role of entrepreneurship? should work for
entrepreneurship because it requires
different traits such as
patience, critical
thinking, and passion.
Relevance of related in terms of What are the skills Entrepreneurship
Entrepreneurship to their goals. Both needed to start a provides different skills
SHS Students provides skills business as students? for students to
developing skills discover.
What I Need to Reflect?
 NO
 NO
 NO
 Close friends/classmates who are business-minded and will to take risk.
 I don’t have any technical infrastructure.
What I Can Do?

Vision Mini-market on wheels

Mission Statement
The targeted customers of this service “Mini-
market on Wheels” are those who have no
interest in going to marketplace but because
of this service, it is very convenient to buy
their essential needs like snacks, beverages,
and etc.

Objectives This service “Mini-market on wheels” will really

benefits the people especially right now that
were facing this pandemic. Because of prioritizing
their safety, they are worried of going in different
places like public markets so by the help of this
service they can guarantee their health safety as
they will only go outside of their home and then
buy their needs.

Strategies - I will start on planning what kinds of

products I should display in the mini-market.
- Next, I should provide poster as form of
advertising to inform people in their houses
that there is a mini-market roaming in their
- Last, I will make promos for the products to
be easily sold in just a small price.

Formative Assessment
1. C.
2. C.
3. B.
4. C.
5. B.

Additional Activities
The following motivates me to become an entrepreneur someday:
1. Family/friends/relatives- our loved ones are the people who keep motivating us
to strive higher and reach our goals
2. Teamwork – it takes collaborative effort for entrepreneurs to build stable
business and there is thrill in succeeding together.
3. Opportunity– it gives us interest and chance to showcase our skills in business/job
4. Skills – knowing my abilities will give me confidence to continue my career
5. Money – having a successful business have the great potential to generate money

Parent’s Signature

Learning Competency: Explore Job Opportunities for Entrepreneurship as a Career

What I Know?
Competencies in Entrepreneurship Job opportunities for Entrepreneurship as a Career
1. Commitment 1. Business Owner
2. Creative Thinking 2. Sales Manager
3. Communication 3. Business Analyst
4. Goal-oriented 4. Marketing Manager
5. Time bound 5. Business Consultant

Make meaning internet assisted activity

1. Competency – can be defined as underlying characteristics such as generic and specific
knowledge, motives, traits, self-images, social roles, and skills which result in venture birth,
survival, and/or growth
2. Job Opportunities - an opportunity of employment
3. Enterprise - a project or undertaking that is especially difficult, complicated, or risky
4. Creative Thinking – a way of looking at problems or situations from a fresh perspective that
suggests unorthodox solutions
5. Managing Change - managing the conversation between the people leading the change effort
and those who are expected to implement the new strategies, managing the organizational
context in which change can occur, and managing the emotional connections that are essential
for any transformation

Activity 1. True or False

Activity 2.
1. Emotional balance Personal 6. Resource Business
Competencies Management skill Competencies
2. Negotiation skills Business 7. Resiliency Personal
competencies Competencies
3. Leadership skills Interpersonal 8. Human relation Interpersonal
competencies Competencies
4. Persistence Personal 9. Respect Interpersonal
Competencies Competencies
5. Charisma Interpersonal 10. Tenacity Personal
Competencies Competencies
1. B 6. A
2. B 7. B
3. B 8. B
4. A 9. A
5. B 10. A

Multiple Choice
1. C.
2. B.
3. D.
4. B.
5. A.
The three career opportunities which attract me the most are business owner,
research and development, and sales manager.
Competencies that I need to improve to become successful in each of the career:
a.) Business Owner – leadership, decision making, promotions and advertising
and conflict management
b.) Research and Development – creative thinking, information management,
and analytical/critical thinking
c.) Sales Manager – leadership, promotions and advertising, managing
conflict, and creative thinking

Parent’s Signature

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